HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications

Page created by Wade Ferguson
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications
in Southern Africa


                                                   FEBRUARY 2014


HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications
in Southern Africa


 4 25 000 Concrete Panel Toilets
 5 Banks penalise self employed
 6 Thusanang Housing Project
 8 R1,2 Billion for Settlements
10 Building Activity

12 Politically Correct – Connie September
14 Seeking Partners
15 Precast Slabs for Joshco
16 House Price Growth
18 Modular Houses                           18
20 Raising The Ceiling
21 Over 2 Million m² and Counting
24 Roof Truss Systems

26 Metallic Coatings

28 Tile & Bathroom Trends
30 Bathroom Spaces
31 Perfect Shower Solution
32 Hottest Styles for 2014

34 As Easy As ABTs

35   Sephaku Bags Cement

                                                 February 2014
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications

          Nkandla - safe as houses
                                                                                                in Southern Africa

          Everything possible has been done to keep unwanted visitors or                         THE TEAM
          attackers at bay at President Jacob Zuma’s private residential country
          estate, Nkandla.
                                                                                                 Carol Dalglish

                  he upgrade has attracted much      Ministerial Handbook, which has
                  condemnation from both the         become essential if we are to curb          PUBLISHER
                  public and private sectors,        spending on luxuries by members of
                                                                                                 Jenny Warwick
          since it became general knowledge          the executive.
          that the Department of Public Works           The amendment was first an-              ADVERTISING
          spent in excess of R200 million to         nounced by President Jacob Zuma,
          ensure the President can sleep safe        in July 2009. In August 2012, the           Brenda Grossmann
          and sound at home.                         then Minister of Public Service and         brendag@crown.co.za
              Nkandla’s upgrade cost the same        Administration, Richard Baloyi, an-
          as it would cost at the going rate         nounced that the process around the         DESIGN
          of R64 666, for a fully subsidised         amendment of the handbook had               Colin Mazibuko
          RDP house – for 3092 much needed           been classified as ‘secret’ though
          houses.                                    he gave an assurance that it would          CIRCULATION
              While most countries provide of-       be declassified and made public
          ficial residences for their Heads of       ‘soon, very soon’. In October 2013,         Karen Smith
          State, in South Africa government          the Minister in the Presidency, Collins
                                                                                                 READER ENQUIRIES
          minister are prepared to go the extra      Chabane, also promised that it would
          10 000 miles and the President has         be ready ‘soon’.                            Radha Naidoo
          four official homes at his disposal.          In the meantime, taxpayers’ mon-
              We heard the litany of excuses for     ey has been used to purchase a R1,3         SUBSCRIPTIONS
          the giant swimming pool spouted            million vehicle for the North West          Wendy Charles
          forth by spin doctor, Mac Maha-            Province Premier, Raymond Elisha.
          raj as he attempted to douse the           The MEC for Transport in the North         PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY:
          flames of dissention from the mut-         West justified the purchase by stating:
          tering masses. He does have a point        ‘The car was purchased in compliance       Crown Publications cc
          though. Imagine if a fire broke out        with the Ministerial Handbook, which       Crown House
          at the homestead. The whole of Nk-         states that a car to the value of 70% of
                                                                                                Corner Theunis and Sovereign
          andla would have to be rebuilt with        the annual salary can be purchased’.
                                                                                                Streets, Bedford Gardens 2007
          state-of-the-art technology, security,        Opposition parties have made it
          residences, cattle kraals, tuck shops      clear that unless an amended Ministe-      P.O. Box 140
          etc - R200 million looks pretty cheap      rial Handbook setting stricter expen-      Bedfordview 2008
          at the price!’                             diture guidelines with sanctions, is
              As the lights flick on at Nkandla,     soon published, certain members of         Tel: (011) 622 4770
          energy costs are of little concern.        the executive will continue to waste       Fax: (011) 615 6108
          While ordinary taxpayers curb their        public money on niceties, and that
          electricity usage – the citizens will be   failure to table the Handbook will
          footing Nkandla’s bill.                    show that government’s repeated as-        www.crown.co.za
              Perhaps the President will prac-       surances that it will cut unnecessary
          tise what government housing and           spending, are meaningless.
          settlement departments are always             If anyone is up to this task - it is
                                                                                                PRINTED BY:
          on about - energy efficiency – and         Sisulu !
          go solar!                                                                             Tandym Print
              With government elections loom-
          ing, I cannot but wonder whether                                                       All rights reserved. No part of this
          future Presidents of this country will                                                 material may be reproduced, stored
          also expect to get their private resi-                                                 in a retrieval system or transmitted
                                                                                                 in any form or by any means, without
          dences upgraded, exponentially, at
                                                                                                 prior permission from the publisher.
          the tax-payers expense.
              Still on the subject of taxpayers                                                  Disclaimer: Crown Publications can-
          and what we pay for, the former                                                        not be held responsible for any errors
          Minister of Housing, Lindiwe Sisulu                                                    or omissions whatsoever.
          has come under attack as opposi-
          tion parties and media quiz her on
          the publication of the long-awaited,
          amended Ministerial Handbook.                                                               AVERAGE CIRCULATION
          So far, it has taken over four years                                                        (THIRD QUARTER 2013)
          for the tabling of the amended
                                                          Carol Dalglish • Editor                             3777

February 2014
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications

           25 000 panel toilets
                   he Amathole District Municipality issued a tender
                   for concrete panel toilets to be manufactured and
                   installed in rural areas of the Eastern Cape. With
            almost 17 875 concrete panels used in the construction,
            this makes it Rocla Sanitation’s largest single project.
            So far, Rocla Sanitation has delivered 17 500 to site. The
            average concrete panel weighs 102,5 kilograms and a
            complete toilet weighs 705 kilograms.
               Simon Wells, Business Manager: Sanitation at Rocla,
            says, “The project started in March 2011 and in order to
            offer local opportunities for employment, almost 70%
            of the 200 people employed were women. We opened
            a dedicated factory in Butterworth and utilised local
            resources. and the factory will remain operational until
            the project is completed in June this year.”
               Rocla also provided on-site skills training.
               Wells added that it is a mountainous area which, at
            times, made deliveries quite treacherous. Donkeys were
            used to carry the panels to site. Manufactured from a
            patented concrete technology, the top structure can be
            erected within 15 minutes.                                   interior (900 mm wide x 1100 mm deep x 2000 mm high)
               Community acceptance has been extremely high and          conforms to all relevant standards. The safety of a dual
            a second tender is currently in the adjudication phase.      opening locking system means the unit can be opened
            “We are delighted that the community is happy with the       from the inside while locked from the outside.
            aesthetics of the toilet structures,” says Wells.               From manufacture to installation – depending on
               The Rocla Sanitation concrete toilets can be relo-        logistics and other contractor timescales – it takes 10
            cated by households and are deemed the most suited           days including concrete curing time for the concrete.
            for the Expanded Public Works Programme. The reality         Wells concludes, “This is a huge step forward for a com-
            of the concrete panel design is that only six panels are     munity, which in the past had no access to clean water or
            required to complete the structure. This is a huge plus      hygienic sanitation. This project is being funded under
            for the quality and longevity of the product; the large      the Municipal Infrastructure Grant Programme.” ■

           Cape Town’s                                                   Rates stay low
           energy options                                                S
                                                                                outh African home owners who were paying mort-
                                                                                gage bonds in 1984 and 1998 still recall with dismay
                                                                                how interest rates rose to 24% and 25%. And the fear
                                                                         that rises of even half this size could recur has haunted

                  ape Town offers consumers new electricity              many of those unfamiliar with the way the South African
                  service options in addition to existing purchas-       economy operates.
                  ing systems.                                              “This has often,” said Mike van Alphen, National Man-
              The result of a tender for the provision of services to    ager of the Rawson Property Group’s bond origination
           buy prepaid electricity came into effect on 1 January,        division, “caused people to warn their offspring about
           2014. All existing prepaid electricity service provid-        over-commitment and in some cases to advise against
           ers have had their contracts renewed and a new cell           buying altogether.”
           phone vendor has been appointed as party to the                  The current low 8,5% interest rate has been in place
           City’s energy efficiency drive.                               since July 2012 and major banking economists expect
              Consumers can now make mobile purchases                    that rates will rise by more than 1% in the latter half of
           via sms after registering on the provider’s website           2014. Big interest rate rises still seem unlikely for the next
           www.itronenergy.co.za. Consumers will still be able           three or four years, or possibly longer. Certainly no one is
           to make mobile electricity purchases via EFT from             expecting a growth rate over 3% for 2014, and inflation
           www.prepaid24.co.za. Alternatively, consumers can             seems containable below the 6% mark.
           register on www.mobilepower.co.za. All credit cards              Van Alphen pointed out that home owners budgeting
           and Standard Bank, Nedbank and Absa debit cards               for the future must accept that household expenditure is
           are accepted on the site. Citizens can also purchase          likely to run well ahead of the official ± 6% inflation rate
           electricity units with their Mastercard or Visa credit        since municipal rates and taxes, food, fuel and electricity
           cards to buy via the internet from www.ibuy.co.za.            are all running at double digit inflation figures.
           Petrol station forecourts will offer scratch cards to            The latest Absa reports indicate that South African
           purchase prepaid electricity. ■                               household debt will increase by 7% to 8% during the com-
                                                                         ing year. This should be borne in mind when budgeting. ■

February 2014
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications

Banks penalise self employed
Most South African bond originators have to deal
regularly with complaints from self-employed
people who have experienced difficulties in
obtaining bond finance.

       ccording to real estate agents, small business pro-
       fessionals frequently experience problems in being
       granted 100% bonds and loan approvals often range
from 75% to 80% of the property’s value.
   The banks are often more favourable to borrowers who
can provide a company balance sheet that shows sustained
success for a three year period.
   Another important consideration are audited finan-
cials, which show profits before tax with an acceptable
percentage of these profits being ploughed back into the
business as retained earnings. Small business owners tend      According to estate agents and brokers, a new company
to draw the majority of profits as shareholders’/members’      typically starts off well having secured highly profitable
remuneration, for business tax reasons, and then inject        contracts and then experience difficulties when margins
sufficient capital back into the business as shareholders’     are squeezed. After initial success, a new business often
loans, in order to provide the necessary level of liquidity.   acquires extra staff and vehicles. As overheads increase,
Whilst this provides the business with the required cash       this makes the business unprofitable in leaner times. It
flow to continue trading, it does not provide a capital base   has been noted that senior management tends to take
and often does not reflect sufficient cash reserves in the     excessive earnings, so it’s important that directors balance
audited financials.                                            salaries with cash flow reserves.
   The banks’ reluctance to fund self employed profession-        Self employed applicants should be circumspect and
als of new start-up businesses is because of the exception-    show that their businesses are sustainable as banks
ally high failure rate of new businesses; almost 80% fold      evaluate the individuals’ income as well as the company’s
within two years.                                              profitability in determining mortgage bonds. ■

                                                                                                                       February 2014
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications

          Remodelling to help
          Yeast City Housing and the Leyds Street
          Congregational Church recently completed
          the Thusanang housing project.

                 he Arcadia residential project,
                 close to Pretoria's inner city
                 amenities, has been aptly
          named Thusanang, which means
          ‘to help each other’. Alison Wilson
          from Yeast City Housing says that the
          total project cost of R4,6 million was
          funded with government grants and
          loan finance.
             The Leyds Street Congregational
          Church and Yeast City Housing joined
          with the Tshwane Leadership Founda-
          tion, to complete the project as the
          organisations have a shared vision
          of providing low income housing and
          supporting women at risk in the area.
             Wilson says that the project is an
          example of what can be done if lead-
          ers work together in working for the
          same cause. It is also an example of
          how churches can be remodelled to
          facilitate community development.
             Thusanang offers 23 residential
          units of which 13 are communal units
          and 10 self-contained apartments.
          The project includes a drop-in centre
          for vulnerable women and girls, park-
          ing facilities and two inner courtyard
          areas. Architecturally, the project
          has been integrated into the existing
          church building and church hall with
          focal points and shared open space.
          Developed on top of the existing
          church hall, Thusanang’s design in-
          cludes energy efficient water heating
          systems to reduce energy costs.
             Yeast City Housing has champi-
          oned inner city residential units in the
          City of Tshwane. Wilson says they aims
          to provide decent, affordable accom-
          modation to low income and at-risk
          people as well as to people with spe-
          cial needs. “As people moved through
          the Tshwane Leadership Foundation/
          Pretoria Community Ministries, they
          found jobs but the gap in the market
          between the streets or a shelter and
          decent housing was often too wide, so
          we needed to add another rung on the
          housing ladder,” says Wilson.
             The organisation continues to cre-
          ate and manage affordable housing
          options for inner city citizens and of-
          fers accommodation to beneficiaries
          of housing subsidies who require
          security of tenure. ■

February 2014
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications
HOUSING Modular units - Crown Publications

          R1,2bn for settlements

         Mega settlements projects get the go-ahead for the City of Cape                          Grant. Construction of Phase One will
                                                                                                  start shortly and includes 463 rental
         Town’s integrated human settlements.                                                     apartments. The project will posi-
                                                                                                  tively affect the lives of thousands of

                he City of Cape Town will in-         Settlements Development Grant. Con-         people in this impoverished area of
                vest R1,2 billion for earmarked       struction of 1 700 units will be built in   Cape Town.
                human settlements in the              Phases One and Two.                            More than 1 300 families or approxi-
          2014/2015 to 2016/2017 financial               Fisantekraal Garden Cities Phase         mately 5 200 people will ultimately
          years. Council has approved seven           Two Housing Project will cost approxi-      be relocated from hostels to secure
          human settlements projects identified       mately R87,9 million, excluding funds       two-bedroomed apartments in Langa
          in the City’s Integrated Development        from the National Treasury’s Urban          with safe playgrounds for the children.
          Plan. The approval forms part of the        Settlements Development Grant. This         Each unit will be equipped with a
          necessary compliance requirements           project will be developed on land           kitchen, toilets, solar heated water
          to include the projects in the City’s       owned by Garden Cities, a non-profit        systems and showers.
          Medium-Term Expenditure Frame-              organisation. The City will allocate           The City’s Hostel Transforma-
          work for the 2014/2015 to 2016/2017         funds for the development of subsidy        tion Programme consists of 15 000
          financial years.                            housing and for the provision of as-        units to be built in Langa, Gugulethu
              The majority of the projects are        sociated infrastructure and facilities.     and Nyanga.
          scheduled to commence in the                   The Izimamo Yethu Phase Three               Projects estimated at more than
          2014/2015 financial year. Projects          housing project will cost an estimated      R600 million have been approved for
          include new housing developments,           R105 million in the 2014/15 to 2016/17      the upgrade of the living conditions
          the continued transformation of the         financial years, excluding funds from       of backyard dwellers and residents in
          apartheid-era style hostels in Langa,       the National Treasury’s Urban Settle-       informal settlement areas.
          and ongoing upgrades to improve liv-        ments Development Grant USDG and               In terms of the Municipal Finance
          ing conditions of backyard dwellers         the Human Settlements Development           Management Act, municipalities must
          and residents in informal settlements.      Grant.                                      obtain Council approval for capital
          The latter is subject to the availability      The Council has also approved            projects where the total is greater than
          of funds.                                   R320 million for the further upgrad-        R50 million
              The approved allocation includes        ing as part of the City of Cape Town’s          “Although we are faced with an
          three housing projects, in Macassar         Hostel Transformation Programme.            extremely high rate of urbanisation in
          in the Helderberg area, Fisantekraal           This has been earmarked for Phase        Cape Town, we will not give up in our
          in Durbanville and Imizamo Yethu            Two of the Langa Hostels Community          endeavours to create a caring city by
          in Hout Bay. The Macassar Housing           Rental Unit Projects, excluding funds       providing housing opportunities,” said
          Project Phase One, will cost approxi-       from the National Treasury’s Urban          the City’s Mayoral Committee Member
          mately R62,5 million excluding funds        Settlements Development Grant and           for Human Settlements, Councillor
          from the National Treasury’s Urban          the Human Settlements Development           Tandeka Gqada. ■

February 2014

Modderfontein land sold off
The Competition Commission has approved of AECI
and Heartland Properties’ sale of 1 600ha vacant land
in Modderfontein, to a Chinese property development

        hangha Zendai Property (Zendai) aims to develop
        the mixed use site for residential, retail, commercial
        and industrial use. The sale has been approved on
condition that the Chinese investor reduces the period of a
restraint of trade imposed on the seller from 10 to five years.
    In its investigation, the Commission found that the
agreement between AECI and Zendai contained a re-
straint of trade clause, in which AECI undertook not to                               company and that the agreement
engage in the business of property development in the                        between the firms does not allow the con-
Modderfontein area.                                                     struction of social housing, which undermines the
    In Competition Law, a restraint of trade can often amount          government’s development policy of community
to prohibited practice of market allocation in contravention          integration, regardless of financial status.
of the Act. The Commission said the 10 year restraint period            The Commission advised the parties that it lacked
was too long, unjustified and likely to frustrate potential re-   jurisdiction over the concerns raised. The complainants
entry by the seller in the Modderfontein area.                    were advised to lodge these concerns with the respec-
    The acquired land consists of 1 600 hectares of vacant        tive agencies.
land, partially developed land and leased structures. It             The Commission’s investigation found that the ac-
also consists of purpose-build structures built by the cur-       quisition by the Chinese investor will also not result in
rent lessee. The vacant land has been zoned for residential,      retrenchments as the land has been bought as a going
industrial, retail and commercial use.                            concern. The investor also undertook not to retrench any
    Concerns were raised by market participants relating          employees and not to change the terms of conditions
to environmental pollution, the sale of land to a foreign         of employment. ■

                                                                                                                       February 2014

         Building activity
         under pressure
         Levels of residential building activity in the South African
         market for new housing remained subdued in the first ten
         months of 2013, with year-on-year growth in activity levels in
         both the planning and construction phases between 3% and
         4% over this period.

                 partments and townhouses            came on the back of ever-increasing         focus on the supply of new housing
                 remained the best-performing        building costs in the first ten months of   across the market is a reflection of the
                 categories as regards growth in     2013. The cost per square metre of new      affordability of housing and mortgage
          residential building activity till Octo-   housing built between January and           finance against the background of
          ber 2013. A total of almost 1 120 000      October 2013 increased by 9,4% y/y,         the state of household finances and
          private sector-financed new housing        an average of R5 123. The continued         changing lifestyles. ■
          units were built countywide from the
          beginning of 1994 to October 2013, of
          which 821 000 units, or 73,3% of the to-
          tal, were constructed in smaller-sized
          houses of less than 80m² and higher
          density apartments and townhouses.
             October 2013 saw the number of
          new housing units, for which build-
          ing plans were approved, decline by
          1,9% year-on-year (y/y) to 5 205 units,
          but rise by as much as 921 units from
          September. This month-on-month
          increase in the volume of plans ap-
          proved occurred in houses as well as
          flats and townhouses.
             According to Absa Property Analyst,
          Jacques du Toit, new housing con-
          struction growth of 28,4% y/y was re-
          corded, with the volume of units com-
          pleted rising to 4 637 in October 2013.
          This was 1 214 units in September
             As in the case of the planning
          phase, all three categories of housing
          contributed to the higher volume of
          new housing in October compared
          with the corresponding month the
          year before.
             The first ten months of 2013 saw the
          real value of plans approved for new
          residential buildings rise by 14,3% y/y,
          or R3,5 billion, to R27,8 billion from
          R24,3 billion in the corresponding
          period 2012.
             The real value of residential build-
          ings reported as completed increased
          by 11% y/y, or R1,9 billion, to R19 bil-
          lion in the period January to October
          2013 from R17,1 billion in the same
          period during 2012..
             The above-inflation rise in the real
          value of residential building activity

February 2014
February 2014

          Politically correct
             With the upcoming elections looming most cabinet ministers and
            executive members are hitting the campaign trail in a bid to retain
            their seats. Housing in Southern Africa caught up with the Minister
               of Human Settlements, Connie September, and posed some
                               questions on housing issues.

February 2014

Q      : Minister, government            Q: Will the Department of Human             A: Government, including the De-
       seems to have shifted from        Settlements provide cheaper forms           partment of Human Settlements, is
       RDP beneficiary single            of RDP fully subsidised housing             fully committed to implementing the
dwelling housing to providing            units that are more energy ef-              National Development Plan (NDP).
social housing and other forms of        ficient, and perhaps use alterna-           The Integrated Human Settlements
grants?                                  tive building technology systems            rollout plan is directly linked to the
                                         instead of conventional brick and           NDP, and the Integrated Urban Devel-
   A: Government has always rec-         mortar?                                     opment Framework (IUDF) furthers
ognised the complexity of housing                                                    the objectives of the NDP.
demands so our policies include          A: Many examples of alternative tech-          They cannot be viewed as sepa-
providing a range of housing op-         nology housing projects have suc-           rate and opposing plans. Further,
tions that address the needs of          cessfully been implemented through          government believes that no sector
specific market segments. These          the Housing Subsidy Scheme. Gov-            on its own will be able to address the
policy options address the housing       ernment remains committed to                housing challenges of the country.
needs based on the socio-economic        exploring alternative building tech-        Consistent with the NDP, partnerships
circumstances of South Africans. It is   nologies and a new, energy efficient        between government, the private sec-
within this policy that government       house has been designed and ap-             tor and NGOs are critical to facilitate
has delivered over three and a half      proved, and will be launched from           the implementation of the depart-
million housing opportunities in the     April 1, 2014. The new houses will be       ment’s programmes.
last twenty years. There is no shift     designed to be more energy efficient
in policy or emphasis; Government        thus reducing the cost for services to      Q; Are integrated human settle-
will continue to implement existing      the owners.                                 ments working?
policies based on specific needs and
available resources.                     Q: In Gauteng, for example, the             A: Good progress has been made
                                         number of affordable housing                with establishing integrated human
    Q: Minister Sexwale had often        development units provided has              settlements. Recent projects include:
      said that government could         reduced from 40 000 units to 5                  The Cornubia development in the
       not continue to keep hand-        000 units per annum. Will the new           eThekwini Municipality. This project
       ing out free RDP housing as       credit amnesty have the impact              is located close to transport hubs and
       this was unsustainable. Will      to kick-start this sector? Minister,        places of employment in Umhlanga,
       RDP housing become a thing        please comment on the fact there            which facilitates social integration
     of the past? Will it fall away      has almost been a moratorium in             with suburbs such as Phoenix, Ot-
    by 2020, or 2030?                    housing delivery in the Gap and             tawa, KwaMashu. The project has
                                         Affordable sectors R235 000 to              been able to ‘crowd-in’ private sector
A: Government has, since 1994, made      R850 000.                                   support and other institutions.
a significant impact in addressing                                                       At Lephalale 5 000 units are being
housing needs and we recognise that      A: Our understanding is that the gap        built - as economic opportunities
there are ongoing challenges, which      market is faced with two challenges,        generated through the construc-
need to be addressed. The provision      lack of appropriate stock and the in-       tion and ongoing operations at the
of sustainable housing opportunities     debtedness of the gap market target         Medupi, Matimba and Exaro power
is inextricably linked to the broader    group. While the credit amnesty will        plants roll out.
economic issues of unemployment,         assist credit worthy customers with             Future projects will place empha-
poverty and inequality. Housing for      tarnished credit records, govern-           sis on building integrated human
the very poor is not a mere commod-      ment’s revised home loan assistance         settlements that address the apart-
ity - it is government’s strategy to     programme, the Financed Linked In-          heid spatial legacies.
address poverty and provide a secure     dividual Subsidy Programme (FLISP)
environment for families to live and     will also contribute to improving this      Q: Since taking over the portfolio,
for social stability.                    market segment. The National Hous-          what has been your biggest chal-
     Government will continue to         ing Financed Corporation (NHFC) and         lenge in the short term?
provide subsidy financed houses and      the nine provinces will assist in rolling
RDP fully subsidised housing, which      out the FLISP programme.                    A: As indicated in Outcome 8, the key
cost R64 666 per unit excluding any                                                  challenge is creating sustainable hu-
provisions for geotechnical costs        Q: What is the key housing issue            man settlements and improving qual-
(where required, in a fiscally respon-   facing the Department of Human              ity of life. In realising this objective,
                       sible manner.     Settlements and are you firmly              the key priorities in the short term
                                         behind the National Development             include: Together with other govern-
                                         Plan? Housing in Southern Africa            ment departments and municipali-
                                         has attended many housing confer-           ties, improving the provision of basic
                                          ences and it appears this will have        services to informal settlements.
                                              to be driven almost entirely           Improving the quality of housing, and
                                                  by the private sector.             the property market. Efficient utilisa-
                                                        Will the National De-        tion of land for developments. These
                                                          velopment Plan             short-term challenges must be seen
                                                          be overtaken by            in the wider context of improving the
                                                          t h e I n t e g ra t e d   human settlements for the poor in or-
                                                         Urban Development           der to facilitate better economic and
                                                       Framework?                    social outcomes for the country. ■

                                                                                                                          February 2014

          Public private partnerships
          can boost the GPF’s efforts
          to provide housing, says
          Gauteng Partnership Fund
          (GPF) Acting CEO, Boni

                 ince its inception, GPF’s goal
                 has been to facilitate, secure
                 and optimise investment into
          affordable housing within the prov-
          ince. To date, it has facilitated invest-
          ment into more than 22 000 units,
          having leveraged more than R2,4
          billion worth of external funding.
             Muvevi says the fund shares fi-
          nancing risks with co-funders and
          takes a subordinated security posi-
          tion on projects. “Over the years,
          we have seen that the private sector        completed before a recommendation          vide affordable rental housing for
          would like to share the risks on proj-      is made to the investment committee.       householders earning up to R15 000
          ects with government. The GPF is a              “Investors and external parties        per month. Rentals range between
          provincial platform created to enable       can be assured that we have efficient      R1 000 and R4 500 per month. Recent
          such partnerships.”                         processes and governance structures        research confirmed that units that
             “Government resources are not            that comply with legislation and best         perform best in the rental sector
          sufficient to fund and address all          practice,” says Chief Financial Officer,   are those that cost between R2 000
          housing needs therefore a partner-          Komathie Govender.                         and R5 000 per month.
          ship approach is more sustainable.              She says that though government           Muvevi says the residential rentals
          We play a role similar to a middleman,      has been criticised for its delays         sector in the affordable housing mar-
          where we are able to translate gov-         in processing payments, the GPF            ket offers good returns, of between
          ernment’s needs, and we are able to         strives to ensure that its payment         8,5% and 9% per unit after tax.
          understand the risks associated with        turnaround times are well within 30           In terms of investment guide-
          housing projects and can mitigate           days, as required by legislation.          lines, the GPF funds projects with
          those risks with the private sector.”           In July 2010, the GPF started an       a minimum of 15 units. The project
             The GPF has been affected by the         initiative called the Entrepreneur Em-     needs to be close to amenities, areas
          economic crisis as some of its funding      powerment Property Fund through            of employment, shops and public
          partners have lost interest in funding      which it has supported 44 companies        transport. The loan-to-value for the
          affordable housing projects. “We had        to date. The initiative is an incuba-      projects should be below 100%.
          to turn our attention to development        tor programme aimed at promoting           Financing terms are flexible and the
          finance institutions to assist in co-       participation by previously disadvan-      interest rate pricing is linked to the
          funding projects. We are seeking to         taged entrepreneurs in the affordable      three-month Jibar (Johannesburg
          partner with institutions that can          rental property market.                    Interbank Agreed Rate).
          provide senior debt funding,” says              “The EEPF is aimed at entry-level         The repayment terms of the loans
          Muvevi.                                     black entrepreneurs and companies          are between 15 and 20 years, depend-
             The GPF says it wants investors          owned by historically disadvantaged        ing on the company’s BEE status. The
          to know that the GPF processes are          individuals, who provide rental for        GPF funds between 20% and 30% of
          above board. There are preliminary          households in our target market.           project costs. However, there is a cap
          assessments for every application.          Participating entrepreneurs must           of maximum exposure per company,
          A full assessment on the feasibility        demonstrate that they have the             and it can only fund up to 10% of the
          of a project is also conducted, using       commitment and potential to grow           capital held, which translates to R48
          external consultants, engineers and         and successfully complete a project,”      million.
          evaluators, among others. A sensi-          says Acting Chief Investment Officer,         For further investor information go
          tivity analysis of the project is also      Vinolia Mashiane. GPF aims to pro-         to www.gpf.org.za ■

February 2014

Precast slabs for Joshco
C                                          Delivering social housing projects for the public sector is
        onstruction products like pre-
        cast hollow core concrete floor
        slabs from Elematic South          different from delivering private sector projects, as deadlines
Africa (ESA), which can be installed       are driven by political imperatives rather than project time
quickly and accurately, make a great
deal of sense.                             lines.
    ESA is currently supplying             90% of its turnover from government        and the v-joints fit together without
10 000m2 of hollow core concrete           work, is the main contractor at City       gaps, which results in an aesthetically
slabs to City Deep Green, a Johan-         Deep Green.                                pleasing finish.”
nesburg Social Housing Company                The project situated on Greater-            ESA and Motheo, who have worked
(Joshco) project in City Deep. This        mans Street will provide 220 housing       together on several projects and
is one of several projects being un-       units by June 2014, and a further 328      are currently working together on
dertaken by the City’s social housing      units by May 2015.                         another Joshco project in Soweto,
provider.                                     The four storey walk-up blocks          believe that reliability and an open
    Johannesburg, a world class Afri-      include one and two bedroom units.         working relationship are key to doing
can city, is often seen as a beacon of     Raft foundations have been used            business.
hope and opportunity by people in          on the site because of the ground              ESA manufactures hollow core
search of work and there is a continu-     conditions. Following the structural       concrete slabs at its ISO 9001 accred-
ous demand for decent accommoda-           brickwork, Elematic precast concrete       ited facility on the East Rand.
tion, which is why many of the City’s      slabs were used on three levels and            “Our in-house engineers ensure
old hostels have been converted into       finally topped with Inverted Box Rib       that the product specifications meet
social and affordable housing rental       (IBR) roof sheeting.                       the requirements for each project and
stock.                                        John Whiteman from Motheo               the slabs are manufactured accord-
    City Deep, in particular, has always   Construction Group explains that the       ingly. Dedicated installation teams
been a central node for labour and as      project engineer specified precast         transport the slabs to site and install
a result, Joshco has been developing       hollow core concrete slabs as they         them. Our SABS certification assures
properties in the area that are owned      are faster to erect than the traditional   clients of the quality of our products,”
by the City of Johannesburg. The ac-       cast in-situ concrete floor slabs.         says Craig Webber, Director at ESA. ■
commodation is for low income earn-           “ESA was appointed because of its
ers, who qualify for a rent subsidy.       reputation for quality and price,” says
    The social housing provider has a      Whiteman. “The accuracy of the slabs
number of residential properties in        and the finish are always
its portfolio.                             good, soffits are neat
    The Motheo Construction Group,
an established BEE construction com-
pany which generates some

                                                                                                                          February 2014

          House price

February 2014

                                     he FNB House Price Index re-       year forecasting no interest rate cut,
                                     mained well-above levels of a      or further stimulus from the SARB,
                                     decade ago, with the real price    as consumer inflation continues to
                             average for 2013, 42,6% above the          move around the higher part of the
                             real average price for 2003. However,      3-6% target range.”
                             compared with the real price peak in           Loos points out that while a slow
                             2007, the 2013 average real price was      economy and lack of interest rate cuts
                             still 18,5% lower.                         could be expected to have a moderat-
    According to the FNB         In nominal terms, the 2013 aver-
                             age price was 145,2% higher than the
                                                                        ing influence, there are two key fac-
                                                                        tors that could influence the pace of
  House Price Index, the     2003 price level, but only 19,3% above     growth in residential demand in 2014.
                             the 2007 level.                                Firstly, whether banks will begin
     average house price         Therefore, real price levels in 2013   to view mortgage lending as a poten-
   for 2013 rose by 6.8%     remain above the levels of a decade
                             ago but still reflect a cumulative
                                                                        tial source of asset growth after the
                                                                        unsecured credit boom has all but
      compared with the      downward correction since 2007.            ended. The National Credit Regulator
                                 The FNB Valuers’ Market Strength
 average price for 2012.     Index has not yet quite reached the
                                                                        data points to accelerating growth in
                                                                        mortgage lending in recent quarters,
  This indicated a slight    crucial level of 50, implying that the
                             valuers’ aggregated supply rating
                                                                        as well as cutbacks in other forms of
                                                                        credit granted. So, household credit
       slowing in growth     remains stronger than demand. The          granted in the third quarter of 2013
                             index nevertheless points to a further
     on the revised 2012     improvement in the demand-supply
                                                                        grew by a moderate 6.8% year-on-
                                                                        year. The mortgage component grew
     average house price     market in 2013, rising by 3% on 2012.      by 20% in value, and has been accel-
                                 “We have not yet seen strong real      erating in recent quarters.
  growth of 7.1%. In real    house price growth since the 2008/9            The second key factor deals with
                             recession, despite improved levels
 terms, adjusting house      reached in 2011,” says John Loos
                                                                        the supply side of residential prop-
                                                                        erty. The recorded number of resi-
     prices for consumer     Household & Property Sector Strate-        dential units completed for the first
                             gist at FNB Home Loans.                    10 months of 2013 rose year-on-year
     price inflation, 2013       In order to look forward into 2014,    by a mere 3,2%, and the level of
showed a slightly lower      it is probably necessary to consider
                             some of the economic trends through
                                                                        building activity remains almost half
                                                                        of what was reached at the height of
 rise of 0,8%, compared      2013. Loos says that this leads us to      the residential building boom in 2007.
                             believe that we should not expect to           The result of the slow recovery in
         to 1,3% in 2012.    see a large increase in the average        building activity shows residential de-
                             rate of house price inflation on that of   mand still rising, but supply has also
                             2013. The reality is that South Africa     been more constrained according to
                             has an anaemic economic growth,            FNB’s valuers. Loos says that when
                             with the 2013 average real economic        one shows the demand and supply
                             growth rate looking set to come in at      ratings on a monthly basis the gap
                             close to 2%. Such a rate would mean        is steadily closing between the two.
                             the second consecutive year of slow-           “The net result shows that despite
                             down in economic growth since the          a slowed economy in 2013, other
                             3,5% rate was achieved in 2011.            factors, most notably some possibly
                                 Slowing economic growth, in turn,      more relaxed lending by banks as
                             is influential in slowing the pace         a group, and a constrained supply
                             of employment, wage growth and             side of the residential property sec-
                             thus household disposable income           tor, lead us to lift our 2014 average
                             growth. So, real household dispos-         house price growth forecast to 9%.
                             able income growth peaked at an            In 2015, however, we would expect
                             impressive 5,2% in 2011, but it looks      price growth to once again slowdown,
                             set to be nearer to 2,7% for 2013.         based on our forecast that interest
                                 Slowing real disposable income         rates could start to rise in 2015.”
                             growth has already taken its toll on           He concludes, “Therefore, the
                             consumer confidence, with the FNB/         residential market of 2013 could
                             BER Consumer Confidence Index              be described as a ‘comfortable and
                             showing negative readings for six out      well-balanced market’, which was
                             of the last seven quarters.                still largely free of extreme or crazy
                                 “We are entering 2014 on a broadly     behaviour and certainly not booming.
                             slowing economic real disposable           Despite a weak economy that looks
                             income growth path since 2011,             likely to persist, supply constraints
                             which has already had a negative           could cause 2014 house price per-
                             impact on overall growth in consumer       formance to be slightly better in our
                             expenditure. We also enter the new         view.” ■
                                                                                                           February 2014

                      Consumer surveys
                             show that
                           in countries
                              with fast-

                         there is a huge
                        demand for high
                      quality, affordable
                         housing, which
                           could benefit
                          from modular
                           using precast
                    technology systems.

February 2014

Modular houses…
       outh African project man-          the very last part, the entire finished     ficient and economical execution of
       agement solutions company,         plant was produced in Hockenheim            their modular housing projects.
       UkuZwana, a subsidiary of          before being packed into 34 con-                 Upcrete offers pre-aerated self-
UkuZwana Holdings, teamed up with         tainers and shipped by sea to South         compacting concrete (SCC); complete
German-based Reymann Technik              America. The total shipment weighed         filling of even the most awkward
and Ratec GmbH to offer economic,         500 tonnes.                                 geometries; formwork filled with
efficient, precast concrete produc-           From start to finish, it took 10        concrete pumped upwards from
tion methods. UkuZwana Building           months to build the manufacturing           below; in situ production of complex
Systems have been approved by             plant. After completion of the houses,      concrete units; smooth form finish
Agrément South Africa.                    rather than demolishing the produc-         surfaces all round; no screeding
    UkuZwana’s CEO, Thomas Swana,         tion plant, it will be converted into the   or smoothing of surfaces; minimal
says that this system puts them way       council offices and shopping centre         quantities of concrete residue; maxi-
ahead of the competition in terms         for the new settlement..                    mum dimensional accuracy of parts;
of quality and flexibility. So far, the       Modular housing technology offers       quiet, minimal waste of materials, ef-
Ratec and Neopor Cellular Light-          clear benefits.                             ficient and ecological concrete parts
weight concrete had been used on              Over the past 40 years, Wolfgang        production and shorter formwork
several Cape Town projects with more      Reymann, a one-man engineer’s of-           laying times.
in the pipeline.                          fice has grown into a whole group of             Jorg Reymann says, “With this
    Precast modular units have been       companies whose ideas and prod-             system, we set new standards for
produced by Ratec on projects             ucts have revolutionised the entire         the integrated planning of work with
throughout the world, the most nota-      precast concrete production process         precast concrete. Once you know
ble being in Peru at Ica. Almost 3 600    again and again. “Our drive to make         the principle, it seems like simplicity
houses were built on the 10 hectare       everything that little bit better further   itself, and you wonder why it took
site. The houses are earthquake and       reinforces our high-level process           so long to come up with the idea of
storm proof and provide a pleasant        engineering expertise, creativity and       simply turning the world on its head.
interior climate. In collaboration with   strategic thinking,” says Reymann’s              All this becomes possible with the
a well-known Peruvian architect, Rey-     sons, Mathias, Andreas and Jörg.            ‘change of perspective’ inherent in
mann Technik designed the precast             The Peru project was a partner-         Upcrete technology, which involves
concrete plant.                           ship between Llaxta and Reymann             filling the formwork with free-flowing
    From the first CAD drawings to        Technik. After initial meetings, it         self-compacting concrete (SCC) from
                                          quickly became clear that Reymann           below by pump. It offers the great
                                          Technik’s expertise, modular form           advantage that the freshly concreted
                                          units and Upcrete technology offered        finished element can be quickly re-
                                          the perfect solution for a residential      moved from the formwork and trans-
                                          housing project of this scale.              ported or reworked as necessary.”
                                              The basic idea of the modular                Thomas Swana from UkuZwana
                                          housing system is the monolithic            says, “There are a number of precast
                                          production of a room module which           options in South Africa and we de-
                                          combines the supporting walls,              veloped them further using Ratec’s
                                          floor and beams and a 3D modular            molding and magnet systems, filled
                                          roof. The maximum dimensions are            with Neopor Cellular Lightweight
                                          determined by the future residents’         Concrete (CLC) systems. It offers over
                                          needs and transport limitations. The        400% greater thermal efficiency com-
                                          modular units can be erected in a very      pared to conventional concrete, 60%
                                          short time.                                 less of the weight of conventional
                                              A core module including plumb-          concrete while remaining structurally
                                          ing, wiring and sanitary fixtures and       adequate up to and including five sto-
                                          fittings facilitates rapid construction     rey. The product can be easily cut and
                                          work. The rigorous development of           modified on site, it is non toxic, non
                                          this concept, in conjunction with           combustible and is similar to ordinary
                                          Upcrete technology and the new              concrete, which means it behaves in
                                          modular form units, has opened up           the same way and its overall strength
                                          entirely new horizons for the industri-     continues to improve with age.
                                          al manufacture of residential space.             Swana says that UkuZwana has
                                              Reymann Technik offer clients ev-       partnered with EduQ8 International
                                          erything they need, from engineering        to deliver social and community
                                          production plants to project manage-        projects.
                                          ment, feasibility studies and turnkey            For further information contact
                                          facilities, to ensure the smooth, ef-       UkuZwana Holdings, on 021 797 5905.

                                                                                                                         February 2014
Roofing, Ceilings and Insulation

           Raising the ceiling
                   ew and innovative products
                   are regularly added to suppli-
                                                       Building or renovations costs can run into huge sums of money,
                   ers’ lists and it is advisable to   so it makes sense to shop around for the best possible product,
          assess these and not automatically
          choose what has been used in the
                                                       cost-wise and efficiency-wise, before committing to a product,
          past.                                        says Pieter van Heerden, Managing Director of PVC Ceilings
              For example says van Heerden,            South Africa.
          If fitting new ceilings in a renovated
          home or a new build, gone are the
          days when gypsum boards would be             Interlocking PVC panels offer the         proof, waterproof (no more damaged
          the automatic choice; PVC ceilings           smooth surface that tends to be pre-      ceilings from burst geysers), easy to
          are an ideal substitute for a number         ferred by interior designers and deco-    clean and no further maintenance is
          of reasons.                                  rators and that cannot be achieved        necessary after installation.
              They are manufactured using PVC          with other ceiling materials, which          “Many developers are realising the
          resins and auxiliary materials and are       leave splicing gaps between the           benefits of using PVC ceilings,” says
          made in lengths of 3.6m, 4.7m and 6m         plates.                                   van Heerden. “In the past year three
          lengths and are 250mm wide.                     The boards come in a variety of        Gauteng schools, a housing project
              These extremely practical ceiling        colours as well as gloss and matt fin-    with 108 units in Buccleugh and two
          systems are suitable for any indoor          ishes, which add to the savings made,     residential projects in Kimberley used
          area requiring a fixed, non-porous,          as there is no need to use a screed       them in 582 houses.
          non-fibrous and non-absorbent                render or paint on the boards. This,         Ceiling boards are available
          ceiling.                                     in turn, also saves on labour costs,      throughout South Africa, and can be
              Apart from being lightweight and         adding to the cost-efficiency of the      purchased from selected branches
          easy to install, they are also efficient     product.                                  of retailers such as Mica, BUCO and
          insulators in summer and winter - ow-           According to van Heerden, PVC          Cashbuild.
          ing to the hollow core structure of the      ceilings have additional features in-        A comprehensive list of retailers is
          panels - and can reduce energy con-          cluding: antifungal properties, corro-    available, email: sales@pvcsa.co.za
          sumption in the home by eliminating          sion resistance, fire retardance (B/B1/   or for further information visit www.
          the need for heating or cooling it.          B2 SANS 428). They are also termite       pvcsa.co.za ■

February 2014
Roofing, Ceilings, Insulation & Cladding

Over 2 million m² and counting….
R                                          Dezzo Roofing offers a viable and cost effective alternative to
        oofing solutions and building
        material supplier, Dezzo Roof-
        ing has supplied two million       conventional timber roof systems.
square metres of products through-
out the continent in the last 13 years.    pioneered lightweight steel roof            that has been shown to last four to
   Initially, Dezzo Roofing created the    trusses, specifically designed and          six times longer than the same gal-
lightweight steel roof support system      manufactured for concrete roof tiles.       vanized material (Australian testing).
specifically for the South African             Bandon Harding from Dezzo Roof-         Trusses are manufactured by highly
market, but with its huge success, it      ing says, “Our product range caters         trained steel artisans and are as-
has gradually spread to neighbouring       for all roofing styles – from basic         sembled in jigs that ensure a 100%
countries. The product caters to all       lattice and girder beams to carry           perfect shape and size every time.
roofing styles - from basic lattice and    profiled steel sheeting, to trusses         Battens and purlins are cut to length
girder beams to concrete roof tiles.       that can accommodate concrete roof          to suit every roof thus greatly reduc-
   The system has proved popular           tiles, pressed steel tiles, or any of the   ing on-site cutting and waste.
with residential developments, retail      profiled steel roof sheets.                     The roof trusses are lightweight
precincts, entertainment and sport-            Supplied in a knockdown kit,            and easy to handle. The roof system
ing facilities, educational institu-       which includes trusses, battens, tiling     is not susceptible to termite or borer
tions, industrial plants, commercial       battens, beams and purlins, all the         infestation. Components will not rot
office parks and the leisure industry.     components for the steel roof sup-          or warp (like timber). Easy erection,
With growing demand for products,          port system are manufactured from           enabling a quicker installation time.
Dezzo has invested in six roll-forming     zinc and aluminium coated steel as          Flexibility in terms of roof designs
machines as well as a full-cutting and     it has proved to be stronger, lighter       and roof shapes. Can be used with
bending facility for its Durban produc-    and more economical to use than             concrete tiles, steel sheeting, pressed
tion plant.                                traditional roofing system materials.       steel tiles and fibre cement sheeting.
   The company has been involved           Since 2000, Dezzo Roofing has sup-              The systems comply with all the
in a number of projects ranging from       plied products to Angola, Mozam-            relevant codes and are designed by
residential houses to rural schools,       bique, Zambia and Botswana.                 a registered Professional Structural
social and recreational facilities to          The advantages of steel roofing         Engineer. Dezzo Roofing is a mem-
the hospitality sector, retail precincts   systems include: Engineer designed          ber of the South African Light Steel
and commercial and industrial proj-        (including Professional Indemni-            Frame Building Association (SASFA).
ects. Having undertaken research           ty Insurance). Manufactured from            For further information, go to www.
and development in Southern Af-            aluminium and zinc coated steel             dezzo.co.za ■
rica and Australia, Dezzo Roofing

                                                                                                                          February 2014
Roofing, Ceilings, Insulation & Cladding

                                     Roofing advisory services
                                  T                       The Advanced Roof and Building Technology
                                           h e ‘A RT F
                                           Guide to
                                           S a fe a n d   Foundation (ARTF), an industry support and advisory
                                    Successful Roof
                                                          institute, offers valuable advice and guidelines on
                                    Planning, Con-        roof construction and maintenance planning.
                                    tractor Procure-
                                    ment and Proj-
                                    ect Execution’        processes often get hurriedly com-           sufficient drying and curing
                                    manual sheds          pressed and the job rushed.                  times, are followed.
                                    light on many             For example, the roofing special-
                                                          ist may be forced to commence work       •   Choose the sheeting supplier
                                    of the traps and
                                                          before the structural steelwork has          with some care. There are a
                                    pitfalls that have
                                                          been fully QA signed off and snagged.        number of products that have
                                   earned the roof-
                                                              This can result in poor perfor-          greatly enhanced clip systems
                                   ing industry the
                                                          mance in the sheeting and steelwork          with much higher stability
                                   reputation of be-
                                                          as well as the appearance – and is           against wind, leaks etc.
                                  ing ‘a minefield’.
                                      It is probably      impossible to rectify.                   •   Some of those products
                                 not an exaggera-             Good contractors often mutter            include: Kliptite, Novotexi-440
                                tion to assume that       about the ‘bad flashing detail’ from         and Craft-Lock. Use the best
                               some degree of mis-        architects, etc.                             supplier for the project to
                              application on large            Often the design generated from          process and assist with the
                             projects has become          catalogues and virtual programs are          specifications, execution and
                            the norm, rather than         inadequate and this have been a com-         QA processes throughout the
                           the exception!                 mon source of leaks.                         project.
                             This can result in               For developers and entrepreneurs
                                                          to go directly to the marketplace and    •   Chose the contractor with even
                         thousands of roofs that
                                                          employ their project personnel can           greater care and source from
                       leak badly, blow off in high
                                                          becomes costly and high risk.                an independent advisory
                     winds, collapse structurally,
                                                              ARTF members and associates              organisation such as ARTF or
                    corrode extensively early
                                                          have now studied case histories and          any other organisations listed
                  in their lives, cause deaths
                                                          introduced the ARTF PIM Public Infor-        below.
                 or serious injuries, or fail to
                the point where full, or partial          mation Manual.                           Here are some professional organisa-
               replacements are needed at a                                                        tions who can assist with advice and
              fraction of the way through the             Guidelines:                              recommendations:
             roofs’ lifespans.                            •   It is important to appoint a suit-
                Long term, this is costing the                ably qualified specialist, who       ARTF - The Advanced Roof and Build-
           industry, owners and developers                    will in turn undertake the roof-     ing Technology Foundation. contact
          billions of Rands.                                  ing works professionally and         Rick Norwood on 079 896 4781 or
              Rick Norwood from ARTF, a non                   successfully, using the correct      email: founder@artf-scrace.com or
          profit organisation, says that unreal-              techniques, materials, fasteners     go to www.artf-scrace.com
          istically low funding and inadequate                and accessories.                     SAMCRA – The Southern African
          time frames often lead to short cuts                                                     Metal Cladding and Roofing As-
                                                          •   It is important that tender
          and risk taking in an effort to meet                                                     sociation, contact Dennis White on
                                                              specifications have been read
          budgets and completion dates. De-                                                        082 568 1421 or email:denniswhite@
                                                              properly and applied.
          sign and specifications are stretched                                                    saisc.co.za
          to the limit to save time and costs,            •   Apply the required number of         SAISC – The South African Institute
          roof sheeting and accessory types,                  coats/applications of appropri-      of Steel Construction will assist,
          gauges and steel structure spans.                   ate, reliable and long lasting       contact Spencer Erling on 011 726
              The ‘save at all cost’ approach also            products from a reputable sup-       6111 or email:info@saisc.co.za or go
          results cutting the input of consultant             plier.                               to www.saisc.co.za
          project planners, engineers and QA                                                       SASFA – The South African Light Steel
          officers to a minimum and a lack of             •   The contractor must have an es-
                                                                                                   Frame Building Association, contact
          daily checks by a project manager                   tablished and effective internal
                                                                                                   John Barnard on 011 726 6111 or
          or QA this can be disastrous, when                  quality control and quality
                                                                                                   email:info@sasfa.co.za or go to www.
          a thousand errors, corner cuts and                  control plan, as well as an ad-
          oversights have been carefully hid-                 equate, legally compliant safety
                                                                                                   ITC – Institute for Timber Construc-
          den, camouflaged with sheeting,                     system.
                                                                                                   tion, for further information contact
          cheap paint etc. Norwood says that              •   The contractor needs to ensure       011 974 1061 or email: enquiries@
          good planning and flow sequencing                   that correct procedures, such as     itc-sa.org or go to www.itc-sa.org ■

February 2014
February 2014
Roofing, Ceilings, Insulation & Cladding

          Roof truss sys
                outh African subsidiary of the
                world’s leading timber and         Whether simple or complex, practical or aesthetic, timber
                steel roof truss systems, MiTek,   and steel truss systems have played a vital role in the built
         has played a leading role in pioneer-
         ing computer based technology to
         enhance the versatility of timber
         and steel roof structures, says Uwe       all aspect of timber and light gauge       across all markets. MiTek offers a wide
         Schlüter of MiTek Industries South        steel roof design and offers assistance    range of Ultra-span and steel wall-
         Africa.MiTek’s manufacturers have         at the feasibility stage of the project.   framing system applications that can
         developed numerous jigging systems        This includes: Assessing the most          be used in a variety of projects.
         that ensure that every configuration      economical way of conceptualising
         of truss is maintained with absolutely    the roof structure.
                                                                                              Low cost projects
         accuracy.                                     Providing the team with names          Using the Ultra-Span roofing sys-
             Collectively the company manu-        and contact numbers of the most ap-        tem will result in a reduction in
         factures over one and half million        propriate truss fabricators for the job.   the amount of trusses needed on a
         trusses each year and the products            Assisting with preparing and pro-      project because of the products due
         have been tested for performance and      viding specialist documents to ten-        to the larger truss spacing of 1,1m to
         reliability by the CSIR or SABS.          der, as well as advising on the adju-      1,2m. This also saves time in the erec-
             The introduction of patented steel    dication of tenders.                       tion of the structure as fewer, lighter
         profiles, which can be used as alter-         Roof inspection by a MiTek engi-       trusses (about 14kg/truss or 4kg/
         natives for timber, namely, the steel     neer offers assurance of the design        m² roof area) are handled and posi-
         batten, steel purlin and steel runners    quality and of the completed roof          tioned. An additional benefit is that
         have enjoyed success worldwide.           structure.                                 there is no wastage of any materials,
                                                       Light steel frames are being used      thereby leaving the site clean after
         Professional services                     increasingly, the low mass of light-       completion of work. This product
         MiTek’s professional structural engi-     gauge steel (LGS) and a relatively sta-    is ideal for all tiled or sheeting roof
         neering service has conducted exten-      ble steel price have ensured a steady      structure applications and can even
         sive research and development into        increase in demand and specification       contribute towards site employment.

February 2014
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