HSBC Insurance Aspects: Motor Breakdown Assistance - HSBC CI

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HSBC Insurance
Aspects: Motor
Breakdown Assistance
Policy Terms and Conditions
Please read this policy document
and keep it for reference
Effective from 20 April 2019

 Call 08000 014 279 or 01603 606377 in the event of a Motor Breakdown.

 ®® Emergency roadside repairs, including from your home address.
 ®® Cover is for you as a driver or passenger in an eligible vehicle within the UK, including
    the Channel Islands and Isle of Man.

HSBC Insurance Aspects Motor Breakdown

Policy Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction                                  These terms and conditions give you full
                                                 details of what is covered, what is not
                                                 covered, the limits and conditions that apply
These are the terms and conditions for your
                                                 and how to make a claim – you should
HSBC Insurance Aspects Motor Breakdown
                                                 read them and keep them in a safe place.
Assistance policy which is administered
                                                 If you fail to comply with these terms and
by Aviva Insurance Limited Registered
                                                 conditions, the RAC may refuse cover in the
in Scotland No. 2116. Registered Office:
                                                 event of a claim.
Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority           If you need to contact HSBC regarding the
and regulated by the Financial Conduct           administration of this insurance, please call
Authority and the Prudential Regulation          us on 03457 404 404.
Authority. The cover is provided by
RAC Motoring Services. Registered no             Definition of words
01424399. RAC Motoring Services is               When the following words or phrases
authorised and regulated by the Financial        appear in bold, they will have the meanings
Conduct Authority in respect of insurance        described below:
mediation activities.

Breakdown,              An event that stops the vehicle from being driven because of a
Break down,             mechanical or electrical failure (including battery failure, running
Broken down             out of fuel and flat tyres) but not as a result of misfuel, a road
                        traffic collision, fire, flood, theft, acts of vandalism, any fault
                        caused by actions or omissions of the driver of the vehicle (other
                        than running out of fuel, or battery failure), or any key related issue
                        (other than keys locked in the vehicle).
Claim, Call out        Each separate request for service or benefit for cover under
                       any section of this HSBC Insurance Aspects Motor Breakdown
                       Assistance policy.
Caravan, Trailer       Any caravan or trailer that is less than

                       (a) 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes);
                       (b) 7.0 metres (23ft) long including a tow bar;
                       (c) 2.55 metres (8ft 4in) wide; and
                       (d) 3 metres (9ft 10in) high.

HSBC Assistance    Means Aviva Insurance Limited who administers the insurance on
                   behalf of HSBC and/or RAC Motoring Services who provides the
                   cover on behalf of HSBC.
Home               The address in the UK where you live permanently.
RAC                Means:
                   ®® RAC Motoring Services; and
                   ®® In each case any person employed or engaged to provide
                      certain services on their behalf.
Reimburse,         Reimbursement by the RAC under the reimbursement process.
Road traffic       Means a traffic collision involving a vehicle within the UK.
UK                 England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and for the purpose of
                   this policy includes the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
Vehicle            A UK registered vehicle that is either:

                   ®® a car or light van with a maximum length of 6.4 metres (21ft),
                      maximum weight of 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes) and a maximum width
                      of 2.55 metres (8ft 4in) or
                   ®® a motorhome with a maximum length of 7.0 metres (23ft) long
                      including a tow bar, maximum weight of 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes)
                      and a maximum width of 2.55 metres (8ft 4in) wide.
You, your, yours   Means the HSBC Insurance Aspects holder who is driving the
                   vehicle for their own personal use or who is a passenger in
                   the vehicle and who is not a motor trader, garage, business or
                   individual dealing in the buying and selling or repair of motor

2. Period of cover                              IMPORTANT
                                                Cover under this policy is subject to limits:
HSBC Insurance Aspects Motor Breakdown
                                                ®® There is a limit to the number of claims
Assistance is available to you as an HSBC
                                                   you can make each year. This policy
Insurance Aspects holder (the person or
                                                   does not cover more than five claims
persons named on the HSBC account from
                                                   per year, per account holder, from the
which the monthly fee for HSBC Insurance
                                                   start of this policy. One claim means
Aspects is deducted).
                                                   one request for service or benefit for
                                                   cover under any section of this policy,
Your cover will begin as soon as your
                                                   regardless of who makes the claim;
account has been opened, or 1 November
2018, whichever is the later. This cover will   ®® There is a limit to the amount that is
end with effect from the first date on which       covered for certain types of claims or
any of the following happen:                       for certain sections, as set out in this
                                                   policy booklet.
®® you cease to be a resident within the UK
   (meaning that your home is no longer         Meeting your needs
   there);                                      ®® This policy is intended to offer services
                                                   relating to the breakdown of vehicles.
®® you are no longer an HSBC Insurance
                                                   It meets the demands and needs of
   Aspects holder; or
                                                   those who wish to ensure the risk of the
®® HSBC removes this cover as a benefit of
                                                   breakdown of vehicles is met now and
   HSBC Insurance Aspects.
                                                   in the future and that certain additional
                                                   risks relating to the breakdown of
3. Your cover                                      vehicles are met.
                                                ®® There are conditions and exclusions
This policy covers you in the event of             that apply to all sections. There are also
vehicle breakdown. Your cover is                   specific conditions that are set out in
personal to you. You are therefore covered         each section that apply to each section.
whilst travelling in any eligible vehicle as       You must meet all of these conditions.
a driver or passenger and in attendance at
                                                ®® All requests for service must be made
time of the breakdown.
                                                   directly to the RAC by calling 08000
                                                   014 279 or 01603 606377.
HSBC Insurance Aspects Motor Breakdown
Assistance has been designed to protect
you against costs incurred in the event of a
breakdown within the UK.

Additional benefits                             Cover Sections
Urgent message relay
If the vehicle has broken down and you          Section A – Roadside
need to get in touch with friends and family
urgently, the RAC will get a message to them.
                                                assistance and
Replacement driver
If you become ill during a journey in the       What is covered
UK and no one within the party can drive        HSBC Insurance Aspects Motor Breakdown
the vehicle, the RAC may be able to             Assistance includes cover for roadside
provide a replacement driver. This service      assistance and recovery. If the vehicle
is discretionary, and the RAC will decide       breaks down within the UK more than
whether or not to provide this service.         a quarter of a mile from your home, the
                                                RAC will:
Additional services
The RAC can provide additional services         1. Send help to repair the vehicle at the
that are not included in your HSBC              roadside. This could be a permanent or
Insurance Aspects Motor Breakdown               temporary repair; or
Assistance policy but the RAC will
charge for these, for example to:               2. If the RAC are unable to repair the
                                                vehicle at the roadside, the RAC will
1. Purchase the replacement parts you           recover the vehicle, you and up to seven
need to get on your way;                        passengers travelling in the vehicle to a
                                                single destination chosen by you within the
2. Pay for specialist equipment, i.e.           UK. For long distances the RAC may use
equipment that is not normally required by      more than one recovery vehicle;
the RAC to complete repairs and recoveries,
for example winching and specialist lifting     3. If the vehicle has broken down due
equipment; or                                   to misfuelling, the RAC will recover the
                                                vehicle to a destination within 10 miles
3. Arrange a second or extended recovery.       of the breakdown.

If you need extra help, the RAC will            If the RAC recovers the vehicle to a
agree the costs up front and will need full     garage, the RAC will reimburse you
payment before the RAC can help. If you         for taxi costs for you and up to seven
are the HSBC Insurance Aspects holder,          passengers travelling in the vehicle to
you will be responsible for any additional      continue the journey to a single destination
charges. This means if the RAC help             within 20 miles.
someone under your HSBC Insurance
Aspects Motor Breakdown Assistance              Please note: Recovery must be arranged
policy and they cannot pay, the RAC will        with the RAC while they are at the scene.
invoice you. This is why the RAC request
proof of identity at the breakdown.

Caravans or trailers                             6. Recovery for caravans or trailers if the
                                                 caravan or trailer breaks down.
If a caravan or trailer breaks down
within the UK more than a quarter of a           Section B – At Home
mile from your home, the RAC will send
help to repair the caravan or trailer at the     What is covered
roadside. This could be a permanent or           This policy includes cover for vehicle
temporary repair.                                breakdown at home.

The RAC will not provide any other cover         The RAC will provide the same cover as
under this policy if a caravan or trailer        the “What is covered” part of Section A
breaks down. However, if a vehicle               (Roadside Assistance and Recovery), if the
breaks down and there is a caravan or            vehicle breaks down at home, or within a
trailer attached to it the RAC will recover      quarter of a mile of your home.
the caravan or trailer as well.
                                                 What is not covered
What is not covered                              Please see the ‘What is not covered’ part
In addition to the conditions and exclusions     of Section A (Roadside Assistance and
which apply to this whole policy, there is no    Recovery), which also applies here.
cover for:
                                                 Conditions and exclusions which apply
1. The cost of any replacement parts;            to this whole policy
                                                 The following conditions and exclusions
2. The fitting of replacement parts, including   also apply to this whole policy. If you do
batteries, supplied by anyone other than         not comply the RAC reserve the right to
the RAC;                                         refuse cover:

3. Any breakdown resulting from a fault          1. You must request services directly from
that the RAC have previously attended and:       the RAC, as the RAC will only provide cover
                                                 if they make arrangements to help you.
(a) the original fault has not been properly
repaired; or                                     2. Where the breakdown is caused by
                                                 a component failure this must stop the
(b) the RAC’s advice after a temporary           vehicle from working, so for example
repair has not been followed;                    an air-conditioning failure in itself does
                                                 not constitute a breakdown, and the
4. Tyre faults where the vehicle is not
                                                 illumination of a warning light does not
carrying a serviceable spare tyre, the tyre
                                                 always constitute a breakdown. If it does
repair equipment provided by the vehicle’s
                                                 not, you will need to take the vehicle to
manufacturer or a locking wheel nut;
                                                 a place of repair and your policy will not
                                                 cover this.
5. A second recovery owing to the intended
original destination being closed or
inaccessible; or

3. The RAC will not cover any claim where      10. Where the RAC provide a repair to the
the vehicle is already at a garage or other    vehicle, whilst the RAC are responsible for
place of repair.                               that repair, this does not mean that the RAC
                                               are confirming the legal and roadworthy
4. Where the RAC deem, acting reasonably,      condition of the vehicle. This remains the
that you requested service to avoid the cost   responsibility of the vehicle owner.
of repairing the vehicle, or to correct an
attempted repair by someone else, the          11. The RAC will not be responsible for
RAC will not provide cover.                    any losses that may incur following a
                                               breakdown that are not expressly covered
5. You must be with the vehicle when the       by this policy. For example, the RAC will
RAC attend.                                    not pay for any loss of earnings or missed
6. You are responsible at all times for the
care of any personal belongings, valuables,    12. The RAC do not guarantee that recovery
luggage and goods in or on a vehicle. The      to any garage will be during opening hours,
RAC will not be responsible for any loss of    or that repairs can start immediately. Whilst
or damage to them.                             the RAC will try to check that the garage
                                               will undertake the type of repairs required,
7. Where the RAC recover passengers            the RAC cannot guarantee this. The RAC
under the age of 16, they must be              will not take responsibility for repairs carried
accompanied by an adult.                       out at any garage and the contract for such
                                               repairs will be between you and the garage/
8. The RAC will not allow animals in their
vehicles, except guide dogs. Any animals
can remain in the vehicle at your own risk.    13. During extreme weather such as snow
The RAC will not be liable for any injury to   or floods, or other events such as riots, war,
animals, or damage caused by them. The         civil unrest or industrial disputes, the RAC’s
RAC will not transport any livestock. The      services can be interrupted. The RAC will
RAC will not be responsible for any costs      resume service to you as soon as the RAC
relating to animals.                           can in these circumstances.
9. The vehicle must not carry more             14. The cost of the following is not covered
passengers than the number stated in the       by this policy:
vehicle’s registration document. Each
passenger must have a separate fixed seat      (a) equipment that is not normally required
fitted to the manufacturer’s specification     by the RAC to complete repairs and
and any child must occupy a properly fitted    recoveries, for example winching and
child seat.                                    specialist winching and specialist lifting

(b) tolls, ferries or congestion charges for     (e) breakdowns resulting from activities
the vehicle and the RAC’s vehicle;               that are not subject to the normal rules of
                                                 the road for example rallies, stock car racing
(c) any damage to glass even if the damage       or other formal or informal race events;
means the vehicle cannot be legally
or safely driven. The RAC will arrange           (f) breakdowns that occur off the public
transport to a local garage so you can           highway in a place to which you or the
arrange to get the vehicle fixed but you         RAC have no legal access;
will have to pay for this;
                                                 (g) the vehicle if it is not legally taxed,
(d) spare tyres and wheels and repairing or      insured and holding a valid MOT which is
sourcing them; or                                required by law or is not being used in line
                                                 with the manufacturer’s guidelines;
(e) recovery by someone other than RAC
even if this is requested by the emergency       (h) vehicles that are not in a roadworthy
services, the RAC will only provide recovery     condition. If the RAC consider, acting
once instructed to do so by the emergency        reasonably, that the vehicle is not in a
services.                                        legal or roadworthy condition, the RAC
                                                 can refuse to provide service. If you can
15. In handling any claim there may be           demonstrate that the vehicle is roadworthy
more than one option available to you            the RAC will provide service;
under this policy. The RAC will decide
which is the most appropriate option based       (i) any claim that is or may be affected by
on the expertise of the RAC in breakdown         the influence of alcohol or drugs;
situations. In doing so the RAC will act in
consultation with you, and act reasonably        (j) any breakdown that is caused by or as a
at all times.                                    result of vehicle theft or fire;

16. The vehicle must be privately owned.         (k) any claim under this policy where the
                                                 breakdown was first reported to the RAC
17. This policy does not cover:                  under a different policy;

(a) motorcycles;                                 (l) more than five claims per 12 month
                                                 period from the start of your policy, as
(b) routine servicing, maintenance or            defined in Section 2 (Period of Cover), per
assembly of the vehicle;                         account holder. One claim means one
                                                 request for service or benefit for cover
(c) caravans or trailers, except as              under any section of this policy, regardless
described under Section A (Roadside              of who makes the claim.
Assistance and Recovery);

(d) use of the vehicle for business, public or
private hire or commercial purposes, or for
demonstrating and/or carrying trade plates;

18. If you are asked to review and approve       The RAC will only provide cover where
a document recording the condition of the        the RAC have arranged help, so please
vehicle, including an electronic form, it is     do not go directly to a garage or other
your responsibility to ensure that the           recovery service.
record is accurate and complete, and the
RAC will not be responsible for any errors       Reimbursement
or omissions.                                    Under some sections, you may need to pay
                                                 for the service up front and claim this back

4. What to do in the                             from the RAC. To do so, please visit www.
event of a breakdown                             aspects to download a claim form.

The RAC will need the following when you         If you have any queries please contact
call to report a breakdown:                      the RAC on 08000 014 279 or 01603
1. Your name
                                                 Please send a completed claim form with
2. The vehicle’s make, model and                 proof of payment (such as a receipt) to
registration number                              HSBC Assistance, c/o RAC Motoring
                                                 Services, Great Park Road, Bradley
3. The exact location of the vehicle – the       Stoke, Bristol BS32 4QN. The RAC
road it is on or the nearest road junction       may ask you to supply original documents.
                                                 Completed claim forms and proof
4. The number of the phone you are using;        of payment can also be emailed to

5. The cause of the breakdown, if you            Misuse of HSBC Insurance Aspects
know it.                                         Motor Breakdown Assistance
                                                 The RAC may refuse cover if you:
The RAC will ask you to provide identification
such as a bank card or driving licence.          1. Behave inappropriately towards the RAC,
                                                 including acting in a threatening or abusive
If you fail to make contact within 24 hours      manner, whether verbally or physically;
of becoming aware of the breakdown,
cover may be refused in relation to the          2. Persuade or attempt to persuade the
breakdown.                                       RAC into a dishonest or illegal act;

Remember                                         3. Omit to tell the RAC important facts
Please let the RAC know if you have called       about a breakdown in order to obtain a
the RAC but manage to get going before           service;
the RAC arrive.
                                                 4. Provide false information in order to
                                                 obtain a service;

5. Knowingly allow someone that is not          Change of insurer
covered by your policy to try and obtain        HSBC may from time to time use a different
a service;                                      insurer(s) to provide you with motor
                                                breakdown assistance. HSBC will notify
6. Pay for additional services or goods in      you prior to any change of insurer(s) and
the knowledge that the payment has failed       advise you of any change in cover.
or will fail, with no intention of providing
alternative payment.
                                                6. Complaints
If these conditions are not complied with:
1. the RAC reserve the right to refuse to
                                                Sales and service
provide any services to you under this
                                                If you have any cause for dissatisfaction
policy with immediate effect.
                                                regarding the administration of your HSBC
2. HSBC reserve the right to immediately        Insurance Aspects or about the way in
cancel your HSBC Insurance Aspects.             which the policy was sold, please refer
                                                to the ‘6 How to complain’ section
                                                in your HSBC Insurance Aspects Terms
5. Other information                            and Conditions.
you need to know                                Breakdown service
                                                The RAC are committed to providing
Your cancellation rights
                                                you with the highest standard of service
This cover forms a core part of your
                                                and customer care. However, there may
HSBC Insurance Aspects and it cannot be
                                                be occasions when you feel you did
cancelled in isolation. If you wish to cancel
                                                not receive the standard of service you
this insurance you will need to cancel
HSBC Insurance Aspects. To cancel HSBC
Insurance Aspects, please contact HSBC          If you would like to complain about
on 03457 404 404.                               any aspect of the service the RAC have
                                                provided to you under this policy please
Our cancellation rights
                                                contact the RAC as set out below.
This cover forms a core part of your
HSBC Insurance Aspects and it cannot be         Please bring the complaint to the attention
cancelled in isolation. HSBC can close your     of the RAC as soon as you can as this
HSBC Insurance Aspects, by giving you at        will assist the RAC and you to resolve the
least 30 days’ notice, in accordance with       complaint as quickly as possible.
the procedure and for the reasons set out
in section titled ‘4.2 When we can close
HSBC Insurance Aspects’ of your HSBC
Insurance Aspects Terms and Conditions.

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the
breakdown services provided:
                                                 7. Financial Services
1. Call the RAC customer care number on:
0330 159 0337; or                                Scheme
2. Write to:                                     Aviva Insurance Limited is covered by
                                                 the Financial Services Compensation
HSBC Assistance                                  Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to
c/o RAC Motoring Services                        compensation from this scheme if the RAC
Great Park Road                                  cannot meet our obligations, depending on
Bradley Stoke                                    the type of insurance and the circumstances
Bristol BS32 4QN; or                             of your claim.

3. Email:                         Further information about the scheme is
                                                 available from the FSCS website
Please provide your full name, contact
                                        or by phone on
telephone number, and, where applicable,
                                                 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100.
the vehicle registration number. Please also
enclose copies of relevant correspondence        The covers provided by RAC Motoring
as this will help the RAC to deal with your      Services under Section A – Roadside
complaint in the shortest possible time.         assistance and Recovery and Section B –
                                                 At Home or the additional services under
If you are not satisfied with the final
                                                 this HSBC Insurance Aspects Motor
response you can refer the matter to
                                                 Breakdown Assistance policy is not
the Financial Ombudsman Service. You
                                                 covered by the FSCS.
may contact the Financial Ombudsman
Service at:
                                                 8. Data protection
Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.                  HSBC Privacy Overview
                                                 Your privacy is important to us.
Alternatively, you may contact them by
telephone on 0300 123 9123, by emailing          You explicitly consent to us accessing,              processing and retaining any information, or simply visiting their website at      you provide to us, for the purposes of                  providing payment services to you. This
                                                 does not affect any rights and obligations
Complaining to the Ombudsman will not            you or we have under data protection
affect your legal rights.                        legislation. You may withdraw this consent
                                                 by closing your account. If you do this,
                                                 we’ll stop using your data for this purpose,
                                                 but may continue to process your data for
                                                 other purposes.

Our Privacy Notice explains how we collect,   The categories of your personal data that
use, disclose, transfer and store your        the RAC obtain about you are:
information and sets out your rights to
your information. We have provided our        ®® name;
Privacy Notice to you separately and will     ®® policy number;
inform you when we make any changes to        ®® vehicle registration number;
it. You can also find this at www.ciiom.      ®® vehicle manufacturer; or you can ask for a         ®® vehicle model;
copy in branch.
                                              ®® DVLA date of vehicle first registration;
RAC Privacy Notice                            ®® contact details;
For the purposes of the UK Data Protection    ®® vehicle location data; and
Laws that apply from time to time, the        ®® in very limited circumstances, certain
data controller in relation to the personal      sensitive personal data, including
data you supply is RAC Motoring Services         information on health and wellbeing, that
(RACMS). Additional controllers include          you provide the RAC from time to time.
Aviva Insurance Limited and HSBC Bank
plc. This enables you and the RAC to enter    RACMS processes your personal data
into a contract for HSBC Insurance Aspects    for the following purposes and its other
Motor Breakdown Assistance, in making         legitimate interests in order to:
a request for service or benefit, and for
                                              ®® provide you with a contract for cover;
administering the HSBC Insurance Aspects
Motor Breakdown Assistance with RACMS         ®® fulfill your contract for cover;
and Aviva Insurance Limited.                  ®® administer your policy; and
                                              ®® contact you to provide you with the
RACMS (Registered No: 01424399)                  services that form part of your policy.
Registered Office is RAC House,
Brockhurst Crescent, Walsall WS5              In most cases, processing the above
4AW. You can contact the Data Protection      information is necessary for the
Officer for RACMS by emailing dpo@rac.        performance of a contract to which you are or writing to the Data Protection       party or in order to enter into a contract.
Officer, RAC House, Great Park Road,          The RAC may also process information to
Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 4QN.              comply with a legal obligation, or where the
                                              processing is necessary for the purposes of
RACMS obtains your personal data from         the RAC’s legitimate interests, for example
HSBC Bank plc for the purposes set out        to reduce the risk of payment default and
below. RACMS also obtains your personal       fraudulent abuse or to undertake research
data when you contact the RAC directly        and statistical analysis.
in relation to your policy. Please be aware
that the RAC may record telephone calls for
staff training and evidential purposes.

RACMS may use your personal data to            When you give the RAC personal
make automated decisions to calculate,         information about another person, you
evaluate or predict the performance of your    confirm that they have authorised you to
policy. If you have any concerns regarding     act for them, that you have their consent
the outcome of these checks, please let        to act on their behalf (for example, under a
RACMS know.                                    power of attorney) and use of their personal
                                               data in the manner described in this notice
Please note that, if you do not provide your   and to receive on their behalf any data
personal data, the RAC will be unable to       protection notice.
provide you with the assistance you are
requesting, as well as services related to     RACGC or our agents may undertake
administering your policy.                     checks against publicly available
                                               information (such as electoral roll, county
RACMS will share the personal data you         court judgments, bankruptcy orders or
provide with its group companies†. RAC         repossessions). Similar checks may be
group companies (RACGC) will use this          made in assessing any claims made.
for administration and customer services.      RACGC may monitor and record any
RACGC may disclose your personal data to       communications with you including
the RAC’s service providers and agents for     telephone conversations and emails for
these purposes.                                quality assurance and compliance reasons.

RACGC retains your personal data for so        You have a number of rights in relation
long as is necessary for the RAC to process    to your personal information that you
your personal data for the purposes and        can choose to exercise at any time. This
legitimate interests set out above.            includes your right to:

RACGC may transfer your personal data          ®® access information the RAC process
outside of the European Economic Area, for        about you to obtain a copy of the
example to Asia. RACGC will only do this          data as well as receive supplementary
where it is necessary for the conclusion or       information;
performance of a contract between you          ®® object to the RAC using particular
and the RAC, or that RACGC enter into at          information or using it in a particular
your request, in your interest. In the event      way. You can let the RAC know that you
that RACGC transfers your personal data           object to it and the RAC will consider
outside of the European Economic Area             whether your request can be granted;
for any other reason, it shall ensure that
                                               ®® rectify inaccurate information, which in
appropriate and approved data transfer
                                                  most cases you can do simply by getting
clauses or certification mechanisms are in
                                                  in touch with HSBC Bank plc;
place with the relevant recipient of your
                                               ®® erase your data if the RAC no longer
personal data.
                                                  have a legitimate basis for processing it;
                                               ®® port data to another data controller or to
                                                  you in a structured, commonly used and
                                                  machine-readable format.

The RAC have provided a basic overview of
those rights above, but if you would like to
                                                            11. Use of language
find out more or exercise any of these rights
                                                            Unless otherwise agreed, the contractual
you can contact the RAC Data Protection
                                                            terms and conditions and other information
Officer on the contact details shown at the
                                                            relating to this contract will be in English.
top of this privacy notice.

In addition to the rights set out above you                 12. Telephone call
have the right to raise a privacy complaint
with the Information Commissioner’s Officer                 charges and recording
(ICO). The ICO will usually require you to
                                                            Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines
have approached RACMS first to try to
                                                            and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to
resolve the matter.
                                                            01 and 03 prefixed numbers are charged
 If you would like a list of all RAC group companies,       at national call rates (charges may vary
please write to or email the RAC Data Protection Officer.   dependent on your network provider)
                                                            and are usually included in inclusive minute
9. Fraud                                                    plans from landlines and mobiles. To help
                                                            the RAC continually improve our service,
If you make a claim under this policy                       and in the interests of security, the RAC
knowing the claim to be dishonest or                        may monitor and/or record your calls
intentionally exaggerated or fraudulent in                  with the RAC.
any way, or if you give any false declaration
or statement to support the claim, the
RAC will not pay the claim and will pass
details to HSBC Bank plc who may, at their
discretion, close your HSBC Insurance
Aspects. The RAC reserve the right to tell
the police about any dishonest claim. If the
RAC settle a claim that we subsequently
discover to be fraudulent, the RAC will take
steps to recover our costs from you.

10. Choice of law
This agreement is governed by the laws
of England and Wales, unless specifically
agreed otherwise or where at the date of
the contract you are resident in Scotland,
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