              30 June - 2 July 2021
                                                                                                              FOCUS ASIA
                                                                                                              After a very successful 2020 online edition, FOCUS ASIA 2021 is back with a challenging and exciting
                                                                                                              brand-new hybrid format, bringing together over 200 international film professionals both physically and
                                                                                                              virtually. This year again, the programme will include a large number of industry events meant to foster
                                                                                                              professional and artistic exchanges between Asia and Europe.
   CASA DELLA                            CASA DELLA                         CASA DELLA                        The ALL GENRES PROJECT MARKET will present 9 high-quality projects in advanced development phase
  CONTADINANZA                          CONTADINANZA                       CONTADINANZA                       from 7 different countries. The final line-up will feature a large variety of genres and a great diversity of
                                                                                                              profiles of directors and producers, proving one of the main goals of the platform: to explore both the pre-
           9.30                                   9.30                                9.30                    sent and future generation of filmmakers. All selected projects will be seeking the most suitable co-pro-
   & ALL GENRES PROJECT                The only works-in-progress
                                                                                                              duction and financing partners through a series of individual meetings with all international attendees.
                                                                          A fine selection of restored hits
          MARKET                                                                                              All market professionals will be also able to request individual meetings with the participants selected for
                                     section dedicated to Asian films    from the recent past ready to be
     project presentation                                                                                     TIES THAT BIND, the Asia/Europe Co-production Workshop that every year brings together 10 European
                                            in post-production              released in the near future.
                                                                                                              and Asian producers focusing on project development and 5 European professionals interested in wor-
          11.00                                  11.00                               11.00                    king with Asia. The workshop has become the reference for developing European-Asian co-productions in
    VI (TASTE) BY Lê Bảo                 THE CURRENT ASIAN                        IN THE MOOD                 the past decade, combining producer training, project development and co-production meetings.
Co-Production Case Study with         DISTRIBUTION LANDSCAPE                   FOR RESTORATION                For the second consecutive year FAR EAST IN PROGRESS will present upcoming Asian feature films in
 Weijie LAI (E&W, Singapore)           with Pamela Bai (Hugoeast,          with Vincent Paul-Boncour          post-production looking for festival premiere and international distribution; 5 selected teams will have the
and Marie DUBAS (Petit Film,               China), Shaoyi Chen           (Carlotta Films, France), Mireille
                                                                                                              chance to screen some excerpts of their films to a large panel of international sales agents, festival pro-
 France) in collaboration with         (Screenwork Asia, Taiwan),        Van Helm (Block 2 Distribution,
                                                                                                              grammers and buyers, and they will be in the running for the 108 MEDIA Distribution Award.
        Ties That Bind               Kana Koido (Klockworx, Japan),           Hong Kong), Maxime
                                        Vincent Quek (Anticipated          Vauthier, Louise Kerouanton
                                                                                                              Thanks to the collaboration with European Film Promotion, Focus Asia 2021 will launch the first edition of
                                     Pictures, Singapore) moderated         (STUDIOCANAL, France).            the SECOND-HAND FILM MARKET, a brand-new section designed to showcase a fine selection of restored
                                             by Patrick Frater                Moderated by Michele            hits from the recent past ready to be released in the near future.
                                           in collaboration with             Crocchiola (Fondazione           Another innovation of the 2021 industry programme are the ASIAN GATES, a cycle of masterclasses and
                                              Ties That Bind                 Culturale Stensen, Italy)        case studies addressed to European film professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of the oppor-
                                                                                                              tunities offered by the Asian market.
                                                                                                              Focus Asia 2021 will also include a rich programme of panels, case studies and strategic meetings,
          12.30                                  12.30                               12.30                    thus becoming the most natural bridge between the Asian and European landscape. On top of all these
     HOW TO GET PUBLIC                   THE CURRENT ITALIAN                 CLOSING CEREMONY                 activities Focus Asia will also offer a series of informal and spontaneous on-site/online networking events
         FUNDING FOR                    FINANCING LANDSCAPE                & FAR EAST IN PROGRESS
     CO-PRODUCTIONS IN                                                             AWARD                      where professionals from all over the world will be able to meet, get to know each other and start shaping
                                       with Iole Maria Giannattasio
                                          (Ministero della Cultura,
                                                                                                              together the films of the future.
with Vincent WANG (House On                                                                                   Focus Asia is organized by Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche with the collaboration of the Friuli Vene-
                                       Direzione Generale Cinema e
 Fire Productions, France) and                                                                                zia Giulia Audiovisual Fund and with the support of MiC. It is developed in collaboration with the workshop
                                      Audiovisivo, Italy) and Federico
  Patrick Mao HUANG (Flash
                                        Pedroni (Rai Cinema, Italy)                                           Ties That Bind and is promoted in association with Eave, European Film Promotion, HAF - Hong Kong, and
Forward Entertainment, Taiwan)
                                                                                                              Taipei Golden Horse Film Project Promotion.
      in collaboration with
         Ties That Bind

          15.00                                  15.00
         PRODUCERS                       with Matteo Lovadina
   a discovery session with            (Reel Suspects, France) in
   Raymond Van Der Kaaij                 collaboration with EFP
    (Revolver Amsterdam,

                                 All events are on CEST time zone
Submission period : Aug-Oct 2021

                                   ALL GENRES PROJECT MARKET

                                      ADABANA                  P. 6
                                      ASH VALLEY               P. 8
                                      BACK HOME                P. 10
                                      LITTLE BASTARD           P. 12
                                      LOW-END                  P. 14
                                      MAYANG                   P. 16
                                      THE ROSES OF VENDETTA    P. 18
                                      PIERCE                   P. 20
                                      THREE FUNERALS
                                      AND A WEDDING            P. 22

                                                                                                              DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                         COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                              If we thin out people, any life on the planet, or objects that were     ROBOT COMMUNICATIONS INC.
                                                                                                              unnecessary to our society, I worry how colorless the sensitivity       3-9-7 Ebisu minami, Shibuya-ku,
                                                                                                              of humans in the future would be. If we continue this lifestyle,        1500022, Tokyo, Japan
ADABANA                                                                                                       consuming excessively as we do now, if our greed wins over our
                                                                                                              value, treating life without any respect, our souls and ethnicity,
                                                                                                                                                                                      M -
                                                                                                                                                                                      T - + 81 9074291595
                                                                                                              and even our diversity might be left behind, with the possibility
                                                                                                              of “body exchange” in the future. Cherry blossom is a flower that
                                                                                                              represents Japan and symbolizes death. It is said that most of
                                                                                                              the trees we see now are clones, all sharing the same DNA.
                                                                                                              By overlapping the short life of this cloned cherry blossoms, from
                                                                                                              when it sprouts to the time its flowers fall off, with the seven days
A man diagnosed with terminal cancer                                                                          a man interacts with his clone, I’ll depict our common
spends his last 7 days with his clone                                                                         understanding through mythical realization, using beautiful
created only to save him and decides                                                                          depiction like capturing a myth with reality.
his fate while their affection toward
one another deepens.
                                                                                                              DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                              Short film Ondine’s Curse (2014), which pursued the Japanese
                                                                                                              Noh and human psychology, won Semi-Grand Prix at Yamagata               Sayaka Kai | Director
                                                                                                              International Film Festival 2014 and Honorable Mention Award
                                                                                                              at SKIP City International D-Cinema Festival 2015. It was highly
PROJECT INFORMATION                     SYNOPSIS                                                              praised oversea, at Maison de Culture du Japon in Paris. Her
                                                                                                              first feature film Red Snow (2019) was nominated in various
                                        About 50 years ago, an unknown virus spread through the world,
COUNTRY                                                                                                       international film festivals including Marrakesh International Film
                                        changing physical constitutions of humans, and as a result
Japan                                                                                                         Festival 2018 Competition Section, Up- and-Coming Director
                                        bringingdown birthrates. To maintain labor force of each country,
                                                                                                              Grand Prix at Takasaki Film Festival 2019, Best Picture Award at
PRODUCER                                development of clone technology was encouraged.
                                                                                                              Los Angeles Japan Film Festival 2019.
Hiroyuki Ueno                           The protagonist is an heir of a huge pharmaceutical company in
PRODUCTION COMPANY                      his 40’s. He has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and the
Robot Communications Inc.               one treatment suggested by his doctor is organ transplant from        COMPANY PROFILE
                                        his clone, an option only the privileged can enjoy . The cancer is
DIRECTOR                                                                                                      ROBOT started in film production with Love Letter directed
                                        spreading fast and he has only 7 days to decide if he is willing to                                                                           Hiroyuki Ueno | Producer
Sayaka Kai                                                                                                    by Shunji Iwai. It went on to become one of the biggest film
                                        go on with the surgery. The man asks if he could meet his clone.
                                                                                                              production companies in Japan with box office hits like Bayside
WRITER                                  Though he is a successful businessman, through his
                                                                                                              Shakedown, Umizaru, and Sunset on Third Street. Short animation
Sayaka Kai                              conversation with the clone, he comes to know the emptiness
                                                                                                              La Maison en Petits Cubes directed by Kunio Kato won the Best
GENRE                                   within him which he never realized and tries to regain his life
                                                                                                              Animated Short Film at 81st Academy Awards, the first Japanese
Drama                                   back in a surprising way.
                                                                                                              film to receive the award. Recently along with Japanese mega
TOTAL BUDGET                                                                                                  hits, Robot has produced works of up and coming directors such
€ 413,000                                                                                                     as We are Little Zombies directed by Makoto Nagahisa (Winner of
FINANCING IN PLACE                                                                                            World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award for Originality at 35th
€ 165,000                                                                                                     Sundance Film Festival & Special Mention Award / Generation
                                                                                                              14 plus at 69th Berlin International Film Festival) and Red Snow
                                                                                                              (2019) directed by Sayaka Kai.
Co-production, Financing,
                                                                                                              Netflix new series Alice in Borderland is now being distributed
Sales Agent, Festival

                                        6                                                                                                                                        7

                                                                                                            DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                        COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                            I grew up in Northeastern China in an oil town called Daqing.          EAST FILMS
                                                                                                            My grandparents' generation moved here and built it from the           1023 N Wilton Place, Los Angeles,
ASH                                                                                                         ground up to become the largest oil field in China. The city
                                                                                                            flourished with the oil boom, but oil production has been in
                                                                                                                                                                                   90038, CA, United States
                                                                                                                                                                                   M -
VALLEY                                                                                                      slow decline since the last decade. Young people, including
                                                                                                            myself, have all moved out of the city to avoid the harsh climate
                                                                                                                                                                                   T - + 1 3109456585

                                                                                                            and pursue brighter opportunities in bigger cities, leaving the
                                                                                                            old generations of oil workers in their “empty nest”. This is a
                                                                                                            macabre love letter to my hometown, my family, and my people,
                                                                                                            as well as a timely reflection on industrial decay, patriarchy,
                                                                                                            environmentalism, and rebirth. The film aims to be raw, jarring,
After a meteor crashes in a decaying                                                                        confrontational, but contemplative just the same. As the world
Northeastern China oil town, three                                                                          and its people within the film each undergoes a cycle of decay
townsfolks must struggle to survive                                                                         and rebirth, I hope the audience will go through the same
as otherworldly mutations infect                                                                            experience.
the once-fertile land.
                                                                                                            DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                            Shu is a graduate from American Film Institute’s MFA Directing         Anderson Le | Producer
                                                                                                            Program and holds a BFA from New York University in Film and
                                                                                                            TV Production. Shu has created works that have been
PROJECT INFORMATION                    SYNOPSIS                                                             showcased at prestigious festivals and institutions around the
                                                                                                            world, such as Telluride Film Festival, LA Shorts International
                                       Ash Valley is an industrial town in Northeastern China. Its people
COUNTRY                                                                                                     Film Festival, Asian American International Film Festival, Las
                                       are kind, simple, but live in a profound despair as the city’s
United States, China                                                                                        Vegas International Film Festival, Anthology Film Archive in New
                                       lifeline - OIL - slowly dries out. One day, a meteor crashes into
                                                                                                            York, Chinese Young Generation Film Forum, National Museum
PRODUCER                               the oil fields. Black liquid starts to erupt from the once-dry oil
                                                                                                            of Art in Mexico, National Film Archive of India, Jia Zhangke Art
Anderson Le                            wells. People are ecstatic under the assumption it is oil, but the
                                                                                                            Center, among others.
                                       substance is discovered to be a secretion of unknown microbes.
                                       It contaminates the water source and causes the vegetation to
East Films
                                       mutate. The progression of events is told through three chapters:    COMPANY PROFILE
DIRECTOR                               “RUST”: After collecting a sample of the meteor to sell on the                                                                              Shu Zhu | Director & Writer
Shu Zu                                                                                                      EAST FILMS is a transpacific media company whose mission is to
                                       antique market, a middle-aged, impotent oil worker is driven
                                                                                                            empower visionary storytellers to excel in the global entertainment
WRITER                                 to the edge of madness by haunting hallucinations of the
                                                                                                            market. Bringing a culmination of 50 years experience in the film
G Wilson, Shu Zu                       apocalypse. “OASIS”: Through hypnosis, a pregnant farm owner
                                                                                                            industry, as global entertainment consumption becomes more
GENRE                                  recalls an encounter of alien abduction shortly after the meteor
                                                                                                            integrated, EAST serves as a bridge between the Asia-Pacific Rim
Thriller, Sci-Fi, Art                  crash. As her pregnancy progresses, a bizarre mutation takes
                                                                                                            and the world. With offices in Vietnam and the U.S., we bring
                                       place inside her womb “ENTROPY”: As most of the townsfolk
TOTAL BUDGET                                                                                                an expertise to a growing entertainment landscape and
                                       abandon the town, a commune of old people are left behind to
$ 500,000                                                                                                   infrastructure in Southeast Asia, to develop compelling stories
                                       care for themselves. An elderly woman suffering from dementia
                                                                                                            with innovative creatives across a spectrum of genres. Their first
FINANCING IN PLACE                     is visited by her deceased son who prepares her for ascension.
                                                                                                            production, Rom (2019), won the New Currents Prize at Busan.
$ 75,000
                                                                                                            Their current project, Be Water (2020), was an official selection of
LOOKING FOR                                                                                                 both Sundance and Cannes Film Festivals, and was broadcast on
Co-production, Financing, Festival                                                                          ESPN as part of the '30 for 30' series.

                                       8                                                                                                                                      9

                                                                                                      DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                     COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                      In these years, Hong Kong has become strange. Places have           MM2
                                                                                                      changed beyond our recognition. People around us could              Unit 02, 1/F, International Plaza,
BACK                                                                                                  actually turn into someone that we aren’t familiar with.
                                                                                                      Speaking incomprehensibly, they also act against one’s
                                                                                                                                                                          20 Sheung Yuet Road, Hong Kong,
                                                                                                                                                                          Hong Kong SAR China
HOME                                                                                                  conscience. We have been taught by the elderlies that you have
                                                                                                      to turn a blind eye on somethings, just like river water doesn’t
                                                                                                                                                                          M -
                                                                                                                                                                          T - + 852 97683962
                                                                                                      interfere with well water. We can live everywhere as long as we
                                                                                                      don’t question. Happiness can be shaped like paper. It may be
                                                                                                      true. However, as a homegrown, One day you will realize...
                                                                                                      "Backhome", Do you still remember how much you love this
Heung Wing has just settled into
Europe but he returns to Hong
                                                                                                      DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
Kong after his mother committed
suicide. However, his old home                                                                        Using “liveincentral” and “donotsayhello” as his pen names,
is no longer safe and familiar.                                                                       Nate has been published novels related to love, regret,
                                                                                                      suspense and horror stories. His film scripts include Hell Hole
                                                                                                      (2018) and Hell Bank Presents: Running Ghost (2020). He
                                                                                                      also directed short films such as Carry On (2014), Hong Kong        Mani Man | Producer
                                                                                                      Horror Story Series (2017) and Once Upon A Time In…Sai
                                                                                                      Wan. Once Upon A Time In…Sai Wan was selected into several
PROJECT INFORMATION                SYNOPSIS                                                           international short films festivals. He will make his directorial
                                                                                                      debut on Backhome with mm2.
                                   Heung Wing has been sensitive to the paranormal activity and
COUNTRY                            seeing ghosts since he was a kid. It is called having “yin yang”
Hong Kong SAR China                eyes in Chinese culture. Eventually, he learned to ignore them     COMPANY PROFILE
PRODUCER                           even though they exist. After that, he isn’t bothered by ghosts
                                                                                                      mm2 Hong Kong is a film production and distribution
Mani Man                           anymore. When he gets old enough, he escapes Hong Kong to
                                                                                                      company. We provide services that cover the entire filmmaking
                                   Europe because of his miserable childhood. Suddenly he finds
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                    process, including securing financing, producing and
                                   out that his mother has committed suicide and he has to return
mm2                                                                                                   distributing as well as securing advertising and sponsorship.
                                   to Hong Kong.
DIRECTOR                                                                                              At the same time, our team also committed and actively
                                   As he goes into his home, everything feels strange. One by                                                                             Nate Ki | Director & Writer
Nate Ki                                                                                               acquiring films from overseas for Hong Kong audiences.
                                   one, his neighbours kill themselves and he sees the ghosts in
WRITER                             his housing estate. The situation is deteriorating beyond his
Nate Ki                            recognition during his stay.
Horror, Thriller
$ 1,55 M
$ 750,000
Financing, Sales Agent, Festival

                                   10                                                                                                                               11

                                                                                                                DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                           COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                                Many say that a director's first feature should tell a story that is      SEVEN DREAMS PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                deeply rooted in his or her experience. While I have worked on            Piazza A. Capponi, 13, Roma, 00193,
LITTLE                                                                                                          many projects, both cross-border and solely China-based, since
                                                                                                                I finished college in Scotland, I can't help but think that the Little
                                                                                                                                                                                          Lazio, Italy
                                                                                                                                                                                          M -
BASTARD                                                                                                         Bastard story is rooted in my own experience of leaving China at
                                                                                                                the age of 15 and moving to the UK, and, while grappling with
                                                                                                                                                                                          T - + 39 06 6873035
                                                                                                                                                                                          STARRY DOME PRODUCTIONS, INC.
                                                                                                                linguistic and cultural challenges, also reveling in the freedom of
                                                                                                                                                                                          3434 Wonder View Square, Los
                                                                                                                cross-border travel, adventure and discovery. Many directors from         Angeles, 90068, CA, United States
                                                                                                                China have dabbled in movies — road trip comedies, romances               M -
                                                                                                                and action adventure stories — that take characters from China to         T - + 1 3108902619
                                                                                                                farflung locales. But many of these have had a superficial, "picture
Following a tragic accident that leaves                                                                         postcard" quality. By contrast, I have actually lived in Europe for
a young boy orphaned, a career-                                                                                 many years, and I would like to think that my film will have a certain
crazed actress must make a cross-                                                                               fresh authenticity as a result.
continental journey to take up the most
challenging role of her life -- MOM
                                                                                                                DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                                Born in Lanzhou, China, Difei Zhou left to study in the U.K. when
                                                                                                                he was 15. After graduating from the University of Edinburgh with
                                                                                                                majors in Arts and Film Directing, he embarked on a career in film
                                                                                                                and television production. His first job, as an assistant on the US
PROJECT INFORMATION                       SYNOPSIS                                                              China co-production Karate Kid (2010) , which starred Jackie Chan,
                                                                                                                was representative of the sort of cross-border production in which
                                          Su Mo, an actress whose star is fading, would give anything to
COUNTRY                                                                                                         he thrives. Over the last decade, Difei has produced a wide range
                                          succeed in her career. Her husband moved to France years ago,
China, Italy, France                                                                                            of both film and tv projects. As his feature debut, Little Bastard will
                                          and now her marriage exists in name only. While rehearsing for
                                                                                                                be a showcase for his bilingual and bicultural fluency.
PRODUCER                                  her new film, she receives an urgent call: her husband has died
Maria Cucinotta, Ellen R Eliasoph         in a car accident. She flies to France, only to learn that there
                                          was a woman in the car who also died in the crash. She finds          COMPANY PROFILE
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                                                                                                        Ellen R Eliasoph | Producer
                                          her way to her husband’s flat and is shocked to discover a young
Seven Dreams Production                                                                                         Seven Dreams Production is the production shingle of Maria Grazia
                                          boy, Alex, waiting there for his parents to come home. Su Mo
Starry Dome Productions, Inc.                                                                                   Cucinotta (born 27 July 1968). Maria is an Italian actress who has
                                          also discovers a practical problem: her husband left his legacy
DIRECTOR                                                                                                        featured in many films and television series since 1990. She has
                                          to Alex, with whom she has no blood ties. She decides to travel
Difei Zhou                                                                                                      also worked as a producer, screenwriter and model. Cucinotta
                                          with Alex to Sicily, where his maternal grandfather lives, to fight
                                                                                                                was born in Messina, Province of Messina, Sicily, Italy. She is well
WRITER                                    for what she deserves.
                                                                                                                known in Italy as a movie and television actress, but internationally
Difei Zhou                                Su Mo is by turns frustrated and amused by her naughty
                                                                                                                she is best known for her roles in Il Postino and as
GENRE                                     companion. Alex keeps asking where his parents have gone.
                                                                                                                the Bond girl, credited as the Cigar Girl, in the James Bond film The
Comedy, Family, Road Trip                 Su Mo finally says they’ve “gone to hell”. But as they get to know
                                                                                                                World Is Not Enough.
                                          each other in the course of their trip, she is moved by this quirky
TOTAL BUDGET                                                                                                    Starry Dome Productions is the production shingle of Ms. Ellen
                                          kid, and Alex comes to appreciate this odd, unpredictable
€ 4-5 M                                   woman.                                                                Ruth Eliasoph, an award-winning international producer who
FINANCING IN PLACE                        When he finally learns his parents have died, he breaks down,         works principally in the Chinese and Australian film industries. Ms.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Difei Zhou | Writer & Director
€2M                                       arousing Su Mo's hidden maternal instincts.                           Eliasoph's notable productions include Stephen Chow's Journey to
                                                                                                                the West: Conquering the Demons, Zhang Yimou's Shadow, Larry
                                                                                                                Yang's Mountain Cry, Teng Congcong's Send me to the Clouds,
Co-production, Financing, Filming
                                                                                                                and Wen Shipei's upcoming Killing Time. Ms. Eliasoph is a voting
                                                                                                                member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as
                                                                                                                well as the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts.

                                          12                                                                                                                                        13

                                                                                                                DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                    COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                                With thriller, horror snuff and action genre aiming to draw        SWALLOW WINGS FILMS
                                                                                                                attractiveness from the film audience, I'm ready to make a         7F-6, No.76 Kunming St., Wan Hwa
                                                                                                                R-rated film to show the extreme situation the characters          Dist., Taipei, 108003, Taipei City,
LOW-END                                                                                                         confront in such a "low-end." On one hand, I would like to bring
                                                                                                                more audience to attach migrant workers issue by genre and
                                                                                                                                                                                   M -
                                                                                                                entertaining elements.                                             T - + 886 23610873
                                                                                                                On the other hand, I want to stand out the fact that how these
                                                                                                                ordinary and innocent people are driven crazy by the terrible
                                                                                                                environments, which help us to reflect the social class issue.

                                                                                                                DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
Four illegal foreign migrant workers
imprisoned in one basement get                                                                                  Graduated from Taipei National University of the Art, Lai has a
involved in terrible murder caused of                                                                           splendid and complete filmography with works including short,
affairs. How could they find help in                                                                            commercial, documentary, film and series. Futhermore, he
time without identity                                                                                           has won Golden Harvest Award, Golden Bell Award as well
                                                                                                                as Taipei Film Award. His short Panic House earned attention
                                                                                                                of International Film Festival Rotterdam. After serving as
                                                                                                                executive director of See You Tomorrow, his feature film Stand     Albert Yao | Producer
                                                                                                                By Me also screened in 2019.

PROJECT INFORMATION                     SYNOPSIS                                                                COMPANY PROFILE
                                        Four foreign migrant workers lived in one basement during the           Swallow Wings Films Co., Ltd., founded in 1976, is a film
COUNTRY                                 transfer period. They have different backgrounds and reasons            company that both distributes and produces motion pictures.
Taiwan                                  and no choice but to work in Taiwan. One is Yanni, a 42-year-old        Swallow Wings Films distributes award winning films, including
PRODUCER                                mother from Indonesia, another is a handsome 23-year-old guy            Farhadi’s A Separation, Donnersmarck’s The Lives of Others,
Albert Yao                              Homer, also from Indonesia, and the other two are a 25-year-old         Haneke's Amour, Free Solo, The Legend of 1900, etc.
                                        man Jinxiong and a 22-year-old hot girl Sile, both from Vietnam.        Among Mandarin film releases are Tsai Ming- Liang’s The
                                        The four people doesn’t really know each other and put together         Wayward Cloud, Hou Hsiao-Hsien‘s Three Times, Chang Tso-chi’s
Swallow Wings Films
                                        by the intermediary Zhaocheng Liu temporarily. Two young guys           Thanatos, Drunk, Lou Ye’s Spring Fever. In 2017, Swallow Wings
DIRECTOR                                quickly start to get Sile’s attention while she is extremely sexy. In   Films produced The Last Painting, A Fish Out of Water, and Blood
Meng-Chieh Lai                          conflict, Jinxiong accidentally and seriously injures Homer. Yanni      Amber, all of which were selected in notable international film
WRITER                                  and Sile quickly stops him and ties violent Jinxiong to a chair.        festivals.
Meng-Chieh Lai, Shi-Hsien Chang         After calming down, Jinxiong regrets and wants to call ambulance
GENRE                                   to save Homer immediately. Of course, Homer is eagerly to do
Asian, Thriller, Crime, Action          the same thing. However, the problem is: both Yanni and Sile
                                        refuse to call the police while they are runaway workers and they
                                        will do anything to ensure they can keep working in Taiwan for
$ 660,000                               their family...finally, who can really escape from the basement
FINANCING IN PLACE                      after all the tension and contradiction?
$ 100,000
Co-production, Financing,
Sales Agent, Festival

                                        14                                                                                                                                   15

                                                                                                                  DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                       COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                                  I’m always looking to tell stories that pique my own curiosity, and   WAYANG WORKS
                                                                                                                  this one deals with an untold, and potentially even taboo issue.      A-11-16 Pinnacle PJ, Petaling Jaya,
                                                                                                                  But I am deeply intrigued by the journey of a character like Bayu.    46200, Selangor, Malaysia
MAYANG                                                                                                            She has always been a practising Muslim but finds her faith
                                                                                                                  challenged when her husband is lost at sea. How deep must
                                                                                                                                                                                        M -
                                                                                                                  that desire, love and belief be so that one turns away from what      T - + 60 143488123
                                                                                                                  has always been the right path?                                          + 17 6576510
                                                                                                                  Being an avid fan of supernatural dramatic films, I find this story
                                                                                                                  most fitting to mark my first foray into the genre. I have long
                                                                                                                  stayed away due to an uncanny reason for sure. Even as we
                                                                                                                  speak, and develop this film, there have been unexplained
After losing her husband at sea, Bayu                                                                             bumps and thumps in the darkest of the nights, and nights of
starts experiencing mysterious calls                                                                              waking up in cold sweat at 3am.
by the 7 goddesses, testing her faith                                                                             And as they say, the best stories are the ones that are usually the
and leading her to believe that she can                                                                           hardest to tell.
bring him back to life.
                                                                                                                  DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                                  With her debut feature Motif, Nadiah Hamzah has been hailed           Mo Bahir | Producer
                                                                                                                  as “one to watch” by The Hollywood Reporter. Her anti-bullying
                                                                                                                  film for Save The Children, exploded online and has earned her
PROJECT INFORMATION                       SYNOPSIS                                                                a win at the Adfest, The One Show, and a Cannes Lion.
                                                                                                                  Nadiah Hamzah was born and raised in Penang, Malaysia.
                                          On the 40th day of losing her husband at sea, Bayu returns to
COUNTRY                                                                                                           After a brief stint as a copywriter in McCann Erickson, she
                                          the seaside town of Kuala Terengganu to recover her husband’s
Malaysia                                                                                                          enrolled in film school and graduated with an MFA (Film & TV)
                                          missing boat. However as she gets closer to the coast, a familiar
                                                                                                                  from Tisch School of the Arts, New York University..
PRODUCER                                  sensation begins to overcome her - something she has felt
Muhammad Bahir, Priya Narayanan           before as a child growing close to the beach, and she felt it again
                                          when she first came to look for her husband. But this time the          COMPANY PROFILE
                                          feeling is much stronger.
Wayang Works                                                                                                      Wayang Works is a film company based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
                                          As everyone else begins the process of accepting his demise,
DIRECTOR                                                                                                          We are in a unique position where the director’s creative freedom
                                          Bayu begins to feel as if her husband is back with her. At times                                                                              Nadiah Hamzah | Director
Nadiah Hamzah                                                                                                     is encouraged, but commercial sensibility is never forgotten. This
                                          it seems so real, physical changes begin to happen.
                                                                                                                  puts us in a place where commercials, music videos and films
WRITER                                    The song Ulek Mayang catches her attention. It did not seem
                                                                                                                  can coexist, and our directors provided the space to create truly
Sharifah Mayang Marhaeni Syed             much at first, the melody is too familiar. But behind the
                                                                                                                  engaging content with fresh ideas that are not tied to a specific
Ahmad                                     serenading verses praising sea goddesses, the song is very
                                                                                                                  medium or trend.
GENRE                                     forthright with its intention, calling upon the spirits of the seas.
Supernatural, Psychological Drama         Resolute to save her husband, Bayu begins uncovering the
                                          existence of the sea goddesses and along the way questions her
                                          own religious convictions. Mayang is a story about a woman who
€ 212,766                                 is strong in her belief, struggling to make sense of the intersection
FINANCING IN PLACE                        between the old world and the new world.
€ 50,400
LOOKING FOR                                                                                                                                                                             Priya Narayanan | Producer
Co-production, Financing,
Sales Agent, Festival

                                          16                                                                                                                                      17

                                                                                                                DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                         COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                                Ordeal of roses where the echoes of the 1900s resonate like             HARAKIRI FILMS LLC
MISHIMA,                                                                                                        ghosts in the chaos of a post-pandemic scenario. A grotesque
                                                                                                                and moving neon thriller set between Italy and Japan, dedicated
                                                                                                                                                                                        1-6-6-403 Baika, Konohana Ku,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Osaka, 554-0013, Japan
THE ROSES                                                                                                       to lovers of Asian cinema, pop culture and Italian genre films, in
                                                                                                                which La Strada and Sonatine meet the 80s hard-boiled movies,
                                                                                                                                                                                        M -
                                                                                                                                                                                        T - + 81 8031574496
OF VENDETTA                                                                                                     with a dose of dark humor and suspense. The fate of MISHIMA,
                                                                                                                iconic heroine fighting against the yakuza to avenge her parents,
                                                                                                                changes forever when her blood-soaked path crosses that
                                                                                                                of the man she falls in love with: ERVIS, an unlikely Italian
                                                                                                                amateur singer obsessed with Presley, forced to smuggle an
                                                                                                                illegal miracle drug by a gang of bodybuilders led by a masked
Only the two men she loves can                                                                                  influencer known as Myss Zeitgeist.
help Mishima take her revenge: the                                                                              Ultimately the theme of the film unveils exploring their
Japanese sumoka who saved her and                                                                               relationship with power. A struggle for dignity, in the realisation
an Italian singer forced to smuggle an                                                                          of one's art, of becoming oneself.
illegal serum dressed as Elvis Presley.
                                                                                                                DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                                His latest film Lucania, Land Blood and Magic premiered                 Taro Imai | Producer
                                                                                                                in L.A. winning numerous awards like Best Foreign Film in
                                                                                                                Houston, Best Film at Social World Fest, the Hero and Time
PROJECT INFORMATION                       SYNOPSIS                                                              Award in Russia.
                                                                                                                Both on Amazon Prime, his feature debut Babylon Sisters
                                          Since her mother’s suicide Mishima lived away from her yakuza
COUNTRY                                                                                                         screened over thirty festivals becoming the poster of BFI
                                          father, now gone missing. In the attempt to avenge him Mishima
Japan, Italy                                                                                                    London Film Festival 2017. A London Film School and Berlinale
                                          is abducted by Osaka boss Reiji Imai in retaliation for wounding
                                                                                                                Talents. Campus Alumni his short films won him an internship at
PRODUCER                                  his son Kazuo. During her imprisonment she finds an ally in her
                                                                                                                Universal Studios L.A. Winner of Torino Film Lab 2012 and the
Taro Imai                                 jailer Jumonji, a former sumo wrestler. One night she meets
                                                                                                                Solinas Prize 2018. Author of documentaries, The Road to Kabul
                                          Ervis, an Italian amateur singer obsessed with Presley forced to
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                              was awarded Best War Doc of Italian TV.
                                          smuggle an illegal drug for a pharmaceutical company run by
Harakiri Films LLC
                                          a gang of bodybuilders. Once in Japan, after his show at Imai’s
DIRECTOR                                  nightclub Ervis is awarded a night with Mishima. Spellbound by        COMPANY PROFILE                                                         Gigi Roccati | Director
Gigi Roccati                              her beauty, Ervis decides to rescue her and the two escape to
                                                                                                                Harakiri Films is an independent feature film production company
WRITER                                    Italy. Living on the run on Ervis’ motorbike they’re hunted by
                                                                                                                based in Osaka. It focuses on low budget international co-
Gigi Roccati, Shogo Yasukawa,             the Metalife mob led by a masked influencer known as Myss
                                                                                                                production and local original films targeting theatrical distribution
Diego Malara                              Zeitgeist. Also a fierce music producer, she pardons Ervis and
                                                                                                                and film festivals. It was founded by Taro Imai in 2015 in order to
GENRE                                     offers the couple a contract with her label. As their restless love
                                                                                                                reincarnate the filmmaking scene in Osaka. For Harakiri Films,
Thriller, Musical, Black Comedy           grows into alienation, Mishima begins to plan her vendetta and
                                                                                                                development of unique stories and theatrical distribution are 2
                                          Ervis is unwillingly transformed into a popstar. But when Kazuo
TOTAL BUDGET                                                                                                    important keys as we are storytellers to deliver good stories to
                                          Imai shows up with his gangsters to bring the girl back to Japan,
€ 1,5 M                                                                                                         our audience. As the name of Harakiri Films resembles, we are
                                          Ervis and Jumonji will help avenge in blood the ordeal endured
                                                                                                                committed filmmakers, and we believe in that screenwriting,
FINANCING IN PLACE                        by Mishima.
                                                                                                                acting, and directing are 3 fundamental factors in filmmaking. Its
€ 86,531
                                                                                                                second feature film, Eriko, Pretended was released theatrically in
LOOKING FOR                                                                                                     Japan and in Thailand in 2018. In 2018, the company became a
Co-production, Financing                                                                                        limited liability company.

                                          18                                                                                                                                      19

                                                                                                               DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                       COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                               When I shot a film in Taiwan in 2014, 21-year-old Cheng Chieh         POTOCOL
                                                                                                               stabbed as many people as he could on the subway. While his           2 Marina Boulevard #52-06 The Sail
                                                                                                               younger brother supported him, his parents publicly begged the        @ Marina Bay, Singapore, 128042,
PIERCE                                                                                                         government to execute him.
                                                                                                               Having grown up with an older autistic brother, I wrote Pierce
                                                                                                                                                                                     M -
                                                                                                               to explore our sibling relationship. When I was young, not      
                                                                                                               understanding my brother’s condition, I idealized him to be a         T - + 65 91909169
                                                                                                               loving, caring older brother. It was only when I grew up that I           + 65 81281214
                                                                                                               realized our relationship was made up in my head, and I would
                                                                                                               never know if my brother actually loved me. Accepting this has
                                                                                                               been a painful journey for me, and is the same one Jie takes in
When his dangerous older brother is                                                                            Pierce.
released from jail, high school fencer                                                                         As an ex-national fencer, I felt that fencing mirrors the intensity
JIE believes Brother has changed                                                                               of the family dynamics. Aurally, I imagine the tense family scenes
and helps him, defying their mother’s                                                                          to be extremely quiet, in contrast to the loud fencing training and
attempts to bury his existence.                                                                                competitions full of piercing screams.

                                                                                                               DIRECTOR’S PROFILE                                                    Jeremy Chua | Producer
                                                                                                               Nelicia Low is a ex-National fencer and writer-director based
                                                                                                               in Singapore and Taiwan. In 2018, she received her MFA in
PROJECT INFORMATION                      SYNOPSIS                                                              Film Directing at Columbia University. Her short film Freeze
                                                                                                               premiered at the 2016 Clermont-Ferrand ISFF and screened at
                                         High school fencer JIE (17) is shunned by his teammates after
COUNTRY                                                                                                        over 70 international film festivals including Busan ISFF, Taipei
                                         his disturbed older BROTHER (24), once a fencing champion,
Singapore, Taiwan, Poland                                                                                      Golden Horse IFF and Brussels ISFF. She was chosen for New
                                         was sent to jail for a monstrous crime. Their widowed MOTHER
                                                                                                               Waves: Emerging Voices of Southeast Asia.
PRODUCER                                 (45) is determined to bury their family’s traumatic past and
                                                                                                               She is an alumni of Talents Tokyo 2020 where Pierce won
Jeremy Chua, Sam Chua                    hides the truth from her wealthy boyfriend ZHUANG (50).
                                                                                                               Special Mention Award, Full Circle Lab Philippines 2020, Le
                                         When mother and son find out Brother will be released, Mother
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                             Groupe Ouest’s LESS IS MORE 2019 and SGIFF’s Southeast
                                         arranges to send him away but Jie goes behind her back to see
Potocol                                                                                                        Asian Film Lab 2018.
                                         him. Brother appears regretful for the way he treated Jie as a
DIRECTOR                                 child, and though doubtful of Brother's sincerity, Jie is desperate                                                                         Sam Chua | Producer
Nelicia Low                              for a relationship with Brother and decides to give him a chance.     COMPANY PROFILE
WRITER                                   Jie steals money for Brother, and in return gets fencing lessons,
                                                                                                               Founded in 2014 by film producer and screenwriter Jeremy Chua,
Nelicia Low                              improving drastically.
                                                                                                               Potocol focuses on coproduction of Asian films. It has produced
GENRE                                    Realising her sons have reconnected, Mother furiously
                                                                                                               or co-produced A Yellow Bird by K. Rajagopal (Cannes Critics’
Drama, Thriller                          reports Brother to his prison officer, jeopardizing his freedom.
                                                                                                               Week 2016), A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery by Lav Diaz (Silver
                                         The brothers retaliate by threatening to reveal the truth to
TOTAL BUDGET                                                                                                   Bear, Berlinale Competition 2016), Brotherhood by Pepe Diokno
                                         Zhuang. Just as they all agree to find a compromise, Brother
€ 750,000                                                                                                      (Karlovy Vary IFF 2016), A Family Tour by Ying Liang (Opening
                                         causes another violent fencing accident. As the National
                                                                                                               Film International Competition, Locarno IFF 2018) and Motel
FINANCING IN PLACE                       Championships approach, Jie struggles to determine which
                                                                                                               Acacia by Bradley Liew (Tokyo IFF 2019), A Love Unknown by
€ 575,000                                version of Brother is the genuine one, only to realize he might
                                                                                                               John Clang (2020 IFFR Bright Future), Death Of Nintendo by
LOOKING FOR                              never know the truth.
                                                                                                               Raya Martin (Berlinale Generation 2020), and Rehana Maryam
Co-production, Sales Agent,                                                                                    Noor (Cannes Un Certain Regard 2016).                                 Nelicia Low | Director

                                         20                                                                                                                                    21

                                                                                                            DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                      COMPANY CONTACTS
THREE                                                                                                       I lost my older brother last month. He was in Toronto, I was in
                                                                                                            Hong Kong. I could not travel back to Toronto for his funeral. The
                                                                                                                                                                                 KENBIROLI FILMS LTD.
                                                                                                                                                                                 G/F, 58B Nam Shan Village,
FUNERALS                                                                                                    online funeral brought our family and extended family together
                                                                                                            around the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Sai Kung, 00000, New Territories,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Hong Kong SAR China
AND A                                                                                                       My Jewish friend’s mother died in California during the height
                                                                                                            of the pandemic there but she was in Hong Kong at the time.
                                                                                                                                                                                 M -
                                                                                                                                                                                 T - + 852 9365 1350
WEDDING                                                                                                     She couldn’t return for the funeral in the US. She had a virtual
                                                                                                            funeral and Shiva. She memorialized the story of her mother
                                                                                                            using a few simple photographs. I got to experience this moving
                                                                                                            and immersive experience. In normal times, few of us would
                                                                                                            cross oceans and national borders to attend a friend or their
A Zoom funeral in Hong Kong sets off                                                                        relative’s funeral. With virtual memorials, a hundred screens
an interlocking story of people across                                                                      pop up on the computer screen. The world becomes flat and
the world, living the biggest events                                                                        fascinating as we can reach into each other’s lives. These virtual
of their lives through the computer                                                                         rituals allows us to find our way to our humanity.
                                                                                                            DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                            Kenneth Bi’s first film, Rice Rhapsody (2004) was in                 Kenneth Bi | Director & Writer
                                                                                                            competition at the Tokyo International Film Festival. It also won
                                                                                                            Best New Director at the Hong Kong Film Awards.
PROJECT INFORMATION                      SYNOPSIS                                                           The Drummer (2007), was a co-production among Hong
                                                                                                            Kong, Taiwan, and Germany. It was selected for competition at
                                         HONG KONG
COUNTRY                                                                                                     the Sundance Film Festival.
                                         TONY(66)’s emotional virtual funeral brings together family
Hong Kong SAR China                                                                                         In 2010, Bi directed GIRL$, a topical social drama.
                                         and friends around the world. Son RAY in Berlin and daughter
                                                                                                            In 2013, Bi crafted the neo-noir suspense thriller Control with
PRODUCER                                 CHARLOTTE in Taiwan. Two mysterious participants have their
                                                                                                            striking visual effects and a stellar cast led by Daniel Wu. Wish
Katherine Lee                            cameras off. PISON and MIHOKO.
                                                                                                            You Were Here (2018) starring Faye Yu and Takao Osawa
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                          marked Bi’s first Japanese co-production.
                                         Mihoko (32) is a hospital nurse who looks after a 7 year old
Kenbiroli Films Ltd.
                                         Italian boy called ROMAN in isolation, lending him her iPad to     COMPANY PROFILE
DIRECTOR                                 chat with his parents. When the boy dies, his parents call her
Kenneth Bi                               iPad. Mihoko tells how Roman’s honest words about why she          Kenbiroli Films is a Hong Kong based independent film                Katherine Lee | Producer
WRITER                                   looks different than her siblings set her on a journey.            production company. Its first 35mm feature film, Rice Rhapsody,
Kenneth Bi                               BERLIN                                                             executive produced by Jackie Chan and starring Sylvia Chang
                                         RAY (30), knows Tony’s health is declining so he wants to get      (20,30,40), Martin Yan, and Melanie Laurent was bestowed
                                         married soon. With the safety of everyone being in different       “Top Ten Chinese Language Films of 2005” by the Chinese
                                         countries, Ray can marry his partner, YOAL, an Israeli male        Film Critics Association and earned Bi the “Best New Director
TOTAL BUDGET                                                                                                Award” at the 25th Hong Kong Film Awards. The Drummer,
                                         cellist. Tony and the Jewish-in-laws in Israel surprise everyone
$3M                                      with their speeches.                                               a co-production between Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Germany
FINANCING IN PLACE                       BANGKOK                                                            garnered the distinction of being the first Chinese-language
$ 50,000                                 PISON (25) is a policeman. He logs on to Tony’s memorial to        film funded by Germany’s Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg as
                                         expose Tony’s past. Pison’s father was Tony’s partner and he       well as the first film from Hong Kong and Taiwan selected for
                                         was murdered 25 years ago. Tony fled. Now that Tony is dead,       competition at the Sundance Film Festival, where it was named
                                         Pison loses purpose. He holds a symbolic virtual memorial          “Critics’ Pick” by the Hollywood Reporter.
                                         for his father at an AA online meeting. Afterwards, he refuses     Kenbiroli Films is currently developing its first English language
                                         bribes, putting him in danger.                                     TV series, Las Mulas and feature film Boxes.

                                         22                                                                                                                                23

              FAR EAST IN PROGRESS

                 ADEMOKA                 P. 26
                 BIRD EYES               P. 28
                 DAY TRIPPER             P. 30
                 REBORN                  P. 32
                 ZOMBIE CRUSH IN HEYRI   P. 34

                                                                                                                  DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                    COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                                  Social films don't have to be heavy and sad, the audience - and    KAZAKHFILM JSC
                                                                                                                  the filmmakers - have the choice to embrace a certain lightness,   Kazakhstan
                                                                                                                  no matter how important the subject.                               M -
ADEMOKA                                                                                                           The film focuses on the personalities of the characters, on the
                                                                                                                  people. A minimum of effects, music and action: nothing should
                                                                                                                                                                                     SHORT BROTHERS LLC
                                                                                                                  distract the viewer from the people. Their feelings and inner      M -
                                                                                                                  struggle come first.                                               ARIZONA PRODUCTIONS
                                                                                                                  Every person has to deal with routine problems every day.          France
                                                                                                                  The struggle that a person has inside. And at first sight it is    M -
                                                                                                                  invisible. My mission is to see the inner world of Ademoka and
                                                                                                                  his teacher Akhab behind the daily course of things.
A young girl, Ademoka, wants to go to                                                                             These two people are exactly opposite to each other. But at the
school but her status as Lyuli, a kind of                                                                         same time, they are similar. They love art, they seek the beauty
gypsy from Central Asia, destines her                                                                             and grandeur of literature; and both are in search of knowledge.
to begging - except for a few people                                                                              Akhab sees that this is his unseen achievement - to beat the
who will help her.                                                                                                system and help Ademoka become educated. This is finally the
                                                                                                                  ultimate goal of his life.

                                                                                                                  DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                                                                                                     Guillaume De Seille | Producer
                                                                                                                  Adilkhan Yerzhanov is a film director and scriptwriter. He was
PROJECT INFORMATION                         SYNOPSIS                                                              born in Djezkazgan city of Kazakhstan on August, 7, 1982.
                                                                                                                  In 2009 he graduated from Kazakh National Academy of Arts
                                            Fifteen-year-old Ademoka arrives with her entire Lyuli family
COUNTRY                                                                                                           with the major in “Film directing”.
                                            from Tajikistan to beg in Kazakhstan. A customs officer notices
Kazakhstan, France                          her talent for drawing and writing, which gives her the idea to try
PRODUCER                                    to get into school.                                                   COMPANY PROFILE
Olga Khlasheva, Serik Abishev,              The surly principal considers all Lyuli to be potential thieves,
                                                                                                                  Short Brothers LLC, film production company, founded in 2004
Guillaume De Seille                         so he turns Ademoka away. But a discreet woman directs the
                                                                                                                  by Serik Abishev and Adilkhan Yerzhanov.
                                            young woman to a rather unusual teacher, Akhab. Alcoholic and
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                                Production and International promotion of all short and full-
                                            idle, he starts by robbing her of her meager earnings and then,
Kazakhfilm JSC, Short Brothers,                                                                                   length feature films & one documentary by Adilkhan Yerzhanov.
                                            upon reading what she has written, finally decides to help her
Arizona Productions                                                                                                                                                                  Olga Khlasheva | Producer
                                            get into college.
DIRECTOR                                                                                                          Arizona Productions, Paris based, is led by Guillaume de Seille
                                            After some epic lessons, during a shooting or a short stay in
Adilkhan Yerzhanov                                                                                                to mainly produce and coproduce art-house feature films
                                            prison, Akhab insists on the school to recognize the girl's talent.
                                                                                                                  directed by non- French emerging talents. Between two dawns
WRITER                                      She finally graduates and learns that her teacher lost his wife
                                                                                                                  by Selman Nacar (Turkey) Ademoka by Adilkhan Yerzhanov
Adilkhan Yerzhanov                          and daughter in an accident for which he was responsible.
                                                                                                                  (Kazakhstan), Kerr by Tayfun Pirselimoglu (Turkey), After the
LOOKING FOR                                 Ademoka finally gets the right to study at the university.
                                                                                                                  winter by Ivan Bakrac (Montenegro), Ulbolsyn by Adilkhan
Gap Financing, Festival Release, Sales                                                                            Yerzhanov (Kazakhstan), Tallinn Black Nights Netpac award
Agent, Italian Distributor                                                                                        2020. Yellow cat by Adilkhan Yerzhanov (Kazakhstan), Venice
                                                                                                                  Orizzonti 2020. The island within by Ru Hasanov (Azerbaijan),
                                                                                                                  Sarajevo best director 2020. A dark, dark man by Adilkhan
                                                                                                                  Yerzhanov (Kazakhstan), San Sebastian competition 2019. Oleg
                                                                                                                  by Juris Kursietis (Latvia), Cannes Directors Fortnight 2019.

                                            26                                                                                                                                 27

                                                                                                                    philosophies of its makers can be seen and felt. And I do                COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                                    sincerely believe that we all live our lives according to what we
                                                                                                                    think is the next right decision, like characters in a film. In Return   ARKEOFILMS
                                                                                                                    of the Owl, retired director-screenwriter Leonor tries to write and      The Philippines
BIRD                                                                                                                revise her life in ways that she can, and she does it through her        M -
                                                                                                                    imagination — fiction that she materializes through this film that
EYES                                                                                                                she tries to complete.
                                                                                                                    Growing up in Manila, I vividly remember that our President was
                                                                                                                    literally an action star leading a country. Now it makes sense.
                                                                                                                    This film therefore is a concretization of cinema’s effect on
                                                                                                                    people - how it can blur our realities and how it can create them.

                                                                                                                    DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
Leonor Reyes, a retired filmmaker, gets
hit in the head by a television and falls                                                                           Martika Ramirez Escobar was born in Manila in 1992. Her
into a coma that transports her into an                                                                             love for the bizarre is best reflected through her films and
unfinished film she tries to complete.                                                                              photographs. After graduating with honors from the University
                                                                                                                    of the Philippines, her thesis film Stone Heart, competed at the
                                                                                                                    19th Busan International Film Festival. The following year, it won
                                                                                                                    Best Film at the 11th Cinemalaya. Her latest film Living Things
                                                                                                                    won her the Best Director award at the 16th Cinemalaya.                  Mario Cornejo | Producer
                                                                                                                    She is an alumna of the Berlinale Talents Tokyo, Asian Film
                                                                                                                    Academy, Southeast Asian Film Lab, Luang Prabang Talent
PROJECT INFORMATION                         SYNOPSIS                                                                Lab, Fantastic Film School, Mowelfund Film Institute and is a
                                            Leonor Reyes was the only Filipino woman who wrote action               recipient of the Purin Pictures Film Fund.
COUNTRY                                     films in the ‘80s. Now, 72 years old, she lives in a cluttered          Most of her work, including her first feature Return of the Owl,
The Philippines                             apartment with her son, Rudie, who has plans of migrating to            which and first documentary feature Tell Me About Darkness
PRODUCER                                    join his boyfriend.                                                     which participated in the Asiadoc Residency, are self-reflexive
Mario Cornejo, Monster Jimenez              After a heated argument with Rudie, and a visit from her dead           films about her relationship with cinema.
                                            son, Ronwaldo, Leonor eyes an ad inthe newspaper: Isapelikula           She is currently working as a freelance director-cinematographer
                                            - turn your words into movies - and decides to write again.             for various local and international productions.
                                            About to complete her long unfinished script, a television
DIRECTOR                                    lands on Leonor’s head, causing her to fall into a coma. While                                                                                   Monster Jimenez | Producer
Martika Ramirez Escobar
                                                                                                                    COMPANY PROFILE
                                            confined in the hospital, she is transported into the film that is
WRITER                                      playing on the television. Leonor wakes up inside the world of a        Arkeofilms is a company based in Manila and founded in 2000.
Martika Ramirez Escobar                     classic macho 1980s Filipino action flick, featuring her dead son       Arkeofilms takes its place as one of the country’s leaders in
                                            Ronwaldo, whose sudden disappearance propels her to become              independent filmmaking. Our short and full-length features
                                            the selfsacrificing hero of the film. At this point, Leonor’s body      have been screened in film festivals and have won awards
Gap Financing, Festival Release, Sales
                                            vanishes into thin air, and the lines between her action fantasy        and recognition from the local industry, critics and the press.
Agent, Italian Distributor
                                            and unforgiving reality begin to blur.                                  Our projects in development have been awarded funding from
                                                                                                                    national agencies and institutions and have been selected for
                                                                                                                    special programs and workshops abroad. Today, the company is
                                            DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                         pursuing international coproduction for its upcoming full-length
                                            Life has always appealed to me as an unusually long film — a            features.
                                            temporary contained thing with characters, a plot, sounds and                                                                                    Martika Ramirez Escobar | Director
                                            images, and myself a “director” who tries to navigate what it is
                                            that I want to happen in this narrative we call life. Its complexity,
                                            I think is best shown and shared through cinema, where the

                                            28                                                                                                                                         29

                                                                                                             DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                    COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                             What happens during a day is like a meaningless roaming,           FACTORY GATE FILMS
                                                                                                             people work hard in their daily life, but there is nothing they    China
DAY                                                                                                          can control.
                                                                                                             However, the tone of the film is not that heavy, but humorous
                                                                                                                                                                                M -

TRIPPER                                                                                                      and absurd. We can watch the present society of China in a
                                                                                                             slightly playful and ironic way through the film.

                                                                                                             DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                             Yanqi Chen, director, writer and sometimes editor, was born
                                                                                                             in 1990, Harbin, China. He was graduated from London Film
                                                                                                             School in 2016. His graduation film The Road won the Best
                                                                                                             Student Film at the 6th UK Film Festival. Three years later, he
It’s all the same story. People try to
                                                                                                             made another short film named Deep Sleep, which was selected
survive in the world they were born.
                                                                                                             in the Beijing International Short Film Festival in 2019, and
                                                                                                             reached the final shortlist of Director’s Fortnight in 2020.
                                                                                                             Apart from his short works, he has been working on the feature
                                                                                                             project Day Tripper since 2017. The project has won a prize at
                                                                                                             the Project Market at FIRST Film Festival and was one of the top   Sunan Lin | Producer
                                                                                                             10 projects of CFDG Young Director Support Program of China.
                                                                                                             2019 Deep Sleep (short, fiction.) - Director/Writer/Editor
PROJECT INFORMATION                      SYNOPSIS                                                            2016 The Road (short, fiction.) - Director/Writer/Editor 2013
                                                                                                             Underground (short, documentary.) - Director
                                         High school boy Fan will spend an ordinary day in the wintry
COUNTRY                                  city of Harbin. His father finds his position replaced by a young
China                                    person.                                                             COMPANY PROFILE
PRODUCER                                 He doesn't know where to go.
                                                                                                             Factory Gate Films is a production company founded in 2017
Xufeng Huang                             His mother wants a new life and to break up with her secret
                                                                                                             by veteran film lovers and experienced professionals from
                                         lover. All of his classmates are numbly arranged in the cold
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                           different branches of the cinema industry. With a production
                                         schoolyard. A young teacher is trying to change the traditional
Factory Gate Films                                                                                           lineup blending arthouse and commercial work of acclaimed
                                         education system. At a remote bus stop, people wait all day for
DIRECTOR                                                                                                     and upcoming directors, Factory Gate’s mission is to produce
                                         a bus that seems to never arrive. The owner of a barbershop                                                                            Liang Ying | Producer
Yanqi Chen                                                                                                   unique and high quality films for both Chinese and international
                                         forces his barbers to go outside to grab customers. While a
                                                                                                             audiences, with an emphasis on scouting and fostering new
WRITER                                   barbecue shop owner is transforming his shop into a nightclub.
                                                                                                             directors and talents.
Yanqi Chen                               When night falls, all these people end their day and come to the
                                                                                                             Factory Gate’s production line-up includes Summer Blur by Han
LOOKING FOR                              new nightclub. They lose themselves in the gorgeous illusion.
                                                                                                             Shuai (Berlinale Generation Best Film, Busna Fipresci Award),
Gap Financing, Festival Release,                                                                             Damp Season by Gao Ming (IFFR), Balloon by Pema Tseden
Sales Agent, Italian Distributor                                                                             (Venice Orizzonti, 2019), Dwelling In The Fuchun
                                                                                                             Mountains by Gu Xiaogang (Cannes Critics' Week, 2019), The
                                                                                                             Return by Fang Liang (FIRST FF) and Mr. Big (Beijing IFF Best
                                                                                                             Documentary Award) amongst others.

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                                                                                                                The story takes place in the county seat of Guizhou Province in   COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                                the middle of summer, probably because Guizhou is the place
                                                                                                                where the character archetypes are produced, which naturally      FACTORY GATE FILMS
SAILING                                                                                                         fits the atmosphere of the story. Its many ethnic minorities,     China
                                                                                                                                                                                  M -
                                                                                                                simple and fierce folk customs coexist, jumbled with numerous
SONG                                                                                                            cultures and legends.                                       

OF JUNE                                                                                                         DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                                Chen Yanbin, director and script writer, was born in Guizhou in
                                                                                                                1992. He once worked on set as 1st AD, producer, production
                                                                                                                manager, screenplay supervisor and post-production supervisor.
                                                                                                                He was the producer of Uncle and House and the 1st AD of
Ran who returns to hometown with                                                                                Butter Lamp (nominated at Oscars). Sailing Song of June is his
father to avoid creditors, accidentally                                                                         debut feature.
meets a girl nicknamed "Siren". Along
with the disappearance of his father,
the story starts
                                                                                                                PRODUCERS PROFILE
                                                                                                                HUANG Xufeng’s filmography as Producer: Mr. Big by Tong
                                                                                                                Shengjia (Beijing IFF Best Documentary 2018), Dwelling in
                                                                                                                the Fuchun Mountains by Gu Xiaogang (Cannes Critics’ Week         Liang Ying | Producer
                                                                                                                2019), Balloon by Pema Tseden (Venice Orizzonti 2019), Damp
                                                                                                                Season by Gao Ming (IFFR 2020), Stars Await Us by Zhang Dalei
PROJECT INFORMATION                       SYNOPSIS                                                              (Pingyao IFF 2020), Summer Blur (Busan Fipresci Prize 2020,
                                          Ran returns to his hometown with his father to avoid their            Berlin Generation Best Film 2021), Ripples of Life (Cannes
COUNTRY                                   creditors. At the new school, Ran accidentally meets Linwen,          Directors’ Fortnight 2021).
China                                     a forthright, estranged and mysterious girl nicknamed “Siren”.        As Executive Producer: A Trophy on the Sea by Ju An’qi (Pingyao
PRODUCER                                  The two of them, with very different personalities, help each         IFF 2020)
Xufeng Huang. Ying Liang                  other get out of their troubles in this underdeveloped town of
                                          China full of juvenile delinquents, illegal loans and superstition.   LIANG Ying’s filmography as Producer: Dwelling in the Fuchun
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                              Mountains by Gu Xiaogang (Cannes Critics’ Week 2019),
                                          They become closer, but Ran’s expectation of intimate
Factory Gate Films                                                                                              Summer Blur (Busan Fipresci Prize 2020, Berlin Generation
                                          relationship was never allowed by her. One day, Ran’s father’s
DIRECTOR                                  body is found in the river outside the town. Devastated, he           Best Film 2021), Ripples of Life (Cannes Directors’ Fortnight
Yanbin Chen                               believes the debt collectors must be involved. By chasing the         2021).
WRITER                                    murderers, he puts himself in danger and gets hurt. Linwen            As Executive Producer or Associate Producer: Ta’ang by Wang
Yanbin Chen                               decides to help Ran by her way: she confess her pain and              Bing (Berlin Forum 2016), Shanghai Youth by Wang Bing (Venice
                                          sickness, then sets off before dawn…                                  Orizzonti 2016), Chinese Portrait by Wang Xiaoshuai (Busan
                                                                                                                2018), Balloon by Pema Tseden (Venice Orizzonti 2019), Damp
Gap Financing, Festival Release,
                                                                                                                Season by Gao Ming (IFFR 2020), Stars Await Us by Zhang Dalei
Sales Agent, Italian Distributor          DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                       (Pingyao IFF 2020).
                                          This is a real reflection of the current social ecology, can only
                                          take place in Guizhou folk culture under the youth growth film.
                                          Many characters in the film can find in Guizhou, and each one
                                          is fresh and interesting. The style, interpersonal network and
                                          behavior logic of these characters converge into the ecology of
                                          the county, and the process of dealing with the social relations
                                          around each characters in this ecology interweaves into the so-
                                          called "story".

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                                                                                                             DIRECTOR’S NOTE                                                            COMPANY CONTACTS
                                                                                                             I believe everyone will experience the painful loss of their loved         JAZZY PICTURES (M) SDN BHDL
                                                                                                             ones when they reach a certain age. It is a pain that hurt ones            Malaysia
                                                                                                             deeply into their heart. However, everyone has different ways to           M -
REBORN                                                                                                       deal with it. Some people choose to cry everyday and takes a
                                                                                                             while to stay calm, whereas some people choose not to accept
                                                                                                             their loved ones have passed their lives thus unable to relieve from
                                                                                                             it. So, I want to explore the psychological state of these people,
                                                                                                             they will feel regret that they did not treat their loved ones properly,
                                                                                                             they will try to find ways to make up for their regrets when they
                                                                                                             lose them, and even fall into the extreme! They might escape and
                                                                                                             even having delusional strange behaviour. What should we do as
                                                                                                             a spectator? Shall we follow? Or shall we pretend that we do not
At this moment, she remembered the                                                                           know anything about it?
strange content which she had seen on
social media...
                                                                                                             DIRECTOR’S PROFILE
                                                                                                             Danny Pang is one of the Pang brothers. Pang started his career
                                                                                                             as an editor working on numerous Hong Kong films such as The
                                                                                                             Storm Riders and the Infernal Affairs series, he also wrote and            Joanne Goh | Producer
                                                                                                             directed Neung Buak Neung Pen Soon (also known as 1+1=0 or
                                                                                                             Nothing To Lose).
                                        Haohua is having dinner with his wife, Xueqing and their son,        COMPANY PROFILE
COUNTRY                                 Xiaoyun. Xueqing is a mother who strongly cares about her
                                                                                                             Jazzy Pictures (M) Sdn Bhd is an established film and TV content
Malaysia, China                         children's health, therefore most of the food that she cooked
                                                                                                             production company based in Malaysia. Ms. Joanne Goh founded
PRODUCER                                is vegetarian. However, Xiaoyun did not like to eat these foods
                                                                                                             the company in early 2017, with a mission to produce highquality
Joanne Goh                              much. Suddenly, Xiaoyun told Xueqing that his chest is not feeling
                                                                                                             films to bring the name of the company and Malaysian film and TV
                                        well, Xueqing is very nervous and quickly apply some ointment
PRODUCTION COMPANY                                                                                           industry to the international market.
                                        on Xiaoyun's chest. Haohua advised Xueqing to take Xiaoyun
Jazzy Pictures (M) Sdn Bhdl                                                                                  Jazzy Pictures is also one of the independent film distributors
                                        to the doctor as he thinks that the ointment does not work. One
DIRECTOR                                                                                                     in Malaysia. The company is comprised of a committed team of
                                        day, Xueqing is preparing dinner in the kitchen, and Xiaoyun
Danny Pang                                                                                                   film enthusiasts; they are aspired to bring in more diverse movies
                                        is standing behind her covered his chest. His nose is blooding
                                                                                                             for the domestic movie industry. As a dynamic film production
WRITER                                  endlessly but Xueqing did not notice it. Xiaoyun falls down and
                                                                                                             company, Jazzy Pictures strives to continually discover new
Danny Pang                              Xueqing is completely at a loss when she turns around to see the
                                                                                                             talents to deliver fresh and relevant content for the local and
LOOKING FOR                             situation. Unluckily the doctor informs the death of Xiaoyun to
                                                                                                             international audience. To expand the local film and TV projects
Festival Release, Sales Agent           both Haohua and Xueqing.
                                                                                                             abroad, Jazzy Pictures starts to engage in int.

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