IGHLIGHTS - Metro East Lutheran High School

Page created by Denise Gomez
IGHLIGHTS - Metro East Lutheran High School
Lutheran High School
             February 28, 2020                              ACT: Today, Friday, Feb. 28, is the registration deadline
                                                            for the April 4 ACT Test.
               God at work
                      hebrews 3:4                           Board Game Club is meeting on Monday, March 2,
                                                            from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Mr. Batty's room. Anyone
Please pray…                                                is welcome!
   For a successful Snowball and give
   thanks for a fun spirit week and for the                 After Prom Fundraiser: Come out to Chicken Salad
   student council members who put so                       Chick on Thursday, March 5, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., when
   much effort into planning a great event.                 15 percent of all sales will go to support MELHS’ After
   For an attitude of prayer and reflection among           Prom Night. You must mention the fundraiser when
   our community as we enter the Lenten season.             ordering for the school to benefit.

                                                            Juniors and Seniors: Volunteers are needed to work at
Important Upcoming Dates                                    the Chicken Salad Chick fundraiser from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
February 29 Snow Ball Coronation and Dance                  on March 5.
March 3 NHS New Member Induction                            You need to know:
March 5 After Prom Fundraiser at Chicken Salad Chick        1) All the proceeds from the fundraiser will be used for
March 5 Solo and Ensemble Recital at Meridian Village       your After Prom event – including great door prizes! The
March 6 End of Third Quarter                                more funds raised, the greater the prizes.
March 6 Choir Concert at First Presbyterian Church          2) After Prom is a Junior/Senior event. Both classes need
                                                            to be involved in volunteering to help raise funds.
Announcements                                               A sign-up list is available in the office.
Snowball Dance: Today is the last chance to purchase
Snowball tickets. They will be on sale today after school   Pro-Life March: You can register now for the St. Louis
in the office commons for $10 per person.                   Pro-Life March on Saturday, March 7. Go to
                                                            STLMarch.com to register. Or you can RSVP by contact-
If you plan to bring a guest to the Snowball Dance, you     ing the Lutheran Church Information Center
need to turn in a Guest Form signed by your guest’s         at infocenter@lcms.org or call 888-843-5267.
school administrator. Forms are available in the office.        The walk starts at 4251 Forest Park Avenue and
                                                            proceeds through the heart of St. Louis to the Gateway
Re–registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now        Arch. Lutherans will gather with other pro-life men, wom-
open! Registration packets are being mailed today.          en and children from the bi-state region for a pre-march
Please contact the office if you do not receive a packet.   rally at 12:30 p.m. outside the Planned Parenthood build-
The re-registration fee is $300 until March 16 and will     ing near downtown St. Louis. The march begins at 1 p.m.
then go up to $350. You can mail your forms or bring        With signs in our hands and hymns and prayer on our lips,
them to the office anytime.                                 we'll march the four-mile route to the Gateway Arch.
                                                                We pray you will join us on the march — and lend
2020-2021 Course Request Forms were mailed with the         your voice as we bear witness to Christ and support life!
re-registration packets. These are due March 20. Please     Families, individuals, youth groups, church leaders, the
turn them into the office.                                  young, the not-so-young, church choirs — everyone is
IGHLIGHTS - Metro East Lutheran High School
Sports/Activities Schedules                             Announcements Continued
Spring Sports begin next week! Spring athletes should   Bobby’s Frozen Custard in Maryville is having a
have a current physical on file in the office.          Hiring Day on Sunday, March 1, from 11 a.m. to
                                                        3 p.m. You can apply online at
Academic Challenge—3/6 Sectional Competition            www.bobbysfrozencustard.com/employment.
                                                        More information is available in the office.
Baseball — 3/2 Practice may begin
                                                        Placement Tests: Placement tests for new incoming
Scholar Bowl— 3/9 Regional at Lincolnwood               students for the 2020-2021 school year will be held on
                                                        Feb. 29, March 28 and April 18 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
Girls Soccer — 3/2 Practice may begin                   and on May 5 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tests will be given in
                                                        biology, English and math.
Softball — 3/2 Practice may begin
                                                        Choir Concert: The Metro-East Lutheran High School
Track — 3/9 Practice may begin                          Choir will be performing with the touring choir from
                                                        Greenville University on March 6 at the First Presbyteri-
Boys Volleyball — 3/9 Practice may begin                an Church of Edwardsville. The MELHS choir will sing
                                                        two pieces at the beginning of the concert and also per-
                                                        form with the Greenville Choir later in the program. The
                                                        event begins at 7 p.m., and all are invited to attend and
                                                        support our musicians!

                                                        Winter Conditioning: An opportunity to work on
                                                        conditioning is available to any track athlete not involved
                                                        in a winter sport. Conditioning will run from 3:30 p.m. to
                                                        around 4:15 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please let
                                                        Ms. Thompson know if you will be attending so she can
                                                        let Coach Broekemeier know.

                                                        The Cross Country team is selling jackets and warm-up
                                                        pants. The cost is $25 for the set. If you would like one,
Congratulations to MELHS basketball players             please see Ms. Thompson.
Cameron Gusewelle, Brendan Steinmeyer and Tyler
Williams who were honored during Senior Night last
IGHLIGHTS - Metro East Lutheran High School IGHLIGHTS - Metro East Lutheran High School IGHLIGHTS - Metro East Lutheran High School
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