Page created by Wesley Cobb

CONTINENT                        South America

COUNTRY                          Colombia

                                Comprehensive healthcare, Primary
HEALTH FOCUS                    Health Care (PHC)
                                Rural health, community-based health,
AREAS OF INTEREST               intercultural health
                                Improved access to quality care
HEALTH SYSTEM FOCUS             through community engagement
                       SUMAPAZ LOCALITY
       Following evaluation of the health care needs of Sumapaz’s rural population, a
  comprehensive care model for rural health was created in 2001 to guarantee access to
 health care. The initiative promotes community engagement and empowerment to design
                contextualized intervention strategies and so offer solutions
                              to real life problems and challenges.

  Authors: Martha Milena Bautista Gómez, Kathleen Agudelo, Diana María Castro-Arroyave

                    LOCALIDAD DE SUMAPAZ
    Tras la evaluación de las necesidades de atención de la salud de la población rural de
Sumapaz, en 2001 se creó un modelo de atención integral para la salud rural para garantizar
el acceso a la atención de salud. La iniciativa promueve el compromiso y la participación de
    la comunidad para diseñar estrategias de intervención contextualizadas y así ofrecer
                      soluciones a problemas y desafíos de la vida real.

  Autores: Martha Milena Bautista Gómez, Kathleen Agudelo, Diana María Castro-Arroyave

        This case study forms part of the Social Innovation in Health Initiative Case Collection.
          This case study was prepared by CIDEIM. Research was conducted in 2019-2020.
                 This account reflects the stage of the social innovation at that time.

                              SIHI Academic Advisor: Prof. Lenore Manderson

         For more information on SIHI and to read other cases in the SIHI Case Collection, visit The SIHI network is supported by TDR, the Special Programme for
Research and Training in Tropical Disease, co-sponsored by UNDP, UNICEF, the World Bank and WHO.
 TDR is able to conduct its work thanks to the commitment and support from a variety of funders. For
  the full list of TDR donors, please see: TDR receives
     additional funding from Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency,
                                              to support SIHI.

                                               SUGGESTED CITATION:

  Bautista, M., Agudelo, K. & Castro-Arroyave, D. (2020). Comprehensive Care Model for Rural Health: Sumapaz
   Locality. [Online]. World Health Organization & UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/ WHO Special Programme for
     Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva: Social Innovation in Health Initiative, Available at

              This work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 License. To view a copy of the license,


ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3
CASE INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 4
   1. INNOVATION AT GLANCE ................................................................................................ 5
   2. CHALLENGES ....................................................................................................................... 6
   3. INNOVATION IN INTERVENTION AND IMPLEMENTATION .................................. 7
     3.1 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 7
     3.2 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE AND ACCESS TO HEALTH............................. 9
     3.3. FOOD SAFETY AND NATURAL MEDICINE ............................................................... 10
   4. ORGANIZATION AND PEOPLE ......................................................................................11
     4.1 THE INNOVATIVE ORGANIZATION ................................................................................ 11
     4.2 THE IMPLEMENTATION TEAM ........................................................................................ 12
   5. RESULTS AND IMPACT .................................................................................................... 12
     5.1 HEALTHCARE QUALITY AND ACCESSIBILITY .......................................................... 12
     5.2 CREATING VALUE FOR THE COMMUNITY ................................................................ 13
     5.3 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION FOR THE INNOVATION ....................................... 13
   6. SUSTAINABILITY, SCALABILITY AND REPLICABILITY........................................ 14
   7. LESSONS LEARNED .......................................................................................................... 15
CASE APPROACHES ................................................................................................................ 16
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 17


APS           Primary Health Care

COLCIENCIAS   National Colombian Research Office

EAPB          Administrators of Benefit Plans

EPS           Healthcare Provider

FAO           World Federation for Food and Agriculture

ICBF          Colombian Institute of Family Welfare

Icontec       Colombian Institute of Technical Standards

IPS           Healthcare Provider

PIC           Collective Intervention Plan

UNDP          United Nations Development Programme

POS           Mandatory Health Plan

RIPS          Individual Records of Provision of Services

SIVIGILA      National Public Health Surveillance System

UAP           Primary Care Units

            Image 1. Chizagá Lake                             Image 2. Sumapaz Farmer Cutting Wood

    Source: Martha Milena Bautista Gómez. 2020               Source: Martha Milena Bautista Gómez. 2020

Sumapaz is a rural locality in the south of                  terms of cohesion and ties of solidarity
the capital city of Colombia, Bogotá. It is                  (Montañez and Delgado, 1998).
considered pivotal to the country
because of its important water reserve,                      The history and continued presence of
its extraordinary plant and animal                           armed conflict in this area has shaped the
biodiversity, and a great variety of                         community's revolutionary tradition and
ecosystems. Sixty percent of this                            political landscape. This has contributed
territory is a protected area within the                     to the creation of an expansive network
Sumapaz National Natural Park, which is                      of community organizations that remain
considered the world's largest paramo                        decisive in social order (Bautista, 2018).
ecosystem1 (SDP, 2010).
                                                             Factors such as agricultural work, rural
                                                             routines,    and     sub-optimal  living
According to data from Subred Sur
                                                             conditions due to ongoing socio-
(Provider Medical Care Institution)
                                                             economic exclusion significantly affect
(2018), Sumapaz has 2692 inhabitants,
                                                             the health status of the population. In
almost all traditional farmer, who live in
                                                             addition, the lack of transportation
isolated houses or small slums, and
                                                             options and high degree of isolated
involved in cattle raising and potato
                                                             housing over a large territory pose
production. At the social level strong
                                                             challenges to both the quality and
community relations predominate in
                                                             accessibility of health care.

1                                                            rivers, thereby sustaining the hydrological regime, and is
  The paramo gives rise to the birth of innumerable rivers   considered a strategic area for water resource
regulating the water cycle at the headwaters of Colombian    conservation at regional, national, and global levels.

Project Details

Project Name                      Comprehensive Care Model for Rural Health:
                                  Sumapaz Locality
Year Founded                      2001
Founding Institution              Hospital Nazareth - Subred Sur
Country of Origin                 Colombia
Participating Organizations       Bogotá Secretary of Health,Sumapaz Community
                                  Organizations, Colombia National University,
                                  Botanical Garden, among others.
Organizational Structure          Bogotá Health Secretary – Subred-Sur – Rural
                                  Liaison – Sumapaz Locality
Team Size                         > 100 health workers
Innovation Value
Value Proposition                 Improvement of access to and quality of health
                                  services in the rural population, implementing
                                  health promotion strategies with community
Beneficiaries of the Initiative   Rural Communities in Sumapaz, Bogotá, Colombia
Key Components                        ●   Community participation
                                      ●   Comprehensive health access
                                      ●   Food safety and natural medicine
Operational Details
Principal Sources of Income       Office of the Mayor of Bogotá – District Secretary of
Annual Spending                   $ 1.174.195 US (Approximately)
Scale and Transferability

Population                        Sumapaz Locality (Bogotá, Colombia) - corresponds
                                  to 2692 people and 609 families
Local Commitment                  Educational Institutions Jaime Garzón and Juan de
                                  la Cruz Varela – Sumapaz community action agency
                                  – Agrarian Union.
Scale                             The model has been operating in Sumapaz since
                                  2001, and is in its initial phase in other urban and rural
                                  localities in Bogotá.
Sustainability                    The financial sustainability of the Comprehensive
                                  Care Model depends on the resources of the District
                                  Secretary of Health of Bogotá. It is environmentally
                                  and socially sustainable to empower the community.


Guaranteeing the quality and access of                           The Sumapaz community often practices
health care for the rural population in                          traditional medicine to provide solutions
Sumapaz presented major challenges in                            to their health problems, and community
terms of reducing physical access, socio-                        members tend to use local healers and
cultural, and political barriers, as well as                     methods in preference to western
those directly linked to the health care                         medicine. This represented a cultural
system.                                                          challenge that required co-learning to
                                                                 achieve     synergy    between     health
On one hand, geographical barriers are
inherent to remote rural areas. Factors
such as the limited accessibility, its                           The health system, on the other hand, had
difficult access for topography and lack of                      significant limitations in Sumapaz. In terms
roads, the high degree of isolation, and its                     of health infrastructure. The locality had
deficient road infrastructure directly                           only one first-level health center,2 which
affect the coverage of health services and                       was insufficient to serve the entire
quality of health care. The continued                            population.3 Despite the fact that the
presence of armed conflict in the area                           health system in Colombia has developed
adds further complications.                                      mechanisms to guarantee coverage of the
                                                                 entire population, as provided by the
Factors associated with rural life had a
                                                                 Subred-Sur (2018), self-employment and
wide impact on the health of the
                                                                 the informal nature of rural work in
population. The mainstream use of
                                                                 Sumapaz means that 19% of the
agrochemicals has likely led to disease
                                                                 population is not affiliated with the health
and disability of some of its inhabitants,
including several types of cancer.
Likewise, muscular-skeletal conditions                           For these reasons, the population had
such as osteoarthritis are common given                          suboptimal health status similar to the
the excessive physical exertion required                         most vulnerable regions in Colombia and
for their work; respiratory diseases due to                      in contrast with populations living in other
dust mites and soot from wood cooking;                           localities in Bogotá. As stated in one of the
and     infectious    intestinal   diseases                      interviews conducted with the innovation
associated with a lack of potable water                          team: "50% of the women who died in the
and poor nutrition. For these reasons,                           capital district belonged to this locality, we had
central points of innovation included the                        a mortality rate as high as that of Chocó, we
promotion of food safety, healthy work,                          even had a mortality rate of 72%". (Group
and the reduction of the use of                                  interview, innovation team, November 14,
agrochemicals (Subred Sur. 2018).                                2019).

2                                                                (EPS), which is assigned by a health institution lender (IPS),
  A First Level Hospital is the least complex level of health    an entity in charge of guaranteeing health coverage to the
care. It serves the population for disease prevention, general   citizen.
medicine, some specialists.
  By law, all citizens must be affiliated with the “Obligatory
Plan for Health” (POS) using a national health provider


    Image 3. Home visits in Pasquilla Slum         Image 4. Workshop in Chaquen Park

  Source: Martha Milena Bautista Gómez. 2020.     Source: Martha Milena Bautista Gómez. 2020

 The comprehensive care model for rural          health care model has been adapting to
 health in Sumapaz was developed in 2001         the political and administrative changes in
 by Nazareth Hospital. In 2016, this became      the district and in the health sector, the
 the Subred Sur, the current health              components and strategies have been
 institution   in    charge       of     the     consistent and are identified below (See
 implementation. Although over time, the         Table 1

 Table 1. Comprehensive Healthcare Model for Rurality: Location of Sumapaz
  Components                         Strategies            Results
  Community engagement:              10 Community          ● Recognition of quality in
  Study of necessities               Networks                health
  Co-construction of knowledge                             ● Decrease in morbidity
  Community education                                        and mortality
  Comprehensive       healthcare and Home   visits         ● Reduction of access
  access:                            “Health Routes”         barriers
  Interinstitutional management                            ● Generation of new
                                                           ● Empowerment
  Food safety and natural medicine:  Chaquén Park:
                                                           ● Creating value for
      ● Home gardens                 (Public Health
      ● Agrochemical control         Park)
      ● Comprehensive medicine

 3.1 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                       created with and by the community
                                                through opportunities for dialogue and
 Community participation has been one           feedback, co-creation exercises, and the
 of the cross components in the care            use   of    different   technical   and
 model in each of its phases. It is a model

methodological tools adequate to rural                       community itself, and its members have
population.                                                  actively participated in the whole process,
                                                             we’ve never just implemented our own ideas,
To this end, the initiative included the co-
construction of knowledge, given                             but rather, have worked directly with the
through communication between the                            farmers to identify their needs. (Interview,
community, the health institution and                        María, innovation team, November 13,
universities. The health care model                          2019)
recognizes      the    farmer’s    practical
                                                             Since 2004, the report Analysis of
knowledge of the environment and the
                                                             Conditions, Quality of Life, Health and
local culture, and integrates this with the
                                                             Disease has been elaborated by Subred
knowledge of health professionals,
                                                             Sur    annually.   This     is   a   socio-
researchers and academics. Various
                                                             epidemiological      and       geographical
training courses are provided to the
                                                             analysis document that combines
community that can then be applied to
                                                             different data collection methods and
their specific needs and experiences,
                                                             techniques: quantitative (health situation
while academic research is carried out in
                                                             survey4), epidemiological (RIPS5 and
the territory.
                                                             SIVIGILA6),      qualitative     (BIT-PASE
The model also promotes the integration                      Methodology:                    Population,
of Sumapaz farmers with other urban                          Environmental, Social and Economic),
and rural agents through various spaces.                     and      various     cartographic       and
Twelve meetings for the “Knowledge                           documentary sources. The data from
and Taste Exchange” were conducted,                          these diverse sources has illuminated the
one of them between afro and                                 complexity social reality of the area,
indigenous    women       of   different                     identified areas for further study, and
Colombian regions with and Sumapaz                           allowed for the prioritization of particular
farmer women, in order to recognize and                      health needs.
express the value of their ancestral
                                                             Based on this in-depth understanding,
                                                             community interventions are carried out
Another fundamental goal of the                              using      an      experiential   pedagogy
initiative was to identify needs in order                    methodology, one of the main innovative
to understand the social reality of the                      features of the initiative. Its objective is
community        and    its   health    care                 to generate significant learning in the
deficiencies. Instead of adopting the                        community through practical simulation
perspective      of    the    implementing                   workshops, appealing to the ancestral
institutions, this process of identification                 and local knowledge of the inhabitants,
began with the perspective of the farmer                     their links with the territory and their
as a political subject, as described below:                  rural way of life, and using recreational-
                                                             artistic tools adapted to the rural
So in order to be able to generate impact and
for the families to really believe in us... it was
precisely because the needs of the community                 An example of this was the workshop for
were identified in collaboration with the                    the community where one of the

4                                                            not only for the healthcare field, but also for further
 This survey was applied to address the need to have clear   research development and the implementation of all types
data about the specific population, keeping in mind that     of district programs.
armed conflict and the high degree of migration has          5
affected the exactitude of publicly accessible data and        Individual Registry for the Lending of Services
doesn’t account well for the social reality of the           6
population. With time, the data proved to be very useful,      National Public Health Surveillance System

participants wrote a song alluding to the     relevant to the rural sector are involved:
life of the farmer. This was performed by     environmental engineers, agronomists
the environmental engineer and the            and a physician who practices integrated
doctor of integrative medicine, and then      natural and western medicine. In
a recipe that uses rosemary oil to treat      addition, the team included someone
muscle aches was taught to farmers            from the health governance field and
(Field Diary 1. Workshop of the Senior        professionals from the social sciences.
Citizen Network. November 12, 2019).
                                              Guaranteeing access to health also
Likewise, language is a very important
                                              involved       an    inter-institutional
element that facilitates the learning
                                              management process, as proposed by
process. A frequent resource is the use
                                              the innovation team:
of analogies about rural life to educate
and transmit knowledge. For example,          That we do not look at health as the levels of
the program de Ruanas para ruanitas is a      care, but in a linear way in such a way that
course offered to farmers, both men and       from where I identify the need it is
women, on reproduction and infant             addressed ... that that need receives its
                                              answer in all its magnitude ... there is the
In this process, the main participation       integrality at the moment in which we all unite
strategy     of   the     model   is    the   to provide with the true right to health and to
consolidation     of     ten    community     give you a correct and assertive response to
networks, with the purpose of training        your need (Group interview, innovation
health promotion leaders in different         team, November 14, 2019).
topics of integrated health and
differential care. The ten networks are:      This intersectoral process has resulted in
young people (1), chronic patients (1),       systems-level change in the following
disability (2), food, nutritional and         ways:
environmental security (2), women (1),
elderly people (1), early childhood (1) and   ●   The health framework was adapted
healthy habitat (1).                              to rural conditions, that is, to make
                                                  the processes, procedures and
3.2 COMPREHENSIVE                                 requirements of district health
HEALTHCARE AND ACCESS TO                          policies viable in the project area.
HEALTH                                        ●   It was necessary to integrate
                                                  different components of the health
The comprehensive health perspective
                                                  system in order to provide care and
that the model proposes necessarily
                                                  coverage to the entire population,
implies an interdisciplinary approach to
                                                  either at the Local Medical Center
understand the needs of the local
                                                  and/or through home medical visits.
population and to create comprehensive
                                              ●   The Subred Sur also managed to
health interventions. For this reason, the
                                                  develop links between primary
implementation team is multidisciplinary,
                                                  health care services in the locality
comprised of health professionals
                                                  and specialized health care in the
including physicians, nurses, dentists,
                                                  urban area.
health educators, nursing assistants,
occupational and physical therapists,         In addition, the model includes the
nutritionists,  social    workers     and     design of creative and innovative
psychologists. In addition, a number of       strategies to lower barriers to access to
people from specific professionals            health care. One of these strategies is

home visits, in which the team of health                      agricultural population that has a lot of
professionals goes to people’s homes to                       adherence to these treatments. We articulate
follow up with patients regarding health                      with the component of integrative medicine
conditions identified in outpatient care                      and develop actions so that the families can
and to provide preventive care to other                       complement the conventional treatment given
family members. This has been a key
                                                              by the Subred Sur, achieve a greater
strategy for early disease detection, and
                                                              adherence rate, and approach health in a
to discourage unhealthy practices, and
                                                              more holistic way. (Interview,        María,
problematic home habits and daily
                                                              innovation team, November 13, 2019)
activities,  such    as   the   use    of
agrochemical and firewood stoves inside                       Throughout the implementation of the
the house.                                                    model, several different programs were
                                                              developed, one of the most stable being
One strategy to facilitate patient referral
                                                              Food Security. Food Security is a high
from Sumapaz to the city for medical
                                                              priority because malnutrition has been
attention is the so-called Health Route.
                                                              one of the main health problems in the
This is specifically meant for Sumapaz
                                                              locality. The activities include the
members who cannot be attended to
                                                              promotion of home gardens, the
within the locality due to the complexity
                                                              management of organic waste, the
of their health problem. The health
                                                              promotion of healthy diets and eating
institution assigns a support professional
                                                              practices, and the inclusion of new
who is responsible for facilitating the
                                                              nutritious foods. Another area of action
care     coordination,   organizing    the
                                                              is the promotion of healthy work, which
medical appointment, and providing
                                                              includes good agricultural practices and
transport for patients to get to the urban
                                                              the reduction and control of the use of
health center and to return back home
                                                              There is also an Integrative Medicine
                                                              Program, which began in 2016 and
                                                              consists of integrating the methods and
The model's focus on building an                              practices of conventional medicine with
ecosystem is based on a holistic                              those of natural ancestral medicine. This
perspective that, following WHO and                           innovative program in the health system
PAHO definitions, conceives of health as                      is used with patients on home visits and
a "state of complete physical, mental,                        through community networks, utilizing
spiritual, emotional and social well-being,                   various strategies according to the
and not merely the absence of disease or                      needs of the patient. Examples of this
infirmity" Subred Sur. 2016:7). This                          include encouragement of people to use
perspective strengthens the integrative                       of medicinal plants, neural therapy for
nature of the model, taking into account                      pain7, etc.
the rural community in which it is
developed, as explained by a member of                        In this component, the main strategy of
the innovation team:                                          the model is the Chaquén Park, which,
                                                              since its creation in 2007, was conceived
We worked on the whole issue of medicinal                     as a center of interaction and learning
plants, because we understood that this is an                 under the principles of food security and

7                                                             stresses in various tissues, and facilitates the successful
   According with Vinyes (2003) Neural therapy                application of other treatment techniques.
extinguishes peripheral irritational stimuli, thus reducing

environmental protection (Hospital of                        new practical knowledge and receive
Nazareth, 2008). Currently, the park is an                   agro-environmental advice, which has
agro-environmental space of 2.25                             had a positive reception by the farmers,
hectares with demonstration agricultural                     as they themselves have expressed:
plots, where environmental education
and training activities are carried out, as                  From Chaquén Park I have brought my little
well as the promotion of sustainable                         seeds and sowed them in my gardens with
agricultural activities from an economic,                    organic fertilizer, and that has really improved
environmental      and     human    health                   my health and the health of my family, to have
standpoint.                                                  a good healthy diet (Group interview,
                                                             Sumapaz community, November 13,
For the community, the Park is a shared                      2019)
meeting space at which people can learn

Unlike many social or innovative                             community, and those of the organization
projects, the Comprehensive Care Model                       heads themselves, led to a historical moment
for Rural Health does not depend on a                        that allowed the organization itself to say:
single manager. Although a group led its                     Listen, let's think about something different,
creation, it is a stable innovation, which                   let's do something different, because this
has been directed and implemented by a
                                                             moment is probably not going to happen
number of different work teams.
                                                             again... (Interview, Andrés, innovation
4.1 THE INNOVATIVE                                           team, November 15, 2019).
ORGANIZATION                                                 This was the beginning of the health care
                                                             model, at that time known as "Healthy family,
The innovation was created in 2001 by
                                                             healthy community, natural environment",
Nazareth Hospital, which at the time was
the only health care provider in the                         which was built on two fundamental
locality.8 The initiative arose within a                     perspectives: health prevention and the co-
socio-political environment that was                         construction of knowledge. Then, in 2016,
favourable to the creation of new                            the hospital merged with other hospitals in
mechanisms to improve access to and                          the south eastern area of Bogota and
the quality of healthcare services. At the                   integrated the Subred Sur that serves
national and district level, the aim was to                  Sumapaz and the other urban-rural localities
guarantee superior standards of quality                      of Ciudad Bolivar, Usme and Tunjuelito. The
in health care, while the new district                       heath care office for rural population was
government decided to focus on the                           created, and the Sumapaz health care
recognition of the rural nature of the city
                                                             model currently operates from this.
in district policies, as described below:
I believe that the challenges of the district
government at the time, the challenges of the

8                                                            created. This coincided with the first time that a mayor
  During the governance of Mayor Luis Eduardo Garzon         from Bogota came to visit the Sumapaz locality.
(2004-2007), the Public Politics District for Rurality was

4.2 THE IMPLEMENTATION TEAM                   An interdisciplinary team was gradually
                                              formed with its members meeting all of
The motivation and commitment of both         these requirements. Most were young
the initial implementation team and           people who positively valued and
those who contributed later on in the         showed a high commitment to their
shaping of the model have been                work, evident in the way they carried out
fundamental to the success of the             the interventions and the links they
innovation, its sustainable processes,        established with the community. One of
and overcoming various challenges.            the team members stated:

To find the right team in Sumapaz, it was     I have learned a lot from some of my
necessary to identify professionals who       colleagues who have done a great job are
had rural experience. The team had to         always creating new things in the ‘Subred’...
address    all    the   challenges     that   we stopped doing the typical lecture-style
accompany the work in this rural              talks to put on a workshop, to build a process
environment: the risk to public order and     that we can enjoy... the idea is to do it in a fun
safety associated with armed conflict,        and playful way so that it is easier to learn.
the long travel distances, and the need       (Interview Lucía, innovation team,
for the worker to live in the locality        November 13, 2019).
during the week. Moreover, team
members needed to be multidisciplinary        A dynamic of constant and continuous
professionals with the flexibility to work    evaluation and improvement allowed the
in different areas (for example, a            process of activity innovation and
psychologist needed to be able to             pedagogical strategies to fulfil the
provide clinical consultations and            objectives of the model to be permanent.
community interventions in schools). In       An example of this is the Quality Circles;
addition, team members needed to              these are daily discussion spaces about
approach the work from their area of          the challenges or problems in relation to
knowledge. and facilitate the community       community work, and the search for
work with local farmers.                      creative solutions.

                                              Last year my daughter got a migraine, she
The       implementation       of       the   fainted, she was at school and they called me
Comprehensive Care Model for Rural            to go to school for that reason, and when I
Health has demonstrated progress in
                                              arrived they were already taking my daughter
healthcare quality and the reduction of
                                              to the hospital; that is, they don't wait for the
access barriers, making a significant
                                              person to get worse, but they start at once and
difference to the health conditions of
Sumapaz compared with other rural             they warn you. ...for me it's a good service.
territories with similar characteristics at   (Group interview, Sumapaz community,
the national and local levels. This is        November 13, 2019)
reflected in people’s experiences in          The model currently covers 100% of the
access and their health status:               rural population in the Sumapaz locality.

Its two health care centers (UAP San        developing productive agricultural and
Juan and UAP Nazareth) are accredited       livestock projects as a result of training
by the Colombian Institute of Technical     spaces.
Standards (Icontec). Health tracking
indicators show clear results of the
improvement in health quality, especially   5.3 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION
in the focus areas of maternal and          FOR THE INNOVATION
perinatal health and nutrition (DANE,
2016, 2017, 2018): There were no            Over the course of the implementation of
maternal, perinatal, infant or under five   the innovation, a number of recognitions
deaths in 2016, 2017 or 2018.               were obtained:

                                            ●   (2003) First place for the food and
                                                nutritional security project for its
                                                contributions to child nutrition
                                                awarded by the Éxito Foundation.
The effort of so many years of work in      ●   (2003) Second place for its
education and capacity building brought         contributions to child nutrition
tools and skills to the population that         awarded by The Colombian Family
transcend the field of health and               Welfare Institute (ICBF).
contribute to individual and community      ●   (2010) The Chaquén Park was
development in several areas.                   recognized as a case of innovation
                                                for human development by The
The health care model improves the              United     Nations      Development
quality of life of the population in a          Programme (UNDP).
comprehensive manner through the            ●   Award for the development of
mechanisms of social inclusion for              human potential with the program:
traditionally excluded groups such as           Ecotherapy and mental care by the
people living with disabilities and             senior management of the public
women. The model also supported                 service.
community empowerment processes             ●   National       Corporate        Social
and promoted work health, as one of the         Responsibility Award for the Human
members of the implementation team              Potential Development component
mentioned: "we have achieved with much          and therapy center of the Chaquén
effort and a lot of extra-mural work the        Park
reduction of the entire agrochemical        ●   (2017) The Food and Agriculture
component" (Interview, María, innovation        Organization (FAO) recognized the
team, November 13, 2019)                        attention model as a process of
                                                innovation     of    strategies    to
Training and education spaces have              encourage families to cease using
been sources of new knowledge for               agrochemicals and to enter organic
farmers, including in the development of        farming systems.
leadership skills. Likewise, there have     ●   (2019)    The    Botanical    Garden
been    important      achievements    in       recognized the team for the
environmental and food security in terms        environmental contributions it had
of reducing the use of pesticides in the        made to Bogotá District.
production of food for self-consumption,
supporting farming families to adopt        Finally, the most important achievement
clean     production     systems,    and    has been that of the community, because

it has managed to institutionalize itself       "We are like one family" (Group interview,
within the territory. As some of its            Innovation team, November 14, 2019)
officials mentioned,

An     important     strength   of      the     In terms of potential opportunities for
Comprehensive Care Model for Rural              scalability and replication, with the
Health is the sustainability it has             creation of the Subred Sur, the model
achieved from economic, social and              has expanded to other rural areas in
environmental standpoints. It has been          Bogotá (Districts: Ciudad Bolívar, Usme
able to adapt very well to a variety of         and Tunjuelito).
political-administrative changes – from a
                                                In the short term, if the current health
change in initiative leaders to social
                                                structure is sustained, the model will
changes in the locality.
                                                focus on exploring the possibilities of
This seems to have been influenced by
                                                expansion in these new areas.          The
three fundamental factors. The first is the
                                                greatest challenge is to achieve
result of the health tracking indicators,
                                                sufficient knowledge of community
since these reflect the effectiveness of
                                                health needs, as well as of the territories
the model, and something that obviously
                                                and their populations, in order to study
works cannot be changed so easily.
                                                and identify relevant needs and design
Secondly, the model is embedded in the          strategies as was done in Sumapaz.
community. When asked in a discussion
                                                The model could be replicated in other
group why the model has been
                                                subnetworks in the city. As one of its
sustainable over time, the directors of
                                                leaders explained, it could become a
the Subred Sur unanimously responded:
                                                model for health in the city, and could be
"because of its empowerment of the
                                                implemented in other rural areas outside
community”. That is, it is a community that
                                                Bogotá, with similar living conditions and
knows how to demand its rights and will
                                                health needs. This would eventually
not allow the quality of health that has
                                                bring broad benefits to vulnerable
been achieved to be lost.
                                                communities for whom barriers impede
Finally, the model has been externally          quality and access to the minimum
recognized, and the distinctions and            necessary health.
awards it has won have elevated its
visibility, highlighting the impact of the
model. Therefore, there is no justification
to end the project. Although the model
has survived political regime changes to
which this type of process might be

vulnerable, the main risk to its
continuation is politics, given that the
district finances the entire project. It is a
rather costly model for the district, due
to distance, transport, and personnel
costs, among other factors.

A key condition for social innovation is        and to propose different ways to
the collaboration between different             approach traditional health problems.
actors in the health system. Although the       This integrates new perspectives during
initial idea is the creation of an innovative   diagnosis, design and implementation,
person or group, there must be                  enriching health interventions.
regulatory frameworks that make the
initiative viable and support the inclusion     Community participation, understood as
of new processes. There needs also to be        the tangible impact of the community
a       receptive      and      participatory   during the whole innovation process,
community, without which it is not              links the knowledge of the communities,
possible to make structural changes.            illuminates the social reality of health,
                                                and designs effective strategies for
Likewise, a comprehensive perspective           intervention. As the initiative develops
of health is fundamental in health-             deeper social participation processes,
specific social innovation. This implies        the effectiveness intervention increases,
that        multidisciplinarity     and         especially when these projects are
intersectorality are key factors to             focused in complex territories or
understanding the complexities of health        communities

The fundamental pillar of innovation of the Comprehensive Care Model for Rural Health
is the health institution’s capacity to understand the social reality of the population, and
to utilize that understanding of the knowledge, needs, and culture of its inhabitants to
build an intervention model with innovative strategies.

Successful implementation would not have been possible without the synergy between
the various actors involved in the system. The implementation team created the
aforementioned innovative strategies to improve health in a complex rural context, while
the health system created the health framework and allocated funds. The community, its
organizations and its leaders have been influential in improving community health and
currently provide social sustainability to the model.

Using the effective mechanisms of Knowledge Transfer, the health care model has
managed to develop processes of Social Appropriation of Knowledge as a result of this
collaboration between communities and the health institution. This has resulted in
effective community interventions, giving social and cultural sustainability to the model’s
implementation, and developing capacities in communities that transcend the healthcare

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