Page created by Casey Page
   July 2015-June 2016

Virginia Department of
Game and Inland Fisheries
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     July 2015-June 2016

                                                                                                                                             ©Ralph Hensley

Commonwealth of Virginia
Terry McAuliffe, Governor

Secretary of Natural Resources                               INFORMATION
Molly J. Ward

Department of Game and Inland Fisheries                      BEAR HUNTING�������������������������������������30
Bob Duncan, Executive Director
Members of the Board
Ben Davenport, Chairman, Chatham
Charles H. Cunningham, Vice-chairman, Fairfax                DEER HUNTING�������������������������������������34
Watkins M. Abbitt, Jr., Appomattox
David Bernhardt, Arlington
Bill Bolling, Mechanicsville
Leon Boyd, Vansant
Garry L. Gray, Bowling Green
                                                             TURKEY HUNTING����������������������������������46
Hugh Palmer, Highland Springs
Clayton L. Spruill, Virginia Beach
Leon O. Turner, Fincastle
Mark A. Winkler, DDS, Fairfax Station                        SMALL GAME HUNTING�������������������������48
Mission Statement                                            REGULATIONS
To manage Virginia’s wildlife and inland fish to maintain
optimum populations of all species to serve the needs
of the Commonwealth; To provide opportunity for all to       FURBEARER HUNTING & TRAPPING��������49
enjoy wildlife, inland fish, boating and related outdoor
recreation and to work diligently to safeguard the           REGULATIONS
rights of the people to hunt, fish, and harvest game as
provided for in the Constitution of Virginia; To promote
safety for persons and property in connection with           PUBLIC HUNTING LANDS�����������������������54
boating, hunting, and fishing; To provide educational
outreach programs and materials that foster an               REGULATIONS
awareness of and appreciation for Virginia’s fish and
wildlife resources, their habitats, and hunting, fishing,
and boating opportunities.
The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries shall                                           This booklet is for general information and contains information
afford to all persons an equal access to Department                                         regarding programs, policies, regulations, rules, and fees of the
programs and facilities without regard to race, color,                                      Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) current
religion, national origin, disability, sex, or age. If you                                  at the time of printing. Information and prices are subject to change.
                                                                                            Specific laws are found in the Code of Virginia (http://law.lis.virginia.
believe that you have been discriminated against in any                                     gov/vacode) or the Game Department Regulation Manual (http://law.
program, activity, or facility, please write to: Virginia                          For answers to specific
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Attn:                                              questions about hunting and fishing, contact the Department of Game
Compliance Officer, 7870 Villa Park Dr, Suite 400, P.O.                                     and Inland Fisheries once nearest you.
Box 90778, Henrico, VA 23228.
                                                                                            The sale of advertising paid a large portion of the cost of this publica-
                                                                                            tion. The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries neither endorses
On the Cover:                                                                               the products or services offered in the advertising, nor accepts any
A young black bear sits on a tree branch, safely looking     View regs on your smartphone   liability from the use of such products or services.
at goings on down below.
                                      Welcome to another year of great hunting opportunities in                 &TRAPPING
                                                                                                                IN VIRGINIA
                                      the Old Dominion! This 2015-2016 digest coincides with the                    July 2015-June 2016

                                      countdown to our agency’s 100-year anniversary next June. As
                                      we think about the status of wildlife when this Department
                                      was created in 1916 and the many wildlife success stories that
                                      have followed, one cannot help but consider the outlook for
                                      the next hundred years.
                                         Recruiting and introducing new hunters to cherished
                                      traditions will help ensure the future of our hunting heritage
                                      in Virginia, while serving to benefit wildlife populations via
                                      science-based management. The most rewarding hunts I                    Virginia Department of
                                                                                                              Game and Inland Fisheries

                                      have experienced involved hunting with family members and     

                                      friends, especially young people. With the numerous youth
                                      hunting days being offered, I encourage you to share your
                                      passion of the season by introducing new hunters to the joys
                                      of time well spent in the outdoors! Hope to see you out there!   About this Guide
                                      Bob Duncan                                                       This high-quality regulation guide is offered to you
                                      Executive Director, VDGIF                                        by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland
                                                                                                       Fisheries through its unique partnership with J.F.
                                                                                                       Griffin Publishing, LLC.
                                                                                                       J.F. Griffin is an award winning publishing house
                                                                                                       that specializes in producing state fish & wildlife
                                                                                                       regulation books. J.F. Griffin supports VDGIF’s staff
                                                                                                       in the design, layout, and editing of the guides. They

          VIRGINIA’S WILDLIFE                                                                          also manage the marketing and sales of advertising
                                                                                                       to appropriate businesses within the book.

          RESTORATION                                                                                  The revenue generated through ad sales signifi-
                                                                                                       cantly lowers production costs and generates savings.
          PROGRAM AND YOU                                                                              These savings translate into additional funds for other
                                                                                                       important fisheries and habitat programs.
          Hunters and trappers create many opportunities for Virginians to enjoy excep-
                                                                                                       If you have any feedback or are interested in advertis-
          tional hunting, trapping, and wildlife watching. Through the Federal Assistance
                                                                                                       ing, please contact us at 413.884.1001 or online at
          in Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration program, you help the Virginia Department of
          Game and Inland Fisheries make wildlife-oriented outdoor recreation even better
          each time you buy a firearm, ammunition, or a hunting or trapping license.
                                                                                                       Graphic Design:
          When you buy hunting-related equipment, a portion of the excise tax levied on                Jon Gulley, Evelyn Haddad, Dane Fay
          the manufacturer goes to the Federal Assistance in Wildlife & Sport Fish Resto-              and Chris Sobolowski
          ration program. Virginia currently receives over $15 million each year from this
          program, which funds a large portion of the Department’s habitat management
          and wildlife population research projects.

                                                                                                       430 Main St. Suite 5 | Williamstown, MA 01267

                                                                                                               J.F. Griffin Publishing, LLC is proud to print the
                                                                                                               Virginia Hunting and Trapping Digest on recycled
                                                                                                               content paper.

                                                                                                                          available online
                                                                                                          in a new Digital Edition!
                                                                                                         Fully searchable                    Email pages
                                                                                                         Live hyperlinks to                 One-click printing
                                                                                                         expanded content


                                                                                 ©Ralph Hensley

2   2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                                     WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV
Private Landowner Names

                                              Color Coded Public Lands

                                              Roads & Trails

                                              Possible Access

                                              Points of Interest

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                                              Multiple Basemaps

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          To learn more and view all product offerings visit:
    Richmond                                        Regional Offices
    Headquarters                                    Region 1                                   Region 4
                                                    3801 John Tyler Memorial Hwy.              P.O. Box 996, 517 Lee Highway
    7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400                Charles City, VA 23030                     Verona, VA 24482
    Henrico, VA 23228                               (804) 829-6580                             (540) 248-9360
    (804) 367-1000; (804) 367-1278 V/TDD
    Mailing Address:                                Region 2                                   1320 Belman Road
    P. O. Box 90778, Henrico, VA 23228-0778         1132 Thomas Jefferson Road                 Fredericksburg, VA 22401
                                                    Forest, VA 24551-9223                      (540) 899-4169
                                                    (434) 525-7522

                                                    Region 3
                                                    1796 Highway Sixteen
                                                    Marion, VA 24354
                                                    (276) 783-4860

    Additional Contacts
    Report Wildlife Violations Only:                Virginia Department of Forestry            U. S. Forest Service Supervisor
    (800) 237-5712 or   Charlottesville Office (M–Th)              George Washington and
                                                                 Jefferson Forest
    Boating Registration/Information                (434) 977-6555                   
    (804) 367-1000                                                                             (540) 265-5100
                                                    Department of Conservation and
    Checking-in Game                                Recreation Reservation Center:             U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    (866) GOT-GAME (866-468-4263)                                (Federal wildlife inquiries only)
                                                    (800) 933-7275                             (804) 771-2883; (804) 771-2280
    Quota Hunts                            USDA Wildlife Services
    (877) VAHUNTS (877-824-8687)                    (804) 739-7739

        “HUNT                          • getting the latest news from VDGIF;
                                       • looking up hunting regulations, seasons, and bag
                                                                                               Best of all,
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         FISH VA”                        limits while in the field;
          Hunting & Fishing            • viewing freshwater fishing regulations and state
                                         record fish;                                          At the App Store
          in Your Pocket                                                                       and Android Market
                                       • identifying the fish you just caught;
          The Virginia Department of
          Game and Inland Fisher-      • getting sunrise and sunset times for your location;
          ies’ app for iPhone®, iPod   • recording your trophy harvests;
          touch®, and the Android™     • finding nearby boat ramps, wildlife management
          is perfect for:                areas and lakes;
                                       • and more!

4   2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV
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    FOR 2015-2016?
    New Regulations for 2015-2016
    Licenses                                            Deer                                              Turkey
    • Separate bear license at a fee of $21 for resi-   • The September Youth and Apprentice deer         • The fall youth and apprentice turkey hunting
      dents and $151 for non-residents to hunt bear.      hunting day has been extended to a full           day has been extended to a full weekend (see
    • Certain hunting, trapping and fishing li-           weekend (see page 37).                            page 46).
      censes or a hunter education certification        • Minor adjustments were made to early and        • The bag limit for the fall turkey youth and
      may be carried electronically (see page 12).        late muzzleloading either-sex deer hunting        apprentice hunting weekend is one turkey
    • The bear license and deer/turkey license must       days west of the Blue Ridge.                      (either sex) per youth/apprentice hunter per
      still be carried as a paper copy.                 • Rappahannock County now has an Earn-              weekend.
                                                          A-Buck regulation in effect (see page 36).      • The spring youth and apprentice turkey
    Bear                                                • Firearms either-sex deer hunting days were        hunting day has been extended to a full
    • In order to hunt bears, residents and non-          reduced in 19 management units and in-            weekend (see page 47).
      residents must purchase a bear license in           creased in three.                               • The bag limit for the spring turkey youth and
      addition to all other applicable licenses and     • CWD testing is now mandatory countywide           apprentice hunting weekend is one turkey
      stamps (see page 16).                               in Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, and War-        (bearded birds only) per youth/apprentice
    • Bear youth and apprentice day is no longer          ren counties during the first two Saturdays       hunter per weekend.
      in September. It has been moved to the sec-         of the firearms deer season (see page 44).
      ond Saturday and Sunday in October (see           • Effective July 1, 2015, the possession or use   Furbearers and Trapping
      page 30).                                           of deer scents/lures that contain natural       • The maximum snare height has been raised
    • There is a new 6-week Bear Hound Training           deer urine or other bodily fluids used for        with certain restrictions for snares set higher
      season in Southwest Virginia (see page 33).         the purposes of taking, attempting to take,       than 12” above ground level (see page 52).
    • Southside Bear Hound Training Season has            attracting, or scouting wildlife in Virginia    • The season bag limit of 12 bobcats taken by
      been extended by 1 week (see page 33).              will no longer be legal (see page 45).            hunting and trapping combined has been

           FERAL HOGS
           Feral hogs (wild hogs, wild pigs, wild boar, or Russian boar) are
           designated as a nuisance species in Virginia and are defined as
           “any hog that is wild or for which no proof of ownership can be
           made.” They are extremely invasive and cause damage to wildlife
           habitat and agricultural lands wherever they exist. Feral hogs have
           been found to destroy turkey, grouse, and quail nests. They can
           also prey on deer fawns, destroy sensitive wetland habitat, con-
           taminate waterways, and compete with our native wildlife for food
           resources. Feral hogs carry numerous diseases that can affect
           wildlife, domestic animals, and humans.
           The DGIF is taking every measure possible to fight the spread of
           feral hogs in Virginia. If feral hogs or hog damage are observed,
           or if feral hogs are harvested or trapped on private or public prop-
           erty, we ask you to make a report by calling our toll-free Virginia            Help Protect Virginia’s Ag
           Wildlife Conflict Helpline (1-855-571-9003). It is illegal to transport              and Natural Resources
           live feral hogs or to release feral hogs to the wild in Virginia. Any
           feral hog trapped must be immediately killed at the trap site.
           The DGIF does not currently have feral hogs established on any                   1 (855) 571-9003
           of its lands, nor do we provide information on where to find feral
           hogs on private land. To harvest feral hogs, you must have a hunt-
           ing license and landowner permission. There is no closed season                                Please Repor t
           on private property. There is no daily bag limit or checking system                              Hog Sightings
           for feral hogs.                                                                                  Hog Damage

           For more information on feral hogs please visit:

                                                        Frequently asked questions and
    Sunday Hunting                                      answers on the new law and
                                                                                                            What is meant by “written permission”
                                                                                                            as used in the new law?
                                                        Sunday hunting in Virginia:                         A plain meaning interpretation of “written per-
    The 2014 General Assembly passed legislation that   May I use dogs to hunt on private                   mission” involves four pieces of information: (i)
    was signed by Governor Terry McAuliffe allowing     land on Sunday as long as I have the                the identity of the person who has been granted
    hunting on Sundays in Virginia under certain        written permission of the landowner?                permission to hunt; (ii) the scope of the permis-
    circumstances. The law took effect July 1, 2014.    Yes, except you may not hunt or kill any deer or    sion, which may include limitations; (iii) the
       The law allows Sunday hunting under the          bear with a gun, firearm or other weapon with       identity of the landowner who gave the written
    following circumstances:                            the aid or assistance of dogs on Sundays.           permission, and (iv) the date the permission is
                                                                                                            given and expires. Such written permission must
    • Allows a landowner and his family or a            I hunt with a hunt club and the club                be provided after the effective date of the Act.
      person with written permission from the           president has obtained written
      landowner to hunt or kill any wild bird or        permission from the landowner for club              I have verbal rather than written
      wild animal, including nuisance species, on       members and guests to hunt on Sunday.               permission from Mr. Smith to hunt his
      the landowner’s property on Sunday, except        Does each member need to carry a copy               property because he does not post
      within 200 yards of a house of worship or any     of that permission document?                        his property. Do I still need written
      accessory structure thereof.                      They should, but your club president can act        permission from him to hunt his property
    • It also allows for waterfowl hunting on           as the representative of the landowner to pass      on Sunday?
      Sundays subject to restrictions imposed by        on written permission to members and guests         Yes and language granting permission to hunt
      the Director of the Department and except         to hunt on Sunday so long as the landowner          on Sundays should be included in the written
      within 200 yards of a house of worship or         grants the president that authority. Language       permission.
      any accessory structure thereof.                  granting permission to hunt on Sundays should
    • Continues to allow raccoon hunting until 2        be included in the written permission.              Is Sunday hunting of waterfowl on private
      a.m. Sunday mornings.                                                                                 or public lands permissible except for
                                                        Can I hunt rabbit, squirrel, and                    those places within 200 yards of places
    Other than these exceptions and other allow-        quail with dogs on Sundays?                         of worship or for which geographical
    ances that had been made specifically by law in     If you are the landowner, a member of his or        limitations are established by the
    the past, it will continue to be unlawful to hunt   her family, or have the landowner’s written         Director?
    or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including     permission to hunt on Sunday, you may use           Yes as long as no other prohibition precludes
    any nuisance species, with a gun, firearm, or       dogs for rabbit, squirrel, and quail hunting.       hunting waterfowl under the circumstances
    other weapon on Sundays. It will also continue                                                          existing at the time hunting occurs.
    to be unlawful to hunt or kill any deer or bear     I obtained written permission to hunt on
    with a gun, firearm, or other weapon with the       Sunday from the landowner on whose                  Is written permission required
    aid or assistance of dogs on Sundays.               property I hunt. The landowner also                 for someone waterfowl hunting
                                                        gave me permission to bring guests. My              on private property?
                                                        son and daughter want to hunt with me               The new law does not require someone hunting
                                                        on Sunday. Do they also need written                waterfowl on private property on Sunday to
                                                        permission from the landowner?                      have written permission. However, this does
                                                        You can act as the representative of the land-      not displace any other laws or regulations that
                                                        owner to pass on written permission to your son     otherwise prohibit, limit or regulate hunting on
                                                        and daughter as long as the landowner gave you      private property. Written permission to hunt
                                                        written permission authorizing you and your         on posted property is required as with all other
                                                        guests to hunt on Sunday, however language          days of the week.
                                                        granting permission to hunt on Sundays should
                                                        be included in the written permission.              The new law retained existing language
                                                                                                            that permits the hunting of raccoons until
                                                                                                            2:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Is Sunday
                                                                                                            hunting of raccoons limited to this time
                                                                                                            period only, or may raccoon hunters also
                                                                                                            hunt on Sundays in accordance with other
                                                                                                            provisions of the new law?
                                                                                                            Lawful hunting of raccoons on Sunday ends at
                                                                                                            2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. No other Sunday
                                                                                                            hunting of raccoons is allowed on either public
                                                                                                            or private lands.

                                                                                                            Prior to the new law Sunday hunting
                                                                                                            was permitted on licensed shooting
                                                                                                            preserves. Does this new law impact the
                                                                                                            Sunday hunting operation of the shooting
                                                                                                            preserves in any way?
                                                                                                            The new law will not change anything with
                                                                                                            the current law for the operation of shooting
                                                                                                            preserves on Sunday for pen-raised game birds.

                                                                                     Photo by Sally Mills

8   2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                              WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Loaded Crossbow or Muzzleloader
     Definitions                                                                                             intersection with Rt. 642 (White Marsh Road)
                                                                                                             and then along this highway in a southwest                                                                                                                                            A muzzleloading firearm is considered “load-
                                                                                                             direction to Rt. 604 (Desert Road), and then                                                                                                                                          ed” when the muzzleloader is capped, or has a
     Archery Tackle                                                                                          southerly along this highway to the North Caro-                                                                                                                                       charged pan, or has a primer or battery installed
     As used in this digest, archery tackle includes                                                         lina state line.                                                                                                                                                                      in the firearm.
     longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The definition of a “loaded crossbow” is a
     crossbow.                                                                                               Furbearer Species                                                                                                                                                                     crossbow that is cocked and has either a bolt
                                                                                                             Furbearer means beaver, bobcat, fisher, fox,                                                                                                                                          or arrow engaged or partially engaged on the
     Bait                                                                                                    mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, skunk,                                                                                                                                        shooting rail or track of the crossbow, or with
     Bait shall mean any food, grain, or other con-                                                          and weasel.                                                                                                                                                                           a “trackless crossbow” when the crossbow is
     sumable substance that could serve as a lure or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               cocked and a bolt or arrow is nocked.
     attractant; however, crops grown for normal or                                                          Game Animal
     accepted agriculture or wildlife management                                                             Game animal means bear, bobcat, deer, elk, fox,                                                                                                                                       Nonmigratory Game Birds
     purposes, including food plots, shall not be                                                            rabbit, raccoon, and squirrel.                                                                                                                                                        Nonmigratory game bird means grouse, pheas-
     considered as bait.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ant, bobwhite quail, and turkey.
                                                                                                             Hunting and Trapping
     Dismal Swamp Line                                                                                       The act of or the attempted act of taking, hunt-                                                                                                                                      Nuisance Species
     Beginning at a point on Rt. 10 where it intersects                                                      ing, trapping, pursuing, chasing, shooting, snar-                                                                                                                                     The following animals: house mouse, Norway
     the Isle of Wight County line, then along this                                                          ing, or netting birds or animals, and assisting                                                                                                                                       rat, black rat, coyote, groundhog, nutria, feral
     highway to its intersection with the corporate                                                          any person who is doing the same, regardless                                                                                                                                          hog, European starling, English sparrow, mute
     limits of Suffolk, then through Suffolk to its                                                          of whether birds or animals are actually taken.                                                                                                                                       swan, and pigeon (rock dove) are designated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   as nuisance species and may be taken at any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   time by use of a firearm or other weapon (unless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prohibited by local ordinances, see page 24)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and on some public lands during certain time

                                                                                                                                               AH               RE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   periods (see National Forest-Game Department
     East & West of the Blue Ridge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Regulations page 57).
                                                                                                                                                      WA                     FA           PR        FAIR
                                                                                                                                        NAN                                    UQ           IN                FAX
                                                                                                                                    SHE                                  K         UI               W
                                                                                                                                                                                     ER              ILL

     Counties colored blue are west of the Blue
                                                                                                                                                                HA                                       IA
                                                                                                                                                            PPA                                            M
                                                                                                                        RO               PAGE            RA

     Ridge and those counties in white are east
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Other Wildlife
                                                                                                                                                 M                  CULPEPER                   STAF
                                                                                                                                        AM          AD                                              FO  RD
                                                                                                       LA    ND                                                 N                                              KING
     of the Blue Ridge.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            It is unlawful to take, possess, transport, release,
                                                                                                                                             GREENE                                            IA
                                                                                                                                                                ORANGE                                                     WES
                                                                                                                  AUGUSTA                                                               SYLVAN                                   TMO
                                                                                                                                                                                   SPOT                                                RELA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   or sell all other wildlife species not classified as
                                                                                                                                        ALBEMARLE                                                                                  RIC                             NORTHUMBERLAND
                                                                                                 BATH                                                                                            CAROLINE                    ES        HM
                                                                                                                                                                         LOUISA                                                 SE        ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       KIN         X         D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   game, furbearer, or nuisance, unless otherwise

                                                                                                                                                                                           HAN                             G                     LA


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                                                                                                      T           AMHERST           BUCKINGHAM                             POWHATAN                                     NEW




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                                                                                                                                                                      AMELIA CHESTERFIELD




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Route 29 Line/Amherst County
                                                                                   RO                                                                                                                                                              R  K             NEWPORT

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Route 29 “line” in Amherst County is de-
                              SO             TAZEWELL                               Y                                                                                               DINWIDDIE                                                                             PORTSMOUTH
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                                 RUSSELL                                                 FRANKLIN                                                LUNENBURG

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fined as Business U.S. 29 from the James River

                                                        WYTHE              FLOYD                                                                                                                                                 ON


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                                                             CARROLL                                                                                                                                                T                                                     PEA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to its intersection with U.S. 29 just south of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OU                      SUFFOLK

                   SCOTT                                                                                                                     MECKLENBURG                                                                                                        CHES
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                                                                                PATRICK HENRY

            West of the Blue Ridge                                                               East of the Blue Ridge                                                                                                                                                                            town of Amherst continuing north on U.S. 29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to the Tye River.

            Since its inception in October 1986, the Virginia Wildlife Crime Line has
            become a valuable tool in the enforcement of the Commonwealth’s game, fish,
            and boat laws. As awareness of this program increases, so do the number of
            calls to report violations. The program has generated thousands of reported
            wildlife crime tips that have resulted in over a thousand arrests and nearly
            $40,000 in approved rewards. Reward payments are approved and funded
            through the Virginia Sportsman Reward Fund, Inc. Their mission is to promote
            the enforcement of hunting, fishing, and boating laws in Virginia by supporting
            the Wildlife Crime Line in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Game
            and Inland Fisheries. You can help support this effort by sending a tax-
            deductible donation to: Virginia Wildlife Crime Line, P.O. Box 90778, Henrico,
            VA 23228-0778.

            Report a Wildlife Crime
            If you know someone who kills wildlife out of season or over the game limit,
            help the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries catch the individual
            and stop others from following that path. If you observe a violation, call
            the toll-free Virginia Wildlife Crime Line number at (800) 237-5712 or e-mail

10   2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV
Mandatory Hunter                                                                                          Hunter Skills
                                                       verbal contact with, provides adequate direc-
                                                       tion to, and can immediately assume control

Education                                                                                                 Weekends
                                                       of the firearm from the apprentice hunter. The
                                                       apprentice hunting license cannot be used as
                                                       proof of holding a previous hunting license, for
Hunter Education courses provide instruction           the purposes of purchasing a hunting license       Every year in May and August Virginia Hunter
in hunter safety, principles of conservation, and      without proof of hunter education.                 Skills Weekends are offered near Appomattox, VA,
sportsmanship. The courses are composed of                If you purchase an apprentice hunting           through a partnership program by the Virginia
two sections:                                          license and then complete hunter education,        Hunter Education Association, the DGIF, and Hol-
                                                       you may then use the apprentice license as         iday Lake 4-H Educational Center. These unique
Section 1 – Self-study.                                a basic hunting license to hunt without su-        educational programs are open to ages 11–90+
Each student is required to study course mate-         pervision until it expires unless otherwise        (children under 18 must attend with a parent).
rial prior to the classroom portion.                   required by law to be supervised as in the         Three 4-hour sessions in a variety of topics provide
                                                       case of hunting on a youth/apprentice hunt-        skills development for new and seasoned hunt-
Section 2 – Classroom portion.                         ing weekend where apprentice hunters must          ers alike and include shooting, archery, survival,
Students will focus on safety and ethics. A writ-      be supervised by a licensed adult. You must        game cooking, tree stand safety, and a variety
ten test will be given at the end of the class. Test   carry proof of hunter education while hunt-        of hunting techniques. Completion of a Hunter
questions will cover material from the class-          ing unsupervised.                                  Education course is preferred but not required. For
room portion and from the self-study material.            Any person 16 years of age or older may         more information on registration fees and dates
   Courses are offered free of charge throughout       certify that he or she has held a previously       visit, call Holiday Lake
the Commonwealth. For more information, go             issued hunting license by signing the license.     at (434) 248-5444, or e-mail
to the Hunter Education page at the DGIF web-
new or call the Hunter Education Coordinator
                                                        Q: Is there a minimum age for taking a hunter education course?
at the nearest DGIF regional office www.dgif.                             A: There is no minimum age for taking a hunter education course. The only re-
   Hunters over the age of 18 may also take                quirement is that a person taking the course must be able to comprehend and
hunter education completely online. There is               retain the information learned. Since the course is required for all 12–15 year-old
a fee associated with these courses. For more              hunting license buyers, it is designed for those 12 years of age. Some instruc-
information, go to                  tors may require that younger children be supervised by an adult companion.
hunting/education/new.                                     It is recommended that all children under 12 be accompanied by an adult.

Hunter Education Requirements
You must complete an approved hunter educa-
tion course and carry your card while hunting
if either of the following apply:

• You are 12–15 years of age. (You must com-
                                                        Over 26,000 items for
  plete hunter education but you do not have to
  carry your card if accompanied and properly
                                                        Farm, Shop and Home
  supervised by a licensed adult.)                        Visit us today or shop online for all
• You are at least 16 years of age and you are           your outdoor supplies at unbeatable
  hunting with your first hunting license.
                                                        prices. we have something for everyone!
Virginia accepts and recognizes all states’ and
countries’ hunting licenses and official hunter
                                                                                                                                     Food Plot
education credentials for the purpose of com-                                                                                        Prep
plying with mandatory hunter education re-
quirements. These may be in the form of an
identification card or certificate.
Although it is recommended for all hunters,                                                                           Traps                      ATV
you are not required to complete hunter edu-
cation if:                                                                                                                                       Supplies

• You only hunt foxes with hounds while on
  horseback, but without firearms.                                                                                                   Apparel
                                                                                                                                     for the
• You are exempt from the requirement to                                                                                             whole
  purchase a license.                                                                                                                family
• You are under the age of 12. However, you
  may not hunt unless accompanied and di-
  rectly supervised by a licensed adult.
• You are hunting with an apprentice license. In
  that case you must be accompanied and directly
  supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who
  has, on his person, a valid Virginia hunting
  license. “Accompanied and directly supervised”       3001 N. Normandy Dr. • Petersburg, VA • (800) 551-0415
  means the adult maintains close visual and             Mon-Fri 7:30-5:30 • Sat 7:30-5:00 •
                                                        Visit our website to order a free catalog
                                                                                                                  Which Licenses
     Every person who is required to have a license must carry such license and shall show the li-
     cense immediately upon request of any officer whose duty it is to enforce the game and inland
     fish laws, or upon the demand of any owner or lessee, or any employee or representative of such
     owner or lessee, upon whose land or water such person may be hunting, trapping, or fishing.                  Do I Need?
     Any person who is required to carry certain hunting, trapping, or fishing licenses or a hunter
     education certificate on their person can meet the requirement by carrying an electronic copy                To hunt in Virginia, a resident or nonresident
     of the relevant license or certificate, except that the bear license and deer/turkey license must            hunting license is required, unless you are
     still be possessed as a paper copy.                                                                          license exempt. Other licenses, permits, or
        A paper copy license is not valid unless signed by the licensee.                                          stamps may also be required depending on
                                                                                                                  species hunted and location of hunt. Before

     Residency                                                                                                    purchasing a hunting license or permit, make
                                                               and the spouses of such children and grand-        sure you understand what qualifies as a Virginia

     Qualifications                                            children, or the landowner’s parents, resident     residency, that you really need a license or per-
                                                               or non­resident, do not need a license to hunt,    mit based on the exemptions, and you have met
                                                               trap or fish (on inland waters) within the         the hunter safety requirements.
     • Persons who have been a bona fide resident              boundaries of their own lands.
       of the city, county, or state for six consecutive   •   Tenants, on the land they rent and occupy,         To Hunt Small Game
       months immediately preceding the date of                are not required to have a license, but must       A hunting license is required. A National For-
       purchasing a license.                                   have the written permission of the land-           est Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also
     • Persons who have been domiciliary residents             owner. Persons who lease property and do           be required.
       of the state for at least two months upon               not permanently reside there are not exempt
       approval of a completed affidavit to be fur-            from license requirements.                         To Hunt Dove, Woodcock,
       nished by the Department.                           •   Residents, 65 years of age and over, do not        Snipe, or Rail
     • Legal voters in Virginia.                               need a license to hunt or trap on private          A hunting license and HIP number are required.
     • Any member of the armed forces of the                   property in their county or city of residence.     Register for HIP online at
       United States, or a member of the immedi-           •   Resident hunters under the age of 12 are not       or call 1-888-788-9772. A National Forest Permit
       ate family of such a member as defined in               required to have a hunting license or hunter       or State Forest Use Permit may also be required.
       § 2.2-3101, upon execution of a certificate             education. Nonresident hunters under the age of
       of residence if the member (i) resides in the           12 need a hunting license but do not need hunter   To Hunt Bear, Deer, or Turkey
       Commonwealth, (ii) is on active duty, and (iii)         education to purchase one. All hunters under       A bear license and/or a deer/turkey license is
       is stationed at a military installation within,         the age of 12 may not hunt unless accompanied      required in addition to a hunting license. (These
       or in a ship based in, the Commonwealth.                and directly supervised by a licensed adult.       licenses are valid from July 1–June 30 only.) A
     • Students (including nonresident students            •   Residents under the age of 16 are not required     National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit,
       boarding on campus) residing in Virgin-                 to have a license to trap when accompanied         or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required.
       ia who are enrolled in bona fide Virginia               by any person 18 years of age or older who
       schools.                                                possesses a valid Virginia trapping license.       To Hunt With Archery Tackle
     • Any unnaturalized person who owns real              •   Any person who is not hunting, but is aiding       An archery license is required when using any
       estate in the county or city and who has                a disabled person to hunt when such disabled       archery tackle during a designated archery sea-
       actually resided there not less than five years         person possesses a valid Virginia Disabled         son. A bear license, deer/turkey license, Na-
       next preceding the date of the application for          Resident Lifetime hunting license or a Vir-        tional Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit,
       the license in the county or city                       ginia Resident Disabled Veteran Lifetime           or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required.
                                                               license is not required to have a license.
                                                                                                                  To Hunt With a Muzzleloader
     License                                               •   Any Indian who “habitually” resides on an
                                                               Indian reservation or a member of the Vir-         A muzzleloading license is required in addi-

     Exemptions                                                ginia recognized tribes who resides in the         tion to the hunting license if hunting with a
                                                               Commonwealth is not required to have a             muzzleloading firearm during any muzzleloader
                                                               hunting or trapping license; however, such         deer season. A bear license, deer/turkey license,
     All persons, except those listed below, must              Indian must have on his person an identifi-        National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit,
     purchase the proper licenses before hunting or            cation card or paper signed by the chief of        or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required.
     trapping. Where exempt, the exemption means               his tribe, a valid tribal identification card,
     the individual is exempt from the basic hunting           written confirmation through a central tribal      If hunting with archery tackle or muzzleloading
     license; bear license, deer/turkey license, archery       registry, or certification from a tribal office.   rifle during any firearms deer season you do
     license; muzzleloading license; trapping license;     •   Stockholders owning 50 percent or more of the      not need an archery or muzzleloading license.
     and Virginia Migratory Waterfowl Conservation             stock of any domestic corporation owning land
     Stamp. All seasons, bag limits, and checking              in Virginia, his or her spouse and children and    To Trap
     requirements apply.                                       minor grandchildren, resident or nonresident,      • A trapping license is required to trap. A Na-
                                                               do not need a license to hunt, trap and fish         tional Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit
     • Resident or nonresident landowners, their               within the boundaries of lands and inland            may also be required
       spouses, their children and grandchildren               waters owned by the domestic corporation.
                                                                                                                  To Hunt Waterfowl
                                                                                                                  • A hunting license, Federal Duck Stamp, Vir-
                                                                                                                    ginia Migratory Waterfowl Conservation
        Q: If you buy the apprentice license do you still need to buy a Bear                                        Stamp and a HIP number are required. Reg-
          License or Deer/Turkey License, etc?                                                                      ister for HIP online at or call
                                                                                                                    1-888-788-9772. A National Forest Permit or
        A: Yes, the apprentice license is in place of the basic hunting license. Any ad-                            State Forest Use Permit may also be required.
           ditional licenses, stamps, or permits would still be required.

12   2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                                   WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV
Lifetime Licenses                                     TREE STAND SAFETY
Resident and nonresident lifetime licenses are pur-
chased by an application and require supporting       GUIDELINES
documentation of age, residency, and/or disability.
They are issued only through the Richmond office.     • Use a full-body safety harness to secure your-
Retail license agents cannot issue these licenses.      self to the tree. Stay attached whenever you
Applications can be submitted in person at the          are off the ground. Minimize slack in the tether
Richmond office or mailed in. License applica-          so that if you fall, it will not be very far. This
tions can be found on the Department’s website          reduces the risk of injury and may allow you
at                to climb back into your stand. Hanging in a
                                                        harness for a long time may cause irreversible
                                                        injury or death. Have a plan for self-rescue.
Virginia Apprentice                                   • Never climb with equipment; use a haul line to get your unloaded gun or bow

Hunting License                                         into and out of the tree stand. Crossbows may be raised while cocked, but
                                                        should never be loaded with an arrow until you are securely in the stand and
                                                        ready to hunt. It can be dangerous to try to cock a crossbow while in a tree.
The apprentice hunting license serves as a first-
time Virginia resident or nonresident hunting         • Keep manufactured tree stands in good working condition. Always follow the
license and is good for two years.                      manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
   Previous Virginia resident and non-resident        • Many falls occur because of the failure of homemade stands, especially as
hunting license holders are not eligible to pur-        they age. It is best to avoid them.
chase an apprentice license.
   The license entitles the holder to a one-time      • While most manufactured tree stands are safe if used properly, they are
deferral of the hunter education requirement.           occasionally found to be defective and recalled. To find out if your stand has
   The apprentice license holder must be accom-         been recalled, check the Consumer Product Safety Commission website at
panied and directly supervised by an adult over
18 who has on his or her person a valid Virginia      Additional Information on safety harnesses:
Continued on page 14

     hunting license. “Accompanied and directly su-         request a replacement at any retail license agent.    season. To obtain a new number, migratory game
     pervised” occurs when a person over 18 maintains          If you purchased a license online, by phone,       bird hunters can register online at www.vahip.
     a close visual and verbal contact with, provides ad-   or from the Richmond office you will need to          com or call (888) 788-9772 starting July 1.
     equate direction to, and can immediately assume        request a replacement by calling toll-free 1- 866-

                                                                                                                  Where to Get
     control of the firearm from the apprentice hunter.     721-6911 during regular business hours.
         If you purchase an apprentice hunting license

                                                            Migratory Game                                        a License
     and then complete hunter education, you may
     then use the apprentice license as a basic hunt-
     ing license to hunt without supervision until it
     expires unless otherwise required by law to be         Bird Hunters                                          Online:

                                                            Get HIP!
     supervised as in the case of hunting on a youth/                                                    Select the license(s)
     apprentice hunting day where, by Department                                                                  you want, pay with your VISA or MasterCard,
     regulation, apprentice hunters must be super-                                                                and print your license(s) after you pay.
     vised by a licensed or an exempt licensed adult.       All hunters (whether licensed or exempt from be-
         If hunting unsupervised you must carry proof       ing licensed) who plan to hunt doves, waterfowl,      In Person:
     of hunter education.                                   rails, woodcock, snipe, coots, gallinules, or moor-   Sold by some clerks of the Circuit Court and
         The apprentice license does not qualify the        hens in Virginia must be registered with the Vir-     hundreds of license agents around the state.
     holder to purchase a regular hunting license,          ginia Harvest Information Program (HIP). HIP is
     nor exempt the holder from compliance with             required each year and a NEW REGISTRATION             By Phone:
     Department regulations.                                NUMBER is needed for the 2014–2015 hunting            (866) 721-6911 during regular business hours.
         A bear license, deer/turkey license and all
     applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are
     required in addition to the apprentice license
     if you choose to hunt those species.

     Licenses                                                  Q: If you turn 16 after you purchase a junior license is it still good or do
                                                                 you need to purchase another license for 16 and older?
     If you purchased a license from a retail license          A: Your license is good until it expires.
     agent, such as a sporting goods store, you can
     new magazine sub ad_Layout 1 5/14/15 3:10 PM Page 1

                                        Subscribe to
                                         annual subscriptions–$12.95
                                            n New n Renewal


        State                 Zip

                Make check payable to Treasurer of Virginia.
        Send to Virginia Wildlife, P.O. Box 90778, Henrico,VA 23228

          or call 1-800-710-9369 and mention code J15HF

                              Sorry, no foreign delivery

Hunters and Trappers
SHARE A LIFETIME                                                                 If you use a boat—remember to
OF MEMORIES!                                                                                boat smart!
Give a Legacy Lifetime Hunting License                                           Wear Your Life Jacket
• Issued only to an individual who is younger than two years of age
  and is valid for the lifetime of the license holder regardless of any      Safety Tips
  change in that person’s status as a resident or nonresident.                 4 Check the weather before leaving.
• Legacy hunting license is valid until the individual’s 12th birth-           4 Wear a life jacket, vest or float coat.
  day. Upon proof of completion of a hunter education course or
                                                                               4 Anchor from the bow, never from the stern.
  equivalent, this license is transferable to a lifetime hunting license
  at no additional charge.                                                     4 Properly load your boat.
• The Legacy hunting or fishing license is available by application            4 Leave the alcohol at home.
  through the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Applica-           4 Stay with your boat if it should
  tion available online. Cost is $125 for resident children and $250
  for nonresident children.
                                                                               4 Guard against hypothermia.
Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or
via a mail-in application. Application available online.                       4 Remain seated and keep weight
                                                                                 evenly distributed.

                                                                             Don’t forget: Boating Safety
                                                                                Classes are Required

                                                                           ok!       Coming in August at
                                                                    New Bo
                                                                   and Richard
                                                                   Stubler team
                                                                   up to bring
                                                                   you 18

                                                                   Deet Laffey
                                                                   and Bassil
                                                                   sacrifice their
                                                                   health, safety,
                                                                   and dignity to
                                                                   help Winfred
                                                                   B. Inventory
                                                                   perfect his
                                                                   hunting and

     License        Fees
     (Issuance fee is included in the price.)

     Resident Hunting Licenses
     Licenses are valid for one year from the date of purchase except the bear license, deer/turkey license (valid July 1-June 30 only), the Virginia migratory waterfowl
     conservation stamp, the apprentice hunting license, and lifetime licenses.

                                 LICENSE                                    FEE                                      LICENSE                                     FEE

      Resident Sportsman’s License (age 16 and older)                    $133.00          Resident Lifetime Hunting License

        Includes hunting license, bear license, deer/turkey license, archery li-             Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses,
        cense, muzzleloading license, freshwater fishing license, and trout license.         stamps, or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be
                                                                                             purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application.
      Resident Hunting License (age 16 and older)                                            Application available online.

        1-year license                                                    $23.00             Age 12-44
                                                                                             (hunter education course required under age 16)
        2-year license                                                    $44.00
                                                                                             Age 45-50                                                         $210.00
        3-year license                                                    $65.00             Age 51-55                                                         $160.00
        4-year license                                                    $86.00             Age 56-60                                                         $110.00
      Resident County or City Hunting License (age 16 and older)          $16.00             Age 61-64                                                         $60.00

        For county or city of residence only.                                                Age 65 and over                                                    $20.00

      Resident Apprentice Hunting License                                 $11.00          Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Hunting
                                                                                          Lifetime License
        Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses,
                                                                                             Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses,
        stamps, or permits are required in addition to this license. See page 13
                                                                                             stamps, or permits are required in addition to this hunting license. Can be
        for details. Valid for 2 years from date of purchase.
                                                                                             purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application.
      Resident Senior Citizen Hunting License (age 65 and over)            $9.00             Application available online.

                                                                                          Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled
        Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses,                                                                                 no charge
                                                                                          Veteran Resident Lifetime Hunting License
        stamps or permits are required in addition to this license.
                                                                                             For qualified resident disabled veterans. Includes hunting license, bear
      Resident Annual Hunting License for 70 Percent Partially                               license, deer/turkey license, archery license, muzzleloading license. All
      Disabled Veterans                                                                      other applicable licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to
                                                                                             this license. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a
        Resident veterans rated and certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans             mail-in application. Application available online. A license for freshwater
        Affairs as having at least 70 percent service-connected disability upon              fishing is also available.
        certification. Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable
        licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this license. Can        Resident Fox Hunting License                                          $23.00
        be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application.
                                                                                             To hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms. Not required
        Application available online.
                                                                                             of an individual holding a basic license to hunt.
      Resident Junior Hunting License
      (age 12 to 15; optional for under 12 years old)
                                                                                         One or more of the following may be required
      Resident Youth Combination Hunting License (age 12 to 15)           $16.00
                                                                                         in addition to a resident hunting license.
        Includes hunting license, bear license, deer/turkey license, archery                                         LICENSE                                     FEE
        license, and muzzleloading license.
                                                                                          Resident Bear License                                                 $21.00
      Resident Junior Lifetime Hunting License (under age 12)            $255.00
                                                                                          Resident Deer/Turkey License (age 16 and older)                       $23.00
        No annual bear license, or deer/turkey license required until age 12.                Not required if senior citizen’s lifetime license was purchased before
        National forest permit, state forest use permit, and bonus deer permits, if          July 1, 1988. Not required for holders of Service-Connected Totally and
        applicable, are required in addition to this license. Upon proof of comple-          Permanently Disabled Resident Veteran Lifetime License. Valid July 1
        tion of a hunter education course or equivalent, the license is transfer-            through June 30 only.
        able to a lifetime hunting license at no additional fee. Can be purchased
        in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application. Application        Resident Junior Deer/Turkey License (age 12 to 15)                    $8.50
        available online.
                                                                                             Valid July 1 through June 30.
      Resident Legacy Lifetime Hunting License                           $125.00
                                                                                          Resident Archery License                                              $18.00
        Must be purchased before age 2. See page 15 for details. Can be
                                                                                             Includes longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, and crossbow.
        purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application.
        Application available online.                                                     Resident Muzzleloading License                                        $18.00

                   License-exempt hunters must still check bear, bobcat, deer, elk, or turkey (see page 29).

16   2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                                         WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV
Nonresident Hunting Licenses
Licenses are valid for one year from the date of purchase except the bear license, deer/turkey license (valid July 1-June 30 only), the Virginia migratory waterfowl
conservation stamp, the apprentice hunting license, and lifetime licenses.

                           LICENSE                                     FEE                                      LICENSE                                    FEE

Nonresident Hunting License (age 16 and older)                       $111.00         Nonresident Lifetime Hunting License                                $555.00

Nonresident 3-Day Hunt License (age 16 and older)                    $60.00             Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable licenses,
                                                                                        stamps or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be
   Must be 3 consecutive days including Sundays where Sunday hunting is                 purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application.
   allowed.                                                                             Application available online.

Nonresident Apprentice Hunting License                               $21.00          Nonresident Fox Hunting License                                     $111.00

   Annual nonresident bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable              To hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms. Not required
   licenses, stamps, or permits may be required in addition to this license.            of an individual holding a general license to hunt.
   See page 13 for details. Valid for 2 years from date of purchase.
                                                                                     Nonresident Foxhound Training Preserve license                       $18.00
Nonresident Annual Hunting License for 70 Percent Partially
Disabled Veterans                                                                       To hunt within the boundaries of a licensed foxhound training preserve, in
                                                                                        lieu of other required licenses.
   Nonresident veterans rated and certified by the U.S. Department
   of Veterans Affairs as having at least 70 percent service-connected               Nonresident Hunting (Shooting) Preserve license                      $23.00
   disability. Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable
   licenses, stamps or permits are required in addition to this license. Can be         To hunt within the boundaries of a licensed shooting preserve, in lieu of
   purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application.             other required licenses.
   Application available online.

Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled
Nonresident Veteran Annual Hunting License

   For nonresident veterans rated and certified by the U.S. Department of
   Veterans Affairs as having a total and permanent disability that is service       One or more of the following may be required
   connected. Annual bear license, deer/turkey license and all applicable            in addition to a resident hunting license.
   licenses, stamps, or permits are required in addition to this hunting li-                                    LICENSE                                    FEE
   cense. Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in
   application. Application available online.                                        Nonresident Bear License                                            $151.00

Nonresident Junior Hunting License (under age 12)                    $13.00          Nonresident Deer/Turkey License
                                                                                     Valid July 1 through June 30.
Nonresident Junior Hunting License (age 12 to 15)                    $16.00
                                                                                        Age 16 and older                                                  $86.00
Nonresident Youth Combination Hunting License
(under age 16)                                                                          Age 12 to 15                                                      $16.00

   Includes hunting license, bear license, deer/turkey license, archery                 Under age 12                                                      $13.00
   license, and muzzleloading license.
                                                                                     Nonresident Archery License                                          $31.00
Nonresident Legacy Hunting License                                   $250.00
                                                                                        Includes longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, and
   Must be purchased before age 2. See page 15 for details. Can be                      crossbow.
   purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in application.
   Application available online.                                                     Nonresident Muzzleloading License                                    $31.00

WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                                                 17
     License        Fees
     (Issuance fee is included in the price.)

     Trapping Licenses                                                             Miscellaneous Licenses, Permits, and Stamps
     One or more of the following is required to trap. Other licenses or permits   One or more of the following may be required in addition to a hunting license.
     may also be required.

                                LICENSE                                      FEE                              PERMITS                                    FEE

      County or City Resident Trapping License                           $21.00    Resident Bonus Deer Permit (6 antlerless tags)                      $18.00
                                                                                      See page 34 for more information.
        For county or city of residence.
                                                                                   Nonresident Bonus Deer Permit (6 antlerless tags)                   $31.00
      Resident Trapping License                                                       See page 34 for more information.
        1-year license                                                   $46.00    National Forest Permit                                              $4.00
                                                                                      To hunt and trap within National Forest. Not required of residents under
        2-year license                                                   $90.00
                                                                                      the age of 16 to trap, residents who have an annual senior citizen hunting
        3-year license                                                   $134.00      license ($9.00) or a lifetime license issued before 7/1/88.
                                                                                   Virginia State Forest Use Permit (age 16 or older)                  $16.00
        4-year license                                                   $178.00
                                                                                      Allows hunting, trapping, fishing, mountain biking, and horse riding. No
      Resident Junior Trapping License (under age 16)                     $11.00      motorized vehicles on gated roads/trails (open or closed). Sold in coopera-
                                                                                      tion with the Virginia Department of Forestry.
      Resident Senior Citizen Trapping License (age 65 and over)          $9.00    Public Access Lands for Sportsmen (PALS)                            $18.00
      Resident Senior Citizen Lifetime Trapping License                               See page 57 for more information.
      (age 65 or over)                                                                                                                                  $4.00
                                                                                                                                                       per day
        Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in         Access Permit (see page 54 for more information)
                                                                                                                                                      / $23.00
        application. Application available online.
                                                                                                                                                      per year
      Service-Connected Permanently and Totally Disabled                              Daily group rates are available. For more information go to:
      Veteran Resident Lifetime Trapping License                            
        Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in
        application. Application available online.                                                            STAMPS                                     FEE
                                                                                   Federal Migratory Duck E-Stamp                                      $27.50
      Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime
                                                                         $15.00       To take migratory waterfowl; required of persons 16 years of age and
      Trapping License
                                                                                      over in addition to hunting license. Valid July 1 through June 30.
        Can be purchased in person at the Richmond office or via a mail-in
                                                                                   Virginia Migratory Waterfowl Conservation Stamp                     $10.00
        application. Application available online.
                                                                                      Required of persons 16 years of age and older, unless license exempt.
      Nonresident Trapping License                                       $206.00      Valid July 1 through June 30.

            A Federal Duck Stamp is required for all persons 16 years
            and older in order to hunt waterfowl. Waterfowl hunters
            can still purchase their Federal Duck Stamp at U.S. Post
            Offices at a cost of $25.00, but a new program provides
            a convenient online option whereby hunters can obtain
            an E-stamp for $27.50. The E-stamp is valid immediately
            following the purchase and for up to 45 days. The actual
            Federal Duck Stamp will be mailed to the customer within 45
            days and must be carried thereafter while hunting waterfowl.
            To obtain the E-stamp Federal Duck stamp go to the Depart-
            ment’s website ( and click on
            hunting and fishing licenses or visit one of over 800 license
            agents throughout the Commonwealth.

                                                                                           2015 Federal Duck Stamp artwork, by Jennifer Miller
                                                                                           ©All rights reserved by USFWS Headquarters

18   2015–2016 VIRGINA HUNTING & TRAPPING REGULATIONS                                                                                  WWW.DGIF.VIRGINIA.GOV
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