Page created by Tammy Lee
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                GAME BIRD                       REGULATIONS

                     See What’s New for 2021-22 on page 2

For All Migratory Game Bird, Upland Game Bird and Crow Hunting Seasons from
September 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022, and other associated regulations
2 02 1 - 2 2

                                       Licensing/Controlled Hunts
                                          Permit, Tag, and
                                          Validation Requirements���������������������7
                                          License Requirements�������������������������8
                                                                                                    Hunter Reporting ������������������������������� 19
                                                                                                    Access Area Programs�����������������������29
                                                                                                    State Wildlife Area Regulations ���������34
                                                                                                    State and Federal
                                       Hunting Regulations                                          Refuge Area Regulations��������������������40
                                         Shooting Hours�������������������������������10           Disabilities Hunting and
                                         General Regulations������������������������ 11            Fishing Permit������������������������������������43
                                         Weapon Regulations����������������������� 12
                                                                                Reservation and Permit Application
                                       Hunting Opportunities                                        Procedure������������������������������������������44
    Information and Education            Upland Game Bird��������������������������16
                 503-947-6002            Western Oregon                                             Wildlife Area Reservation Hunts���������45
                        Licensing        Fee Pheasant Hunts�������������������������16             Oregon Game Bird Stamps����������������48
                     503-947-6100        Controlled Sage-Grouse������������������ 17
                Wildlife Division                                                                    Cover Photo:
                                         Migratory Game Bird����������������������20
                    503-947-6301                                                                     Snow Geese.
                                         Northwest Permit Goose������������������22
             Wildlife Violations         Falconry�����������������������������������������24        Photo by Rick Swart,
                 1-800-452-7888          Proposed 2022–23                                            ODFW.
                                         Upland Season Dates����������������������24
                                         Small Game Hunting�����������������������24
                                         Veterans and Active Military
 OREGON DEPARTMENT                       Personnel Waterfowl Hunt����������������25
                                         Youth Hunting Opportunities������������26
             Full Service Offices
                      High Desert
                   61374 Parrell Rd.
                  Bend, OR 97702
                   107 20th Street
             La Grande, OR 97850
            17330 SE Evelyn Street
            Clackamas, OR 97015                                                                      WHAT’S NEW FOR 2021-22
                      Southwest                                                                      • Opened fall turkey season early in
             4192 N Umpqua Hwy                                                                         select units in eastern Oregon. See
              Roseburg, OR 97470                                                                       pages 18-19.
                   541-440-3353                                                                      • Split the mourning dove season by
                                                                                                       geographic zones. Split the season
                                                                                                       into two hunt periods in Zone 1. See                                                                                  pages 20-21.                                                                      • Increased the white goose daily bag
                                                                                                       limit and possession limit. See page 20.
                                                                                                     • Changed the boundaries of the goose
  Snapchat @MyODFW
                                                                                                       zones in eastern Oregon Cos. See
                                                                                                       pages 20-21.
  Twitter @MyODFW                                                                                    • Established late hunt periods for
          @MyODFWRecReport                                                                             white and white-fronted geese in all
          @ODFWConserve                                                                                areas of eastern Oregon. See pages
   Instagram @MyODFW

   Pinterest @MyODFW                                         2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
Oregon Department                                                                                                                                             This book includes important information about
                                                                                                                                                              Oregon hunting laws. You can be fined or jailed
of Fish and Wildlife                                                                                                                                          if you violate these laws. Please have an English
                                                                                                                                                              reader who fully understands this information
Curt Melcher, Director                                                       Oregon Fish and                                                                  and can accurately interpret the legal meaning of
Salem Headquarters Office                                                    Wildlife Commission                                                              the regulations in this book explain them to you.
4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE                                              Mary Wahl (Chair)���������������������������������Langlois
Salem, OR 97302                                                              Becky Hatfield-Hyde���������������������������������Paisley                     Spanish
503-947-6000                                                                 Kathayoon Khalil����������������������������������� Portland                    Este libro incluye información importante
ODFW in-state toll-free 800-720-6339                                         Mark Labhart����������������������������������������������Sisters               sobre las leyes de caza de Oregon. Puede ser                                                    Bob Spelbrink����������������������������������������������� Siletz             multado o encarcelado si usted viola estas leyes.
                                                                             Greg Wolley������������������������������������ Lake Oswego                     Tenga a mano un lector inglés que entiende
                                                                             Jill Zarnowitz��������������������������������������������Yamhill               completamente esta información y puede
                                                                             Vacant����������������������������������������������������������������������    interpretar con precisión legal les explicarle el
                                                                                                                                                              significado de las regulaciones en este libro.
   Because season dates and hunting regulations change annually, significant changes from
                                                                                                                                                              Traditional Chinese
   last year’s season dates and hunting regulations are in yellow highlight.
   Significant regulations and information are highlighted in bold.                                                                                           果違反這些法律,將會被處以罰款或監禁。請
Abbreviations Key
The following abbreviations are used throughout this document in Hunt Descriptions, Unit                                                                      Russian
Descriptions and regulations. The abbreviations will be used in upper and lower cases.                                                                        Данная книга содержит важную
                                                                                                                                                              информацию о законах штата Орегон
Ave = Avenue                                         Lk = Lake                                             Rvr = River                                        об охоте. За нарушение этих законов Вы
ATV = All terrain vehicle                            Ln = Lane                                             Sq Mi = Square Miles                               можете быть оштрафованы или осуждены.
BLM = Bureau of Land                                Mi = Mile                                             T = Township                                       Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что Вы полностью
        Management                                   Mtn = Mountain                                        UCAP = Upland Coop.                               понимаете информацию правового
Blvd = Boulevard                                     NF = National Forest                                           Access Program                            характера, изложенную в этой книге.
Co = County                                          NWR = National Wildlife                              USFS = U.S. Forest Service
Cos = Counties                                               Refuge                                        USFWS = U.S. Fish and                             Ukranian
Cr = Creek                                           ODF = Oregon Dept. of                                          Wildlife Service                         Ця книга містить важливу інформацію
Dr = Drive                                                  Forestry                                       WA = Wildlife Area                                 про закони про полювання в штаті Орегон.
FR = Forest Road                                     ODFW = Oregon Dept. of                               WMU = W  ildlife                                  Якщо Ви порушите ці закони, з Вас можуть
HIP = Harvest Information                                     Fish & Wildlife                                     Management Unit                            стягнути штраф або посадити у вязницю.
       Program                                       R = Range                                                                                                Будь ласка, попросіть людину, яка добре
Hwy = Highway                                        RHA = Regulated Hunt Area                                                                                розуміє англійську і може точно передати
ID = Identification                                  Rd = Road                                                                                                юридичне значення цієї книги, прочитати і
                                                                                                                                                              пояснити Вам ці правила.

The information in this booklet will be furnished in alternate format for people with disabilities, if needed. Please call 503-947-6002 or e-mail             Quyển sách này bao gồm những thông tin quan to request an alternate format.                                                                                                     trọng về luật đi săn của Oregon. Quý vị có thể bị
     ODFW prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. If you believe you have been discriminated against   phạt tiền hoặc phạt tù nếu vi phạm những luật
as described above in any program, activity or facility, or if you desire further information, please contact Deputy Director, Fish & Wildlife Programs,
ODFW, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97302, or call 503-947-6000, or write to the Civil Rights Coordinator for Public Access, Department          này. Hãy nhờ một người thạo tiếng Anh, người
of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240.                                                                                                      có thể hoàn toàn hiểu những thông tin này và có
     ODFW allows appropriate advertising in this booklet to help offset the cost of printing. ODFW neither endorses products or services listed nor           thể giải thích ch.
accepts any liability arising from the use of products or services listed.

                                                                      About This Guide
                                                                      This high-quality guide is offered to you by
                                                                      the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
                                                                      through its unique partnership with J.F. Griffin
                                                                      Publishing, LLC.
                                                                      The revenue generated through ad sales signifi-
         Williamstown, MA | Birmingham, AL                            cantly lowers production costs and generates
                                                                      savings. These savings translate into additional
                                                                      funds for other important agency programs.
                 Graphic Design:
               Jon Gulley, Dane Fay,                                  If you have any feedback or are interested in                                           This guide is available online at
            John Corey, Evelyn Haddad,                                advertising, please contact us at 413.884.1001
                 Chris Sobolowski                                     or at

                                                                          2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS                                                                                                    3
                                                   Let ODFW show you how!
    NOTICE TO HUNTERS                              •
                                                       Mourning dove
                                                   •   Upland Game Bird
                                                   •   Waterfowl
    In an effort to make these regulations
                                                   •   Beginner’s Guide to Sauvie Island
    easier to understand, at times
                                                       Waterfowl Hunting
    simplified language is used. ODFW’s
    intention is for these summarized
                                                   Find a place to bird hunt at
    regulations to be consistent with
                                          — includes map
    the actual language in Oregon
                                                   of game bird ranges.
    Statutes and Administrative Rules,
    but in the event of an inconsistency
                                                   Try one of our outdoor skills workshops!
    the statutes and administrative
    rules take precedence. The actual
    wording of relevant Oregon
    Revised Statutes and Oregon                    For more hunting tips, go to
    Administrative Rules can be found at: and

    Violation of state migratory game
    bird hunting regulations is a violation        SUPPORT WILDLIFE — BUY A HABITAT CONSERVATION STAMP
    of federal regulations. Each hunter
    should consult the actual federal
    regulations in Title 50 Code of Federal        Buy an annual stamp to
    Regulations, Part 20. Also, more               benefit conservation of
    restrictive regulations may apply to           Oregon’s native species.
    NWRs open to public hunting. For
    additional information on federal              Proceeds are used for restoration of the habitats
    regulations, contact Resident Agent            that are home to the state’s fish and wildlife.
    in Charge, USFWS, 9025 SW Hillman              The Habitat Conservation Stamp is available
    Ct, Suite 3134, Wilsonville, OR 97070;         anywhere fishing and hunting licenses are sold.
    Phone: 503-682-6131.

4                                             2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
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 rder # 35799 Ref 35646 YMUS #5469: 2021 OPE Print Media Plan                                                                Registration Opens
                                                                                                                              Sept. 7th at 8am
                                                                                                                                         • Limited Gun Tables Available!
                                                                                                                                    • Thousands of Dollars in Raffle Prizes!
                                                                                                                                        • Games are an Annual Favorite!
                                                                                                                                                Early Bird Bonus
                                                                                                                                      Pre-Register by September 17th 2021 to receive
                                                                                                                                                 $60 in free raffle tickets
                                                                                                                                                 Hunter Registration Includes
                                                                                                                                     Hunt entry, shirt, hat, dinner,and a ticket to win the
                                                                                                                                               grand prize- A brand new UTV.

                 OREGON GAME BIRD                                                                                   YOUTH
            LICENSE, TAG, AND PERMIT FEES                                                            DESCRIPTION                         RESIDENT NONRESIDENT

                    DESCRIPTION                        RESIDENT NONRESIDENT                                           LICENSES
                                                                                   Youth License (age 12-17) (includes
                                ANNUAL LICENSES                                    Hunting, Angling, Shellfish and Columbia                        $10.00
    Hunting                                             $34.50       $172.00       Rvr Basin Endorsement)
    Combination Hunting and Angling                     $73.00         N/A         Youth Sports Pac — includes Hunting/
    Sports Pac — Includes Hunting, Angling                                         Angling/Shellfish Licenses, Combined
    and Shellfish Licenses, Combined Angling                                       Angling Harvest Tag, Upland Game Bird
    Harvest Tag, Upland Game Bird and                                              and Waterfowl Validations, plus a General
    Waterfowl Validations, plus a General or           $196.50            N/A                                                             $55.00            N/A
                                                                                   or Controlled Deer, General or Controlled
    Controlled Deer, General or Controlled                                         Elk, Cougar, General or Controlled Bear,
    Elk, Cougar, General or Controlled Bear,                                       Spring Turkey Tag and Columbia Rvr
    and Spring Turkey Tag.                                                         Basin Endorsement.
    Landowner (valid only for game birds on                                        Youth Game Bird Hunting License for age 11
                                                         Free             N/A                                                                       Free
    their own property see page 8)                                                 and younger
                                  3-DAY LICENSE                                                                      VALIDATIONS
    Three-Day Hunting License for Game
                                                                                   Youth Upland Game Bird Validation (age
    Birds and Crows (age 18 and older). See                                                                                                        $4.00
                                                                                   12-17) (valid July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)
    page 8 for applicable game bird validations,
                                                         N/A             $32.50    Youth Waterfowl Validation (age 12-17)
    permits, and tags required in addition to                                                                                                      $4.00
    this license. Cannot be used to apply for                                      (valid July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)
    controlled hunts.                                                                                                    TAGS
                            PERMITS AND VALIDATIONS                                Youth Turkey (Spring or Fall)                                   $10.50
    HIP Validation
    (valid July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)
    Upland Game Bird Validation (age 18 and
                                                        $10.00            N/A
    older) (valid July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)
    Waterfowl Validation (age 18 and older)
    (valid July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)
                                                        $13.50            N/A                  DISABLED VETERAN AND
    Nonresident Game Bird Validation (age 18
    and older) (valid July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)
                                                         N/A             $44.50              UNIFORMED SERVICE MEMBER
    Band-tailed Pigeon Permit                                    $2.00                               DESCRIPTION                         RESIDENT NONRESIDENT
    Sage-Grouse Permit                                           $2.00                                                LICENSES
    Brant Permit                                                 $2.00             Uniformed Services Hunting                             $17.00         $34.50
    Sea Duck Permit                                              $2.00             Disabled Veteran Combination Angling and
    Northwest Oregon Goose Permit                                $2.00             Hunting — Includes Columbia Rvr Basin                   Free             N/A
    Western Oregon Fee Pheasant Permit                           $17.00            Endorsement
                                      TAGS                                                                               TAGS
    Turkey (Spring or Fall)                             $26.50           $90.00    Uniformed Services Turkey                                       $26.50

        OTHER PERMITS AND APPLICATIONS                                                      RESIDENT SENIOR AND PIONEER
                    DESCRIPTION                        RESIDENT NONRESIDENT                          DESCRIPTION                         RESIDENT NONRESIDENT
    *Duplicate (Paper Licenses, Tags, Permits)                   $2.00                                                LICENSES
    Wildlife Area Parking Permit — Daily                         $10.00           Senior Hunting (age 70 and 5 years Oregon
    Wildlife Area Parking Permit — Annual                        $30.00                                                                   $22.00            N/A
    Controlled Hunt Application — Game Birds                     $4.00            Senior Combination Angling and Hunting
    Wildlife Area Reservation Daily Hunt Permits                 $2.00                                                                    $47.50            N/A
                                                                                  (age 70 and 5 years Oregon residency)
    **Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention                                         Pioneer Combination — Angling, Hunting
                                                        N/A          $22.00
    Permit — Motorized Boats                                                      and Columbia Rvr Basin Endorsement (age                  $6.00            N/A
    Waterway Access Permit (All non-                                              65 and 50 years Oregon residency)
                                                        $7.00 weekly/7 day,
    motorized boats 10 feet or longer,
                                                          $19.00 annual,           All fees are non-refundable.
    Including drift boats, rafts, stand up
                                                         $32.00 two-year           * Tags cannot be exchanged after the season starts. The fee charged for the tag
    paddleboards, inflatables, etc.)**                                                that was lost, destroyed or stolen is $2.00.
    Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing                                        ** All non-motorized boats 10 ft. or longer must carry a valid Waterway Access
    Permit — Contact ODFW Salem HQ                                                     Permit; all out-of-state motorized boats must carry an AIS Permit. Oregon
                                                                                       registered motorboats pay with valid registration decals.

6                                                     2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
Use this table to determine what documents you need, in                                    UPLAND GAME BIRDS                                                                                                             MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS/CROWS
addition to a hunting license, to hunt each species of game
bird. The species you hunt and the status of your residency

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DUCK (INCLUDING MERGANSER) c
                                                                                                                 HUNGARIAN (GRAY) PARTRIDGE
determines which validations and permits you may need in

                                                                                                                                              RUFFED AND BLUE GROUSE
addition to your hunting license. Permits, validations, tags,

                                                                                                                                                                                                   BAND-TAILED PIGEON
and controlled hunt applications can be obtained online or

                                                                                              CHUKAR PARTRIDGE
anywhere ODFW licenses are sold.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MOURNING DOVE
                                                                                                                                                                                     WILD TURKEY
See page 8 for additional licensing requirements.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GOOSE b

HIP Validation                                                                                                                                                                                         X                  X              X         X              X                      X       X
Federal Waterfowl Stamp (16 years and older)                                                                                                                                                                                             X         X              X
Band-tailed Pigeon Permit                                                                                                                                                                              X
Brant Permit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       X
Sage-Grouse Permit                                                                                                                                                       X
Sea Duck Permit (Harlequin, scoter, long-tailed, and eider)                                                                                                                                                                                                       X
Spring or Fall Turkey Tag                                                                                                                                                              X
Waterfowl Validation                                                                                                                                                                                                                     X         X              X                      X
Upland Game Bird Validation                                                 X          X         X                    X                           X                      X
Nonresident Game Bird Validation                                            X          X         X                    X                           X                      X                                                               X         X              X                      X
Youth Waterfowl Validation                                                                                                                                                                                                               X         X              X                      X
Youth Upland Game Bird Validation                                           X          X         X                    X                           X                      X
  Falconers are not required to obtain a sage-grouse permit to hunt sage-grouse. See page 24.
  A Northwest goose permit is required to hunt geese in Northwest Oregon during the regular goose season. See page 22.
  A sea duck permit is required to hunt harlequin, scoter, long-tailed, and eider ducks.

    Ruffed grouse, blue grouse, and mountain quail wings and tails provide ODFW biologists important
    information about the health of the populations. Hunters can help by donating a wing and tail from harvested
    grouse and mountain quail.

    What to Do:
    1. Remove one entire wing and whole tail including small rump feathers.
    2. Place in PAPER collecting bags provided at ODFW offices or use your own PAPER bag (1 bird per bag).
    3. Mark the bag with the date taken, WMU taken, and general location.
    4. Drop bag off at designated collection sites located around the state or at ODFW offices. A map of collection
       sites is available at
    5. If there will be a delay in dropping off your bag, please freeze it.

    For additional information, including bags and pre-paid return envelopes, please call 503-947-6301.                                                                                                                                       Photo by Mark Penninger

                                                 2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7
    Licenses, permits, validations, tags, and                                                             » To obtain a HIP Validation to hunt for
    controlled hunt applications can be purchased     Oregon Residents                                       migratory game birds, to purchase a
    online or anywhere ODFW licenses are sold.                                                               turkey tag, to purchase permits to hunt
                                                      • Oregon residents 18 years of age and                 for band-tailed pigeons, sea ducks, brant,
                                                        older must obtain a resident hunting,                geese during the Northwest Permit
    All Hunters                                         combination or Sports Pac license to hunt            Season, and/or pheasants during a Fee
                                                        in Oregon.                                           Pheasant Hunt they need to obtain
    • Every hunter must have in his or her              » A resident is any person who has                   either a free Youth Game Bird License
      possession a valid hunting license (See              resided in Oregon at least six months             or purchase a Youth License. To apply
      below for specific category types). (See             immediately prior to the date of making           for controlled sage-grouse permits or
      exceptions for youths participating in               application for a license, tag or permit.         wildlife area reservation hunts they must
      the Mentored Youth Hunter Program on                 Temporary absence from the state                  purchase a Youth License.
      page 28 and youth under 12 in YOUTH                  for a purpose other than establishing        • The free Youth Game Bird Hunting License
      section.)                                            residency outside the state shall not be       does not allow a youth to participate in
    • No hunter may possess more than one valid            considered in determining whether a            the controlled hunt drawing or apply for
      Oregon hunting license. However, for the             person meets the residency requirement.        preference points.
      purpose of acquiring preference points            » These requirements are waived for             • Youths 13 years of age and under while
      under the controlled hunts system and                certain active members of the uniformed        hunting on property other than their own
      hunting big game, a youth between 9 and 12           services and for some foreign exchange         must be accompanied by an adult 21 years
      years of age may hold both a free youth game         students.                                      of age or older.
      bird hunting license and a youth license.         » Submitting a false application is a crime.    • See exceptions for the Mentored Youth
    • Annual hunting licenses are valid through         » For hunters 17 years of age and younger,        Hunter Program (page 28).
      Dec. 31 of each year. Hunts extending into           please refer to Youth section.
      the following calendar year require a new       • Oregon residents must obtain appropriate
      hunting license.                                  validations to hunt in Oregon.                  Nonresidents
    • Depending on the species of bird you are          » SPORTS PAC LICENSE HOLDERS
      hunting, you must have a federal waterfowl           MUST REDEEM SPORTS PAC                       • All nonresidents who want to hunt in
      stamp, HIP validation, permits, tags, and/           VOUCHERS FOR CURRENT GAME                      Oregon must obtain a nonresident hunting
      or state game bird validations to hunt               BIRD AND HIP VALIDATIONS ON                    license if they are 18 years of age or older.
      (page 7).                                            OR AFTER JULY 1.                             • A 3-Day Nonresident Hunting License
      » Upland Game Bird, Waterfowl,                    » Residents 12 years of age or older must         for game birds and crow is valid for three
         Nonresident Game Bird, and HIP                    have a state waterfowl validation in their     consecutive days.
         Validations and Federal waterfowl                 possession to hunt ducks (including            » Applicable game bird validations,
         stamps are in effect from Jul. 1 - Jun. 30        mergansers), geese and coots. See ALL             permits, and turkey tags are required
         of the following year.                            HUNTERS for information on federal                along with this hunting license.
      » Any person 16 years of age or older                stamp requirements.                            » This license is not valid to apply
         must have a current, signed Federal            » Residents 12 years of age or older must            for controlled bird hunts. To apply
         waterfowl stamp or E-Stamp in his or her          have a state upland game bird validation          for controlled bird hunts, a regular
         possession to hunt ducks and geese.               in their possession to hunt pheasant,             nonresident hunting license is required.
      » No federal waterfowl stamp is required             grouse, quail and partridge.                 • Nonresidents 18 years of age or older must
         for band-tailed pigeon, mourning dove,                                                           have a nonresident game bird validation
         crow, coot, or snipe hunting.                                                                    included on their hunting license or on
      » To hunt sage-grouse, band-tailed              Youth (Resident                                     their 3-day nonresident hunting license and
         pigeons, brant, sea ducks, or NW Oregon                                                          in their possession to hunt ducks (including
         geese, a separate permit for each is         and Nonresident)                                    mergansers), geese, coots, pheasants,
         required (page 7 and 22).                                                                        grouse, quail and partridge.
                                                      • All youths 17 years of age and younger
                                                        must have a Hunter Education Certificate
                                                        or a Department issued document (ex.            Landowners
                                                        hunting license) which includes their
                                                        Hunter Education Certificate Number in          • Obtain a hunting license.
                                                        their possession to hunt anywhere except          » Resident landowners can obtain a FREE
                                                        on their own land or land owned by their             landowner license to hunt game birds
                                                        parent or legal guardian. For Hunter                 on their own property, except for brant,
                                                        Education class information or to obtain a           band-tailed pigeon, sea duck, sage-grouse
                                                        replacement copy of a hunter safety card,            and turkey (spring and fall). For these
                                                        call the Hunter Education office in Salem at         hunt types, a regular hunting license and
                                                        503-947-6028.                                        applicable tags and permits are required for
                                                      • Youth 12 years of age or older must obtain           landowners hunting on their own property.
                                                        applicable state youth waterfowl and youth      • Landowners must obtain appropriate
                                                        upland validations (page 7). See ALL              validations to hunt (dependent on species,
                                                        HUNTERS for federal waterfowl stamp               see page 7).
                                                      • Youth 11 years of age and under do not
                                                        need a license to hunt game birds, small
                                                        game, or unprotected wildlife except:

8                                                 2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
YOUR OREGON                                 HARVEST INFORMATION PROGRAM (HIP)
DOLLARS AT WORK                             Before hunting mourning doves, band-
                                            tailed pigeons, snipe, or waterfowl all
                                                                                           samples of hunter to participate in
                                                                                           providing harvest information. Selected
                                            hunters, regardless of age or residency        hunters will receive hunter record
                                            status, must obtain a HIP Validation           cards prior to hunting seasons or soon
Oregon game bird stamps have been           by taking a HIP survey. If you obtain a        thereafter. Hunters will be asked to record
providing funds to maintain healthy         resident waterfowl validation you will         their daily harvest of birds and return the
game bird populations in the state          automatically be asked to complete the         completed record card at the end of the
for more than 30 years. The Oregon          HIP survey and get your HIP validation. If     hunting season.
migratory waterfowl stamp began             you intend to hunt other migratory birds
in 1984 and the upland bird stamp           (mourning doves, band-tailed pigeon, or        Why HIP? Your participation in
followed in 1990. The stamps (now called    snipe) and don't already have a waterfowl      this program means that important
validations) are purchased by game bird     validation or if you are a nonresident or      information will be available to wildlife
hunters in conjunction with the general     youth under 12 years of age, you must          professionals to better manage Oregon’s
hunting license. Collectively, sales of     obtain your HIP validation by selecting it     wildlife resources. Hunter participation
game bird stamps and related artwork        from the list of available documents in the    and migratory game bird harvest levels are
generate nearly $1 million each year.       Electronic Licensing System catalog.           needed to assist in setting regulations and
Funds are used to accomplish a variety of                                                  justify future hunting seasons.
program-related activities, such as game    Evidence of compliance will be noted on
bird research and banding, equipment        your hunting license as a “HIP Validation”.    Thanks! Your cooperation is essential to
purchases, and habitat improvement and      That’s it! There is no cost to you.            responsible resource management and is
conservation projects.                                                                     greatly appreciated.
                                            How does HIP work? Of the total group
                                            of HIP validated migratory game bird
                                            hunters, the USFWS will select necessary

CHECK FIRE                                                  SAGE CANYON
It is a hunter’s responsibility to check
                                                       M AU P I N , O R E G O N | |
                                                                                  UPLAND BIRD HUNTING
fire restrictions before heading                       MAUPIN, OREGON                     UPLAND BIRD HUNTING
afield. Check with the land manager
where you plan to hunt. To see a list                                                                   Our season is from
of industrial forestland closures/
restrictions visit and
                                                                                                     September 7th to March
click on Wildfires/Forest Restrictions                                                               31st and we offer both
& Closures.                                                                                          guided and non-guided
Most common fire restrictions
                                                                                                        trips. We can also
• No smoking                                                                                          customize a trip to fit
• No off-road driving                                                                                    anyone’s needs!
• No exploding targets or tracer
• Check if camp/warming fires are                                                                    CHECK OUR WEBSITE
  allowed. If open fires are permitted,
  make sure the fire is truly out when
                                                                                                       FOR SPECIALS!
  you’re done.                                      SPECIAL: 20 Mixed Upland Bird Hunt
                                                         Up to 4 Hunters (non-guided). Must have own dogs.
                                                                10 Roosters and 10 Chukars OR Hens.
                                                             Lodging    available at the ranch.
                                                                Must mention this ad to receive special.

                                                        1-800-538-7238 |
                                                          Corporate and guided hunts available!
                                                    Riverside Dining and Lodging Available At:
     Legal shooting hours for game birds are            ZONE A: All of Clatsop, Columbia,
     listed in the table below except for the           Tillamook, Washington, Multnomah,
     following:                                         Yamhill, Clackamas, Lincoln, Polk,
     1. Fee pheasant hunt shooting hours begin          Marion, Benton, Linn, Lane, Douglas,
        at the time listed in this table and end at     Coos, Curry, Josephine and Jackson Cos.
        5:00 p.m. at E.E. Wilson and Fern Ridge
        WAs. Sauvie Island WA ends at 6:00 p.m.         ZONE B: All of Hood River, Wasco,
        Denman WA shooting hours follow the             Sherman, Gilliam, Jefferson, Wheeler,
        table below.                                    Deschutes and Crook Cos.
     2. Youth upland hunts, refer to pages 26-27.
     3. Northwest Permit Goose Season refer to          ZONE C: All of Klamath and
        page 23.                                        Lake Cos.
     4. Some state or federal areas may have
        specific shooting hours; refer to               ZONE D: All of Morrow, Umatilla,
        pages 34-42.                                    Union, Wallowa, Grant, Baker,
     5. Legal spring turkey season shooting hours       Harney and *Malheur Cos.
        are ½-hour before sunrise to sunset.                                                        *A portion of Malheur Co is included in the
                                                                                                      Mtn Time Zone — plan accordingly.

                                              2021-22 GAME BIRD SHOOTING HOURS
                                              ZONE A -                ZONE B -             ZONE C -             ZONE D -             ZONE D -
                                             WESTERN OR             CENTRAL OR        KLAMATH & LAKE COS       EASTERN OR         *MOUNTAIN TIME
                           DATES            AM          PM        AM         PM         AM          PM        AM        PM        AM         PM
                    Sept. 1 - Sept. 3     6:07 AM     7:46 PM   5:57 AM    7:37 PM   6:00 AM      7:36 PM   5:47 AM   7:26 PM   6:43 AM   8:21 PM
                    Sept. 4 - Sept. 10    6:13 AM     7:37 PM   6:03 AM    7:28 PM   6:05 AM      7:27 PM   5:53 AM   7:17 PM   6:48 AM   8:12 PM
                    Sept. 11 - Sept. 17   6:21 AM     7:24 PM   6:11 AM    7:15 PM   6:13 AM      7:15 PM   6:01 AM   7:04 PM   6:56 AM   7:59 PM
       Daylight     Sept. 18 - Sept. 24   6:29 AM     7:11 PM   6:20 AM    7:02 PM   6:20 AM      7:02 PM   6:09 AM   6:51 PM   7:04 AM   7:46 PM
       Saving       Sept. 25 - Oct. 1     6:37 AM     6:58 PM   6:28 AM    6:49 PM   6:28 AM      6:50 PM   6:17 AM   6:38 PM   7:12 AM   7:33 PM
       Time         Oct. 2 - Oct. 8       6:45 AM     6:45 PM   6:37 AM    6:36 PM   6:36 AM      6:37 PM   6:26 AM   6:26 PM   7:21 AM   7:21 PM
       (DST)        Oct. 9 - Oct. 15      6:54 AM     6:33 PM   6:45 AM    6:23 PM   6:44 AM      6:25 PM   6:34 AM   6:13 PM   7:29 AM   7:08 PM
                    Oct. 16 - Oct. 22     7:02 AM     6:21 PM   6:54 AM    6:11 PM   6:52 AM      6:14 PM   6:43 AM   6:02 PM   7:38 AM   6:57 PM
                    Oct. 23 - Oct. 29     7:11 AM     6:10 PM   7:04 AM    6:00 PM   7:01 AM      6:04 PM   6:52 AM   5:51 PM   7:47 AM   6:46 PM
                    Oct. 30 - Nov. 6      7:21 AM     6:00 PM   7:13 AM    5:50 PM   7:10 AM      5:54 PM   7:01 AM   5:41 PM   7:56 AM   6:36 PM
                    Nov. 7 - Nov. 12      6:30 AM     4:51 PM   6:23 AM    4:41 PM   6:19 AM      4:46 PM   6:10 AM   4:32 PM   7:05 AM   5:27 PM
                    Nov. 13 - Nov. 19     6:39 AM     4:44 PM   6:32 AM    4:34 PM   6:27 AM      4:39 PM   6:20 AM   4:25 PM   7:15 AM   5:20 PM
                    Nov. 20 - Nov. 26     6:48 AM     4:39 PM   6:41 AM    4:28 PM   6:36 AM      4:34 PM   6:28 AM   4:20 PM   7:24 AM   5:15 PM
                    Nov. 27 - Dec. 3      6:57 AM     4:35 PM   6:50 AM    4:25 PM   6:44 AM      4:31 PM   6:37 AM   4:16 PM   7:32 AM   5:11 PM
                    Dec. 4 - Dec. 10      7:04 AM     4:34 PM   6:57 AM    4:23 PM   6:51 AM      4:30 PM   6:44 AM   4:14 PM   7:39 AM   5:10 PM
                    Dec. 11 - Dec. 17     7:10 AM     4:34 PM   7:03 AM    4:23 PM   6:57 AM      4:30 PM   6:50 AM   4:15 PM   7:45 AM   5:10 PM
                    Dec. 18 - Dec. 24     7:14 AM     4:37 PM   7:08 AM    4:26 PM   7:01 AM      4:33 PM   6:55 AM   4:18 PM   7:50 AM   5:13 PM
                    Dec. 25 - Dec. 31     7:17 AM     4:41 PM   7:10 AM    4:30 PM   7:04 AM      4:37 PM   6:57 AM   4:22 PM   7:52 AM   5:17 PM
       Standard     Jan. 1 - Jan. 7       7:17 AM     4:47 PM   7:10 AM    4:37 PM   7:05 AM      4:43 PM   6:57 AM   4:28 PM   7:53 AM   5:23 PM
       Time         Jan. 8 - Jan. 14      7:16 AM     4:55 PM   7:09 AM    4:44 PM   7:03 AM      4:51 PM   6:56 AM   4:36 PM   7:51 AM   5:31 PM
                    Jan. 15 - Jan. 21     7:12 AM     5:04 PM   7:05 AM    4:53 PM   7:00 AM      4:59 PM   6:52 AM   4:44 PM   7:48 AM   5:40 PM
                    Jan. 22 - Jan. 28     7:07 AM     5:13 PM   6:59 AM    5:02 PM   6:55 AM      5:08 PM   6:47 AM   4:54 PM   7:42 AM   5:49 PM
                    Jan. 29 - Feb. 4      7:00 AM     5:22 PM   6:52 AM    5:12 PM   6:48 AM      5:17 PM   6:40 AM   5:03 PM   7:35 AM   5:58 PM
                    Feb. 5 - Feb. 11      6:51 AM     5:32 PM   6:43 AM    5:22 PM   6:40 AM      5:26 PM   6:31 AM   5:13 PM   7:27 AM   6:08 PM
                    Feb. 12 - Feb. 18     6:41 AM     5:42 PM   6:33 AM    5:32 PM   6:31 AM      5:36 PM   6:22 AM   5:23 PM   7:17 AM   6:18 PM
                    Feb. 19 - Feb. 25     6:30 AM     5:51 PM   6:22 AM    5:42 PM   6:20 AM      5:45 PM   6:11 AM   5:32 PM   7:06 AM   6:27 PM
                    Feb. 26 - Mar. 4      6:19 AM     6:01 PM   6:11 AM    5:51 PM   6:09 AM      5:53 PM   5:59 AM   5:41 PM   6:54 AM   6:36 PM
                    Mar. 5 - Mar. 10      6:07 AM     6:10 PM   5:58 AM    6:01 PM   5:58 AM      6:02 PM   5:47 AM   5:50 PM   6:42 AM   6:45 PM

10                                                    2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
For a complete copy of all state laws and federal regulations consult Oregon Administrative Rules, the Oregon Wildlife Code and Federal
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations.

                                                        • Raptor: Any vulture, kite, eagle, hawk,
Definitions                                               caracara, falcon, or owl listed in 50 CFR      Hunter Orange
                                                          10.13 or hybrid thereof.
• Blue Grouse: Dusky grouse (Dendragapus                • Sea Ducks: Harlequin, scoters, long-tailed     No person younger than 18 years of age shall
  obscurus) and sooty grouse (Dendragapus                 and eider ducks.                               hunt with any firearm for any game mammal
  fuliginosus).                                         • Shotgun: A smooth bore firearm, including      or upland game bird (excluding turkey) unless
• Canada Goose: Any Canada goose (Branta                  muzzleloaders, designed for firing birdshot    the person is wearing in a manner visible
  canadensis) or cackling goose (Branta                   and intended to be fired from the shoulder,    from all directions a hat or exterior garment
  hutchinsii) including but not limited to                with a barrel length of 18 inches or more,     of hunter orange. “Exterior garment” means
  the following subspecies; western (B. c.                with an overall length of 26 inches or more.   a shirt, jacket, coat, vest, or sweater. Hunter
  moffitti), Vancouver (B. c. fulva), dusky             • Upland Game Birds: Pheasant, quail,            orange camouflage patterns are acceptable.
  (B. c. occidentalis), lesser (B.c. parvipes),           partridge, grouse, and wild turkey.            “Hat” means any head covering.
  Taverner’s (B. h. taverneri), Aleutian (B. h.         • Waterfowl: Ducks (including mergansers),
  leucopareia), and cackling (B. h. minima).              geese and coots.
• Dusky Canada Goose: Any dark-breasted                 • Western Oregon: All cos west of the            Decoys and Calls
  (Munsell 10 YR color value 5 or less)                   summit of the Cascades, except Klamath
  Canada goose with a bill length between 40              and Hood Rvr cos.                              It is unlawful to:
  and 50 millimeters.                                   • White Geese: Snow and Ross’ geese.             • Hunt game birds or crows by the use or aid
• Eastern Oregon: All cos east of the summit                                                                 of any live birds for decoys.
  of the Cascades, including all of Klamath                                                              • Hunt game birds (except for crows) by the use
  and Hood Rvr cos.                                     Protected Birds                                      or aid of recorded or electrically amplified
• Forest Grouse: Ruffed grouse and blue grouse.                                                              bird calls or sounds, or recorded or electrically
• Game Birds: Any waterfowl, snipe, band-               All birds except European starling, house            amplified imitations of bird calls or sounds.
  tailed pigeon, mourning dove, pheasant,               sparrow, Eurasian collared-dove, and             • Hunt game birds with the use of decoys
  quail, partridge, grouse, or wild turkey.             rock pigeon are protected by federal and/            powered by motor, battery, or other self
• Migratory Game Birds: Ducks (including                or state laws and may not be taken without           powered methods. Quiver magnets are also
  mergansers), geese, coots, snipe, mourning            authorization. Contact the law enforcement           illegal. Decoys with parts that are moved
  dove, and band-tailed pigeon.                         branch of the USFWS for Federal regulations          solely by human actions (for example, via a
                                                        regarding take at 503-682-6131.                      cable or pull-string) or the wind are allowed.­

                                                                                                     Hand Powered
                                                                                                    Spinning Wing &
                                                                                                    Motion Decoys

                                        Whip Splash
                                                                                                         Legal in OR and WA
                                        Easy to pull and deadly effective
                                        motion that get’s attention from a
                                                                                                              Easy to Pull
                                        distance and finishes them at your feet.
                                                                                                         Realistic Movement

                                                                                                       All of our decoys are proudly
                                                                                                      made in the USA at our shop in
                                                                                                      Warren, Oregon. Each decoy is
         Last Stand                                                                                   built and tuned one at a time to
         Floating decoy motion stand.                                    Migration Series              ensure smooth operation and
         Adds motion to water and                                       Same great motion with
         works great in deep or rocky                                   added realism in flocking               dependability!
         bottom areas.                                                  and paint scheme.

  Learn More & Purchase at | 503.851.6939
                                                         Ruffed and Blue Grouse may                       Ammunition Restrictions:
     Legal Weapons &                                     only be hunted with:                             • Game birds, except wild turkey, may not be
                                                         • Any of the weapons listed in the previous        hunted with steel shot larger than F or shot
     Ammunition for                                        section, or                                      composed of other material larger than BB.
                                                         • Any rimfire firearm.                           • Wild turkey may not be hunted with shot
     Hunting Game                                                                                           (any material) larger than No. 2.
                                                         Western Gray Squirrel may                        • Tracer shells may not be used to hunt game
     Birds, Crows,                                       only be hunted with:                               birds, crows, or western gray squirrel.
                                                         • Any rifle, handgun or shotgun that is not      • Game birds may not be hunted with
     and Western                                           fully automatic, or                              shotgun slugs.
                                                         • Any muzzleloader, or                           • Western gray squirrel may not be hunted
     Gray Squirrels:                                     • Any recurve, long, or compound bow1              with full-metal jacket bullets.
                                                           using any type or arrow, small game point      • Waterfowl and snipe may not be hunted
     Below are the requirements for weapons that can       or broadhead, except if broadheads are           with lead shot or while lead shot is in the
     be used to hunt game birds, crows, and western        used they must be unbarbed and at least          hunter’s possession. Shot used for hunting
     gray squirrels. In addition to these restrictions     7/8" wide. Broadheads with movable blades        waterfowl and snipe must be federally
     some WAs, NWRs, RHAs and other special                that fold/collapse when withdrawn are not        approved nontoxic shot. Additionally, on
     areas may have further weapon restrictions.           considered barbed.                               certain WAs, NWRs, and RHAs (pages 29,
                                                                                                            34 – 42) all hunters using shotguns must
     Game Birds, including Wild                          Additionally, game birds and crows may be          use federally approved nontoxic shot.
     Turkey, and Crows (except                           taken by licensed falconers using raptors (see
     Ruffed and Blue Grouse)                             Falconry Regulations).                           1
                                                                                                           Hunters shall not use any electronic device(s)
     may only be hunted with:                                                                              attached to bow or arrow except lighted
     • Shotguns, including muzzleloading                 Game birds and crows may not be hunted            arrow nocks that have no function other
       shotguns, (see definition on page 11) that        with airguns. Game birds, crows, and western      than to increase visibility of the arrow and
       are 10 gauge or smaller, and which are            gray squirrels may not be hunted with             cameras that have no other function (such as
       incapable of holding more than three shells       crossbows or any other method not listed in       range-finding) are allowed.
       (plugged), or                                     the previous sections.
     • Any recurve, long, or compound bow1
       using any type of arrow or broadhead.

                     GUN RIGHTS RESTORED
                                                           OREGON GUN LAW

                                                                                      Lawyers who support the
                                                                                       SECOND AMENDMENT
                                                                                      and can clean up the past
                                                                                        of you or a loved one.
                                                                                        We can help the family
                                                                                         hunt together, again.


                             (541) 388-1660                              
                           CALL OR EMAIL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION
Shooting Hours                                                                                  ARE CALLING
All game birds may only be hunted between times specified in
the shooting hours table on page 10, except as noted.

It is unlawful to hunt on private property without permission from the
landowner. See ORS 105.700 and 498.120.

Aircraft, Boats, Drones,
and Motor Vehicles
It is unlawful to:
• Hunt or shoot game birds from a motor driven land conveyance or
    aircraft of any kind.
• Hunt or shoot game birds with use of a sink box or any other type of
    low floating device having a depression affording the hunter a means
    of concealment beneath the surface of the water.
• Drive, rally, or chase any game bird from any motor driven land,
    water, or air conveyance or sailboat.
• Use drones for the following purposes related to the pursuit of wildlife:
                                                                                                  LET US HELP YOU
    » Hunting, trapping, or angling.
    » Aiding hunting, trapping, or angling through the use of drones to
                                                                                                 ANSWER THE CALL!
       harass, track, locate or scout wildlife.
    » Interfering in the acts of a person who is lawfully hunting,                       Weyerhaeuser forestlands offers
       trapping, or angling.
• Shoot game birds from or with the help of any motorboat or sailboat                         an expansive resource
    unless the motor has been shut off and/or sail furled and its progress
    therefrom has ceased. Sail and motor-propelled craft may be used
                                                                                         for enjoying the great outdoors.
    only to pick up dead or crippled birds. Crippled birds may not be
    shot from such craft under power.                                                   We offer a variety of permits and exclusive
• Hunt or harass any wildlife from a motor propelled vehicle.                             leases across our Northwest landscape
• Operate a snowmobile or ATV, unless firearms and bows are                                     in Washington and Oregon...
    unloaded except for the following circumstances:
    » A person who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun in Oregon                 Including
                                                                                       Explore ouraccess
                                                                                                   permitsfor hunting,
                                                                                                            and        camping, fishing,
                                                                                                                leases at:
    » A current or honorably retired law enforcement officer                             hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding,
    For this regulation “unloaded” means:                                    
                                                                                          berry and mushroom picking, and more.
    » Revolver — no live cartridge in the chamber that is aligned with
       the hammer
    » Muzzleloader — not capped or primed
    » Bow — all arrows in the quiver
    » All Other Firearms — no live cartridge in the chamber
    See ORS 821.240 for complete statute language.

It is unlawful to hunt game birds by aid of baiting, or on, or over a
baited area where a person knows or reasonably should know that
the area has been baited. A baited area is considered to be baited for
10 days after complete removal of any bait. Baiting includes placing,
exposing, depositing, distributing, or scattering of salt, grain, or other
feed that could serve as a lure or attraction for game birds to, on, or
over areas where hunters are attempting to take them.

                                                                                      NEW LEASES AVAILABLE IN JULY
                                                                                               Explore our website to learn more


                                                                         WY ad-NW Sportsmen-half pg color-Michelle Metcalf 05.18.2021 FINAL.indd 1   5/18/2021 9:29:35 PM
     Disguising Sex                                      Hunting Prohibited Columbia and
     It is unlawful to disguise the sex or kind of       It is unlawful to:                      Snake River
     any wildlife while in the field or in transit       • Hunt on any refuge closed by state or
     from the field. The head or one fully feathered         federal government.                 Boundary
     wing must be left attached to all game birds        • Hunt within corporate limits of any city
     in the field or while in transit to the place of      or town (unless otherwise authorized,               • To hunt the Oregon portion of the Columbia
     permanent residence of the possessor.                 see OAR 635-051-0048); public park or                 Rvr, including that portion of the Lewis
         NOTE: Private hunting preserves are               cemetery; or on any campus or grounds of a            and Clark NWR and other islands in
     excluded from this regulation. Further                public school, college, or university.                Oregon in the Columbia Rvr, hunters must
     restrictions apply to the Northwest Oregon          • Hunt or shoot from or across a public Rd,             possess a valid Oregon Resident or Oregon
     Permit Goose Zone, see page 22.                       Rd right-of-way or railroad right-of-way,             Nonresident Hunting License.
                                                           except persons legally hunting on Rds closed        • To view a map of the boundary between
                                                           to use of motor vehicles by the public.               Oregon and Washington in the Columbia
     Retrieval/Waste                                     • Hunt in any safety zones created and posted           Rvr visit,
                                                           by ODFW.                                            • Any hunter with a valid Oregon or Idaho
     All game birds killed or crippled must be                                                                   hunting license may hunt in the waters or on
     retrieved immediately, if possible, and                                                                     the islands of the Snake Rvr, where the Rvr
     kept by the hunter in the field except for          Other Restrictions                                      forms the boundary between the two states.
     internal organs. All crippled birds reduced to                                                              All laws and rules of the respective states apply.
     possession must be immediately killed.              It is unlawful to:
        It is unlawful to waste any game birds or        • Take furbearers, except in compliance with
     edible portions thereof. Waste means to allow           furbearing mammal regulations.
     any edible portion of any game bird to be
     rendered unfit for human consumption, or
                                                         • Disturb or remove the traps or snares of
                                                             any licensed trapper while that person is
                                                                                                                    UPLAND GAME BIRD
     to fail to retrieve game birds from the field.
     “Edible portions” of game birds means, at a
                                                             trapping on public lands or on other land
                                                             by landowner’s permission.
                                                                                                                    EMERGENCY CLOSURE
     minimum, the meat of the breast associated
     with the sternum. The duty to retrieve and to
                                                         • Use an artificial light for hunting any
                                                             wildlife, except raccoon, bobcat and
     not waste does not justify otherwise criminal           opossum provided the light is not cast from
     conduct including but not limited to trespass.          or attached to a motor vehicle. This includes
                                                                                                                    • ODFW has procedures in place to
                                                             laser sights or any other sights which
                                                                                                                      allow early closure of game bird
                                                             project a beam to the target, including
     Possession and                                          scopes with electronic rangefinders and
                                                                                                                      seasons during unusually severe
                                                                                                                      winter weather.
                                                             scopes that receive information from a
     Transport                                               rangefinder or any electronic device. This
                                                                                                                    • Upland game birds can concentrate
                                                                                                                      in high numbers when snow is deep
                                                             does not include battery operated sights
                                                                                                                      and often near roads, leaving them
     Possession limit means the maximum number               which only light the reticle.
                                                                                                                      vulnerable to unethical hunters.
     of birds that a person may lawfully possess         • Sell, trade, barter, exchange, or offer for sale,
                                                                                                                    • Disturbance to big game in
     (includes fresh, frozen, or otherwise processed)        trade, barter, or exchange any game bird
                                                                                                                      extended severe weather by upland
     in the field or in transit to place of permanent        parts, or game bird feathers thereof EXCEPT
                                                                                                                      hunters is also a concern.
     residence (see pages 16 and 17, 20 and 24 for           as identified in OAR 635, Division 200.
                                                                                                                    • ODFW recognizes that emergency
     possession limits). Game birds shipped or given     • Disturb, damage, remove, alter, or possess
                                                                                                                      closures can affect the plans of
     to another person for transport during the              any official ODFW sign.
                                                                                                                      hunters and businesses that rely
     season or within 48 hours after the season closes   • Knowingly provide false information to the
                                                                                                                      on upland game birds seasons.
     must be accompanied by a written note listing           Department or Commission on any report
                                                                                                                      Therefore, emergency closures will
     the number and kinds; date killed; name and             required by law.
                                                                                                                      only take effect on either the 15th or
     address of possessor; and signature, address        • Counsel, aid, or assist in any violation of the
                                                                                                                      the last day of the month.
     and hunting license number of the hunter. Birds         wildlife laws, or share in any of the proceeds
                                                                                                                    • Example 1: if winter conditions do
     transported more than 48 hours after the season         of such violation by receiving or possessing
                                                                                                                      not warrant the closure of chukar
     closes must bear a shipping permit or metal seal        any wildlife. Any person who violates this
                                                                                                                      season on Dec. 31st, the season will
     from ODFW. Shipping permits or metal seals              rule shall incur the penalties provided for
                                                                                                                      extend at least through Jan. 14th.
     are available at any ODFW regional or district          the person guilty of such violation.
                                                                                                                    • Example 2: if winter conditions do
     office and any Oregon State Police office.          • Release without a permit any wildlife
                                                                                                                      not warrant the closure of chukar
        Field Possession Limit: No person may                brought from another state or country, or
                                                                                                                      season on January 15th, hunters
     possess, have in custody, or transport more             raised in captivity in this state.
                                                                                                                      know the season will extend
     than the daily bag limit or aggregate daily bag     • Refuse inspection of any license, tag, or
                                                                                                                      through Jan. 31st.
     limit, whichever applies, of migratory game             permit, and any wildlife taken, by an
                                                                                                                    • Closures will be by Co and
     birds, tagged or not tagged, at or between the          employee of ODFW, any person authorized
                                                                                                                      publicized as widely as possible.
     place where taken and either (a) automobile             to enforce wildlife laws, or a landowner or
                                                                                                                    • Hunters can check the ODFW
     or principal means of land transportation;              agent of the landowner on their land.
                                                                                                                      information line for emergency
     or (b) personal abode or temporary or               • Refuse inspection of any gear used for the
                                                                                                                      closures: 503-947-6002 or
     transient place of lodging; (c) migratory bird          purpose of taking wildlife by an employee
     preservation facility; (d) Post Office; or (e)          of the ODFW, or any person authorized to
     common carrier facility.                                enforce wildlife laws.

14                                                    2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
                                               Hunters understand the importance to care for meat while in the field to protect it from
                                               spoiling. However, what is not understood by many is the legal requirements necessary                          to transport dressed birds from the field. Some hunters commonly practice “breasting”
                                               birds out and discarding the rest of the carcass before getting home. This is not legal and
 • Map contains properties and                 hunters need to note the following:
   programs that allow access
 • Displays upland game bird                   The head or one fully feathered wing must be left attached to all game birds in the
   range maps                                  field or while in transit to the place of permanent residence of the processor. Further
 • Search by species                           restrictions apply to the Northwest Oregon Permit Goose Zone, see pages 22.
 • Improved search by location
 • Shows landownership                         So why is this necessary? There are many restrictions on sex and species of birds
 • Shows property boundaries                   that can be included in your daily bag. Leaving a head or wing attached allows law
 • Find lat/long coordinates                   enforcement personnel to identify the birds taken by a hunter. You can be cited if it is
 • And more!                                   not possible to determine the types of birds in your possession.
 Find Great Bird Hunting in Oregon
                                               The edible portion of a game bird means, at a minimum the meat of the breast
                                               associated with the sternum. However, the Department encourages hunters to consume
                                               meat from the leg (drumstick), thigh, and wing when practicable. Many hunters don’t
                                               realize how much meat is lost when just the breast is consumed. On most game birds,
                                               25% to 35% of the meat is found on just the legs and thighs, with only 55% to 60% found
                                               on the breast.

                                               Pages 11-14 of this booklet outlines the important regulation for hunting game birds in
                                               Oregon. Please familiarize yourself with all these regulations.
   a Displays Upland game bird range maps
   a Search by species
   a Improved search by location
   a Shows landownership
   a Shows property boundaries
   a Find Lat/Long coordinates
   a And more!

Dogs Bred to Hunt the West Since 1996

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                              • Puppies
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                              • Started Dogs
                              • Gun Dog Training
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                              • Homing Pigeons
                              • Game Birds
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          BURNS, OREGON
  Dominic Bachman • 530.708.2141
                                                   2021-22 UPLAND GAME BIRD SEASONS
     Youth Upland Hunts                See season dates and hunt requirements on pages 26-27.
                                                                                                                                       3 each               9 each
     Ruffed and Blue Grouse            Statewide                                           Sept. 1 - Jan. 31, 2022
                                                                                                                                       species              species
     Chukar and Hungarian
                                       Statewide                                           Oct. 9 - Jan. 31, 2022                         8b                   24b
     (Gray) Partridge
     Rooster Pheasant                  Statewide (Additional Special Hunt below) Oct. 9 - Dec. 31                                        2                      8
                                       Western Oregon                            Sept. 1 - Jan. 31, 2022                                10                     30
     Quail (California and                                                                                                                                   30
                                                                                                                                     (may not
     Mountain) c                                                                                                                                      (may not include
                                       Eastern Oregon                                      Oct. 9 - Jan. 31, 2022                  include more
                                                                                                                                                      more than 6 Mtn
                                                                                                                                    than 2 Mtn
       Please see page 14 regarding emergency closure procedures.
       Within the posted boundaries of the Lower Klamath Hills Regulated Hunt Area near Klamath Falls, the daily chukar bag limit is two and possession limit is four.
       See page 40 for Lower Klamath Hills Regulated Hunt Area Information.
       Bobwhite quail may be taken as part of the quail bag limit.

                                                 WESTERN OREGON FEE PHEASANT HUNTS
     Special pheasant hunts are scheduled at the following locations. Birds will be stocked throughout the season. To participate in these hunts, each hunter must have in
     possession a valid hunting license, upland game bird validation, and Western Oregon fee pheasant permit. See license requirements, page 8 for age exceptions. Each
     permit will allow harvest of two rooster pheasants. Multiple permits may be purchased. Upon taking a pheasant, each hunter shall immediately record such taking
     on the permit in ink or electronically record harvest. All hunters are required to check in and out of hunt areas at self-service stations located on each area and
     carry the daily hunt permit while in the field. Hunter numbers will be limited at any one time to 150 on the E.E. Wilson WA and 75 on the Sauvie Island WA. The
     possession or use of any shot other than federally-approved nontoxic shot is prohibited at all times. New to Fee Pheasant hunting, see page 30 for tips.

     OPEN AREAS                                                        SEASON DATES                       DAILY BAG LIMIT                      SHOOTING HOURS1
     Denman WA                                                         Sept. 20 - Oct. 8                                          Follows table on Page 10
     E.E. Wilson WA                                                    Sept. 27 - Oct. 31                                         Closes at 5pm
                                                                                                     Two rooster pheasants
     Fern Ridge WA (Open Areas: East and West Coyote,                                                      per day
                                                                       Sept. 13 - Oct. 10                                         Closes at 5pm
     Fisher Butte and Royal Amazon units)
     Sauvie Island WA (Open Area: Eastside Unit)                       Sept. 20 - Oct. 3                                          Closes at 6pm
         Shooting hours begin according to table on Page 10

          Spruce grouse are protected in Oregon and are not open to hunting

          Spruce grouse only occur in the Wallowa Mountains of Baker, Union, and Wallowa counties of
          northeastern Oregon. Our small population of spruce grouse is likely geographically isolated
          from neighboring birds in Washington and Idaho, so we need to take extra care to protect them.

          Spruce grouse are smaller than both blue and ruffed grouse. Male spruce grouse have a red
          eye comb, a black patch that covers the throat and upper chest, and white spotting on the
          lower chest. Females are browner and have white barring on the chest. Spruce grouse are
          often less wary of humans than blue and ruffed grouse. If you are grouse hunting in the
          Wallowa Mountains, please take the time to educate yourself on how to identify a spruce
          grouse before going out in the field.                                                                                            Artist: Buck Spencer

16                                                       2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
2021 CONTROLLED SAGE-GROUSE SEASON                                                            MOUNTAIN QUAIL
Application Period: July 1 - Aug. 13                    •R esults Available: Aug. 24
See Permit Hunt Application Procedures on
                                                        • Permit Sales End: Sept. 19
                                                        • Season Dates: Sept. 11-19
                                                                                                           LOCATIONS NEEDED
page 44.
                                                        • Daily Bag Limit: Two sage-grouse
                                                        • Season Limit: Two sage-grouse                    ODFW and the USFS are conducting
                                                        • Open Area: By permit only, as follows:           a survey to determine Mtn Quail
                                                                                                           locations east of the Cascade Mtns in
                                                         2020 1ST                                          Oregon. Please report any observations
HUNT NO.     OPEN AREA                                    CHOICE                   2021 PERMITS            of Mtn Quail including the date,
                                         PERMITS        APPLICANTS                                         specific location (nearest creek, town,
J51         Sumpter Unit                     0                0                                            road, etc.), county of observation and
                                                                                                           number of quail to your local ODFW
J64         Lookout Mtn Unit                 0                0                                            office or send to: Wildlife Division,
J65         Beulah Unit                     150              81                                            ODFW, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr.
                                                                                                           SE, Salem, OR 97302 or e-mail
J66         Malheur Rvr Unit                100              73                                  
J67         Owyhee Unit                     70               34
                                                                            Permit numbers will be                   Mountain Quail
J68A        Trout Cr Mtns*                  30               69           determined in early August.
J68B        E. Whitehorse*                  70               80            Please visit               Long straight
J69         Steens Mtn Unit                 30               65           0 permits will be offered in           head plume

J70         Beatys Butte Unit               80              164         Juniper, Sumpter, Lookout Mtn,
                                                                               and S. Wagontire                                    Chesnut
J71         Juniper Unit                     0                0                                                                    throat
J72         Silvies Unit                    20               23
J73A        N. Wagontire*                   20               62                                                                    flanks
J73B        S. Wagontire*                    0                0
J74         Warner Unit                     60              125                                                     California Quail

Entire wildlife management unit is open unless indicated by an asterisk(*). See Big Game Regulations for                            Curved
entire wildlife management unit boundary description.                                                                               head
Hunt Descriptions                                                                                                                   plume
* J68A	The part of Unit 68 south of Whitehorse Ranch Rd; west of Hwy 95; and east of Fields-Denio Rd.
* J68B	Unit 68 excluding that area described for Hunt J68A.
* J73A	That part of Unit 73 north of Christmas Valley-Wagontire Co Rd.
* J73B	That part of Unit 73 south of Christmas Valley-Wagontire Co Rd.

                                                       Offering a unique hunting experience
                                                         and unmatched hospitality on
                                                               over 20,000 acres!
                                                        August-March Bird Hunts
                                                  Pheasant, Chukar, Quail, Huns & Turkey
                                                    Oregon’s Finest Wild Bird Hunting
                                                             on +3,000 acres
                                                          Guided or Non-Guided
                                                        Lodging & Meals Available
                                                    Bring Your Own Dogs or Use Ours
                                                          Bird Cleaning Included
                                                        Paper Tags:                                          the owner shall immediately validate the
     All Turkey Hunters                                 • The owner of a turkey tag that kills a             tag by pressing the “Validate” button on
                                                          turkey for which a paper tag is issued shall       the image of the tag in the MyODFW
     • Must possess a valid turkey tag. Each tag will     immediately validate the tag by writing on the     mobile application. Follow the prompts
       allow the harvest of one turkey.                   tag, in ink, the date and time of harvest, and     and complete the tag validation process
     • Hunters may purchase tags through the end          the WMU where harvest occurred; and attach         by clicking “Save”. After validation a
       of the season.                                     the tag in plain sight securely to the turkey.     confirmation number will become visible.
     • It is unlawful to use shotguns larger than 10      » To keep the tag legible, one option is to        » In addition to validating a tag
       gauge and shot size larger than No. 2.                place it in a plastic bag to protect it.           electronically, the tag owner’s name, date
     • See page 12 for additional legal hunting           » Paper tags must be signed upon purchase             of birth, ODFW ID number, harvest date,
       methods.                                              or prior to use in the field.                      and confirmation number must be written
     • Dogs may be used during the fall season,           » It is unlawful to have in possession                in ink on material of the tag owner’s choice
       but not during the spring season.                     an unsigned tag and/or reproduction/               (options include flagging tape, duct tape,
     • For shooting hours, see page 10.                      photocopied/resized tag(s).                        and paper in a plastic bag to protect it),
                                                        • Resized: In relation to permits and tags,             and attached in plain sight securely to
                                                          resized means to change the dimensions                the turkey.
     Turkey Tagging                                       of a permit or tag, either electronically or
                                                          physically, from the original size as printed    All Tags:
     Requirements                                         on 8.5" x 11" (letter) paper; trimming to the    • The required information, or paper
                                                          border of the document itself after printing       turkey tag, must be maintained in legible
     Tagging                                              to original size is allowed.                       condition at all times.
     There are two options for tagging a turkey:                                                           • The electronic tag validation information,
     paper tags or electronic tags. Hunters must        Electronic Tags:                                     or paper tag must be kept attached to the
     choose one option at the time of purchase.         • When the owner of any turkey tag kills a           carcass or remain with any parts as long as
                                                          turkey for which an electronic tag is issued       any parts are preserved.

     Fall Turkey Hunts

                            There are no hunting seasons on NP lands
                                                                                                     Closed to fall turkey hunting.
                            or Tribal Lands in these areas.

18                                                  2021-22 OREGON GAME BIRD REGULATIONS
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