Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire

Page created by Janice Barton
Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire
Inside Diamond
                                            WINTER/SPRING 2022

Facing unprecedented challenges
to meet consumer demands

                                             BLAZING THE
                                            WAY FORWARD
                                                 Meet the women
                                                  fire suppression


Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire
A Letter from Harrison Bishop

                                                      suppression quite by accident. No         and share information. One of the
                                                      matter how they arrived, they each        reasons that NAFED is as vibrant and
                                                      have an unwavering commitment to          vital as it is today is the dedication
                                                      our shared work and the future of         of one extraordinary individual: Norb
                                                      our industry.                             Makowka. Norb was a bright light in
                                                                                                our business, serving on countless
                                                      At Amerex, we are thankful for the        NFPA technical committees and as
                                                      contributions the talented women          an invaluable source of information.
                                                      on our team have made to our              As much as he was revered for his
                                                      business and community. Executive         experience and knowledge, he was
                                                      Women International (EWI) honored         admired more for being a great man.
                                                      Amerex with a national award for          While there’s no question of how
                                                      Outstanding Member Firm (page 5).         much Norb will be missed at this
                                                      We were also proud to be selected as      year’s conferences, the extraordinary
                                                      Alabama’s Large Manufacturer of the       people of the fire suppression
                                                      Year (page 5). We share these honors      industry will continue to advance
                                                      with our customers and have used          his work and vision.
                                                      them as inspiration to spur continued
                                                      growth and innovation.                    Look for emails and stay tuned to
                                                                                                our social media accounts for more
                                                      Supply chain challenges have              information about our NAFED booth
                     HARRISON BISHOP
                                      PRESIDENT       appeared in all areas of the economy.     and special events. We hope to see
                                                      Amerex has not been immune to             you there!
                                                      these issues and we have been
                                                      extremely diligent and thoughtful
          One thing that sets the fire protection     about sourcing during the pandemic.
          industry apart from others is the           On page 6, we give you an inside
          people who dedicate their lives to          view into how Amerex continues to
          it. While we each have distinct roles,      navigate supply chain challenges
          skill sets and perspectives, we share       as well as managing sourcing and
          a common goal of protecting our             inventory to prepare for the future.
          communities. We are a welcoming
          and inclusive group with a future           Innovation is also a continued focus.
          filled with possibilities.                  On page 9, learn more about our new
                                                      battery-electric gas detection system,
          Look no further than the growing            the first of its kind that can forewarn
          percentage of women in the industry         a thermal runaway event. We are
          to see how this holds true. In this         also introducing a number of exciting
          issue of Inside the Diamond, we             new Kitchen Protection products
          feature several of the many women           (page 20).
          making an impact on our trade (page
          10). Some entered the business              The Amerex team has our sights set
          because it runs in their blood,             on the upcoming NAFED conferences.
          while others stumbled upon fire             We enjoy the chance to visit with you

2   Inside Diamond   W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022
Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire

Industry News.....................................................................................................................5

Navigating the Supply Chain Crunch................................................................... 6–8

Employee Spotlight: Mike Powell...............................................................................8

Innovating Fire Suppression for Battery-Electric Vehicles.................................9

Blazing the Way Forward: Women in Fire Suppression............................ 10–17

On The Road Again: Returning to Trade Shows................................................... 18

Amerex 2022 Events Calendar.................................................................................. 19

Product Updates..................................................................................................... 20–22

2022 Fire Extinguisher Updates............................................................................... 23

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Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire
KP 250 Agent Cylinder
                         Save valuable time on the job with this new 8” diameter shell
                         that boasts 7 flow points and an allowed 24” discharge hose
                         that connects from the tank valve to the supply piping.

                         KP 475 Manifold Distribution Piping
                         Discover the cost-efficient installation advantage of this new
                         piping for the two KP475 tanks that delivers 28 flow numbers
                         in one piping network.

                         New Salamander Broiler Coverage
                         Now you can take advantage of the widest outboard coverage
                         in the industry by protecting the biggest broiler with much
                         less piping.

                         Conduit Offset Gas Valve Installation
                         (P/N 12507)
                         Eliminate the need for two corner pulleys with this new
                         capability that can be installed at the gas valve as well as the
                         MRM or PRM.

                         Newly Designed Class K Fire Extinguisher
                         Avoid hazardous risks with the superior firefighting capacity
                         of the easier-to-use-and-install Class K fire extinguisher.

Visit to learn more.
Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire
As one of many leading manufacturing companies whose               statewide honor is selected by a group of independent
products are #MadeInAlabama, Amerex is proud to be                 judges to celebrate Alabama’s top small, medium, large
named the 2021 Alabama Large Manufacturer of the                   and emerging manufacturers. Winners were chosen
Year by the Business Council of Alabama and Alabama                for their excellence in the areas of customer focus,
Technology Network. Awarded in October, this annual                employee commitment, operating excellence, continuous
                                                                   improvement, profitable growth and investing in training
                                                                   and retraining. With Amerex’s emphasis on quality,
                                                                   service and innovation, it is gratifying to receive external
                                                                   affirmation that our team’s efforts each day meaningfully
                                                                   ensure that quality is behind the diamond.

                                                                   “This great honor is the culmination of 50 years of team
                                                                   member dedication and investment in our business,”
                                                                   said Harrison Bishop, executive vice president, McWane
                                                                   Fabricated Metals Group, and president, Amerex. “The
                                                                   Amerex team will use this recognition as inspiration to
                                                                   spur future growth and improvement in our industry.
                                                                   Along with McWane, our fellow nominees and other
                                                                   Alabama manufacturers, we want to continue moving
                                                                   Alabama manufacturing forward to highlight innovation
                                                                   and excellence throughout the state.” The future of
ABOVE: Pictured from left to right are Ben Pitts, VP – Sales &     manufacturing in Alabama is as bright as ever, and
Marketing; Jay Ghelani, VP of Operations; Robert Fisher, Health    Amerex is proud to be one of many beacons of excellence
& Safety Manager; Andy Payant, CFO; Eric Reed, Controller; Jacy    shining across the state.
Whitaker, HR Director; Harrison Bishop, President and CEO; Susan
Ray, Marketing Manager; Jeff Layfield, Senior Production Manager   Congratulations to the entire Amerex team!

We were honored to receive the Outstanding Firm Award
from Executive Women’s International (EWI) for our EWI
leadership and philanthropic commitments at this year’s
annual national conference. Thank you to Linda Cordor,
Credit Manager; Jacy Whitaker, PHR, MSHRM, Human
Resources Director; and Gidget Yeager, Executive
Assistant and Sales Administrator, for representing
Amerex and for their EWI leadership and service.

RIGHT: Linda Cordor (center) Gidget Yeager (right) accept award
for Amerex.

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Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire
B    y now, pervasive signs of the global
                                                 supply chain crunch have surrounded
                                            us for nearly two years: empty store
                                                                                                 inputs for Amerex products, which have
                                                                                                 been impacted by raw material shortages,
                                                                                                 labor shortages, unusual weather events,
                                            shelves, delayed or canceled orders from             shipping bottlenecks, unpredictable spikes
                                            e-commerce retailers and “one per customer”          in demand, changes to trade regulations
                                            signs by packs of toilet paper. These                and the many far-reaching effects of the
                                            challenges became most noticeable for                COVID-19 pandemic.
                                            average consumers around the holidays,
                                            but for Amerex Supply Chain Manager Billy            These factors have been unavoidable across
                                            McMichael, they’ve been a daily concern              industries and, in many instances and
                                            since January 2021.                                  compounded one another. Billy said, “This
                                                                                                 has been universal. The big three — labor,
                                            Billy and his team have grappled with                transportation and raw materials — have
                                            unprecedented supply chain challenges                impacted everybody. We have been impacted
                                            regularly for more than a year. These                as much as or more than many companies
                                            challenges have wreaked havoc on virtually           that are our size or larger. We started seeing
                                            every industry, but Billy and his team               major shortages in our raw materials and
                                            have managed to avoid disruptions to                 supplies in early January 2021, and we did
                                            the manufacturing of lifesaving Amerex               not get a lot of warning. I have been with
                                            products. We spoke with Billy to learn more          McWane and Amerex for 34 years and in
                                            about these issues and how Amerex has                supply chain management for that entire
                                            effectively resolved them through hard work,         time, and in those 34 years I have never
                                            collaboration and innovation.                        seen anything that compares to late
                                                                                                 2020 and 2021.”
                                            Most of the impact of the global supply
                                            chain logjam has been felt in upstream

                                            LEFT: Pictured from top to bottom are Carolyn Nolin and Diane McGee; Mike Krumptinger and Don Rollins;
                                            Casey Dunn and Chris Thomas

6   Inside Diamond   W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022
Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire
“We’re seeing every factor at play,”
said Billy. “Both domestic and
international shipping have slowed.
We have seen interruptions to
availability of container shipments
for international shipping. Lead
times for imports jumped from
four weeks to 10+ weeks initially,
and continue to be problematic.
When we started seeing issues
with international supply chain
disruptions, we positioned ourselves
with additional storage capacity and
inventory to be able to absorb those
increasing lead times because of the
continued fluctuations.”

Beyond shipping slowdowns, labor
shortages have contributed to
the crunch. “We have experienced
shortages with the common items
you’ve heard about in the news
related to steel and brass,” Billy        ABOVE: Pictured from left to right are Casey Dunn, Billy McMichael, Carolyn Nolin, Diane
continued. “Steel availability in the     McGee, Mike Krumptinger and Chris Doss
USA was greatly affected by labor
shortages. They could not meet            for those supply chains. There were             Challenges of the magnitude seen
world demand, and steel is a key          transportation issues with material             in today’s supply chain world are
component for our extinguishers.”         sitting in warehouses that we could             solved only through teamwork.
                                          not get due to road closures.”                  “The entire Amerex team has been
Amerex’s challenges haven’t been          Amerex has avoided disruptive                   incredible, and we’ve worked with
limited to reduced availability of                                                        quality assurance and engineering
materials, labor and shipping. Supply     “THE ENTIRE AMEREX TEAM                         to make sure we’re not sacrificing
chain difficulties have also arisen        HAS BEEN INCREDIBLE, AND                       quality. Our inventory control and
from international trade disputes.         WE’VE WORKED WITH QUALITY                      procurement departments worked
“We’ve had to make some critical           ASSURANCE AND ENGINEERING                      in tandem to help us increase and
sourcing adjustments due to import         TO MAKE SURE WE’RE NOT                         manage inventory levels for things
duties placed on some of our raw           SACRIFICING QUALITY.”                          like the valves and hoses without
products. For instance, in January of                                                     any production flow interruptions.
last year, one of our key raw materials   work stoppages due to upstream                  Those departments have been rock
disappeared, and the price tripled in     supply chain difficulties through               stars in helping us navigate both
about a week.”                            a mix of diligent planning and                  domestic and global supply chain
                                          interdepartmental cooperation. Billy            challenges,” Billy added. “We’re a
Weather has also been a factor. Billy     noted, “It has been an entire team              large manufacturing company with
explained, “We had those record           effort to accomplish this, from our             400+ employees, and I am proud
cold and snow events earlier this         company president to our building               that we have not lost a single day’s
year, causing temporary shutdowns         and land teams.”                                production. There are Fortune 500

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Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire

          companies that can’t say that, but            Looking ahead to 2022, improvements       increases affecting several other raw
          Amerex can. We have not interrupted           to the current situation will be          material components.”
          production for one day directly               incremental, with some setbacks
          related to supply chain issues. Don’t         still expected. Billy observed,           As we all continue to navigate these
          get me wrong, we have come very               “Improvements are sectionalized.          challenges, we encourage Amerex
          close! But we haven’t had to, and             International shipping continues          customers to speak with their sales
          it’s a testament to the entire team           to erode. While we have seen              representatives about anticipated
          and the culture at Amerex: doing              improvements in some components           product needs as early as possible.
          what has to be done to ensure that            such as steel and other alloys,
          lifesaving products continued to flow.”       there are still disruptions and cost

          MIKE POWELL                                   Amerex team welcomes our new              transparency and drive? And, will the
          National Accounts Sales Director              National Accounts Sales Director,         work be fulfilling and fun?”
                                                        Mike Powell. Mike will work with
                                                        national accounts, partnering with        His decision to join Amerex has been
                                                        both the customer’s executive team        confirmed at every turn. He’s acutely
                                                        and Amerex associates. Mike has been      aware of how much he has to learn
                                                        in sales and distribution his entire      and looks forward to working with
                                                        career where he has been fortunate        everyone to bring together a national
                                                        enough to work with companies that        sales strategy.
                                                        provide high quality products and
                                                        services. He has worked across the        Mike met his wife, Leanne, in college
                                                        development spectrum, from early,         and they have been married for 21
                                                        high-growth stages to more mature         years. While they don’t have children
                                                        market segments.                          of their own, they enjoy spoiling their
                                                                                                  10 nieces and nephews. They have
                                                        “Mike is a proven sales and business      family located all around the country
                                                        leader with more than two decades of      and enjoy traveling, cooking, and
                                                        experience in regional and national       soccer. In fact, Mike is a Manchester
                                                        sales,” says Ben Pitts, Vice President    United fan and travels to England
                                                        – Sales and Marketing. “I am very         regularly to attend games.
                                                        confident that Mike will be a great fit
                                                        for this position and Amerex overall.”    Once again, welcome, Mike!

                                                        When asked what drew him to
                                                        Amerex, Mike says, “I look at this job
                                                        change like an investment. Amerex
                                                        checked every box of my criteria:
                                                        Do we have a durable competitive
                                                        advantage? Does the company live
                                                        values that reflect my own—integrity,

8   Inside Diamond   W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022
Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire

I  t’s predicted that as much as one
   half of all buses will be electric by
2025. Other industries such as waste,
                                           made up of multiple power cells that
                                           can overheat and spread throughout
                                           the batteries, causing a thermal
                                                                                   so the operator can be notified of
                                                                                   any hazardous conditions. Our
                                                                                   advanced warning system provides
mining and forestry are seeing the         runaway event. The power cells will     data on cell voltage, gas sensor
same level of growth. This ongoing         discharge combustible gas prior to      response and cell temperature,
transformation poses a challenge           ignition. Amerex’s revolutionary new    offering priceless additional time
for the transit industry, as operators     system can detect and notify the        compared to traditional detection
seek to meet regulatory requirements       operator when this threat occurs.       methods for operators to safely stop
and keep drivers and passengers safe                                               a vehicle in a hazardous condition
while maintaining a fleet of both          The Amerex SafetyNet-EV gas             and unload passengers before the
combustion- and electric-powered           detection system is designed and        situation becomes more dangerous.
vehicles. Amerex is at the forefront       calibrated to detect EV combustible
of fire protection for electric transit    gas at trace levels and to alert the    As transit operators turn to electric
vehicles with an updated electric          operator of hazardous conditions as     buses, Amerex will be along for the
vehicle (EV) gas detection system.         soon as possible. In this system, gas   ride, providing an additional measure
                                           sensors are strategically placed in     of lifesaving early detection.
In battery-electric vehicles, lithium-     the battery compartments to monitor
ion batteries provide the power            for volatile combustible gases and
source. Lithium-ion batteries are          relay data to the SafetyNet-EV panel,

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Inside Diamond - BLAZING THE WAY FORWARD Meet the women revolutionizing fire suppression - Amerex Fire
Meet the women
                    I   n the 1940s when Dorothy Meskill took over her father’s
                        company, Approved Fire Protection, women made up roughly
                    28% of the workforce. There were sharp differences in the roles
                    men and women held, with only a small number of women
fire suppression.   pursuing careers in traditionally male industries such
                    as manufacturing, construction and even fire suppression.

                    “Customers who called would push Grandma Meskill off and ask
                    to speak to the guy in the office,” says her granddaughter, Diane
                    Pein, current president of Approved Fire Protection. “This did
                    not deter her, and these customers eventually came to respect
                    her position, becoming good friends. She was always a lady
                    with great decorum who could also fit in with the guys, easily
                    conversing on hunting and sports.”

                    As the number of women in fire suppression steadily rises, Diane
                    believes that the different approach and energetic perspective
                    women can bring to their jobs will make our industry stronger.
                    “On the organizations and committees where I have served, I
                    have seen women deal with hurdles in a more creative way,”
                    Diane says.

                    Today, there are so many influential women making an impact
                    on the fire suppression industry. We spoke with a few of these
                    women to hear more about their careers, experiences and how
                    they see the future of the industry.
much for her. Like Grandma Meskill,          when she bought the company,
                                           Diane was not deterred, got the job          Approved Fire Protection faced
                                           done, and to this day she and that           some financial hurdles. Despite
                                           customer are dear friends, laughing          the potential for failure, Diane’s
                                           about that first incident.                   leadership team hung with her and
                                                                                        were eager to understand and solve
                                                                                        the problem together. They turned
                                           “... it really hit me that life              the business into a flourishing,
                                            has a purpose for us and                    profitable enterprise, even through the
                                            every avenue takes us                       pandemic. “These great leaders on my
                                            through that journey,                       team could do anything,” she says.
                                            and this is what I was
DIANE PEIN                                                                              Diane loves the fire suppression
                                            meant to do.”
                                                                                        industry and all the people she has
                                                                                        met. “I felt that particularly in the
Approved Fire Protection
                                           When it came time to take over her           NAFED Las Vegas conference. After
South Plainfield, NJ
                                           father’s business, Diane faced new           not being together for 18 months, it

G     rowing up, Diane never planned
      to join the family business.
Determined to be a scientist, she
                                           challenges common in any parent-
                                           child succession. “I heard ‘your father
                                           wouldn’t do it this way’ a lot,” she says.
                                                                                        took me a minute to introduce the
                                                                                        keynote speaker because, walking into
                                                                                        that venue, it really hit me that life
studied biochemical engineering            Her response? “My dad’s not here.” And       has a purpose for us and every avenue
when she began her career. When a          like everything else, Diane did her          takes us through that journey, and
severe illness put her out of work for a   thing and kept moving.                       this is what I was meant to do. It took
while, her dad offered her a job at his                                                 me a long time to get to this spot.
company. She declined. On a pretense,      But the greatest challenge of Diane’s        I’m so glad to be here, so thank you,
he sent her to visit Grandma Meskill       career also led to her greatest              Grandma. And I hope she’s proud of
in Florida, who also suggested she         accomplishment. In August 2017               what I’m doing.”
join the family business. Of course, she
did. And that was 27 years ago.

While Diane has never thought of fire
suppression as being either male-
or female-oriented, she did find
herself facing some of the same
biases that Grandma Meskill faced
at first. Starting as a technician
to learn every aspect of the
business, Diane recalls showing
up for service work only to have
a customer tell her that it was
a rough job that would be too


                                                       Women have a strong future in this
                                                       business. I have seen the numbers
                                                       increasing in more positions of
                                                       power throughout my tenure.”

      ANNA GAVIN                                  about the 140 employees. “I never           “Women have a strong future in this
                                                  understood the allure of the fire           business,” says Anna. “I have seen the
                                                  suppression business,” she says,            numbers increasing in more positions
      Fireline Corporation
                                                  “until I started running it.”               of power throughout my tenure. There
      Baltimore, MD
                                                                                              are more daughters taking over their
                                                                                              fathers’ businesses.” Anna’s executive

     A      nna Gavin runs Fireline
            Corporation, a company started
     by her grandfather and later run by
                                                  “I didn’t have other female
                                                   role models in the industry.
                                                                                              team is over 60% women, and she
                                                                                              has a great blend of backgrounds and
                                                                                              experiences on her team.
                                                   but what I have seen in
     her father. Like Diane, Anna grew up
                                                   the industry is our numbers
     without a desire to join the family
     business. Although she was looking
                                                   are increasing and                             Anna’s executive
                                                   women are taking more
     at fire extinguishers at the age
     of 5 and would work for her dad               leadership positions.”
                                                                                                  team is over
     occasionally in college, she started
     her career at Marriott International
     before returning to work for her dad
     part-time. Anna never intended to
     take a leadership role in the company,
                                                  Because Anna was just 27 when
                                                  she became president, she found
                                                  her relative youth to be a bigger
                                                                                                  60%                     women.
     but when her father passed away              challenge than her gender. “My
     unexpectedly in 2008, she was                network wasn’t as big back then,”           As to what Anna would like to see in
     the only one to run it.                      she says. “I didn’t have other female       the future, she thinks women aren’t
                                                  role models in the industry. But what       in enough technical roles that get the
                                                  I have seen in the industry is our          most attention. Her biggest advice to
     “I never understood the                      numbers are increasing and women            both men and women who want to
      allure of the fire suppression              are taking more leadership positions.”      join the industry? “Say yes, even if you
      business until I started                                                                feel like you are not already the most
      running it.”                                Anna’s favorite part about her job          qualified. I have learned so much by
                                                  is developing a company culture             saying yes in this industry.”
                                                  and providing her team with a good
     At first, Anna took on this leadership       working experience. “Our number-one
     role because she and her mother              recruiting tool is our people,” she says.
     knew how important the company               “We have strong referrals and people
     had been to her father and they cared        who are committed to the company.”

12               W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022

                                         before joining her father’s company.         Once the techs realized that
                                         “My dad approached me in 2005 to             she was not watching their every
                                         see if I would be interested in coming       move to report back to the owner,
                                         to work for him,” says Staci. “I was         she developed a strong relationship
                                         looking for a more fulfilling career,        with them. “I really liked the physical
                                         so I jumped at the chance.”                  side of the business and seeing a lot
                                                                                      of things on-site with our customers,”
                                                                                      says Staci. “I want to do more hands-
                                         “I really liked the physical                 on in-field training.”
                                          side of the business and
                                                                                      One of the things Staci likes most
                                          see a lot of things on-site
                                                                                      about the business is that each day
                                          with customers.”                            is a little different and each day she
                                                                                      has the opportunity to help someone,
Office Manager & Co-Owner
                                                                                      whether it is a customer or an
Cofessco Fire Protection
                                         She started by helping with data entry       employee. “Gender barriers are coming
Muskegon, MI
                                         for new installation projects, and soon,     down all over the world. Women
                                         her curiosity about the business took        have always been capable of so

T    he fire suppression industry is
     also a family affair for Staci
Stidham of Cofessco Fire Protection,
                                         her on service calls with technicians.
                                         “The challenge in working with the
                                         technicians wasn’t so much that I was
                                                                                      much, and gaining the confidence to
                                                                                      realize it and act upon it will convince
                                                                                      more women to get involved in fire
who recalls being around the business    female as it was that I was the boss’s       protection. It’s not just a boys’ club
— where her dad served as president      daughter,” she says. “They thought I         anymore, and the more that women
— since she was 5 years old. Like        was there as some sort of a spy, but         are motivated and empowered to
Diane and Anna, Staci first spread her   I was just there to learn.”                  thrive in this industry, the more of
wings working in other industries                                                     this shift we will see.”

                                         K     endall May Liddicoat began her
                                               career in the industry a little
                                         differently from the women we’ve
                                                                                      a curiosity for what exactly she was
                                                                                      processing took hold. The field team
                                                                                      patiently explained the different
                                         profiled so far. “Years ago, a friend of     aspects of the company to Kendall.
                                         mine was working for Metro Safety            This thirst for knowledge led her to
                                         and Fire at the time and called to           continue with the company as she
                                         recruit me to perform fire watch for         grew into the position that she got
                                         the building. Twenty-two-year-old            to know and love.
                                         me thought, ‘OK, whatever that is.’ I
                                         happened to be available and willing         “Like other ‘lifers’ in the industry —
                                         to walk around a building every half-        it just bit me,” she says. “All things fire-
                                         an-hour for a week. It was absolutely        nerdy got into my blood. The science
                                         the easiest and most boring position         behind why certain chemicals behave
KENDALL MAY                              I’ve had in the industry to date,” recalls   the way they do, how they interact
LIDDICOAT                                Kendall. After this little adventure,        with other media they are protecting.
Field Operations Manager                 Kendall was asked to join the office         I love the way technology keeps
Metro Safety and Fire, Inc.              team in Accounts Receivable, where           moving the industry forward.”
Portland, OR

                                                                                           W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022            13

     “The boots on the ground                      the pleasure to meet and work with
                                                                                                    Metro Safety and
      are the most vital part to                   some incredibly brilliant, innovative,           Fire is now an
                                                   and motivated humans throughout
      ensuring our customers
      are taken care of. So it
                                                   the years,” she adds. From attending             employee-owned
                                                   NAFED events and being part of
      starts with me taking care                   the conference planning committee,               and female-led
      of them.”                                    to participating in Amerex’s
                                                   FlashForward, to keeping up with
                                                   monthly trainings and becoming
     What motivates Kendall the most is            vice president of the Oregon Fire            Her best advice to women and
     her field team. They show up every            Equipment Distributors Association.          others considering a career in fire
     day to do their very best for their                                                        suppression? “Do it!” says Kendall.
     customers and community. Her                                                               “You’re going to get dirty and have
     primary goal is to be sure that               “You’re going to get dirty and               long days. But at the end of the day,
     they are equipped with the tools,              have long days. But at the                  you’ll know that you’ve contributed
     knowledge, resources and connections                                                       to keeping your community protected
                                                    end of the day, you’ll know
     that will help them use their time                                                         and educated. Being female doesn’t
     effectively and safely. “The boots on
                                                    that you’ve contributed to                  necessarily help or hinder any portion
     the ground are the most vital part to          keeping your community                      of your potential career in the industry.
     ensuring our customers are taken care          protected and educated.”                    If you’ve got a knack or passion for it,
     of,” she says. “So it starts with me taking                                                jump in and you’ll find a great group
     care of them.”                                                                             of like-minded people.”
                                                   Kendall has enjoyed watching Metro
     One of Kendall’s favorite parts of            Safety and Fire become an employee-
     the industry is the people. “I’ve had         owned and female-led company.

                                                   L    ike Kendall, Melinda stumbled
                                                        into the fire protection industry
                                                   but found the opportunity so amazing
                                                                                                Melinda states. “There’s simply greater
                                                                                                demand than the supply of qualified
                                                                                                technicians. The FEDLC addresses this
                                                   that she dug in and happily hasn’t           issue head-on; I’m so grateful to have
                                                   looked back. “I’m passionate about           been trusted with this responsibility!”
                                                   fire protection because it’s a special
                                                   trade; if done properly, it protects lives   Each day Melinda wakes up thinking
                                                   and property,” she says. “Fires happen       about ways to bring more talent
                                                   every single day, and when there is no       into our industry because fire is a
                                                   loss of life, I’m incredibly proud of our    real threat to lives and property.
                                                   professional community.”                     She knows it takes a considerable
                                                                                                knowledge, expertise and renewable
                                                   Hands-down, the favorite part                workforce to develop, install, and
     MELINDA AT WOOD                               of her work has to be creating               maintain the safety equipment
     WANKE                                         the FED Learning Center. “Many               systems that protects us all.
     CMO/Program Director                          commercial buildings aren’t fire safety
     BHC/FED Learning Center                       compliant, despite fire safety codes         Melinda has experienced firsthand
     Charlotte, NC                                 and businesses willing to comply,”           the tremendous strides that women

14              W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022

    Was I going to cower and be the ‘little girl’ they expected me
    to be, or was I going to stand up and be the industry leader
    I knew I could be?”
have made in the industry. In 2003,        “I’d love to see industry members          20 years. Everyone’s truth is their
she went to the first trade event of       participate in the FED Learning Center     own but deciding before the heat of
her career. She was representing her       On-Demand series covering micro-           the moment, how to react before the
company in a safety distributor buying     aggressions,” she says. “At BHC, we’re     situation arises, will add two valuable
group discussing the importance of         lucky enough to have a CHRO certified      tools to their tool bag — grace and
fire safety on construction sites when     in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and    confidence,” she says. “ You can never
she overheard a man say, “What is this     have been collaborating with her to        control others, but you have absolute
little girl going to teach us about fire   bring views, via training sessions, into   control over your story and your
extinguishers?” At that point, Melinda     the industry.” She’s proud to help         journey. Being prepared will help you
knew she had to decide who she was         create greater access to this important    be the best version of yourself.”
going to be.                               information through their platform
                                           and is hopeful that every person in        So, to women everywhere, Melinda
“Was I going to cower and be the           fire protection spends intentional time    says to write your own story and go
‘little girl’ they expected me to be,      on the topic.                              forward being great!
or was I going to stand up and be the
industry leader I knew I could be?”
she says. “So, I simply smiled, making     “Everyone’s truth is their
eye contact with him. I wanted him to      own but deciding before the
know that I acknowledged his concern       heat of the moment, how to
but would show him that I could
                                           react before the situation
and would bring value. I’ve been
steadfast since; not even blinking
                                           arises, will add two valuable
in similar situations.”                    tools to their tool bag —
                                           grace and confidence.”
BHC’s Chief
Human Resources                            Her advice to women, especially
                                           young women, is to, first, expect equity
Officer is certified                       and inclusion every time, everywhere
                                           and never marginalization due to
in Diversity,Equity                        gender identity. Second, she suggests
and Inclusion.                             they need to decide how to respond
                                           to negative comments or situations
                                           before they’re in that moment.
She would love to see our
professional community continue            “I made my decision in that first
to recognize the value of women.           event and have carried my truth for

                                                                                           W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022        15

                                                systems in place,” she says. “And I      employees feel valued are the little
                                                can easily connect the dots from my      things that make all the difference.
                                                role in marketing to the end user — I
                                                don’t need to twist the sales pitch      Kate has seen the number of women
                                                or message for them to see that fire     leaders and team members at Summit
                                                suppression is worth caring about. The   Companies alone dramatically
                                                threat of destruction, devastation and   increase during her tenure. “I’m proud
                                                interruption that fire poses is reason   to say that many of these women I
                                                enough to care and take action.”         work alongside have dedicated their
                                                                                         career to fire protection and have
                                                Protecting and securing the safety and   paved the way for other women
                                                well-being of the Summit customers       within the industry,” she says. “We
     KATE LEE                                   motivates Kate each day. In addition,    not only have more women team
                                                the team around her, from the            members in sales and office roles; we
     Director of Marketing
                                                technicians in the field to the CEO to   also have promoted and hired several
     Summit Companies
                                                the managers who run the branches        women for roles that have been
     Mendota Heights, MN
                                                all work extremely hard. That type of    previously male dominated, such as

     A      relative newcomer, Kate joined
            the industry by chance three
     years ago when her recruiter pitched
                                                passion and motivation is contagious.
                                                “One of the things I love most about
                                                my job is the partnership with people
                                                                                         branch managers and technicians.”

                                                                                         She’s thankful to work for a company
     her current role at Summit Companies.      across the company. With our different   that welcomes and encourages all
     She had previously worked in the           backgrounds and perspectives, we         voices to contribute, men and women
     banking industry and was ready for         can come together to find solutions      alike. Her advice to other women who
     a change. “Talk about a change!” she       by putting ourselves in the              would like to enter the field is to use
     says. “These last three years have         customer’s shoes.”                       the strengths and qualities that are
     been a combination of challenging,                                                  unique to you especially within an
     exciting, refreshing and drinking from     Her job is to constantly think about     industry that’s all about saving lives
     a fire hose ... all at once.”              how Summit Companies is showing          and keeping people safe. “Be curious
                                                up in the world and the value that       and ask questions,” she says. “Partner
                                                the company is providing not just to     and rely on each other — you can’t do
     “... I don’t need to twist the             customers, but to people who just saw    it alone. And make sure the company
     sales pitch or message for                 a social media post. Everything from     that you work for and the people
                                                impacting communities to making          you surround yourself with give you
     [the end user] to see that fire
                                                sure that the Summit Companies           energy and a sense of purpose.”
     suppression is worth
     caring about.”

     Prior to working at Summit                      I’m proud to say many of these women
     Companies, if you had asked Kate
     why she cares about fire suppression,           I work alongside have dedicated their
     she would not have realized the
     importance or necessity of it. She              career to fire protection and have
     now would answer that you HAVE to
     care. “Our lives and safety depend on
                                                     paved the way for other women within
     having maintained fire suppression              the industry.”

16             W I N T E R 2022


                                           “When I finished university, I helped       with customers, developing technical
                                           develop a sales department within an        solutions and learning about new
                                           existing company that designed and          and different technologies in fire
                                           installed fire suppression systems. After   suppression,” Stefanie adds.
                                           one year, my previous director and I
                                           decided to spin off the department
                                           and form a new company which                “We’ve proven our value
                                           became Umbra FSP (FSP for Fire              and abilities, so I hope to
                                           Safety Products),” Stefanie says. “Since,   see more women continue
                                           I have had the pleasure to become           to lead.”
                                           one of the two owners of Umbra
                                           as well as taking on the director/
                                           manager position.”                          Stefanie also hopes to see more
STEFANIE                                                                               gender parity in leadership roles in
HERRMANN                                   Even though she didn’t always intend        the future. “I do have to admit that
                                           to enter the fire suppression industry,     women are still underrepresented in
Managing Director (& Co-Owner)
Umbra FSP GmbH                             Stefanie’s appreciation for firefighting    the fire suppression industry. Most
Berlin, Germany                            is deeply rooted. “I had an incident        women in the industry are not in
                                           with fire in my childhood, so I know        ‘the front row,’ so to speak. A small

F    ire suppression is a global
     industry, and Amerex is lucky
enough to partner with incredible
                                           how scary it can be. I was heroically
                                           rescued from our apartment by a
                                           firefighter. None of my family was hurt
                                                                                       number of women are present for
                                                                                       the community, for customers and in
                                                                                       organizations, and all of these women
men and women around the world             and our property was not seriously          are well known and respected. We’ve
like Stefanie Herrmann of Berlin,          damaged. Fire is dangerous and its          proven our value and abilities, so I
Germany-based Umbra FSP. Stefanie          impacts can be devastating for people,      hope to see more women continue
boasts nearly 20 years of experience       businesses, communities and the             to lead.”
already, but like some of the other        environment. It’s a very important
women profiled, she found the              aspect of construction and various          In the future, Stefanie looks forward
industry by chance. “I began working       industries,” she says.                      to seeing the industry continue to be
as a student at tedious tasks, like data                                               invigorated by energetic new faces.
entry, and soon I was supporting the       Now, Stefanie is motivated to help          She says, “I’ve noticed a larger share of
marketing & engineering department         protect people and property and, as         younger people active in this industry
with creating and revising data            a company leader, to also to lead her       than in the past, and I hope this trend
sheets,” Stefanie recalls.                 company. “The business is my ‘baby’         will continue, and I hope that also
                                           and I want to see it grow up. We have       means that female representation will
                                           proven our value to a good number           improve.” Stefanie has simple advice
                                           of partners, and it is my responsibility    for young women considering a career
                                           to care for our employees and to offer      in the fire suppression industry: “Don’t
                                           the best possible customer service,         be afraid! Try your luck and believe in
                                           both technically and commercially. My       your abilities!”
                                           favorite parts of my work are talking

                                                                                                     W I N T E R 2022              17
          Returning to Trade Shows
                                                                                                               BY BEN PITTS

          W      hen Willie Nelson wrote “On
                 the Road Again,” he probably
          never imagined how good it would
                                                   capabilities for multiple zones on
                                                   large machinery. It was great to
                                                   reconnect with our many friends
                                                                                           with STRIKE ECS, including the Zone
                                                                                           Defense protection setup, the new
                                                                                           KP250 cylinder, salamander broiler
          feel to get back on the road after       in the mining industry.                 protection and other recent system
          a pandemic-induced travel hiatus!                                                innovations. We were excited to have
          After many of our usual industry         In early October, I joined members of   the chance to meet with several
          conferences and trade shows were         the Amerex Defense team, including      important European partners at Host.
          canceled in 2020 and early 2021,         Ken Mier, Defense General Manager,
          it was a pleasure for the Amerex         at the Association of the United        Finally, we finished the year with a
          team to get back on the road to visit    States Army (AUSA) Annual Meeting       focus on transit, first at the American
          with many of our important industry      and Exposition in Washington,           Public Transportation Association
          partners and customers.                  D.C., to showcase Amerex’s mil-         (APTA) Expo in Orlando in November.
                                                   spec solutions to help protect          The Amerex Vehicle Systems group
          In September, our Vehicle                American warfighters from extreme       teamed up with Mark Magaldi and
          Systems team attended MINExpo            fire hazards. Amerex vehicle fire       Transit Marketing Group to show
          International in Las Vegas. Bill         suppression systems, including rapid    off solutions. And speaking of
          Jolbert, Director of Sales—Vehicle       optical detection and actuation as      buses, Joe Rost, Sales Manager—
          Systems, was among the Amerex            found in the JLTV tactical vehicle      Vehicle Systems, was on-hand at
          team members staffing our booth          from Oshkosh Defense, were              the Transporting Students with
          to promote Amerex KODIAK fierce          on display alongside flight line        Disabilities Expo in Frisco, Texas,
          vehicle fire protection. We showed       solutions like the NOVEC 1230           later in November to showcase
          off some of our staple products for      wheeled unit.                           solutions for school transportation.
          the mining industry like corrosion-
          resistant Z-Series portables,            Next, the Amerex KP/IS team
          corrosion-resistant stored pressure      headed across the Atlantic to attend
          cylinders for dry chemical, ICS liquid   HostMilano, the largest show in
          and Dry-ICS agent systems, and           the world dedicated to the food
          control panels including the new         service and hospitality industry. We
          SafetyNet-EV panel, which expands        showcased the Amerex KP system

18 Inside Diamond W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022
Event Description   Location            Dates        Event Description       Location               Dates

Oregon Loggers      Eugene, OR          Feb. 24–26   KP/IS Training          Online (CST)           Jun. 14–15

KP/IS Training      Las Vegas, NV       Mar. 7–8     FFEDA Conference        TBD                    TBD

VS Training         Las Vegas, NV       Mar. 9       KP/IS Training          Seattle, WA            Jul. 12–13

NAFED               Las Vegas, NV       Mar. 10–11   STNEXPO West            Reno, NV               Jul. 15–20

GASFED              Atlanta, GA         Mar. 22–24                           New Orleans, LA        Aug. 1–3
                                                     Annual Symposium

NAFED               Atlantic City, NJ   Apr. 7–8     KP/IS Training          Columbus, OH           Aug. 9–10

KP/IS Training      Charlotte, NC       Apr. 12–13   KP/IS Training          Online                 Aug. 23–24

KP/IS Training      Online (PST)        Apr. 26–27                           Online                 Sep. 7
                                                     KP/IS Training

Wastexpo                                             CALSAFE Annual
                    Las Vegas, NV       May 9–12                             Ontario, CA            Oct. 7–8
Tradeshow Exhibit                                    Conference

NAFED               Indianapolis, IN    May 12–13    AUSA                                           Oct. 10–12

VS Training         Online (CST)        May 16       KP/IS Training          Allentown, PA          Oct. 11–12

                    Online              May 18       VS Training             Allentown, PA          Oct. 13
KP/IS Training

KP/IS Training      Chicago, IL         May 25–26    KP/IS Training          Dallas, TX             Nov. 8–9

VS Training         Chicago, IL         May 27       VS Training             Dallas, TX             Nov. 10

STNEXPO             Indianapolis, IN    Jun. 3–7     KP/IS Training          Trussville, AL         Dec. 6–7

NFPA                Boston, MA          Jun. 6–9     VS Training             Trussville, AL         Dec. 8

Elko Mine Expo      Elko, NV            Jun. 6–10

                                                                         W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022   Inside Diamond 19

                                                           KITCHEN AND
                                                        INDUSTRIAL FIRE
                                                   The Kitchen Protection and               our available inventory, reduce lead
       SERVICE                                     Industrial Systems team at Amerex        times and minimize delays. Amerex
                                                   is thankful for its amazing network      is committed to the success of our
       INNOVATION                                  of distributors. Our success as a team   distributors, not only in the U.S. and
                                                   and product line is dependent on the     Canadian markets, but across our
       High Quality Products                       partnerships that we have with our       entire global distribution network.
       Built to Protect                            wide-stretching distribution network.
       and Perform.                                                                         Amid all these challenges, we
                                                   This period has presented no             are progressing towards product
                                                   shortage of hurdles for us or for        advancements and new products.
                                                   our distributors and customers. The      With the release of the new KP250
                                                   incredible rebound of the hospitality    cylinder, our distributors have the
                                                   industry in the U.S. and slightly        ability to bid more competitively
                                                   delayed rebound occurring across         while still providing customers with
                                                   the globe have created significant       a premier kitchen fire suppression
                                                   demand for fire suppression systems.     system. Its 8-inch diameter allows
                                                   At this point, we are all acutely        for a convenient fit into the end
                                                   aware of labor shortages and             cabinet of most commercial
                                                   material shortages, and we have          kitchen hoods.
                                                   again had to shift our “normal.”
                                                   It is abundantly clear that our          Our team has been strategically
                                                   distributors are committed to facing     laying out further advancements
                                                   these challenges head on,                for appliance coverage, ease of use,
                                                   as is Amerex.                            and innovation. With ever-growing
                                                                                            demand for flexibility in commercial
                                                   Our Supply Chain team has used           cooking operations, it is imperative
                                                   creative and new ways to reduce          that Amerex provides its customers
                                                   lead times and procure parts where       with the tools to meet this head on.
                                                   an original supply source may            2022 is already shaping to be a year
                                                   have completely stopped. Knowing         of growth in our Kitchen Protection
                                                   that the success of our system           abilities, and bringing more design
                                                   distributors hinges on the delivery      options for your business is our goal.
                                                   of a multitude of parts to complete a
                                                   job, we continually strive to increase

20 Inside Diamond W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022

It was great to be back in-person       in the 300,000-square-foot exhibit hall    Representatives from Spectronix,
at this year’s AUSA (Association of     over the three-day event.                  our partner from Israel, attended the
the United States Army) meeting                                                    show and spent some time in our
and exposition as a National            We were able to personally meet with       booth talking with us and prospective
Partner exhibitor October 11–13 in      many of our customers, both existing       customers. We were also able to
Washington, D.C., after the 2020 in-    and several new ones, including            meet with one of their customers
person event was cancelled due to       General Motors Defense. GM Defense         that we will work with in the coming
the pandemic.                           is charging straight ahead into the        months on a project in partnership
The event was well-attended and         military market armed with the             with Spectronix.
focused. Our team had the opportunity   knowledge gained from over 100 years
to explore ongoing projects and         of vehicle manufacturing, with several
potential new ones with key contacts    new programs under consideration by        ABOVE: Pictured in the Amerex Defense
                                        the US Army.                               booth photo are team members (from
                                                                                   left to right) Ken Mier, Ben Pitts, Kendall
                                                                                   Pate, Susan Ray, Chris Nichols and Nolan
                                        Another customer we have been
                                                                                   Hoffman. Many thanks to our business
                                        chosen to work with on a track-driven
                                                                                   partners (both current and prospective) for
                                        armored personnel carrier vehicle, PB      stopping by our booth to discuss your fire
                                        Enterprises, held an adjacent meeting      suppression needs.
                                        to discuss our specific project. We were
                                        also able to spend time with others
                                        that are working the same project
                                        with our products as well.

                                                                                        W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022   Inside Diamond 21

                    PORTABLE FIRE
                 Wheeled extinguishers:
                          versatile fire
                       protection tools

          Wheeled extinguishers are a
          unique solution for high-hazard
          areas where large quantities of
          flammable materials are found,
          including petroleum storage,
          consumer goods warehouses, health
          care environments and industrial
          facilities, to name a few. Amerex
          has the right wheeled solution for
          these settings and more. ABC dry
          chemical is versatile in its coverage.
          Purple K delivers a significant punch    environments. While the need is          ratings than hand portables provide
          to knock down and extinguish class       certainly present in tank farms and      an advantage in the high racks and
          B fires quickly. Our CO2 wheeled         other oil and gas facilities, these      long aisleways of warehouses.
          extinguishers are perfect for low-       powerful firefighting tools can be
          cost recharging where Class B fires      useful for broader applications.         These versatile extinguishers require
          are frequent. And clean agent            Airports require quick knockdown         specialized maintenance procedures
          wheeled extinguishers provide            of flammable materials and often         to remain in top operating
          maximum protection and minimize          Purple K wheeled extinguishers           condition. Stored pressure wheeled
          collateral damage with rapidly           are installed at an airport ramp.        extinguishers are maintained
          evaporating firefighting chemicals.      Clean agents also work well in this      on a similar schedule to stored
                                                   application and are the primary flight   pressure hand portables, though
          When installing wheeled                  line firefighting support of many        additional maintenance steps are
          extinguishers in new environments,       of our Amerex Defense customers.         required due to increased product
          keep in mind that the servicing          Additionally, heliports require          complexity. Cylinder operated
          of these extinguishers is unique         protection in accordance with NFPA       extinguishers follow a separate
          to each product and will require         410. Purple K dry chemical and clean     unique schedule outlined in our
          additional time and equipment            agent wheeled extinguishers can          maintenance and service manuals.
          to keep the extinguishers in top         meet these installation requirements.    To better understand the specialized
          operating condition.                                                              maintenance schedules, see our new
                                                   An increasing number of warehouses       training videos on our website.
          There is a misconception that            also use wheeled extinguishers to
          wheeled extinguishers are useful         meet code and firefighting needs.
          only in heavy-duty industrial            Long-range discharges and higher

22 Inside Diamond W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022
A    s a reminder, the email we sent
     at the end of 2021 updated our
product line offerings.
                                        our hand portable hose assemblies.
                                        As such, future dry chemical hand
                                        portables will be made without them.
                                                                               Introduction of three new Purple K
                                                                               extinguisher models: the new Purple
                                                                               K 376, 377, and 378.
                                        Our O-ring supply will run through
A redesigned Class K extinguisher       the end of the year and you will       Phasing out of our regular
features a new valve assembly and       not need this part when servicing      extinguishers. For the most efficient
hose design that is simpler to use      Amerex extinguishers.                  product line offering, we’ve put
and easier to install. The C260 and                                            together a stronger assortment
C262 replace the B260 and B262.         Changes to the design of our hoses.    of extinguishers. We’ve created a
The extinguisher you have depended      In order to keep up with product       substitution guide for customers
on for years to protect commercial      demand and improve our supply          who purchase regular extinguishers
kitchens has the same stored pressure   chain, we have expanded our sourcing   on our website.
design, stainless-steel cylinder and    so you will notice a slight change
user-friendly features that you can     to the appearance of our portable
read about.                             extinguisher hoses.

 An O-ring update to our dry chemical   An updated assortment of wheeled
hand portable extinguishers. Our        extinguishers. Our new wheeled
engineers designed these products in    extinguisher catalog showcases
such a way that O-rings are no longer   the complete line.
a necessary component on most of

                                                                                    W I N T E R / S P R I N G 2022   Inside Diamond 23
           We’re dedicated to serving our fire equipment distributor partners to the absolute
           best of our ability. That’s why we continue to update and optimize the Amerex Web
           Store experience for you.

               •     Improved order and shipment tracking.
               •     Solutions organized by industry application.
               •     Easy navigation and simple search.
               •     Detailed and up-to-date product information.
               •     The convenience of shopping and ordering 24/7 from any location with internet access.
               •     The ability to double-check your cart for completeness and accuracy before placing your order.
               •     The convenience of saving shopping carts for later if you’re in the middle of placing an order and something comes up.

           Contact your sales representative or customer service if you need assistance logging in to the Web Store.

           Keep important Amerex information at your fingertips via the McWane Pocket
           Engineer app or by visiting

                            WHY AMEREX
                           Quality                                  Service                                  Innovation

                           Amerex didn’t become a global            Amerex was founded upon a                Because Amerex is independently
                           market leader overnight. Our             mutual appreciation for premium          owned and forward thinking, we
                           business has grown year after            quality in products and customer         are continuously innovating and
                           year based on our products’              service and the importance of            investing for the benefit of our
                           reputation for performance               interpersonal relations.                 customers and those they serve.
                           and durability in even the most
                           rugged environments.


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