AUGUST 5,
                                                                                                         2020 VOL. 2,
                                                                                                         NO. 20

JULY 22, 2020 NO. 19                                   AUGUST 5, 2020 NO. 20
                  | AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0 | I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M

                                                                                                                    CONTENTS CONTENTS
 Sell various conventional/             at Insight Direct USA, Inc.

 government insured loans.              (Santa Ana, CA): Analyze
 Highschool diploma req'd.              engineering, business,
 Resume to: Home Approvals              and other data processing
 Direct Inc. 18201 Von                  problems to implement and
 Karman Ave #300, Irvine,               improve computer systems.
 CA 92612                               Require BS. in Comp. Sci. or
                                 Sr. SWcomp.     Eng. and 2 yrs exp. PROJECT ENGR sought by
                                          Dev.: Develop                                                    Sr. Quality Assurance Engi-      CORPORATE
                                        Add’lsolutions   based
                                               duties, requirements,     Sunpin Solar Development,         neer: Provide QA & testing       DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE
                                 on requirements
                                        travel  req    needs,upon
                                                    available            LLC in Irvine, CA. Support PV     for complex distributed          & REGISTERED IN-HOUSE

                                 conferring     with customers,
                                        request. Email resume            proj  devt from  proj design      systems.   See  http://www.      COUNSEL
 ANALYST                                                                                            &  Job ID
                                 design    systems   work-flow.
                                        and cover letter to susan.       to maint.  REQ:  MS in  Elect’l/                                   Provide corporate legal
 White & Case LLP in Los         See http://www.caljobs.                 Electrncs/Comp Eng or rel.        #17181340 for details &          advisement, draft & review
                              , ref
 Angeles, CA seeks a Senior & Job ID #17191700                   Send   CV to: Rachel  Cum-        reqs.  FT in Irvine, CA. Apply   legal docs related to fresh
 Foreign Legal Analyst w/        for details & reqs. FT in               mings, 2020 Main St., Ste.        to: M. Salimova, Luxoft USA,     produce industry. Perform
 Master’s deg or frgn equiv Irvine, CA. Apply to: Luxoft                 300, Irvine, CA 92614.            Inc., Ref #IR929, 1 Rocke-       & coordinate legal & biz
 deg in Law w/admission to USA Inc., Andrea Stanowiec,                                                     feller Plaza, 27th Floor, New    due diligence, advise on
 Brazilian Bar & 6 yrs of exp Ref. #4744342,
                                       SR. SW DEV.: 1 Rockfeller         Pastoral Counselor - Mas-         York, NY 10020                   anti-trust issues & legal
 at an int'l law firm managing Plaza,Develop
                                          27th floor,
                                                  andNY,   NY
                                                        support          ter’s Degree in Divinity req.,                                     info requests. License to
 high volume of Brazilian & 10020.     test cases and test set           $33176/yr, F/T, Resume                                             practice law in a US state
  atin American litigations.                                                                                    IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
                                       management application to Sinwoong Park, Onnuri                                                      req’d. 5% dom & int’l travel
 Fluency in Portuguese                 for various frameworks and Mission Alliance, 17200                       IRVINEWEEKLY.COM            req’d. Mail: C Zaleski #TP201

 anguage for legal purposes. SR. Eng.       QA .: Deliver qual-
                                       servers. See                      Jamboree Rd., Irvine, CA                                           Total Produce USA Holdings
 Send resumes to lateralre- ity and        support all testing
                              92614 BOWERS MUSEUM                                                       Inc. 4695 MacArthur Ct,
 cruiting@                       activities of a complex                                                        IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
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 MH:CB.                          related web and mobile
                                       CA. Apply to:                     Analyst:   Bachelor’s  Degree
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                                       Luxoft USA Inc., Andrea           in Business. Administration
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                                       Stanowiec, Ref. #4725056, 1req., $42494/yr, F/T, Re-                     IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
 SR. ACCOUNTANT                  ID #17193845 for details
                                       Rockfeller Plaza,                 sume to Grace Kim, Chun-
                                 & reqs.                                                                        IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
  ought by Laboratory for              27th floor, NY, NY 10020.         Ha Insurance Services, Inc.,
                                 FT in Irvine, CA. Apply to:
 Advanced Medicine, Inc in                                               9122 Garden Grove Blvd.,               IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
 rvine, CA to prepare and
                                 Luxoft USA Inc., Andrea                                   The
                                                                         Garden Grove, CA 92844
                                                                                                    history  and      future      of  the UCI  Institute       and MuseumCOURTESY
                                                                                                                                                                          of      OF THE TRIBECA DRIVE-IN
                                 Stanowiec, Ref. #4739629,                                                      IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
 analyze financial statements.
                                 1 Rockfeller
                                       STRATEGY  Plaza,
                                                     AND 27th
                                                           PR  MAN-
                                                                                           California Art.
 Resume to: HR, Laboratory                                                    IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                  IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
  or Advanced Medicine, Inc,
                                         NY, NY 10020                                      BY LIZ GOLDNER
                                                                              IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                  IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
 9950 Research Dr., Irvine,            (Los Angeles, CA) Focus on
 CA 92618.                             managing the company's
                                       image & raising awareness
                                       of the company & its
                                                                                           Irvine restaurant owners hopeful despite uncertainties.
 SR. DEVELOPMENT ENGI-                 projects in the US, & abroad,                                                                                                         Baekjeong starts serving its popular K-BBQ cuisine outdoors.
 NEER (IRVINE, CA).                    especially in China. Bach                           BY TARA FINLEY                                                                    BY EVAN J. LANCASTER
 Execute vehicle-lvl design            deg   in communications      or a

 validatn (DVP) testg for              closely rltd major; 18 mos of
 Rivian’s electric vehicles. Do-
 mestic trvl reqd approx 50%
 of the time. Must possess a
                                       work   exp  in film  &
                                       proficient in MS Office

                                       (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
                                       & Adobe Systems. Apply to
                                                                                            TO ADVERTISE CONTACT US AT
                                                                                           Irvine COVID-19 cases more than double in one month.
                                                                                                                                                                             Irvine receives donation of 1 million face masks for front-line
 Master’s degree or foreign
 equiv in Mechancl Engnrg
 or a closely reltd field &
                                       The H Collective, Inc., c/o
                                       Jianhui Huang, 12959 Coral
                                                                                           BY EVAN J. LANCASTER                                                              workers.
                                                                                                                                                                             BY EVAN J. LANCASTER
 2 yrs of (or a Bachelor’s             Tree Place, Los Angeles, CA
 degree or foreign equiv               90066
  n Mechanical Engrg or a                                                                                                                                              Wild Rivers Water Park unveils new site design at Great Park.
 closely reltd field & 5 yrs of                                                                              Premier assisted stretching boutique opening its doors.
 progrssvly resp) calibratn                                                                                                                                            BY EVAN J. LANCASTER
                                                                             STRATEGY MARKET BUSI-           BY TARA FINLEY
 dvlpmt exp. Exp must incl                                                   NESS ANALYST.
 durability testg, dyno testg
 & real world testg in diff
                                                                             Master’s Degree in Business
                                                                             Administration, req.,
                                                                                                             ENTERTAINMENT...10                                        CULTURE...6
 climatic & altitude locatns,

                                                                                                               lar Pai
                                                                             $56,056/yr, F/T, Resume to
 supervsg vehicle intgratn &                                                                                                                                        Drive-in movies making a come-back in SoCal.
                                                                             Jake Oh, Linkone, Inc., 5681    Movie Guide: The Surrogate, Babyteeth, The Truth and more.
 prototype blds & debugging
                                                                                                                                                                    BY LINA LECARO
                                                                             Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Buena

 sftwr & hrdwr components,
                                                                             Park, CA 90621                  BY CHUCK WILSON
 as well as the followg skills/
  ools/technologies: Vector
 CAN tools, ETAS INCA or any
 other CCP Data acquisitn                                                    TAEKWONDO INSTRUCTOR            FILM...11                                                 ENTERTAINMENT...9
                                                                                                                                                                       Irvine Weekly Movie Guide.
 platfrm, MATLAB/Simulink                                                    (Irvine, CA) Conduct            Review: Palm Springs
 proficiency for analysis                                                    and teach taekwondo                                                                       CHUCK WILSON AND LINA LECARO
 & post processg, CATIA&                                                     techniques. Minimum 4th
                                                                                                             BY ASHER LUBERTO

 ENOVIA PLM, &MS Project                                                     degree Dan certificate req'd.
 & ste. Email res to Rivian                                                  Resume to: Talium Group
 Automotive, LLC, Attn:                                                      Inc. 3580 Barranca Pkwy #G,
 Mobility, Job Ref #: SDE20,
                                                                             Irvine, CA 92606                     WANTED HOTWHEELS                                     South Coast Repertory Theatre hosts online community programs.
                                                                                                                                                                       BY LIZ GOLDNER
    IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                                                          IRVINEWEEKLY.COM
                                                                                                             COLLECTOR WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR
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                                                                                                                              COVER AND TOC: EVERYDAY EATERY                         COVER: PHOTO COURTESY OF LEVEL 8 DRIVE-IN
    IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                                                          IRVINEWEEKLY.COM

                 FOR ALL INQUIRIES: PUBLISHER @ IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                                                       IRVINEWEEKLY.COM                                           IRVINEWEEKLY.COM

                                                                                                                                                                                                I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0

KOREAN BARBECUE HEADS OUT-                                                                                                                       While the pandemic has presented its
                                                                                                                                                 share of hardships for restaurateurs and

                                                                                                                                                 workers, Chon’s outlook remains opti-
                                                                                                                                                 mistic. In fact, Chon mentioned that the
                                                                                                                                                 reaction to Baekjeong’s outdoor dining
                                                                                                                                                 in Irvine was so positive that the chain

    BAEKJEONG BRINGS ITS POPULAR IRVINE FARE OUT-                                                                                                will be expanding its outdoor dining into
                                                                                                                                                 more locations in Orange County and

    SIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME.                                                                                                                     Los Angeles County.
                                                                                                                                                 “We have only been open for outdoor
                                                                                                                                                 dining in Irvine for a few days and the
                                                                                                                   BY EVAN J. LANCASTER
                                                                                                                                                 response has been fantastic,” he ex-
                                                                                                                                                 plained to Irvine Weekly. “Our customers
                                                                                                  PHOTOS - COURTESY OF BAEKJEONG
                                                                                                                                                 love eating outside in the shade of the

                                                                                                                                                 tent where they can still smell the meats
           estaurants everywhere are          the chain needed to overcome in order             one in New York City, the K-BBQ chain            barbecuing, listen to Kpop music and
           continuing to adapt to new         to begin outdoor operations for the first         gained major social media recognition            relax in a socially distanced open-air en-
           state guidelines when offer-       time ever.                                        in 2015 when the late Anthony Bourdain           vironment. It is our plan to offer a similar
           ing dine-in options. Yet for       “In offering outdoor dining, it is critical for   visited with a group of friends.                 outdoor dining experience at both our
establishments like the popular Korean        us to provide a very pleasant physical            It was clear at the time that Bourdain           Buena Park and Temple City locations in
barbecue chain Baekjeong, the inability       environment for our customers,” Chon              knew about the excellence of Baek-               the next 10 days.”
to offer dine-in service was challenging.     explained. “That required us to procure           jeong’s selection. The prime boneless            Since the pandemic began, the city of
However, new guidelines have created          tents, turf, tables, dividers, plants, etc. and   short rib, ribeye, thinly sliced brisket, beef   Irvine has offered outdoor dining across
new opportunities.                            in many cases it has been a real chal-            tongue, and marinated pork collar are            multiple community centers, thanks to
Kang Ho Dong Baekjeong, a well-known          lenge to find what we need.”                      perfect starting points.                         an efficient permitting process intro-
Korean barbecue chain, visited by the         Chon added, however, that Baekjeong               Obviously, if a dish receives even the           duced to the city council in May.
likes of Anthony Bourdain, has opened its     was able to lean on local community               slightest hint of approval from Bourdain         Additionally, through Irvine’s Dine Al
first-ever outdoor dining patio at Irvine’s   vendors for support.                              it becomes a must-try. Since then, Baek-         Fresco program, restaurants around the
Heritage Square.                              “For instance, we were fortunate to get           jeong has attracted countless popular            city have been able to serve guests in a
While some restaurants can easily shift       the last tent from a local vendor that met        entertainers and celebrity chefs.                safe, socially distanced outdoor environ-
to serving food outdoors, bringing the        our specifications. Lots of equipment was         Baekjeong’ Heritage Square location is           ment.
concept of Korean barbecue into a             simply sold out,” he said. “So the chal-          currently offering 17 tables. All tables are     If there’s one thing that’s been on the
different environment, in the middle of a     lenge is that we have had to cast our net         spaced to accommodate social distanc-            minds of everyone during quarantine, it’s
pandemic, was a challenge.                    wide in order to obtain what we needed            ing and will be open Monday – Friday             finally being able to enjoy a meal with
Michael Chon, CEO of Kijung Hospitality       so as to offer Irvine outdoor dining.”            from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Baekjeong’s         friends. So, it’s great to see more restau-
Group, which operates Baekjeong, spoke        With a half-dozen locations in Southern           weekend hours are 12:00 p.m. to 10:00            rants opening for outdoor dining in Irvine
with Irvine Weekly about the obstacles        California including Koreatown and                p.m.                                             — especially Korean barbecue.
| AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0 | I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M


                                                           SUPPORTING FRONT-LINE WORKERS
                                                               IRVINE RECEIVES DONATION OF 1 MILLION FACE MASKS FROM FIVE-
                                                               POINT HOLDINGS.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BY: EVAN J. LANCASTER

                                                                                                                                                                                     PHOTO BY: MACAU PHOTO AGENCY ON UNSPLASH

                                                                     hrough a valiant effort to        March, even as PPE was extremely             its residents and those who work here,       Great Park can accommodate between
                                                                     ensure public health and          limited, FivePoint was able to meet          and FivePoint will continue to do as         200 – 260 tests per day.
                                                                     help support those in Irvine      an incredibly high demand to supply          much as we can to help this community         Irvine Mayor Christina Shea thanked
                                                                     working on the front lines        and distribute more than 100,000 face        be prepared for what lies ahead.”            FivePoint Holdings for its generous do-
                                                           of the COVID-19 pandemic, FivePoint         masks to health care workers, law en-          This comes after Irvine saw its largest    nation, and said the city is committed to
                                                           Holdings LLC has donated more than 1        forcement and essential workers within       month-to-month increase of COVID-19          keeping the community safe and healthy.
                                                           million face masks to the city of Irvine.   the city.                                    from June to July. In one month, Irvine       “The health and safety of all residents,
                                                            On July 27, The city of Irvine and           “From the start, FivePoint has support-    saw nearly 600 cases, more than twice        and especially health care workers
                                                           FivePoint issued a joint news release       ed health care workers, first responders     the total number of cases reported in        and first responders on the front lines,
                                                           detailing a new donation of 1 million       and all of the heroes on the front line      June.                                        remains the city of Irvine’s highest
                                                           face masks that will be provided to         of this pandemic, including here in the        Earlier this month, Irvine became the      priority as we continue closely monitor-
                                                           health care workers, law enforcement        city of Irvine, our public partner in good   first city in Orange County to offer free    ing the COVID-19 crisis,” Shea said. “We
                                                           personnel and distributed throughout        times and moments of crisis like this,”      COVID-19 testing to residents and work-      extend our deepest appreciation to our
                                                           the community to slow the spread of         FivePoint Chairman and CEO Emile             ers within the city. The program has         partner FivePoint for their dedication to
                                                           COVID-19.                                   Haddad said. “We believe deeply in the       filled up twice since it began on July 10.   the Irvine community and continued
                                                            Since the state began lockdown in          safety and well-being of this great city,      The site, located at the Orange County     collaboration.”
NEWS                                                                                                                             trying to reopen Wild Rivers. The two

                                                                                                                                                                                 I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0
                                                                                                                                 most important aspects of the project –
                                                                                                                                 land and funding – have been difficult
                                                                                                                                 to acquire at the same time.
                                                                                                                                   During an April 28 Great Park Board
                                                                                                                                 Meeting, the board cited an “unfore-
                                                                                                                                 seen delay” in the land transfer of the
                                                                                                                                 planned construction site and recom-
                                                                                                                                 mended the City Council approve a
                                                                                                                                 new 20-acre site for Wild Rivers.
                                                                                                                                   “I’ve been working on this project since
                                                                                                                                 2006 or 2007. We’ve been working on it
                                                                                                                                 a long time. We got some lease exten-
                                                                                                                                 sions closed in 2011 and have been try-
                                                                                                                                 ing to find new dirt and get financing
                                                                                                                                 — both are difficult, and we never seem
                                                                                                                                 to have one and the other at the same
                                                                                                                                 time,” he explained. “Now everything
                                                                                                                                 seems to be lining up. We’ve got the
                                                                                                                                 right partners in place.”
                                                                                                                                   Rieder said the new Wild Rivers site

                                                                                                                                 design will include some aspects of the
                                                                                                                                 old park, but mainly will become a new,
                                                                                                                                 improved version of the Irvine-based
                                                                                                                                 water park.
                                                                                                                                   “Where we found success in Wild

WILD RIVERS UNVEILS NEW                                                                                                          Rivers 1.0 was that we were able to seg-
                                                                                                                                 regate the bigger kids from the little kids

                                                                                                                                 by putting all the little kid attractions on
                                                                                                                                 what we called The Island, in between
                                                                                                                                 the Lazy River,” he said. “That theme
                                                                                                                                 works well in the new park.”

    UPDATED PLAN INCLUDES SOME OLD FAVORITES                                                                                     What to expect

    ALONG WITH NEW RIDES.                                                                                                          In terms of rides, Rieder was excited to
                                                                                                                                 announce the new design does include
                                                                                                                                 some old favorites from the original 1986
                                                                BY: EVAN J. LANCASTER • PHOTOS COURTESY CITY OF IRVINE           design. However, there will be signifi-
                                                                                                                                 cant upgrades to the look and feel to the

                                                                                                                                 new Wild Rivers Water Park.
    rvine’s soon-to-be water park broke                                                                                            “We brought back the Bombay Blast-
    a four-month social media silence                                                                                            ers slide, which is an iconic Wild Rivers
    by posting an image of the new                                                                                               ride. It’s a tube slide that goes under-
    Wild Rivers site design on Face-                                                                                             neath the ground. And a ride that will
book. While the project has yet to break                                                                                         be called “Switzer,” which was kind of a
ground, Irvine residents didn’t hesitate                                                                                         transitional ride for the little kids, before
to share their excitement.                                                                                                       they start riding the bigger rides.”
 The July 24 post included an aerial                                                                                               Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pan-
rendering of the proposed design, and                                                                                            demic, Rieder says he thinks the project
indicated that Wild Rivers had submit-                                                                                           is on track — considering the hurdles
ted the new plans to the city of Irvine:                                                                                         that it has already cleared. While he
 “We submitted our site design to the                                                                                            expects the pandemic to keep attrac-
City of Irvine this week. We hope to                                                                                             tions closed for the foreseeable future,
have the design and environmental                                                                                                he’s optimistic about targeting 2022 for
reviews completed and in front of the                                                                                            opening.
Planning Committee in September. This                                                                                              “The city has continued to work on the
will let us break ground at the begin-                                                                                           project. I’m not sure we would want to
ning of 2021 and open in May of 2022.”     Waterpark, said he’s thankful for the      Riedel said during a phone interview       open in 2021, just because I don’t know
 Since then, the post gained more than     community’s continued enthusiasm,          with Irvine Weekly. “Everyone’s been       if we would move forward understand-
600 likes and had nearly 300 com-          considering how long the project has       really supportive, that includes all the   ing that COVID is there, and obviously
ments from users recalling childhood       taken.                                     members of the council as well.”           attractions in California, theme parks,
memories and displaying excitement          “We’ve been lucky that we’ve had                                                     haven’t opened yet and probably won’t
over the new Wild Rivers site design.      such great support all the way through     Project roadblocks                         for quite some time. So, I think we would
 Mike Riedel, president of Wild Rivers     this process, and it’s been a long one,”    Riedel has spent more than a decade       have ended up in 2022 anyway.”
| AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0 | I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M


                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COURTESY OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LEVEL 8 DRIVE -IN

                                                           AT THE DRIVE-IN
                                                               IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT IS ROLLING BACK INTO THE SOCIAL
                                                               (DISTANCE-MINDED) CONSCIOUSNESS.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BY LINA LECARO

                                                                            hile technology and the    perhaps also a hunger for back to basics     Grease) and a decade or two later, Gen-        what was usually a double feature, and
                                                                            array of distractions it   film-going, before mall-adjacent multi-      Xers like myself caught the tail end of        why not? It was like a mega-slumber
                                                                            provides is helping most   plexes took over the cinema landscape        in-auto movie amusement, going to the          party in public. Yep, family night at the
                                                                            of us get through pan-     – drive-in entertainment is having a         drive-in with more wholesome inten-            drive-in was special.
                                                           demic times, simpler forms of entertain-    moment, and it’s rolling back into the       tions. If you’re of a certain (pre-millenni-     In 2020, kids are used to more stimula-
                                                           ment – especially those that allow us to    social (distance-minded) consciousness       al) age, you probably have memories of         tion, especially with current movie the-
                                                           leave home and do so safely – have a        in a myriad of ways.                         the family hatchback or truck getting          ater sound and picture quality systems,
                                                           special appeal.                               In Southern California, where car cul-     backed into a drive-in’s giant outdoor         though it seems an appreciation for
                                                             As the movie industry adjusts its         ture is ingrained into our history, drive-   screen, your parents attaching tiny            something less tech-driven is emerging.
                                                           release schedule due to Covid-19 by         ins are a source of nostalgia and child-     speaker boxes to their car windows for         It just may have to. Coronavirus is show-
                                                           premiering new titles online, alterna-      hood memories for many. Boomers went         the movie’s audio, or wearing pajamas          ing no signs of ceasing spread anytime
                                                           tive ways of going to the movies are        to them as teens mostly to make out (as      and bringing the comforts of home              soon, and the drive-in provides a way
                                                           also gaining interest. Out of necessity –   depicted in films like The Outsiders and     along. Often, we’d fall asleep during          to be out in public without potentially
CULTURE                                                                                                                                 picnic-like outdoor screenings similar

                                                                                                                                                                                      I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0
                                                                                                                                        to the Cinespia events at Hollywood
                                                                                                                                        Forever Cemetery, has been offering
                                                                                                                                        hit movies at its new in-car series with
                                                                                                                                        Caruso (owners of both The Grove next
                                                                                                                                        to Farmer’s Market on Fairfax and the
                                                                                                                                        Americana shopping mall in Glendale).
                                                                                                                                        In conjunction with Toyota, the screen-
                                                                                                                                        ings, called the “Level 8 Drive-in,” are
                                                                                                                                        currently taking place on the top level
                                                                                                                                        of the Americana’s parking lot. Classic
                                                                                                                                        movie refreshments, including compli-
                                                                                                                                        mentary popcorn, bottled water, and
                                                                                                                                        boxed candy are included with the tick-
                                                                                                                                        et fee, but guests can enjoy another level
                                                                                                                                        of culinary components, with options
                                                                                                                                        from the shopping center’s hottest eat-
                                                                                                                                        eries including Bourbon Steak, Katsuya
                                                                                                                                        and Shake Shack.
                                                                                                                                          Both the Tribeca series and Level 8
                                                                                                                                        have presented mostly classic films

                                                                                                                                        (Jaws, Wizard of Oz) and fan favorites
  DRIVE-IN & SWAP MEET                                                                                                                  (Mean Girls, Lala Land), but few new
                                                                                                                                        titles. That may change as more dates
                                                                                                                                        are hopefully announced for both. New
getting exposed to others’ germs. This                                                                             COURTESY OF THE      releases in general are still being pre-
fact has led to an exploration of the                                                                              TRIBECA DRIVE-IN     miered via streaming services at home,
drive-in format and drive-in venues                                                                                                     but studios seem to be testing the waters
as a showcase not just for movies, but                                                                                                  more and more at both pre-existing
concerts, comedy shows and even drag                                                                                                    drive-in locales and pop-ups.
extravaganzas, as well.                                                                                                                   Fatima, Marco Pontecorvo’s story of
  “I think it’s fantastic because it gives a                                                                                            religious revelation in Portugal near the
whole new generation the opportunity                                                                                                    end of World War I, was previewed on
to do something they’ve never done                                                                                                      a giant screen in the parking lot of the
before,” says Southern California pop                                                                                                   Hollywood Palladium recently, allow-
culture expert/author/speaker Charles                                                                                                   ing four guests per car to watch the film
Phoenix. “It’s the time-honored tradi-                                                                                                  and giving away keepsake face masks
tion of watching a film under the stars                                                                                                 and prepackaged concessions. Similar-
from the comfort of, as I call them, your                                                                                               ly, Dave Franco’s new thriller The Rental
private motor cars. Car culture saves the                                                                                               also held preview screenings for press
day!”                                                                                                                                   at the drive-in last month. In association
  The drive-in resurgence goes beyond                                                                                                   with Arclight Cinemas, Franco debuted
movies too. Phoenix thinks drive-thrus                                                                                                  his new thriller in the City of Industry at
can be just as much fun as drive-ins                                                                                                    the Vineland Drive-in, taking the oppor-
and when we’re all looking for things                                                                                                   tunity to speak to fans before the movie
to do, we need to open our minds to the        car culture, touts visiting old landmark     co-founder and CEO Jane Rosenthal.          started on the big screen and do a Q&A
possibilities.                                 drive-ins in SoCal (which have become        “As an immediate and safe solution [to      afterward.
  “My whole thing with drive-in and            better known for flea markets and swap       indoor theaters], we’re excited to bring      Other locales providing drive-in
drive-thru culture is not only is this         meets in recent years) versus the newer      new and classic works from filmmakers,      events include Ontario Airport, which
an opportunity for us to save our own          makeshift drive-in experiences with          creators, and artists to communities        launched a drive-in movie series last
lives and the lives of others, we have         blow up screens such as those popping        across the country. We aim to bring         month; the “Movies Under the Moon” se-
the opportunity to learn history at the        up at sports stadiums or mall parking        people together through the arts to send    ries in Anaheim and the City of Irvine’s
same time,“ he says, adding that historic      lots, drive-in entertainment remains         a signal of unity and resiliency to the     drive-in series featuring movies and
locales such as the Randy Donuts in            inherently old school cool either way.       world during challenging times.”            concerts (beginning in August).
Inglewood, the original Wienerschnit-          Which is why one of the biggest film           Robert De Niro, Tribeca’s other             Though they are also streamed online,
zel in Wilmington, the world’s oldest          festivals in the world recently decided to   co-founder, concurs in promo for the        drive-in music performances from the
McDonalds in Downey, and The Donut             get in on the trend. Tribeca Film Festival   program, “The Tribeca drive-in series       likes of Garth Brooks, Blake Shelton and
Hole in La Puente (in which guests drive       has been holding weekly screenings at        is a tribute to movies and the shared       Gwen Stefani and more have brought
through a giant donut) should be added         the Rose Bowl in Pasadena and since          experience of watching them, even if        the idea to the entertainment forefront
to anyone’s flashback foray into drive-in      they started back in June, they’ve been      from our cars,” he says. “In anticipation   too. Voss Entertainment’s Drive-in Drag
and drive-thru culture.                        selling out.                                 of theaters reopening imminently, we        Shows scheduled for August should add
  Though Phoenix, known for his ‘50s             “We hope that the drive-in serves as       look back at what we love about the big     to the car show craze too.
and ‘60s slideshow presentations and           a reminder of the magic of the mov-          screen experience.”                           As we discovered at Franco’s event,
a YouTube channel celebrating retro            iegoing experience,” says Tribeca              Street Food Cinema, a group known for     some things have changed since our
CULTURE                                                                                                                                    time, and if you want the time honored
| AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0 | I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M

                                                                                                                                                                                                      authentic traditional experience, they
                                                                                                                                                                                                      are where you must go,” he enthuses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Though Wilmington and Pomona
                                                                                                                                                                                                      might seem like quite a drive out of L.A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      just for a movie, Phoenix thinks they are
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “destination experiences that are worth
                                                                                                                                                                                                      traveling for.” As a movie critic who sees
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a lot of films, and a mom looking for safe
                                                                                                                                                                                                      outside distractions, we agree.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “It’s about getting out of the house and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      staying out of the house and having
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a time-honored experience while just
                                                                                                                                                                                                      feeling like you’ve done something,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                      insists Phoenix. “It is a classic American
                                                                                                                                                                                                      experience. Car culture invaded Amer-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ica a long time ago but we do it better
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and more frequently than everybody
                                                                                                                                                                                                      else. At the end of day, the way things
                                                                                                                                                                                                      are going, we’re gonna have a drive-th-
                                                                                                                                                                       COURTESY OF MISSION TIKI
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ru and drive-in culture once again, so
                  8                                                                                                                                                       DRIVE-IN & SWAP MEET
                                                                                                                                                                                                      let’s enjoy it.”

                                                           childhood drive-in days. Those who              Rosas, who was also a movie theater          Without a lot of other options for safe       Roll into the following next time you
                                                           haven’t been to one in years will note        manager in his youth and worked as a          outdoor activities, even movie fans like       need to get out and be entertained:
                                                           that they did away with the old speaker       production coordinator at Netflix, says       Rosas seem to be opening up to the
                                                           boxes of yore a while ago. Now, patrons       that many grew up loving movies large-        drive-in experience, regardless of prior       City of Irvine Summer Drive-In Series,
                                                           tune into a frequency on their car radios     ly because it is an indoor activity. Endur-   opinion. If coronavirus has taught us          Orange County Great Park
                                                           to get audio for the film, which provides     ing the traffic jams to get in and out of     anything, it’s an appreciation for a lot of
                                                           better sound than we remember as              a drive-in, not to mention lesser picture     the things we used to take for granted.        ange-county-great-park/great-park-
                                                           a kid, though it can drain older cars’        and audio quality, is not really worth it     Being entertained while in our cars and        calendar-events
                                                           batteries. In the corona era, cars are        for some movie buffs like him. “Especially    sharing an experience - even if we are
                                                           parked 6 feet apart, and bathroom and         with a projected situation, outdoors just     somewhat separated while doing so - is         Paramount Twin Drive-In,
                                                           concessions have staff on hand making         isn’t a controlled enough environment for     all we got right now and when we start         7770 Rosecrans Ave., Paramount
                                                           sure masks and socially distanced             picture or sound,” he explains. “Head-        to go stir-crazy indoors, it’s still a novel
                                                           restroom lines are enforced. Some also        lights bouncing across the scene, slam-       option.                                        Vineland Drive-In 443 N Vineland Ave,
                                                           employ extra cleaning people to make          ming car doors, idling cars, long distance     If you decide to incorporate some histo-      City of Industry
                                                           sure these areas are sanitized.               from the screen itself are all a bummer if    ry lessons into the activity as the colorful
                                                             Of course, the novelty of catching a        it’s a movie you really want to see.”         Mr. Phoenix advises, novel and nostalgic       Mission Tiki Drive-In 10798 Ramona
                                                           flick in your car provides a refreshing         Perhaps this is why classic films           are what you’ll be in store for. He has        Ave., Montclair/Pomona
                                                           alternative to watching one at home,          rather new ones seem to fill the roster       suggestions, too.
                                                           and movie-lovers seem to be getting           at most drive-ins at the moment. There         “The best drive-in movie theater              Van Buren Drive-In 3035 Van Buren
                                                           into it. Still, some hardcore cinephiles      are exceptions, however. Mission Tiki         experiences in all of Southern California      Blvd, Riverside
                                                           don’t think they’re optimal if you’re         Drive-in in Pomona - one of the most          include four original old school classic
                                                           going to see an anticipated film.             popular local destinations since indoor       spots still standing,” he shares. “The Rodi-   Rubidoux Drive-In 3770 Opal St., Riv-
                                                             “People are getting out and seeing          movie theaters shut-down - has been           um in Redondo Beach, where the screen          erside
                                                           movies which is great and the drive-in        offering new films, though most of them       tower is a Mid-Century modern architec-
                                                           can be fun, but I’ve always said it’s a       have also been available via video on         tural masterpiece and the sign out front       Rodium Drive-in, 2500 W. Redondo
                                                           terrible way to watch a movie,” says Jor-     demand (VOD) or on streaming services         will blow your Mid-Century space-age           Beach Blvd., Redondo Beach
                                                           dan Dobbs Rosas, co-host of The Basic         at the same time. Two anticipated 2020        style lovin’ mind!”
                                                           Pitch Podcast (the seasonal rom-com           titles - Spies Like Us and Palm Springs -      “Then there’s the Mission Tiki,” he           Tribeca Drive-in at the Rose Bowl, 1001
                                                           screenwriting game). “I guess I see it as a   were screened at local drive-ins while        continues. “It’s been there since 1956. It’s   Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena https://tribeca-
                                                           social activity as opposed to a cine-         simultaneously debuting on Amazon             got four screens and it was made over
                                                           matic one, the equivalent of a group          and Hulu, respectively.                       by lovers of master tiki craft about 10-12
                                                           in a living room who have all seen the          “It harkens back to a time when going       years ago. They gave it a tiki overhaul        Level 8 Drive-in at the Glendale
                                                           movie many times and are going to             to movies was just a thing to do to pass      which is fantastic because now it looks        Americana, 889 Americana Way, Glen-
                                                           talk over much of it because they know        the time,” adds Rosas. “But for me person-    genuine of the era. “                          dale
                                                           the good parts to quiet down for, but if      ally if I can’t watch the movie with no        Phoenix’s other two faves include the         events/level-8-drive-in-summer-mov-
                                                           you’ve ever been the one person in the        distractions (which to be fair hasn’t been    Rubidoux Drive-in the Inland Empire (“it’s     ie-series-at-the-americana-at-brand-
                                                           living room who is seeing that movie for      the case in the theaters for a long while,    a total time warp”) and the Van Buren          with-street-food-cinema-7/
                                                           the first time, you know it’s a miserable     and seems to be getting worse with            Drive-in located in Riverside. “Those
                                                           place to be, which is mostly how I feel       things like table service) I’d rather just    are the four drive-ins that are survivors.     Voss Events Drag N’ Drive at the Rose
                                                           about all of the various outdoor movie        stay home and have a better experience        They’re out there and I’m glad they’re         Bowl, 1001 Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena
                                                           events. “                                     there.”                                       out there because if you want layers of
ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                in this nuanced take on comicbook               Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets / VOD

                                                                                                                                                                                              I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0
 © 2020 NETFLIX, INC                                                                         heroes and villains concerning a covert          “When nobody don’t want your ass, you
                                                                                             band of immortal mercenaries and their          can come in here and have a good time,”
                                                                                             lonely but extraordinary lives, filled with     says a patron at the Roaring 20s, a dive
                                                                                             never-ending combat against those who           bar on the outskirts of Vegas. It’s just after
                                                                                             might threaten the world as we know it.         lunch on a shimmery hot desert day
                                                                                               When the group takes on an emergen-           and the bar’s regulars, young, old, and
                                                                                             cy mission and their healing powers are         culturally diverse, are already arriving
                                                                                             exposed, leader Andy (Theron) and new           for what will be the joint’s last day.
                                                                                             member Nile (Kiki Layne), must fight             In the sneakily haunting Bloody Nose,
                                                                                             harder than ever to protect themselves          Empty Pockets, filmmaking brothers Bill
                                                                                             and save humanity, and which of course          and Turner Ross (Contemporary Color),
                                                                                             they do with violent aplomb.                    who make documentaries that redefine
                                                                                               Adapted from Greg Rucka and Leandro           the term, roam the bar with their cam-
                                                                                             Fernandez’s graphic novel and directed          eras, capturing snippets of conversation,
                                                                                             Gina Prince-Bythewood (Love & Basket-           song, and lament as a never famous

IRVINE WEEKLY’S                                                                              ball, Beyond the Lights), this one is a slick
                                                                                             popcorn flick with substance boasting
                                                                                                                                             Vegas staple prepares to close its doors.
                                                                                                                                              For a good long time, nothing much

                                                                                             diverse characters, believable backsto-         seems to be happening. Folks greet each
                                                                                             ries and -ironic, considering they can’t        other fondly. Bad jokes are told. The bar-
                                                                                             die- an engaging humanity that draws            tender curses Jeopardy on the big TV.

                                                                                             you in and makes you care, even with a           And people drink, but never sloppily.

    MUCHO MUCHO AMOR, THE OLD                                                                contrived sequel/potential for franchise
                                                                                             tease near its climax. –L.L.
                                                                                                                                             Drinking, you come to realize, is what
                                                                                                                                             these folks do. They know how to stretch

    GUARD, THE RELIC, DIVOS! AND                                                             The Relic / VOD
                                                                                                                                             out the day, just as they know to lean in to
                                                                                                                                             humor and intimacy, for surely that’s the
    MORE …                                                                                     Relic, the elegantly creepy debut film
                                                                                             from writer-director Natalie Erika James,
                                                                                                                                             payoff for living your best hours in a bar.
                                                                                                                                              Nothing happens in Bloody Nose,
                                              BY CHUCK WILSON AND LINA LECARO                may not be the film to watch if you have        Empty Pockets except funny, quotable
                                                                                             an aging parent in distress. That’s the         conversation — “You’re sweet on me now

                                                                                             dilemma facing Kay (Emily Mortim-               but just you wait. I’m a destroyer” — and
     rvine Weekly’s Movie Guide is your      sented not weirdness, but campy wonder          er), whose mother, Edna (Robyn Nein),           the passing by of a dozen lives filled with
     look at the hottest films available     thanks to his popular horoscope-driven          briefly disappears from her Australian          enough love, fury, and regret to fill three
     on your TV sets, electronic devices     show Walter y Las Estrellas. The glam-          country home only to return and begin           Hollywood movies. This is a scruffy, gor-
     and in select drive-ins throughout      orous self-help extravaganza offered a          acting out in strange and unnerving             geous movie. -C.W.
Southern California. Theaters remain         refreshing dose of androgyny, astrology         ways. Edna is clearly struggling with
closed, but the good news is that there’s    and audacious theatricality that clearly        dementia but Kay and her daughter               Divos! / VOD
no shortage of diverse and engaging          resonated beyond Spanish speaking TV            Sam (Bella Heathcote) begin to wonder             Of course, Ricky Redman (Matt Steele)
films to see at home. And as always, we      fans too.                                       if Edna, or her rambling old house, or          will land the lead role in this year’s San
let you know what’s worth the watch-           Much Mucho Amor, the new doc chron-           the family itself, is being taken over by a     Fernando Catholic Church high school
time — from indie art house gems to pop-     icling Mercado’s life, is aptly named as it’s   malevolent force.                               musical. He does so every year. A proud
corn-perfect blockbusters to new movies      a loving look at an unforgettable figure          In this house, the walls groan like a sail-   show queen, with epic plans to be a
garnering buzz, indicating where you         who broke all the rules (he was gender          boat adrift at sea, a shadowy figure hov-       Broadway star, Ricky is a true diva,
can catch them whether it be digital         fluid before it was a thing, after all). De-    ers at the end of hall, and everywhere,         but wait, who’s the hunky blonde boy
Video on Demand (VOD) or streaming           spite retreating from the public eye many       black mold is growing, including, most          walking into auditions, the one backlit
subscription services.                       years ago, Mercado opens up his home to         disturbingly, in a round patch on Edna’s        like Jesus?
                                             the filmmakers here and proves that his         chest. Aided by Brian Reitzell’s jangly           That would be Josh (Timothy Brun-
Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of              charisma continued to glimmer just like         score, director James and cinematogra-          didge), the school’s injured baseball
Walter Mercado / NETFLIX                     his famous capes (and yes, we get to see        pher Charlie Sarroff slowly build a sense       pitcher who’s decided that he too is
  Don’t let Walter Mercado’s over the        his marvel of a closet!).                       of menace and dread, even as the three          destined to be a Broadway sensation.
top look fool you. He’s no Joe Exotic type     He passed away last year so this              gifted leads dive deep into the tangled         Ricky takes him under his wing but a
wacko with delusions of meth-head            Sundance-produced film makes for a              emotionality of this fractured family.          bitter rivalry ensues, and Divos!, a deft
grandeur. And this is not another sala-      fitting tribute, packaging interviews and         In the last half hour, all hell breaks        indie comedy written by Steele and
cious doc exploiting queer eccentricity,     archival footage into a cohesive look at        loose, with Sam trapped in a hidden,            directed by Ryan Patrick Bartley, takes
thank heavens. The Puerto Rican TV as-       his impact, the most significant of which       shape-shifting part of the house and            off.
trologer was a true superstar who might      was probably the way he hammered at             Kay forced to battle her mother, who’s            If the cast seems a bit past high
have been unusual and over the top           the homophobia inherent in Latino cul-          evolving into something else, something         school age, no matter, their energy and
(even for the ’70s) but garnered a loyal     ture not by trying to, but simply by being      other. The film’s last moments, which shift     general fabulousness carry the day.
following nonetheless, and the filmmak-      himself. -L.L.                                  daringly from the horrific to the tender,       Steel’s script takes some unexpected
ers here are clearly included.                                                               may frustrate horror fans in need of a          plot turns, including a mid-turn shift to
  If you’re of Latin decent, odds are your   The Old Guard / NETFLIX                         clear explanation for all that’s come           Josh’s home life, and a welcome avoid-
abuela loved him and you grew up fasci-       Charlize Theron is our favorite amiable        before, but anyone who’s watched a              ance of opening night clichés. A trifle
nated by him. Despite getting parodied       badass (Mad Max: Fury Road, Atomic              loved one age and fade is sure to feel a        to be sure, but an accomplished one,
often for his unusual look, Mercado repre-   Blonde, etc.) and she nails it once again       resonant ache. -C.W.                            Divos!, is a charming surprise. – C.W.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                         RICHARD DOYLE, HAL LANDON JR.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          WILLIAM FRANCIS MCGUIRE AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                             KIMBERLY SCOTT IN SCR’S 201 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                      PRODUCTION OF A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PHOTO BY JORDAN KUBAT


                                                           EXPLORING LIVE THEATER’S MANY
                                                                SOUTH COAST REPERTORY THEATRE SCHEDULES ONLINE COMMUNITY-
                                                                ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMS.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BY LIZ GOLDNER

                                                                              ith theaters throughout    subsequent presentations, to be held lat-    nationwide theatrical experience to this     free, but ticketholders are encouraged to
                                                                              Southern California        er this summer, are part of the “El Teatro   production.                                  support the “Second Harvest Foodbank
                                                                              continuing to be dark,     de la Comida” (Theatre of Food) series.        The MASA readings are divided into         of Orange County.” To reserve tickets,
                                                                              South Coast Reperto-         The MASA readings, as announced by         the following topics: “The Gardens of Az-    visit
                                                           ry theater in Costa Mesa will hold its        SCR’s Artistic Director David Ivers and      tlan” by Luis Alfaro (from California Sce-     In early 2019, I spent an illuminating
                                                           first online “Community Engagement            Managing Director Paula Tomei, are           narios, a 2001 SCR-commissioned work);       hour interviewing Ivers who began
                                                           [theatrical] Initiative,” titled “MASA,” on   curated and directed by Juliette Car-        “El Maiz” by Lisa Loomer; “Tejuino” by       working as SCR’s new Artistic Direc-
                                                           August 17. This first of three SCR com-       rillo, Professor of Drama at UC Irvine’s     Amilcar Jauregui; and “The Path to           tor just a few months previously. He
                                                           munity-centered readings will address         Claire Trevor School of the Arts. The        Divado” or How to Make Fat-free Tama-        explained that his plans included con-
                                                           the historical and cultural importance        Yale School of Drama graduate, previ-        les in G minor, by Diane Rodriguez.          tinuing the theater’s successful formula
                                                           of masa – or corn meal. MASA and two          ously an SCR Artistic Associate, brings        Tickets to this online presentation are    of balancing new work with classical
ART                                                                                                                                      pian grew up in Toronto and Calabasas,

                                                                                                                                                                                       I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | AU G U S T 5 , 2 0 2 0
  RICHARD DOYLE, HAL LANDON JR.                                                                                                          California, and fell in love with acting
  PRODUCTION OF A CHRISTMAS CAROL.                                                                                                       when he played the Wizard of Oz in the
  PHOTO BY JORDAN KUBAT                                                                                                                  third grade. His parents supported his
                                                                                                                                         theatrical aspirations early on. “They
                                                                                                                                         were hard working, beautiful, inquis-
                                                                                                                                         itive people. They were progressive
                                                                                                                                         in their thinking, and felt that it was
                                                                                                                                         important for my brother and me to be
                                                                                                                                           In high school, he pursued theater
                                                                                                                                         aggressively, performing in Li’l Abner,
                                                                                                                                         Grease and The Music Man, among
                                                                                                                                         other plays. He received his BFA from
                                                                                                                                         Southern Oregon University and his
                                                                                                                                         MFA from the University of Minnesota, a
                                                                                                                                         curriculum including performances at
                                                                                                                                         the nearby Guthrie Theater.
                                                                                                                                           Ivers has worked at the Utah Shake-
                                                                                                                                         speare Festival as actor, director and
                                                                                                                                         Artistic Director, and as a resident artist

                                                                                                                                         at the Denver Center Theatre Company.
                                                                                                                                         He has directed plays at the Guthrie
                                                                                                                                         Theater, Oregon Shakespeare Festi-
                                                                                                                                         val, Berkeley Repertory Theater and
                                                                                                                                         SCR (the British farce, One Man, Two
                                                                                                                                         Guv’nors in 2015). He has performed in
                                                                                                                                         farces, comedies and in most Shake-
                                                                                                                                         speare plays.
                                                                                                                                           As an educator, he has taught theater
                                                                      SCR MANAGING
                                                                                                                                         at the Universities of Michigan and Min-
                                                                     DIRECTOR PAULA                                                      nesota, Southern Utah University and
                                                                           PHOTO BY
                                                                                                                                         Southern Oregon University. He balanc-
                                                                       JORDAN KUBAT                                                      es his career with involvement with his
                                                                                                                                         family, with his wife and two sons.
                                                                                                                                           Paula Tomei who works closely with
                                                                                                                                         Ivers said, “David is a passionate artist
                                                                                                                                         with a deep understanding of collab-
                                                                                                                                         oration at all levels. When he directed
                                                                                                                                         One Man, Two Guv’nors, it was a delight
                                                                                                                                         to watch him work with the cast to
                                                                                             SCR ARTISTIC                                bring out the most outrageous comic
                                                                                             DAVID IVERS                                 moments in the show. He listens careful-
                                                                                             PHOTO BY                                    ly, asks questions that elicit thoughtful
                                                                                             JORDAN KUBAT
                                                                                                                                         ideas and responses, and he’s all about
                                                                                                                                         finding the joy in theater.”
                                                                                           would happen to Orange County if this           Richard Doyle, an SCR founding actor,
                                                                                           theater ceased to exist?” He described        was asked about Ivers’ role at the
                                                                                           his vision of how the SCR campus could        theater last year. His response: “Taking
dramas, musicals and contemporary            one of the first regional theater compa-      be alive with activity in the future with     on the leadership of one of America’s
theater.                                     nies committed to new work, and that          outdoor presentations linked to the on-       premier ‘League of Regional Theatres’
 “SCR is one of the most prolific theaters   is an important touchstone for us. They       stage productions. He added that these        is a huge undertaking, At this moment
in the country in terms of new play de-      can answer some important questions           complementary events could attract            in time, with the changing way our
velopment,” he explained. “Few theaters      about how things developed here over          theater-going patrons with event-driv-        theatergoing audiences access live
in the country are able to produce such      time … and why. That will help me as we       en outings.                                   entertainment, doing so will require
a range of plays. I am also interested       move forward.”                                 Community engagement might also              energy, innovation and heart, all things
in entertaining our audiences. It’s not        Looking to the future of the theater,       include collaborating with other arts         that David has in abundance.”
all about laughs, but about expanding        Ivers said, “Telling stories in our plays     institutions, or “sharing talents.” Ivers’      Hunkered down at home with his
how they see the world and opening           illuminate the human condition. The           plans then include meeting with other         family these days, David Ivers envisions
up their hearts. It is both humbling and     theater is a tool for social justice. It is   Orange County arts groups, talking and        South Coast Repertory Theater as a
thrilling to work here.”                     cathartic, expanding our view of how          learning from them about possible col-        dynamic center for inspiring live plays
 Reflecting on the theater’s early days,     we see the world, while examining             laborations. “I’m still young in my tenure    in the future. In the meantime, he con-
he said, “Founding Artistic Directors Da-    everything we do.“                            here and I’ve got a lot to learn,” he said.   tinues to plan online productions and to
vid Emmes and Martin Benson created            He then rhetorically inquired, “What         Ivers, a tall, lanky 40-something thes-      announce these events in videos.
You can also read