INSIDE: learningSkills Course Directory Learn, grow and thrive - Spirit of Christmas - Gateshead Council

INSIDE: learningSkills Course Directory Learn, grow and thrive - Spirit of Christmas - Gateshead Council
Winter 2020                         

       INSIDE:                   Spirit of Christmas
  Course Directory                   Gateshead Quays
 Learn, grow and thrive
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INSIDE: learningSkills Course Directory Learn, grow and thrive - Spirit of Christmas - Gateshead Council
Dear resident
     2020 has been a challenging                                  Our community hubs are there to support any
     year for us all. After months                                resident in need – whether that’s for help with food
     of living with restrictions                                  or bills or advice on benefits or employment issues. If
     in Gateshead including                                       you, or someone you know, needs assistance, please
     two national lockdowns,                                      get in touch.
     it’s hard to be approaching
                                                                  We have also continued to lobby Government to
     the festive period with
                                                                  ensure that the necessary support for our businesses
     measures in place which
                                                                  and communities is available and will continue to do
     impact on our daily lives.
                                                                  so to ensure that we can avoid further restrictions as
     I want to firstly thank all our residents who have           we move forward.
     made enormous sacrifices already, who have pulled
                                                                  We do all need to play our part and help keep
     together to support the communities around them.
                                                                  infection rates down so that Gateshead and the North
     I also want to thank our local businesses who have
                                                                  East can start the year ahead in a strong position.
     made incredible changes to the way that they have
     operated. They have responded well to this ever-             I am confident that we will get through this, but
     changing situation and gone out of their way to keep         everyone must please do their bit. Follow the
     staff and customers safe.                                    restrictions that are in place, when you do go out
                                                                  please maintain social distancing, wear a face covering
     Our workforce has also adapted and changed
                                                                  and wash your hands regularly.
     throughout the year. I am proud of the way that our
     employees have taken on different roles and new              There is no doubt that Christmas will be different this
     ways of working to help to continue to serve the             year, but we ask our residents to keep pulling together
     communities in Gateshead. We’ve seen enormous                over the winter months ahead. Look out for family,
     resilience in our schools and I do not underestimate         friends and neighbours as we have done throughout
     the enormous pressures that they have faced to               this year. Continue to protect yourself, protect others
     ensure that our young people continue to access the          and protect Gateshead.
     education they deserve.
                                                                  Finally, I would like to wish all of our residents a Merry
     Essential services have continued to run and new             Christmas and a Happy New Year.
     services have been developed. We have made sure
     that our most vulnerable residents have been cared
     for, children who need our help and support have
     it, whilst making sure people have their household
     waste and recycling collected and our outdoor spaces         Councillor Martin Gannon,
     remain open.                                                 Leader of Gateshead Council

    Spirit of                                 Preparing                                     Helping you
    Christmas                                 for Winter                                    into work
    page 4                                    page 5                                        page 37

                                                     All information in this publication was correct at the time of going to print.
                                                                                       Cover image, Mark Sweeney Photography

2    Gateshead Council News Winter 2020
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Enjoy the festive period safely
Christmas is going to look very different this year. The national lockdown is due
to end on December 2 but even if the government relaxes restrictions in time for
the festive period, residents should remain cautious about the risk of COVID-19 to
themselves and others.
Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health for Gateshead, said: “We know that risk
of coronavirus is still very much out there and sadly that won’t change over the
festive period. 2020 has been really hard for everyone and we understand how
disappointing it will be if we can’t see friends and family during this time. However,
we want to start 2021 in the best possible place, so we are asking residents to
continue to help us by doing their bit over this time.”
Regardless of the national rules here are       carefully about meeting with people          • Keep an eye out for your neighbours.
some tips on celebrating more safely:           who you do not live with indoors.              This time of year can be a lonely time
                                                Indoor gatherings generally pose               for many. Could you cook a little extra
• The safest way to celebrate is to
                                                more risk than outdoor gatherings.             for family or neighbours – especially
  keep Christmas dinner to those you
                                                                                               those who are at a higher risk of illness?
  live with and those in your support         • If you do have people in your home,
  bubble.                                       remember to stay at least two metres         • If you are delivering food or presents,
                                                apart and wash your hands often.               then deliver them safely in a way that
• Arrange virtual ways to meet with                                                            doesn’t involve close contact with
  your family or friends. You could           • Don’t host people if anyone in your            others. Wash your hands thoroughly
  unwrap presents online together or            household has symptoms, has tested             before touching parcels or food that
  create a Christmas quiz.                      positive or is waiting for the result of a     you are delivering.
                                                coronavirus test.
• Enjoy an outdoor walk but follow the                                                       • Avoid large gatherings.
  restrictions on how many people you         • People at a high risk of severe illness
  can meet that are in place at the time.       from COVID-19 should avoid meeting             For the latest coronavirus
                                                people that they don’t live with               restrictions, visit:
• If the Government does allow                                                       
  household mixing, please think

  The community pulling together to help
  Since the pandemic began, thousands                                                        inspirational. We have seen so many
  of residents have been supported by                                                        partners and volunteers come
  the Council’s community hubs.                                                              together to support those in need
                                                                                             and provide a vital lifeline to so many
  Over 140 council staff, together
  with community groups, voluntary
  partners and faith groups, have pulled                                                     This community response has been
  together to support our communities.                                                       made possible thanks to Age UK
                                                                                             Gateshead, Mutual Aid, Citizens
  Supporting residents in a number
                                                                                             Advice, Dunston Family Church,
  of ways, the community network
                                                                                             Winlaton Community Association,
  has helped with everything from
                                                David from Edberts House community hub       Chopwell Community Association,
  emergency food and routine
                                                                                             Birtley Community Partnership and
  shopping to providing advice and
                                                                                             Edberts House, Gateshead Food
  support on paying bills.                     • Delivered 5,775 council packed
                                                                                             Bank, Pickle Palace and Bensham &
                                                 lunches during the summer holidays
  Since March, we have:                                                                      Lobley Hill Food Co-ops, Felling Food
                                               • Provided 1,400 free school meals            Network and many more.
  • Contacted 19,000 residents who
                                                 over the half term
    were shielding to make sure that                                                          Our community hubs are
    they had support                           • Distributed over 1,200 activity packs
                                                                                              continuing to offer essential
                                                 with sports equipment, crafts and
  • Delivered 8,000 emergency food                                                            support to our residents.
                                                 books to families
    parcels                                                                                   If you or anyone you know needs
  • Responded to 6,000 requests for            Councillor Catherine Donovan,                  help and support, such as help with
    help ranging from financial advice         Deputy Leader of Gateshead Council,            food or bills, contact us:
    to routine shopping                        said: “The work of our community     
                                               groups during this time has been               or call 0191 433 7112.

                                                                 @gateshead         gatesheadcouncil     3
INSIDE: learningSkills Course Directory Learn, grow and thrive - Spirit of Christmas - Gateshead Council

Spirit of Christmas appeal
to raise vital funds for local charities
Gateshead Council and Newcastle                 in living memory for many, and with
City Council have partnered with                unemployment rising and child poverty
local charity Connected Voice to raise          at record levels, we want to make
money for the Spirit of Christmas               Christmas a little better. If you can spare     “We have great organisations who
appeal.                                         even a small amount, it could make              are well positioned in our local
                                                all the difference to local people and          communities to really help lift people’s
Donations will give vital support for
                                                families struggling to cope and facing a        spirits, but their own fundraising
community groups and charities across
                                                bleak Christmas.”                               activities have been severely hampered
Gateshead and Newcastle as we head
                                                                                                due to the new restrictions. By working
towards Christmas.                              Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader of
                                                                                                together, we can make sure those who
                                                Gateshead Council said: “Now more
The money raised will go towards                                                                really need it have some festive cheer
                                                than ever we need help to support our
food, activities, and gifts for vulnerable                                                      by helping provide essential food, small
                                                communities over the festive season.
residents - at a time when people need                                                          gifts, and activities.”
                                                I know people are struggling but I’m
it the most.
                                                appealing to those businesses that can            Donations can be made at
Connected Voice’s Chief Executive Lisa          give generously to do so, and for local 
Goodwin said: “After the worst year             people to donate where they can.                  fund/spiritofchristmasappeal

Changes to council housing supported by tenants
Feedback from tenants and                                                                       needed for tenants, as well as help to
leaseholders is recommending that                                                               address important priorities such as
Gateshead Council takes on the future                                                           health, the environment and tackling
management and maintenance of                                                                   inequality.”
council homes in the borough.
                                                                                                Councillor John Adams, Gateshead
Views were sought in the summer                                                                 Council Cabinet Member for Housing
from tenants, leaseholders and key                                                              said: “The message is clear, current
stakeholders following an independent                                                           tenants and leaseholders would
review of Housing Services, that                                                                welcome a change of management of
took place earlier in the year, which                                                           council housing.
recommended that housing stock
                                                                                                Whilst acknowledging the positive work
should be brought back into the
                                                                                                undertaken by The Gateshead Housing
Council. Since 2004, The Gateshead
                                                                                                Company in securing additional
Housing Company (TGHC) has been
                                                                                                investment for our homes over
given the job of managing and
                                                                                                recent years and setting up excellent
maintaining council homes.
                                                                                                initiatives such as tenant led scrutiny
The consultation received a 93%                                                                 of their services, it’s clear tenants and
response in support of a change of                                                              leaseholders want change.
                                                an ambitious vision for housing in
responsibility from TGHC to Gateshead
                                                Gateshead. Having quality homes and             It’s very positive to have the support of
Council. Despite COVID-19 challenges,
                                                places are essential for people to thrive.      the people who live in the properties,
almost 2500 survey responses were
                                                I welcome the feedback from tenants             which clearly supports the changes
                                                and leaseholders and look forward to            we want to achieve for our housing in
Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader                developing a new housing service that           Gateshead.”
of Gateshead Council said: “We’ve               will bring about the improvements

    Apply for EU settlement status
    Reminder - If you or a member of your family are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, you can apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to
    continue living in the UK after 30 June 2021. It’s free to apply and if your application is successful, you’ll get either settled or
    pre-settled status. You need to apply separately on behalf of your children, even if they were born in the UK.
     You can apply online and find further information, which includes information in different languages, at

4       Gateshead Council News Winter 2020
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Planning approval for £260m Gateshead


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             All r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In A


Quays scheme



Gateshead Council’s planning
committee has approved plans for
the development of a £260m events
destination which will see the creation                                                           W:\2019\19.33009.03 GATESHEAD QUAYS PH3 AND PLANNING\E-Design\E7-Graphics\E7.8 - CGI\Cam4_DAY_10_200922_CopyrightHOK

of around 1,000 new jobs and boost
the local economy by £60m.
The plans, which include arena,
exhibition and conference centre,                                                                                                                                                                                            Key

hotels, and new public spaces were
submitted by developer Ask:PATRIZIA,                                                                                                                                                                                         Do n

who have appointed Sir Robert


McAlpine to build the complex.
Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader of
Gateshead Council said: “We’ve wanted


                                                                                  “Despite the current challenges, we                                     Dan Williams, Head of Development,


to revitalise this key site for a long
                                                            28/09/2020 16:04:25

                                                                                  need to remember the worth of the                                       PATRIZIA UK and Ireland added:


time. Our long-term aspiration has                                                                                                                                                                                           GQ

                                                                                  events industry. We look forward to
always been to bring internationally                                                                                                                           “The scheme is designed with

                                                                                  opening the venue late 2023.”
recognisable facilities of this scale to not                                                                                                                biodiversity and sustainability at its
just Gateshead but the entire region.                                             John Hughes, managing director of                                        core and we have focused on superb
                                                                                  Ask Real Estate said: “We have worked                                      outdoor spaces as well as the new
“This project is transformational, and
                                                                                  closely with the Council and wider
this decision signals confidence in the                                                                                                                     buildings and infrastructure. This is
                                                                                  stakeholders to ensure this scheme
North East. Newcastle Gateshead Quays                                                                                                                     important as we continue to deal with
                                                                                  will deliver maximum benefit to the
will be a global leader in entertainment,                                                                                                                  the legacy of covid and the increased
                                                                                  region and will further put the iconic
leisure, and hospitality but most                                                                                                                             need for well-designed outdoor
                                                                                  NewcastleGateshead waterfront on
importantly it is about creating new                                                                                                                       spaces so people to walk safely from
                                                                                  the map. We look forward to starting
employment and training opportunities                                                                                                                       venue to venue or to watch outdoor
                                                                                  construction and bringing these superb
for thousands at a time when they are
                                                                                  public facilities to life.”                                                         performances.”
badly needed.

  Delay to clean air zone plans
  Plans to introduce a Clean Air Zone                                             Gateshead Council is working with
  in Newcastle city centre have been                                              Newcastle City Council to improve air
  delayed.                                                                        quality as they are required to meet
                                                                                  Government targets that have been
  The charging zone, which would
                                                                                  legally set.
  affect older buses, HGVs, vans and
  taxis and was planned to be in place                                            Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader of
  from January 2021, is still expected                                            Gateshead Council said: “We know
  to go ahead but will now be later in                                            that many people have been waiting
  2021.                                                                           for an update on these plans. We are
                                                                                                                                                        “However, in the meantime we remain
                                                                                  grateful for their patience and we
  An ongoing legal case has prevented                                                                                                                   committed to tackling the climate
                                                                                  are pleased that we are now able
  discussions with the preferred                                                                                                                        emergency, reducing harmful air
                                                                                  to provide some certainty for their
  provider taking place, meaning that                                                                                                                   pollution, supporting our economy
                                                                                  planning by confirming that the clean
  work to develop the technical systems                                                                                                                 and protecting the health of everyone
                                                                                  air zone will not be implemented in
  for the charging zone had to be put                                                                                                                   in our area.
                                                                                  January 2021.
  on hold.
                                                                                                                                                        “Regardless of this delay to the
                                                                                  “We will of course provide further
  Discussions are ongoing with                                                                                                                          implementation of a charging clean
                                                                                  information on new timescales as
  government regarding this change                                                                                                                      air zone we will continue to deliver
                                                                                  soon as we are able but anticipate
  in timescales, but other cities with                                                                                                                  changes that ensure active and
                                                                                  the charging clean air zone being
  planned clean air zones have also                                                                                                                     sustainable transport is at the heart of
                                                                                  introduced later in 2021.
  suffered delays.                                                                                                                                      our future.”

                                                                                                                              @gateshead                           gatesheadcouncil        5
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Council brightens the day
for hundreds of families
Gateshead Council was once again awarded Government funding to provide free
summer holiday activities and healthy food for Gateshead families. £228,598 was
secured from the Department for Education to run the seven-week long holiday
                                                                                                Ollie, Leo and Isabella enjoy learning to cook
activities and food programme called #BrightentheDay.
Throughout the programme:                         families at 23 venues by the Council’s      As part of #BrightentheDay the
                                                  catering team.                              Council launched Cook ‘n’ Eat - a
• Ten schools participated providing a                                                        new initiative which provided
  range of sports, environmental and            • More than 1650 healthy breakfasts           Gateshead families with a box of
  social activities.                              where delivered to children.                fresh ingredients, including meat
• Six pop-up sports venues were                 Councillor Catherine Donovan, Deputy          and fresh vegetables, and an easy to
  organised (including a healthy lunch).        Leader of Gateshead Council, said: “The       follow recipe card to allow them to
                                                2020 #BrightentheDay programme was            cook a healthy hot nutritious meal
• More than 20 community venues                                                               at home together.
                                                designed to keep children and families
  offered a range of activities for
                                                safe and at the same time giving them         1,357 Cook ‘n’ Eat boxes were
  families, including trips to venues
                                                an opportunity to have fun and food           delivered to local families who
  such as the Centre for Life and
                                                after a long period of lockdown. We’re        receive free school meals resulting
                                                grateful to all of our staff and partners     in over 4,600 people enjoying a
• Nearly 6,000 healthy packed lunches           who worked exceptionally hard to make         fresh homemade meal, cooked
  were delivered to children and                this programme another huge success.”         together at home.
                                                                                              Samantha, a recipient of a Cook ‘n’ Eat
                                                                                              box, said: “A massive thank you for
                                                                                              our Cook ‘n’ Eat box, the kids loved
                                                                                              making it. We all cooked together,
                                                                                              each child having a turn. Izzy took
                                                                                              charge of the burgers, Leo the
                                                                                              wedges and my five-year-old Ollie
                                                                                              was the master of the salad. This has
                                                                                              really brought us together for our
                                                                                              meals each day and the children now
                                                                                              help with most dinners, preferring
                                                                                              to make things ourselves rather than
                                                                                              buy prepared meals!”

                                                                                                All of the recipes are
                                                                                                downloadable from
    Cycling at Larkspur Community School

    Are you affected by domestic abuse or worried about your behaviour?
    Anyone can be affected by domestic          ex-partner or family member, this is        affected everyone. However, staying
    abuse at any time in their life and it is   abuse and help is available.                at home more shouldn’t mean that
    important to understand that there                                                      you are at risk of domestic abuse. If
                                                You may also be struggling with your
    are many kinds of abuse. Recognising                                                    you’re worried about your situation
                                                own emotions and behaviour towards
    that you, or someone you know, is                                                       or someone you know please don’t
                                                others and feel you need help. We are
    being harmed or mistreated is the first                                                 hesitate to contact us for support.
                                                also here to listen and support you too.
    step to getting help.
                                                                                            If you are in immediate danger or
                                                Coronavirus has required us to stay at
    If you are feeling controlled or                                                        suspect someone else is, call 999.
                                                home more, to work or to self-isolate,
    physically, sexually, financially or
                                                and spending more time indoors has
    emotionally abused by a partner,

      For more information about how we can help visit
      or call our 24-hour helpline on 0191 433 3333.

6        Gateshead Council News Winter 2020
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Setting a balanced budget
Gateshead Council remains committed to balancing its budget amid a very difficult and unpredictable financial future.
As we faced the biggest public health       Support for adult social care, increased     years to come. COVID-19 has resulted
crisis in living memory, Councillors        quantities of PPE, support to reduce         in added pressure on what we can
agreed from the start to do whatever        homelessness and setting up shielding        and can’t deliver for our residents,
was needed to protect and help our          hubs to support our most vulnerable          businesses and visitors.
residents. As the pandemic continues        residents has increased the Council’s
                                                                                         “Gateshead Council has and always will
the Council remains committed to that       costs. Meanwhile, changes in council-
                                                                                         put people at the heart of everything
promise; however, this has meant it has     run services such as leisure centres,
                                                                                         we do. It has done a tremendous job
had to deal with increased costs and        catering facilities and school meals
                                                                                         in responding to this crisis, providing
loss of income.                             during lockdown saw the council lose
                                                                                         support where it was needed, making
                                            vital income.
                                                                                         sure residents and communities were
                                            The Council has already worked               supported and not left alone.
                                            incredibly hard throughout the
                                                                                         “But this has come at a cost with the
                                            austerity years making cuts of £170m,
                                                                                         understanding that the government,
                                            with £58m of further savings to be
                                                                                         as they stated, would recompense us
                                            made in the next five years and over
                                                                                         for the additional costs of responding
                                            £18m of that is needed in 2021/22.
                                                                                         to the coronavirus pandemic and help
                                            It’s difficult to accurately calculate the   us with the income that we would lose
                                            financial impact of COVID-19 on the          because of the crisis.
                                            Council, but it’s estimated to be an
                                                                                         “We remain committed to delivering
                                            extra £50m. So far, the funding from
                                                                                         a balanced budget for the people of
                                            government to support our pandemic
                                                                                         Gateshead but this means residents are
                                            work is £17.9m.
                                                                                         likely to see a change in the services
                                            Councillor Martin Gannon, Leader of          that they do receive from the Council as
                                            Gateshead Council said: “Like many           a result of reductions and the impact of
  Our community hubs continue to
  support our most vulnerable residents     other councils, we are facing tough          the pandemic.”
                                            financial decisions in the months and

  Think MASK before you take out a loan
  Citizens Advice Gateshead and             M – Money advice can help to make            there are many other ways that we
  the Council have joined forces to         sure you aren’t spending too much            can help you manage your finances.
  highlight the dangers of falling prey     and you’re getting the money you’re          Our debt advice service can advise on
  to loan sharks and high interest loans.   entitled to before you take out a loan.      budgeting, planning and making sure
                                                                                         you are getting the income you’re
  The charity has seen a rise in people     A – Affordability is key.                    entitled to while also reducing your
  worried about their finances during the   Can you afford the repayments?               outgoings. We can help you explore
  pandemic, the impact of furlough and      What affect will it have on the money        all of the options out there and
  increasing job losses. And in the face    you currently have?                          choose the right one for you.”
  of financial uncertainty, some people
  may be considering taking out short       S – Shop around and check out all             If you need money advice or find
  term, high interest loans to make ends    of the options available, to make sure        you are experiencing problems
  meet. Or worse, borrowing money from      you are getting the best value for            with debts call the Citizens Advice
  loan sharks, who are unregulated and      money and always get paperwork.               Gateshead Debt Helpline on 0191
  often resort to violence and extortion                                                  490 4248 for free, confidential
  to extract excessive amounts of money     K – Keeping up payments is crucial.           advice and information.
  from the people they lend to.             Can you keep up with the repayments?
                                            What happens if you have a change of          For help with other things
  Together, Citizens Advice Gateshead       circumstance and your income falls?           like housing, welfare benefits,
  and the Council are asking residents                                                    jobs or family issues call
  to remember a simple and familiar         Alison Dunn, Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                          0191 478 5100 or go to www.
  phrase – MASK - illustrating the          of Citizens Advice Gateshead, said:
  crucial things to consider before         “When times are hard, loans can seem
                                                                                          contact-us to book a call back from
  taking out a loan:                        like an easy way to access money, but
                                                                                          an adviser.

                                                             @gateshead       gatesheadcouncil      7
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Get help to keep your home warm                                                          Patients get
this winter – but beware fraudsters                                                      connected care
The Government’s Green Homes                                                             People living in Gateshead are
Grant could help residents with the                                                      beginning to benefit from more
cost of installing energy efficient                                                      connected care. Staff working in
improvements to their homes. The                                                         GP practices, local community
Council is asking residents interested                                                   services including mental health,
in applying for a voucher to be on their                                                 the QE hospital and adult social
guard and use reputable tradespeople.                                                    care services are beginning to
                                                                                         access appropriate health and care
The grant covers two-thirds of the cost                                                  information using the Great North
of eligible improvements up to £5,000.                                                   Care Record.
However, some residents who receive
certain benefits may be eligible for a                                                   The regional share care record is
voucher covering 100% of the cost up                                                     beginning to link frontline staff
to £10,000.                                                                              working across the borough so that
                                                                                         vital medical information is available
Measures that are covered through the        “I would remind residents that Green        when it’s needed most.
scheme include insulation, low carbon        Homes Grant representatives will never
heating, draught proofing, heating                                                       Dr Mark Dornan, GP at Teams
                                             come to your property uninvited, nor        Medical Practice and one of the
controls and more. The government has        will they email, text or cold call on the
said the work must be completed by 31                                                    Chairs of Newcastle Gateshead
                                             phone to encourage you to join the          Clinical Commissioning Group said:
March 2021.                                  scheme. It is up to you to apply. Be on     “We have made a lot of progress in
Councillor John Adams, Cabinet               your guard and only use reputable           Gateshead with the Great North Care
Member for Housing, said: “The Green         tradespeople.”                              Record. Lots of patients assume that
Homes Grant scheme has the potential          Residents can find out more about          all our health and care colleagues
for residents to install energy saving        the Green Homes Grant, check               can see information about them on
measures at a fraction of the cost. If it     eligibility, search for Trustmark          our computers from across the NHS
works, then not only will it help keep        accredited local tradespeople and          but that isn’t yet the case.
homes warmer in the winter, but it            apply at
could help cut fuel bills and lower the                                                  “With the Great North Care Record,
                                                  we are beginning to see more
amount of carbon emissions produced           alternatively call the Council on
locally. “                                                                               hospital and community information
                                              0191 433 7000.                             which really helps us have informed
                                                                                         conversations with our patients.”

    Gateshead honoured
                                                                                         Steph Downey, Service Director
                                                                                         Adult Social Care at Gateshead
                                                                                         Council said: “Being able to access
    Seven people with strong connections to Gateshead have been recognised in            appropriate medical data, instead
    the Queen’s Birthday Honours. The Honours List celebrates the achievements of        of spending a huge amount of time
    extraordinary people across the UK and this year’s recipients include:               ringing around and trying to find
                                                                                         out what’s happened to the people
    • Brendan Foster, Great North
                                                                                         we care for will bring significant
      Run founder and Freeman of
                                                                                         benefits for practitioners, but more
      Gateshead, awarded a knighthood
                                                                                         importantly residents of Gateshead.
    • Tanja Smith, Technical Director at
                                                                                         “It can be very frustrating for
      Gradon Architecture, awarded an
                                                                                         our clients when we can’t access
                                                                                         information, or there are delays to
    • Katherine Simpson - Vice-Chair,                                                    care, or repeated conversations.
      Employer Engagement with the                                                       Being able to access the Great
      North of England Reserve Forces                                                    North Care Record will help this
      and Cadets Association, awarded        • Stephen Walters, Gateshead                enormously.”
      an MBE                                   Council Libraries Manager,
                                                                                          To find out more about the Great
                                               awarded the British Empire Medal
    • Rabbi Sugarman, Director of                                                         North Care Record, visit
      Haskel School, awarded an MBE          • Chris Lowther, Tyne and Wear     
                                               Fire and Rescue Service’s chief fire
    • Joanne Swan, Manager of
                                               officer, awarded the Queen’s Fire
      Fountain Court, Housing 21,
                                               Service Medal
      awarded the British Empire Medal

8       Gateshead Council News Winter 2020
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Helping parents’ relationships
Relationships are difficult for everyone                                                 The recent pandemic has put a new
at some stage. It can be even harder                                                     type of stress on families, which is why
when you are a parent or step-parent,                                                    these services are incredibly important
and life gets stressful. For parents who                                                 for families in Gateshead. Since
are together in a relationship, tension                                                  lockdown in March, the programme has
can make you feel more distant from                                                      helped more than 70 families across the
your partner, and for parents who are                                                    North East manage their relationships
separated, it can affect how you get on                                                  in their own homes and totally free of
with your ex-partner. Regular difficulties   nine other authorities in the North East.   charge, via online work.
and arguments in a parents’ relationship     They work closely with colleagues in         Parents experiencing conflict can
can affect children’s behaviour and          children’s social care, health services      contact Relate today by filling out an
feelings.                                    and local charities to help parents get      enquiry form via
The Relationships Matter programme           the support they need at the right time      relationships-matter
in the North East is a multi-agency          for them.
programme led by Relate. Working with        Parents who find themselves arguing
organisations Action for Children and        a lot have access to a series of
Changing Futures North East, they offer
parents in Gateshead free relationship
                                             interventions that aim to improve how          Veterans to be
support. Gateshead Council is the lead
                                             parents get on with each other. 86% of
                                             parents found they are now happier in          guaranteed an
local authority in the region for this
work, which is a collaboration between
                                             their relationship after completing the
                                             Relationships Matter programme.
                                                                                            Gateshead Council has reinforced
                                                                                            its commitment to the Armed
                                                                                            Forces Covenant by agreeing

                                                                                            a new policy which will help
                                                                                            reduce barriers to employment

                                             to school
                                                                                            for veterans.
                                                                                            Veterans applying for a job at
                                                                                            Gateshead Council will now be
                                                                                            guaranteed an interview, where
                                                                                            they meet the essential criteria
                                                                                            for the post.
                                                                                            Councillor Stuart Green, Armed
                                                                                            Forces Champion, said “We’re
                                                                                            very proud of the outstanding
                                                                                            reputation we have for the
                                                                                            support we give to our armed
                                                                                            forces community. One of the key
  Families are being asked to rethink        “We know not everyone has the                  areas we are trying to address
  the school run and find a cooler way       option to not use their car for the            is the disadvantages and health
  to travel.                                 school run but many parents do                 inequalities that arise from
                                             have a choice and we’re asking them,           serving in the armed forces.
  A new sustainable travel toolkit ‘Be
                                             for even just a day a week, to not             From their experiences and
  Cool’ aimed at schools encourages
                                             automatically jump in the car.                 training our veterans have
  families to make walking, cycling
  and scooting their first choice when       “Children who do some form of                  valuable transferable skills
  travelling to school.                      exercise on the way to school often            which will be beneficial to any
                                             do better as they arrive refreshed, fit        workplace and this policy will not
  During the morning peak traffic                                                           only help them find employment
                                             and ready to learn. Walking, cycling
  times, one in five cars on the road                                                       but could also help their long-
                                             and scooting is much more fun for
  are taking children to school,                                                            term health and wellbeing.”
                                             children and the less cars we have on
  contributing to congestion, air
                                             our roads the healthier it will be for          For details of the support that
  pollution and carbon emissions
                                             all.”                                           Gateshead Council provides for
  which puts pupils’ health at risk.
                                              For more information about                     the Armed Forces Community
  Councillor John McElroy, Cabinet                                                           visit
                                              sustainable ways to travel to
  Member for Environment and                                                       
                                              schools visit
  Transport said:                                                                            armedforces

                                                            @gateshead        gatesheadcouncil     9
INSIDE: learningSkills Course Directory Learn, grow and thrive - Spirit of Christmas - Gateshead Council

Getting Gateshead ready for winter
Gateshead Council is now monitoring
the weather 24 hours a day as part of its
efforts to keep Gateshead’s roads safe
from snow and ice.
The Council receives specialist in-depth
weather forecasts from the Meteo
Group (who also supply the BBC) and
these are monitored around the clock
for any indication of freezing weather
so that the Council’s gritter fleet can be
deployed ahead of the freeze.
But for the staff monitoring the weather
as well as those who drive and maintain       have been treated. This will help to        will be spraying a liquid similar to that
our fleet of gritters, the COVID-19           ensure access for especially vulnerable     used to de-ice aircraft and provides an
pandemic has complicated this winter’s        people if the roads are difficult due to    instant de-ice to areas such as frozen
preparations. Special measures have           lack of use.                                outdoor stairways and icy steps.
had to be introduced to ensure that
crews and back office staff can maintain      We will also be trailing a new product      Gateshead’s roads are treated on a strict
a safe social distance while on 24-hour       for areas where we can only access          priority basis, with more than 323 miles
standby.                                      on foot. This uses herbicide spraying       of priority road gritted overnight during
                                              equipment which would normally be           freezing weather.
However, one problem that COVID-19            redundant during the winter. They
might cause is that less traffic could
mean the road salt our gritters apply
could be less effective.                        Gritting routes
Road salt works best when it is ‘activated’     In Gateshead we have 600 miles of         We do our best to clear footpaths by
and that activation is caused by the            road and we have to prioritise our        hand around shopping centres, bus
salt being driven on. There is concern          gritting routes.                          stops, footbridges and where a large
that less traffic on the roads due to                                                     number of older people live.
                                                Our first priority has to be the roads
COVID-19 restrictions could reduce the          with high levels of traffic such as the   We do not grit private roads.
salt’s effectiveness and gritted roads          Felling by-pass and the A695 through
could remain icy.                                                                         The A1 and A194 are gritted by
                                                Blaydon. We then move on to other
                                                                                          Highways England.
We will have our fleet of smaller               main roads and bus routes.
vehicles which can be used to access             Check out our winter page on the Council’s website which has loads of
residential areas once the main routes           useful information

Don’t let your child miss out on a hot meal
During the pandemic many parents                                                          only if they are registered to receive
and schools have been providing pupils                                                    one! Anyone registered for free school
with a packed lunch meaning that less                                                     meals will also receive further support
than half of primary school children                                                      throughout the school holidays.
are currently enjoying a hot, nutritious                                                  Registering for free school meals might
school meal at lunchtime.                                                                 also allow your child’s school to access
                                                                                          extra money from central government
With the return of the colder months,
                                                                                          to fund extra tuition, teaching assistants
it’s more important than ever for
                                                                                          or after-school clubs.
children to eat a hot, freshly prepared,
healthy meal at lunchtime rather than                                                     And, if your child has special dietary
a cold packed lunch which aren’t                                                          needs, we can still provide a meal. We
                                              Did you know that all children in
always as healthy. Children who                                                           have experience of catering for a wide
                                              reception, year 1 and year 2 in state-
have a balanced meal at lunchtime                                                         range of special diets – call us on 0191
                                              funded schools in England are eligible
concentrate better, are more receptive                                                    433 5522 to find out more.
                                              for free school meals? Free school
during afternoon lessons and they
                                              meals are also available to pupils whose     For more information go to
develop vital social skills by sitting
                                              parents receive certain benefits – but
down and eating a meal together.

10     Gateshead Council News Winter 2020

‘Tis the season to be recycling!
The countdown to Christmas has                                                          to check before you go as we are still
begun, and Gateshead Council is urging                                                  operating an odds and evens car
everyone to make Christmas a time of                                                    registration system.
peace, goodwill - and recycling!
                                                                                        There’s a complete list of everything
Last Christmas, householders in                                                         which can be recycled on the Council’s
Gateshead really embraced recycling                                                     website
by putting an extra 30 tonnes into their                                                recycling, you can also find out when
blue recycling bins – that’s equivalent                                                 your bin will be emptied on our handy
to 4,000 extra bin fulls!                                                               bin checker at
Now, with Christmas just around the
corner, the Council is once again urging                                                Use your blue recycling bin for:
people to recycle as much of their
                                                                                        • Wine bottles
Christmas waste as possible.
                                            Gateshead also has recycling sites          • Cardboard packaging
Almost everything used to celebrate         in supermarket car parks and other
Christmas can be recycled in your           convenient places which are ideal for       • Empty glass jars
blue recycling bin – from empty jars        any excess recycling.                       • Biscuit tins - both metal and plastic
of cranberry sauce to mince pie boxes,
                                            You can even recycle your old Christmas     • Beer and soft drinks cans
cream pots and all that cardboard, just
                                            tree – either by chopping it up and         • Plastic bottles and sweetie tubs
give jars and pots a quick rinse out
                                            putting it in your Garden Waste bin
before putting them in your bin.
                                            ready for when collections start again      And if you really can’t wait, our
We can’t recycle wrapping paper,            in April, or you can take it along to one   Household Waste and Recycling
though – it’s too low quality and usually   of our Household Waste and Recycling        Centres are open every day except
covered with sticky tape which clogs up     Centres at Campground, Wrekenton            Christmas Day, and recycling banks are
the paper making machinery.                 and Cowen Road, Blaydon. Remember           open 24 hour a day.

Garden waste collection prices                                                            Changes to bin
Spring might seem a long way off,
but Gateshead Council is already
                                            the service being suspended during the
                                            COVID-19 lockdown will automatically          collections
making plans to bring assistance to the     receive a full refund for those missed        With Christmas Day
Borough’s army of gardeners.                collections when they register for            and New Year’s Day
                                            collections in 2021.                          falling on a weekday,
Subscriptions for next year’s garden
waste collection scheme have opened         Councillor John McElroy, Cabinet              we have a few
– and as usual there’s a special offer      Member for Environment and Transport          changes to our bin
for anyone who subscribes before 31         said: “Garden waste collections are           collections over the
January.                                    popular due to the convenience of             holidays.
                                            having someone else take away all             There won’t be any collections on
The annual charge for 15 fortnightly
                                            of your grass cuttings and hedge              Christmas Day and Boxing Day,
collections during spring, summer and
                                            trimmings. In addition, there’s a lot         but collections will start again
autumn will be £36 but if you register
                                            of public support for recycling in            on Monday December 28 when
before the end of January you will
                                            Gateshead and it’s great to see so many       we’ll be emptying the bins we’d
receive a £2 early-booking discount.
                                            people choosing to dispose of their           normally empty on a Friday.
People who signed up last year and          waste in this way.”
who missed three collections due to                                                       As New Year’s Day falls on a Friday
                                            Due to the financial impact of                this year, there won’t be a Friday
                                            COVID-19, with the Council having a           bin collection. Instead, we’ll be
                                            financial shortfall of more than £50m,        collecting 24 hours later which
                                            councillors agreed that a further freeze      means by the end of Saturday we’ll
                                            on collection costs would not be              have caught up.
                                            sustainable this year so collections have
                                            increased for the first time since 2016.       See the advert on page 46 for
                                                                                           details of collection changes or
                                             To sign up for next year’s garden             check out the bin checker at
                                             waste collections, go to www.       
                                    or               binchecker
                                             phone 0191 433 7000.

                                                           @gateshead         gatesheadcouncil     11

Enriching lives through Shared Lives
Do you have room in your home and your heart to become a shared lives carer?
Shared Lives matches carers with adults      There are different types of
over the age of 16 who need some             arrangements and opportunities for
additional support to live in their home.    Shared Lives carers depending on the
They may have learning disabilities,         person who needs care. You could be
physical disabilities, mental health         needed for a few hours a day or be able
needs or may just be older and need          to offer short breaks of a few nights to a
extra help.                                  few weeks or longer placements where
                                             someone has their own bedroom
People can be supported for a few
                                             in your home. We’re also looking for
hours, a few days or live on a long-term
                                             people who can give emergency care
basis with a Shared Lives carer in their
                                             when a person needs it due to a family
home as part of the family. This helps                                                       Shared Lives carer Derek Pearson with
                                             or personal crisis.
them to become part of the community                                                         Robert Tennant
and develop and maintain friendships,        You could also help us with a new area
helping them gain the confidence to          for Shared Lives, where older people
                                                                                           people feel settled, valued and like they
become as independent as possible.           who leave hospital spend a short time
                                                                                           belong for the first time in their lives.
                                             staying at your home to ‘get back on the
                                             mend’ before returning back to their          “They make friends and get involved in
                                             own home.                                     clubs, activities and volunteering, often
                                                                                           for the first time. We want everyone in
                                             In return, we can give you training,
                                                                                           Gateshead to be living thriving lives
                                             as much support as you need and a
                                                                                           and schemes like Shared Lives can help
                                             generous allowance on a monthly basis
                                                                                           make that happen. We’d love to hear
                                             for caring for the people you support.
                                                                                           from anyone who’s interested in joining
                                             The amount depends on how much
                                                                                           our fantastic team of carers.”
                                             care is required and the person’s level
                                             of need.
                                                                                            To find out more about the role of a
                                             Councillor Michael McNestry, Cabinet           Shared Lives carer and the type of
                                             Member for Adult Social Care said:             arrangement that would be most
                                             “Shared Lives is an alternative to care        suitable for you call 0191 433 2461
                                             homes and day centres and can really           or visit
  Mary Swanston and Brenda Jennings          enrich people’s lives. We know that            sharedlives

     Safeguarding is everyone’s business
     Safeguarding Adults Week takes           neighbours, social workers, nurses,         frail. We will support the person to
     place in November each year and is       teachers, carers, volunteers and            help keep them safe, take appropriate
     an opportunity to raise awareness of     strangers.                                  action and will always do what we
     the role we all have in making sure                                                  can to prevent abuse happening
                                              It’s important to know the signs of
     that everyone has a right to live in                                                 again.
                                              abuse and what to look out for and
     safety, free from abuse and neglect.
                                              if you think that it is happening, you       If you think someone is risk
     Abuse, neglect and exploitation of       must tell someone. You could be              of abuse, harm or neglect or
     adults can happen anywhere and can       saving someone’s life.                       it is happening to you, please
     take many different forms: physical                                                   contact Adult Social Care Direct.
                                              Even though we are in the midst
     abuse, domestic violence, sexual                                                      You can raise a Safeguarding
                                              of the pandemic, the Gateshead
     abuse, psychological abuse, financial                                                 Adult Concern online via www.
                                              Council safeguarding adults team
     or material abuse, modern slavery,                                          
                                              are still working alongside other
     discriminatory abuse, organisational                                                  or call us on 0191 433 7033, 24
                                              organisations such as Northumbria
     abuse, neglect and self-neglect.                                                      hours a day, 7 days a week. If
                                              Police and the NHS to support
     It can take place in a person’s own      those who have care and support              it is an emergency always call
     home, a public place, in a care          needs who may be of risk of harm.            999. Further information about
     home, a hospital, in day centres or      This could include people with               safeguarding in Gateshead
     in education. Anyone can neglect         mental health problems, disabilities,        can be found at www.
     or abuse - family members, friends,      dementia or those who are physically

12      Gateshead Council News Winter 2020

Are you financially affected by COVID-19
or missing out on benefits?
We know that lots of people across the borough aren’t claiming all the benefits
they are entitled to. This especially applies to people who have never had to             Most of the people we help
apply for help before and who have maybe recently lost their job or seen a                are just like you or I – they just
reduction in income because of COVID-19.                                                  don’t know their way round the
                                                                                          benefit system. We’ve helped
Since April, we’ve talked to 605 people and provided help with debt or claiming
                                                                                          people like Jim.
benefits they didn’t know they could get. This has given those people on average
an extra £27 a week income.                                                               Jim lost his job because of
                                                                                          COVID-19. He contacted us to see
What are the main benefits
                                                                                          if he could get help with his rent.
we’ve helped people claim?
                                                                                          He was worried about claiming
Council Tax Support – help
                                                                                          Universal Credit, but we explained
towards your Council Tax if you are
                                                                                          how it worked and he applied and
working age and on a low income.
                                                                                          got it. He also got a Discretionary
This is separate to Universal Credit
                                                                                          Housing Payment of £12 a week
and is help that you can claim direct
                                                                                          to top up his Universal Credit
from the Council.
                                                                                          payments towards his rent. He
Discretionary Housing Payment                                                             also applied for Council Tax
– if you get Housing Benefit or help                                                      Support and was entitled to £10 a
with housing costs in Universal                                                           week towards his Council Tax bill.
Credit but still have a shortfall between   and need help with personal care or
                                                                                          He then got a further one-off
this and your rent, the Council may be      need supervision to keep you safe.
                                                                                          payment of £150 towards
able to give you further financial help.
                                            We can help you claim what you are            his Council Tax from a special
Pension Credit - for those of pension       entitled to. We can give you advice           Hardship Fund, reducing his bill
age on a low income                         either over the phone or by email.            for 2020/21 to nil.
                                            We can:
Free school meals – if you have a
low income or get Universal Credit.         • Check if you’re entitled to benefits,
A Discretionary award can be made if          give you advice and explain the            Contact us
you have applied for Universal Credit         process.                                   Although the Civic Centre is closed to
and are waiting to hear about this.
                                            • Help you to make a claim if you can’t      the public, we are still available
Personal Independence Payment                 do so yourself and have no one else        to provide help and support.
– if you have mobility problems               to help you.                               We are available to contact 9am-
or need help with your daily living
                                            • Do a calculation to see how changing       4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
                                              your circumstances or claiming a           You can call us on 0191 433 3677 or
Attendance Allowance – if you are over        benefit might affect you.                  email benefitswelfareadvice@
65 and physically or mentally disabled                                         

  £500 self-isolation payment
  If you work and have lost income because you have been required to self isolate, you may be eligible for a payment of £500
  through the Test and Trace Support payment scheme. The government has made this available to some people who are on
  a low income and have had to self-isolate on or after Monday 28 September 2020.
  To apply you must be receiving one of     You must also have been given a            than one time. The payment is taxable
  the following benefits:                   unique 8-digit reference number            but not subject to National Insurance.
                                            provided by an NHS Test and Trace
  • Universal Credit                                                                    To find out if you are eligible and
                                            contact tracers, known as the NHS T&T
  • Housing Benefit                         Account ID.                                 for details of how to apply visit
  • Employment and Support                                                    , if you
                                            The scheme will run until 31 January        are not able to apply online and
    Allowance (Income Related)
                                            2021. Each person in your household         have no one who can help you, call
  • Jobseekers Allowance (income based)     who meets the eligible criteria can         0191 433 3677 to apply.
  • Working Tax Credit                      apply. You can also apply more than
  • Income Support                          once, if you have to self-isolate more

                                                           @gateshead        gatesheadcouncil     13

More children in Gateshead need
foster families - could it be you?
Gateshead Council is encouraging                                                           amazing job that really does make a
more people to come forward and                                                            difference.
find out if fostering could be for them.
                                                                                           “Our foster carers have worked so hard
The coronavirus pandemic has caused
                                                                                           throughout the pandemic supporting
stresses on daily life and many families
                                                                                           the children in their care, with every
have felt the pressure, resulting in
                                                                                           aspect of their lives and we appreciate
more children needing foster families
                                                                                           their commitment and hard work.”
in Gateshead.
                                                                                           Jan, Gateshead Council foster carer said:
Fostering offers children and young
people a home when they are unable                                                            “I think it is really important to
to live with their own family. Sometimes                                                    keep siblings together, it’s part of
children only stay with a foster family                                                     their past and their life. They can
for a few days, while others will stay                                                       talk to their older siblings about
with them for their entire childhood
                                                                                            what happened to them, and any
and beyond. We urgently need foster
families for siblings, in particular, but we
                                                                                             frustrations that they may have.
also want to expand our team of foster                                                        The difference that I see in the
carers so we can look after children of          Jan, Gateshead Council foster carer         boys is quite tremendous really.
all ages.                                                                                   I’ve given them some self-worth.
                                               skilled team who can provide you with        The best thing is seeing the boys
If you live within a 20-mile radius of
Gateshead and think you could offer
                                               advice and guidance right from the very       progress and seeing how happy
                                               beginning of the process.                     they are. The boys don’t feel like
the support, stability and care to help
change a child’s future, please come           Councillor Gary Haley, Cabinet Member          they are fostered they are in a
forward. We are recruiting now and can         for Children and Young People, said          family and that’s all that matters.
offer you a “virtual information session”      “‘Our foster carers provide the building
                                               blocks for a positive future for children
                                                                                             “I think there are a lot of people
to replace our usual information
events. An experienced social worker           in care. They allow children to stay in        out there who can foster, who
can explain the process and help you           their community, school and close to             really don’t think they can...
decide if fostering might be for you.          their family and friends. We need more                  but they could.”
Regulations have been updated so               foster carers to make this happen. In
that foster carers can be assessed and         return, foster carers receive excellent      Find out more about becoming a
approved without any unnecessary               training, support, a fostering fee and an    foster carer for Gateshead Council
delay, so if you were thinking that you        allowance per child. By fostering with       and watch Jan’s story, and others at
wouldn’t be able to apply to foster you        Gateshead Council you could change 
can. We have a very experienced and            your lifestyle, or your career, and do an

     Stay safe during a power cut this winter
     For some of us, the loss of our            • Are over 60
     electrical power supply is an              • Are seriously ill
     inconvenience that disrupts our
                                                • Are disabled or there is a child with
     daily routines. But if you are more
                                                  a disability at home
     vulnerable, the situation can be much
     more serious, depending on your            • Have sight or hearing difficulties
     health and circumstances.                  • Rely on electrical equipment for
                                                  your special needs                       To register, visit
     This is where Northern Powergrid
     Care can help. They deliver electricity    You can even register for the short
                                                                                           or call 0800 169 2996 to request a
     on behalf of your electricity supplier.    term if you are looking after a young
                                                                                           Priority Service application form
     And you can register for their free        baby or caring for a sick relative at
                                                                                           or for assistance in completing the
     priority service if you:                   home.

14       Gateshead Council News Winter 2020
Course Directory 2020
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                         Learn, grow and thrive
                          with over 300 courses
                                 to choose from
                               Councillor John Adams
                               Chair of Governors learningSkills
                               The COVID pandemic has changed so many things. We have
                               no idea how long we will have to live with local restrictions nor
                               how big the economic consequences will be. What we do know
                               is that as people we need human interaction and that hobbies
                               and interests are crucial for mental health. In addition, people
                               will succeed in the jobs market if they have better skills and
                               qualifications. learningSkills has a crucial role to play in meeting
                               these objectives.

                             The Council’s learningSkills team is here to support all learners,
                             whether face to face or online, and it is good to hear so much
    positive feedback from our students and to see how happy they were to return to their
    learning centres. Importantly, we are also developing digital infrastructure to upskill our
    most vulnerable learners and support local employers and the wider economy.

    If you think you might be interested in gaining new qualifications or learning new skills,
    please do have a look through our prospectus and do not hesitate to get in touch.

                              Sonya Anderson
                              Senior learningSkills Manager
                              I am delighted to bring you news of our successful return to learn
                              project. Centres re-opened in July and learners and staff have
                              been back in the classroom teaching and learning, in reduced
                              numbers and maintaining social distancing. All centres were fully
                              risk assessed prior to our return to learn and appropriate safety
                              measures put in place. At recent site visits both staff and learners
                              told me how thrilled they were to be back in face to face learning.

                                 In these challenging times people have been feeling isolated and
                                 anxious so it has been great for learningSkills to be able to offer
                                 support to our learners and improve mental health and well-
    being. It is fantastic to see learners achieving new qualifications, improving their skills and
    gaining new jobs, in this ever changing environment.

    We are still very much thriving online, with over 785 learners engaged in digital learning.
    It’s the perfect time to invest in yourself and learn a new skill or hobby. We also have
    lots of courses to help you relax and de-stress. Recently unemployed? Check out our
    employability programmes and apprenticeship opportunities. We have courses suitable for
    all ages and abilities. Check our website


Covid Safety Information              4-5
Digital Classrooms                    6
01 Apprenticeships & Staff Training   7
02 Adult Courses                      8-10
03 Family Learning                    12
04 Teaching and Learning              13
05 Employability Skills               14

06 Adults and Young People with a     15
   Learning Difficulty
07 Maths, English ICT & ESOL          16
08 Young People (16-24)               16
Our Venues                            17
Important Information                 18
How to Enrol                          19

We’re COVID-19 secure
When you join us at learningSkills we want to make sure you can learn and thrive in a
COVID-19 secure environment. As an education provider Gateshead Council learningSkills
continues to operate as normal meaning learner travel is viewed as essential and people
can meet in groups of more than six in an educational setting.

The safety and wellbeing of our staff and learners is our priority, that is why we have
introduced a range of measures to make sure you feel safe while you are studying with us.

• All our sites are fully risk assessed to ensure we          • Commonly used facilities such as lifts, and toilets
    have identified and reduced the threat of infection.         have been restricted to one user to minimise risk
                                                                 of transmitting the virus.
• Classrooms and shared spaces have been set out
    to ensure all workstations are at least 1 metre apart     • learningSkills continue to provide online learning
    in line with Government guidelines.                          options to make sure our learners have full access
                                                                 to courses during these challenging times.
• While attending learningSkills face masks must
    be worn in all communal areas, masks can also
    be worn in the classroom (although this is not a             Watch our video on
    requirement).                                                search Gateshead Council learningSkills or scan
                                                                  the QR code on your phone to find out more
• learningSkills staff have also been provided with
    shield face coverings to minimise the risk of
    spreading infection.

• All our centres have visible signage providing
    information and clear guidance on how to stay
    safe and stop the spread of the virus. Clear floor
    markings are in place to help you move safely
    around our buildings.

• Learner numbers onsite have been limited to
    allow us to adhere safely to government guidelines.

• To avoid overcrowding and enable learners to
    comfortably socially distance, timetables have
    been changed to facilitate staggered start/end
    times and reduced class sizes.

• Cleaning is carried out throughout the day
    with all common touch points and surfaces
    continually sanitised. Hand sanitiser is available in
    all classrooms, entrances and lift areas.

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