Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 - Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041 May 2021

Page created by Derek Banks
Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 - Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041 May 2021
Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026
Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041

May 2021
Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 - Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041 May 2021

Introduction                                                             3
        Legislative Context                                              3
        Purpose of the Implementation Plan                               3
Implementation                                                          4
Actions                                                                  5
Governance                                                              6
        Coordination and Monitoring Committee                            6
        Supporting Groups                                                6
        Existing governance framework                                    6
        Links to other strategies                                        7
        Review mechanisms                                                7
        - Monitoring                                                     7
        - Regional Plan Review                                           7
        - Implementation Plan Updates                                    7
Actions for implementation                                               8

Published by NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

Title: : Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026
Subtitle: Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041

First published: May 2021

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Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 - Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041 May 2021
Werri Beach, Gerrigong


The Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041                     The NSW Government will strengthen governance
(Regional Plan) is the NSW Government’s strategy                arrangements already in place and reconvene
for guiding land use planning decisions for the                 the Illawarra Shoalhaven Coordination and
Illawarra Shoalhaven region for the next 20 years.              Monitoring Committee to oversee and report on the
                                                                implementation of the Plan’s actions. The committee
                                                                will also monitor the effectiveness of the Plan’s
Legislative Context
                                                                strategies in setting guidance that supports
The Regional Plan has been prepared in accordance               strategic planning and land use planning decisions
with Division 3.1 of the Environmental Planning                 for the region.
and Assessment Act 1979 and applies to the local
government areas of Wollongong, Shellharbour,
Kiama and Shoalhaven.                                           Purpose of the Implementation Plan
                                                                The purpose of this implementation plan is to:
    Four themes guide the 30 objectives for                     • explain linkages between the vision, themes,
    Illawarra Shoalhaven:                                         objectives, actions, strategies and collaboration
                                                                  activities in the Regional Plan;
                    A productive and                            • assign accountabilities and timeframes for the
                                                                  implementation of actions;
                    innovative region
                                                                • guide the Illawarra Shoalhaven Coordination and
                                                                  Monitoring Committee in its role of overseeing
                                                                  delivery of the Regional plan; and
                    A sustainable and
                                                                • inform monitoring of the Regional Plan.
                    resilient region

                    A region that values
                    its people and places

                    A smart, connected
                    and accessible region

    The 30 objectives are supported by a mix of
    actions, strategies and collaboration activities.

3      Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041

The Regional Plan comprises four themes and                     environmental plans and development control
30 objectives. The objectives are supported by                  plans) or State agency planning. They are there to
nine actions, 61 strategies and nine collaboration              guide decisions that affect land use. Strategies will
activities that will help to deliver the vision for the         be implemented through council’s Local Strategic
Illawarra Shoalhaven Region.                                    Planning Statements, local housing strategies,
                                                                and other state government strategies and plans.
Actions describe initiatives that will be led by the
                                                                Strategies will also be used to guide and inform
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
                                                                decisions relating to land use planning. While the
in the next five years, with new actions identified
                                                                Illawarra Shoalhaven Coordination and Monitoring
during the next review. These actions each have
                                                                Committee will monitor the effectiveness of
an outcome that will be delivered by 2026, and
                                                                strategies in setting guidance and supporting
implementation will be monitored and reported
                                                                strategic planning across the region, the Committee
on by the Illawarra Shoalhaven Coordination and
                                                                will not have a formal role in reporting against the
Monitoring Committee. Other relevant stakeholders
will be involved in the delivery of the actions as
appropriate. See ‘Actions for Implementation’ for               Collaboration activities include important initiatives
more information.                                               led by State agencies, local councils or other bodies.
                                                                These are key activities that will help the region
Strategies identify policy positions or directions
                                                                achieve the objectives of the Plan, and that DPIE’s
implemented through council local strategic
                                                                Local and Regional Planning team will actively
planning (including local strategic planning
                                                                participate in.
statements), local plans (including local

                  An innovative, sustainable, resilient, connected, diverse and creative region.


                    A productive           A sustainable           A region that        A smart and
                   and innovative          and resilient         values its people       connected
                       region                 region                and places             region

                  Objectives 1-10         Objectives 11-17       Objectives 18-24    Objectives 25-30

         Actions                                   Strategies                         Collaboration Activities
    Initiatives that are led by              Guidance for councils in             Initiatives that are led by
    NSW Department of                        preparing local strategic            councils or other state
    Planning, Industry and                   plans, local plans and               agencies which supports the
    Environment that will be                 planning proposals, as well          objectives, and which the
    delivered in the next 5 years,           as setting direction for state       NSW Department of Planning,
    with new actions identified              agencies to support the              Industry and Environment has
    during the next review.                  objectives of the plan.              a role in supporting.

4      Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041

Priorities for the Illawarra Shoalhaven are economic              The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and
and jobs growth, providing a variety of housing                   Environment will be responsible for implementing
choice to meet demand and environmental                           the nine actions throughout 2021-2026. These
protection. The Illawarra Shoalhaven Coordination                 actions align with initiatives across Government,
and Monitoring Committee will take ownership                      councils and industry and will require a collaborative
for implementing this Regional Plan by prioritising               effort involving multiple agencies, councils and
the actions needed to be delivered over the next                  stakeholders. The nine actions are to:
five years.

        Action 1:                                  Action 2:                               Action 3:

    Develop a Metro Wollongong                Develop a Nowra City Centre             Develop precinct profiles
    Health Precinct Strategy                  Strategic Roadmap to set a              for the regionally significant
                                              vision, identify actions and            employment lands and where
                                              guide inter-agency and inter-           required, establish precinct
                                              government collaboration                collaboration teams to activate
                                                                                      land for economic growth

        Action 4:                                  Action 5:                               Action 6:

    Develop a resilience                      Develop the Illawarra                   Develop an Illawarra
    benchmarking matrix tool to               Shoalhaven Green Grid and               Shoalhaven Sustainability
    assist councils to assess their           identify priority projects for          Roadmap that identifies
    level of resilience                       enhancement                             innovative initiatives which
                                                                                      can be delivered through an
                                                                                      ecosystem of collaboration

        Action 7:                                  Action 8:                               Action 9:

    Develop a sustainability                  Establish the Illawarra                 Develop a shared vision for the
    framework for regionally                  Shoalhaven Affordable                   future of Bombo Quarry lands
    significant precincts to                  Housing Roundtable with                 in collaboration with Kiama
    promote carbon neutral                    councils, community housing             Municipal Council, landowners
    sustainable growth and                    providers, NSW Government               and the community
    development                               and the housing development
                                              industry to collaborate, build
                                              knowledge and identify
                                              barriers to increase the supply
                                              of affordable housing

5        Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041

Coordination and Monitoring Committee                          Committee membership includes:
The Illawarra Shoalhaven Coordination and                      • Department of Planning, Industry and
Monitoring Committee was established during the                  Environment (Joint Chair)
implementation of the 2015 Illawarra Shoalhaven                • Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation (Joint
Regional Plan 2036. The Committee has informed a                 Chair)
regional governance framework and participated in              • Department of Regional NSW
the review of the Regional Plan which commenced                • NSW Health (Illawarra-Shoalhaven Local Health
in 2019. A re-established Coordination and                       District)
Monitoring Committee will oversee and coordinate               • Transport for NSW
the implementation of this Regional Plan, bringing             • Wollongong City Council
together agencies and organisations responsible for            • Shellharbour City Council
delivering the Plan’s actions.                                 • Kiama Municipal Council
The role of the Committee is:                                  • Shoalhaven City Council

• Oversee and coordinate the implementation of
  the Regional Plan                                            Supporting Groups
• Provide accountability for delivery of the Regional          The Committee will be supported by outcome-
  Plan                                                         specific working groups that bring together
• Monitor and report periodically on the progress of           appropriate personnel (government, industry or
  implementing the Regional Plan                               community) to provide advice on particular issues
• Collaborate to resolve issues where impediments              or projects.
  are identified
• Provide a forum to discuss and resolve
  implementation issues or action delivery in a                Existing governance framework
  changing regional policy environment                         It is important to recognise the existing broader
• Prioritise delivery of actions and review project            governance framework in operation within the
  plans for each action in the Regional Plan                   region to ensure the re-established Committee
• Develop a communication strategy to guide                    complements existing governance structures and
  communication from Committee members to the                  does not duplicate current activity.
  wider network of stakeholders
                                                               The Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Leadership
• Provide high level progress updates to the
                                                               Executive is a platform that supports closer
  Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Leadership
                                                               working relationships between NSW Government
                                                               agencies and the Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint
• Sign off completed actions that have been
                                                               Organisation of Councils. The network encourages
  finalised or no longer appropriate, relevant,
                                                               strategic collaboration, consultation, solution
  or possible due to a changing regional policy
  environment                                                  brokerage and engagement on regional priorities
                                                               across government.
• Inform and participate in a five-year review of the
  Regional Plan                                                The Committee benefits from having access
                                                               to the Regional Leadership Executive and can
                                                               escalate issues or requirements to collaborate
                                                               with other agencies.

6     Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041

                                     Regular high level progress updates to RLE
    Illawarra Shoalhaven                                                                  Illawarra Shoalhaven
                                     CMC may bring specific matters to RLE:
    Coordination and                                                                      Regional Leadership
                                     • When related to delivery of Regional Plan
    Monitoring Committee                                                                  Executive (RLE)
                                     • Requires broader strategic input and
                                       coordination from RLE                              Purpose
    Purpose:                                                                              Drive the agreed and
    Oversee implementation                                                                shared priorities of local
    of the Illawarra                                                                      and state Government
    Shoalhaven Regional Plan                                                              at a regional level

    Lead                                    RLE provides guidance to resolve issues       Lead
    DPIE (Planning                          relating to the Regional Plan as needed       Department of
    and Assessment)                                                                       Regional NSW
    Includes: DRNSW, TfNSW,                                                               Includes: peak
    NSW Health, ISJO, Councils                                                            state agencies

Links to other strategies                                       Review mechanisms
The NSW Government has in place, or is developing,              Monitoring
several other strategies that will influence the
                                                                The Committee will monitor and review progress
implementation of the Regional Plan, including the:
                                                                towards achieving the vision and meeting the
• State Infrastructure Strategy 2018-2038, Future               objectives. An online dashboard will include
  Transport 2056;                                               indicators for housing, employment, communities
• A 20-year Economic Vision for Regional NSW                    and the environment relating to each theme. An
  and the Regional Economic Development                         annual Monitoring Report will also be prepared
  strategies for Kiama, Shellharbour and                        to monitor progress on implementation of the
  Shoalhaven;                                                   Regional Plan. The Report will outline progress on
• Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Transport Plan;                 actions and collaborative activities and reprioritise
• A Regional Approach to Sustainability in the                  where needed. A new program of work for each
  Illawarra Shoalhaven 2020; and                                subsequent year will also be identified in the annual
• Public Spaces in the Illawarra Shoalhaven                     Monitoring Report.
  Region 2020
                                                                Regional Plan Review
The Regional Plan incorporates and responds to
                                                                The Plan will be reviewed and adjusted every five
the aspirations and priorities of local communities,
                                                                years, or as necessary, to realise the vision for 2041.
as articulated through the councils’ Local Strategic
                                                                A five-yearly review will revisit regional performance,
Planning Statements and Community Strategic
                                                                challenges and opportunities and incorporate the
Plans. In turn, the Regional Plan also outlines several
                                                                most up to date information provided through
strategies that should be considered by councils
                                                                the census process and updated Local Strategic
when undertaking reviews of their Local Strategic
                                                                Planning Statements and local plans. The review
Planning Statements and Community Strategic
                                                                of the Regional Plan will be informed by the
Plans. This feedback cycle from local to regional
                                                                Committee as well as monitoring and indicators.
planning ensures that the line of-sight between the
different levels of spatial planning works both ways.           Implementation Plan Updates
                                                                The implementation priorities will be updated on an
                                                                annual basis as part of the monitoring programme
                                                                and will form the work program for the following
                                                                year. This will ensure that implementation of the
                                                                Regional Plan remains current and responsive to
                                                                regional conditions.

7      Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041
Actions for implementation

    Action 1: Develop a Metro                                       Action 2: Develop a Nowra City
    Wollongong Health Precinct                                      Centre Strategic Roadmap to set
    Strategy.                                                       a vision, identify actions and guide
    Why is this action needed?                                      inter-agency and inter-government
    To strengthen Metro Wollongong as a                             collaboration.
    connected, innovative and progressive city,                     Why is this action needed?
    and to enhance the growth potential of the                      To activate and transform Nowra City Centre.
    Health Precinct.
                                                                    How will the action be delivered?
    How will the action be delivered?
                                                                    DPIE together with Council, TfNSW, NSW
    DPIE together with NSW Health, TfNSW,                           Health, Regional NSW and other relevant
    Council and other relevant stakeholders                         stakeholders will develop a Strategic
    will work together to transform the Health                      Roadmap to set a vision, actions and
    precinct from a collection of health and                        guide inter-agency and inter government
    medical related uses into a nationally                          collaboration for Nowra City Centre.
    significant health precinct, supporting
    prosperity, and attracting private sector                       The Nowra City Centre Strategic Roadmap
    investment and business.                                        will identify:
                                                                    • Opportunities to leverage and coordinate
    A Metro Wollongong Health Precinct
                                                                      investments into the Nowra Bridge,
    Strategy will consider and identify:
                                                                      Riverfront Precinct, and Shoalhaven
    • Growth needs of the Wollongong Public                           District Memorial Hospital
      Hospital                                                      • The Shoalhaven District Memorial
    • Opportunities for a central meeting place                       Hospital’s capacity for growth, consider
      that incorporates green infrastructure                          opportunities for expansion, and
    • Improving the safety and amenity of                             complementary land uses around the
      connections between the Health Precinct,                        hospital
      Wollongong Train Station and the                              • Clear planning and approval pathways
      Commercial core                                                 and remove planning barriers that
    • Incentivising a mix of health and medical                       may be inhibiting increased residential
      uses and higher density living                                  development
    • Future opportunities for health and                           • Options to improve walking and cycling
      medical industry innovation leveraging                          connections between the Nowra
      Wollongong’s research capabilities.                             Bridge, Riverfront Precinct, Hospital
                                                                      and commercial area
                                                                    • Guidance on decision making for
                                                                      infrastructure and service delivery
                                                                      including public domain improvements,
                                                                      green infrastructure, open space and
                                                                      walking and cycling connections.

8    Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041
Actions for implementation

    Action 3: Develop precinct                                      Action 4: Develop a resilience
    profiles for the regionally                                     benchmarking matrix tool to identify
    significant employment lands and                                where councils can increase resilience
    where required, establish precinct                              in the land use planning system.
    collaboration teams to activate                                 Why is this action needed?
    land for economic growth.                                       To build resilient places and communities.
    Why is this action needed?
                                                                    How will the action be delivered?
    To activate the region’s regionally significant
                                                                    DPIE will develop a Resilience Benchmarking
    employment precincts to support new and
                                                                    Matrix tool that councils can use to assist them
    innovative economic enterprises.
                                                                    to identify how they can become more resilient
    Regionally significant employment precincts                     and progress from baseline level resilience
    include:                                                        through to best practice.
    • Port Kembla                                                   The benchmarking tool will:
    • West Dapto Employment Lands
                                                                    • Assist councils to increase their resilience to
    • Tallawarra Employment Lands                                     shocks and stresses, identifying where they
    • Shellharbour Airport Employment                                 can increase their communities’ resilience
      Precinct                                                        to shocks and stresses within the land use
    • Shell Cove Business and Technology Park                         planning system
    • South Nowra Employment Precinct                               • Provide guidance for and support councils
    • Albatross Aviation Technology Park                              to build on projects and programs they may
                                                                      already have underway to increase resilience.
    How will the action be delivered?
    DPIE together with councils, relevant State
                                                                    Action 5: Develop the Illawarra
    agencies, landholders and the development
                                                                    Shoalhaven Green Grid to identify
    industry will develop precinct profiles that
    identify each area’s:                                           priority projects for enhancement.
    • Future role                                                   Why is this action needed?
    • Land requirements to support targeted                         To enhance and connect parks, open spaces
      industries                                                    and bushland with walking and cycling paths.
    • Infrastructure and servicing requirements
                                                                    How will the action be delivered?
    • Existing land constraints
                                                                    DPIE together with councils and TfNSW will
    • Enabling and simplified planning controls
                                                                    develop a Green Grid to provide a spatial
    • Potential planning approvals pathways to
                                                                    understanding of the open space network
      support simplification.
                                                                    within the region. The Green Grid will identify
    • Precinct profiles will identify key
                                                                    how to improve and better connect existing
      stakeholders and where required a
      precinct collaboration team to activate                       open spaces allowing the NSW Government
      the precinct.                                                 and councils to identify long-term and large-
                                                                    scale open space priorities.

9    Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041
Actions for implementation

     Action 6: Develop an Illawarra                                  Action 8: Establish the Illawarra
     Shoalhaven Sustainability                                       Shoalhaven Affordable Housing
     Roadmap that identifies innovative                              Roundtable with councils,
     initiatives that can be delivered                               community housing providers,
     through an ecosystem of                                         development industry and the
     collaboration.                                                  NSW Government to collaborate,
     Why is this action needed?                                      build knowledge and identify
     To plan for a ‘Net Zero’ region by 2050.                        barriers to increase the supply of
                                                                     affordable housing.
     How will the action be delivered?
                                                                     Why is this action needed?
     DPIE will work closely with relevant
                                                                     To deliver housing that is more diverse
     stakeholders to establish a roadmap of
                                                                     and affordable and increase the supply of
     initiatives to support business and industry
                                                                     affordable housing.
     to improve energy efficiency, reduce
     emissions and encourage the use of                              How will the action be delivered?
                                                                     DPIE will establish the ‘Illawarra Shoalhaven
                                                                     Affordable Housing Roundtable’ a
     Action 7: Develop a sustainability                              collaborative multi stakeholder forum to
     framework for regionally                                        share and leverage stakeholder knowledge
     significant precincts to promote                                and expertise to increase the supply of
                                                                     affordable housing in the region.
     carbon neutral sustainable growth
     and development.                                                DPIE will investigate affordable housing
                                                                     targets in consultation with the Illawarra
     Why is this action needed?
                                                                     Shoalhaven Affordable Housing Roundtable.
     To plan for a ‘Net Zero’ region by 2050.

     How will the action be delivered?                               Action 9: Develop a shared vision
     DPIE in consultation with councils, relevant                    for the future of Bombo Quarry in
     State agencies and the development                              collaboration with Kiama Municipal
     industry will develop a sustainability                          Council, landowners and the
     framework for Regionally Significant                            community.
     Precincts. This will identify precinct specific
     opportunities for employment precincts,                         Why is this action needed?
     growth areas and centres which may                              Future use of this site requires a shared
     include renewable energy, water cycling                         vision in collaboration with council, TfNSW,
     management, building design, circular                           landholders, and the community.
     economy, transport, smart technology,
     connection to Country, green/public spaces                      How will the action be delivered?
     and climate change adaptation.                                  DPIE in collaboration with council, TfNSW,
                                                                     landholders and the community will
     Councils and agencies can use the
                                                                     develop a vision for the Quarry’s future use
     framework to encourage greater
                                                                     once existing operations cease. This will
     sustainability opportunities to be
                                                                     include investigation into the mix of future
     incorporated into the planning, design and
                                                                     employment, housing and recreational use
     operation of the precinct over time.
                                                                     as well as opportunities to contribute to
                                                                     the open space network, and how best to
                                                                     connect the site with surrounding areas.

10    Implementation Plan 2021 to 2026 Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041
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