太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute

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太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute
国际空间科学研究所 - 北京        ISSI-BJ Magazine
                             No. 18 April 2020
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute
IMPRINT                                                      FOREWORD

太空 | TAIKONG                        The relevance of CubeSats for education     the basis of its principles of international
ISSI-BJ Magazine                    as well as for the investigation of         collaboration      and     interdisciplinary
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
                                    unanswered scientific questions in an       research. For this purpose, well-known
                                    agile and convenient way has steadily       experts were invited to share their
                                    risen in the past decade, providing many    profound experiences and valuable
                                    more opportunities for advancement          thoughts and insights to train students
Address: No.1 Nanertiao,            in space science studies as well as for     and researchers from member states on
Zhongguancun,                       the training of the next generation of      the use of small satellites, and for the
Haidian District,
                                    scientists and engineers.                   joint forum to discuss key scientific tools
Beijing, China
                                                                                that can be developed for CubeSats
Postcode: 100190
Phone: +86-10-62582811
                                    Given the numerous possibilities and        science missions.
Website: www.issibj.ac.cn           the great advantages deriving from the
                                    sharing of know-how and knowledge           During three days, the APSCO training
                                    of these small satellites, CubeSats-        course engaged 16 international
                                    based international and interdisciplinary   students from its member states, who
                                    collaboration currently assume a great      finally joined 14 leading scientists from
                                    significance for the promotion of cross-    10 countries at the brainstorming forum
See the list on the back cover
                                    country cooperation on joint studies and    inaugurated on June 6, 2019. The event
                                    space missions. And it is exactly for all   was thus attended by a total of 40
                                    these reasons that the APSCO training       scientists and engineers from numerous
Editor                              course on CubeSats as well as the forum     countries, including Bangladesh, China,
                                    on “Science Missions using CubeSats”        Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iran, Italy,
Laura Baldis,
                                    were convened by Mohammad Ebrahimi          Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan,
International Space Science
Institute - Beijing, China
                                    Seyedabadi (APSCO, China) and               Peru, Switzerland, Thailand, and Turkey.
                                    Maurizio Falanga (ISSI-BJ, China) from
                                    June 3 to June 7, 2019, in Thailand.        The opening ceremonies were held in the
                                                                                morning of June 3, 2019 (Training), and
                                    The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation          June 6, 2019 (Forum), at the Auditorium
                                    Organization (APSCO), as a multilateral     of Sirindhorn Center for Geo-Informatics
                                    inter-governmental          organization,   (SCGI) located in the Space Krenovation

FRONT                               not only promotes regional space
                                    cooperation, but also enhances the
                                                                                Park (SKP). They were inaugurated by Dr.
                                                                                Aorpimai Manop, Director General of
COVER                               capacity building of its member states      Department of Strategic Planning and
                                    in different disciplines. Such goal was     Program Management of APSCO; Prof.
                                    perfectly coupled with ISSI-BJ's efforts    Maurizio Falanga, Executive Director of
                                    to advance space science studies on         ISSI-BJ; Mr. Pierre Hagmann, Embassy of
Image Credit: Universe Today

                       2         太空|TAIKONG
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute
Switzerland in Bangkok, and Dr. Tanita Suepa,        a special slot for students’ presentations and
Chief of Instructional Media and Curriculum          discussions was ensured.
Development Division of GISTDA, Thailand.
The training program provided an overview of         The two events were successfully concluded
the importance, current practices, and future        on June 7, 2019. During the final ceremony, Dr.
perspectives for “Science Missions using             Aorpimai Manop and Prof. Maurizio Falanga
CubeSats” and the different generic categories       gave the concluding speech and provided
of instruments used to monitor space weather         a summary of the Forum. A cultural tour was
from the ground. The experts Dr. Qamarul             organized on June 8, which left the participants
Islam (Institute of Space Technology, IST), Dr.      deeply satisfied with the content of the events
Martin Langer (Technical University of Munich,       as well as the arrangement of the leisure
Germany), Dr. Muhammad Rizwan (Institute of          activities.
Space Technology, Aalto University, Finland),
Prof. Leonardo Reyneri (Politechnico di              It comes without saying that the two activities
Torino, Italy), and Prof. Yu Xiaozhou (Shanxi        provided brilliant insights, deep knowledge-
Engineering Laboratory for Microsatellites)          sharing, and unprecedented networking
kindly contributed to this training program.         opportunities to all participants, from the
                                                     students to the teachers, much of which will be
The Forum section, which began on June 6,            presented in this Taikong magazine issue.
successfully managed to reduce the distance
between trainees and the scientific community,
that gave them the opportunity to hear new
ideas and be motivated towards a carrier in                     Mohammad Ebrahimi Seyedabadi,
this field. After a brief introduction to ISSI-BJ,
APSCO, and to the Forum, the participants
were introduced to the history of CubeSats,
to COSPAR Roadmap on Small Satellites for                                          Director-General
Space Science, as well as the APSCO’s current
                                                            Department of Education and Training
and future plans to use Cubesats as a tool for
capacity-building and university cooperation.                                               APSCO
The first day of the Forum ended with a dinner
that enabled the participants to enrich their                                     Maurizio Falanga,
social network and continue their discussions
in a less formal environment.

The second half of the day was devoted to the                                     Executive Director
topic of using CubeSats for space sciences.
After the talks given by international scientists,

                                                                        太空|TAIKONG            3
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute

Since their inception, CubeSats have enjoyed             such satellites can efficiently help overcome the
widespread acceptance in the space science               difficulties implied by a small research budget
community, currently featuring a growing                 and little or no experience in the field of space
developer list. In fact, CubeSats can help               technology. Small satellites thus represent an
reduce the costs of technical developments               ideal opportunity for students, engineers, and
and scientific investigations, therefore lowering        scientists in different disciplines — including
the entry-barriers to organizing space missions.         software development for on-board and ground
As a result, CubeSats’ popularity in countries           computers, engineering, and management
with less resources to be devoted to space               of sophisticated technical programs — to
science has grown exponentially in the past few          work together on the agile development and
years, adding enormous value to education,               operation of space missions. In fact, as the
researchers’ experience, and collaborative               ‘build-to-operations’ cycle for CubeSats is less
relationships.                                           than three years, this allows university students
                                                         to be involved in its development from its
As of April 2018, over 800 CubeSats have been            inception to the operating mission.
launched worldwide, and for some countries
this represented a considerable milestone, as            For these reasons and in order to provide vital
for some it meant the very first national satellites     training and brainstorming ideas to the current
sent into space. Producing one’s own satellites          as well as to the next generation of space
is evidently considered a national achievement           experts, the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation
and a source of national pride by each country,          Organization (APSCO) and the International
and coupled with realistic and focused goals,            Space Science Institute-Beijing (ISSI-BJ), have

                     Figure 1:    CubeSats - Picture credits: NASA

 4      太空|TAIKONG
太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute
respectively organized the Training course         the nowadays relatively limited but increasing
and the forum on “Science Missions using           application of these technology in science. The
CubeSats”, whose main aim was to identify          forum tried to follow this concept, suggesting
suitable key sciences to be employed in            that CubeSats embrace the technology
CubeSats science missions as well as CubeSat       that could potentially lead to breakthrough
feasibilities for space development countries.     discoveries.

Furthermore, the goals included also the           The answers to the questions on how to design
development of a CubeSats space education          a CubeSat, why CubeSats are needed, and
system to establish cooperative programs           what is most important for a space mission can
not only for the purpose of training, but also     be all summarized in the fact that, according
envisioning a collaboration based on scientific    to the specificities of a mission, a personalized
or application missions.                           manpower capability, mission-related financial
                                                   resources, as well as a targeted organization
Specifically, the two-day forum aimed to:          management strategy are required.

  •   identify suitable key sciences that can      When it comes to the rationale behind the
      be developed for CubeSats science            launch of a CubeSat, a good and stable team
      missions: What are the CubeSat s'            represents an essential factor, together with a
      feasibilities for space development          sound knowledge of CubeSat development
      countries?;                                  engineering, subsystems of a CubeSat as well
                                                   as of the experiments targeted. Last but not
  •   develop CubeSats space education             least, it is critical to be familiar with some other
      systems to establish cooperative             important elements of the mission, such as the
      programs not only for the purpose            launcher, frequency allocation, law, import and
      of training, but also in view of the         export regulations.
      prospective collaboration in scientific or
      application missions;                        As a result of these reflections and observations
                                                   on CubeSats, in the present magazine the
  •   explore the reports from the training        discussions held during the forum have been
      section.                                     summarized in four main sections, i.e. the
                                                   presentations given by the participants, the
The organization of forums such as the             main takeaways acquired on the topic, the
one discussed here can create a fertile soil       recommendations of researchers, engineers,
for scientist, engineers, and institutions to      and scientists to newcomers in the field, and
combine their expertise with the goal of           the relevance of international collaboration for
growing ambitious ideas. The synergy between       the development of CubeSats-based missions
communities is the key to advertise and            as wells as for an enhances international
improve CubeSats’ capabilities, expanding          equilibrium.

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太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute

       2.1.     Presentations and Analysis

The presentations elaborated during the            the mission with the world is the key to creating
forum concerning CubeSat activities were           the perfect environment to achieve great
highly country- and/or affiliation-focused.        scientific discoveries.
Three primary types of talks could be identified
(with some occasional overlapping between          Modularity as well as relatively low costs
categories), i.e.:                                 make CubeSats a great opportunity for
                                                   institutions interested both in the scientific
  1.   physics-oriented;                           and engineering goals achievable with these
                                                   small satellites’ technology, that is already
  2.   technology-driven;                          leading to the increase of small satellites
                                                   developers. Compared to large satellites, small
  3.   education-driven;                           satellites entail low development costs and
                                                   offer the opportunity to carry out scientific and
  4.   science-driven.                             technological tests over a short period of time.

CubeSats should be built on a close, synergistic   Last but not least, in recent years small satellites
and interdisciplinary collaboration between        have also become a tool used to train students
space scientists, engineers, and the space         and give them a general understanding of
industry, tied up by the cross-fertilization and   satellite systems.
encouragement based on the realization of
experiments, cost-containment and operations’      In the light of CubeSats' characteristics and
timing. This way forward will be achieved by       their application potential, a review of the four
exploiting at most the Commercial off-the-         approaches to CubeSats' studies which took
shelf (COTS) components, currently under-          shape during the Forum is presented in the
performing in the space environment, but           following sub-chapters.
with the potential to provide high-impact and
radical transformations in space application

Ambitious CubeSats projects must be based on
international collaboration between institutes,
national space agencies, as well as private
companies. Sharing the scientific concepts of

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2.1.1.       Physics-oriented analysis

"CubeSats for Science Missions" from a physics         possibilities in space science missions. With
point of view: What can we do and when?                a fixed-mass budget mission designer it may
                                                       be possible to aim at a variety of mission
The answer to the usage of CubeSats for                approaches. The available mass may be split
Science Missions from a different perspective,         up into many small identical units and these
i.e. the one of physics, was advanced by Prof.         units may act as a swarm and cover a larger
Fléron, from the National Space Institute at           area or volume than a monolithic spacecraft
the Technical University of Denmark (DTU               of equivalent mass. Alternatively, a fraction of
Space), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, based on                 the mass budget could be reserved for small
the results yielded from the COSPAR report             advanced probes that could extend the base-
“Small satellites for space science - A COSPAR         line or reach of a larger spacecraft. The probes
scientific roadmap” [10] and from the work             may even be expendable allowing for more
on mass reduction rates for space crafts as            daunting missions. be 2 illustrates the different
presented at the IAA-CU-17 in Rome “Will               mission scenarios using CubeSats.
CubeSats introduce a Moore’s law to space
science missions” [3].                                 A typical argument against small spacecrafts
                                                       is that the aperture size dictates the resolution
As spacecraft subsystems become smaller,               of detectors. From the Fraunhofer diffraction
advanced studies may be performed with                 theory in the equation below, it is evident that
ever-lighter spacecrafts. This opens up new            a way around this issue is to go closer.

                                                         α is the angular resolution of a telescope
                                                         with aperture size D, whereas λ represents
                                                         the wavelength of the observed light. As
                                                         an example, the resolution of the Hubble
                                                         space telescope and a 3U Dove satellite
                                                         from the Planet Labs Inc is compared.
                                                         Figure 3 shows the resolution vs distance
                                                         for both spacecrafts, with Didymos as a
                                                         target example. Didymos closest approach
                                                         to the Earth (and Hubble space telescope)
                                                         is roughly 10-2 AU or 1.5 million km. As seen
Figure 2:   Illustrations of mission scenarios using

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Figure 3:     Optical resolution at 550 nm as function of distance for the Hubble space
           telescope and a Dove satellite from Planet Labs Inc.

the Dove satellite will surpass the best-case
resolution of Hubble space telescope when
the Dove spacecraft is closer than ~2*10-4 AU
or 30,000 km.                                              P0 is the mass required for a certain performance
                                                           at time 0, Pt is the mass required for the same
The study “Will CubeSats introduce a Moores                performance at time t, n is the reduction rate.
law to space science” [3] looks at the mass                The study showed mass reduction rates of
evolution of spacecrafts over time and it refers           approximately 127 months (10.5 years) prior
to the analysis of the capability and mass of              to the introduction of CubeSats and a rate of
similar class missions, used as a figure of merit.         36 months for Earth observation satellites after
In other words, the mass required to obtain a              the CubeSats have appeared. A much smaller
certain performance is calculated for historic             study conducted on beep sats, i.e. satellites
missions, but not all mission classes that were            that only emits a beacon, showed a mass
studied revealed a mass evolution similar to               reduction rate of 55 months.
Moore’s law. However, the Earth observation
missions operating in the optical band did
show a mass reduction tendency similar to
Moore’s law. The equation below shows the

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2.1.2.        Science-driven projects

One of the approaches adopted to enter into           •   Temporal and spatial variations of
space science is to answer science questions              plasma trough during magnetic storms;
with already available technologies, thus
putting quite an emphasis on answering                •   Temporal and spatial variations of
science questions.                                        electron density and temperature in
                                                          polar cap patches;
The SNIPE (Small scale magNetospheric and
Ionospheric Plasma Experiment) mission for            •   Measuring length of coherence for
space weather research developed by the                   bubbles/blobs;
Solar and Space Weather Group, KASI, Korea,
is going to be launched in 2021 into a polar          •   EMIC waves at the top of ionosphere.
orbit at an altitude of 500 km with an orbital
high-inclination of (97.7°). The scientific goal    Last but not least, this mission constitutes a
of SNIPE is to identify temporal and spatial        beautiful example to have a synergy with other
variations of small-scale plasma structures in      already existing space weather missions, such
ionosphere and magnetosphere.                       as THEMIS, MMS, ERG, and GOES as well as
                                                    ground observations like EISCAT and CARISMA
SNIPE consists of four 6U-nanosatellites (~ 10      networks.
kg for each spacecraft). This constellation is
a formation flying, and slowly separated from       The University of Cagliari, Department of
tens to several hundreds of kilometers for six      Physics, Italy, proposed a science-driven
months, and the spacecraft design lifetime is       motivated swarm CubeSat mission. With
at least greater than one year (with a scientific   the first detected Gravitational Waves event
operation time of six months). The SNIPE            (August 2017, GW170817) from merging
mission is equipped with scientific payloads,       Neutron Stars - or merging of a Neutron Stars
which can measure the following geophysical         with a Black Hole, related to a short Gamma
parameters: density/temperature of cold             Ray Burst (GRBs), a new astrophysics era
ionospheric electrons, energetic (~ 100 keV)        has started, the so-called Multi-Messenger
electron flux, and magnetic field vectors. All      Astrophysics. The operation of an efficient
the payloads will have high temporal resolution     X-ray all-sky-monitor with good localization
(better sampling rates than 10 Hz).                 capability will have a pivotal role in the next
                                                    decade on multi-messenger Astrophysics. The
The science targets are:                            mission submitted, called High Energy Rapid
                                                    Modular Ensemble of Satellites (HERMES),
  •   Spatial scale and energy dispersion of        aims to detect and accurately localize GRBs
      electron microbursts;                         and other high-energy transients, such as

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太空|TAIKONG ISSI-BJ Magazine - No. 18 April 2020 - The International Space Science Institute
Figure 4:   HERMES mission - Credits: hermes.dsf.unica.it

the counterparts of GW events (merging of             astrophysics of high-energy transients can lead
compact objects, supernovae), that can be             to breakthrough discoveries in at least other
deployed in a few years, thus bridging the gap        four broad areas:
between the aging, past generation of X-ray
monitors (Swift, INTEGRAL, Agile and Fermi)                a) GRB inner engines;
and the next ones.
                                                           b) GRB jet composition;
Arcmin localization of most GRB with flux of a
few photons/cm2/s is therefore the final goal of           c) GRB radiative processes;
the HERMES project. The HERMES concept is
based on relatively small but innovative X-ray             d) the granular structure of space-time.
detectors (collecting area in the band between
a few keV to a few hundred keV of 50-100 cm2),        The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
hosted by 3U CubeSats (10x10x30 cm, weight            Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL) together with
5-6 kg), launched in equatorial Low Earth Orbit       the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland (PSI),
(LEO). The transient position is obtained by          presented a joint mission concept called
studying the delay during the arrival times of        CHESS (Constellation of High Energy Swiss
the signal upon different detectors, placed           Satellites), a student mission whose goal is to
hundreds/thousands of km away. This large             launch a constellation of 4 CubeSats for high-
increase of the discovery space on the physics/       energy astrophysics studies in late 2021. It

 10     太空|TAIKONG
Figure 5:   The CHESS 3U CubeSat constellation - Credits: CHESS mission

intends to bring together Swiss universities into      of this writing and presented here, may have
a collaborative national project for scientific        changed].
research. The four identical nanosatellites will
embed a Hard X-Ray polarimeter developed               Some science driven projects were presented
at PSI, which is a novel, miniaturized detection       also by the College of Astronautics,
system developed for precise observations of           Northwestern Polytechnical University, China,
the solar system, the Sun, and even fundamental        where CubeSats are used as a new platform for
astrophysical processes occurring in distant           Deep Space Research, like “Deep space and
galaxies. It will enable the simultaneous study        asteroid research” and “Beyond Atlas project
of gamma-ray bursts and solar flares, including        for Asteroid”, a low-cost deep space project
Space weather phenomena.                               that will use a 12U CubeSat to research the
                                                       asteroid 2016HO3. Mendorn AB will initiate it
With a carefully-synchronized timing between           in collaboration with Ericsson, OHB Sweden,
the CHESS CubeSats, it will be able to                 KTH, etc. and a “Deep Space Observation
determine the direction of the detected                mission”, which will use several CubeSats
Gamma-Ray Bursts and correlate the event with          and femosatellites for an asteroid mission.
potential Gravitational Waves measurements             This mission constitutes one of the piggyback
[please note that since the project is work in         payloads of Chinese asteroid mission.
progress, some aspects of it, valid at the time

                                                                             太空|TAIKONG      11
2.1.3.      Engineering-driven presentations

Several participants focused the topic of          satellite to reduce its orbital energy and
their researches on the engineering behind         eventually insert into synodic resonant libration
CubeSats.                                          point orbits near the second Lagrangian point
                                                   of the Earth-Moon system. From this privileged
Some recent activities at ISAS/JAXA, Japan,        outpost, the spacecraft will study the lunar
involving    deep-space      exploration   with    flash impacts that occur on the far side of
CubeSats and/or small satellite platforms          the Moon and help characterize the size and
were expounded. Specifically, the mission          distribution of Near-Earth Asteroids with data
requirements and trajectory design of two 6U       and statistics impossible to make with ground-
Japanese CubeSat missions that will fly as a       based telescopes. EQUULEUS will also study
piggyback project of NASA’ Space Launch            the cislunar dust environment and test key
System during its maiden mission Artemis-1         technology for future deep-space CubeSat
were reviewed. The two CubeSats are named          missions, like a water resisto-jet propulsion
EQUULEUS and OMOTENASHI and they                   system capable of delivering up to 80 m/s of
differ greatly in terms of mission life span       Delta V.
and objectives. OMOTENASHI is equipped
with a solid rocket motor to decelerate its        The Mahidol University of Thailand introduced
relative velocity with respect to the Moon and     a space exploration payload for a CubeSat.
carry out the first lunar semi-hard landing (by    The payload aims to detect the high-energy
requirement, the touchdown speed shall be          particles in space, cosmic ray, which will enable
less than 100 m/s). Key technologies are being     us to understand the behavior and origin of the
developed and will be proven to enable cheap       particles. However, the key challenges include
and fast access to the surface of the Moon.        the development of a payload to observe the
                                                   particles, their direction and energy. The main
EQUULEUS       is     another      technology      mission is a 3U CubeSat at an altitude of 600
demonstrator that will fly by with the natural     km in a polar orbit with an energy detector

Figure 6:       The EQUULEUS satellite - Picture   Figure 7:    External   view   of   the    deployed
Credits: JAXA                                      EQUULEUS nanosatellite - Picture Credits: ISSL, JAXA

  12      太空|TAIKONG
optimized between the 2-200 MeV energy                 the Academic Challenge of Knowledge
range. Hence, the space exploration mission is         SATellite activities in Thailand. The first
the technological demonstration of Cosmic-ray          entirely built in Thailand 1U CubeSat is called
electron/positron detection in space.                  KNACKSAT, developed in the context of

                  Figure 8:   The KNACKSAT satellite

Also, more engineering work was put forward            the educational space technology program
by CONIDA, Peru, i.e., the microstrip antenna          of Thailand. The university team of five staff
showing two models with circular polarization          members and 25 students launched the 1U
in the S & C band to be applied to the 3U              CubeSat via the Spaceflight’s SSO-A (Sun
CubeSat, including the technology of the UHF           Synch Express) mission in September 2018.
and VHF transceiver board an S-band down-              The students’ activities and process learning
converter kit for Ground Satellite stations            included satellite design review, space
as well as the installation and maintenance            environment testing, satellite integration,
of satellite receiving stations L, X band for          ground station, and the signal elaboration
weather forecast satellites AQUA, TERRA,               received from the satellite, among others. Two
METOP, NOAA.                                           other peculiar goals of this CubeSat were the
                                                       Amateur Radio Linear Transponder as well as
The GISTDA, Department of Electrical                   space pictures.
Engineering, Prince of Songkla University,
Thailand, presented the first 1U CubeSat               Another example of a CubeSats' based
developed by King Mongkut's University of              project is to be found in the Institute of Space
Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) within               Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, as it brought

                                                                         太空|TAIKONG             13
Figure 9:     (Left) The Mongolian engineers who developed “Mazaalai satellite”, a 1-unit CubeSat launched on June 3,
2017, as part of the SpaceX CRS-11 mission.

Figure 10:     (Right) Its deployment from the ISS. This satellite was sent to ISS through the SpaceX CRS-11 mission and
launched in a Dragon spacecraft on the Falcon 9 rocket from NASA Kennedy Space Center. The satellite was in orbit
around the Earth at an altitude of approximately 400 km and at an inclination of around 51 degrees, completing an orbit
every 92. Unfortunately, Mazaalai was deorbited on May 12, 2019.

forward the CubeSats engineers’ works related                For what concerns the Mazaalai satellite,
to the design of the Magnetometer Unit for a                 Figure 9 shows the Mongolian engineers who
university Microsatellite and a design of Power              developed i, while Figure 10 shows the its
subsystem for 3U CubeSat.                                    deployment from the ISS. This satellite was sent
                                                             to ISS through the SpaceX CRS-11 mission and
The Mongolian space technology history was                   launched in a Dragon spacecraft on the Falcon
also one of the topics of the forum, including               9 rocket from NASA Kennedy Space Center.
the BIRDS interdisciplinary satellite project, the           Mazaalai is a 1-unit CubeSat launched on June
Mongolian team participation in these projects,              3, 2017, as part of the SpaceX CRS-11 mission.
and Mazaalai, the first Mongolian satellite.                 The satellite was in orbit around the Earth at
                                                             an altitude of approximately 400 km and at an
The BIRDS project is a multinational joint                   inclination of around 51 degrees, completing
satellite plan for non-space faring countries                an orbit every 92. Unfortunately, Mazaalai was
supported by Japan and joined by four                        deorbited on May 12, 2019.
countries, i.e. Ghana, Mongolia, Nigeria,
and Bangladesh. Under this project, three                    The Department of Astronautical Engineering,
Mongolian students have participated in the                  University of Turkish Aeronautical Association,
design, development, and operation of the                    Turkey) put forward the five in-orbit CubeSats
country’s first-ever satellite. The BIRDS project’s          of Turkey. Two of these CubeSats are included
fourth phase is ongoing.                                     in the QB50 project and involve science

  14       太空|TAIKONG
payloads of multi-needle Langmuir probe in           for CubeSat applications, it is easy to envision
addition to an X-ray detector in one of the          a CubeSat mission devoted to the study of
satellites. Furthermore, the science mission         gravitomagnetic effects, such as the frame-

Figure 11:   QB50 Project - Credits: www.qb50.eu

plans of the University of Turkish Aeronautical      dragging effect due to Earth’s rotation. This
Association (UTAA) using CubeSats were               effect creates a difference in the signal rotating
discussed. The main science focus at UTAA is         in the direction of Earth’s rotation and in the
placed on gravitational physics and in accord        opposite one. A mission concept proposal
with this target, the mission ideas concern          can be the one described in Ruggiero and
general relativity, especially gravitomagnetism.     Tartaglia, 2009, where three satellites in GEO
                                                     orbits creates electromagnetic signals rotating
Following a formal analogy between                   around Earth in opposite directions and time
electromagnetism and linearized Einstein’s           the rotation of these signals [12].
gravity, gravitomagnetism represents the
kinetic effect of gravity just like the magnetic
effects for a moving electric charge. The tests of
gravitomagnetism were carried out with some
past satellite missions such as LAGEOS and
Gravity Probe B. Nevertheless, there is always
a definite need for tests of gravitomagnetism
with improved accuracy. With the advancement
of chip scale atomic clocks, which are suitable

                                                                        太空|TAIKONG              15
2.1.4.        Education-driven presentations

Miniaturization of modern electronics and                      disruption and gives a valuable insight to the
sensor technology has induced large-scale                      countries and teams who find themselves on
democratization of space access, as satellites                 a similar path. The presentation showed the
can be built and launched with only a fraction                 efficacy of well-channeled education to create
of the former multimillion costs. This disruption              economic activity and boost science outcomes.
has brought new opportunities to smaller and
developing countries around the world to build                 The Foresail-1 CubeSat designed in Aalto
national capacities to advance and run their own               University, Finland, carries interesting science
space assets. Affordable satellites bring also                 payloads and technology demonstrators to
viability to large scale commercial constellation              deorbit the spacecraft. The mission objective
projects and bring new opportunities for                       is to measure radiation belt losses using
education and science.                                         particle telescope, demonstrate coulomb
                                                               drag propulsion (CDP) for deorbiting, test an
During the Forum, the “Foresail satellites for                 ultra-sensitive magnetometer, and prepare
space science by Finnish Centre of Excellence                  for high radiation missions. The Particle
in Sustainable Space” was presented as a                       Telescope payload has the requirement to
beautiful example of the development path                      orient its detector with shorter collimator
from the first student-built spacecraft to the                 towards the Sun, while the detector with longer
booming New Space economy and national                         collimator serves to scan the environment.
science satellite programs in Finland. The                     The CDP requires spin control for deploying
development took less than ten years and                       and maintaining the tension of the tether to
thus, the Finnish example exemplifies the most                 demonstrate the deorbiting.
important benefits of current space technology

Figure 12:     Foresail-1 is a satellite mission of the Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Space, and its main
payload is the Particle Telescope (PATE), developed by the University of Turku – Picture Credits: Aalto University, Finland

 16       太空|TAIKONG
Another analysis of the educational advantages         University and Jordi Puig-Suari of California
of CubeSats was explored by the Technical              Polytechnic University [15], have evolved to
University of Munich, Germany, as three main           become accepted platforms for scientific
points were put forward:                               and commercial applications. This trend has
                                                       accelerated, and a 2016 report from the Space
  •   Architectural and Engineering - Overview         Studies Board of the US National Academies
      of University-built CubeSats;                    of Sciences (NAS) found that over 80% of all
                                                       science focused CubeSats were launched
  •   CubeSat deep space exploration -                 between 2010 and 2016 and more than 80%
      targets and missions;                            of peer-reviewed papers reporting science on
                                                       CubeSats were produced from 2010 on [11].
  •   CubeSat deep space exploration -                 This acceleration is fueled by the miniaturization
      design considerations.                           and increased utilization of commercial off-
                                                       the-shelf (COTS) parts and led to a more or
While the second and third presentations               less Moore’s Law equivalent growth of ground
focused on deep space exploration with                 sampling distance (GSD), data rate, and data
CubeSats — a goal pursued by more                      volume of small satellites between 1990 and
experienced teams and/or national space                2010 [11].
organizations — the first talk described the
main lessons learned during 13 years of                Over the past 13 years, three CubeSats were
CubeSat development at TUM.                            successfully developed and launched at
                                                       TUM. The endeavor started in 2006 with the
CubeSats, once invented for educational                development of First-MOVE (see Figure 13
purposes in 1999 by Bob Twiggs of Stanford             on the left). The main goal of First-MOVE, as

        Figure 13:   First-MOVE (left) and MOVE-II (right), both 1U-CubeSats from LRT

                                                                              太空|TAIKONG          17
in many CubeSat programs of that time, was                  by the Bearden rule: Complexity in missions
  the hands-on education of undergraduate                     increases cost and development time, with a
  and graduate students and the ambitious                     linear relationship for schedule and exponential
  design and build of a 1U CubeSat verification               for costs. If we demand too much complexity
  platform [2][4]. The First-MOVE was operated                out of a limited budget and schedule, it will
  successfully during one month after its launch in           lead to failures. This is especially worthwhile
  late 2013. Until then, more than 70 students of             to consider for interplanetary missions, as the
  different faculties had participated successfully           launch opportunities are rare and thus the
  in the project, with numerous educational and               demand for more experiments on one specific
  programmatic lessons learned [5]. Starting                  mission are usually high. Looking at the results
  in April 2015, the second CubeSat of TUM,                   found by the Aerospace Company for SmallSat
  called MOVE-II (see Figure 13 on the right)                 missions [1], a zone with impaired and failed
  was developed and launched into space in late               missions, thus an area in which complexity is
  2018 [7].                                                   too high with respect to schedule and cost can
                                                              be seen in Figure 14.
  Besides hands-on education, a scientific
  experiment dedicated to novel solar cells is                The last couple of years showed that CubeSats
  flown on this satellite mission [13]. CubeSats,             are a feasible tool for conducting scientific
  in discrepancy with their bigger counterparts,              experiments, both in the Earth orbit but also in
  can be built, tested, and launched very fast. A             the interplanetary space. The upcoming launch
  clone of MOVE-II, called MOVE-IIb was build                 of Artemis 1 will deploy 13 CubeSats [8] with
  and tested within six months, and launched                  a broad variety of planned experiments into
  into space in July 2019, within a year from the             interplanetary trajectories and many future
  start of the project.                                       deep space launches will have reserved volume
                                                              for scientific CubeSats. Independently from the
  The most important lesson learned regarding                 mission, CubeSat developers should also keep
  university-built CubeSats (and also commercial              the Bearden rule in mind when planning their
  missions) is the relation between complexity                scientific missions.
  and cost/schedule. As stated by McCurdy [9],
  the aggregation of failures can be by explained

Figure 14:   Successful, failed and impaired SmallSat missions analyzed by the Aerospace Company. Source: [1]

    18       太空|TAIKONG
Figure 15:     The DUT-1 Satellite developed by Dalian University of Technology, Changguang Satellite Technology Co.
Ltd., Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, and Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry - Credits: DUT

As an example of CubeSats-based endeavors                        •    the importance of good and exhaustive
that also function as a students’ educating                           documentation, which is often a quite
tool, the DUT-1 (Small Bright Eye) mission is the                     difficult task for students;
result of the joint efforts of Dalian University of
Technology, Changguang Satellite Technology                      •    the relevance of interdisciplinarity as
co. ltd., Tsinghua University, Wuhan University,                      students are typically focused on their
and Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Chemistry                       specific field and often neglect other
with the participation of more than 100 students                      less known effects during the design of
in the development. DUT-1 is the first 20 kg                          CubeSats;
sub-meter high-resolution remote sensing 12U
CubeSat and it includes three main payloads,                     •    the significance of environmental
i.e. a high-resolution camera (PAN/Multispectral                      conditions in the selection of parts;
low-cost and high-resolution camera), electric
propulsion (μCAT micro-electric propulsion                       •    the lack of appropriate redundancy or,
system), and a space radiometer to monitor the                        even worse, the use of redundancy in an
real-time dose rate in space. By means of state-                      appropriate way;
of-the art, innovative technology — 3D printing
structure, 3D printing launch pod, integrated                    •    the unavailability of parameters of
ADCS, and reflect-array antenna — and quality                         several components (e.g. rechargeable
features, such as a pointing accuracy of
In practice, from the education point of            •   improvement of the primary structure of
view, much was learned rather during the                CubeSats by using the empty volume
design phase than during the launch and                 on lateral surfaces between lateral rods,
operationSome of the lessons include:                   increasing structural robustness, getting
                                                        rid of useless items, and improving heat
  •   interdisciplinary team set-up;                    transfer;

  •   ability to build a complex system;            •   taking advantage of modern model-
                                                        based design in the development of
  •   huge amount of knowledge               and        subsystems to decrease the complexity
      capabilities taught to students;                  of student tasks to make them accessible
                                                        to master students and to improve the
  •   students faced with the complexities of           quality of the documentation as well as
      practical tasks.                                  testing and qualifications;

Since      design,      manufacturing,     test,    •   the embedding of most spacecraft
documentation account for 90% of the efforts            functions inside the lateral surfaces of a
and benefits with only 10% of the costs, while          CubeSat and make them also structural
launch and operations account for 10% of                and thermal elements;
the efforts and benefits with 90% of the costs
(mostly for the sat-launch), some questions the     •   the improvement of the heat transfer of
necessity of launching for teaching.                    mechanical interconnections between
                                                        removable structural elements;
Moreover, students should face a degree of
complexity which is compatible with their           •   the embedding of electromechanical
knowledge; therefore, they should be assigned           subsystems      (e.g.   magnetorquers,
with sub-subsystems only. It is utterly important       reaction wheels, batteries) inside the
for students to understand well the mission             lateral skins of the spacecraft, making
and its requirements in order to develop the            them thin enough;
subsystem handed to them, while system-level
tasks should belong to permanent staff’s duties     •   the description the operation and
(teachers or PhD).                                      optimization of on-board telescopes
Further details discussed in the presentation
concerning the Politecnico di Torino include:       •   the concepts of attitude and optics
                                                        required to understand the principles of
  •   the current activities on the development         operation of a telescope, both reflective
      of “smart structures” promoted by the             and refractive;

 20      太空|TAIKONG
•   the performance parameters of a                   •    the  optimization    of geometrical
      telescope (e.g. field of view, resolution);            parameters to improve telescope
                                                             parameters given some mission-
  •   the formulas to compute focal length                   dependent constraints;
      of telescopes and the relationships with
      telescope parameters;                             •    the introduction of a panel on
                                                             technological capabilities of modern and
  •   the physical phenomena leading to                      future CubeSats with a short introduction
      image aberrations;
                                                             of state-of-the-art technologies.


The great efficiency resulting from high              level based on CubeSats constellation missions.
productivity at lower costs and lower energy-         Specifically, scientists were able to acquire
usage ensured by CubeSats (‘or small                  more knowledge on the following aspects:
satellites’) technology is deemed to outperform
traditional satellites in these primary aspects.        1.   CubeSats      highlights:        Efficiency,
As a matter of facts, even though CubeSats                   constellation missions,        deep-space
were first developed at university level for                 exploration:
educational purposes, they do now represent
an advantageous solution also for commercial          CubeSats are a convenient, light-weight,
missions led by space agencies as well as for joint   sustainable solution for space science missions
projects across countries. For these reasons,         as their production and launching costs are
the forum aimed to provide all participants           significantly lower than in traditional satellites.
with the opportunity to learn more about              Their reduced dimensions come with several
CubeSats’ architecture, their development,            benefits not only in terms of reduced costs, but
structure and characteristics, their launching        also in terms of risks and reachability. In fact,
and deployment techniques, design criteria,           while large satellites can only cover a relatively
space engineering, as well as the current status      limited portion of space, a constellation of
of several countries’ advanced studies and            CubeSats can work on a larger area at the same
missions based on Cubesats.                           time, thus expanding the potential of space
Furthermore, researchers and engineers were
also given the chance to inquire about potential      While Earth-bound satellites remain vital for
collaboration opportunities at international          educational and scientific activities, CubeSats

                                                                          太空|TAIKONG             21
interplanetary trajectories and many future
                                                     deep space launches will have reserved volume
                                                     for scientific CubeSats. Even with a small
                                                     10x10x10 cm3 CubeSat and with 3U CubeSat
                                                     it is possible to carry out important missions
                                                     involving inter-sat communication, remote
                                                     sensing, Bio Science missions. Solar sail used
                                                     in CubeSat to deorbit it was also an interesting

                                                       2.       CubeSats beyond universities:

                                                     CubeSat is still used for what it was first created
                                                     for, i.e. education at universities and they are
                                                     indeed a great tool for education, while for
                                                     some countries they also often represent the
                                                     very first launched satellite at country level (e.g.
                                                     Switzerland's first CubeSats launch in 2009).

                                                     Nevertheless, this rapidly developing field of
                                                     CubeSat offers new opportunities for numerous
                                                     space research areas. Using miniaturized, low-
                                                     power instrumentation developed for cube-
                                                     satellites it is possible to reduce time from
                                                     the mission concept to real measurements in
Figure 16:      ARTEMIS-1 Satellite - Picture
                                                     space. CubeSat is also a cost-effective mean to
Credits: NASA
                                                     get a payload into space to perform research
                                                     and develop new technologies.
and small satellites in general still represent an
invaluable asset for deep-space exploration            3.       Technical knowledge:
(even though some questions remain on their
feasibility for interplanetary missions).            In terms of technical knowledge and takeways,
                                                     they can be summarized in the following points:
The last couple of years showed that CubeSats
are a feasible tool for conducting scientific               •    Hardware and Software Reliability:
experiments, both in Earth orbit but also in                     Design and Testing
interplanetary space. The upcoming launch
                                                            •    Software Reliability
of Artemis 1 will deploy 13 CubeSats [11] with
a broad variety of planned experiments into

 22      太空|TAIKONG
•     Modular approach and it’s benefits               •   Engineering     Overview   of   Foresail
     •     Compact design subsystem
                                                            •   Aoxiang series CubeSats, development
     •     COTS, Rad Hardening and Reliability                  and trends
                                                            •   Aalto University and its vision of a
     •     State of Art Sensors used on CubeSat                 “Finnish Centre of Excellence in
                                                                Sustainable Space”
     •     Statistical trends of CubeSat
                                                            •   General application of the sequence:
     •     Know-how development                                 CubeSat Development by integration
                                                                of tested modules – Development by
4.       Fostering know-how development and                     integration of tested modules and
         sharing is a key strategy to improve skills            design/implementation of subsystem
         and capabilities, and in this regard, the              – Development by full custom design
         following aspects where considered:
                                                            •   Management of Development Team
     •     MOVE I Mission: Overall design                       and the challenge of knowledge
           considerations.                                      management when working with
     •     Choice of Communications Bands
           (IARU/UIT)                                       •   Korean SNIPE, use of IRIDIUM
                                                                as     backup     Communication
     •     Italy’s experience on teaching university            and   formation flight strategy
           students how to use CubeSats: It’s
           worth it even if not launched

                           Figure 17:      The South Korean SNIPE Satellite –
                           Credits: KASI

                                                                           太空|TAIKONG            23
5.    The importance of           interdisciplinary   costs and development time, with a linear
      research on CubeSats:                           relationship in terms of schedule, while it is
                                                      exponential for costs. Such relationship is
The combination of physics, relativity,               a particularly significant for interplanetary
and astronomy together with engineering               missions, as the launch opportunities are rare
knowledge is a win-win interdisciplinary              and thus the demand for more experiments on
approach.       Physics-based     presentations       one specific mission are usually high.
were particularly useful to understand the
challenges associated with operating more                  7.   CubeSats’ main challenges:
than one satellite at a time as well as with
finding optimal trajectories that would fulfill       Among the main challenges faced by
the mission objectives. Nevertheless, it was          developers, researchers and engineers
clear that, without access to small satellite         of CubeSats we enumerate the lack of
technologies, high-energy or general relativity-      standardization in terms of interface, which
based missions would be overly costly and             may complicate the collaboration among
unfeasible. Scientists, especially those who          different actors. Furthermore, the space debris
deal with abstract topics such as relativity          problem was also suggested, a nowadays small
and astronomy, are more deeply involved in            but still rapidly growing problem. Even though
CubeSat missions than expected by common              CubeSats are not the main concern in this
sense. Furthermore, also theoretical physicists       regard — only 800+ of them launched up to
have expressed deep interest in the CubeSat           now — a solution still needs to be found, and
business, and in a similar token, participants        EPFL is working on it through CleanSpace One.
expressed an enhanced interest in missions            Another topic was the need for improvement
which do not prioritize technology but rather         in CubeSat structure. Finally, even though the
science questions, such as the Korean SNIPE           interface standardization is a change needed
mission. In fact, even though this mission does       to simplify CubeSats-based collaboration,
not have revolutionary and state-of-the-art           the standardization of the CubeSat deployer
technologies, it puts emphasis on ionospheric         reduced the flexibility left to developers to
and magnetospheric science questions, as              adjust the shape and volume of a CubeSat.
it was also the case of some other missions
driven by science questions.                          8.    Insights from operating missions (Hermes,
                                                            CHESS, etc.):
     6.   Complexity–costs relation:
                                                      The HERMES and CHESS mission discussions
One of the most important lesson learned of           provided insights on an inspiring science
university-built CubeSats (and also commercial        application of CubeSat platforms. Both
missions) is the relation between complexity          missions aim to study the electromagnetic
and cost/schedule. As stated in the previous          counterparts of the gravitational waves, paving
section, missions’ complexity increases both          the way to multi-messenger astronomy. The

 24         太空|TAIKONG
Figure 18:   Cleanone Space satellite - Credits: EPFL

talks of “COSPAR Roadmap on 4S” and                  presentation on the “CubeSat Technology (in)
“Using CubeSats for Science Missions seen            capabilities” brought forward the lessons learnt
from a physics point of view. What can we do         for university-level CubeSat developments.
and when?” gave a general perspective on
the future science missions with CubeSats. In           9.   Cross-country collaboration
particular, the swarm explorations of a solar
system body and the vision for a visit to Alpha      As outlined in the last section of this magazine
Centauri with very tiny chip size satellites         (‘International       collaboration'),    despite
are promising perspectives on solar system           the evident financial benefits guaranteed
explorations and interstellar visits.                by      CubeSats,      the    development    and
                                                     implementation of space science missions can
In addition to these visionary discussions, the      still represent a tedious challenge in terms of
presentations on the ongoing CubeSat science         financial, technical and technological resources
mission developments offered insights on             for many countries. Less developed countries
the current capabilities of doing science with       nowadays have the capability to launch their
CubeSats. These missions are the Japanese            own scientific CubeSat, but they may face some
Moon exploration missions with CubeSats,             difficulties in terms of funding and governments’
which are EQUULEUS and OMOTENASHI, the               willingness to support the projects. Moreover,
Korean CubeSat constellation mission for small       the cooperation between teams under the
scale magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma          form of exchange of students and staff would
studies, that is SNIPE, and the FORESAIL             help differentiate the experience among teams
missions of Finland for studying space               and improve future missions.
environment at LEO and GTO. Furthermore, the

                                                                         太空|TAIKONG            25
10. Overall knowledge on many topics               Model, Wideband Model, Two satellite Model,
      acquired:                                      Mobile-Satellite Channel Model, Radiometry
                                                     missions, Atmospheric Radiometry, Deep
Applied Plasma Physics, Electric Propulsion,         Space Missions, Design optimization of
Experimentation, Design, and Development             CubeSat telescopes and imagers for Earth and
Process. Also, come to know some Experimental        space observation, Classification of satellites,
Study of Effects of Electric and Magnetic Field      future tend of CubeSats technology, High
on Plasma, Propulsion System about satellite,        Gain Microstrip Antenna Design for CubeSats,
cold gas, liquid, resistors, rf ion, electrospray,   COSPAR Roadmap on Small Satellites for
pulse plasma, and vacuum arc thrusters,              Space Science(4S) Engineering overview
rain fade prediction software, some models           of Foresail satellites, PharmaSat, GraviSat,
affiliated with Megacells such as Loo Model,         SporeSat, EcASat and BioSental, Small scale
Statistical Model, Corazza Model, Lutz Two state     Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma
Channel Model, Physical-Statistical Models,          Experiment(SNIPE) Solid State Telescope,
Time Share of Shadowing Models, Time Series          Magnetometer, several Ground Stations.

                CUBESAT MISSIONS

      4.1.       CubeSats for interdisciplinary, multi-layered collaboration

CubeSats provide the largest single standard         CubeSats also constitute a very affordable
launch market available at the moment, creating      platform for hands-on learning of space
a rapidly developing ecosystem around it.            technology and it has so far shown a strong
They ensure easy access to a wide range of           capability to incubate new business ideas. It is
innovative ideas to any country that enters the      also an affordable instrument for developing
field, as CubeSats do not simply represent a         space science and scientific missions and rise
standard spacecraft but rather a collaboration,      overall awareness in global technology topics.
innovation, and education platform. A single
CubeSat launch is not necessarily a big              Moreover, they can be developed fast and
breakthrough in space technology, but it             cheap. As such, CubeSats make space research
prompts the community and young teams                accessible for universities all around the world
around to build the national capacity to launch      and put space research in high gear, leading
and operate national space missions.                 to amazing possibilities. Perhaps future

 26      太空|TAIKONG
planetary missions could also include one or        to be successful, the CubeSat developments
two student-led CubeSats that would operate         should always involve a novel element in
independently of the main spacecraft, limiting      order to start partnerships with other industry
the cost impacts to the primary mission. It is      players. A CubeSat is legislatively equal to a
undeniable that the possibility to build one’s      large spacecraft and therefore a single national
own spacecraft to make measurements on Mars         CubeSat can lead to significant developments
or on a comet or anywhere else in the solar         in the national legislation as well as in the
system could energize the next generation           organization of space activities at higher level.
of planetary scientists and engineers. These
scientists and engineers can get involved in        Last but not least, they are a very good option
the entire life cycle of the satellite, thereby     for engineers to work in collaboration with
facilitating and maximizing technology transfer.    other engineering departments. A CubeSat-
                                                    based project can involve electronics,
Moreover, countries that are setting foot in        communication, mechanics, aerospace, and
the CubeSat industry should consider the            system engineers, who can all commit to the
community aspect and enable their young             mission to polish their skills and gear up for big
CubeSat teams to visit conferences and              satellites and big projects.
workshops to develop connections. In order

      4.2.       Key lessons for newcomers in the CubeSats industry

Newcomers in the CubeSat missions have                    projects. While building and operating a
the opportunity to work on a wide range of                satellite in space remains a key activity
missions. Nowadays researchers are running                for educational and social purposes, it
numerous important projects by means of                   is true that some interesting scientific
CubeSats technology, including remote                     experiments could be made “along the
sensing, communication, Earth-imaging, space              way” while developing the necessary
exploration, inter-sat communication, air traffic         protocols and know-how to design and
management, ship tracking, and there are                  operate a CubeSat. A clear scientific
many other missions which could be carried                purpose would widen the impact of their
out by means of CubeSat technology                        corresponding spacecraft project as well
                                                          as attract the interest of the international
Therefore, newcomers in CubeSat missions are              community;
                                                      •   to focus on intersystem tests, i.e. a test
  •   to focus on and be creative with the                program that should evolve around
      scientific motivations beyond their                 sub-system interactions. A rudimentary

                                                                       太空|TAIKONG              27
standard function test of each sub-               and the process of learning about a
     system is naturally mandatory before              CubeSat mission. It is necessary to learn
     system integration, but letting the               from commercial CubeSats and focus
     systems perform with each other will              only on the payload design to make
     assure full functionality and at the              the first mission a success. One should
     same time give sub-system developers              learn the whole process that leads to the
     a deeper understanding of their own               CubeSat launch to acquire know-how;
     system. Although the space environment
     is different from a lab setting and it is     •   to note that redundancy is the key for a
     hostile to satellites, the major reasons          successful CubeSat mission. However,
     for CubeSat failures built by new-comers          one needs to be careful about the trade-
     are inter-system failures;                        off between complexity and redundancy,
                                                       as every redundancy introduced makes
•    to keep the Bearden rule in mind                  the system more fault-tolerant, and at
     when planning a mission. This does                the same time it makes it more complex
     not necessarily imply the reduction or            to manage the system;
     resizing of the scientific outputs and
     goals of the mission, it rather means to      •   to have real science objectives and
     reduce the complexity of experiments              to produce real data. Nowadays, it
     and of the satellite itself. This can be          is getting harder and harder to get
     deeply enhanced by the already available          funded for an education-only CubeSat
     subsystems or products on the market,             mission. Indeed, one cannot forget that
     also coming from terrestrial applications,        a CubeSat mission is not only about
     which can be reused in CubeSat                    building a CubeSat and launching it, but
     missions. At the end of the day, CubeSats         also about getting data and analyzing
     have to be fast-to-build and relatively           them. Nevertheless, for a newcomer
     cheap – but both characteristics can be           who has no prior experience with
     aligned with the scientific objectives of         CubeSats and space missions in general
     the mission, as proven by the successful          and who cannot resort to the help of
     Lunar Prospector and Mars Pathfinder              experienced people, it might be better
     (and Sojourner) missions of the Faster-           to focus on a small 1U mission or to
     Better-Cheaper program;                           gather experience in other ways. Also, it
                                                       comes without saying that if a CubeSat
•    to lay out the concrete mission goals             is built by students, the likelihood to
     before actually building the CubeSat. It is       have numerous mistakes is much higher
     nowadays easier to enter the field since          than with a full-time team. Therefore,
     one can learn from the lessons that other         being vigilant and debugging frequently
     missions have provided. However, the              are two must-do. For what regards a
     critical issue is the project management          university’s concerns, the most important

28     太空|TAIKONG
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