I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres

Page created by Melissa Vaughn
I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
For period October 2021
                                                                                   Mailing Date: 9/30/2021
                                                                 Featured in this issue:
   October 2021                                                   Session Notes
                                                                  HBKids, HBTweens, & HBYouth Activities

                          I Love to Tell the Story
Earlier this month, I was meeting with the son of a member who had recently died. He came in-
to my office from the main hallway of the church, and you could tell his eyes struggled to focus.
He was captivated by the building, by every corner of it – looking at the pictures, the colors,
taking in the smell that accompanied the sights of just being at Harvey Browne Memorial
Presbyterian Church. When he finally fixed his eyes with mine, he had tears in his eyes. “I have
so many memories from this place,” he said. “This is where I grew up.”
As I sat with him, hearing stories of his mother’s life, he also shared stories from his life in this
church. Sunday School classes, Boy Scout troops, worship services in what is now the chapel.
Though he had moved away and found a church home elsewhere, just stepping into this space
reminded him of stories. Stories of formation. Stories of community. Stories of God’s people
gathering for worship and service.
So often, Stewardship season is accompanied with lists of what we will or what we have done.
Which makes sense. It is our way of letting you know what your pledge dollars are going to-
ward. But sometimes – and particularly in a year like we have just had – it is important for us
to remember who we are. What our story is. Why we are here and how we have come to know
God here in this place.
In the coming month, I invite you to think about your story here at Harvey Browne. Some of our
stories will be shared in worship and in writing. Some of our stories will be shared around
tables and over Zoom calls. But in this season, think about your story here in this place. For
some of you, that story may be lifelong. For some it is just getting started. But consider how
that story has shaped you – has shaped us. And how it will lead us into the future God is
Because stories have power. They make us who we are. So this October, let’s remember those
stories that make us who we are as God’s people. And let’s pledge ourselves toward living into
that future story God is creating here at
Harvey Browne.

Rev. Christine Coy Fohr

                               Harvey Browne Memorial Presbyterian Church
            311 Browns Lane | Louisville, Kentucky 40207 | Phone: 502-896-1791 | www.hbpres.net
I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres

                                  October 2021
          Sun                 Mon               Tue             Wed              Thu               Fri            Sat

                                                                                              1              2
                                                                                                             Steps+ (Eline)

3                        4               5                 6                7                 8              9
9:30-Sunday School for   11:00-Tai Chi   9:45-Staff        10:00-5,000      9:00-HBQuilters                  10:00-5,000
All Ages+                (Loft)          Meeting           Steps+ (Eline)   (209)                            Steps+ (Eline)
10:30-Worship+           7:00-           7:00-Session      5:30-            1:00-Midday
11:30-Blood Pressure     Congregation-   Meeting*          Wednesday        Prayers*
Checks                   al Life                           Nights at
3:00-Rev. Walt Sutton    Committee                         HBPres (See
Funeral                  Meeting                           page 8)
5:30-HBYouth Meeting     (Eline)

10                       11              12                13               14                15             16
9:30-Sunday School for   11:00-Tai Chi   9:45-Staff        10:00-5,000      1:00-Midday                      10:00-5,000
All Ages+                (Loft)          Meeting           Steps+ (Eline)   Prayers*                         Steps+ (Eline)
10:30-Worship+                                             5:30-
11:30-Blood Pressure                                       Wednesday
Checks                                                     Nights at
11:30-HBTweens Bible                                       HBPres (See
Lesson                                                     page 8)

17                       18              19                20               21                22             23
9:30-Sunday School for   11:00-Tai Chi   9:45-Staff        10:00-5,000      9:00-HBQuilters 12:30-Cabbage 10:00-5,000
All Ages+                (Loft)          Meeting           Steps+ (Eline)   (209)             Patch Lunch & Steps+ (Eline)
10:30-Worship+           2:00-Outreach   7:00-Christian    5:30-            1:00-Midday       Learn*
11:30-Blood Pressure     Committee       Education         Wednesday        Prayers*
Checks                   Meeting*        Committee*        Nights at
5:30-HBYouth Meeting                     7:00-Worship &    HBPres (See
                                         Music Meeting     page 8)
                                         (Session)         6:30-

24                       25              26                27               28                29             30
9:30-Sunday School for   11:00-Tai Chi   9:45-Staff        10:00-5,000      1:00-Midday       5:30-Food      10:00-5,000
All Ages+                (Loft)          Meeting           Steps+ (Eline) Prayers*            Truck Fall     Steps+ (Eline)
10:30-Worship+                           11:30-Booktalk*   4:00-PW                            Festival &
11:30-Blood Pressure                                       Coord. Team                        Trunk or Treat
Checks                                                     Mtg (Session)+
11:30-HBTweens Bible                                       5:30-
Lesson                                                     Wednesday
                                                           Nights at
                                                           HBPres (See
                                                           page 8)
                                                                    * = meeting led via Zoom.
9:30-Sunday School for                                              + = meeting in person and via Zoom/online
All Ages+
10:30-Worship+                                                      Links to most meetings are available in our weekly
11:30-Blood Pressure                                                Highlights or you can contact the church office to
Checks                                                              join. All meetings on-site at HBPres require a mask.

I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
                                  October Ushers
      If you switch dates with someone, please contact the church office and let then know.
       Oct. 3             Oct. 10            Oct. 17             Oct. 24             Oct. 31
  Claudette Taylor     Anne Hughes         Bill Bliven     Steve Whitehouse        Jim Rissler
    Tom Taylor       Margaret Lindsey      Pam Bliven      Leslie Whitehouse        Bob Smith
  Karen Overpeck       Bruce Lindsey       Devin Hoert        Diane DeLong       Laura Krausen
   Brian Pollock       Dee Pregliasco     Jennifer Hoert      Peggy Campbell     Robbie Krausen
    Jeanne Luhr       Frank Anderson       Dick Blaney        Heather Drake     Cynthia Hilyerd
     Joni Burke       Susan Anderson        Al Pollock         Gail Hudson         Will Hilyerd
                                          Nancy Pollock

                                             HBPres website        www.HBPres.
     October Lay
                                            YouTube channel        HBPres
      Readers                                      Facebook        www.facebook.com/hbpres
    Oct. 3      TBD
    Oct. 10
    Oct. 17
                Cynthia Hilyerd
                Jim Boswell
    Oct. 24     Gary Luhr
    Oct. 31     Bob Smith

               October Harvey Browne Birthdays!
                       Be sure to join us in wishing them a Happy Birthday!

Elaine Anderson         George Creznic Jr. Candyce Gordon      Lia Krausen         Sherryl Schmied
Judy Askins             Rob Davis          Josh Gordon         Logan Lewis         Jacob Sedgwick
Claudia Beck            Billy Davis III    Sohila Guinn        Gary Luhr           Scott Simpson
Bill Becker             Andrew Doelling    Cason Henderson Sheri Lyle              Norman Spratt
Nicholas Bliven         Eric Effinger      Bettye-Ruth Hill Beth McClellan         Kit Tossmann
Matthew Brandenburg Katie Effinger         Jayne Hines         L.T. Mimi           LaVaughn Will
Earle Brown             Calvin Ellis       Gail Hudson         Cary Ricketts       Kathy Williams
Kim Byram               Amelia Esterle     Alex Hunt           Dorothy Scheynost Betty Wolfe
Peggy Campbell          David Esterle      Mark Joyce          Pamela Schmidt      Jacob Wood
Laura Carter            Sophia Esterle     Taylor Koczot       Charlotte Schmied
I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
                   Harvey Browne Prayer List
The Family of Walt Sutton on his death, Suzanne Crawford, Linda Schoolcraft, Nyoka Woods
(friend of Veda Pendleton), John Glaze and Family at the death of his sister Cindy Edmonds,
Stew Bridgman Sr., Megan (Dick Blayney’s granddaughter), Mark and Barbara Barnes,
Marie Clark, Jackie Cain, Lindsey Warken (Cousin of Scott Doelling & Suzy Doelling), Jerry
Scott, Barbara Noland, Mary & John Lightner, (Friends of Gary Faltin), Allan Mears (father
of Cynthia Hilyerd), Pam Wood's mom Sue, Lucy Rapp, Rick Williams's parents, Dottie
Baker, Janet Harshaw, David Owens (Grandson of Betty Wolfe), Anne Hickey, Larry
Brantley (Son of Linda Brantley), Fred Bennett, Carol (Sister of Diane DeLong), Karen Frank
(Sister of Pam Schmidt), Diana (Daughter of Skip & Edith Light)

Mission Co-workers:
Tyler, Rochelle & Mphatso Holm, Jeff & Christie Boyd,
Rev. Dr. Dustin & Sherry Ellington, Dr. Larry and Inge Sthreshley

Presbyterian Chaplains:
Fred Ehrman, Marie Ellis, Jessica Gibo, Jennifer Gingerich, Amy
Jenny Hockenberry, Robin Hogle, Jim Martin, Caroline Wood

If you or someone you know needs to be added to or removed from the prayer list, let us know
by noon on Wednesdays. Also, if you are ever in the hospital, please call the church office and
let us know. The hospitals no longer inform churches that a member is in the hospital.

                               Deacon’s Corner
Deacons and members of HBPres, due to some folks relocating, others dropping land lines or
acquiring cell phones and other life events, the church is attempting to update all current
information about members. This is helpful in case of emergency or you need to be contacted.

Deacons, it would be helpful when contacting your flock if you could remind them to be sure
their info is up to date and correct. Also ask them if their emergency contact is on file.

Members, if you have a change of phone, address, or family contacts in case the church needs to
notify someone of your illness or other event, or if you have not given the church any of this
information, please notify the church office so it may be put in your file.

Thank you Deacons for all you do for your flocks. Remember to pray for your flock daily and
contact them often.

The Board of Deacons

Lynn Overstreet
I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
HBPres - Preschool
          Harvey Browne Preschool Highlights
The preschool hallways will be full of treats not tricks in late October! We are looking forward to
Trick or Treating through the hallways and fun Halloween/Fall parties at the end of the month.
While we have needed to limit visitors in the building at this time, teachers have worked
together with parents to provide games, snacks, and special activities for the parties.

In mid-September the Preschool Board voted to continue having our children wear masks
during the time they are at preschool. This small act has been recommended by the American
Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC to help protect the children from COVID. We learned very
quickly that children rise to the expectation set before them and our children have done an
amazing job learning the skill of mask wearing! The preschool teachers approached mask
wearing as a skill to be taught and supported, they are committed to supporting children where
they are in their development in all areas and mask wearing is no exception.

The preschool is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all children to
thrive. We are proud to have 100% COVID vaccination participation with our staff members,
a number we reached prior to the start of school. The preschool is also requiring substitute
teachers and therapists to be vaccinated to work in the classrooms.

Did you know that we offer Speech and Occupational Therapy? We have two wonderful
therapists that work with our children on a contracted basis. At the beginning of the school
year, children can participate in Speech and OT screening with parent permission at a reduced
rate through the school. If a child is identified as needing extra support, those therapies can be
done while the child attends or at the therapists’ clinic depending on the needs of the child. This
is just another way that the preschool works to meet the needs of all children.

We are hard at work having fun this fall and are grateful to provide a rich preschool experience
for our youngest learners.


The Harvey Browne Preschool Board

I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
HBKids & HBTweens
            Planning for Autumn and Advent is
                  happening at HBPres!

Sunday school is going well. One change is being made and may affect your family. The 1 st-5th
grade class is being moved inside to the gym where they will wear masks and social distance.
The teachers for that group feels this will be better for the class because of the noise and
distractions on Browns Lane.

    •   October 3 - World Communion Sunday and the worship
        committee would love to involve the children in the
        worship service. Please let me know if you will be in town
        (Fall break) because we are asking that families bring
        different types of bread to represent other cultures and
        grapes to make the Communion table look like a feast
        representing other countries. We would love to have the
        children/families process into the sanctuary at the beginning
        of the service to “set” the table. We would love to have participation of the children.

    •   November 7, 3:00-5:00pm (weather permitting)
        All are invited to Cedar Ridge Camp for camp activities and
        fellowship with one another.

    •   November 28 – Advent Buddies will begin!

    •   December 19 - Christmas Pageant to be recorded before that day
        outside. Help is needed for this adventure.


    • October 10 & 24, 11:30am-1:30pm (Note time change)
    On both Sundays, the Tweens will meet at church in the gym for a
    lesson from Learning to Use My Bible. It would be helpful to bring
    Bibles on these days. After the Bible lesson we will enjoy some
    recreation time together.

All of this subject to change and feedback, help are always welcome!

I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
                              Events and News!


   • October 3, 5:30 – 7:30pm (Note slight change in time)
   The youth will meet at Harvey Browne to talk about upcoming
   activities. We will meet outside for pizza and planning.

   • October 17, 5:30 – 7:30pm (Note slight change in time)
   The youth will meet at Harvey Browne to plan the Trunk or
   Treat and fall activities for the children.


   •   Please provide updated addresses for all college students to the church office so we can
       stay in touch with them throughout the year.

   •   Montreat College Conference is January 2-5, 2022. Any college student interested in
       attending the Montreat College Conference please be in touch with Terry Hargrave as
       soon as possible. The conference fills up quickly each year.


   •   October 9 – Autumn Under the Cedars, fundraiser event for Cedar Ridge Camp. For
       tickets and more information go to the Cedar Ridge Camp website.

   •   Join the HBUniversity class this month as Rev. Dr. Cynthia Campbell explore the
       prevalence of tables in the ministry of Jesus. Cynthia and Christine are writing a
       devotional book for Westminster/John Knox Press on this topic, for use in Lent of 2023.
       It will be great to hear your feedback as they work on this text together.

I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
                            Congregational Life
The Congregational Life team is working hard to create some fun, safe activities for our church
community this fall. We hope that you will plan to attend!

    •   Wednesday Night Dinner & Fellowship - We will host Wednesday night dinners outside,
        while weather allows. These will be simple meals that we can share before our
        Wednesday activities. Following dinner, we will host room for various speakers, studies,
        and conversations. If you have suggestions of a speaker or a topic for study, please
        contact Christine (christine@hbpres.net)

            5:30 – 6:15     Dinner Outside

            6:00 – 6:45     Preschool Choir (ages 4 & 5) and Children’s Choir (1st-5th grade)
            6:45 – 7:00     Recreation with Terry (meet in gym)
            6:00 – 7:00     Nursery available for children ages 3 and under

            Adults and Youth:
            6:00 – 6:45    Handbell Choir
            6:15 – 7:00    Learning Together – Faith and Bible Study conversations
            7:00 – 8:00    Chancel Choir Rehearsal

    •   October 29 – Food Truck Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat
        Come out at 5:30 for some food and a chance to enjoy some
        fun fall activities. Wear your costumes, if you dare!

    •   (Date TBD) - Hanging of the Greens
         Join your church family in preparing our worship space for the season of Advent!

    •   December 5 - Lights Under Louisville at 2:00
        Experience the fun of Lights Under Louisville with your church
        community. We will at Lights Under Louisville (everyone riding in
        their own vehicle). Afterwards, we will come to the church to
        decorate Christmas cookies and make Advent crafts.

I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
 Booktalk and Bookanalia will be available though Zoom. They will also be available in person
   as soon as it is safe to gather together again. Watch Highlights for updated information.

                                Booktalk                                      Looking for a
                   Booktalk for 11:30 on Tuesday, October 26                   great deal?
                   will be How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning            Mention Booktalk or
                   with the History of Slavery Across America               Bookanalia when
                   by Clint Smith. Everyone is welcome to join            purchasing one of our
                   us.                                                    highlighted books at
                                                                            Carmichael’s and
                                                                                receive a
                                                                             20% discount!

   Bookanalia for 6:30PM, Wednesday, October 20 Molly Pollock will present
 Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi. In this acclaimed book, a PhD candidate
  turns to both hard science and her childhood faith in attempts to understand
          the suffering she sees around her. All are welcome to join us!

                               Advent Craft Fair
Our Annual Advent Craft Fair will be held this year on Sunday, December 5 from 9:00am-
12:30pm. We will have fair trade crafts, as well as others, and would welcome crafts made and
contributed by members of Harvey Browne! So, if you paint, knit. sculpt, bake or do some other
kind of creative activity, please feel free to contribute. As before, all proceeds will be contributed
to the Build Congo Schools project.

I Love to Tell the Story - HBPres
                           HBPres Grocery Cart
The Grocery Cart for October is Center for Women And Families.

The Center for Women and Families provides trauma-informed advocacy and support for
individuals, families and communities affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault.
We mitigate the impact of trauma by building resiliency and reducing risk factors at all levels.
We are guided by a strong grassroots feminist history, and a commitment to social and
economic justice. We co-create violence free lives, families, and communities.

Their biggest needs are: Pasta, Coffee, Sugar, Coffee Creamer, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Canned
Vegetables and Canned Soups (all kinds), Lysol/cleaning wipes, Laundry detergent pods, and
Hand Sanitizer.

Of course other donations will be accepted and appreciated. We want to thank
you in advance for helping this mission.

For questions or concerns, please contact Pam or Mark Wood

                 Peace & Global Witness Offering

A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the
church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of
conflict and injustice across the world. Individual
congregations are encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this
Offering to connect with the global witness of Christ's peace.
Mid councils retain an additional 25% for ministries of peace
and reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the
Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate for peace and justice
in cultures of violence, including our own, through
collaborative projects of education and Christian witness.

We will collect the Peace & Global Witness Offering on Sunday,
October 3. Your donation can be dropped in the special offering
pitchers that Sunday or they can be mailed to the church. If you
are writing a check, please make check payable to Harvey
Browne Presbyterian and write Peacemaking in the memo line.

                Cabbage Patch Lunch & Learn
Cabbage Patch has launched a new Lunch & Learn program and all are invited.
Join us for Lunch & Learn by visiting the Cabbage Patch Settlement house website (listed
below) and clicking on the Zoom link.

Upcoming Topics:

   Friday, October 22 at 12:30 pm
       • Christmas Baskets • Calvin Holloway and Doug Holm

   Friday, November 19 at 12:30 pm
       • Alumni, Where are They Now? • Panel Discussion

Visit the Cabbage Patch Settlement House website or YouTube channel for previous Lunch &
Learn videos.

Website — https://www.cabbagepatch.org/stories-and-news/lunch-learn/
YouTube— https://www.youtube.com/user/CabbagePatchSH

                    Cabbage Patch Christmas
                                Our hearts and gifts are open

For now, Cabbage Patch is asking that we be flexible with our Christmas support since we are
                            experiencing an increase in Covid.

                        One plan is to shop for families - November 13
                             And deliver to families December 12
           Another plan is to repeat last year’s by donating money so the Patch can
                                  buy gift cards for families.

                        We will keep you informed as things develop.
               Please keep these dates as possible events for our church family.

                          Monetary donations are always welcomed
                                from now until Christmas.

           Harvey’s Helpers making a difference
                   and making friends!
Harvey’s Helpers is a group of people meeting on Mondays from 9:00am – 12:00pm to complete
projects around the church. During the past 6 years we have completed projects throughout the
church. With a list of diverse projects volunteers can choose a project that meets their ability
and interest on arriving Monday morning. Sometimes we are all working on the same project
while other weeks you may find a solo job that interests you. We can’t even begin to estimate
the amount of money the church has saved to use in other areas. Drop in next Monday for more
information or come work on one of our projects. We’re always looking for new projects, notify
the church office if there is something you would like fixed, cleaned, or painted. Below is a list of
some of the successful projects of the past 6 years:

Harvey’s projects:

     •   Painting – Barrett (Session) Room, Living Room, Sacristy, Men’s & Women’s restroom
         under sanctuary, most of the 2nd floor classrooms, Eline Hall, old kitchen in basement,
         exterior doors, exterior sign posts, exterior lights, church office, kitchen adjacent to
         Emory Hall, youth center, stairwell going to Youth Center, library, benches in courtyard.

     •   Removed debris following collapse of ceiling in bell tower.

     •   Repaired walls in chapel area and youth center caused by water damage.

     •   Built frame and mounted mosaic in Eline Hall.

     •   Deep cleaned Emory Hall kitchen and all tables used for dinners in Emory Hall.

     •   Shampooed rugs in Living Room, Library, and church office.

     •   Assembled pastor’s desk.

     •   Completed exterior landscaping, spread mulch, and cleaned the drainage ditch.

     •   Repaired concrete on exterior ramp.

     •   Moved furniture for preschool.

     •   Installed automatic light switches.

     •   Repaired water fountain.

We look forward to seeing you Monday.

                          Notes from Session
The Session of HBPres met, through the technology of Zoom, a stated meeting on Tuesday,
September 7. Following a devotion by Cason Henderson the following business was handled:

   •   Approved recommendations from our Covid Safety Taskforce. Details of these
       recommendations are included in this newsletter.

   •   Rev. Coy Fohr gave the Pastor’s report.

   •   Approve Rev. Tim Cargal to preach on September 26, 2021.

   •   Reviewed Terry’s report on children and youth.

   •   Marcia Lewis gave the financial report as of July 31, 2021.

   •   Approved a COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for all employees of HBPres, including the
       Harvey Browne Preschool and Parents’ Day Out programs. If you would like to read the
       policy, please contact Anne Hughes via email hughestaaj@gmail.com.

   •   Received an undesignated bequest of $72,332.62 from Thomas J. Head, Jr. Revocable
       Living Trust. Dr. Head was the husband of Patty Stonecipher Head. The check is in the
       Temporary Restricted Fund. Session will discuss at a later date the best use for these

   •   Committees gave their reports.

Next stated meeting will be October 5, 2021.
Anne Hughes, Clerk of Session

         Report from the COVID Safety Taskforce
          (formerly the “Reopening Task Force”)
The COVID Safety Taskforce has very few changes to offer to our current policy despite the
current status of COVID in the community and the recent positive COVID individuals at
HBPres. We feel that the high percentage of vaccination amongst our members provides greater
safety than available in the community. We also believe that our current guidelines have been
very effective as evidenced by the small incidence of COVID positivity in our church and that
there was no spread following the presence of a COVID positive individual at church. In an
effort to balance the emotional and spiritual needs of our members with COVID safety we feel
comfortable progressing with programming starting in September. This could include Sunday
School for all ages, Wednesday evening dinners, community groups using the building, youth
meetings, etc.

Mask use should continue for anyone over the age of 2 years old when in the church building.
Events held outside, when weather allows, further increases the safety for all. When possible,
indoor programming should include a “hybrid” for those staying at home. A safe method of
serving food with church activities is feasible but caution should avoid congregating at a serving
table. We urge all church ministries to seek innovative means to carry out the mission of the
Church. Members of the COVID Safety Taskforce will be willing participants in your planning
discussions on request.

With the occurrence of our first known COVID positive individuals at church we realized a plan
for addressing this should be formalized. It is desirable that close contacts (a close contact is
anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-
hour period (for example, three individual 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes)) are
notified in a timely fashion. We agreed on a three-step approach:

     •   Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness Department will be contacted for guidance.

     •   Events considered to be church wide will lead to a general announcement made using
         the usual means of church communications. If the event involved a smaller group, only
         attendees at that event will be notified.

     •   Any individual who has attended a church event and learns they are positive for COVID
         will be asked to contact Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness Department. It
         will be suggested that this individual make a list of “close contacts” and notify each
         contact. Church staff will request a copy of this contact list to offer support to all in-

Continued on Page 15

Guidance suggestions which likely require Session action:

   •    Allow congregational singing at the end of a service to remain as policy but at the
        discretion of staff on a weekly basis.

   •    Events at church should include an attendance list to use for contact of close contacts
        when indicated.

In summary – Masks, Masks, Masks. Look for innovative means to provide for the emotional
and spiritual wellbeing of all individuals. Call a Task Force member to seek suggestions on
implementing programming. This is a very fluid situation and requires diligence from all of us.

Thank you – In Christ’s Name,

COVID Safety Taskforce

Session                         Pastor & Staff Contact Information
 Members                Christine Coy Fohr, Pastor                                Ext. 105, christine@hbpres.net
Anne Hughes—Clerk       Terry Hargrave, Dir. of Children & Youth Ministry    Ext. 117, terryhargrave@hbpres.net
    Dan Askins          Larry D. Brandenburg, Minister of Music                Ext. 110, ldblouisville@yahoo.com
     Ben Blake          Beth Brandenburg, Director Children’s Choir              bethbrandenburg12@yahoo.com
    Jim Boswell         Carl Enoch, Sign Language Interpreter
   Darrell Darby        Timothy L. Baker, Organist/Assistant Director of Music            kewlpipes2@gmail.com
  April Davenport       Amy Squires, Dir. of Weekday Preschool    (895-2577) harveybrownepreschool@gmail.com
   Becky Evans          Julie Rousseau, Director Nursery and Parents’ Day Out     Ext. 119, jrousseau@hbpres.net
 Cason Henderson
                        Cheryl Granger, Church Administrator                 Ext. 104, cherylgranger@hbpres.net
   Mike Hunter
  Laura Krausen         Chrissy Barroso, Administrative Assistant           Ext. 100. chrissybarroso@hbpres.net
   Marcia Lewis         Tim Miller, Building Manager                              Ext. 112, tmillerhb@hbpres.net
 Claudette Taylor       Nathaniel Potts, Maintenance                                    nathanhbpres@gmail.com
   Sarah Zuber

      Church Office Phone: (502) 896-1791 | Harvey Browne Weekday Preschool: (502) 895-2577
     After-hours pastoral emergency number: (502) 208-8472 | Visit us online at: www.hbpres.net

                  Deadline for submissions to the November
                   Newsletter is Monday, October 11, 2021

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