INFORMATION PACK We invite you to join Worcester's Big Parade! - A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice - Worcesters Big ...

Page created by Howard Shelton
INFORMATION PACK We invite you to join Worcester's Big Parade! - A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice - Worcesters Big ...
            We invite you to join
          Worcester’s Big Parade!

A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard’s Hospice
INFORMATION PACK We invite you to join Worcester's Big Parade! - A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice - Worcesters Big ...
Welcome...                                                                                                  Worcester’s Big Parade
For 36 years St Richard’s has been an integral part of the                                                  We invite your business, employees, customers and visitors        county has to offer - while positively contributing to
Worcestershire community, providing free specialist care                                                    to be inspired, get creative and celebrate the uniqueness         the economic, cultural and social life of the area.
for patients affected by a serious progressive illness and                                                  of Worcester in the second mass participation public art
supporting their loved ones. In 2018, as we embarked                                                                                                                          This Wild in Art event, brought to Worcester
                                                                                                            event to take place in the county. For eight weeks in the
on the next chapter of the hospice and our Build 2020                                                                                                                         by St Richard’s Hospice, will be an excellent
                                                                                                            summer of 2021, Worcester’s streets, parks and open spaces
Appeal, we brought a project to the county that not only                                                                                                                      opportunity for you to raise awareness of your
                                                                                                            will be brought to life by a parade of elephants. Each
raised significant funds for our new Living Well Centre, it                                                                                                                   business - while showcasing your support for a
                                                                                                            sculpture will be individually designed and beautifully
brought civic pride across the generations and showcased                                                                                                                      well-loved charity over a period of 18 months.
                                                                                                            created, showcasing the wealth of artistic talent the
the very best our county has to offer. Worcester Stands
Tall, an innovative, inclusive, mass participation art

                                                                                                                                 Worcester Stands
event, was an incredible success and now we are thrilled
and excited to invite you to join our next adventure...

                                                                                                                                  Tall Success
                                                                                                                              In the summer of 2018 Worcester Stands Tall (WST) bought lots of fun, excitement,
                                                                                                                                      smiles and visitors to our city! It also had a great economic impact.

                                                                                                                               79%                                                                67%
       “I am so excited at the thought of a                                                                        of visitors to the city spent £30 or more                         of groups who visited included children
       parade of elephants against Worcester’s                                                                            during their WST day out
       iconic attractions standing alongside
       us to bring colour and fun to the city.
       Worcester’s Big Parade will offer                      Once again, we are committed to                            14,000+                                                                  69%
       everyone a fabulous day out. People will               delivering an exciting, innovative,
                                                                                                                                                                            said the trail had inspired them to stay longer than usual
       explore parts of the city they may not                                                                          paper trail maps were collected
                                                              inclusive, mass participation event                                                                            in the city and most visited the trail four times or more!
       have visited before, or re-engage with                                                                            from outlets across the city
                                                              while doing all we can to work

       areas they haven’t been to in a long-time

                                                              with our partners and sponsors to
       - with the added bonus of being active!                make this a fantastic success for
       As well as a parade, another                           Worcestershire. We thank everyone                                                                                        said they explored parts of the city
       collective name for elephants is a                     who has shown such enthusiasm for
                                                                                                                    of businesses said WST had a positive                                  they wouldn’t normally visit
       ‘memory of elephants’ and we hope                      the second art trail, we would have
                                                                                                                  impact on their organisation and revenue

       this wonderful sculpture collection                    not come this far without them.”

       will bring together many in our
       community as they remember their                       Tricia Cavell
       loved ones and create new memories.                                                                                                                                           said they posted on social media before,
                                                              Fundraising Director, St Richard’s Hospice.
                                                                                                                                                                                  during and after visiting and it was the most
                                                                                                                  footfall increase during the trail, based on
                                                                                                                                                                                    common way people heard about the trail
                                                                                                                      the same period the previous year

                                                                                                                                44%                                                     £233,000
                                                                                                                                                                                     net profit was raised for the St Richard’s
                                                                                                            footfall increase in the Worcester Tourist Information
                                                                                                                                                                                            Hospice Build 2020 Appeal
                                                                                                                  Centre – where WST maps were available
INFORMATION PACK We invite you to join Worcester's Big Parade! - A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice - Worcesters Big ...
Tell me how it works                                                                                                 “Worcester Stands Tall was a triumph! It
Worcester’s Big Parade is about partnerships. It aims to           “It is no coincidence that Crowngate,             was such a win win situation, it was great
bring together the business and creative sectors with local        Worcester saw a footfall increase of
communities and schools, to celebrate the character of the
                                                                   7% during the Worcester Stands Tall
                                                                                                                   for the local area with an enormous level of
area and its cultural identity. This world-class, large-scale
public event will:
                                                                   trail against a predicted reduction of
                                                                                                                  public interest and involvement, great for all
                                                                 visitors. It was very evident there were
                                                                   plenty of people in the city following        the sponsors enjoying high levels of awareness
·   Provide a trail through Worcester city centre,                 the giraffe trail and this influenced
    parks and open spaces, encouraging thousands                    their visit to the shopping centre”           and brilliant for St Richard’s Hospice which
    to become a ‘tourist in their own county’ and
    discover or rediscover their community                                      MICHAEL LLOYD
                                                                                                                benefitted from the extraordinary fundraising
                                                                           Centre Manager, Crowngate
·   Increase awareness, footfall and visitor spend
                                                                                                               efforts. At drpg we were so proud to be a sponsor
·   Engage local and regional professional artists
                                                                 “Worcester Stands Tall evaluated really         and part of such a special event; our team and
·   Create an education programme for schools,
                                                                well, attracting people to the city in their
    using creativity as a learning device
                                                                thousands and there were several indicators
                                                                                                               clients really got behind Worcester Stands Tall.
·   Attract regional and national visitors to                    to show that footfall and spend across all
    Worcester and the surrounding areas                           the retailers, restaurateurs and tourist                 The legacy still lives on as we have
·   Showcase the creativity of Worcester, its
                                                                attractions in Worcester increased. It was

    heritage, architecture and culture                             a huge boost to Worcester’s economy.                    a daily reminder of such a fantastic
·   Provide community engagement, fun and excitement!             It was also wonderful to see how people          initiative when we walk into our reception
                                                                  engaged with the trail on social media
                                                                  helping to showcase our wonderful city                          to be greeted by Girafficorn!”
                                                                   across the world! We look forward to
                                                                  the next art trail to boost the economy
                                                                   further and to, once again, bring fun
                                                                                                                                           Dale Parmenter
                                                                    and excitement to Worcester city.”                                          CEO , DRP Group
                                                                                  ANJA POTZE
                                                                            Chair, Worcester Business
                                                                             Improvement District
INFORMATION PACK We invite you to join Worcester's Big Parade! - A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice - Worcesters Big ...
“I’m not one to stick my neck out but the fact that the St Richard’s

“We were proud to be involved                                   giraffe trail coincided with the opening of the first part of the Royal
                                                                      Porcelain Works was a real boost for our business development.

in the Worcester Stands Tall                          We are now about to open the final stage of the Royal Porcelain Works project

initiative. All of our colleagues got
                                                   and excited to hear that there will be a 2021 trail and new sculpture. This must be
                                                    a good omen and we will certainly be taking part again and would advise others,

involved with visiting the trail and
                                                     who may not have put their toe in the water last time, to seriously consider the
                                                           investment and take advantage this time around. It’s definitely worth it!”

made a special effort to come to see                                                                                            COLIN KINNEAR
                                                                                                       Chairman Royal Porcelain Works Co.Ltd.

the BOSCH giraffe. We even had a
giraffe cleaning expedition! When
the auction was announced we were       So, when does the fun
committed to bringing our giraffe       and excitement begin?
home to our Head Office and he
stands proudly in our reception for
                                                                                           Businesses, education establishments, community
                                        Now! We are already                                groups and charities are invited to sponsor a
                                                                                           blank elephant sculpture – the canvas.
all colleagues and visitors to see.”    working with our partners
                                                                                       ·   Artists, both well-known and undiscovered, are
                                        and business, art and                              invited to submit designs which will be presented to
                                                                                           sponsors and available for selection. Where possible,
                                        education communities to                           local artists will be commissioned to customise each

Sue Pennington                          bring together this exciting                       sculpture creating a unique piece of artwork.

                                        project which will add                         ·   A minimum of 30 individually designed elephants
Corporate Communications                                                                   will go on display through the streets and

Manager BOSCH                           value to the extraordinary                         public spaces of Worcester city from Monday
                                                                                           12th July to Sunday 5th September 2021.
                                        cultural life the city
                                                                                       ·   A farewell event will be arranged displaying all the

                                        already has to offer.                              elephants in one place for two weekends. This will
                                                                                           offer those who are unable to complete the trail,
                                                                                           or simply wish to see the sculptures together, to
                                                                                           wish them well as they go on their final parade!

                                                                                       ·   After the event, the elephants will take centre stage
                                                                                           and go to auction in October 2021, to raise funds for
                                                                                           St Richard’s Hospice and to leave a lasting legacy.
INFORMATION PACK We invite you to join Worcester's Big Parade! - A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice - Worcesters Big ...
Our team would be delighted to meet you to discuss this opportunity

Why should my business,
                                                                                                                         to align your business with one of Worcester’s best loved charities
                                                                                                                         and help make a difference in our community for years to come.

organisation or group
                                                                                                                         The sponsorship opportunities have remained the same as the 2018 trail and consist of:

get involved with                                                                                                        Education and                           Large elephant                           Farewell Event

Worcester’s Big Parade?
                                                                                                                         community                               sponsor                                  sponsor
                                                                                                                         partners                                £5,000                                   £3,000

                                                                                                                         MINIMUM INVESTMENT £25,000              Join the parade and sponsor an           The elephants, big and small, will
                                                                                                                                                                 individually designed elephant in
Your sponsorship will help to:                             Stimulate the economy. On average visitors spent              An opportunity to associate your                                                 all gather together at the end of
                                                                                                                         company with a county-wide              a designated location. Benefit from      the trail, attracting visitors from
                                                           £35 on food, drink and travel alone during the 2018
Play an important part in animating Worcester                                                                            education and creative project          a wide range of marketing and PR         across the county and beyond to see
                                                           trail and visited an average of four times or more!
and creating an unforgettable atmosphere in                                                                                                                      opportunities and choose the design      and photograph them in one place.
                                                                                                                         engaging thousands of young people.
the county during the summer of 2021                                                                                                                             from the artist submissions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          We are looking for one business
                                                           Benefit through association with your
                                                                                                                                                                                                          which would like the opportunity
                                                           own ‘feel good’ stories in media, internal                    Presenting partner
Significantly raise brand awareness for your
                                                                                                                                                                 Why not double                           to promote its services to all those
                                                           communications and trade publications
business in a unique and memorable way
                                                                                                                         MINIMUM INVESTMENT £20,000              up and add on a                          attending over a four day period.

through long term exposure (12-18 months)                                                                                An exclusive category restricted to     baby elephant for
                                                           Create community engagement, pride and integration
                                                                                                                         three companies or organisations        a local school?                          Auction sponsor
                                                                                                                         in non competing sectors to                                                      £3,000
Showcase and bring footfall to your place of business
                                                                                                                         benefit from a close association        £6,000
                                                           Increase sales - 99% of businesses said the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          When the elephants go to auction
                                                           last art trail in Worcester City had an impact                with a comprehensive marketing          One large elephant sculpture and one
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to find their forever homes, we need
Demonstrate your own corporate creativity,                 on their organisation and revenue                             and public relations campaign.          small elephant sculpture for a school.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to create a great event to appeal
engage your staff, customers and associates with
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to our generous donors. Why not
your uniquely designed elephant sculpture
                                                           Corporate social responsibility - support a
                                                                                                                         Official supplier                       Want to                                  be the event sponsor and join us
                                                           local charity and raise significant sums for                  £10,000 OF VALUE IN                     sponsor but cost                         for this incredible evening?
                                                           St Richard’s Hospice through the auction of                   KIND SUPPORT /SPONSORSHIP               prohibitive?
                                                           your elephant at the end of the project
                                                                                                                         A unique opportunity to gain                                                     Activity booklet
                                                                                                                                                                 WHY NOT PARTNER UP?
                                                                                                                         maximum exposure in return                                                       £1,500
                                                                                                                         for the products and services           Up to three businesses can get
                                                                                                                                                                 together to sponsor a sculpture.         Why not promote your business
                                                                                                                         that you offer in areas including
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to families by sponsoring the
To encourage full participation in this most exciting      initiatives or driving sales and footfall. There is limited   media, construction, event
                                                                                                                                                                                                          trail activity booklet? More than
project and to help St Richard’s Hospice raise as much     availability in each category, so we are standing by to get
                                                                                                                         management, logistics, hospitality
                                                                                                                                                                 We need a sponsor                        5,000 were purchased during
                                                                                                                         and programme delivery.
as possible, there are a wide range of sponsorship         creative with you so we can ensure you get maximum                                                    for our trail maps!                      the last trail and we envisage
opportunities on offer. Each level provides a variety      benefit by being involved with Worcester’s Big Parade.                                                £1,000                                   a larger print run in 2021!
of benefits to suit your marketing, public relations
and corporate social responsibility objectives.            Let us help get your business messages                                                                More than 14,000 maps were
                                                           ‘herd’, drive customers to your door,                                                                 collected during the last trail -
Wild in Art events are hugely popular wherever they take                                                                                                         why not feature your business
                                                           create partnerships across the city
place, offering an excellent return on your investment                                                                                                           and reach a wide audience?
                                                           and be part of this exceptional event.
whether that be staff engagement, supporting local
INFORMATION PACK We invite you to join Worcester's Big Parade! - A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice - Worcesters Big ...
About Wild in Art
                                                                                                                                                             Wild in Art is one of the leading creative producers of mass-appeal public art events
                                                                                                                                                          which bring together business and creative sectors with schools and local communities
                                                                                                                                                                           through the creation of city-wide trails of uniquely painted sculptures.

                                                                                                                                         Its expertise, insights and network helps create popular art events across the globe, enabling partners to
                                                                                                                                        achieve their goals: whether it’s reaching new audiences, raising charitable funds, increasing engagement,
                                                                                                                                         or anything in between. Wild in Art has proven experience in bringing all parts of a community together

Why an elephant?
                                                                                                                                       and giving them a voice through art. It designs programmes that resonate with children and young people,
                                                                                                                                           the outcomes providing a unique insight into the aspirations, hopes, and dreams of future generations.

                                                                                                                                                                 Through its high-profile events, Wild in Art provides a platform for amateur and
Who doesn’t love an elephant? These wonderful,                   Scientists have proven elephants have incredible
                                                                                                                                                            professional artists to showcase their work. To date its events have contributed more
unique-looking animals with their characteristic                 memories and one of the collective names for elephants
                                                                                                                                                                     than £1.8 million to creative communities and more than £13.5m to charities.
trunks, large, floppy ears and wide, thick legs,                 is a ‘memory’. Here at St Richard’s we celebrate the
are popular across cultures and there is no                      lives and memories of people in our community in
other animal with a similar physique.                            many and varied ways. Worcester’s Big Parade will
                                                                 be another wonderful opportunity to celebrate the
They say an elephant never forgets and we want to
                                                                 lives of loved ones we hold in our memories and make
make sure after visiting Worcester’s Big Parade, you
                                                                 new ones for the future. Another popular collective
never forget a Worcester elephant or, importantly,
                                                                 name for elephants is a ‘parade’. This is the inspiration
how elephants continue to be endangered. We
                                                                 for the name of our next trail, so why not join us on
have chosen the Asian elephant as our sculpture
                                                                 our exciting parade towards the summer of 2021?
to highlight they are an endangered species and to
raise awareness that the biggest threat to elephant
populations is the ivory trade, as the animals are
poached for their tusks. At Worcester’s Big Parade
                                                                                                                             February - May 2021
HQ, we believe only elephants need elephant tusks!
                                                                                     January 2021
                                                                                                                             Elephants painted
           March 2020
                                                                                     Sponsors’ preview of                                                 July - September 2021
                                                                                     submitted elephant
           Official launch - call to sponsors                                        designs and selection
                                                                                                                                                          Elephant parade across
                                                                                                                                                          Worcester city, surrounding
                                                                                                                                                          parks and open spaces

                                              September - December 2020

                                              Call to artists and schools
A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St Richard's Hospice

                      Our Partners

                          Worcester’s Big Parade
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