COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES - Mission, Vision, and Values - College of Health Sciences ...

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                                                                  upon teaching and the curriculum. The goal of every teacher
Mission, Vision, and Values                                       is not merely to convey a list of facts but to transform novice
                                                                  students into active scholars and ultimately prepare them for
Mission: To advance the art and science of healthcare.            life-long learning. Every field of knowledge, especially
                                                                  science, is being constantly revised by discovery through
Vision: Evolution to excellence in education requires             research. Learning a subject does not end with the final exam
continual pursuit of higher levels of performance and             of the course; it only begins a life’s journey.
achievement. We seek to challenge undergraduate students
with a comprehensive academic program that prepares them          The goal of acquiring Social and Communication Skills
for success and leadership in a professional healthcare career.   acknowledges the need to communicate effectively. As
Quality education for students pursuing a career in               professionals, we must be proficient in the art of written and
healthcare professions begins with rigorous study of core         verbal communication in order to exchange technical
sciences such as biology and chemistry. The program of            information. Moreover, the best health science in the world
education must further empower students to apply                  loses its purpose unless it can benefit the people who need
quantitative methods and critical thinking to the practice of     it. This process involves personal interaction between the
healthcare. Strength of character and interpersonal skills        healthcare professional and the patient or consumer. The
essential for work in healthcare-related fields are developed     patient must feel free to communicate concerns and the care
and enhanced through the study of relevant humanities and         provider must be able respond effectively. Values beyond
social science disciplines. Along with traditional lecture and    mastery of medical science such as empathy and compassion
lab courses, the opportunity to perform community service         fall within this area. Emotional and cultural understanding
learning projects and independent scholarly research              must be conveyed along with the delivery of care. These
provides important capstone experience in applying                values are difficult to objectify but they fall within the realm
concepts and theory learned in the classroom to real-world        of liberal arts, humanities, and social sciences. Courses such
situations.                                                       as Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Art
                                                                  Appreciation, and Music Appreciation provide context and
Values: Integrity, Ethical Conduct, Empathy, Inter-Personal       insights into the complexity and diversity of human behavior.
Collaboration,     Social    Accountability,  Civic-Minded        Our students are encouraged to become socially and
Commitment to Service, Respect for Human Diversity                intellectually well-rounded through the study of human
                                                                  culture and participation in extra-curricular activities.
Educational Philosophy                                            Community Engagement and Civic Responsibility also lies
The philosophy of our academic programs encompasses               within with the territory of being a health science
three goals of competency and personal development which          professional. People need to live in healthy communities in
students who pursue careers in biomedical science and             order to sustain their own good health. Health care
healthcare must attain in order to be compassionate               professionals play a major role in fostering a healthy society
practitioners. These competencies broadly include Cognitive       by advocating for policies that promote the conditions,
Ability and Intellectual Depth, Social and Communication          resources, and behavior conducive to social well-being. Our
Skills, and Community Engagement/Civic Responsibility.            educational program guides students to the rich content of
                                                                  voluntary service and contributing to the greater good
Cognitive Ability and Intellectual Depth corresponding to         through supervised projects that partner with advocacy
command of any subject is best achieved by thoughtful study       groups and organizations for the benefit of the community
of the relevant body of knowledge under the guidance of a         at large.
teacher who is an expert in the field and is well prepared to
mentor students. Learning is often a demanding and
inscrutable process, but it is known to emerge reliably from      Learning Outcomes
the interplay of thoughtful reading, attendance of inspiring      The goals of the Bachelor of Health Sciences program are
lectures, case studies and practice problems, classroom           defined and assessed by a set of carefully designed Program
discussion, and assessment. Ultimately, every student must        Learning Outcomes and General Education Learning
commit to personal engagement in the learning process             Outcomes. These outcomes specify the intellectual substance
using methods that work best for the individual. There is no      and interpersonal communication skills that our students are
magic substitute for the hard work of studying. However, our      expected to demonstrate by the time they graduate.
faculty members are tasked to use innovative teaching
methods and technologies proven to be effective by                As overarching educational standards, Program Learning
pedagogical research. Each concentration and every course         Outcomes (PLOs) define the primary learning agenda and the
delivered at CNU has specific learning outcomes that are          associated platform of assessment that measures teaching
measured by various forms of assessment. The assessment           effectiveness and student competency.
results are used to make changes that continually improve

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                               170 | P a g e
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)                              3.   Service and Leadership. Demonstrate the ability to
                                                                   lead and work collaboratively with others to accomplish
Upon successful completion of the CNUCHS Bachelor of               a shared goal.
Science in Health Sciences, students will be able to          4.   Professionalism. Demonstrate professional behavior
demonstrate the following Program Learning Outcomes                and effective interactions with others.
(PLOs):                                                       5.   Oral Communication. Demonstrate appropriate
                                                                   delivery techniques when communicating materials to
PLO1: Core Sciences and Mathematics.                               an audience.
Demonstrate knowledge of the core sciences and
mathematics.                                                  General Education Learning Outcomes
PLO2: Arts and Humanities. Demonstrate understanding
of how the arts and humanities enhance health, well‐ being,   (GELOs)
and healthcare practice and delivery.                         Upon successful completion of the CNUCHS Bachelor of
PLO3: Critical and Systemic Thinking. Demonstrate             Science in Health Sciences, students will be able to
understanding of the collaborative nature of healthcare       demonstrate the following general education learning
delivery.                                                     outcomes:
PLO4: Professional Interaction. Communicate with              1. Written Communication. Demonstrate the ability to
respect, empathy, and cultural competence.                        write coherent, supported and logically structured
PLO5: Social Accountability and Community Service.                prose.
Acts with social accountability and demonstrates              2. Oral Communication. Listen and speak effectively in
commitment to community service.                                  formal communication.
                                                              3. Information Literacy. Identify and search relevant
The Program Learning Outcomes are fulfilled by completion         libraries of information and databases; synthesize
of the following courses:                                         information obtained from primary literature using
                                                                  properly referenced citations.
PLO1: Core Sciences and Mathematics (3 cr)                    4. Critical Thinking. Exercise reasoned judgement to
BIOL310; BIOL310L: BIOL320; BIOL330; BIOL340; BIOL350;            assess technical information and make well‐ informed
BIOL420; BIOL440; BIOL450; BIOL460; BIOL470 BIOL480;              decisions using evidence‐based approaches.
COLL310 & COLL320                                             5. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning.
                                                                  Demonstrate knowledge of the complexity of biological
PLO2: Arts and Humanities (3 cr)                                  systems and chemistry of matter through research with
HIST310; HUMN410; PHIL310 & PHLT310                               the use of mathematics and statistics in problem
PLO3: Critical and Systemic Thinking (3 cr)                   6. Liberal Arts. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse
PHIL310; PSYC310; PSYC320; PSYC410; PSYC420; PSYC430 &            human cultures and influences of social forces,
SOCL410                                                           economic principles, and human interactions within the
                                                                  framework of social sciences.
PLO4: Professional Interaction (3 cr)
COLL420 & COLL220                                             The GE Requirements encompass a suite of courses that
                                                              provide a broad educational framework for students. The GE
PLO5: Social Accountability & Community Service (2 cr)        curriculum at CNU CHS is designed to provide students with
COLL220                                                       a solid foundation for advanced studies and essential skills
                                                              needed to work effectively in diverse health-related careers.
PLO Requirement                                               As required by the California Code of Regulations– Title 5–
Courses satisfying a PLO must be completed at CHS. While a    Article 2 on Admissions and Academic Achievement
transferred equivalent course cannot satisfy a PLO, it can    Standards “At least 25 percent of the credit requirements for
count toward general elective degree credit. In some          a Bachelor’s Degree shall be in general education.”
instances, a course may satisfy more than one PLO. In such    Accordingly, the GE courses comprise approximately 36
instances, the credit from the course will only count once    credit units of the minimum 120 required credits for
toward the degree.                                            graduation (30% of total degree credits).

Curricular Learning Outcomes:                                 The GE Learning Outcomes are fulfilled by completion of the
                                                              following courses:
Upon successful completion of the CNUCHS Bachelor of
Science in Health Sciences, students will be able to          1. Written Communication (6 cr)
demonstrate the following co-curricular learning outcomes:     -ENGL 110 (3 cr); ENGL 110x (3cr) ENG 120 (3 cr) ENGL
1. Social Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity.                 120x (3cr)
    Demonstrate awareness of and responsiveness to social     2. Oral Communication (3 cr)
    and cultural differences by adapting behaviors
    appropriately and using effective interpersonal skills.   -COMM 110 (3 cr)
2. Self-Awareness and Learning. Demonstrate self-             3. Information Literacy (3 cr)
    awareness through reflection and the development of
                                                              -ENGL 120 or ENGL 120x (3 cr)
    appropriate plans for self-directed learning and

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                         171 | P a g e
4. Critical Thinking (3 cr)
 -ENGL 120 or ENGL 120x
5. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (14
 -BIOL 110/L (3 cr/1 cr) and CHEM 110/L (3 cr/1 cr);
 -MATH 120 (3 cr); MATH 120x 3(cr) & MATH 125 (3 cr),
    MATH 125x 3(cr) or MATH 130 (3 cr), MATH 130x 3(cr)
6. Liberal Arts (13 cr)
 -Fine Arts (3 cr): ARMU 110 (3 cr), ARMU 120 (3 cr), or
    approved Arts elective
 -Humanities (3 cr): ANTH 210 (3 cr) or approved
    Humanities elective
 -Social Sciences (3 cr): ECON 210 (3 cr), GOVT 110 (3 cr),
    PSYC 110 3(cr), PSYC 110x 3(cr) SOCL 110 (3 cr), or
    approved Social Sciences elective
 -Social Accountability and Community Service (6 cr):
    COLL 210 (2 cr) and COLL 220 (2 cr)

Note: Approved course electives may be transfer credits
including credit awarded by AP/IP exam, transfer courses,
course substitution, or a CHS offered course designated as
meeting the GE requirement area.

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Academic Programs
Overview                                                            Human Biology: This concentration is appropriate for
                                                                    students who are seeking focused coursework in biomedical
The College of Health Sciences (CHS) offers an
                                                                    sciences. . It is a challenging curriculum that focuses upper
undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Science            division coursework on advanced topics of human biology
in Health Sciences (BSHS) degree. CHS has pathways that             such as functional anatomy, human genetics, microbiology,
allow BSHS students to progress to California Northstate            immunology, and pharmacology.. Students who complete
University’s College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, and          this concentration are expected to be exceptionally well
the College of Psychology, provided they maintain certain           prepared for a variety of professional health programs and
benchmarks. Pathways are not programs and CHS students              employment in a variety of healthcare-related professions.
must meet the admission criteria of each individual CNU
professional school in order to be able to progress. CHS also       Biopsychology: This concentration is also appropriate for
                                                                    students headed for professional health programs since it
offers a pathway with CNU Master of Pharmaceutical
                                                                    includes many of the same rigorous basic science courses as
Sciences (MPS) program.                                             the Human Biology concentration. However, students
                                                                    following this plan of study choose from a suite of psychology
CHS also offers a curriculum plan designed for those who            courses in the science of human behavior, mental health and
already have a Bachelor’s degree and want to meet                   mental illness. Such courses include developmental
                                                                    psychology, cognitive psychology, health psychology, and
prerequisites for professional schools in the health
                                                                    abnormal psychology. In addition to medical school options,
professions as well as to improve his/her academic
                                                                    students choosing this concentration will have a strong
credentials and application portfolio to those schools – the        academic background for graduate schools that provide
Pre-Med Post-Baccalaureate coursework (PMPB). The PMPB              specialized training and certification for occupations such as
coursework is not a program and does not lead to a diploma          clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors.
or a degree.
                                                                    Health Science Administration: This concentration is
Bachelor of Science (BS)                                            offered for students who wish to work in the administrative
In the undergraduate Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health             side of health care delivery. The curriculum includes
Sciences program, students may choose from three                    introductory science in the first year that is essential for
concentrations within the program: Human Biology,                   understanding the basics of human biology. The second to
Biopsychology, and Health Science Administration. Each              fourth years of the curriculum consist of many courses
concentration has a defined curriculum progressing from             relevant to business and management. Such courses include
introductory to advanced courses. All concentrations include        human resources management, healthcare financing,
the same General Education (GE) requirements that fulfill a         healthcare      regulations    and     accreditation,     and
common set of learning outcomes spanning communication              entrepreneurship. Students who complete this concentration
and critical thinking skills, natural sciences, liberal arts, and   will have a strong background in business and science to work
the social sciences. Additionally, the three concentrations are     as administrators, managers, and sales representatives in
aligned with specific options for career paths in healthcare.       hospitals, medical insurance companies, public health
This comprehensive program delivers a robust university             agencies, the pharmaceutical sector, health advocacy
education that prepares graduates to think independently            foundations, and other professions.
and creatively as well as training them for practical
occupations in health science.                                      Bachelor of Sciences and Doctor of
                                                                    Medicine (BS-MD) Pathways
Concentrations of Study Descriptions                                BS to MD pathways offer high school applicants multiple
Biotechnology: This concentration is appropriate for                options to apply the professional Doctor of Medicine (MD)
students interested in the latest advances in technologies          program at CNU College of Medicine (CNUCOM). Some
that contribute to understanding the molecular nature of            pathways options are designed to allow entering freshmen
living organisms. Coursework is designed to support content         to complete their pre-medicine coursework and MD in an
expertise and hands-on lab skills development in areas              accelerated time frame if they meet specific criteria to be
necessary for the biotechnology industry. Key courses               admitted into CNUCOM. Students accepted into a BS to MD
including Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology,                      pathway will begin their program of study in the College of
Bioinformatics, and Ethical Concerns in Biotechnology are           Health Sciences (CHS) undergraduate program towards
just some of the options students choose from. Students             obtaining their BS degree while completing all prerequisite
that choose this concentration are prepared to pursue               academic coursework to satisfy CNUCOM requirements.
careers in the biotechnology industries, academic research          These students will work closely with the CHS pre-health
laboratories, postgraduate work in molecular biology or             advisors to ensure completion of all the required criteria and
biochemistry, or professional health programs.                      academic course prerequisites.

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These students will also be required to participate in at least   meet all the PharmD admission requirements. In addition,
one activity per year in the CNU College of Medicine              students have the opportunity to complete the Doctor of
(CNUCOM) campus activity program. The CNUCOM campus               Pharmacy degree in an accelerated time frame--six to seven
activity program is designed to educate pre-medicine              years instead of the traditional eight years.
students about their future profession through community
health service opportunities, specialty career exploration
workshops, lab experiences, and special professional              2+4 BS-PharmD Pathway
education sessions. These pathways offer priority acceptance      Two Years Undergraduate + Four Years Doctor of Pharmacy.
to the very competitive MD program provided they meet all         Students are required to take some classes in summer to fulfill
the CNUCOM admission criteria.                                    the CNUCOP PharmD admissions requirements and CNUCHS
                                                                  degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science.
Students have the opportunity to complete their BS degree
                                                                  3+4 BS-PharmD Pathway
and MD degree in an accelerated time frame--six to seven
                                                                  Three Years Undergraduate + Four Years Doctor of PharmD.
years in addition to the traditional eight years.
                                                                  Students have the option to take some classes in summer to
                                                                  fulfill the CNUCOP PharmD admissions requirements and
2+4 BS-MD Pathway
                                                                  CNUCHS degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science.
Two Years Undergraduate + Four Years Doctor of Medicine.
Students are required to take some classes in summer to fulfill
the CNUCOM MD admissions requirements and CNUCHS                  3+2 Bachelor of Science to Master of
degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science.
                                                                  Pharmaceutical Sciences Pathway (BS
3+4 BS-MD Pathway                                                 to MPS)
Three Years Undergraduate + Four Years Doctor of Medicine.        The 3+2 BS to MPS pathway offers those interested in
Students have the option to take some classes in summer to        pursuing a career in the pharmaceutical field the
fulfill the CNUCOM MD admissions requirements and                 opportunity to complete undergraduate education and earn
CNUCHS degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science.           a Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MPS) degree in five
                                                                  years. Students accepted into the 3+2 BS to MPS pathway
4+4 BS-MD Pathway                                                 will begin their program of study in the College of Health
Four Years Undergraduate + Four Years Doctor of Medicine.         Sciences (CNUCHS) undergraduate program towards
Students have the option to take some classes in summer to        obtaining their BS degree while completing all prerequisite
fulfill the CNUCOM MD admissions requirements and                 academic coursework for the Master of Pharmaceutical
CNUCHS degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science.           Sciences. These students will work closely with the CNUCHS
                                                                  pre-health advisors to ensure completion of all the required
Bachelor of Sciences and Doctor of                                criteria and academic course prerequisites in order to be
Pharmacy (BS to PharmD) Pathways                                  able to be considered for admission in the MPS program.
                                                                  Students admitted into the 3+2 BS to MPS pathway are
BS to PharmD pathways offer high school applicants two
                                                                  required to meet the following requirements in order to be
options to enter the professional Doctor of Pharmacy              admitted to the Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences at CNU:
(PharmD) program. Both options are designed to allow
                                                                   Successfully complete the MPS pre-requisite coursework
entering freshmen to complete their pre-pharmacy
                                                                   Maintain a 3.0 GPA in the undergraduate program and
coursework and PharmD in an accelerated time frame if they             be in good standing each semester
meet specific criteria. Students accepted into a BS to             Participate in at least one MPS activity per year while
PharmD pathway option will begin their program of study in             attending CHS
the College of Health Sciences (CNUCHS) undergraduate              Submit a primary application to the MPS program
program towards obtaining their BS degree while                    Submit a supplemental application to the MPS Office of
completing all prerequisite academic coursework. These                 Admission
students will work closely with the CNUCHS pre-health              Successfully complete the MPS admission interview
advisors to ensure completion of all the required criteria and
academic course prerequisites in order to be able to be           3+5 Bachelor of Science to Doctor of
considered for admission in our College of Pharmacy               Psychology Pathway (BS to PsyD)
(CNUCOP).                                                         The 3+5 BS to PsyD pathway offers those students
                                                                  interested in pursuing a professional degree in clinical
These students will also be required to participate in at least   psychology (PsyD) the opportunity to complete
one activity per year sponsored by CNUCOP. The CNUCOP             undergraduate education and earn a Doctor of Psychology
                                                                  (PsyD) degree in eight years. Students accepted into the 3+5
campus activity is designed to educate pre-pharmacy
                                                                  BS to PsyD pathway will begin their program of study in the
students about their future profession through community
                                                                  College of Health Sciences (CNUCHS) undergraduate
health service opportunities, specialty career exploration        program towards obtaining their BS degree while
workshops, lab experiences, and special professional              completing all prerequisite academic coursework for the
education sessions. The BS to PharmD pathways offer               Doctor in Psychology. These students will work closely with
priority acceptance to CNU PharmD program provided they           the CNUCHS pre-health advisors to ensure completion of all

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                             174 | P a g e
the required criteria and academic course prerequisites in
order to be able to be considered for admission in the CNU
College of Psychology.
Students admitted into the 3+5 BS to PsyD pathway are
required to meet the following requirements in order to be
admitted to the Doctor of Psychology at CNU:
 Successfully complete the perquisite coursework for the
 Maintain a 3.2 GPA in the undergraduate program and be
  in good academic and conduct standing each semester.
 Participate in at least one campus activity each year with
  the COPsy
 Submit an application through the centralized application
  service for graduate study in psychology (PsyCAS) and a
  supplemental application to CNUCOPsy
 Successfully complete the COPsy interview.

Pre-Med Post-Baccalaureate (PMPB)
The Pre-Med Post-Baccalaureate coursework is designed to
enhance the academic credentials and application portfolio
of students aiming for a professional degree in the health
professions. The post-baccalaureate provides a
comprehensive 1-year educational experience that includes
coursework in biomedical science and test preparation for
medical school admission (i.e., MCAT exam).

Students will complete a minimum of 27 credit hours of
advanced undergraduate coursework in the physical and
social sciences over the course of two semesters. Students
can also enroll in elective courses to engage in a community
service learning project or serve as a standardized patient in
role-play mode with medical and pharmacy students as
supervised by medical school faculty.

Topics covered in career-building workshops for medical
school admission include health professions seminars, MCAT
exam skill-building and practice testing, application
procedures (AMCAS, PHARMCAS), interview coaching, and
portfolio fine-tuning. A comprehensive letter of
recommendation will be provided for all students who
complete the program. Fall admission is open through
August 31.

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                       175 | P a g e
Admission to the College of Health Sciences
Applicant Status Definitions                                      in the health professions. The goal of the admission process
                                                                  is to identify and select applicants that have an excellent
First-Time College Student: The College of Health Sciences        chance of success, are most likely to thrive at our campus, and
(CHS) defines a first-time college student applicant as one       will enhance the university's academic and cultural
who is either currently enrolled in, or has graduated from, a     community.
high school and has not registered in a regular session at
any collegiate level institution since high school graduation.    The CHS Admissions Committee employs a holistic review,
An applicant who has completed college courses while in           relying on both quantitative and qualitative indicators, to
high school or in a summer session immediately following          admit the most qualified applicants. A holistic review tool,
high school graduation is still considered a first-time college   scoring guide and a rubric were jointly developed by the
student applicant.                                                Admissions Committee and the Assessment Committee of
                                                                  the College. The Admissions Committee reviews applications
Transfer Student: A transfer student applicant is a student       and makes admission recommendations based upon the
who has been a registered student in a regular term at a          qualifications of the applicant pool.
college, university or in college-level extension classes since
graduating from high school. A summer session attended            Admission Criteria for First-Time
immediately following high school graduation is excluded in
this definition. Transfer applicants may not disregard any of     College Student
their college records or apply for admission as a first-time      First-Time College student must have earned a high school
college student. Students with 24 or more college credits are     diploma or equivalent before registering for classes at
considered transfer students.                                     CNUCHS. Besides the high school diploma requirement, the
                                                                  Admissions Committee has established the following criteria
International Student: International student applicants are       for selecting and enrolling qualified students.
applicants with citizenship from any country other than the
                                                                    Admission Requirements for Traditional
United States of America.
Pre-Med Post-Baccalaureate (PMPB)                                   Min HS GPA                    2.70
                                                                    Min SAT (after 03/2016)*      1130
The Pre-Med Post-Baccalaureate coursework is designed to            Min ACT                       23
enhance the academic credentials and application portfolio
of students aiming for a professional degree in the health        Admission Criteria for Transfer
professions.   The     post-baccalaureate   provides     a
comprehensive 1-year educational experience that includes         Students
coursework in biomedical science and test preparation for         Transfer students are those with 24 or more transferrable
medical school admission (i.e., MCAT exam).                       college credits. Admission of transfer students requires a 2.70
                                                                  or higher in college coursework.
In order to be admitted into the Post-Baccalaureate
coursework, the applicant must show proof of have earned a          Admission Requirements for Transfer
bachelor’s degree before registering to the College. Students       Students
will complete a minimum of 27 credit hours of advanced              Min HS GPA                    2.70
undergraduate coursework in the physical and social sciences        Min SAT (after 03/2016)*      NA
over the course of two semesters. Students can also enroll in       Min ACT                       NA
elective courses to engage in a community service learning          Interview                     NA
project or serve as a standardized patient in role-play mode        *Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
with medical and pharmacy students as supervised by                 (M+ERW) **Math and Reading
medical school faculty.
                                                                  Guidelines for Evaluation of Transfer Student
Topics covered in career-building workshops for medical           Coursework
school admission include health professions seminars, MCAT        For applicants seeking to matriculate to CNUCHS as a transfer
exam skill-building and practice testing, application             student from another college or university, the following
procedures (AMCAS, PHARMCAS), interview coaching, and             general standards apply to the acceptance and award of
portfolio fine-tuning. A comprehensive letter of                  transfer credits:
recommendation will be provided for all students who              1. CNUCHS will consider transfer of credit for college-level
complete the program. Fall admission is open through August            (not remedial) courses in which the student has earned
31.                                                                    a minimum grade of “C” (2.0 = “C” Grade Point
                                                                       Equivalent) (4.00 = “A”) or higher from accredited
College Admission Criteria                                             colleges and universities.
The College offers rigorous programs seeking high school          2. A maximum of 60 credit hours will be considered for
graduates who demonstrated notable academic and co-                    transfer from regionally accredited community colleges,
curricular accomplishments, and an interest in serving society

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                             176 | P a g e
junior colleges, two-year and/or four-year colleges, and           A high school diploma (or international equivalent) with
     other accredited colleges, with the exception of certain            a minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.70 on a 4.00 scale.
     unrecognized programs.                                             Transcripts of all schools attended showing completion
3.   Acceptance of any course for transfer credit granted                of the courses shown below. If the original document is
     toward the BS is subject to evaluation of the course                not in English, please include a certified English
     topic, content, and teaching methodologies/pedagogy                 translation.
     by expert faculty in that discipline.                                     4 years of English
4.   Credit for equivalent courses and/or AP/IB exams will be                  3 years of mathematics at the level of Algebra I
     awarded from only one source toward a course                               and higher (4 years recommended)
     equivalency. CNUCHS does not award duplicate credit.                      2 years of laboratory science (3 years
     Students are advised to speak with an academic advisor                     recommended)
     to determine which course or exam credit will provide                     2 years of social science
     the greatest benefit.                                              Standardized College Entrance Exam Scores:
5.   Course credits earned at other institutions based on                      Official SAT (College Code 7669) or ACT (College
     different credit hours than used by CNUCHS are subject                     Code 7032) dates taken and scores
     to conversion and possible decrease in credit hour                        The College of Health Sciences may also take
     value. Transfer students are subject to the same                           into account the following when considering
     graduation requirements as CNUCHS for the B.S.
     degree.                                                         Applicants whose native language is not English must provide
6.   The CHS cumulative grade point average (GPA) is based                evidence of English language proficiency by submitting
     solely upon coursework taken at CNU.                                 test scores from one of the following:
                                                                         Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL):
Types of Transfer Credits NOT Accepted by CNU:                            minimum 510 paper/88iBT
     Courses in which the student earned below “C” (2.0 =               International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
      Grade Point Equivalent) (4.0 = “A”) as the final grade              (Academic): minimum 6.5
     Credit awarded by post-secondary schools in the
      United States that lack candidate status or are not            Applicants must have the test score sent directly to the
      accredited by a regional accrediting association               College of Health Sciences at:
     Credit awarded by post-secondary schools for life                 International Undergraduate Admissions
      experience                                                        College of Health Sciences
     Credit awarded by post-secondary schools for                      California Northstate University
      courses taken at non-collegiate institutions and                  2910 Prospect Park Drive
      society workshops (e.g., governmental agencies,                   Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
      corporations, industrial firms, etc.)
     Credit awarded by postsecondary schools for                    TOEFL: The official TOEFL score report can be sent directly to
      noncredit courses, workshops, and seminars offered             CNUCHS from the Educational Testing Service. For
      by other postsecondary schools as part of continuing           information about this test and registration procedures,
      education programs                                             contact ETS at PO Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541‐6151, USA
                                                                     or visit
Admission Criteria for International
Students                                                             IELTS: For information about this test and registration
                                                                     procedures, contact the IELTS Office, University of Cambridge
California Northstate University accepts applications from           Local Examination Syndicate, 1 Hills Road, Cambridge/CB1
graduates of foreign institutions. California.                       2EU, UK or visit

Transcripts and coursework from foreign institutions must be         Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
evaluated by WES, ECE or IERF. Evaluations must be sent
directly to the College of Health Sciences Admissions Office,        (BSHS)
PharmCAS (for COP), AMCAS (for COM) and must include                    High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education
semester units and letter grades for each course, as well as a           Development certificate, a California High School
cumulative GPA and, if possible, a science GPA. If accepted,             Proficiency Examination certificate, other official
the applicant must provide an official copy of their transcript          completion documentation recognized by the state of
directly to the Office of Admission. If a copy of their official         California) before entering the program.
transcript is not received prior to the start of school, the offer      Overall GPA of 2.7 (on a 4.0 scale) and completion of the
of admission will be revoked and the seat will be offered to             following classes with a grade of C or better
another candidate.                                                             4 years of English
                                                                               3 years of mathematics (4 recommended)
Applicants who receive their degree from a non-English                         2 years of natural science (3 recommended)
speaking country will be requested to submit scores from the                   2 years of social sciences
TOEFL Examination or the TSE. This will not apply, if an                       2 years of a language other than English
additional degree is obtained at a U.S. institution.                    Standardized Test Scores:
   A completed California Northstate University College of                    March 2017 and later SAT: 1130 or higher. Pre-
    Health Science (CNUCHS) Application Form CHS                                March 2017 SAT: 1050 or higher.

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                                177 | P a g e
-     Math and Chemistry subject area tests are    3+4 BS to MD Pathway
                    highly recommended.
            ACT Composite 23 or higher                              Admission Requirements for 3+4 BS-MD
    Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of              Min HS GPA                  3.60
     service activities in the community and/or school,              Min SAT (after 3/2016)      1350
     employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-           Min ACT                     29
     curricular accomplishments.                                     Interview                   NA
    Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that
     students take the time to consult different resources,          High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education
     like their high school counselor, before writing the             Development certificate, a California High School
     personal statement. The personal statement is an                 Proficiency Examination certificate, other official
     important component of the selection process.                    completion documentation recognized by the state of
                                                                      California) before entering the program in the fall
Bachelor of Science and Doctor of                                     semester.
Medicine Pathways (BS to MD)                                         Overall high school GPA of 3.60 or higher (on a 4.0
                                                                      scale) as well as completion of the following courses
These are pathways to the College of Medicine at California
                                                                      with a grade of C or better:
Northstate University. Please, note: Pathways are not
                                                                             4 years of English
programs and admission to CNU College of Medicine is not
                                                                             3 years of mathematics (4 recommended)
guaranteed. In the 2+ and 3+ pathways, students can
                                                                             2 years of natural science (3 recommended)
complete the Bachelor of Science and MD degrees in six and
                                                                             2 years of social sciences
seven years, respectively, rather than the traditional eight
                                                                             2 years of a language other than English
years. Students in these pathways must meet the Technical
                                                                     Standardized Test Scores:
Standards described on page 31.
                                                                             March 2017 and later SAT: 1350 or higher; Pre-
                                                                              March 2017 SAT: 1290 or higher.
2+4 BS to MD Pathway                                                             -   Math and Chemistry subject area tests are
    Admission Requirements for 2+4 BS-MD                                             highly recommended.
    Min HS GPA                 3.75                                          ACT Composite 29 or higher
    Min SAT (after 3/2016)     1400                                  Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of
    Min ACT                    31                                     service activities in the community and/or school,
                                                                      employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-
    Interview                  Required
                                                                      curricular accomplishments.
                                                                     Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that
    High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education
                                                                      students take the time to consult different resources,
     Development certificate, a California High School
                                                                      like their high school counselor, before writing the
     Proficiency Examination certificate, other official
                                                                      personal statement. The personal statement is an
     completion documentation recognized by the state of
                                                                      important component of the selection process.
     California) before entering the program in the fall
                                                                     An interview is required and may occur in-person, on
                                                                      the phone, or through video.
    Overall high school GPA of 3.75 or higher (on a 4.0
     scale) as well as completion of the following courses       4+4 BS to MD Pathway
     with a grade of C or better:
            4 years of English                                      Admission Requirements for 4+4 BS-MD
            3 years of mathematics (4 recommended)                  Min HS GPA                  3.50
            2 years of natural science (3 recommended)              Min SAT (after 3/2017)      1250
            2 years of social sciences                              Min ACT                     26
            2 years of a language other than English                Interview                   NA
    Standardized Test Scores:
            March 2017 and later SAT: 1400 or higher; Pre-          High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education
             March 2017 SAT: 1360 or higher.                          Development certificate, a California High School
                -    Math and Chemistry subject area tests are        Proficiency Examination certificate, other official
                     highly recommended.                              completion documentation recognized by the state of
            ACT Composite 31 or higher                               California) before entering the program in the fall
    Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of               semester.
     service activities in the community and/or school,              Overall high school GPA of 3.50 or higher (on a 4.0
     employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-            scale) as well as completion of the following courses
     curricular accomplishments.                                      with a grade of C or better:
    Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that                          4 years of English
     students take the time to consult different resources,                  3 years of mathematics (4 recommended)
     like their high school counselor, before writing the                    2 years of natural science (3 recommended)
     personal statement. The personal statement is an                        2 years of social sciences
     important component of the selection process.                           2 years of a language other than English
    An interview is required and may occur in-person, on            Standardized Test Scores:
     the phone, or through video.

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                           178 | P a g e
     March 2017 and later SAT: 1250 or higher. Pre-          Overall high school GPA of 3.20 or higher (on a 4.0
             March 2017 SAT: 1290 or higher.                          scale) as well as the following courses passed with a
                -   Math and Chemistry subject area tests are         grade of C or better:
                    highly recommended.                                      4 years of English
            ACT Composite 26 or higher                                      3 years of mathematics (4 recommended)
    Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of                      2 years of natural science (3 recommended)
     service activities in the community and/or school,                      2 years of social sciences
     employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-                   2 years of a language other than English
     curricular accomplishments.                                     Standardized Test Scores:
    Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that                          March 2017 and later SAT: 1290 or higher; Pre-
     students take the time to consult different resources,                   March 2017 SAT: 1200 or higher.
     like their high school counselor, before writing the                    ACT Composite 27 or higher
     personal statement. The personal statement is an                Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of
     important component of the selection process.                    service activities in the community and/or school,
    An interview is required and may occur in-person, on             employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-
     the phone, or through video.                                     curricular accomplishments.
                                                                     Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that
BS to MD Progression Requirements                                     students take the time to consult different resources,
                                                                      like their high school counselor, before writing the
           Criteria                  All Pathways                     personal statement. The personal statement is an
                                                                      important component of the selection process.
 Min Prog GPA                            3.50
                                                                 3+4 BS to PharmD
 Min Prog MCAT                           510                         High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education
                                                                      Development certificate, a California High School
 Professional Activity                1 per year                      Proficiency Examination certificate, other official
                                                                      completion documentation recognized by the state of
 Interview                            Required                        California) before entering the program in the fall
                                                                     Overall high school GPA of 3.00 or higher (on a 4.0
 Supplemental                                                         scale) as well as the following courses passed with a
 Application                                                          grade of C or better:
                                                                             4 years of English
 Bachelor's degree is NOT required for admission to COM                      3 years of mathematics (4 years recommended)
 or COP                                                                      2 years of natural science (3 recommended)
                                                                             2 years of social sciences
                                                                             2 years of a language other than English
Bachelor of Science and Doctor of                                    Standardized Test Scores:
Pharmacy (BS to PharmD)                                                      March 2017 and later SAT: 1190 or higher. Pre-
                                                                              March 2017 SAT: 1100 or higher.
These are pathways to the College of Pharmacy at California
                                                                             ACT Composite 25 or higher
Northstate University. In the 2+ and 3+ pathways, students
                                                                     Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of
can complete the Bachelor of Science and PharmD degrees in
                                                                      service activities in the community and/or school,
six and seven years, respectively, rather than the traditional
                                                                      employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-
eight years
                                                                      curricular accomplishments.
    Admission Requirements for BS-PharmD Programs                    Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that
                             2+4 BS-     3+4 BS-                      students take the time to consult different resources,
                             PharmD      PharmD                       like their high school counselor, before writing the
    Min HS GPA               3.20        3.00                         personal statement. The personal statement is an
    Min SAT (after 03/2017)* 1290        1190                         important component of the selection process.
    Min ACT                  27          25
    *Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing                 BS to PharmD Progression Requirements
    (M+ERW) **Math and Reading                                       Progression Requirements for BS-PharmD
2+4 BS-PharmD                                                                         2+4 BS-
    High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education                           PharmD             3+4 BS-PharmD
     Development certificate, a California High School               Min Prog GPA     3.00               3.00
     Proficiency Examination certificate, other official             Prof Activity    1 per year         1 per year
     completion documentation recognized by the state of             Interview        Required           Required
     California) before entering the program in the fall             Supp App         Required           Required
     semester.                                                       Bachelor's degree NOT required for admission to COM
                                                                     or COP

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                           179 | P a g e
Bachelor of Science to Doctor of                                      Bachelor of Science to Master of
Psychology (3+5 BS to PsyD)                                           Pharmaceutical Sciences (3+2 BS to
In the 3+5 BS to PsyD pathway students complete the                   MPS)
Bachelor of Science and PsyD degrees in eight years.
                                                                      In the 3+2 BS to MPS pathway students complete the
Admission Requirements for BS-PsyD Pathway                            Bachelor of Science and MPS degrees in five years.
                                                                      Admission Requirements for BS-MPS Pathway
                                              3+5 BS to PsyD
                                                                                                                     3+2 BS to MPS
Min HS GPA                                    3.50
                                                                      Min HS GPA                                     3.00
Min SAT (after 03/2017)*                      1250
                                                                      Min SAT (after 03/2017)*                       1190
Min ACT                                       26
                                                                      Min ACT                                        24
*Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (M+ERW)
**Math and Reading                                                    *Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (M+ERW)
                                                                      **Math and Reading
        High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education               High school diploma or equivalent (a General Education
         Development certificate, a California High School                     Development certificate, a California High School
         Proficiency Examination certificate, other official                   Proficiency Examination certificate, other official
         completion documentation recognized by the state of                   completion documentation recognized by the state of
         California) before entering the program in the fall                   California) before entering the program in the fall
         semester.                                                             semester.
        Overall high school GPA of 3.50 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)           Overall high school GPA of 3.00 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
         as well as the following courses passed with a grade of               as well as the following courses passed with a grade of
         C or better:                                                          C or better:
          ▪ 4 years of English                                                  ▪ 4 years of English
          ▪ 3 years of mathematics (4 recommended)                              ▪ 3 years of mathematics (4 recommended)
          ▪ 2 years of natural science (3 recommended)                          ▪ 2 years of natural science (3 recommended)
          ▪ 2 years of social sciences                                          ▪ 2 years of social sciences
          ▪ 2 years of a language other than English                            ▪ 2 years of a language other than English
       Standardized Test Scores:                                            Standardized Test Scores:
          ▪ March 2017 and later SAT: 1250 or higher; Pre-                      ▪ March 2017 and later SAT: 1190 or higher; Pre-
               March 2017 SAT: 1200 or higher.                                       March 2017 SAT: 1200 or higher.
          ▪ ACT Composite 26 or higher                                          ▪ ACT Composite 24 or higher
       Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of                   Extra-Curricular Accomplishments: Demonstration of
        service activities in the community and/or school,                    service activities in the community and/or school,
        employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-                 employment, athletic accomplishments, or other extra-
        curricular accomplishments.                                           curricular accomplishments.
       Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that                       Personal Statement: CHS highly recommends that
        students take the time to consult different resources, like           students take the time to consult different resources, like
        their high school counselor, before writing the personal              their high school counselor, before writing the personal
        statement. The personal statement is an important                     statement. The personal statement is an important
        component of the selection process.                                   component of the selection process.

BS to PsyD Progression Requirements                                   BS to MPS Progression Requirements
                                                                                                                 3+2 BS to MPS
                                           3+5 BS to PsyD
                                                                      Min Prog GPA                               3.20
Min Prog GPA                               3.00
                                                                      Professional Activity                      1 per year
Professional Activity                      1 per year
                                                                      Interview                                  Required
Interview                                  Required
                                                                      Primary and Suppl Application              Required
Supplemental Application                   Requried
                                                                      Bachelor's degree NOT required for admission to the
Bachelor's degree NOT required for admission to the                   College of Psychology
College of Psychology

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                                     180 | P a g e
Advanced Placement (AP) &                                           Students are required to submit official test scores for AP and
                                                                    IB courses directly from the testing agency in order to receive
International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit                             consideration for course credit. The Registrar’s Office will
Evaluation Policy                                                   evaluate the AP and IB credits and grant credit to students
                                                                    based on the attached tables.
For students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Health
Sciences, the College of Health Sciences awards credit
                                                                    While some graduate and professional schools accept AP and
according to the following guidelines:
1. CNUCHS will accept AP test scores of 3, 4, or 5 for most         IB courses to satisfy admissions requirements pertaining to
exams; and IB test scores of 5, 6, or 7 for most exams. Credit      course subject preparation, many do not. Undergraduate
hours for AP and IB courses will appear on the student’s            students planning to apply to graduate or professional
transcript. Credits for AP and IB courses will not be used in the   schools are advised to carefully research admission
calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA) noted on the           requirements before deciding to use AP/IB credits to opt out
CNUCHS transcript.                                                  of required college courses. CHS is prepared to award course
2. A maximum of 60 course credit hours from AP, IB, and/or          credit hours based on the equivalency table in CHS3202
other institutions can be transferred to CNUCHS.                    Appendix A Advanced Placement and International
3. Duplicate credit will not be awarded for equivalent AP/IB
                                                                    Baccalaureate Credit Evaluation Chart.
test scores or transfer courses.
AP/IB Transfer Credit Tables
Note: the below AP/IB table is subject to change without notice. Questions regarding applicability of credit should be directed to
CHS Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

 List of AP courses from:
           Examination                   Score     Credit      Equivalency                                GE Area
 Art: Art History                      3, 4, or 5     3     ARMU 110                         Liberal Arts: Fine Art
 Biology                                4 or 5        3     General Elective
 Chemistry                              4 or 5        3     General Elective
 Economics: Macroeconomics             3, 4 or 5      3     ECON 110                         Liberal Arts: Social Science
 Economics: Microeconomics             3, 4 or 5      3     ECON 120                         Liberal Arts: Social Science
                                                            ENGL 110 or                      Written Communication
 English: Language/Composition         3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
                                                            ENGL 110 or                      Written Communication
 English: Literature/Composition       3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Environmental Science                 3, 4 or 5      3     Biology Elective
 Comparative Govnm/Politics            3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 U.S. Government/Politics              3, 4 or 5      3     GOVT 110                         Liberal Arts: Social Science
 History: European                     3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 History: U.S.                         3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 History: World                        3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Human Geography                       3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Chinese Language/Culture              3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 French Language                       3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 French Literature                     3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Japanese Language/Culture             3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Latin                                 3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Spanish Language                      3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Spanish Literature                    3, 4 or 5      3     General Elective
 Math: Calculus AB/AB subscore         4 or 5         3     General Elective
 Math: Calculus BC                     4 or 5         3     General Elective
 Physics AP 1 Mechanics                4 or 5         3     General Elective

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                               181 | P a g e
Physics AP 2 Electricity and
 Physics AP Mechanics C                      4 or 5            3       General Elective
 Physics AP Electr/Magnet C                  4 or 5            3       General Elective
 Psychology                                  4 or 5            3       PSYC 110                 Liberal Arts: Social Science
 Statistics                                  3, 4 or 5         3       General Elective
* No credit is awarded if the language is the student’s native language. For tests not listed, scores will be evaluated independently.

 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma/Certificate
           Examination*        Score      Credit Equivalency                               GE Area
 Art/Design                    5, 6, or 7 3        ARMU 110                                Liberal Arts: Fine Art
 Biology                                 5,6, or 7        3          General Elective
 Business and Management                 5, 6, or 7       3          General Elective
 Chemistry                               5,6 or 7         3          General Elective
 Classical Languages (Latin)             5, 6, or 7       3          General Elective
                                                                     ECON 110 or      Liberal Arts: Social Science
 Economics                               5, 6, or 7       3          ECON120
                                                                                      Written Communication
 English A                               5, 6, or 7       3          ENGL 110
 English B                               credit           0          None
 Geography                               5, 6, or 7       3          General Elective
 History—American                        5, 6, or 7       3          General Elective
 History—East and Southeast
 and Oceania                             5, 6, or 7       3          General Elective
 History—European                        5, 6, or 7       3          General Elective
                                                                                      Scientific Inquiry and
 Mathematics                             5,6, or 7        3          General Elective Quantitative         Inquiry:
 Music                                   5, 6, or 7       3          ARMU 120         Liberal Arts: Fine Art
 Modern Languages                        5, 6, or 7       3          General Elective

 Physics                            5,6, or 7    3      General Elective
 Psychology                         5, 6, or 7   3      PSYC 110         Liberal Arts: Social Science
 Social and Cultural
 Anthropology                       5, 6, or 7   3      General Elective
 Theatre                            5, 6, or 7   3      General Elective Liberal Arts: Fine Art
 Visual Arts                        5, 6, or 7   3      General Elective Liberal Arts: Fine Art
 * No credit is awarded if the language is the student’s native language.
 For tests not listed, scores will be evaluated independently.
 List of IB curriculum from:

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                                   182 | P a g e
   1 Semester or 2 quarters of Mathematics,
                                                                    including calculus and statistics
Pre-Medical Post-Baccalaureate                                 Other Recommended Courses:
(PMPB)                                                              Social sciences
                                                                    Behavioral sciences
California Northstate University (CNU) offers a Pre-                Languages
Medical Post-Baccalaureate (PMPB) program for                       Anatomy
students aiming for an advanced degree in the health                Physiology
professions. This comprehensive learning experience                 Biochemistry
prepares students for admission to professional health              Microbiology
schools. In order to be admitted into the Post-                     Immunology
Baccalaureate coursework, the applicant must show
proof of have earned a bachelor’s degree before             PMPB Progression Requirements
registering to the College.
                                                              Progression Requirements for PMPB
The PMPB is a one year program and is suited for                                   Medicine SP19 Pharmacy
students interested in enhancing their knowledge and                               and later        SP19 and later
GPA in the natural and social sciences and/or in              Min Prog GPA         3.50             3.00
increasing their MCAT score. Students must have               Min Prog MCAT        508              NA
already completed all pre-requisites for admissions to        Prof Activity        Rec.             Rec.
a professional health school (Medicine, Pharmacy, etc.).      Interview            Required         Required
                                                              Supp App             Required         Required
MCAT Review: Intensive MCAT Review is offered in the        When completing the PMPB coursework, students are
summer via a partnership with Kaplan, Inc. Students         equipped with sharpened critical thinking, writing,
may opt out of the summer review class after                interview skills, and a more robust, competitive
consultation with an advisor at CHS.                        application portfolio.

The PMPB program is offered in a collaborative and          The PMPB offers the following bonuses:
supportive environment of the CHS. It also provides
students with significant career development                Pre-Med Post-Baccalaureate Bonus: After successfully
counselling,     intercultural awareness        and         completing the PMPB coursework, each student’s
communication, and opportunities to interact with           faculty advisor will write a comprehensive letter of
faculty from CNU’s Colleges of Medicine (COM)               recommendation for qualified students who wish to
Pharmacy (COP).                                             apply to professional school.

    Admission Requirements                                  Medical School Bonus: Students who successfully
                          Medicine-SU19                     complete the PMPB coursework and MCAT score, as
                          and later                         shown below, will be guaranteed a Medical College
    Min Overall GPA       3.20               2.60           Application Services (AMCAS) interview with the CNU
    Min BCPM* GPA         3.00               NA**           College of Medicine (COM), upon meeting the
    Interview             Required           NA             benchmarks of 3.5 GPA and 508 MCAT score
    *Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math (Calculus and
    Statistics)                                             Pharmacy School Bonus: Students who successfully
    **Min. Science GPA = 2.60                               complete the PMPB coursework with a minimum GPA
                                                            of 2.60 will be guaranteed a Pharmacy College
      Minimum Requirements: The PMPB requires a            Application Services (PHARMCAS) interview with CNU
       baccalaureate degree from a U.S.-regionally          College of Pharmacy.
       accredited four-year institution or a non-U.S.
       equivalent institution. Required minimum             Technical Standards
       coursework is:                                       The Technical Standards describe the essential abilities
          2 semesters, 3 quarters or 1 year of English     required of BS-MD and PMPB candidates pursing a
          2 semesters, 3 quarters or 1 year of Biology     professional medical degree.
           with laboratory                                   Reasonable accommodation in achievement of
          2 semesters, 3 quarters or 1 year of Inorganic       the standards is defined under U.S. federal
           (General) Chemistry with laboratory                  statutes applied to individuals with disabilities.
          2 semesters, 3 quarters or 1 year of Organic         Such accommodations are intended to support
           Chemistry with laboratory                            the successful completion of all components of
          2 semesters, 3 quarters or 1 year of Physics         the MD degree.
           with laboratory

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                            183 | P a g e
    Standards in five areas must be met by all                    Understand the legal and ethical aspects of the
     candidates: Observation, Communication, Motor                  practice of medicine.
     Function, Cognitive, and Professional.                        Remain fully alert and attentive at all times in
1. Observation:                                                     clinical settings.
      Observe demonstrations and participate in             5. Professionalism
       experiments in the basic sciences                           Demonstrate the judgment and emotional
      Observe patients at a distance and close at                  stability required for full use of their intellectual
       hand.                                                        abilities.
      Demonstrate sufficient use of the senses of                 Possess the perseverance, diligence, and
       vision, hearing, and smell and the somatic                   consistency to complete the Pre-Med Post-
       sensation necessary to perform a physical                    Baccalaureate curriculum and prepare to enter
       examination.                                                 the independent practice of medicine.
      Integrate findings based on these observations              Exercise good judgment in the diagnosis and
       and to develop an appropriate diagnostic and                 treatment of patients.
       treatment plan.                                             Complete all responsibilities attendant to the
2. Communication                                                    diagnosis and care of patients within
      Communicate in verbal and written form with                  established timelines.
       health care professionals and patients,                     Function within both the law and ethical
       including eliciting a complete medical history               standards of the medical profession.
       and recording information regarding patients’               Work effectively and professionally as part of
       conditions.                                                  the health care team.
      Perceive relevant non-verbal communications                 Relate to patients, their families, and health
       such as changes in mood, activity, and posture               care personnel in a sensitive and professional
       as part of a physical examination of a patient.              manner.
      Establish therapeutic relationships with                    Participate effectively in physically taxing duties
       patients.                                                    over long work hours, function effectively
      Demonstrate reading skills at a level sufficient             under stress, and display flexibility and
       to individually accomplish curricular                        adaptability to changing and uncertain
       requirements and provide clinical care for                   environments.
       patients using written information.                         Maintain regular, reliable, and punctual
3. Motor Function                                                   attendance for classes and clinical
      Perform physical examinations and diagnostic                 responsibilities.
       procedures, using such techniques as                        Contribute to collaborative, constructive
       inspection, percussion, palpation, and                       learning environments, accept constructive
       auscultation.                                                feedback from others, and respond with
      Complete routine invasive procedures as part                 appropriate modification.
       of training, under supervision, using universal
       precautions without substantial risk of infection     Student Enrollment Agreement
       to patients.                                          The Student Enrollment Agreement must be
      Perform basic laboratory tests and evaluate           completed and submitted to the college in order to
       routine diagnostic tools such as EKGs and X-          show intent to enroll in the program. The Student
       rays.                                                 Enrollment Agreement is a legally binding contract
      Respond in emergency situations to provide            when it is signed by the incoming student and
       the level of care reasonably required of              accepted by the institution.
      Participate effectively in physically taxing duties   By signing the Enrollment Agreement, the student is
       over long hours and complete timed                    acknowledging that the catalog, disclosures, and
       demonstrations of skills.                             information located on the website have been made
4. Cognitive                                                 available to the student to read and review.
      Measure, calculate, analyze, synthesize,
       extrapolate, and reach diagnostic and                 Any questions or concerns regarding the Student
       therapeutic judgments.                                Enrollment Agreement should be directed to the
      Recognize and draw conclusions about three-           college or university department.
       dimensional spatial relationships and logical
       sequential relationships among events.                Catalog, Performance Fact Sheet,
      Formulate and test hypotheses that enable
       effective and timely problem-solving in               and Website
       diagnosis and treatment of patients in a variety      Before signing the Student Enrollment Agreement, the
       of clinical modalities.                               prospective student is strongly urged to visit the
                                                             University and College website at, and
COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                                184 | P a g e
You can also read