Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center

Page created by Zachary Scott
Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
June 2019

    Verona Senior Center
                   June Birthday and Anniversary Party
                    “Old Time Music with Jesse Walker ”
                                Friday, June 21
Jesse Walker will be performing some of your
     favorites! Waltz, Polka, Country, and
         Blue Grass. See you there!!!!
       Lunch at 11:30 AM, Cost is $5.00
          Entertainment at 12:00 PM
        RSVP 845-7471 by 12 NOON,
                Monday, June 17
   We will be serving AJ’s Pizzas for lunch!
             City of Verona seniors or active volunteers who have a
                     birthday or anniversary in June eat free!
                                50/50 Raffle!!!!!!!!

                          Verona Senior Center
                      108 Paoli Street Verona, WI 53593
                    Open: Monday-Friday 8:30 am- 4:30 pm
                       Thursdays from 8:30 am-7:00 pm
                 Phone: (608) 845-7471 Fax: (608) 848-2784
                “Like Us” on Facebook: Verona Senior Center

VOLUME 23, ISSUE 6• JUNE 2019 •108 PAOLI STREET • VERONA, WI 53593 • 608-845-7471
Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Events and Activities

     INSIDE THIS ISSUE                               Monday Music with Tom Kastle!
                                                      Monday, June 3 at 12:30 PM
Events, Trips, and                            For years, Tom Kastle traveled the world, collecting
Activities……….2-7 In and Out………16               and performing maritime songs and stories and
                                               captaining sailing ships on the Great Lakes. These
Movies…………...8 Volunteering…..… 17             days, his passions include theatrical projects, from
                      Resources and           musicals to Shakespeare, and a recording of original
Calendar………...9 Groups………..18-19
                                                 songs based mostly on traditional fiddle tunes.
Salad Menu …...10 Transportation...…..20
Menu….…...……11 Community
Health &Wellness
……………...12-13 Sunshine Report…..22
Notes from the  Contact info and
Nurse……….…...14 Building Hours…….23
Case Manager

      Let us know if you want to be                    New Nutrition Phone Number:
    added to our weekly Senior Center               (608) 848-0438. Please refer any calls
            Email Updates!!!!!!                      about meals to this phone number.

                                Arts and Crafts Sale
                    Saturday, June 22 from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
    Love local arts and crafts sales?? Then don’t miss a first-time, one-day-only fair featuring
                  paintings, photography, woodworking, and a variety of crafts.

                        The fair will be held at the Verona Senior Center.
         If you are interested in exhibiting at the fair contact Alasa Wiest at 845-7471.

                     To participate in this event you will get approximately a
                                  10x10 foot space for $20.00.

              Please make all checks out to the Friends of the Verona Senior Center.

Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Sign up for Upcoming Trips!
               Oshkosh Bus Trip                              Save the Date!!!!!
           Thursday July 11, 2019                        Milwaukee Brewers Game
Join us as we head to Oshkosh for the day.         Mark your calendars! The annual Verona
In Oshkosh, people will have a choice              Senior Center trip to Miller Park is coming!
between either shopping at Oshkosh Outlet
Mall or touring the EAA Aviation Museum.
                                                           Wednesday, August 14
You will need to know your choice when you                July 1-5: Sign up time for
sign up.
                                                   Verona city citizens & active volunteers
         We leave Verona Senior Center               July 5 & after: Sign up for all others
                  at 9:15 AM
                                                         Final sign up date August 1
          We return approximately 5 PM
                                                                Cost: $50/person
     Cost: $50 which includes bus, admission
             to museum, and lunch                   Meet at Verona Senior Center by 10 AM
        (does not include bus driver tip)          Bus leaves at 10:30 AM & returns at 6 PM
    First stop will be for lunch at Delta Family    Payment for tickets is due within one
                     Restaurant                            week of signing up.

                                                     This fee covers the cost of your ticket,
EAA Aviation Museum                                  transportation, and light refreshments.
The EAA Aviation Museum, formerly the                    The game begins at 1:10 PM.
EAA Air Venture Museum, is a museum
dedicated to the preservation and display of           Sorry, cancellations cannot be
historic and experimental aircraft as well as      reimbursed unless your ticket is resold.
antiques, classics, and warbirds. Guided
tour is one hour, plus two short movie

Oshkosh Outlet Mall
You’ll have approximately two hours to shop
till your heart’s content.

           June 3-7: Sign up time for
    Verona city citizens & active volunteers
     June 10 & after: Sign up for all others
            Final sign up date July 2

Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Events and Activities
                      Palliative Care                           Games for everyone!
          Thursday, June 6 at 10:00 AM                Hand and Foot Mondays, 1 - 4 PM
      Facing a serious or terminal illness can be a
     very stressful challenge. Agrace can greatly     Mah-Jongg       No Mah-Jongg for June, July,
    improve the quality of life for the person who                    August
            is ill, and their family caregiver.                       Tuesdays, 10 AM - 12 PM
                  Come and learn more!                Euchre          Tues., 1:00-3:30 PM
                                                                      $1.00 person. Please arrive 5-10
          Rendever Virtual Reality Tour                               minutes early to register. No
            Friday, June 7 at 10:00 AM                                one will be added to the game
            Great American Road Trip                                  after the bell rings at 1 PM.
     We will start off this road trip and travel to
                                                      Bridge          Wed., 12:30 - 4 PM
        Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois.
       There will be an informative guided tour.
     Please sign up at the Senior Center by calling
                                                      Mexican Train Wed., 12:45 PM
        845-7471. This program is limited to 6        Dominoes
                  travelers each time.
                                                      Bingo           Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:30 PM
        Friday Ice Cream Socials in June!                             2 cards for $1.00 for the hour
            June 7, 14, 28 at 12:30 PM
     Please join us! We will be serving ice cream     “500”           Thursdays at 1:30 PM
     sundaes with all the toppings! Then starting
          at1:00 PM we will show a movie!             Game Night      Thursdays, 6 PM
                                                                      A variety of games available!
            Literature Lovers Book Club
        Wednesday, June 12 at 12:30 PM
         The June book club selection will be           “500” Game         4/25/19
        The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by            Winners         Gladys S. (1920)
                   Rebecca Skloot.                    4/4/19               Bernice H. (1770)
                                                      David H. (2610)
             New!! Mending by Linda                   Bernice H. (2050)
                                                                           Betty J. (1670)
        Thursday, June 13 10:00-11:00 AM
    If you have any mending you need done             4/11/19              Bernice H. (1480)
    (buttons sewed on, hems repaired, a tear in an    Bernice H. (1990)    5/9/19
    item of clothing), Linda Kaiser will be here to   Donna P. (1760)      Dorothy S. (2460)
    help you out.                                                          Donna P. (2230)

Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Events & Activities
   Computer Questions Plus…                          Tech Time with Tim
    Friday, June 21 from 10 - 11 AM               Wednesdays, June 19 or 26
                                                4:30 or 5:00 PM Appointments
Rich Bartlett will make this an open
                                            Tim will answer questions about computers,
discussion on any computer questions you
                                            phones, and digital devices. Space is limited,
may have!!!! Come on over and pick Rich’s
                                            so please call 845-7471 for an appointment.
brain!!!! See you then!
Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Events and Activities
                        Pop Up Museum on Journey
                           Friday, June 14 at 10:00 AM
                            Presented by the Verona Public Library

           For this Pop Up Museum bring an artifact that represents a story or journey.
         Did you move? Did your parents, grandparents, or other relatives come here from
                      another country? Did you travel abroad during school?
                  Did you go on a cool vacation? Come and share your journeys!

                                 What's a Pop Up Museum?????
       A temporary show created by you. We name the theme and date. You bring something
                        on the topic to share with others. Its’ that easy!!!!

      THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                     Identity Theft!!!!!
            NEEDS YOUR HELP!                             Friday, June 28 at 10:30 AM
We want your Senior Center to offer the          What would you do if you received a notice
programs and activities that most interest       that your personal information was potentially
our members. As a member of the Board of         exposed in a data breach? Lost your wallet or
Directors, you are able to share your ideas      discovered that your online account had been
and suggestions and assist in “making things     hacked? Identity Theft is the fastest growing
happen”. Our Board meetings are once a           crime in America today and victims will often
month from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. You would           spend hundreds of hours trying to restore
also need to give some time to assist with       their identity. While Identity Theft can happen
Board functions during the year. We are an       to anyone; there are some things you can do
active, fun Board and welcome new faces.         to reduce your risk. This informative
If you are interested, please give your name     workshop presented by Jamie Hanson,
and phone number to the receptionist at the      partner and Financial Advisor with Akamai
front desk or call the Senior Center at          Investment Advisors, covers the basics of
845-7471 with that information. One of our       Identity Theft and reveals steps to help
Board members will call you to answer any        reduce your risk and protect yourself.
questions or concerns you may have. Please
consider joining our Board and contributing             Please RSVP by June 26 to
to one of the best Senior Centers around! or 608.729.3874

Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Appreciating Our Diversity to Reduce Conflict
                Angela Vasquez
        Area Agency on Aging of Dane County

          Thursday, June 27 at 10:30AM
           at the Verona Senior Center
             Coffee and snacks will be served
Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Movie Matinees
                           All Movies start at 1:00 unless specified!!!!!

                          All films are purchased through
                         The synopses for films are provided by VUDU.

                                                     A Dog’s Way Home
     Movie times have been changed to                Friday, June 7
         1:00 PM for the summer!!!!                  1:00 PM 96 min.
                                                     As a puppy, Bella finds her way
    For June, July, and August the movies            into the arms of Lucas, a young
             will start at 1:00 PM.                  man who gives her a good home.
    We will have ice cream socials at 12:30          When Bella becomes separated
       in place of the movie popcorn!                from Lucas, she soon finds herself
                                                     on a 400-mile journey to reunite with her
       Great Courses: DVD Series                     The Mule
                Mondays                              Friday, June 14
              1:00-2:30 PM                           1:00 PM 116 min.
                                                     Earl, a man without any money in
    Wonders of the National Parks: A                 his 80s, is offered a job that
                                                     simply requires him to drive. But
      Geology of North America                       unbeknownst to Earl, he's just
     This series will begin June 10 and run          signed on as a drug courier for a
                until August 19.                     Mexican cartel.
                 No Class June 3                     Bumblebee
                                                     Friday, June 28
Ford Cochran is Director of Programming for          1:00 PM 114 min.
National Geographic Expeditions and is               Cybertron has fallen. When
respected journalist and educator in the earth       Optimus Prime sends
sciences. Over his 20-plus-year career with          Bumblebee to defend Earth, his
National Geographic magazine, Mr. Cochran            journey to become a hero
has written for National and          begins. Charlie Watson (Hailee
documented numerous Society-funded                   Steinfeld), a teenager trying to find her place in
research expeditions in the field.                   the world, discovers and repairs the
                                                     battle-scarred robot, who's disguised as a
                                                     Volkswagen Beetle.

Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
          MON                             TUES                         WED                         THURS                            FRI
3                               4                            5                              6                             7
8:45 No Keeping Fit             9:00-Noon Foot Reflexology   9:00 Coffee Hour               8:45 Keeping Fit              8:45 Yoga
9:00 Foot Care                  9:00 Coffee Hour             9:30-2:00 Wellness Nurse       9:00 Coffee Hour              9:00 Coffee Hour
1:00 Hand and Foot              9:00 Core Strength           9:30 Knitting Group            10:00 OTS: West Towne         10:00 Rendever Virtual
12:30 Tom Kastle Music          9:30 Hometown Helpers        10:00 Club 108                 10:00 Palliative Care:        Reality Tour: Great
                                10:00 Caregivers Support &   11:00 MELT                     Hospice                       American Road Trip
No Great Courses                Club 108                     12:30 Bridge                   12:30 Bingo                   10:00 Tai Chi II
                                1:00 Euchre                  12:45 Mexican Train            1:30 “500”                    11:15 Tai Chi I
                                1:00/6:00 Stampers Group                                    2:00 Core Strength            12:30 Ice cream Social
                                2:30 No Yoga                                                4:00 Line Dancing             1:00 Movie: A Dog’s Way
                                5:00 Weight Watchers                                        6:00 Game Night               Home

10                              11                           12                             13                            14
8:45 Keeping Fit                9:00-Noon Chair Massage      9:00 Coffee Hour               8:45 Keeping Fit              8:45 Yoga
9:00 Foot Care                  9:00 Coffee Hour             9:30 Board Meeting             9:00 Coffee Hour              9:00 Coffee Hour
9:00 Coffee Hour                9:00 Core Strength           9:30-2:00 Wellness Nurse       10:00 Mending by Linda        10:00 Pop Up Museum:
1:00 Hand and Foot              10:00 Man-Talk : ISIS        9:30 Knitting Group            12:30 Bingo                   Journeys
1:00-2:30 Great Courses:        10:15 Card Making            10:00 Club 108                 1:30 “500”                    10:00 Tai Chi II
National Parks 4-6              1:00 Euchre                  11:00 MELT                     2:00 Core Strength            11:15 Tai Chi I
                                2:30 Yoga                    12:30 Bridge                   3:00 Vets Group               12:30 Ice cream Social
                                5:00 Weight Watchers         12:30 Book Club                4:00 Line Dancing             1:00 Movie: The Mule
                                                             12:45 Mexican Train            6:00 Game Night

17                              18                           19                             20                            21
8:45 Keeping Fit                9:00-Noon Chair Massage      9:00 Coffee Hour               8:45 Keeping Fit              8:45 Yoga
9:00 Foot Care                  9:00 Coffee Hour             9:30-2 :00 Wellness Nurse      9:00 –Noon Foot Reflexology   9:00 Coffee Hour
9:00 Coffee Hour                9:00 Core Strength           9:30 Knitting Group            9:00 Coffee Hour              10:00 Computers w/Rich:
9:00-Noon Foot Reflexology      10:00 OTS: Hy-Vee/Aldi       10:00 Club 108                 10:00 OTS: Target West        10:00 Tai Chi II
10:00 Changes in Aging          10:00 Caregivers Support &   11:00 No MELT                  10:00 Parkinson's Group       11:15 Tai Chi I
1:00 Hand and Foot              Club 108                     12:30 Bridge                   12:30 Bingo                   11:30 Birthday/
1:00-2:30 Great Courses:        1:00 Euchre                  12:45 Mexican Train            1:30 “500”                    Anniversary Lunch -
National Parks 7-9              2:30 Yoga                    4:30/5:00 Tech time with Tim   2:00 Core Strength            RSVP by noon 05/15
1:00-3:00 Booster Session for   5:00 Weight Watchers                                        4:00 Line Dancing             12:00 Jesse Walker:
Stepping On                                                                                 6:00 Game Night               Old Time Music
                                                                                                                          Fathers Day Recognition

                                                                                                                              Saturday, June 22
                                                                                                                              Arts and Craft Sale
                                                                                                                               10:00AM-4:00 PM

24                              25                           26                             27                            28
8:45 Keeping Fit                9:00-Noon Chair Massage      9:00 Coffee Hour               8:45 Keeping Fit              8:45 Yoga
9:00 Coffee Hour                9:00 Coffee Hour             9:30-2:00 Wellness Nurse       9:00 Coffee Hour              9:00 Coffee Hour
9:00-Noon Foot Reflexology      9:00 Core Strength           9:30 Knitting Group            10:30 Triad: Diversity        10:00 Tai Chi II
1:00 Hand and Foot              10:00 Man-Talk: Field Trip   10:00 Club 108                 12:30 Bingo                   10:30 Identity Theft
1:00-2:30 Great Courses:        1:00 Euchre                  11:00 No MELT                  1:30 “500”                    11:15 Tai Chi I
National Parks 10-12            2:30 Yoga                    12:30 Bridge                   2:00 Core Strength            12:30 Ice Cream Social
                                5:00 Weight Watchers         12:45 Mexican Train            4:00 Line Dancing             1:00 Movie: Bumblebee
                                                             4:30/5:00 Tech time with Tim   6:00 Game Night

Verona Senior Center June 2019 - Friends of Verona Senior Center
Friday Salad Options for May

                      New Nutrition Phone Line: 608-848-0438
             Please call this number for any questions, concerns, or changes
                with Congregate Meals or Meals on Wheels. Thank you!

Friday-6/7 Cottage Cheese Platter: Cottage cheese with cucumber, tomato wedges,
strawberries and pineapple. No dressing. Served with bun and cookie.
Friday - 6/14 Egg Salad: Mixed greens topped with egg salad, tomato, shredded
carrots and cucumber. No dressing. Served with orange, bread and tapioca pudding.
Friday – 6/21 Beef Taco Salad: Shredded lettuce topped with seasoned beef, diced
tomatoes, cheese, salsa, black olives, sour cream and tortilla strips. No dressing. Served with
bread, fruit, and chocolate cake.
Friday – 6/28 Chicken Salad: Shredded lettuce topped with cranberry chicken salad,
tomatoes, cucumbers and croutons. Dressing balsamic vinaigrette. Served with banana,
 and lime sherbet.

         Have you ever considered becoming a
               Foster Grandparent????
    If you are over the age of 55 and looking for a way to make a difference in
  students’ lives, consider becoming a foster grandparent through RSVP of Dane
County. We ask for you to commit to a training program, live in Dane County, be
 income eligible and give just 5 hours a week working one-on-one with students
    at their school. As a foster grandparent you will receive a tax-free stipend,
        mileage and lunch reimbursement. To find out more about the foster
 grandparent program call RSVP of Dane County at 608-238-7787. Volunteering
  your time and talents as a foster grandparent helps not only a child succeed in
                   school, it benefits our whole community as well.

JUNE 2019
Monday 3                       Tuesday 4                        Wednesday 5                      Thursday 6                       Friday 7
Meatballs in Marinara          Chicken Salad                    Beef Stew                        Egg Salad Sandwich               Cheeseburger
Over Penne                     Mini Croissant                   Biscuit                          on WW                            on Bun
Carrots                        Mixed Greens Salad               Green Beans                      Pickled Beets                    w/tomato, lettuce
Broccoli Salad                 Dressing                         Chunky Apple Sauce               3 Bean Salad                     Potato Salad
Fresh Fruit                    Pickled Beets                    Chocolate Chip Banana            Grape Juice                      Calico Beans
Ambrosia Salad                 Peaches                          Cake                             Dreamsicle Whip                  Fruit Cup
                               Cheesecake Brownie                                                                                 Chocolate Chip Cookie
MO – Veggie Meatballs                                           MO – Veggie Stew                 MO – n/a
NCS – Pineapple                MO – Hummus and Pita             NCS – Banana                     NCS –Orange                      MO – Black Bean Burger
                               NCS – SF Cookie Packet                                                                             NCS – SF Cookie Packet
Monday 10                      Tuesday 11                       Wednesday 12                     Thursday 13                      Friday 14
Chicken Mac Casserole          Cheese Tortellini Bake           Chicken a la King                Traditional Meatloaf             Pot Roast with Gravy
Peas                           Bread Stick/Butter               Brown Rice                       Mashed Potatoes                  Mashed Potatoes
Tomato Juice                   Spinach                          Carrots                          w/Gravy                          Mixed Green Salad
NAS – LS V-8                   Mandarin Oranges                 Corn Salad                       NAS – no gravy                   Dressing
Pineapple                      Blueberry Crisp                  Peaches                          Corn                             Orange
Butterscotch Pudding                                            Raspberry Sherbet                White Bread/Butter               WW Bread/Butter
                               MO – Veggie Tortellini                                            Apple Juice Cup                  Tapioca Pudding
MO – Mac and Cheese            Bake                             MO – Veggie A la King            Frosted White Cake
NCS – SF Pudding               NCS – SF Cookie Packet           NCS – SF Ice Cream                                                MO – Egg Salad
                                                                                                 MO – Garden Burger               NCS – SF Pudding
                                                                                                 NCS – SF Jell-o

Monday 17                      Tuesday 18                       Wednesday 19                     Thursday 20                      Friday 21
Egg Bake                       Ham and Potato Casserole         Meatloaf                         Pizza Burger                     BBQ Chicken Breast
Diced Roasted Red Pota-        NAS – Chicken/Potato             Mashed Potatoes & Gravy          (Beef Patty, white cheese        Baked Sweet Potato/
toes                           Casserole                        Green Bean Casserole             slice, marinara, bun)            Butter
Grape Juice                    California Blend                 Croissant                        Navy Bean Salad                  WW Bread /Butter
Biscuit/Butter                 Mixed Fruit Cup                  Chunky Applesauce                Marinated cucumbers              Tropical Fruit
Spiced Apples                  MG Bread/ Butter                 Frosted Carrot Cake              Banana                           Chocolate Cake
                               Chocolate Cream Pie                                               Pecan Pie
MO – n/a                                                        MO – Veggie Meatballs                                             MO – Veggie BBQ Chicken
NCS – n/a                      MO – Veggie and Potato           NCS – SF Cookie Packet           MO – Garden Burger               NCS – Orange
                               Cass.                                                             NCS – SF Jell-o                   AJs Pizza for Congregate
                               NCS – SF Pudding                                                                                           Meal Only!
Monday 24                      Tuesday 25                       Wednesday 26                     Thursday 27                      Friday 28
Enchilada Casserole            Beef Stroganoff                  Seafood Salad                    Chicken Strips                   Tuna Casserole
Cauliflower                    over Noodles                     on chopped Romaine               BBQ Sauce                        Roasted Baby Carrots
Confetti Corn w/Black          Stewed Tomatoes                  Tomato Slices                    Green Beans                      Pickled beets
Beans                          NAS – 3 tomato wedges            French Roll/Butter               Pea Salad                        Banana
Mandarin Oranges               Mixed Green Salad                Mixed Fruit w/                   NAS – steamed peas               Lime Sherbet
Frosted Churro Cake            Dressing                         Strawberries                     Dinner Roll/Butter
                               Fruit Cocktail                   Shortcake w/whipped              Fruit Cup                        MO – Veggie Casserole
MO – Bean and Cheese           Apple Crisp                      topping                          Butterscotch Swirl Ice           NCS –SF Ice Cream
Burrito                                                                                          Cream
NCS – SF Cookie Packet         MO – Veggie Stroganoff           MO – Egg Salad
                               NCS – Spiced Apples              NCS – Banana                     MO – Veggie BBQ Chicken
                                                                                                 NCS – SF Ice Cream

                                      Meals provided by: DANE COUNTY CONSOLIDATED FOOD SERVICES DIVISION
     All menu items are prepared in kitchens that are not allergen-free. We cannot guarantee that food allergens will not be transferred through cross-contact.
                                                                     No substitutions allowed.
                                        Please note: Guests on a NAS diet should not be receiving: gravy, ketchup or mustard
                                                                       MO = meatless option
Health and Wellness
     CURRENT EXERCISE CLASSES                     How do I pay for my exercise
 Keeping Fit: Shannon Maguire
                                                   Payments for all exercise classes go
 Mondays & Thursdays at 8:45 AM                    directly to the exercise instructors.
 No Class June 3                                    The Senior Center does not take
 $50 Punch Card for 10 Classes                    payments for exercise classes. Please
 (Punch card does not expire)                      continue to sign in for each of your
 This exercise program is a mixture of           classes with your scan card. If you have
 aerobic exercises, weight training, mobility       more questions please contact the
 and balance improvement. We use stretch                   exercise instructor.
 bands and balls.                                    Thank you! Happy Exercising!!!

 Core Strength : Alasa Wiest
 Tuesdays at 9:00 AM
 Thursdays at 2:00 PM
 This is a FREE Class.
 Having a strong core is extremely important
 as it supports the spine and aids in balance.
 We will not only work our abdominal mus-
 cles, but also the muscles of the back and
 hips. Planks, Superman’s, Squats, hand
 weights, and balancing on the floor or with a
 chair are included.

 MELT Class: Liron Weiss
 Wednesdays: 11:00 AM
 No Class June 19, 26
 $55 for 8 weeks
 Drop-in $10 per class
 Using specialized soft body rollers and small
 MELT Hand and Foot Treatment Balls you
 will learn how to reduce inflammation, ease
 chronic neck and low-back strain, improve
 alignment, and enhance athletic performance.

Health and Wellness
 Tai Chi: Jody Curley
 Fridays                                             Services Requiring Appointments
 $35 for 8 weeks           $10 for Drop in            Call 845-7471 to schedule an appointment.
 Tai Chi Balance II: 10:00 AM                         Please make checks payable to the provider.
 Instruction in a Yang Style Tai Chi Short Form.             Please check in for these
 Slow, fluid movements which maintain and im-           appointments at the Front Desk.
 prove alignment and balance, flexibility,
 strength and concentration. A more complex          Foot Care Clinic - $22
 movement sequence than Tai Chi I. Standing.         Mondays, June 3, 10, 17
 Tai Chi Balance I: 11:15 AM
 Instruction in Chi Kung (breath and energy          15-minute appointments begin at 9:00 AM
 practice for health) and beginning Tai Chi          Service provider: Home Health United
 Form movements. Slow, fluid movement pat-           Bring two towels. Fingernails $10.00 extra.
 terns which maintain and improve alignment
                                                     Foot Reflexology
 and balance, flexibility, strength and concentra-
 tion. Shorter, less complex movement se-
                                                     $25 for 30 min., $50 for 60 min.
 quences than Tai Chi II - a good class to begin     Tuesday, June 4      (9:00-Noon)
 your Tai Chi practice. Students will be standing    Monday, June 17 (9:00-Noon)
 unless a chair is needed for support.               Thursday, June 20 (9:00– Noon)
 Line Dancing: Marlene Cordes                        The application of pressure to nerves in the
 Thursdays, 4:00-5:00 PM                             feet increases circulation, provides a
 $20 for a 4-week class                              balancing effect, relaxes muscles, & enhances
 $30 for 4 classes of your choosing                  well-being.
 (Must be used within 3 months)
 $10 for Drop-in                                     Chair Massage with Gary
 Join the dancing fun with beginner line dancing!    $13 for 15 min., $25 for 30 min.
 Easy dances to all kinds of music.                  Tuesdays, June 11, 18, 25
 Yoga: Shannon Maguire                               Appointments begin at 9:00 AM
 Tuesdays at 2:30 PM                                 Relax & enjoy the benefits of a massage to
 Fridays at 8:45 AM                                  the neck, head, back, shoulders, and arms.
 No Class June 4
 $50 Punch Card for 10 Classes
 (Punch card does not expire)
                                                      Free Drop-In Wellness Services
                                                           No Appointment Necessary!
 Anyone can do yoga and stretching in this
                                                         Please check in at the front desk!
 class. The exercises can be modified.
                                                       Wellness Checks with Nurse Barbara
                                                           Wednesdays, 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Staff Notes
                                                       Have fun in the sun, BUT…
     Happy Fathers Day!!!!
                                            June is finally here and everyone who is able will
Q: What treat do dads like for Father’s     be out and about enjoying, “fun in the sun”, but we
Day?                                        need to be cognizant of its effects on our body!
                                            Protect yourself with a hat, sunscreen, and
A: POPsicles.
                                            sunglasses. But awareness to skin changes is
                                            paramount! I’m addressing moles here. Most are
Q: What did the golfer dad want for         harmless, except for one, MELANOMA skin
                                            cancer can be very serious and deadly!!
Father’s Day?
                                            Because many melanomas develop on the skin
A: A Tee Shirt                              where they can be seen, they have a good chance
                                            of early detection. Regular examination of the skin
Q: Why did the daddy cat want to go         for any new or unusual growths, or changes in
                                            existing moles should be discussed with your
bowling on Father’s Day?                    primary care physician and referred to a
A: He was an alley cat.                     dermatologist who is qualified to diagnose
                                            melanomas. A normal mole is generally colored
                                            evenly (brown, black, or tan and about the size of
Q: What did Daddy pig put on his Father’s   a pencil eraser). They can be flat or raised, and
Day pancakes?                               generally do not change.
A: Hog cabin syrup                          The first sign of melanoma is typically a new spot
                                            of the skin, or a change in the size of an existing
                                            mole. The ABCDE method may help you
                                            determine whether an abnormal skin growth may
                                            be melanoma.
                                            Asymmetry: The mole has an irregular shape.
                                            Border: The edge is not smooth, but irregular or
                                            Color: The mole has uneven shading or dark
                                            Diameter: The spot is larger than the size of a
                                            pencil eraser.
                                            Evolving or Elevation: The spot is changing in
                                            size, shape or texture.
                                            If you have any of these warning signs or questions
                                            about an area or sore, have it examined by a
                                            doctor!! Have fun this summer, but be safe.
                                             Nurse Barbara

Case Management
 Are you or someone you know a veteran that may enjoy getting      Senior Housing 101 – (Facilities)
 together with other veterans? The Verona Vets Group meets
 monthly on the second Thursday at 3PM for coffee, discussion      Assisted Living (ALF) Offers supportive
 and guest speakers. In addition to our monthly groups, our vets   services such as meals, limited assistance
 plan trips throughout the year with the assistance of Becky and   with bathing, dressing, toileting and
 me. This spring we went to the Harley Davidson Museum in          recreational activities. Assisted living
 Milwaukee. Other things that are on our schedule already for      facilities are not intended for seniors who
 2019 include a pontoon ride, a baseball game and an out-of-town   need more advanced 24/7 care. ALF’s are
 day trip. All vets are welcome to join us for our monthly group   usually paid for privately or via long term
 and/or trips. Contact me for more information and to get on our   care insurance. Some may accept funding
 mailing list.                                                     from sources such as Care WI & Family
                                                                   Care. Medicare will not pay for ALF.

                                                                   Skilled Nursing Facility/Nursing Home
                                                                   (SNF) Provides total assistance with cares
                                                                   & the level of nursing care is greater. A
                                                                   SNF is the type of facility one would go for
                                                                   rehabilitation after an injury or surgery as
                                                                   it offers physical, occupational & speech
                                                                   therapy. Medicare only covers payment if
                                                                   the person has a qualifying hospital stay.
                                                                   SNF’s also accept private pay & most
        Harley Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin             accept Medicaid. (
                                                                   Memory Care Specific to those with
                                                                   cognitive impairment, often a secure unit
                                                                   within another facility (SNF or ALF)
                                                                   Payment coverage usually same as SNF.
                                                                   ~ Wal-Mart in Washington D.C has a lower
                                                                   acceptance rate than Harvard.
                                                                   ~ There’s a basketball court on top of the
                                                                   U.S. Supreme Court Building dubbed the
                                                                   “Highest Court in the Land” .
    Verona Vets Group on a tour at the Harley Davidson Museum
 I am looking forward to my first summer here                      Never doubt that a small group of
 at the Senior Center. Some of my scheduled                        thoughtful, committed citizens can
 appointments may need to take place on the                        change the world. Indeed, it is the only
 back deck! Julie                                                  thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

In and Out
                 Sign In, Please!                                       June
    Please sign in for all programs, classes,           Case Manager Outreach Visits
 activities, and events you attend. Your input          Stop by & visit with our Case Managers at
     helps us plan and fund programs and                     locations and times listed below.
  services. If you don’t have a scan card, we          They can help you find resources & services.
           will be happy to make one.
                                                     Evia: 4th Tuesday, 3-4 PM
                                                     Noel Manor: 1st Tuesday, 3-4 PM
              Weekly Email Update                    Park Verona: 3rd Thursday, 3-4 PM
     If you would like to be added to our email      Prairie Oaks II: 2nd Tuesday, 2-3 PM
        list for updates on classes, activities or   Schettler Terrace: 1st Thursday, 2-3 PM
          events such as class cancellations or
      program changes, please email Michele at       Sugar Creek: 2nd Monday, 8:30-9:30 AM
  .         Verona Library: 2nd Monday, 1-2 PM

      Where can I pick up a Chronicle?
 A free copy of the Chronicle is available for
                                                        Have some extra time? Like
 pick-up at Verona Senior Center, Verona              people? Volunteer at the Verona
 Public Library, Verona City Hall, Verona            Senior Center! There’s sure to be
 Vision, and Miller’s Grocery Store.                     something you will enjoy.
 You may also view the Chronicle on line!                       Call Alasa at 608/845-7471
                                                             to find out more!

              In honor of our generous donors, we will again be adding names to the
                               Donor Recognition Display Box
      located in the Serenity Garden. For a memorial or donation of $100 or more, you may
     request your own plaque honoring your loved one or yourself. Please make your plaque
      request at the time of your donation. All donations and requests should be directed to
                                 Friends of Verona Senior Center.

Volunteer Opportunities
                    Are you interested in volunteering?
                 The following are our top volunteer needs:

RSVP Home-Delivered Meal Drivers - RSVP Drivers for Medical Appointments
 - Help with the Friends Web Site - Event Assistants - Foot Care Assistants
                                  - Front Desk Assistants
Do you have a special hobby you’d like to share? Do you like to travel? Play piano? Would
you like to teach a class? Start a choir? Lead a sing-along? Whatever your interests are, we
      have a volunteer opportunity for you! Call Alasa Wiest 845-7471 to learn more.
Resources and Groups
             Please call 845-7471 with any questions regarding these services.

 Changes Related to Aging                               Caregivers Support Group
 3rd Monday at 10:00 AM                                 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 10:00 AM
 Round table discussion about the concerns,             All caregivers or former caregivers
 challenges, and losses we face as we get older.        welcome! No RSVP required.
 Carol Doolin will facilitate this discussion.
 RSVP Verona Hometown Helpers                           Club 108
   Welcoming New Members!!!!                            1st & 3rd Tuesdays 10 - 11:30 AM
 1st Tuesday at 9:30 AM                                 Every Wed. 10 -11:30 AM
 Come share your knitting/crocheting/sewing             Club 108 is an activity program for
 talents with RSVP volunteers who gather                individuals with early memory loss.
 monthly at the Verona Senior Center to make
 items for donation to Dane County                      Weight Watchers - Tuesdays
 nonprofits! They socialize and share creative          Weigh-ins at 5 PM, meetings at 5:30PM
 ideas while creating handcrafted items (i.e.
 hats, scarves, shawls, totes, afghans, quilts, etc.)   AA Meetings
 to help keep our community warm, comforted             Wellness Clinic - Thursdays at 1:00 PM
 and safe. If you are interested in more                All meetings are confidential.
 information, contact RSVP Group Projects
 Coordinator, Kate Seal, by email at                    Veterans Group or phone, 608-310-7280.             2nd Thursday at 3:00 PM
 Man - Talk (and women too)                             Vets from all branches of service welcome!
 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 10:00 AM
                                                        Healthy Lifestyles
 June 11 ISIS Reviewed                                  Healthy Lifestyles will be taking a break for
 We will learn about the background,                    the summer! See you in September!
 motivation, and purpose of ISIS (Islamic State
 of Iraq and Syria) the militant Islamic                Parkinson’s Group
 Organization that has recently been in decline.        3rd Thursday at 10:00 AM
 The presenter will be Steve Sheets.                    Parkinson’s Group in May is going to tour the
                                                        facility at Hybrid Athletic Club and their Rock
 June 25 Antique Cars Field Trip
                                                        Steady Boxing program for those with
 We will car pool to New Glarus to visit with
 Gary and Wade Kuhl at their restoration shop.
 They will tell of their hobby and show off a few
 gems! Meet at S.C. at 10 and return at Noon!

       Verona Stampers Group                          Card Making Class
     1st Tuesday of every month              2nd Tuesday of the month at 10:15 AM
   1:00/6:00 PM. Drop in anytime!
                                             Join Teresa Schultz with Stampin’ Up for
Share your ideas for stamped greeting card   card making. The cost of the class is $10.
  designs and get ideas from your fellow        Please RSVP by Wednesday, June 5
 stampers! Bring your own projects and                    to Teresa Schultz:
 supplies from home. No cost to attend.     
 To schedule a Transit Solutions ride, call 845-7471 by 12 noon the day before.
              (Call by noon on Friday to schedule Monday rides.)

            Transit Solutions                               Transit Solutions
     Daily Transportation in Verona                       Out-of-Town Shopping
    Pick up/drop off at your Verona home!           Pick-up/drop-off at your Verona home!
    Shared rides - space is limited.
    Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 AM - 2:00 PM         Tuesday/Thursday Shopping Trips
    Wednesday rides limited to Miller’s           Thursday, June 6 :      West Towne
     Market and Verona Senior Center.              Tuesday, June 18:       Hy-Vee/Aldi
    Wheelchair accessible van                     Thursday, June 20:      Target West
    Riders must be City of Verona residents        Out-of-Town Shopping Departs at 10 AM
    Destinations within Verona city limits        Return Pick Up 12:15 PM, in Verona by 1PM
    Maximum 2 stops per person/per trip
                                                       Suggested Donation: $4.00 Roundtrip
    Round trip to the Senior Center $1.00
    Round trip to other Verona sites $2.00         Please make payments directly to the driver.
    Please pay the van driver directly

              RSVP Medical Appointment Rides for City of Verona Seniors
     RSVP volunteers take people to medical and social appointments outside of
                  Verona. Ride requests must be made at least
                     3 business days before your appointment.
                  (For Monday rides, please call by Wednesday!)
     Riders must be able to get in & out of a passenger car without assistance.
     Donations should be made to RSVP. Drivers cannot accept tips.
     If you must cancel, call 845-7471 ASAP so driver can be reassigned to help others.
     If you have not had a ride with RSVP before, there is an intake form that will need to be
      filled out first. Case Managers are happy to assist with this!

Events in the Community
                                                           Verona Area Historical Society
      FREE Badger Prairie Needs Network                              Presents:
                  Community Meal
                                                         “Remembering the 2014 Tornado”
       1st & 3rd Saturday of each month
                                                           Saturday, June 8 at 10:00 AM
              11:30 AM – 12:45 PM
          No reservations necessary.                    At Country View Elementary School
        Badger Prairie Needs Network                            710 Lone Pine Way
         1200 E. Verona Ave., Verona                 Our June meeting will reflect on the five year
                  All are welcome!                   anniversary of the tornado of June 17, 2014.
               For more info please go to            History is happening every day, and that morning
         created one of those "remember where you
                                                     were when" moments for those living on the
        Badger Prairie Needs Network
                                                     northwest side of Verona. Shortly after mid-
            Food Pantry Information:
                                                     night, an EF-3 level twister touched down on
     If you live in the Verona Area School
                                                     Epic's Farm Campus and skipped north before
     District, or in the 53593 zip code area         heading east through the Cross County Road
     you are eligible to use the Badger Prairie      neighborhoods, ending at Country View
     Needs Network Food Pantry once a                elementary school.
     month. To schedule a ride, call the Senior
     Center, 845-7471, by noon the day               Our guest will be Verona Schools
                                                     Superintendent Dean Gorrell. Dean toured the
                                                     school that morning and will show his "morning
           Normal Food Pantry Hours
                                                     of" video walk through of the destruction of
     Monday: 10 AM-Noon                              several classrooms - and discuss the remarkable
     Tuesday: 10 AM-Noon                             effort to rebuild and be open in time for fall
     Wednesday: Closed                               classes a few short months later! He will then
     Thursday: 10 AM-6:30 PM                         take us on a tour of the rebuilt classrooms.
     Friday: 10 AM-Noon                              We also invite any members of the community
     Saturday: 10 AM-12:30 PM                        who experienced the storm to come and share
     Sunday: Closed                                  their memories or photographs of the event, the
                                                     community's response, and the months or years
     “Need something mended? Clothing                of rebuilding that followed. If you have
     Menders from the Sugar Creek United             photographs or short written memories you'd
     Methodist Church are available on the first     like to have included in our archives
     Saturday of the month during the Community      (to show at the event, or just to save for
     Meal from 10 AM-1PM. They are available to do   future generations), please send them to
     simple mending. Drop off your item and enjoy

21     THE CHRONICLE ~ JUNE 2019
Sunshine Report
Sunshine Club
                                                                THANK YOU!
If you know of someone who has been ill,
                                                Many THANKS to the Friends of Verona
hospitalized, or has experienced a loss,
                                                Senior Center for their help in making the
please let our staff or front desk volunteers   Senior Center a better place!
know, so that we can send a card.
                                                The Friends of Verona Senior Center provide
Thank you for your generous                     on-going financial support for music at the
                                                birthday - anniversary party, food for special
donations and memorials:
                                                events, snacks for Coffee Hour, Veterans Group,
                                                Caregivers Group, and Parkinson’s Group. Thank
Leonard Allemann – Donation                     you!
                                                Thanks to Our Program Sponsors:
Wilma Johnson – Memorial for husband
                                                Culver’s – Birthday Coupon Cards
Sylvester Johnson
                                                5th Quarter – Birthday Coupon Cards
 Thank you for all your continued support!      Comfort Keepers – Bingo
                                                State Bank of Cross Plains – Birthday Cake
                                                Agrace Hospice – Caregivers Support Group
    Updates at the Senior Center
           Senior Center Director
Mary Hanson is no longer with the City,
her last day was April 22nd. The City is
recruiting a new Senior Center Director                “A tiny spark ignites a flame, just as a
and is accepting applications until May 19th.             helping hand can do the same”
If you have any questions regarding the                                               Nonnie Jules
transition, please contact Interim City
                                                              Please Consider Gifting
Administrator Adam Sayre at 848-9941.
                                                Please consider a gift or memorial donation to the
                                                Helping Hands Fund through the Verona Senior Center.
                                                With your donation, you can help Verona seniors with
                                                emergency needs that they are unable to provide them-
                                                selves or obtain through other community resources.
                                                Consider a personal donation, a gift in remembrance of
                                                a loved one, donation to the Fund in lieu of flowers at a
                                                memorial service, or a will bequest to the Helping
                                                Hands Fund – Verona Senior Center.

Contact Information
Verona Senior Center                               Friends of Verona Senior Center
Address: 108 Paoli Street, Verona, WI 53593               Board of Directors
Phone: (608) 845-7471
                                              Check out our Website:
FAX: (608) 848-2784
Nutrition Line: (608) 848-0438      
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM    Louis Eifert, President
Open Thursdays from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM        Richard Bartlett, Vice President
Website:                  Pat Eggen, Treasurer
                                              Linda Kaiser, Secretary
Senior Center Staff
                                              Gerald Grajkowski
Case Manager, Becky Losby
                                              Alyce Kocal
                                              Nancy Mendoza
Case Manager, Julie Larson                  The Friends of Verona Senior Center raise
                                              funds to support the programs and services of
Program Manager, Alasa Wiest
                                              the Verona Senior Center. If you would like to
                                              contact a Board Member, please call the Senior
Program Assistant, Janice Paul                Center at 845-7471.
                                              Verona Senior Services Committee
Administrative Assistant, Michele Harding
                                              Voting Members:
                                              Kate Cronin, Katie Kohl, Charlotte Jerney
Nutrition Coordinator, Cindy Martin           City of Verona Alders
                                              Non-Voting Members:
Nutrition Aide, Jamie Amers                   Louie Eifert, President of the Friends
                                               The Verona Senior Center is accredited by the
Nursing Services provided by                     Wisconsin Association of Senior Centers.
Barbara J. Rasmussen, RN
Transportation Services provided by
Transit Solutions & RSVP Volunteer Drivers

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Verona Senior Center
108 Paoli St., Verona, WI 53593

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