More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations

Page created by Zachary Howell
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations


More “do-it-yourself”
Stocked Pheasant
Hunts in 2019
Page 5, 52

Page 12                Page 5                    Pages 5, 30, 40
Safety Zones           Additional Sunday         Chronic Wasting Disease
for Archery Hunters    Hunting Opportunities     Management Area
reduced in Cecil and   in Dorchester, Cecil,     has been expanded
Washington counties    St. Mary’s and Wicomico
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations

     JB FARMS                                              410-756-5656
                                                           “The All-Natural Choice”
              Carroll County

Carroll County DEERJB FARMS
             DEER PROCESSING
              Taneytown, Maryland

               24-HOUR DROP-OFF Taneytown, MD
        “Let Us Do the Work!”
                  All Wild Game

  Bears • Hogs • Exotics • Wild Turkeys • Game Birds
“Let Us Do The Work!”
      Skinned • Custom Cut • Wrapped • Frozen
      Deer Bologna, Deer Hot Dogs, Deer Sausage

         The All Natural Choice!
 24-HOUR            DROP-OFF
                  Grass    Fed
 Beef • Lamb • Goats • Chickens • Rabbits • Ducks
      All Wild
             Free RangeGame
                        Chicken Eggs!

  Seasonings and
   jerky supplies
   now available
                                                       Hydrographic and European mounts

 Jerky • Bologna • Hot Dogs • Snack Sticks
 Located at: 3523 Harney Road, Taneytown, MD 21787
Fresh Sausage • Cube Steaks • Deer Burger
     Chipped Deer • Smoked Deer Ham

          ALL WI LD GAM E
Skinned • Custom Cut • Wrapped • Frozen
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations

                                                                                              54              36

                                                                                              50              43

                                                           page 14                            52              60

  CONTENTS                                                                                    38              59

         Messages����������������������������������� 4     Wild Turkey Hunting������������������ 36

         New Opportunities and                              Deer and Turkey
         Regulations for 2019–2020��������� 5              Tagging and Checking�������� 38–42

         Natural Resources                                  Migratory Game
         Police Offices����������������������������� 6     Bird Hunting����������������������� 43–49

         Wildlife and Heritage                              Black Bear Hunting������������������� 50
         Service Offices��������������������������� 6
                                                            Small Game Hunting����������������� 52
         Licensing and Registration
         Service Centers�������������������������� 6       Furbearer
                                                            Hunting and Trapping��������� 54–58
         Hunting Licenses, Stamps and
         Permits���������������������������������� 8–11    Falconry Hunting��������������������������� 58

         Hunting Regulations and                            Junior Hunter
         Requirements��������������������������� 12        Certificates������������������������������� 59

         Hunting Safety Tips������������������ 13          Public Hunting
                                                            Lands��������������������������������� 60–63
         Deer Hunting�����������������������14–35
                                                            Sunrise and Sunset Table��������� 65
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations
The Guide to Hunting and Trapping in Mary-
                                              land is a publication of the Department of
                                              Natural Resources, Wildlife and Heritage
                                              Service. Ads promoting political advocacy
                                              or ads regarding alcohol, tobacco and/or ads
                                              of a sexual nature will not be accepted. The
                                              Maryland Department of Natural Resources,
                                              Wildlife and Heritage Service is not respon-
            Larry Hogan, Governor             sible for any advertising claims contained             Williamstown, MA | Birmingham, AL
    Boyd K. Rutherford, Lieutenant Governor   herein. The department disclaims any liability
                                              regarding product pricing, claims, descrip-
      Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio, Secretary      tions, availability or condition. No warranty
                                              is expressed or implied concerning product
         Paul A. Peditto, Director of the

                                                                                                About This Guide
          Wildlife and Heritage Service       errors, omissions or misprints.

 Maryland Wildlife Advisory Commission        This publication is intended as a guide only.
            The Wildlife Advisory             For state laws and regulations, see the Natural
  Commission was created by legislation to    Resources Article of the Annotated Code of
  advise the secretary of the Department of                                                     This high-quality guide is offered to you
                                              Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regula-
    Natural Resources on wildlife matters.                                                      by the Maryland Department of Natural
                                              tions, Title 08 at the following web sites:       Resources through its unique partnership
 All members are appointed by the governor.
Contact the Wildlife Advisory Commission by   • Laws:                        with J.F. Griffin Publishing, LLC.
                  writing to:                 • Regulations:
                                                  The revenue generated through ad sales
  Maryland Wildlife Advisory Commission
                                                                                                significantly lowers production costs and
 Maryland Department of Natural Resources
                                                                                                generates savings. These savings translate
        Wildlife and Heritage Service         The facilities of the Department of Natu-         into additional funds for other important
      Tawes State Office Building, E-1        ral Resources are available to all without        agency programs.
    580 Taylor Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401       regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
       or email          orientation, age, national origin or physical     If you have any feedback or are inter-
                                                                                                ested in advertising, please contact us at
              Commissioners                   or mental disability. Accommodations for
                                                                                                413.884.1001 or at
       Luen N. Compton, Jr., Chairman         individuals with disabilities will be provided
         Tina R. Gregor, Vice-Chair           upon request. Seven days advance notice is                   Graphic Design:
         Stephanie L. Boyles Griffin          requested. This document is available in             Jon Gulley, Dane Fay, John Corey,
            Erik T. Gulbrandsen               alternative format upon request from a quali-        Evelyn Haddad, Chris Sobolowski
               Joe L. Schroyer                fied individual with a disability.
             Rand D. Weinberg
             Steven W. Keithley               This program receives federal assistance from
           Maryland Department of             the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and thus
               Natural Resources              prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,
         Wildlife and Heritage Service        color, national origin, disability, age and sex
       Tawes State Office Building, E-1       in educational programs, pursuant to Title
               580 Taylor Avenue              VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section
             Annapolis, MD 21401              504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title
      410-260-8540, FAX 410-260-8596          II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
     Toll free in Maryland: 877-620-8367
                                              1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975
       TTY users call via the MD Relay
           and Title IX of the Educational Amendments
                                              of 1972. If you believe that you have been
                                              discriminated against in any program, activ-
                                              ity, or service, please contact the Maryland
                                              Department of Natural Resources- Office of
      Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration     Fair Practices, Tawes State Office Building
                                              D-4, 580 Taylor Ave., Annapolis, MD, 21401.
      Publication # SNR 03-041619-143         The telephone number is 410-260-8058. You
                                              may also write to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                              Service, Division of Policy and Programs,
                                              Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program,             This guide is also
                                              4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Mail Stop: WSFR-
                                              4020, Arlington, Virginia 22203.
                                                                                                       available online at

2                                                                                        2019–20 Maryland Guide to Hunting & Trapping
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations
c oc k
Ra y   Hit c h         Taxidermy                        LLC

              40+ YEARS IN THE BUSINESS

        3 Week Turnaround on standard European Mounts
          Freeze-Dried Preservation of Velvet Antlers
                   Deer Processing Services
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                         Also Available:
        Smoked Venison Hams • Bologna—Sandy’s Finest
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         Country & Summer, Mild or Hot Italian Sausage
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                       1 Minute off Route 97
           Sept-Jan - Mon–Sat, 9am–9pm Sun, 9am–3pm
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       All Major Credit Cards Accepted for Taxidermy Work
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations
                          Greetings Hunters and Trappers:
                              It is our pleasure to welcome you to another season of hunting and trapping in Maryland.
                              There are few places in North America where you can enjoy the remarkable array of opportunities offered in Maryland.
                          The Chesapeake Bay serves as the anchor between our sweeping scenic mountains in the west and the sandy shores
                          of our Atlantic coast. In Maryland we pride ourselves on balancing conservation with recreation; and each unique
                          natural community offers Marylanders and our nonresident guests some of the finest hunting in the region. Maryland
                          is recognized as home to the largest white-tailed buck ever taken on the East Coast, it is the only place on the continent
                          where you can hunt free-ranging sika deer, and it is the wintering grounds for wild waterfowl in the Atlantic flyway.
                              Our fields, forests, and wetlands offer some of the finest outdoor experiences in the region. Featuring more than
                          500,000 acres of public land, we provide opportunities for all outdoor enthusiasts across the state. We are also proud
     Larry Hogan          of the hard work by our dedicated team of public land managers, biologists, and scientists who are committed to
                          ensuring our public parks, forests, and wildlife management areas remain safe, accessible, and available to all who visit.
                              Finally, we offer our sincere thanks to you—the hunting and trapping community—for the critical role you play
                          in managing and conserving wildlife in Maryland. You are conservationists at heart and an important part of our
                          economy—we offer our sincere thanks for your continued support.
                              Please enjoy your time afield and remember to share your stories. Have a wonderful and safe hunting and trapping
                          season wherever your Maryland adventures take you!


        Jeannie           Larry Hogan,                             Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio,
    Haddaway-Riccio       Governor of Maryland                     Secretary of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources

                           On behalf of your Wildlife and Heritage Service team, it is my pleasure to welcome you to another season of outdoor
                           opportunities in Maryland!
                              This past season we introduced our first-ever mentored hunter pheasant program. The pilot program was limited
                           to a few counties and public lands in western Maryland. The program exceeded our expectations and left many
                           first-time hunters with memories of a lifetime and the spark to continue hunting in the future. A small team of
                           enthusiastic staff, underwritten by the federal match to your license purchases, will expand the program to include
                           new areas in Maryland—with a goal of introducing new hunters, of any age, to the traditions and experiences that
                           anchor all of us to this great passion.
                              We were also pleased to support the proposed expansion of Sunday hunting opportunities in the recent legisla-
                           tive session. Beyond the clear benefits to reducing overabundant deer populations in key areas across Maryland,
     Paul A. Peditto
                           the extended weekend affords many hunters a chance to get afield who might otherwise miss those opportunities.
                           We acknowledge that there are other outdoor enthusiasts who are concerned with the perceived conflicts of hunt-
ing on Sunday. Although we recognize there are dozens of states and provinces across North America that have enjoyed hunting on Sunday
for decades without issue, we acknowledge and respect the concern, and to that end have never opened a State Park to Sunday hunting in
Maryland. Thus preserving those open spaces for our non-hunting public land visitors.
   Finally, a quick personal tale—this past season I finally took my first deer with traditional archery gear. It was an average size antlerless
white-tailed deer during a wicked cold January afternoon. It was also a wonderful experience that will be with me forever, and I suspect
with those who experienced my enthusiastic story-telling shortly thereafter.
   More importantly, it was time that I spent solo in the woods without the constant clutter borne of our otherwise busy and connected lives.
I can still recall thinking aloud how blessed I was to be able to simply have the opportunity to be in that tree-stand and overwhelmed by
the chance to be successful at something that is a true throw back to those hunters who started this tradition for the rest of us. Taking that
animal was a remarkable experience and one that further fortified my enthusiasm as a passionate hunter. It also reminded me that Maryland
is a wonderful place to be outdoors and experience our public lands and wild resources—and to get away from the constant connectivity to
those less natural distractions in our everyday lives.
   So, as our team embarks on another year of passionate work for the resources we are charged to protect and manage and the stakeholders
we serve, I would encourage you to get outside and enjoy the opportunities that exist in this great landscape of ours. On behalf of the entire
Wildlife and Heritage Service family, I wish you a safe and successful season and would welcome the chance to hear your stories from the field!
   Cheers and safe hunting.

Paul A. Peditto,
Director of the Maryland Wildlife & Heritage Service

4                                                                                            2019–20 Maryland Guide to Hunting & Trapping
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations
AND REGULATIONS FOR 2019–2020                                                        The most up-to-date
• The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will be offering
                                                                                      regulations online.
 “do-it-yourself” hunts for stocked pheasants in 2019 (pg. 52). The
  pheasant hunts will take place on public lands in several regions
  of the state. Application information, dates, locations and other
  resources are available at:
  hunt_trap/Mentored-Hunt-Program.aspx. Apprentice license hold-
  ers, junior license holders and hunters who have previously held
  a Maryland hunting license, but not in the past three years, are
  eligible to apply. For additional information contact Nancy Doran

                                                                                          AD SPACE
  at 301-777-2136 or
• Due to the recent detection of Chronic Wasting Disease in Harvest
  Management Unit 251 in Washington County, the Chronic Wasting
  Disease Management Area (CWDMA) has been expanded to
                                                                                         1/4 page vertical
  include all of Allegany and Washington counties. See page 30.
• Additional Sunday Hunting opportunities are being provided in
  Dorchester, Cecil, St. Mary’s and Wicomico counties. See the
  Sunday Deer Hunting chart (pg. 24), the Small Game chart (pg.
  53) and the Furbearers chart (pg. 55).
• In Cecil and Washington counties the safety zone for archery
  hunters has been reduced. See page 12.

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                                                                         WINCHESTER, VA            CHANTILLY, VA MARTINSBURG, WV
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... and discover some of Maryland’s premier hunting. With                  540-868-0856             703-961-8114       304-263-9400
public hunting & trapping lands, 600 miles of shoreline on the
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More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations
Natural Resources                    Maryland Natural Resources            Mt. Nebo WMA                     Licensing and Registration
Police Offices                       Police has partnered                  1728 Kings Run Rd.,              Service Centers
24-Hour Natural Resources            with Maryland Wildlife                Oakland, MD 21550                Licensing and Registration Service
Emergency or Assistance              Crimestoppers to prevent              301-334-4255; FAX 301-334-6541   Centers offer the following: boat
Telephone: 800-628-9944 or           poaching of our fish and wildlife     Billmeyer WMA                    dealer licenses, commercial fishing
Natural Resource Police 24-          resources. Are you aware of a         11701 Mountain Rd., NE           licenses, hunting licenses, off-road
Hour Dispatch: 410-260-8888          poaching situation? Have you          Flintstone, MD 21530             vehicle permits, recreational
Also use these phone numbers         witnessed a wildlife crime? You       301-478-2525; FAX 301-777-9723   fishing licenses and vessel titles
to report natural resources          can remain anonymous and may                                           and registration. Information
                                     be eligible for a cash reward.        Indian Springs WMA
violations or ask questions on                                                                              about Department of Natural
                                     Call or text Maryland Wildlife        14038 Blairs Valley Rd.
wildlife regulations.                                                                                       Resources locations and activi-
                                     Crimestoppers at 1-443-433-4112       Clear Spring, MD 21722
 All regional offices are open                                                                              ties, safety classes for hunters and
                                     or email    301-842-2702; FAX 301-842-1026
Mon–Fri, 8a.m.–4p.m.                                                                                        boaters and state parks and forests
                                     guide/Pages/Crimestoppers.aspx.       Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil,       is also available. Visit dnr.maryland.
Somerset, Wicomico and
                                     You can also report violations        Harford, Howard, Montgomery      gov/Pages/licensing.aspx.
Worcester counties
                                     from your phone using the             counties and Baltimore City      Annapolis Service Center
Johnson Office                       Maryland DNR App!                     Central Region Main Office       160 Harry S Truman Pkwy.
32144 Mt. Olive Rd.
                                     Law Enforcement Division of the
                                                                           3740 Gwynnbrook Ave.             mailing address: PO Box 1869,
Salisbury, MD 21804
                                     U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
                                                                           Owings Mills, MD 21117           Annapolis, MD 21401
Caroline, Dorchester,
                                     410-228-2475 (Cambridge)              410-356-0941, FAX                866-344-8889 (toll free in MD),
Kent, Talbot and Queen                                                     410-356-5063                     410-260-3220
Anne’s counties                                                            Gwynnbrook WMA
                                     Wildlife and Heritage                                                  Bel Air Service Center
Hillsboro Office                     Service Offices                       3740 Gwynnbrook Ave.             501 West MacPhail Rd. #2
3001 Starr Rd.                       Please contact local offices listed   Owings Mills, MD 21117           Bel Air, MD 21014
Queen Anne, MD 21657                 below for more information on         Reservations and permits         866-623-3187 (toll free in MD),
                                     any of the following issues: bag      are only available through       410-836-4550
Anne Arundel and Prince
                                     limits, hunting licenses, hunting     410-356-9272,
George’s counties                                                                                           Centreville Service Center
                                     permits and their requirements,       Hours: 7:30a.m.–11:30a.m.,
Broadneck Office                                                                                            120 Broadway Ave., STE 5/6
                                     hunting seasons, Junior Hunt          Aug. 12, 2019–Feb. 28, 2020
1070 East College Parkway                                                                                   Centreville, MD 21617
                                     Days, managed hunts, permits          Bel Air Wildlife Office          866-439-1708 (toll free in MD),
Annapolis, MD 21409                                                        2 S. Bond St., Suite 101
                                     and their requirements, public                                         410-819-4100
Calvert, Charles and                 hunting areas, stamps, trapping       Bel Air, MD 21014
                                                                                                            Cumberland Service Center
St. Mary’s counties                  seasons and wildlife regulations.     410-836-4559; FAX 410-836-4552
                                                                                                            13300 Winchester Rd., SW
Indian Creek Office                  For information on specific           Seneca Wildlife Office           Cumberland, MD 21502
17823 Prince Frederick Road          public lands use the phone            11960 Clopper Rd,                866-344-8889 (toll free in MD),
Hughesville, MD 20637                numbers listed in the Public          Gaithersburg, MD 20878           301-777-2134
                                     Hunting Lands section of this         301-258-7308
Baltimore, Carroll, Howard                                                                                  Tuesday and Thursday; walk in
                                     guide (pg. 60).
and Montgomery counties                                                    Caroline, Dorchester, Kent,      only, no mail in applications
Gwynnbrook Office                    Headquarters                          Queen Anne’s, Somerset,          Essex Service Center
3738 Gwynnbrook Ave.                 Tawes State Office Building, E-1      Talbot, Wicomico and             1338 Eastern Blvd. A
Owings Mills, MD 21117               580 Taylor Ave.                       Worcester counties               Essex, MD 21221
                                     Annapolis, MD 21401                   Eastern Region Main Office       866-535-8319 (toll free in MD),
Cecil and Harford counties
                                     410-260-8540; FAX 410-260-8596        P.O. Box 68                      667-401-0760; (Mon., Wed., and
Gwynnbrook Office
3738 Gwynnbrook Avenue               Anne Arundel, Calvert,                Wye Mills, MD 21679              Fri.; walk-in only, no mail-in
Owings Mills, MD 21117               Charles, Prince George’s              410-827-8612, ext.105,           applications)
                                     and St. Mary’s counties               Millington WMA                   Frederick Service Center
Frederick and                                                              P.O. Box 52                      1601-A Bowmans Farm Rd.
                                     Southern Region Main Office
Washington counties                                                        33626 Maryland Line Rd.          Frederick, MD 21701
                                     5625 Myrtle Grove Rd.
Echo Lake Office                     LaPlata, MD 20646                     Massey, MD 21650                 866-679-0906 (toll free in MD),
2011 Monument Rd.                    301-743-5161, FAX 301-743-7317        410-928-3650; FAX 410-928-5482   240-236-9950
Myersville, MD 21773
                                     Myrtle Grove WMA                      LeCompte WMA                     Prince Frederick Service Center
Allegany and Garrett counties        5625 Myrtle Grove Rd.                 4220 Steele Neck Rd.             746 Prince Frederick Blvd.
Town Hill Office                     LaPlata, MD 20646                     Vienna, MD 21869                 Prince Frederick, MD 20678
11701 Mountain Rd. N.E.              Reservations and permits              410-376-3236,                    866-688-3823 (toll free in MD),
Flintstone, MD 21530                 are only available through            FAX 410-376-3916                 410-535-3382
Emergencies on Boats
                                     301-743-5161, Hours: 8a.m.–           Wellington WMA                   Salisbury Service Center
Use VHF Marine Channel 16            noon, Aug. 13, 2019–Jan. 31,          32733 Dublin Rd.                 251 Tilghman Rd., Room #2
(156.800 MHz, the nearest            2020, FAX 301-743-7317                Princess Anne, MD 21853          Salisbury, MD 21801
Natural Resources Police or Coast    Allegany, Frederick, Garrett          410-543-8223,                    866-812-1678 (toll free in MD),
Guard will assist you) or dial 911   and Washington counties                                                410-713-3840
on your cellular telephone.          Western Region Main Office
                                     12512 Pleasant Valley Road N.E.
                                     Flintstone, MD 21530
                                     301-777-2136; FAX 301-777-2029
6                                                                                           2019–20 Maryland Guide to Hunting & Trapping
More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations
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More "do-it-yourself" Stocked Pheasant Hunts in 2019 - eRegulations
Hunting Licenses,                                       and Muzzleloader Stamp upon successful                   Resident Junior Hunting License�������$10.50
Stamps and Permits                                      completion of a Hunter Education Course.                 For Maryland residents under 16 years of
                                                        Please bring or fax the form provided by the             age. Written permission of parent or guard-
Full Season Hunting Licenses are valid from             course instructor to any Licensing and Reg-              ian is required.
the day they are issued through the next July           istration Service Center (pg. 6). A Maryland
31. A hunting license year is August 1 through          resident who completes a Hunter Educa-                   Resident Senior Hunting License�������������$5
the next July 31.                                       tion Course in another state may contact a               For Maryland residents age 65 and above. It
   Be aware that a hunting license holder is            Licensing Service Center for the required                may be purchased in the calendar year in which
required to have a printed paper copy or                application form.                                        a resident attains the age of 65.
electronic copy of their hunting license in
their possession while hunting.                  Full Season Hunting Licenses                                    Senior Lifetime Consolidated License
                                                 A Full Season Hunting License allows a                          This license is no longer available for pur-
Hunter Education and                             person to hunt all legal game birds and                         chase. Persons who already hold this license
Safety Requirement                               mammals that are in season. There are                           are “grandfathered” and:
To hunt or purchase a hunting license state additional stamps or permits required                                • Do not need to purchase the Senior Hunting
law requires:                                    for hunting deer, migratory game birds, fur-                        License, Archery or Muzzleloader Stamps.
• Presentation of a Certificate of Competency bearers and bear (see each game section for                        • Must buy a Bonus Antlered Deer Stamp to
    in Firearms and Hunting Safety (required its requirements).                                                      hunt a bonus antlered deer.
    of all first time hunters), or                                                                               • Must purchase a Maryland Migratory Game
• Certification that you held a hunting license Resident Apprentice                                                  Bird Stamp to hunt migratory game birds.
    issued prior to July 1, 1977, or             Hunting License �����������������������������������������$10   • Must buy a Managed Hunt Permit (where
• Certification that you hunted on private For first-time Maryland resident hunters of                               required).
    property prior to July 1, 1977, and were any age who never held a Maryland hunt-                             • Must purchase a Furbearer Permit to hunt
    legally exempt from purchasing a hunting ing license.                                                            or chase furbearers.
    license, or                                     A person may not purchase an Appren-                         • Hunters must keep a record of their
• Certification that you are purchasing a tice Hunting License if they have previously                               confirmation numbers by using the Big
    nonresident 3-day license (pg. 8) and will obtained any hunting license in Maryland.                             Game Harvest Record provided with their
    only hunt waterfowl.                            Use of an Apprentice Hunting License                             license, creating their own record or stor-
                                                 requires the following:                                             ing a record electronically on their mobile
Exceptions: Compliance with the Hunter • Successful completion of a short, online                                    device. Proof of harvest must be furnished
Education and Safety Requirement does not             hunter safety course is required prior to                      upon request. See Deer and Turkey Tagging
apply to those who are hunting only waterfowl         purchasing this license.                                       and Checking (pgs. 38-42).
with a Nonresident 3-day Waterfowl and Small • Appropriate stamps are required to
Game License (pg. 8) and those shooting under         hunt migratory birds (pg. 9, federal and                   Nonresident Hunting License����������������$130
a Regulated Shooting Area Hunting License             state duck stamps) and deer (pgs. 9-10                     For hunters who are not Maryland residents
who are not hunting wild or free-flying captive-      Archery, Bonus Antlered and Muzzle-                        and are age 16 to 64.
raised mallards (see Regulated Shooting Area          loader Stamps).
Hunting License, pg. 9).                         • The apprentice hunter must be accompa-                        Nonresident Junior
   The Natural Resources Police, Safety Educa-        nied and directly supervised by a Mary-                    Hunting License������������������������������������ $32.50
tion and Outreach Unit provides the Hunter            land resident at least 18 years old who                    For hunters who are not Maryland residents
Education Course required to obtain the               possesses a valid Maryland non-apprentice                  and are under 16 years of age. Written permis-
Certificate of Competency in Firearms and             hunting license.                                           sion of parent or guardian is required.
Hunter Safety. In addition to traditional class- • The apprentice and mentor hunter must
room courses, an online course is available           hunt in close proximity so that the mentor                 Nonresident Senior
for those age 13 and older that requires a            can take immediate control of the appren-                  Hunting License������������������������������������������$65
mandatory one day Hunter Education Field              tice hunter’s hunting device.                              For hunters who are not Maryland residents
Day Workshop.                                    • The apprentice hunter can hunt unaccom-                       and are age 65 or older. This license may be
   Information about Hunter Education                 panied if the full hunter safety course was                purchased in the calendar year in which a
Courses, Boating Safety Education Courses             taken and a Certificate of Competency in                   nonresident attains the age of 65.
and Trapper Education is available from               Firearms and Hunting Safety was acquired.
the Maryland Natural Resources Police,                                                                           Other Hunting Licenses
Safety Education and Outreach Unit, 305 Nonresident Apprentice                                                   Nonresident 3-Day Waterfowl
Marine Academy Drive, Suite 1, Stevensville, Hunting License������������������������������������������$20       and Small Game License��������������������������$45
MD 21666, 410-643-8502 and by visiting For first-time non-resident hunters of any age                            • This license allows nonresidents of Mary-
the website at who never held a Maryland hunting license.                              land to hunt all legal game in season except
default.aspx                                     Applicants must comply with the requirements                      deer, bear and turkey for three consecutive
                                                 listed above.                                                     legal hunting days.
Note: RESIDENT Junior Hunters (under 16                                                                          • A Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp
years of age) are entitled to a one-time FREE Resident Regular Hunting License����$24.50                          is required to hunt migratory game birds
annual hunting license, Archery Stamp For Maryland residents age 16 to 64.                                         with this license.

8                                                                                                        2019–20 Maryland Guide to Hunting & Trapping
• A Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and • This license cannot be used to hunt wild                                                                                         Hunting Stamps
                      Conservation Stamp is required to hunt                                     or free-flying, captive-raised waterfowl on                                                Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and
                      waterfowl and coots with this license.                                     a Regulated Shooting Area.                                                                 Conservation Stamp At National Wildlife
                  • A Furbearer Permit is required to hunt, • To hunt free-flying, captive-raised                                                                                           Refuges, U.S. Post Offices and at
                      chase or trap furbearers with a Non-                                       mallard ducks or wild waterfowl on a                                             ������������������������������������� $25
                      resident 3-Day Waterfowl and Small Game                                    state-licensed Regulated Shooting Area a                                                   From the COMPASS portal at compass.
                      License.                                                                   hunter must possess a Maryland hunt-                                              OR any Licensing and
                  • The Hunter Education and Safety                                              ing license, the printed validation show-                                                  Registration Service Center (pg. 6) OR a
                      Requirement does not apply to hunting                                      ing proof of purchase of the Maryland                                                      Sport License agent������������������������������ $27
                      only wild waterfowl with this license.                                     Migratory Game Bird Stamp and Harvest                                                      A Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conser-
                                                                                                 Information Program certification and                                                      vation Stamp (federal duck stamp) is required
                  Nonresident Trapping License���������� $25.50                                 a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and                                                       of all hunters 16 years of age or older to hunt
                  This license is required for nonresidents to                                   Conservation Stamp or its proof of pur-                                                    brant, coots, ducks and geese (pg. 43).
                  trap furbearers (pg. 54-58) in Maryland in                                     chase (if over the age of 15).
                  addition to a Nonresident Hunting License • A Regulated Shooting Area Hunting                                                                                             Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp����$9
                  and an Individual Furbearer Permit.                                            License is not required if you have a valid                                                A Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp is
                                                                                                 Full Season Hunting License.                                                               required of all hunters to hunt all migratory
                  Regulated Shooting Area                                                   • Hunters on Regulated Shooting Areas may                                                       game birds in Maryland.
                  Hunting License��������������������������������������������$6                 shoot captive-raised game birds on Sundays.
                  This license allows a person to shoot captive-                                                                                                                            Resident Archery Stamp ����������������������������$6
                  raised game birds on a state-licensed Regu- Stationary Blind and                                                                                                          Nonresident Archery Stamp���������������� $25
                  lated Shooting Area only.                                                 Blind Site License���������������������������������������$20                                   An Archery Stamp is required to hunt deer
                  • A Regulated Shooting Area Hunting A Stationary Blind and Blind Site License allows                                                                                      during the Archery Season (pg. 18-26).
el engine,                       DO MORE: Kubota’s Standard L Series is available in 2WD or 4WD and delivers both performance and
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                                 quality.    purchase
                                          Engine, transmissionofandaallMaryland             a person
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                                                                                                                       Features            waterfowl blind
                                                                                                                                a comfortable,
b.                    Migratoryergonomic
                                   Game      seat Bird      Stamp
                                                  and intuitive           allows a or blind site in Maryland public waters. For
                                                                operator controls.                                                                                                          Resident Muzzleloader Stamp������������������$6
                      person to shoot tower-released, flighted Maryland Offshore Waterfowl Hunting infor-                                                                                   Nonresident Muzzleloader Stamp������ $25
                      mallards on a Regulated Shooting Area. mation see:                                                                                   A Muzzleloader Stamp is required to hunt deer
                                                                                            hunt_trap/offshore_intro.aspx.                                                                  during the Muzzleloader Season (pg. 18-27).

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NOTE: Exceptions to the Archery and                            Snow Goose Conservation Order Hunting                             • The Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp
Muzzleloader Stamp requirements: Hunt-                         Season Permit�����������������������������������������������$5     and Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and
ers entitled to hunt without a license and                     A Maryland Snow Goose Conservation Order                            Conservation Stamp are required to be
hunters with a Senior Lifetime Consolidated                    Hunting Season Permit is required to partici-                       purchased annually and are not included
License do not need to purchase an Archery                     pate in the Light Goose Conservation Order                          with this license.
or Muzzleloader Stamp.                                         Season (pg. 46).                                                  • Deer and turkey hunters must keep a record
                                                                                                                                   of their confirmation numbers by using the
Resident Bonus Antlered Deer Stamp���$10                      Hunting Fees                                                        Big Game Harvest Record provided with
Nonresident Bonus Antlered                                     Black Bear Hunt Lottery                                             their license, creating their own record
Deer Stamp��������������������������������������������� $25   Application Fee���������������������������������������$15          or storing a record electronically on their
A Bonus Antlered Deer Stamp allows hunting                     A Black Bear Hunting Permit is only avail-                          mobile device. Proof of harvest must be fur-
license holders to take one additional antlered                able through the Maryland Black Bear Lottery                        nished upon request. See Deer and Turkey
white-tailed deer in Region B during one sea-                  process. The lottery application fee is non-                        Tagging and Checking (pgs. 38-42).
son of their choice (Archery, Muzzleloader or                  refundable (pg. 50).
Firearms, see pg. 19).                                                                                          Members of the Armed Forces
                                                               Purple Heart Recipients                          Hunting In Maryland
Hunting Permits                                                Maryland residents who were recipients of the    Active duty members of the Armed Forces
Archery Hunting Permit for the                                 Purple Heart Award are eligible for a discounted stationed in Maryland:
Liberty, Loch Raven and                                        hunting license and any associated stamps        • are considered residents of Maryland.
Prettyboy Reservoirs������������������������� FREE            and permits. This year’s discounted rate is 50   • must comply with the Hunter Education
Issued in cooperation of the Maryland Depart-                  percent of the regular price of the license or       and Safety Requirement (pg. 8).
ment of Natural Resources, Wildlife and Heri-                  stamp. These discounted hunting licenses and     • must purchase a Resident Hunting License
tage Service and the City of Baltimore Bureau of               stamps can only be purchased in person at a          and all required stamps and permits before
Water and Wastewater. Allows archery hunting                   Licensing and Registration Service Center (pg.       hunting, unless they are on official leave
only on the Liberty, Loch Raven and Prettyboy                  6). Documentation proving the Purple Heart           and possess a copy of their official leave
Reservoirs (pg. 63).                                           Award was received by the hunter must be             orders.
Central Region Public                                          provided at the time of purchase. The Purple     • while hunting during official leave in
Hunting Permit������������������������������������ FREE       Heart medal does not suffice as proof of receiv-     Maryland with a copy of their official
Required for certain public hunting areas in                   ing the award. All other requirements apply,         leave orders:
Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Harford, Howard,                    for obtaining a hunting license and stamps.          »» do not need to purchase a hunt-
Montgomery, Kent and Queen Anne’s Coun-                                                                                 ing license, deer stamps or Managed
ties. To obtain the free Central Region Public                 Complimentary DAV-POW                                    Hunt Permit.
Hunting Permit apply online at dnr.maryland.                   Hunting Licenses                                     »» must purchase a Maryland Migratory
gov/wildlife/Pages/publiclands/wmacentral.aspx.                A Complimentary Lifetime Hunting License is              Game Bird Stamp, a Federal Migratory
Please call the Gwynnbrook Office at 410-356-                  available to Maryland residents certified as a           Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp
9272 between 7:30-11:30 a.m. with questions                    former prisoner of war or a 100 percent service-         and a Furbearer Permit to pursue mi-
or for instructions on how to apply by mail or                 connected disabled American veteran (Veterans            gratory game birds and furbearers.
in person.                                                     Administration documentation is required).
Southern Region Public                                         • This free lifetime hunting license is avail- Any nonresident serving in the Armed Forces
Hunting Permit������������������������������������ FREE           able only at Licensing and Registration who is on leave in Maryland, but not stationed
Required for certain public hunting areas                          Service Centers (pg. 6).                     in Maryland, must purchase a Nonresident
in Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince                      • This license also includes free, lifetime Hunting License before hunting.
George’s and St. Mary’s counties. You can now                      Archery Stamps, Muzzleloader Stamps and
apply for the Southern Region Hunting Permit                       Furbearer Permits.
online. For information, go to
wildlife/Pages/publiclands/wmasouthern.aspx. For
questions regarding specific areas and other                      ONLINE LICENSE SYSTEM
methods to apply, please call the Myrtle Grove                    The web-based COMPASS licensing system provides the fastest and greenest way
office at 301-743-5161 between 8 a.m.- noon.                      to purchase your hunting license. In addition to our seven Licensing and Registra-
                                                                  tion Service Centers and more than 250 sport license agents, this web-based system
Individual Furbearer Permit������������������������$5            is available 24/7 for self-service online purchases. Connect to COMPASS through
Group Furbearer Permit������������������������$10      
A Furbearer Permit is required to hunt, chase
or trap any furbearer (pg. 54-56).                                On your first visit, you will supply your personal information. You will receive a free DNRid
                                                                  number and can then print your free DNRid Card. Your DNRid number is all that will be
Managed Hunt Permit�������������������������������$35            needed to locate your account for future purchases. Licenses are available for instant
The annual Managed Hunt Permit is required to                     printing and an electronic copy is emailed within 30 minutes after purchase if you have
hunt Department of Natural Resources proper-                      provided an email address. Hunting and recreational fishing licenses can be reprinted
ties that charge for managed hunts and covers                     at any time, free of charge. Hunters can print additional Big Game Harvest Records and
all such hunts on these lands (pg. 30-31).                        check your harvest, both free, through COMPASS online.

10                                                                                                                      2019–20 Maryland Guide to Hunting & Trapping
Who May Hunt Without                              • A person who is a retired former member          Purchasing Your Hunting
a Hunting License                                     of the Armed Services and hunting on           Licenses, Stamps and Permits
All Maryland hunters must comply with                 farmland that is in active farming status      A DNRid number is required to obtain hunt-
the Hunter Education and Safety Require-              and owned by the person or the per-            ing and trapping licenses, stamps and permits.
ment (pg. 8).                                         son’s spouse, child, child’s spouse, parent,      A DNRid Card and number, hunting
                                                      grandparent, sibling, niece or nephew.         licenses, stamps, permits and Big Game Har-
You are not required to possess a Maryland            A retired former armed forces member           vest Records are available through:
hunting license if you are:                           who hunts on farmland without a hunt-          • the COMPASS portal at
• a resident of Maryland (or their spouse)            ing license must possess the retired               Pages/licensing.aspx.
    who owns property and who hunts only              military identification card and written       • Licensing and Registration Service Cen-
    on that property. This also applies to:           permission from the owner of the farm              ters- Services, hours, addresses and phone
    »» The landowner’s children and grand-            property specifying the relationship of            numbers are listed on page 6.
        children if they are under the age of 16.     the person to the owner of the property.       • Sport License Agents- A list of agents is
    »» The landowner’s children and grand-                                                               available at:
        children, and the spouse of the chil- Be aware that hunters not required to have                 aspx and your local Licensing and Registra-
        dren or grandchildren, regardless of a license:                                                  tion Service Center can provide the location
        age, if the child, grandchild, or their • must obtain a free DNRid number avail-                 for Sport License agents near you.
        spouse lives on the property, or has          able through the COMPASS portal at
        worked on the property for at least  OR any Licensing     You may obtain a hunting license 24 hours a
        30 days during the preceding 12               and Registration Service Center (pg. 6) OR     day, seven days a week through the COMPASS
        months, or manages the property.              a Sport License agent.                         portal at
        (Each person must individually qualify • must keep a record of their deer and tur-           If you provide an email address, a copy of your
        under these criteria. To qualify for this     key confirmation numbers by using the Big      license will be emailed to you 30 minutes after
        exemption, a landowner does not need          Game Harvest Record provided with their        purchase. The license immediately authorizes
        to live on the property but must be able      license, creating their own record or stor-    your participation in all purchased activities,
        to prove ownership.)                          ing a record electronically on their mobile    including deer and turkey hunting. Supporting
• A person (or their spouse) who holds land           device. Proof of harvest must be furnished     documents for some privileges will be mailed.
    under lease for agricultural purposes (or         upon request. See Deer and Turkey Tagging      Payment can be made by electronic check, Visa,
    a sharecropper), and lives on this farm-          and Checking (pgs. 38-42).                     Master Card or Discover.
    land, and hunts only on this farmland. • must have a Maryland Migratory Game                         You may obtain a Hunting License Appli-
    This also applies to:                             Bird Stamp to hunt migratory game birds.       cation by calling or visiting a Licensing and
    »» The lessee’s children and grandchildren • must possess the Federal Migratory Bird             Registration Service Center or from the website:
        if they are under the age of 16.              Hunting and Conservation Stamp to hunt Complete
    »» The lessee’s children and grandchil-           waterfowl and coots.                           all applicable sections and mail it with the
        dren, and their spouses, if the child, • must obtain a Furbearer Permit to hunt,             appropriate fee to any Licensing and Regis-
        grandchild, or spouse of the child or         trap or chase any furbearer.                   tration Service Center (pg. 6). Applicants for
        grandchild, lives on the property, or • are not required to purchase Archery                 nonresident licenses are required to submit a
        has worked on the property for at             Deer Stamps, Muzzleloader Deer Stamps          copy of their driver’s license, voter registration
        least 30 days during the preceding 12         or Bonus Antlered Deer Stamps.                 card or home state hunting/trapping license.
        months, or manages the property.                                                                 Lost or damaged hunting licenses can
• A nonresident (or their spouse) who owns Nonresidents of Maryland who own property                 be reprinted for free. Call any Licensing and
    a contiguous piece of farmland that is in in the state and hunt on that property are             Registration Service Center or log into your
    both Virginia and Maryland and the per- required to purchase a Nonresident Hunt-                 account at
    son’s primary residence is on the Virginia ing License and all other appropriate stamps
    portion of the property. Thus, they may and permits.
    hunt on the Maryland portion of the prop-        Individuals who are exempt from Maryland
    erty without a Maryland hunting license. hunting license requirements are subject to
    This also applies to the owner’s children all state and federal laws and regulations
    and grandchildren if they are under the relative to hunting and trapping.
    age of 16.
• A Maryland resident serving in the Armed Universal Disability Pass
    Forces that is on official leave in Maryland Hunters with mobility impairments may
    (whether stationed in Maryland or outside obtain a free Universal Disability Pass that will
    Maryland) and possesses a copy of offi- allow them to hunt from a vehicle in desig-
    cial leave orders while hunting.              nated areas. Applications are available from the
• A person serving in the Armed Forces website
    who has a service-connected disability pdf. See Public Hunting Lands (pgs. 60-63)
    and possesses a valid military identification for areas that have provisions for the mobility
    while hunting.                                impaired. Please contact each area for their
                                                  specific conditions.                                                                                                                                     11
 Hunting Regulations                                  Liability                                              pink clothing promotes hunter safety because it
 and Requirements                                     Any person hunting on private property shall be        is easy for other hunters to see outdoors. Except
                                                      liable for any damage caused by that person to         as noted in the exemptions below, a daylight
 General Regulations                                  private property while hunting. The landowner          fluorescent color outer garment or hat must be
 • A hunter must carry personal photo iden-           may not be liable for accidental injury or damage      worn by all people who hunt any wildlife or
   tification (such as a driver’s license) or a       to the hunter, whether or not the landowner or         accompany, aid or assist a hunter in a field, marsh,
   secondary form of positive identification          the landowner’s agent or lessee has given permis-      wooded area or on the water. Even those who are
   while hunting.                                     sion to hunt. For additional information regard-       exempt from this requirement are encouraged to
 • A hunting license holder is required to have       ing landowner liability read Bulletin EB357            wear fluorescent color clothing when hunting.
   a printed paper copy or electronic copy            (Landowner Liability and Recreational Access)             Whenever hunting, both hunters and com-
   of their hunting license in their possession       at the University of Maryland Extension’s web-         panions must wear either:
   while hunting.                                     site (    • a cap of solid daylight fluorescent orange
 • It is unlawful to hunt any game bird or mam-       landowner-liability-and-recreational-access-eb-357).        or daylight fluorescent pink color worn as
   mal while under the influence of alcohol                                                                       an outer garment on the head at all times;
   or any narcotic drug.                              Controlling Hunter Use of Private Property             • a vest or jacket containing back and front
 • It is unlawful to hunt any animal other than Posting property boundaries in a conspicuous                      panels of at least 250 square inches of solid
   deer on the first day of Deer Firearms Sea-  manner makes it illegal to trespass or for any                    daylight fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink
   son, except sea ducks in the Sea Duck Zone.  person to enter without the landowner’s per-                      color worn as an outer garment at all times; or
 • It is a violation of law to cast the rays of an
                                                mission. Maryland law allows the use of blue                 • an outer garment of camouflage daylight
   artificial light from a vehicle on dwellings paint stripes and/or signs to indicate private                    fluorescent orange or daylight fluorescent
   or buildings, fields, livestock, orchards, wild
                                                property boundaries. Vertical paint marks at                      pink worn above the waist which contains
   mammals and birds, or woods. However,        least 2 inches in width and 8 inches in length                    at least 50 percent daylight fluorescent color.
   in Baltimore City, Montgomery and Prince     must be centered at least 3 feet, but no more
   George’s counties, a person may cast the raysthan 6 feet, from the ground or water surface. Persons required to wear fluorescent color cloth-
   of an artificial light from a vehicle for theThe paint must be oil-based and bright blue.        ing that hunt from a ground blind that has four
   sole purpose of observing or photograph-                                                         sides, a top and is placed 4 feet or less above
   ing wildlife until 9 p.m. A person may not   Sunday Hunting                                      the ground must display, on or within 25 feet
   have a hunting device in their possession    • A person who possesses a Falconry Permit of the blind, a cap of solid daylight fluorescent
   while casting rays of an artificial light. Note: may hunt specified game birds and mam- orange or daylight fluorescent pink color or a
   coyotes, foxes, opossums or raccoons may         mals on Sundays during the open season panel, band, strip, or garment containing at least
   be hunted on foot at nighttime during open       (pgs. 47 and 58).                               250 square inches (approximately 16 inches by
   season with the use of a dog and light.      • An unarmed person participating in an orga- 16 inches) of solid daylight fluorescent orange
 • Safety Zones: It is illegal to hunt, shoot       nized fox chase may chase foxes on Sundays. or daylight fluorescent pink color.
   or trap wildlife within 150 yards of any     • Persons hunting on Regulated Shooting
   building or camp occupied by human beings        Areas may shoot captive raised game birds Be aware that:
   without permission of the owner or occu-         (except free-flying captive-raised waterfowl) • Property owners and their spouses and
   pant. For archery hunters this distance is 100   on Sundays.                                         children (while hunting on the property
   yards in Anne Arundel County and 50 yards    • Persons may hunt deer (pg. 24), turkeys (pg.          owned) are required to wear fluorescent
   in Calvert, Carroll, Cecil, Frederick, Harf-     37), small game (pg. 53) and furbearers (pg.        color clothing.
   ord, Montgomery and St. Mary’s counties. In      55) on certain Sundays in certain areas. • Those who hunt with archery equipment
   Harford, archers must use a tree stand when                                                          during the Junior Deer Hunting Days, Deer
   hunting between 50 and 100 yards of any      State Owned Lands                                       Firearms and Deer Muzzleloader Seasons are
   building or camp occupied by human beings.   • It is illegal to target shoot on state lands          required to wear fluorescent color clothing.
   In Montgomery and Washington counties,           except in designated areas.                     • Deer archery hunters hunting in Allegany,
   archers must be in an elevated position when • It is a violation of law to construct or use          Frederick, Garrett and Washington coun-
   hunting between 50 and 100 yards of any          permanent blinds or tree stands on state-           ties during the open black bear season are
   building or camp occupied by human beings.       owned or controlled properties, unless              required to wear fluorescent color clothing.
 • It is unlawful to discharge a firearm within     provided by the Department of Natural
   300 yards of a public or nonpublic school        Resources. Tree stands and blinds are lim- Those exempt from the requirement of
   while hunting. This prohibition only applies     ited to those of a temporary nature which wearing fluorescent color clothing are:
   during school hours or when the building         must be removed at the end of each day.         • except as noted above, a person who hunts
   is occupied. This safety zone does not apply • It is unlawful to trap on state lands without         deer during the Deer Archery Season.
   to colleges, universities or home schools.       written permission from the controlling • a person authorized by a Falconry Permit
 • It is unlawful to tamper with and remove         agency.                                             who hunts game birds or mammals using
   the catch from any legally set trap.         • It is illegal to place bait for hunting on            falcons, hawks or owls.
                                                    state lands.                                    • a person who hunts or accompanies, aids or
 Hunting on Private Property                                                                            assists another person hunting the follow-
 Written permission is required from the prop- Fluorescent Color Clothing                               ing species: brant, coot, crow, dove, ducks,
 erty owner to hunt or trap on private property Requirements and Exceptions                             furbearing mammals, geese, rails, snipe,
 in all counties.                               Daylight fluorescent orange or daylight fluorescent     wild turkey.

 12                                                                                                  2019–20 Maryland Guide to Hunting & Trapping
Hunting Safety Tips                                  you will return. Include a map to better • Limit shots to distances you are accurate
                                                     explain your location.                            and comfortable with (typically 40 yards
Tree stands can be dangerous if they are used • Keep a survival pack with you that includes            maximum for crossbows and 30 yards for
incorrectly or carelessly. Tree stand accidents      a whistle, cell phone, flashlight and a basic     vertical bows).
are the leading cause of hunter injuries in          first aid kit.                                • Always use manufacturer recommended
Maryland. This follows the national trend in • Never hunt from a tree stand without using              arrow or bolt weights.
that over 50 percent of all hunting accidents        a full-body safety harness.                   • Practice with the same type broadhead
are tree stand related. Most tree stand accidents • More information on tree stand safety is           you plan to hunt with.
occur in transition from a climbing device to        available at
the tree stand and from the tree stand onto the                                                    Turkey Hunting Safety Tips
climbing device. Other injuries occur when Firearms Safety Tips
the tree stand fails or from the incorrect instal-                                                 Follow these suggestions to ensure a safe tur-
lation of a manufactured stand. Please follow • Treat every gun as if it were loaded. Never key hunting experience:
these safety tips. Your life or livelihood may       play with a firearm.                          • Leave the area if you suspect there’s another
depend on it.                                      • Never point a gun at anything you don’t           hunter already working the same bird.
• Always read, understand and practice the           want to shoot.                                • Resist the urge to stalk turkey sounds as
    manufacturer’s recommendations before • Always control the muzzle direction in                     they could be made by another hunter.
    using any climbing equipment or tree             case of a fall.                               • Select a spot that is in open timber rather
    stand.                                         • Keep the barrel and action clear of obstruc-      than thick brush: wearing camouflage
• Check and repair all tree stands and climb-        tions. Carry only the proper ammunition           clothing and eliminating movement is
    ing equipment every year before hunting.         for your firearm.                                 more critical to success than hiding in
• Use updated equipment. Newer tree stand • Be sure of your target and what is beyond                  heavy cover.
    equipment is solid, safe and secure.             it. Always know the identifying features • Sit against a large stump, blow-down,
• Always practice installing a hang-on tree          of the game you hunt.                             tree trunk or rock that is wider than your
    stand at ground level before attempting an • Unload guns and open the action when                  shoulders and higher than your head when
    elevated installation.                           not in use.                                       calling wild turkeys.
• Always use a full-body safety harness/fall • Never climb a tree or jump a ditch with • Never wear bright colors, especially not
    restraint system when climbing a tree or in      a loaded gun. Never pull the gun toward           red, white, blue or black because these
    a tree stand. Never use a waist belt or rope     you by the muzzle.                                are the colors of a wild turkey gobbler.
    as a substitute for this safety equipment. • Never shoot a bullet at flat, hard surfaces           Watch out for red, white or blue on your
• Only climb healthy trees.                          or water.                                         socks, t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, hats,
• Use your climbing device or tree stand for • Store guns and ammunition separately,                   bandanas etc. Wear dark undershirts and
    support; branches may give way under             beyond the reach of children and careless         socks, and pants long enough to be tucked
    your weight.                                     adults. Use trigger locks.                        into boots.
• Use three points of contact with the tree or • Never use alcoholic beverages or medi- • Remain still and speak in a loud, clear
    climbing device for a secure hold.               cations that cause drowsiness before or           voice to announce your presence to other
• Climb higher than your stand and step              during the use of a firearm.                      hunters if necessary. Never move, wave
    down onto it. Climbing up into the stand                                                           or make turkey sounds to alert another
    can dislodge it causing a fall.                Archery Safety Tips                                 hunter of your presence.
• Wear boots with non-skid soles. Steps or                                                         • Keep your hands and head camouflaged
    platforms may be slippery in rain, sleet, • Always identify your target and back-                  when calling.
    or snow.                                         ground before you shoot.                      • Maintain a clear field of view when using
• When using a two piece climbing stand, • Never walk or climb a tree with a knocked                   a camouflage blind or netting.
    make sure to connect the two pieces with         arrow in a vertical bow or a crossbow • Ensure your decoy is not visible when
    a strap or rope to prevent the bottom por-       loaded with a bolt.                               you are transporting it. Stash the decoy
    tion from dropping away.                       • Unload or uncock your crossbow before             in your vest and make sure the head is
• Never carry anything while you are climb-          transporting. An unloaded crossbow does           not sticking out.
    ing. Use a haul line to get hunting devices      not have a bolt or arrow in the firing posi- • If you harvest a wild turkey during your
    and other equipment into and out of your         tion. Uncock it by using an uncocking             hunting trip, you should cover the bird’s
    stand. Make sure guns and crossbows are          device or by shooting into a safe backstop.       head and body when carrying it out from
    unloaded and broadheads are covered prior • Keep your fingers and thumb down on the                your hunting spot.
    to raising or lowering them with a haul line.    crossbow forearm out of the path of travel • Put your gun’s safety on and approach the
• As a precautionary measure, clear the              for the string and cables.                        downed bird with your firearm pointed
    ground of debris below your stand and • Never shoot if there is a doubt about the                  in a safe direction after firing. Never run
    climbing device.                                 shot.                                             with a firearm.
• If you are sleepy, climb down from your • Never shoot if the animal is alert and • Use extreme caution if using a turkey
    stand and hunt from the ground.                  excited.                                          decoy or any part of a decoy to shield your
• Leave a hunting plan with a responsible • Know exactly where the arrow or bolt will                  approach to a turkey. This action could
    adult or where rescuers will find it. Include    hit before you pull the trigger or release        draw the attention of another hunter and
    specifically where you will hunt and when        the string (practice, practice, practice).        lead to an accident.                                                                                                                               13
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