International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University

Page created by Laurie Glover
International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University


              Study Guide

          15                   TOP
                                     250                      TOP
                                                          In the world for UN Sustainable
Universities in Australia2   Universities in the world2         Development Goals4
International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
Why JCU?
         • Get a world-class education                                                                                          • Benefit from small class sizes
         • Join global leaders in research, marine                                                                              • Utilise financial support through JCU
           sciences, biodiversity and tropical ecology                                                                            Scholarships
         • Develop job-ready skills in state-of-the-art                                                                         • Make friends and enjoy on-campus
           facilities                                                                                                             accommodation options
         • Achieve exceptional employment                                                                                       • Hands-on learning in spectacular,
           outcomes                                                                                                               World Heritage listed reefs and rainforests


           IN THE WORLD FOR
                                   1                                            TOP
                                                                                    UNIVERSITIES                                              FIVE STARS FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                             MAKE THE MOST OF OUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                             WARM, SUNNY CLIMATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                             AND ENJOY SUN, BEACH,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             RAINFORESTS, AND THE
         MARINE AND FRESHWATER                                                     IN THE WORLD2                                         FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT3                                                AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK
                BIOLOGY 1

                   FIVE STARS FOR
                                                                            JCU ORPHEUS ISLAND
                                                                             RESEARCH STATION                                             21,498       STUDENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4,463    EMPLOYEES
                   SOCIAL EQUITY3

         EXPERIENCE AUSTRALIAN                                                     FOR OVER                                                   AUSTRALIA’S FIRST

        CULTURE IN A WELCOMING                                                                                                              INTERNET OF THINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   JCU SPECIALISED
        AND DIVERSE COMMUNITY                                                                                                                  RESEARCH LAB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RESEARCH CENTRES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     & INSTITUTES

    Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR) 2017 Rankings: Ranked number 1 in the world for marine and freshwater biology. 2 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2021   3
                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021 Good Universities Guide.
International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
                                                                                         100                                                        RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                                 CONNECTIONS TO
         JCU DAINTREE                                                  UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD
    RAINFOREST OBSERVATORY                                               FOR U.N. SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                           HIGHLY CITED
                                                                         DEVELOPMENT GOALS4                                                                                                                             RESEARCHERS5

                                2                                                                                                                                                                                      ‘WORLD-CLASS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         OR HIGHER’
             IN THE WORLD FOR
              CONSERVATION 1
                                                                             ACCESS TO LEADING
                                                                                ACADEMICS                                                         FIVE STARS FOR
                                                                                                                                                STUDENT SUPPORT3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OF RESEARCH FIELDS7


      101-125    GLOBALLY
                                                                              FIVE STARS FOR
                                                                           SKILLS DEVELOPMENT3
                                                                                                                                               INDUSTRY RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                               HANDS-ON LEARNING

             FOR LIFE SCIENCES8

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      STUDENTS FROM

                  FACILITIES                                                          IN FUTURE
                                                                                                                                               FIVE STARS FOR
                                                                                                                                           LEARNER ENGAGEMENT3

                        15                                                 CONNECT WITH
                                                                       PROFESSIONAL NETWORKS
                                                                                                                                                JCU FLETCHERVIEW
                                                                                                                                                RESEARCH STATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                FIELD AND LAB TIME,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               LEARNING PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CRICOS Provider Code 00117J

               DISTINGUISHED                                                                                                                                                                                     AND INTERNSHIPS

    Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2020. 5 Web of Science 2020. 6 2018 JCU Impact Report. 7 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2018. 8 Times Higher Education (THE) World University rankings by Subject 2021.
International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
JCU: Ready
           today for


                                                                                                                                                   OSAKA    TOKYO


Tropic of Cancer
                                                                                           NEW DELHI                            HONG KONG


          LAGOS                                                                                               KUALA LUMPUR

Equator                                                                                                                 Singapore

                                                                                                                                   BALI                               PORT MORESBY

Tropic of Capricorn

                                                                                                                                                                  MELBOURNE          AUCKLAND

           The flight routes on this map are a selection of what is available and indicative only. Please search appropriate airport websites for more information.

           2 |                                                                                                                                                                       CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
            VC’s welcome...........................................................4          JCU RESEARCH                                                                     Postgraduate coursework courses
                                                                                              World-class research in more                                                     and fees....................................................................28
            OUR LOCATIONS                                                                                                                                                      Postgraduate research courses and fees........32
                                                                                              than 38 study areas..............................................16
            Study in tropical Australia....................................6                                                                                                   English entry requirements............................... 34
            JCU Cairns..................................................................8     STUDENT LIFE
            JCU Townsville.......................................................... 9        Student life..............................................................18     HOW TO APPLY
            JCU Brisbane...........................................................10         JCU Accommodation...........................................20                   Undergraduate & Postgraduate
            JCU Singapore..........................................................11                                                                                          coursework..............................................................36
                                                                                              FUNDING YOUR STUDIES                                                             Higher degrees by research................................37
            Why choose JCU?.................................................. 12              Funding your studies and scholarships...........22                               Undergraduate & Postgraduate
                                                                                                                                                                               application form....................................................39
            CAREER OUTCOMES                                                                   Undergraduate courses and fees......................24
            Your dream career starts with JCU..................14                             Undergraduate academic entry
            Professsional Employability Program.............. 15                              requirements..........................................................26


                                                                                                                                                                             2.5 hours



                                                    NEW YORK
   LOS ANGELES                                                                                                                                                               Northern                                                        Townsville



                                                                                                       Tropic of Capricorn
                                                                                                                                               A U S T R A LAUSTRALIA


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 hours
                                                BOGOTA                                                                                                                            South
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         New South
                                                                                                        PERTH                                                                                                              Wales                2.5 hours
                                                                                                              4.5 hours
                                                                                     RIO DE JANEIRO                                                                                             3 hours                 Victoria
                                                                                  SAO PAULO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3 hours
                                                                         BUENOS AIRES
                                                                                                         Flight times indicate the approximate time taken to fly between cities, but may vary due to weather                                  HOBART
                                                                                                         conditions and stop overs. Please search airline websites for more specific information.                                                    5.5 hours

     CRICOS Provider Code 00117J                                                                                                                                                                                            | 3
International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
Welcome to
James Cook
Education is critical. It is through education that we
gain knowledge and develop new skills, learn the
value of hard work, deepen our understanding of
the world and grow as people able to contribute to
society and shape a brighter future. Education also
provides for broader perspectives, better jobs and
rewarding careers. It can help us dream, explore,
have fun, and make lifelong friends.

As you start your international education journey, our commitment                                        We are committed to you having a student experience that is life
to you is that JCU is about all these things. We are also about great                                    changing. While you may begin study with us online from abroad, you
student experiences and exceptional academic and career outcomes                                         will still have access to the work rights associated with studying in
and for more than 50 years, JCU has helped create a brighter future                                      Australia. This means when it comes time for you to join us in person,
through students and graduates who make a difference.                                                    you can immerse yourself in one of the most fascinating places in
                                                                                                         the world and experience the Great Barrier Reef, Daintree Rainforest,
We have a strong international reputation, ranked among the
                                                                                                         and the great Australian outback, work with regional and remote
top 250 universities in the world1. JCU is number one in the world
                                                                                                         communities or explore ecosystems as living laboratories.
for marine science and freshwater biology2, and is independently
rated five stars for student support, learner engagement, skills                                         During times of uncertainty, education increases in its importance
development, full-time employment, and social equity3. These                                             to you and your community and an educational experience that
accolades are hard-earned and are a tribute to the commitment of                                         crosses international borders and engages international perspectives
academics and professional staff in supporting students to becoming                                      is becoming more important than ever. Thank you for taking the time
well-rounded graduates.                                                                                  to explore JCU. We look forward to creating a brighter future through
                                                                                                         graduates - you - who make a difference across the globe.
The COVID-19 global pandemic and international travel restrictions
have resulted in changes to teaching and learning at JCU, in order
to keep everyone safe and adhere to Australian Government
guidelines. We have made adjustments to our course offerings to
enable students in some courses to study online, and will continue to
work closely with our students to ensure they gain the best possible
outcome from their time studying with us, and develop the skills,                                        Professor Sandra Harding AO
knowledge and confidence to launch their careers.                                                        Vice Chancellor and President

¹ 2021 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking. 2 CWUR 2017 Rankings by Subject: Ranked Number 2 in the world for Biodiversity Conservation. Ranked Number 1 in the world for Marine and
Freshwater Biology. 3 2021 The Good Universities Guide.

4 |                                                                                                                                                                      CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
James Cook University values and celebrates the diversity of our
                                                                                                      community and is committed to ensuring our learning and working
                                                                                                      environment is safe and welcoming.
                                                                                                      JCU is proud to be part of the Respect. Now. Always. campaign
                                                                                                      – a national initiative led by Universities Australia to highlight
                                                                                                      our determination to ensure our students and staff are safe from
                                                                                                      discrimination and sexual harassment. Further information about
                                                                                                      the campaign and free services available for students can be found at

     Our commitment to Australian Aboriginal
     and Torres Strait Islander peoples
     James Cook University is committed to building strong and mutually beneficial partnerships that work towards closing the employment, health and
     education gap for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
     Our students come from many backgrounds, promoting rich cultural and experiential diversity on campus.
     We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters where we operate our business.
     We honour the unique cultural and spiritual relationship to the land, waters and seas of First Australian peoples and their continuing and rich contribution to
     James Cook University (JCU) and Australian society.
     We also pay respect to Ancestors and Elders past, present and future.

                                                                                                Coming Together and Respecting Difference
                                                                                                Acrylic on linen by Kassandra Savage (JCU Alumni)
                                                                                                Language group: Waanyi and Walangama clan part of Gkuthaarn/Kukatj nations
                                                                                                JCU acquired this artwork as part of our commitment to implement the Reconciliation
                                                                                                Action Plan. The artwork represents JCU’s story in an Australian Aboriginal and Torres
                                                                                                Strait Islander way:
                                                                                                •    Circles in the middle depicts JCU as a meeting place
                                                                                                •    Outer circles are JCU’s linkages to communities through their students who return
                                                                                                     home to share their new knowledge and understandings
                                                                                                •    Different patterns within the hands and arms are the differences between and within
                                                                                                     Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and multicultural Australia. There are also similarities
                                                                                                     in the hands and arms used to illustrate us standing together for equity and equality
                                                                                                •    The ripple effect in the arms and hands represents our reconciliation journey; starting
                                                                                                     small, growing bigger and reaching out to touch more and more lives. The effect
                                                                                                     gathers momentum to develop support and understandings. The circles represent the
                                                                                                     importance of yarning circles, meeting circles, and communities, in order that we can
                                                                                                     connect with each other.

     This publication is intended as a general guide for prospective international students. All applicants should contact the University to confirm admission requirements, fees and availability of courses.
     Information is correct at the time of printing. James Cook University reserves the right to alter any course or admission requirement without prior notice.

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International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
Study in
tropical Australia

The Strand, Townsville.

Living and studying in Northern Queensland is a truly unparalleled experience.
Enjoy hands-on learning opportunities in unique and spectacular locations –
including UNESCO World Heritage listed rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef.
You’ll explore, discover, grow and make unforgettable memories.

Discover the best of tropical North                                         In addition to the sunshine and picturesque natural wonders, Northern
                                                                            Queensland also has a significantly lower cost of living than Australian
Queensland                                                                  cities such as Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.
Our region is one of the world’s leading hubs for coastal and tropical
                                                                            JCU is home to international students from more than 100 countries and
science and environmental studies. So, if you’re interested in the future
                                                                            is passionate about giving students from all over the world opportunities
of the planet, there are few better places to study.
                                                                            to get an exceptional education.
There is no place on Earth like the North and Far North regions of
Queensland, which feature an extraordinary combination of reefs,
rainforests, significant coastal, mountain and outback ecosystems, and      Maximise study-life balance
Indigenous centres.                                                         Northern Queensland makes the perfect base for a great range of
North Queensland offers a unique combination of:                            outdoor recreational activities, such as:

−    One of the oldest Indigenous cultures                                  • Rainforest hiking

−    Tropical climate                                                       • Mountain biking

−    Sustainable environments, and                                          • Snorkelling and scuba diving on the reef.

−    Multicultural population.                                              Enjoy our famous beaches, where white sand and crystal-clear waters
                                                                            await you. You may even see some of our unique native Australian
                                                                            animals! Have fun and get ready for an adventure – all at JCU.

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International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
The Smithfield rainforest mountain-bike trail is the oldest in the
                                                                               country and located directly behind JCU’s Cairns campus.

        International PhD. student Chris Hemingson lays a transect tape over
        a coral reef. Photo: Victor Huertas Martin                             Enjoy living in welcoming, multicultural and student-friendly communities.

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International Study Guide - TOP 100 - James Cook University
Our locations

JCU Cairns

The Ideas Lab on the Cairns Smithfield campus

At JCU Cairns, you can explore unrivalled research locations, work in World
Heritage listed natural environments and learn in state-of-the-art facilities.

Cairns fast facts                                      Climate                                            Medical
                                                       Wet season (November–May)                          JCU students have access to a range of
Cairns is one of the most popular tourist              24°–32°C/75°–90°F                                  on-campus services, and can access local
destinations in Australia. It’s a gateway to           Hot, rainy and humid                               healthcare services including dental, medical
many famous natural wonders, including:                Dry season (June–October)                          and psychological services. The Cairns
• The Great Barrier Reef                               17°–26°C/63°–79°F                                  Hospital provides 24 hour acute care.
                                                       Mild and dry
• Daintree Rainforest                                                                                     Campus
                                                       Population                                         JCU Cairns, Nguma-bada campus, Smithfield,
• Port Douglas                                         City: 150,000                                      near the popular northern beaches and
• Atherton Tablelands, and                             JCU Campus: 3,309 students                         approximately a 20-minute drive from the
                                                       (300 international)                                city centre. Study facilities can also be
• The outback Gulf Savannah region.                                                                       accessed at the JCU Cairns, Bada-jali campus,
                                                       Transport                                          Cairns City.
                                                       Bus, car, bicycle between campus and home.
                                                       Cairns also has an international airport.          On-campus sport
                                                                                                          Gymnasium, basketball courts, sport fields
                                                       Places of worship                                  and a world-class mountain bike track.
                                                       JCU’s Multifaith Chaplaincy Centre is
                                                       available as a free facility for you to practice
                                                       your faith.

Perth                               Sydney
                 Adelaide   Canberra

8 |                                                                                                                         CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
JCU Townsville

     JCU’s Science Place

     JCU Townsville is where world-class facilities, natural wonders and vibrant student
     life meet. Be part of a thriving teaching, research and community hub with the
     latest equipment to help you to excel at university and in your career.

     Townsville fast facts                               Climate                                            Medical
                                                         Summer (December–February)                         JCU students have access to a range of
     • Townsville is Australia’s largest tropical city   24°–32°C/75°–90°F                                  on-campus services including dental,
     • Magnetic Island and the Great Barrier Reef        Hot and humid                                      medical, psychological, physiotherapy,
       are on Townsville’s doorstep                      Winter (June–August)                               occupational therapy, speech pathology and
                                                         13°–26°C/56°–79°F                                  exercise physiology clinics. Students can also
     • The Savannah region and outback country           Mild and dry                                       access nearby healthcare services including
       towns lie to the west                                                                                the Townsville Hospital which is located
                                                         Population                                         adjacent to the JCU campus and provides 24
     • Townsville is famous for an average of 320        City: 229,031                                      hour acute care.
       days of sunshine per year                         JCU Campus: 11,637 students
     • Renowned for marine research.                     (1,500 international)                              Campus
                                                                                                            JCU Townsville, Bebegu Yumba campus,
     Home to the headquarters of Australia’s major       Transport                                          Douglas, is Australia’s largest university
     marine research and management authorities          Bus car, bicycle or walk between campus and        campus, approximately a 20-minute drive
     including the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park        home.                                              from the city centre. Study facilities can also
     Authority and the Australian Institute of                                                              be accessed at the Townsville City campus.
     Marine Science.                                     Places of worship
                                                         JCU’s Multifaith Chaplaincy Centre is              On-campus sport
                                                         available as a free facility for you to practice   Gymnasium, basketball courts, tennis courts,
                                                         your faith.                                        squash courts, netball courts, rugby and
                                     Cairns                                                                 soccer fields, hockey fields and cricket
                                       TOWNSVILLE                                                           pitches.

       Perth                               Sydney
                     Adelaide   Canberra

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Our locations

JCU Brisbane

                                                                                                Perfect weather and proximity to some of the world’s
                                                                                                most beautiful natural wonders are just some of the
                                                                                                reasons you will love studying in Brisbane.

JCU Brisbane is a modern metropolitan campus located in the centre of Brisbane.
Experience world-class education, work opportunities and a balanced lifestyle in a
welcoming, modern and multicultural city. JCU Brisbane offers a trimester model
allowing you to accelerate your study and complete your degree faster.

Brisbane fast facts                               Climate                                       Places of worship
                                                  Summer (December–February)                    A prayer room is available on-campus for
• Brisbane is the capital of Queensland (the      21°–30°C/69°–85°F                             student use.
  Sunshine State) and the third largest city in   Warm with rainy periods
  Australia                                       Winter (June–August)                          Medical
                                                  11–21°C/51.6°–69.8°F                          There are hospitals, medical clinics,
• Brisbane is one of the most affordable cities
                                                  Dry and mild                                  psychology clinics and more off-campus.
  in Australia and is known for being safe and
                                                  2.5 million (city)

                                                  Bus, train and ferry services are available
                                                  within a short walking distance of the

Perth                                Sydney
               Adelaide   Canberra

10 |                                                                                                                    CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
Our locations

     JCU Singapore

     Prepare yourself for the global workforce in one of the
     most dynamic cities in the world.

     JCU Singapore was established in 2003, as JCU’s first international campus. JCU
     Singapore boasts cutting-edge facilities, collaborative learning spaces, and
     internationally renowned lecturers to help you succeed every step of the way.
     You’ll get the same quality educational programs and senior academic staff as JCU
     students in Queensland.

     Singapore fast facts                                      Climate                                      Places of worship
                                                               Dry season (March–August)                    Two prayer rooms are available on-campus
     • As an ever-evolving city, Singapore is at the           25°–32°C/77°–90°F                            for student use.
       forefront of global health, technology and              Wet season (September–February)
       economic advancement                                    24°–32°C/75°–90°F.                           Medical
                                                                                                            The JCU Singapore Psychology Clinic is
     • Be a part of this rich multicultural
                                                               Population                                   located on campus. A hospital is available 15
                                                               5.7 million (city), 3,713 (campus)           minutes from the campus, as well as several
                                                                                                            medical clinics around the city.
                                                               Two MRT (train) stations are a 10-minute     Sporting facilities
                                                               walk from campus, and there are three bus    A wide range of sporting facilities are
                                                               stops within short walking distance to the   available on campus, including a gymnasium,
                                                               campus.                                      cricket pitch, multi-purpose sports courts
                                                                                                            (basketball, volleyball and tennis), and an
                                                                                                            indoor multi-purpose hall for badminton
                      Kuala Lumpur

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Our locations

Why choose JCU?
                                                                “I chose to study a Master of Information
                                                                Technology at James Cook University because
                                                                of its flexible and diverse course structure. The
                                                                course structure was very transparent and it
                                                                focuses on advanced computing, networking,
                                                                programming, and information systems, along
                                                                with other subjects that are directly or indirectly
                                                                linked to IT.”

                                                                Dikita Tuladhar
                                                                Master of Information Technology

 Dikita Tuladhar, Nepal

      “When I researched tropical aquaculture in
       Australia, JCU always came up as the best .
      The researchers are very knowledgeable and
                   are doing interesting research.”

                                Fernando Fernando
                             Master of Science (Professional)

                                                                 Fernando Fernando, Indonesia

                                                                “I was recommended to study at JCU by Nina
                                                                Jensen who is an outstanding Marine Biologist
                                                                in Norway and she also studied at JCU! It might
                                                                seem scary and far away, but the staff at JCU
                                                                will take good care of you and help you with any
                                                                questions you might have. Just go for it, and have
                                                                a memory for life!”

                                                                Aashild Oeygarden
                                                                Bachelor of Science
 Aashild Oeygarden, Norway

12 |                                                                                        CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
“JCU has produced a lot of graduates who now
       contribute to the development of PNG across all
      disciplines. My supervisor Dr Murray Prideaux,
          and my secondary supervisors, Dr Singwhat
         Tee and Prof John Hamilton, have immensely
          supported me throughout my study journey.”

                                                   George Bopi-Kerepa
                                                          PAPUA NEW GUINEA
                                          Australia Awards Scholarship recipient

                                                                                   George Bopi-Kerepa, Papua New Guinea

                                                                                   “JCU offers amazing environments, such as the
                                                                                   Great Barrier Reef, to explore and study. It is
                                                                                   the best university for the study of marine turtles
                                                                                   and their ecosystems. Researching at JCU gives
                                                                                   you access to excellent facilities and provides all
                                                                                   the resources needed.”

                                                                                   Hector Barrios-Garrido
      Hector Barrios-Garrido, Venuzuela

     “I chose JCU because its curriculum appealed to
     me for its in-depth theoretical knowledge backed
      with practical exposure at the grass-roots level.
            JCU has supported me with applying non-
        conventional approaches to effective learning,
     exploring the nuances of communities in outback
           Australia, and strengthening my passion for
     Social Work. The faculty at JCU has consistently
         provided me with guidance to develop my own
          values and skills to become a responsible and
                              resourceful professional.”

                                                             Rachel Tauro
                              Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying)      Rachel Tauro, India

           Want more JCU international                                                         

           student stories?                                                                    

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Career outcomes

Your dream career
starts with JCU
JCU graduates have the perfect balance of technical skills and creative
outside-the-box thinking. We emphasise practical, immersive learning –
making JCU graduates highly employable.

Student placements and projects                                              Go global
−    ain valuable work experience and network with leading industry
    G                                                                        −   S tudy abroad to experience a different culture and enhance your
    professionals in your field                                                   employability
−   T ransition into the workforce with student placements and projects –   −    hallenge yourself – you’ll be rewarded with rich cultural
     gaining the practical skills and knowledge you need to succeed.             experiences, unique skills, and lifelong memories
                                                                             −   JCU has more than 50 partner universities around the world.
Professional experience is key
−   T ake part in field trips, clinical placements, practicums and          Volunteering
                                                                             −    uild your resume with a range of JCU’s extracurricular volunteering
−    evelop your skills in a real-life setting and learn from leading
    D                                                                            opportunities. From working to protect the environment to
    professionals                                                                assisting at events and mentoring students, there is a volunteering
                                                                                 opportunity to suit you
−    ork in some of the most beautiful places in the world – from the
    Great Barrier Reef to the iconic Australian outback.                     −    ake a valuable difference to the community, while you have fun,
                                                                                 gain work experience, and network with friends and professionals.

Careers and employment
−    et career advice and planning, resume tips, and links to potential
    G                                                                                        5 stars for
    employers                                                                                full-time employment
−   Learn how to interview better with our online training resources.                       (Good Universities Guide 2021)

                                                                             “I studied abroad in Australia for my
                                                                             undergraduate degree. I fell in love with
                                                                             Townsville and Australia, and it became my
                                                                             dream to come back and conduct research on the
                                                                             Great Barrier Reef. That and being able to do
                                                                             fieldwork in multiple remote locations on Great
                                                                             Barrier Reef.”

                                                                             Dr Annie Bauer-Civiello

14 |                                                                                                                       CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
Career outcomes

     Professional Employability Program
     Enhance your employability and advance your career in Australia and    1. Professional Employability Subject
     globally through the Professional Employability Program delivered in
                                                                            Covers career planning, employability skills, professional networking
     partnership with employability experts Career Ahead.
                                                                            and navigation of the recruitment process and includes regular industry
     The Program is available within the following degrees:                 involvement via keynote speakers, industry panels, work-based
                                                                            simulations and case studies.
     • Master of Data Science (Professional)
                                                                            2. Employability Passport
     • Master of Engineering (Professional)
                                                                            Access a range of resources to support career planning and enable
     • Master of Science
                                                                            development of a personal employability portfolio.
     • Master of Science (Professional).
                                                                            3. Industry Placement
                                                                            The Industry Placement is offered as a subject within your course,
     Professional Employability Program Units and                           typically towards the completion of study. We work with students to
     Schedule                                                               identify meaningful industry partners and placements aligned to subject
                                                                            outlines and assessment requirements. Benefit from Career Ahead’s
     The Program is completed throughout the duration of the JCU masters    many hundreds of industry relationships nationally and internationally.
     program and includes three elements:

   “JCU’s Professional Employability
    Program has helped me develop a clear
    career plan, and understand the steps
    I need to take to achieve my goals. I’ve
    developed skills in a range of new areas
    and have enjoyed the opportunity to
    network with industry partners and
    gain practical experiences to suit me
     Douglas Muthamia

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JCU research

research in more
than 38 study areas

JCU’s own canopy crane in the World Heritage Daintree Rainforest.

Study at a university known for its world-leading research, knowledge
infrastructure, partnerships and research findings.

JCU is committed to creating a brighter future for life in the tropics      • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
world-wide through discoveries that make a difference.                      • Environmental Science and Management
But don’t just take our word for it. Excellence in Research for Australia   • Evolutionary Biology
(ERA) rated 83% of JCU’s research fields as world-class or above.           • Fisheries Science
JCU received the highest possible rating, well above world standard, in     • Geochemistry
the research areas of ecological applications, ecology, environmental       • Geology
science and management, fisheries sciences, geology, medical
                                                                            • Human Geography
microbiology, organic chemistry and plant biology. Every field of
research in medical and health sciences was rated world-class or above.     • Human Movement and Sports Science
                                                                            • Immunology
JCU received a rating of world-class or above in the following research
areas:                                                                      • Inorganic Chemistry
• Anthropology                                                              • Law
• Applied Mathematics                                                       • Linguistics
• Archaeology                                                               • Materials Engineering
• Biochemistry and Cell Biology                                             • Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics
• Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology                                • Medical Microbiology
• Classical Physics                                                         • Microbiology
• Clinical Sciences                                                         • Neurosciences
• Criminology                                                               • Nursing
• Ecological Applications                                                   • Oncology and Carcinogenesis
• Ecology                                                                   • Organic Chemistry

16 |                                                                                                       CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
JCU research

                                                                               JCU’s proximity to the Great Barrier Reef means students have easy
                                                                               access to a diversity of marine and coastal ecosystems.

     • Physical Chemistry and Environmental Geoscience                         JCU research sites
     • Plant Biology
                                                                               Study and research in JCU’s innovative research facilities
     • Public Health and Health Services                                       across Northern Queensland.
     • Sociology
                                                                               JCU Cairns Institute
     • Specialist Studies in Education                                
     • Technology
                                                                               JCU Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine
     • Tourism                                                       
     • Veterinary Sciences
                                                                               JCU Daintree Rainforest Observatory
     • Zoology.                                                      
                                                                               JCU Orpheus Island Research Station
     Unrivalled access to environmental sites                        
     JCU campuses and research hubs are on the doorstep of some of the         JCU Marine & Aquaculture Research Facility
     world’s most spectacular environments, including:               
     −    The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park                                   ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies
     −    The rainforests of the Wet Tropics                         
     −    The savannahs of Cape York Peninsula                                 Australian Institute of Marine Science - AIMS@JCU
     −    The deserts of the arid outback.                           
     These living laboratories provide JCU staff and students with unlimited   JCU eResearch Centre
     opportunities. Governments and global businesses consider JCU’s 
     research as central to the future of the tropics.
                                                                               JCU Advanced Analytical Centre
     JCU has strong links with rural, remote and Indigenous communities
     in the Asia Pacific region. Many local, national and international
                                                                               JCU Fletcherview Research Centre
     research organisations and industry groups collaborate with JCU. These
     linkages help ensure our courses are research-rich and reflect the
     latest innovations. Many of our staff and students are co-located with
     researchers from partner institutions.

CRICOS Provider Code 00117J                                                                                                        | 17
Student life

Student Life

Develop new skills and make memories to last a lifetime. We are committed to
creating a balanced study and social life for our students.

International Student Support Services                                      Clubs and societies
The JCU International Student Support team is here to help with your        Meet new people with common cultural, political, religious, sporting,
transition into life at JCU. Services for international students include:   recreation and academic interests. Gigs, social events, sports, academic
                                                                            workshops, market day, BBQs – whatever your interest is, we’ve got it
• Pre-departure information
• Airport arrival service
                                                                            The JCU Student Association and JCU International Student Association
• International student mentor programs to help you settle into life in    provide a range of social, sporting and academic clubs and societies
  Australia                                                                 meaning there are plenty of ways to meet like-minded students. All JCU
                                                                            students receives membership to the JCU Student Association, offering
• Free and confidential wellbeing services and counselling and wellbeing   discounts, events and amenities.
  staff to support you
• Assistance with accommodation
                                                                            Sport and recreation
• International Student Orientation at the start of each semester, with
                                                                            Access a range of on-campus sporting clubs and facilities including
  important information for all new international students
                                                                            gyms, basketball courts, sporting fields and world-class mountain bike
• Assistance in emergencies including an after-hours student assistance    tracks.
• Overseas Student Health Cover                                             Volunteering
• Free confidential counselling                                             If you’re passionate about sustainability and the environment our
                                                                            award-winning TropEco program could be perfect for you. Collaborate
• Careers and employment service
                                                                            with like-minded people and volunteer in a range of TropEco activities,
• Regular social events to help you develop friendships with other         from running campaigns to maintaining on-site community gardens.
  students, meet staff, and enhance your campus experience.                 Volunteer opportunities abound, and are a great way to make friends
                                                                            and spend time with like-minded people. You could volunteer at the
                                                                            University’s Orpheus Island Research Station near Townsville, or at the
Events                                                                      Fitzroy Island Turtle Rehabilitation Centre near Cairns.
Social gatherings, sporting activities, talent competitions and
celebrations are organised for students on campus, and are also hosted      The Learning Centre
by community organisations.
                                                                            The Learning Centre supports students with a range of resources. Our
                                                                            Learning Advisors help build academic skills and provide study tips,
On-campus convenience                                                       numeracy and basic statistics development, help with academic reading
Cairns and Townsville campuses both offer a range of food outlets for       and writing, or programs to further develop your English language skills
your coffee, snacking and lunch needs. Townsville campus also has a post    for studying at university with workshops or online programs.
office, pharmacy, medical centre, exercise facilities and hairdresser.

18 |                                                                                                                     CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
Student life

        Market Day offers the opportunity to meet new people with common cultural,                     SIgn up for the airport arrival service/transfer and you will be greeted by 'CROCS'
        political, religious, sporting, recreation and academic interests.                             student mentors.

        Join the JCU Dive Club and dive the SS Yongala, Australia's largest and most intact historic shipwreck located in the world heritage Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
        Image courtesy of Townsville Enterprise.

        JCU provides a range of on-campus sporting facilities.                                         Clubs and societies play an active role in the University community.

CRICOS Provider Code 00117J                                                                                                                                          | 19


Find the right accommodation for you to call home at JCU.

Living on-campus
Living on-campus is a great way to make new friends and immerse
yourself into the JCU and Australian culture. By living somewhere
comfortable and conveniently close to where you study, you can
improve your overall student experience. Our on-campus options range
from long corridor-style, fully-catered residences to smaller self-catered
facilities. With so many options available across our different campuses,
you can find the perfect place to suit your needs.

Support and security
Living on-campus is so much more than just a room. It is a safe, secure
and fun way to study. All residences include academic, wellbeing and
social support.
−   E ach bedroom has a lock that only you and our staff can access.
     Only residents get after-hours access to any buildings
−   S ecurity cameras throughout the buildings. JCU security are on-
     campus and patrol the grounds 24/7 and can escort you back to
     your residence if you are studying late at night
−    ur on-campus team are here to support you. They are there to talk
    to when you need support, check on you and make sure that your           Enjoy living in accommodation close to campus with students from
    health and wellbeing are on track for you to achieve your academic       diverse nationalities.

Find the right option for you
JCU has on-campus accommodation at JCU Townsville and JCU Cairns.
JCU Townsville has five different accommodation options that house
over 1,200 students, and JCU Cairns has a brand-new complex for 300
students. Whether you need accommodation for a semester or for your
full degree, there are plenty of options available.
−    ll rooms at our on-campus residences are single board, with a
    single bed, study desk, chair, fan, air-conditioning and Wi-Fi
−   E ach residence has a different style of living, culture and
     atmosphere. There are options for fully catered meals, which can be
     adapted to dietary requirements, or self-catered housing.

20 |                                                                                                                  CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
The newest accommodation at JCU Townsville campus will open in 2022 and will be home to more than 400
   students. Designed to provide contemporary and affordable student accommodation in a secure, safe and
   environmentally sustainable environment, the facility will feature study bedrooms in group-share accommodation,
   high-quality communal facilities, and a centralised, self-catered ‘master-chef’ style kitchen and dining space.
   Scan the QR code for a flythrough of the new facility.

     Living off-campus
     Off-campus housing can include sharing a house with other students,
     off-campus student accommodation or renting an entire property.
     Before committing to a property or room off campus, always check:
     −     hat you are getting is part of your lease. For example, images of
          the property with furniture may have been put there for marketing
          purposes only
     −     ates and length of time you are committing to. You will be signing
          a legal document, which you may not be able to break if you change
          your mind
     −    T he property is located close to the university campus, bus stops
           and amenities.

     With homestay accommodation, you are matched with a local family
     from the area to live with. All homestay hosts have been:
     −    Screened by the JCU’s homestay provider, and
     −     ndergo training to provide a high level of service and comfort to
          the student.

     Further information and virtual tours of
     each residence
                                                                                 There are options for full catered meals, or self-catered housing.

CRICOS Provider Code 00117J                                                                                                       | 21
Funding your studies

Funding your studies and scholarships

Studying at university is an investment in your future. Enhance your career
opportunities with a degree designed to develop real-world skills.

When preparing your budget, we recommend you factor in all your
possible expenses, including Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC),
Student Services and Amenities Fee, textbooks, study materials, living
expenses and additional expenses associated with clinical placements,
internships and fieldwork.
To help guide you, we've detailed what study costs you may incur as well
                                                                              A range of scholarships and grants are available to international
as costs to think about before you arrive that are related to your studies.
                                                                              students at JCU.
                                                                              James Cook University International Excellence Scholarship
Tuition Fees
                                                                              Recognises and rewards excellence to eligible students from
2022 International tuition fees for all levels of study are detailed from     the United States, Canada, Latin America, the United Kingdom
page 24.                                                                      and Europe. The Scholarship provides a significant tuition fee
                                                                              reduction throughout the entire duration of approved full degree
                                                                              study programs, provided recipients continue to maintain a
Incidental and Administration Fees                                            strong GPA each semester, as detailed in the scholarship offer.
Some courses have Incidental and Administration Fees for compulsory
                                                                              James Cook University International Student Merit Stipend
purchases not covered by your tuition fees such as uniforms, safety
equipment and participation in course-related field trips.                    Provides financial security to support excellence to eligible
                                                                              students from Asia, Africa, Papua New Guinea and the Middle
                                                                              East. The Stipend supports student excellence by providing
Student Services and Amenities Fee                                            monthly payments of AUD$700 to assist with expenses
The Student Services and Amenities Fee is a compulsory fee for JCU            throughout the duration of study at JCU, providing a strong GPA
students and is used to provide a range of student support services and       is maintained each semester, as outlined in the scholarship offer.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
OSHC is insurance to assist international students in meeting the costs
of medical and hospital care that they may need while in Australia. As an
international student, it is a condition of your student visa that you have
OSHC for the entire duration of your stay in Australia.

Financial Aid
JCU processes financial aid for students from a variety of countries. JCU
is also registered as a provider to certify and administer US Federal Aid
for new and continuing US students located at our Cairns and Townsville

22 |                                                                                                                    CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
“We decided to study medicine at JCU because of its excellent reputation
    for clinical skills teaching, and their focus on serving rural, remote, and
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities. The calibre of the
    senior lecturers, and doctors that we get to learn from in the clinical years
    is impressive, and inspires us to challenge ourselves both professionally,
    and personally.”
     Christopher MacDonald & Ankita Jauhari (husband and wife)

CRICOS Provider Code 00117J                                                | 23
Undergraduate courses and fees
                The fees listed are in Australian dollars and are based on the annual international tuition fee for students commencing in 2022. Annual (per year)
                international tuition fee equates to 24 credit points. Tuition fees may increase each year.
                Visit for the most up-to-date information on international fees. Entry requirements are indicative only and subject to

                Course                                                           Duration Campus/      Intakes      English Minimum course prerequisites                   CRICOS      2022 Tuition
                                                                                  (years)  Mode                      Band                                                  course       fee (per year
                                                                                                                     Level                                                 code            in A$)

                BACHELOR DEGREES
                Bachelor of Arts2                                                   3     T, C, S,      S1, S2        1     English                                         010346B   $30,640
                Bachelor of Arts–Bachelor of Business                               4      T, C,        T1, T2,       1     English                                        036644M $30,960
                                                                                          Online+         T3
                Bachelor of Arts–Bachelor of Laws                                   5      T, C,        S1, S2        2     English                                         013247C   $32,960
                Bachelor of Arts–Bachelor of Science2,3                             4       T, C       S1, S2 2,3     1     English, Mathematical Methods. Students         028993A   $37,840
                                                                                                                            considering the Chemistry or Molecular and
                                                                                                                            Cell Biology majors require Chemistry
                Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences                                     3         T           S1          2     English; Chemistry; Mathematical Methods        013347K   $35,160
                Majors: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Microbiology
                and Immunology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Physiology and
                Bachelor of Business                                                3      T2, C2,      T1, T2,       1     English                                         026830C $30,960

                Majors: Business Intelligence & Information Systems,                       S2, B2,        T3
                Hospitality & Tourism Management1, Human Resources                        Online2+
                Management, International Business1, Management,
                Marketing for the Digital Age, Sports & Events
                Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science                      3       T, S        T1, T2,       1                                                     070556F   $35,160
                Major: Aquaculture                                                                        T3
                Bachelor of Business–Bachelor of Laws                               5     T2, C2,       S1, S2        2     English                                         031833B   $32,960
                Bachelor of Business–                                               4       T           S1, S2        1     English                                         085453A   $32,960
                Bachelor of Psychological Science
                Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Honours)                             4         T           S1          2     English, Chemistry, Mathematical Methods        096261G   $37,840
                Bachelor of Commerce                                                3     T, C, S, B    T1, T2,       1     English                                         0101385   $30,960
                Majors: Accounting, Banking and Finance, Economics,                                       T3
                Financial Advising, Financial Management, International
                Bachelor of Dental Surgery                                          5        C            S1          3b    English, Chemistry, Mathematical Methods        073997A   $68,680
                Bachelor of Education                                               4       T, S        S1, S2        See   English, General Mathematics or Mathematical    081938A   $31,080
                (Early Childhood Education)**                                                                        p.34   Methods or Specialist Mathematics, plus a
                                                                                                                            General Science subject
                Bachelor of Education (Primary)**                                   4       T, C2       S1, S2       See    English, General Mathematics or Mathematical    081941F   $31,080
                                                                                                                     p.34   Methods or Specialist Mathematics, plus a
                                                                                                                            General Science subject
                Bachelor of Education (Secondary)                                   4       T, C2         S1         See    English, General Mathematics or Mathematical    081942E   $31,080
                                                                                                                     p.34   Methods or Specialist Mathematics.
                                                                                                                            Mathematics or Physics as teaching areas
                                                                                                                            must have Mathematical Methods. Chemistry
                                                                                                                            teaching area must have Chemistry. Refer
                                                                                                                            to Course Handbook for further Course pre-
                Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)                                   4      T2, C2       S1, S2 2      1     English, Mathematical Methods                   085458G $36,880
                Majors: Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Electronic, Electronic
                Systems & Internet of Things, Mechanical
                Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)–                                  5       T2,C2      S1, S2 3       1     English, Mathematical Methods                   085411M   $36,880
                Bachelor of Information Technology
                Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)–                                  5      T2, C2      S1, S2 3       1     English, Mathematical Methods. Students         085380B $37,840
                Bachelor of Science                                                                                         considering the Chemistry or Molecular and
                                                                                                                            Cell Biology major will require Chemistry
                Bachelor of Environmental Practice                                  3       T, C        S1, S2        1                                                     093740E   $35,160
                Majors: Biodiversity Assessment and Management,
                Corporate Environmental Management, Land and Water
                Bachelor of Geology                                                 3    T, C (first    S1, S2        1                                                     062452C   $37,840
                Bachelor of Information Technology                                  3      T2, C2,      S1, S2        1     English                                        010438J    $30,960
                                                                                           S2, B2       T1, T2,
                Bachelor of Laws                                                    3      T, C,        S1, S2        2     English                                        0102134    $32,960

                  24 |                                                                                                                                               CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
Course                                                                    Duration Campus/            Intakes     English Minimum course prerequisites                          CRICOS         2022 Tuition
                                                                               (years)  Mode                           Band                                                         course          fee (per year
                                                                                                                       Level                                                        code                in A$)
    Bachelor of Marine Science                                                   3              T          S1, S2         1                                                         056552E        $39,000
    Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Honours)                             4              T            S1           2       English, Chemistry, Mathematical Methods          094675A        $35,160
    Bachelor of Medicine,                                                        6              T            S1           3b      English, Chemistry, Mathematical Methods          043052K        $59,160
    Bachelor of Surgery
    Bachelor of Nursing Science                                                  3            T, C           S1           3c      English                                           010441C        $32,960
    Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)                                   4             T             S1           3a      English, plus one of: Biology, Chemistry,         094677K        $34,320
    Majors: Professional Honours, Research Honours                                                                                Physics, Health, Phychology or Physical
    Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)                                               4              T            S1           3a      English, Chemistry, Mathematical Methods          094678J        $37,840
    Majors: Professional Honours, Research Honours
    Bachelor of Physiotherapy                                                    4              T            S1           3a      English, Mathematical Methods plus one of:        053801F        $36,680
                                                                                                                                  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Health, Physical
                                                                                                                                  Education or Psychology
    Bachelor of Planning                                                         4            T, C        S1, S2          1       English                                           056694B        $35,160
    Bachelor of Psychological Science                                            3            T, S        S1, S2          1       English                                           085452B        $32,960
                                                                                                          T1, T2,
    Bachelor of Advanced Science                                                 3            T, C2         S1            1       English, Mathematical Methods                     092515M        $39,000
    Majors: Advanced Molecular and Cell Biology, Aquaculture
    Science & Technology, Chemistry, Data Science, Earth
    Science, Marine Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology &
    Bachelor of Science2                                                         3         T2, C2, S2      S1, S2         1                                                         076290A        $37,840
    Majors: Aquaculture Science & Technology, Chemistry,
    Data Science, Earth Science, Marine Biology, Mathematics,
    Molecular & Cell Biology, Physics, Zoology & Ecology
    Bachelor of Science–Bachelor of Laws3                                        5            T, C2      S1, S2 2,3       2       English, Mathematical Methods. Students           017881M        $37,840
                                                                                                                                  considering the Chemistry or Molecular and
                                                                                                                                  Cell Biology majors will require Chemistry

    Bachelor of Social Work                                                      4            T, C         S1, S2        3c       English                                           010351E        $30,640
    Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)                                       4             T             S1         See       English, plus one of: Biology, Chemistry,         094679G        $36,680
                                                                                                                        p.34      Physics, Psychology or Health
    Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science                                       3              T            S1           2       English; General Mathematics or Mathematical      029013A        $33,280
                                                                                                                                  Methods or Specialist Mathematics
    Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science–Bachelor of                           5              T            S1           2       English; General Mathematics or Mathematical      093297G        $33,280
    Psychological Science                                                                                                         Methods or Specialist Mathematics
    Bachelor of Technology and Innovation                                        3            T, C         S1, S2         1       English                                           0100009        $29,080
    Majors: Data Science, Information Technology, Sensor
    Technologies and the Internet of Things
    Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours)                                     5              T            S1           1       English                                           105718M        $30,960
    Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Events                                  3            B, S        T1, T2,         1       English                                           101080         $30,960

    Diploma of Higher Education                                                              T, C,         T1, T2,                English                                             082841B      $29,480
    Major: Business                                                               1         Online+                        1
    Diploma of Higher Education                                                              T, C, S                              Nil                                                 082840C $29,480
                                                                                                           S1, S2
    Majors: Business Studies; Education, Engineering and Applied
                                                                                  1                        T1, T2,         1
    Science; General Studies; Health; Information Technology;
    Science; Social Work; Society and Culture

       Only available externally                                              *P
                                                                                sychological major - Band 1; Health major - Band 2; all other        ^
                                                                                                                                                       Trimesters offered in Brisbane and Singapore only.
        Not all Majors/Education study areas available on all campuses.       majors - Overall IELTS of 5.5 with no component less than 5.0          +
                                                                                                                                                        Online available to off-shore students only
         Check for details.                                        **All applicants for initial teacher education courses must satisfy   T1, T2, T3 = Trimester 1, 2 or 3.
         Not all Majors available for mid-year entry, check for       both academic and non-academic entry criteria. QTAC assesses        S1, S2 = Semester 1 or Semester 2.
          details.                                                                applicants’ non-academic capabilities using an instrument
                                                                                  developed with the Australian Council of Deans of Education.        Refer to for
       This course includes compulsory fieldwork which will incure                                                                                   exact start dates
        additional non-tuition costs. Based on 2021 fees it is anticipated        Students must meet English language proficiency requirements
        that the maximum non-tuition cost should not exceed $1,000                for teacher registration in Australia, either on entry to or
        irrespective of major.                                                    graduation from the program.
         no component lower than 6.5                                          # E xternal students enrol in sequential subjects in SP81, SP82,
                                                                                SP84, SP85 and SP86 and complete in 5.3 years

CRICOS Provider Code 00117J                                                                                                                                                        | 25
Undergraduate academic entry requirements
                The following scores are a guide for entry into JCU undergraduate courses at school-leaving level in 2021. Students with existing university qualifications (or
                equivalent) will be considered for entry and may be eligible for credit. Joint degree entry requirements are determined by the degree with the highest entry score.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Baccalaureate (IB Diploma)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CISCE/State Board & NIOS
                                                                                                                       Canada Secondary School

                                                                                                                                                                          Danish Upper Secondary
                                                               Admissions Rack (ATAR)

                                                                                                                                                 China Senior Secondary

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hong Kong Diploma of
                                                                                        Secondary Certificate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Secondary Education

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           All India Exam Senior

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Menegah Atas (SMA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           School Certificate &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Indonesian Sekikah
                                                               Australian Tertiary

                                                                                        Bangladesh Higher

                                                                                                                                                 School Graduation

                                                                                                                                                                          School Certificate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    German Abitur

                                                                                                                                                                                                   GCE A Levels

                Degrees and Diplomas
                Bachelor of Arts                                 59.4                       3.5                              50                         73                        7                   4                4                   13                 60/65                        66                      24
                Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences                  65.4                       NA                                51                        81                     7.3                    5             3.9                    15                 63/68                       NA                       24
                Bachelor of Business                             59.4                       3.5                              50                         73                        7                   4                4                   13                 60/65                        66                      24
                Bachelor of Business and                         63.2                       3.9                              50                         78                     7.2                 4.5              3.9                    14                 62/67                         70                     24
                Environmental Science
                Bachelor of Clinical Sciences                   69.15                       NA                               56                         86                     7.6                 5.5              3.6                    16                 65/70                       NA                       25
                Bachelor of Commerce                             59.4                       3.5                              50                         73                        7                   4                4                   13                 60/65                        66                      24
                Bachelor of Dental Surgery*                            −                    NA                               86                        NA                        11                 14              1.8                    26                 90/94                       NA                       37
                Bachelor of Education                            73.3                       NA                               61                          91                    7.8                    6             3.3                    18                 68/73                       NA                       26
                Bachelor of Engineering                           78.1                      4.6                              67                         97                    8.3                     7                3                  20                   70/75                      NA                       28
                Bachelor of Environmental                        63.2                       3.9                              50                         78                     7.2                 4.5              3.9                    14                 62/67                         70                     24


                Bachelor of Geology                              66.5                        4.1                             52                         82                     7.4                    5             3.8                    15                 64/69                         74                     24
                Bachelor of Information                          63.2                       3.9                              50                         78                     7.2                 4.5              3.9                    14                 62/67                         70                     24
                Bachelor of Laws                                  75.7                      4.5                              63                         93                        8                6.5              3.2                    19                  69/74                       85                      27
                Bachelor of Marine Science                        78.1                      4.6                              67                         97                    8.3                     7                3                  20                   70/75                       88                      28
                Bachelor of Medical Laboratory                  69.15                       NA                               56                         86                     7.6                 5.5              3.6                    16                 65/70                       NA                       25
                Sciences (Honours)
                Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor                         −                    NA                               83                        NA                    10.6                   13                 2                   25                 88/92                       NA                       35
                of Surgery*
                Bachelor of Nursing Science                    66.45                         4.1                             52                         82                     7.4                    5             3.8                    15                 64/69                         74                     24
                Bachelor of Occupational                       72.45                        NA                               59                         90                     7.8                    6             3.4                    17                  67/72                      NA                       26
                Therapy (Honours)
                Bachelor of Pharmacy                              79.3                      NA                               68                         98                     8.5                 7.5              2.9                   20                   72/77                      NA                       29
                Bachelor of Physiotherapy                        88.9                       NA                               79                        NA                       10                  10              2.2                    23                 85/90                       NA                       33
                Bachelor of Planning                             63.2                       3.9                              50                         78                     7.2                 4.5              3.9                    14                 62/67                         70                     24
                Bachelor of Psychological                      69.35                        4.3                              56                         86                     7.6                 5.5              3.6                    16                 65/70                         77                     25
                Bachelor of Advanced Science                         92                     NA                               83                        NA                    10.6                  10.5                2                   24                 88/92                       NA                       35
                Bachelor of Science                              66.5                        4.1                             52                         82                     7.4                    5             3.8                    15                 64/69                         74                     24
                Bachelor of Social Work                          66.5                        4.1                             52                         82                     7.4                    5             3.8                    15                 64/69                         74                     24
                Bachelor of Speech Pathology                      75.7                      NA                               63                         93                        8                6.5              3.2                    19                  69/74                      NA                       27
                Bachelor of Sport and Exercise                 69.35                        NA                               56                         86                     7.6                 5.5              3.6                    16                 65/70                       NA                       25
                Bachelor of Technology and                       73.3                       4.4                              61                          91                    7.8                    6             3.3                    18                 68/73                        80                      26
                Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality                 59.4                       3.5                              50                         73                        7                   4                4                   13                 60/65                        66                      24
                & Events
                Bachelor of Veterinary Science*                        −                    NA                               83                        NA                    10.6                   13                 2                   25                 88/92                       NA                       35
                Diploma of Higher Education                          50                    2.75                              50                         60                        6                   3                4                   11                 50/55                        60                        9
                (except Business major)
                *Scores provided are indicative minimum thresholds only. Admission based on special entry requirements addition to academic achievement ** PNG Upper Secondary Certificate from approved high schools are
                eligible for direct Bachelor entry ***Applicants must also provide evidence of successful completion of the USA High School Diploma

                Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificat: Grade average of final year                             GCE A LEVELS : A total score of calculated from a maximum three A                                 subject, calculated as follows: a=2.5, b=2, c=1.5, d=1, e=0.5. Completion
                results: A+/80-100 = 5.0; A/70-79 = 4.0; A-/60-69 = 3.5; B/50-59 = 3.0;                         Level subjects or a combination of A Level and AS Level subjects. The                             of at least one H2 Level subject is required for direct Bachelor entry.
                C/40-49 = 2.0; D/33-39 = 1.0; F/0-32 = 0.0. 1 is a pass.                                        A Level subjects scores are calculated as follows: A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  German Abitur: The final mark of the Zeugnis der Allgemeinen
                                                                                                                D=2, E=1. Advanced Supplementary Levels (AS) are the equivalent of half
                Canada Secondary School Diploma: Average of the best 5 final                                                                                                                                      Hochshulreife (Abitur) is calculated by incorporating the grades from
                                                                                                                a subject at A Level and therefore two AS Level subjects can be used in
                year subjects as a %. Only examined subjects to be included in the                                                                                                                                throughout the two year qualification phase.
                                                                                                                lieu of each A Level subject, calculated as follows: a=2.5, b=2, c=1.5, d=1,
                calculation. Note: Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD or OAC) to                                                                                                                              Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) : Combined total
                                                                                                                e=0.5. At least one A Level subject to meet the direct Bachelor entry.
                be calculated as an average of the best 6 final year subjects as a %.                                                                                                                             of the best five subjects including 4 core subjects where 5**=7, 5*=6,
                                                                                                                A Levels (Singapore): A total score of calculated from a maximum three
                Chinese Senior Secondary Graduation Certificate: Calculated as a grade                                                                                                                            5=5. 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1, A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, Attained
                                                                                                                H2 Level subjects or a combination of H2 Level and H1 Level subjects.
                average of Senior Secondary Year 12 results                                                                                                                                                       with Distinction (ll)= 4, Attained with Distinction (l) =3, Attained =2,
                                                                                                                The H2 Level subjects scores are calculated as follows: A=5, B=4, C=3,
                Danish Upper Secondary School: Grade average of final year results                              D=2, E=1. H1 subjects are the equivalent of half a subject at H2 Level                            Unattained= 1, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1
                where -3=0, 00=4, 02=6, 4=7, 7=8.5, 10=10, 12=12.5                                              and therefore two H1 Level subjects can be used in lieu of each H2 Level                          India: Calculated on a percentage of the best four academic subjects

                  26 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
Certificate/School Leaving
                                    Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM)

                                                                                             Vitemal for Videregaende

                                                                                                                                                  (Katunayan or Katibayan)
                                                                                             Norway Vitnemal fra den

                                                                                                                                                  Diploma of Senior School
                                                                                                                        Higher Secondary School
        Certificate of Graduation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vietnam Bang Tot nghiep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      United States of America

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 United States of America
                                                                                                                                                  Philippines Certificate or
                                                                                                                        Pakistan Intermediate &
                                                                Certificate Examination

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Certificate of Education

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sweden Avgångsbetyg/

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 High School Diploma**
                                                                                                                        Stream /other stream)
                                                                                             Videreganende Skole/
        Japanese High School

                                                                Nepalese Proficiency
                                    Malaysia - Sijil Tinggi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Trung hoc Pho thong
                                                                                                                        (Pre-Eng & Pre-Med

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sri Lankan General
                                                                                                                                                                               PNG – pper School

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Gymnasieskola &
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Advanced Level)
                                                                                                                                                  Academic track

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ACT/SAT score
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Slutbetyg från
                                                                                                                                                                               Certificate **

             2.9                             6                   66/2.65                            2.77                     65/80                          75                       3                     1.7                       1.2             20/940                           2.4                             7
             3.4                         6.5                            NA                          3.08                     72/NA                         NA                     NA                       1.9                       1.5             21/980                           NA                          NA
             2.9                             6                   66/2.65                            2.77                     65/80                          75                       3                     1.7                       1.2             20/940                           2.4                             7
             3.2                         6.3                       73/2.9                           2.95                     70/85                         80                     3.4                     1.8                        1.4             21/960                           2.6                          7.4

              3.7                         6.7                           NA                          3.38                     75/NA                         NA                     NA                         2                       1.6             21/980                           NA                          NA

             2.9                             6                   66/2.65                            2.77                     65/80                          75                       3                     1.7                       1.2             20/940                           2.4                             7
             NA                        10.8                             NA                           5.2                     97/NA                         NA                     NA                      3.2                        3.7             32/1380                          NA                          NA
                 4                       6.9                            NA                          3.68                    80/NA                          NA                     NA                      2.2                        1.9             22/1000                          NA                          NA
             4.3                          7.4                           NA                          4.05                    85/NA                          NA                     NA                      2.4                        2.4             24/1080                          NA                          NA

             3.2                         6.3                       73/2.9                           2.95                     70/85                         80                     3.4                     1.8                        1.4             21/960                           2.6                          7.4

             3.5                         6.5                        77/3.1                          3.15                     72/87                         84                     3.6                      1.9                       1.5             21/980                           2.8                          7.6
             3.2                         6.3                       73/2.9                           2.95                     70/85                         80                     3.4                     1.8                        1.4             21/960                           2.6                          7.4

             4.2                           7.1                   92/3.68                            3.83                     82/97                          92                    4.5                     2.3                        2.1             22/1020                          3.4                         8.4
             4.3                          7.4                    97/3.87                            4.05                     85/99                         94                     4.8                     2.4                        2.4             24/1080                          3.6                         8.6
              3.7                         6.7                           NA                          3.38                     75/NA                         NA                     NA                         2                       1.6             21/980                           NA                          NA

             NA                            10                           NA                             5                    95/NA                          NA                     NA                       3.1                       3.6             30/1330                          NA                          NA

             3.5                         6.5                        77/3.1                          3.15                     72/87                         84                     3.6                      1.9                       1.5             21/980                           2.8                          7.6
                 4                       6.8                            NA                           3.6                    78/NA                          NA                     NA                       2.1                       1.8             22/1000                          NA                          NA

             4.4                          7.5                           NA                          4.13                     87/NA                         NA                     NA                      2.5                        2.5             24/1100                          NA                          NA

             NA                              9                          NA                          4.73                    93/NA                          NA                     NA                         3                       3.3             28/1270                          NA                          NA
             3.2                         6.3                       73/2.9                           2.95                     70/85                         80                     3.4                     1.8                        1.4             21/960                           2.6                          7.4
              3.7                         6.7                    82/3.29                            3.38                     75/90                         86                     3.9                        2                       1.6             21/980                               3                       7.8

             NA                            10                           NA                          4.93                    95/NA                          NA                     NA                       3.1                       3.5             30/1330                          NA                          NA
             3.5                         6.5                        77/3.1                          3.15                     72/87                         84                     3.6                      1.9                       1.5             21/980                           2.8                          7.6
             3.5                         6.5                        77/3.1                          3.15                     72/87                         84                     3.6                      1.9                       1.5             21/980                           2.8                          7.6
             4.2                           7.1                          NA                          3.83                    82/NA                          NA                     NA                      2.3                        2.1             22/1020                          NA                          NA

              3.7                         6.7                           NA                          3.38                     75/NA                         NA                     NA                         2                       1.6             21/980                           NA                          NA

                 4                       6.9                     89/3.55                            3.68                     80/95                         90                     4.3                     2.2                        1.9             22/1000                          3.2                         8.2

             2.9                             6                   66/2.65                            2.77                     65/80                          75                       3                     1.7                       1.2             20/940                           2.4                             7

             NA                            10                           NA                             5                    95/NA                          NA                     NA                       3.1                       3.6             30/1330                          NA                          NA
                 2                           5                   50/2.00                            2.31                     50/65                          75                       2                     1.5                        1.1                      −                          2                          6

  in Xll. Non academic subjects such as Physical Education, Music Vocal,                                                    A=4.0, A-=3.67, B+=3.33. B=3.0, B-=2.67, C+=2.33, C=2.0, C-=1.67,                                           Mathematics subject to be weighted as 1.6 subjects).
  Vocational subjects, Painting to be excluded into calculation.                                                            D+=1.33, D=1.0, F=0.                                                                                        Sri Lanka: Calculated as a grade average of best 3 Advanced Level
  Indonesian Sekikah Menegah Atas (SMA): Calculated the average of the                                                      Nepal: Grade average of final year results                                                                  subjects, where A (Distinction)=4, B (Very good pass)=3, C (Credit
  school examination on their final transcripts                                                                                                                                                                                         pass)=2, S (Ordinary pass)=1, F (Weak/failure)=0. At least one A Level
                                                                                                                            Norway: Grade average of final year results                                                                 subject to meet the direct Bachelor entry.
  IB Diploma: A total score stated on IB Diploma certificate. Grading
  scheme of IB Diploma is, 7= Excellent, 6= Very good, 5= Good, 4=                                                          Pakistan: Grade average of the best 4 academic subjects in the Pakistan                                     Sweden: Grade average from all subjects on final transcripts/certificate
  Satisfactory, 3= Mediocre, 2= Poor, 1= Very poor                                                                          Intermediate/ Higher Secondary School Certificate                                                           where A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, F=0
  Japanese High School Certificate of Graduation: Average of final year                                                     Philippines: Grade average of final year (Grade 12) results.                                                USA: Grade average of final year (Grade 12) results
  (year 3) subjects in Japanese Upper Secondary School excluding Physical                                                   PNG: Grade average of best 5 subjects excluding Personal Development                                        Vietnam: Grade average of final year (Grade 12) results where 9-10
  Education, where A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 (fail)                                                                           and Religious Education. Calculation must include either Language                                           (Gioi) = Excellent, 7-8.9 (Kha)= Good, 5-6.9 (Trung Binh)= Fair, Below
  Malaysia STPM: combined a total of best three academic subjects:                                                          & Literature or Applied English. A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 (Advanced                                          5 (Kem)= Fail

CRICOS Provider Code 00117J                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 27
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