Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond - Authors: Michael D. Thomas Senior Systems Architect

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond - Authors: Michael D. Thomas Senior Systems Architect
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented
             Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

Michael D. Thomas
Senior Systems Architect

                           -1-                  March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond - Authors: Michael D. Thomas Senior Systems Architect
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

                                                                       workers by making their realities more
INTRODUCTION                                                           intelligent.

Through all the industrial revolutions, tools                          An intelligent reality is defined here as a
and machines have been central to workers’                             technologically enhanced reality that aids
realities. But it is only recently that large                          human       cognitive     performance        and
portions of a worker’s reality could be                                judgement. As compared to the base reality,
digitized with IoT devices and approaches. In                          an intelligent reality can have much greater
2015, Henning Kagermann, former CEO of                                 dimensionality,        reduced        occlusion,
SAP AG, argued that this “digitization—the                             transcendence of distance, better guidance
continuing convergence of the real and the                             and improved communication with other
virtual worlds will be the main driver of                              actors. This definition deliberately does not
innovation and change in all sectors of our                            exclude non-physical realities in domains
economy.” 1 This simple act of creating                                such as finance and cybersecurity, but the
digital streams produces information that                              focus of this article is on intelligent realities
can be expressed in many different ways, on                            based on physical realities and fed by IoT.
many different types of materials, and in
                                                                       Consider a technician looking at a machine
many different systems.2 This article argues
                                                                       while wearing an AR Head Mounted Display
that      modern      reality     presentation
                                                                       (HMD) can see both the service history and
technologies are compelling mediums for
                                                                       prediction of future failures. This gives the
the expression of digital IoT streams.
                                                                       worker a view on the fourth dimension of
Such reality presentation technologies                                 time, both backwards and forwards. Instead
include the eXtended Reality (XR) family of                            of having to take the machine apart, the
technologies 3 -- Augmented Reality (AR),                              worker can see an IoT driven mixed reality
Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) –                          rendering projected on the outside casing.
as well as more mature and accepted                                    By just glancing away from the machine, he
technologies such as smart phones, tablets,                            can see a virtual rendering of the operations
and PC flat screens. When combined with                                of the same type of machine at a distant
IoT, analytics and artificial intelligence,                            location. Then, he can interface with both
applications can be created that can aid                               artificial and human remote experts about
                                                                       next steps, which could include the expert

1H Kagermann, “Change Through Digitization-Value Creation in the Age of Industry 4.0,” Management of Permanent Change, p
23, 2015. Available:
2   J. Brennen, D. Kreiss, “Digitization,” The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, p 557, 2016 .
3C. Fink, “War of AR/VR?MR/XR Words,” Forbes, Oct 2017.

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond - Authors: Michael D. Thomas Senior Systems Architect
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

driving virtual overlays of his view. As he                          traditional user interface technologies. This
decides on next steps, he can communicate                            new paradigm is introduced here to help
with appropriate management systems                                  decision makers and architects navigate the
through that same HMD without having to                              expansive terrain of technologies that can
pull out a phone or laptop. As a wearable                            enable intelligent realities for workers. First,
computer, the HMD brings distant resources                           the XR space is overviewed along with more
in to the worker’s operational reality.                              traditional mobile and desktop flat screens.
                                                                     This leads to the consideration of intelligent
An intelligent reality may be proximate to a
                                                                     reality architecture and the development of
worker, like a machine on a factory floor. Or
                                                                     intelligent reality applications. From there,
that factory might be half way around the
                                                                     specific use cases are proposed that exercise
world and understood by the user through
                                                                     combinations of reality presentation
3D modeling of the factory. AR or VR
                                                                     technologies, IoT and AI.
headsets may be involved, but do not have
to be – smart phone screens or flat screens
on a desktop may be a better option. The
                                                                     THE REALITY-VIRTUALITY
worker may be mobile and use an AR head                              CONTINUUM AND MODERN
mounted display or smart phone, or the                               EXTENDED REALITY
worker may be stationed in a command
center at the company headquarters. They                             In 1995, Paul Milgram et al published a paper
may be observing a reality in real time, or                          “A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual
they may be performing data-driven review                            Displays”, which introduced the Reality-
of an event that occurred in the past. In all                        Virtuality Continuum. 4 This paper remains
cases, though, the context dominates – both                          useful for discussing the current state of XR
visually and in the design of the                                    as well as considering the role of mobile and
presentation.                                                        stationary flat screens. Figure 1 illustrates
                                                                     the continuum between purely physical
Intelligent reality can be achieved today with                       reality and purely virtual.
off-the-shelf technologies spanning IoT,
analytics, XR technologies, and more

4P. Milgram et al., “Augmented Reality: A class of displays on the reality-virtuality continuum,” Proceedings Volume 2351,
Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies, Dec 1995. Available:

                                                             -3-                                                March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond - Authors: Michael D. Thomas Senior Systems Architect
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

                            Figure 1: Reality-Virtuality Continuum (From Wikipedia)

From left to right, the user moves from a                   Just as the authors did not limit virtual
normal view of physical surroundings to a                   environment presentation to HMDs, their
completely digital view. In between the                     definition of AR does not exclude mobile flat
extremes is Mixed Reality (MR) -- the mixing                screens. In 1995, they lacked the terms
of the physical reality with one or more                    “smart phone” and “tablet,” but they
digital realities. MR assumes an AR device                  described “monitor based (non-immersive)
that is capable of stereoscopic rendering of                video displays – i.e. ‘window-on-the-world’
dynamic 3D scenes on top of a physical view                 (WoW) displays – upon which computer
of the world.                                               generated images are electronically or
                                                            digitally overlaid.”
On the far right, a virtual environment is
completely digital, but not necessarily                     The Modern Reality-Virtuality Landscape
completely immersive. The authors include
                                                            Figure 2 illustrates the Reality-Virtuality
both the completely immersive experience
                                                            Continuum with commercially available
of a VR Head Mounted Display (HMD) as well
                                                            products. The lower quadrants are
as large flat screens not worn by the user.
                                                            traditional flat screens while the upper
Both VR HMDs and virtual environments
                                                            quadrants contain the newer and less
rendered on flat screens can provide a user
                                                            established HMDs.
with a dynamic, real-time 3D rendering of a
remote or abstract 3D reality.

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond - Authors: Michael D. Thomas Senior Systems Architect
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

                                   Figure 2: Devices on the Reality-Virtuality Continuum5
                                                                            Oculus™, HTC™, Lenovo™ and
The quadrants represent different use cases
                                                                            PiMax™, are the most capable. Less
and approaches:
                                                                            capable but also less expensive and
        Lower left: smart phone and tablet                                 sometimes more convenient are
         AR. Smart phones and tablets are so                                smart phone approaches such as
         pervasive that the incremental                                     Google® Cardboard™ and Samsung®
         hardware cost is often zero. But they                              Gear VR™.
         are not heads-up and hands-free.                                  Upper left: AR HMDs. With AR, the
        Lower right: flat screen virtual worlds                            design fragmentation is the greatest.
         (or VR for the flat screen). This                                  There are three basic design
         includes virtual worlds on flat                                    categories:
         screens, tiled displays and Computer                                Stereoscopic headsets. Larger
         Assisted     Virtual     Environments                                  and compatible with prescription
         (CAVEs).                                                               glasses. Microsoft® HoloLens™ is
        Upper right: virtual reality for HMDs.                                 a headset. Mira Prism™ is a
         The market supports different VR                                       headset     that     utilizes  a
         devices with different resolution,                                     smartphone.
         field-of-view, and processing power.                                Stereoscopic smart glasses.
         Tethered HMDs connected to                                             Smaller but users may need to
         powerful PCs, including HMDS from                                      procure prescription lenses for

5Attribution for embedded images, starting clockwise from upper left: Vuzix, Microsoft Sweden, Nan Palmero, Google, Jean-
Pierre Dalbéra, Dave Pape, Wikimedia user Dontworry, EVG photos,

                                                           -5-                                           March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

              the device. Magic Leap One                                      Reality Strategy.” 7 The article also
              exhibits the smart glasses form                                 discussed commercial use of VR. In
              factor.                                                         their research, the authors found
             Monocle devices. A small screen                                 various positive outcomes, including:
              in front of one eye. They tend to                               o DHL® and Intel© saw AR related
              be compatible with prescription                                     warehouse picking productivity
              glasses. These devices focus on                                     gains of 25% and 29%
              “assisted reality” – the display of                                 respectively, with Intel seeing
              flat content such as charts,                                        error rates falling to near zero.
              videos, and text to the side of a                               o Newport News Shipbuilding®
              person’s view.6                                                     used AR and reduced inspection
                                                                                  time by 96% because the final
As illustrated with the dotted box around
                                                                                  design could be superimposed on
stereoscopic AR, these devices can handle
                                                                                  a ship.
assisted reality use cases and can satisfy
                                                                              o Lee Company®, which sells and
some use cases in the VR space that don’t
                                                                                  services     building     systems,
require full immersion. One example of the
                                                                                  calculated a return of $20 on
latter is examining a virtual 3D model of a
                                                                                  every dollar it has invested in AR.
building at arm’s length.
                                                                             An AR experiment by Dr. Steven J.
Efficacy of XR in Commercial Settings                                         Henderson and Dr. Steven Feiner of
                                                                              Columbia University in 2009 found
Most any new technology both generates
                                                                              that a “prototype AR application
hype and begs questions of its usefulness. In
                                                                              allowed a population of mechanics to
the case of XR, there have been several
                                                                              locate individual tasks in a
encouraging studies about their efficacy:
                                                                              maintenance sequence more quickly
        In its November-December 2017                                        than when using an improved version
         issue, Harvard Business Review                                       of currently employed methods.”8
         published an article “Why Every                                     In the paper “Virtual Reality and
         Organization Needs an Augmented                                      Augmented Reality as a Training Tool

6S. Crucius, “What Is Assisted Reality and How Does It Relate to Augmented Reality?” Wearable Technologies, June 2018. [online]
7M. Porter and J. Heppelmann, “Why Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy,” Harvard Business Review,
Nov-Dec 2017. Available:
8S. Henderson and S. Feiner, “Evaluating the benefits of augmented reality for task localization in maintenance of an armored
personnel carrier turret,” 2009 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Oct 2014. Available:

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

         for Assembly Tasks” from The School                         integration and sense-making of raw IoT
         of Manufacturing and Mechanical                             data. This is discussed first in this section.
         Engineering at The University of                            With the data and analytical foundations in
         Birmingham,         the       authors                       place, an architectural view of the reality
         investigated if AR and VR offered                           presentation technologies is presented for
         potential for training of manual                            making the best tactical last-mile UI
         skills. 9 They compared AR and VR                           decisions for rendering to the workers.
         training methods to the use of
                                                                     IoT Data Pipeline
         conventional       2D     engineering
                                                                     For real time sense making of an IoT asset, a
         drawings and found that AR and VR
                                                                     streaming analytics engine is necessary.11 A
         approaches resulted in significantly
                                                                     streaming analytics engine, like SAS® Event
         reduced task completion times.
                                                                     Stream Processing, analyzes data streams in
        In the 2015 paper “Augmented
                                                                     motion as the atomic events of the stream
         Reality as a Tool for Production and
                                                                     pass by. In addition to applying analytical
         Quality Monitoring,” the authors
                                                                     methods, it can also provide inferences
         tested use of an AR system rendering
                                                                     derived from machine learning models as
         information from Computer Aided
                                                                     well as contribute to the training of such
         Quality      (CAQ)    software   and
         compared it to scenarios using only
         CAQ software and using no                                   In addition to immediate presentation,
         software. 10 AR integrated with CAQ                         analyzed data streams can also be
         was found to be the fastest                                 transferred to data stores for further
         approach.                                                   analysis and later presentation. While the
                                                                     big data problems related to IoT described
INTELLIGENT REALITY ARCHITECTURE                                     by Belli et al in “A Scalable Big Stream Cloud
An architecture for an intelligent reality                           Architecture for the Internet of Things” need
should be centered on aiding a worker’s
cognition and performance. For workers in
an IoT-enabled reality, the cornerstone of an
intelligent reality architecture is the

9A. Boud et al., “Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality as a Training Tool for Assembly Tasks,” 1999 IEEE International
Conference on Information Visualization, Jul 1999. Available:
10D. Segovia et al., “Augmented Reality as a Tool for Production and Quality Monitoring,” Procedia Computer Science 75:291-
300, Dec 2015. Available:
11B. Klenz, “How to Use Streaming Analytics to Create a Real-Time Digital Twin,” SAS Global Forum 2018, Mar 2018. Available:

                                                              -7-                                                March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

to be addressed 12 , they are not unique to                            On the UI front, intelligent reality has been
reality applications. Reality applications can                         enabled by wearable and portable
be networked and fit in with a traditional                             computers, including XR HMDs and smart
query-and-reporting              client-server                         phones, and high-performance graphics that
architecture. As observed in “Immersive                                can faithfully render realities. While HMDs
Analytics: Building Virtual Data Worlds for                            represent an important shift in computing,
Collaborative Decision Support”, traditional                           they are still wearables that may not be
2D data visualization can work across the                              acceptable to many users and use cases. The
reality-virtuality continuum.13                                        following architectural view attempts to de-
                                                                       emphasize the importance of HMDs in
General Model of Device and Reality
                                                                       reality intelligence architecture.

                                           Figure 3: Device and reality interaction view

12L Belli et al., “A Scalable Big Stream Cloud Architecture for the Internet of Things,” International Journal of Systems and
Service-Oriented Engineering, 5(4), 26-53, October-December 2015.
13R. Hackathorn and T. Margolis, “Immersive Analytics: Building Virtual Data Worlds for Collaborative Decision Support,” IEEE
VR2016 Workshop, March 2016. Available:

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

                                                               reality can be rendered on an AR
Starting on the right, in Figure 3, is the
                                                               stereoscopic HMD, a flat screen, or a fully
general concept of reality drawn to include
                                                               immersive VR HMD. Unless specifically
both physical and abstract realities. A
                                                               qualified, the term VR takes the meaning of
machine is a physical reality, while the
                                                               a virtualization of a reality and does not
supply chain that created that machine is an
                                                               assume the target device.
abstract reality derived from data – a data
reality. At the most abstract, data realities                  The Base Software Layers Across the
can be completely de-coupled from any                          Reality-Virtuality Continuum
physical reality. For example, large volumes
                                                               Reality applications of any type, including
of live streaming data from a commodities
                                                               games as well as industrial applications, rest
market could be used to form a data reality
                                                               atop lower level software layers that have
which a user could explore in VR.
                                                               emerged to solve the different problems
The left side combines the three main                          described here:
concepts of augmented reality, mixed reality
                                                               Gaming Engines for Dynamic and
and virtual reality. Due to the see-through
                                                               Interactive 3D Models
nature of AR devices, proximate physical
reality is always part of an AR experience.                    Many developers use gaming engines like
But an implementor may choose to use a                         Unity and Unreal to develop these models as
mixed reality device to satisfy a use case that                well as output the executable application.14
has nothing to do with the proximate                           These development tools can output
physical reality – for example, rendering a 3D                 applications across many platforms,
model of a supply chain independently. They                    including AR and VR HMDs, smart phones,
may make this choice because users prefer                      tablets and PCs, which can communicate
mixed reality over virtual reality because                     over networks with servers and other
being aware of physical surroundings is more                   applications. Amazon Sumerian is a web-
comfortable. Thus, mixed reality could be                      based alternative that gives developers an
effectively remote or local.                                   easier but more limited alternative to
                                                               gaming engines. 15
VR tends to mean a fully immersive
experience with an HMD. But a VR asset                         The gaming engines can import 3D models
could be rendered in MR or on a flat screen.                   from other sources, including tools such as
This article has not taken on the trouble of                   Autodesk® Maya™ that are focused on
constantly restating that a virtualization of                  original 3D content creation by artists as well

14 W. Wise, “How to pick the right authoring tools for VR and AR,” O’Reilly On Our Radar, October 2017. Available:
15R. Marvin, “Inside Sumerian, Amazon's Big Bet on Augmented and Virtual Reality,” PC Magazine, April 2018. Available:

                                                        -9-                                            March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

as tools that can import existing CAD                               computer vision is identifying parts of the
drawings. In addition, AI can create 3D                             bus, such as the tires, engine, etc.
content. Booz Allen® has demonstrated the
                                                                    Mixing realities
use of generative adversarial networks to
greatly reduce the time and expense of                              An additional type of SDK is focused on the
content creation for simulation.16                                  mixing of digital and physical realities. To
                                                                    properly place a digital reality in to physical
World Knowledge with Computer Vision
                                                                    reality, the surfaces in the physical world and
In Milgram’s paper cited earlier, the authors                       lighting need to be understood. ARCore™
identified the dimension of Extent of World                         from Apple® and ARKit™ from Google solve
Knowledge, with the end points of an                                these problems for iOS and Android,
unmodelled world and a completely                                   respectively.17
modelled world. For AR applications, an
                                                                    Intelligent Reality and AI
application needs to at least partially model
the world, which the authors divided in to                          The various technologies under the AI
knowing what an object in the view is and                           umbrella are quickly becoming just
where it is in the view.                                            additional tools in the developer toolbox.
                                                                    This is certainly true in the XR space. For
For enterprise reality applications, the
                                                                    example, when the original Microsoft
identity of an object matters. For example, a
                                                                    HoloLens released in 2016, it came with both
fleet manager standing in front of a bus
                                                                    voice recognition and computer vision
needs to know exactly what bus it is, not just
                                                                    available to application developers. 18
that it is a bus. Object identity can be
achieved by reading bar codes, QR codes,                            But there is a lot more room for AI in the
text or other uniquely identifying marks.                           intelligent reality space than these baked-in
                                                                    features. The following sections look at
Once an asset is identified, natural feature
                                                                    several areas where AI can provide value to
tracking and object recognition can be
                                                                    workers’ perceptions of their realities.
employed to recognize component parts.
For example, the fleet manager can first                            Overcoming XR UI Limitations
glance at the license plate of the bus and
                                                                    Just as the transition from desktop to smart
then see the correct data-driven overlays for
                                                                    phone apps required new approaches,
that bus as they move around because
                                                                    reality apps introduce their own UI

16 N.
    Mehta et al., “The Role of AI in a VR World,” GPU Technology Conference, October 2018. Available: http://on-
17M. Giles, “AR still doesn’t have a killer app, but Google’s ARCore is here to help,” MIT Technology Review, Feb 2018.
18D. Bohn and T. Warren, “Up close with the HoloLens, Microsoft’s most intriguing product in years,” The Verge, January, 2015
[online]. Available:

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

constraints. Both VR and AR reality analytics                        An artificial expert could also carry this
apps must deal with the basic problem of                             burden or work in concert with a human
putting context first. If users are going to                         expert. The AI chatbot practices 20 seen at
gain value from having their analytics in                            call centers can be brought to bear. Just as
context, then the analytics cannot overly                            chatbots replace first level call center
obscure the context. In VR, that means that                          representatives, they can alleviate remote
a 3D model of a factory should be visually                           experts from first level work. Then, a single
dominant if it is to properly contextualize a                        remote expert can cover more junior
chart about some aspect of the factory’s                             workers and focus on tougher problems.
                                                                     Digital Twin Overlay
As UI space is at a premium, it becomes
                                                                     The Industrial Internet Consortium defines a
important to use that space wisely. The
                                                                     digital twin as “a digital representation of an
challenge is to give the user the best
                                                                     entity, including attributes and behaviors,
information for their role at that point of
                                                                     sufficient to meet the requirements of a set
time and for their current location. AI can
                                                                     of use cases.” 21 It is not only data about a
help solve that problem. Rather than forcing
                                                                     physical asset, like its service history. A good
the worker in to a data exploration UI
                                                                     digital twin takes the information about the
paradigm which would require many
                                                                     design, production and operational life of
selection actions, AI can make content
                                                                     the asset and virtualizes it in to a digital asset
selections on behalf of the worker.
                                                                     that can be tested and modified in ways that
Artificial Remote Experts                                            you would never treat an operating physical
                                                                     asset. Instead of a single expensive crash test
In the popular remote expert use case for
                                                                     of a car, you could perform millions of
AR19, the remote expert could be human or
                                                                     crashes virtually. Rather than a couple of
artificial. For example, a field technician
                                                                     turns around a test track, a car could be
wears an AR HMD and a human remote
                                                                     virtually driven for millions of miles across
expert can see what the technician is seeing
                                                                     multiple tests with different service
through the head-mounted camera. The
                                                                     histories. Such tests could then be used to
remote expert could also access equipment
                                                                     feed machine learning neural nets which are
history and metrics.
                                                                     then queried when servicing the real asset.

19E. Hadar et al., “Hybrid remote expert - an emerging pattern of industrial remote support,” CAiSE Forum, 29th International
Conference on Advanced Information System Engineering, Essen, Germany, June 2017. Available:
20  K. Nimavat and T. Champaneria, “Chatbots: An Overview. Types Architecture, Tools and Future Possibilities,” International
Journal for Scientific Research & Development, October 2017
21Q1 Digital Twin Interoperability TG Meeting Minutes, Feb 2019, Available:

                                                            - 11 -                                             March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

With an intelligent reality application, the                 practices immediately through the HMD.
digital twin can be overlaid directly on the                 Such learnings can be deployed back in to
physical twin. When a bus rolls in to the                    workers’ intelligent realities.
garage, a fleet manager can view important
                                                             While VR doesn’t offer the same connection
output from the bus’s digital twin as an AR
                                                             to the physical world, a VR HMD can also
overlay. A simple example is showing an
                                                             communicate position and orientation of the
alert because the bus is overdue an oil
                                                             workers’ heads. Eye tracking is also making it
change. But the real power of the digital twin
                                                             in to XR products, including HTC Vive Pro
would come from more nuanced cases that
                                                             Eye™ and Microsoft HoloLens2.           Such
aren’t simple violations of established single-
                                                             information can be used to improve the
dimensional rules. Perhaps the bus is within
                                                             simulation as well as strengthen the
the accepted ranges across several aspects
                                                             understanding of how humans would react
of maintenance, but the digital twin sees
                                                             in the physical analogue of the virtual
that a combination of near violations greatly
increases the risk of a mission-critical failure.
The AR device can communicate to the
manager who can then take appropriate
                                                             EXAMPLE USE CASES FOR
action.                                                      INTELLIGENT REALITY
Feeding AI from XR Devices                                   This section considers three use cases for
                                                             reality analytics along with architectural
When a factory deploys a thousand AR
                                                             solutions to their problems.
HMDs to workers, they are also deploying at
least a thousand head mounted cameras.                       Augmented Reality Chess Coach
Those cameras are well-positioned to
                                                             In this first use case, the work is developing
provide a rich set of video content. Such
                                                             Science, Technology, Engineering, and
content can be piped through computer
                                                             Mathematics (STEM) skills in young children,
vision and then on to machine learning and
                                                             and the workers are parent volunteers that
other analytical models. In addition to video
                                                             want to share the STEM benefits of chess
from the cameras, HMDs can transmit
                                                             with elementary schools.
precise information about the position and
orientation of the head of the wearer.                       Chess is known to aid the development of
                                                             STEM skills for students as young as
For    manufacturing,     an    AR-enabled
                                                             elementary school and elementary school
workplace could generate machine learning
                                                             chess clubs can provide a venue for youth
models that are trained based on head
position, gaze, placement of components in
the workspace, and quality outcomes. Once
trained, such a model could detect small
movements and practices that lead to poor
quality outcomes and suggest better

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

chess play. 22 It should be possible to use                         headsets are both expensive and new to
computer vision to interpret and analyze a                          most potential parent volunteers. Smart
chess position on a physical board. This                            phones, on the other hand, are already in the
capability could be packaged in an app that                         pockets of most parents.
aids the parent volunteer in both ensuring
                                                                    The computer vision problem breaks in to
legal chess play and providing chess
                                                                    four parts – finding the board in the image,
coaching and knowledge.
                                                                    creating a 3D coordinate space that finds all
But the economics of youth chess clubs are                          64 squares, recognizing the pieces in legal
daunting. Chess equipment is cheap, with a                          play on the board, and then correctly placing
set that will last twenty years costing cents                       the pieces on the squares. Then the position
per player per year. While there are sensor-                        can be stated in the standardized Forsyth-
laden boards that can stream moves across                           Edwards Notation (FEN) and passed to a
the Internet in the IoT style where the                             chess analysis engine. The engine can then
“things” are the chess pieces, such as the                          check if the position is legal, checkmate,
DGT smart board, they are much too                                  draw or stalemate and communicate that to
expensive for a typical club. Computer vision                       the volunteer. It can also analyze the
is the better economic choice over a sensor                         position and provide coaching info. The
approach.                                                           architecture is illustrated in Figure 4.
Either a smart phone or an AR head set is a
reasonable choice to host the app. But

22M. Thomas, “Scholastic Chess Clubs: 10 Reasons Why,” SAS Voices, Aug 2014 [online]. Available:

                                                           - 13 -                                   March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

                            Figure 4: Architecture for Augmented Reality Chess Coach

While the output is still analytical in nature,              Smart Facility Maintenance with a Digital
traditional charts would not be prevalent. If                Twin and AI
a pair of third graders raise their hands to ask
                                                             As sensor-laden facilities become smarter,
if they have arrived at stalemate, then the
                                                             digital twins can be developed to aid in the
single word ‘stalemate’ or ‘checkmate’ is all
                                                             care of smart facilities. Ideally, a digital twin
the output the parent volunteer needs. Even
                                                             for a facility would include operational
coaching tips, such as “count the number of
                                                             models of machine behavior provided by
attackers and defenders on the e4 square”
                                                             manufacturers. When manufacturers deploy
are best expressed textually rather than
                                                             machines that “phone home” with their
visually. It is not always the case that reality
                                                             operational data they can build a strong
analytics is visual.
                                                             digital twin with machine learning based on
The same architecture could be adapted for                   many cases of production usage. Then, an
other usages by replacing the chess position                 individual facility can compose a digital twin
analysis engine with another type of                         by combining those digital twins into a
analytical engine. This engine could be built                composite digital twin for the entire facility.
with machine learning or other techniques.                   The facility digital twin would also absorb
                                                             building plans, such as CAD drawings, and
                                                             encapsulate all of it in to a gaming engine
                                                             project that reaches out to the included
                                                             models. The gaming engine app front-ends

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

                                    Figure 5: XR and Digital Twins
the digital twin for human consumption over              tablet or smart phone and without ever
AR or VR.                                                possessing a check list beforehand. Before
                                                         leaving, the HMD could even direct them to
For performing the maintenance work, the
                                                         address several other issues so that they
digital twin provides a powerful twist on the
                                                         would not have to return to the room for a
typical remote expert use case, as discussed
earlier. An AI expert could either completely
replace a human expert, or, more likely,                 Smart City Emergency Response
significantly aid the human expert.
                                                         Cities are getting smart, thanks to IoT, but all
For the field technician, a handheld                     the technology increases the attack surface
computer such as a smart phone or tablet                 available to wrongdoers. Traffic accidents
with an AR app remains a valid choice, but an            can be caused by manipulating signals or
HMD device is a much more plausible fit than             even directly hacking vehicles. Building
in the previous example. For many field                  systems, including locks and ventilation,
technicians, being heads-up and hands-free               could also be coerced into malignant service.
is advantageous enough to justify the cost of
                                                         When responding to IoT based cyberattacks
an AR HMD. An HVAC technician, for
                                                         and other emergencies, a city can employ
example, can enter a machine room and fix
                                                         both AR and VR in conjunction with
an air handler without ever consulting a
                                                         streaming analytics, as illustrated in Figure 6.
manual or occupying their hands with a

                                                - 15 -                                     March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

                     Figure 6: Smart city emergency response with XR and streaming analytics

                                                              a crisis response and be effective after a
In an instrumented and digital twinned city,
                                                              quick app download to the phone. That
both AR and VR techniques can be useful. At
                                                              would be far easier and less costly than
street level, first responders and other field
                                                              having excess AR HMDs available.
workers can use AR to understand the city’s
infrastructure and emerging conditions.                       Remote analysts can utilize VR techniques
Either smart phone or a HMD could work,                       both to understand a city-wide crisis
though the heads-up hands-free capabilities                   holistically as well as assist workers on the
of HMDs would be very appealing in this                       ground at a specific site. While a first
case. Imagine a fireman going into a building                 responder is always anchored to a physical
that has hazardous chemicals and active gas                   location and can only acquire different
lines. Fumbling for a smart phone with heavy                  perspectives at the speed of available
gloves is far from ideal. But having a rugged                 locomotion, a remote analyst can easily
HMD as part of the outfit could do much to                    teleport about a virtualization of the same
keep the fireman safe and effective. Still,                   scene and see through buildings. They can
smart phone and even tablet usages of AR                      also quickly slice their time between
could be useful for those that are not so                     different sites that may be different parts of
directly hands-on and in the literal line of                  the same crisis. A VR HMD is a good option
fire. For example, a city worker who isn’t a                  for this work, but analysts could also use
front line professional could be deployed in

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Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

desktop flat screens towards the same                    CONCLUSIONS
                                                         This article introduced and explored the
Tying together the field and remote workers
                                                         notion of intelligent reality -- an underlying
is streaming analytics and AI. Both field and
                                                         conceptual      transition     towards      the
remote devices can be fed in real-time by the
                                                         contextualization of IoT analytics by utilizing
same engine over standard network
                                                         gaming engines, AI and computer vision
protocols. Just as two different users of the
                                                         software. The combination of XR, AI and IoT
same web site can have a consistent view of
                                                         should lead to greater penetration of data
live data, a proximate first responder and a
                                                         science into the world of work. When these
remote analyst can share the same view.
                                                         technologies operationalize analytics, cost
Through      standard     telephone     voice
                                                         savings can be realized across an enterprise.
technology, they can stay in sync and
communicate around the same data. The
streaming analytics engine can tie in to
machine learning inference just as in the
previous example.

                                                - 17 -                                     March 2019
Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond

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