INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack

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INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
Old Mutual Limited

INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
About our report

                     1     Our Integrated Report
                           is supplemented by a
                           suite of additional online
                           publications. These                                                            Old Mutual                                              Old Mutual                                             Old Mutual                                          Old Mutual                                                        OMLACSA
                                                                                                          Limited                                                 Limited                                                Limited                                             Limited                                                           Annual
                           can be accessed on our                                                         Governance                                              Remuneration                                           Responsible                                         Annual                                                            Financial
                           corporate website.

                                                                                                          Report 2019                                             Report 2019                                            Business                                            Financial                                                         Statements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Impact Report                                       Statements                                                        2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2019                                                2019

                                                                      Old Mutual Limited                                      Old Mutual Limited                                    Old Mutual Limited                                   Old Mutual Limited                                        Old Mutual Limited

                                                                      GOVERNANCE REPORT                                       REMUNERATION REPORT                                   RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS IMPACT REPORT                   ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                               OMLACSA ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 Refer to     2019                                                    2019                                                                                                       2019                                                      2019

                                                                              DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY                               DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY                             DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY                            DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY                                 DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY

                                                                                                                        GOV                                                   REM                                                   RB                                                    AFS                                                                      AFS

                         Reporting scope and boundary                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lines of business
                         This report covers the activities of the Group for the period 1 January                                                                  ability to create value. This report fairly presents the integrated
                         2019 to 31 December 2019. It provides an overview of our strategy and key                                                                performance of the Group. This report was approved by the
                         activities to create value over the short, medium and long term in each of                                                               Board on 30 March 2020.

                         our operating environments. This report extends beyond financial reporting                                                                                                                                                                                               Life and Savings                              Asset Management
                         and includes non-financial performance, our approach to risk management,                                                                 Materiality
                         an overview of our material risks and a summary of our governance and                                                                    This report focuses particularly on those issues, opportunities
                         remuneration practices.                                                                                                                  and challenges that impact materially on Old Mutual Limited
                                                                                                                                                                  and its ability to consistently deliver value to our stakeholders in a
                         Reporting f rameworks                                                                                                                    sustainable manner.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Banking and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Property and
                         Our integrated report has been compiled in accordance with the principles
                         of the International Integrated Reporting  Framework and the King IV™
                         Governance code. As a South African company listed on the JSE, we also                                                                     Forward looking statements                                                                                              Stakeholders
                         comply with the JSE Listings Requirements and the South African Companies                                                                  This report may contain certain forward looking statements with
                         Act, 71 of 2008 (as amended). Our annual financial statements, an extract of                                                               respect to certain of Old Mutual Limited’s plans and its current

                         which are included in this report, have been prepared in accordance with                                                                   expectations relating to its future financial condition, performance
                         International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).                                                                                        and results. By their nature, all forward looking statements involve                                                        Communities                             Regulators       Employees

                                                                                                                                                                    risk and uncertainty because they relate circumstances which are
                         Combined assurance
                                                                                                                                                                    beyond Old Mutual Limited’s control including, domestic conditions
                         A combined review by management and internal audit was performed                                                                           as well as global economic and business conditions, market related
                         to ensure the accuracy of our reporting content, with the Board and its                                                                    risks, the policies and actions of regulatory authorities, the impact of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Investors                             Intermediaries    Customers

                         subcommittees providing an oversight role. This report is not audited, but
                                                                                                                                                                    competition, inflation, the timing and impact of other uncertainties
                         contains certain information that has been extracted from the audited
                                                                                                                                                                    of future acquisitions or combinations within relevant industries, as                                                   Capitals
                         consolidated annual financial statements, on which an unmodified audit
                                                                                                                                                                    well as the impact of tax and other legislation and other regulations in
                         opinion has been expressed by the Group’s joint independent external

                                                                                                                                                                    the jurisdictions in which Old Mutual Limited and its affiliates operate.
                         auditors, KPMG Inc. and Deloitte & Touche.
                                                                                                                                                                    As a result, actual future financial condition, performance and results
                         Directors responsibility                                                                                                                   may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth                                                       Financial                                Natural         Human
                                                                                                                                                                    in forward looking statements. Old Mutual Limited undertakes no
                         The Board acknowledges its responsibility for ensuring the integrity of this
                                                                                                                                                                    obligation to update the forward looking statements contained in
                         integrated report. The Board has considered the operating context, strategy
                                                                                                                                                                    this report. Nothing in this report shall constitute an offer to sell or the
                         and value creation model and this report, in the Board’s opinion, addresses all
                                                                                                                                                                    solicitation of an offer to buy securities.                                                                                  Social and                             Intellectual    Manufactured
                         the issues that are material to, or could have a material effect on, the Group’s                                                                                                                                                                                       Relationship

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack


                                    Message f rom the Chairman                                       3
                                    Message f rom the Interim Chief Executive Off icer              4
                                    Our Group at a glance                                            5

                         Overview   Our operations across 14 countries
                                    Group highlights

                                    An established history over 175 years                           8
                                    Operating context                                              10
                                    Board of directors                                              11
                                    Executive committee                                             12

                                                                       OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
Message from the Chairman


                                                                              “We stand ready to govern through what looks to be a

                                                                                challenging year for all of us, our customers, our business
                                                                                and the global economy”

                                                                              Trevor Manuel, Chairman

                         2019 was a year where the Board was expected to                       governance roadshows that we used both for listening and             belief of creating shared value for our investors, employees,
                         demonstrate strong, ethical leadership to get the                     for sharing updates. In considering how to incorporate their         customers and communities. We will retain a sharp focus on the
                                                                                               feedback in our remuneration policy, we again practiced a            long term sustainability of the Group and focus on enhancing
                         business through a difficult leadership decision.

                                                                                               principle of balance, also considering our strategic priorities to   our competitiveness. By the end of 2019, we have responsibly
                         Our governance principles and unity of purpose                        attract and retain talent in order to create longer term value for   invested R133.1 billion in socially inclusive, low carbon and
                         were tested. The depth and diversity of experience                    our stakeholders.                                                    resource efficient investments, representing 17% of assets under
                         of the Board ensured we remained united and                                                                                                management.
                                                                                               Old Mutual continues to be the dependable and reputable
                         focused on the tasks at hand. The crisis also
                                                                                               brand we have been to our customers for many decades. In             We are living through unanticipated and unprecedented times.
                         presented as an opportunity to build trust with                       the early days after the establishment of Old Mutual our motto       The stresses induced by the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus),
                         our stakeholders in our first full year as a listed                   became “a certain friend in uncertain times” and this has            compel us to factor so much more into the already complex
                         company.                                                              remained the lodestar for all of the 175 years. Over the period we   matrix of decision making. We need to understand the new
                                                                                               have grown from a small mutual life company to a large multi-        environment and use this appreciation to support all of our
                         The termination of employment of the former chief executive,          offering financial services group, with operations in 14 countries   stakeholders and demonstrate continually to be “a certain
                         Peter Moyo, was a decision rooted in principles-based

                                                                                               and listings on 5 stock exchanges. Through our many years of         friend in uncertain times”. At the time of writing we are aware
                         governance. This was not about simply adhering to rules but           operating we have gained valuable insights and vast experience,      that the impact of COVID-19, will irrevocably change society
                         also required the Board to measure its actions as the guardian of     which we apply in our business today. The most important             across healthcare provision, social dynamics and economic
                         the Group’s integrity and reputation. This proved to be a difficult   lesson we continue to apply is that the things our customers         outcomes. Whilst we are not yet certain about the extent of
                         task. Communicating openly during a period when so many               and other stakeholders really care about seldom change. While        the devastation of COVID-19 including both the period and
                         matters were under consideration by the courts and when the           the world continues to change, we remain focused on finding          depth of disruption, we need to pay detailed attention to our
                         share price was under pressure was tough. At every step of the        modern, innovative and relevant solutions to those core needs        contract with stakeholders, including the fact that the business
                         way we weighed up the impact of our decision on each of the           that never change.                                                   is sufficiently capitalised and has appropriate liquidity levels to
                         Group’s stakeholders, understanding that investors, employees,                                                                             honour our commitments.
                         customers and the general public may respond differently              Being, and being seen to be, a good corporate citizen has raised
                         depending on the availability of clear information. Further, we       the standards of good governance. As senior leaders we must          We stand ready to govern the business through what looks to be

                         had to maintain open channels of communication with our               commit to be actively accessible and accountable towards our         a challenging year for all of us, our customers, our business and
                         regulators.                                                           communities and we must recognise the larger stewardship role        the global economy. We remain committed to ensuring that Old
                                                                                               that organizations have to play. It is vital for us to understand    Mutual Limited will be a responsible corporate citizen in every
                         Our first AGM as a South African listed company was a                 the impact our business has on the environment and to realise        jurisdiction that we operate in. Our responsibility is and always
                         tumultuous event. Firstly, we received exceedingly poor support       that being socially responsible and innovative is simultaneously     will be, to have accountability to all of our stakeholders, this
                         for the Remuneration Report. Secondly, we had suspended               in our own best interests and that of the communities we             principle is central to our governance framework.
                         Mr Moyo less than 24 hours before the AGM. This also presented        serve. During the year we continued to do business responsibly
                         an opportunity for engaging investors during extraordinary            and make a real impact in communities, demonstrating our

                                                                                                                                                                                                    OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
Message from the Interim Chief Executive Officer


                                                                              “Despite tough external factors, we have made great strides

                                                                                to be more operationally efficient so we remain relevant to

                                                                                our customers of the future. ”
                                                                              Iain Williamson, Interim Chief Executive Off icer

                         We faced challenging macroeconomic                                macroeconomic environment in South Africa, which remains our              being under government enforced travel restrictions. We
                         conditions in South Africa, our largest market,                   largest operating country, and higher equity market levels. Given         are actively dealing with this crisis and have established a
                                                                                           the anticipated disruption in global equity markets and significant       dedicated committee to assess new information on a daily

                         and many of our operating countries in the
                                                                                           downward pressure on GDP growth rates we do not anticipate being          basis. In South Africa, a lockdown is in place until 16 April 2020
                         Rest of Africa in 2019. This put pressure on the                  able to achieve this target for the 2020 financial year.                  and a similar lockdown has been announced in Zimbabwe. We
                         disposable income levels of our customers and                                                                                               have digitally enabled the majority of our employees to work
                         on the ability of our businesses to grow value                    Despite tough external factors, we have made great strides to be
                                                                                                                                                                     safely off premises from their homes, ensuring we can run the
                                                                                           more operationally efficient so we remain relevant to our customers
                         for our customers and investors. Our business                                                                                               business effectively for our stakeholders during this uncertain
                                                                                           of the future. Since listing in 2018, we have been deliberate and
                         was resilient against these and we remain                                                                                                   time and also supporting the necessary drastic actions that
                                                                                           focused on making what we believe to be essential culture shifts to
                                                                                                                                                                     have been taken by the South African government and many
                         confident that our diversified business allows                    champion positive futures for our customers every day and to attract
                                                                                                                                                                     other governments in our Rest of Africa business. We placed
                         us to protect value for stakeholders in tough                     top talent. We have been working relentlessly to become a digitally
                                                                                                                                                                     restrictions on all cross border business and personal travel well
                         economic times.                                                   enabled business. We have made good progress on simplifying our
                                                                                                                                                                     in advance of the lock down to ensure we limited the risk of
                                                                                           legacy systems and processes, transforming the business to be more
                                                                                                                                                                     infection to our employees and customers.

                         Our financial results were resilient after taking into account    agile and able to meet our customers’ needs and expectations.
                         the impact of external factors in our operating environment.                                                                                We also model the impact of perfect storm scenarios (1/200) on
                         Results from Operations (RFO) decreased by 2% reflecting          2019 was a year in which our customers and communities were
                                                                                                                                                                     solvency capital and liquidity levels regularly. These stress tests
                         positive assumption changes offset by a decrease in Old           vulnerable and we remained dedicated to make an impact to their
                                                                                                                                                                     have shown we remain sufficiently capitalised with appropriate
                         Mutual Insure’s underwriting result.                              everyday lives through our responsible business efforts. Embedding
                                                                                                                                                                     liquidity levels. We remain confident that the benefits of our
                                                                                           a culture of being a responsible business has been a key focus since
                                                                                                                                                                     well diversified business, strong balance sheet and stable
                         Adjusted Headline Earnings (AHE) was up 5% mainly due             listing. We have organised ourselves to make an impact through
                                                                                                                                                                     cash generating ability will stand us in good stead, in what is
                         to stronger shareholder investment returns in South Africa,       specific focus areas which align with the needs of our stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                     anticipated to be a difficult year. As a leadership team we will not
                         partially offset by reductions in the fair value of properties    and we are in the process of refining targets to track desired
                                                                                                                                                                     be increasing our salaries in 2020 and continue to put in place
                         in East Africa. We delivered positive Net Client Cash Flow        outcomes in each focus area.
                                                                                                                                                                     a series of management actions to part mitigate the negative
                         (NCCF) which is commendable in the tough macroeconomic

                                                                                           On 11 March 2020, COVID-19 (coronavirus) was declared as a                impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have on
                         environment and Funds under Management (FUM)
                                                                                           pandemic due to the rising rate and scale of infection observed. The      our business.
                         increased by 2% in line with the increase in average market
                         levels. The achievement of our RFO target of nominal              rapid spread of this virus since the start of 2020, and particularly in
                         GDP+2% CAGR is dependent on an improvement in the                 recent weeks, has resulted in nearly half of the global population

                                                                                                                                                                                                     OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
Our Group at a glance

                                                                                                                   Simple financial products to
                                                                                                                   customers in the low income
                                                                                                                   and lower middle income
                                                                                                                                                                                            Winner of
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sunday Times
                          Level 1 B-BBEE                                                                                                          Holistic advice and various
                                                                                                                                                                                        Top Brand
                                                                                                                                                  savings and investment
                                                                                                      MASS AND

                                                            Insurance products                       FOUNDATION
                                                                                                                                                  products to the middle                  in the long
                                                            to individual and                          CLUSTER
                                                                                                                                                  income market                         term insurance

                                                            corporate customers                                              PERSONAL                                                      category

                                                                                     OLD MUTUAL
                            Operating in                                                                  OTHER GROUP
                            14 countries                                                                   ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                                                 WEALTH AND
                                                                                                                                 INVESTMENTS                                             368 Branches
                                                            Various financial and                                                                                                          across SA
                                                            insurance products
                                                            to individual and                 REST OF
                                                                                              AFRICA                                                 Investment solutions
                                                            corporate customers
                           Top Investors                                                                           OLD MUTUAL
                                                                                                                                                     to high net worth
                                                                                                                                                     customers and an asset
                                    Public                                                                                                          management offering to
                         17%        Investment
                                                                                                                                                     institutional investors

                         10%        Allan Gray
                                                                                        Group risk and investment
                                    Prudential                                         products to employer
                         5%         Portfolio                                           sponsored retirement and                                                                           Employees
                                    Managers                                            benefit funds

                              Life and Savings                              Banking and Lending                          Asset Management                                Property and Casualty
                         Protection solutions for certain risk         Wide range of banking and lending            Retail savings and investment products         Short term insurance solutions for loss of
                         events including life, critical illness,      solutions including unsecured lending        including unit trusts, supported by a full     property or liability incurred, providing
                         disability and funeral cover. Long term       and simple retail banking solutions.         scale institutional asset management           cover for personal, commercial, specialty
                         savings solutions include retirement and      Structured credit through our specialised    capability providing access to equity,         and trade credit risks.
                         traditional savings products.                 finance division.                            fixed income, property, infrastructure
                                                                                                                    and ESG investments.

                                                                                                                                                                                 OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
Our operations across 14 countries

                     6                                                                                                                              China2

                                                                                                                                                       Number of
                                                                                                                                                                       FUM (Rbn)
                         West Af rica                                                                                                                customers (m)
                              Number of

                                                      FUM (Rbn)

                                                                                             Ghana                                    South Sudan
                                                                                                                                                    East Af rica
                               Number of              Number of
                             customers (m)            employees1                                                                                      Number of
                                                                                                                                         Tanzania                      FUM (Rbn)
                                   1.6                    656                                                                                          advisers

                                                                                                                                                       Number of       Number of
                                                                                                                                                     customers (m)     employees1
                                                                                                                                                         3.8              3,510
                         Southern Af rica
                              Number of
                                                      FUM (Rbn)                              eSwatini
                                                          49.5                               Malawi
                                                                                                        South Af rica


                               Number of              Number of                                                                                       Number of
                             customers (m)            employees1                                                                                                       FUM (Rbn)
                                  0.9                    1,446                                                                                                            10.0
                                                                                                          Number of
                                                                                                                         FUM (Rbn)
                                                                                                            7,693                                      Number of       Number of

                                                                                                                                                     customers (m)     employees1
                                                                                                                                                          1.4            1,406
                                                                                                           Number of     Number of
                                                                                                         customers (m)   employees1
                                                                                                             6.0          22,483
                         1    The total number of employees include the number of tied advisers.
                         2    We have 360 employees in China.

                                                                                                                                                                     OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
Group highlights

                                                                                    Partnered with
                                 151 active                 Invested more         Amazon Web Services
                          robots deployed, saving         than R300 million         as our preferred
                                                                                                                     Old Mutual

                           5.2 million minutes in     in education intervention      cloud provider
                          processing time to date      programmes since 2013                                          Rewards

                                                                                                              500 000 +
                                                                                          Sponsored          since launch
                                                                                   Artificial Intelligence

                                                          Revamped our             bootcamps for school                            2 500 +
                                                      sponsorships to reflect     girls to raise awareness                        daily sign
                           Launched Workday in                                                                                       ups
                                                      our brand’s vibrant new
                         Nigeria, Ghana, Botswana,       spirit and energy                                    500 million
                           Zimbabwe, Malawi and                                                                rewards
                         eSwatini to empower and                                                             earned since
                         digitally enable employees                               Awarded BCX Corporate
                                                                                   Innovation Award for                             3rd

                                                                                  Robotics and Cognitive                       most popular
                           “Workday will bring a                                                                                Old Mutual
                         simpler, quicker and more                                     Automation                              proposition
                          efficient way of working
                           for every single one of     3.2 million customers
                           our employees on the        serviced in 368 South
                                 continent.”             African branches                                               63%
                                                                                     Recipient of the

                                 Edith Jiya            100 000 credit reports
                                                                                     Standard Bank
                         CEO of Old Mutual Malawi         issued monthly
                                                                                   Top Women Gender           Customers
                                                                                                              Non customers
                                                                                       Icon Award

                                                                                                                     OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack
An established history over 175 years

                     8                                 1970
                                                        Old Mutual acquires a
                                                                                Old Mutual is
                                                                                                    Old Mutual plc strengthens
                                                                                                                                            Old Mutual

                                                        majority shareholding   demutualised        its operations in Africa with           Limited lists on
                                                        in Mutual & Federal,    and lists on        the acquisition of Provident            the Johannesburg,
                          1845                          renamed to Old          the London,         Life Assurance in Ghana                 London, Zimbabwe,
                           John Fairbairn founds        Mutual Insure in        Johannesburg,       and Oceanic Life in Nigeria             Malawi and Namibia
                           The Mutual Life              2017. Acquired the      Zimbabwe, Malawi                                            stock exchanges

                           Assurance Society of         remaining shares in     and Namibia stock
                           the Cape of Good Hope        2004                    exchanges as

                                                                                Old Mutual plc



                                    1885                      1973                     2000           2014 – 2015            2016                     2018
                             The company               Old Mutual                  Old Mutual plc     Old Mutual plc         Old Mutual plc              Old Mutual Limited

                               changes its         acquires a stake                purchases          expands its            announces a Managed         unbundles it’s majority
                            name to South          in Nedcor Bank                  United Asset       footprint to East      Separation strategy         shareholding in Nedbank

                         Africa Mutual Life         (now Nedbank                   Management         Africa with the        to separate the four        to shareholders making a
                         Assurance Society                Limited)                                    acquisition of         businesses owned:           total distribution to Old
                                                                                                      60.7% of UAP           Old Mutual Emerging         Mutual shareholders worth
                                                                                                      holdings, and a        Markets, Nedbank,           approximately R38.8 billion
                                                                                                      majority stake in      Old Mutual Wealth           and marking the completion
                                                                                                      Faulu Microfinance     (now Quilter plc), and      of the Group’s Managed
                                                                                                      Bank Limited           Old Mutual Asset            Separation
                                                                                                                             Management plc
                                                                                                                                                                 OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 - Old Mutual Limited DO GREAT THINGS EVERY DAY - Contentstack


                         Like most great stories, ours has humble beginnings.

                         Founded by a Scotsman named John Fairbairn in 1845, with no capital, just the premiums of the first 166
                         policyholders, the trust of like-minded individuals and the unwavering belief that together people can
                         achieve more than alone. Our motto became “a certain friend in uncertain times” and we have been
                         delivering on that promise for 175 years.
                         Over these 175 years we have grown from a small mutual life company to a large multi-offering financial
                         services group, with operations in 14 countries and listings on 5 stock exchanges.
                         Through our many years of operating we have gained valuable insights and vast experience, which

                         we apply in our business today. The most important lesson we continue to apply is that the things
                         our customers and other stakeholders really care about seldom change. While the world continues to
                         change, we remain focused on finding modern, innovative and relevant solutions to those core needs
                         that never change. Today we can pay out funeral claims initiated via the call centre or Money Account
                         application in less than 4 hours, ensuring that our customers and their families have the funds required
                         during this difficult time.
                         As an organisation it is also core to our values that we do business responsibly and make a real impact
                         in the communities in which we operate. We believe that creating shared value for our investors,

                         employees, customers and the communities we operate in, will facilitate the long term sustainability
                         of the Group and enhance our competitiveness. By the end of 2019, we have responsibly invested
                         R133.1 billion in socially inclusive, low carbon and resource efficient investments, representing 17% of assets
                         under management.
                         This is our story and it has just begun - let’s continue to do great things together, every day.

                                                                                                                                           OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Operating context

                     10              Global growth prospects                              Consumer confidence                                                        Trends in Rest of Africa

                           The global economy has gradually recovered                 Recent corporate scandals                 The African population continues to be among the fastest growing and youngest in the
                           since the 2008 financial crisis and though robust          and failing state owned                   world with changing preferences for products and distribution. Customers increasingly
                           growth was recently recorded, specifically                 enterprises in South Africa               expect omnichannel distribution centred around digital access, flexibility and speed.
                           during 2018 and 2019 in the Unites States, the             have again highlighted the                The insurance market in Africa is characterised by many small insurers competing with

                           past decade of anaemic and uneven growth                   consequences of corruption                a few large players. The lack of concentration presents an opportunity for consolidation
                           speaks to the risks that continue to threaten              and mismanagement, reducing               of market share, but incumbents are increasingly competing with new entrants

                           financial stability. These risks have become               consumer confidence, ultimatly            seeking to disrupt the market with unique offerings.
                           intertwined with trade tensions, amid prolonged            leading to lower investment
                                                                                                                                Financial inclusion in Africa has grown significantly over the last few years driven by the
                           loose monetary conditions, rapid credit growth             sentiment. This has a direct
                                                                                                                                adoption of digital financial services such as mobile money, but there is still a sizeable
                           in some emerging economies and high levels of              impact on our business as
                                                                                                                                gap to be addressed. Sub Saharan Africa leads the way with 43%1 of adults holding a
                           debt. Interest rate cuts are no longer sufficient          investors and customers
                                                                                                                                bank account but other regions still have large segments of the population that are
                           to stimulate investment and labour productivity            are cautious to invest in an
                                                                                                                                unbanked with limited access to financial services. This lack of market penetration still
                           growth will stay weak without strong policy                environment like this. Eskom’s
                                                                                                                                presents an attractive opportunity for customer acquisition if the progress on financial
                           measures, including infrastructure investment,             implementation of frequent
                                                                                                                                inclusion can be sustained.

                           quality education, formal employment and                   loadshedding has adversely
                           innovation capacity. Global wellbeing continues            impacted the productivity                 Food security across the continent continues to be a major concern, most recently
                           to fall short and a more balanced policy mix is            of businesses, resulting in               highlighted by the challenges faced in Zimbabwe. The growing population and risks
                           needed to broaden access to electricity, clean             higher electricity costs further          associated with climate change compound the issues across the continent, including
                           water, transport and health care.                          impacting the quality of life for         food shortages.
                                                                                      all South Africans.                       1 The Global Findex Survey, World Bank Group, 2017.

                                                   Technology disruption in the insurance industry                                                                                Global pandemics

                           Customer needs are continuously changing with a shift towards digital access and on demand                             As societies become more connected through globalisation, the risk
                           products and services. Technology driven solutions are increasingly prevalent in the insurance                         of the spread of infectious diseases to unprecedented levels in short
                           industry to address customer needs which has given rise to new entrants disrupting the market.                         periods of time increases. This has been evidenced with rising rate of
                           Many of the new market entrants are using advanced customer profiling techniques to develop                            infection associated with the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. The
                           customer leads and tailor individual financial solutions. For general insurance businesses in particular,              rapid spread of this virus since the start of 2020 has resulted in a lock
                           this can improve claims assessment and settlement. The benefits of cost efficiencies stemming from                     down of approximately 20% of the global population, a near global shut
                           digital distribution can be passed on to customers. Some insurers are moving beyond direct digital                     down in production and strict travel restrictions shutting down global
                           sales to use digital technology to embed their offering in customers’ lives. The use of data analytics                 movement. The volatility of movements on global exchanges such as

                           will enable insurers to let customers pause their car insurance when they are not driving and reward                   NYSE and FTSE is comparable to previous crises. Global growth forecasts
                           good driving behaviour with lower premiums. In order to survive, traditional insurers are adapting                     have been revised downwards with many commentators expecting
                           by partnering with innovative technology companies to accelerate market entry and play across                          global recession conditions in 2020. Reserve banks have also had to
                           the value chain. In certain instances, this outweighs the cost of investing in new technology as costs                 rapidly lower interest rates and announce significant aid packages to
                           associated with the migration of legacy systems remain high.                                                           boost local economies.

                                                                                                                                                                                                OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Board of directors1

                          Independent non executive                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Years)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Average age
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             42                                                         67

                                                          Trevor Manuel                    Peter de Beyer                      Matthys (Thys) du Toit            Albert Essien                                 Iain Williamson
                                                          (SA) (64)                        (SA) (64)                           (SA) (61)                         (Ghana) (64)                                  (SA) (49)

                                                          Chairman                         BBusSc (Hons), FASSA                BSc Agric, MBA                    BA (Hons), EDP                                Interim Chief                                        Tenure on the board2
                                                          NDip, EMP                                                                                                                                            Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                               BBusSc (Actuarial Science),                                     11 directors
                                                                                                                                                                                                               GMP, FASSA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0 years                                                 5 years

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4 directors

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6 years                                                10 years
                                                          Itumeleng Kgaboesele             John Lister                         Sizeka Magwentshu-                Nosipho Molope                                Casper Troskie
                                                          (SA) (48)                        (UK) (61)                           Rensburg                          (SA) (55)                                     (SA) (56)
                                                          BCom, PDip (Acc), Dip            BSc (Stats), FIA                    (SA) (60)                         BSc (Medical Sciences),                       Chief Financial Officer
                                                          (FMI), CA(SA)                                                        BA, MBA, DPhil                    BCompt (Hons), CTA,                           BCom (Hons), CA(SA)
                                                                                                                                                                 CA(SA)                                                                                                   20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Gender (%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Gender (%)

                                                                                                                            Non executive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               80       Male
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              80       Male

                                                          James Mwangi                     Stewart van Graan                                Paul Baloyi                Thoko Mokgosi-                          Marshall Rapiya

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Demographics (%)
                                                          (Kenya) (42)                     (SA) (64)                                        (SA) (64)                  Mwantembe                               (SA) (67)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Demographics (%)
                                                          BA (Econ)                        BCom (Hons), PMD                                 MBA, AMP, SEP              (SA) (58)                               BAdmin                                                    20

                                                                                                                                                                       BSc, MSc, SEP, MCRP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                53      Black

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               53      Black
                                                            Risk committee                        Audit committee                           Responsible Business committee            Related Party Transaction committee                                            27                                White
                                                            Remuneration committee                Technology and                            Corporate Governance and                  Chair                      Lead Independent                                   27                                  African
                                                                                                  Platforms committee                       Nominations committee                                                Director                                                                              African
                                                      1    Directors at 31 December 2019.
                                                      2    Tenure considers length of time served on either of the previous Old Mutual Emerging Markets and Old Mutual plc boards or the Old Mutual Limited
                                                           Board post listing in 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Executive committee1


                     12                                                                                                                                                                                                         (Years)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Average age
                                                     Chief                                             Chief                                      Customer
                                                                                                       Financial                                  Solutions
                                                     Executive                                                                                                                      Rest
                                                                                                       Officer                                    Director
                                                     Officer                                                                                                                        of Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                38                                                     56

                          Iain Williamson (49)                              Casper Troskie (56)                               Raymond Berelowitz (51)          Clement Chinaka (50)                                        Tenure at Old Mutual

                          BBusSc (Actuarial                                 BCom (Hons), CA(SA)                               BBusSc (Actuarial Science),      BSc (Computer Science and                                        6 members
                          Science), GMP, FASSA                                                                                FASSA, FIA                       Statistics), AMP, FASSA, FFA

                                                                                                                                                                                                0 years                                            10 years

                                                   Managing                                            Chief                                     Managing                                                                   3 members
                                                   Director: Wealth                                    Marketing                                 Director:
                                                   and Investments                                     Officer                                   Corporate
                                                                                                                                                                                                11 years                                       20 years

                          Khaya Gobodo (42)                                 Vuyolwethu Lee (42)                             Prabashini Moodley (40)           Karabo Morule (38)2                                                         4 members
                          BCom, MSC (Investment                             BCom (Hons), MBA                                BBusSc (Actuarial Science),       BBusSc (Actuarial Science and
                          Management), CFA                                                                                  FASSA                             Finance), FFA, FASSA, AMP
                                                                                                                                                                                                21 years                                       40 years

                                                    Managing                                                                                      Human
                                                                                                     Director: Mass

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Gender (%)
                                                    Director: Old                                                                                 Capital
                                                                                                     and Foundation

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gender (%)
                                                    Mutual Insure                                                                                 Director                                                            38

                          Garth Napier (41)                                 Clarence Nethengwe (48)                           Celiwe Ross (41)                                                                                                62
                          BCom (Hons), MBA                                  BProc, BA, LLM, MBA, AMP, EDP                     BSc (Mining Eng), MBA                                                                                                    Male

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Demographics (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Demographics (%)

                                                                                                     Acting Chief
                                                     Chief Risk                                      Operating
                                                     Officer                                         Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       38                      54
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      38                      54
                          Richard Treagus (54)                              Heloise van der Mescht (58)                                                                                                                                                White
                          BBusSc (Actuarial Science),                       MBA                                                                                                                                                                         African
                          FIA, FASSA                                                                                                                                                                                                                   African

                          1   Executive committee at 31 December 2019.
                          2   Karabo Morule resigned effective 31 January 2020, her role was filled by Kerin Land on 1 February 2020.                                                                                 OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019

                                                                                                            We remain committed to
                     13                                                                                our goal to minimise waste and to
                                                                                                     prevent the generation of waste that
                                                                                                              cannot be recycled.

                                                                                                  Globally, the most common type of waste material found on beaches
                                                                                                  and landfills is plastics, with the majority being single-use plastics

                                                                                                  such as shopping bags, water bottles, coffee cups and lids, stirrers
                                                                                                  and take away containers.

                                                                                                  As a responsible business committed to reducing our impact on the
                                                                                                  environment, we are on a journey to reduce the amount of waste
                                                                                                  we send to landfills, and our use of single-use plastics. During the
                                                                                                  year, Mutualpark and 1 Mutual Place banned the use of plastic bags
                                                                                                  and straws, allowing only the use of certified compostable “green”
                                                                                                  packaging to be sold by vendors. This has led to the reduction of

                                                                                                  waste transported to landfills, subsequently contributing to the
                                                                                                  reduction of our carbon footprint.

                                                                                                  At 1 Mutual Place, the introduction of bio bins and the supply of
                                                                                                  fresh milk in reusable glass bottles, instead of plastic or box cartons,
                                                                                                  has positively contributed to the amount of waste we diverted from
                                                                                                  entering the waste stream.

                                                                                                  We have also piloted the use of Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs)
                                                                                                  to maximise our recycling initiatives. The machines allow users to
                                                                                                  deposit bar-coded plastic bottles, glass bottles, aluminium cans and

                                                                                                  tetrapak (milk and juice cartons) into the machines for recycling to
                             Organic               Waste diverted            More than 5,400      earn rewards such as airtime.

                              Waste                 from landfill              milk cartons       At Wanooka Place, efforts to maximise recycling and reduce waste

                            150 tonnes               52%, 688 tonnes          diverted from       contamination include the installation of recycling bins throughout
                                                                                                  the building and the appointment of an onsite supplier that
                          (2018: 90 tonnes)        (2018: 37%, 370 tonnes)      the waste         separates waste for recycling and facilitates the conversion of food
                                                                                 stream           waste into compost.

                                              Reverse Vending Machines                              1 Mutual Place – our office in Sandton, Johannesburg
                                                                                                    Mutualpark – our office in Pinelands, Cape Town
                                                                             More than 9,000 kg
                          16,250 transactions on        34,633 items                                Wanooka Place – Old Mutual Insure’s head office in
                                                                              of waste diverted
                               the machines               recycled                                  Parktown, Johannesburg
                                                                                 from landfill

                                                                                                                                           OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019


                                               Strategic priorities                               15
                                               Delivery against long term strategy                16
                                               Our business model                                 17

                          Strategy and value   Value created for our stakeholders
                                               Value outcomes for our stakeholders

                                               Stakeholder management                            20

                                               Our interaction with stakeholders                  21
                                               Our approach to Risk Management                    23
                                               Material risks                                    24
                                               Emerging risks                                    26

                                                                      OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Strategic priorities

                           Our purpose                                                              Improving key underperforming businesses
                            is championing
                           mutually positive                         Turnaround of                                   We continue to focus on operational effectiveness         Organic growth remains
                                                                                                                     through a review of the efficiency of our structures      challenging in this
                           futures everyday                          East Africa and                                 in each region and cost management initiatives. We        environment and therefore
                                                                    improve returns                                  are taking deliberate action to improve underwriting      the formation of strategic
                                                  Improve the          across Rest       Continued                   experience by leveraging capabilities in the South        partnerships is important.
                                                competitiveness                         turnaround                   African business. We are committed to our digital         We will focus on ensuring
                                                                        of Africa
                            Our vision                                                                               transformation journey that improves customer             profit generation from these

                                                 of Wealth and                         of Old Mutual                 experience and the competitiveness of our offering.       partnerships remain in line
                               is to be our       Investments                              Insure                                                                              with our targets.

                                                                                                                                                                               We will continue to develop

                     15    customers’ most
                            trusted lifetime                                                        Defend South
                                                                                                                            Continuous improvement of investment
                                                                                                                            performance and customer propositions
                                                                                                                                                                               unique solutions through
                                                                                                                                                                               strong underwriting
                                                                                                                                                                               practices and optimal
                                                                                                                            to grow our market share and increase the          reinsurance structures.
                          partner, passionate                                                       African market          competitiveness of our offering. This coupled      We remain focused on
                                                                                                     share in the           with improvement in operational efficiencies       enhancing our operational
                             about helping                                                             Mass and             and cost management initiatives will               excellence to improve our
                                                                                                                            improve our profit contribution to the Group.
                          them achieve their                                                          Corporate                                                                customer offering and
                             financial goals
                                                                  Our strategic

                                                                  battlegrounds                                             Defend and grow our market share
                            Our values                                                              Defend and
                                                                                                 grow in the South          Our adviser force is a key     Despite intense competition in the mass market
                                                                                                 African Personal           channel through which we       segment, we believe growth opportunities
                                                                                                                            deepen relationships with      still exist in the transactional market and our
                                                                                                  Finance market            customers.                     underwritten product set, which remains an
                                                                                                                            We continue to place           underpenetrated market opportunity in this
                                                                                                                            more trainee advisers in       segment. Old Mutual Protect featuring improved
                                                                                                                            worksites and branches,        underwriting capability and increased flexibility,
                                                                                                                            where productivity and lead    will help us grow our market share.
                                                                                                                            generation rates are higher.   In the Corporate market segment we are

                                                                                          Win the                           We are enhancing sources       deliberate about improving customers’
                                                                                          war for                           for data driven leads to       experience and continue to strengthen our
                                                  leadership                                                                improve the efficiency of      umbrella fund offering to maintain our leading
                                                                      Refresh the         talent
                                                                                                                            customer acquisition.          position.
                                                                      technology                            Building long term competitive advantage

                                                                                                            We believe that the             We continue to invest      We have exceeded our cost savings
                                                                                                            digital enablement of           in technology to build     target by delivering cost savings of
                                                                                                            our employee experience         a capability that can      R1.2 billion. The biggest drivers of
                                                                                                            will motivate, retain and       deliver outcomes to        cost savings were improvements

                                                                                                            attract talent as we embark     our customers at a         in IT processes, a reduction in
                                                                                                            on developing new ways          pace that meet their       consultant spend and improved
                                                                                                            of working to remain            needs and transforms       space utilisation.
                                                                                                            relevant to stakeholders.       their experience.          We will continue to drive further
                                                                                                            Since listing we have been      Enhancements to systems    efficiencies through group
                                                                                                            driving a high performance      and customer servicing     structure optimization, the
                                                                                                            culture and have made           processes combined with    simplification of our operating
                                                                                                            progress with reviewing         innovation remain key      models and IT infrastructure over
                                                                                                            our reward philosophy and       priorities.                the medium term.
                                                                                                            policies to align to our long
                                                                                                            term strategy.

                                                                                                                                                                       OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Delivery against long term strategy

                           During 2019 we commenced the refresh of our long term strategy through a series of strategy workshops with our Board.
                           We have defined 5 strategic pillars, the delivery of which will allow us to sustain and grow the prosperity of the customers,
                           families and communities we serve. In the medium term we will continue to measure our delivery against the eight
                           battlegrounds until the longer term strategy is fully implemented. Achievements in 2019 already demonstrate delivery
                           against new strategic pillars.

                          Always present first                               Solutions that lead

                                                          Enhanced             National roll                                       Old Mutual cares
                                                       our MyOMInsure           out of Old
                                                           platform           Mutual Protect                                             R80 million
                                                                                                                                     disbursed from the
                                                         Launch of a          Enhanced our                                         R500 million Enterprise

                                                          refreshed              Wealth                                              Development Fund
                                                         website and           Proposition
                                                                                                                                          17% of AUM
                                                                                                                                      in green economy
                          Rewarding digital engagement                     Engaged employees

                                                                                                             Pulse Culture
                             with Amazon Web
                                                                                                           intervention with
                                                                                                             our employees
                                to modernise
                                                                                                              Workday in
                                 More than
                                                                                                           certain countries
                            500 000 Old Mutual

                                                                                                          across Rest of Africa,
                            Rewards members
                                                                                                              to empower
                                 with more
                                                                                                          and digitally enable
                              than 500 million
                                                                                                           our employees for
                               points earned

                                                                                                                                      OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Our business model

                          Capital inputs           Our business activities                                                                     Distribution channels            Capabilities                                               Value outcomes
                                                                                                                                               • Tied advisers in our
                                                   Product development                                                                         • I ndependent financial
                                                   • End to end product development of new                                                      advisers
                          Funding from equity         solutions that are innovative and inclusive                                              • Franchise advisers                                                                      Customers
                          and debt investors          to communities in which we operate                                                       • Old Mutual website
                          used to support our
                          operations               • Enhancements to products                               Distribution channels
                                                     to meet changing customer needs                      • Independent financial

                                                                                                                                                                        er                                                                   Employees
                                                                                                                                                                nd lust
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Distribution channels
                                                   Business support                                  • Specialist brokers                                     a                                      • Tied advisers in
                                                                                                                                                           ss    C

                                                                                                   • Old Mutual website                                                                                 branches and worksites
                                                                                                                                                        Ma tion
                                                   • Support services through
                          Our impact on natural       functions including finance,              • iWYZE website                                                                                      • Independent financial advisers
                                                                                                                                                           a                           Pe
                          resources through our       human capital, marketing,               • iWYZE call centres
                                                                                                                                                        nd                            Fi n r s o n
                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Franchise advisers
                          business activities         strategy, information                                                                    F   ou                                                           • Old Mutual website
                                                                                           Capabilities                                                                                   an al                    • iWYZE website
                                                      technology, procurement and                                                                                                              ce
                                                      corporate affairs to improve

                                                                                                                         Old Mutual
                                                      operational efficiency                                                                                                                                    Capabilities
                                                                                                                                                        Strategic focus

                                                   • Responsible for overall
                          Skills and expertise
                                                     branding campaigns
                          of employees and
                          advisers, our culture

                          and values               Customer servicing
                                                   • Support services to our                                                                         Conducted in a
                                                      customers including advice,
                                                                                                                                                     responsible way

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wealth and
                                                      administration, complaints
                                                      and information technology
                          Stakeholder                                                 channels
                          relationships and           assistance
                                                                                       • Independent brokers
                                                                                                                                                   Strong governance
                          communities in which
                          we operate to address
                                                   • Central capability that
                                                     improves customer service
                                                                                        • Tied advisers                                                 oversight                                               Distribution channels
                                                                                         •B ancassurance branches                                                                                              • Independent financial
                          societal issues            through the use of robotics.         • Partnerships with mobile            Re                                                                                advisers

                                                                                                                                 Af st o
                                                                                             network operators and                                                                                              • Asset consultants
                                                   Capital and risk                                                                ric f                                                                        • Personal Finance
                                                                                              • Old Mutual website                    a                                                                           distribution channels

                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Old Mutual website
                                                   • Comprehensive and mature risk           Capabilities                                                                  u tu e                              •R  etail online
                          Our brand values,
                                                                                                                                                                          M       t
                                                                                                                                                                         d p o ra
                          strategic partnerships      management framework that                                                                                                                                    platform                    Regulators
                          and innovative              ensures disciplined risk based                                                                                   l
                                                                                                                                                                      O or
                          capabilities                decision making                                                                                                  C
                                                   • Compliance with regulatory
                                                     requirements                                                                                                                                Capabilities
                                                   • Monitoring of capital requirements and
                          Our physical and           optimal capital allocation                                                       Distribution channels                Capabilities
                          digital infrastructure                                                                                      • Direct sales force in worksites
                          through which                                                                                               • Corporate consultants

                          we conduct our                                                                                              • Independent financial                                                                      Communities
                          operations                                                                                                     advisers
                                                                                                                                      • Personal Finance distribution

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Value created for our stakeholders

                              We leverage our size and scale to
                              generate significant and meaningful                                                                                    R288.7 billion
                              value for all our stakeholders                                                                                         of value created in 2019

                     18                       Customers                                                                    Intermediaries                       Employees
                                              R116.4 billion                                                                 R7.6 billion                       R9.8 billion

                                                                                                                          R7.5 billion of fees and
                                     R93.7 billion paid in claims                                                                                         R9.7 billion paid in salaries

                                                                                                                            commissions paid
                                            and benefits                                                                                                         and benefits
                                                                                                                        R72.7 million invested in
                              R22.7 billion of Loans and Advances                                                                                    R114 million invested in staff training
                                                                                                                            adviser training

                                            Communities                                                                          Investors
                                                                                                                                 R11.1 billion                  Regulators
                                            R143.9 billion
                                                                                                                     R5.4 billion of ordinary cash
                                     R131 billion1 invested                                                                dividends paid                       Level 1 B-BBEE
                                responsibly in socially inclusive,

                               low carbon and resource efficient                                                       R804 million interest paid
                                         investments                                                                       to debt holders
                                                                                                                                                             Group solvency ratio
                                       R12.9 billion in taxes paid                                                  R4.9 billion returned through                  of 161%
                                                                                                                           share buybacks

                          1   R39.6 billion invested through shareholder funds with the remaining amount invested on behalf of customers
                                                                                                                                                                       OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Value outcomes for our stakeholders

                          Inputs                            Activities                             Outcomes                              Inputs                         Activities                               Outcomes

                                 Customers                                                                                                    Intermediaries

                              Strong distribution force     Improvement of service delivery        Reducing payout times of                Innovative and integrated    New or enhanced digital tools and        7 693 tied advisers
                                                            capabilities to reduce system          qualifying funeral claims to less       digital tools                applications enable advisers to
                              Investment in IT systems      downtime                               than 8 hours, 4 hours via money                                      better serve customers
                              and digital infrastructure                                           account
                                                            Training and upskilling of servicing                                           Online and classroom         Regular training to improve advice

                              Active custodian of           teams to provide better customer       Almost 4,000 call centre agents         based learning               capability.
                              customer funds                service                                educated on our digital tools to

                                                            Branch activations to convert          better assist customers
                              Engaged employees
                              that contribute to our        customers to digital platforms         Engaged 5,000 customers as part
                              customers’ experience         Deployment of robotics to claims       of branch activations
                                                            and customer engagement                R22.7 billion of Loans and Advances
                                                            processes to improve speed and         R93.7 billion claims and benefits
                                                            efficiency                             paid

                                 Employees                                                                                                    Communities

                              Capable and diverse           Meaningful engagement with             70% of employees participated in        Being a responsible          Continuous commitment to                 Refer to the Responsible
                              executive team                senior leaders during the year         the new culture survey                  business is a core part of   environmental sustainability             Business Impact report            RB

                                                            Progress made to create a diverse      85% black employees1                    our strategy                 through waste, water and energy          133 million litres of drinking water
                              Over R114 million invested
                                                            and inclusive working environment      43% of our executive positions are                                   management initiatives                   was produced by the water
                              in employee development                                                                                      Water filtration and solar
                              and training                  Implemented Workday, a digital         female                                                               Regular engagements with                 filtration plant since operation in
                                                                                                                                           panels installed
                                                            employee engagement tool, to           R9.7 billion paid in salaries and                                    communities                              2018
                              New values adopted to         better engage
                              drive culture shift                                                  benefits                                Employee initiatives to      Increased focus on socially inclusive    2.1 million kWh of energy generated
                                                            Improved physical and online                                                   give to communities          investments                              by the solar plant at Mutualpark
                              More than R4 million          learning capabilities                                                                                                                                52% of waste diverted from landfill
                              invested in employee                                                                                         Established community
                              wellbeing                                                                                                    relationships and                                                     R12.9 billion in taxes paid

                                 Investors                                                                                                    Regulators

                                                            Returned excess capital through        Total ordinary dividends of 120         Robust risk and              Participated in various thought          Compliance with regulatory
                              R78 billion net asset value
                                                            share buybacks and dividends           cents per share in respect of 2019      compliance frameworks        leadership forums on topics such as      requirements
                              R2 billion of debt raised,    Optimized the group capital            earnings                                                             economic growth, job creation and        Group solvency ratio of 161%
                              R1 billion repaid                                                                                            A member of industry         digital technology
                                                            structure through new debt             R4.9 billion of share buybacks                                                                                Input from an industry perspective
                                                                                                                                           bodies and associations
                              R1.7 billion drawn on         issuance and repayments                R804 million of interest paid to                                     Engaged regulators on regulatory         on various new legislative bills
                              revolving credit facilities   Improved capital management            debt holders                                                         returns, reports and consumer

                                                            and resource allocation                                                                                     matters, capital requirements and
                              Level 1 B-BBEE rating                                                R9.8 billion AHE                                                     alignment to Twin Peaks
                                                            Continued simplification of            R6.8 billion free surplus generated
                                                            Residual plc                                                                                                Strengthened regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                        relationships in Rest of Africa
                                                                                                                                                                        Continued to align capital basis
                                                                                                                                                                        to Prudential Standards in South
                          1   This relates to South African employees only.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Stakeholder management

                                                                                      At the heart of our stakeholder engagement
                                                                                      mandate are three core commitments. Our first
                                                                                      commitment is to creating value for all our stakeholders. Knowing
                                                                                      our stakeholders and understanding their needs is important to
                                                                                      us as it forms the basis of all our relationships. Wherever there is
                                                                                      shared value, there is lasting commitment to building and growing

                                                                                      together. Our second commitment is to adhering to strong
                                                                                      corporate governance in the management of all our relationships.

                     20                                                               Our groupwide Stakeholder Relations Policy ensures that the
                                                                                      standards by which we operate across all our markets are in line
                                    Regulators                                        with both international best practice and the King IV Code. Our
                                                                                      final commitment is to following a method of structured strategic
                                                                                      engagement, allowing us to monitor and evaluate the quality of our
                                                                                      relationships and their impact on the communities we serve.

                                                                                      We are proud of the decision we have made as a business to be a

                                                                                      responsible social partner within our makets, actively partcipating
                                                                     Intermediaries   in industry bodies and professional associations that seek to drive
                                                                                      finanancial inclusion on our continent. We are purposeful about
                                                 Stakeholders                         lending our voice to conversations that shape the future of our
                                                                                      continent, using international platforms such as NEPAD, UNHCR
                              Investors                                               and the World Economic Forum to support the global sustainability
                                                                                      agenda. Furthermore we work together with our regulators and all
                                                                                      levels of governments to build stronger economies across Africa.
                                                                                      Whether partnering with municipal government structures in

                                                                                      Nairobi to roll out IT systems to strengthen public health care
                                                                                      facilities Kenya, to leading student development and mathematics
                                                                                      education initiatives in Zimbabwe or running financial education
                                                                Employees             programs for unions and public servants in South Africa – we remain
                                                                                      committed to unlocking shared value for all our stakeholders.
                                                                                      In December 2019 we had the privilege of celebrating some of our
                                                                                      strongest and most impactful stakeholder relationships at the
                                                                                      Old Mutual Partnership Awards (OMPA). This initiative powerfully
                                                                                      reinforces the significance of the socio-economic impact of our

                                                                                      relationships across our broad network of stakeholders. In an
                                                                                      increasingly interconnected world, in which we must all play our part,
                                                                                      our business – together our community of stakeholders – continues
                                                                                      to demonstrate that the collective practice of responsible business
                                                                                      principles yields the most optimal results for all social partners.

                                                                                                                             OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Our interaction with stakeholders

                                                              Customers                     Intermediaries                  Communities                  Employees                    Investors                         Regulators

                                                      • Innovative and flexible      • Digital applications and      • Skills development         • Fair and competitive        • Sustainable financial          • Compliance with

                                                        product solutions              tools that save time and        and employment               remuneration                  returns and distributions        legal and regulatory
                                                                                       are easy to use                 opportunities                                                                               requirements

                                                      • Competitive and                                                                           • Training and development    • Clear strategic direction
                          Key interest and concerns

                                                        transparent pricing          • Support and                   • Access to enterprise         for personal and career       and operational execution      • Being a responsible
                                                                                       infrastructure to enable        supplier development         advancement                                                    taxpayer
                                                      • Omnichannel digital            productivity                    programmes                                               • Strong governance
                                                        experience and ease of                                                                    • An inclusive, diverse and     frameworks and ethics          • Contribution to industry
                                                        use                          • Product and regulatory        • Financial education and      safe working environment                                       and regulatory working
                                                                                       training                        financial inclusion                                      • Experienced                      groups
                                                      • Fast and efficient                                                                        • Being employed by a           management team
                                                        customer service             • Fair incentives that reward   • Corporates to                company that embraces                                        • Strong governance
                                                                                       efforts                         contribute to social and     new ways of working in a    • Transparent reporting and        oversight

                                                      • Responsible and                                                environmental issues         digital era                   disclosures
                                                        appropriate advice                                                                                                                                       • Treating customers fairly

                                                      • To be treated in a                                                                                                                                       • Meeting capital
                                                        responsible and fair                                                                                                                                       requirements

                                                      • Tied advisers, independent   • Sales conferences and         • Community projects and     • Workday, an employee        • Investor days and              • Regular engagement

                          Channels of engagement

                                                        brokers, agents and            roadshows                       campaigns                    engagement technology         roadshows                        with the Regulator
                                                        consultants in branches,                                                                    solution
                                                        call centres and worksites   • Digital applications and      • Digital and traditional                                  • Annual and interim             • Participation in industry
                                                                                       tools                           media channels             • Extensive internal            reports                          bodies and public forums
                                                      • Digital applications and                                                                    communications
                                                        tools                        • Digital and traditional       • Annual reports                                           • SENS announcements             • Provide input on draft
                                                                                       media channels                                             • Management roadshows                                           regulations
                                                      • Digital and traditional                                                                     and town hall meetings      • Annual General Meetings
                                                        media channels                                                                                                                                           • Quarterly regulatory
                                                                                                                                                  • Annual reports              • Digital and traditional          submissions

                                                      • Annual reports                                                                                                            media channels

                                                                                                                                                                                                              OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019

                                   Fourleaf Residential

                          Fourleaf Estate, a residential development in
                          Port Elizabeth, offers 323 affordable housing
                          units to low and middle income families. This
                          was funded by the Housing Impact Fund of

                          South Af rica (HIFSA) and developed by Similan

                     22   HIFSA, is a Development Impact Fund
                          managed by Old Mutual Alternative
                          Investments, and its investors comprise Old
                          Mutual Life Assurance Company South Af rica,
                          the Government Employees Pension Fund, the
                          Development Bank of Southern Af rica and the
                          Eskom Pension and Provident Fund.

                          Fourleaf Estate became the f irst residential
                          development in Af rica to receive the EDGE
                          f inal certif ication and includes features such as
                          advanced green initiatives, security, internet
                          connectivity, innovative landscaping and
                          community vegetable gardens. Homes in the
                          estate are modern designs with flexible add-on
                          options to suit different budgets.

                          The houses deliver signif icant energy savings

                          through practical solutions, such as heat
                          pumps for hot water, low-flow taps which
                          reduce hot water consumption through
                          aeration and water-eff icient f ittings including
                          low-flow showerheads and dual-flush toilets.
                          Adjusted window-to-wall ratios and good
                          roof insulation also ensure optimal energy
                          eff iciency.

                          This estate is predicted to realise annual
                          savings of R414,000 as a result of applying
                          EDGE certif ied energy and water eff iciency
                          measures. This is expected to translate into
                          approximately R1,280 savings in utility costs
                          for each housing unit.

                                                OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
Our approach to Risk Management

                           Our risk management                Risk mitigation techniques are used                                                  Our risk strategy supports our
                           approach is aligned to             to help manage risk exposures by                                                     business strategy, in delivering on
                                                              passing certain risks to third parties                                               our vision of being our customers
                           the Group’s purpose and
                                                              in the form of reinsurance or use                                                    most trusted financial partner
                           strategy. A comprehensive
                                                              of derivatives instruments such as                                                   and our brand promise of being a

                           and mature risk management         swaps or hedges, as well as ensuring                                                 certain friend in uncertain times.
                           framework is in place, which       robust internal processes and a                                                      Our reputation and success as a

                     23    is anchored in a three lines
                           of assurance model, and
                                                              strong control environment.                                                          business is anchored in financial
                           includes a clear articulation
                           of our risk strategy. It ensures
                           disciplined risk based decision
                           making in the Group and
                           active control over the risk
                           exposures to which our
                                                              Maintaining trust with

                           earnings and capital are           stakeholders steers our                                                                     Diversification is key in
                           exposed. This achieves a           reputation. Integrity                                    Principles                         insurance to avoid excessive
                           more sustainable delivery of       remains one of our core                                informing our                        risk concentration, and we
                           AHE and RoNAV within our           values as we believe it is                                                                  look to achieve this across a
                                                                                                                      Risk strategy                       broad spectrum including
                           chosen risk appetite. We have      essential for sustainable
                           a comprehensive suite of risk      long term growth. We                                                                        risk types, products,
                                                              are committed to treat                                                                      geographies, target markets
                           policies to direct how specific
                                                              customers fairly and have                                                                   and distribution channels.
                           risks should be managed and                                                                                                    As a highly interconnected
                           controlled, aligned to our         good controls in place
                                                              to minimise operational                                                                     financial services institution,
                           risk categorisation model.

                                                              risk that could have an                                                                     we manage and mitigate
                           Appropriate escalation             adverse impact on any of our                                                                potential contagion effects in
                           mechanisms are in place            stakeholders                                                                                adverse conditions.
                           for risk events and breaches
                           in risk limits and targets. A
                           forward looking Own Risk
                           and Solvency Assessment
                           (ORSA) enables us to assess        Tolerance for uncertainty within well defined                           We optimise returns on a risk adjusted
                           the robustness of our balance      risk appetites is key to executing our business                         basis by focusing on the risks where the
                           sheet in adverse conditions,       strategy, which is predicated on strong and                             long term expected return more than

                                                              responsible growth in market share and profits.                         compensates us for the risk taken and the
                           and we have modelled severe
                                                              We are willing to take on certain risks on behalf of                    cost of capital. We take on risks that are
                           scenarios to ensure strong         our customers to improve their financial security,                      efficient from a capital perspective as this
                           resilience of solvency capital     whilst operating within the bounds of strong                            will optimise RoNAV.
                           and liquidity.                     expertise and competitive advantage through
                                                              agile innovation. We have higher tolerance for
                                                              risk in our Rest of Africa business as we build our
                                                              brand and experience in these markets.

                                                                                                                                                          OLDMUTUAL Integrated Report 2019
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