Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...

Page created by Herbert James
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
What's on in your Library
                                           Issue #12
FREE                                      Winter 2019
Please take a copy
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
Kia Ora
In some ways, the winter edition of Huraina is the most                              library news, views and events. The more I read,
valuable. With the days getting shorter and darker,                                  the prouder I am of the range of activities we have to
there’s less and less to do outdoors — and for everyone                              offer across our network. You’ll be just as impressed
with the itch to get out and mingle with like-minded                                 as I am by what you see available in these pages.
people, learn a new skill, enrich their knowledge, our
“What’s on?” magazine becomes an invaluable guide. If                                We’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue of
you’re getting a bit stir-crazy, knowing where to go (and                            Huraina, as well as ideas for what you’d like to see
where to send your kids!) is the first step. There really is                         included in future editions. Please email them to
something for everyone.                                                    

Huraina has come a long way — and we find ourselves                                  Carolyn Robertson
                                                                                     Head of Libraries and Information Unit
now in our twelfth edition, which means three years of
                                                                                     Christchurch City Council

All about kids.......................................................... 4–6          How to book
Outreach and Learning Team............................... 7                           Unless specified, events are        Book now
                                                                                      free of charge. Places are
eKnow how.............................................................. 8–9           limited.
                                                                                                                       Bookings are essential
                                                                                                                       wherever you see this
After school clubs and programmes ....... 10–11                                       In person: go to your local      symbol.
Community Advice ................................................. 12                 library and staff will book on
                                                                                                                          Book now via
                                                                                      your behalf
Signature Programme ................................... 13–16                                                             external organisation
                                                                                      By phone: 03 941 7923
                                                                                                                    This means bookings are
Matariki 2019 ....................................................... 17–20           Email enquiries:              essential, but aren’t taken
My Library .................................................................... 21           through our library call
                                                                                      For more information visit    centre – please see each
Discovery Wall ......................................................... 22
                                                                                      my.christchurchcitylibraries. specific listing for more
Heritage programmes ............................................. 23                  com/contact-us                details on how to book.
Sustainable Living Series ....................................... 24
Creative and connected ................................... 25–27                      Are you part of the
eResources .................................................................. 28      Children’s University?
Authors and Books ............................................ 29–30                  Did you know that you could be earning learning
                                                                                      hours by going along to any of our
Holiday fun! ......................................................... 31–32          programmes listed in Huraina?
Youth programmes ........................................... 33–34                    Visit
                                                                                      for more information on this project and
Changes for Fendalton Library ............................. 35                        how you can get involved.
Coming in Spring....................................................... 35

Print distribution: 8,000 copies             Christchurch City Libraries                “Connecting People, Inspiring
Contact:                 Discovery, Enriching Communities”
ISSN 2624-3970 (Print)                       PO Box 73045, Christchurch 8154
ISSN 2624-3989 (Online)                      Aotearoa, New Zealand
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
Ngā Pakiwaitara                                                CSO Music Trails
                                                                                                                               Bilingual Storytimes                                           through the Libraries
                                                                                                                               Join Whaea Rochelle for these exciting bilingual story              Pre-schoolers
                                                                                                                               times for children (and parents) with all levels of te reo
                                                                                                                                                                                              These free 45-minute performances provide a fun
                                                                                                                               Māori. Stories are in both Māori and English, with fun-
                                                                                                                                                                                              and interactive way of introducing young people to live
                                                                                                                               filled activities designed to get tamariki (children) up to
                                                                                                                                                                                              music. With elements of dance, song and stories, Music
                                                                                                                               kanikani (dance) to some cool Māori waiata/songs.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Trails through the Libraries is a gorgeous opportunity for
                                                                                                                               Piki mai, kake mai!                                            your wee one to see the instruments up close and join
                                                                                                                                                                                              in with the musical fun.

All about kids
                                                                                                                               Hapori | Community, Level 1
                                                                                                                               Tuesdays, 10.30am
Programmes include stories, music, movement and rhymes.
Kōrero pukapuka, pūoru, korikori. Most programmes run during school terms only.
                                                                                                                               Faitauga Tusi
Wā Pēpi                                                              Wā Kōrero                                                 Samoan Storytimes
Babytimes                                                            Storytimes                                                Enjoy and learn stories, rhymes and action songs
                                                                                                                               in Samoan.
        Recommended for under 2yrs                                       Recommended for over 2yrs
Aranui Library                             Parklands Library         Aranui Library                  Parklands Library         Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
Tuesdays, 11.15am                          Fridays, 10.30am          Thursdays, 10:30am              Thursdays, 10.30am        The last Saturday of every month, 1pm
                                                                                                                                                                                              Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre
Fendalton Library                          Shirley Library           Fendalton Library               Redwood Library                                                                          Wednesday 5 June, 10.30–11.15am
Relocated during closure.
See Page 35 for more details.
                                           Thursdays, 10.30am        Relocated during closure.
                                                                     See Page 35 for more details.
                                                                                                     Mondays, 10.30am
                                                                                                                               Storytimes at Barrington                                       Shirley Library
                                           South Library                                             Shirley Library                                                                          Wednesday 3 July, 10.30–11.15am
Hornby Library                                                       Hornby Library                                                2–5 years
                                           Tuesdays, 11am                                            Tuesdays, 10.30am                                                                        Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
Fridays, 10.15am                                                     Wednesdays, 10.15am             (plus Super Saturday      Come along to our free Storytimes and craft                    Saturday 3 August, 10.30–11.15am
                                           Spreydon Library
                                                                                                     Storytimes at 11am)       session at Barrington Mall.
Linwood Library                            Wednesdays, 10.30am       Linwood Library
Fridays, 11am and 2pm                                                Thursdays, 10am                 South Library             Barrington Mall
                                           Te Hāpua:
                                                                                                     Thursdays, 11am           256 Barrington Street
Lyttelton Library                          Halswell Centre           Lyttelton Library
Fridays, 10.30am                                                     Tuesdays, 11am                                            Second Monday of every month,
                                           Tuesdays and                                              Spreydon Library
                                                                                                                               from February to November
                                           Wednesdays, 11am                                          Fridays, 10.30am
Matuku Takotako:                                                     Matuku Takotako:                                          10.30–11.30am
                                           (Tuesday's session
Sumner Centre                                                        Sumner Centre                   Te Hāpua:
                                           is bilingual in English
Tuesdays, 10.30am                                                    Wednesdays, 10.30am             Halswell Centre
                                           and Mandarin Chinese)
                                                                                                     Thursdays, 11am
New Brighton Library                                                 New Brighton Library
Wednesdays, 10.30am                                                  Mondays, 10.30am                Tūranga
                                           Mondays and Sundays,
                                                                                                     Wednesdays, 10.30am
Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale                      10.30am                   Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale
                                                                                                     Fridays, 2pm
Library and Community                                                Library and Community
                                           Upper Riccarton Library
Centre                                                               Centre                          Upper Riccarton Library
                                           Tuesdays, 10am
Fridays, 10.30am                                                     Wednesdays, 10.30am             Mondays, 10am
                                           Thursdays, 2pm
                                                                                                     (plus Super Saturday
Papanui Library                                                      Papanui Library
                                                                                                     Storytimes at 11am)
Wednesdays, 11am                                                     Thursdays, 11am

4   |    Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                                            For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
Reading to Dogs                                   HELL Pizza Wheel
   Bookings required                              Challenge
This programme uses some furry friends to         If you like pizza, join the nationwide HELL Reading
create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere      Challenge! Collect an entry wheel from your local
that encourages children to practise their        library. Happy reading!
reading skills and develop a love of reading.
All our dogs are the beloved pets of the
Christchurch City Council Animal Management
Team, and have all been trained and tested for
health, safety and temperament.
Library staff and a dog handler will be present
at all times to help facilitate the sessions.
Sessions are 15 minutes long.
Shirley Library
                                                                                                        and Learning
Tuesdays, 3.30–4.30pm
New Brighton Library
Wednesdays, 3.30–4.30pm
                                                  Independence Day
Papanui Library
Thursdays, 3.30–4.30pm                            Celebrate this day with Filipino bilingual stories,   Christchurch City Libraries has         of preschools, specially selected       stops, and send items in crates to
                                                  songs, rhymes, and special colouring in to take       22 libraries you can visit. Twenty      schools, large community events,        rest homes, group care facilities
                                                  home.                                                 of these are based in lovely            45 rest homes, a diverse range of       and a special selection of pre-
                                                                                                        welcoming buildings, and two are        community groups, corrections           schools around the city.
                                                  Upper Riccarton Library
                                                                                                        vans that roam around the city.         and health facilities, cross-agency
                                                  Wednesday 12 June, 3.30–4pm                                                                                                           In fact, our small team provides
                                                                                                                                                initiatives, and of course libraries!
                                                                                                        As well as the teams based in                                                   around 50,000 library items a year
                                                                                                        your community that you see in          Our role is to take the love of         to our groups across the year.
                                                                                                        your local library, there are many      reading, lifelong education and         We’re privileged to work across our
                                                                                                        teams behind the scenes working         library membership — the full           network of libraries and alongside
                                                                                                        hard to provide library services        library experience — to every           our awesome deliveries team,
                                                                                                        and resources to the Christchurch       corner of the community. We             collecting and sharing the latest
                                                                                                        area. One of these teams is             build relationships with people         and greatest parts of our library
                                                                                                        Outreach and Learning.                  and connect them to their local         collections.
                                                                                                                                                community library. Many of you will
                                                                                                        Outreach and Learning plays a           know the team as Library Lynette,       If you’re in a corner of the
                                                                                                        special role in library services with   Library Anne, Library Susan, Library    community that would like better
                                                                                                        a team of eight very dedicated and      Toni, Library Jan and other well-       access to the world of information
                                                                                                        passionate librarians taking library    loved Library faces!                    we have at the libraries, please get
                                                                                                        services and resources to parts of                                              in touch with the Outreach and
                                                                                                        the community that don’t always         As well as sharing our love of          Learning Team.
                                                                                                        have access.                            books and resources through
                                                                                                                                                                                        Jan-Hai Te Ratana
                                                                                                                                                preschool, school and older adult
                                                                                                        No two days are the same at                                                     Outreach and Learning Team Leader
                                                                                                                                                programming in rest homes, we
                                                                                                        Outreach. Our team visits hundreds      also offer a range of mobile library

                                                                                                                                                                                        Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019   |   7
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
eKnow how
Technology Help                         Beyond Beginner                      Open Creative Time                    Introduction to 3D Design                  Virtual Reality Experience                 Studio Starters:
Drop-in Sessions                        Computer Skills                      An opportunity to use the exciting    and Printing                                   13yrs +                                Music Production
Get help with specific issues such as      Bookings required                 range of equipment available in the       13yrs +                                                                           or Video Editing
                                                                                                                                                              Would you like to explore a whole
using email, searching the internet,       $15                               Creative Production Studio — 3D           Bookings required                                                                     14yrs +
                                                                                                                                                              new world in immersive 3D? Come
using the library catalogue, using                                           printers, vinyl and craft cutters,        $25                                                                                   Bookings required
                                        Build upon your computer skills                                                                                       to Tῡranga and you can choose an
electronic resources and any other                                           sewing machines and more. Staff
                                        and learn more about internet                                              In this two-hour class you’ll learn        experience on our HTC VIVE Virtual         Interested in the production of
general technology related queries.                                          will be on hand to support you
                                        searching, email, using Microsoft                                          how to use free, basic 3D modelling        Reality device. Let us take you to         music? Or have you ever wondered
Hornby Library                          Word and our own fantastic           with equipment. These are not         software to design and 3D print,           a world where you can paint your           how films are put together? We
Tuesdays, 11am–12noon                   eResources.                          structured sessions, but a chance     using biodegradable PLA plastic.           own artwork all around you, or             have a number of courses running
                                                                             for you to use the equipment                                                     choose from several options that           in Tūranga in our amazing creative
Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library           South Library                                                              Skills required: basic computer
                                                                             available and work on your creative                                              will truly amaze you.                      spaces.
and Community Centre                    Mondays, 10–11.30am                                                        skills, such as how to save a file
Thursdays, 10–11am                                                           projects.                                                                        Make the journey to another reality
                                        29 July - 2 September                                                      and use a mouse.                                                                      Check out
                                                                             Bring your own materials or                                                      one you won’t forget! This activity
Shirley Library                                                                                                    Tūranga
                                                                             purchase 3D filament and vinyl                                                   is adult-friendly, so there’s also VR      for more details and how to book
Thursdays, 3.30–4.30pm                                                                                             Computer Lab,
                                        Introduction to iPads                from the library.                                                                gaming for young adults on Level 1.        your space.
South Library                                                                                                      Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
                                           Bookings required                 Tūranga                               Tuesday 9 July, 6–7.30pm                   Tūranga
Wednesdays, 11am–12noon
                                           $15                               Creative Production Studio,                                                      Check the online libraries calendar
Spreydon Library (BYOD only)                                                                                                                                  for times.                                 Introduction to the
                                                                             Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
Tuesdays, 10.30–11.30am
                                        Have you got an iPad but don’t
                                                                             Mondays, 6–7.30pm                     Introduction to Laser and                                                             Discovery Wall
                                        know where to start? This course                                                                                                                                 Interested in exploring Tūranga’s
Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre          will help you build confidence and   (sewing and embroidery machines)      Vinyl Cutting
Mondays, 2–3pm                          give you the skills to enjoy your    Wednesdays, 6–7.30pm                      13yrs +
                                                                                                                                                              Open Studio                                famous Discovery Wall? This
                                                                             (vinyl and craft cutters)                                                                                                   session will cover the Discovery
                                        device. For absolute beginners.                                                Bookings required                      This is a chance for anyone to
Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre                                                    Thursdays, 6–7.30pm                                                                                                         Wall’s tools and features — such as
                                                                                                                       $25                                    come in and discover more about
Tuesdays, 2–3pm                         Shirley Library                      (3D printing)                                                                                                               postcards and video-sharing — and
                                                                                                                                                              audio and video production.
                                        Wednesdays, 10–11.30am               Thursdays, 10.30am–12.30pm            Come and learn about our craft,                                                       you’ll learn how to operate these
Tūranga                                                                                                                                                       No experience is necessary, just
                                        31 July–4 September                  (general interest)                    vinyl and laser cutters. Get an                                                       features so that you can explore the
He Hononga / Connection,                                                                                                                                      enthusiasm.
                                                                                                                   introduction to Adobe illustrator                                                     Discovery Wall in your own time
Ground Floor                            South Library                                                              software and produce your own              Tūranga                                    with confidence.
Tuesdays, 1–2pm                         Tuesdays, 1–2.30pm                                                                                                    Audio Video Studio,
                                                                             RoboFun for Adults                    design. Competent computer skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                         All skill levels welcome — there’s
                                        30 July–3 September                                                                                                   Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
Upper Riccarton Library                                                      — Drop-in sessions                    required.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         something for everyone.
Thursdays, 11am–12noon                                                                                                                                        Mondays, 6–7.30pm
                                                                             An introduction to the amazing        Tūranga                                    Fridays, 10am–12noon
                                                                             world of robotics. Explore robotics                                                                                         Tūranga
                                        Beyond Beginners iPads                                                     Computer Lab,                              Sundays, 10.30am–12.30pm                   He Hononga | Connection,
                                                                             in a fun and engaging way.            Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
Beginning Computer Skills                  Bookings required
                                                                                                                   Saturday 27 July,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ground Level
                                           $15                               South Library                                                                                                               (Meet in Reception area)
    Bookings required                                                                                              10.30am–12.30pm
                                                                             Thursdays, 10–11am                                                                                                          Monday 10 June, 5.30pm
    $15                                 Build upon your iPad knowledge
                                                                             8 August–12 September                                                                                                       Wednesday 10 July, 5.30pm
                                        with a different topic each week.
Develop basic computer skills such                                                                                                                                                                       Wednesday 14 August, 5.30pm
                                        Explore music, books, movies and     Shirley Library
as using a mouse and keyboard,          social networking.                   Saturdays, 10–11am
working with Windows 10, email
                                                                             10 August–14 September
and searching the Internet.             Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
                                        Mondays, 11am–12.30pm                Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
South Library                           29 July–2 September                  Thursdays, 10–11am
Thursdays, 11am–12.30pm
                                                                             1 August–5 September
1 August–5 September
Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
Wednesdays, 11am–12.30pm
31 July–4 September
                                                                                                                                     For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
After school clubs
and programmes
All after school programmes run during the school term, and begin in the second week of each term.

Robotics                                                 Makerspace Workshop             We have a number of                  Afterschool Studio Time
         8–12yrs                                         Club                            drop-in after school                    10–13yrs
         Bookings required                                  10–13yrs                     clubs happening                         Bookings required
         $20 per term                                       Bookings required            across our network of                   $20 per term
Learn the basics of how robots
                                                            $20 per term                 libraries.
                                                                                                                              Come and learn about the Tūranga Audio Video
work, and how to programme them                          A dynamic and innovative        These combine homework               Studio. Learn about the DJ equipment and
by completing a set of challenges.                       workshop exploring a range of   help, craft activities, technology   music recording, and try your hand at video
South Library                                            exciting technologies.          tasters and much more. Check         editing. Half of the term focuses on audio/music
Fridays, 3.30–4.30pm                                     Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre       out our website for more details     production and the other half on filmmaking/
                                                         Mondays, 3.30–5pm               on each individual library and       video production.
                                                                                         what they have planned each
Minecraft Club                                           South Library                                                        Tūranga
                                                         Tuesdays, 3.30–5pm                                                   Taupuni Oro / Ataata
         6–13yrs                                                                         Aranui Library
                                                         Tūranga                                                              / Audio Video Studio,
         Bookings required                                                               Wednesdays, 3.30–4.30pm
                                                         Computer Lab, Auahatanga |                                           Auahatanga | Creativity,
         $20 per term
                                                         Creativity, Level 4             Shirley Library                      Level 4
Get creative and start crafting!                         Thursdays, 3.30–5pm             Mondays, 3.45–4.45pm                 Tuesdays, 4–5pm
Build imaginative worlds and battle                                                      Tūranga Creative Space
                                       New Brighton Library
nocturnal creatures at our Minecraft                                                     Hapori | Community, Level 1
                                       Tuesdays, 3.30–5pm
club. Novice or expert, join the club                                                    Wednesdays, 4–5pm
and play with your friends in our very
                                                                                         Linwood Library
own world. A tutor will be on hand to
                                       Girls Makerspace                                  Thursdays, 3.30–4.30pm
supervise and assist.
                                                         Workshop Club                   New Brighton Library
                                                            10–13yrs                     Mondays, 3.30–4.30pm
Taiwhanga Rorohiko / Computer
                                                            Bookings required
Lab, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
                                                            $20 per term
Tuesdays, 4–5pm
South Library                                            South Library
Fridays, 3.30–4.30pm                                     Mondays, 3.30–5pm

Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
Thursdays, 3.30–4.30pm                                   Girls Minecraft Club
Upper Riccarton Learning Centre                             6–13yrs
Fridays, 4–5pm                                              Bookings required
New Brighton Library                                        $20 per term
Wednesdays, 3.30–4.30pm
                                                         South Library
                                                         Saturdays, 2.30–3.30pm

10   |    Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                                        For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
Community Advice
These free community services are available at
your local library.

Free Legal Advice                                           JP Clinics
Need help with legal questions? A lawyer is available       On some days, we have a Justice of the Peace available
at Hornby Library every Thursday evening to provide         to take oaths, declarations, affidavits and affirmations,
expert help. No bookings. First come, first served basis.   to witness signatures on documents and to certify
Please bring relevant documents.                            document copies. The JP can also witness citizenship
Hornby Library                                              applications, sponsorship applications and rates rebate
Thursdays, 6.15–8.15pm                                      applications.
Please note that the finish time may vary from week         There’s no charge for this service and no appointment
to week depending on demand. If no customers are            is required.
waiting at 6.15pm, the lawyer will wait for 15 minutes
and then leave. 8.15pm finish time is a guide only.
                                                            Hornby Library
                                                            Mondays and Thursdays, 9.30am–12.30pm
                                                            Fendalton Library (from 29 July), Linwood Library,
                                                                                                                        Signature Programme
                                                            Papanui Library, Shirley Library, South Library,            A series of events specifically designed to explore and celebrate the diversity
Citizens Advice Bureau                                      Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre, Upper Riccarton Library          of spaces and resources available in Tūranga.
Citizens Advice Bureau provides free and confidential       Tuesdays, 10am–1pm
advice – taking the time to listen to you and equip you     Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library and Community
with information, options and support that fit your         Centre
needs.                                                                                                                   Legend                                   Tūranga through the Eyes                   Best Picks
                                                            Wednesdays, 10am–1pm
460 Papanui Road (temporarily relocated while               Spreydon Library
                                                                                                                                                                  of Children                                SP
                                                                                                                         SP Auaha Hīhī / Spark Place
Fendalton Library is closed)                                Thursdays, 10am–1pm                                             He Hononga | Connection               ES
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,                                                                                 Ground Floor                                                                     A panel of experts discusses the
                                                            Little River Library                                                                                  Christchurch City Libraries is             finalists in the 2019 New Zealand
11am–5pm                                                                                                                       Tautoru / TSB Space
                                                            Thursdays, 11am–12.30pm                                      TSB                                      thrilled to present the work of            Book Awards for Children and
Tuesdays, 2–5pm                                                                                                                Hapori | Community, Level 1
                                                            Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre                                                                        Fendalton Open Air School Year 3           Young Adults and give their
Linwood Library                                                                                                                Ngā Purapura / Activity Room
                                                            Saturdays, 10am–12noon                                       AR                                       students who came to Tūranga on a          predictions on who will win.
Tuesdays, 11am–2pm                                                                                                             Hapori | Community, Level 1
                                                            Papanui Library                                                                                       mission to expand their knowledge          Wednesday 7 August, 6pm
                                                            Saturdays, 10am–1pm                                          ES Exhibition Space                      of 'Identity'. This photographic
                                                                                                                            Hapori | Community, Level 1
CV Help drop-in sessions                                                                                                                                          exhibition showcases the results
New Brighton Library
                                                                                                                         SG Te Pito Huarewa / Southbase           of their learning about their own          National Flash Fiction Day
                                                                                                                            Gallery, Hapori | Community           identity, their place within their
Thursdays, 10–11.30am                                                                                                       Level 1                                                                          SP
                                                                                                                                                                  community and special features
                                                                                                                         HH He Hononga | Connection               of Tūranga.                                Celebrate the shortest fiction on
                                                                                                                            Ground Floor                                                                     the shortest day of the year with
                                                                                                                                                                  Until 3 July
                                                                                                                                                                                                             National Flash Fiction Day. Come
                                                                                                                                                                                                             along for readings of Canterbury's
                                                                                                                                                                                                             best flash fiction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Saturday 22 June, 2pm

12   |   Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                                    For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
Paint n’ Pen

     Va Oceans                                                                                           Phoenix                                   The Art of                                  SP
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bookings required


                                                                                                         ‘Phoenix’ showcases work by
                                                                                                                                                   Calligraphy                                Exploration of street art in the inner
                                                                                                                                                                                              city and New Brighton will inspire
                                                                                                         artists from Ōtautahi Creative            ES                                         'words' as wonderful as the images
         SG                                                                                              Spaces’ studio Room 5. The
                                                                                                                                                   An exhibition of Chinese calligraphy
     An exploration of Pacific people living in                                                          exhibition will be part of a
                                                                                                                                                   by Master Tang Yu-Shiun, who
     Christchurch and their relationship to the Moana,                                                   celebration of creative wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                   has adopted the artistic name Bai
     Ōtautahi and each other. Through the use of never                                                   at Tūranga, a celebration of diverse
                                                                                                                                                   Chuan. This exhibition celebrates
     before seen Polynesian artefacts from Canterbury                                                    creative wellbeing initiatives in
                                                                                                                                                   his lifelong dedication and
     Museum, as well as visual and written art forms                                                     our city, and will provoke kōrero
                                                                                                                                                   commitment to this ancient art
     from Christchurch-based Pacific artists.                                                            on how can the arts contribute
                                                                                                                                                   form and also includes a piece of
                                                                                                         to the wellbeing of the people of
     Until 21 July                                                                                                                                 work specially created for Tūranga.
                                                                                                         Ōtautahi in the future.                                                              on the walls! You will learn writing
                                                          Photograph courtesy of Canterbury Museum                                                 15 August–15 September                     techniques such as using metaphor,
                                                                                                         Hapori | Community, Level 1
                                                                                                                                                                                              point of view and voice to shape
                                                                                                         6 July–11 August                          Workshops
     Poet Tusiata Avia Public Reading                     YNOT Performance                                                                                                                    your ideas about an art-piece into
         SG                                               TSB
                                                                                                         Art Workshops                             AR                                         a poem or short story. This project
                                                                                                                                                         Bookings required                    is presented by The Commuting
     Poet Tusiata Avia, Exhibition Writer in Residence,   Join us in watching new work from Pasifika                                                                                          Book with the collaboration of The
                                                                                                               Bookings required                   Your chance to discover the art of
     is creating a new body of work in response to        theatre collective YNOT, created during, and                                                                                        School for Young Writers and the
                                                                                                                                                   calligraphy and get hands-on as
     Va Oceans Between. Join us at the end of her         inspired by Va Oceans Between.                 Express your creativity at one of                                                    Christchurch City Libraries.
                                                                                                                                                   you learn how to write and paint
     residency for a public reading of her work.          Friday 21 June, 6pm                            these workshop with the team                                                         Workshops are free and bookings
                                                                                                                                                   using traditional Chinese brushes.
     Friday 21 June, 5.30pm                               $10, door sales only                           from Ōtautahi Creative Spaces.                                                       are essential; children under 13
                                                                                                                                                   Adults, 13+ years:
                                                                                                         Suitable for 13+ years.                                                              must be accompanied by an adult.
                                                                                                                                                   Sunday 1 September, 10.30am
                                                                                                         Sunday 14 July, 10.30am                                                              Families are welcome.
                                                                                                                                                   Children 7+ years:
                                                                                                         Sunday 21 July, 10.30am                                                              Sundays, 12.30-3.30pm – please
                                                                                                                                                   Sunday 8 September, 10.30am
                                                                                                         and 2pm                                                                              see website for specific dates
                                                                                                                                                   Calligraphy Seminar                        and times
                                                                                                         Creative Health Expo

     Illuminate:                                                                                         Join Ōtautahi Creative Spaces and
                                                                                                         local organisations to celebrate
                                                                                                                                                   To close the exhibition, come and
                                                                                                                                                   meet Master Tang as he talks about
                                                                                                                                                                                              2019 Phantom Billstickers
                                                                                                                                                                                              National Poetry Day
     Unearthing treasures from our                                                                       positive wellbeing and learn more
                                                                                                                                                   the ancient art of calligraphy.             SP
     collection                                                                                          about mental health services              Sunday 15 September, 3pm
                                                                                                                                                                                              "Four Readings and a Festival".
         SG                                                                                              available in our region.                                                             Four Christchurch poets talk fame,
                                                                                                         Sunday 10 August, all day
                                                                                                                                                 Celebrating Pushkin
                                                                                                                                                                                              fortune, first books and what
     To celebrate our 160th birthday, we’ve gone                                                                                                 TSB                                          possessed them to do it. Reading
     deep in our vaults and rummaged our shelves to
                                                                                                                                                                                              from their newborn collections are
     bring you some of our favourite gems. Stunning,                                                                                             Come and celebrate the father
                                                                                                                                                                                              Erik Kennedy, Marissa Cappetta,
     unexpected, extraordinary, curious – come and                                                                                               of Russian literature, Alexander
                                                                                                                                                                                              Victoria Broome and Gail Ingram.
     find your favourite!                                                                                                                        Pushkin, with a talk on the man
                                                                                                                                                                                              An evening hosted by Joanna
                                                                                                                                                 and his work, followed by dance,
     2 August–27 October                                                                                                                                                                      Preston.
                                                                                                                                                 recitals, and musical performances.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Thursday 22 August, 6pm
                                                                                                                                                 Thursday 6 June, 5.30pm

14   |    Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                    For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
Winter Mystery Movies                                    TEDx in Tūranga                        Cook Island
TSB                                                      TSB
                                                                                                Language Week
Join us in Tūranga to escape the                         TEDxChristchurch and TEDxYouth@

                                                                                                                                        Matariki 2019
winter blues and enjoy classic                           Christchurch have joined forces to     Are you interested in the tropical
films in style! On select Sunday                         bring an entire weekend of TEDx        culture of the sunny Cook Islands?
afternoons during the winter                             celebrations from 24–25 August at      Then this jam-packed event is
season, we will be holding                               the Christchurch Town Hall. It'll be   for you. You will encounter the
screenings of some of our favourite                      a jam-packed ride with insightful      language, experience the culture,
films. Visit our events calendar and                     and inspiring speakers. If you miss    participate in a performance and
Facebook page for more details.                          out on a ticket to TEDxChristchurch,   enjoy some kaikai (food) Cook
Various Sunday afternoons                                it is being live-streamed into         Islands style. This is a free event
during winter, 1pm                                       Tūranga!                               so bring the whānau.
                                                                                                                                        Kua ara ake ahau i te papa o te whenua
                                                                                                                                        Kua kite ahau i ngā whetū e tūtaki tahi ana
                                                         Saturday 24 August, from 1pm
New Music Central                                                                                                                       Ko Matariki te kaiūri, ko Atutahi kei te taumata o te mangōroa
Concert                                                  Sunday 25 August, from 10am
                                                                                                                                        The scope of our imagination is from the earth to the stars…
TSB                                                                                                                                     — Professor Te Wharehuia Milroy
Join the UC School of Music for this                     Philippine Independence
special presentation of New Music                        Day Celebration                                                                A continuation of a fresh look through old eyes at Māori oral traditions,
                                                                                                Friday 9 August, 6–7pm
Central featuring local indie bands
                                                                                                                                        practices and customs associated with the Māori New Year. The third year of
Speak Softly, an art-pop electronic
                                                                                                                                        the Christchurch City Libraries reintroduction of Te Iwa o Matariki – the nine
duo featuring Naomi Ferguson                             Come along and celebrate
and Alex van den Broek, and The
                                                                                                Family History and the                  stars of Matariki. This year Te Kāhui Kumanu a Matariki – The Guardian Stars
                                                         Philippine Independence Day 'Araw      Media: Behind the scenes
Response, an alternative pop duo                         ng Kalayaan 2019.'
                                                                                                                                        of Matariki: Pōhutukawa, Hiwa-i-te-Rangi and Matariki (the Mother)
featuring Andy and Victoria Knopp.
                                                                                                of Who Do You Think You
                                                         Saturday 15 June                       Are?
Monday 22 July, 6pm                                      11am–1pm: Traditional games,
                                                         activities and costumes                                                        TE IWA O MATARIKI
                                                         1.30–3.30pm: Spectacular display       Join Dr Nick Barratt author,            Kua haehae ngā hihi o Matariki
                                                         of colours, costumes, music and        broadcaster, and historian best
                                                                                                                                        Always be grateful for the blessings you receive
                                                         performances.                          known for BBC’s Who Do You Think
                                                                                                You Are? TV series. His talk looks at   Matariki is a time for cherishing our loved ones and releasing our aspirations
                                                                                                how broadcast media and the rise
                                                         Volunteer Expo                         of the internet has transformed
                                                                                                                                        for the New Year before us, while remembering those who have passed
                                                                                                genealogy and family history,           on. The Guardian stars of Matariki that support these endevours are
                                                                                                reflecting on how the hit BBC series    Pōhutukawa who cares for the afterlife, Hiwa-i-te-Rangi the inspirer of
                                                         Learn how you can give back to         was commissioned, researched and        aspirations and Matariki – the Mother, the nurturer. During the time of
                                                         your community. We’re bringing a       filmed.                                 Matariki we are encouraged to care for our environment, our loved ones and
                                                         variety of organisations together      Thursday 8 August, 6pm
                                                         to showcase the volunteer                                                      our own health, be it mental, physical or spiritual. It is also a time for
                                                         opportunities available in                                                     wishing for a prosperous year ahead.
                                                         Sunday 16 June, 10am–3pm

16    |   Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019
Huraina What's on in your Library - FREE - Christchurch City Council ...
Follow the QR codes                                            Matariki Pangakupu
                                                               Complete the crossword below
                                                                                                                         1                                   2

      Te Iwa o Matariki            Matariki – Te whetū tapu
      The nine stars of Matariki    o te Tau                                                                             3

      Follow the QR Code to         The Reo Māori version
      learn moreabout the nine     of the book by                                                      4

      stars of Matariki             Dr Rangi Matamua





      Matariki poster                Matariki – The star of
      Downloadable poster of Te      the year                                                                       10              11
      Iwa o Matariki, courtesy of    The acclaimed book by
      Te Wānanga o Aotearoa          Dr Rangi Matamua

                                                                                                        12                                                        13



                                                               Across                                          16
                                                               3. What is the Greek name for Matariki?
                                                               5. What is the name of the star associated
                                                               with food grown in the ground?
                                                               7. A type of food grown in the ground.
                                                               9. What is the name of the star that tends to        Down
                                                               the afterlife?                                       1. What is the name of the star associated with food from the sky?
                                                               12. What is the name of the star associated          2. A type of food from the sea.
                                                               with the winds?                                      4. The Japanese name for Matariki (also the name of a car).
                                                               14. What is the name of the Mother?                  6. The Māori word for rain.
                                                               15. The Māori word for water.                        8. What is the name of the star associated with rain?
                                                               16. What is the name of the star associated          10. The Māori word for wind.
                                                               with food harvested from fresh water?                13. What is the name of the star associated with food harvested
                                                                                                                    from the sea?
Matariki Wānaka, Matariki Takiura –
Whānau Fun Days                                             Matariki Connect
Look, learn, listen & do. Two Matariki Whānau fun days      Special sessions for schools, building on the key
New Brighton Library                                        concepts of Te Iwa o Matariki with a focus on

                                                                                                                Jeffrey Huffadine
Saturday 15 June, 10.30am – 3pm                             the guardian stars. A range of fun activities are
                                                            offered by our Learning Centres during Term 2.
Tūranga Tautoru/TSB Space
Hapori | Community, Level 1
Sunday 30 June, 10.30am – 3pm                               For more information call (03) 941 5140.
                                                                                                                What words spring to                 What would you like to see
                                                                                                                mind when you                        in tomorrow’s libraries?
Matariki Kiriata – A Movie Afternoon                                                                            hear ‘Library’?
                                                                                                                                                     I want to see our libraries
                                                                                                                I don’t think that it is words       encourage the love of reading that
Tūranga Tautoru/TSB Space                                                                                       that spring to mind but rather       I am sure has been a big part of the
Hapori | Community, Level 1                                                                                     happy childhood memories of          successes I have in life.
Sunday 23 June, 1-3pm                                                                                           my love of reading. I remember
FREE                                                                                                            visiting both the old Canterbury     What are you most looking
                                                                                                                Public Library on the corner         forward to seeing happen in                               Jeffrey has
Call (03) 941 7923 to find out more.
                                                                                                                of Cambridge Terrace and             our city?
                                                                                                                Hereford Street, and also the                                                               visited Tūranga
                                                                                                                Central Library on the corner of     Although I have not seen most of                         203+ times
    Matariki Wā Kōrero                                                                                          Gloucester Street and                the residential red zone, I am keen
                                                                                                                                                     to see its future regeneration plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                            since opening!
                                                                                                                Oxford Terrace.
                                                                                                                                                     that emerge from the engagement
     aturday 1 June 			
    S                                                    Thursday 13 June
                                                         Fendalton Community Centre 10-10.30am                 Who instilled a love of              with our communities.
    Shirley Library 11 – 11.30am
                                                         Parklands Library 10.30-11am                           reading in you?                      What are your
     uesday 4 June
    T                                                                                                                                                                                           Your new central library
    Shirley Library 10.30-11am                           riday 14 June 			
                                                         F                                                      I seemed to be born with a love      recommended reads?
                                                         Tūranga 2-2.30pm                                       of reading, but I’d say I have my
                                                                                                                                                                                                Tūranga has been open
                                                                                                                                                     When I visited the old Central             for more than 6 months.
     hursday 6 June
    T                                                                                                           parents and grandparents to
                                                          onday 17 June 			
                                                                                                                                                     Library on the corner of Gloucester        Here are some statistics
    Linwood Library 10-10.30am                                                                                  thank for that.                      Street and Oxford Terrace, I used to       from end of April 2019
                                                         Redwood Library 10.30-11am
                                                                                                                                                     browse through the Janes Fighting
     riday 7 June
    F                                                    New Brighton Library 10.30-11am                        What do you see at                                                             • 599,290 people have visited
    Spreydon Library 10.30-11am                                                                                                                      Ships and I have done the same
                                                          hursday 20 June
                                                         T                                                      Christchurch City                    at Central Library Manchester and         • More than 278,239 items have
     aturday 8 June
    S                                                    Aranui Library 10.30-11am                             Libraries’ greatest                  Central Library Peterborough. I also      been borrowed.
    Upper Riccarton Library 10-10.30am                  Papanui Library 11-11.30am                            contribution to                      like local NZ books such as Product
                                                                                                                                                                                               • There have been 16,111,623
                                                         South Library 11-11.30am
                                                                                                                the community?                       Tankers, Reefer ships, and Bulk
                                                                                                                                                                                               individual touches on the
    Monday 10 June 			                                                                                                                              Carriers - all by Nick Tolerton, plus
    Upper Riccarton Library 10-10.30am                    uesday 25 June
                                                         T                                                      The library today is an incredible                                             Discovery Wall, and 5,027
                                                                                                                                                     other reads by local authors such as
                                                         Lyttelton Library 11-11.30am                           resource for finding out                                                       postcards sent from it.
                                                                                                                                                     Gateway to the Ice by Tony Phillips.
     uesday 11 June
    T                                                                                                           information. They say knowledge
    Tūranga 10.30-11am (Ngā Pakiwaitara)                 Wednesday 26 June                                                                                                                     Jeffrey visited on opening day
                                                                                                                is power, so libraries are
                                                         Hornby Library 10.15-10.45am                                                                                                          12 October 2018, and has visited
    Wednesday 12 June                                    Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre 10.30-11am                                                                                             more than 200 times since then!
    Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library 10.30-11am

                                                                                                                                                                                             Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019   |   21
Contribute to the Discovery Wall                                                                            Heritage Programmes
Planning on tidying up and organising this winter? Or                                                       Introduction                              Introduction                               Capture Your Story
perhaps you just feel like having a trip down memory                                                        to Family History                         to Local History                               Bookings required
lane while going through your old photos?                                                                       Bookings required                         Bookings required                          $15
                                                                                                                $15                                       $15
The 1970s, 80s and 90s may not seem long ago for                                                                                                                                                 We’re offering a six-week
                                                                                                            Start your New Zealand family             Are you interested in learning             programme that will let you record
some of us, but they are now 20–49 years in the past
                                                                                                            history research with this six week       more about Ōtautahi                        an aspect of your family history as
and a lot has changed since then! Tūranga’s Discovery
                                                                                                            course that will introduce you to         Christchurch’s colourful history?          a short movie. Bring your own iPad,
Wall is a particular aspect of our collection that we’d                                                                                                                                          or use one of ours, to learn how to
                                                                                                            some of the key resources available
love to see grow, so if you have any photos of concerts,                                                                                              This six-week programme will               record your story using iMovie.
                                                                                                            at Christchurch City Libraries and
markets, competitions, celebrations or any events from                                                                                                show you the wealth of resources
                                                                                                            beyond. Bring along as much as
this time, it would be fantastic if you contributed them                                                                                              that Christchurch City Libraries           Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
                                                                                                            you already know of your forebears
through the website at                                                                                                               has to offer.                              Fridays, 10am–12noon
                                                                                                            — names, dates, places, etc and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2 August–6 September
                                                            Christchurch Womens Liberation movement         we’ll help you fill in some gaps.         We will cover topics such as our
Of course, if you come across images from other time                                                                                                  Māori heritage, immigration and
                                                            demonstration, 1972                             Skills required: basic computer
periods that can provide insight into what living in
                                                            Christchurch City Libraries, CCL-StarP-01276A   skills
                                                                                                                                                      settlement, how to research                Family History, and
Christchurch is — or was — like, we’d love those as well!
                                                                                                   the history of your house and              understanding your DNA
                                                                                                            Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2               neighbourhood, events that                 Need help with your family history
Contact us at for advice                                                       Sundays, 10am–12noon                      would have impacted the lives              research, or having difficulty
about digitising your physical photos for the Discovery                                                     4 August–8 September                      of locals (from snow days to               understanding your DNA results?
Wall.                                                                                                                                                 influenza to war), and so much             The New Zealand Society of
                                                                                                                                                      more.                                      Genealogists, and our library
You can also contribute to the images in the Discovery                                                      Talanoa I Measina,
                                                                                                            Sharing Our Stories                       Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2                staff, will be available to help you
Wall — if you have further information about them,                                                                                                                                               and introduce you to some key
you can add comments either through the website or                                                              Bookings required                     Thursdays, 6–8pm
                                                                                                                                                      1 August–5 September                       resources.
at the wall itself.                                                                                         Record your Pasifika family history
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Also available: a DNA expert who
                                                                                                            to pass on to future generations,
     Check out the Mobile Discovery Wall as it moves                                                                                                                                             will help you understand your DNA
                                                                                                            using an individualised programme
     around the network:                                                                                                                                                                         results, and explore the next steps
                                                                                                            Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2                                                          in using them.
     • Upper Riccarton Library – June 2019
                                                                                                            Various times and dates
     • Hornby Library – July 2019                           Jet boats in the Estuary, circa 1980s           — enquire availability on booking                                                    Shirley Library
     • Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre – August 2019              Christchurch City Libraries, CCL-PhArch-0064                                                                                         10am–12noon, Saturday 22 June
                                                                                                                                                   and Tuesday 25 June
     See for specific
     dates of arrival and departure.

22    |   Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                       For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
Sustainable Living Series
Christchurch City Council has been a leader on climate change for
many years and is now actively planning to reduce greenhouse gas                     We have been working
emissions, and to build the resilience that Christchurch needs to                    alongside ReKindle on
support climate adaptation.                                                          some of our Sustainability
                                                                                     focused programmes, and are
To support this, the Sustainable Living Series was launched on                       excited to be hosting these
Sunday 10 February 2019 at Tūranga. It kicked off a two-year                         two holiday programmes
programme of public talks, workshops and Storytimes developed                        in our spaces at Tūranga.
by Christchurch City Libraries to support the Council's climate
change strategy.

Sustainable Living Week at
                                                                                     String and rope making
                                                                                     with ti kōuka leaves
                                                                                       Bookings required via Rekindle
                                                                                                                             Creative and connected
Lyttelton Library                                                                    website.
Lyttelton Library invites you to a week of activities and displays aimed                                                     The Great Stash Swap                  ESOL Conversation class:                Friday Whānau Fun Night:
                                                                                     Learn how to use tī kōuka/cabbage
at sharing information and ideas on living in a more sustainable way.                                                        Bring along your unwanted fabric,     Everyday Kiwi English                   An evening of stories,
                                                                                     tree leaves to make a strong and
                                                                                     beautiful twine. Rekindle’s most        haberdashery, buttons, wool,              $25 for 10 sessions                 family and fun at the
Monday 10 - Saturday 15 June
                                                                                     popular workshop, this technique        lace, trims, paints, brushes, zips,       Bookings required                   library!
                                                                                     for making string and rope is           needles, card, stamps — any old                                               This is aimed at 5–12 year olds and
                                                                                                                                                                   Join us for a fun weekly session
Great Stash Swap                                                                     simple and can be used with many        crafting supplies — then choose
                                                                                                                                                                   focusing on everyday English
                                                                                                                                                                                                           their family members of any age.
Recycle that unwanted fabric and spark your sewing creativity with                   different materials.                    what you want to take away.
                                                                                                                                                                   conversation skills. This course will   Bring the kids! Bring the
a fresh piece from the Lyttelton Library stash.                                                                              No cash involved!
                                                                                     Tūranga                                                                       help you to improve your general        grandparents! Uncle, cousins,
                                                                                     Facilitation Space,                     South Library                         English proficiency and confidence,     whoever you like — the whole
Monday–Saturday during library opening hours.
                                                                                     Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4        Sunday 11 August, 11am–2pm            while learning all about Kiwi           whānau is invited!
                                                                                     Wednesday 10 July, 9.30-                                                      English, and making new friends.
                                                                                     10.30am OR 10.30-11.30am                                                                                              Join us for a short storytime,
Sustainable Storytimes                                                                                                       Drop-in Chinese Art Club              Suitable for Intermediate Level         followed by fun, hands-on activities
Tuesday 11 June, 11–11.30am                                                                                                  书画创作社团                                learners.                               to do as a family. We’ll be building,
                                                                                     Doll making with ti kōuka                                                                                             making and exploring right here in
                                                                                     leaves                                      10yrs +                           Tūranga
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the library. Create some great family
Community Information Evening                                                                                                Join the club and work on             Auahatanga I Creativity, Level 4
                                                                                       Bookings required via Rekindle                                                                                      memories and get your weekend off
                                                                                                                             calligraphy and brush painting.       Tuesdays, 1.30-3.30pm
Browse the pop-up booths and information displays, ask questions,                    website                                                                                                               to a perfect start.
                                                                                                                             Bring your own brushes, ink, paint,   23 July–24 September
listen to our panel of speakers from the community sharing their
                                                                                     Tī kōuka leaves are such a multi-       and paper.                                                                    Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
ideas and achievements, and find out how you can join the Yoogo
                                                                                     purpose material. This fun hour-                                                                                      Friday 7 June (Inventions),
car-sharing scheme.                                                                                                          欢迎自备毛笔,墨水与纸或其他                        Family Makerspace
                                                                                     long workshop will teach you how                                                                                      Friday 5 July (Mid-Winter Christmas),
Thursday 13 June, 6–9pm                                                                                                      工具,与其他同 好一起交流推广
                                                                                     to make a simple doll with cabbage                                            Have fun, create, craft and make        Friday 2 August (Space), 5–6pm
                                                                                     tree leaves, similar to a corn dolly.                                         cool stuff. A different creative
                                                                                                                             Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre                                                     Tūranga
                                                                                     This session is perfect for older                                             activity every week.
Which bin to choose?                                                                                                         Sundays (school term time only)                                               Hapori | Community, Level 1
                                                                                                                             10.30am–12noon                        Tūranga Creative Space                  Fourth Friday of each month
Find out just what goes in which bin each week
                                                                                     Tūranga                                                                       Hapori | Community, Level 1             6–7pm
— the dos and don’ts of recycling, organics and waste.
                                                                                     Facilitation Space,                                                           Saturdays, 2.30–4pm
Saturday 15 June, 10am–12.30pm                                                       Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
                                                                                     Wednesday 17 July, 9.30–11.30am                                               Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
                                                                                                                                                                   Saturdays, 1.30–3pm

For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website                                                                                                Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019   |   25
Island Time Pasifika Craft Session
Bring the entire family to learn how to make
                                                                     Our libraries host crafts, hobbies, and             Mid-Winter                               Mid-Winter Makerspace
                                                                                                                                                                  Come along to tinker and make
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mid-Winter Stories
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Crafts
Cook Island Ei Katu (flower head garlands).
                                                                     games clubs. Here are some of them
                                                                     — visit our website to see the full list!
                                                                                                                         Fun at the                               at our Mid-Winter Christmas                Bring the family along to the library
Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2                                          Knit ‘n’ Yarn
                                                                                                                         Library                                  Makerspace.
                                                                                                                                                                  Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                             for mid-winter stories and crafts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Upper Riccarton Library
Saturday 29 June, 2–3.30pm                                                                                                                                        Saturday 6 July, 1.30–3pm                  Saturday 20 July, 10am–2pm
                                                                     Bring your knitting, crochet, or other craft and    The days are getting colder,
                                                                     have fun with these friendly, social groups.        so celebrate winter with cosy            Upper Riccarton Library
                                                                                                                         activities, whānau and friends,          Thursday 18 July, 2–4pm (BYO
Culture Exchange                                                     Rummikub Club                                                                                                                           Mid-Winter Family Fun
                                                                                                                         and Mid-Winter Christmas hot             covered travel mug for some of
Practice your English, learn about New Zealand                       Come along to the library and play Rummikub                                                  our mid-winter hot chocolate!)             Cold or wet outside? Get to the
culture and make new friends.                                        — an exciting, interactive strategy game. We’ll                                                                                         library with the family to enjoy
                                                                     provide some boards but you’re welcome to bring                                                                                         games, activities and craft together.
Shirley Library
Fridays, 3.45–4.45pm                                                 your own.                                           The Ghost of Christmas                   Ugly Christmas Jumpers                     Parklands Library
                                                                                                                         Past: Pomanders and                          13yrs +                                First Saturday of the month,
Parklands Library                                                    Social Games and Cards Club                         Stories for Adults                           Bookings required                      11am–3pm
Thursdays, 2–3pm                                                     Try your hand at a variety of board games like      Listen to a Christmas story and
Fortnightly (starting 13 June)                                       Scrabble, Upwords, Chess or play simple card                                                 Let’s celebrate the ugly Christmas         New Brighton Library
                                                                                                                         make an old-fashioned pomander
                                                                     games.                                              decoration while you reminisce           jumper. Make the ugliest, craziest         Second Sunday of the month,
                                                                                                                         about Christmases past.                  Christmas jumper we’ve ever                11am–3pm
Tūranga library tours                                                Scrabble Club                                                                                seen, and be in to win the ‘Best
   All ages                                                          Have a way with words? Come and join our friendly   Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre                Ugly Christmas Jumper’ trophy!
   No bookings required for individuals                              groups! Some boards provided, but feel free to      Friday 5 July, 2–3.30pm                  Bring your own jersey or T-shirt to
and small groups                                                     bring your own.                                     Upper Riccarton Library                  decorate — we’ll provide the craft
                                                                                                                         Tuesday 16 July, 10–11am                 gear to decorate them, and we’ll
Take a free tour of Tūranga led by one of our volunteer              Mahjong Group                                                                                finish with a fashion parade to
tour guides. Tours cover all five floors of the building
                                                                     Interested in learning or playing Mahjong?                                                   show off our creations.
and take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am,
                                                                     Join one of our free, fun and social groups!        Mid-Winter Christmas
leaving from He Hononga | Connection, Ground Level.                                                                                                               Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
                                                                                                                         First Friday Whānau Fun
Check our website for information about requesting                                                                                                                Monday 8 July, 2–4pm
group visits.                                                                                                                                                     Upper Riccarton Library
                                                                                                                         This is aimed at 5–12 year olds and
                                                                                                                         their family members of any age.         Wednesday 17 July, 10am–12noon
     Snug                                                          Tūranga Blanket Fort
                                                                   All ages welcome. Kids younger than 13 must bring
                                                                                                                         Bring the whānau for a Mid-Winter
                                                                                                                         Christmas storytime and family
     Get comfy at Tūranga                                          their adult. Bring a blanket and a cushion to join
                                                 Comfortable,                                                            activities. Dress up snug, and
     this August with cosy                                         creating our community blanket fort!
                                              warm, and cosy;                                                            bring your own covered travel mug
     events over the whole                   bringing goodne       TSB and Activity Room, Hapori | Community,            — we’re serving hot chocolate for
     month.                                                   ss
                                             to the dark month     Level 1                                               a real mid-winter treat!
                                                  of August!       Saturday 17 August, anytime from 11am–3pm
                                                                                                                         Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre
                                                                                                                         Friday 5 July, 5–6pm
     Check                                                         Harry Potter and the                                 Philosopher's Stone
     to find out about events such as knitting                     Listen to the book read aloud over Thursday
     times, quiet reading spots, craft times and                   evenings during the month of August.
     other events!                                                 If you like, wear your jammies or a onesie to
                                                                   get cosy, and bring a cushion! All ages welcome.
                                                                   Hapori | Community, Level 1
                                                                   Thursdays, 6–7pm

26   |   Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                                     For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
Authors and Books
                                                                                                                              Hunting for a Good Book: For You
                                                                                                                                  Bookings required                                      Some of our
                                                                                                                              Learn how to find new fiction, be introduced to new
                                                                                                                              authors, explore different genres, and get a preview of
                                                                                                                                                                                         staff top picks!
                                                                                                                              soon-to-be-published fiction. Bring your iPad or tablet.
                                                                                                                              Shirley Library
                                                                                                                              Tuesday 11 June, 10–11am

                                                                                                                              Hunting for a Good Book: For Your Kids
                                                                                                                                  Bookings required

Discover your next
                                                                                                                              This workshop is designed to help parents help their
                                                                                                                              children in finding great reads, and amazing authors.
                                                                                                                              Shirley Library

favourite book
                                                                                                                              Saturday 29 June, 10–11am

                                                                                                                              Book Clubs
Have you ever finished a great                          Once you’ve just finished a great                                     Love sharing your favourite reads? Come and join
                                                                                              So if you need help finding
book and wanted to find more                            book, log into NoveList Plus and                                      other book lovers in our friendly, relaxed library
                                                                                              your next favourite book
just like it? Or wanted to help                         find great read-alikes. There are                                     environment.
                                                                                              check out Novelist Plus at
your child find just the right                          also read-alikes for authors and
                                                                                       Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library
book to read? Christchurch City                         series. It covers both fiction and
Libraries has NoveList Plus, a                          nonfiction titles for all ages from                                   and Community Centre
great resource to help readers                          the youngest readers to adults.                                       Second Monday of each month, 10am
find books that are right for                                                                                                 Last Thursday of each month, 1pm
                                                        For those younger story-hunters
                                                        we have NoveList K8 plus which                                        Linwood Library
NoveList Plus connects readers                          has recommended reads for ages                                        Last Monday of each month, 10.45am
to their next book by making                            0–8, 9–12 and teens.
recommendations for what                                                                                                      Papanui Library
                                                        Christchurch City Libraries even                                      Third Tuesday of each month, 10am
to read next. One of the most
                                                        has NoveList integrated into the
popular elements is read-alikes.
                                                        catalogue. If you loved a book,                                       Parklands Library
This feature suggests titles that
                                                        find it in our catalogue and                                          First Wednesday of each month, 11am
are ‘just like’ other titles.
                                                        NoveList will recommend a
                                                        read-alike that is available at                                       Shirley Library (bookings required)
                                                        one of our libraries.                                                 Fourth Wednesday of each month, 10.30am
                                                                                                                              Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
                                                                                                                              Third Wednesday of each month, 10am

28   |   Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                                                                                            Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019   |   29
Chinese Book Club
Chat about favourite reads, discover new titles and
authors, make friends and share your life experiences
                                                         Dewey Book Group
                                                            Bookings required                                        Holiday fun!
                                                         Each month, read a non-fiction book of your choice on a
with other enthusiastic readers.
                                                         set theme, and over the year we’ll read across the entire
Fendalton Library                                        Dewey decimal spectrum. Find new reads and share your       Emotion Rocks!
Relocated while Fendalton is closed.                     discoveries in the relaxed environment of Tūranga.              7yrs +
See page 35 for more details.                                                                                            Bookings required                                          Don’t forget to check out the
Upper Riccarton Library                                  Tūhuratanga | Discovery, Level 3                            Get arty with your feelings at Linwood Library!                 KidsFest brochure for even
Third Wednesday of each month                            Last Wednesday of each month, 6–7pm                         Relax and express yourself, paint your Emotion Rock            more fun activities happening
6.15–7.15pm                                                                                                          with whatever’s going on for you, or make special               around our libraries in July!
                                                                                                                     something for a friend!
                                                         Book Discussion Scheme
Korean Book Club                                                                                                     Linwood Library
                                                         Want to meet new people? Get adventurous with               Thursday 18 July, 5–6.30pm
Come and share your ideas with other Korean              your reading? We’ve got the answer — join a
book lovers.                                             book group!                                                 Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre
                                                                                                                     Friday 19 July, 4-5.30pm                               The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Upper Riccarton Library                                  For five years, we’ve proudly partnered with Book                                                                  Special Storytimes
Second Friday of each month, 6pm                         Discussion Scheme, offering two types of book groups:
                                                                                                                                                                            Help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of
                                                         • Daytime and evening groups for book lovers                Learn to Knit                                          The Very Hungry Caterpillar! Join us for an
                                                           (high school age upwards)                                 Try some yarn-based craft endeavours or perfect your   Extra Special Storytimes with Eric Carle stories
He Kura Pounamu
                                                         • ESOL groups who want to practise talking                  technique. All ages, with adult supervision required   and Very Hungry Caterpillar crafts.
         12yrs +
                                                           and reading in English                                    for small children.                                    Linwood Library
Join us at Tūranga for our monthly book group to
                                                         These small groups are held in libraries and led by a       Upper Riccarton Library                                Monday 17 June, 3.30pm–4.30pm
discuss, learn and discover the works of Māori
                                                         librarian with a new book provided each month to all        Tuesday 9 July, 1–3pm
authors past and present.                                                                                                                                                   Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre
                                                         members. For more details, or to find a group near you,
With a new theme each month, we will explore and                                                                                                                            Saturday 8 June, 2pm–3pm
                                                         visit or call 941 7923.
discuss different texts held in the Ngā Pounamu                                                                      Hairy Maclary Party Time                               Shirley Library
Māori Collection.                                                                                                        3–8 years                                          Tuesday 11 June, 10.30am–noon
Come along to discover new titles and authors,                                                                       Join us for a fun party morning with Hairy Maclary
share your whakaaro, hear others and meet people.                                                                    stories and crafts. It’s going to be barking mad and
Nau mai, tauti mai!                                                                                                  you’ll have a woofing great time!
Tūranga                                                                                                              Shirley Library
Waruwarutū / Ngā Pounamu Māori,                                                                                      Tuesday 16 July, 10.30am–noon
Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
Last Thursday of each month, 4–5pm

30   |    Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019
eSports Dance Off – Just Dance 2019
Dance for your chance to be the champion! Show               Check out these drop-in activities
everyone what you've got these winter school holidays        happening around our network
and be in to win prizes from PB Tech.                        during the school holidays!
We have two divisions: 12 years and younger, and 13          Visit
and older. Winners from the first week's competitions
will earn a spot at the finals, held in the following week
                                                             for times, dates and locations.
at Tūranga.
First week competitions                                      Harry Potter Fun
Linwood Library                                              Join us as we celebrate the magical world of Harry
Wednesday 10 July, 2–4pm                                     Potter. Crafts and activities for all ages – wand
                                                             making, sorting hat, Dobby’s missing sock hunt!
Shirley Library
Thursday 11 July, 2–4pm
                                                             Create a Quirky Bookmark
                                                             Using googly eyes, pompoms, pipe cleaners
Friday 12 July, 2–3.30pm
                                                             and popsicle sticks, create your own weird and
Finals                                                       wonderful mini bookmark – for yourself or for a
Tūranga                                                      friend!
Thursday 18 July, 2–4pm
Table Football (Foosball)
         10yrs +
                                                             Like solving puzzles? Then come along and have fun
                                                             with our friendly little mBots and have a go at some
                                                             of the challenges.
                                                                                                                    Youth programmes
Ignite your love of table football (Foosball) and play
against others to win prizes and have fun.                   Ozobots                                                YA Creative time                                                YA Studio Time
Tūranga                                                      Create your own basic coding pattern using special
                                                                                                                        13yrs +                                                         13yrs +
Hapori, Level 1                                              markers to guide Ozobots around a path. This is
                                                             an informal drop-in session to have a look at how      Get creative with the awesome new equipment on                  The new library has a new audio and video studio!
Sunday 7 July, 2–4pm
                                                             Ozobots work.                                          the fourth floor of the new library. Drop in and use a          And every Friday it’s open for teens to come in
Sunday 14 July, 2–4pm
                                                                                                                    variety of technologies for making your ideas a reality,        and play around. No experience necessary, just
                                                                                                                    including sewing machines, 3D printers, craft and vinyl         enthusiasm.
                                                             Creative Family Time                                   cutters, design software, and electronics.                      This is your opportunity to hang out in the studio, ask
                                                             There will be craft, 3D colouring, interactive games   No experience is necessary – just enthusiasm,                   our specialist staff questions and meet like-minded
                                                             and more at this cool makerspace.                      imagination, and a desire to be creative. Specialist staff      new friends.
                                                                                                                    will be on hand if you need help. This is your chance           Tūranga
                                                                                                                    to hang out with other creative youth, learn from and           Audio Video Studio,
                                                                                                                    support each other, and make really cool stuff.                 Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
                                                                                                                    Tūranga                                                         Fridays, 4–6pm
                                                                                                                    Production Studio,
                                                                                                                    Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
                                                                                                                    Fridays, 4–6pm

32   |    Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                               For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
VR Gaming
                                                                                                                     Changes for Fendalton Library
                                                         Fortunately, she’s left clues around the library to the
                                                         thieves’ headquarters. You have one hour to solve a
         12yrs +
                                                         series of escape room-style puzzles and find out where
Experience Virtual Reality with the latest Sony PS4      the thieves are holding her before it’s too late!
VR games, including Gran Turismo, Battle Zone and
Eagle Flight.
                                                         He Hononga | Connection, Ground Floor
                                                         Monday 8 July, 11am and 2pm                                  The Fendalton Library                    Mobile Library visits                      Fendalton Knit ʻnʼ Yarn
                                                         Tuesday 9 July, 11am and 2pm                                 and Service Centre                       Fendalton Library car park                 Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library
                                                         Monday 15 July, 3pm and 6pm                                  building is closed for                   Mondays, 1.30–3.30pm                       Thursdays, 2–3.30pm
                                                         Tuesday 16 July, 3pm and 6pm                                 improvements, and                        Wednesdays, 9.15–11.15am
                                                                                                                      is set to reopen on                      Fridays, 3–5pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fendalton Library Book
                                                                                                                      Monday 29 July 2019.                                                                Discussion Group
                                                         Youth Knitting Workshop                                                                               Citizens Advice Bureau
                                                                                                                      We’re replacing the heating                                                         Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library
                                                                                                                      and ventilation system and               The Village Papanui                        Second Wednesday of the month,
                                                             Bookings required
                                                                                                                      repairing the roof, and we’ll            460 Papanui Road                           11am–12noon
                                                         Want to learn to knit but don’t know where to begin?         also do minor repairs and                For opening hours                          Second Thursday of
Tūranga                                                  Join us for a series of free workshops this winter. Our      refurbishment throughout                 please visit                    the month, 6–7pm
Youth Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1                 first session will cover the basics of knitting while the    the building.
Thursdays, 4–6pm                                         second session will get you started on your first project    During this time, we will be             Wā Kōrero / Storytimes                     Fendalton Library Book
                                                         — a cosy hat. We’ve got the wool and needles, so just        moving programmes and                                                               Club
                                                                                                                                                               Fendalton Community Centre
                                                         bring yourself along!                                        events that usually run at
Collage Making                                                                                                                                                 Auditorium                                 Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library
                                                         All welcome.                                                 Fendalton Library to other               Thursdays, 10–10.30am (term time)          First Friday of the
         12yrs +
                                                         Tūranga                                                      venues as listed.                                                                   month, 11am–12noon
         Bookings required
                                                         Tūhuratanga | Discovery, Level 3
Enjoy an artistic afternoon focused on collage                                                                                                                 Wā Pepi / Babytimes
                                                         Wednesday 10 and Wednesday 17 July, 2–4pm                                                                                                        Chinese Book Club
making, led by artist Rob Hood. Materials are                                                                                                                  Fendalton Community Centre
provided but you’re welcome to bring anything                                                                                                                  Auditorium                                 Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library
you want to cut up and re-create.                                                                                                                              Thursdays, 11–11.30am (term time)          Meeting Room 1 (access from the
Tūranga                                                                                                                                                                                                   foyer) as the library closes at 6pm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Second Friday of the month, 6–7pm
Hapori | Community, Level 1                                                                                                                                    Rummikub Group
Thursday 11 July, 2–4pm
                                                                                                                                                               Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library
                                                                                                                                                               Thursdays, 1–2.30pm
Library Detectives
    12yrs +

                                                                                                                     Coming in Spring...
    Bookings required (Conditions apply for size of
One of our librarians has been tracking a
group of rare book thieves but she’s gotten
too close and now she’s missing!                                                                                     The Great Library Seed and Plant Swap
                                                                                                                     Spring is on its way! To celebrate the season of growing
                                                                                                                     and gardening, we’re hosting seed and plant swaps in the
                                                                                                                     first half of September. Bring in your extra seeds and small
                                                                                                                     plants and we'll put them out to share. Keep an eye on
                                                                                                            for more details to come!

34   |    Christchurch City Libraries June–August 2019                                                                                 For more information or for bookings please call 9417923 or visit our website
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