Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...

Page created by Albert Floyd
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice
Top Tips for October 2020
Updated 9th October 2020

Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing)
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
Contents for October Top Tips
         1.    Culture Change Team (Health & Wellbeing) Updates
         2.    Mental health support
         3.    NHS Self Help Leaflets
         4.    Tackling Inequalities - Everyone's Battle Everyone's Business
         5.    Wellness Advice
         6.    World Mental Health Awareness Day 2020
         7.    Domestic Abuse Awareness Month
         8.    World Menopause Day
         9.    NHS Self Help Leaflets
         10.   Wellness Action Plan
         11.   Musculoskeletal Support
         12.   Online sing-along with Birmingham City Council Choir
         13.   Psychological First Aid
         14.   Black History Month
         15.   Mental Health First Aiders
         16.   NHS Better Health
         17.   Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace
         18.   BHealthy Campaign
         19.   BHealthy Checklist
         20.   From Birmingham with Love
         21.   Community Cycling Club

Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
1. Culture Change Team (Health & Wellbeing) Updates
Hello colleagues, as we continue to adjust to the changes from COVID-19 pandemic, it is recognised that some of us are thriving and others are surviving. Whichever you relate to, or even in
between, there is support internally and externally. Someone to talk to about low mood to anxiety, to depression. The intranet is the hub where advice, signposting etc. is located. This health and
wellbeing intranet content is available in 2 places:
- COVID-19 advice
- HR & OD Intranet pages

Since we last wrote, some of the work we are involved in include:
1.      Launch of the domestic abuse safe space for colleagues who are survivors of domestic abuse and need a safe space to offload and seek support
2.      Health & wellbeing survey council wide and directorate results presented to Directorate Management Teams highlighting what staff are saying, what support exists, and where more
        specific work is needed to improve our mental health, and health and wellbeing. Watch and listen to the YouTube videos of the H&W survey results.
3.      Launch of the working carers and menopause support forum intranet pages: access peer-to-peer support!
4.      A new health and wellbeing support guide is available for all staff whether used for inductions or accessing support, which includes the 4 pillars of supports, list of mental health first
        aiders, advice for managers etc.                                                                                                                                                                 Anju Dhir
5.      Employee Assistance Programme survey (live till 15/10/2020): give your opinion even if you have not used it
6.      Working Carers Survey: if you are a working carer, give you opinion on the support you have and need
7.      Employee Assistance Programme book a free careers coaching advice session (1 per year per colleague)
8.      Financial Wellbeing: Book a personal finance session with Pat from HSBC
9.      Mindfulness sessions: Monday –Thursday 12.45-13.15pm on Teams
10.     Tackling Inequalities: Everyone's Battle Everyone's Business: complete the online survey to give your view on tackle inequalities and how we can work collectively to deliver meaningful

Dates for Your Diary
Join us on some of our upcoming events showcasing health and wellbeing support in BCC:
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sharan Varaitch
-     Wednesday    7th   October 12.30-13.30pm: Health & Wellbeing Yam Jam (read back on comments in the Ask me anything group on Yammer)
-     Thursday 8th October 12.30-13.30pm: watch back the recorded Celebrate World Mental Health Day on Teams to talk about mental health and #endthestigma
-     Thursday 15th October 12.30-13.30pm: Celebrate World Menopause Awareness Day with the Menopause Workplace Forum
-     Friday 16th October 13.00-14.00pm: Celebrate Working Carers Group a special session to talk about working carers support (this is reoccuring meeting every Friday 1-2pm)
-     4 pillars sessions: we are planning an overview of the health and wellbeing support and sessions will be confirmed to you soon.

All information will be posted on the Yammer group called “Employee Health and Wellbeing” where you can connect with Anju and Sharan or email us at wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stacey Corbett
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
2. Birmingham City Council wants you to thrive!
    BCC wants you to thrive at work, and thrive at home by:

    ❖   Finding a routine that suits you to be productive at work & balancing home life;
    ❖   Getting moving
    ❖   Getting connected
    ❖   Getting support

    The Council’s Corporate Leadership Team is committed to employee health and wellbeing. Therefore “With line manager approval,
    where there is an opportunity to engage with the mindfulness / e-learning / wellbeing content, you are able to access this
    during work time provided it does not impact on your essential duties”.

•   Birmingham City Council is offering advice on health and wellbeing to employees during the outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus),
    especially around mental and psychological wellbeing, social wellbeing, and physical wellbeing. We understand that the fear of
    infection and feeling isolated, along with concerns about financial security and the health and wellbeing of loved ones, are just some of
    the knock-on effects from the pandemic are likely to increase employees the pressure and stress employees are under before, during
    and after any pandemic.

•   It is important for all employees to support each other and to do the best for our citizens to enable the Council to continue to deliver as
    many of the key services as possible. The ongoing commitment and support of fit and well employees to maintain these services during
    this time is essential.

•   Thank you for all your efforts in this unprecedented time.

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Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
4 Pillars of Support (October 2020)
                                          Birmingham City Council provides the following support to all employees
                                    Get Support and Talk to Someone                          wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk

   Employee Assistance                         Mental Health First Aiders                         Occupational Health                               Chaplains
    Programme (EAP)
                                              BCC have 140 Mental Health First               BCC have a SEQOHS accredited OH            Our Chaplains provide confidential &
Phone: 0800 111 6387                          Aiders across the council, who have all        Service focused on promoting and           independent support for anyone, of
Visit: https://my-eap.com/                    attended comprehensive 2-day training.         protecting the health of our employees.    any/no faith.
Online Code – Bhamwell                        These colleagues are available, like a         The team are capable of providing a full
                                              physical first aider, to support when          range of services via the manager          Support for individuals and teams on
• All BCC staff have access to free,          people need it.                                referral route.                            family worries, health concerns,
  confidential, 24/7 access to the                                                                                                      bereavement, work relationships,
  EAP.                                        Our Mental Health First Aiders are             Services include:
                                                                                                                                        mental health.
• Talk about: low mood, mental                volunteers, equipped to listen, provide        • Manager Referrals
  health support, financial wellbeing,        initial support, and signpost towards          • New Starter Pre-Placements
                                                                                                                                        Phone: 07746 299 676
  bereavement, relationships,                 support.                                       • Health Surveillance
                                                                                             • Physiotherapy
  downloading from a bad day.                                                                                                           uk
• Access counselling services                 Mental health first aiders will listen, in a   • Psychological Therapies
                                              non-judgemental way, to what their             • Ill-Health Retirements                   val@birminghamcouncilchaplains.co.uk
• Website: podcasts, downloadable
                                              colleague is feeling, and why.                 • Provision of expert help and advice      rachel@birminghamcouncilchaplains.c
  guides on emotional wellbeing,
  personal resilience etc.
                                              Find a Mental Health First Aider on the        Access the Occupational Health
Dedicated Managers Support                    Intranet to access this confidential and       Intranet information                       Our Chaplains also host mindfulness
Helpline: 0800 111 6385                       anonymised                                                                                sessions for BCC staff Monday-
                                                                                             Advice can be accessed by email            Thursday 12.45-13.15pm on Teams.
EAP BCC Intranet Link                                                                        Occupational.Health@birmingham.gov.        Join mindfulness here.
                                                                                                                                        Access Chaplains Intranet information
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Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
3. Internal Health & Wellbeing Support
                  For all Birmingham City Council staff, we are here to support you! wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk

The Council’s Corporate Leadership Team is committed to employee health and wellbeing.
Therefore with line manager approval, where there is an opportunity to engage with the
mindfulness / e-learning / wellbeing content, you are able to access this during work
time provided it does not impact on your essential duties.

      Organisational Development- Culture Change Team                      BCC Intranet COVID-19 Health & wellbeing advice –
      (Health & Wellbeing) wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk                 www.birmingham.gov.uk/staffguidance

       Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)                                 BCC Intranet Occupational Health &
       Staff – 0800 111 6387                                               Wellbeing:
       Managers – 0800 1116385 (Press 2)                                   https://intranet.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20
       https://my-eap.com/ - Code: Bhamwell                                203/occupational_health_and_wellbeing_
       Recorded webinar of EAP service                                     service

      BCC Chaplains – 07746 299 676                                         Employee Resource Groups
      peter@birminghamcouncilchaplains.co.uk                                https://intranet.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20092/employee_networks
      rachel@birminghamcouncilchaplains.co.uk                               BCC staff can access peer-to-peer support from the following groups:
      Join mindfulness Monday-Thursday 12.45-13.15pm here                   • LGBT+ Allies Network
                                                                            • BCC Working Carers: join every Friday 1-2pm on Teams Working Carers
      BCC Mental Health First Aiders                                        • Disability Advisory Network (DAN)
      Trained to spot signs, listen, & signpost. Access list:               • Corporate Black Workers Support Group
      https://intranet.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20276/                        • Autism and Allies Network
      mental_health/878/mental_health_first_aiders                          • Menopause Workplace Forum: information on menopause on Intranet
                                                                            • Workplace Cancer Support Group
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
3. Internal Health & Wellbeing Support
           For all Birmingham City Council staff, we are here to support you! wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk

Yammer: internal social media platform
https://www.yammer.com (use BCC login) & join                 BCC e-Learning: Health & Wellbeing Modules: https://birmingham.learningpool.com/
“Employee Health & Wellbeing” group                           learningmatters@birmingham.gov.uk
                                                              1. Life Transitions
Helpful groups to support you:                                2. Healthy Lifestyles
•   All Company                                               3. Introduction to Meditation
•   Ask me anything (Yam Jams)                                4. Nutrition Awareness
•   Btogether                                                 5. Personal Resilience
•   Birmingham Wellbeing                                      6. Stress Awareness (mandatory training)
•   Your Development                                          7. Email Stress
•   Parents Community Group
•   Apprenticeships                                           • Level 2 Certificate in Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the
                                                                Workplace course
Questions to ask each other:                                  • Psychological First Aid: training course created to support people in emergency
“How are people coping?”                                        situations.
“What techniques are people using?”
“How can BCC support their staff?”
                                                              Microsoft Teams – sign up with BCC email
BCC Public Health on social media
#healthybrum                                                  Join the Health & Wellbeing organisational Team- search “Health &
BCC Extranet Website- Health & Wellbeing                      Wellbeing”. Join the Wellbeing Team in the Coffee Shop, access recorded
BHealthy Webinars: watch back recorded sessions               Videos, Chaplains mindfulness, Parents Surviving Lockdown, EAP webinars.

                                                              Available events on MS Teams –
My Birmingham Rewards (relaunched Sept 2020):                 •  Mindfulness Sessions Monday-Thursday 12.45-13.15pm
http://www.mybirminghamrewards.co.uk/                         •  Working Carers Group: Friday’s 13.00-14.00pm for working carers to connect with
                                                                 each other
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
3. External Health & Wellbeing Support
                   For all Birmingham City Council staff, we are here to support you! wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk

                                                  Mental Health Support
                                                                      •     Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Trust - https://www.bsmhft.nhs.uk/about-
•   Mind Infoline - info@mind.org.uk                                       us/news/covid-19-mental-health-support-offer-for-birmingham-and-solihull/
    Birmingham Mind 24/7 support & advice: 0121 262 3555              - Key workers (7 days 9am-11pm) 0121 663 1217
    help@birminghammind.org                                           - Over 18s in Birmingham and Solihull (7 days 9am-11pm): 0121 262 3555
    www.birminghammind.org                                            - 0-18 year olds in Birmingham: 7 days a week (10am-6pm):
    Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday)                0207 841 4470 askbeam@childrenssociety.org.uk

•   Samaritans - jo@samaritans.org                                    •   Action for Happiness- resources for a happier kinder world -
    Telephone: 116 123 (Free 24 hours a day)                              https://www.actionforhappiness.org/

•   NHS Every Mind Matters                                            •   Crisis Text Line (Shout)- text SHOUT to 85258 - 24/7 crisis text line -
    https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/                         https://www.crisistextline.uk/

•   The Waiting Room Birmingham - Birmingham & Solihull               •   Free app for social care workers - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dedicated-app-for-
health & wellbeing resources- https://the-waitingroom.org/            social-care-workers-launched

•  The Silver Line - information, friendship & advice for older       •    Understanding Mental Health: Self-help Guides
people - Telephone: 0800 4 70 80 90 (Free 24 hours a day)             http://www.selfhelpguides.ntw.nhs.uk/bsmhft/SelfHelp

•   Tough Enough to Care– supporting male mental health -             •   Forward Thinking Birmingham: mental health support for 25 years & younger (resources &
    https://toughenoughtocare.help//                                      access centre): 0300 300 0099 (Mon-Fri 9-5pm)

•   Age Well UK-Supporting people to enjoy a better old age -         •   Papyrus (Prevention of Young Suicide under 35 years old): 0800 068 41 41
                                                                      •   Kooth: free online service offering emotional & mental health support for children & young
•   The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network                          people (11-25 years old), anonymouse, counselling service www.kooth.com
                                                                      •   Pause: emotional wellbeing support and advice askbeam@childrensociety.org.uk or call 0207
                                                                          841 4470 10am-6pm 7 days a week
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
3. External Health & Wellbeing Support
                 For all Birmingham City Council staff, we are here to support you! wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk

           Domestic Abuse Support
                                                                                          Physical Health Support
•   Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid (BSWAID)
    0808 800 0028 between 9.15am and 5.15pm                                     •    NHS Live Well –https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/
    www.bswaid.org for live webchat 10-2pm                                      •    The Active Wellbeing Society: https://theaws.co.uk/activities/virtual-wellbeing/
    Domestic Abuse Hub: 0808 169 9604                                           •    Sports England:
•   Bharosa Domestic Abuse Service: supporting women aged 16+ from a                 https://www.sportengland.org/jointhemovement#join_the_movement
    South Asian background 0121 303 0368/0369 email:                            •    Quit with Bella- Free Stop Smoking app on iTunes, android, website
•   West Midlands Forced Marriage - 24hr helpline:
    0800 953 9777
•   National Domestic Violence Helpline - 24hr helpline:                                   Financial Health Support
    0808 2000 247
•   National Centre for Domestic Violence:                                  •       Free Credit Score - https://www.clearscore.com/
    0800 970 2070 or Text NCDV to 60777                                     •       Free Financial Health Check for BCC employees by HSBC: email
•   National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse helpline:                                         financialwellbeing@hsbc.com subject “Bham CC Pat Johnston”
    0800 999 5428                                                           •       Stop Loan Sharks: https://www.stoploansharks.co.uk/
                                                                            •       Claim Tax Relief: https://www.gov.uk/tax-relief-for-employees/working-at-home
•   Rape Crisis England and Wales: 0808 802 9999                            •       Debt Management Factsheets:
•   Men’s Advice Line: 0808 801 0327                                                https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20017/benefits_and_support/802/information_on_ma
•   Respect helpline (anyone worried about their own
                                                                            •       Step Change: https://www.stepchange.org/how-we-help/debt-advice.aspx
    behaviour): 0808 802 0231
                                                                            •       Citysave Credit Union:
•   Women’s Aid: https://www.womensaid.org.uk                                       https://intranet.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20068/benefits/509/citysave_credit_union
•   Anawim- women’s centre based in Birmingham provides holistic support:
    website or Tel: 0121 440 5296
Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice Top Tips for October 2020 - Organisational Development (Culture Change Team-Health & Wellbeing) ...
3. External Health & Wellbeing Support (2)
                          For all Birmingham City Council staff, we are here to support you! wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk

            Bereavement Support
•   Cruse Bereavement Services - https://www.cruse.org.uk/ Or call the free             •        Birmingham Bereavement Advice Service - a free helpline and web-based
    helpline: 0808 808 1677                                                                      information service provided by Co-op Legal Services -
Email - support@crusebirmingham.co.uk                                                            https://www.bereavementadvice.org/ Helpline: 0800 634 9494
Birmingham - www.crusebirmingham.co.uk
                                                                                        •        National Bereavement Partnership - A helpline for all individuals seeking
•   Winston’s Wish - a child bereavement charity that offers specialist, practical               information, advice and support -
    support to bereaved children, their families and professionals -                             https://www.nationalbereavementpartnership.org/ Helpline: 0800 448 0800 SMS
    https://www.winstonswish.org/ Email: ask@winstonswish.org Helpline: 08088                    Helpline: 07860 022 814
    020 021                                                                                     (texts are charged at your standard rate)

•   Marie Curie - https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/                                        •        Beyond The Horizon - Local community based bereavement services for
Helpline: Helpline - 0800 090 2309                                                               children, young people and families - http://www.beyondthehorizon.org.uk/ Email:
•   At a Loss - the UK's signposting website for the bereaved -

•   The Good Grief Trust – a charity helping all those suffering with grief in the UK
                                                                                                        Menopause Support
    - https://www.thegoodgrieftrust.org/ Email: hello@nullthegoodgrieftrust.org
                                                                                            •     NHS Support: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/menopause/treatment/
•   National NHS Bereavement – Helpline: 0800 2600 400                                      •     Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause

•   Sudden - Support for people bereaved by sudden death. Includes information
    on losing someone to coronavirus - https://www.suddendeath.org/ Helpline:                           Working Carers Support
    0800 121 6510                                                                           • A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to
•   Widowed and Young (WAY) - a peer-to-peer support network to anyone who                  disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
    was aged 50 or under when their partner died -                                          • Birmingham Carers Hub: support for working carers in Birmingham
    https://www.widowedandyoung.org.uk/                                                     • https://www.carersuk.org/: support and advice for working carers
4. Tackling Inequalities - Everyone's Battle Everyone's Business

▪ Events over recent months, including the unprecedented socio-
  economic crisis created by Covid-19, have shown the extent to which
  inequalities and discrimination impact our city and society. A light has
  been shone on institutions and organisations which discriminate
  against or limit opportunities for too many of our citizens because of
  their race, disability, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation or class or
  a combination of these characteristics
▪ We want to listen to the views of our staff, communities and a wide
  range of stakeholders, from grass root community organisations, faith-
  based organisations, practitioners and public sector policy makers on
  how we can work collectively to deliver meaningful change.
▪ If you would like to share your views please complete this online survey
  - https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/economy/tackling-
5. Wellness Advice

• Human touch really matters to our wellbeing:
  some of us may not be physically close to our
  loved ones. “Skin hunger” and “affection
  deprivation” are broad and deep.

• Running in the cold will help speed up weight
  loss as it triggers brown fat which burns

• Swimming outdoors in winter helps combat
5. Wellness Advice 2
• Cycling outside may make you fitter quicker: bike sales have rose
  by 63% during lockdown, but don’t let the British weather put you off.
  By incorporating hills and strong winds means you work harder
  outdoors more than indoors.

• Forest Bathing: trees can help boost your immune system. The
  Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, where you enter a meditative
  state among trees has been scientifically proven to lower blood
  pressure boost immune systems, improve mood and decrease
  stress levels. Turn devices off, walk at a slower pace through trees,
  allow yourself to see and feel more, take long breaths into abdomen
  as you walk extending the exhalation of air to twice the length of the
  inhalation. Choose a place to stand or sit, smelling the trees and air,
  breathe deeply and do for 10 minutes. Find you nearest forest.
5. Wellness Advice 3

• How to identify migrating birds: swallows and house
  martins are heading south again after flying in from
  Africa to raise their young. The RSPB have bird-
  identifying guides and a calendar
• Go on a deer rut ramble: during October, male deer
  (stags/bucks) can be seen “rutting” as they compete for
  female deer attention. Why not visit Shropshire’s
  Attingham Park’s deer park
• Cook and drink outside: embrace the barbeque in
  winter and refuelling after a run or hike with hot
  chocolate, which helps replace fluids lost in sweat,
  provides calcium, potassium, vitamin D and amino acids
  for muscle maintenance.
• Get out in the garden: three uplifting flowers to plant
  this winter include jasmine, viburnum farreri and
  mahonia “charity”
6. World Mental Health Awareness Day 2020
•     This year’s World Mental Health Day is 10th October and comes at a
      time when our daily lives have changed considerably as a result of the
      COVID-19 pandemic. The theme for this year is Mental Health for All
      and the goal is to raise awareness about mental health, signpost to
      useful resources and provide tips on how to maintain your mental

•     Celebrate World Mental Health Day on Teams on Thursday 8th
      October 2020 12.30-13.30pm with senior leaders, our EAP and many
      more to increase the awareness to BCC staff of the internal and
      external support available, not only mental health, but financial
      wellbeing, bereavement support, domestic abuse etc. See attached the
      newly created health and wellbeing support guide. We will post the
      recordong of the event on the intranet soon.

•     There will be a Yam Jam (Ask Me Anything) on 7th October from 12.30
      to 1.30pm where you can ask questions regarding the Health and
      wellbeing survey, Health and wellbeing upcoming webinars, mental
      health awareness and support that is available both inside and outside
      the council. Read back the comments on Yammer!

    PAGE 15
7. Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

  Domestic abuse webinar
  Domestic abuse has increased dramatically, there has been a 30% increase in reporting compared to
  the same period last year. As a result, two Teams Live events were led by Craig Scriven, Assistant
  Director for Organisational Development, with a responsibility for Domestic Abuse, and joined by the
  council's Chief Executive, Chris Naylor. The link will be advertised shortly. All council staff are
  encouraged to listen to the recording if you were not able to attend one of the live sessions.

  Domestic abuse safe space
  We are making a commitment to support Birmingham City Council survivors and employees. The 1st
  October 2020 marks the first day of Domestic Abuse Awareness Month and Birmingham City Council
  is launching a safe space for staff members living with domestic abuse. Safe spaces are located
  across the city in various buildings to avoid attracting attention - it’s discreet, it’s safe and it’s
  confidential. Please note, Covid-19 restrictions do not apply to domestic abuse survivors and safe
  spaces are operated following strict Covid-19 government guidelines. You will be met by a Domestic
  Abuse Support Volunteer, so you’re in safe hands. The safe space is in response to the desperate
  situation faced by many survivors who are at home with perpetrators during the pandemic.

7. Domestic Abuse Awareness Month (1)

You Are Not Alone – We Will Listen & We Will Believe
Accessing support is easier than you might think. The aim of the safe space is to encourage all those in need
of a quiet moment to offload or to call a specialist domestic abuse service. To access the safe space or speak
to a domestic abuse support volunteer via phone, please email Dan.X.Ashted@birmingham.gov.uk and
include the line “I am in need of laptop support”.

Your email will be read with the strictest of confidence and will not be stored. A member of the Domestic
Abuse Advisory Network (DAAN) will then tactfully get in contact.

Domestic Abuse Support
Bharosa is a bespoke non-directive Domestic Abuse Service for South Asian Women. Open Monday -
Thursday 9-5pm & Friday 9-4pm. Email: Bharosa@birmingham.gov.uk

My time male perpetrator programme offers men who have been abusive an opportunity to address their
behaviour towards their intimate partner, future partner and other close relations. The focus of the programme
is ensuring the safety of women and children through challenging core beliefs of perpetrators and increasing
self-awareness. Helpline: 0121 766 6699

7. Domestic Abuse Awareness Month (2)
Domestic abuse support cont.

Roshni - a registered charity devoted to providing support for South Asian women and their children who have suffered from
domestic abuse, forced marriage and honour-based crimes. 24-hour helpline: 0800 953 9777 / 0800 953 9666

Women's Aid - national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. Helpline: 0808 8000 028

Freephone 24-hour National domestic abuse helpline - for anything domestic abuse related, whether looking for support or
if you are concerned for someone else’s safety. Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Men’s Advice Line - a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them. They offer advice
and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help keep them and their
children safe. Helpline: 0808 8010327

Birmingham City Council’s Emergency Housing. Telephone: 0121 303 7410 / 0121 303 2269 / 0121 303 4806.

For further information on domestic abuse and health and wellbeing please visit:

8. World Menopause Day
            World Menopause Day is on the 18th October and provides us with an
            opportunity to provide education about the menopause and support women
            going through it. Menopause happens once a woman has no menstrual
            periods for 12 months in a row. For many women this occurs between the age
            of 45 and 55 (with the average age in UK being 51).

            Menopause Workplace Forum
            A peer-led space for female colleagues to discuss symptoms/issues arising
            through menopause and, through our lived experience, support each
            other. The forum have themed sessions where they concentrate on different
            symptoms, e.g. hot flushes, mood swings, sleep etc. They also discuss how to
            cope with it in the workplace.

            Join the menopause workplace forum on Thursday 15th October to
            celebrate the day on Teams from 12.30-13.30pm here

            An e-learning workshop is available which provides information on what the
            menopause is, menopause in the workplace, strategies, policies, procedures,
            relevant laws, support groups and ways forward-

9. NHS Self Help Leaflets
                         Abuse – a leaflet aiming to help you understand the effects of childhood abuse and the ways in
                         which you may be able to overcome the effects
                         Alcohol and You – for information on current guidelines and for help recognising your own patterns
                         of drinking
                         Anxiety – this leaflet aims to help you understand anxiety, what can cause it and ways to cope
                         Bereavement – this leaflet is for those who have experienced a bereavement or for people facing
                         the certain of a loved one
                         Controlling Anger – for help understanding causes of anger and controlling it
                         Depression and Low Mood – for help coping with depression and begin to get better
                         Domestic Violence – for help understanding what domestic violence is and ways to seek help
                         Eating Disorders – this leaflet will help you to understanding eating disorders, causes and support
                         Health Anxiety – if you find yourself with many worries about your health you may be experiencing
                         health anxiety. This leaflet will help you to manage these feelings
                         Obsessions and Compulsions – for help recognising OCD and where you can find support
                         Panic – for help understanding panic and panic attacks and for coping techniques
                         Post Traumatic Stress – for help understanding the thoughts and feelings you may have after
                         experiencing trauma and ways to cope
                         Postnatal Depression – this aims to help you to identify postnatal depression and includes
                         explanations of causes and how to get help and support
                         Self Harm – this aims to provide support for those who deliberately harm themselves or for
                         family/friends who may have difficulty understanding this behaviour
                         Shyness and Social Anxiety – this aims to help you identify social anxiety and ways to overcome it
                         Sleeping Problems – for help understanding sleep problems and simple ways to sleep better
                         Stress – for more information about stress and simple ways to manage it
                         All leaflets can be accessed via - http://www.selfhelpguides.ntw.nhs.uk/bsmhft/SelfHelp

10. Wellness Action Plan (Source: Mind)
      Wellness Action Plan – this can serve as a reminder of
      what you need to do to stay well at work and details what
      your line managers can do to support you.

      It helps to develop an awareness of your preferred style
      of working, what your stress triggers are and how you
      respond. To form your own plan consider the following:
      ▪     What helps you to stay mentally healthy at work?
      ▪     Is there anything your manager can do to help you to
            stay mentally healthy at work?
      ▪     Are there any situations at work that negatively
            impact your mental health?
      ▪     How does poor mental health impact your work?
      ▪     Are there any warning signs when you are starting to
            experience poor mental health? If people around you
            notice what can they do to help?
      ▪     What support could be put in place to minimise
            triggers or help to manage the impact of poor mental
      ▪     What steps can you take if you start to experience
            poor mental health at work?

      ▪   You can find more information here

11. Musculoskeletal Support

                               ▪ Building some simple exercises and short
                                 bursts of activity into your daily routine
                                 can help to maintain your musculoskeletal
                                 health and helps to avoid aches and pains
                                 associated with being sedentary. You can
                                 find examples of some simple stretches

                               ▪ Taking short breaks often rather than
                                 longer ones less often, can also be helpful.
                                 For example 5 to 10 minutes every hour is
                                 better than 20 minutes every 2 hours.

                               ▪ Check out the Active Wellbeing Society on
                                 keeping active

12. Online sing-along with Birmingham City Council Choir

 ▪ Singing has physical and mental
   benefits, Birmingham City Council
   Workplace Choir has produced a
   fun sing-along video You can view
   the video on You Tube here:

 ▪ Find out more about the workplace
   choir and get in touch via the
   dedicated Yammer group

13. Psychological First Aid
                               Supporting each other’s mental health and wellbeing is more
                               important than ever during these challenging and uncertain times.
                               Psychological First Aid (PFA) is training created to support people
                               during emergencies, it offers guidance on delivering psychosocial
                               care in the aftermath of an emergency event. This tool can be utilised
                               to understand how emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic can
                               affect us, how to recognise people who may be at risk and how to
                               offer practical and emotional support.

                               PFA helps to:
                               ▪   Minimise further harm and distress
                               ▪   Promote coping and safety through a calm and thoughtful
                               ▪   Helps people to connect to information, services and social
                               ▪   Enables people to help themselves as individuals and

                               Future learn offers free psychological first aid training which aims to
                               explore the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and what
                               you can do to help people cope. The duration is set to 3 weeks but
                               can be completed in one and includes discussion forums to share
                               responses and ideas.

14. Black History Month
 October is Black History Month in the UK, an event that has been celebrated
 nationwide for more than 30 years. There are many events, activities and
 exhibitions taking place throughout the month, for more information, please
 visit: www.birminghamblackhistorymonth.co.uk

 October 1st marks ten years since the Equality Act 2010 came into force.
 The Equality Act 2010 cemented Britain’s reputation as a world leader on
 equality. It strengthened and extended protections for minority groups and
 unified anti-discrimination law in one place. Diversity & Inclusion Leaders are
 hosting a free 50 minute webinar on 14 October, an expert panel will reflect
 on the positive changes brought by a decade of the Equality Act and then
 discuss the future challenges and opportunities for equality, diversity and
 inclusion in the workplace. Speakers include:
 Caroline Waters OBE, Interim Chair, Equality and Human Rights
 Paul McFarlane, Chambers & Partners Minority Lawyer of the Year 2019
 and Partner, Capsticks
 Prof. Sue Yeandle, Director, Centre for International Research on Care
 Labour and Equalities
 Pauline Miller, Head of Talent Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Lloyd’s
 Mark Lomas, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, High Speed Two (HS2)
 Register for free here - https://dileaders.com/events/ten-years-of-the-

15. Mental Health First Aiders

 ▪   There are currently approximately 140 mental
     health first aiders across the council

 ▪   Their role is to listen, reassure and respond, so
     that they can provide initial support to those
     experiencing mental health difficulties, and guide
     them towards professional help, if appropriate.

 ▪   You can find a mental health first aider via the
     intranet to support you from stress, anxiety etc.

 ▪   If you are interested in becoming a mental health
     first aider, email Martin D Gilbert from the Adult
     Social Care Learning and Development Team:

16. NHS Better Health

 ▪ Kickstart your health
 ▪ Your health matters. There has never been
   a better time to kickstart your health.
   Better Health has a range of tools and
   support to help - find what works for you.
 ▪ Download the free NHS weight loss plan
 ▪ NHS diabetes prevention programme
 ▪ BMI calculator
 ▪ Easy Meal app
 ▪ Active 10 app
 ▪ How are you quiz
 ▪ Couch to 5K app
 ▪ Food scanner app

17. Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the
 Around 450 million people currently experience mental health problems, with
 recent reports suggesting that over 12 million working days were lost due to
 work-related stress, depression or anxiety in just one year. Increasing the
 understanding of the mental health in the workplace helps to builds a culture
 of care and support.

 The Learning Curve Group is offering a Level 2 Certificate in Mental Health
 First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace. This is a free course
 that can be completed online and aims to:
 ▪ Increase your understanding of mental health and how to support people
     in the workplace
 ▪ Develop understanding how to support individuals with mental ill health
 ▪ Understand a mentally healthy environment

 The course is available at -

18. BHealthy Campaign
Public Health are running a webinar series covering behaviour change, keeping Covid safe, long-term health
conditions and healthy and unhealthy habits. Watch recorded videos and book onto upcoming webinars:
19. BHealthy Checklist
                        A Checklist for a healthier you! https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50238/wellbeing_during_the_coronavirus_covid-19

The Public Health team has created a simple checklist which aims to provide you with practical tools and tips to help improve your
health and wellbeing and reduce your risk of becoming seriously ill from Covid-19
19. BHealthy Checklist
20. From Birmingham with Love
The From Birmingham with Love campaign provides help to families via early help
services across Birmingham Children’s Partnership. Please see their website for more
information - www.birmingham.gov.uk/love

Here is the full list of the most used services and support available now:
•   Online parenting course. We’ve pre-paid for every parent in Birmingham to access
    a parenting course, worth up to £88. Access code is COMMUNITY.
•   Mental health support. In these difficult times we have to look after our mental
    health: - For young people aged 11-25 — Kooth - Children and young people aged
    0-25 contact Pause on Tel 0207 841 4470 or email - For urgent help call Forward
    Thinking Birmingham on Tel 0300 300 0099.
•   Financial help. If you’ve lost your job, or are struggling for food or rent: - Food, fuel
    or help with white goods if in crisis at Local welfare provision - Help with
    rent Discretionary Housing Payments - And food banks across Birmingham.
•   Domestic abuse. For women and children affected by domestic abuse please
    see guidance or confidentially contact Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid. For
    men, please contact Respect.
•   Problems with drugs or alcohol. A new, discrete app called Staying Free is
    available. To speak to someone call Change Grow Live.
•   Bereavement support. It’s a terrible time to lose a loved one — you can get help,
    call 0121 687 8010 or go online to the Cruse website.
•   Early help for families. If anyone needs more help, then please contact one of our
    ten voluntary sector local leads.

  PAGE 32
21. Community Cycling Club
▪     Community cycling clubs have been running free led rides for up to 6 people across Birmingham. One of the groups, Joyful Bellas and Fellas CCC has a
      beginners cycle ride at 10 am on a Saturday at the Edgbaston Reservoir (adjacent to the Tower Ballroom) every fortnight. The beginners ride takes people
      around the reservoir or to the Harborne Walkway using quiet roads. They have adult bikes available for those who don’t have a bike.
▪     There is a weekly faster and longer led ride from the same location for up to 6 people starting at 10 am on a Saturday. These rides are usually to Smethwick,
      Sandwell Valley or Cannon Hill Park.
▪     This group will be putting on a series of drop-in Dr Bike sessions carrying out minor repairs free of charge:

      Dr Bike Sessions                              Time and date
      Event 1 - Edgbaston Reservoir                 Saturday 10th October 2020 at 10:00

      Event 2 - Druids Heath                        Saturday 24th October 2020 at 10:00

      Event 3 – Sheldon Country Park                Saturday 7 November 2020 at 10:00
      Event 4 – Edgbaston Reservoir                 Saturday 21 November 2020 at10:00

      Event 5 – Edgbaston Reservoir                 Saturday 16 January 2021 at 10:00

      Event 6 – Druids Heath                        Saturday 6 February 2021 at 10:00

      Event 7 – Edgbaston Reservoir                 Saturday 20 February 2021 at 10:00
      Event 8 – Sheldon Country Park                Saturday 6 March 2021 at 10:00

      Event 9 – Edgbaston Reservoir                 Saturday 20 March 2021 at 10:00

      Event 10 – Edgbaston Reservoir                Saturday 10th April 2021 at 10:00

    PAGE 33
Thank you for reading October Top Tips

If you wish to feedback, contribute, or share your thoughts, then
please contact Organisational Development (Health & Wellbeing)
at wellbeingteam@birmingham.gov.uk

Why not post on Yammer’s Employee Health & Wellbeing Group
sharing your health and wellbeing journey and tips that have worked
for you to thrive.
Visit the intranet sites for all health and wellbeing content:
▪ Covid-19 information:
▪   HR & Organisational Development information:                      Sharan Varaitch
    https://intranet.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20203/occupational_heal                     Stacey Corbett
▪   Public Health Extranet information:                                                                  Anju Dhir
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