"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...

Page created by Tyler Hodges
"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
Pederson & Wentz                          “Sound of Metal”                          Music Programs
A team in turmoil, Page 14                A film review, Page 17                    And the pandemic, Page 11

                                                                                                a student publication


Issue 85            Serving Montgomery County Community College and the Surrounding Community              March 2021

                                                               “Insurrection at the Capitol”
                                                                                                Read on Page 7.

                                                                                                 Photo by Pixabay.com
"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
Page 2                                                                   THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                     March 2021

The Staff
Josh Young

Michael Chiodo
Emma Daubert

                       The unexpected positives of the COVID pandemic
Alaysha Gladden
Amanda Hadad
Daniel Johnson
Nina Lima
Kylah McNamee
Lauren Meter                                                                           Josh Young
Audrey Schippnick
                                                                              The Montgazette Editor-in-Chief
Krystyna Ursta
Nicholas Young
  March Contributors
                             Hello, and welcome back to      to our busy schedules. Luckily,      physically active. According               Most importantly, however,
Yaniv Aronson
                       everyone who has returned to their    this particular prediction came      to a study published in the           students have learned just
Robin Bonner
           Advisors    studies at Montgomery County          true for me, for the most part;      International      Journal       of   how resilient they really are.
                       Community College. I hope you         however, since that letter, there    Environmental Research and            We, as students, have been
Joshua Woodroffe
   Design & Layout     all have a positive, successful       have been many other positives       Public Health that examined           forced to adapt on the fly in an
                       semester. As always, I am happy       to come out of this less-than-       Belgian adults, of people who         environment of almost constant
                       to extend a warm welcome to           ideal situation.                     were classified as “low active”       uncertainty, resulting in frequent
                       students who are entering their            In addition to spending         (getting little to no exercise),      battles with adversity, while also
                       first semester at the College.        more time with close friends and     58% reported exercising more          having to provide for ourselves.
                             I would like to harken back     family members, there has also       during the pandemic, in part          Despite this, many of us have
                       to a letter I wrote one year ago,     been a resurgence in community       because of the free time that they    succeeded and continued our
                       when the COVID virus had just         spirit. In the months immediately    now have. Of those people who         education in pursuit of the goals
                       started its spread across the globe   following the shutdown of            were active before the pandemic,      that we have yet to achieve but
                       and into the United States. At        businesses and other local           77% reported exercising as much       are striving toward.
                       that time, the College decided        institutions, online conversations   or more than they had been.                Also, I would be remiss in
                       to move to a completely remote        involving community members          Other studies have found similar      not mentioning the teachers who
                       environment in the middle of an       on Facebook and other social         results in the U.K. and U.S.          have been forced to move to an
                       active semester, and I am sure I      media groups rose 82%,                     The pandemic has also           entirely online format (which
                       was not the only one who was          according       to    Wunderman      shown that the ability of             may be new for them) and who
                       experiencing an anxiety attack at     Thompson. In the months              employees to work remotely            have come through despite these
                       that point in time.                   since, community engagement          is possible on a much wider           challenges. This is especially
                             Not long afterward, while       and spirit has stayed relatively     scale than most businesses had        true for faculty members who
                       I was recovering from that            stable. As a result, many of us      previously thought. In fact, in the   may not be as tech-savvy as
                       initial shock, I wrote a letter       have actually met and talked to      first chaotic months, businesses      some of the other members. I
                       where I talked about some             people online we likely would        adapted to the new normal and         hope that everyone takes this
                       of the unexpected positives           not have before the pandemic.        identified ways to maintain           one-year benchmark as a point
                       that could come out of this           Additionally, there have been        operational efficiency in the face    of reflection, recognizing that
                       pandemic. Among the things that       many feel-good stories of            of staggering difficulties. This      when the going gets tough, you
                       I highlighted was the increased       neighbors helping each other out     principle can also be applied to      can be successful despite historic
                       amount of time we would get           by buying groceries for those        colleges, which had to create         obstacles.
                       to spend with close friends and       who are immunocompromised or         online classes and platforms on a          With that said, I will once
                       family, thereby giving us the         are at an increased risk of death    massive scale. In the future, we      again bid you all adieu and wish
                       chance to reconnect, and also         from COVID.                          may see more people work or           you all the best of luck during
                       the time we would get to engage            We have also been looking       attend school from home (which        this semester and beyond in
                       in activities and hobbies that        after ourselves better by eating     younger generations, especially,      your academic, professional and
                       we had neglected, due in part         healthier and becoming more          have been pushing for years).         personal lives.
"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
March 2021                                                                                                                                                       Page 3

                                              Trying to make the best of it:
                                School in the era of COVID
                                                                         Michael Chiodo
                                                               MSP 111 The Montgazette Contributor

     The COVID pandemic has                 but that she gradually grew more           had a drive-by, virtual graduation        same experience, with the class of
affected virtually everyone on the          accustomed to the new normal, “The         ceremony, and a small party, but it       2021 potentially experiencing a fully
planet in one way or another, and           first couple of months, it was pretty      wasn’t the same.”                         virtual senior year.
students and teachers are no different.     boring. The assignments weren’t                 Jamison says that this year in            Hopefully, this will be the last
It has now been close to a year since       ‘required,’ there were no classes and      college has been easier. “We’re all       senior class to have virtual graduation
schools were closed nationwide, and         there was nothing to do. This year, it’s   used to it now,” he says, adding, “and    ceremonies. It may be too late for
although some schools are beginning         been easier. I never thought I’d be so     you know, I’m not really stressing        Jamison and the millions who shared
to gradually open back up with limited      happy to have class all day!”              about missing out on things now.          his experience, but Chiodo and her
capacity, the vast majority of students           Chiodo also said she is thankful     At the end of last year, every day I      classmates have the opportunity to
are still taking online classes.            that the pandemic hit early in her         would think about whether we would        have normal senior years.
     Kayley Chiodo, a sophomore at          high school career rather than later.      be able to have prom or graduation,            With a vaccine rollout finally a
Upper Dublin High School, has not           Millions of high school seniors had        along with being stressed about going     reality, and thousands of Americans
been inside a classroom in nearly a         their final months of high school          to college in a few months. My stress     getting vaccinated daily, a light is
year. She muses that when she left          ruined, with proms, field trips and        level is definitely lower [now].”         beginning to appear at the end of the
school on a Thursday afternoon early        graduations canceled.                           Jamison is just one of millions      tunnel for students. One thing is for
last March, she never could have                  Connor Jamison graduated             who had their senior year of high         sure: Students may never again take
imagined what would come next: “It          from North Penn High School last           school cut short. And sadly, millions     for granted meeting for class in an
was honestly a pretty normal day.           summer and now attends Penn State          more are currently going through the      actual classroom.
There were some rumors of maybe             University. He says that missing out
school being closed the following day,      on the final months of his high-school
but we all thought it would be very         journey was deeply upsetting, “For
brief, kind of like a snow day.”            years, I looked forward to going out
     Of course, it was not just like        on a stage, receiving my high school
a snow day, not in the least. Chiodo        diploma, and having a big graduation
explains that at first it was very tough,   party. I never got to do that. We

                                                                                                   Everyone has had a different school experience
                                                                                                               in the age of COVID.
                                                                                                                   Photo by: Freeimages.com.
"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
Page 4       THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                               March 2021

         Art &
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"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
March 2021                                                      THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                       Page 5

                                        Stephen Breyer may need
                                         to face political reality

                                                                           Nicholas Young
                                                                      The Montgazette Contributor

                  America just experienced its most             to step down, so that Biden can nominate         more specifically Senate Majority Leader
             turbulent year since 1968, and maybe its worst     a younger liberal justice in his place, a        Mitch McConnell’s, evasive maneuvers.
             ever. The pandemic has ruined and taken lives,     practice that has become common for new               This lack of foresight came into play
             with two diametrically opposed parties having      administrations in past years. For example,      when Ruth Bader Ginsburg was asked to
             fought for political power at the national and     the Trump Administration compelled former        retire in 2013, but she steadfastly refused to
             state levels. Race issues have come front          conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy             give up her seat, maintaining she was healthy
             and center, just as they did in 1968 when          to retire, and he was then succeeded by          enough to continue. This was before anyone
             George Wallace, a radical conservative and         conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh.            saw the advent of Donald Trump’s meteoric
             segregationist, shockingly won presidential             Keeping this seat is incredibly important   rise through the primaries all the way to the
             electoral votes. Whether or not the vaccine        for the Democratic party, as the Supreme         Presidency. Ginsburg fought to stay alive
             finally ends today’s virological nightmare is      Court already has a 6-3 conservative majority    until Trump would be forced to leave the
             yet to be seen; however, the political nightmare   after the Trump Administration managed to        White House, but she unfortunately passed
             will almost surely continue.                       confirm three Supreme Court Justices. The        away in September 2020, four months before
                  As the Biden Administration takes             Democrats got burned twice during Obama’s        Biden would take office. If she would have
             control of the White House, the Supreme            second term, once because of political           known the Trump Presidency was coming,
             Court has become a focus of the public and         maneuvering and the other due to a lack of       then she almost certainly would have retired.
             the Democratic party. According to The             foresight. Late Justice Antonin Scalia died      Sadly for her, she could not foresee this now
             Washington Post and other sources, Justice         suddenly in his sleep, but Obama was not able    infamous outcome.
             Stephen Breyer, the eldest liberal justice,        to get now U.S. Attorney General Merrick
                                                                                                                                      Continued on Page 6.
             has been pressured by many Democrats               Garland confirmed because of Republicans’,

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"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
Page 6                                                               THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                   March 2021

Stephen Breyer
Continued from Page 5.

     If Justice Breyer retires or a vacancy opens up,   with the Department of Homeland Security many           General, arguing 12 cases before the Supreme Court,
for whatever reason, Biden will certainly nominate      times over border wall actions and deportations.        even countering her old boss during oral arguments.
the first-ever Black woman to the Supreme Court.        She stopped Homeland Security from “fast                Kruger also has a more diverse background than
There have been two names specifically discussed        tracking” deportations of illegal immigrants            does Jackson, as the daughter of a Jamaican mother
for the vacancy: Kentanji Brown Jackson and             without immigration court hearings and from             and a Jewish father. Replacing Breyer with Kruger
Leondra Kruger.                                         circumventing certain environmental laws to             would also [add space]continue the tradition of the
     Of the two, Jackson appears to be the more         continue to build parts of the border wall. Jackson’s   “Jewish” seat, a longstanding norm since 1916,
progressive. She assisted indigent defendants,          most significant ruling came in 2019 when the           where at least one person of Jewish descent has
people who are too poor to pay a fine or to even        Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House            been a Justice on the court.
hire an attorney, for two years before becoming a       of Representatives sued Don McGahn for not                   Breyer’s retirement during Biden’s term feels
litigator at a private firm. She was nominated to       appearing when subpoenaed. She ruled in favor of        inevitable, especially at the age of 82. The next
become a judge for the United States District Court     the committee and wrote in her opinion the phrase       in line to become the eldest judge would be the
for the District of Columbia in 2012 by former          “Presidents are not kings,” which gained loads of       staunchly conservative Clarence Thomas, 10 years
President Obama. Since then, she has had a hand in      media attention.                                        younger than Breyer. Neither of them has health
many important rulings, particularly ones that have          Kruger is more moderate and has been known         concerns, so Thomas’ retirement could be another
gone against the Trump Administration.                  to be a swing voter during her short tenure on the      8-10 years away, and who knows which party will
     Many of these rulings involve matters              California Supreme Court. Her history as a judge        occupy the White House at that point. To keep the
surrounding immigration and executive decisions.        is brief and she does not have as many cases with       bench from falling too far to the right, though, the
In August 2018, Jackson invalidated parts of an         federal significance under her belt as Jackson does.    Democrats need Breyer to show foresight and retire
executive order limiting the time labor unions          She clerked for former Justice John Paul Stevens        while the they hold the Presidency — and, just as
could spend with their members. She clashed             and was an assistant to the United States Solicitor     importantly, Congress.

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"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
March 2021                                                          THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                         Page 7

                                          Dear America,
                                     the sixth of January was
                                    a domestic terrorist attack
                                                                        Amanda Hadad
                                                               MSP 170 The Montgazette Contributor

     “And we are going to the              Oklahoma City Bombing, The                established in the Constitution.        to The Texas Tribune, Cruz implied
Capitol, and we are going to try .         Charleston Church Shooting, and the            Thirteen Republican senators       that Philadelphia voting officials kept
. . and give them the kind of pride        Congressional Baseball Shooting.          followed suit and refused to            observers out, and, therefore, voters
and boldness that they need to take        In this case, however, it was former      acknowledge the results of the          had reason to question the number
back our country,” former President        President Trump, his allies and right-    election. Ted Cruz, the junior          of ballots counted in the critical
Trump bellowed toward a crowd of           wing extremist groups who persuaded       senator from Texas, promised to         battleground state. In addition to
supporters at the “Stop the Steal” rally   supporters to believe the Democratic      contest the votes of the swing states   Cruz, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley
on January 6, 2021. Soon afterward,        Party stole the election.                 Donald Trump had lost. He often         questioned the validity of mail-in
according to ABC News, thousands                The lies started in November.        repeated Trump’s claim of election      ballots, noticeably in Pennsylvania,
of rally attendees marched toward the           Shortly after the Associated Press   fraud. Cruz focused his legal efforts   and threw his support behind the
Capitol Building, where congressional      declared Joe Biden the winner of the      in Pennsylvania, a critical swing       election fraud campaign. Again, none
members were assembled to certify          2020 presidential election, Donald        state that Trump won in 2016. He        of these arguments stood up in court.
Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential    Trump took to Twitter and claimed to      publicly indicated that higher voter
election.                                  his 88 million followers that he had      turnout numbers were suspicious and                   Continued on Page 8.
     What happened next was an act         won: “We won this election, and we        warranted a court battle. According
of domestic terror: “an insurrection,      won it by a landslide.” He insinuated
incited by the President of the United     that Democrats stuffed the ballot
States,” declared Utah Senator Mitt        boxes with illegal votes and kept
Romney. Armed with weapons,                Republican observers from watching
angry Trump supporters violently           the ballot count. (Of course, none of
breached Capitol security in hopes         those charges held up in court.)
of overturning the election by                  The Washington Post reports
intimidation and violence. The FBI         that supporters immediately received
identifies any person or group that        emails and texts from the Trump
commits criminal actions on United         campaign, repeating Trump’s false
States soil to promote an ideology         narrative of a stolen election. They
deriving from domestic influences as       hoped to raise money for his newly
a domestic terrorist. These influences     established PAC and motivate his
include right-wing extremism, left-        voters to protest results in their
wing extremism, as well as religious       respective states. But Donald Trump’s
and environmental groups.                  motive was even more ominous: He
     Time and time again, these            sought to overturn the election results      Discarded Trump campaign signs in North Wildwood, New Jersey.
groups radicalize individuals to           by rallying his supporters against
                                                                                                                 Photo by Kylah McNamee.
carry out violent acts like the            the democratic process itself, long
"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
Page 8                                                               THE MONTGA ZET TE         March 2021

Dear America
Continued from Page 7.
     Although these tactics seem innocent,     citizens of their rights. In fact, Jon Ryan
they did, in fact, have a significant effect   Schaffer, a member of The Oath Keepers,
on voters. A recent Marist survey finds        told NPR reporters, “We’re not going to
that only a quarter of Republican voters       merge into some globalist, communist
trust the results of the election, while 95%   system; it will not happen. There will be a
of Democrats and 67% of Independents           lot of bloodshed if it comes down to that,
accept the results as fair and accurate.       trust me.” And while none of the theories
     Meanwhile, while Trump and his allies     hold, on January 6, 2021, there was plenty
continued to mislead supporters about the      of bloodshed.
election’s integrity, right-wing extremist          Five died, and more than 200 people
groups pledged support to keep Trump in        were injured on Capitol Hill that day
power no matter what. NPR reported that        because some of former President Trump’s
organizations such as The Three Percenters,    supporters believed their actions would
The Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Texas            thwart the peaceful transition of power. “I’m
Freedom Force, and other self-described        hoping the message was strong enough,”
Nazis and white supremacists vowed to          recalled Trump supporter Adam Newbold.
keep Trump in office.                          “But unfortunately, maybe it wasn’t. I hate
     These groups embraced a wide array of     to see this escalate more.”
theories, including that corrupt politicians        Those who stormed the Capitol that
are selling the country to communist           day used violence to further their agenda,
government actors who plan to strip            as any terrorist would—plain and simple.

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"Insurrection at the Capitol" - Read on Page 7 - Montgomery County ...
March 2021                                                      THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                            Page 9

                                               Is the College Theatre
                                                    going to last?
                                                                           Alaysha Gladden
                                                                  MSP 111 The Montgazette Contributor

                   The Montgomery County Community                    Although the theater community at the       another right now.
             College Theatre Arts Program has been an            college is still in good standing and getting         Once upon a time, not only could students
             incredible experience for me and a lot of other     newcomers every semester, the big issue in       audition and be a part of a play, but they were
             students. It has helped me with my mental           a lot of students’ minds is losing their own     also able to build an entire set and design
             health, and I consider myself lucky to have a       passion and drive for performance. For           the stage however they envisioned it. To see
             place to create such great bonds with faculty       me, the Montgomery County Community              something in your mind put to paper, and then
             and students. But will those bonds continue         College Theatre Arts Program was not just        to create it in the real world, is an exhilarating
             to be strong with the pandemic seemingly            a place where I took classes to get credit; it   thing to accomplish; not many at a young age
             pulling us apart?                                   became my family.                                can say that they have been a set designer,
                   As crazy as everything is in the world             Although students are still able to         lighting designer or costume designer before
             right now, it is troubling to feel that as time     participate virtually in putting on a play       getting their associate’s degree.
             goes on, we will not be as close to each other      and performing it, it is also very sad that
             as we once were, even in the “new normal.”          they don’t get all the full hands-on training                          Continued on Page 16.
             Being a part of the theatre community is as         because they are not able to be near one
             though I am with my second family; I feel
             nothing but unconditional love when I am
             around the other students and the teachers.
                   Ava Hollow, a Theatre Arts student at
             Montgomery County Community College,
             has been in every theatre production the
             College has put on since 2018 and a leader
             in the Drama Club. She states that “the
             friendships and relationships that we have
             built will last a lifetime, whether or not we
             ever get to perform live theatre again.”
                   Adjusting from studying and being a part
             of live theatre to the world of theatre through
             Internet and Zoom has been challenging. The
             faculty has been trying to make the situation
             feel as normal as possible by making sure to
             talk to students about how their own mental
             state has been affected.
                   In fact, according to Hollow, “Some of the
             new theatre students say that they appreciate
             that even with COVID stopping a lot of
             things, they are so grateful that the teachers
                                                                                      Production of “Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Play.”
             and students have not given up on theater and
                                                                                                     Photo by Alaysha Gladden.
             still want to keep the community going.”
Page 10                                                          THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                      March 2021

           Astrology, not just your daily horoscope
                                                                        Audrey Schippnick
                                                                MSP 170 The Montgazette Contributor

                Look up. The picture the stars and planets      social media platform makes her methods             and the questioning of the legitimacy of the
          paint are much greater than what the human            easily accessible to enthusiasts and to those       election. She has commented on the fall of
          eye can capture. The study of their influence on      who are newly curious.                              the value of cryptocurrency before it occurs
          us has intrigued many over time — but nothing               Stars that have been around since before      in order to encourage the public to stop
          like the interest Generation Z has shown with         the beginning of humanity as we know it are         investing. The use of these systems is not new.
          the current boom in new-age astrologers.              here to assist us even in the modern world.         They are simply becoming more apparent to
                Think of an area of your life: family,          Altman specifically uses astrological history as    the public as readings become accessible to a
          where you live, your career. You name it and          a guide to predicting crucial times for buying      newer and wider audience.
          there is a part of our galaxy that will have an       stocks and even cryptocurrency. Astrology can             Whether you choose to use astrology for
          influence on your story. The study of astrology       also be utilized for political events. The famous   a giggle, or if you use calculations to your
          systems and the planets’ transits has gone as far     line “Millionaires don’t need astrologers,          advantage — it will always be there. The
          as pointing to when major social, political, or       billionaires do,” stated by J.P. Morgan, comes      strategic use of astrological systems shows
          economic movements of their own will occur.           to mind. If elitists are aware of the system,       correlation, not causation. We will always
          Most of us do not like thinking that we as            then the general public should be as well.          exist under the influence of forces much
          individuals, or as a society, are so predictable.           Months ahead of the 2020 election,            greater than ourselves. This is not a religion.
          Astrology is no longer just the small column          Altman made a video with predictions for            It is an option. With millions across the globe
          at the bottom of a magazine; this is a growing        the election’s result. In it, she broke down        stuck in quarantine, social media platforms
          and trendy way of life.                               a play by play of what, then, eventually did        have boomed like never before. We might as
                Astrology is made up of twelve zodiac           happen. Altman predicted President Biden’s          well use our mandated free time to broaden
          signs and twelve corresponding houses. Each           win, Donald Trump’s rejection of the results        our horizons.
          zodiac represents an archetype, and each
          house corresponds with an area of your life.
          For example, the first house correlates to
          the physical body, the appearance, and it is
          known as the house of self. By entering one’s
          birth date, location of birth and birth time, a
          natal chart can be composed. This applies to
          businesses and countries as well, if all of the
          above information is known.
                Gen Z has used social media, specifically
          TikTok, to resurrect an interest in the age-old
          study of astrology. An astrology enthusiast, Maren
          Altman has repainted the image that many see in
          the stars, mixing new technology with centuries-
          old techniques.
                Astrology is not a belief. The system
          does not care if you utilize it or not. It is there
          to be recognized or ignored. Altman uses
          the power of predictability by referencing
          historical events along with their planetary                        The U.S. birth chart, free and easily accessible to the public.
          positions when comparing them to upcoming                                                  Photo by Audrey Schippnick.
          events. Combining this with such a popular
March 2021                                                         THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                         Page 11

                     Making music through a pandemic
                                                                      Emma Daubert
                                                            MSP 111 The Montgazette Contributor

     Making music is an important         of not having that exposure to other      their lives. When asked about student-     safer times post pandemic, it looks
part of many lives, as it challenges      musicians could have changed my           teacher connections during this time,      as though many music programs
the mind and allows people to express     passion for music altogether.             Snyder stated, “No, I do not feel as       will change forever, as teachers
themselves. Because of the recent              Katie Snyder, a student majoring     connected, due to the lack of face-        have developed ways to learn and
global pandemic, however, those           in Music Education at University of       to-face instruction, and when we are       grow online. We can only hope that
challenges have been taken to the         Delaware, who has been in music           face to face, it is in very small groups   these newly reformed programs will
next level. Schools these days have       programs throughout her years in          that do not get to interact and truly be   continue to give students a community
been forced to find a way to transfer     school, says, “The pandemic has           immersed in the music.”                    feel and immersive education within
teaching and extracurricular activities   certainly changed my perspective on            Moving toward reopening and           this modified experience.
online, and that includes music.          music, but not my passion. I am just
     Shania Daubert, an elementary        as dedicated to music as I was when
school student learning the trumpet       I started, but the lens through which I
through virtual music classes, says       see it has changed.”
that she feels it “would be better to          A big task since the pandemic
work in person and would have been        started has been trying to feel just as
easier to learn and play with the         connected as we were before, without
other students.”                          being near one another. Most schools
     From my own experience in a          have resorted to dropping the big
band program, pre-pandemic, I can         band aspect and focusing on helping
say that some of my favorite times to     students learn more about themselves
play were during big band practices.      and their instruments individually
Being around everyone and able to         with private lessons. This allows
learn and play together changed the       students to strengthen their basics
experience completely. In fact, the       and become better musicians in their
feeling of having another student, one    own way.
who comes from an entirely different           Snyder, however, feels her
musical background, play next to          musical experience has definitely been
you helps you grow as a musician.         lessened by the pandemic overall,
You learn to blend and mix your           although her professors are doing                         Band instruments flute, piccolo and trumpet.
sound into the sound of the band as a     everything in their power to ensure                                     Photo by Emma Daubert.
whole, and it is exhilarating. Thinking   that the students still have music in

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  To advertise in The Montgazette, please email montgazette@
                                                                                      The Montgazette is published twice a semester from October to
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Page 12                                                    THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                     March 2021

                                                  Avast ye!
                                            The Buccaneers have
                                             captured the booty!

                                                                   Sufyan Davis-Arrington
                                                                 The Montgazette Contributor

               Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers           Along with Brady came tight-end Rob          coaches in the NFL are undervalued. Arians
          are the 2020 Super Bowl champions,               Gronkowski, who decided to come out of            certainly appears to be correct, as less than
          defeating the defending champion, the Kansas     retirement and collaborate with his former        15% of the coaches in the NFL are Black
          City Chiefs, and their high-powered offense      Patriot teammate once again. Together,            — in a league where they make up roughly
          by a final score of 31 to 9. The Buccaneers      Brady and Gronkowski have been one of             65% of the athlete population. Due in part to
          prevented the Chiefs from scoring even one       the most prolific QB-to-receiver duos in          Arians’ and others’ efforts to shine a light on
          touchdown.                                       NFL history. In the playoffs alone, Brady         the lack of Black coaches in the league, this
               Quarterback Patrick Mahomes of the          and Gronkowski have combined to record            may open the door to more opportunities for
          Kansas City Chiefs struggled tremendously        13 touchdowns, one more than the San              African American coaches.
          to find open receivers and the end zone.         Francisco 49ers Hall-of Fame combination               In addition to the coordinators, Arians
          According to CBS Sports, Mahomes                 of Joe Montana and Jerry Rice, who had 12         hired two full-time female assistants, Lori
          completed 26 of 49 passes, throwing for only     postseason touchdowns.                            Locust and Maral Javadifar, to be a part of
          270 yards and 2 interceptions. In comparison,         According to CBS sports, Tom Brady           his organization. Locust is an assistant coach
          Tom Brady, quarterback of the Tampa Bay          has been named Superbowl MVP three times          for the defensive line and is in her second
          Buccaneers, completed 21 of 29 attempts          in his career. Now at age 43, he says in an       year with the team. Also in her second
          for 201 yards and 3 touchdowns. The game         ESPN report that he is not quite finished         year, Javadifar is an assistant strength-and-
          was a one-sided affair. In an attempt to buy     yet, stating that he “will definitely consider    conditioning coach on the staff. The advent
          time, Mahomes scrambled for a total of 497       playing past age 45.” Does Tom Brady have         of female coaches is another new wrinkle that
          yards before releasing the ball as Tampa         more championships in him? I guess football       is slowly taking shape in the NFL, a league
          Bay’s defensive line feasted on the Chief’s      fans will have to wait and see.                   where it once would have been unthinkable
          depleted offensive line, who were without             Speaking of “old,” Bruce Arians,             to have a female coach. Here, once again,
          three prominent members. Inside linebacker       head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers,           Arians appears to be leading the charge.
          Devin White put the icing on the cake for        became the oldest head coach to win the                Not to be outdone, however, is a man
          the Bucs by intercepting the ball in Tampa       Super Bowl. More importantly, though,             who Philadelphia sports fans know very
          Bay territory with a minute and 33 seconds       Arians is the first coach in the history of the   well — Andy Reid, who is now with the
          remaining in the game.                           NFL to assign all major coordinator roles to      Chiefs. Reid, long known for being one
               Tom Brady officially won his seventh        African Americans, according to the Tampa         of the most forward-thinking coaches,
          Superbowl, personally possessing more            Bay Times. Offensive coordinator Byron            boasts seven minority coaches on his
          championships than any other organization        Leftwich, Defensive Coordinator Todd              staff, including offensive coordinator Eric
          in the NFL. As many may know, Tom Brady          Bowles, Special Teams Coordinator Keith           Bieniemy. Bieniemy was one of the most
          won six of his championships with the New        Armstrong and run game coordinator Harold         talked about head coaching prospects in the
          England Patriots during 20 seasons alongside     Goodwin are all recognized for their strong       most recent hiring cycle in the NFL, largely
          coaching legend Bill Belichick. In the 2020      work in making the Bucs a championship            for his role in developing Patrick Mahomes.
          offseason, Tom Brady had an acrimonious          team this season.                                 Yet, Bieniemy walked away with nothing
          departure from the Patriots, largely fueled           According to an article by William           and is currently negotiating an extension
          by a frayed relationship with Belichick, and     Ricks of Sportscasting.com, Bruce Arians          with the Chiefs.
          eventually decided to continue his illustrious   is a strong supporter of racial equality and
          career in Tampa Bay.                             social justice, with the belief that Black                            Continued on Page 18.
March 2021                                                        THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                    Page 13

                   Russian rhythmic gymnasts are the
                     strongest athletes in the world
                                                                     Krystyna Ursta
                                                           MSP 170 The Montgazette Contributor

     Margarita Mamun wakes up,           for 7 months. The Russian team
grabs her morning latte, and gets        believes this was a planned rumor
ready for her day. She takes the         spread in order to help other teams
earliest morning bus for the long        worldwide catch up with Russian
ride to Novogorsk, Russia, to start      rhythmic mastery.
her grueling daily training. This             Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport
young lady is getting ready for the      that meets art and makes a perfect “yin
2021 Summer Olympics, which              and yang” balance that deserves to
will take place in Tokyo. She is a       stay in the Olympic Games schedule.
rhythmic gymnast.                        The Olympic committee has been
     Rhythmic gymnastics is a            considering      removing      rhythmic
very beautiful sport. Performances       gymnastics from the Olympic
feature flexible elements with           Games schedule, unless Fédération
featured apparatus and props such as     Internationale de Gymnastique allows
rope, hoop, ball, clubs, and ribbon.     male participants to compete both
Many think it should be taken off        in individual and group acts. Many
the Olympic discipline; however, I       rhythmic coaches around the world
believe we need to follow this sport     support this idea. Male competitors
more closely because these athletes      will have their first chance to perform
are some of the best in the world.       professionally and compete at the
     Among these talented athletes and   2021 Russian Games.
their teams, the Russian Federation           Irina Viner, a head for coach of
Rhythmic Team is the strongest. Their    the RFRT, is a living legend who
athletes have consistently brought       will forever be remembered for her
back home Olympic gold medals            accomplishments in this beautiful
since the 2000 Games in Sydney.          and delicate sport. Her path to
In fact, as of 2021, RFRT won five       coaching in rhythmic gymnastics
Olympic medals in a row. The Russian     was very unexpected. Viner wanted
team developed many different moves      to learn a “bridge” move and now
that only athletes from their country    she is the most famous coach in the
can perform because of the moves’        rhythmic gymnastics world. Her
complexity. They have a highly secret    methods are very harsh and many
training process and the best coaches    think that she puts too much pressure
in the sport. However, back in 2002,     on the young athletes; however, you
Alina Kabaeva and Irina Tchachina        can’t deny the success her methods
were accused of doping and were          bring the Russian team.
banned from performing in any                                                             Olympic Silver Medalist Yana Kudryavtseva.
rhythmic gymnastics’ competitions                     Continued on Page 17.                           Photo by Pixabay.com.
Page 14                                                                THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                   March 2021

                                       Eagles in disarray
                                                                           Daniel Johnson
                                                                 MSP 170 The Montgazette Contributor

     Philadelphians and NFL fans           words about how the Eagles have            Head Coach Nick Sirianni.                 a conditional 2022 second round pick,
alike were surprised to hear that the      handled their offseason to this point,          The Eagles have a respectable        a ridiculously low value for a player
Philadelphia Eagles were letting           stating, “I don’t think they did him       backup quarterback in Jalen Hurts,        of his stature. This officially leaves
go of Head Coach Doug Pederson             [Wentz] any favors by trying to …          behind whom the team seemed to            the team in a complete rebuild mode
after five seasons with the team and       protect his ego or trying to really        rally late in the season. Common          with a new head coach in former Colts
a Super Bowl win in 2017. Reports          protect him as a player as opposed         thought by many fans was that             offensive coordinator Nick Sirianni
over the last couple of weeks state the    to — just like every other player —        Hurts’ play at the end of the season      who did not impress many at his
firing came in the wake of the Eagles      keeping it performance based and           would likely earn himself at least        introductory press conference.
quarterback controversy between            really being real about what he needed     a shot at the starter position next            After winning Super Bowl LII
starter Carson Wentz and backup            to improve on.” Jenkins’ words reflect     year. However, the team chose to          just four years ago, the Eagles have
Jalen Hurts. Despite Wentz’s struggles     those of many others in the past           move on from their standout coach,        now lost the quarterback who won
this season, the front office, including   about the Eagles showing too much          most likely to appease and salvage        the game and was named its MVP
General Manager Howie Roseman              favoritism toward Wentz.                   a relationship with Wentz and keep        in Nick Foles. They lost their coach
and Owner Jeffrey Lurie, made it                Wentz has struggled at times in       him as the face of the franchise. Now,    in Doug Pederson, who led the
clear to team and league officials that    his career and especially this year,       current trends and reports point to the   franchise to its first championship in
they still believed that Wentz could       leading the league in turnovers with       Eagles moving on from Wentz.              57 years (1960) and its first Super
regain his MVP form.                       15 interceptions and four fumbles in            Likewise, the player that likely     Bowl in just his second year with
     On the other hand, Pederson was       the 2020 season.                           forced the Eagles to make those           the team, largely due to Wentz. And
not so keen on the idea of committing           With multiple reports surfacing       moves (Wentz), wants out of town          now, they are without all three of
to Wentz as quarterback, which             about a potential Wentz trade heating      just two years after receiving a          them with an aging, oft-injured, and
created tension between Pederson           up, the quarterback’s leadership value     massive contract. And, once again,        overpaid roster. The Eagles front
and team officials throughout the          has taken a big hit inside the locker      he got his wish on February 18, as        office has gotten themselves into
2020 season. Ultimately, after a 4-11-     room. A well-sourced piece written by      Wentz was traded to the Indianapolis      this mess and now they must get
1 season from the Eagles, and the          Joseph Santoliquito of the PhillyVoice     Colts for a 2021 third round pick and     themselves out of it.
mounting disagreements between             details the current relationship
Pederson and the front office about        between Wentz and his fellow players,
the future direction of the team, the      reporting that players were “pissed”
Eagles fired Pederson and may have         upon hearing that Wentz planned to
made one of the biggest mistakes in        ask for a trade, feeling that Wentz quit
franchise history.                         on the team and his teammates.
     While Wentz’s talent is obvious,           A source within the Eagles
there clearly has been dysfunction         organization told Santoliquito, “Is
between Wentz and many factions            there anyone in here who’s going to
of the organization. Despite efforts       believe in [Wentz]? I can’t speak for
by Wentz two years ago to mend             everyone, but I have a good feeling
relationships within the locker room,      that there are a lot of guys who don’t
he is now faced with even more             right now.” Wentz has been silent,
disunity than before.                      failing to deny any of the accusations                  Doug Pederson (left) and Carson Wentz (right).
     Recently, former Eagles safety        in recent months and, notably, failing
                                                                                                          Photo by Bing.com Creative Commons Images.
Malcolm Jenkins had some choice            to publicly welcome Eagles’ new
March 2021                                                         THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                       Page 15

ENTERTAINMENT                                                           Film Review:

                                A sheep among wolves
                                                                               Nina Lima
                                                                        The Montgazette Contributor

                     Cartoon Saloon’s smashing finale to           upon a free-spirited girl, Mebh, who claims     2D animation is not only alive and well but
                their Irish folklore trilogy, “Wolfwalkers,”       to be a Wolfwalker: a human by day but a        that it can still pack a punch. Sean Bean
                recently earned a nomination for best              wolf when she sleeps.                           brings life and depth as Robyn’s father,
                animated film at the Golden Globe Awards,               While trying to help Mebh find her         making the audience want to cheer for him
                the most important precursor to the Oscars.        missing mother, Robyn uncovers the truth        one moment and nearly hate him the next.
                Their competition was steep, with studio           about the forest and herself. The film spins    Themes of friendship and found family make
                giants like Disney, Dreamworks and Sony            a tale full of whimsy and imagination with      “Wolfwalkers” a film that touches your heart
                already having several early season awards         the backdrop of the Irish town of Kilkenny,     and sticks with you long after the credits roll.
                under their belts.                                 briefly after the English sieged and took            While Disney’s “Soul” comes from
                     Ireland’s Cartoon Saloon began                control of it in 1650, promising an engaging    the well-established Pixar universe and
                their animation journey in 2005 when               experience for young and old movie              Dreamwork’s “The Croods: A New Age” is
                their first film, “The Secret of the Kells”        watchers alike.                                 a continuation of an already beloved story,
                entered production. With a team of only                 “Wolfwalkers” is a visually exquisite      “Wolfwalkers” appeals to an audience’s
                300 animators, “The Secret of the Kells”           film; each frame is seemingly plucked           inner child and wraps the viewer in a
                earned recognition at home and abroad by           from the pages of a children’s book.            mystical, dreamlike world unlike any other
                snagging a nomination for best animated            From the crowded and angular streets of         release this year.
                film from the Oscars while also winning            Kilkenny to the fluid and rich vegetation            The film’s masterfully woven story
                several equivalent awards from Ireland,            of the forest, every moment is bustling         and incredibly detailed artwork give
                Scotland and even South Korea’s biggest            with unforgettable imagery.                     “Wolfwalkers” endless re-watchability, a rare
                award shows.                                            What’s more, the score perfectly           quality in an animated film. The competition
                     After their first film’s success, they went   captures the mystery of the Irish folklore,     may be strong, but this love letter to Irish
                on to produce “Song of the Sea” in 2014 and        paying homage to traditional songs. Through     folklore may just be enchanting enough to
                “The Breadwinner” in 2017, earning several         the use of clever cinematography and striking   beat them out and win the Golden Globe and
                more nominations and awards, but still they        color contrasts, Cartoon Saloon proves that     Oscar for best animated film.
                lived in the bigger studios’ shadows. Despite
                Cartoon Saloon’s youth, they may have a shot
                of stealing past their competition with their
                most recent film, the vivid and charming 2D
                animated film, “Wolfwalkers.”
                     “Wolfwalkers” tells the story of a young
                aspiring hunter, Robyn, and her father, who
                is hired to kill the last pack of wolves in 17th
                century Ireland. Against her father’s wishes,
                Robyn sneaks into the forests and stumbles
Page 16                                                                  THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                     March 2021


Continued from Page 9.
      Using Zoom a lso adds the problem           student at the College, says that “even
of performing plays online, such as when          though I am honored to be a part of the plays
someone’s connection drops. It was                and productions and get to see my friends
troubling in rehearsal when a screen would        through a screen, it hurts, as well, not to be
just go black or log actors out of their Zoom     with them in person. It’s hard to get out of
room. During tech rehearsal, actors faced         our own heads when we are surrounded by
many complications, including access to           the same people and looking at the same
Internet and Wi-Fi support.                       four walls in our rooms and do not feel as

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      Hollow says, “I thoroughly enjoyed          excited as we normally would be.”
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we couldn’t really get the experience of          and challenges that come with doing
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March 2021                                                         THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                            Page 17

                           Film review: “Sound of Metal”
                                                                      Nicholas Young
                                                                 The Montgazette Contributor

     The deprivation of the ability to   during his freefall into total deafness.   interspersed moments of silence             makes friends, plays games, and so
go to movie theaters has been easily     Conversations are either muddled or        are tantamount to the film, facial          on, all with the nagging problem of
one of the most irritating things for    incoherent, until he is assisted by a      expressions and eye movement are            maintaining his sobriety. The film
me throughout the pandemic. My love      machine or another person.                 vital to a believable performance. Riz      holds nothing back in terms of what
for the experience knows no bounds,           The silence is purposefully           Ahmed achieves this in spades and           it is like to live as a deaf person. The
and, without it, I feel incomplete.      unnerving and deftly placed in the         creates a portrayal of a heavy-metal        crew of actors also features many
However, the advent of streaming         film. This aspect is clearly meant to be   drummer, for which he practiced two         deaf individuals, such as Lauren
services has been able to satiate my     heard in a theater, where the darkness     hours a day, losing his most important      Ridloff, a cast member of the
desire a little. That said, “Sound of    and protruding silence would truly         sense so effectively that it could easily   upcoming Marvel film “Eternals.”
Metal,” featuring Riz Ahmed, Olivia      penetrate the audience. Frustratingly,     win him an Oscar for Best Actor.                  The only possible flaw I could
Cooke and Paul Raci, makes me            we have been denied this luxury. That      Every moment of triumph and despair         level toward this film would be that it
even more frustrated that I could not    is not to say that the movie cannot        is evocative and brings the audience        is a slow burn in the beginning until
experience it in a theater.              be enjoyed in one’s own home; it           closer to the character’s reality.          the sections involving the learning
     A great portion of the film is      just means that viewers must leave              The most important aspect of           center and onward. Otherwise, this
predicated on sound design and,          aside the time and absolute focus to       this film is almost certainly the           film has “Best Picture” written all
even more importantly, silence.          appreciate this excellent movie.           inspiring moments where Stone               over it. If you have the time and focus
Darius Marder, director and                   The individual performances by        becomes part of the deaf community          to sit down and watch this exquisite
principal screenwriter, expertly         Riz Ahmed (also in “Nightcrawler”)         and tries to cope with his loss of          movie, do yourself a favor and watch
lets the audience hear what Ruben        and Paul Raci are truly masterful.         hearing, with the community’s               it in the dark with good speakers to
Stone, the main character, hears         Since the lack of dialogue and             guidance. He learns sign language,          truly enjoy the experience.

Continued from Page 13.
     The trainer’s last name sounds like the English   ahead of her time.                                             The trainer and her graduates have fought
word “winner,” and, with reference to her, many             In mid-2000, FIG decided to lower the standards      hard for rhythmic gymnastics to be taken
use the popular quote “Viner takes it all.” Indeed,    for risqué moves and elements in the gymnastics           seriously in the Olympic Games. Mamun
Viner’s pupils do take it all. Viner trained stars     performances, due to other countries’ teams not           successfully proved to the world that rhythmics
like Yana Batyrshina, Yulia Barsukova, Laisan          being able to compete with the high skills and new        is an incredibly hard sport with the mastery of
Utyasheva, Alina Kabaeva, Irina Tchachina,             elements Kabaeva introduced in her performances.          her craft on display in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro
Yevgeniya Kanaeva, Yana Kudryavtseva,                  Other athletes were simply not flexible enough to         Olympics. She won an Olympic gold medal,
Margarita Mamun, Dina and Arina Averina,               repeat those elements, so FIG decided not to grade        which helped bring more attention to this sport.
and many more. However, Viner’s most famous            them for Kabaeva, which made it harder for her to         News all over the world reported that the RFRG
graduate is Alina Kabaeva.                             get the high scores she deserved.                         team had, once again, won an Olympic gold
     Kabaeva is known for her ahead-of-her-time             Another one of Viner’s pupils, Yevgenia              medal, now 16 years in a row!
rhythmic techniques, which require incredible          Kanaeva, is known to be the best rhythmic gymnast              The Russian team proved once again to be the
flexibility, artistry and charisma during her          of all time. Through her career, Kanaeva won more         strongest and the most unique team of the Olympic
performances. The gymnast and her trainer              than 63 gold medals, three silver, and zero bronze.       athletes, perhaps ever to compete. Audiences all
revolutionized rhythmic gymnastics and brought         She became an Olympic Champion twice, winning             over the world are impatiently waiting to see what
countless new elements and works with rhythmic         a gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and,            the graduates of Irina Viner have prepared for the
apparatus. Kabaeva’s mastery was incredibly            again, in the 2012 London Olympics.                       2021 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.
Page 18                                                                   THE MONTGA ZET TE                                                                       March 2021

                               Film Review: Take another drink: “Druk”
                                                                              Josh Young
                                                                     The Montgazette Editor-in-Chief

     Despite COVID shutting down              know how he got like this. The four        four characters — and shows alcohol’s       an emotional breakdown. Later,
theaters and disrupting virtually every       then come together to embark on a          effects on each of them — while at          when he starts drinking and takes
aspect of everyday life, there is still       pseudoscientific experiment to test        the same time making sure that the          a renewed interest in his job, the
one thing that cinephiles can count           out the (real) hypothesis of Norwegian     plot, and our focus, stays centered         scenes are initially empowering and
on: studios around the globe figuring         psychologist Finn Skarderud, who           primarily on Martin. Vinterberg does        uplifting. But, as this plan starts to
out a way to release movies, no matter        speculates that humans are born with       this by splicing together scenes from       unravel, Martin’s life becomes that
what. And the Danish film “Druk,”             a blood alcohol content (BAC) that         the other three characters that give us a   much more depressing.
which translates roughly into English as      is 0.05 percent too low, and that by       glimpse into their lives and their pasts         The plot points eventually build
“binge-drinking,” certainly fits that bill.   drinking to this threshold people are      — but pausing to really show us who         up into the finale, which may be the
     “Druk,” which debuted at the             more relaxed and creative. As one          Martin was and is. In doing so, we also     best and most exhilarating ending to
Toronto International Film Festival           might imagine, things start off well       see how alcohol comes to take on an         a film as any in the last five years. All
in September 2020, follows the story          but do not stay that way.                  increasing role in each of their lives.     I will say about it is that Mikkelsen is
of four friends, Tommy, Martin, Peter              While this film certainly has              But it is Mads Mikkelson who           a former professional ballet dancer,
and Nikolaj, who all teach at the same        an intriguing plot, it could very          gives “Druk” its heart and emotional        and he puts these dancing skills to
high school in Copenhagen. Each of            easily unravel into a hot mess, partly     pull. Mikkelson has a knack for             good use.
the four friends are miserable and            because it would be much easier for        playing dark, wounded characters                 “Druk” may be the best movie of
feel that they are in a rut. However,         each of the characters to come off         whose real selves are revealed over         the year, despite the unlikeliness of its
the protagonist, Martin, played by the        as caricatures or merely people with       time, such as his breakout character        even being nominated for an Oscar,
great Mads Mikkelson is perhaps the           whom the audience does not have a          Le Chiffre in “Casino Royale” and,          as the Academy has a notorious
worst off. His marriage is crumbling,         connection. Fortunately, this does         perhaps, his most famous role, Dr.          penchant for ignoring foreign films
his kids do not seem to care about him,       not happen, in large part because of       Hannibal Lecter in “Hannibal” — and         (“Parasite” exempted). That said,
parents of his students are concerned         two things: the direction of Thomas        he uses this ability to full effect here.   voters for the European Film Awards
about his boring teaching style, and it       Vinterberg and the performance of its           The early scenes, where                seem to appreciate the power of this
is clear he is trapped in a deep malaise      lead star, Mikkelson.                      Mikkelsen sits alone in a dark              film. “Druk” took home the awards
of depression and sadness from which               Vinterberg,     who     previously    room in a deeply depressed state            for several “Bests”: Screenplay, Actor
he feels he cannot escape.                    worked with Mikkelson on the Oscar-        as his wife ignores him, and where          for Mikkelson, Director, and Picture.
     Then, at a dinner party to celebrate     winning film “The Hunt” (check it          he is grilled by irate parents,             I certainly hope it at least takes the
Peter’s birthday, Martin’s mask finally       out!), does a tremendous job of taking     are extremely uncomfortable, as             award for Best Foreign Film at this
slips as he tearfully says he does not        the viewer into the lives of each of the   Martin looks to be on the verge of          year’s Oscars.

Buccaneers Superbowl
Continued from Page 12.

     The passing over of Bieniemy seems even more           for organizations such as the Los Angeles Chargers.       together on his way to winning Offensive Rookie
curious when one looks at who was picked instead,                Although the Chargers have never won a Super         of the Year, the hiring of Bieniemy seemed like a
most notably the Texans’ hiring of David Culley             Bowl, they do have a history of being competitive         match made in heaven. Perhaps this demonstrates
and the Lions’ hiring of Dan Campbell, both white           and bouncing back quickly from rough spells in their      that while the NFL has made some strides regarding
men with less dazzling credentials. While we might          history. Instead of Bieniemy, the Chargers hired          diversity, there are still some steps left to be taken.
be able to chalk that up to the Texans and Lions            Brandon Staley who, was defensive coordinator for         After all, recent evidence in football and beyond
being two long-suffering franchises that appear to          the Los Angeles Rams. Considering the spectacular         shows the massive benefits of having a coaching
be allergic to winning, the same could not be said          rookie season that quarterback Justin Herbert put         staff of diverse races and backgrounds.
You can also read