2020 The University of Manchester's Strategic Plan

Page created by Katie Olson
2020 The University of Manchester's Strategic Plan

The University of Manchester’s
Strategic Plan
2020 The University of Manchester's Strategic Plan
MANCHESTER 2020                                                                                                                  01


                                                                                        Page 01
                                                                                        Chairman's foreword
                                                                                        Page 02

                  foreword                                                              President's introduction
                                                                                        Page 08
                                                                                        Strategic vision 2020
                                                                                        Page 10
                                                                                        Goal 1: World-class research
                  The University of Manchester’s Strategic Plan, Manchester             Page 14
                  2020, was approved in May 2012. It built on the strong                Goal 2: Outstanding learning
                  foundations established since the formation of the new                and student experience
                  University in 2004 and articulated in previous strategic plans.
                                                                                        Page 18
                  The Strategic Plan has now been refreshed to reflect the               Goal 3: Social responsibility
                  developments and achievements that have taken place since
                                                                                        Page 22
                  2012 and the new opportunities and challenges that the
                  University is likely to face in its ambition to be a world-leading    Enabling strategy 1:
                  university, recognised globally for the excellence of its research,   Quality people
                  outstanding learning and student experience, and its social,          Page 23
                  economic and cultural impact.
                                                                                        Enabling strategy 2:
                  The three core goals: world-class research; outstanding               World-class estate
                  learning and student experience; and social responsibility            Page 24
                  have been updated and enhanced, and are supported by                  Enabling strategy 3:
                  six enabling strategies.
                                                                                        Financial sustainability
                  The refreshed Strategic Plan also updates the small number            Page 25
                  of high-level key performance indicators that will be used to         Enabling strategy 4:
                  measure performance. Targets have been set and the Board              A reputation for excellence
                  of Governors will monitor the University’s progress against
                  these indicators and targets on a regular basis.                      Page 26
                                                                                        Enabling strategy 5:
                  The future is challenging, but very exciting. Our success over        An international institution
                  the past decade ensures that that we will approach these
                  challenges with confidence, commitment and enthusiasm.                 Page 27
                                                                                        Enabling strategy 6:
                                                                                        Quality services
                                                                                        Page 28
                  Anil Ruia
                  Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Governors                 Summary of our
                                                                                        Key performance indicators and targets
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     We want to be ranked as one of the
     world’s leading universities by 2020, but
     we also want to be better recognised for
     our impact on the world, for the
     revolutionary spirit that defined our
     history and will drive our future success,
     and for being part of Manchester.

                                                  The University of Manchester was              strategic plan, it is the right time to take a   higher quality experience for all our
                                                  founded in 2004 by bringing together two      hard look at our performance and to set          students, as measured by the National
                                                  excellent institutions: the University of     out a new vision. We will build upon the         Student Survey (NSS), with a target of at
                                                  Manchester Institute of Science and           original plan and set challenging new            least 90% student satisfaction by 2020,
                                                  Technology (UMIST) and the Victoria           targets that take account of the changes         ensuring that the University is in the upper
                                                  University of Manchester.                     that have taken place over the past              quartile of Russell Group institutions. We
                                                                                                decade across the higher education               have improved in undergraduate student
                                                  The merger of these two great                 sector and in wider society.                     satisfaction, attaining a score of 86% in
                                                  universities provided a unique opportunity                                                     2015 (up from 77% in 2009).
                                                  and a platform for our inaugural President    Progress
                                                  and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alan                                                            We also aimed to achieve a positive
                                                  Gilbert, to set out a bold and ambitious      Our vision is built upon three core goals,       graduate destinations rate of at least
                                                  vision for the ‘new’ University which was     and we have performed well against all of        85% by 2020 (as measured six months
                                                  outlined in his 2015 Agenda.                  these. The first, world-class research, is        after graduation in the Destinations of
                                                                                                the goal that has grabbed most attention.        Leavers from Higher Education survey).
                                                  When I was appointed President and            This stated our aim to be among the top          The latest figure, for 2013/14 graduates,
                                                  Vice-Chancellor in 2010, I was determined     25 universities in the world, as measured        was 79%, representing a big improvement
                                                  not only to maintain the momentum and         by the Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic               on 67% in 2004, although we are still
                                                  progress achieved by Alan, but also to        Ranking of World Universities. In 2015 we        behind some of our competitors. We
                                                  set new targets and goals, build on our       were ranked 41st, a huge improvement on          remain the most popular university for
                                                  successes and create a distinctive profile     our 78th place in 2004. Going forward, we        undergraduate applications and we
                                                  for the University on the global higher       will be measuring our position not just by       continue to excel in the recruitment of
                                                  education scene.                              this ranking, but by international league        quality international students.
                                                                                                tables more widely and by the impact of
                                                  It was not a good time to be formulating      our research.                                    If our first two goals ask ‘what are we
                                                  and articulating a visionary agenda for the                                                    good at?’ then our third goal, social
                                                  future. The world was in the midst of an      We sought in 2004 to double our total            responsibility, gets to the heart of the
                                                  economic crisis, there were major cuts to     research income by 2015, a target we             question ‘what are we good for?’ We make
                                                  public funding and significantly higher        have now exceeded. We aimed to have at           a huge contribution to society, through
                                                  undergraduate fees were being introduced.     least eight iconic scholars among our            our research, our education and a wide
                                                  Despite this turbulent external               staff; today there are three Nobel                range of remarkable activities undertaken
                                                  environment, we were still making progress    laureates working at the University and we       by our staff, students and alumni.
                                                  and we developed the next stage of our        have world-leading scholars heading our
                                                  plan, Manchester 2020, retaining the          research in areas as diverse as cancer,          In November 2013 we launched a new and
                                                  original ambition of the 2015 Agenda but      nanomaterials and development studies.           focused approach in this area and we have
                                                  building on it with some new aspirations.                                                      achieved some real successes. For
                                                                                                The second of our core goals is the              example, our school governor initiative
                                                  Now, just over a decade after the merger      provision of an outstanding learning and         and The Works, our employment scheme
                                                  and the publication of our original           student experience. We want to ensure a          for local communities, have won national
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     awards. Social responsibility is also firmly   The transformation of our campus and        international income in just six years. At    the number of universities worldwide, with    a place to study. The scale and breadth of    the UK, we need to explain clearly
     embedded into how we run our university.      surrounding area has exceeded our           Jodrell Bank we will host the international   substantial investment being made by          activity at our university is an advantage,   what is truly distinctive about our
     In our major campus redevelopment we          predictions in 2004, with more than         headquarters for the Square Kilometre         institutions in many parts of the world.      but resources are always limited and          research, graduates, activities,
     have a partnership framework agreement        £750 million invested and a further         Array, the world’s largest international                                                    future funding will be challenging.           influence and impact.
     to ensure that our building projects bring    £1 billion to follow by 2022, amounting     science collaboration.                        Students’ expectations have been
     environmental as well as social benefits,      to one of the biggest facilities                                                          changing towards a more flexible delivery      A new vision                                  Our three core goals remain key to our
     such as providing training and creating       investments ever made by a UK university.   The University now engages with an even       of distance and lifelong learning. There is                                                 aspirations, and we are still committed to
     jobs for local unemployed people.             Among the highlights are the spectacular    wider and more diverse cohort of learners     also an increasing need to bring together     It is with these challenges in mind that      being among the leading universities in
                                                   National Graphene Institute, the            with the launch of our first massive open      diverse expertise from across multiple        we have refreshed our Manchester 2020         the world. While rankings can help us
     Alongside our progress against these          Manchester Cancer Research Centre           online courses, or MOOCs. We count            disciplines to solve global research          plan. In some cases we are raising the        benchmark our performance, they do not
     three core goals, there are many other        building in Withington, the Alan Gilbert    154 nationalities among our student           questions. This brings new opportunities      level we aspire to, either because we         tell the whole story about the quality and
     notable achievements from the past            Learning Commons and the award-             population and 129 among our staff, and        and challenges of collaboration rather        have exceeded the current targets or          impact of our work. We need to articulate
     decade. Our 2015 staff survey revealed         winning redevelopment of our art gallery,   we keep in touch with more than 300,000       than competition between universities         because we need to step up; in other          more clearly where and why we are better
     that 92% of respondents are proud to          the Whitworth, which was named              alumni worldwide.                             globally, and growing partnerships with       cases we have revised goals in response       than many of the other excellent
     work at the University and 94% believe it     museum of the year in 2015. We secured                                                    private organisations.                        to a changing external environment.           universities around the world.
     to be a good place to work. We collaborate    major funding on the bond market to help    Challenges
     closely with the city of Manchester,          us finance this exciting work.                                                             Universities in the UK are constantly         Ambition is important, but we must            When Alan Turing created the first
     international companies, local NHS                                                        As a university we need continually to        facing the possibility of change, not only    also focus on our strengths if we are         calculating machine, at the root of all
     organisations and educational institutions,   Our reach grows wider all the time. We      recognise the changing global landscape       to research and education funding, but        to be a great rather than just a good         future digital technology; when Ernest
     from universities across the world to the     were recognised with the Queen’s Award      of higher education. Over the past ten        also to student fees and policies that        university. With thousands of universities    Rutherford split the atom to redefine
     schools on our doorstep.                      for Enterprise in 2011 after doubling our   years there has been a massive growth in      impact on the attractiveness of the UK as     across the world and well over 100 in         modern physics; when Arthur Lewis wrote
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     his seminal works on economic                beacons demonstrate areas of                    outside their own degree and of the many      thriving industries and culture, and          We must be an innovative university that
     development; or when Jean McFarlane          investigation where we are finding               extracurricular opportunities we offer at      devolution of power to the Greater            is adaptable, nimble and able to make
     led the establishment of a nursing           solutions to some of the world’s biggest        Manchester. Activities such as                Manchester Combined Authority will give       hard choices in order to ensure we are
     department at Manchester and became          challenges. We will require further             international study, social responsibility    the area greater control over its own         well placed for what the future will bring.
     England’s first ever professor of the         focus, investment and a commitment              projects, volunteering and internships will   progress. As a partner of the city we are a   As the landscape of higher education
     subject, they were not motivated by          to quality in our research in order to          allow them to experience real-world           vital provider of knowledge, enterprise,      evolves, we need to be well placed to
     breaking records or fame. They wanted to     capitalise on opportunities to build on         challenges as soon as they join us.           graduate talent, employment and cultural      contribute to its direction.
     solve fundamental problems and make          excellence, securing both major funding                                                       engagement. We are perfectly placed to
     changes to improve our everyday lives.       and recognition.                                We will deliver on our aims to make a         help drive the region forward and to play a   In short, we must be better still at what
                                                                                                  difference to society through our social       significant part in the emergence of the       we do best. This plan sets out our vision
     We will therefore use a range of measures    This focus on quality and distinctiveness       responsibility goal. Attention will be        Northern Powerhouse.                          for how we will make this happen.
     to better reflect the nature and activities   will extend to our students’ educational        focused on delivering and evaluating our
     of the University. We will focus on areas    and wider experience, further improving         work to address social challenges.            Conclusion
     of research that exemplify our               employability in our graduates at all levels.   Through our teaching, buildings, activities
     exceptional strengths, showcasing            We will add value through a range of            and processes, we will make a measurable      We want to be ranked as one of                Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell
     innovative, interdisciplinary work and       experiences and opportunities beyond            difference to society.                         the world’s leading universities by 2020,     President and Vice-Chancellor
     great achievements.                          what is taught in the classroom by taking a                                                   but we also want to be better recognised
                                                  new approach to the student experience.         There is also an opportunity to build upon    for our impact on the world, for the
     Advanced materials, addressing global        Students will be able to take part in an        our influential role in the development and    revolutionary spirit that defined our
     inequalities, industrial biotechnology,      integrated scheme that allows them to           prosperity of our region. Manchester          history and will drive our future success,
     energy and cancer: these research            take advantage of a range of programmes         today is a truly international city with      and for being part of Manchester.
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     The University of Manchester will be

                                             Strategic vision
     a world-leading university recognised
     globally for the excellence of its
     research, outstanding learning and
     student experience, and its social,
     economic and cultural impact.           2020
                                             The University of Manchester was the first       • being a truly international institution       We will be committed to environmental
                                             and most eminent of the civic universities,       which is a major contributor to the           sustainability, setting and meeting the
                                             furthering the frontiers of knowledge             economic, social and cultural                 highest possible standards across the full
                                             through research and teaching, but also           transformation of the city of                 range of our activities.
                                             contributing to the well-being of its region      Manchester, the north, the UK and
                                             and society more widely. These aims have          the world.                                    Key performance indicators
                                             guided the institution ever since and                                                           and targets
                                             continue to drive our strategic vision:         Our guiding principles
                                                                                             and values                                      KPI 1. Global standing
                                             The University of Manchester will be                                                            Target: To be recognised as one of the
                                             a world-leading university recognised           We will be guided in all of our activities by   25 leading universities in the world, with
                                             globally for the excellence of its research,    our motto ‘Cognitio, Sapientia, Humanitas’      20% of subject areas in the top 20, as
                                             outstanding learning and student                (Knowledge, Wisdom, Humanity).                  measured by our position in international
                                             experience, and its social, economic                                                            league tables.
                                             and cultural impact.                            We will be led by the discovery of new
                                                                                             knowledge, and aim to maximise the
                                             We will be ambitious, focused and               impact of that knowledge through
                                             distinctive, celebrated for:                    education, innovation and delivering
                                                                                             value to society.
                                             • the strength and scale of our work
                                               across science, engineering, humanities,      We will be an independent and
                                               and life and medical sciences;                autonomous organisation that will work to
                                             • the excellence and breadth of our             uphold rigorously the principles of freedom
                                               research, particularly its                    of thought and speech, and encourage
                                               interdisciplinarity, for training             tolerance of diverse views and beliefs.
                                               outstanding researchers and giving
                                               parity of esteem to discovery,                We will be agile, flexible and adaptable,
                                               application, knowledge transfer               but will value our rich academic heritage
                                               and impact;                                   and traditions.
                                             • our outstanding teaching and learning         We will be an accessible organisation,
                                               experience, the quality and diversity of      committed to advancing equality
                                               our students, and the ability of our          and diversity.
                                               graduates to contribute to society;
                                             • making a difference to the social and          We will be an ethical organisation
                                               environmental well-being of our               with exemplary policies, procedures
                                               communities and wider society,                and behaviours.
                                               including through the quality and
                                               accessibility of our cultural institutions;
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                                                                Goal 1
                                                                World-class research
                                                                The three central objectives of our                Key strategies                                Attract, develop and nurture the
                                                                research strategy are to achieve research                                                        careers of excellent researchers and
                                                                of the highest quality, to support and             Perform research of the highest quality,      become the location of choice for staff
                                                                develop excellent people, and to have an           and continue to raise the level and           at all career stages
                                                                impact beyond academia which yields                ambition of our activities to world-          We will provide an integrated approach to
                                                                economic, social and cultural benefits.             leading standards of excellence               career development, beginning at
                                                                Our ambition is that by 2020, over 90% of          To meet this target we will manage the        postgraduate level with outstanding
                                                                our staff will be judged as producing world-        quality of our research by publishing         research and training, and continuing with a
                                                                leading or internationally excellent research;     in leading outlets and attracting high        programme of mentoring and support for
                                                                we will have at least five distinctive beacon       levels of citations for the great majority    early career researchers. We will identify
                                                                areas of world-leading research led by             of outputs.                                   potential research leaders where
                                                                researchers at the very top of their fields;                                                      appropriate, and provide an environment
                                                                and we will rank among the top three               We will:                                      that attracts and retains those at the peak
                                                                universities in the UK for application and         • improve the quality of outputs              of their research careers.
                                                                exploitation of research.                            and number of citations through a
                                                                                                                     proactive approach to peer review,          In particular, we will:
                                                                There are four supporting areas of action:           improved management information             • continue the prestigious President’s
                                                                providing focus and capitalising on our critical     on citation performance, more targeted         Doctoral Scholar Award scheme to
                                                                mass and interdisciplinary capabilities;             support and guidance on publication            attract the best doctoral students
                                                                providing the right financial, physical and           strategies and ensuring all researchers        to Manchester and, through the
                                                                knowledge resources; meeting the highest             meet the University’s commitment to            Manchester Doctoral College, deliver
                                                                standards of research integrity; and ensuring        open access;                                   our ambitious plans for postgraduate
                                                                alignment of strategy at all levels of the         • develop partnerships with world-               research students, ensuring the highest
                                                                institution. The research strategy is                leading institutions and leverage further      standards of supervision and training
                                                                coordinated with the University’s other core         the University’s strategic business            for research that meet international
                                                                goals, for outstanding learning and student          partnerships to drive high-quality, high-      standards of excellence and
                                                                experience and for social responsibility, and        impact research.                               student experience;
                                                                with the wider aims of the city and region.                                                      • provide a comprehensive and targeted
                                                                The overarching driver is that a university                                                        package of career support for all
                                                                which is excellent in research and research                                                        researchers, from early career
                       Our ambition is to be a world-leading    impact is far better equipped to meet and                                                          researchers through to potential
                                                                exceed the expectations of its students and
                       university, where researchers            wider stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                                   and established research leaders;
                                                                                                                                                                 • recruit and invest in the best
                       produce work of the highest                                                                                                                 independent fellows and top-class
                       significance and impact. We will be                                                                                                          and/or iconic researchers who
                                                                                                                                                                   complement or reinforce our
                       distinguished by our interdisciplinary                                                                                                      identified strengths.
                       research, for training outstanding
                       researchers and giving parity of
                       esteem to discovery, application,
                       knowledge transfer and impact.
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     Goal 1
     World-class research

     Ensure our work has impact beyond               • draw upon Manchester’s heritage, image       advanced materials, cancer, energy and          Key performance indicators
     academia and yields economic, social              and population to give our research a        industrial biotechnology. We will work in       and targets
     and cultural benefits, whenever the                distinctive identity, attract knowledge-     partnership with international research
     opportunity arises                                based investment to the city and ensure      leaders and exploit our wide range of           KPI 2. Total research grant
     We aim to inspire, invent and innovate. We        there is a high-value legacy from the        capabilities to form new and ground-                   and contract income
     will establish and maintain key relationships     EuroScience Open Forum, European             breaking interdisciplinary combinations         Target: To double total research grant and
     with external partners in business, the NHS,      City of Science and other major events;      across the full range of subjects.              contract income by 2020 (from a baseline
     schools and educational establishments,         • create impact, through impact plans                                                          of 2010), ensuring an increase in both
     government, third sector and other                for individual researchers and               The University of Manchester Research           international and business income as a
     complementary organisations in our city,          research groups, promoting academic          Institute will identify and support             percentage of total income and an increase
     region and nation, in Europe and beyond,          mobility outside the higher education        interdisciplinary opportunities and provide     in Manchester’s share of UK research grant
     with a view to shaping our research agenda        sector, capitalising on business             a framework to drive forward our                and contract income.
     to benefit the wider society.                      relations activity and becoming              responses to societal challenges.
                                                                                                                                                    KPI 3. Quality
                                                       distinctive through the use of our
     We will seek to bring to market the               cultural institutions;                       Draw upon a broad range of financial,            Target: To improve the quality of research
     intellectual property arising from our work                                                    physical and knowledge resources                outputs by 2020, ensuring that 90% of
                                                     • ensure parity of esteem for impact-                                                          staff are judged to be producing world-
     and our groundbreaking inventions, and                                                         While seeking to increase our share of
                                                       generating translation and knowledge                                                         leading or internationally excellent research
     will ensure individuals have parity of                                                         funding from research council and UK
                                                       transfer activities;                                                                         by peer review, through the Research
     esteem for translational research and                                                          charitable sources, we will also diversify to
     knowledge exchange.                             • commercialise research wherever              achieve a substantial increase in funding       Excellence Framework or our own
                                                       appropriate, through a balanced              from business, European and international       exercises, and to ensure that the share of
     We will work with intellectually challenging      approach of spinning out, licensing and      sources. We will provide state-of-the-art       our publications falling in the top 10% of
     problems of real-world relevance and will         sale of intellectual property activities,    facilities and equipment, and pioneer           cited papers in their field is in line with that
                                                       and continue support for student and                                                         for the UK’s top five institutions.
     communicate widely the substantial body                                                        arrangements for their more efficient use,
     of work that addresses societal                   alumni enterprises;                          including sharing. Our administrative
                                                                                                                                                    KPI 4. Doctoral degrees
     challenges, including beacons such as           • ensure that our work contributes             support will be integrated, using fit-for-
     inequalities and energy, and extending to         substantially to the regional and            purpose information systems and                 Target: To increase our postgraduate
     key areas such as sustainability, security                                                     ensuring that the needs of our researchers      research student-to-staff ratio to be within
                                                       national economies, and to societal
     and the ageing society. In this and other                                                      and sponsors are comprehensively met.           the top five UK institutions and to ensure
                                                       challenges, well-being and health.
                                                                                                                                                    that at least 90% of students complete
     ways, our research will also contribute to
                                                                                                                                                    on time.
     our social responsibility goal.                 In addition we will implement four             Ensure the highest standards of
                                                     supporting strategies.                         research integrity
                                                                                                                                                    KPI 5. IP commercialisation
     We will:                                                                                       Building on recent progress, we will
     • be the partner of choice for business                                                        develop and implement communication             Target: To generate a cumulative
                                                     Exploit the critical mass and
       and other external organisations                                                                                                             £1 billion of economic impact by 2025
                                                     interdisciplinary scope of the University      procedures to ensure that research ethics
                                                                                                                                                    with £250 million generated in the period
       worldwide through the quality and focus       to secure a position among world leaders       and all other dimensions of integrity are
       of our research, and the efficiency of          in targeted fields                              part of the values of our staff and govern
       our outward interfaces;                       Building upon existing successes we will       our behaviour.
     • identify and strengthen our key external      identify research beacons where, through
       relationships and manage them                 key recruitment and investments, we can        Ensure the research strategy is based on
       strategically for the long-term benefit        construct a broad front of excellence. These   mutual commitment and alignment at
       of the research agenda;                       areas are addressing global inequalities,      institution, Faculty and School levels.
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                                                               Goal 2
                                                               Outstanding learning
                                                               and student experience
                                                               Manchester: no boundaries,                              We will combine the objectives for                       The five distinctive characteristics of a
                                                               no barriers                                             outstanding learning and student                         University of Manchester education, as
                                                                                                                       experience with those of world-class                     set out in the teaching, learning and
                                                               Our ambition is based on an effective                    research, while embedding social                         student experience strategy, are:
                                                               partnership between students and staff,                  responsibility into all our teaching and                 • excellent teaching;
                                                               as set out in our Student Charter. We will              student opportunities. Our students
                                                                                                                                                                                • distinctive graduate attributes;1
                                                               remove barriers to study and recruit                    will not only profit from learning in a
                                                               students who are most likely to benefit                  research-intensive university and                        • making a difference;
                                                               from, and contribute to, the exceptional                acquiring the key skills of excellent                    • learning through research;
                                                               educational environment at The                          researchers, but will also develop their                 • global awareness.
                                                               University of Manchester. We will attract               intellectual curiosity, their willingness to
                                                               students who want to study in a large                   take risks and to be creative. We will                   Key strategies
                                                               research-intensive university, where they               prepare our students for life after
                                                               can make a positive contribution to                     university, as responsible citizens and                  We have three broad objectives for the
                                                               society through their learning.                         future leaders, and challenge them to give               teaching, learning and student experience
                                                                                                                       something back to the University, their                  strategy: to enhance the quality of the
                                                               We will deliver a personalised student                  peers and wider society, be that locally                 student experience: to reduce barriers to
                                                               experience in a rich, inclusive and diverse             or globally.                                             study by attracting outstanding students
                                                               environment, where students and staff will                                                                        irrespective of their backgrounds; and to
                                                               be recognised for their achievements and                The goal of producing outstanding                        produce graduates who are highly
                                                               encouraged to keep developing. Our                      graduates through an excellent learning                  employable with a wider understanding
                                                               global outlook and commitment to                        environment that challenges and                          of their responsibilities as global citizens.
                                                               interdisciplinarity will remove boundaries,             enhances intellectual and personal                       We will develop approaches to achieve
                                                               with flexible learning and excellent                     attributes is supported by four cross-                   these aims through the quality of people
                                                               teaching ensuring we fully support                      cutting themes that underpin all that we                 at the University and the environment in
                       We will provide a superb and            students to reach their potential.                      aspire to do: enhancing the student                      which they work.
                       distinctive higher education and                                                                experience through partnership;
                                                               Students will make The University of                    personalised support for learning and
                       learning experience to outstanding      Manchester their first choice because                    well-being; recognising and rewarding
                                                                                                                                                                                Enhance the quality of the
                                                                                                                                                                                student experience
                       students, irrespective of their         of the outstanding higher education                     excellence; and promoting                                Students will be taught by
                                                               we provide. We will demonstrate our                     interdisciplinary learning.
                       backgrounds. We will produce            impact via the quality of our graduates,
                                                                                                                                                                                well supported, enthusiastic and
                                                                                                                                                                                engaging teachers who treat students as
                       graduates distinguished by their        many of whom will go on to be recognised                                                                         individuals in a motivating environment
                                                               as world leaders through their
                       intellectual capabilities,              contribution to knowledge advancement
                                                                                                                                                                                that encourages curiosity and a critical
                                                                                                                                                                                approach to learning.
                       employability, leadership qualities,    and wider society.
                       and ability to contribute to society.
                                                                 The distinctive attributes of a Manchester graduate will be: critical thinking, higher-order reasoning and analytical skills; mastery of a discipline; understanding of
                                                               research principles; broad intellectual and cultural interests; preparedness for professional and vocational work; ability to confront personal values and make ethical
                                                               judgements; preparedness for active citizenship and leadership; advanced written and verbal communications skills; and valuing equality, diversity and fairness.
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     Goal 2
     Outstanding learning
     and student experience

     We aim to:                                      • an environment that values cultural           Promote the educational and social             • students have outstanding
     • ensure the highest quality experience           diversity and is fundamentally                impacts of teaching and learning                 opportunities for volunteering and
       for all of our students by meeting our          committed to equality of opportunity by       We will produce outstanding graduates            contributing to communities inside and
       expectations and commitments stated             promoting equality and diversity in all       judged on their academic achievements,           outside the University, which will be
       in our Student Charter;                         that we do;                                   their employability, their leadership            recognised through the Higher
     • promote research-informed teaching            • exemplary fair access, recruiting             qualities and their willingness to               Education Achievement Report;
       by embedding research and associated            students and staff based upon their            contribute to their communities and            • as an international institution we will
       skills in teaching;                             potential. We will use contextual data to     wider society.                                   promote global awareness, providing
     • create a sense of identity and belonging        inform undergraduate student                                                                   students with access to courses and
                                                       admissions and use outreach, the              We will ensure that:                             activities that address global questions,
       to The University of Manchester by
                                                       Manchester Access Programme and               • all students benefit from opportunities         together with opportunities for
       working in partnership with students and
                                                       financial support to attract the most            to acquire the core skills, knowledge and      studying, volunteering and working
       developing Student Experience Action
                                                       able students.                                  personal attributes necessary for              outside the UK.
       Plans with student engagement;
                                                                                                       employment and further study; we will
     • provide all students with individualised                                                        prepare students for a range of career
                                                     Ensure the quality of resources,                                                               Key performance indicators
       support;                                                                                        paths by providing opportunities for
                                                     environment and facilities                                                                     and targets
     • ensure the needs of postgraduate              Staff and students will work and study in          work experience, embedding
       students are taken into account in            facilities that are world class, that support     employability in the curriculum,             KPI 6. Student experience
       strategic and operational decision            accessible learning, and that promote a           engaging students in employability and
                                                                                                                                                    Target: To achieve at least 90% student
       making alongside those of                     sense of place.                                   developing research skills;
                                                                                                                                                    satisfaction for Q22 in the National
       undergraduates.                                                                               • undergraduate and postgraduate               Student Survey by 2020, and that the
                                                     We will have:                                     students are supported in planning their     University is in the upper quartile of
     Attract and enhance the quality of              • the highest quality teaching resource,          future careers;                              Russell Group institutions.
     people (students and staff)                        including staff and infrastructure, where      • students are provided with
     We will attract the most able students            we seek to remove the boundaries to             opportunities and support to develop         KPI 7. Employability
     based on their potential, and we will recruit     learning through use of technology;             their technical and information skills so    Target: By 2020, to achieve a positive
     and develop the highest calibre of staff.
                                                     • a safe and inspiring working                    that they become highly digitally literate   graduate destinations rate of at least
                                                       environment, providing 24/7 study               and well-equipped for employment in a        85% (as measured six months after
     We will have:
                                                       spaces and world-class library facilities,      digital economy;                             graduation in the Destinations of Leavers
     • students taught by highly motivated,
                                                       IT and learning environments;                 • our graduates are informed, thoughtful       from Higher Education survey), and that
       committed and skilful staff, who are
       leading scholars at the forefront of their    • a sense of belonging and identity, by           and globally responsible citizens; we will   the University is in the upper quartile of
       disciplines. Staff appointments will             creating an inclusive working and               promote the University College for           Russell Group institutions.
       reflect the fact that students are at the        learning environment with access for all        Interdisciplinary Learning, providing a
       heart of the University, as we recruit          students, and social spaces based upon          suite of signature undergraduate             KPI 8. Widening access
       outstanding scholars who understand             programme and discipline identity;              course units to broaden intellectual and     Target: To meet our widening
       the attractions of working in a university    • a welcoming and attractive campus,              cultural interests, and we will extend the   participation targets for recruiting
       that values student education;                  and will promote Manchester and the             ‘purposes of a Manchester education’         students from low-participation
                                                       region as a place to live and study;            to all students;                             neighbourhoods and from lower
     • parity of esteem for teaching and
       research through recognising and              • postgraduate opportunities to study           • students are supported through the           socio-economic groups, and that the
       rewarding excellent teachers, promoting         through blended and distance learning.          personalised learning policy, and we will    University is in the upper quartile of
       the opportunities for staff to develop,                                                          invest in student retention through core     English Russell Group institutions.
       and encouraging innovation in teaching;                                                         skills support;
18   MANCHESTER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                    19

                                                         Goal 3
                                                         Social responsibility
                                                         We were England’s first civic university and     • creating and sharing knowledge to             • an Ethical Grand Challenges
                                                         our founders invested us with the                 address local and global inequalities;          programme for all undergraduate
                                                         progressive desire to improve people's          • improving and transforming products,            students, covering environmental
                                                         lives through research and teaching. Today        from providing clean water to creating          sustainability, social justice and
                                                         we are distinctive in UK higher education         sustainable energy storage devices,             workplace ethics;
                                                         as the first university to make social             through to the development of                 • the Manchester Leadership
                                                         responsibility a core strategic goal.             advanced materials;                             Programme, which combines academic
                                                                                                         • finding ways to prevent and cure cancer          credit-bearing units with volunteering
                                                         Our commitment to social responsibility           and improve the lives of those affected          to provide students with opportunities
                                                         addresses the fundamental question                by the disease around the world;                to become responsible leaders of
                                                         ‘What are we good for?’ Our view is that                                                          tomorrow;
                                                                                                         • pioneering the systems of the future,
                                                         universities are primarily for public benefit                                                    • applied forms of teaching and learning
                                                                                                           so that energy can travel new routes,
                                                         and should be able to deliver this benefit in                                                      in community and organisational
                                                                                                           going further and faster, leaving no
                                                         a way that has a positive impact on                                                               settings, which benefit our students
                                                                                                           carbon footprint;
                                                         people’s lives. A key component of this is                                                        and wider society;
                                                         to mitigate the effects of climate change        • leading a new bio-industrial revolution, so
                                                                                                           that we can deliver renewable and             • supporting student social enterprises
                                                         across all of our key activities.
                                                                                                           sustainable materials, biopharmaceuticals,      through programmes, funding and
                                                                                                           chemicals and energy that will transform        competitions.
                                                         Key strategies
                                                                                                           the UK and European industrial landscape.
                                                                                                                                                         Engaging our communities
                                                         We will focus on five strategic priorities for                                                   By engaging and partnering with a range
                                                                                                         Responsible graduates
                                                         social responsibility: research with impact;                                                    of people and organisations, we will
                                                                                                         Each year we generate more graduates
                                                         responsible graduates; engaging our                                                             harness our knowledge, resources and
                                                                                                         than any other British university. Through
                                                         communities; responsible processes; and                                                         visitor attractions to make a difference
                                                                                                         their education and broader experiences
                                                         environmental sustainability. Within these                                                      within our university, local communities
                                                                                                         at Manchester, we will ensure our students
                                                         priorities we will also deliver a focused                                                       and wider society. Our cultural institutions
                                                                                                         are not only highly employable, but are
                                                         range of practical ‘signature programmes’,                                                      will be at the vanguard of our social
                                                                                                         also able to act as informed, thoughtful
                                                         which are regularly updated, emblematic of                                                      responsibility agenda, embodying world-
                                                                                                         and critical citizens and future leaders,
                                                         our vision for social responsibility, and                                                       class excellence and locally relevant social
                                                                                                         capable of exercising ethical, social and
                                                         where we have recognised we can lead the                                                        benefit. They provide a gateway to the
                                                                                                         environmental responsibilities. We are
                                                         sector in their impact.                                                                         University for hundreds of thousands of
                                                                                                         supporting the social responsibility of our
                                                                                                         graduates through:                              learners, families and members of the
                                                         Research with impact                                                                            local community from under-represented
                                                                                                         • structured student volunteering
                                                         We will ensure our research and discovery                                                       groups. We will also continue to prioritise
                       The University will make a        make a positive difference to society.
                                                                                                           programmes locally, nationally and
                                                                                                                                                         work with schools and colleges, and public
                                                                                                           globally, addressing areas such as
                       difference to the social and       Much of this work is already embedded
                                                                                                           educational opportunities, vulnerable
                                                                                                                                                         engagement activities more broadly.
                                                         into our research goals, in particular
                       environmental well-being of our   through our research beacons. Examples
                                                                                                           people, healthy living and sport, culture,
                                                                                                           and the environment;
                       communities and wider society     of research with impact include:
                       through our teaching, research,
                       engagement and operations.
20   MANCHESTER 2020                                                                                                                                                                        21

     Goal 3
     Social responsibility

     Examples include the following.                 Responsible processes                           research, and to recognise work             the curriculum and in all aspects of
     • Public engagement, festivals and              Our operations, processes and policies will     undertaken in arts, humanities, social      the wider student experience, and
       events. We will deliver a diverse range       balance efficiency with opportunities for         sciences, business and law, and in          will provide opportunities to use the
       of public and community events and            creating social and environmental benefit.       professional and support roles, to          campus as a living laboratory for
       activities – engaging and involving the       We will ensure our commitment to                address gender equality more broadly;       teaching and research.
       public in science, history, literature,       responsible processes runs through the        • implement a new Race Equality             • Engaging our communities. We will
       public policy, culture, music festivals and   way we undertake operational activity in        Charter Mark to improve the                 embed a culture of environmental
       our research.                                 areas such as staff development, human           representation, progression and             sustainability across the University
     • School and college liaison. Our far-          resources and financial management.              success of ethnic minority staff and         and work in partnership with our staff,
       reaching school and college liaison                                                           students in higher education.               students, alumni and wider society on
       activities will work with primary,            We will:                                                                                    shared environmental goals. We will
       secondary and further education               • proactively support the region’s            Environmental sustainability                  help to promote opportunities to
       students as well as teachers, careers           employment and skills infrastructure by     Our research, teaching, engagement,           engage with sustainability, particularly
       advisers and parents to target                  contributing to the development of          infrastructure and processes are guided       through our Make a Difference: Think
       intensively activity with less advantaged       sustained training and employment           by our commitment to environmental            Sustainability staff programme,
       communities to widen educational                opportunities in our local communities      sustainability. We want to support our        empowering people to take positive
       opportunities. We will also support             through The Works and other initiatives;    staff and students to have a positive          action and make positive change.
       the strategic development of state            • ensure that opportunities for ‘in-work’     impact on the environment and enable        • Responsible processes. We will
       schools and colleges through staff and           progression are available to those of       them to make a difference in the areas in      prioritise processes that support
       alumni engagement in our School                 our staff in entry-level roles;              which they operate, influence and control.     positive environmental behaviour and
       Governor Initiative.                                                                        Our priorities reflect those for our wider     decision making. We will ensure long-
                                                     • ensure that social, economic and
     • University cultural institutions                                                            social responsibility work.                   term sustainability is embedded within
                                                       environmental factors are built into our
       (Manchester Museum, The Whitworth,                                                          • Research with impact. Through our           the maintenance, development and
                                                       processes for the procurement of
       The John Rylands Library, Jodrell Bank                                                        significant research groupings and           planning of our estate and IT
                                                       goods and services and how we invest
       Discovery Centre). These will deliver                                                         networks, the University is at the          infrastructure; through the goods,
                                                       our money;
       world-class education and engagement                                                          forefront of tackling key global            services and work procured; and across
                                                     • develop and promote policies to support                                                   our research and teaching activities.
       programmes with events, programmes                                                            challenges such as climate change,
                                                       public service and staff development
       and exhibits for diverse local, national                                                      population growth, overconsumption,
                                                       through community service;                                                              Key performance indicators
       and international audiences. In addition,                                                     food and water security, loss of
       performance venues on campus – the            • enable staff to maximise their                 biodiversity and pollution. We will       and targets
       Martin Harris Centre for Music and              charitable support through our Payroll        encourage cross-disciplinary
       Drama and the independent Contact               Giving scheme;                                networking, facilitate high-quality       KPI 9. Social responsibility
       Theatre – will continue to work with          • support staff equality and diversity           knowledge exchange with external          Target: A weighted portfolio of measures
       staff and students and attract diverse           through disabled, lesbian, gay, bisexual      organisations and apply the research      to monitor progress against the social
       audiences from across the city region           and trans, black and minority ethnic,         that we carry out to our own campus.      responsibility agenda, including equality
       and beyond.                                     international and religion- and belief-     • Responsible graduates. We aim for         and diversity profile, engagement with
                                                       based staff networks;                          every graduate to leave the University    communities (especially those that are
                                                                                                                                               disadvantaged), sustainability, and
                                                     • support the Athena SWAN Charter for           empowered with the knowledge and
                                                                                                                                               economic and social impact.
                                                       enhancing the recruitment and                 practical skills to make a positive
                                                       advancement of women in science,              environmental impact in their personal
                                                       technology, engineering, mathematics          and professional lives. We will support
                                                       and medicine in higher education and          sustainability as a key theme across
22    MANCHESTER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                23

      To position the University as an                                                                                                              To provide a world-class estate
      exemplary employer and a                                                                                                                      which meets the needs of
      destination of preference for all staff,                                                                                                       The University of Manchester
      both nationally and internationally.                                                                                                          in 2020 and beyond.

     Enabling strategy 1                                                                                                                            Enabling strategy 2
     Quality people                                                                                                                                 World-class estate
     Our staff are the key factor in our success       Our key objectives within the                  It will also help to provide the competitive   The University has the largest single           The completion of the Campus                   framework to manage future
     and in order to achieve our strategic            people strategy are to:                        advantage we require locally, nationally       campus of any higher education                  Masterplan will free up considerable land      developments. It will also provide green
     ambitions we need to build their capacity,                                                      and internationally.                           institution in the UK, providing over one       holdings in the north of the campus for        spaces to provide places for contemplation
     capability and commitment to our goals.          Develop and embed a performance                                                               million square metres of buildings and land     redevelopment, to contribute to the            and reflection while supporting our
                                                      orientated culture                             Attract the brightest and the best staff        with a replacement value in excess of           future economic success of the city in a       sustainability and biodiversity goals.
     Continuing to develop a performance-             Achieving our strategic vision will require    In order to achieve our strategic ambitions    £3 billion. The quality of the building stock   location that takes advantage of
     orientated culture is a priority over the next   high-performing individuals and teams.         it is essential that, as well as developing    has seen significant improvement since           connections to the region and beyond.          Maintain the estate to an
     few years at both an individual and a team       Staff will need to understand the               and rewarding our own high-performing          2004 with over £750 million invested. We                                                       appropriate and agreed standard
     level. Encouraging, nurturing and rewarding      standards and level of performance             and achieving staff, we are able to recruit     will continue to invest in the existing stock   The aims of the estates strategy               The overall quality of the estate will
     development, progression and                     required from them. An effective                the brightest and best staff both               of buildings to maintain the improvements       are to:                                        continue to be further improved, ensuring
     contribution are vital to engage and             performance and development review             nationally and internationally.                already made while embarking on an                                                             existing stock is refurbished and
     motivate our existing workforce, and to          process will significantly contribute to                                                       ambitious Campus Masterplan that will           Consolidate the campus to provide              maintained to an appropriate and agreed
     attract the brightest and the best staff. We      achieving this objective alongside             Develop responsive, capable staff               see more than £1 billion invested to create     world-leading, efficient and                     standard. Securing sufficient resource to
     need to develop the right environment in         recognising and rewarding real                 There are many challenges facing the           a world-class campus.                           sustainable facilities                         invest in routine maintenance will be a key
     which people can grow - one that allows          performance contribution. Emphasis will        University and in order to deliver our                                                         We have developed a plan to relocate our       challenge but it is crucial that the estate
     creativity, discovery and scholarship, and       be placed on developing the coaching and       strategic goals we must develop staff to        The concept that underpins all aspects of       North Campus activities while reducing         meets all health and safety, statutory,
     one in which managers are not afraid to          mentoring capability of our leaders and        be competent and responsive to the             our estates strategy is the creation of an      our cost base and our carbon footprint.        regulatory and HEFCE requirements.
     make and follow through difficult decisions.       managers supported by learning                 changing demands and empowered to              urban university, a place of fine urban
                                                      programmes to encourage both individual        find solutions. Our revised learning and        architecture, civilised city squares, and       Ensure that the estate and buildings meet      Obtain best value
     We need to continue to develop a culture         and team development.                          development strategy will align to the         walks and streets that interconnect with        the University’s teaching and learning,        It is essential that the University obtains
     which seeks and embraces change and                                                             achievement of our strategic goals and         all parts of the University and integrate us    research, academic and social needs            best value from all and for all its estate
     continuous improvement in everything             Improve the quality of leadership              continually growing and developing the         with the surrounding city.                      Through the estates strategy we have           assets. Capital projects should be
     the University undertakes. Our staff              and management                                 capability of our staff and our teams.                                                          developed a campus blueprint, which            completed to time, cost and quality
     should feel this is a fulfilling place to work    Managers at all levels of the University                                                      In developing a new estates strategy we         meets emerging new requirements in             targets, and the overall estates strategy
     and that they are empowered to be                must have the capability to manage in and      Key performance indicators                     have analysed the existing campus footprint,    research and the student experiences, but      will provide a solid basis for capital planning
     creative, challenge constructively, put          across structures and be able to embrace       and targets                                    identified problems and opportunities, and       is also flexible enough to adjust to            and investment. The estates strategy will
     forward new ideas and make decisions.            and undertake complex transformational                                                        prioritised major works to provide the best     changing circumstances and respond to          also be a key driver in contributing to our
     Our policies and procedures need to              change. Creating the leadership abilities to   KPI 10. Staff satisfaction                      quality environment that we can to support      external initiatives.                          carbon management plans.
     enable and support the delivery of our           realise the potential of individuals and       Target: To maintain at least 80% of staff       the University’s needs and also provide the
     strategic and operational objectives while       teams will be a key component of a             satisfied with working at the University by     opportunity to welcome national and             Create a sense of place                        Key performance indicators
     being accessible, user-friendly and at the       revised University-wide learning and           2020, remaining within the upper quartile      regional facilities to co-locate with our own   The estates strategy will provide a physical   and targets
     leading edge of best practice.                   development strategy.                          of higher education institutions or similar    state-of-the-art facilities. The strategy       environment that creates a sense of place
                                                                                                     organisations, and have at least a 75%         envisages the consolidation of the campus       – the urban university in the heart of a       KPI 11. Estate
                                                      Motivate, engage and inform                    response rate to the staff survey.              into a more compact and coherent footprint      vibrant city. Through innovative               Target: To achieve 80% of non-residential
                                                      our workforce                                                                                 that will provide some distinctive new          architecture and urban design it will reflect   estate judged to be in 'good' condition
                                                      Engaging with our staff and understanding                                                      buildings to enhance our teaching and           the University’s academic ideals and           and functionally suitable (grades 1 and 2)
                                                      what matters to them is important in                                                          research portfolio.                             provide a development context and design       by 2020.
                                                      being able to motivate and inform them.
24    MANCHESTER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        25

      To ensure The University of                                                                                                              To strengthen the power of The University of Manchester brand, nationally
      Manchester is financially sustainable to                                                                                                  and internationally, by celebrating our achievements and distinctiveness and
      enable it to deliver its aspirations as                                                                                                  by engaging staff, students, alumni and other key stakeholders to achieve the
      one of the top universities in the world                                                                                                 Manchester 2020 vision and act as ambassadors for our brand.

     Enabling strategy 3                                                                                                                       Enabling strategy 4
     Financial sustainability                                                                                                                  A reputation for excellence
     Given the changes to the funding model       Internationalise the student experience         Continue to develop                          Premier international universities have          Professional and                              Strategic stakeholder engagement
     for UK higher education, it is important     We will maintain our success in attracting      substantial fundraising income               potent reputations that make them                powerful communications                       The University will identify, prioritise and
     that The University of Manchester            more overseas students than any other           We have made good progress in                destinations of choice for the best              The University will be guided by a            systematically engage with external
     diversifies and develops its income           UK higher education institution but will, in    increasing the level of donations received   students, teachers, scholars and                 communications and marketing plan that        stakeholders and policymakers
     streams and manages its costs to provide     addition, seek to develop overseas              and this will continue throughout the        researchers in the world. They are iconic        will establish clear objectives, audiences    through a coordinated programme of
     the resources needed to support              collaborations with global strategic            period. We have invested additional          institutions and their brands are                and messages to enhance the University’s      targeted communications, meetings and
     research, teaching and enhancing the         partners to increase the diversity of our       resources in this area and have set          synonymous with excellence.                      reputation. Our communications and            events. We will seek to engage with key
     student experience, and to deliver the       income streams and deliver our                  challenging growth targets. Key priorities                                                    marketing activities will be evaluated and    opinion leaders and decision makers
     Manchester 2020 vision.                      programmes around the world. The                include increasing the proportion of gift    The University of Manchester has earned          measured. We will adopt a ‘digital first’      locally, nationally and internationally,
                                                  development of distance learning                income that is discretionary, and            and enjoys a good reputation. We aim to          approach and our communications will be       whose views and/or responsibilities may
     Austerity is likely to continue in the UK    capabilities will facilitate this objective.    developing a culture for philanthropy        build on this and create a great reputation.     two-way and engaging, rich in storylines      impact on the reputation and
     throughout most of the period to 2020                                                        across all academic units.                   Reputations are built primarily on the           and beautifully presented with arresting      development of the University.
     and this means that the University must      Increase industry and                                                                        foundation of high-quality activities,           video and images.
     reduce its reliance on UK government         commercial collaborations                       Actively manage costs                        outputs and achievements, but
     sources of income. Growing and               The University is already a leader in           to ensure value for money                    professional communications, marketing           Engaging and mobilising                       Key performance indicators
     diversifying our income streams as well as   collaboration with UK industry and              As well as diversifying and growing income   and stakeholder engagement can play an           staff and students                             and targets
     proactively managing our cost base will      commerce. We will continue to develop           streams, we will ensure an active            important role in building a clear and           Staff and students are the University’s
     enable the University to compete with its    and maintain relationships with key             management of our cost base is               distinctive identity and a compelling            most powerful advocates and brand             KPI 13. Reputation: portfolio
     international peers in an increasingly       business partners in the UK but also            maintained, taking action to ensure          narrative for the University.                    ambassadors. Good staff and student                    of measures
     global sector.                               overseas, via targeted countries, their         financial sustainability where appropriate.                                                    engagement and effective two-way               Target: A weighted portfolio of measures,
                                                  national industries and international                                                        The University’s key priorities in               internal communications are essential         including surveys, independent polling,
     To ensure financial sustainability            partners. We will ensure that these                                                          this area are:                                   to keep the campus community informed         measures of output (media coverage,
     we intend to:                                relationships are translated into               Key performance indicators                                                                    and motivated to achieve our ambitious        web analytics etc) and league tables.
                                                  funding for world-class research and            and targets                                  Distinctive identity and clear messages          strategic goals.
     Increase research funding from EU and        impact, global student employability                                                         To develop and deploy a clear identity and
     international sources                        and other activities.                           KPI 12. Financial outcome                    a compelling narrative for the University        Engaging and mobilising alumni
     Diversifying the sources for the                                                             Target: To increase EBITDA as a              that promotes our distinctive features and       The University has more than 300,000
     University’s research funding is a key       Continue to commercialise                       percentage of income to 10% by 2020 in       activities. All of our communications will       alumni around the world, many with the
     requirement to develop our research          intellectual property                           order to provide cash for investment and     contain clear and concise messages and           potential to become powerful and
     activity and support world-leading           We will build on our leading position in this   strategic priorities.                        compelling stories that demonstrate our          influential advocates and supporters.
     research. We will ensure sufficient            area and continue to invest in it both to                                                    quality, ambition, links with the city, global   We will seek to engage alumni as partners
     resource and expertise is applied to         support our core academic priorities and                                                     reach, breadth and strength, and                 encouraging them to contribute
     support this important activity.             to develop further future income streams.                                                    commitment to breaking down barriers.            personally as citizens, not just financially
                                                                                                                                                                                                as donors, to addressing major global
                                                                                                                                                                                                challenges and to help the University’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                mission in key target countries.
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