Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme

Page created by Carolyn Patton
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
Summer 2021


Seven MFT colleagues   First elevated   MFT COVID-19 Our young
recognised in the      helipad opens    vaccination  superstar
Queen’s Honours        at MFT           programme    fundraisers
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
Dea r member
                                                                                                                                             North Manchester General
                                          everyone was contributing to the                   The state-of-the-art helicopter
                                          overall COVID-19 response.                       landing pad, situated on the
                                             Planning and vaccinator training              roof of Grafton Street car park
Welcome to this year’s edition            accelerated in Autumn 2020, with                 will enable critically ill or injured
of MFT News, our dedicated
magazine for Members of
Manchester University NHS
Foundation Trust (MFT).
                                          the first COVID-19 staff vaccination
                                          clinics opening in December.
                                          Vaccine clinics set up at Manchester
                                          Royal Infirmary, Wythenshawe
                                                                                           babies, children and adults to be
                                                                                           airlifted straight to MFT hospitals in
                                                                                           Manchester city centre.
                                                                                             A phenomenal £3.9million
                                                                                                                                             Hospital formally joins MFT
  It has been another extraordinary       Hospital, Trafford General Hospital              towards the helipad was raised
year – one which no-one could have        and North Manchester General                     in just 12 months by Manchester                   On 1st April 2021, North
predicted.                                Hospital have been managed by                    Foundation Trust Charity’s Time                   Manchester General Hospital
  I’d like to start by thanking all of    our Pharmacy, Corporate Nursing,                 Saves Lives Appeal so to see this                 (NMGH), previously part of
you for your continuing support,          Medical, and Employee Health                     Helipad now open and receiving                    Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS
as MFT has responded to the               and Wellbeing teams, working                     patients is fantastic news.                       Trust, formally joined MFT.
pandemic and fully immersed itself        with vaccination leads across our                  I am also pleased to announce                   This was the final stage of the
into the recovery phase.                  hospitals and Community Services.                that our 2021 Annual Members’                     long-held ambition to provide
  More than a year on from the first         Alongside caring for our own                  Meeting (AMM) is scheduled for                    a Single Hospital Service
lockdown, now is the time to reflect      COVID-19 patients, we also                       Tuesday 21st September. In order                  for patients in the City of
on the amazing response by our            supported delivery of a ‘super                   to keep our members safe during                   Manchester and Trafford.
MFT staff and partner organisations       surge’ plan for adult critical care              the ongoing COVID-19 National                       Extending the benefits of MFT and
to the unprecedented situation we         capacity across the whole of Greater             Emergency, the meeting will again                 building on the existing expertise
have faced during 2020/21.                Manchester.                                      adopt a virtual format. Full meeting              at NMGH, enables the provision of
  There have been numerous                   There were also a number of                   details will be available soon on our             better, safer and more consistent
positive achievements seen by our         other milestones during the last 12              2021 AMM webpage here. We                         care to the people of Manchester,
staff across the organisation, as         months.                                          will also promote our AMM on our                  Trafford and wider communities.
they have ‘gone above and beyond’            On 1st April 2021, we officially              social media channels in the run up                 Sir Michael Deegan CBE, Group
during the past year, to care for         welcomed North Manchester                        to the event.                                     Chief Executive said; “This marks a
patients and look out for each            General Hospital (NMGH) into the                   Finally, I do hope you enjoy                    significant milestone in our five-      role in developing and extending        local population of approximately
other. It has been a tremendous           MFT Family. This was the final stage             reading about some of our ground-                 year journey and is the final step in   the excellent services it provides to   400,000 people.
team effort and we are incredibly         of the long-held ambition to provide             breaking achievements in this                     creating a Single Hospital Service      the local community. NMGH has a           The formal transaction followed
proud of them.                            a Single Hospital Service for patients           edition. I’m continually impressed                for the people of Manchester and        strong legacy and together we can       a 12-month period from April
  You will read all about these           in the City of Manchester and                    by colleagues at MFT for their                    Trafford.”                              ensure it has an outstanding future     2020 when MFT was responsible
incredible highlights in this edition     Trafford.                                        dedication to improve and advance                   Kathy Cowell OBE DL, Group            as part of the MFT family.”             for the delivery of services at
including our Research and                   Extending the benefits of MFT and             care for our patients year on year,               Chairman said; “As part of MFT,           We welcomed more than 3,000           NMGH through a management
Innovation colleagues who played          building on the existing expertise               especially during these extraordinary             NMGH will continue to play a key        new members of staff who serve a        agreement.
a key role in developing and testing      at NMGH, enables the provision of                times and this most challenging of
potential treatments for COVID-19.        better, safer and more consistent                years.
  We developed support                    care to the people of Manchester,                  Best wishes,
                     programmes           Trafford and wider communities.
                       for all staff,
                                             In May 2021, I was delighted
                                          to see the new, lifesaving helipad
                                          on Oxford Road Campus officially
                                                                                                                                              Our MFT Story
                         were on the      open to patients, where they will
                                                                                           Kathy Cowell OBE DL                                A film about ‘Our MFT Story’ has been
                        frontline, in     be transferred to MRI’s Emergency
                                                                                           Chairman                                           produced, which is the first in a series
                       support roles      Department in less than three
                                                                                                                                              of special films to help ensure the Trust
                         or shielding     minutes and to RMCH’s Paediatric
                                                                                                                                              acknowledges the effort of our staff over
                           and working    Emergency Department in less than
                                                                                                                                              the past 18 months.
                            from home;    six minutes.
                                                                                                                                                It is a chance to look back with pride on what we have
                                                                                                                                              achieved as one outstanding Team MFT, with everyone
                                                                                                                                              playing their part in their own way. With 28,000
                                                                                                                                              staff, this is a snapshot of some of our outstanding
                                                                                                                                              colleagues’ experiences during the pandemic, but it also
                                                                                                                                              represents everyone’s contributions, the way we have all
                                                                                                                                              pulled together as one team to support each other and
                                                                                                                                              provide the best care to patients.
                                                                                                                                                You can watch the full version of Our MFT Story here.

                                         Please note some photographs were taken before face masks and social distancing became mandatory.                                                                                                         MFT News 3
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
First elevated helipad of its kind                                                                                           Success for MFT at the first virtual
in the North West opens at MFT                                                                                               ceremony for the National BAME Awards
                                                                                                                             A total of 13 MFT staff Members were                     the Workforce
Our new lifesaving helipad – the                                                                                             shortlisted for an award at this year’s National         Innovator of the
first elevated helipad of its kind                                                                                           BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) Health           Year category.
in the North West – opened to                                                                                                and Care Awards – this was the highest number              Bindu Kurien,
patients on Monday 10th May                                                                                                  of shortlisted nominations for any Trust in the          from the MRI
2021.                                                                                                                        country.                                                 was Highly
   The state-of-the-art helicopter                                                                                             The awards celebrate the progress made in              Commended in
landing pad, situated on the roof                                                                                            supporting BAME staff, who thrive in healthcare          the Workforce Innovator of the Year category.
of Grafton Street car park on                                                                                                organisations. The winners and those highly                Gayathri Subramanian, from RMCH was Highly
our Oxford Road Campus (ORC),                                                                                                commended, were announced across four virtual            Commended in the Health and Wellbeing Advocate
will enable critically ill or injured                                                                                        events, which took place across April and May.           of the Year category.
babies, children and adults to be                                                                                              Nour Moterek and Hafsa Atique-Ur-Rehman                  Well done to all of our shortlisted colleagues and
airlifted straight to MFT hospitals in                                                                                       from our Pharmacy Team were named winners in             winners.
Manchester city centre.
   The helipad will bring adults and
children with life threatening injuries
to the Major Trauma Centres at
Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI)
and Royal Manchester Children’s           “The helipad will benefit major             A phenomenal £3.9million
                                                                                                                            Manchester Royal Infirmary unveils
                                                                                                                            £40 million A&E transformation project
Hospital (RMCH).                          trauma patients across Greater           towards the helipad was raised
   In an emergency, being able            Manchester and beyond, including         in just 12 months by Manchester
to land just minutes away from            people who have suffered serious         Foundation Trust Charity’s Time
specialist care at MRI or RMCH            injuries in road traffic accidents,      Saves Lives Appeal.
is crucial. With the new helipad,         assaults, sudden illnesses or falls         This included £1.1million from
                                                                                                                            Ambitious new plans to
patients will be transferred to MRI’s     in areas difficult to reach by road      the government’s LIBOR fines funds
                                                                                                                            transform the Emergency
Emergency Department in less              ambulances.                              in the Chancellor’s Budget and a
                                                                                                                            Department (ED) at Manchester
than three minutes and to RMCH’s            “As a consultant in Emergency          generous donation of £1.36million
                                                                                                                            Royal Infirmary (MRI) have been
Paediatric Emergency Department in        Medicine, we know the quality and        from the County Air Ambulance
                                                                                                                            given planning approval by
less than six minutes.                    speed of specialist medical care         Trust’s HELP (Helicopter Emergency
                                                                                                                            Manchester City Council.
   Alistair Rennie, Consultant in         following a major trauma injury is       Landing Pads) Appeal. The HELP
                                                                                                                              The redevelopment will see the
Emergency Medicine and Major              vital to ensuring patients have the      Appeal is dedicated to funding
                                                                                                                            facilities modernised to best meet
Trauma at the MRI and RMCH said;          best chance of a full recovery.”         hospital and air ambulance helipads
                                                                                                                            the changing needs of the local
                                                                                   across the country. The Charity was
                                                                                                                            population of Manchester. This
                                                                                   also grateful to receive a significant
                                                                                                                            includes increased capacity, and a
                                                                                   donation from The Stoller Charitable
                                                                                                                            more streamlined layout to ensure
                                                                                                                            patients continue to receive high
                                                                                      Lorcan Duane, Paediatric
                                                                                                                            quality emergency treatment and
                                                                                   Emergency Department Lead for
                                                                                                                            care in an improved environment.
                                                                                   Major Trauma at RMCH said; “The
                                                                                                                              The £40 million renovation project
                                                                                   helipad will not only benefit children
                                                                                                                            will boost the capabilities of MRI,
                                                                                   with major trauma injuries, but
                                                                                                                            which is a Major Trauma Centre
                                                                                   also children who need time critical
                                                                                                                            for Greater Manchester. Upgraded
                                                                                   transfers from other hospitals for
                                                                                                                            facilities will include an expanded
                                                                                   specialist care and treatment. The
                                                                                                                            and improved ED, including 10 (up
                                                                                   speed with which a helicopter can
                                                                                                                            from 6) resuscitation bays and 27
                                                                                   transfer these types of patients is
                                                                                                                            (up from 16) majors cubicles.          of Manchester and beyond,             modernise our surgical facilities
                                                                                   crucial and our new helipad will
                                                                                                                            Vanessa Gardener, Chief Executive      now and in decades to come,           and support our growing role as
                                                                                   give air ambulance patients the
                                                                                                                            of MRI, said: “These exciting          for the communities we serve          regional centre for emergency,
                                                                                   safest and quickest place to land,
                                                                                                                            plans lay out our vision for a         and our staff who work in this        major trauma, vascular, head and
                                                                                   directly at MFT.”
                                                   Burns Camp Team                                                          new and improved     Stacydepartment
                                                                                                                                                       Bullock     department. The new operating         neck cancer, liver, transplant and
                                                                                      You can watch a specially made
                                                                                                                            that will best support the needs       theatres will likewise enable us to   other specialist surgery.”
                                                                        Sarah Hacker    about our new helipad here.
4 MFT News                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MFT News 5
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
Seven MFT colleagues recognised
in the Queen’s Honours
We are extremely proud to                                                         Queen’s New Year’s
celebrate seven MFT colleagues                                                    Honours – December 2020
who have been recognised in
                                                                                  In December 2020, two staff
the Queen’s Honours over the
                                                                                  Members were recognised in the
last year, shining a light on those
                                                                                  Queen’s New Year’s Honours
individuals who have made
outstanding contributions to
                                                                                  including; Julie Cawthorne,
                                                                                  Assistant Chief Nurse for Infection             Julie Cawth
                                                                                                                                                orne MBE
                                                                                                                                                                      RMCH patient is first in the
                                                                                                                                                                      North of England to receive
their field of work within the
                                                                                  Prevention and Control (IPC) who
NHS. Read more about their
                                                                                  was awarded an MBE for her
awards below.

Queen’s Birthday Honours
                                                 Professor Cheryl Lenney
                                                                                  contribution to patient safety over
                                                                                  a 40-year career in nursing, as well                                                life-saving gene-therapy drug
                                                                                  as her vital role in responding to the
– October 2020                                                                    COVID-19 pandemic. For the past 30                                                  A life-saving drug that can             RMCH is one of four centres
In October 2020, three staff                                                      years Julie has devoted her working                                                 improve mobility in babies and        approved for the use of
Members were recognised in the                                                    life to IPC in order to keep patients                                               young children suffering from         Zolgensma for the treatment for
Queen’s Birthday Honours including;                                               and staff safe.                                                                     a rare genetic condition was          Type - 1 SMA, marking another
Chief Nurse Professor Cheryl                                                         Sarah Wallace, Consultant                                                        given to a patient for the first      significant milestone for gene
Lenney who was awarded an OBE                                                     Speech and Language Therapist was                                        E          time at RMCH earlier this year.       therapies in the NHS.
                                                                                  awarded an OBE for her her work                     Sarah Wallace OB
for her contribution to nursing and                                                                                                                                     Zolgensma is a one-off gene           Dr Gary McCullagh, Consultant
midwifery throughout her career, as                                               as an internationally recognised                                                    therapy that treats Spinal            Paediatric Neurologist at RMCH
well as her work in responding to the                                             leader and senior clinician within the                                              Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a rare        said: “We are very pleased to be
COVID-19 pandemic. Cheryl has over                  Kev Esin BEM                  field of dysphagia and critical care                                                and often fatal genetic disease       able to offer this treatment for our
38 years’ experience as a nurse and a                                             in speech and language therapy, as                                                  that causes paralysis, muscle         young patients affected by this
midwife and has worked for MFT and                                                well as her vital role in responding                                                weakness and progressive loss of      debilitating, life-limiting disease.
its predecessor organisations since                                               to the COVID-19 pandemic. During                                                    movement.                             Although rare, Spinal Muscular
2002.                                       Finally, Marie Zsigmond, Midwife      her career Sarah has pioneered                                                        Zolgensma, which has a list         Atrophy is still the leading genetic
   Kev Esin, Ward Clerk on the Adult        for Safeguarding, based at Saint      clinical innovations that have                                                      price of £1.79 million per dose,      cause of death among young
Critical Care Unit at Manchester            Mary’s Hospital was awarded a         positively improved patients’ lives                                                 was made available on the NHS         children, this new treatment will
Royal Infirmary was awarded a British       BEM for services to Midwifery         in helping them to speak, eat and                                                   following a landmark deal struck      not only save lives, but will also
                                                                                                                                 Jemma Haines MBE
Empire Medal (BEM) for services to          and Midwifery Safeguarding.           drink earlier.                                                                      with manufacturers Novartis Gene      improve quality of life for some
the NHS during COVID-19. During the         Marie has been a midwife at Saint                                                                                         Therapies in March.                   children.”
pandemic, not only did he support           Mary’s Hospital since 1994 and
his two usual areas of work, he also        her role now involves ensuring that   Queen’s Birthday Honours
                                                                                                                              Finally, Jemma Haines,
offered his assistance, knowledge
and skills to five other areas caring for
                                            expectant mothers and their babies
                                            are protected and supported during
                                                                                  – June 2021                               Consultant Speech and Language            MFT Governor named as Deputy Lieutenant
                                                                                  In June 2021, two staff Members           Therapist was awarded an MBE,
critically ill COVID-19 patients.           and after their pregnancy.            were recognised in the Queen’s            recognising her leadership within         Rev Charles Kwaku-Odoi, MFT Governor
                                                                                  Birthday Honours including;               the field of upper airway respiratory     for Inclusive Community Groups, has been
                                                                                  Julia Bridgewater, Group Chief            disorders in speech and language          appointed as a Deputy Lieutenant of Greater
                                                                                  Operating Officer who was awarded         therapy, in addition to her significant   Manchester, by the Lord-Lieutenant Sir
                                                                                  an MBE for her leadership in MFT’s        contribution and response to              Warren Smith JP. He joins a team of Deputy
                                                                                  response to the COVID-19 pandemic         supporting modifications to practice      Lieutenants who serve the communities
                                                                                  as well as her major contribution         during the COVID-19 pandemic.             of Greater Manchester, assisting the Lord-
                                                                                  to the regional and national              Jemma’s work has influenced               Lieutenant in carrying out his role as The
                                                                                  pandemic management strategy.             effective change across the speech        Queen’s representative.
                                                                                  Julia is responsible for the day to day   and language therapy workforce              Rev Charles said: “I am incredibly delighted
                                                                                  operation of our £2.3bn turnover          over her 18-year career.                  and honoured to be appointed as a Deputy
                                                                                  Trust which employs around 28,000         A huge well done to all staff who         Lieutenant (DL) of Greater Manchester, I look
                            ond BEM           Julia Bridgew
              Marie Zsigm                                     ater MBE            staff across 10 hospitals and             have been recognised over the past        forward to serving alongside Sir Warren and
                                                                                  community services.                       year, it is a fantastic achievement.      other DLs.’

6 MFT News                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MFT News 7
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
MFT Surgeons at                                                                                                        MFT’s Procurement Team
the forefront of
surgical expertise                                                                                                     recognised at National Awards
and technology                                                                                                         MFT’s Procurement Team were
                                                                                                                       recognised with five awards at
                                                                                                                       the National Health Care Supply
                                                                                                                                                                      Redmond, who is a Material’s
                                                                                                                                                                      Development Management
                                                                                                                                                                      Manager in the Scan4 Safety Team.
                                                                                                                       Association (HCSA) Awards, for             l   Procurement Consultancy – MFT
Brand new pioneering equipment is now being                                                                            their incredible contributions to
                                                                                                                                                                      and NHS Shared business Solutions
used by paediatric neurosurgeons at RMCH,                Surgeons at the MRI are also amongst the first in             procurement in 2020. They received
                                                                                                                                                                      (SBS) were highly commended for
transforming how neurosurgery is performed.              Europe to introduce pioneering robot technology to            the 2020 President’s Award,
                                                                                                                                                                      the NHS Nightingale North West
                                                         undertake surgery on patients.                                presented by Lord Philip Hunt, for
The £300k investment into the new                                                                                                                                     Project.
                                                           The surgical robot Versius is the first of its kind to be   their vital contributions during
neuronavigational machine, BrainLab Curve                used at the Hospital to perform minimal access surgery        COVID-19.                                  l   Procurement Team of the Year –
2 is described as a ‘satnav for the brain’ and           (keyhole) for a range of colorectal procedures.                 The team were announced as                   Joint winner with NHS SBS for NHS
provides a powerful and versatile image                    The cutting edge technology will benefit patients at        winners and highly commended in                Nightingale North West Project.
guided display for surgeons whilst operating.            the MRI by reducing their length of stay and improving        the following categories:                  l   Procurement Team of the Year
RMCH is the first in the country to invest               recovery time, as well as making the procedure less           l   Emerging Talent and                        – MFT Procurement Team Highly
in this equipment, and Ian Kamaly-Asl,                   strenuous on the surgeon.                                         Development Award – Joint                  Commended for rising to the PPE
Professor of Paediatric Neurosurgery at RMCH               Dr Jon Simpson, Medical Director at the MRI said: “At           winner was awarded to James                Challenge of Coronavirus.
said; “We always strive to provide the best              MFT we are constantly trying to innovate with patient-
treatment and care for our patients, doing               centred treatments and the surgical robot will enable our
this as safely as possible. This technology is a         surgeons to continue to deliver world-leading surgical

                                                                                                                       City Council gives greenlight
real step forward in providing the best care             training and care. Using robotic minimal access surgery
we possibly can by using the best technology             more frequently will play an important role in this and
available worldwide.”                                    Versius will be a critical tool for our surgical teams
  The cutting-edge equipment links in with two           moving forward.”
new state of the art microscopes and intraoperative        The robot has multiple arms that are controlled by
ultrasound machine already in use at the hospital.       surgeons using a remote-control device connected to a
                                                                                                                       In March, following                        jobs, promoting healthy lifestyles,
The equipment will be a key tool for a number of         screen in the operating theatre. The screen gives doctors
                                                                                                                       overwhelming public support                developing skills and contributing
neurosurgical procedures and will approximately          a precise view of their movements by displaying the part
                                                                                                                       for proposals to transform North           to a zero-carbon environment for
benefit more than 100 patients a year at RMCH.           of the body they are operating on.
                                                                                                                       Manchester and Wythenshawe                 the benefit of local neighbourhoods
                                                                                                                       Hospital sites, Manchester City            and the wider city.
                                                                                                                       Council Executive endorsed the               The NMGH redevelopment is one

 Christmas arrives in                                                                                                  plans.
                                                                                                                         The Strategic Regeneration
                                                                                                                       Frameworks (SRF) for North
                                                                                                                                                                  of eight hospital rebuilding projects
                                                                                                                                                                  identified to receive funding under
                                                                                                                                                                  the government’s New Hospitals

 Manchester with the                                                                                                   Manchester General Hospital
                                                                                                                       (NMGH) and Wythenshawe Hospital
                                                                                                                       contain an ambitious vision to
                                                                                                                                                                  Programme for England. It has
                                                                                                                                                                  already been allocated £54m
                                                                                                                                                                  for site preparation work. Work

 help of MFT colleagues                                                                                                create two new sustainable health
                                                                                                                       campuses located at the heart of
                                                                                                                       their communities.
                                                                                                                                                                  will also begin to secure funding
                                                                                                                                                                  for the Wythenshawe Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                  redevelopment programme.
                                                                                                                         Alongside connected health and
 Manchester welcomed the festive season with help from three                                                           social care facilities, each campus will
 MFT colleagues who switched on the Manchester Christmas Lights                                                        offer high quality new homes and
 in December 2020. Representing NHS workers in the region were                                                         green travel options, plus access to
 Emma Davies, Clinical Scientist in Virology, Kev Esin, Ward Clerk                                                     education and training opportunities
 at Manchester Royal Infirmary and Gilly Lee, Neighbourhood Lead                                                       alongside more inviting public open
 for Manchester Local Care Organisation. They had the honour of                                                        spaces.
 pushing the button for this year’s lights. The event was broadcast                                                      The redevelopment programmes
 live on Manchester City Council’s Facebook Page by BBC Radio                                                          will also bring wider benefits for
 Manchester and on BBC North West Tonight.                                                                             local communities: creating new

8 MFT News                                                                                                                                                                                                MFT News 9
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
Transforming how we work: our new Hive EPR                                                                                         MFT COVID-19
 2021 has been a busy period for
 Hive, MFT’s largest transformation
                                               We have outlined our vision
                                             and guiding principles, recruited
                                                                                        MFT who will make the quick
                                                                                        decisions needed to shape how
                                                                                                                                    Vaccination Programme
 programme with an innovative                140 new Members of staff to join           Hive will work at MFT.                      In December 2020 a huge amount              pregnant women, led by Saint
 Electronic Patient Record system,           our Hive team and put robust                 We are also beginning the                 of work went in to mobilising               Mary’s Hospital.
 powered by Epic, at its heart.              governance structures in place.            detailed task of mapping how                multiple COVID-19 vaccination                 To date over 90% of staff
   In January, we announced the                Around 100 Rapid Decision                staff currently work and access             clinics across the Trust, including         have been vaccinated and the
 official go live date for Hive. On          Groups (RDGs) have been set                information across the Trust to             locations at Manchester Royal               vaccination programme continues
 8th September 2022 Hive will                up and recruiting around 1,500             develop the most effective and              Infirmary, Wythenshawe Hospital,            to ensure the vaccination is widely
 launch across our 10 hospital sites,        Members. RDGs are made up of               relevant training to roll out before        Trafford General Hospital and North         available to all.
 including NMGH.                             Subject Matter Experts from across         Hive goes live in September 2022.           Manchester General Hospital. By               A huge well done and thank you
                                                                                                                                    May 2021 MFT had surpassed                  to all vaccinators across our clinics
                                                                                                                                    100,000 vaccinations given to               and to all teams supporting them

MFT in the media                                                                                                                    staff, affiliates, patients, carers and
                                                                                                                                    Members of the public – including
                                                                                                                                                                                in ensuring the smooth running of
                                                                                                                                                                                the programme.

                                                           and                                                                                                                                                                Monica Washington, 86, an outpatient
                         News coverage at MRI                             LCO Crisis Team
Manchester Evening
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              at our Manchester Royal Eye Hospital,
                                                                                             features on Gra                                                                                                                  was one of the first patients to be
                           l                                                                                  nada
Wythenshawe Hospita                                         spital
                          ary and Wythenshawe Ho
Manchester Royal Infirm                                                  The LCO’s North
                                                         vin  g                            Manchester Com
                            three in-depth and mo                                                            munity
have recently featured in                                  following
                                                                         Crisis Team feat
                                                                                          ured on Granada
    tures  in the Manchest er Evening News (MEN)                         a focus on their                   Reports with                                                                                                      Getting Vaccinated
fea                                                        m from                         work supporting
                         th colleagues. A small tea                      with COVID in th                   patients
a series of interviews wi                           sie st wards                           e community. Th                                                                                                                    It is important to get vaccinated
                            ide some of our bu                                                              e crisis team
the MEN were invited ins                                    d
                                                                        provide wraparo
                                                                                          und care in the                                                                                                                     against COVID-19. You can find
                             sive Care Unit (AICU) an                                                     community
 including the Acute Inten                                 uary
                                                                        for patients who
                                                                                           might otherwis                                                                                                                     out more about the vaccination
                             re Unit (CTCCU) in Febr                                                      e need to go
 Cardiothoracic Critical Ca                    ey we   re  able
                                                                        to A&E and be ad
                                                                                           mitted to hospit                                                                                                                   and book your vaccination
                           and patients, th                            referrals from am                   al. They take                                        The team at the MRI Vaccine Clinic mark MFT’s 100,000th
  2021. Speaking to staff                             by   ou  r                           bulance crews re                                                     vaccine, given by Bijo Thomas, Charge Nurse to Amanda         through the NHS England
                          ible work undertaken                         to 999 calls at ho                   sponding
  to showcase the incred                                 dit ion                          me, from GPs an                                                       Davies, Head of Performance at MRI (centre left and right).   National Booking system
                           over the last year. In ad                   departments an                      d hospital
  teams at MFT hospitals                   interv iew    wi th                          d provide up to
                             an in-depth                               expert care in th                 72 hours of
  to this, the MEN shared                       ee ch  an  d                            e patient’s hom
                              Critical Care Sp                                                          e.
   Wythenshawe Hospital’s                                 ing the
                           rah Wallace OBE regard
   Language Therapist, Sa
   care and support they off
                               er to patients.
                                                                                                                                    Innovative urgent eye care service launched
                                                                                       Manchester Evening
        Manchester Evening
                                  News feature on the
                                                             Major Trauma
                                                                                       and The Mirror featur
                                                                                       Manchester General
                                                                                                                  e North
                                                                                                                                    during COVID-19 provides care closer to home
        Centre at MRI                                                                                               it and
        The Manchester Evening                                                         Infectious Diseases Un                       Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (MREH) joined
                                                                                                             interv   iew
       at Manchester Royal Infi
                                    News visited the Major
                                                               Trauma Centre           Medical Director
                                                                                                                    Ne    ws also   up with local optometrists in Manchester and
       photograph colleagues
                                  rmary last month to int
                                                            erv   iew and              The Manchester Evening                       Trafford, through Primary Eyecare Services, to
                                                                                                                   eases Unit
       showcasing the fantastic
                                 as part of a positive, proa
                                                                ctive feature,          visited the Infectious Dis                  deliver an innovative new service, providing
                                                                                                                  erview and
       hospital following the op
                                    major trauma services pr
                                                                 ovided at the          at NMGH in June to int
                                                                                                                   as part of a     urgent NHS optometry care closer to home. The
       Campus in May.
                                   ening of the helipad on
                                                               Ox   ford Road           photograph colleagues                       COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES) was
                                                                                                                   re on how
         Clinical Lead for Major                                                        positive, proactive featu                   launched in May 2020, to ensure the residents
      Stella Smith, Major Traum
                                  Trauma and Consultant
                                                              Surgeon                    the team prepared and                      of Greater Manchester have safe, quick, and
                                                                                                                        ic. The
      Parisa Nowroozi, Advanc
                                   a Signposting Partnership
                                                                   Advisor               to the COVID-19 pandem                     easy access to urgent eye care, without needing
      Major Trauma Coordinato
                                  ed Clinical Practitioner Ch
                                                                ris  Knight,             interview was published                    to go to hospital. CUES is delivered through the
      Occupational Therapist
                                   r Janine Masters and Ph
                                                              ysio and                    on the Manchester Even                    use of online and remote technology.
        The Major Trauma Cent
                               Naheed Ahmed were int
                                                           erviewed.                      News online and The M                       Mr Felipe Dhawahir-Scala, Consultant
      Manchester specifically
                                  re is the only one in Grea
                                                               ter                        They interviewed; Leann                   Ophthalmologist, Vitreoretinal Surgeon and
     needs of our patients. Th
                               designed to meet the wi
                                                           de  ly  varied                 (consultant and clinical                  Clinical Lead for the Emergency Eye Department
                                                                                                                       rch lead),
     - an enhanced therapy
                                 e Unit provides truly ho
                                                           list ic care                   Andy Ustianowski (resea
                                                                                                                     (consultant    at MREH said; “The implementation of CUES has
     occupational and rehab
                              team caters for the physi
                                                          otherapy,                        Katherine Adjudkievicz                   been brilliant. Optometrists are seeing patients,
                                                                                                                       len Riley
     supporting them in our
                              ilitation needs of patient
                                                          s, including                     and deputy MD) and He                    managing them when they can and seeking
                               newly-established major                                     (Matron).
                                                           trauma gym.                                                              additional support when needed.”

10 MFT News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MFT News 11
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
Your Governors and Members in action                                                                                                        Governor                                         MFT Annual Members’ Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                             As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in keeping with national guidance,
As an NHS Foundation Trust, we are            sessions and film-clips being established.    all legislative requirements were met with      Elections 2021                                   we held last year’s Annual Members’ Meeting virtually on 22nd September
accountable to our Members, who                  Throughout the pandemic, Governors         Governors’ statutory duties being fulfilled     The Trust holds governor elections each          2020. Our Group Chairman and Group Chief Executive recorded key messages
include our patients, local residents,        held regular bimonthly virtual meetings       alongside them appropriately seeking            year for those governor seats whose              which are still available to view online here.
staff and stakeholders.                       with MFT’s Group Chairman, Non-               assurance on behalf of MFT’s Members.           term of office is ending or are vacant,             As part of this virtual format, our Directors also produced a series of key message film
   Members are able to influence the          Executive and Executive Directors, to            Some key duties fulfilled over the past      on our Council of Governors. Eligible            clips in relation to our 2019/20 Annual Report and Accounts in addition to outlining our
Trust’s decision-making processes through     receive updated information on the Trust’s    year include active involvement in the          public and staff Members are invited to          Plans for the Future. Our Lead Governor also provided a Membership overview with
their elected representatives (Governors).    general capacity and demand, Infection        Group Chairman and Non-Executive                stand for election in the relevant public        the results of our 2020 Governor Elections also highlighted. By viewing these film clips
   At MFT, we have 32 Governors, the          Prevention and Control, the establishing      Directors’ Appraisal processes, and where       constituencies and staff classes.                you will be able to:
majority (24) of which are elected directly   and use of the NHS Nightingale Hospital       required, approving their re-appointments,         The 2021 election process began on            l Find out how our Trust is performing
from and by our Members.                      North West, Vaccine and Recovery              terms of office and remuneration. The           the 16th July 2021, with the formal
                                                                                                                                                                                             l Hear how we are responding to patient and staff feedback
   Our Governors are the link between         Programmes and financial frameworks.          Trust’s External Auditor formally reported      ‘Notice of Election’ (which includes the
our Members, determining their need or        Governors were also kept updated on           to Governors their ‘Annual Auditor Report’      list of seats that are open for election),       l Learn more about our latest developments and future plans.

views on the delivery of services, and        our dedicated workforce receiving key         findings, with Governors approving their        being published on our Governor                  Members were invited to watch the films and to submit any questions or feedback to
our directors who make the decisions          information in relation to staff health       re-appointment, ensuring that all due           ‘elections’ webpage here. Two Public             the Trust Board Secretary with associated responses to the questions received being
about our services. You can find out more     and wellbeing including COVID-19 risk         processes were followed. Governors were         Governor seats are currently open for            posted on the Trust webpage.
about our Governors on our ‘Meet our          assessments, and how the Trust has            also regularly briefed and appropriately        election in the following Constituencies:
Governors’ webpage on the Trust website       developed and established new initiatives     consulted on the North Manchester               l Greater Manchester x1 (one)
here.                                         to support individuals and teams              General Hospital (NMGH) transaction.
   We usually have a busy programme
of engagement activities, meetings and
                                              throughout the pandemic.
                                                 A clear theme which has been apparent,
                                                                                            Another key area Governors also sought
                                                                                            assurances, on behalf of Members, was
                                                                                                                                            l Rest of England & Wales x1 (one)

                                                                                                                                            Following the nomination deadline
                                                                                                                                                                                             Save the date!
events for Governors and Members.             is how truly valued and appreciated our       about the Trust’s recovery programme            (2nd August 2021), we were delighted             Annual Members’
However, as a direct result of the ongoing    workforce at MFT continues to be. During      with key assurance areas being in relation      to have received 24 valid nominations
COVID-19 National Emergency (social           these unprecedented times, the dedication     to patient referrals, diagnostic procedures     from our public member candidates,               Meeting 2021
distancing, national/local lockdown           of staff has been constant, who regularly     and out-patient consultations. Governors,       with both seats for election being                                                                          SEPTEMBER

restrictions etc.) and associated guidance    have gone above and beyond to care for        throughout the past year, also regularly        contested.                                       This year, our Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM)
released from our Regulators (NHS             and treat our patients.                       requested updates in relation to COVID-19          Currently our eligible public Members         will be taking place on 21st September 2021.
England/Improvement) has meant that all          Another valued factor is that throughout   Research Projects including new emerging        are voting for the candidate(s) that             In order to keep our members safe during the
usual face to face meetings and events        this challenging period, Governors have       variants, treatments and testing regimes        they feel will best represent them, with         ongoing COVID-19 National Emergency, the
were stood down with alternative new          continued to carry out their roles with       alongside BAME support initiatives for          the formal voting process formally               meeting will again adopt a virtual format. Full
ways of working and engaging being            commitment and enthusiasm. The Trust’s        both staff and the wider community.             opening on Friday 20th August 2021               meeting details will be available soon on our
developed including virtual meetings,         robust governance processes ensured that                                                      and closing on 5pm on Thursday 9th               2021 AMM webpage here – pre-recorded
                                                                                                                                            September 2021. More information                 AMM presentations will also be posted here on 21st
Benefits of being an NHS Foundation Trust Member                                                                                            about our governor election process
                                                                                                                                            can be found on our Governor ‘Election’
                                                                                                                                                                                             September 2021 for you to view. We would welcome feedback about the AMM
                                                                                                                                                                                             information presented via email to or tel. 0161 276
Members are given a voice with their views and opinions being        Phone: 0161 276 8661                                                   webpage here.                                    4841. We will then collate the feedback received and post responses via the webpage.
valued – their support and involvement is vital to our future        (office hours 9.00 am to 5.00 pm,
success.                                                             Monday to Friday; answering
  We are committed to having a representative Membership that
truly reflects the communities that we serve and we welcome
                                                                     machine outside these hours)
                                                                     We would value a little of your time
                                                                                                                                          Forward Plans                                                                                  Remembering
Members from all backgrounds and protected characteristics.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we were unable to carry out
                                                                     and invite you to send a ‘Love Letter
                                                                     to the NHS’ – to tell us what you
                                                                                                                                          The Annual Plan for 2021/22 was approved by the Board in July and can be found
                                                                                                                                          here. It was developed over the last three months by staff from across the Trust, with         Jayne Bessant
our usual face to face public member recruitment campaign in                                                                              input from the Council of Governors representing the views of Members.
                                                                     appreciate most about the NHS,                                                                                                                                      Former Lead Governor and deeply valued
February 2021 with alternative on-line/electronic communications                                                                            The Plan sets out what we intend to do in the coming year in order to achieve our
                                                                     what they have done for you and                                                                                                                                     colleague Jayne Bessant passed away
and recruitment initiatives being deployed to encourage Members                                                                           short-term targets (such as performance and financial targets) as well as making
                                                                     your loved ones, and any associated                                                                                                                                 peacefully at home on 14th September
of the public to consider becoming a member of MFT.                                                                                       progress towards our longer-term vision and aims. It takes account of the national
                                                                     hopes and dreams that you may                                                                                                                                       2020.
  If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact                                                                              and local context, in particular the priorities described in the ‘Priorities and Operational
                                                                     have for the future.                                                                                                                                                  Jayne played an active and pivotal role
the Foundation Trust Membership Office (details below) for an                                                                             Planning Guidance’ published by NHS England and NHS Improvement and the
                                                                       Any feedback that you provide                                                                                                                                     as a Public Governor, joining the former
application form, or join via our on-line Membership application                                                                          areas for focus agreed by the health and social care partners from across Greater
                                                                     will be truly valued and appreciated                                                                                                                                CMFT in 2008 as a Shadow Governor
form;                                                                                     Manchester.
                                                                     and where appropriate, will be                                                                                                                                      and became a substantive Governor in
E-mail:                                      anonymised and may be used in                                          The plan is formatted to show the contribution of the Corporate Teams, Hospitals,            2009 upon CMFT’s authorisation as a
                                                                     future printed materials, reports,                                   Managed Clinical Services and Local Care Organisations, to each of our Strategic Aims.         Foundation Trust. Jayne had also been our
Post:                                                                                                                                       Further work is to be undertaken to set out the measures for monitoring progress
                                                                     social media etc.                                                                                                                                                   Lead Governor since 2018. She was a truly
Freepost Plus RRBR-AXBU-XTZT                                                                                                              and these will be used at the end of the year to review whether or not we have
                                                                       A copy of MFT’s privacy notice can                                                                                                                                remarkable individual who had given so
MFT NHS Trust                                                                                                                             achieved what we set out to achieve.
                                                                     be found on the Trust’s website here.                                                                                                                               much to so many over the years.
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9WL
12 MFT News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MFT News 13
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
EDI – at the heart                                                                                                       MFT at the cutting edge
of everything we do
Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion (EDI) is at the heart
                                             improve the access to, experience
                                             of, and quality of health care
                                                                                                                         of Research and Innovation
of everything we do; our Trust                                                       As part of Black History
                                             for disabled people within our          Month 2020, we created
has a long and strong history                hospitals and community services.                                           MFT is at the cutting-edge of
of providing personalised care                                                       the Making Histories e-book         Research and Innovation (R&I)
that meets the individual needs          l   Launched the Accessible                 which consists of personal          and continues to improve
of our diverse patients, their               Information Standard guidelines         stories from staff from BAME        the health and quality of life
families, carers and service                 (AIS) which sets out our                backgrounds.                        of our diverse population by
users.                                       responsibilities in ensuring that                                           developing and delivering
  The Trust’s Equality, Diversity            the accessible information and                                              new treatments, innovations,
and Inclusion Strategy (2019-                communication requirements of           Inclusive Leadership training and   products and services.
2023) sets out our ambition to be            our disabled patients are met in        Reasonable Adjustment training.        R&I takes place across our hospitals
the best place for patient quality and       line with the AIS.                                                          and clinical specialties, providing
                                                                                 l   Completed 720 Equality Impact
experience, as well as the best place    l   Produced and undertook staff            Assessments.                        patients with opportunities to be
to work. To do that, this past year,         EDI learning and development                                                the first in the UK, Europe, and
we have:                                                                         l   Celebrated Diversity.               the world, to take part in clinical
                                             needs assessment, and have then
l   As the COVID-19 pandemic                 provided and commissioned                                                   research studies.
    has shone a light on health              training courses, such as                                                      This enabled us to consent the
                                                                                                                         first person in the world into the          We have recruited strongly to
    inequalities, set up Black, Asian
                                                                                                                         leading Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine          more than 45 COVID-19 research
    and Minority Ethnic (BAME),
                                                                                                                         study, developed by Johnson and           studies we have opened since the
    Disabled, and LGBT+ Staff                                                                  As part of Ramadan
                                                                                                                         Johnson. Our R&I Vaccine Team             onset of the pandemic, with nearly
    Engagement Groups who have                                                                 and Eid 2021, we
                                                                                                                         rapidly enlisted 405 participants         12,000 participants recruited by
    been vital in providing lived                                                              shared vlogs from
                                                                                                                         onto the study, exceeding the Trust’s     the end of July 2021. We are one
    experience and shaping the                                                                 staff about what
                                                                                                                         recruitment target within just eight      of the top 15 recruiters to the UK’s
    support to staff during the                                                                Ramadan means
                                                                                                                         weeks. We have now recruited to           flagship COVID-19 treatments trial,
    Pandemic.                                                                                  to them, and
                                                                                                                         our first COVID-19 booster vaccine        RECOVERY, along with leading the
                                                                                               Iftaar boxes were
l   Created a Removing the                                                                                               trial as we continue to play our role     recruitment for both the adolescent
                                                                                               distributed to staff.
    Barriers Programme to achieve                                                                                        in the continued global effort to         and pregnancy arms of the trial. We     The GM1 gangliosidosis is a rare
    diverse representation in senior                                                                                     secure a range of vaccines to help        are also regularly among the top        but underdiagnosed condition that
    management and leadership.                                                                                           tackle COVID-19.                          recruiters to the PHOSP COVID study     causes severe and life-threatening
                                                                                                                            Our COVID-19 research has also         which is evaluating the long-term       damage to the brain and spinal
l   Run the Disabled People User
                                                                                                                         investigated and explored new             outcomes of the virus.                  cord, and there are currently no
    Forum which has helped to
                                                                                                                         potential treatments, the behaviour         Whilst we have rapidly opened         licenced treatment options available.
                                                                                                                         of the virus in the community, and        and delivered a range of COVID-19          Research and innovation has
    As part of Equality, Diversity                                                                                       diagnostic testing. The COVID-19          studies, despite the enormous           also ensured pregnant women
    and Human Rights Week 2021,                                                                                          National DiagnOstic Research and          challenge of the pandemic, MFT          being cared for across our Trust are
    we launched the ‘27,230                                                                                              Evaluation Platform (CONDOR) is co-       R&I has simultaneously delivered        benefiting from a quick, accurate
    individuals – One Trust’ video –                                                                                     led by MFT through our Diagnostic         a range of pioneering non-COVID         blood test to spot pre-eclampsia – a
    Part 1 and Part 2 which celebrates our diverse workforce.                                                            and Technology Accelerator (DiTA),        research across our broad portfolio.    condition which can lead to serious
                                                                                                                         and has so far evaluated more             More than 150 new clinical              complications if not monitored and
                                                                                                                         than 25 new tests for COVID-19.           research studies opened over            treated. Thanks to earlier research
                                                                                     As part of LGBT+ History                                                      the last year, with nearly 20,000       led by MFT, Placental Growth Factor
                                                                                                                         The ‘Moonshot evaluation’, carried
    As part of the Trust’s International Day Against Homophobia,                     Month 2021, the Pride Flag                                                    patients recruited, as we continue to   (PlGF)-based testing – a blood
                                                                                                                         out as part of the programme, has
    Transphobia and Biphobia Programme 2021, we hosted a Better                      was installed to the flagpole                                                 reactivate research activity paused     test which can confirm or exclude
                                                                                                                         informed mass lateral flow testing,
    Care for Trans Patients event, with Joshua Barraclough, Author                   outside MRI for the entire                                                    due to the pandemic.                    pre-eclampsia and assess the risk
                                                                                                                         which is now embedded within the
    of the National Ambulance LGBT Network’s Trans Tool Kit.                         month.                                                                          This includes a Royal Manchester      for complications – is now being
                                                                                                                         NHS and wider public. Almost 7,000
                                                                                                                         people have taken part in CONDOR          Children’s Hospital patient who was     rolled-out across Greater Manchester
                                                                                                                         so far, with MFT the top recruiter        the first in the world to receive a     by Health Innovation Manchester,
           You can find out more about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at MFT here                                     nationally, with almost 1,000             pioneering new gene therapy as part     ensuring more people can benefit,
                                                                                                                         participants as of July 2021.             of a clinical trial.                    as rapidly as possible.

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Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
MFT Charity News

Our young
In December, the Charity shared
the inspirational story of best
friends Hughie and Freddie as
they graced various TV channels
and media platforms to share
their fundraising success.
  Hughie is currently a patient
on Ward 84 at Royal Manchester          acquired a stream of celebrity         Breakfast on numerous occasions,
Children’s Hospital, after being        supporters – they’ve had a video       including Christmas Day morning.
diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic      chat with BBC Radio 1’s Jordan           What started as a very generous
leukaemia in September 2020.            North, appeared live on This Morning   £1,000 fundraising target has now
Inspired by his friend’s cancer         to speak with Eamonn Holmes            seen the boys raise more than
journey, best bud Freddie decided       and Ruth Langsford (when Ruth          £200,000 for the hospital. This will
to take on a 100km challenge for        generously added £3,000 to their       enable them to not only support
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital    fundraising total on behalf of the     Ward 84 patients, but also fund
Charity – running 2km every day for     show) and Freddie has been running     hospital-wide projects that many of
50 days in the run up to Christmas.     with some of his beloved Burnley FC    our young patients will benefit from.
  Along the way both boys have          players. They’ve also been on BBC

Generous donation enables Arts
and Wellbeing Centre for MFT staff
In December, the Charity team was excited to announce a
new Lime Arts wellbeing and arts centre that will be set up to
support our staff across the Trust. The state-of-the-art centre
will be a global first and has been made possible thanks to a
generous grant of £250,000 from Barclays.
  This custom-built creative space will put MFT at the forefront of
supporting NHS staff wellbeing in direct response to COVID-19.
  The money was part of a £100million Community Aid Package
set up by Barclays to support charities that help people and
communities most impacted by COVID-19.
  Some of the Barclays money will also be used to support
patient-focused art and music sessions on wards at Manchester
Royal Infirmary. These sessions will include sound art, music,
performance and live art, dance, creative writing and spoken word
and storytelling.
  The new arts and wellbeing hub will be located at the Peter
Mount Building at MFT’s Oxford Road Campus and will be open to
staff from all our hospital sites.

16 MFT News
Inside Seven MFT colleagues recognised in the Queen's Honours - MFT COVID-19 vaccination programme
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