QUAD 2 No - Scots College

Page created by Karl Leon
QUAD 2 No - Scots College
JULY 2018


              IN THIS ISSUE

              MESSAGE		         2
              OUR ACHIEVEMENTS 5
              SHREK PRODUCTON   10
              SCOBA UPDATE      32
              GREAT SCOTS		     34
              ARCHIVES		        36
QUAD 2 No - Scots College
QUAD                    JULY 2018

                             No.                                            CALENDAR DATES
                                                                            TERM 3
                                                                            Mon 30 July                Sun 26 August
                                                                            Term 3 begins              Founders’ Service (St John’s in
                                                                            College Chapel             the City) with QMC

                                                                            Sat 4 August               Mon 3 Sept - Tues 4 Sept
                                                                            Scots College Pipe Band    Founders’ Break – College
                                                                            Ceilidh                    Closed

                                                                            Tue 7 August               Sun 9 September
2    Headmaster’s Message            15 Gibb House
                                                                            Information Evening        College Open Day
3    Board Update                    28 Rata Studios                        (Blenheim)
                                                                                                       Tue 11 September
4    Chaplain’s Chat                 32 SCOBA Update                        SCPA Committee Meeting
                                                                                                       Scots Spectacular
5    Our Achievements                34 Great Scots                         Fri 10 August
                                                                                                       Fri 14 September
                                                                            Chinese Community Visit
6    Agents for 21C Learning         36 From the Archives                                              Prep Fathers to School Day
                                                                            Sat 11 August
10 Shrek Production                                                                                    Sun 16 September
                                                                            Prep School Quiz at
                                                                                                       Prep School Church Service
                                                                            Leroy’s Bar
                                                                                                       Scots College (10am)
                                                                            Sun 12 August
                                                                                                       Mon 17 September
The Quad is published three          ADVERTISING                            Fergusson House Chapel
times a year by the Scots College                                                                      Middle and Senior Parent
                                     If you are interested in advertising   Service (St John’s 10am)
Marketing Department.                                                                                  Teacher Interviews
                                     in the next issue of the Quad (July)   Tues 14 August
                                     please contact:                                                   Wed 19 September
EDITOR                                                                      Information Evening
                                     Rebecca Burton                                                    Middle and Senior Parent
Marketing Department                                                        (Blenheim)
                                     E marketing@scotscollege.school.nz                                Teacher Interviews
T +64 4 380 7581                                                            Wed 15 August
                                     T +64 4 380 7581
F +64 4 388 2887                                                                                       Sat 22 September
                                                                            Prep PYP Exhibition
E marketing@scotscollege.school.nz                                                                     Year 13 Ball (Scots College
                                     DESIGN AND                             Information Evening
                                     PRODUCTION                             Fri 17 August
PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                                            Tue 25 September
                                     Marketing & Design Coordinator,        Discover Scots Prep Day
Rebecca Burton                                                                                         Sports/Cultural Awards
                                     Bronte Messam                          Explore Year 7&8 Day
Bronte Messam                                                                                          Dinner
                                     T +64 4 388 0855                       Y12 Formal (8pm-11.30pm
Mark Tantrum
                                     F +64 4 388 2887                       The Boatshed)              Fri 28 September
Rob Kilvington
                                     E marketing@scotscollege.school.nz                                Final day of Term 3
College Staff and Students                                                  Fri 24 August
                                                                                                       House Music Competition
                                                                            Foundation Dinner
                                     SCOBA                                  (Wellington Club)
                                     Caroline Sarfati
                                     E scoba@scotscollege.school.nz
                                     T +64 4 380 7580
                                     Contact Caroline for any change of
                                     contact details.
The Cast of the Shrek
Photo by
Date: Tuesday 22 May

QUAD 2 No - Scots College

         HEADMASTER'S MESSAGE                                                                                                                                                                              BOARD OF GOVERNORS

         Preparing our Staff for                                                                                                                                                                           Board
         Future Focussed Learning                                                                                                                                                                          Update
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Having attended a number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        recent events at the college,
         This year has been             Government’s NCEA review         in education sector are                            Over recent years we have            4. Developed a series of               there is an overwhelming
         exceptionally busy post our    supporting the steps we have     placing pressure on teachers                       implemented a number of                 staff scholarships which            feeling amongst myself, the
         announcements on Future        already made. While the          and need to be carefully                           initiatives to prepare our              allow staff to visit schools        board and the wider Scots
         Focussed Learning (FFL).       Government considers its         managed.                                           Staff. In addition to the               in NZ and overseas to               community that Scots is
         The announcements that we      changes we continue with                                                            implementation of the 3 IB              undertake professional
                                                                         We all know the difference                                                                                                     in good heart and doing
         will                           developing our work that                                                            programs and the associated             development
                                                                         good Staff make and as                                                                                                         well. Three events stick out
                                        has been underway for the                                                           pedagogy (how we teach and
         1. Reduce the NCEA                                              such we have developed a                                                                5. Developed specialist                as representative of the
                                        last two years, so we are well                                                      learn) we have also:
            assessment at Level 1,                                       comprehensive HR strategy                                                                  blended learning                    past, the present and the
                                        placed at present. There has                                    ALISTAIR WEST                                                                                                                     PHILIP POPPE, CHAIRMAN
                                                                         to support our Staff. We                           Run a skills workshop on                classrooms and other                future. Recently we hosted
         2. Enrol girls in the Senior   also been a lot of discussion
                                                                         have also undertaken a                             design thinking                         areas and trained staff in          our most senior Old Boy Ken Longmore on the day that he
            School from 2020, and       over the recruitment and
                                                                         planned approach to ensure                                                                 their usage                         turned 100. Despite looking thirty years younger than he was,
                                        retention of Staff in the                                                           Engaged with Staff over
         3. Develop new facilities                                       the disruption in the sector                                                                                                   Ken’s life almost spans the history and life of Scots when you
                                        sector. We are fortunate                                                            timetable redesign including         6. Developed strategic
            to deliver project based                                     and the associated changes                                                                                                     consider that he was born during WW1 and attended Scots
                                        that as an IB World School                                                          the provision of regular in             relationships with other
            learning and assessment                                      we wish to implement are                                                                                                       in the 1930’s. Often current students don’t comprehend the
                                        we are able to recruit staff                                                        school PD time                          schools throughout NZ
                                                                         carefully managed. It was                                                                                                      impact the college has upon them until later life but Ken is a
         have been well received by     globally which has shielded                                                                                                 and Australia
                                                                         pleasing to see that at our                        Implemented blended                                                         living embodiment of school life experiences staying with you
         our community and we have      us from the full impact felt
                                                                         recent Staff PD day run by                         learning across the College          Thus these changes have                through the passage of time. It was a great privilege to share
         made good progress with our    by the sector. There is no
                                                                         21C Skills Lab that Staff                          supported by an e-learning           been carefully planned for             his special day for all who attended.
         plans for implementation.      doubt though that teachers
                                                                         felt well informed and were                        specialist                           and communicated to ensure
                                        in general are feeling                                                                                                                                          Representing the present was the opening of the bike track
         Education has been in                                           supportive of the changes we   CORNEL FUHRI                                             Staff are supported and
                                        increasingly under pressure.                                                        1. Ran courses on pedagogy                                                  on the park behind the College. This great initiative finally
         the news lately and it                                          are making.                                                                             ready to be able to deliver
                                        The proposed changes at                                                                with Mindlab and enrolled                                                came to fruition this year and it was gratifying to see the
         has been pleasing to see                                                                                                                                the best programs possible to
                                        Scots and the other changes                                                            Staff in their tertiary study                                            significant presence from surrounding schools, the police
         early comment on the                                                                                                                                    best prepare our students for
                                                                                                                               courses                                                                  and other community groups at the opening. The board has a
                                                                                                                                                                 their futures.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        strong desire to be engaged and involved with our surrounding
                                                                                                                            2. Developed a Staff
                                                                                                                                                                 Virtutem Paret Doctina                 community and the bike track represents another good example
                                                                                                                               wellbeing program
                                        IAN LESLIE      STAFF TEAMWORK AT THE 21C SKILLS LAB                                                                     GRAEME YULE                            of this in action today.
                                                                                                                            3. Continued to invest               HEADMASTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Finally to the future. Recently we held the annual meeting of
                                                                                                                               heavily in PD
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Scots College Society where the legal and financial matters
                                                                                                                                                                                                        are discussed for the year that has past, and appointments and
                                                                                                        ALISON O’KANE                                                                                   decisions made for the year ahead, by the elected members
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the Society. At the meeting the Headmaster and I took the
                                                                                                                            IT WAS PLEASING TO SEE THAT                                                 opportunity to spell out the proposed changes for the future in
                                                                                                                            AT OUR RECENT STAFF PD DAY                                                  terms of Future Focussed learning and changes to the campus
                                                                                                                            RUN BY 21C SKILLS LAB THAT                                                  which we feel will keep Scots at the leading edge in the delivery
                                                                                                                            STAFF FELT WELL INFORMED                                                    of education. This resulted in a lot of discussion, and it was
                                                                                                                                                                                                        gratifying to receive the overwhelming approval for our future
                                                                                                                            AND WERE SUPPORTIVE OF THE                                                  plans from the Society members. Their wisdom and guidance is
                                                                                                                            CHANGES WE ARE MAKING.                                                      highly valued by the board and senior management.

                                                                                                        GARY HENLEY-SMITH
                                                                                                                                                                                                        PHILIP POPPE
                                                                                                                                                                                                        BOARD OF GOVERNORS, CHAIRMAN                       Pg./3
QUAD 2 No - Scots College

 College                                                           Chaplain’s                                                                         Student
 Head Boy                                                          Chat                                                                               Achievements
  EZEKIEL FISO                                                    DAVID JACKSON

 Term 2 can be extremely                                           There is a lot of talk about      skills. Kindness, empathy,                       PREP SCHOOL
 busy. It’s at this point we                                       what the future holds. In         consideration, to name but                       Aurie Tzeng (Y5) Received
 find potential stress with                                        education we are concerned        a few.                                           silver in the Junior Boys
 internal deadlines, heavy                                         with what skills people will                                                       U36kg Division, 2017
                                                                                                     Each week in Chapel a RE
 extra-curricular involvement,                                     need in the 21st Century,                                                          National Judo Championships
                                                                                                     lessons we are reminded of
 winter sports codes and                                           and in some cases even the
                                                                                                     the importance of developing                     Ben Mason (Y6) Champion
 perhaps even the faintest                                         22nd Century. Skills such as
                                                                                                     21st Century character                           of the U10 Tier 2 Technifibre
 thought of exams are lurking                                      creativity, communication,
                                                                                                     alongside 21st Century skills.                   Tennis Central Junior Open
 in the back of student’s                                          critical thinking, and
 heads. These factors tend to                                      collaboration will surely be      Jesus’ words in Luke 6:31                        2018
 battle with our aspiration of a                                   important. However, I agree       “Do to others as you would                       MIDDLE SCHOOL
 successful term.                                                  with more people who say          have them do to you” remain                      Ned Bacon (Y9) was
                                                                   this is not a complete list of    relevant no matter what time                     selected for 2018 NZ                                                        NED BACON
 As testament to one our College goals for 2018: “Promote
                                                                   skills which will be necessary.   we live in or what the future                    Optimist Sailing Team
 a healthy environmental ethos amongst the school”, we
                                                                                                     may hold.
 have introduced our first set of recycling bins within the        In a world where connection                                                        SENIOR SCHOOL
                                                                                                     DAVID JACKSON
 Hub learning space which are responsible for respected:           to one another is becoming        COLLEGE CHAPLAIN                                 Callum Hancock (Y12)
 Organics, Plastics, Paper and Mixed. It amazes me to see the      easier and automation is                                                           was the winner of the NZSS
 co-operation and positive responses received from the boys,       increasing I believe it is                                                         Multisport Championships
 an attitude which will ultimately carry throughout the year       important for us to not lose
 groups. This is only one small step towards what we aim to                                                                                           Owen Smith and Noah
                                                                   sight of those very human                                                                                          AURIE TZENG

 achieve on an environmental front for what is an eco-friendly                                                                                        Tipene-Clegg (Y13)
 Scots College.                                                    IT IS IMPORTANT FOR US                                                             were selected for 2018 NZ
                                                                                                                                                      Secondary Schools Football
 The key to a successful term is consistency. Consistency          TO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF                                                               Team
 in all areas of living the full college life and consistency in   THOSE VERY HUMAN SKILLS.                                                           Andrew Tang (past
 achieving with excellence. I spoke last term about ‘Growth’       KINDNESS, EMPATHY,                                                                 student) was the recipient
 and the idea of Progress. With a fantastic Term 1 start,
                                                                   CONSIDERATION, TO NAME BUT                                                         of the 2017 Prime Minister’s                                                CALLUM HANCOCK
 Term 2 provides an opportunity to continue the pursuit of
                                                                   A FEW.                                                                             Award for Academic
 excellence in all that we do, that there is an expectation
                                                                                                                                                      Excellence, Top Scholar
 for students to maintain, and more importantly, exceed the
 performance of the first term.
                                                                                                                                                      Benji Hartfield (past
 As I look across all year groups of the college and admire the                                                                                       student) was the recipient
 excellence achieved, I ask you all to “Tr ust the Process”                                                                                           of the 2017 Top Scholarship
 because the College is in full-swing and we, as a community,                                                                                         Photography, Top Scholar
 want to carry this momentum into the near future. For this                                                                                           Awards
 reason, I encourage all young men of Scots to continue
 the great work and support of each other, and to keep
 the end in mind as inspiration.

 COLLEGE HEAD BOY                                                                                                                                                                     OWEN SMITH AND NOAH TIPENE-CLEGG            BEN MASON

QUAD 2 No - Scots College
21st Century Learning                                                                                                                        YEAR 6S CHRISTIAN WALA, CHARLIE CARSON,
                                                                                                                                             NELSON ALEMAGNA COLLABORATING ON THEIR
                                                                                                                                             RUBEGOLDBERG MACHINE

As we head towards the end of the second decade of this              Justine’s presentation outlined how 21C skills are the essential set   As an example of 21C learning, Faye led the staff through a        “DESIGN THINKING METHODS
century it becomes increasingly evident that the world as            of knowledge, abilities and personal qualities required to thrive in   Design Thinking workshop, which was where the pipecleaners
                                                                                                                                                                                                               AND PROCESSES
we know it is changing at a rapid rate. Disruptive technology        tomorrow’s rapidly changing world of work. She acknowledged            came in handy. She outlined the aim of Design Thinking
and innovations, such as Uber and AirBnB; the automation of          that teachers are the change-agents for 21C learning. That they        and how it can be used to fundamentally reimagine school           - INCREASE EDUCATORS’
routine actions and the digitisation of algorithmic functions,       are the ones who will be equipping today’s students with the           models and systems; to support change in school culture by
                                                                                                                                                                                                               CAPACITY TO IDENTIFY AND
such as banking and insurance, are leading the charge for what’s     necessary skills for tomorrow.                                         transforming how educators work together; and encourage
being dubbed the fourth industrial revolution.                                                                                              student development of 21C skills.                                 DEVELOP APPROACHES TO
                                                                     21C Skills Lab has been undertaking research with other
Generation Z – those born after 1995 – are predicted to have         organisations - the Foundation for Young Australians in particular -   Faye set the teachers a Design Thinking task: Working in pairs,
a lifespan of over 100 years. Their 70 year working life will be     and they believe these skills can be set into four key categories:     design your partner’s ideal wallet. They had to develop a set      - CONTRIBUTE TO A CULTURE
made up of 17 jobs over five different careers. A very different                                                                            of questions to understand what was needed; then define
                                                                     KNOW - knowing the new basics in areas like digital and global                                                                            OF INNOVATION
prospect to those of previous generations, and one that needs a                                                                             what they learned; design a solution; present the solution for
                                                                     working, design and entrepreneurship
very different skill set.                                                                                                                   feedback; reflect and generate a revised or new solution. In       - LEAD INNOVATION IN THE
                                                                     USE - an ability to use that knowledge to achieve results, through     short - see a need/develop a solution/test a prototype/refine
This means that the education system that has served its                                                                                                                                                       CLASSROOM AND COLLEGE
                                                                     creative and critical thinking, working collaboratively to solve       and make it sustainable. The hall was alive with questions
purpose during the past few centuries needs to change its focus
                                                                     problems and communicate results                                       and answers, followed by quiet reflection and then a flurry of     COMMUNITY TO BUILD 21C
in order to prepare today’s students for their future.
                                                                                                                                            scissors, paper and sticky tape resulting in solutions from the    SKILLS”
                                                                     BE - being curious, tenacious, organised, emotionally resilient and
21st Century (21C) learning is the way forward and Scots                                                                                    sublime to the ridiculous. And wow – did those pipecleaners
                                                                     a team player
College is one of NZ’s schools leading the charge. During                                                                                   take a hammering. Not so much in the final wallet designs but
the past few years the teachers’ continuing professional             GROW - having a growth mindset that keeps you learning,                in the twisting and fiddling that went on while everyone worked    STAFF PARTICIPATING IN THE
development (CPD) has been centred on this new approach.             unlearning and relearning                                              on their solutions. Who needs fidget spinners to concentrate,      21C SKILLS LAB PD SESSION

                                                                                                                                            the answer’s been in the craft box all along.
For this term’s CPD, Justine Munro and Faye Langdon, Co-
Founders and Directors of the 21C Skills Lab, were invited to                                                                               Critical thinking and collaborative working has been part of
run a workshop for the entire school’s staff. With the school hall                                                                          Scots College’s curriculum delivery throughout the school
turned into an oversized classroom, teachers became students                                                                                for many years, so when the teachers were asked by Justine
at the dozen or so tables stacked with paper, crayons, sellotape                                                                            and Faye to identify the challenges they face delivering 21C
and pipecleaners.                                                                                                                           learning in the classroom, and what excited them about it, a
                                                                                                                                            lively debate around the tables ensued. Interestingly, the Prep,
                                                                                                                                            Middle and Senior School teachers all identified a very similar
“THESE SKILLS ARE NOT                                                                                                                       challenge. Time. There is a lot to fit into the school day and
 SPECIFIC TECHNICAL                                                                                                                         ensuring that numeracy and literacy, as the building blocks of
 COMPETENCIES BUT GENERIC                                                                                                                   any learning, are embedded at the appropriate level to allow
 SKILLS THAT UNDERPIN MANY                                                                                                                  the development of ‘soft skills’ in their students is demanding.
                                                                                                                                            However, as professional educators, as the change agents of
 JOBS. IN A WORLD WHERE                                                                                                                     21c learning, they are excited by the creativity and innovation
 TECHNICAL SKILLS ARE                                                                                                                       required to meet the challenge.
QUAD 2 No - Scots College
                                                                                                                                                             YOU LOVE SET GOALS BECAUSE THAT’S HOW
                                                                                                                                                             YOU ACHIEVE THE RESULTS. IT MAY NOT
                                                                                                                                                             BE INSPIRATIONAL BUT IT’S THE MOST

        Ie Faitaga
                                                                                                                                                             PRACTICAL WAY OF BEING ABLE TO DO WHAT
                                                                                                                                                             YOU WANT TO DO”

        Introduction                                                                                                                                        Andrew Tang
                                                                             SCOTS FIRST COOK ISLAND STUDNET BILL
                                                                             EVAROA WITH YOUNGEST SCOTS COOK ISLAND
                                                                             STUDENT JEREMIAH AO (YEAR 1)

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    TOP SCHOLAR AWARDS CEREMONY

                                                                     Bagpipes welcomed in and           Scots’ first Cook Island student,                   During May Scots for mer Dux and head of Senior                  During his time at Scots, he was the recipient of the Arthur
                                                                     a Polynesian Hymn concluded        Bill Evaroa flew to New                             School Andrew Tang was named the winner of the                   (Tup) Radford Science Scholarship that provides support
                                                                     the first chapel service of        Zealand especially for the                          Prime Minister’s Award for Academic Excellence.                  for a student with a significant talent in the area of natural
                                                                     the term, a reflection of the      chapel service and blessing.                                                                                         and universal science and who represents the ideals of the
                                                                                                                                                            This award “recognises the success of the very top New
                                                                     cultural diversity at Scots        Bill attended Scots as a boarder                                                                                     College.
                                                                                                                                                            Zealand Scholarship student in the country. The recipient
                                                                     College. This special chapel       from 1947 – 1949 and has
                                                                                                                                                            has the most outstanding examination results and the             Andrew is currently studying science and commerce at the
                                                                     service was the introduction       remained in touch with Scots
                                                                                                                                                            highest overall academic excellence of all the Premier           University of Auckland and has accepted the prestigious
                                                                     of the College’s latest addition   over the years. He enjoyed
                                                                                                                                                            Award winners”. Topping off a collection of outstanding          Girdlers’ Scholarship which will enable him to study
                                                                     to the Number 1 uniform; Ie        meeting the boys in the Poly
                                                                                                                                                            results for Andrew who was one of eleven Premier Award           Economics at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. As the
                                                                     Faitaga (Samonan), Tupenu          Club and youngest Scots Cook
                                                                                                                                                            winners, gaining Scholarship (top 3%) in 12 subjects including   fourth former Scots student to study at Cambridge, Andrew
                                                                     (Tongan) or the Sulu (Fijian).     Island Student Jeremiah Ao, in
                                                                                                                                                            Outstanding Scholarship (top 0.3%) in six subjects, the Top      will commence his study in October.
                                                                                                        Year 1.
                                                                     The Ie Faitaga is a Pacifica                                                           Scholar in Economics and Excellence endorsements in eight
                                                                     cultural wrap around garment       “As a community in uniform,                         NCEA Level 3 subjects.
                                                                     or formal attire for males.        we each wear items of clothing
                                                                                                                                                            However, Andrew’s achievements go beyond just his academic
                                                                     The College has introduced         which hold Mana. At Scots
                                                                                                                                                            results. He was an example of the Scots College All-Round
                                                                     a simple black design with a       we have the Kilt (for those
                                                                                                                                                            Student, who also competed at a national level in sports and
                                                                     small grey crest in the bottom     appointed to lead and serve),
                                                                                                                                                            cultural activities and volunteered his time to assist many
                                                                     corner. It is an option for all    the academic gown teachers
                                                                                                                                                            other students.
                                                                     students from Year 1 to 13.        wear (to show learning and
                                                                                                        expertise), at prize giving                         Andrew immersed himself in competitions and challenges
                                                                     To mark the formal introduction
                                                                                                        Ezekiel was wrapped in a                            going on to win many awards. He then took from these
                                                                     to the uniform many family
                                                                                                        Kororwai (denoting his position                     experiences to mentor fellow students across the Year 5
                                                                     and friends joined the whole
                                                                                                        as head prefect), there is                          Junior Eureka programme, Year 6 Mathswell, Year 11 NZ Brain
                                                                     College at the first chapel
                                                                                                        the blue tie for academic                           Bee Challenge and the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards.
                                                                     service of the term when
                                                                                                        excellence, your House badge.
                                                                     special guest Rev Au Liko                                                              He also voluntarily tutored NCEA students in Years 10 to 13
          POLY CLUB MEMBERS OLI CHURCH (YEAR                         joined College Chaplain            Every day, when you put on the                      and responding to high demand, created his YouTube channel
                                                                     David Jackson in blessing the      signature stripy blazer of Scots                    Doc Tang. Through this channel Andrew offers science video
                                                                     Ie Faitaga. Rev Liko spoke         College you display Mana.                           tutorials which have received over 98,000 views and have
                                                                     of the cultural significance                                                           been adopted by Education Perfect for use on their platform.
                                                                                                        What we display to the world
                                                                     of the Ie Faitaga, Tupenu,                                                             To recognise his contribution to education, Andrew was
                                                                                                        says something about us.”
                                                                     Sulu for students.. “they wear                                                         presented with a New Zealand Youth Award in Parliament last
                                                                                                        – David Jackson, College
                                                                     with them the identity of                                                              year.
                                                                     their heritage, the identity
                                                                                                                                                            When asked what inspired him to assist other students he
                                                                     of their forefathers. And          The College would like to
                                                                                                                                                            put this down to “the satisfaction of when people reach that
                                                                     it will symbolize not only         thank the parents, staff and
                                                                                                                                                            eureka moment when they finally understand something. I
                                                                     their Mana, but their legacy,      community whose time
                                                                                                                                                            think those moments are truly special and it was very special
                                                                     their history”. Following the      and assistance has made
                                                                                                                                                            to me, helping people discover those realisations. ”
                                                                     blessing the Poly Club sung        the addition to the uniform
         REV AU LIKO, HEADMASTER GREAME YULE, POLY GROUP MANAGER     a touching hymn to conclude        possible.                                           Outside of the classroom, Andrew competed at a regional
         KEVIN JAMES AND COLLEGE CHAPLAIN DAVID JACKSON WITH THE     the ceremony.                                                                          and national level in both cross country and debating. He also
                                                                                                                                                            played badminton, tennis and basketball for the school.

QUAD 2 No - Scots College
Shrek the

Staging a production is never easy for anyone involved. It           Being involved in a production is outstandingly authentic
takes many, many hours to block and rehearse the scenes,             learning for students. Because they’re having lots of fun
teach the songs and dances, develop the characterisation,            they don’t realise they’re also developing those 21st century
design and make many, many costumes and props, build a               learner attributes we hear so much about right now! The
set, plot the lights, sort the sound, publicise the show, sell the   cast and crew grow their capacity to think critically and
tickets, organise front of house, develop a health and safety        collaborate as well as communicate in a context which
risk analysis plan, pack-out afterwards, launder the costumes,       emphasises and values creativity. We love seeing the growth
in fact the jobs at times seem endless and overwhelming.             in confidence as students become immersed in their role, and
The toughest job of all however, every time, is deciding what        as each layer of building a show is added, the excitement
show to stage! This year was no exception. We spent weeks            becomes palpable.
and weeks mulling over ideas, debating options, previewing
                                                                     All Scots College shows are true community efforts with a
scripts and finally we settled on Shrek. The Year 1 – 13 nature
                                                                     range of staff, students and parents doing their bit to achieve
of our College is a key driver for us in terms of show choice
                                                                     something we can all be proud of. Huge thanks to the students
because it’s really important to us that we present a fun show
                                                                     for their energy and commitment. You were a great bunch to
with broad appeal. Shrek proved to be the perfect choice
                                                                     work with. Big thanks to the parents and staff who helped
as the big, bright, beautiful world of Duloc created a really
                                                                     out in so many ways and the biggest thanks of all to the
positive, upbeat energy and atmosphere at our rehearsals and
                                                                     production staff who gave so much, in countless ways to make
ultimately this is what was enjoyed by our four audiences.
                                                                     Shrek happen. Every year the feedback we get is ‘best ever’
This year’s cast included 80 Year 7 – 13 students from Scots,        thus setting the bar higher and higher for subsequent years.
QMC, Wellington Girls’ College and Raroa Intermediate as             Now we just have to figure out what to do next time!
well as 29 Year 6 rats. We also had a crew of 20 boys who            CLAIRE HALL
have developed industry level expertise in a range of areas,         PRODUCER
with staff guidance. A feature of our shows is the range of
experience of our cast. Some had significant stage experience
while others were first-timers who are now keen to come back
for more in the future.

                                                                                                                                       A FEATURE OF OUR SHOWS IS
                                                                                                                                       THE RANGE OF EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                       OF OUR CAST. SOME HAD
                                                                                                                                       SIGNIFICANT STAGE
                                                                                                                                       EXPERIENCE WHILE OTHERS
                                                                                                                                       WERE FIRST-TIMERS WHO ARE
                                                                                                                                       NOW KEEN TO COME BACK FOR
                                                                                                                                       MORE IN THE FUTURE.
QUAD 2 No - Scots College

                                                                                                                                                      JACQUES PENDER (Y13) WITH HIS GRANDMOTHER                  THE POLYNESIAN MAORI CLUB PERFORMANCE

         Staff in Profile                                                                                                                                   Grandparents Day
                                                                                                                                                              FRIDAY 1 JUNE

                                                                                                                                                                I always enjoy grandparents
                                                                                                                                                                day, its an opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                to spend a bit of quality
                                                                                                                                                                time with them, while also
                                                                                                                                                                providing an insight into my
                                                                                                                                                                school life.
                                                                                                                                                                BEAUMONT SPENCER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MARCO DAVIS (Y11) PERFORMING

                                                                                                                                                             My grandad said he was made very welcome by the Scots
                                                                                                                                                             staff and students:                                                 “ I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE
                                                                                                                                                             ‘Grandparents day is an opportunity offered to us to see how          ASPARAGUS ROLLS AGAIN, THEY
                                                                                                                                                             our grandchildren are going at school and the facilities and          WERE DELICIOUS.
                                                                                                                                                             activities that they are involved in. I have felt more connected
                                                                                                                                                             to my grandson through the grandparents day experience and            I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SEE THE
                                                                                                                                                             through seeing the activities he is involved in, that go toward       CONTINUATION OF THE VARIOUS
                                                                                                                                                             his development. The day was well organised and the students          CULTURAL PERFORMANCES, THEY
                                                                                                                                                             performances were first class. I appreciated the effort that
                                                                                                                                                             went into the day and the various performances. I was also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WERE REALLY IMPRESSIVE.”
                                                                                                                                                             impressed by the teacher who came to speak with me and
                                                                                                                                                             who showed that they had personal interest in my grandson.’         I thought Grandparents Day was a great opportunity to show
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and experience our everyday school life with our grandparents
                                                                                                                                                             LOUIS AYRES                                                         as they don’t usually see that side of our lives. My Nana
                                                                                                                                                                                           My grandparents especially            attended this Grandparents day and I think she really enjoyed
                                                                                                                                                                                           enjoyed the concert because           the opportunity to come along for the last time, having had
                                                                                                                                                                    DANIEL STRAWBRIDGE
                                                                                                                                                                                           of the variety of culture and         three grandchildren attend Scots and it being my final year as
                                                                                                                                                                    (Y13) WITH HIS         talent that was put on display.       the youngest. She also got see what has changed around the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 college and what I get up to in my final year. For me, I really
                                                                                                                                                                                           NIC SPENCER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 liked the opportunity to share all this with my Nana because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 she is such a large part of my life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HUGO FINDLAY

                                                                                                                                                                                               CHESTER BODMAN (Y10)
                                                                                                                                                                                               WITH HIS GRANDFATHER                                                                 Pg./13
QUAD 2 No - Scots College
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                                                                                                                       GIBB HOUSE

        in Action                                                           RAYMOND CHEN PLAYING RUGBY FOR SCOTS                                     Chartres
                                                                                                                                                              HEART FOUNDATION ACCREDITATION

        A goal of the International Students’ House this year was
        involvement in Co-Curricular Activities. This means that
        every international student would participate in at least
        one activity outside of the normal school day. We have
        had a 100% uptake by our students towards this goal, with
        involvement in a range of sporting, cultural, academic and
        musical activities. It has been an incredibly rewarding to
        watch our internationals in action on the sports field, on the
        stage or elsewhere around the school. Some of the highlights
                                                                            BIG FISH 250 BASKETBALL TEAM
        have been the all-international Table Tennis team, Badminton
        team and Basketball team, as well as individual highlights in
        Football, Rugby, Hockey, Badminton, Shrek Production and
        Instrumental. Below is a snapshot of some of these highlights:
        Raymond has been at Scots College since Year 11. He has
        been a regular member of various Scots College rugby teams,
        demonstrating a real commitment and willingness to improve.
        In 2018 Raymond has been involved in the Scots College
        Rugby Academy and playing for the 2nd XV. He has recently
        been selected to trial for the Chinese U18 rugby team.              WIMUTT LAOMORAPHORN REPRESENTING BANGKOK
                                                                            U15 IN THAILAND EARLIER THIS YEAR
        Big Fish 250 is an all-international students’ social basketball
        team competing on a Thursday night in the College Sport
        Wellington Social League. They are all about inclusion, with
        10 players on their roster ranging from Alick Zeng in Year
        8 to captain Xin Ni, an IB student in Year 12. They are fast
        becoming the pin-up team in the International House. It really
        helps to build confidence in speaking English, be involved in
        school activities as well as the fun of playing.
        WIMUTT LAOMORAPHRON (YEAR 11)                                       ISSHIN ENTA PERFORMING AT
        – HOCKEY                                                            SCOTS GOT TALENT

        Wimutt arrived at Scots College at the beginning of Term
        2 from Thailand. He expressed an immediate interest to be
                                                                           ISSHIN ENTA (YEAR 10) – GUITAR
        involved in Hockey and was placed into the 2nd XI team.
        After only one week of good performances at training and in        This year Isshin performed vocal and guitar in duo for Scots
        their match, he was immediately elevated into the school 1st       Got Talent. He is part of a Year 10 band called Timeline. He
        XI team. He is now considered one of the most consistently         performed as a solo for a school concert in Term 2. Not only
        performing players in the 1st XI and his goal of attending         is Isshin a talented musician but also involved in the Scots
        National Tournament in September is looking more likely.           College Table Tennis and Under 55 Rugby team.
QUAD 2 No - Scots College

                                                                                                                                            Head of                                                                A BOOK AND A BISCUIT - BOYS LISTENING

                                                                                                                                            Prep School                                                             Book and biscuit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mike Hansen
         The Power of Reflection                                                                                                            NICHOLAS ROBERTSON                                                      TUESDAY LUNCHTIMES

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                   Term 2 has been a busy term.                                            As our wonderful Library         We all know how reading
                                                                                                                                            In Week 4 we had the Inter-                                             leader Sebastian Heine-          contributes to life-long
         With the arrival of mid-year     So, here are a few tips to        Once goals have been
                                                                                                                                            house Cross Country.                                                    Sheldrake says, “turning a       success. So read together at
         school reports, the winter       assist in goal setting:           identified and recorded,
                                                                                                             Closer to Scots is our very    “Watching other people                                                  page in a book is like opening   home whenever you can (a
         holidays offer students the                                        you may be surprised at the
                                          1. Goals must be specific.                                          own Lewis Clareburt. A         succeed was my highlight,”                                              a door to a new world”.          book, biscuit and a cuddle
         opportunity for critical                                           flush of energy that follows
                                          - For boys, this may be                                            competitive swimmer since      Jonathan Sun stated.                                                                                     works well), no matter how
         reflection; a chance to look                                        and the success that you                                                                                                                We aim to develop a life-
                                          identifying a specific grade                                       he was 8 years old he left                                                                                                              old they are. It will help them
         back on the first half of the                                       have. A 15 year old Richard                                     Year Six was involved in four                                           long passion readers and
                                          they plan to achieve in their                                      school at 18 with an outside                                                                                                            become great readers and
         school year. It is a time to                                       McCaw was asked by his                                          shows in the Shrek Production                                           one of the ways we do this
                                          next assessment task or                                            chance of making the                                                                                                                    listeners, but most of all they
         celebrate what is going well                                       uncle about goals that he had                                   with the Middle and Senior                                              is with our popular “A Book
                                          a skill they would like to                                         Commonwealth games in the                                                                                                               will love you for it and will
         as well as identify areas                                          and expectations he would                                       school. The boys loved dressing                                         and a biscuit” sessions every
                                          improve. Remember if you                                           Gold Coast. Setting goals ,                                                                                                             remember it all their lives!
         where improvements can                                             need to set for himself. After                                  up as rats and learning about                                           Tuesday lunchtime. We get
                                          aim at nothing, you will hit it                                    visualising and hard work                                                                                                               VICKI HUGHES
         be made. Reflection is a                                            discussion Richie came to                                       how a production works.                                                 out the biscuits and give the    PREP SCHOOL LIBRARIAN
                                          every time.                                                        resulted in Lewis joining
         powerful process for boys to                                       the conclusion that he would                                                                                                            boys a chance to get together,
                                                                                                             the NZ team at the games       In the middle of the term the bike track was finally opened with an                                      PHOTOS BY LIAM FRAMPTON
         undertake as it helps them       2. Don’t be afraid to set         aim to make age group rugby                                                                                                             relax and be entertained and
                                                                                                             and becoming only 1 of 2       official ceremony. St Anthony’s and Kahurangi School came and                                            (YEAR 7)
         to understand their own          BIG goals. - Little goals         teams and hope to become                                                                                                                inspired by the Middle and
                                                                                                             medallists in the pool for     participated in the ceremony. The Scots cycling team opened the
         strengths and weaknesses         are good for momentum but         an All Black one day. He                                                                                                                Senior School Boys who read
                                                                                                             NZ. His next target is Tokyo   track by riding a loop on it as well as a couple of police officers.
         in order to support their        too often we short change         made a list and placed it                                                                                                               to them.
                                                                                                             Olympics in 2020 but before
         continuous learning and          ourselves and look for only       on his door and looked at                                       Hockey and Football teams have been busy practicing at lunch
                                                                                                             then he has some minor goals                                                                           Last week Rio Futschek Ryan,
         personal development.            what we think we can easily       it each day. His goals were                                     times. Hockey have had a great run with beating Huntley. The A
                                                                                                             to achieve. Go Lewis Go !!                                                                             Year 11, read one of his
                                          achieve.                          accomplished sooner than he                                     team won nine to one. All of the Prep School have started doing
         Complementary to the                                                                                MIKE HANSEN                                                                                            favourite childhood books,
                                                                            expected and he became an                                       swimming, Juniors on Tuesday and Seniors on Thursday afternoons.
         process of reflecting is         3. Imagine your success -                                          PRINCIPAL, PREP SCHOOL                                                                                 The incredible book eating
                                                                            All Black at the age of 20. He                                  The Senior school is preparing for House swimming at the end of
         the identification of goals      As you write the goals down,                                                                                                                                              boy by Oliver Jeffers. In it,
                                                                            met with his uncle soon after                                   the term. All the houses have been doing house football weekly
         moving forward. Not having       mentally visualise them as                                                                                                                                                Henry loves books so much          BOYS LISTENING TO RIO
                                                                            and set a new goal to be the                                    for three weeks. This has been organized by the House and Sports                                           READING TO THEM
         goals is like flying a plane     already achieved. Your brain                                                                                                                                              he EATS them! He realises
                                                                            “Greatest of all time” or what                                  Leaders and has been a fun lunchtime activity.
         with a blind fold on – you       prefers to work in pictures                                                                                                                                               that the more books he eats,
                                                                            he referred to as the GOAT.
         don’t have a destination let     so this will give you a mental                                                                    All houses are preparing for house Music at the end of the term.        the smarter he gets... It was
                                                                            He set a lofty goal and the
         alone a direction in mind. For   picture to work with.                                                                             The theme this year is colours and houses will sing Heads,              perfect, thanks Rio!
                                                                            proof is written in history.
         our boys to make the most                                                                                                          Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Spanish, Maori and Sign Language.
                                          4. Short, medium and                                                                                                                                                      Joshua Sun, Year 2, says he
         of their mid-year report,                                                                                                          NICHOLAS ROBERTSON
                                          long ter m goals - This is                                                                        HEAD BOY, PREP SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    likes coming along “because
         they should be encouraged                                                                           LEWIS CLAREBURT SHOWING
                                          just as important for adults                                       YR 2 HIS MEDAL                                                                                         you can learn about lots
         to reflect critically on their
                                          as it is for students, as we                                                                                                                                              of different things.” Liam
         performance, to consider the                                       LEWIS CLAREBURT MEETING
                                          all benefit from the chance                                                                                                                                               O’Callaghan, Year 3, loves
         accompanying comments
                                          to recognise and celebrate
                                                                            YR 3 AND 4 PREP SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                            YEAR SIX WAS INVOLVED IN                                                “listening to the big boys”
         and next steps provided by                                                                                                         FOUR SHOWS IN THE SHREK
                                          our achievements within a                                                                                                                                                 while Arlo Gimpelson enjoys
         teachers, and then spend
         some time setting goals
                                          set period of time. However,                                                                      PRODUCTION WITH THE MIDDLE                                              the older boys read books
                                          longer term goals are also                                                                                                                                                he’d otherwise never think
         identifying which areas                                                                                                            AND SENIOR SCHOOL. THE BOYS
                                          important as it reminds us                                                                                                                                                of reading. Prep School
         to focus on in the second
                                          of where we are going – in                                                                        LOVED DRESSING UP AS RATS                                               Prefect David Evans says
         semester.                                                                                                                          AND LEARNING ABOUT HOW A
                                          school and in life.                                                                                                                                                       that everyone finds it really     RIO FUTSCHECK-RYAN READING TO BOYS

                                                                                                                                            PRODUCTION WORKS.                                                       rewarding because it builds

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    communities across the
                                                                                                                                   (YR1) & JAMES BARRETT (YR6)                                              PREP SCHOOL PERFORM THE HAKA
                                                                                                    THE BOOK CHARACTER PARADE

Bike Track Opening                                                                           Read-a-thon                                                         Mothers to School
                                                                                  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                It is with great excitement that the Bike track was                          The Prep School has been           To recognise the effort of       Hosting our mothers at school is always a very popular event
                officially opened on 18th May as it marked the end of a                      busy reading and biking            the class which took their       in the Prep School. The mothers were greeted with a tasty
                remarkable jour ney that begun three years ago.                              this year. The Books for           reading to the next level and    breakfast on the deck when they arrived and after a catch up
                                                                                             Bikes Read-A-Thon was a            were the most enthusiastic       with other mothers they were welcomed by Mr Hansen. The
                Work that has taken place at the Walden Street park has
                                                                                             fundraising event to help with     fundraisers there was a pizza    boys then did a Prep School haka, showcasing the practise
                developed the space to include a safe cycling area for
                                                                                             the purchase of bikes and          lunch award, this went to        they had all put into learning the haka in their houses. The
                children and families in the Strathmore Park, Miramar and
                                                                                             helmets to be used at the          Year 2NP. Three students         mums were then escorted to the classrooms by their son. The
                wider Eastern Suburbs communities. Bike tracks such as this
                                                                                             Walden Street Bike Park and        from each class also received    boys enjoyed sharing their learning and teaching their mum
                offer a safe and enjoyable environment for children to gain
                                                                                             to encourage the students to       a book prize to recognise        a game or two. The last part of their visit was to the hall for
                confidence in their riding skills and bike safety. The opening
                                                                                             read. It also provided a great     their reading effort. The        a concert performed by the Prep Junior and Senior choirs.
                was a fantastic occasion with students from Kahurangi, St
                                                                                             start to their Literacy Award      good news is that in excess      These choirs include every boy in the school.
                Anthonys all taking part to ride around the community track.
                                                                                             reading this year. The boys        of $9000 was raised, a great
                The students had a fantastic time and were guided around                                                                                         The boys wrote some great pieces about their mums:
                                                                                             set themselves their own           achievement!
                the track by the Scots boys that made the project possible as
                                                                                             reading goal and then went                                          My mum has shiny black hair like batman’s suit. Her eyes are
                well as the Scots College cycle club. Invited guests included
                                                                                             about collecting sponsorship.      TRUDI BELL                       like the brown beautiful dark soil. My mum likes to cuddle
                Wellington city councillors, Bike ON trust, Pedal Ready,
                                                                                             Over a nineteen day period                                          me and cook with me. She is good at drawing pictures and
                Principals. Strathmore residents, parents and also some Police
                                                                                             at the end of Term 1 the                                            helping me with my homework. My mum is special because
                that are part of a new cycle division.
                                                                                             Read-A-Thon took off ! Boys                                         she loves me.
                Now that the track is officially open students from all schools              from Year 1 to Year 6 were                                          ORLANDO MACKEY
                can use the track with the Scots boys taking part in a Pedal                 all involved and were being        OVER A                           2NP

                ready programme in Term 2 to boost their confidence and                      sponsored by the page or by        NINETEEN DAY
                                                                                                                                                                 My mum is a comedian. She takes me under her wing. My
                skill. The Bike track is a great legacy to leave behind and a                the book. Our library was          PERIOD AT                        mum is a good chef. My mum is taking good care of me and
                fantastic asset for Strathmore Park.                                         particularly busy supporting
                                                                                                                                THE END OF                       my brothers. My mum is heroic and smart. We like the way
                                                                                             the readers and there were
                MIKE HANSEN                                                                                                     TERM 1 THE                       we’re being raised.
                                                                                             record numbers of books
                PRINCIPAL, PREP SCHOOL
                                                                                             issued. A book character           READ-A-THON                      ANTONIO VOLPICELLI-MUOLLO
                                                                                             parade, book fair and teacher      TOOK OFF!
                                                                                             skit were all activities which
                                                                                             helped raise the profile of
                                                                                             reading in our school.

                                                                                                                                         READ-A-THON WINNERS
                                                                                                                                                                     JUDAH BEHRING AND HIS MUM     ANTONIO VOLPICELLI-MUOLLO AND HIS MUM

                                                                                                                                                                            KEN AND SEAN WONG WITH THEIR MOTHER


                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Head of
         It’s All about Being                                                                                                                                                                                      Middle School
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                                            WILL ANTHONY

         “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today”                                                                 COMPOSURE/RESILIENCE                                               A lot has happened already
         - Abraham Lincoln                                                                                                                      • Poised                                                           this term, both inside the
                                                                                                                                                • Flexible                                                         classroom and out. To start the
         Recently we undertook a professional development day              ‘A significant body of evidence shows “Be” skills predict academic                                                                      term we had the school Cross-
                                                                                                                                                • Good at dealing with stress
         based around the continuing development of 21st Century           achievement, career success and lifelong well-being. They                                                                               Country Championships. It was
         Skills. We focused on what the skills are, how we define them     contribute as much or more than academic skills in helping           • Good at dealing with criticism                                   great to see the boys getting
         and how we measure the development of these skills. Our           students succeed. Evidence also shows that these skills are not      • Good at dealing with setbacks                                    out there and giving their all as
         collective knowledge regarding 21C skills was enhanced            fixed but can be developed with targeted intervention’. Employers    • Restrained                                                       well as supporting their fellow
         by the workshop run by Justine Munro and Faye Langdon,            are now actively seeking these traits in future employees.                                                                              house members. In the cultural
         Co-Directors and Founders of 21C Skills Lab based out of                                                                               CURIOSITY                                                          spotlight this term was the
                                                                           There are 6 key skill areas outlined below which
         Auckland.                                                                                                                                                                                                 production, which took place
                                                                           make-up the “B” skills:
                                                                                                                                                •   Creative and innovative                                        in Week Four.
         The 21C Skills Lab is a company focused on designing,
                                                                           TENACITY                                                             •   Open-minded
         developing, testing and rolling out solutions to the big issues                                                                                                                                           The boys participating in this had put a lot of time into it and
         around how our education system can transform to better           • Persistent                                                         •   Thoughtful                                                     it was great to see lots of people going along to the various
         meet the 21C needs of young people and employers. Faye            • Effortful                                                          •   Accepting of differences in people                             performances. At the end of Week Five was another special
         and Justine’s work focuses around priority areas they think                                                                                                                                               day, this time being Grandparents Day. Lots of boys had their
                                                                           • Goal-oriented                                                      •   “Thinkers” and problem solvers
         underpin educational transformation: Assessing 21C skills,                                                                                                                                                grandparents come along and showed them around.
                                                                           • Mastery-oriented                                                   •   Interested in different types of people and
         building educator capability and transforming careers support
                                                                                                                                                    points of view                                                 Inside the classroom, all the boys across the Middle School
         for young people.                                                 • Those that exceed expectations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   have been hard at work with assessments as well as the
         The workshop run with staff by the 21C Skills Lab has been        • Those who pursue challenges                                                                                                           various ICAS tests that have taken place. The end of this term
         discussed on earlier pages within this magazine including the                                                                                                                                             also marks the end of the semester, meaning that the half-
                                                                           ORGANISATION                                                         •   Those who take charge                                          year choice subjects that the boys are doing this semester
         four key categories that provide a framework for 21C skills:
                                                                                                                                                •   Persuasive                                                     will change for next term. Term 3 is looking good, with the
         1. Knowing the new basics in areas like digital and global        • One who pays attention to detail
                                                                                                                                                •   Assertive                                                      aforementioned subject change and the new opportunities that
            working, design and entrepreneurship                           • Thorough
                                                                                                                                                •   Cheerful and optimistic                                        will open up. I am looking forward to seeing what the boys do
         2. An ability to use that knowledge to achieve results, through   • Reliable                                                                                                                              in the last weeks of this Term and Term 3.
                                                                                                                                                •   Those who express themselves easily
            creative and critical thinking, working collaboratively to     • Consistent
            solve problems and communicate results                                                                                              •   Confident                                                      WILL ANTHONY
                                                                           • Responsible                                                                                                                           HEAD BOY, MIDDLE SCHOOL
         3. Being curious, tenacious, organised, emotionally resilient     • Prepared
                                                                                                                                                As Abraham Lincoln’s quote reminds us, each of us needs
            and a team player
                                                                                                                                                to be responsible in working towards developing these 21C          TO START THE TERM WE HAD
         4. Having a growth mindset that keeps you learning,               TEAMWORK                                                             skills. It is never too late to grow these character traits and    THE SCHOOL CROSS-COUNTRY
            unlearning and relearning                                      • Pleasant                                                           the more we develop purposeful skill’s based thinking and          CHAMPIONSHIPS. IT WAS GREAT
                                                                                                                                                learning at Scots the better off we will all be as teachers,
         I would specifically like to focus on the “be” skills, although   • Co-operative                                                                                                                          TO SEE THE BOYS GETTING OUT
                                                                                                                                                students and parents as we develop our future focused
         no one area should hold court over another the “be” skills        • Sensitive to others                                                                                                                   THERE AND GIVING THEIR ALL
         certainly resonated with me as an educator and a parent as
         they focus very much on the interpersonal and relational
                                                                           • Helpful                                                                                                                               AS WELL AS SUPPORTING THEIR
         skills that I believe are essential to building character and     • Easy to get along with                                             MATT ALLEN                                                         FELLOW HOUSE MEMBERS.
                                                                                                                                                PRINCIPAL, MIDDLE SCHOOL
         collaborating successfully in our society.                        • Caring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EXCHANGE IN CHILE

                                                                                                                                                            Berwick and
                                      YEAR 7 SCIENCE STUDENTS AFTER DIVING

        Year 7                                                               Scots Students                                                                 MacKay
        Science                                                              in the Pink                                                                    Exchanges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SCOTS STUDENTS ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EXCHANGE IN CHILE

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////          ANTI-BULLYING PINK SHIRT DAY

        Taputeranga marine reserve meets the Ker madec                       So why have Scots students       to Years 7-13. All Year 7&8
        Ocean sanctuar y.                                                    chosen to add a splash of        students were involved in                     SCOTS COLLEGE STUDENTS AT                                           SCOTS COLLEGE STUDENTS AT
                                                                             pink to their uniform lately?    a short film competition                      BERWICK SCHOOL, MELBOURNE                                           MACKAY SCHOOL, CHILE
        It seems an age since a large group of Year 7 students were
                                                                             Pink Shirt Day originated in     with each House putting
        tentatively edging their way into the icy blue waters of
                                                                             2007 when two Canadian           together a 3 minute film on                   The exchange wasn’t just an exchange, it was more like a            The Mackay school exchange was an incredible experience,
        Taputeranga marine reserve in March. It was a taster for their
                                                                             students, David Shepherd         the subject of anti-bullying.                 holiday because when we meet new families to stay with,             one that we are very fortunate to have at scots and that I
        second topic of year in science. There were shrieks as the water
                                                                             and Travis Price, took a stand   Congratulations to the Year                   which was exciting. I recon all of us really enjoyed it a lot.      will never forget. For the most of our time in Chile we were
        filled their wetsuits as they stumbled backwards ungainly into
                                                                             against bullying after a new     7&8 boys from Plimmer                         Sometimes we hanged out at school or just after school              staying in Viña del Mar and attending the Mackay School.
        the water. These shrieks turned into excited taps and pointing
                                                                             Year 10 student was harassed     House for producing the                       because we became best mates and we still are today, which          Mackay School is a British school in Chile making it different
        as they spotted blue cod sleeping on the bottom of the sea
                                                                             and threatened for wearing       winning film which was                        is great. We all discovered different parts of Melbourne which      to other schools in the region. While we were in Viña del Mar
        floor or a brittle star clinging for grim life on a rocky outcrop.
                                                                             pink. David and Travis bought    played at our Friday Pink                     was cool and seeing the city itself was just an experience in a     we would do various trips/activities ranging from Sailing to a
        The purpose of this trip was to get the students actively
                                                                             dozens of pink shirts and        Shirt (mufti) Day chapel                      different culture, which I loved a lot. If your son gets a chance   day trip in Santiago the capital of the nation. Though of the
        engaged in what a marine reserve is and both the biotic (living)
                                                                             distributed them to their        service, the culmination of                   to do an exchange, do it because it’s just an amazing time to       many places that we visited San Pedro de Atacama was by
        and abiotic (non-living) components so they can make vivid
                                                                             classmates to wear the next      New Zealand Anti-Bullying                     hang out and get to know someone different from another             far the most amazing. San Pedro is far in the north of Chile
        connection to their Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary assignment
                                                                             day. The word got out online     week.                                         country. I really recommend going to Melbourne if your son          in one of the driest deserts in the world and it holds some
        that is currently being done.
                                                                             and hundreds of students                                                       gets the chance to. It is the best opportunity to get and once      incredible sights. During the day we saw sights such as the
                                                                                                              It was a great month, but
        The last few weeks in class the students have been discussing        showed up in pink, some from                                                   you have done it, you feel good that you went.                      Rainbow valley and the salt lakes and we got to spend the
                                                                                                              we’re not done yet.
        the pros and cons of developing the Kermadec Ocean                   head-to-toe, to stand together                                                 CHESTER BODMAN                                                      evenings shopping around the small township of San Pedro.
        Sanctuary. This has been a political football for a number           against bullying. It was a       The Scots Way outlines our                    YEAR 10                                                             The exchange overall was incredible but my best memory was
        of years with different groups within New Zealand’s society          powerful moment when the         commitment to continuing                                                                                          our time in San Pedro.
        pushing various agendas. The focus of this assignment is to          bullied student, the victim,     to build a culture not of                     Upon arrival we were warmly greeted by our new families.            BEN POWELL
        take the position of one of these groups and explain why they        walked into school and saw       bullying, but of respect:                     The next 7 days of holidays were action packed with visits to       YEAR 11
        have their particular point of view.                                 his peers decked out in pink!    Respect for PEOPLE, PLACE,                    theme parks, animal sanctuaries, and a 3-day stay in the heart
                                                                             It has been celebrated in New    PROPERTY and PROCESS.                         of Melbourne. Going to Gumbuya world with the other scots
        To introduce some of the ATL skills associated with research                                                                                                                                                            MACKAY SCHOOL STUDENTS AT
                                                                             Zealand since 2009.                                                            boys and watching an AFL game were real highlights. The
        we have spent a number of periods in the library looking at                                           Our Anti-Bullying Policy
                                                                                                                                                            next adventure was school. We attended Berwick Grammar              SCOTS COLLEGE
        how to access appropriate resources and in class they have           The focus of the PERFORM         commits Scots College to
                                                                                                                                                            School with our buddies for 2 weeks. At my time at the school       Our exchange in Scots College has been awesome! One of the
        been taken through how to reference and cite work correctly.         programme throughout             providing a caring, friendly
                                                                                                                                                            I was able to play in the AFL team, make lots of friends            most important aspects that made this trip so unique and fun
        These are skills that they will continue to practice and refine      the month of May was             and safe environment for all
                                                                                                                                                            and go on their school camp. Staying with my family (the            was that we were accepted by all the students, host brothers,
        throughout the rest of their academic careers.                       Engagement. We took the          students so they can learn
                                                                                                                                                            Scarborough’s) was amazing. I grew very close with my buddy         school buddies, teachers, staff: everybody! That allowed us
                                                                             opportunity to reinforce the     in a positive and purposeful
        A highlight for 7BL was getting a visit from Y13 George Fyfe                                                                                        Ben and his brother, Jack. My ‘parents’, Fiona and John, were       to have the best possible experience that will never forgotten
                                                                             anti-bullying message and        environment. Bullying of
        the Environmental Prefect. He had the opportunity over the                                                                                          extremely hospitable and very accommodating. Overall it was         and always remembered by the 10 of us and our teacher, too.
                                                                             get engaged with this positive   any kind is unacceptable. By
        holidays to travel to the Kermadecs on HMS Canterbury with                                                                                          a great experience, I was challenged, I learnt lots and had         This experience helped us improve our English, learn about
                                                                             global campaign. Thursday        taking bullying seriously and
        the Sir Peter Blake Trust Kermadec Expetition. The boys loved                                                                                       heaps of fun.                                                       other country and its culture, but more importantly to make
                                                                             PERFORM tutorials were           working towards establishing
        listening to his stories and use the question and answer time                                                                                       AIDAN CHRISTIANS                                                    new friends not only from another school but from another
                                                                             dedicated to exploring the       a college culture that                        YEAR 10
        to good effect. The VR readers that George has gifted to the                                                                                                                                                            continent.
                                                                             subject of bullying, assembly    supports and celebrates the
        science department were a real hit also.
                                                                             speakers zeroed in on the        diversity of its students, we                   SCOTS AND BERWICK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                We all want to thank everyone in the school and all the
                                                                                                                                                                                       SCOTS AND MACKAY STUDENTS
        We are taking real life issues in Year 7 science and trying          theme and we welcomed            all can flourish…whether                        STUDENTS IN MELBOURNE    IN NZ, SWAPPING BLAZERS                  families that were so kind to accept us into their homes and
        to make better sense of them whilst developing the skills            guest presenters Revolution      we’re wearing pink or not!                                                                                        that showed us how it is to live in New Zealand.
        necessary to do well in the future.                                  Tour 2018 who delivered a        WILL STRUTHERS                                                                                                    TOMÁS TURRES
        MIKE MCKNIGHT                                                        powerfully engaging and hard     DEPUTY PRINCIPAL                                                                                                  MACKAY SCHOOL
                                                                                                              MIDDLE SCHOOL

        7BL SCIENCE TEACHER                                                  hitting anti-bullying message

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      STRATHMORE SINGERS READY

        Keeping Children Healthy                                                                                                                  Head of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TO PERFORM

        in a Digital Age                                                                                                                          Senior School                                                         Big Sing
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                              JAKE HODDER                                                           MONDAY 18 JUNE

        There is no doubt we are in the middle of powerful and fast          mindfulness meditation and                                           Reflecting on the term, it is                                         Scots College continues its     And the results? An
        moving technological revolution. We only need to reflect for         various techniques for stress-                                       astonishing to process how                                            involvement in the largest      outstanding two Adjudicator’s
        a short time on how we as adults use technology, and how             reduction and relaxation,                                            much the boys have fitted into                                        musical competition in          Choice Awards for the
        dependent on it we are.                                              they can boost their children’s health and well-being.               the last 10 weeks. The past                                           the country. With over ten      Strathmore Singers for their
                                                                                                                                                  couple weeks have been very                                           thousand students involved,     performances of Hallelujah
        Our dependence on technology will only increase as the scale,        Foster peer friendships. It is easy to imagine that social           busy for all boys academically                                        the Big Sing is an lively       and Manu o le Vaveao.
        speed and breadth of technological change continues. As              media increases connectivity and friendships for children.           and with their co-curricular                                          celebration of the joys of      Congratulations to all
        parents and teachers it is hard to comprehend what impact            However, there is a growing sense of loneliness in today’s           winter activities. It has been                                        choral singing. This year       involved.
        that will have on our children and students. Our children are        children and teens. Parents should encourage children to             inspiring to see a wide cohort                                        the Strathmore Singers and      IVAN PATTERSON
        immersed in technology from such a young age now and for             become involved in shared activities that provide social                                                                                                                   HOD MUSIC
                                                                                                                                                  of boys getting stuck in to and                                       Malevox were well prepared
        such a large amount of time. The compounding effect of this          interaction in real time.                                            enjoying a variety of different                                       to build on their success of
        level of exposure to technology is hard to predict with certainty.
                                                                             Use online health resources. There is now a wealth of health         areas within the College.                                             last year with a programme
        This is understandable, as it is really only those aged 15 that
                                                                             information available online for parents to investigate health                                                                             including classic popular
        have had “full immersion” in technology as “digital natives” and                                                                          Highlights of Cross Country, Grandparents Day, the 40-Hour                                             STRATHMORE SINGERS - HALLELUJAH
                                                                             symptoms of concern and learn about prevention.                                                                                            songs such as Leonard
        their brains and bodies are still developing. Similarly, the types                                                                        famine and the House Haka competition are perfect examples
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cohen’s Hallelujah and
        and uses of technology are continually changing making it hard       Explore wellness apps. Wellness and exercise apps help               of the diverse opportunities in the Senior School. The Shrek
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        wonderful arrangements
        to measure their impact.                                             promote healthier lifestyles for children and parents.               Production was a standout performance and it was satisfying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by Mr Patterson and the
        A newly published report from the Global Wellness Institute,                                                                              to see all the pieces put together to produce a spectacular
                                                                             Set r ules for bedtime. There is growing evidence that                                                                                     amazing Mr Seau.
        Wellness in the Age of the Smartphone, provides good                                                                                      show everyone can be proud of.
                                                                             digital devices in bedrooms deter children and adolescents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The atmosphere was very
        information for parents. This report came up with 12 ways to         from the sleep they desperately need. Establish rules that the       With College life in full swing and work-loads at their peak for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        positive and there were
        keep your children and teens healthy in the digital age. I hope      whole family will follow, leaving devices to charge elsewhere        many boys, it was important to be reminded of ‘engagement’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        many fine choirs singing a
        you find the following points useful.                                overnight.                                                           and ‘maintenance’ in the Perform programme this term. As
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        wide range of music. One
        Manage screen time. When parents manage screen time for                                                                                   Term 3 launches, I challenge all boys to stay engaged and
                                                                             Talk about distraction and safety. When smartphones are                                                                                    particularly interesting item
        kids, they help children discover other healthy ways to find                                                                              invested in your studies and co-curricular activities, as well as
                                                                             in use, it takes attention away from other things. Children                                                                                included resonating wine
        meaning in life. Kids create a balance between interacting with                                                                           upholding a healthy balance of commitments to ensure Term
                                                                             should understand that their health and safety come first, before                                                                          glasses by Cantala from
        technology and developing real-life relationships.                                                                                        3 can be just as successful and enjoyable as the first two terms
                                                                             technology.                                                                                                                                WEGHS. Both of our choirs
                                                                                                                                                  have been.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        rose to the challenge of
        Promote physical activity. A growing body of research shows          Discuss the difference between productivity and                      JAKE HODDER                                                           performing on the big stage
        that excessive screen time contributes to the inactivity and         technology. Research from the Global Wellness report suggests        HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and were very well received
        obesity crisis in today’s youth. Encourage your children to be       that advances in technology have not coincided with increases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by the enthusiastic crowd.
        physically active.                                                   in productivity. Children’s productivity and achievement are still
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        They showed how much
        Monitor mental wellness. Researchers have associated the             driven by becoming goal setters, and learning how to commit to
                                                                                                                                                  HIGHLIGHTS OF CROSS                                                   singing has improved at Scots
        growth of social media and technology use with rising rates of       an outcome while seeking feedback and support.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and demonstrated true spirit
        depression, and anxiety. Parents who are well-informed about         Talk with kids about digital ethics and citizenship. As
                                                                                                                                                  COUNTRY, GRANDPARENTS DAY,                                            on stage.
        the symptoms of mental illness can act more quickly to help          children grow into adolescence, families should talk about           THE 40-HOUR FAMINE AND THE
        children in need.                                                    and set guidelines on the following: What kind of personal           HOUSE HAKA COMPETITION ARE
        Practice stress-reduction. The Global Wellness report says,          information is shared online? How do children communicate            PERFECT EXAMPLES OF THE
                                                                             online? How do they become good digital citizens?
        “the biggest challenges to mental wellness appear to come,                                                                                DIVERSE OPPORTUNITIES IN                                                                              SAMMY SEAU WITH CERTIFICATES
        not from the technology itself, but from the added pressures         Cultivate and nurture the human spirit. As technology                THE SENIOR SCHOOL.
        and pace of life in the digital age.” Children are always            rapidly advances, real-world human experiences are declining.
        accessible, responsive to their peers, and use social media to       Encourage your children to play, create, be curious, and dream.
        compare themselves to others. When parents introduce kids to         CHRISTIAN ZACHARIASSEN
                                                                             PRINCIPAL, SENIOR SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        STRATHMORE SINGERS - MANU
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