Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i

Page created by Carolyn Allen
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i

to the cloud
Read about
• COVID-19 accelerating cloud adoptions
• New tools to do more with metadata
• BBC’s strategy for audio in connected cars
and more...

                                           tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020   1
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i
      Issue 45 • September 2020

Cover story: Among the many impacts
of the COVID-19 crisis, the acceleration
of solutions for remote cloud-based
production is one of the most striking
for media. Antonio Arcidiacono
outlines some of the new opportunities
(page 3), while Hans Hoffmann and
Ievgen Kostiukevych examine the
readiness of the infrastructure (page

6). We also present the example of
a Belgian project that demonstrated
what can be done (page 7) and
explain how the open source MCMA
framework can help media get more
from the cloud through microservices
(page 13).
                                           3    Shaping the cloud for European media needs
Editor-in-Chief: Antonio Arcidiacono            Antonio Arcidiacono on building together beyond the crisis
Managing Editor: Patrick Wauthier          4    News and events
Editor: Eoghan O’Sullivan                  5    5G: first deployments and first impressions
                                                Is the new technology living up to PSM expectations?
Design: Louise Tait
                                           6    Pivoting to the cloud for production
Printed on FSC certified paper by               Are media organizations ready for the cloud, and is it ready for
Graphius (FSC CO14767)
                                           7    How COVID-19 accelerated cloud-based production
© European Broadcasting Union
All rights reserved. The reproduction
                                                Belgium’s RTBF and VRT were up and running with a solution
of articles in tech-i is authorized only        within days of the lockdown
with the written permission of the         8    Partnership is central to radio’s in-car future
publishers. The responsibility for views        BBC’s plans for maintaining radio’s prominence in connected cars
expressed in tech-i rests solely with
                                           10   At the cutting edge of metadata for media
the authors.
                                                A smorgasbord of new media metadata projects from around the
                                           12   How does digital transformation happen in the real world?
                                                A new Casebook from the EBU highlights best practice in digital
TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION                    13   Shifting to OPEX through serverless and microservices
Get an edge                                     The open source MCMA framework helps broadcasters benefit
                                                from microservices adoption
• Our goal is to be an incubator to
  advance media technology.                14   Many languages, one interface
• We catalyse innovations so they               EuroVOX helps reduce cost and complexity for transcription and
  deliver for all players                       translation.
• We stimulate active collaboration so
                                           15   Sustainability Matters: All together now – 100 sustainable
  that you get more than innovative
  technology – you get a real                   productions in Germany
  competitive advantage.                        Reducing the environmental impact of film and television
Sign up to receive tech-i magazine,        16   Stepping up media quality – the challenge of the transition
EBU Technology & Innovation
newsletters or event alerts: tech.ebu.
                                                David Wood discusses barriers to introducing new technology
ch/subscribe                               17   Partner profiles: World Wide Web Consortium
                                                How the W3C is weaving a better web for media
EBU Members are encouraged to
                                           18   How did radio fare during the lockdown?
follow and contribute to the work
of our Strategic Programmes and                 A look at how audiences consumed audio in the early days of the
Communities of Practice.                        crisis
                                           19   In the spotlight: Emily Dubs
Visit: tech.ebu.ch/ourwork                      Head of Technology, DVB Project

2    tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i

Shaping the cloud for European media needs
Antonio Arcidiacono, Director of Technology & Innovation, EBU
COVID-19 has opened a door; it is                                           PEACH personalization and
time for us to step through it and                                          recommendation tools, the
embrace the new reality, realizing                                          launch of the EuroVOX project
the positive opportunities it                                               (page 14), the creation of the 5G
brings. In short, this means                                                Media Action Group to represent
acceleration towards remote and                                             the media industry in the 5G
distributed production that relies                                          ecosystem (page 5), etc.
on IP infrastructure and the
cloud; and mature new                                                       PSM COLLABORATION
distribution infrastructures that                                           The crisis has accelerated
integrate a new generation of                                               innovation projects right across
IP-based broadcast, multicast                                               the PSM community. It is helping
and edge-casting modes.                                                     us to bypass natural resistance to
  The new remote production                                                 change, overcoming the
requirements that have emerged                                              protection of the comfort zone.
strongly during the last few                                                One example from the
months are helping us to find                                               membership is the cloud-based
new solutions, steering existing                                            production solution, co-
experiences in Live IP and                                                  developed by VRT and RTBF in
5G-supported production into                                                Belgium, that quickly went from
new solutions that will become                                              experimental idea to deployed
the new backbone for a cost-                                                product (page 7).
effective and flexible production                                             We have seen this same
strategy that can optimize                                                  impetus to join forces in a
resources. Ultimately the aim is                                            common direction in the active
to help Europe’s public                                                     willingness from virtually every
broadcasters produce,                                                       EBU Member to participate in
recommend and customize                                                     our weekly roundtables where
content with new attributes that                                            solutions and new ideas were
deliver value to citizens, as                                               proposed to create new and
curious, informed and                                                       more effective offers for an
responsible individuals.                                                    audience looking again and with
                                                                            more ‘attention’, towards PSM.
A EUROPEAN MODEL                                                            New initiatives, that will become
It is important to stress, however,                                         public in the coming months,
that we are not going to ‘copy’                                             have finally got that convergent
existing models developed by                                                quantum of energy that has
incumbent internet companies,                                               allowed us to jump across to the
even if dialogue with them will be    and good; we need to translate        energy band where electrons
a crucial part of the process (see    this into actions, and for this you   flow without ‘traditional’
page 6). Rather we propose an         need energy. My role and that of      resistance. New projects are now
original way of serving European      the T&I team is therefore to          actively supported by a large
citizens and supporting               catalyse the resources and the        number of EBU Members and
European Media Sovereignty.           expertise available in each EBU       often in collaboration with the
AI-based language and                 Member, proposing new ideas           whole media industry.
recommendation tools will be          and related products and                The combination of EBU
focused on informing, educating       services, and aggregating those       Members’ content and expertise
and entertaining the ‘new citizen’,   resources to build that innovation    is now permitting the creation of
using a common technological          edge – the innovation that            new product initiatives to better
base for a diverse range of           remains one of the goals and          inform, educate and entertain
applications/industries. A            raisons d’être of public service      European citizens. European
distributed online cloud-powered      media.                                institutions are the additional
infrastructure will allow the           The practical implementation        accelerator that could help those
development of new formats,           of our vision has been already        initiatives to materialize and
interactively involving thousands     translated into a series of           continue to resonate well beyond
of end users.                         successful initiatives. These         the critical period we are
   The theory, however, is all well   include the expansion of the          currently living through.
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Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i

A wealth of knowledge
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a huge increase in the popularity
of webinars and the EBU is no exception. Over the past few months,
the Technology & Innovation team, in collaboration with contributors
from right across the EBU membership, has offered webinars and
roundtables on a multitude of topics.
  All of the events below are available to view on demand – simply
visit tech.ebu.ch/publications and search for the relevant keywords.

                                                                          Taking advantage
                                                                          of automation
                                                                          There are many good reasons
                                                                          why EBU Members should
                                                                          be looking to automation. If
                                                                          otherwise tedious and potentially
                                                                          error-prone tasks are automated,
                                                                          programme-makers are free to
                                                                          concentrate on more important
                                                                          work; and machine learning
                                                                          can create more data about
                                                                          content, which increases the
                                                                          value of that content. Automation
                                                                          also facilitates more flexibility
                                                                          regarding where operations can
                                                                          happen, and where they are
                                                                          resourced, including on location,
                                                                          at broadcaster facilities, or in the
                                                                             For many broadcasters,
                                                                          automation will be an unfamiliar
An update for the pyramid                                                 area, involving new techniques
                                                                          and technologies, not to mention
The EBU has published an                One of the most striking          new terminology. EBU Technical
updated version of Tech 3371          changes is that there is more       Report 055, published in June
and its ‘Technology Pyramid           green in the Pyramid, reflecting    2020, aims to demystify the topic.
for Media Nodes’ graphic. The         a greater maturity of product       It describes several automation
Pyramid is a visual representation    implementations overall, relative   scenarios for media organizations
of user requirements, priorities      to what the earlier version         and explains the key concepts.
and the market’s progress in          showed. Some layers of the          The report also includes examples
creating and implementing             pyramid were also renamed. The      of how automation is being
standards and protocols in the        updated Pyramid graphic is also     used by EBU members for
SMPTE ST 2110 ecosystem of            available as a PowerPoint slide     development, deployment and
Live IP technology.                    for download.                      configuration activities.
                                                                             The report was authored
                                                                          by the Automation and
                                                                          Provisioning subgroup within
                                                                          the EBU strategic programme
                                                                          on infrastructure & security. The
                                                                          subgroup was chaired by Peter
                                                                          Brightwell (BBC).
                                                                             You can download EBU TR 055
                                                                          from tech.ebu.ch/publications,
                                                                          where you’ll also find a webinar
                                                                          about the topic and the report.

4   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i
5G: first deployments and first
The EBU’s Darko Ratkaj examines whether 5G has been living up to expectations when it comes
to the promised applications for the media sector.

An article titled ‘5G: what it                                             in Q3/2020.
is and what it might become’,                                                The DVB Project continues
published in the March 2019 issue                                          developing its flagship DVB-I
of tech-i magazine, looked at                                              technologies aiming to provide
how this new technology could                                              a unified service layer for
make EBU Members’ lives easier.                                            DVB services that can run on
We sought to separate facts                                                any infrastructure, whether
from the hype, to be critical but                                          broadcast, broadband or hybrid.
open-minded. The first stage                                               And that includes 5G.
of 5G standardization had just
been completed, the arrival of                                             EBU REPORT
the first user equipment was                                               The EBU is not idle either. We
expected, and the network roll-                                            continue our efforts on building
out was about to commence.                                                 competence within the EBU
The focus was still on getting the                                         community, especially through
technology right.                                                          our project groups, publications
  We suggested then that 5G                                                and events, and our involvement
could be useful to EBU Members,                                            in 5G developments.
provided the suitable commercial                                             The EBU’s main objective is
and regulatory conditions were                                             to make 5G ‘friendly’ to EBU
put in place.                        How has the 5G for media story        Members, both technically and
                                     evolved since March 2019?             commercially. We know that
FIRST NETWORKS                                                             this requires close collaboration
Although the world has changed       networks and devices. They            with the industry partners and
greatly in the past 18 months, 5G    might arrive later if the market      engagement with the regulators
developments have not brought        demand materializes and               and policymakers. Therefore,
many surprises. 5G-enabled           viable business arrangements          we have opened some of our
smartphones are in the shops         are found. In that respect 5G         technical working groups to
and you can try them. That           is no different to other new          external participants. The
is, if you happen to be within       technologies.                         results are encouraging; a prime
the coverage of a 5G network,          Meanwhile, the 5G                   example is the recently published
which are currently limited to       standardization continues at          Tech Report 054: ‘5G for the
some large cities. Perhaps this is   a somewhat slower pace as             Distribution of Audiovisual Media
understandable, as 5G is mainly      physical meetings are currently       Content and Services’.
used to provide consumer             not possible. 3GPP has just             A step up in this respect was
broadband – the same service         finalized Release 16, with many       the creation of the 5G Media
that is available on 4G/LTE          new features and the work on          Action Group (5G-MAG), a
networks, which already have         Release 17 is well under way.         cross-industry association with a
widespread network coverage,           In ETSI, different bits of 3GPP     mission to facilitate the adoption
and on fixed networks. Hence,        specifications that,                  of 5G technology in the global
the network operators are            taken together, define 5G             media sector. These are still early
investing in 5G where it makes       Broadcast have been collected in      days, but 5G-MAG is up and
commercial sense for them.           TS 103 720, due to be approved        running and its work is gathering
   However, best-effort                                                    pace.
broadband access will not excite      GET INVOLVED!                          In a broader 5G context the
many professional users. For          We organize industry-wide            focus is widening to include
them 5G is attractive because         collaboration to ensure 5G is fit    commercial, regulatory
it is designed for very high          for media. Individuals can join      and policy aspects where
throughput, low-latency, high         two working groups: 5G in            new questions arise around
reliability, guaranteed QoS, and      Content Production and 5G            equipment availability, network
flexible deployments, including       Deployments. Companies can           security, resilience and coverage,
in private networks. Many of          join 5G-MAG.                         safety, and health impact.
these features are beyond the         See tech.ebu.ch/ourwork and            We will keep you posted. Stay
capabilities of the early 5G          5g-mag.com.                          tuned and stay well.
                                                                      tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020   5
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i
Pivoting to the cloud for production
The quest to build and integrate cloud-based workflows for real-time live production has begun,
write Hans Hoffmann and Ievgen Kostiukevych. The EBU will ensure broadcasters get an edge
as the ecosystems evolve.

COVID-19 caught the world off-          “The change that is now under way will be
guard. All industries urgently
needed to come up with                  even more dramatic than the transition to IP
solutions for business continuity.      initially seemed five years ago. New paradigms
For broadcasters, this meant
finding remote and distributed          need to be adapted – and very quickly!”
production solutions. And for
most of them, the cloud, in one
form or another, was the answer.
  The real-life proofs-of-              workflows may be enabled in the         Audio Engineering Society or
concept that resulted have              future, we must nevertheless ask        the ST2110-WAN and GCCG
demonstrated clearly that using         what portion of our production          (ground-cloud-cloud-ground)
the ‘public cloud’ for remote and       remains truly time-sensitive?           projects from the Video Services
distributed media production,           Where can compromises be                Forum.
and even live, is a genuine value       made in favour of greater                 SRT (open source) and
proposition for the future. And         flexibility?                            RIST (standardized by VSF)
while some broadcasters have               Up to now, broadcaster               both solve at least one of
opted for ‘cloudifying’ their           adoption of IP-based technology         the essential puzzle pieces
existing workflows, others have         for live production has focused         in contribution applications,
successfully started using the          on the ‘ST 2110 plus NMOS’              targeting video transport at
growing portfolio of native             ecosystem. Though the complete          low latency over unmanaged
media-tailored services from            protocol stack isn’t quite there        networks. Although both
cloud providers. These first            yet, early implementations              are asynchronous, they are
solutions have not been perfect         have provided confidence that           supported by major cloud
– far from it – but they have           it will be the go-to solution to        providers either as a native
provided quick and effective            offer reliability and flexibility       offering or with minimal
solutions under highly unusual          for open high-performance               integration required.
and difficult circumstances.            uncompressed infrastructures.             The change that is now under
                                        ST 2110 plus NMOS provides              way will be even more dramatic
STUMBLING BLOCKS                        a solid basis for on-site time-         than the transition to IP initially
It quickly became apparent that         sensitive infrastructures, like local   seemed five years ago. New
most of the in-studio standards         MCRs and local IBCs. However,           paradigms need to be adopted
and protocols currently used are        for high-quality live production,       – and very quickly! The cloud
not designed for cloud-based            uncompressed UHD/HD bit rates           giants are investing much
systems. The architects had to          can quickly make the use of             more into R&D than a union
evaluate the connectivity type          cloud-based systems impossible.         of broadcasters can afford.
(public internet, direct, or WAN        There is a clear need for new           They will soon take the media
connection) and, depending              mezzanine bit-rate compression          industry by storm with new
on the options, consider link           solutions that will ensure              offerings that are not built on
properties like latency, reliability,   manageable bandwidth and                a legacy broadcasting mindset.
security, and bandwidth                 costs, even for high-value high-        We will have to live with that,
requirements.                           quality cloud-based or hybrid           adopt them, and use them to
   Another stumbling block              productions.                            our benefit or, in the longer
was that the public cloud is                                                    term, be bold with a European
asynchronous, both historically         NEW STANDARDS?                          counterpart cloud like GAIA-X.
and by nature. Imaginative              There is a lot going on. Some             In any case, we need
hacks were required to enable           of the big industry players             to establish constructive
synchronous and time-sensitive          are investigating ways of               dialogue as a collective with
workflows. Public cloud                 retrofitting existing solutions         cloud providers. By giving
providers are only now starting         into a ‘cloudy’ future. In parallel,    them early insights on what
to investigate offering multicast       SDOs have launched initiatives          kind of solutions work and
and PTP for their customers.            to enable time-sensitive cloud          which requirements are still
While the offer of native               applications in a relatively            to be addressed, there is an
media services is continuously          seamless way. Examples include          opportunity to shape these
expanding, and synchronous              AES67-over-WAN from the                 upcoming offerings.

6   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i
How COVID-19 accelerated cloud-
based production in Belgium
In the rush to quickly address the challenge of producing television during a lockdown, ongoing
research at the Video Snackbar Hub provided the right solution at the right time. Karel De
Bondt (VRT) and Hugo Ortiz (RTBF) tell the story.
In actively seeking to understand
the future of broadcasting,
we had been eager to explore
how software solutions derived
from the live streaming and
gaming world could improve the
workflows of live multi-camera
video production. Through a
collaboration with the Video        One of the first recordings of VRT’s        Trial setup, with a special guest!
Snackbar Hub (see boxed text),      Ketnet that used the cloud-based
                                    set-up, on 26 March 2020.
we were studying the readiness
of cloud infrastructure for
live multicam production. We        technology itself; rather, it was           its operation in preparation for a
found that the combination of       to train and engage everyone                possible second COVID-19 wave.
cloud-based virtual machines        involved in the production.
– each with a dedicated GPU         The necessary buttons had                   TUTORIAL AVAILABLE
(graphics processing unit) – and    to be pressed and everyone                  The lessons we learned have
the well-known live production      had to communicate in a clear               been gathered in a tutorial
software vMix enabled us to         and timely manner. Even once                paper called How to set up
produce live shows of moderate      the lockdown had finished                   a cloud-based high-end live
complexity. And with the arrival    and people in Belgium could                 remote multicam production
of the COVID-19 pandemic, what      get back to work, content                   (see tinyurl.com/vsh-tutorial). It
initially served as a research      producers at VRT and RTBF                   explains how to set up a virtual
study quickly became reality.       continued to use this co-built              machine (with dedicated GPU)
                                    infrastructure. On top of that,             in the cloud, suitable for live
LOCKDOWN!                           we have continued to improve                multi-camera production. The
As of mid-March this year,                                                      paper also shows how to set
Belgium went into lockdown.                                                     up and run a vMix production
This served to accelerate our                                                   on this machine. We provided
work and brought it into the                                                    an overview at the EBU’s online
spotlight. By the end of the                                                    Network Technology Seminar
second lockdown week we had                                                      2020. (EBU Members can access
produced live on-air content                                                      the video at tech.ebu.ch/
from the cloud with this setup.                                                    nts2020.)
  It turned out that the                                                             Another Video Snackbar Hub
hardest part was not the                                                           project that generated a lot of
                                                                                   interest during the lockdown,
 The Video Snackbar Hub is a                                                       was the organization of two
 community of like-minded                                                        webinars on how to continue
 media players from both public                                                 media production during the
 and commercial media                                                           pandemic. In these interactive
 organizations. It’s designed to                                                seminars, content creators
 support and connect content                                                    and technologists from media
 creators internationally while helping                                         companies all over Europe and
 them explore new technologies, ideas and workflows. Besides                    the US shared tips and tricks
 collaborating on web video, podcasting, live streaming and future              on how to adapt normal daily
 broadcast technology, the hub also facilitates the exchange of                 work practices to the quarantine
 knowledge with other innovative media companies. Launched as                   circumstances. People from
 a VRT initiative, in close collaboration with RTBF, the Video                  all over the world joined the
 Snackbar Hub now has 13 members, including Red Bull Media                      webinar, sharing thoughts and
 House, TV2 Norway, SBS, Radio France, Yle and others.                          questions in the chatroom. Both
 Visit: videosnackbarhub.com                                                    webinars are available to view on
                                                                                the Video Snackbar Hub website.
                                                                           tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020     7
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i
Partnership is central to radio’s
in-car future
Asha Knight, Distribution Manager for BBC Digital Partnerships, outlines the organization’s plan
to maintain prominence for BBC’s audio services in connected cars.

My role within the                                                                   listen to BBC Radio 1
BBC Digital Partners                                                                 in the car but on
Team predominantly                                                                   those rare occasions
looks at radio and                                                                   where there was
music. Some of the                                                                   nothing decent (e.g.
questions I seek to                                                                  weekend evenings,
answer are whether                                                                   which even now are
there is new                                                                         exclusively reserved
technology out there                                                                 for the kind of dance
that will help BBC                                                                   music I loathe), I’d
reach new audiences                                                                  experiment with
through its radio and                                                                plugging an AUX
music output; or how                                                                 cable into an iPod of
we can work with                                                                     predownloaded
existing partners to                                                                 music.
improve, build upon                                                                     Fast forward to last
or extend our radio                                                                  summer when I hired
and music output in a                                                                a car with Apple
way that’s compatible                                                                CarPlay, enabling me
with BBC’s                                                                           to stream whatever I
distribution policy. I                                                               wanted, wherever I
also investigate which                                                               wanted, from my
external influences will                                                             phone. These phone-
shape how people                                                                     tethered solutions,
consume radio and                                                                    though, are the tip of
music moving forward                                                                 the iceberg: car
and how we can                                                                       manufacturers are
collaborate in this.                                                                 now predominantly
   It is then, perhaps,                                                              focused on creating
unsurprising that a lot                                                              embedded connected
of my energy recently                                                                solutions within the
has been focused on                                                                 car dashboard, with
connectivity in cars.                                                               no onus on the driver
This is particularly                                                                to use their mobile
important to us at the                                                              phone at all. For
BBC because roughly                                                                 public service media
a third of all radio                                                                (PSM) organizations
listening takes place                                                               like the BBC, this
in the car,                                                                         leaves us wondering,
representing around                                                                 within connected
13% of all time spent                                                               vehicles that offer a
with the BBC by our                                                                 diverse range of
UK audiences. (To put                                                               on-demand listening
that into perspective,                                                              options, how can we
that’s only a little                                                                help preserve and
under half the time                                                                 evolve the unique
spent with our flagship television    BBC Sounds on Apple CarPlay        experience that radio gives
channel BBC One – so it’s clear                                          drivers?
that a significant proportion of                                           One response to this, was the
the value the BBC offers to its                                          creation of BBC Sounds, which
audiences is in the car.)             audio industry have changed        is presented to users as “your
                                      exponentially in the last decade   favourite programmes, podcasts,
FROM AUX TO DASHBOARD                 and will continue to do so. Ten    radio stations and music all in
Both the auto industry and the        years ago, I would endlessly       one place”.

8   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i
Join the
   Since BBC radio began in 1922,    directly from advertising.
we’ve put audiences at the heart       In addition, in the emerging,
of our content and distribution.     fractured market broadcasters
The BBC’s mission is to “serve all
audiences through the provision
                                     are at risk of losing probably the
                                     most important key to success           connected
of impartial, high-quality and
distinctive output and services
                                     in the digital world: the ability to
                                     receive, own and use audience           cars
which inform, educate and            data.
entertain”. It is this need to
provide a broad range of             RADIOPLAYER’S ROLE
content – consistently high in       The best way to counter these           Ben Poor, EBU
quality but diverse in nature,       risks is to work together as an
providing something for              industry to support car                 Connected devices, especially
everyone – that drove us to          companies in delivering high            for in-vehicle entertainment,
design BBC Sounds. When it           quality hybrid radio experiences        are key platforms for EBU
became clear that online             into cars, direct to a fully            Members. This is an area that
listening was increasing and that    connected dashboard. The BBC            brings both challenges and
new technologies and innovative      is a shareholder in a joint             opportunities for public
commercial products were             venture, Radioplayer UK, that           service media (PSM). It is
shaping audience expectations,       aims to do just that. The               about making use of
it was essential for the BBC to      initiative offers a simple              broadcast, for ensuring the
develop a service that could         exchange. On one side,                  reach of content, alongside the
keep pace.                           Radioplayer will develop                internet for personalization
                                     technology and support open             and attribution.
BBC SOUNDS IN THE CAR                standards for hybrid radio, which         The EBU Connected Cars
Now we have that service,            all broadcast partners can work         and Devices group provides a
alongside traditional linear         with. It will guarantee carriage        forum for Members to discuss
broadcast radio, we need to          for all partners’ services (radio       their projects and strategies,
ensure that it is working in every   stations and apps), across              as well as discovering what
environment in which it is used,     Europe.                                 might lie in the future.
including the connected car.            On the other side, it will offer     Engaging with both the auto
While creating a brilliant PSM       car manufacturers a simple              industry and the Big Tech
audio product is part of the         solution: access to its basic           companies is another key
picture, ensuring that these         aggregated metadata delivery            strand. Discussions like these
services – and traditional radio     system along with a set of              catalyse collaboration and the
– have due prominence and are        designs, sample code, technical         development of an aligned
accessed easily by drivers is        support, and radio-product              vision in a way that is good for
another crucial part.                design principles. And all this at      PSM and thus good for
  We recognize, however, that        no cost, providing the car              audiences.
we are not alone in this. All        manufacturers support its                 Ensuring free and fair access
broadcasters – both PSM and          standards and include all               to in-car platforms for PSM is
commercial – have a vested           stations and services.                  essential, now and in the
interest in adapting and securing       I wrote above about how I            future. Important aspects
radio’s central position within      accessed audio in cars ten years        include prominence and
cars, which is the primary reason    ago versus today. I believe that        discoverability, as well as
the EBU Connected Car Group          in another ten years’ time, when        finding agreement on the need
was formed (see separate             I switch my car on, BBC Radio 1         to maintain the direct link
article).                            will be as easy to find as it is        between PSM organizations
  Without some protection,           now. Additionally, the service will     and their audiences. The
whether delivered by regulation      be flawless, the metadata will be       Connected Cars and Devices
or commercial negotiation,           richer, and when the dance              group is an ideal place to
broadcasters will lose the           music kicks in, a BBC Sounds            define and work towards these
essential benefits that provided     podcast will be recommended             goals.
the foundation for the pre-          to me and will be as easy to
digital market: prominence for       access as the radio is.                 For more information contact
radio in the infotainment space;        One thing is for certain, we –       Ben Poor (poor@ebu.ch)
editorial control over what          the radio industry – won’t be           or visit: tech.ebu.ch/
content is delivered and how;        able to achieve this unless we          connected-cars
direct attribution back to the       work together.
content-maker’s brand and – for
commercial broadcasters – the
ability to receive revenue
                                                                      tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020   9
Flocking to the cloud - EBU tech-i
At the cutting edge of                                                        PITFALLS OF
                                                                              OFF-THE-SHELF AI

metadata for media
                                                                              Hanna Lukashevich, Fraunhofer IDMT

                                                                              Applying off-the-shelf AI-based
                                                                              solutions for automatic metadata
                                                                              extraction often delivers unexpected or
The annual MDN Workshop is a veritable treasure trove                         undesired behaviour and unsatisfactory
of resources and inspiration for getting more out of                          results. This mismatch between the
                                                                              expectations and results is rooted in
metadata. Here we present just a small selection of the
                                                                              various types of bias that are introduced
models and use cases that were presented at last June’s
                                                                              along the AI pipeline. The developer of
event.                                                                        the AI solution makes multiple non-
  Unlike most other EBU T&I events, the presentations                         technical decisions on the choice of
from the MDN Workshop are not behind a login – we                             metadata categories and classes, and
want to spread the metadata gospel far and wide!                              selects representative training and test
Find these and many more contributions from the                               data along with evaluation measures for
Metadata Developer Network at: tech.ebu.ch/mdn2020                            quality control. Often these decisions
                                                                              are strongly influenced by the most
                                                                              easily available high-quality datasets
                                                                              and are not necessarily consistent with
                                                                              later use cases.
                                                                                 AI is not magic. The mathematical
                                                                              concepts within AI require consistency
                                                                              of assumptions on data across training
                                                                              and at deployment. As every business
                                                                              is unique, AI components must be
                                                                              adapted, but it is usually worth the
                                                                              effort to achieve a solution that really
                                                                              fits the business.

                                                                              PERSONALIZING NEWSLETTERS
Figure 1: AI-based tools allowed France Télévisions journalists to tell new
stories during the local election campaign in spring 2020.
                                                                              IN BELGIUM
                                                                              Emilie Nenquin, VRT
Matthieu Parmentier, France Télévisions                                       Big Data, User Data, Metadata, … There
                                                                              are many buzz words, but what can
In February 2020,                      tools allow the production of          we do with all this data? At VRT we
campaigning began for local            meaningful statistics for each         want our data projects to generate
elections across 36,000                debate. Combining data from            immediate added value for the end
French cities. A few weeks             several debates enabled new            user. Data sources are ingested into
before, France Télévisions had         stories to be told, making use         our data lake if they are needed for a
launched a new department              of charts, timelines or maps           use case and only if that use case
dedicated to data and AI, and          (Figure 1). Beyond political           generates direct value to the end user.
this period of political               debates, the same tools help             This principle was applied to
campaigning offered an ideal           with describing content and            optimizing our digital communication
opportunity to conduct some            extracting insights to enrich          based on user data and metadata. We
first experiments.                     metadata and serve concrete            performed different tests with
   When it comes to political          use cases such as indexation,          impressive results. Personalized
debates, commentators and              recommendation or                      newsletters for our on-demand
data journalists can benefit           marketing. These analysis              platform, based on location or topic,
greatly from tools that take           tools are now are in                   resulted in increased open and click-
advantage of speech-to-text,           production, available for other        through rates of respectively 30% and
facial recognition, OCR                applications. They were used,          55%. This personalization reduced the
(optical character                     for example, to analyse the            churn rate (unsubscribes). And alerting
recognition) and natural               16,000 sentences written by            users to the fact that content on our
language processing                    France Télévisions’ employees          video platform would disappear within
technologies. By recognizing           asked to describe their work           six days drove an average of 3–7% of
and classifying topics                 experience during the                  recipients to watch that content in the
associated with their                  COVID-19 lockdown.                     days after receiving the message.
respective speakers, these

10   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020
                                                                                     TO END
                                          Sports odds and
                                           racing results
                                                                                     Mark Gülbahar, IRT

                                                                                     The dwerft project aims to maintain
                                       Radio schedules
                                                                                     all metadata created throughout
                                                                                     processes along the entire media
                                                                                     value chain. Why? Because metadata
                                                                                     is key when we talk about searching
                                                                                     and finding audiovisual content. And
                                                                                     key to being found as a content
                                                                                     provider across all distribution
                                                         Classified advertisements
                                                                                       Although precise metadata does
                Television schedules                                                 exist, it gets lost within the various
                                                                                     processes. Creating metadata
Figure 2: At ABC, the Doc2Vec technique is used to distinguish radio                 manually, as it is – still – done
and television guides from similar content                                           nowadays, is highly expensive, and
                                                                                     the same goes for AI.
ANALYSING SCHEDULES IN AUSTRALIA                                                       We’re following a completely
Lizbeth Moore, Trish Hoyne and Michael Easthope, ABC                                 different approach that we believe
                                                                                     could revolutionise the future of
Last year, the information governance team of Australian                             media production, by gathering,
broadcaster ABC set out to see if it could produce a single                          structuring, and reusing all metadata
set of data that would consistently identify and describe                            created throughout the entire
every programme broadcast or published on ABC –                                      production process on a semantic,
television, radio or online – since 1932. Using EBUCore,                             meaningful level.
EBU CCDM and the EBU media value chain, along with the                                 With dwerft, all data for a
EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry) content and video                           production can be queried or edited
services data models, the team developed a semantic data                             at any point in time, and the manual
prototype, abcCodex.                                                                 takeover of data becomes obsolete.
  The prototype uses these data models, pattern                                      Linking to external ontologies and
recognition and natural language processing to transform                             knowledge bases (such as DBPedia,
digitized radio and television guides in newspapers and                              IMDB, etc.), as well as other features,
magazines held by the National Library of Australia into a                           complete the solution.
set of semantic data that describes the ABC’s scheduled                                More details on the architecture, as
broadcast events and programme information. The                                      well as some of the novel, ground-
prototype will make this information available to internal                           breaking scenarios in development,
users at ABC, audiences and stakeholders to browse,                                  are available here:
search, query and integrate using ABC’s in-house semantic                            dwerft.de/en/scenarios/
service platform.

Jürgen Grupp, SWR; Fabius Klemm, SRG SSR

“Poor data quality is the unintended consequence of data
silos and poor data & analytics governance.” This statement,
from a 2019 Gartner report on data management, sounds
so true if you have ever encountered the atonal triad of
application integration: siloed applications, limited APIs, and
vendor-specific data models. Aargh!
  What can we do? We need to break up the silos. We need
to link our data and create value from them. And we need
to speed up integration. But how? Our current integration
                                                                Figure 3: Adding a new integration pattern for
patterns – “point-to-point” and “bus” – won’t suffice. We
must add a new one: smart data platforms (Figure 3).
  Smart data platforms reduce vendor lock-in and increase
data ownership. They reduce time-to-market and increase opportunities to exploit potential. They are
cloud-ready and an ideal source (and target!) for AI applications. If this all sounds appealing, you can
learn more by watching our presentations from the 2019 and 2020 MDN workshops.

                                                                                     tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020     11
How does digital transformation
happen in the real world?
April 2020 saw the publication of the Digital Transformation Initiative Casebook, a report
showcasing inspiring projects from across the EBU membership. Sasha Scott, who led the
report’s creation, explains how the Casebook, and a forthcoming Playbook, can help Members.

Digital transformation means
different things to different
people, with many associating
it primarily with technology and
tools. Even if the media industry
has developed a broader and
deeper understanding of the
term in recent years, it is still a
valid question to wonder how
operating remits or workforce
agreements fit into the digital
transformation picture. However,
when you start to unpack these
issues and see what they look
like for Members, the links and
the complexities become clear.
                                       practices of technology – to         provides a lens for looking at
UNBLOCKING                             build PSM that are more agile,       your own company and asking
TRANSFORMATION                         experimental and adaptable to        “does this, or something like
At Rai, long and highly politicized    change. Approached like this,        this, exist in my company? Could
negotiations over a new public         ‘digital’ is the context; it’s the   it, and if not, why not?” And
mandate resulted in the legal          world we live in.                    understanding the “why not” is
obligation to become a digital           It’s not always an easy message    crucial.
and multimedia organization,           to get across. Our first step was       The Casebook is the first of a
to drive innovation, and even          to develop a framework that          pair of complementary reports.
to raise digital literacy levels in    brought all these enablers for       The second – the DTI Playbook,
Italy. Similarly, France Télévisions   transformation together, but it      available later this year – focuses
negotiated a landmark legal            remained a bit in the abstract.      on the design and execution of
agreement that enables the             So, we wanted to make it real        company-wide transformation
company to recruit new staff           through the work of Members.         initiatives. The two reports
with the digital skills needed for     This is why we have written the      will combine as a tool to help
their transformation and develop       DTI Casebook. It contains 18         Members refine their own
a training programme to upskill        examples that cover the broad        approach to transformation.
current staff. These were major        spectrum of transformation,             Just as we were finalizing the
blocking points before.                from leadership to data, and         Casebook, COVID-19 spread
  Both these examples show             from partnerships to innovation.     throughout Europe. Now, nearly
that despite being far from            The point is that successful         five months on, we can clearly
‘digital’ issues themselves, they      transformation needs a holistic      see both the huge disruption and
were highly strategic activities       approach across all the dynamics     acceleration caused by the crisis.
that have proved critical in           and domains of a PSM company.        The principles in the framework
enabling the transformation of         Without the big picture, efforts     and the examples in the
these companies. This is why we        will only ever be partial, and       Casebook still hold true. I would
always emphasise that digital          impact therefore limited.            argue, however, that the crisis
transformation can never be                                                 has moved the imperative for
reduced to technology alone.           CASEBOOK & PLAYBOOK                  transformation from important to
  At the EBU Digital                   It was really important to us that   critical, and the cost of failure has
Transformation Initiative (DTI),       the stories were told through the    risen exponentially. At the same
our focus is organizational            voices of the people responsible,    time, seeing how Members have
change – speeding up the               so the reader really gets the feel   responded is both encouraging
way things work, flattening            for what transformation looks        an inspiring.
hierarchies, being data-driven,        and feels like on the day-to-day,       EBU Members can download
developing future skills, and          operational level. The Casebook      the DTI Casebook here:
leveraging the processes and           is not a ‘how-to’ manual, but it     ebu.ch/digital-transformation

12   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020
Shifting to OPEX through
serverless and microservices
Alexandre Rouxel describes how an EBU-led open source project enables media companies to
shift from CAPEX to OPEX for a range of functions by embracing serverless architecture and
Most broadcasters today                                                          a service – so the scaling of
are using cloud services                                                         the underlying containers
in some ways, but the                                                            to absorb the workload
cloud continues to change                                                        is managed by the cloud
fast, and attractive new                                                         providers. With the functions
possibilities have opened.                                                       directly exposed to the
The latest trend is towards                                                      users, the development of
‘serverless’ architecture                                                        the related applications or
and what is known as                                                             services is simplified and the
FaaS – function as a                                                             time to market is reduced.
service – opening the door                                                       The MCMA group has
to an entirely new way of                                                        worked closely with the
running media services.                                                          cloud providers to optimize
Importantly, by adopting                                                         the use of native cloud
FaaS, media companies                                                            services and still provide
can shift their costs from                                                       interoperability across
CAPEX to OPEX, a key                                                             providers. CICD (continuous
benefit of moving to a                                                           integration and continuous
cloud-first strategy.         Schematic overview of MCMA                         delivery) pipelines are an
                                                                                 essential part of MCMA.
FREE & OPEN SOURCE                   ‘microservices’ involves breaking     Enhancements have been
An EBU project called MCMA,          the media services – which            made over time to streamline
standing for Media Cloud             could be used for anything from       accessibility and simplify the
Microservice Architecture,           speech-to-text to publishing          learning curve for deploying and
provides a painless way of           content to social media platforms     managing cloud infrastructure.
adopting serverless architecture     – into small functions that can       MCMA comes as a set of
and implementing media               be spun up and run directly in a      libraries – developed on different
workflows in the cloud. Created      ‘container’ on the cloud.             cloud platforms, AWS, Azure
as an open source project, free         Because cloud providers use        and GCP – that allow you to
to use and available on GitHub,      a pay-as-you-go principle and         sequence services and to track
it offers reusable services that     linear charges, also imposing         and manage jobs. The libraries
can apply to all applications and    a maximum running time of 15          and foundational services take
infrastructures across multiple      minutes for any single function,      into consideration security and
cloud providers.                     the costs are entirely predictable.   management best practices
   As proof that it is production-   There is an incentive to define the   for cloud infrastructure. MCMA
ready, MCMA has been used at         microservices so that they won’t      provides three main types of
Bloomberg for almost two years       hit the time constraint barrier       services related to:
now, across a variety of media       – more is better! Keep in mind,       • Data storage and operations;
workflows from production            however, that there will be a ‘cold   • Job execution and
to distribution. A primary           start’ effect: if a resource needed      management; and
contributor to MCMA, Bloomberg       for a function is not requested,      • Service definition and
reports that the implementation      the container is stopped, and it         abstraction.
of MCMA-based workflows has          takes some time to spin it up.        The MCMA group, chaired by
improved leveraging of cloud-                                              Bloomberg’s Chief Architect
based resources and alignment        SIMPLIFIED DEVELOPMENT                Loïc Barbou, has begun a
with both technology and             Another benefit of FaaS and           standardization process at
business goals.                      MCMA is that developers               SMPTE and the Open Services
   To benefit from serverless and    can remain focused on the             Alliance for Media. The core of
FaaS, it is necessary to have a      development of the functions          the standard proposal is about
strategy for the architecture,       defining the application. The work    job management, message
configuration and deployment         happens one level of abstraction      formatting and activity tracking.
of your code. This is precisely      up from the previous approach         Learn more about MCMA:
what MCMA offers. The use of         known as IaaS – infrastructure as     tech.ebu.ch/groups/mcma
                                                                    tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020   13
Many languages, one interface
EuroVOX is the result of an EBU collaborative development that is helping Members to reduce
cost and complexity when it comes to transcription and translation. Ben Poor explains how it
Translation and transcription
tools have become commonplace
at broadcaster facilities, as
journalists and programme-
makers use of and produce
content in multiple languages
and for multiple purposes. In
a globalized world, the ability
to shift seamlessly from one
language to another helps to
ensure the flow of news, culture
and entertainment.
  Typically, EBU Members make
use of language tools from
different vendors to fulfil different
use cases. Some tools might be
stronger in a given language,           infrastructure.                       multiple transcriptions using
or others for a particular type            To deploy the EuroVOX core         different vendors and re-render
of content. And the quality and         layer, both code and Docker           the video in a choice of outputs.
performance of these machine-           images are available to deploy in     These include a re-spoken audio
learning-based tools will vary over     the cloud or entirely on-premise.     track, burned-in subtitles in the
time as models are updated and          Adapters for several different        original language, or embedded
refined.                                vendors are already available,        subtitles in multiple translated
                                        meaning you need only to add          languages – a versatile tool for
INTEGRATION COSTS & LOCK-IN             your credentials to start using       making content truly multi-lingual.
One of the challenges of using          them. Alternatively, writing          AudioVOX also allows an editor
multiple tools from multiple            adapters for additional vendors       to rapidly make corrections to
vendors is that each one involves       or your own technology is             the transcription, translations,
integration into your existing          straightforward.                      or even the timing of sentences.
production workflows. This leads           The advantage of implementing      This ease-of-use increases the
to added costs over and above           EuroVOX on your own                   amount of content that can
the usage fees for the tool itself,     infrastructure, even if you use       be transcribed and translated.
and a tendency towards vendor           a limited set of vendors, is that     Additionally, the tool is designed
lock-in.                                it allows the freedom to easily       to be integrated into existing
   Fortunately, the EBU has             change vendors at a later stage.      production workflows.
developed a solution for this           For example, if your organization       EuroVOX users can also
problem.                                decides to start producing            access regularly scheduled
   EuroVOX is an open toolkit           content in a new language that        benchmarking to compare the
that allows single integration to       requires a new vendor, you can        performance of different vendors
multiple language tool vendors.         change or add providers at the        and automatically propose the
It consists of a core layer that        push of a button. A one-time          right vendor for the right task.
serves as a single open API for         integration of EuroVOX avoids the       The roadmap for the project
machine-learning-based language         need for additional integrations of   includes adding real-time
tools, along with additional tools      other tools later on.                 transcription and speaker
that provide a tailored interface                                             diarization, as well as methods to
for specific production tasks.          EuroVOX TO AudioVOX                   enhance tools like AudioVOX with
   For EBU Members, the                 Other tools available in the          collaborative editing – allowing
EuroVOX core layer is already           project include AudioVOX (see         teams of producers to work
freely available for deployment.        screenshot), which uses the core      on the best transcription and
It is currently being deployed          layer to provide a web-based          translation for content.
by IRT and the Eurovision News          tool for easily transcribing and
Exchange on a trial basis, with         translating audio and video           To learn more about EuroVOX,
more members interested in              content. This makes it possible to    to try it out for yourself, or to
either using an EBU-hosted              ingest video content, transcribe      join the collaboration visit:
service or running it on their own      it using a choice of vendors, add     tech.ebu.ch/eurovox.

14   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020

All together now – 100 sustainable
productions in Germany
The German film and television industry has come together to collaborate on reducing the
environmental impact of their productions. Philip Gassmann, a Munich-based expert in
sustainable production, describes some of the steps being taken.

Creating a nationwide system           When it comes to car fleets,      PROOF OF CONCEPT
for green film and television        allowing only hybrid, natural       I am very confident that we
productions in Germany. This         gas or electric cars results in a   can lower the emissions of
was the main idea behind a           50–90% reduction in CO2 and         our industry dramatically by
project that has been over           other harmful substances. Also      following these rules. And that
three years in the making within     related to transport, flights are   is what we’re testing right
the “Green Shooting” group,          only allowed if the equivalent      now. As a proof of concept,
initiated by the MFG (Film Fund      train ride lasts longer than five   the “100 Green Productions”
Baden-Württemberg) and joined        hours. This again has a major       are combined with a scientific
by the Film Fund Hamburg. The        impact on our carbon footprint.     evaluation of the project, and
group meets several times each         When the crew reaches the         the efficacity of the measures
year and attracts more members       destination, hotels are often       and the system itself.
every time.                          another big CO2 factor. We            Another key finding: a
   The project has now evolved       encourage productions to            sustainable film or television
into an unprecedented initiative     switch to sustainable hotels with   production is on the winning
involving almost every major         renewable electricity or to use     side financially-speaking as well,
German television channel (both      apartments and houses, which        since our aim is to save energy,
public and private), along with      have a much lower impact in         fuels and materials. And even on
several production companies,        general.                            the creative side, many green
film funds and associations.           Turning to the production         technologies offer new creative
Together they have committed         site, diesel generators must be     tools and possibilities.
to “100 Green Productions”           avoided or replaced by hybrid         So, watch this space… to be
during 2020 and 2021.                systems, which usually also         continued!
                                     means at least 50% less CO2. Big
GREEN GUIDELINES                     LED units and innovative lighting
I was asked to write the rules       systems can replace many
and guidelines for this effort. I    conventional light sources and
wanted them to be as simple          help reduce both consumption         The EBU has established a
and – most importantly – as          and the size of the generators       sustainability working group.
effective as possible in terms       required. Constructing sets          For more details please
of environmental impact and          with sustainable materials and       visit tech.ebu.ch/green
success. We ended up with a          especially reusing them has          or contact Hemini Mehta
set of 17 guidelines that cover      proved to be another huge            (mehta@ebu.ch).
the most important aspects of        positive factor.
this issue subdivided into three
1. Reduction of CO2 emissions,
   the main driver of climate
2. Using fewer natural resources;
3. Protection of the environment
   against harmful substances.
                                                                                                               © MFG Baden-Württemberg

  Our main focus is on the use of
energy and fuels, as this is where
we have the potential to achieve
the highest savings in terms of
CO2 emissions. Switching to
renewable electricity in general
means 80–90% less CO2 in
Germany. And there are many
other important steps we can
                                                                  tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020   15

Stepping up media quality – the
challenge of the transition
David Wood suggests that having to replace user’s equipment can present a decisive barrier to
the evolution of media systems

                                 How difficult is it to introduce a        successful, and indeed aspects of
                                 new system, once one is                   the second step. But will that be
                                 established? In media, one of the         the exception or the rule? The
                                 barriers making that ‘step up’ ever       cable television delivery system
                                 more difficult once a base service is     DVB-C, developed in the 1990s,
                                 available, is that you may have to        was certainly a success. A second
                                 persuade people to change what            step, DVB-C2 was developed a
                                 they are already using and may be         decade later and offered higher
                                 happy with.                               capacity, more advanced
                                    Look at radio. By the time DAB         compression, and greater flexibility.
                                 was developed in 1989 there were          A version specified for Japan could
                                 already about 400 million analogue        carry 8K video – how forward-
                                 radio sets in daily use in Europe. In     thinking can you get? The set
                                 the beginning, DAB seemed                 makers (and me) were enthusiastic.
                                 (including to the author) to be the       Did DVB-C2 actually get used? You
                                 brightest star in the universe: more      know the answer - it is no…the
                                 radio stations and better sound           transition was going to be too
                                 quality. Who could ask for more?          difficult.
                                 Today, thirty years later, DAB (or          About eight years ago, new
                                 the more advanced DAB+) is                image and sound systems requiring
                                 certainly successful in some              new equipment were developed;
                                 countries, but it has not swept the       UHDTV-1, UHDTV-2, and Next
                                 world. Recently, the Republic of          Generation Audio. They can offer
                                 Ireland even turned off its DAB+          better images and sound. Going
                                 trial services, which were barely         further, today, new compression
                                 listened to. Back in the day, did I       technologies have been developed,
                                 and others underestimate the              and should be available in the
                                 difficulty of persuading people to        coming years. They will reduce the
                                 change what they already have? If I       bandwidth needed by new systems,
                                 said today: “How about changing           and thus make it more feasible to
                                 to a DAB+2?”, what would you say?         broadcast them, as far as radio
                                    How about the internet? Since          spectrum is concerned. But will
                                 the 1970s, the basic Internet             that be enough for success?
                                 Protocol has been IPv4. It has been
                                 at least twenty years since an            MOST DIFFICULT BARRIER
                                 improved version, IPv6, was               When it comes to making decisions
                                 developed as an intended                  about introducing new services,
                                 replacement for IPv4, with a much         maybe the hard decisions will not
                                 larger capacity for internet              be about technology alone, but
                                 addresses. It then sounded (once          about whether and how the new
                                 again, including to the author) an        systems can be introduced,
“Making the                      obvious need and an obvious step          carrying with them the acceptance
                                 up as internet use grew. Yet today,       of all? Will all those in the chain
transition to the                IPv4 still routes most internet           who need to be, be persuaded to
next step in the                 traffic. Changing to IPv6 requires        change their equipment?
                                 people to change equipment – and            Though far from the only barrier,
media experience                 this, it seems, is asking a lot.          a lesson of history may be that
can be a mountain                                                          making the transition to the next
                                 DIGITAL TV: AN EXCEPTION?                 step in the media experience can
to climb if users                Maybe having taken a first step to        be a mountain to climb if users will
will need to                     digital television, it is also going to   need to change their equipment.
                                 be a lot harder to take the next          This may be even the most difficult
change their                     step up? The transition to digital        barrier to the evolution of the
equipment.”                      television’s first step was               media.

16   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2020
You can also read