In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...

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In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
MAR/ APR 2018 VOL 6 (S2)

In this issue:
Views of East Prussia
Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes
Pro-independence P.R. in 1919–22
USAF Lt. Col. and Physician Banionis
Babka: The Easter Queen
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...

    The late Prof. Kazys Almenas, nuclear physicist, engineer, and essayist,
     exploring the ruins of a church in Gross Ottenhagen in East Prussia,
                      now part of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
Volume 6, Number S2
Mar / Apr 2018

Views of East Prussia by Romanas Borisovas                               6
by Kazys Almenas
The paintings cover a period when cataclysmic change swept over East
Prussia, a time when the cultural heritage of an entire historical era
was being mercilessly destroyed.

Antanas Nori Būti Ore – Gustaitis and ANBO                              11
by Mindaugas Sereičikas
During his years in the Lithuanian Air Force, Antanas Gustaitis built
and made trial flights in 9 different types of ANBO planes. They became
one of the best-known symbols of nationhood in Lithuania in the years
before the Second World War.                                                                                    page 6

Opposites                                                              15
by Constantine K. Kliorys
I lectured in Lithuania both behind the Iron Curtain and after it was
lifted. Luckily mathematics is the same, 2 + 2 is still 4 for both com-
munists and capitalists. Most other things are different.

P.R. in the Fight for Lithuania’s Independence                          18
by Eric Sibul
In order to change this situation, and to influence the American government
to support de jure recognition of Lithuanian independence, Lithuanian
Americans enlisted the assistance two of the foremost pioneers in the
fields of public relations, public opinion, and propaganda, Edward Bernays
and Carl Byoir.

USAF Lt. Col. and Physician, Arūnas Banionis                           21
by Henry L. Gaidis
Since Dr. Banionis is not the kind of person who brags about his ex-
ploits, a guy like myself has to do it for him.                                                                page 11
Babka: The Easter Queen                                                 25
by Ona Daugirdienė
Velykų boba, or what many of us call babka, is one of the most traditional
cakes baked at this time and without a doubt, the queen of the Easter

Cover Credits:
FRONT COVER: East Prussian ruin (R. Borisovas)
BACK COVER: Baby foxes in spring (V. Knyva)
INSIDE FRONT COVER: K. Almenas in Prussia. (R. Borisovas)
INSIDE BACK COVER: Shrove Tuesday girl monsters. (shutterstock, MNStudio)
                                                                                                               page 25

                                                                              March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE   1
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
Those magnificent men in their flying

            as a British comedy set in 1910, replete with antics surrounding                        Lithuanian Catholic Press Society
            a fictional London to Paris air race. The first part of the 20th                                  Chicago, IL
            century was a time when planes were a source of awe and in-                                          EDITOR
spiration, as evidenced by the symbolic power of the transatlantic flights
of Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas in 1933, and of Feliksas Vaitkus
                                                                                                              Jonas Daugirdas

two years later. In the January 2015 LH, Henry Gaidis described the ad-                                  ASSOCIATE EDITOR
ventures of World War I flying ace Vytautas Graičiūnas. In the January
2016 issue (“Gliders on the Dunes”), Mindaugas Sereičikas recounted
                                                                                                            Ona Daugirdienė

the exploits of Lithuanian Air Force pilots using gliders launched from
sand dunes for training as well as fun. In the present issue, Sereičikas                          Wondering about your Estate Plan?
writes about a unique individual whose engineering prowess did much
                                                                                                  Remember the Draugas Foundation and
to advance Lithuanian Air Force readiness during the interwar years. His                          assure the future of our Lithuanian-Amer-
name was Antanas Gustaitis, and his ANBO series of plane designs was                              ican Press. Since 1992, the Foundation has
internationally recognized and renowned. In another story in this issue,                          served to sustain the Lithuanian language
Gaidis writes about a Lithuanian American U.S. Air Force Lt. Colonel,                             Draugas and now comes to the aid of
Arūnas Banionis, who was inspired by these aviation heroes from an                                Draugas News and Lithuanian Heritage as
earlier time.                                                                                     well. Over the years, it has supported capi-
                                                                                                  tal improvements and invested in printing
     The centenary celebration of Lithuania’s declaration of independence                         hardware and computers. When times
on February 16, 1918 continues, and Eric Sibul tells us how Lithuanian                            were especially rough, it helped to pay op-
Americans pulled off a remarkable feat – getting the U.S. Congress and                            erating expenses. The Draugas Foundation
President to officially recognize the three Baltic nations as fully inde-                         is our lifeline and guarantor of the future
pendent countries in 1922. To achieve that goal, state-of-the-art public                          of Draugas’s unique set of publications.
relations methods were used, and our grandparents called up two of the                            For the Draugas Foundation to fulfill its
nation’s premier experts in the field of P.R. (one of whom would earn                             mission, it needs your support and in-
the title of “The Father of Public Relations”).                                                   volvement. A few legacy gifts of moderate
     The importance of fighting for one’s freedom and cultural identity                           size will ensure the health of Draugas
                                                                                                  News, Draugas, and Lithuanian Heritage
is brought home by the realization that such struggles are not uniformly
                                                                                                  for years to come.
successful. The fate of the Prussian nation comes to mind, as poignantly
recounted by the late Professor Kazys Almenas, and illustrated by the                             All donations are tax deductible. The
beautiful watercolors of Romanas Borisovas, whose work enhances not                               Draugas Foundation (http://www.draugo-
only the pages of Almenas’ article, but also the cover of the current                    is a charitable, 501(c)(3)
                                                                                                  organization. You can write the foundation
issue of LH.                                                                                      into your will by specifying: “Draugas
     Some of us who are older had the opportunity to visit Lithuania                              Foundation,” EIN number: 36-3916303.
while it was under Soviet occupation, and can compare what we saw                                 For questions, please call: Marija Remiene,
then with how we experienced the country after independence. Con-                                 President, Draugas Foundation,
stantine Kliorys, Professor of Management at Gannon University, re-                               tel. 773-585-9500.
members his brief sabbaticals in Lithuania during both periods, and re-
minds us how different things were, using restaurants as an example.

     Jonas Daugirdas, Editor

Lithuanian Heritage is published by the Lithuanian Catholic Press Society (DRAUGAS), 4545 W.
63rd Street, Chicago, IL 60629-5532. Lithuanian Heritage is available as a bimonthly (six times
per year) supplement to Draugas News ( Please consult our
website or the back page of this magazine for subscription information. Copyright 2018 by the
Lithuanian Catholic Press Society.

2   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE           March / April 2018
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
able manner, allowing our readers
                                                                                  to easily go back and find their fa-
Heritage                                                                          vorite stories. When people write for
                                                                                  one of our newspapers, their con-
       Mailbox                                                                    tributions will remain accessible. For
                                                                                  example, I’ve been very impressed
                                                                                  with articles I’ve been reading from
                                                                                  the Draugas cultural supplement,
                                         of Draugas News / Lithuanian Her-        Mokslas, Menas, ir Literatūra, which
                                         itage magazine. Thank you for mak-
Suggestions for the annual printed
                                                                                  began in 1949, and which continues
    I would like to see a calendar of    ing it available to those of us of
                                                                                  to this day as Kultūra.
Lithuanian costumes and the regions      Lithuanian heritage who unfortu-
to which they belong. I saw one in       nately cannot speak the language.
Lithuania but could not find one for     Have taken classes when available,
myself.                                  but they never lasted long enough.
    Thank you,                               Frances Petkus
    Mary Ann Lariviere                       Dayton, Ohio
    Waterbury, Connecticut
                                             To Mary Ann: Great idea for
                                         Editor’s responses:

                                         the calendar and we’ll keep it in
Lithuanian Heritage as a Christ-

    Dear Draugas: (translated from       mind. In the meantime, I found this
mas present

Lithuanian): We’re sending along our     on the Web:
subscription renewals to Lithuanian      diene/llkostiumas-6116088.
Heritage, which are Christmas pres-           To Marija and Kazimieras: We
ents to our children. Wish you all       really appreciate your idea of giving
the best. We all value your efforts      subscriptions to Lithuanian Heritage
highly and are grateful for them.        to your children for Christmas. Too
    Marija and Kazimieras                often, Christmas gifts turn out to
    Marcinkevicius                       have little lasting meaning, and we
    Chagrin Falls, Ohio                  at Draugas believe that gifting sub-     Hanging apple cheese.
                                         scriptions is an important way of
                                         not only increasing our subscriber
     Dear Ona and Jonas: I want to
Like the publications
                                                                                  cheese recipe from the Radvila
                                                                                       Re Rimvydas Laužikas’ apple
                                         base, but also, helping ensure that
tell you how much I and my wife          Lithuanian culture and will continue     kitchen, as described in the
enjoy receiving and reading Lithuan-     to impact our children, relatives, and   Sept/Oct 2017 issue: Ona actually
ian Heritage magazine. I appreciate                                               made this, after making a few mod-
all the work that you two are doing           To Jonas: Many thanks for the       ifications to the original instructions.
as associate editor and editor. I rec-   kind words, and thanks also for your     She added hazelnuts (and, in re-
ommend all Lithuanians and those         generous gift of $1,000 to help de-      sponse to my brilliant suggestion,
interested in Lithuania to subscribe     fray the costs of constructing the       pistacchios). You can see the results
to the English language Draugas          Draugas digital archive.                 of our (her) effort pictured above.
News and Lithuanian Heritage.
                                            To Fran: No contest that a
     Keep up the good work!              printed journal is better. However,
     John V. Prunskis, M.D.              with Draugas, we have been faced
     Knight of the Order of Merit        with slow and unreliable USPS de-          We welcome letters and comments
     Hon. Consul of Lithuania            livery, and this now is affecting even     from our readers. Please address cor-
     Dean, Aspen Consular Corps          delivery of Draugas News and
                                                                                    respondence to: Lithuanian Heritage,
                                                                                    c/o Draugas News, 4545 W 63rd St.,
                                         Lithuanian Heritage. We’re trying to       Chicago, IL 60629; Fax: 773-585-8284.
                                         have the best of both worlds, mak-
Internet is fine, but print is even
                                                                                    Include your full name, address, and
    I am from the “old school.” I        ing our publications available both
                                                                                    telephone number or email address.
want a book/newspaper in my              in print and online in PDF format,         Letters may be edited for space or
hands. I look forward to each issue      archiving these PDF files in a search-     clarity.

                                                                              March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE      3
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
of a bird, but an entire skeleton that was found locked
                                                                 in the pinesap goo. Team member Ryan McKellar of
                                                                 the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Canada, sharing
                                                                 the excitement, says, “It’s the most complete and detailed
                                                                 view we’ve ever had.” McKellar believes that the bird
                                                                 hatched on the ground, and then proceeded to move
                                                                 up into the trees. That would have made it more likely
                                                                 that it would get trapped, as is the case with the freshly
                                                                 found specimen.

                                                                 Liola    brothers
                                                                 and Neniškis win
                                                                 architecture de-
Lithuanian National Anthem being sung around the world for the   sign award.
centenary celebration. (                 The Journal of
                                                                 the American Insti-
Celebrating the centenary                                        tute of Architects or- The winning design entry. (
     A number of interesting facebook pages have been            ganized a design
documenting how Lithuanians around the world have                competition in San Francisco late last year. The category
been celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the decla-          of “Residential Architecture: Custom Home,” was won
ration of independence on February 16, 1918. Among               by an architecture studio ( from Lithuania
them is a facebook page linked to,         headed by brothers Arūnas and Rolandas Liola, and
begun in 2009, the main purpose of which appears to              Edgaras Neniškis. As described by journalist Edward
be to archive Lithuanians singing their national anthem.         Keegan, “Local firm Arches designed Valley Villa for a
                                                                 wooded site just outside Vilnius, Lithuania. The two-
                                                                 story, 4478-square-feet residence is a collision of ec-
                                                                 centric geometries, with a U-shaped base that is en-
                                                                 sconced in the sloped site supporting a V-shaped main
                                                                 living level above.”

                                                                 “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” composer
                                                                      His name was Harold Arlen, but he was born Hy-
                                                                 man Arluck, and Litvak grandparents on both sides of
                                                                 the family hailed from the Vilnius region. Harold’s father
                                                                 was a cantor in the local synagogue. While growing up,
                                                                 he wrote show music for Harlem’s “Cotton Club.” In
                                                                 1938, he was hired by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer to write
                                                                 music for the “Wizard of Oz”
                                                                 movie, and among the songs that
                                                                 he wrote was “Somewhere Over
100 million year old Cretaceous bird preserved in amber. (R.C.   the Rainbow,” for which he and lyri-
McKellar, Royal Saskatchewan Museum)
                                                                 cist E.Y. (Yip) Harburg won the
                                                                 Academy Award for Best Music.
Poor birdie!                                                     Another favorite from Harold’s
   The Canadian archeologists keep finding interesting           more than 500 composed songs is Harold Arlen, circa
once-living relics in amber from their diggings in Myan-         “That Old Black Magic,” written in 1960. (photo by Carl
mar. In this particular case, it was not only the feathers       1942 with Johnny Mercer.              Van Vechten)

4   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE      March / April 2018
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
Vilnius getting into
                                     the blockchain pro-
                                     gramming space
                                         Most people are
                                     not quite sure what
                                     blockchains        are,
                                     exactly. As described
                                     by Wikipedia, “A
                                     blockchain is a contin-
                                     uously growing list of
Building housing the new blockchain records, called blocks,
center in Vilnius (
                                     which are linked and
                                                               “Better late than never” voyagers in front of the castle at Trakai.
secured using cryptography. Each block typically con-          (
tains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a
timestamp and transaction data... By design, a blockchain      available for watching on the website, but be-
is inherently resistant to modification of the data. It is     fore granting access, the site does require that you vali-
an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions       date a link to your cable TV provider.
between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and
permanent way... Blockchain was invented by Satoshi
Nakamoto in 2008 for use in the cryptocurrency bitcoin,
as its public transaction ledger.” Recently, Antanas
Guoga, a Lithuanian businessman, poker player, politi-
cian, and philanthropist, organized the opening of
“Blockchain Centre Vilnius,” housed in the new Green
Hall 2 technology building. This not for profit center
aims to be a “catalyst for the adoption of blockchain
technology for the benefit of all,” according to the or-
ganization’s website, Guoga is a fas-
cinating person in his own right. Born in Lithuania, he        Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” anchors comment on
moved to Melbourne, Australia when he was 11 years             the Ball brothers séjour in Lithuania.
old, and later returned to found many businesses in            (
Lithuania. His blockchain center in Vilnius may serve
as a springboard to help make Vilnius a leading sector         Ball brothers training in Prienai a source of comedy
in this new technology, which can be applied not only          jabs
to cryptocurrency, but to banking, and even secure vote             LaVar Ball is an American business man and the
counting during elections. Lithuania is positioning itself     father of 3 basketball players. The eldest, Lonzo, is a
as “a gateway to Europe for Asian partners looking for         guard for the Los Angeles Lakers. Next, his second son
opportunities in blockchain driven technologies,” the          LiAngelo was enrolled as a student at UCLA and played
center’s chairman Paulius Kuncinas said in a statement.        for their team, but was suspended after he was accused
                                                               of shoplifting while on a trip to China. His youngest
“Better late than never” traveling companions visit            son, LaMelo, was a high school basketball star. Father
Lithuania                                                      LaVar pulled both sons out from their schools and de-
    As described on Wikipedia, this American reality           cided that they would benefit from basketball training
TV show aired by NBC documents the experiences of              in Europe, and for this purpose, he signed them on to
“four ‘seasoned’ North American celebrities, William           the Prienų Vytautas basketball team in Prienai, Lithuania.
Shatner, Henry Winkler, George Foreman and Terry               Due to father LaVar’s rather eccentric nature and his
Bradshaw, accompanied by younger comedian Jeff Dye,            public spat with President Trump after LiAngelo’s
as they travel overseas without luxuries, experiencing         shoplifting episode, the experience of the two Ball
new cultures and checking off their bucket lists.” They        brothers in Lithuania has become the subject of a lot
finally got around to visiting Lithuania and one of the        of amusement and satire. The above youtube link shows
moving aspects of this episode was Star Trek captain           how Saturday Night Live’s satirical news show, “Week-
William Shatner’s visit to Vilkaviškis, the hometown of        end Update,” views the situation.
his Litvak grandparents. The Lithuanian visit episode is

                                                                                  March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE      5
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
Borisovas: Views of
East Prussia
by Kazys Almenas

T       he watercolors of Romanas Borisovas are beau-
        tiful. Works of art do not require any additional
        justification. However, I am certain that after
viewing them, many will experience something more.
Let’s call it the breath of passing history, or possibly an
intimation of the vulnerability of the works of man.
The watercolors were painted during the past several
decades; the destructive effect of time and history is
their unifying thread. They cover a period when cata-
clysmic change swept over East Prussia, a time when
the cultural heritage of an entire historical era was being
mercilessly destroyed, and when a totally different his-
torical reality was to be built on its ruins.
     The setting for Borisovas’ paintings is a unique cor-           Seaside home near the Baltic sea. Watercolor, 2001.
ner of Europe, which for a long time was called East
Prussia. Periodically glaciers advanced over this territory          can see the history of this land, stretching back for
from the heights of Scandinavia. The marks left by                   many millions of years. Layers of gravel created by the
these geological events can be seen clearly on the western           debris of melted glaciers are separated by layers of sand,
shore of the Semba peninsula (just to the east of pres-              which mark millions of years when oceans covered the
ent-day Kaliningrad or Karaliaučiai), where the rolling              land. Down at the bottom, almost at the level where
hills of Semba meet the Baltic Sea. It is not a gentle               the waves beat against the precipitous face of the shore-
meeting; there is no beach; the waves hurl their full                side hills, there is a dark, tarlike layer, the remains from
force directly against the hills that impede their progress.         when the climate here was tropical and enormous conifer
Looking down their remarkably stable sheer faces, one                forests covered the region. It is this layer that has left a
                                                                     unique gift to this land. The sap that oozed from those
                                                                     trees became fossilized and the sea washed segments
                                                                     of it onto the beach, giving the region its name – “The
                                                                     Amber Shore.”
                                                                          The glaciers of the last ice age melted about 12,000
                                                                     years ago, a mere blink of the eye on the geological
                                                                     scale; human settlement followed not long thereafter.
                                                                     Evidence of the first Neolithic settlers is present from
                                                                     about 6,000 years ago, and thus antedates the pyramids
                                                                     of Egypt. Archeological evidence shows that the in-
                                                                     habitants were Balts. They evolved here through Ne-
                                                                     olithic times, to the Bronze, and subsequently, to the
                                                                     Iron Age. They had amber to trade, and did so with
                                                                     Greece, Rome, and Byzantium. After the Roman Empire
Romanas Borisovas next to his most recent work (left) and portrait   collapsed and entire nations moved across the face of
of his daughter Joana (center).                                      Europe, the Prussian Balts did not join the wandering

6   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE       March / April 2018
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
Fragment of a German church at Allenburg, Prussia. Watercolor. 2004.

throngs. Their neighbors, the Goths and the Galinds,              spreading of Christianity was just a façade; actually, the
moved; Slavs appeared in their stead. But the Baltic              movement of Christian armies to the north was moti-
tribes remained where they had first settled. They cleared        vated by the knowledge that here lands could be won
a part of the extensive forests and engaged in agriculture        and held.
and fishery, and became artisans and tradesmen.                       The following two centuries were bloody. In 1233
     The glacier-swept land they inherited was not a              the Teutonic knights, an order of armed monks with
wilderness anymore; it became desirable and attracted             origins in the Holy Land, transferred their base to Torun,
the attention of its neighbors. The Balts built numerous          Mazovia (a region in north central Poland, about 100
hill forts to defend their territory. It is at this point that
written history begins. About 1,000 years ago, missionary
Christianity reached the Baltic lands. The first meeting
was not successful. Their neighbors, the Slavs and the
Germanic peoples, had converted to Christianity a cen-
tury or so earlier, but the Baltic tribes, including the
Prussians, could not be persuaded. An additional two
hundred years passed. Enormous changes occurred in
Christian Europe during that time. Under the influence
of the Crusades to the Holy Land, the teachings of
Christ, the Prince of Peace, had become subverted.
Christianity deformed into a war-like religion; the teach-
ings of Christ were now spread by the sword. In fact,             Ruins at Kneiphof, a district of Königsberg. Watercolor. 2015.

                                                                                    March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE       7
In this issue: Views of East Prussia Antanas Gustaitis and his ANBO Planes Opposites Pro-independence P.R. in 1919-22 USAF Lt. Col. and Physician ...
miles south of Gdansk), and, aided by volunteers from           existing society, but a gradual, centuries-long coexistence
Christian Europe, began a war of conquest and con-              and eventual blending of two peoples. As a result, a
version against the Prussian tribes. It took half a century     unique Prussian ethos developed.
to conquer the Prussians, then another 150 years during              Characteristics of the monarchical system and some
which the war was prosecuted less successfully against          unique historical accidents led to the ironic development
the Lithuanians. The numerous castles which dot the             that in the 16th century, “Prussia,” the name of the
Prussian lands hark back to this time.                          conquered people, was transferred to the region of
     Until the Second World War this prolonged war              Brandenburg (surrounding current-day Berlin), and later
dominated the historical consciousness of Prussia. This         became synonymous with Germany. This changed the
was due not only to the extraordinary length of this            image of “Prussia,” and it was not a change for the bet-
conflict, but also because in the medieval context, it          ter. It is well to remember that the inhabitants of the
was a clash of civilizations. The stakes were high – for        real Prussia were not responsible for the sins committed
the Baltic peoples, losing meant not just a change of re-       in their name during the 20th century by the government
ligion but also servitude and acceptance of Germanic            in Berlin.
societal values and language. In the end the Lithuanians             Let’s return to the watercolors of Romanas Boriso-
won and maintained much of their territory and most             vas. They show the cultural heritage of the original
importantly, their identity, but the Prussians had to ac-       Prussians only indirectly. It could not be otherwise.
cept the lot of the conquered.                                  Prussian dwellings and hill fortifications were built of
     It took a long time for the conquerors and the con-        wood and vanished long ago. However, in choosing lo-
quered to meld into a new society. In conquered Prussia,        cations to be fortified, they chose well. The conquering
the Prussian language survived for four hundred years,          Teutonic knights recognized this and built their own
into the 17th century. In its northern segments Lithuan-        fortifications on the same sites. Usually they did not
ian was spoken well into the 20th century. Books were           change the name of conquered territories, or changed
published in these languages, church services held. Baltic      them only slightly; thus Balga remained Balga, Ragainė
place-names survived in slightly Germanized versions;           was changed to Ragnit, and Šakiai to Schaaken.
the legends, folk-tales, and songs of this region were a             There is not much stone to be found in the glacier-
blend of local and German traditions. It is now apparent        scraped land, so the builders of forts, churches, and
that the conquest was not a sudden destruction of the           castles used mostly bricks. This is evident in the water-

15th century church in Pobethen - Pabėčiai (Romanovo), destroyed during WWII. Watercolor. 2010

8   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE     March / April 2018
region. They show that no ties exist between the inhab-
                                                                itants who worshiped in these churches, some of them
                                                                dating back to the 13th century, and the latest conquerors
                                                                who replaced them. This time historical continuity was
                                                                severed completely.
                                                                     It is difficult to write about the fate of Prussia after
                                                                1945. The changes which took place there are so unique
                                                                that it is difficult to find a point of comparison. There
                                                                simply are no recognizable analogies. In 2003, after re-
                                                                peated visits to the region now called Kaliningrad (Kar-
                                                                aliaučiai), I tried to summarize what I saw in an article
                                                                titled “Consciousness Determines Reality.” An excerpt
                                                                     “It is ‘Kaliningrad’ not ‘Königsberg,’ which falls so
                                                                much more gently on our ears. The historical city is
A Christmas tale. Ruins of a church in Medenau, East Prussia.
Watercolor, 2009.                                               gone, now there is just ‘Kaliningrad.’ I had to face this
                                                                fact during my first visits here in the beginning of the
colors of Borisovas. In most of the depicted structures,        1990s. Not a trace was to be found of the old Königs-
brick walls dominate. They show that medieval brick             berg. When I first visited this sad city, the ruins of the
was not only a strong, but also an amazingly varied,            cathedral stood roofless, Lenin glared across the huge,
building material. Borisovas reflects this variation in a       concrete-paved ‘Victory’ square, surrounded by
truly masterful fashion. Note especially his paintings of       pompous, massive, colonnaded Soviet buildings. On the
structural elements like doorways and arches. The colors        flat roofs of seemingly endless five- storied buildings of
of the bricks vary from almost black, through various           crumbling concrete, slogans such as ‘Slava Sovietskomu
shades of red, to burnt yellow. That’s how they appear          Narodu’ (Glory To the Soviet Nation) were spread out.
in reality. These were not factory-stamped bricks; each         The huge letters made of rusting iron matched the des-
was formed individually by hand, dried in the sun and           olate gray, peeling facades of the buildings…
baked in wood-fired kilns. Subsequent centuries of sun,              “The prime example of this ‘glory’ squatted right
rain, and freezing weather altered their colors further.        in the gutted heart of old Königsberg. There, at the lo-
At the hands of a master painter, the subtle color vari-        cation where Köningsberg’s landmark castle, the defen-
ation of these bricks is represented beautifully.               sive, administrative, and cultural center of Prussia, had
      Most of the structures depicted in the watercolors        stood for 700 years, rose an uncompleted concrete mon-
are ruins. Ruins of medieval castles do not dismay us.          strosity of unique ugliness. Try to imagine a twenty-
Openings in weathered massive walls, which allow a              story high structure of bare gray concrete; rows of
view into a stark interior, arches which support no roof,       empty, glassless windows, and strange concrete protru-
partially collapsed towers – all of that seems almost           sions. It squatted among piles of abandoned structural
natural. Castles have long ago lost their function; their       elements, garbage, and weeds, surrounded by a weath-
ruins mark the relentless passage of time. But look             ered wooden fence marred by scatological graffiti. Those
again. Many of the ruins documented in these water-             who have seen the ‘Building of the Soviets’ know that
colors are the remains of churches! Not only churches           my description of it is inadequate. Before giving up its
in the large towns which were bombed during the war,            ghost, the Soviet system built a monument to its impo-
but in small villages, like Tarava, Lapynai, Pavandenė,         tence…
and Obeliškiai, which survived the war intact. Borisovas             “It was still like that five years ago. At that time the
recorded what he saw over several decades, thus the             first supermarkets had been built in Lithuania, pizza
presented view is a glimpse not of what is, but what            was replacing shashliks, and many facades of the Vilnius
was. In the course of these decades, destruction pro-           Old Town were gleaming with new paint. In comparison,
ceeded apace, and some of the depicted church towers            Kaliningrad appeared even bleaker than during earlier
are now just piles of rubble.                                   visits. German funds were slowly restoring the cathedral,
      That is the painful component of Borisovas’ work;         and the cleansed ancient brickwork contrasted with So-
it starkly shows us the changes that engulfed the Prussian      viet bleakness. Another change was a huge crater dug
land after 1945. The ruins of churches do not reflect           in a ramshackle park behind the statue of Lenin. A
the relentless, gradual action of time; they are evidence       weathered billboard proclaimed that a cathedral was to
that a uniquely destructive historical shift engulfed this      be built in this place. At that time there was water at its

                                                                                 March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE   9
Majestic ruins of the cathedral at Königsberg. Watercolor, 2010.
bottom, trash floated on top of it, and Lenin did not              have developed a nostalgia for that which was destroyed.
seem overly concerned. So far, the evidence of capital-            Pictures and mementos of old Köningsberg have be-
ism around him consisted of numerous ramshackle                    come very popular, and some of the remaining struc-
kiosks…                                                            tures in old Köningsberg have been restored.
     “I noted that things had started to change during                  The latest historical glacier which engulfed East
my 2003 visit when I reached the bridge across the                 Prussia in 1945 is melting, leaving enormous destruction
Pregel River. From this position one had a good view               and much debris behind. Like a block of hardening am-
of the blocks of concrete buildings which had been                 ber, the watercolors of Borisovas capture what happened
adorned with the huge rusting “Slava Sovietskomu Nar-              to the cultural heritage of East Prussia. Even when the
odu” slogan. The slogan had now vanished! In its place,            paintings depict evidence of barbaric destruction, they
in somewhat smaller and considerably more elegant                  remain beautiful. That is the mark of the artist. However,
Latin, not Cyrillic, letters there was just one word –             the artist is free to choose what he will depict. Borisovas
SAMSUNG.”                                                          chose to depict the vanishing cultural heritage of Prussia
     It is evident that changes are occurring. What will           and Königsberg. His accomplishment is not just the re-
follow now? Lenin had cause to be worried. He is gone              sult of artistic talent, but also recognition of what is
from Victory (formerly Hansa) square. In place of the              truly valuable. The technique is professional; it is the
crater behind his back there now rises a large Orthodox            choice of subject matter that makes his work unique.
cathedral with five gold-plated domes. The generation
which was born and grew up in this land does not
harbor the destructive hate which their parents and                Adapted with permission from: “Disappearing East Prussia”
                                                                   (Išeinantys Rytprūsiai). Catalog for an Art Exhibition by Romanas
grandparents brought with them. They are still very un-            Borisovas. Kaunas: Kopa, 2006. Watercolors can be purchased
certain with regard to their identity, but many of them            directly from the artist:

10   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE       March / April 2018
Antanas Gustaitis
Builder of Airplanes
by Mindaugas Sereičikas

A        s we celebrate the centenary
         of Lithuanian Independ-
         ence, we look to the past to
find people and symbols to serve as
reminders of the concept of state-
                                                  Antanas Gustaitis was born on
                                             March 26, 1898, in the village of
                                             Obelinė, near Marijampolė. On May
                                             28, 1916, at the age of eighteen, he
                                             graduated from high school and be-
                                                                                        School became especially difficult.
                                                                                        Because it lacked its own facilities,
                                                                                        the School at first operated out of
                                                                                        the parental home of its first com-
                                                                                        mandant, Konstantinas Fugalevičius.
hood embodied in the February 16,            gan studies in Saint Petersburg, Rus-      The school lacked supplies, text-
1918 Declaration of Independence.            sia, at the School of Engineering          books, and most importantly, in-
One of the individuals who embod-            named after Czar Alexander I.              structors who were knowledgeable
ied this concept of Lithuanian state-             As the battles of the First World     in the theoretical disciplines of avi-
hood was fighter pilot and airplane          War dragged on for more than three         ation and who could teach flying.
builder Antanas Gustaitis. In 1925           years, farmers, factory workers and        Military Aviation School students re-
his future wife Bronė came up with           students lived in constant anticipa-       ceived only fragmentary instruction
the acronym ANBO from the words              tion. In 1917 it became clear to An-       in warfare and aviation.
‘Antanas Nori Būti Ore’ (Antanas             tanas that he, like other students,             Flying lessons began when the
wants to be in the air). This acronym        would not be able to avoid service         school obtained three Albatros B.II
was used on all the planes that Gus-         in the Russian imperial army. In 1917      training planes from the Germans,
taitis built and became one of the           he enrolled in the Constantine             who were retreating from Lithuania.
best-known symbols of nationhood             School of Artillery, but the Bolshe-       The students at the School of Mili-
in Lithuania in the years before the         vik Revolution cut short his military      tary Aviation were divided according
Second World War.                            service. The war and the revolution        to their abilities into pilot and scout
                                             caused turmoil to spread over the          groups. On July 21, 1919, Antanas
                                             Russian empire. In 1918 Gustaitis          was assigned to the first flying-lesson
                                             returned to Lithuania as the revolu-       group, headed by senior lieutenant
                                             tion was spreading.                        Haris Rotteris. By the end of August
                                                  By the end of 1918 it became          a group consisting of six advanced
                                             evident that military force would be       students was created, and Antanas
                                             needed to establish and defend             Gustaitis became part of that group.
                                             Lithuanian independence. This led          Unfortunately, flying instruction
                                             to the creation of the Lithuanian          soon came to an end after instructor
                                             Army, and on March 12, 1919, the           Rotteris stole a plane and fled
                                             Lithuanian School of Military Avia-        Lithuania. This led to the firing of
                                             tion was created. Its purpose was to       the remaining German instructors
                                             train fighter pilots for the Lithuanian    for fear that they might be untrust-
                                             Army. Gustaitis enrolled at this           worthy.
                                             school on March 15, 1919. From                  As 1919 drew to a close, Gus-
                                             that day forward his entire life be-       taitis’ superiors made the decision
                                             came connected with the Lithuanian         to accelerate his studies at the School
Antanas after finishing his studies at the
                                             Air Force.                                 of Military Aviation so that they
School of Military Aviation. Kaunas, 1920.        As the Red Army attacked              could be concluded by the end of
(Author’s archive)                           Lithuania, work at the Air Force           the year. He graduated on December

                                                                                  March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE   11
Gustaitis in front of his first plane, the ANBO-I, Kaunas, 1925. (Lithuanian Aviation Museum archive)

16, 1919, with the degree of lieu-             Air Force, to build his first plane,        Squadron, whose pilots used
tenant of engineering and was as-              which he began to do at the end of          ANBO-I to conduct accurate land-
signed to the Lithuanian Air Force.            1924 in factories of the Lithuanian         ing exercises. This plane is the only
     In 1920, as battles for Lithuan-          Air Force with money he himself             plane constructed by Gustaitis which
ian independence continued, flying             had saved.                                  has survived. It is on display in the
lessons intensified and pilots solidi-              Gustaitis constructed airplanes        Vytautas Magnus War Museum in
fied their flying skills by making             which were very practical and met           Kaunas.
flights into battle. In 1920 Gustaitis,        the needs of the Lithuanian Air                 The commanders of the
who had just begun flying on his               Force. His first plane was a compact,       Lithuanian Air Force took note of
own, made three flights to the front.          low-winged sports monoplane. He             Gustaitis’ talents, and the Ministry
His fourth flight ended before it              himself made a trial flight in this         of Defense awarded him a scholar-
could begin: on October 4th the                plane, which was made of metal              ship. In the fall of 1925 he left to
plane he was piloting crashed on               pipes and woodwork, in Kaunas on            study at the prestigious Paris Ad-
takeoff because it was overloaded              July 14, 1925. The plane was named          vanced School of Aeronautics and
with bombs.                                    ANBO-I. The Roman numeral in-               Mechanical Construction. He re-
     After the battles for independ-           dicated that it was the first to be         turned three years later after having
ence ended, a more peaceful life be-           constructed. Upon completion, the           been trained as a professional engi-
gan. New squadrons were formed,                plane was turned over to the First          neer of aeronautics and mechanical
pilots were trained, and new planes
were purchased. Gustaitis took
courses for pilots and scouts, and
he later completed advanced acro-
batic piloting courses. On August
29, 1922, he was awarded the title
of fighter pilot.
     In 1923 the career of Gustaitis
took a leap forward: at age 25 he
was made head of the Training
Squadron. He was entrusted with
organizing advanced piloting classes
and was promoted to the rank of
senior lieutenant. Gustaitis had a tal-
ent for mathematics. He got permis-
sion from lieutenant general Juozas
Kraucevičius, head of the Lithuanian           ANBO-III plane in flight over Kaunas. (Lithuanian Aviation Museum archive)

12   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE       March / April 2018
construction. He soon used the sys-
tematic knowledge of plane con-
struction he had acquired to build a
new plane, the ANBO-II. This was
a two-seater designed to train begin-
ner pilots. The style dominant in
Paris influenced the techniques that
Gustaitis used to construct the
ANBO-II. It was a high-winged
monoplane with wings supported
on props. Gustaitis took a pragmatic
approach to the materials, attach-
ments and motor needed to con-
struct the plane: he took cost, quality,
and use of the various elements of
the plane into account. When he re-
turned from Paris in the summer of          Participants in the flight around Europe. Gustaitis is third from the left. Kaunas, 1934.
1927, he oversaw construction of            (Lithuanian Aviation Museum Archive)
the plane, and he finally made a trial      sponsible for all of the aviation tech-       with the prototype of this plane
flight with it on November 10, 1927.        nology of the Lithuanian Air Force,           from the Kaunas airfield on July 14,
The plane was used to train pilots,         and he was entrusted with the care,           1932. In 1932 the command of the
and in 1931 it was donated to the           assembly and repair of all of its             Lithuanian Army and Air Force an-
Lithuanian Flying Club.                     planes.                                       nounced an international contest for
     While still in Paris, Gustaitis at-         Gustaitis returned from Paris            the best new scouting plane. Gus-
tained the rank of captain. When he         with plans and preliminary drawings           taitis won the contest with his
came back from his studies, he was          for a few more airplanes. One of              ANBO-IV plane. He beat out three
made a major, and also chief of staff       them was a plane designed for ad-             other planes entered by world-fa-
for the Lithuanian Air Force. A few         vanced training of pilots, the                mous airplane manufacturers. This
months later he assumed the post            ANBO-III. Pilots training in the              led to serial manufacture of the
of Head of the Technical Depart-            Lithuanian Air Force had to make              ANBO-IV plane. There were 15
ment of Lithuania’s Air Force, which        between 80 and 130 trial flights with         ANBO-IV planes built in Lithuanian
included Air Force manufacturing            an instructor before flying on their          Air Force plants from 1932 to 1935.
plants. Even though he was still a          own. From the beginning of the                     In the summer of 1934, on the
young engineer, he was made re-             1930s, it was the ANBO-III that was           first anniversary of the flight of
                                            used for further pilot training after         Darius and Girėnas across the At-
                                            a pilot’s first solo flight. ANBO-III         lantic, three ANBO-IV planes led
                                            was the first plane manufactured se-          by Gustaitis flew around Europe.
                                            rially. In 1930-1931 nine of these            They visited 12 countries and cov-
                                            planes were manufactured in                   ered 10,000 kilometers by air. The
                                            Lithuanian Air Force plants.                  ANBO name became known all
                                                 After finishing ANBO-III Gus-            over Europe and brought interna-
                                            taitis began working on his most fa-          tional acclaim not only to Gustaitis,
                                            mous airplane, the ANBO-IV. In                but also to the Lithuanian Air Force.
                                            this new plane he combined the                After this flight the British engine
                                            characteristics of a scouting plane           manufacturer Bristol used the
                                            with those of a bomber. The new               ANBO-IV plane in its advertise-
                                            plane was smaller than planes used            ments. After the European flight,
                                            for scouting missions at that time.           Gustaitis was given the military rank
                                            It was fast, more nimble, and had             of colonel and was made head of
Gustatitis In front of an ANBO-IV. Kaunas
                                            the capacity to carry a small number          the Lithuanian Air Force. On No-
1934. (Lithuanian Aviation Museum           of bombs intended for enemy land              vember 23, 1937, he was made a
archive)                                    targets. Gustaitis made a trial flight        brigadier general.

                                                                                    March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE     13
ANBO-VIII, piloted by Gustaitis,
                                                                                            made its first trial flight on Septem-
                                                                                            ber 5, 1939. It was anticipated that
                                                                                            this well-equipped and aerodynamic
                                                                                            airplane would enable the greater
                                                                                            part of the battle squadrons of the
                                                                                            Lithuanian Air Force to be ready for
                                                                                            combat. Unfortunately, the begin-
                                                                                            ning of the Second World War and
                                                                                            the Soviet occupation which fol-
                                                                                            lowed put an end to the construction
                                                                                            of ANBO-VIII.
                                                                                                 During his years of service in
The reconnaissance ANBO-41 plane, credited with being one of Gustaitis’ finest designs.     the Lithuanian Air Force, Antanas
(Lithuanian Aviation Museum archive)                                                        Gustaitis built and made trial flights
     The years 1935-1939 were espe-             after the first flight of ANBO-V,           in nine different types of ANBO
cially productive. Gustaitis began to           Gustaitis created the ANBO-VI               planes. In 1940, of the 120 planes
perfect the ANBO-IV. The new                    plane, which was designed to train a        in the Lithuanian Air Force, 56 were
ANBO-41 had a three-blade pro-                  new generation of pilots.                   ANBO-construction planes. Gus-
peller and a larger wing span. From                   At the end of the 1930s the air-      taitis designed all of the training
1936 to 1939 twenty ANBO-41                     fields of the Lithuanian Air Force          planes and a large part of the scout-
planes were built. They became the              still had a fair number of German           ing planes. When the Soviet Union
most highly regarded of the planes              planes made during the First World          occupied Lithuania, the Soviets
constructed by Gustaitis.                       War, but in 1931 the ANBO-V de-             seized some of Gustaitis’ planes and
     The Lithuanian Air Force grew              signed by Gustaitis began to take           transported them east, and they de-
considerably after 1930. New                    the place of these uneconomical,            stroyed the others, using them for
squadrons were formed. The net-                 outdated and unsafe planes. In 1936         target practice. In March of 1941,
work of airfields expanded. In 1932             Gustaitis designed and built his last       the Soviets arrested Gustaitis, ac-
the Lithuanian Air Force School was             training plane – the ANBO-51.               cused him of anti-Soviet activity, and
reestablished. More pilots and more                   In 1938 he took on his last proj-     conducted a sham trial. They con-
training planes were needed. In 1931            ect – designing a light bomber. It          demned him to death and executed
Gustaitis began to design a new                 was a two-seater low-winged mono-           him in the Butyrka prison of
training plane, the ANBO-V. Soon                plane of mixed construction. The            Moscow on October 16, 1941.

                                                                                            Mindaugas Sereičikas is a Ph.D. student
                                                                                            of History at Klaipėda University
                                                                                            ( The main sources for this
                                                                                            report, which are available on request, in-
                                                                                            clude unpublished documents from Office
                                                                                            of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania, Lithuan-
                                                                                            ian Special Archives and the Lithuanian
                                                                                            Aviation Museum. Also used were articles
                                                                                            by Algirdas Gamziukas, Estela Gruzdienė,
                                                                                            Eugenijus Raubickas, Gytis Ramoška, Vik-
                                                                                            toras Ašmenskas, Vilius Kavaliauskas, and
                                                                                            Vytautas Asevičius. Memoirs used included
                                                                                            those by Jonas Martynas Laurinaitis, Jonas
                                                                                            Mikėnas, Juozas Namikas, Leonardas
                                                                                            Peseckas, Pranas Hiksa, and Simas
                                                                                            Stanaitis, as well as unpublished memoirs
                                                                                            by Bronė Aleksandravičiūtė-Jablonskienė
The last of the ANBO designs, the ANBO-VIII, first tested in flight in September of 1939.
(Lithuanian Museum Archive)                                                                 Translated from Lithuanian by Rimas

14   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE        March / April 2018
A Tale of Two Countries,
              Pre- and Post-Soviet Lithuania
         (A mathematician’s discovery of the “opposite” principle)

By Constantine K. Kliorys

         o anyone born after 1990 the
         term “Iron Curtain” is just a
         historical term of no more
import than the term “Hadrian’s
Wall.” Unless it falls again, no one
will experience it again. As a profes-
sor of mathematics I had the op-
portunity to lecture in Lithuania
both behind the Iron Curtain and
after it was lifted. Luckily mathemat-
ics is the same, 2 + 2 is still 4 for
both communists and capitalists.
Most other things are different.
     In 1980, as a newly minted as-        Full class, but no one wants to sit up front.
sistant professor I lectured for about
3 months on Algebraic Number               rations on freedom of religion, but              garita. It is a hot day and the poet
Theory at the Institute of Mathe-          that meant you had better not go to              Bezdomny would like a cold drink.
matics and Cybernetics of the Acad-        church or it would be the worse for              “A glass of lemonade, please,” said
emy of Sciences of Lithuania in Vil-       you. I became a godfather to a col-              Bezdomny. “There isn’t any,” replied
nius.                                      league’s baby son. We arranged the               the woman in the kiosk. For some
     After much thought, I decided         baptism in a darkened church                     reason the request seemed to offend
that my entire experience could be         through a back entrance in the mid-              her. “Got any beer?” inquired Bez-
best described by one word, “oppo-         dle of the night. Examples of these              domny in a hoarse voice. “Beer is
site” in the sense that the real mean-     reverse,      opposite         meanings          being delivered later this evening,”
ing of a word was the exact opposite       abounded in everyday life. What is a             said the woman. “Well what have
of its literal meaning. It was like liv-   bar? A place for a beer? Of course               you got?” asked Bezdomny. “Apricot
ing in Orwell’s 1984 and in Alice’s        not, that is a place where there is no           juice, only it is warm,” was the an-
Wonderland. If Orwell had a Min-           beer or at best it will be warm. A               swer.
istry of Truth, a main Soviet publi-       typical Soviet joke describes a tourist              It continues. A hotel is a place
cation was “Pravda” (Truth) which          who by mistake walks into a butcher              where you cannot stay. Every tourist
of course published everything but         shop and asks for bread. The indig-              that travelled to Lithuania under So-
that. When Humpty Dumpty used              nant clerk replies that this is a butcher        viet rule knew that all hotels were
a word incorrectly and Alice ob-           shop: we have no meat here. Next                 off limits except “Gintaras” where
jected he replied that when he used        door is the bakery: that is where they           here it was now off limits to locals.
a word it meant only what he wanted        have no bread. This type of phe-                 Restaurants were usually places
to, what was important was who was         nomenon was so pervasive that it ac-             where you could not eat. First, it was
to be the master.                          tually appeared in literature (which             because it was very difficult to get
     As I walked down streets, red         of course was banned: what is a                  in past the doorman. The standard
banners proclaimed “liberty,” but the      book? something you cannot read).                greeting was “there are no empty
people were enslaved. The Soviet                Here is a short dialogue from               places,” which meant there were
constitution had very strong decla-        Mikhail Bulgakov’s Master and Mar-               empty places (the opposite principle

                                                                                      March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE   15
again – o.p), only you forgot to give          The invariant answer will be “meat”       gan to replay itself. All the two per-
him a bribe. A half empty restaurant           and if you ask what kind, the stan-       son tables were again full, but there
was preferred to a full one (o.p.              dard answer is “cooked” (kepsnys).        were plenty of empty four person
again) since the wages were the same           The beverage will always be “drink”       tables where I again sat down. Only
and there was half as much work.               (gerimas), and if you ask what kind,      this time when the waiter went by I
Even if you got in, don’t look at the          you will get an angry retort that it is   collared him and said “there are four
menu or it will become impossible              a “brand drink” (firminis). Of course,    of us at this table and I would like
to order a meal. The menus were                you have no idea if you will get beer     to order four dinners.” When he
usually imposing leather bound vol-            or buttermilk, but you will get the       brought the four dinners, I happily
umes whose purpose was to list all             “drink.” So I happily ate my meat         began eating mine. A few minutes
the food that was unavailable.                 and had my drink while the poor           later the waiter came by and asked
     I witnessed the following com-            students were still engaged in the        where my three friends were. I
edy. A group of foreign students               hopeless task of trying to order from     replied “Oh they are enjoying their
came in to the restaurant and care-            the menu. It was like a skit from Sat-    meals very much, only they are in-
fully studied the menu an placed               urday Night Live, where whatever you      visible.” I had learned how live in
their order when the waiter ap-                order you will always get “cheese-        the theater of the absurd.
peared. He immediately informed                burger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger,            This “opposite” principle also
them that none of their choices were           no Coke, Pepsi.”                          surfaced in more serious situations.
available. They again resumed study-                Even having discovered the           The purpose of the “Iron Curtain”
ing the menu and placed a different            “opposite” principle, it was not that     was not to keep people from entering
order with the same result. This               easy for a capitalist like me to im-      the communist paradise, but from
pointless back and forth went on for           plement it in a communist society.        leaving paradise (opposite again!). In
quite a while. In the meantime, I was          Knowing how to enter a restaurant         conversations with some of my rel-
enjoying my meal because I had                 and how not to look at the menu           atives I lamented the fact that they
learned how to operate in a country            was not always enough. I entered a        could not travel to other countries.
run under the “opposite” principle.            restaurant where all the tables had       To my surprise they answered that
The first step is NOT to open the              either two chairs or four chairs. All     they were free to travel. They said
menu, but to ask what is available.            the two seaters were occupied so I        they could travel to any democratic
                                               sat down at a four seater. I was ig-      country. At which point I exclaimed,
                                               nored for about ten minutes. Finally,     well then come visit us in America!
                                               I grabbed a passing waiter to try and     We would love to see you. Oh no,
                                               order. He rudely muttered, “we don’t      they replied America is not a demo-
                                               serve at that table.” I figured maybe     cratic country, it is a capitalist coun-
                                               that section of the restaurant was        try. Totally befuddled, I asked, so
                                               closed, and moved to a different          what are the democratic countries?
                                               four person table. The same result,       Democratic East Germany, the
                                               the waiter even more angrily stated       Democratic Country of North Ko-
                                               that they don’t serve at that table ei-   rea, Democratic Peoples Republic of
                                               ther. Desperately, I asked, “where        China, was the list. I could have
                                               do you serve then?” He replied that       kicked myself. Here I thought I was
                                               a single person must sit at a two per-    mastering the “opposite” principle
                                               son table (which were all occupied).      and it turns out I was still a neophyte.
                                               I left without eating, but with a much    Of course! A Democratic country is
                                               deeper understanding of the beauty        one where there is no democracy,
                                               of the “opposite” principle. You          how could I forget.
                                               cannot sit where there is room, but            When Communism was de-
                                               must sit where there is no room. But      stroying Lithuania and pushing it
                                               I was not about to starve in a com-       back into a Stone Age, all the news-
                                               munist paradise, after all only capi-     papers, radio, T.V., and government
                                               talists in America were starving. The     agencies trumpeted the great
                                               next day I returned to the same           progress that was being made. Of
Jackets disappear during heated lectures.      restaurant and the same scenario be-      course that now makes sense. Under

16   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE       March / April 2018
play it (an interesting opportunity to
                                                                                     apply the “opposite “ principle to
                                                                                     their comments).
                                                                                          Expensive cars clog the streets,
                                                                                     but beggars also sit on the curbs.
                                                                                     There is a surprising number of
                                                                                     young people in churches, but also
                                                                                     a number of them sitting on curbs
                                                                                     in the morning drinking beer. I
                                                                                     learned in my first grade Lithuanian
                                                                                     grammar book “alu gerti sveika” (to
                                                                                     drink beer is healthy), but I cannot
                                                                                     understand how one can drink it in
                                                                                     the morning.
                                                                                          The prices are also mysterious.
                                                                                     Are they high or are they low? The
Restaurant that is “full.”                                                           daily paper is more expensive than
                                                                                     my Cleveland Plain Dealer, but a plate
the “opposite” principle all regress       You walk past a gleaming steel and        of cepelinai (potato dumplings) is
was labeled progress.                      glass Omnitel building, but you also      dirt cheap. Is the city safe or dan-
      I returned to Lithuania in 2001      pass crumbling cement and broken          gerous? Under Communism I
as a lecturer at Vytautas Magnus           door multistory apartment buildings.      walked everywhere at all hours in
University in Kaunas. Then the             You walk into a store whose cash          perfect safety. There were militiamen
“Iron Curtain” was just a historical       register is an abacus (no need for        and blinking blue lights on every
memory. Yet when much progress             electricity!), but next door is an In-    corner. Now I was warned to avoid
was already made, there were people        ternet café where kids competently        certain sections of town, day or
still stating that it was better under     are surfing the web. Some clever          night. Cars are routinely stolen. But
Communism when the total meat in           hackers broke into Parliament’s web       the reverse vocabulary of Soviet
a butcher shop was a row of cow’s          site and posted a game “Vytai, Vytai”     times is still useful. Ads appear in
hooves. So vestiges of the “oppo-          where the object was to blow off          newspapers stating that a car “dis-
site” principle still remain. If things    Vytautas Landsbergis’ head.               appeared” on such and such a day
get better, it is still important to say        Violent games are routine in         in such and such a location. Reward
that they are worse.                       America, but this caused a sensation      for “finding” it. You get your car
      However, for restored inde-          in Lithuania. It was amusing to listen    back by paying ransom to the thief.
pendent Lithuania I have a new sum-        to parliamentarians admit that they       I kind of enjoyed those ads about
mary descriptor word, “contrast.”          saw the game, but certainly did not       “disappearing cars.” It reminded me
                                                                                     of my invisible dinner companions.
                                                                                     In a café I see parents give a few
                                                                                     litai to their kids and the kids run
                                                                                     off to spend them in toy stores or
                                                                                     arcades. No fear of letting kids run
                                                                                     loose. My neighbors in America built
                                                                                     a wooden fence around their back-
                                                                                     yard, afraid to let them play in their
                                                                                     own yard.
                                                                                          Reflecting on my trip to now in-
                                                                                     dependent Lithuania I was sur-
                                                                                     rounded by contrasts. And I was not
                                                                                     sure if I was happy or sad. Perhaps
                                                                                     the “opposite” principle was still in

Vytautas Magnus University entrance.

                                                                               March / April 2018   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE   17
New Techniques of Public Relations in the
Fight for Lithuania’s Independence

By Eric Sibul
          iven the contemporary im-                                                   on Public Information “bolstered
          portance of strategic com-                                                  the morale of our citizens and of
          munications, information                                                    our allies and helped to break down
operations, and counter-propaganda                                                    enemy morale. Its propaganda ef-
for the Baltic countries, it is perhaps                                               forts were so effective that one his-
useful to look at the Lithuanian ex-                                                  torian later wrote that words won
perience in its relations with the                                                    the war.” Bernays greatest contribu-
United States in the 1918–1922 pe-                                                    tion to the Committee on Public In-
riod, when Lithuanian Americans                                                       formation was creating the League
needed to sway American public                                                        of Oppressed Nations which rep-
opinion and ultimately influence                                                      resented various ethnic groups in
American policy.                                                                      the U.S. who had relatives in Europe
     The problem the Lithuanians                                                      under Austrian or German rule.
faced in 1919 was that the U.S. De-                                                        In March of 1919, Bernays left
                                             Edward L. Bernays.
partment of State accepted some                                                       the Committee on Public Informa-
form of autonomy for the Baltic              lied powers maintained a consensus       tion and returned from Europe to
Countries in an “indivisible Russia”         of recognizing the de facto independ-    the United States. Of his experience
but not full independence. In con-           ence of the Baltic countries, but not    with the committee, he stated, “I
trast, the independence of Poland            de jure. Among the Allies, Great         had learned much in the war that
and Armenia from Russia was sup-             Britain was perhaps the most sup-        could be applied to peacetime pur-
ported, largely because of influential       portive of full independence and the     suits.” On return to the United
electorates in the Pittsburgh and            United States the least. In order to     States, Bernays opened a public re-
Chicago areas and in Southern Cal-           change this situation, and to influ-     lations firm – his first two clients
ifornia. State Department policy was         ence the American government to          were the American government, that
driven by “old Russia hands,” who            support de jure recognition of           wanted someone to conduct a cam-
had associated with Baltic Germans,          Lithuanian independence, Lithuan-        paign encouraging businesses to hire
and Polish and Russian aristocrats           ian Americans enlisted the assistance    recently discharged veterans, and the
during diplomatic missions to                two of the foremost pioneers in the      Lithuanian National Council.
Moscow and Saint Petersburg and              fields of public relations, public            Bernays took on a partner, Carl
had come to share the beliefs and            opinion, and propaganda, Edward          Byoir, to work with him in the effort
biases of their social acquaintances.        Bernays and Carl Byoir.                  to assist Lithuania. Byoir was born
     There were other factors in play             Edward Bernays can perhaps be       to Jewish immigrant parents from
as well. There existed a powerful a          considered one of the foremost fig-
“white Russian” lobby which sup-             ures in the early conceptual devel-
ported an “indivisible Russia” due           opment of the field of public rela-
to worries about recouping Ameri-            tions. A Cornell University graduate,
can investments in the Tsarist Em-           Bernays was initially not involved in
pire. There were also fears by petro-        corporate communications or polit-
leum interests that the Japanese             ical campaigns but rather, was a pub-
might gain control of oil bearing            licist for the arts – the theatre, the
Russian territories with the dissolu-        opera, and the ballet in New York
tion of the Empire. Both of these            City. However, as the United States
interest groups were working hard            entered World War I, he joined the
to influence Congress and the State          U.S. Committee on Public Informa-
Department to not recognize Baltic           tion headed by George Creel. Ac-
independence. All of the major Al-           cording to Bernays, the Committee        Carl Byoir.         (FDR Library)

18   LITHUANIAN HERITAGE     March / April 2018
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