KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club

Page created by Laurie Ferguson
KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
                                   AUGUST 2020
                                              Edition 336– Distribution 4550

  If we all work
  together we can
  get through the
  pandemic. Be
  kind, be safe
  and care for

         Please email your enquiries and articles to
The views expressed in the Leopold Local are not necessarily the views of the Lions Club of Leopold Inc.
         The club retains the right to reject any material it considers not suitable for publication

KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
Lions Club News
                             WHERE THERE’S A NEED THERE’S A LION

The Lions Club of Leopold, like every other organisation, is limping along on half throttle. Our meetings
are limited to 20 members, which means that many have to miss out, and we are using the Leopold Com-
munity Hall, because our club rooms allow even smaller numbers at 4 sq metres per head.

However, we have not stopped completely, and planning for a shelter in the Leopold Cemetery goes on.
We are nearly at the construction phase, and just waiting on the result of a grant application. Then we will
invite you, as the public of Leopold, to donate and have your name recorded on a plaque within the shel-
ter, to be there and to be seen for many years, as proof of your commitment to your town.

For the moment the Leopold Local is to continue, but with the COVID-19 figures going upwards on a daily
basis, the G21 area may again face lock-down Should that happen our deliverers will not be able to carry
out their work, and therefore we may have to temporarily cease operation again. Let us hope that the
work being done to prevent new cases, and trace contacts means that lock-down will not occur. Our local
Geelong businesses will be dreading the thought of the economic penalty to them if that happens. As an
aside, all health care workers have had this rule brought in on July 24th.

Due to an increased risk of transmission of corona-virus (COVID-19) the PPE Task-force has updated
their advice for all health care workers in Victoria including in regional and rural areas.

Health care workers must wear a level 1 or type 1 disposable surgical mask in public-facing areas – par-
ticularly where adequate social distancing is not possible.

Patients should also wear face masks in these same environments.

Action has been taken at a slightly higher level again, and who knows, this may be the turning point. We
will not know for at least two weeks.

Stay safe, take care, keep your distance from others, and try to protect each other.

John Mitchell, President

  Did you know you can access the current edition, and back copies of the Leopold Local on
                                  our Lions Club website?

     If you have any queries regarding                          Don’t forget that if you have a one-off
                                                                job that you are unable to do anymore
     or an interest in becoming a Lion                          such as changing a light globe or oil-
   please contact our current secretary                         ing a squeaky door/gate then

      on 5250 2587 or 0408 547 145                                   Don’t forget you can call
                                                                  LIONS ASSIST on 0422 969 610

KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club

Funds cannot be handed out “willy nilly”, as has been proven by the scumbags who are currently
before the courts for fraudulent claims. Administration costs to sort out the genuine cases has
been less than 4 cents in the dollar of donations. There have been several people “RC bashing”
in the media about not receiving any RC help, but RC cannot help anyone in need if they don’t
know of their existence. If you know of anyone in this situation, get them to apply for grants at If these people have lost important documents in the fires and can’t
prove they are legit, they can call RC for help with this on 1800733376.

The total funds raised was $216 million and it has been allocated as follows,

$5 million - on the ground disaster services
$56 million - emergency grants for people whose homes were destroyed
$20 million - to help homeowners make urgent repairs
$1.5 million - bereavement payments
$8.5 million - grants for people injured in the fires
$2 million - other financial hardships
$79 million - re-establishment grants for people whose homes were destroyed
$18 million - community recovery for 3+ years
$26 million further support as needs become evident
These figures were correct at 10/06/2020


RC are offering emotional support to those doing it tough in isolation. Weekly phone calls to
stressed people,
mainly those living on their own, lets them know that they have someone they can talk to who
understands and cares. RC is also helping to deliver meals to those in need. These RC activities
are mostly in the Melbourne area, but will spread to other areas as the need arises.

We still have not restarted our monthly meetings, and with round 2 of covid now upon us, it looks
like we might not get together again until just in time for our Christmas breakup.
Keep breathing everybody.

Phyll Serpell 7 Simons Road Ph 52501461

KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
Shop 5/670 Bellarine Hwy
                                               Leopold, Vic, 3224
                                                 PH: 5250 3460

 DEAL 1                                                              $
 2 x Pizza’s
  Any two large pizza’s from the menu

 DEAL 2                                                              $
 2 x Pasta’s
  Any two main pasta’s from the menu

DEAL 3                                                               $
 1 x Pizza + 1 x Pasta
  Any large pizza and any main pasta from the menu

 DEAL 4                                                              $
 1 x Pizza + 1 x 6 Pack
  Any large pizza and any 6 pack of selected beer or cider

 DEAL 5 (WED/THU ONLY)                                              $
 Family Deal
  Any 2 x large pizza’s, 2 x main pasta’s and a garlic focaccia

                        (03) 5250 3460
                 Dine-In, Pickup and Delivery
                   Free delivery to Leopold
A big thankyou from the Luka Team to Leopold for the overwhelming support
                          since opening in March.
              Stay safe and let us deliver to you #COVIDSAFE

KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
Leopold Electrical Services
                         (trading as)
                     Terence Britt
                     ----- REC 11088 ----
                 LEOPOLD; Ph: 0418 521 870

    Air-conditioning installation Underground Power
    New homes                       Safety switches
    Hot water services              LED lighting
    Switchboard installation / replacement
    Appliance tagging          Commercial installations
                     30 YEARS EXPERIENCE

KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
Adaptive Integrated Health Centre
         Ferguson Road, Leopold.

Leopold Physiotherapy have appointments
available with Elise and Kathryn each day.

     For an appointment please call
              5250 5902.

KEEP SAFE - Leopold Lions Club
a video game review by Jacob Demopoulos
Research in recent years has shown that playing video games with the family has
many positive effects on adolescent development and long-term family outcomes,
amongst other things. As such, Gaming in Good Company aims to inform parents
and grandparents of video games they can play with children so that everyone can
have a good time and develop strong connections.

                                       Portal 2

  How many players? Up to 2
  What console(s) is it available on? PS3, Xbox 360, PC

The original Portal was just a small side project packaged with the highly anticipated
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and the long-awaited Team Fortress 2. To the shock of many,
it turned out to be the most well-liked of the bunch, with many claiming it was the
best game of the entire decade. It was an ingenious puzzle game with a wonderful
unique mechanic which should be quite obvious from the title. Just one example: you
could put a portal into the ground, one into the ceiling, and fall infinitely until you
reached terminal velocity. It was clever and fun in equal measure.

As with all successes, it was only a matter of time until the developers returned to it
to wring out more money, thus Portal 2 joined Half-Life and Team Fortress in having
second instalments. Fortunately, Portal 2 is still great and just as inventive and fun
as the original while also bringing a co-op campaign separate from the main story.
You and a friend can bring double the portals to solve puzzles, all the while still being
sarcastically remarked on by the resident robot darling GLaDOS, whose glorious
pitch-black humour has only aged like a fine wine.

Portal has universal acclaim as one of the all-time greatest games that everyone
must experience for its uniqueness, brilliance, and fun. Portal 2 allows the fun to be
shared between family and friends and is just as good as it was before. Although the
first-person perspective takes some getting used to, the games are truly worth it.

A walk around my Leopold neighborhood gives me a glimpse of bountiful crops of
lemons brightening up many gardens. Citrus trees can be fed with a pelletised organic
citrus food at this time of the year to provide nutrient for fruit development and to kick
start the new foliage growth that begins as the weather start to warm up. Like many, I
have been noticing the gradually lengthening days, even if it is only a few minutes extra
of daylight early in the mornings and again in the early evening, it is sign that things are
on the move as we edge further away from the winter solstice. Jonquils and early
daffodils add cheer to the garden and make a great cut flower to give to friends and
neighbors or simply leave in the garden for all to enjoy. There are a few summer
flowering bulbs that need to go in the garden now; the lilies and gladioli. These will flower
around Christmas time, depending on the variety and give great color in the garden. Both
do well in full sun with good drainage, although lilies will tolerate a bit of dappled light.
Lily of the Valley, Jacobean lilies (Sprekelia) and bearded iris can also be planted now.
Continue planting seed potatoes and put in a few different varieties to spread out your
crops. I love Dutch Cream, Nicola and Kipfler for roasting or mashing and there are also
Otway Red, Royal Blue, Sebago, Kennebec and other varieties that you can plant now.
National Tree Day is Sunday August 2nd so it is a good day to plant a tree to celebrate:
go for a shrub if your garden is smaller. Planting a banksia, bottlebrush or grevillea will
provide food for native and exotic birds and it’s lovely to watch them in the garden
feeding from flowers.
Continue planting the last of the bare-root ornamental and fruiting trees as well as roses
through August. They may be a bit like sticks when you plant them but they hold buds
that give the promise of beauty and rewards to come. Enjoy the flowers on Helleborus or
winter rose over the next couple of months. Plant a few in dappled light areas in the
garden or in pots. Some of the more modern cultivars will tolerate full sun. The flowers
are beautiful in shades of pink, lime green, white and maroon and although they do tend
to face downward, they are very prolific once established and are great inside in a bud
vase or bowl of water. Primula acaulis and the large flowered hybrid Polyanthus are
blooming now and they add instant color to your garden. Plant some up into pots and
decorate outdoor patio areas and verandahs.
Peach and nectarines trees should be sprayed with a copper base spray over the next
few weeks with the final spray going on just before the buds burst out into flowers. Leaf
curl disease can cause distortion of the leaves and sometimes marking on the fruit and
whilst the fruit is edible, continued distorting and damage of leaves over the years can
reduce the vigor of your tree. Try to apply the leaf curl spray on a dry and non-windy day
as it forms a barrier over the branches and inhibits spores from geminating so the last
thing we need is a shower of rain to wash the spray off. Plant deciduous magnolias over
the next couple of months – you’ll see them come into flower in gardens this month and
the elegant purple, white or burgundy blooms stand out on the bare branches and are
indicators of the forthcoming spring and brighter sunnier days. Get out with a seat and a
cuppa when we do get a few warmer days and enjoy the sunshine and the wildlife in your

“Gardening adds years to your life and puts the life in those


 With all the challenges that have been thrown at the
 community this year thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, I
 reckon I’ve got just the ticket to give us a bit of a morale boost.
 Council’s thrown open the 2020-21 Community Grants
 program, which is worth more than $4.33 million.
 The pool of funding is $400,000 bigger than last year’s total because of two new
 grant streams.
 We’ve got $250,000 in COVID-19 Quick Response Grants to give community
 groups a helping hand when it comes to reactivating their venues and programs.
 To those working in the creative sector, council recognises the challenges you’re
 facing at this time. Which is why we’ve got $150,000 in COVID-19 Arts, Culture
 and Heritage Recovery grants available to help support the creation of art.
 These two streams are on top of the pre-existing grants for community
 infrastructure, Central Geelong heritage, community events, community projects
 and equipment, arts projects and festivals and environmental sustainability.
 Please head to to find out more. You can
 also contact the grants team on 03 5272 5272 or
 Also, a quick update to let you know that council recently adopted the 2020-21
 Budget, which means there’s funding on the way to Leopold.
 We’ll be spending $150,000 to upgrade the soccer pitch and footy and cricket
 oval at Estuary Recreation Reserve, as part of the Leopold Football Club Master
 On top of that, there’s $22,500 for the installation of sports lighting for the soccer
 pitch there, adding to the state government’s commitment of $225,000.
 We’ve been consulting with the community about this project and will soon begin
 detailed designs.
 I can tell you FC Leopold members are absolutely stoked!
 Finally, a reminder to stay home and get tested if you’re unwell, practice good
 hygiene and wear a mask when you’re out and can’t physically distance.
 Let’s slow the spread of COVID-19 along the Bellarine Peninsula together!


Jim Mason AM
Since my election in 2017 as a Bellarine Ward councilor, I have worked tirelessly for the City, and the
Bellarine Ward in particular.
I have successfully advocated for Leopold and Moolap and am gratified that the Leopold Hub and
Learning Centre with Library above is fully functional. We have had ongoing success with the 20-21
Budget with the approval of:
     Grinter reserve Master Plan for Newcomb Football Netball Club: $250K
     Leopold Football Club Master Plan (Estuary Reserve): $150K
     Estuary Reserve sports lighting for soccer $22.5K
I will continue to advocate for further facilities upgrades such as at Leopold Tennis Club and to focus on
improved social, cultural and lifestyle amenities, better opportunities for young people, and rail-trail
connected bike and walking tracks. I have fostered the protection of riverine, rural and coastal
environments and the unique characters of each township.
I am lucky to have been raised on The Bellarine, studied in Geelong and to subsequently have had rich
and diverse work experiences. I again offer maturity and teamwork along with an independent,
consultative style. I always support ethical practices, and will apply social, business and scientific data
to decision making. I developed these skills as a farmer, teacher and engineer and my international
humanitarian work, where I led large disaster recovery programs.
It is vital to have sustainable and planned housing, and business development, while ensuring local
heritage and natural assets are properly protected.
For more information, please go to:

 31-39 Kensington Road, Leopold                        Phone: 5250 1301                    Monday-Thursday                     10.00 am – 3.30 pm

           WALKING GROUP

• Suits people of all ages and fitness levels
• has very low risk of injury
• doesn’t require any special equipment or training.

The Leopold Community and Learning Centre is taking Expressions of Interest for a Walking
Group. The duration will be approximately one hour with the possibility of ending up at a
Café for coffee afterwards.

Proposed day:                        Tuesday
Proposed time:                       10.00 a.m.
Proposed Frequency:                  Weekly

Register your interest by phone: 52501301 or email:

Well what uncertain times we are all enduring, and how we wish things were different.

We are Australian - we are strong - we will get through this.

Our governing body of Probus South Pacific Limited has been doing a great job at communicating,
with suggestions of things to do puzzles , and information to us. At our own club, the newsletter
editor has been sending out an extra newsletter each month, with jokes, past trips, guess where
we are and a colouring-in page etc.

Our welfare ladies have been busy ringing all members and having a chat!! Our walking group is
back walking - and social distancing.

All this has made us realise what a great club we belong to!

Leopold Combined Probus normally meets every second Monday of the month, at Leopold
Sportsmans Club at 9.30 am (sadly not at the present). Anyone wanting to know more about
Probus, please don’t hesitate to ring our membership officer. Normally our meetings include a club
speaker, guest speaker and morning tea and information on our trips and tours, and other interest
group reports.

 Our Interest groups are: bowls, luncheon group, choir, walking, movie group and an extensive trips
and tours program, including dineouts.

President Patricia Cristina, 5250 1273. Membership officer, Anne Dance 5250 5387



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The Coronavirus has caused concern in our neck of the
woods but we have fired up once again and working
under AMSA guidelines of 20 members a session we are
managing to operate very well.
Our kindling workers have done a brilliant job keeping
just ahead of demand and there is no doubt it would be
nice to have a little more help in getting further ahead.
 As an adjunct to this project we have found another use
for the pallets and make bird boxes as a flat pack for a
customer and constructing raised garden beds which led
to a much appreciated letter of thanks from a grateful
customer on the Leopold Community Watch Computer
page. The raised garden beds sell at $35 to $45 each
and are keeping 2 or 3 of us busy.
Our largest project currently is to keep the weather off
the pallet deconstruction team, and due to a grant from
the Community Bank we are doing just that.
Winter garden preparation plus community projects are
on the go and new ideas for use with pallets are all areas
we could use help with from new members so drop in for
                                a coffee and a chat and
                                check out the Shed 10 to
                                12 Tuesday, Wednesday
                                and Friday mornings.
                                We have some members
                                unwell at present and
their shed mates miss their company and hope to catch
up with them again before too long. Great to have Ossie pop back for a couple of visits since moving away
to Port Fairy.

Cheers Phil Hayden per Ian MacLeod President, Leopold Mens Shed, 0417 139 101

Winter Pennant commenced as scheduled on July 11. Five teams are representing Leopold
in Tennis Geelong Junior Competition in Grades 2, 4 and 6 Boys and 4 Yellow and 4 Green
After two completed rounds of matches, Grade 2 are 1st. Grade 4 are 2nd. Grade 6 are 4th.
Grade 4 Yellow are 5th and Grade 4 Green are 7th.
As with Junior competition, Senior pennant also commenced on July 11. Two teams are
competing---Grade 3 Men and Grade 7 Mixed. Grade 3 are in 6th place, and Grade 7 are 3rd
after two completed rounds.
Welcome to new players Nick Banks, Ryan Fairchild and Cronin Taorei who have joined us
for the Winter season. May you enjoy your time with us.
Two teams are competing in Midweek Winter Competition---both in Grade 7---Leopold Gold
and Leopold Green. The season started on July 14 and after two completed matches 7Gold
are 2nd and 7 Green are 6th.
Welcome to Sylvia and Beth Van Elst, Christine Brown, Jo-Anne Dimopoulos, and
Treeyakorn Merrick who have joined us for the Midweek season. Welcome ladies, and may
your season be an enjoyable one.
Aimed at promoting health, fun and fitness through social tennis played in a friendly, non-
competitive environment, the Seniors social programme is held on Thursday mornings
between 9.30 and 11.30 am. Players of all standards are welcome to participate.
Club members and parents are reminded that the club’s AGM has been tentatively
scheduled for August 24th.

       HOPE       LOVE       SUPPORT            CARE      TOGETHER

                                         God will always be here for you
                                              He will be Behind you
                                               He will be Beside you
                                               He will give you Hope
                                      He will carry you when you are weary
                                             and life overwhelms you
                                                He will support you
                                                 He will Love you
                                      With God’s strength and help you can
                                      survive this challenging time together

         Guy Sebastian                          Lets Stand Together
        In his latest song
       ‘Standing with you’                    Archbishop Peter Comensoli
   demonstrates so sensitively              acknowledges the challenge and
 how we can support each other              strain physically emotionally and
    and disperse others fears.             economically in this new lockdown.
    How we can quietly in the              He says “it is sombering news and
  background be that strength               is truly disheartening and brings
 someone close by needs to get                renewed distress to so many
         through a crisis.                        families and individuals.
We can even from a distance stand           Now is the time for attentiveness
  strong and beside each other                  to the care of one another.”
       and be ‘Christ Like’.

View ‘Standing with you’ on Youtube           Pope Francis said last week that
 ‘Guy Sebastian Standing with you’         “While isolation, social and economic
                                             uncertainty caused by the COVID-19
         LIVE STREAM MASS                  pandemic may prove to be a challenge
         Sundays at 10:30am                      in all of this God’s question
      St Thomas Facebook page                        ‘Whom shall I send?’
   To secure a seat at an upcoming          Is addressed more to us and awaits a
    Mass please phone the Parish              generous and convincing response
     office Thursday: 9am - 11am              ‘Here I am!’ Our missionary journey
      Ph: 52512502 Thank you.                 continues to love and help others”

730 Bellarine Hwy, Leopold                                   51 Ash Rd, Leopold

3 Bed | 1 Bath | 1 Car | Price $430,000-$470,000         3 Bed | 1 Bath | 1 Car | Price $430,000-$470,000

           Land Size 853m2 (approx.)                                Land Size 594m2 (approx.)

           23 Glengarwyn Rd, Leopold                                815 Bellarine Hwy, Leopold

 3 Bed | 1 Bath | 2 Car | Price $495,000-$525,000        3 Bed | 1 Bath | 2 Car | Price $430,000-$470,000

            Land Size 873m2 (approx.)                               Land Size 613m2 (approx.)

                          Just Listed | Leopold
Being just a short drive from the Geelong waterfront, close to schools, shopping centers, parks,
  playgrounds and with the beautiful beaches of the Bellarine just around the corner, it’s no
 wonder Leopold is fast becoming the ideal location for investors and owner-occupiers alike.

We have a number of fantastic new listings in the area, which you won’t want to miss! For more
information, to set up an inspection or for a free market appraisal of your own property, please
call our office on (03) 5250 1533, email or drop in and see the
                         RT Edgar team at 22 Dorothy Street, Leopold.

Supporting our

                  HEALTH CHECK
Are you adequately covered with your insurance?
Are you getting the best deal for your home loan?
Do you need support for your business through these challenging

Leopold Community Bank are offering free financial health checks
accompanied with a free coffee and the chance to win a wonderful hamper filled
from goods from local Leopold businesses.

Come see us at the branch at Gateway Plaza or call 03 5250 1057 to make an
Leopold Community Bank is a Franchisee of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879 ABN 39 133 061 800

           NOW OPEN
Are you a community group which is based in or services the
Leopold community?
Does your group have a special project which requires some funding

Leopold Community Bank Community Investment Grants program is
NOW OPEN. Applications close Monday 25th September 2020.

Apply online at
Go to the grants section and scroll to Leopold Community Investment Grants

For further information or assistance with your application please contact
Bronwyn on 0418 348 562 or at
The 2020 Leopold Community Grants Program is a management account of the Community Enterprise Charitable Fund ABN 12 102 649 968

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