Indoor swimming pool air conditioning

Page created by Laura James
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Indoor swimming pool
          air conditioning
         Private swimming pool | Hotel swimming pool | Saline swimming pool
Sport swimming pool | Recreational bath | Sauna area | Heat recovery from waste water
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
   Minimal EnergyApplication
                                      Complex buildings accommodate a large                        and investors to save money – day after
                                      number of different room types and                           day, month after month, and year after
                                      special architectural features. Menerga                      year. The investment costs are amortised
                                      remains on top of things and finds the                       within a very short period.
Menerga philosophy                1   perfect solution for any project. With over
                                      40,000 installations and systems world-                      We will be happy to produce reference
Menerga Customer Service          1   wide, we cover almost every type of                          lists for the building types in which you are
                                      building. When searching for the best                        interested. And in the event that you sur-
Core competencies                2    solution, we jointly analyse the conditions                  prise us with a totally new project, we will
                                      at the location. In this manner, we and our                  find the right solution for any requirements.
Requirements                     3
                                      partners have jointly implemented                            With our eyes sharpened by countless
                                      countless projects, which have received                      special projects, e.g. the "ALMA" telescope
Relevant values                  4
                                      many awards for energy efficiency. We are                    facility in the Atacama desert, or the
Private swimming pools           5    proud of this. But what we really like                      "Princess Elisabeth Station" at the South
                                      about this is the knowledge about jointly                    Pole, we will be happy to accept the
Hotel/therapy pools              7    developed solutions, which allow operators                   challenge.

Saline swimming pools            9

Sport swimming pools             11

Recreational baths               13

Sauna area                       15

Heat recovery from waste water   17

                                      Experts at your service
                                      Technical Customer Service
                                      Experts at your service, anytime, any-                       offered by the Menerga Technical
                                      where. With a comprehensive range of                         Service covers everything from the test
                                      services and an extensive service net-                       run at the factory and on-site commis-
                                      work throughout Europe, the Menerga                          sioning, through periodic servicing, repairs,
                                      Technical Service guarantees the most                        remote maintenance and remote diagno-
                                      economical and advanced services over                        sis by means of direct dial-up options, to
                                      the entire life cycle of your system, from                   the refurbishment and optimisation of
                                      the day of commissioning onwards.                            the systems.

                                      More than 120 service technicians at                         We supply you with the right service
                                      various service centres, and 40 service                      concept, customer-specific and
                                      engineers at the Menerga locations, pro-                     application-specific. In the event of an
                                      vide a professional all-inclusive service,                   emergency, you can reach us 24 hours a
                                      with the objective of achieving high                         day on the following telephone number:
                                      availability of the systems and a maxi-                      +49 208 9981-199
                                      mum of efficiency. The range of services

   1                                    Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Core competencies
                        Our areas of application
                                                          Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
                                                          Private swimming pools, public swimming pool halls, adventure pools, sports pools,
                                                          saline baths, hotel pools, school pools, therapeutic pools and many more.
                                                          Last not least: heat recovery from waste water.
                                                          The air conditioning of swimming pool halls is one of the most challenging areas for air
                                                          conditioning. Here we started 30 years ago, this is where we grew up, and we are
                                                          now market leaders and innovation pioneers. Our special competency lies in the high
                                                          heat recovery efficiency lowering operating costs, while robust system design
© City of Rijeka

                                                          overcomes adverse conditions.

                                                          Comfort air conditioning
                                                          Low-energy buildings, offices, museums, sports facilities, schools, clinics, hotels, banks,
                                                          historical buildings and many more.
                                                          With comfort air conditioning, the focus is on people. Our technology is based on the
                                                          respective requirements of a project, but simultaneously always looks for the most
                                                          efficient method with the lowest consumption of energy. For example, we cool with
                                                          water in order to save electrical energy, or make use of sorption-based air conditioning,
                                                          with which you can carry out dehumidification by means of heat, e.g. from solar
                                                          thermal energy or process waste heat. It is even possible to store excess solar heat
                                                          for an indefinite period without any losses for the purposes of dehumidification.

                                                          Process air conditioning and chilled water
                                                          Air conditioning of data centres, industrial drying, process cooling, air conditioning for
                                                          warehouses, cold water generation and much more.
                                                          Last not least: heat recovery from waste water.
                                                          The process air conditioning system must ensure that defined air conditions prevail in
                                                          a defined situation. Menerga systems guarantee reliable drying, cooling or heating. In
                                                          the field of chilled water, our systems reliably provide the desired water conditions. In
                                                          this sector, too, saving energy through the use of intelligent technology is our top

                                                          Special solutions
                                                          Research projects, special applications
                                                          Challenges and unusual projects are the milestones of Menerga's company history.
                                                          Since the foundation of our company, we have designed solutions for each individual
                                                          customer. We enjoy taking on challenging projects, knowing that these are the
                                                          projects that bring valuable experience, and which also improve the filter class of our

                                                          "standard" systems.

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Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Indoor Swimming Pool Air Conditioning
    Requirements: Precision technology round-the-clock
    The air conditioning of an indoor swim-     Irrespective of the intensity of use of the                               automatic aeration, dehumidification and
    ming pool hall fulfils two main tasks:      swimming pool hall, the high level of water                               heating of the rooms, always within the
    1st The creation of an ideal pleasant       evaporation requires 24-hour operation                                    most economical operating point. For
        climate for sportsmen and women         of the air conditioning system, ideally                                   intelligent air distribution we offer slot
        and wellness fans.                      regulated by an intelligently designed                                    diffusers, which keep large window
    2nd The continuous dehumidification of      and controlled system.                                                    fronts mist-free. And we set our sights
        the air in the swimming pool hall in                                                                              not only on the swimming pool hall
        order to protect the structure of the   Indoor swimming pool air conditioning is                                  itself: with our systems you also create
        building against damage from            considered to be an extremely demanding                                   the ideal climate in neighbouring areas
        moisture over the long term.            discipline, a discipline in which Menerga                                 such as the restaurant, sports area or
                                                is the market and innovation leader. Our                                  changing rooms. Rely on our expertise!
                                                systems ensure the customised and fully
    KLIMA-PLUS:                                                                                         Indoor swimming pool

    Menerga systems are developed and
    manufactured to have long service
    lives and for operation with the lowest
                                                                                   1   2      3     4    5   6

    possible operating costs. We at Mener-
    ga always think things through – that
    one famous step further – and focus
                                                                                                                                             Slot diffuser
    on your project and all its special
    requirements. You yourself profit from                                                 Return air            Supply air

    this doubly. This is because anyone

    who decides on efficient, first-class
    technology not only saves on operat-
                                                                                                                              Plant room
                                                Outside air
    ing costs, but also benefits in terms of
    environmentalism and independence.          Exhaust air

3                                                  Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Relevant values
At the end of the day it is the costs that count!
Swimming pool halls are usually operated            while operating a totally reliable air
at an air temperature between 30°C and              conditioning system. Menerga systems                               Your advantages:
34°C in order to provide the lightly clad           are designed to be energy-efficient from
bathers with a comfortable environment.             the ground up and equipped with an                                        Intelligent, innovative and highly
For this reason, the swimming pool hall air         intelligent control system which always                                   efficient systems and concepts
is almost always warmer than the outside            selects the optimum operating mode
air. Usually, ventilation of the swimming           automatically in line with requirements.                                  Robust equipment design with
pool hall means a continuous loss of                Every day the systems save not only                                       corrosion-free heat exchangers
energy. A good heat recovery system and             energy, but also valuable resources. Due                                  made of polypropylene
regulation in line with requirements pay            to their high level of efficiency, they are
off within a very short time. Fact is: the          ideal for use in swimming pool halls in                                   Very low operating costs
most important aspect with respect to the           accordance with the passive building
                                                    standard. All Menerga systems are                                       	Utilisation of renewable energy sources
costs of a swimming pool is not the
investment costs, but the operating                 manufactured to be robust and durable
                                                                                                                              Integrated control system
costs. Anyone who makes an intelligent              and guarantee long and trouble-free
choice may save over the long term                  operation.
                                                                                                                              Compact, space-saving integrated units

                                                                                                                              All systems tested in factory trial runs

                                                                                                                              Ready for installation delivery

                                                                                                                              Excellent maintenance concepts

                                                                                                                              Representatives throughout Europe

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Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Good Climate in Private Swimming Pools
     Private swimming pools generally have        machine to cool the air down to the dew                      A central air conditioning unit is usually
     short periods of activity and very long      point and condensing the water out of                        installed in a plant room outside the
    "resting" phases. During the activity         the air. The dehumidified air then has to                    actual swimming pool hall and therefore
     period, the hall is usually used by only a   be reheated in a heating coil in order to                    does not disrupt the swimming pleasure
     few people. In other words: the condi-       ensure a constant temperature level in                       neither visually nor acoustically. Intel-
     tioning of the swimming pool hall air        the swimming pool hall. A central air                        ligent air distribution through the use of
     focuses on dehumidification and en-          conditioning unit with a high level of heat                  slot diffusers keeps window fronts
     suring that the desired temperature is       recovery reduces these heating costs                         mist-free.
     constantly maintained. With this level of    significantly, with up to 80% of the heat
     use, a continuous addition of fresh air is   being recovered from the swimming pool                       A private swimming pool should always
     often not required - a fact that keeps the   hall return air.                                             be planned individually. If the heating in
     operating costs very low, particularly in                                                                 a residential building is provided by a
     the colder months.                           Central air conditioning units also allows                   domestic heat pump (low-energy), the
                                                  the admixing of outside air in the summer                    energy of the heat pump can also be
    A central air conditioning unit has many      months or even free ventilation. The                         used for the swimming pool air condi-
    advantages compared to floor-standing         swimming pool hall climate is improved                       tioning. Similarly, the utilisation of excess
    solutions, for example. A floor-standing      as a result and again operating costs can                    heat to heat the fresh water for the
    unit dehumidifies the swimming pool           be saved.                                                    swimming pool is also possible.
    hall air through the use of a refrigerating

5                                                   Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Examples from                                         Technology Hits
                                                                       Menerga fits!
                                                                       The multi-functional compact systems of                        used to heat the fresh water for the
                                                                       the ThermoCond 19, 23 and 29 series                            swimming pool via a pool water con-
                                                                       have been specially designed for use in                        denser.
                                                                       private swimming pools. The systems
                                                                       are equipped with corrosion-free heat                          Depending on the equipment, the in-
                                                                       exchangers made of polypropylene. In                           tegration of an existing domestic heat
                                                                       contrast to the ThermoCond series for                          pump in the building is also possible.
                                                                       public public swimming halls, the 19, 23                       This is connected to the heating coil of
                                                                       and 29 series operate for most of the                          the air conditioning unit. In most cases
© T. Phillippi

                                                                       day with very high energy efficiency                           the low flow temperatures of the
                                                                       levels in recirculation mode. The heat                         domestic heat pump of around 35°C are
                 Unit type: ThermoCond                                 recovery efficiency is up to 80%. All                          not sufficient for heating the swimming
                 Private swimming pool in South Germany                installations are complete systems with                        pool hall, which is why the heating coil
                 The private swimming pool appears to float            intelligent controls which adapt them-                         is incorporated upstream of the air con-
                 above the roofs of the town.                          selves fully automatically to the condi-                       denser. In combination, the two systems
                                                                       tions. ThermoCond 29 is also equipped                          heat the supply air very efficiently to the
                                                                       with an integrated heat pump.                                  required temperature level. The domes-
                                                                                                                                      tic heat pump can be operated with an
                                                                       Menerga systems use every resource                             optimum COP at unchanged low flow
                                                                       available. Excess heat from the air con-                       temperatures.
                                                                       ditioning system can, for example, be

                                                                       For example:
                                                                       Private swimming pool in South Germany
© fnoxx

                 Unit type: ThermoCond                                 The owners could not imagine having a                          large glass fronts. The free cooling method
                 Private swimming pool
                                                                       simple rectangular structure as a swim-                        of the system adds cool outside air from
                 Private swimming pool hall with spacious              ming pool hall – which is why they asked                       the shady side of the building and thereby
                 wellness area                                         for a simple, minimalist work of art to be                     lowers the indoor temperature at low
                                                                       created. The swimming pool is surround-                        cost. The integrated heat pump also en-
                                                                       ed on three sides by glass facades, which                      sures energy-efficient operation of the
                                                                       enable unique integration into the en-                         swimming pool hall. The return air is de-
                                                                       vironment. The pool area is accessible                         humidified, while the evaporation heat
                                                                       from below, directly from the adjoining                        that is obtained is increased to a higher
                                                                       residential building. The materials used                       temperature level in order to heat the
                                                                       were almost exclusively natural.                               supply air or the water.

                                                                       For air conditioning purposes, a Menerga                                                                       System overview
                                                                                                                                                                                   Indoor swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                         air conditioning | Comfort
                                                                                                                                                                                         Process air conditioning                   air conditioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | Chilled water generation

                                                                       ThermoCond 29 with summer bypass is
                                                                       used for free cooling and three-stage
© T. Phillippi

                                                                       heat recovery. The necessary dehumi-
                                                                       dification capacity was not the decisive                           System types
                 Unit type: ThermoCond                                 factor in the design, but the airflow rate
                 Private swimming pool                                 required to ensure that the glass facades                                  ThermoCond 19                 p. 6
                 A sumptuous wellness domicile with a                  remain mist-free. The air conditioning
                 luxurious ambience.                                   unit provides free cooling in the summer                                   ThermoCond 23                 p. 6
                                                                      - a relevant aspect, since the swimming
                                                                       pool hall is heated very strongly by the                                   ThermoCond 29                 p. 6

                                                                                                                                       Please refer to our latest catalogue for more details.

                                                Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |                                                  6
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Photo: Anže Čokl / Bohinj Park Hotel***** / Unit type: ThermoCond

        Good Climate in Hotel or Therapy Pools
        For the German Hotel and Restaurant                    rate of the rooms. Because news of a                            dehumidification of the swimming pool
        Association DEHOGA, a hotel swimming                   good climate gets around – but unfortu-                         hall air in order to transport stale air out
        pool is a precondition for achieving the               nately, so does news of a bad one! This                         of the room. Here the focus is not only
        classification of a five-star hotel. But for           is why you should opt for a solution which                      on comfort, but also the performance of
        smaller hotels with less "stellar ambitions",         - through its energy-efficient mode of                           the personnel and bathers. Humid, cold
        a swimming pool is also an important                   operation, e.g. recirculation mode that                         or stale air would reduce the success of
        item of equipment for satisfied guests.                adapts to requirements - saves costs                            the therapy - and the satisfaction of the
                                                               while at the same time ensuring perfect                         paying patients.
        In itself, the swimming pool is of course              air conditions.
        not a guarantee of satisfaction. Because                                                                               Clever operators invest in sophisticated
        if instead of the desired "wellness oasis"             Of equal importance are swimming pools                          technology in both the hotel and the
        the guest finds a musty, dark swimming                 used for therapy purposes in care and                           therapy pools - technology which
        area with cold water to bathe in, he or she            health centres. These form the basis of                         creates a perfect climate, for example on
        will certainly not decide to stay at this              special course offers and increase the                          very hot days in the summer. The
        hotel again. A good climate in a hotel                 attractiveness of the entire facility. Depen-                   investment costs pay off in two ways:
        swimming pool is an important criterion                ding on the level of occupancy of the                           through lower operating costs and
        for retaining customers and can have a                 pool, a constant proportion of air from                         satisfied customers.
        significant influence on the occupancy                 the outside is required in addition to the

    7                                                               Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Examples from                                           Technology Hits
                                                                        Menerga fits!
                                                                        Who says that hotel swimming pools are                         are particularly suitable where the waste
                                                                        uncontrollable consumers of energy? The                        heat of a combined heat and power system
                                                                        first hotel swimming pool in Europe built                      can be used. Through the use of the fresh
                                                                        in line with the Passive Building Standard                     water heater in the ThermoCond 38, it is
                                                                        was constructed in 2010 at the Edelweiss                       possible to recover unused heat con-
                                                                        Hotel in Wagrain/Austria – and it was of                       tained in the waste heat to increase the
                                                                        course equipped with a Menerga system!                         temperature of the fresh water (see also
                                                                                                                                       page 10). Both series achieve very high
© Klaus Bauer

                                                                        Although in smaller hotels and nursing                         heat recovery efficiency levels which
                                                                        homes the level of use is significantly                        keep the operating costs down. When the
                                                                        lower in comparison to a recreational                          pool is not being used, they dehumidify
                Unit type: ThermoCond                                   bath, a system which through the addition                      the air in an energy-efficient manner in
                Hotel EdelweiSS, Wagrain                                of a proportion of air from the outside                        recirculation mode and mix in the required
                Sports and wellness paradise at the 4-star              and a bypass installation should never-                        proportion of air from the outside in line
                hotel in Salzburger Land, the first swimming            theless be selected to provide good air                        with requirements during the activity
                pool hall constructed in line with the passive          conditioning and guarantee an ideal cli-                       phases. The systems start with an air
                building regulations in Austria.                        mate in the summer months. Suitable                            volume flow of 2,500 m3/h.
                                                                        systems are those of the ThermoCond 38
                                                                        and ThermoCond 39 series. ThermoCond 39                        Adjacent areas such as changing rooms,
                                                                        is equipped with a power-adjustable heat                       massage or fitness rooms are air-condi-
                                                                        pump. The systems of the ThermoCond 38                         tioned with systems of the Dosolair,
                                                                        series work with a very efficient counter-                     Trisolair or Resolair series (see also the
                                                                        flow heat exchanger with a counterflow                         Comfort Air-conditioning brochure).
                                                                        share of more than 80%. These systems

                                                                        For example:
                Unit type: Trisolair, ThermoCond                        4-star hotel Edelweiss in Wagrain
                Hotel Dollenberg
                Exclusive 5-star superior hotel of the "Relais          Hotel Edelweiss in Salzburger Land                             recovering heat from the return air from
                & Chateau" group at an altitude of 650 m on             offers a cosy four-star level of comfort,                      the sauna. The Ronacher ZT firm of
                Dollenberg in the Black Forest.                         excellent cuisine and a cordial atmosphere                     architects, which was responsible for the
                                                                        with Salzburg hospitality. The family owners                   planning, received the Energy Globe
                                                                        have always placed great emphasis on                           Award Salzburg for this project.
                                                                        the sustainable handling of resources.
                                                                        This was continued with the redesign of                                                                        System overview
                                                                                                                                                                                    Indoor swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                          air conditioning | Comfort
                                                                                                                                                                                          Process air conditioning                   air conditioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | Chilled water generation

                                                                        the spa area. Consequently, the first
                                                                        swimming pool planned and designed in
                                                                        line with the Passive Building Standard
                                                                        was constructed in Austria. All structural
                                                                        components conform to this highest
                                                                                                                                           System types
© Europa-Park

                                                                        standard of energy-efficient construction.
                                                                                                                                                   ThermoCond 38                  p. 7
                                                                        The dominant building material is wood
                                                                        as a renewable domestic material. The
                                                                                                                                                   ThermoCond 39                  p. 7
                Unit type: ThermoCond                                   timber-built spa area requires only 25%
                Hotel Bell Rock in Europa-parc, Rust                    of the energy of a comparable spa area.                                    Trisolair                     p. 8
                4-star superior adventure hotel in the                  When the building technology was
                Europe-Parc, the biggest theme park in the              planned, it was decided to use two                                      	Dosolair                        p. 9
                german speaking area.                                   highly efficient ThermoCond systems.
                                                                        One of the systems is also used for                                      	Resolair                       p. 11

                                                                                                                                        Please refer to our latest catalogue for more details.

                                                 Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |                                                  8
Indoor swimming pool air conditioning
Good Climate in Saline Swimming Pools
    Saline swimming pools are becoming              If you are planning to use saline in a                       fore advisable to use air-conditioning
    increasingly popular in thermal baths,          swimming pool, it is essential to inform                     technology with the highest possible
    recreational baths and private swimming         all of the parties involved of this at the                   level of heat recovery in a saline swim-
    pools. The high salt content of the water       earliest possible stage, as this requires                    ming pool, and if it is also available for
    and air improves the oxygen intake by           separate consideration of the entire                         public use to additionally provide an
    the body, has an antibacterial effect and       project and the materials to be installed.                   adjustment of the power in line with
    is therefore said to alleviate a large number   For example, a special anti-corrosive                        requirements.
    of ailments. The salt-laden air possesses       protection coat of the ventilator units is
    strong negative ionisation, as a result of      necessary.
    which it is very healthy for the human
    body as a bracing climate. But the              Also in a saline swimming pool, the air-
    aggressive constituents of the air              conditioning technology operates 24
    demand particular requirements from             hours a day, partly in order to reliably
    almost all of the materials – also with         transport away the salt-laden return air
    respect to the air-conditioning technol-        and prevent the precipitation of the salt
    ogy used.                                       on the ceiling or glass fronts. It is there-

9                                                     Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Examples from                                            Technology Hits
                                                                          Menerga fits!
                                                                          The ThermoCond 38 series is particularly                       return air which cannot be recovered via
                                                                          suitable for use in larger saline swimming                     the recuperative heat recovery system of
                                                                          pools. At the heart of the system is a                         the air conditioning system. The use of
                                                                          counterflow plate heat exchanger con-                          the fresh water heater minimises this
                                                                          sisting of corrosion-free polypropylene,                       ventilation heat loss by using the energy
                                                                          and all other components with additional                       contained in the return air to warm up
                                                                          corrosion protection when used in a                            the make-up water of the pool. Direct
                                                                          saline swimming pool. This series is                           use for the 28°C pool water is not
© Helmuth Rier

                                                                          particularly suitable, as it achieves very                     possible without a heat pump owing to
                                                                          high levels of efficiency of up to 95%                         the small difference in temperature,
                                                                          even though no integrated compression                          which is why the Menerga system uses
                 Unit type: ThermoCond                                    refrigeration system is used. In smaller                       the energyto heat up the fresh water
                 Terme di merano, Merano                                  private swimming pools the Thermo-                             which is added to the pool water as
                 An elegant and architecturally very attrac-              Cond 19 series is used, which is also                          required. The temperature of the fresh
                 tive natural oasis at the heart of the City of           designed without a mechanical cooling                          water is normally 10 to 15°C. However
                 Merano.                                                  system.                                                        the water can be heated up to a
                                                                                                                                         temperature of 28°C with the use of the
                                                                          In order to further reduce the operating                       fresh water heater by using the waste
                                                                          costs in a public swimming pool hall, the                      heat alone without a heat pump.
                                                                          Menerga fresh water heater can be used
                                                                          as an optional addition to units of the
                                                                          ThemoCond 38 series. This enables the
                                                                          use of the heat energy contained in the

                 Unit type: ThermoCond, Adsolair, Resolair
                                                                          For example:
                 Agrippa swimming pool, Cologne                           Terme di merano, Merano
                 In the middle of Cologne city centre, the
                 swimming pool attracts sportsmen, wellness               With the thermal bath in Merano, interior                      used in the thermal bath itself in order
                 friends and families.                                    designer and architect Matteo Thun has                         to save energy - and above all water.
                                                                          created a "natural oasis in the heart of                       These measures make it possible to
                                                                          the city", which stands out due to its                         achieve considerable annual savings in
                                                                          modern architecture, but nevertheless                          terms of operating costs.
                                                                          harmonises well with the cityscape of
                                                                          Merano. The glass architecture provides                        In total, three ThermoCond systems are
                                                                          the visitor with a clear view of the sur-                      used at the Terme di Merano, which also
                                                                          rounding mountain ranges. Clear lines in                       reliably air-condition the saline pool area.
                                                                          the architecture, the use of natural stones                    The high level of heat recovery
                                                                          and timbers for the construction, as well                      efficiency of the systems reduces                System overview
                                                                                                                                                                                       Indoor swimming pool

                                                                          as the use of regional products, are wit-                      the costs for heating the thermal
                                                                                                                                                                                                             air conditioning | Comfort
                                                                                                                                                                                             Process air conditioning                   air conditioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | Chilled water generation

                                                                          ness to an understanding of and respect                        bath as well.
                                                                          for nature.
                 Unit type: ThermoCond, Adsolair, Resolair
                 Saarow Therme, Bad Saarow                                Indoors, 25 different pools, including a                           System types
                 The thermal saline pool with underwater                  saline pool with underwater music, attract
                 geysers, flow channels and much more is                  the 350,000 annual guests to enjoy a                                       ThermoCond 19                  p. 7
                 considered to be one of the most attractive              wonderful wellness experience. State-
                 in Germany.                                              of-the-art environmental technology is                                     ThermoCond 38                  p. 7

                                                                                                                                          Please refer to our latest catalogue for more details.

                                                   Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |                                        10
Good Climate in Sports Pools
     In many sports pools, not only the water      health of the athletes, draughts should                      the operators of the facility are usually
     area takes up large parts of the swimming     be avoided in the swimming pool hall                         local authorities or the state. The moder-
     pool hall, but also grandstands and seats     and changing areas.                                          nisation of obsolescent air-conditioning
     for spectators. In addition to the swimming                                                                technology often offers a considerable
     pool hall itself, there are large changing    Sports pools in which competitions are                       reduction in operating costs. New buildings
     room and shower areas, usually a restau-      held are usually of a larger size than                       which are planned and constructed from
     rant and large entrance areas.                ordinary sports and recreational baths.                      the beginning in line with passive building
                                                   Competition stadiums with 50-metre                           criteria, for example, can achieve energy
     The swimming pool hall itself requires        pools are the standard for national and                      savings of well over 50% compared to
     efficient and reliable air conditioning.      international events. With the high                          standard designs. In the planning of a
     Only if the moist swimming pool hall air      volumes of air present in the swimming                       sports swimming pool, future demands
     is continually dehumidified is a comfort-     pool hall, the air-conditioning technology                   should also be taken into account at
     able climate for the spectators in the        must also be of an appropriate size in                       planning stage.
     grandstand also guaranteed. Spectators        order to guarantee a consistently good
     will not return if they break out in          climate. The higher the volume, the more
     a sweat owing to the high air humidity        important is the efficiency of the fan
     after 10 minutes during a swimming            motors used. The operating cost factor
     event. In order not to endanger the           plays an important role in sports pools, as

11                                                   Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Examples from                                           Technology Hits
                                                                               Menerga fits!
                                                                               For the air conditioning of large swimming                     the equipment of the swimming pool,
                                                                               pool halls, systems from the ThermoCond 38                     comfort air conditioning units of the
                                                                               series are ideal. They are equipped with                       Dosolair, Adconair, Adsolair or Resolair
                                                                               a highly efficient counterflow plate heat                      series can be used to air condition the
                                                                               exchanger consisting of polypropylene                          areas adjacent to the swimming pool
                                                                               and achieve recovery efficiency levels of                      hall. Planned within the overall concept,
                                                                               more than 95% with minimal pressure                            the systems complement one another
                                                                               losses.                                                        excellently and create a good climate
© Stadt Rijeka

                                                                                                                                              with the lowest operating costs. Infor-
                                                                               ThermoCond 38 is a further refinement of                       mation on this can also be found in our
                                                                               the systems used in the passive building                       Comfort Air-conditioning brochure.
                       Unit type: ThermoCond, AquaCond                         swimming pools of Lippe-Bad Lünen and
                       Kantrida Rijeka, Croatia                                Bambados. The overall efficiency of the                        In shower areas, the use of AquaCond
                       Olympic swimming stadium with a                         system can be further improved through                         devices recovers lost energy from warm
                       completely opening roof structure.                      the use of the optional fresh water                            waste water from the showers - an
                                                                               heater (see also page 10). ThermoCond 38                       investment which pays for itself within a
                                                                               is available as an individual system with                      very short time (see also page 15).
                                                                               an air volume flow of up to 31,000 m3 /h.
                                                                               With multi-axis concepts, large swim-
                                                                               ming sports arenas can also be air-con-
                                                                               ditioned without difficulty. Depending on

                                                                               For example:
                                                                               Kantrida Rijeka, Croatia
                       Unit type: ThermoCond, Resolair
                                                                               The Kantrida swimming pool complex in                          efficiency level of up to 90%. In addition,
                                                                               Rijeka consists of two large Olympic com-                      the waste water from the pool water
                       National Zwemzentrum de
                                                                               petition pools, a teaching pool as well as                     replacement system, showers and filter
                       tongelreep, Netherlands The largest
                                                                               a children's pool and a pool for diving com-                   flushing system is used as an alternative
                       swimming centre in Europe serves amongst
                       other things for hosting national competitions
                                                                               petitions and underwater diving schools.                       source of energy for the production of hot
                                                                               One particular feature of the complex is                       water. In the project in Rijeka,
                                                                               that the roof can be completely opened.                        thermal energy is not wasted
                                                                                                                                                                                              System overview

                                                                               In the planning process for the plant                          neither in the exhaust air nor
                                                                                                                                                                                           Indoor swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 air conditioning | Comfort
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Process air conditioning                   air conditioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | Chilled water generation

                                                                               technology, the focus was mainly on very                       the waste water.
                                                                               high levels of energy efficiency. The supply
                                                                               of heat and electricity was therefore
                                                                               provided by means of a combined heat
                                                                                                                                                  System types
                                                                               and power generation system, mainly
© Bildagentur Zolles

                                                                               from the complex's own combined heat                                       ThermoCond 38                  p. 7
                                                                               and power station. Furthermore, each
                                                                               swimming pool hall is dehumidified,                                        ThermoCond 39                  p. 7
                                                                               ventilated and heated by a total of three
                                                                                                                                                          Adsolair                     p. 10
                       Unit type: ThermoCond, Adsolair, Dosolair               ThermoCond air conditioning units in
                       Municipal swimming pool hall Vienna,                    order to create a pleasant indoor climate
                                                                                                                                                        	Resolair                       p. 11
                                                                               and avoid damage from moisture. Those
                       Austria Since it was reopened in 2011,
                       Vienna's largest swimming pool hall and                 responsible for the project therefore                                      Adconair                      p. 13
                       the most up-to-date swimming pool hall in               made exclusive use of highly efficient air
                       Austria.                                                conditioning systems with a heat recovery                                  AquaCond                     p. 14

                                                                                                                                               Please refer to our latest catalogue for more details.

                                                        Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |                                           12
Good Climate in Recreational Baths
     The cost-effectiveness of a recreational       comparison to other operating costs of                       where the capacity of the system is
     swimming pool depends on the number            the pool. Continuous dehumidification of                     adapted to the number of the people
     of visitors and daily utilisation levels. If   the pool round-the-clock has to be en-                       present in the swimming pool hall. The
     the visitor does not feel comfortable, he      sured. The degree of dehumidification                        higher investment costs pay for them-
     or she will not return or will only stay for   varies between the active and "resting"                      selves by a major reduction in operating
     a short period of time. The term "pleasant     phases of the pool and is increased                          costs within a very short time.
     climate" therefore takes on economic           when, in addition to the standard swim-
     significance. And in recreational pools in     ming area, numerous attractions such as
     particular, the climate in adjacent areas      slides or water mushrooms increase
     such as changing rooms, wellness and           evaporation in the swimming pool hall.
     rest areas, restaurants or the entrance
     hall has to be reliably controlled.            Intelligent air-conditioning technology
                                                    with a very good dehumidification
     The aspect of the cost efficiency of the       capacity and high levels of heat recovery
     climate is of major significance in the case   helps to offset the continuous increase
     of recreational baths. As in all other types   in energy costs. Modern technology can
     of swimming pool, the cost of energy for       help, with e.g. a reduction in the volume
     air conditioning is particularly high in       flow rate in line with requirements,

13                                                    Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Examples from                                          Technology Hits
                                                                                       Menerga fits!
                                                                                       Modern recreational baths can be an oasis                      fresh water heater of the ThermoCond 38
                                                                                       of fun and wellness while being operated                       series (see also page 10) also helps to
                                                                                       at the same time in a highly energy-efficient                  increase the overall level of efficiency of
                                                                                       manner. The best example of this is the                        the system by using the heat energy
© Bädergesellschaft Lünen mbH

                                                                                       two passive building swimming pools in                         contained in the return air which cannot
                                                                                       Lippe-Bad Lünen and Bambados in Bam-                           be recovered for air conditioning to heat
                                                                                       berg, the first passive building swimming                      the fresh water for the swimming pool.
                                                                                       pools in Germany, which are of course
                                                                                       air-conditioned with Menerga systems.                          Other systems which are also suitable
                                                                                                                                                      for use in the recreational bath are the
                                                                                       The two passive building swimming pools                        systems of the ThermoCond 39 series.
                                Unit type: ThermoCond, Dosolair                        are equipped with previous versions of                         With their integrated heat pump they
                                Lippe-BAD in Lünen                                     the ThermoCond 38 series. Through the                          can achieve higher dehumidification
                                First public passive building swimming pool            implementation of the two projects, this                       capacities with the same nominal flow rate.
                                hall in Europe                                         series was made ready for the market and
                                                                                       is now available as an energy-efficient                        For all of the adjacent rooms, the comfort
                                                                                       system for all new constructions and re-                       air conditioning units of the Dosolair,
                                                                                       furbishments. ThermoCond 38 with counter-                      Adconair, Adsolair or Resolair series are
                                                                                       flow plate heat exchanger achieves the                         used. In shower areas, AquaCond devices
                                                                                       highest levels of heat recovery efficiency                     recover energy from warm waste water
                                                                                       of up to more than 95%. The optional                           from the showers.

                                                                                       For example:
                                                                                       Passive house swimming pool Lippe-BAD Lünen
                                Unit type: ThermoCond
                                                                                       With the Lippe-Bad in Lünen, Menerga                           other things, particularly efficient heat
                                                                                       has equipped the first public passive                          exchangers and the ability to variably
                                Hütteldorf swimming pool, Penzing
                                Recreational swimming pool in the south of
                                                                                       building indoor swimming pool hall in                          reduce the air volume flows. Overall,
                                Vienna, designed as a convertible swimming             Europe with ventilation and air-condi-                         the Lippe-Bad is able to save up to
                                pool.                                                  tioning technology. The pool, which was                        €193,000 a year in energy costs
                                                                                       constructed by the Lünen Bathing Society,                      through the implementation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                      System overview

                                                                                       was opened at the end of 2011 after a                          the passive building standard.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Indoor swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         air conditioning | Comfort
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Process air conditioning                   air conditioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | Chilled water generation

                                                                                       three-year construction and planning
                                                                                       phase and is to use 50% less energy
                                                                                       than a "normal" new construction.

                                                                                       Four specially adapted ThermoCond
                                                                                                                                                          System types
© Weissenhäuser Strand

                                                                                       comfort air conditioning units with a total
                                                                                       volume flow of 50,400 m³/h dehumidify,                                     ThermoCond 38                  p. 7
                                                                                       ventilate and heat five areas of the pool
                                                                                                                                                                  ThermoCond 39                  p. 7
                                                                                       with a total water surface of 800 m². The
                                                                                       wet rooms, changing rooms and foyer
                                                                                                                                                                  Adsolair                     p. 10
                                Unit type: ThermoCond, Adsolair, Resolair              are conditioned by two Dosolair systems
                                Weissenhäuser Beach, Wangels                           with two-stage heat recovery and a no-                                   	Resolair                       p. 11
                                Holiday and leisure park with adventure                minal flow rate of 10,000 m³/h each. In
                                playground on the Baltic Sea.                          order to satisfy the high demands of the                                   Adconair                      p. 13
                                                                                       passive building standard, the swimming
                                                                                       pool air conditioning units have, amongst                                  AquaCond                     p. 14

                                                                                                                                                       Please refer to our latest catalogue for more details.

                                                                Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |                                        14
Good Climate in the Sauna Area
     Saunas are the latest trend – no wonder         For the operation of public sauna facilities                 of people present. This guarantees that
     that increasing numbers of recreational         there are a number of directives, for                        the visitors to the sauna can continue to
     bathers and private individuals are de-         example that there must be a fivefold                        relax in a good climate even if significantly
     ciding in favour of constructing a sauna        exchange of air in the sauna. In most                        more people are present when the water
     area. The visitor is usually willing to pay a   cases, energy is irrevocably lost via the                    is poured over the hot rocks than experi-
     considerably higher entrance fee for the        return air of the sauna. In the case of a                    ence has shown to be appropriate.
     deeper relaxation and recreational levels       commercially used system it is therefore
     offered by a sauna than for a visit to a        expedient to make use of the heat which                      Intelligent air-conditioning technology
     normal recreational bath. It is unusual for     is led outside for other purposes. It is                     pays for itself in a sauna particularly
     the higher entrance fee to result solely        possible to use the heat for adjacent                        quickly due to the high energy costs. The
     from the need to maintain a balance             rooms or for connecting to the water                         controlled ventilation in conjunction with
     between supply and demand; the higher           system. The ventilation technology can                       efficient heat recovery enables significant
     price is usually required because of the        be equipped with a timer control which,                      savings to be made with respect to the
     significantly higher energy costs when          for example, activates intermittent ven-                     operating costs of the whole complex.
     operating a sauna. In the winter months         tilation when water is poured over heated
     in particular, the heat of a sauna is balm      rocks. However, a better option is adap-
     for the soul in the icy winter landscape –      tation of the air-conditioning technology
     but a nightmare regarding energy costs.         to the requirements of the actual number

15                                                     Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Examples from                                          Technology Hits
                                                                                 Menerga fits!
                                                                                 In the sauna area, one factor is particu-                      supply air and return air are passed
                                                                                 larly relevant with respect to ventilation:                    alternately into accumulators, in which
                                                                                 the heat recovery. The outside air has to                      the heat is then transferred. Resolair
                                                                                 be heated up from normal temperatures                          systems therefore enable moisture
                                                                                 to 60 to 90°C, and the warmer the outside                      recovery, which can be valuable in
                                                                                 air entering the sauna through the heat                        steam baths or saunas with high
© Stadtwerke Konstanz

                                                                                 exchangers integrated into the air-condi-                      moisture levels.
                                                                                 tioning technology, the lower the energy
                                                                                 costs for further heating. The two systems                     Depending on the use of additives in the
                                                                                 which are particularly suitable for this area                  water poured over the hot rocks, the sys-
                                                                                 are Resolair and Adconair. Both systems                        tems have to be equipped with additional
                          Unit type: ThermoCond, Adsolair                        achieve heat recovery levels of more than                      corrosion protection.
                          Lake Constance Thermal Spa Constance                   90%. Only 10% of the heat energy has
                          State-of-the-art pool with sauna wing,                 to be supplied from elsewhere. The two                         In almost all sauna areas there are diving
                          thermal and outdoor swimming pool over an              systems work according to different                            pools which refresh the visitors to the
                          area of 3,000 m2                                       principles. Adconair is equipped with a                        sauna with specially cooled iced water.
                                                                                 recuperative heat recovery system                              Energy is also required to produce this
                                                                                 which guides the fresh supply air and                          cooling effect. The energy requirement
                                                                                 the return air along separate routes. The                      can be reduced by using AquaCond
                                                                                 heat recovery of the Resolair is based on                      systems for efficient "cold" recovery.
                                                                                 regenerative heat recovery, in which the
© Portillio Wolkenstein

                                                                                 For example:
                                                                                 Lake Constance Thermal Spa Constance
                          Unit type: ThermoCond
                          Hotel Chalet Portillio Wolkenstein,                    The Lake Constance Thermal Spa in                              costs in comparison to structures which
                          Italy Elegant 4-star hotel in the Dolomites.           Constance is a symbiosis of a good                             are operated conventionally. Furthermore,
                                                                                 climate and successful architecture: The                       the CO2 emissions have been reduced by
                                                                                 state-of-the-art adventure pool with an                        approximately 40%.
                                                                                 area of approximately 8,000 m2 is located
                                                                                 in the immediate vicinity of Lake Con-                         Besides the ThermoCond systems in the
                                                                                 stance and stands out with its special                         swimming pool area, Adsolair devices in
                                                                                 visual connection between the lake and                         the catering areas and customer-specific
                                                                                 the spa complex. With respect to environ-                      systems in the rest rooms and foyer, as
                                                                                 mental protection, the Lake Constance                          well as in the changing rooms and shower
                                                                                 thermal spa sets a magnificent example                         areas, also contribute towards this.
                                                                                 with its minimal energy consumption and                        Heat recovery in the sauna area
                                                                                                                                                                                                System overview
                                                                                                                                                                                             Indoor swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   air conditioning | Comfort
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Process air conditioning                   air conditioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | Chilled water generation

                                                                                 very low CO2 emissions. The energy con-                        is also carried out.
                                                                                 cept of the spa makes consistent use of
                                                                                 factors such as heat recovery and the use
                                                                                 of natural resources in combination with                           System types
                          Unit type: ThermoCond, Adsolair                        combined heat and power generation. An
                          Westbad in Munich                                      approach which not only protects the en-                                	Resolair                        p. 11
                          Under the large glass dome, the family                 vironment, but also considerably lowers
                          and recreational bath offers relaxation and            the operating costs. With the overall en-                                  Adconair                      p. 13
                          unadulterated bathing fun.                             ergy concept it has been possible to save
                                                                                 around 37% of the energy and operating                                     AquaCond                     p. 14

                                                                                                                                                 Please refer to our latest catalogue for more details.

                                                          Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |                                        16
Heat recovery from waste water
     In every public swimming pool – whether      The heat energy recovered from the                           The same principle also functions in
     a sports arena or adventure pool – large     waste water from the showers and pools                       reverse of course: If a high amount of
     quantities of waste water are continuously   is used to reduce the energy consump-                        energy has to be used to cool water,
     produced in the shower areas and as a        tion for heating the fresh water used for                   "cold" recovery from the waste water is
     result of the legally required replacement   replenishment. That way the energy                           possible. This is highly cost-efficient,
     of the pool water. The thermal energy of     consumption can be reduced by up to                          above all in the case of plunge and ice
     the waste water is not used in most cases    90%!                                                         pools in the sauna area.
     and is irretrievably lost in the drains. A
     large amount of energy then has to be        But waste water is nevertheless waste
     used to replace the water or prepare the     water – during the operation of a waste
     fresh water. In the shower area in par-      water heat recovery system it is there-
     ticular, the high temperature of the waste   fore almost unavoidable that dirt will
     water means that heat recovery is expe-      accumulate in the heat exchangers. This
     dient in order not to waste energy un-       reduces the efficiency of the system and
     necessarily and make use of all options      causes malfunctions. It therefore makes
     for reducing the operating costs.            sense to integrate regular, fully automated

17                                                  Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |
Examples from                                         Technology Hits
                                                      Menerga fits!
                                                      Systems from the AquaCond series enable                        deposits are consistently avoided. The
                                                      the transfer of heat energy from waste                         surfaces which are always clean as a
                                                      water to fresh water. Their use is ideal                       result ensure that the exchange of heat is
                                                      wherever waste water has to be con-                            constantly high.
                                                      tinuously replaced by warm fresh water,
                                                      e.g. when fresh water is fed into the                          AquaCond systems can also be used for
                                                      pool water or in the shower areas.                            "cooling recovery", for example in the case
                                                                                                                     of plunge pools.
                                                      AquaCond systems are intelligently de-
                                                      signed compact systems. The combination                        As with all systems produced by Menerga,
                                                      of recuperator and heat pump means                             AquaCond systems are equipped with an
Unit type: ThermoCond, AquaCond, 		                   that only approx. 10% of the energy is                         integrated controls system which
Dosolair, Adsolair, Resolair                          required that is be needed by a con-                           guarantees the most economical mode
Lasko Thermal Baths, Slovenia                         ventional heating system. AquaCond 44                          of operation at all times.
Wellness Park with 2,200 m2 of water area.            is equipped with an automatic heat
                                                      exchanger cleaning system. At regular
                                                      intervals, cleaning pellets are squeezed
                                                      through the waste water channels by
                                                      reversing the direction of flow. The cleaning
                                                      pellets loosen any dirt deposits that
                                                      have accrued in the piping system, so
                                                      that blockages of the pipework by dirt

                                                      For example:
Unit type: ThermoCond, AquaCond                       Lasko Thermal Baths, Slovenia
CamboMare, Kempten
Bathing fun and a sauna world in Kempten
                                                      The "Lasko Wellness Park" opened in                            amongst other things, the Lasko thermal
in Allgäu.                                            2008 in Slovenia. With a water area of                         baths have been awarded the EU Flower,
                                                      2,200 m² it is a tourist and architectural                     which is a well-known symbol of
                                                      gem in the town of Lasko, which has                            environmental friendliness.
                                                      been known for its thermal springs since
                                                      1818. With a moving dome over the                              And not only the environmental com-
                                                      entire indoor area and the 1,300 people                        patibility stands out: In 2011 the thermal
                                                      who the Wellness Park can accommo-                             baths in Lasko were awarded the title of
                                                      date, high demands are placed on the                           best thermal centre for the fourth time
                                                      air-conditioning technology. Adjacent to                       in succession in the category of medium-
                                                      the complex there is a hotel complex                           sized thermal baths. A good climate
                                                      with 188 rooms in the 4-star category                          draws attention to itself in this way as
                                                      with its own congress and seminar area.                        well.
                                                                                                                                                                     System overview
                                                                                                                                                                  Indoor swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                                        air conditioning | Comfort
                                                                                                                                                                        Process air conditioning                   air conditioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                 | Chilled water generation

                                                      A total of 18 Menerga systems have
Unit type: ThermoCond, AquaCond                       been installed in the Lasko thermal
Mineral Swimming Pool in Leuze                        baths. In addition to Resolair, Adsolair,
                                                      Dosolair and several ThermoCond
At the Leuze mineral swimming pool, two
highly carbonated mineral springs and a               systems, a type 44 AquaCond system                                 System types
mineral source are used.                              recovers energy from waste water. For
                                                      its overall energy efficiency levels,                                      AquaCond                     p. 14

                                                                                                                      Please refer to our latest catalogue for more details.

                               Indoor swimming pool air conditioning | 2013/01/EN | Subject to technical modifications. © Menerga GmbH |                                        18
Menerga GmbH
Muelheim an der Ruhr

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