Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH

Page created by Daryl Scott
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH

Inner Spirit Holdings
 Corporate Presentation

       November 2019
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH

The information provided herein is not intended to provide financial, tax, legal or accounting advice. This Corporate Presentation and the contents herein do not constitute or form part of any advertisement, any offer to sell or any

solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for securities of Inner Spirit Holdings Ltd. (the “Company” of “Inner Spirit” or “ISH”) or represent an intention to induce any person to make an investment in the Company or to assist any person

in the making of an investment decision. This Corporate Presentation and the contents herein shall not form the basis of or be relied on in connection with, or act as any inducement to enter into, any contract or commitment whatsoever.

This Corporate Presentation includes statistical information that the Company has obtained from independent industry publications, government publications, market research reports and other published independent sources. Such

publications and reports generally state that the information contained therein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Although the Company believes these publications and reports to be reliable, it has not independently

verified any of the data or other statistical information contained therein, nor has it ascertained or validated the underlying economic or other assumptions relied upon by these sources. The Company has no intention and undertakes no

obligation to update or revise any such information or data, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as, and to the extent required by applicable securities laws. Readers should also be advised that the

watch, sunglasses and related accessories business of the Company is carried out through its wholly-owned subsidiary, WATCH IT! Consolidated Ltd., and any reference herein to “WATCH IT!” is a reference to such subsidiary.


This Corporate Presentation contains “forward-looking statements” and “forward-looking information” (collectively, “forward-looking information”) within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information

in this Corporate Presentation include, but are not limited to, statements or information with respect to: the Company’s intended strategy; the Company’s ability to execute its strategy and ensure success; the expected legalization of

recreational cannabis; market expectations; intended products, delivery systems and partnerships; and other expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions, intentions or statements about future events or performance. Actual

results, performance or achievement could differ materially from that expressed in, or implied by, any forward-looking information in this Corporate Presentation, and, accordingly, readers of this Corporate Presentation should not place

undue reliance on any such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information involves significant risks, assumptions, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual future results or anticipated events to differ materially

from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements and accordingly, should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results. Forward-looking information involves numerous risks and uncertainties including,

but not limited to, the ability of management to execute its business strategy, objectives and plans; that the Company will have sufficient capital to fund its business plans; general economic and business conditions; changes to laws,

regulations, rules, rulings, policies, procedures and other instruments applicable to the Company and its business; the risk of disruptions to the Company’s supply chain; risks associated with the Company’s reliance on key personnel;

and changing consumer sentiments. Forward-looking information contained in this Corporate Presentation is based on the Company’s current estimates, expectations and projections, which the Company believes are reasonable as of

the current date. The Company can give no assurance that these estimates, expectations and projections will prove to have been correct. Historical statements should not be taken as a representation that such trends will be replicated

in the future. No statement in this Corporate Presentation is intended to be nor may be construed as a profit forecast.


This Corporate Presentation also contains future-oriented financial information and financial outlook information (collectively, “FOFI”) including, but not limited to, prospective annual revenue, prospective net profit, prospective system

wide sales, and components thereof, all of which are subject to the same assumptions, risk factors, limitations, and qualifications as set forth in the above paragraphs. FOFI contained in this Corporate Presentation was made as of the

date of this Corporate Presentation and was provided for the purpose of providing information about management’s current expectations and plans relating to the future, and for certain illustrative purposes. The Company disclaims

any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward looking statements or FOFI contained in this Corporate Presentation, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required pursuant to applicable

securities law. Readers are cautioned that the forward-looking information and FOFI contained in this Corporate Presentation should not be used for purposes other than for which it is disclosed herein. The forward-looking statements

and FOFI contained in this Corporate Presentation are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NOVEMBER 2019 | 02
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
The start of something incredible.

 Inner Spirit Holdings Ltd. is applying a successful franchise and corporate
 retail model to the recreational cannabis industry. With 37 stores currently
operating and a group of more than 100 franchise partners, select corporate
retail locations, and a proprietary brand portfolio under development, Inner
               Spirit is positioned as Canada's industry leader.

                                                                      NOVEMBER 2019 | 03
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
Investment Highlights

Canada's largest retailer in the recreational   Low-cost and highly scalable franchising     Highly experienced team and proven

cannabis market by store count. The             model to maximize ROI – more than 100        model with significant expertise in the

Canadian adult use market is currently          franchise locations either in operation or   cannabis, branding, consumer retail,

worth up to $5.0B and is projected to grow      being developed in jurisdictions where       real estate and franchising industries.

to $7.0B by 2022.                               permitted in Canada. Franchise system

                                                is being supported by corporate-owned

                                                stores in select markets.

Proven ability to license, open and             Strategic partnerships and                   Proprietary house brands being

operate cannabis store locations in             collaborations with premium producers        developed to offer consumers premium

efficient manner. 37 stores located in          to create a fully integrated business        product options and a market-leading

AB, SK, BC. and ON with more than 40            model.                                       retail experience.

projected by end of 2019.

                                                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2019 | 04
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
Meet the Team

     Darren Bondar                                Chris Gulka                              Cecil Horwitz                               Jeremy Lee
       President & CEO                                    CFO                            Business Development                             Controller

∙   20 years experience in retail         ∙   CPA and CFA with > 25 years            ∙   Extensive experience in retail        ∙   Experience across financial
    and franchise industries                  business experience                        sales since 1999                          reporting, controlling and
                                                                                                                                   finance functions
∙   Previously founded retail franchise   ∙   President of Working Capital           ∙   Founder and clinical director of
    system in 1999                            Corporation since 1999                     Whole Family Health                   ∙   Previously at Big 4 accounting
                                                                                                                                   firms and in industry roles
∙   MBA from University of Alberta        ∙   Founded Passport Energy Ltd.,          ∙   Cannabis advocate for both
    and Bachelor of Arts from Western         and was the CFO of Rochester               health and recreational use           ∙   Chartered Accountant
    Ontario University                        Energy Corp.                                                                         designation in 2000

    Michael Ginevsky                            Christine Kitz                             Alisa Kuzmina                           Christine Smith
    Corporate Secretary                              Operations                            Creative Manager                   Marketing & Communications

∙   Corporate securities lawyer           ∙   Oversees business systems and          ∙   Overseas ISH’s commitment to          ∙   10 years progressive marketing &
    with experience in capital markets,       operations at ISH                          creative excellence                       sales experience with tier 1 global
    corporate finance and M&A                                                                                                      companies
                                          ∙   Previously held financial, strategic   ∙   Significant experience working
∙   Since 2016, actively involved in          and human resources                        in the retail and franchise           ∙   Significant experience in brand
    advising businesses in the                positions within the retail sector         industries                                execution with a track record of
    cannabis industry                                                                                                              excellence in delivering results
                                                                                     ∙   Degree in Communications
∙   Law degree from the University                                                       with a Major in Information Design    ∙   Bachelor of Management degree
    of Alberta                                                                                                                     with a major in Marketing from the
                                                                                                                                   University of Lethbridge

                                                                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2019 | 05
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
Board of Directors

     Darren Bondar                               Chris Gulka                       David Margolus                                Jeff Tung
       President & CEO                                   CFO                               Director                                 Director

∙   20 years experience in retail         ∙   CPA and CFA with > 25 years      ∙   Former Managing Partner of           ∙   COO of Auxly Cannabis
    and franchise industries                  business experience                  Witten LLP
                                                                                                                        ∙   Formerly co-founder of CPS
∙   Previously founded retail franchise   ∙   President of Working Capital     ∙   Served on boards of Edmonton             Management Partners
    system in 1999                            Corporation since 1999               Regional Airports Authority,
                                                                                   Liquor Stores N.A. Ltd., PowerComm   ∙   MBA from the Richard Ivey
∙   MBA from University of Alberta        ∙   Founded Passport Energy Ltd.,        Inc. and The XS Cargo Income Fund        School of Business and Bachelor
    and Bachelor of Arts from Western         and was the CFO of Rochester                                                  of Computer Engineering from
    Ontario University                        Energy Corp.                     ∙   Bachelor of Arts and Law from the        the UBC
                                                                                   University of Alberta

        Larry Wosk                            Craig Steinberg
            Director                                  Director

∙   15 years experience at the            ∙   Former partner at Miller
    Sauder School of Business                 Thomson LLP

∙   25 years in senior                    ∙   >10 years experience as a
    management positions                      private mortgage banker
                                              and corporate counsel
∙   President and CEO of companies
    across retail, real estate            ∙   Law Society of Alberta,
    development, hospitality                  Canadian Bar Association and
    and consulting                            Real Estate Council of Alberta

                                                                                                                                          NOVEMBER 2019 | 06
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
Corporate Highlights

ISH Formed                         CFA Membership Granted                Retail Store Concept Unveiled       Franchise Concept Proven          Initial Public Offering

Inner Spirit Holdings Ltd. is      Spiritleaf is first retail cannabis   ISH unveils its Spiritleaf design   ISH awards its 100th franchise    Inner Spirit is first cannabis
founded in Calgary, AB on          company granted membership            on January 29, 2018.                in February 2018 as it prepares   retail and franchise company
March 16, 2017.                    in Canadian Franchise                                                     for recreational cannabis         to complete an IPO and listing
                                   Association on June 16, 2017.                                             legalization in Canada. Plans     in Canada. IPO raises ~$3.75
                                                                                                             also established to operate       million. Common shares begin
                                                                                                             complementary corporate           trading on the CSE under the
                                                                                                             stores in select locations.       symbol “ISH” on August 1, 2018.

Strategic Partnerships Delivered   Stores Begin to Open                  Corporate Stores Added to the       Financing Achieved                Stores Opening at Rapid Clip
ISH develops strategic             With legalization on October          Spiritleaf opens corporate          ISH completes a brokered          ISH continues to open stores
partnerships, collaborations       17, 2018, ISH opens Spiritleaf        stores in 2019 in high-profile      offering of secured convertible   in AB and B.C. and now has 37
and investments with cannabis      franchised stores in Alberta          locations in Calgary, Edmonton,     debenture units for aggregate     stores operating across Canada.
industry leaders such as           and Saskatchewan. Additional          Canmore and Jasper to further       gross proceeds of ~$10 million    Legalization of edibles, extracts
Auxly Cannabis Group, HEXO         stores follow in 2019 with B.C.       build out its retail footprint as   on June 7, 2019. Key investment   and topicals began October 17,
Corp, Tilray and High Times        and Ontario markets added.            regulatory restrictions ease in     support comes from strategic      2019 as Cannabis 2.0 phase.
magazine.                          Company’s first store in Ontario      Alberta.                            partners Auxly and Tilray.
                                   opens to fanfare on April 1, 2019
                                   in Kingston.

                                                                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 2019 | 07
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
Canada’s New Growth Industry

   Substantial Market                                                               Population of Adult                                                Annual Consumption       Price per Gram   =   $7.0B by FY22
                                       1                                               Consumers                                         X               Volume in Grams    X    of Cannabis
                        Size                                                                                                                              per Consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Estimated Total Adult
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Use Market Size

                                                                                     ∙        Current consumers are expected to buy nearly two-thirds of products from legal retailers

  Shift Towards Legal                                                                ∙        Legalization has attracted a more conservative experimenter – typically one who is aged 35-54, has a university
                                                      2                                       education, and has family or other responsibilities
                                                                                     ∙        With legalization, current frequent cannabis consumers are able to buy products more often

                                                                                     ∙        Edibles, extracts and topicals entering market in late 2019, will drive further demand

                                                                                     ∙         Current and likely consumers are purchasing the majority of products at physical retail locations
   Demand For Retail
                                                 3                                   ∙         Consumers are demanding high quality products at a range of competitive price points
                                                                                     ∙         Privacy and security when purchasing are key considerations for consumers

1 . G T R e s e a r c h , “ C a n a d i a n L e g a l R e c r e a t i o n a l C a n n a b i s M a r k e t ”, 2 0 1 8                                                                                        NOVEMBER 2019 | 08
2 . D e l o i t t e , “A s o c i e t y i n t r a n s i t i o n , a n i n d u s t r y r e a d y t o b l o o m – 2 0 1 8 c a n n a b i s r e p o r t ”
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
The Inner Spirit Strategy

Build an iconic Canadian brand and a         Sell select brands together with our    Utilize a low Cap Ex franchise and
network of recreational cannabis stores     proprietary licensed brands through      streaming strategy to maximize ROI
 across Canadian jurisdictions where        our own retail store network and other            and scalability
private distribution of cannabis is legal           distribution channels

Franchising to maximize ROI

                                            $25,000 upfront franchise fee

                                            5% royalty on gross sales

                                            1% of gross sales allocated to Spiritleaf’s advertising fund

                                                                                                           NOVEMBER 2019 | 09
Inner Spirit Holdings - Corporate Presentation - CSE:ISH
A National Retail Network
                                  Spiritleaf is Canada's leading recreational cannabis brand by store count

               BRITISH COLUMBIA                                            ALBERTA                                               SASKATCHEWAN                                                 ONTARIO

∙ 4 stores currently open (Castlegar, Maple Ridge,   ∙ Currently tied as market leader in retail stores with 31   ∙ Province moves to open licensing market in 2020      ∙ Retail partner store open in Kingston
 Penticton and Vernon)                                locations open.                                               with Spiritleaf expected to expand retail presence   ∙ Secured prime locations and leases throughout
∙ 2 stores in final stages of licensing              ∙ Corporate stores in Calgary, Edmonton, Canmore &           ∙ Moose Jaw store open                                  Province
∙ Expected to reach Province's 8 store maximum        Jasper                                                      ∙ E-commerce sales platform being developed            ∙ Multiple franchises ready for licensing to open
                                                     ∙ Additional licenses expected on regular basis with                                                                ∙ Projecting to reach Province's 75 store maximum
                                                      over 40 expected to open through 2019

                                                                                                                                                                                                      NOVEMBER 2019 | 10
The Space

                                                     Open spaced opportunity to re-imagine the typical
                                                     retail environment of a cannabis store

                                                     The Retail Brand
                                                     Stores offer an impressive selection of products,
                                                     knowledgeable staff and a welcoming and
                                                     comfortable environment

Franchise Model

First Cannabis company to receive membership in
the Canadian Franchise Association

Best in Class
Best in class retail experience with more than 100
franchise partnerships with local entrepreneurs

                                                                                              NOVEMBER 2019 | 11
R E TA I L P E R F O R M A N C E : S Y S T E M W I D E

Spiritleaf experiencing month over month
    growth in system-wide retail sales.

                           4,500,000                                                                                 4,421,439

                           4,000,000                                                                    3,772,194
System-Wide Retail Sales

    (Canadian Dollars)



                           2,00,000                        1,602,510




                                       May               Jun           Jul           Aug               Sep          Oct

                                                                                                                          NOVEMBER 2019
                                                                                                                                      8 | 1 21

  We Source, Create and Curate Quality
           Cannabis Brands

The Spirit Joint Disposable Vaporizer
Anticipated to be one of the most discreet, disposable vaporizers
on the recreational cannabis market. 150 puffs of pure CO2
cannabis oil. No smell, no lighter, no charging, no prep, no hassle.

                                                                       NOVEMBER 2019 | 13
NOVEMBER 2019 | 14
Strategic Partnerships

                         Collaboration on retail initiatives including product acquisition and in-store
                         marketing and branding
                         Auxly holds ~13% of the outstanding ISH common shares
      TSX.V: XLY

                         Retail distribution of Up Cannabis products and the creation of Up Cannabis-branded
                         customer lounges in select Spiritleaf stores
                         HEXO holds ~8% of the outstanding ISH common shares

      TSX: HEXO

                         Partnered and invested in ISH
                         Collaboration agreement with Spiritleaf stores for High Park products and they
                         support our charitable endeavours
                         Tilray holds ~9% of the outstanding ISH common shares

                         ISH licensed to distribute and sell all High Times magazines in Spiritleaf stores
                         ISH holds 11,000 shares of class A common stock of High Times Holding Corp.

                                                                                                   NOVEMBER 2019 | 15
Where we’ve come from,
  where we’re going.

Investment Opportunity
Opportunity to participate in Canada’s emerging recreational cannabis market through
largest national retail brand
Platform to invest in a proven revenue-generating business model with more than 100
franchise agreements with local entrepreneurs in place supported by corporate-owned
stores in select high-traffic markets
Bringing 20 years of franchise, branding, retail, marketing & real estate experience and
a proven model to the recreational cannabis retail market
Aligned with key strategic partners to create a fully integrated business model

                                                                                           NOVEMBER 2019 | 16
Trading commenced on August 1, 2018 (CSE:ISH)

              Capital Structure (Q4 2019)

                                                              Top 5 shareholders own ~40%
Common Shares                               206,236,295

Options and Warrants                         69,341,977
                                                               Capital light business model

Convertible Debentures                      40,000,000

                                                            Share Purchase Warrants (ISH.WT)
Total Equity Shares (fully converted)       315,578,272    and 12% Senior Secured Convertible
                                                          Debentures (ISH.DB) listed May 24, 2019

                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2019 | 17
Headquarters                          Contact
#102, 5740 - 2nd Street SW    Darren Bondar, President & CEO
       Calgary, AB        
         T2H 1Y6                      403-930-9300

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