Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020

Page created by Peggy Rose
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
I n teralpen          Magazine

    Spring & Summer
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
Dear Guests,
Many roads lead to Tyrol – from nor th, south, east and
west. As soon as the Alps appear on the horizon – you
will be in a holiday mood. Tyrol is par ticularly beautiful in
the springtime. Flora and fauna reawaken, the power of
the sun begins to grow, the cold breezes over the moun-
tain snow begin to carry the unmistakable fragrance of
the warmer air from the valleys, and inspire guests to
embrace the world outside the door.

Enjoy your journey here consciously and take time before
you arrive at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol to switch off and
kick back. Comprehensive rail network coverage means
you star t savouring the holiday atmosphere the moment
you leave the house. Wherever you are travelling from,
you are sure to arrive completely relaxed with a headful
of magnificent scenic impressions from your journey.

And that is where we take over, guaranteeing a whole
new range of highlights and unforgettable memories. At
the Interalpen Spa we revitalise weary travellers with de-
tox treatments, invigorating yoga sessions and relaxing
massages. Our cuisine awaits with refreshing treats pre-
pared from home-grown herbs and spices, for a perfect
star t to spring.

Well-for tified guests can then be let loose for an energet-
ic exploration of the splendid scenery. Jump on an e-bike,
hike in the hills of the Olympiaregion Seefeld and take
the family to discover the secrets of the Leutasch ‘spirit
gorge’. Your wellbeing is of paramount impor tance at the
Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol.

Our goal is to provide the perfect break from the ten-
sions of everyday life – and we can’t wait to star t work.

Best wishes                         Best wishes

Karl Brüggemann                     Christine Riedl-Knief
Managing Director                   Deputy Director &
Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol              Guest Relations
                                    Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
As Tyroleans say
                                                                                                                                                     Hello (sing.) / (pl.)       Griaß di / enk
                                                                                                                                                     Goodbye (sing.) / (pl.)     Pfiat di / enk
                                                                                                                                                     Hi / Bye                    Servus
                                                                                                                                                     Oh, how wonderful!          Mei wia schian!
                                                                                                                                                     Hill                        Bichl
                                                                                                                                                     Over / over there           Umi / entn
                                                                                                                                                     Uphill / downhill           Aui / oi
                                                                                                                                                     Difficult, strenuous        Zach
                                                                                                                                                     Climbing                    Kraxln
                                                                                                                                                     Locals                      Dåige
                                                                                                                                                     Squirrel                    Oachkatzl
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Interalpen recommends
Band in traditional Tracht clothings
                                                                                                                                                     Flower picking              Bluamen brockn
                                                                                                                                                                                                   An enchanting village
                                                                                                                                                     Sunbathing                  Sunnelen
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Seefeld in Tyrol has a population of 3,400 people and is well wor th
                                                                                                                                                     Extended hikes              Hatscha           a visit at any time of year. The main town in an area known as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ‘Olympiaregion’ offers a wide variety of leisure oppor tuni-ties – for
                                                                                                                                                     Cranberries                 Grantn            the spor ty, culinary enthusiasts and happy shoppers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   In summer this idyllic town is a great place to explore on foot.
                                                                                                                                                     Chanterelles                Eierschwammerln   Take a stroll around the picturesque Lake Wildsee, star ting at
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the nor thernmost tip and observe the teeming fauna on the
                                                                                                                                                     Conifer cones               Tschurtschn       banks and in the water. Then follow the path to the lovingly-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   crafted pedestrian precinct in the hear t of the town and on to
                                                                                                                                                     Snack, meal between meals   Marentn           the charming Seekirchl for a view that will stay with you for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   long time.
                                                                                                                                                     Bon Appetit!                Måhlzeit!

  Customs and traditions
  The county of Tyrol is closely associated with its customs and tradi-      Up to the mountain plateau
  tions. The region boasts a broad variety of time-honoured customs,         A less well-known cultural event, never theless an integral perennial
  traditions and crafts that have developed uniquely in each valley and      ritual, is the tradition of herding the cattle and their offspring up
  village over hundreds of years: Handicrafts, lifestyles, dances, songs,    onto the juicy, high-altitude Gaistal mountain pastures in June – and
  traditional Tracht clothing, recipes and church rituals. In Tyrol they     back down into the valley again in September, a descent, the Alm­
  are not merely passed down – they form a par t of everyday life. In        abtrieb, for which the cows and calves are decorated with magnifi-
  the Olympiaregion Seefeld these traditions play an essential role in       cent colourful headgear and accompanied by crowds of revellers.
  the lives of the people here, and are cultivated, honoured and cele-
  brated by over one hundred clubs and associations.                         Old yet new
                                                                             The Seefeld ar ts and crafts festival on the second weekend of Sep-
  In honour of the saints                                                    tember promises all kinds of old crafts and skills, culinary delights
  Annual fairs, known as Kirchtage, are often staged to celebrate the        and tons of musical enter tainment. There are 100 market stalls
  anniversary of a community church’s consecration. The patron               from all over the county spread across the entire pedestrian pre-
  saints play a key role in the celebrations. In Leutasch, on the 22 July,   cinct. Neighbouring alpine countries and regions are also repre-
  there is a celebration in honour of Mary Magdalene. The proces-            sented, as are some very rare occupational groups. These include
  sion involves numerous Leutasch clubs that celebrate the many              basket weavers, hatters, blacksmiths, barrel makers, potters and
  local customs, and is followed by music, dancing and hear ty, down-        knife grinders – to mention but a few. Visitors also marvel at over
  to-ear th rural fayre.                                                     800 people attending in Dirndl dresses and Lederhosen.
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
Meadow flowers...                                              far as the eye can see

Potentilla aurea is a radiant eye-catcher.

Magnificent flowers and panoramic view                                   Field scabious                                                              Mittenwaldbahn railway on the Schlossbachgraben bridge

  A bright burst of colour                                                                                                                             Sustainable relaxation                                                  The Interalpen recommends
  What could be a better place to relax on warm spring and summer          Natural treasures                                                           Let nothing get in your way once the journey to your holiday des-       Mittenwaldbahn (Karwendelbahn)
  days than the expansive gardens of the Interalpen? The 10,000
  square metres of park landscape accommodate an immense vari-
                                                                           Under the arboreal guardianship of pine and spruce, daisies, red
                                                                           clover, buttercups, campanula, grassland sage, field scabious and
                                                                                                                                                       tination has commenced. The Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol can be
                                                                                                                                                       reached conveniently by rail, regardless of where the journey
  ety of naturally-occurring and cultivated plants, and offer lovingly     innumerable grasses begin to stretch toward the sun – while the             begins. Hotel guests can pre-book our free and exclusive shuttle        Opened in 1912, the Mittenwaldbahn railway guarantees
  designed peaceful spots in which to leave your stress behind and         autumn dandelions wait their turn to take centre stage in high              service taking passengers back and for th between the local railway     ­s pectacular views of the area.
  absorb the soothing tranquillity of the moment, surrounded by            summer. In the countenance of so much colour, it is no surprise this        stations in Innsbruck, Seefeld, Telfs-Pfaffenhofen and Mittenwald –
  magnificent Tyrolean alpine scenery.                                     place is also home to countless insects. Wild bees and butterflies          and the hotel. Enjoy a truly relaxing trip here with unbeatable         The 56-kilometre line serves the route from Innsbruck via
                                                                           are major beneficiaries of the abundance of nectar.                         views en route.                                                         Seefeld to Mittenwald and Garmisch-Par tenkirchen – and back.
  A circle of life                                                                                                                                                                                                             Passengers marvel at the legendary Mar tinswand rock face far
  The spring sun slowly warms the ear th, the flora a round t he           Explore worlds of wonder                                                    Alternatively, there are regular bus services from cities such as       above the town of Zirl, and navigate 16 tunnels, 18 bridges and
  Interalpen- Hotel Tyrol begins to swell and bloom. While busy gar-       Nature is a rich source of joie de vivre for the attentive, the relent-     Berlin, Frankfur t, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Munich, Nuremberg and          viaducts for an exhilarating experience for guests of all ages.
  deners cultivate the greenery around the outdoor pool in the             lessly curious, and those who consciously rejoice at such beauty.           Stuttgar t bringing guests straight to Seefeld.
  company of wonderfully fragrant lavender, decorative lilac and           Seize your oppor tunity to explore this floral wonderland.
  radiant yellow potentilla aurea, the luscious alpine fields on some
  par ts of the estate are bursting into life.
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
Spirit gorge
                                                                                                                                                                        The saga of the gorge spirit
                                                                                                                                                                        The saga tells of a spirit that lives far down at the other end
                                                                                          The enigmatic Leutasch                                                        of Leutasch valley. For centuries, some locals believed it was
                                                                                                                                                                        a spirit that had descended from the mountain and hidden
                                                                                          spirit gorge                                                                  itself in the most inaccessible par t of the gorge. Others
                                                                                                                                                                        thought it must have been a demon, a supernatural creature
                                                                                          This is a wonderful place to go for a hike with the whole family. The         that worked together with the sprites to guard the nor thern
                                                                                          Leutasch spirit gorge is a mystical place with rugged rock faces,             end of Leutasch valley. The sprites gather at night to dance
                                                                                          thunderous waterfalls, sparkling droplets and bubbling waters –               to wonderous, cacophonous tones, par ticularly in the spring,
                                                                                          and it is the perfect hiding place for timid gorge spirits, water ­f airies   when the Leutasch riverbed is inundated with glacial water
                                                                                          and sprites.                                                                  and becomes a roaring torrent. Locals speak of sightings of
                                                                                                                                                                        the gorge spirit in Mittenwald, dashing across the fields and
                                                                                          The domain of the gorge spirit                                                spraying the dew-laden summer morning grass with golden
                                                                                          Enter this mystical world in search of the spirit and its cohor ts            sparks - but without ever leaving a single footprint; just
                                                                                          through the magically colourful por tal of the rainbow serpent. The           singed grass - glittering like gold. Those who touched it, or
                                                                                          sturdy and skilfully crafted walkway is secured on both sides of the          tried to pick it up, saw it turn to ash and disintegrate. None
                                                                                          rugged gorge to ensure unforgettable voyages of discovery in the              of the stories clearly explain the origin of a spirit said to
                                                                                          fresh air. The walkway grille provides spectacular views of the               have lived in the gorge for over ten thousand years.
The Interalpen recommends                                                                 canyon below, a sensation of almost being in the gushing and raging

Princely pleasures                                                                        water, and the oppor tunity to observe even the minutest of move-
                                                                                          ments on the sheer walls of the gorge and in the crystal-clear
                                                                                          water. Look! Wasn’t that the spirit? Or is it just the fairies playing
The majestic Ambras castle proudly sits high above the city of                            tricks?
Innsbruck. Its rich and eventful history stretches back from the
medieval period, through the renaissance and on to the present                            Great family fun
day. This landmark boasts plenty to explore for the whole family.                         With the help of the sun, skilful visitors in the cabinet of mirrors          A visit to the spirit gorge is an awe-inspiring outdoor experience
Book one of the fascinating theme tours and take a trip back in                           can illuminate even the darkest crags of the gorge, or use an ear             for the whole family.
time to an age of emperors and princes. When the weather is                               trumpet to listen to the rumbling of the canyon spirit. The path
good there is nothing better than a long walk around the magnif-                          continues along the gorge, past the spirit’s grotto and across dizzy-         Duration of the hike: Approx. 90 minutes
icent gardens to marvel at the flora and fauna on the grounds of                          ing suspension bridges. In the summer months, par ticularly adven-            Open every day from 4 May until the end of October
the picturesque park.                                                                     turous and courageous visitors may even try the waterfall walkway.            Free admission to the Leutasch spirit gorge
                                                                                          The 200-metre gangway leads deep into the gorge and ends at the               Admission for the waterfall walkway: Adults – €3, Children – €1
                                                                                          23-metre waterfall. Is this where the spirit has hidden his treasure?         Parking fee: €5
                                                                                          Maybe you will be the one to discover the truth!                              There are places to stop for food and refreshments on the way.
                                                                    Gaistal, Leutasch
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
A superb outlook
  for a relaxing holiday
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
High up – deeply relaxed
                                                                           The Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol is embedded in magnificent scenery,
                                                                           surrounded by forests, fields a nd m ountains, f or a w onderfully
                                                                           inspirational star t to your detox programme.

                                                                           Detox out in the fresh air
                                                                           It has been scientifically p roven t hat n ature c an h ave a r elaxing
                                                                           effect, and that clear, fresh mountain air at an altitude of 1,300
                                                                           metres above sea level enhances the body’s immune system.
                                                                           ‘Wellness’ is a blend of wellbeing and happiness, and is one that is
                                                                           easily achieved in the inspirational setting of the Tyrolean

                                                                           While the natural surroundings refresh and revive, the Interalpen
                                                                           Spa team provides an all-round feeling of wellbeing involving activ-
                                                                           ities and relaxation, solitude and sociability, in the generously pro-
                                                                           por tioned spa. Savour your time away from the world and give
                                                                           your body and soul the attention they deserve.
                                                                                                                                                     The Interalpen recommends
The Interalpen recommends                                                  Aware and at one with body and soul
                                                                                                                                                      Highlights of the Interalpen
Spicy smoothie                                                             Yoga, meditation and fascia workouts are effective means of
                                                                           achieving relaxation and revitalisation, and are valuable elements        ­Active Programme (Extract)
with mango and ginger                                                      of our spa and health programme. They are combined with infu-
                                                                           sion ceremonies in the Tyrolean Sauna Village, and several other
                                                                           pleasurable treatments, to ensure you return home to your life            29.05. –   01.06. Mindfulness Training, Meditation and Yoga
500 ml   coconut or almond milk                                            completely re-energised and fully recovered. Allow us to spoil and        02.06. –   09.06. Yoga and Yoga for Families
½        mango                                                             pamper you, and inspire you to do something for your wellbeing            11.06. –   14.06. Fascia and Yin Yoga
½        banana                                                            every day.                                                                11.07. –   16.07.	Waveboard and Slackline
1– 2     dried dates                                                                                                                                                    for Children and Teenagers
1        piece of ginger (broad as a thumb)                                Looking after yourself does not have to be time-consuming. Give           24.07. –   31.07. Indoor and Outdoor Yoga
1        pinch of curcuma                                                  yourself five minutes every day to discover the inner peace medi-         31.07. –   08.08. Kids’ Relax Week with Family Yoga
1        pinch of cinnamon                                                 tation can bring. Find a quiet place, make sure you are sitting com-      18.09. –   25.09. Hiking Week
1        pinch of black pepper                                             for tably and focus your attention solely on your breathing.              18.10. –   24.10. Nordic Walking Event
                                                                                                                                                     26.11. –   29.11. Mindfulness Training, Meditation and Yoga
Use a blender or hand blender                                              Meditation, practised on a regular basis, can generate a genuine
to chop the ingredients.                                                   sensation of inner and outer radiance.                                    Subject to change
Best enjoyed chilled.                                                                                                                                » For further information please take a look at our Interalpen App.
                                              Detox out in the fresh air
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
I wandered
lonely as a cloud
        I wandered lonely as a cloud,
    that floats on high o’er vales and hills.
       When all at once I saw a crowd,
          a host, of golden daffodils.
     Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
     fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

     Continuous as the stars that shine,
        and twinkle on the milky way.
     They stretched in never-ending line,
          along the margin of a bay.
       Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
    tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

       The waves beside them danced,
 but they out-did the sparkling waves in glee.
         A poet could not but be gay,
          in such a jocund company.
  I gazed – and gazed – but little thought,
  what wealth the show to me had brought.

       For oft, when on my couch I lie,
        in vacant or in pensive mood,
      They flash upon that inward eye,
         which is the bliss of solitude.
    And then my heart with pleasure fills,
        and dances with the daffodils.
               William Wordsworth
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020
Killarney / Ireland
                                                                                                                                                                                            The Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                            Hotel & ­Resort
                                                                                                                                                                                            Stylish design and very carefully chosen interiors
                                                                                                                                                                                            await guests at this 5-star facility. The Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                            Hotel & Resor t spoils visitors with sophisticated
                                                                                                                                                                                            restaurants and bars serving all kinds of regional
                                                                                                                                                                                            and international delicacies. The excellent spa
                                                                                                                                                                                            area guarantees relaxation accompanied by a
                                                                                                                                                                                            stunning view across a lusciously-green Irish
                                                                                                                                                                                            lawn, down to the majestic lake.

                                                                                                                                     Killarney / Ireland
                                                                                                                                     The Dunloe
                                                                                                                                     Hotel & Gardens
                                                                                                                                     The 5-star hotel at the famous Gap of Dunloe
                                                                                                                                     impresses with a large and spacious complex,
                                                                                                                                     offering plenty of room for guests and their
                                                                                                                                     families to relax and indulge in leisure activities.
                                                          On the Emerald Isle                                                        The exotic plants and trees are best explored
                                                                                                                                     on a lengthy stroll around the extensive park
                                                          Abraham Bachlechner and his eleven colleagues began their                  gardens or by riding out on the hotel's own
                                                          2-month trip on 1 April 2019, involving practical experience work-         horses.
                                                          ing at two hotels: ‘The Europe’ and ‘The Dunloe’, as well as a visit
                                                          to ‘Ard na Sidhe Country House’ – which are all situated in the
                                                          picturesque County Kerry in south-western Ireland. It was a bene-
                                                          ficial experience for the staff employed in the kitchens, service,
                                                          reception, housekeeping and floristry – giving them the oppor tu-
                                                          nity to explore the distinguishing characteristics of hotels belong-
                                                          ing to the same corporate group as the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol.

                                                          What makes Ireland unique? For Abraham Bachlechner, alongside
                                                          the scenic aspects and the unpredictable weather, it was the
                                                          people who made Ireland so special: ‘People in Ireland are friendly,                                                              Caragh Lake / Ireland
             “People in Ireland
        are friendly, humorous and
                                                          humorous and very warm-hear ted.’
                                                                                                                                                                                            Ard na Sidhe
           very warm-hearted.”
                                                          And the hotels? What are the distinguishing factors? ‘The Europe
                                                          has an excellent spa facility and is ideal for people coming privately
                                                                                                                                                                                            Country House
                 Abraham Bachlechner                      or as conference guests. The Dunloe is a very family-friendly facil-                                                              Built in 1913, this 4-star Victorianesque hidea-
                                                          ity, offering large gardens, plenty of leisure oppor tunities, a diverse                                                          way, furnished with antique furniture, paintings
                                                          programme of activities and enter tainment for children – and is a                                                                and por traits, is situated on the banks of Lake
                                                          popular choice as a venue for weddings. The Victorian-style Ard na                                                                Caragh. Wherever you enjoy high tea – by the
The six Liebherr Group hotels offer great diversity and   Sidhe Country House is perfect for people seeking a peaceful and                                                                  fireside or in the park garden at the edge of the
each has its own unique charm. While the new Pent-        quiet retreat.’                                                                                                                   lake – Ard na Sidhe country house promises an
house Suites were being built and furnished during the                                                                                                                                      unforgettable time for all those seeking peace
Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol’s spring closure period, twelve    What’s the biggest difference to the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol?                                                                      and tranquillity.
members of staff made the journey to Ireland to gain      ‘Many guests in Ireland only stay in the hotel for breakfast, using
some invaluable work experience. Abraham Bachlech-        the day for trips around the area. B&B-style use of accommodation
ner, Deputy Reception Manager at the Interalpen-          is far more common there,’
Hotel Tyrol, was one of the entourage.
                                                          Abraham explained, and summarised his trip as follows: ‘Very
                                                          beneficial, both professionally and privately. I would recommend it
                                                          to anyone.’
Interalpen - Spring & Summer 2020

                                                                                                                                           May 2020                                                                     Autumn / Winter 2020 Preview

                                                                                                                                           30 May 2020                                                                  02 – 05 September 2020
                                                                                                                                           Casino Night                                                                 Cabriolet Days (Package)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        06 September – 22 October 2020
                                                                                                                                           July 2020                                                                    Relax into Autumn (Package)
E-Bike Adventures                                                    Time to Celebrate                                                     01 – 04 July 2020                                                            18 – 25 September 2020
                                                                                                                                           Cabriolet Days (Package)                                                     Hiking Week
An e-bike excursion is one of the most enjoyable ways to explore     Life offers us lots of different reasons wor th being celebrated
the Tyrolean Alps. With a little help from a motor, you can tackle   together with family and friends. Either bir thdays, anniversaries,   18 July 2020                                                                 25 – 27 September 2020
even long or steep routes with ease.                                 weddings, final degrees or christenings – The Interalpen-Hotel        Tipsi Club: Pirate Summer Party                                              Tyrolean Autumn Festivities
                                                                     ­Tyrol provides the perfect framework for any festivity.
                                                                                                                                           25 July 2020                                                                 09 – 11 October 2020
                                                                                                                                           Tipsi Club: Magical & Spooky Summer Party                                    ‘Just for Women’ & ‘Just for Men’ (Package)
                                                                                                                                           31 July 2020		                                                               16 – 18 Oktober 2020
                                                                                                                                           Sushi Evening with Live Music                                                ‘Just for Women’ & ‘Just for Men’ (Package)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        31 October 2020
                                                                                                                                           August 2020                                                                  Casino Night
                                                                                                                                           01 August 2020                                                               Tipsi Club: Halloween
                                                                                                                                           Tipsi Club: Tyrolean Summer Party
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        01 – 08 November 2020
                                                                                                                                           07 August 2020                                                               Health & Vitality Days in November
                                                                                                                                           Casino Night
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        07 November 2020
                                                                                                                                           08 August 2020                                                               Farewell Cocktail
                                                                                                                                           Tipsi Club: Pirate Summer Party
Perfect Golf                                                         Cabriolet Days                                                                                                                                     09 – 19 November 2020

                                                                     01 – 04 July | 02 – 05 September 2020
                                                                                                                                           14 August 2020                                                               Closing Period
Golfing in a lovely mountain panorama, surrounded by green hills                                                                           Sushi Evening with Live Music
and treetops. Two of the most beautiful golf courses in the Alps     This year’s cabriolet rally includes two more extensive excursions                                                                                 21 – 29 November 2020
await you around the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol: Seefeld-Wildmoos        as well as a sociable mountain hut par ty.                            15 August 2020                                                               Health & Vitality Days in November
and Mieminger Plateau.                                                                                                                     Tipsi Club: Magical & Spooky Summer Party
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        27 – 29 November | 04 – 06 & 11 – 13 December 2020
                                                                                                                                           22 August 2020                                                               Advent in the Mountains (Package)
                                                                                                                                           Tipsi Club: Tyrolean Summer Party

                                                                                                                                                                                      The Interalpen-App is now available
                                                                                                                                                                                      on the App Store and on Google Play.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Always keep yourself posted and never miss out on the latest news,
                                                                                                                                                                                      events and useful information.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Download now for iOS and Android

Pure Relaxation                                                      Relax into Autumn
                                                                     06 September – 22 October 2020
Get some quality time for yourself and enjoy a relaxing aroma oil
massage. The treatment ‘Deep Cleansing’ additionally nourishes       The most comfortable time of the year begins. Our offer guarantees
your skin with rich essences.                                        a wonderful feel-good break in a luxurious ambience and brings you
                                                                     relaxed into autumn.

                                                                                                                                           Subject to changes. Typographical and printing errors excepted.
Copyrights: Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, Olympiaregion Seefeld / Stefan Wolf (2-3, 20), Olympiaregion Seefeld (4, 8, 14-15, 18), Andreas Conrad (4),
                                                                                             Olympiaregion Seefeld / Stephan Elsler (5, 8), SalzburgerLand Tourismus (5), Olympiaregion Seefeld / Stefan Hagenlocher (7), Tirol Werbung (8),
                                                                                             Olympiaregion Seefeld / Mathaeus Gartner (9), istock (12), Alpenboxx (13), Ard na Sidhe Country House (16-17), The Europe Hotel & ­Resort (17),
                                                                                             The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens (17), Olympiaregion Seefeld / Ronny Kiaulehn, CUBE (18), Monoplan AG (10-11)

        Tel. + 43 (0) 50809-30, Fax + 43 (0) 50809-37190,
Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol GmbH, Dr.-Hans-Liebherr-Alpenstrasse 1, A-6410 Telfs-Buchen/Seefeld
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