Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue

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Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
                                                               A li b ab a Cloud

                                            with CXOs

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                           2021 Edition 7
                                                        The Seventh Issue
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
                                               Embrace Change And Join The       03   Alibaba Cloud Provides             26
                                               Digitalization Journey Together        Linkbynet With Comprehensive
                                                                                      Support For Business And IT
                                               Cloud Computing And AI            05
                                               Technology                    Expands Due To The         32
                                                                                      Innovative Solutions Provided By
                                               Strategy Transformation With      07   Alibaba Cloud
                                               Zhang Jiaqing of HP
                                                                                      Words from Our Customers           35
                                               The Future of Retail And          09   Worldwide
                                               Consumption With Clement
                                               Chen of Bonjour Holding

ABOUT US                                       Digital Learning in Global
                                               Higher Education

                                               Tailored IT Solutions For DXC     17
Editor in Chief / Selina Yuan
                                               Technologycompetition in
Editor / Stephanie Gao, Melody Li              terms of both technology and
Review Editor / Kimmy Yip, Yinan Qian, Yilan   operations
Zhuang, Olivia Kang, Long Li, Yukang Zhang,
                                               Stable IT Infrastructure For      19
Claudine Hong, Marian Ma                       W Tech Customers
Website Planner / Pauline Li
Legal Advisor / Sebastian Zhang
                                               Alibaba Cloud Solutions           23
                                               Become A Key Component For
PR Advisor / Crystal Liu                       Rounddesk Services
Proofreading Editor / Wei Tong
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
A li b ab a Cloud

     Embrace                                      The Greek philosopher Heraclitus has been quoted
                                                  as saying “change is the only constant in life.” 2021
                                                  will be the year of transition, fast tracking the trend

     Change And
                                                  of digitalization. In the post-pandemic era, the new
                                                  source of competitiveness includes resilience against
                                                  disruptions, agility for changing needs, innovation for
                                                  growth and talents for tomorrow.

                                                  In the various sectors ranging from retail, finance, to

     Join The
                                                  education and manufacturing, enterprises are now
                                                  experiencing rapid digital transformation in most of
                                                  their operations. Alibaba Cloud, we are very exciting to
                                                  join the digital transformation journey with the industry
                                                  leaders cross the globe, by using the latest technology
                                                  to comprehensively enhance the value of enterprise IT.

     Digitalization                               Cloud infrastructure is a critical foundation for building
                                                  resilience and digital innovation. In addition to current
                                                  75 availability zones, data centers in 24 regions, we
                                                  keep investing cloud services to local markets, even in

                                                  the pandemic situation. Adapting to changing markets,
                                                  rethinking about customer experience and exploring
                                                  new opportunities, we are here to support businesses
                                                  accelerate their digitalization journey.

                                                  As the most energetic and innovative groups in each

                                                  industry, the C-suites are always thinking ahead to
                                                  embrace more digitalization capability. We invited the
                                                  following guests to share their questions, concerns,
                                                  ideas and reflections. By reading these interviews, we
                                                  hope you could have some takeaways and thoughts
                                                  on your own company’s digitalization journey. Let’s
                                                  embrace change and accelerate digitalization together
                                                  for the world. Thank you.

               Selina Yuan
               General Manager of Alibaba Cloud
               Intelligence International
               Business Unit
33                                                                                                             4
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                                                            A li b ab a Cloud

    Digital Acceleration for                                                                                                 moved lectures and teaching from classrooms to the
                                                                                                                             cloud. However, the provision of online education
                                                                                                                             is a complex and challenging undertaking. Some
                                                                                                                                                                                        been growing alongside our customers across different
                                                                                                                                                                                        industries, helping them accelerate their business
                                                                                                                                                                                        development and navigate the challenges during these

    Businesses                                                                                                               organizations will need to build facilities from scratch
                                                                                                                             to enable remote learning, while others may already
                                                                                                                             have them in place but are struggling to cope with the
                                                                                                                                                                                        volatile times. Thousands of our customers in more
                                                                                                                                                                                        than 200 countries and regions, including the fastest-
                                                                                                                                                                                        growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading
                                                                                                                             extra demand from learners and staff. For lectures and     government agencies, are using Alibaba Cloud to
                                                                                                                             other video-based content required in today’s learning     lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster.
                                                                                                                             environments, the quality and continued availability
        More than ever, cloud computing and AI technology have been shown                                                    of the service is essential, especially when there are     These benefits are also delivered globally via our
                                                                                                                             high numbers of viewers, as is the case in university      partner ecosystem. Over the years, Alibaba Cloud has
        to be the cornerstone for businesses seeking to be fully equipped                                                    learning.                                                  also developed a global network of partners, technology
        in the digital era, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                                                 vendors, service providers, system integrators, ISVs
                                                                                                                             Cloud computing is playing an amazing role in              dedicated to more customer value implementation and
                                                                                                                             helping education institutions to address these new        achievement. Along with these leading players in the
                                                                                                                             challenges. By supporting uninterrupted connectivity,      cloud industry, we are able to build a stable foundation
    More than ever, cloud computing and AI technology             COVID-19 is changing the landscape of the retail
                                                                                                                             creating remote working solutions, and delivering          for our clients’ cloud-first strategy through a complete
    have been shown to be the cornerstone for businesses          industry, leading to a surge in e-commerce and
                                                                                                                             digital media content on multiple platforms with           suite of Alibaba Cloud offerings and programs,
    seeking to be fully equipped in the digital era, especially   accelerated digital transformation. Underpinning the
                                                                                                                             low latency and high concurrency across the globe,         accelerating their business transformation and helping
    following the COVID-19 pandemic.                              new era of retail is omnichannel customer experience,
                                                                                                                             Alibaba Cloud’s online education service can enable        them navigate Asia’s complex market.
                                                                  digitization of commerce scenarios. Today, the
                                                                                                                             the education institutions to build cost-effective and
    Enterprises across a wide range of industries are all         utilization of cloud and AI technologies are redefining
                                                                                                                             secure platforms to launch and expand their business       In this edition, our customers and partners from
    experiencing radical transformation implementing              the retail business. With these innovative technologies,
                                                                                                                             rapidly with a vision to provide the best learning         various sectors, including, Internet, education, finance,
    machine learning and other leading technologies               industry leaders are overcoming their major challenges,
                                                                                                                             experience to the world.                                   e-commerce, and retail, will share their growth
    in most of their operations. Such transformation              such as dealing with sudden traffic spikes, tracking and
                                                                  analyzing user behaviors, safeguarding their businesses                                                               achieved together with Alibaba Cloud. By reading             6
    brings new types of challenges, such as breaking
                                                                  from web attacks, and interacting with their users in      The examples above are a few instances of how the          these success stories, you may have a glimpse into
    siloed information, integrating disparate information
                                                                  a quick and intelligent way.                               cloud revolution has become a true revolution and          how businesses are reinventing themselves with cloud
    sources, processing massive amounts of information,
                                                                                                                             changed the way we work, learn, and live today. For        technology as an enabler.
    and building advanced analytical capabilities,
                                                                                                                             helping the industry leaders tap into this new digital
    on top of a highly scalable, robust, and secure cloud         Education is also undergoing significant changes
                                                                                                                             age, Alibaba Cloud has made relentless efforts and has
    infrastructure.                                               under the pandemic. Educational institutions have
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                            A li b ab a Cloud

     Strategy Transformation
     With Zhang Jiaqing of HP
                                            Alibaba Cloud: Why do you want to transform        rebuild our IT helpdesk with the Intelligent
                                            your traditional way to respond to customer        Robot. Alibaba Cloud is the No. 1 public
                                            requests?                                          cloud service provider in Asia, and it has
                                                                                               a strong product capability in AI technology.
                                            Zhang Jiaqing: As you may know, we                 Moreover, with the help of Alibaba Cloud’s
                                            have a large product portfolio and serve           ecosystem in the Asian market, we can offer
                                            many customers all over the world. We are          better service to customers in this region.
                                            dedicated to offering world-class services to      Their quality-price ratio is also satisfying.
                                            customers and helping them solve product
                                            inquiries through the IT helpdesk and call         Alibaba Cloud: What benefits has the
                                            center. However, as our business grows, the        cooperation with Alibaba Cloud brought to
                                            volume of inquiry has increased rapidly.           your business?
                                            The traditional IT helpdesk cannot meet our
                                            requirement, so we need to look for a more         Zhang Jiaqing: By using Alibaba Cloud
                                            efficient way to respond customer request.         Intelligent Robot, we replaced some staff with
                                                                                               AI robot to answer customer inquiries in a more
                                            Alibaba Cloud: Could you please tell us more       automatic way. If the robot cannot solve the
                                            details about the difficulties you have met        problem immediately, it will send the problem
                                            before the transformation?                         to suitable personnel to handle it. Ultimately,
                                                                                               it reduces labor costs while improving customer
                                            Zhang Jiaqing: Previously, our IT helpdesk         experience to a large extent. In addition to
                                            team took phone calls or sent e-mails to respond   automatic response, the Intelligent Robot
                                            inquiries, such as resetting account passwords     can answer phone calls, analyze customer
                                            and hardware problems. The traditional way         issues through the audio or video they have
     HP                                     was efficient enough to solve these kind of        submitted, and then resolve or assign the issue
                                            simple inquiries. However, when it comes to        to the corresponding team. The Intelligent
     A world-leading technology             complex issues, such as software or hardware       Robot can take records of the inquiry and the
     company in print and personal          inquiries, the traditional way cannot handle       solution it has provided into the ticket system.
     systems, was established in 1939 in    customer request in a very sufficient manner.
                                            Since our service team needs to help customers     All in all, Alibaba Cloud has offered
     the United States. The vision of the   solve problems step by step and cannot expedite    a comprehensive, end-to-end AI customer
     company is to create technology        the process and streamline the workflow that       service solution with four outstanding features:
     that makes life better for everyone,   our customers need, we need to transform the       Omni-Channel Touch Point, Full Media
                                            traditional IT helpdesk into a more efficient,     Interaction, Intelligent Customer Service, and
     everywhere.                            automatic, and artificial intelligent system.      Full Information Management. It improved
                                                                                               our efficiency, service standard, and user
                                            Alibaba Cloud: Why did you choose to               experience while reducing operational costs.
                                            cooperate with Alibaba Cloud?
77   Zhang Jiaqing                                                                             Alibaba Cloud: What’s your plan for future?           8
                                            Zhang Jiaqing: When we select a business
     Director of Strategic
                                            partner, we normally evaluate their capability,    Zhang Jiaqing:    Looking toward the future,
     Transformation of HP                   quality-price ratio, and other eligibilities.      we hope to       strengthen our cooperation
                                            After prudent comparison and consideration,        with Alibaba      Cloud and offer better
                                            we chose to cooperate with Alibaba Cloud to        services  to      our    customers  globally.
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                                           A li b ab a Cloud

    The Future of Retail
    And Consumption
    With Clement Chen of
    Bonjour Holding Limited

    Leo: We know the COVID-19 pandemic has              norms. It was unprecedented devastation for the
    dealt a harsh blow to the retail industry in Hong   retail industry in Hong Kong last year. Retailers
    Kong. As the chairman of Bonjour, a leading         were overdue in rent and had to lay off employees
    cosmetics chain in Hong Kong, could you tell        or put them on furlough.
    us how your business is doing and how the
    pandemic has affected your company?                 Leo: Do you have any plans or new ideas for
                                                        business development or transformation?                do you plan to use new technology to adapt to           the 6.18 and Double 11 shopping festivals, and we
    Clement JW Chen: The one-year retail woe in Hong                                                           business mode/market changes during digital             failed to achieve great profitability. I think the first
    Kong really caught us off guard. However, we are    Clement: It is difficult for the traditional retail    transformation?                                         reason is that the scenario has changed. Brick-and-
    not the only ones. Almost all retailers were hit    industry and a big retailer like us to make a sudden                                                           mortar stores can be compared to lights connected
    hard by the pandemic. We hope we can turn things    transition to e-commerce. First, we have to ensure     Clement: After trying so many platforms at home         in parallel. When one light is on, all the others must
    around with the development of new retail and new   steady business growth without disrupting our          and abroad, I think Alibaba's Tmall is the best.        be on. Online stores, however, are more like lights
                                                        original retail system. Second, we need to survive,    There are three important "flows" for e-commerce        connected in series. When one light is on, the others
                                                        which is difficult. We have channelled unprecedented   retailers: cash flow, product flow, and information     may not be. This has posed a daunting challenge
                                                        efforts and resources into e-commerce and gained       flow. Product flow, which is also known as logistics,   to us. We need to find an integrated multi-platform
                                                        extensive knowledge over several months. We knew       has always been an advantage of our supply chain,       approach featuring customs clearance solutions.
                                                        we had to do this if we wanted to survive, although    and we don't have any cash flow problems. However,      That's how Alibaba Cloud comes into its own. We
                                                        it does not guarantee success. Time will tell.         we still fall behind in information flow and reaching   believe Alibaba Cloud's solutions can help us create
                                                                                                               more consumers. A big retailer like us has to figure    a top-notch platform that facilitates our interactions
                                                        Leo: Recently, Bonjour introduced Alibaba              out how to take our offline presence online.            with customers to get us more orders. If we succeed,
                                                        Cloud's information middle office solution to                                                                  we would like to share our good experience with
                                                        further develop Mainland Chinese consumers,            Leo: What's the most impressive problem or challenge    other retailers in the hope that every retailer can
                                                        boost sales, and increase customer loyalty. How        during Bonjour's digital transformation process?        benefit from public systems like Alibaba's.

                                                                                                               Clement: In 2013, when Tmall Global had not been        Leo: You mentioned that you adopted many
                                                                                                               established, Bonjour was one of the six brands          new technologies when going digital. How did
                                                                                                               outside Mainland China to join Taobao's incubation      Bonjour's employees adapt to these changes?
                                                          Leo Lin                                              program. In 2014, Tmall Global went live, and we
                                                          Senior Solutions Architect, Alibaba                  were among the first companies outside Mainland         Clement: We learned about Taobao University during
9                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10
                                                                                                               China to open stores on the platform. Over the          our cooperation with Alibaba Cloud and strove to
                                                          Cloud Intelligence                                   years, we had been doing business passively on the      work with it. At that time, Taobao University had
                                                                                                               platform, which means we did nothing but ship our       not launched any training program in Hong Kong,
                                                          Clement JW Chen, JP
                                                                                                               products to Hangzhou for big sales events, such as      and we noticed that online sellers in Hong Kong did
                                                          Chairman, Bonjour Holding Limited
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                                     A li b ab a Cloud

      not have access to relevant new technologies and
      training. Training is a must for better technology
      application. We don't think we should have it to
                                                              we wanted to offer our employees opportunities.
                                                              That's how we launched livestreaming training and
                                                              a Bonjour KOL incubation program. Many real
                                                                                                                    Digital Learning in Global
                                                                                                                    Higher Education
      ourselves. We felt the need to pay it forward. We       KOLs and people interested in the program also
      hope our cooperation with Taobao University in          received our training for free. We found that live
      Hong Kong could benefit the retail industry and         commerce is a way out. We shared our experience
      provide resources to boost e-commerce in Hong           in providing professional services for merchants
      Kong. We hope they could help us share our good         with e-commerce associations and experts.
      practices in digital transformation and train more      We hope our livestreaming and information system
      professionals for Hong Kong's e-commerce growth.        could broaden our customer reach. With regard
                                                              to the future of retail, I think Hong Kong should
                                                                                                                                                                       Dr. Sky Zheng
      Leo: I learned that you have been pushing for           do its part in the internationalization process and                                                      Managing Director for
      innovations in online business. Recently, Bonjour       stay on track to be a top tourist destination and a
      launched the KOL incubation program, and                duty-free shopping paradise. Second, Hong Kong                                                           Transnational Education and
      the first batch of trainees have already made           retailers should dig deeper into the e-commerce                                                          CEO for Interactive Pro at Global
      their livestreaming debuts, which has achieved          market. They should set their sights on the whole                                                        University Systems
      encouraging results. As the chairperson of a            world. They should make full use of e-commerce
      leading retailer, could you share your suggestions      platforms and prioritize demands in the Greater
      or opinions on the future development, business         Bay Area and the wider Chinese market and then
      mode, or business strategies of the retail industry?    explore the Southeast Asian market.                                                                      Q: Please tell our readers a bit more about GUS
                                                                                                                                                                       and INTERACTIVE PRO?
      Clement: In fact, we didn't plan to do live commerce.
      Since February, we have been struggling with our                                                                                                                 A: As one of the largest higher education groups
      operations, but we didn't want to downsize. Instead,                                                                                                             in Europe, GUS is a global network of higher
                                                                                                                                                                       education institutions brought together by a shared
                                                                                                                                                                       passion to deliver accessible, practice-based,
                                                                                                                                                                       industry-relevant programmes to 85,000 students
                                                                                                                                                                       worldwide, including bachelor's and master's degree
                                                                                                                                                                       programmes, professional training, English language
                                                                                                                                                                       training, and corporate and executive education.
                                                                                                                                                                       GUS owns and operates over 25 institutions around
                                                                                                                                                                       the world, including The University of Law (UK),
                                                                                                                                                                       Arden University (UK), The University of Europe
                                                                                                                                                                       for Applied Sciences (Germany), University Canada
                                                                                                                                                                       West (Canada), GISMA University of Applied
                                                                                                                                                                       Sciences (Germany), Saba University School of
                                                                                                                    Higher Education Track: Interview with Dr Sky
                                                                                                                                                                       Medicine, Medical University of the Americas and
                                                                                                                    Zheng in preparation for the Special Edition of
                                                                                                                                                                       St. Matthews University in the Caribbean Islands,
                                                                                                                    Alibaba Cloud Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                       and other institutions in Ireland, Israel, the UK,
                                                                                                                                                                       Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Singapore, and
                                                                                                                    Dr Sky Zheng is the Managing Director for          Hong Kong SAR.
                                                                                                                    Transnational Education and CEO for Interactive
                                                                                                                    Pro at Global University Systems (GUS). Sky
                                                                                                                                                                       Interactive Pro (IA Pro) is the central engine for
                                                                                                                    has had more than 15 years of experience in
                                                                                                                                                                       online learning and technology within the GUS
                                                                                                                    higher education institutions’ international
                                                                                                                                                                       group. We offer comprehensive and professional
                                                                                                                    strategy and development and is a devoted
 11                                                                                                                                                                    OPM services to support GUS’ internal and external      12
                                                                                                                    advocate for digital transformation in the HE
                                                                                                                                                                       partner universities in digitalising, delivering,
                                                                                                                    (High Education) sector. Sky, it’s our honour to
                                                                                                                    have invited you to this interview, welcome!
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                                         A li b ab a Cloud

     and distributing online degree and non-degree        As far as I’m concerned, we are a unique OPM             higher education, many universities, OPM, and           appeals about study degrees digitally compared
     programmes worldwide. We also offer our own          provider in three major perspectives. First, we have     third-party technology providers concentrate on         to their peers on other continents. Differences
     online upskilling programmes in emerging markets     diverse experience to offer digital learning solutions   two aspects of learning technologies, particularly      also appear from country to country within Asia.
     in partnership with some reputable industry and      to private and public HE institutions in developed       in Learning Management Systems (LMS) and                Studying an online degree isn’t a mainstream option
     university partners under our Edology brand, in      and emerging markets. We are part of a leading           student communication/interaction systems, such         but rather an alternative learning mode. An online
     the fields of emerging technologies, business and    private higher education group upon which we             as video conference platforms, especially during        degree is seen as less academically competitive and
     management, and creative, fashion and design.        build strong capacities and capabilities to support      the COVID-19 pandemic. In Interactive Pro, while        widely preferable to traditional on-campus learning,
                                                          the group’s member universities and external HE          we recognise the importance of these two branches       and hence, it should be lower priced.
     Q: What are the key differences between              institutional partners from the UK, Canada, India,       of learning technologies, we explore how learning
     INTERACTIVE PRO and other OPMs? Please               Germany, and China in achieving their digital            technologies could effectively increase learners’       In addition, Asian learners have strong preferences
     elaborate on digital transformation in learning      learning objectives.                                     interaction and completion rates and enhance            for online degrees delivered via mobile platforms
     technology and marketing technology for higher                                                                their learning outcomes and performance in a            (synchronous or hybrid modes), shorter durations,
     education.                                           Secondly, IA Pro is a boutique style OPM provider        personalised manner.                                    and even in languages other than English.
                                                          that offers bespoke solutions to meet the individual
     A: As a full-service OPM provider, we offer our      needs of our institution partners. We disagree           With a data-centric approach, this includes             2) How to find a balance between recruiting good
     partner institutions a range of services to launch   that OPM services are offered in the format of           identifying and assessing individual learners’ needs    quality and a high quantity of learners how to
     online programmes. Our services are grouped into     a factory production line and that one common            and wants, monitoring and analyzing their learning      economically managing student acquisition costs
     three categories:                                    template applies to all institutions regardless of       behaviour, and recommending bespoke study and           in today’s highly competitive online education
                                                          their differences. As per our central service role in    development plans and even personalised contents        segment in Asia. This is one of the most challenging
     •     Programme strategy, market research, and       the GUS group, we see ourselves as the partner           to meet their individual needs. In increasingly         topics that almost all online education providers are
           development                                    institutions’ in-house digital learning department       competitive market conditions, we are enriching         faced with and will be an ongoing matter of concern
                                                          to offer adaptive, approachable, collaborative, and      IA Pro’s marketing technology stack in marketing        within the sector.
     •     Global marketing and student recruitment       affordable services.                                     performance analytics, search engineering and email
                                                                                                                   marketing, conversion optimization, marketing           Q: Why did your company choose to open a
     •     Academic delivery and student support          Thirdly, we care about personalisation through           automation, and mobile tools that enhance               business/branch in China/Asia?
                                                          technologies. In the digital learning sector of global   marketing effectiveness and efficiency through the
                                                                                                                   online programme choice and learning journey.           A: As a global education group, we have a strong
                                                                                                                                                                           presence in Asia, especially in India and China,
                                                                                                                   Q: Do you have business operations in China and         which have massive markets for online higher and
                                                                                                                   Asia? What are the key challenges you have been         vocational education from both demand and supply
                                                                                                                   facing while expanding your business there?             perspectives. On the one hand, there has been a
                                                                                                                                                                           growing demand for overseas qualifications by
                                                                                                                   A: Yes, we do have business operations in China         many Asian students that are unable to afford or
                                                                                                                   and Asia. We currently offer digitalisation, as well    pursue full-time overseas study.
                                                                                                                   as delivery and distribution services, to two leading
                                                                                                                   universities in China and India. We have also           On the other hand, Asian universities are encouraged
                                                                                                                   launched Edology Academy to offer a number of           to supply online degrees during the pandemic and
                                                                                                                   certificate programmes at the postgraduate level        post-pandemic. As an OPM provider, we bring
                                                                                                                   to boost adult learners’ career prospects in India      quality but affordable online learning opportunities
                                                                                                                   rapidly.                                                to learners in Asia, and in the meantime support
                                                                                                                                                                           Asian universities to launch online degrees
                                                                                                                   In my opinion, our key challenges are about learning    domestically and globally.
                                                                                                                   to balance two main issues.
                                                                                                                                                                           Q: What digital and information technology
13                                                                                                                 1) How to balance demands and expectations              challenges have you been facing?                          14
                                                                                                                   between our customers (learners) and clients (partner
                                                                                                                   institutions). More specifically, Asian learners
                                                                                                                   and societies have rather different perceptions and
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                                                  A li b ab a Cloud

     A: Our key technology challenges are:                   before is that they really put customers at the centre   Q: If I were a university looking to extend degree        A: At the moment, the higher education industry
                                                             of what they do. Not only do outstanding technology      courses online with digital native technologies,          has not extended too much of the focus into the use
     1) It is difficult to acquire sufficient and accurate   solutions meet our business requirements, but            what is the most important thing to keep in               cases of the cloud in learning and teaching. I would
     data about learners’ study behaviours to support our    also their efficient response and customer-centric       mind? How could GUS, Interactive Pro, and                 love to see more thorough examples of Alibaba
     personalised and adaptive learning agenda.              approach won our hearts and minds. Also, Alibaba         Alibaba Cloud help one another?                           Cloud digital transformation solutions in action in
                                                             Cloud can offer multiple choices and price points,                                                                 higher education industries. There have been lots of
     2) We would need bespoke technology solutions           which are very helpful to satisfy various needs with     A: For a university to establish a presence for online    cases in Asia in the past and I would like to see these
     to ensure our online learning platform is smoothly      IA Pro and GUS group.                                    distance learning to fulfil its academic, business,       stories shared in the sector.
     accessible to students in China.                                                                                 and social objectives, there are many factors to
                                                             Q: What benefits have occurred as a result of the        be considered. This includes whether it is done
     Q: Why did you start working with Alibaba               partnership with Alibaba Cloud? Anything that            by an in-house team or externally outsourced,
     Cloud? What Alibaba Cloud solutions have you            has impressed you?                                       market opportunity assessment, selection, design,
     been working with?                                                                                               production, delivery of the right programmes,
                                                             A: Through the partnership with Alibaba Cloud,           marketing and recruitment, quality assurance,
     A: Alibaba Cloud is a global leader in cloud            we offered the digital content to GUS institutions       student support, technology, IP and financial
     computing and artificial intelligence, providing        in the UK, Germany, Canada, and India, which             matters, etc.
     digital transformation solutions to thousands           allows our academics and students to learn
     of enterprises, developers, and government              from Alibaba Cloud’s experience and learn the            The most important thing to keep in mind, I would
     organisations globally. The success stories from        best practice on how digital transformation is           say, is to recognise that this isn’t a simple extension
     Alibaba Cloud that empowered Chinese and global         conducted in various industries. In addition,            of on-campus programmes into online with digital
     businesses, especially in customer-service and          some of our institutions are seriously considering       native technologies but the recreation of new digital
     e-commence sectors, are rather impressive. We           widening the collaborations with Alibaba Cloud           teaching and learning processes to meet variable
     have been working with Alibaba Cloud to reach           in learning and marketing tech solutions.                study interests and demands of a new set of target
     our learners in China through its Cloud Enterprise                                                               audiences. At the centre of this process is, with the
     Network. We also work with Alibaba Cloud                Q: What next steps are you planning on working           learner-centric mindset, to adopt a comprehensive
     Academy to offer some practice-based digital            with Alibaba Cloud?                                      and effective online programme management
     content, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence                                                            solution with distinctive features of the university
     to our students. Currently, we are in discussion with   As mentioned above, one of the priorities in our         and the programmes. Interactive Pro, as a boutique
     Alibaba to support our personalised and adaptive        agenda is to explore how learning technology             OPM provider, and Alibaba Cloud, as global,
     learning agenda.                                        could effectively increase learners’ interaction         leading technology service provider, could jointly
                                                             and completion rates and enhance their learning          offer bespoke services to meet the university’s
     Q: What are the differences between Alibaba             outcomes and performance in a personalised               objectives in launching online distance learning.
     Cloud and other IT providers you have                   approach. We would very much like to invite
     cooperated with previously?                             Alibaba Cloud to help us on this project.                Alibaba Cloud provides more than just cloud
                                                                                                                      computing services for the higher education sector.
     A: One of the key differences between Alibaba                                                                    It has a portfolio of various solutions addressing
     Cloud and other IT providers we have worked with                                                                 the sector’s challenges, ranging from providing
                                                                                                                      the best network access to distance learning
                                                                                                                      programmes to digital native solutions building
                                                                                                                      student-centric learning management systems.
                                                                                                                      Together with Alibaba Cloud, we can position a
                                                                                                                      really strong joint offer to the university in building
                                                                                                                      a professional, technology-advanced, future-proof
                                                                                                                      online learning programme.
15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         16
                                                                                                                      Q: Do you have any suggestions for Alibaba Cloud?
Interview with CXOs - The Seventh Issue
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A li b ab a Cloud

     Tailored IT Solutions                                                                                                    Q: Have you met any difficulty during your cooperation with Alibaba Cloud? What do you think of the
                                                                                                                              working process?

     For DXC Technology
                                                                                                                              A: DXC and Alibaba Cloud have a great working relationship. We enable our customers to harness the power of the Enterprise
                                                                                                                              Technology Stack at scale and transform their businesses through joint business objectives, investments, innovation and co-
                                                                                                                              development with our partners. Roles and responsibilities across both the organizations get mapped as per each of the project
                                                                                                                              requirements that are jointly executed.

     Q: Please provide a company/organization overview            Q: Why are/were you working with Alibaba Cloud?             Q: Do you have any suggestions for Alibaba Cloud?
     and value to the market
                                                                  A: DXC actively engages with Alibaba Cloud in China,        A: DXC partner ecosystem gives DXC the ability to quickly expand our offerings and capabilities across all layers of the
     A: Delivering eXcellence for our Customers and               to effectively combine strengths and market expertise and   Enterprise Technology Stack. Together with our partners such as Alibaba Cloud, we can provide the solutions our customers
     Colleagues - DXC Technology is a Fortune 500 global          create compelling solutions that achieve great outcomes     are looking for to grow their business and seize the market.
     IT services leader. Our more than 130,000 people in 70-      for our customers.
     plus countries are entrusted by our customers to deliver
     what matters most. We use the power of technology to         Q: What are the differences between Alibaba Cloud
     deliver mission critical IT services across the Enterprise   and other IT providers you have cooperated with
     Technology Stack to drive business impact. DXC is an         previously?
     employer of choice with strong values, and fosters a
     culture of inclusion, belonging and corporate citizenship.   A: Business opportunities lie with international
     We are DXC.                                                  customers trying to enter the Chinese market. We see
                                                                  value in partnering with Alibaba Cloud in China – the
     What we do - We deliver the IT services our customers        strength of DXC Enterprise Technology Stack combined
     need to modernize operations and drive innovation            with Alibaba Cloud span of local coverage, makes it a
     across their entire IT estate. We provide services across    compelling proposition for our joint customers.
     the Enterprise Technology Stack for business process,
     outsourcing, analytics and engineering, applications,        Q: What are the next steps for additional IT solutions?
     security, cloud, IT outsourcing and modern workplace.
                                                                  A: In terms of the breadth of services, Alibaba Cloud
     How we work - Every day, we earn our customers’ trust        is sustainably forging ahead, aggressively promoting
     by delivering transformative technologies to ensure the      technologies like 5G, which drives the economy. In this
     success, safety and well-being of businesses and people      context, the combination of Alibaba's core technologies
     worldwide.                                                   combined with DXC’s deep expertise across the
                                                                  Enterprise Technology Stack gives us an edge in the
     We provide world-class IT services at scale from our         market. Both parties will work together to improve the
     Global Innovation and Delivery Centers in NorthAmerica,      ecosystem with a solution as a package of technical
     South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Our globally      capabilities.
     connected centers enable us to solve complex technology
     challenges and transform our customers’ businesses           Q: What challenges did you face while implementing
     through our dedicated delivery workforce of more than        your business there?
     110,000 people. With globally distributed teams and rich
     engineering skills, DXC offers competitive solutions         A: What do customers really want? The answer is easy-
     to address customers’ cost, regulatory, language and         to-access one-stop services. With a unified interface, we
     business continuity requirements. We leverage the power      have the ability to provide customers equal access to
17   of partnerships through our curated DXC ecosystem of         technical services, across countries in Asia.
     technology leaders. By combining strengths and expertise
     globally, we create solutions and deliver greater outcomes
     for customers across the Enterprise Technology Stack.
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                   A li b ab a Cloud

     Stable IT Infrastructure                                               revolution 4.0. All the machine information
                                                                            will be collected using different types of
                                                                            sensors and Programmable Logic Controllers

     For W Tech Customers                                                   (PLC). The information will be processed and
                                                                            uploaded to our cloud monitoring system. Our
                                                                            clients can login and monitor the performance
                                                                            of each machine and use the result to predict
                                                                            the next incidents. When there are any issues,
                                                                            the system will trigger an emergency alarm to
                       Matthew                                              inform the customers. This can hugely improve
                       CTO – W Tech                                         the factory’s daily operation process.
                                                                                                                                of a phone call from a friendly manager. He
                                                                            Q: What IT and business challenges did your
                                                                                                                                explained the challenges that I am facing with
                                                                            company/organization face when leveraging IT?
                                                                                                                                my existing IT infrastructure in the company and
                       Q: Please provide a company/organization                                                                 how Alibaba Cloud could provide solutions to
                       overview and value to the market                     A: At the beginning of the company’s
                                                                                                                                overcome the issue. This was shocking because
                                                                            establishment, we were using shared hosting
                                                                                                                                I never thought such big company would
                       A: W Tech Marketing Sdn. Bhd. was established        from local suppliers. We were facing tons of
                                                                                                                                call me to solve my problems. Starting from
                       in 2016 in Ipoh, Malaysia. Currently, W Tech         difficulty when it came to security, downtime,
                                                                                                                                that day, I started studying the background of
                       is opening another software development              and server settings, as we were unable to
                                                                                                                                Alibaba Cloud, identifying the services I could
                       office located in Penang, Malaysia. W Tech           control it. We tried to set up our own server
                                                                                                                                get from Alibaba Cloud, and understanding
                       provides high value innovated IT services in         by renting a co-located server, but it required
                                                                                                                                how Alibaba Cloud could help me mitigate all
                       cloud solutions, IoT solutions, blockchain           high investment costs. It was hard for clients to
                                                                                                                                my infrastructure issues. I also started joining
                       development, web and mobile development,             kick start their business since the server costs
                                                                                                                                webinars and certification examinations.
                       and marketing solutions.                             took up half of their project budget. We were
                                                                            also facing technical issues when we wanted
                                                                                                                                I also felt great when I was invited to join the 2019
                       W Tech is powered by a team of highly skilled        to implement some advance technologies into
                                                                                                                                Alibaba Cloud Apsara Conference in Hangzhou,
                       professionals that are equipped with the latest      our system, such as Kubernetes containers and
                                                                                                                                China. It was my first time exploring the advanced
                       and appropriate relevant knowledge and skills        server load balancer.
                                                                                                                                technology in China and Alibaba Cloud, in terms
                       to assure the timely delivery of your application                                                        of the ability to handle huge loads during the
                       with the highest quality. We are committed to        As mentioned, some of our clients from
                                                                                                                                Double 11 Global Shopping Festival and constant
                       offering unrivalled software solutions and           Hong Kong and Mainland China need an
                                                                                                                                improvements on services and customer service
                       maximize business value to help our valuable         infrastructure with low network latency, high
                                                                                                                                experiences to the consumer. It was also quite
                       clients to fulfill their essential business needs.   performance, and low costs. Hence, our local
                                                                                                                                inspiring when I understood the history of Alibaba
                       Our main aim is to develop a constant manner         infrastructure cannot meet the requirements.
                                                                                                                                Group in their Hangzhou office. All these small
                       and become a leading performer in this               We must help clients set up the infrastructure
                                                                                                                                matters and efforts contributed to my confidence
                       competitive global marketplace.                      in Hong Kong and Mainland China. It took a
                                                                                                                                toward Alibaba Cloud.
                                                                            lot of time to research to find the best supplier
                       Our clients are mainly from Malaysia, Singapore,     in Hong Kong. This had a huge impact on our
                                                                                                                                Q: What are the differences between Alibaba
                       Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Currently, due        project timeline. We were also concerned about
                                                                                                                                Cloud and other IT providers you have
                       to COVID-19, W Tech also focuses on helping          the security and server reliability.
                                                                                                                                cooperated with previously?
                       SME digitalize their business by converting
                       their business from offline to online. We also       Q: Why are/were you working with
19                                                                                                                              A: As mentioned, we have variety of clients                20
                       cooperate with local university professors to        Alibaba Cloud?
                                                                                                                                from different fields. I need to seek a suitable
                       provide a new efficient and cost-effective IoT                                                           infrastructure for each of them to support their
                       solution to the industries. This solution can help   A: At first, I registered myself as an Alibaba
                                                                                                                                systems. In the past, we needed to work with IT
                       the industries by transforming their existing        Cloud user to compare the prices with local
                                                                                                                                providers to figure out the best solution for my
                       machine or equipment to achieve industry             suppliers. I started using Alibaba Cloud because
                                                                                                                                clients. The disadvantage is that it takes time and is
A li b ab a Cloud

                                                                                                               Q: What are your business expansion plans?           Q: Have you met any difficulty during your
                                                                                                                                                                    cooperation with Alibaba Cloud? What do
                                                                                                               A: We are designing our own marketing                you think of the working process?
                                                                                                               products, which can provide extra value to
                                                                                                               our existing customers and other potential           A: We know Alibaba Cloud provides different
                                                                                                               customers. We will retain our existing customer      solutions and products for different domains.
                                                                                                               base by providing new upgrade solutions. For         I often need to research and understand how
                                                                                                               example, we will begin to pursue and explain         new solutions can help my company and my
                                                                                                               the importance of real-time streaming media          customers. Customers are concerned about
                                                                                                               and eKYC in e-commerce systems. Through              the timeline of the project development, the
                                                                                                               the explanations, they will understand the           solution for implementing the project, the costs
                                                                                                               solutions can help their businesses in their daily   of project development, and many more things.
                                                                                                               operations and attract more consumers to shop        We need to deal with these problems well to
                                                                                                               on e-commerce sites. For IoT solutions, we           obtain new business. Therefore, I must plan
                                                                                                               will continue to improve the existing system         carefully and find the right solution before
                                                                                                               through information analysis on the collected        starting to implement it. Although there are
                                                                                                               information to further analyze the performance       different explanation videos for new products,
                                                                                                               of human factors, financial factors, and             they do not focus on implementation process.
                                                                                                               machine performance. In the future, we hope          These videos are theory-based and show how
                                                                                                               that all these solutions can also be adopted by      they help customers. We researched using the
     cannot fully meet the needs of clients. This causes   implementing more automated procedures. The         industries in Malaysia’s neighboring countries       documentation, but we still cannot figure out
     my clients to lose confidence in my company.          automated procedures will improve our current       like Thailand and Indonesia.                         the answer. Fortunately, the account manager
                                                           development process in terms of speed and                                                                can solve my problem by getting the answer
     Alibaba Cloud provided multiple options on            quality. I will start to understand and implement   Q: How would you assess the result of your           from the dedicated product team. From the
     servers, databases, and global networks. It           云效 (Yunxiao) provided by Alibaba Cloud. It          implementation in China/Asia? Are you                perspective of the work process, I think Alibaba
     helps us solve the problems of computing              can unify the entire development process into       satisfied with the results?                          Cloud should prepare more videos to explain the
     power and latency that is affected by cross-          a streamline without investing a lot of costs in                                                         implementation process in different scenarios.
     border networks. It helps us provide our clients      labor and physical infrastructure. We also plan     A: I have established infrastructures in Hong
     with a complete set of reliable cloud solution        to integrate some services provided by Alibaba      Kong for some of my clients. So far, my customers    Q: Do you have any suggestions for
     easily. Most importantly, we no longer need to        Cloud, such as Zoloz eKYC, live broadcast, and      and I are satisfied with the current results in      Alibaba Cloud?
     deal with different vendors to build a complete       Pai, into our company’s upcoming software.          terms of performance and network latency. My
     infrastructure for my clients. Alibaba Cloud has                                                          team also used container registry and container      A: I hope Alibaba Cloud can provide more
     provided everything needed. It can also enhance       Q: What points impressed you most during            services to speed up our deployment process,         webinars conducted by the other companies.
     the network, security, and performance.               your cooperation with Alibaba Cloud?                and the results were impressive compared to the      They can share their infrastructure design
                                                                                                               old way. We also choose to use Alibaba Cloud         and how they handle different situations.
     We have an e-commerce system that provides            A: Good customer service provided by Alibaba        SMS and email services for Mainland China            From there, we will learn new solutions from
     a shopping platform for users in Southeast            Cloud. The friendly and helpful account             users. The performance is better, and the failure    different domains. In the future, we can use this
     Asia. Most users are from Mainland China.             manager and experienced software architect          rate is close to zero compared to local suppliers.   knowledge to build a hybrid solution as well.
     We set up the server in Hong Kong, as it solves       impressed me every time. When I encounter           For object storage services, when I helped my
     the network latency in Mainland China and             technical issues, the account manager will          customers migrate their local server storage to
     provides good network latency to neighboring          help me figure out the problems and contact         Alibaba Cloud OSS, the results were excellent.
     countries.                                            the SA of the relevant department. They will        The loading speed and storage size are no
                                                           provide good explanations and suggestions           longer an issue for my customers. Their users
     Q: What are the next steps for additional             by listening to my questions so I know my           are also very happy when using the application

     IT solutions?                                         next step. This is very helpful and makes           because the problems with slow responding,
                                                           me feel like I have strong team support.            lagging, and others no longer exist.
     A: Moving forward, we will begin to
     strengthen our development process by
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                      A li b ab a Cloud

                                                                     Providing a platform for business growth           CA: Was Alibaba Cloud’s global network –
                                                                                                                        63 availability zones across 21 regions – a
                                                                     Roundesk is a provider of enterprise-grade         factor in deciding to work with us?
                                                                     video conferencing software. Following its
                                                                     success in Singapore, the company plans to         ML: Definitely, yes. A lot of the countries that
                                                                     aggressively launch its solutions worldwide        we project growth in are in the Asia-Pacific
                                                                     to as many as 26 countries. Alibaba Cloud’s        region. In addition to your global network, in
                                                                     Head of Marketing, Claudine Ang, talked            the Asia Pacific region, Alibaba Cloud has the
                                                                     to Michael Lim, the Chief Strategic Officer        largest information center network among all
                                                                     of Rounddesk, to understand some of the            the cloud service providers. We also needed
                                                                     challenges as it embarks on its international      to adhere to localization and country regime
                                                                     expansion and how Alibaba Cloud solutions          requirements as well as have total control
                                                                     are helping address them.                          and watch over every installation. This was
                                                                                                                        a critical operational requirement for us to
                                                                     Claudine Ang (CA): As Roundesk plans to            maintain service and performance quality.
                                                                     introduce its solutions to a global market,        Alibaba Cloud’s track record and expertise in
                                                                     what challenges did you face in supporting         these countries provided confidence to us.
                                                                     this growth?
                                                                                                                        CA: What were the Alibaba Cloud solutions
                                                                     Michael Lim (ML): Even as we projected             implemented, and how did they meet
                                                                     aggressive growth, as a business, we believe       expectations?
                                                                     it is important to invest rationally and not get
                                                                     overexuberant in spending in anticipation of        ML: We implemented Alibaba Cloud’s Elastic
                                                                     revenue that is not locked in. However, the        Compute Service, AsparaDB, and MongoDB
                                                                     challenge with projections is that there is        solutions. I think one of the key areas where
                                                                     never 100% certainty or 100% knowledge             Alibaba Cloud surpassed expectations were in
                                                                     about customer usage patterns, and these           terms of the ease of server configuration and

     Alibaba Cloud Solutions                                         present a problem when budgeting or drawing
                                                                     up business plans.
                                                                                                                        management – your user interface was very
                                                                                                                        friendly. I put a premium on this because the
                                                                                                                        time taken in managing systems is a cost to

     Become A Key Component                                          CA: How did Alibaba Cloud solutions help
                                                                     you address these uncertainties?
                                                                                                                        the company, and insofar as your solutions
                                                                                                                        take up less of our time, it can be channeled
                                                                                                                        to other worthwhile operational needs, with a
     For Rounddesk Services                                          ML: Alibaba Cloud’s utility model of scaling
                                                                     up according to demand was exactly what we
                                                                                                                        direct bearing on the total cost of ownership
                                                                                                                        (TCO). Very often, we just think of the cost
                                                                     needed. Rather than investing to expand our        of the solutions but fail to factor in ease of
                                                                     own server capacity as fixed costs, Alibaba        managing into the TCO calculations.
                                                                     Cloud provided us with the more cost-effective
                                                                     option of scaling up on an on-demand basis,        CA: What are your company’s future
                                                                     allowing us to cater to varying seasonal           business plans?
                                                                     demands and not needing to pay for unused
                                                                     bandwidth. Whenever we spun any new                ML: As you’ve already noted, we have
                                                                     servers, Alibaba Cloud provided the complete       registered strong customer interest in 26
23                                                                                                                                                                            24
                                                                     hourly or monthly subscription costs – much        countries to date, and thus there is a very
       ApsaraChat: Visionary Digital Innovators Series               like an e-commerce marketplace that’s very         strong upward trajectory. We are also looking
                                                                     much part of your DNA. This was something          at expanding the applications and industries
       Interview: Michael Lim, Chief Strategic Officer Of Roundesk   that only Alibaba Cloud provided.                  that our solutions could be customized for. One
                                                                                                                        of these is telemedicine. We were pleased to
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                           A li b ab a Cloud

                                                                                                             Alibaba Cloud Provides
                                                                                                             Linkbynet With
                                                                                                             Comprehensive Support
                                                                                                             For Business And IT

     hear of Alibaba Cloud’s infrastructure HIPAA        ML: I think what this pandemic and the
     certification for medical industry customers.       innovations that it has spawned, including the
     This ready certification immediately propelled      developments of our solutions, illustrate is
     us ahead with the right credentials to satisfy      the measure of human ingenuity – about what
     customer requirements and expectations.             is possible. We could never have imagined
                                                         that vaccines as effective as they are against
     CA: Are there other synergies between               such a deadly virus as COVID-19 could be
     Roundesk and Alibaba Cloud that you are             created in such a record time; yet, here we
     excited about?                                      are. Similarly, solutions, such as Roundesk
                                                         illustrate what is possible – the operational and
     ML: In future, Roundesk will need Alibaba           cost-efficiencies that we can achieve. Getting
     Cloud’s capability in information and               things done as such can be more efficient and
     videoconferencing communication across its          faster, contributing to shorter times-to-market.
     internal network to reduce latency of conferences   I think we should all choose to look at things
     hosted between various geographies. Your            positively.
     capabilities will come in handy when we scale
     to that range in future. Overall, Alibaba Cloud
     solutions have become a key enabling and
     performance factor for our platform, and this
25                                                                                                                                                  26
     augurs well for our partnership.

     CA: At some point in time, the pandemic
     will lift, and things will get back to more
     normal. Do you think your business
     prospects will suffer then?
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                              A li b ab a Cloud

     Lina: Good afternoon everyone. Welcome             accompany our customers locally. We wanted        Lina: Well, I imagine when you implemented          have done this you will have a wonderful and
     to this session. Let's now interview               to build a global offer that was also localized   your business in China, you must have               very rich market to face.
     LinkBynet, one of the Alibaba Cloud                to our customers in China. This is why we         faced enormous challenges. So, what were
     partners that implement its business in            decided to work with the local partners. The      the main challenges you faced at that time?         Lina: We know when you developed your
     Asia and accompany many clients to do so.          company was deployed in 2014, LinkBynet                                                               business in China, you quickly entered into
     Patrick is co-founder of the company, and          China was developed in 2014. At that time,        Patrick: So many challenges, especially             a partnership with Alibaba Cloud. So, what
     today, we will go through his experience           we wanted to start the partnership because it     for accidental countries. China is definitely       did that partnership bring to you?
     and the lessons learned. Hi Patrick, thank         was mandatory for us, and what other partner      nothing like we have seen before. It was a
     you for being here.                                could we choose other than Alibaba. Since         huge challenge for us, and because LinkBynet        Patrick: It was, as I said earlier, it was necessary
                                                        the beginning, we wanted to have Alibaba          is also a challenging company, we faced             for LinkBynet to have a partnership, we don't
     Patrick: Hi Lina.                                  around us to give us their power and their        those challenges, and I think that we have          want to enter into a new country and say, guys,
                                                        strength. Also, we chose China because it is      been successful. So, the first challenge that       we are the best. That's not the way you think,
     Lina: So, first of all, I would like to ask        an innovative market and is also digitally in     we have met with is the language. You can           but it works. It's mainly due to partnership,
     why LinkBynet chose to open a business in          advance. We see China as a brand new market       think of China speaking English, but that's         business relations. That's the way LinkBynet
     China at the beginning.                            growing faster than its European counterparts,    definitely not the case. You have to embrace        works. So, we looked for the well-known and
                                                        and this is the main reason why we chose          their culture and their language, and this is       the most recognized cloud provider existing in
     Patrick: LinkBynet chose to open a business in     China in our development. So, we wanted           not something that you can learn in a book or       China. We needed to have this partner and a
     China because we were installed in Asia for six    to better support our customers and be at the     in a regular app. So first of all, we had this      very good relationship together. So, among all
     years, and we were following our customers.        heart of a country that is economically and       language and culture. Second point, it's a          the cloud partners in China, we chose Alibaba,
     The fact is that following our customers,          technically dynamic. When we arrived like         really, really specific market, which has its       because, really, there is no other choice than
     European customers, lead us naturally to           many western countries, we faced a number of      own code, its own segments, its own way             this giant cloud provider, and by the way, in
     China. China is a land of opportunities. For us,   difficulties in adapting, which we have found     of selling. So you cannot just come and say,        2019, we were nominated Partner of the Year
     it’s a huge consumer market; nothing like the      added value and interest we wish to offer to      guys, I have some English advertisements.           in Asia, from Alibaba, so it was great, it's a
     European countries can seek. Considering this      French companies interested in developing         You will see it's easy. No, definitely not. So,     great story.
     huge market, we had to be there, but we knew       their business in China.                          third point, you get to think of China as being
     that the market was different. We needed to                                                          one only market. Remember that Shanghai is          Lina: Right. We know that you're not only
                                                                                                          more than 20 million people, you cannot think       helping European companies to deploy in
                                                                                                          of 1.5 billion of people as one single market.      China but also providing your service to
                                                                                                          So, we had to split our market into segments        many local Chinese companies. So, what
                                                                                                          and find out which one we wanted to address.        value do you think you're bringing to these
                                                                                                          Third part, it's a really wide country. So, you     local Chinese companies?
                                                                                                          cannot travel by train from one city to another
                                                                                                          city. So, you have to organize everything, you      Patrick: I think that the IT has some
                                                                                                          have to delegate, you have to find the right        advancements (in terms of maturity) in
                                                                                                          partners in the different cities, and definitely,   Europe. So, we think we can help local
                                                                                                          at the end of the day, you have to lead to          Chinese companies, and we are bringing this
                                                                                                          local implementations. So, there are many           value to our customers but also competitors
                                                                                                          challenges that we had to face: regulatory,         and key players in China. We are really open
                                                                                                          cultural, language, and technical. So, these        to helping each one develop; we are not
                                                                                                          are definitely not crippling difficulties, but      afraid of competitors, as this is, once again,
                                                                                                          you should not underestimate them either. So,       a huge country. So, the more competitors
                                                                                                          it is necessary to adapt to new administrative      we have, the more the market will evolve.
27                                                                                                        and technological constraints, which are often      So, everything we knew about LinkBynet in                28
                                                                                                          complicated and time consuming. You should          Europe, every experience, the real challenges
                                                                                                          not underestimate them either, but once you         we faced, every governance that we could set
Alibaba Clo u d                                                                                                                                                                              A li b ab a Cloud

     up in Europe, we wanted to bring it to China.       customers at the end of the day is an end-to-end     Lina: Well, very impressive. I imagine that      information protection. So, there are three
     So, we have recreated an entire LinkBynet           approach from the beginning to the end, from         for many foreign companies who want              main areas of the CSL. First of all, protection
     ecosystem in China, with added value, of            USA to Europe to China with the same processes,      to develop in China, they must have a lot        of personal information, information location
     course, of local adaptation on site servers, and    proven methods, processes, deliveries, and           of lessons to learn. So, if I were French        and information management, for example,
     of course, the Chinese team. We did not want        people being available worldwide. So, that's         company looking forward to deploy in             any content or network of a company must
     to be a French company inside of a Chinese          definitely what we wanted to bring to our            China, what is the most important thing to       be secured, just like in any country, and
     territory; we wanted to be a guest providing        customers. That was for the main part of the IT      keep in mind?                                    any sensitive or personal information that is
     services together with local employees              services, but also we wanted to provide to our                                                        hosted in China cannot be replicated or taken
     delivering services to local companies. So,         customers the ICP license, the famous Internet       Patrick: Yeah, indeed, it's a huge work to be,   outside of the country. This is something
     that's why we chose this Chinese team. We           license that all our customers need to resell        I would say, compatible with our compliance      that is happening worldwide finally, but for
     wanted also to offer intensive indispensable        in China. So, technology wise, we study their        with China, but definitely, it's worth it. So,   China, there are some specificities you need
     market knowledge that we seek, that we have         needs, advise them, and deploy our team for          the main thing we have to do when deploying      to comply with; you have no choice. That's the
     in France. So, we also provided all resources,      IT infrastructures, and then we apply the best       in China, you need to get this famous ICP        way it works, and it's not really complicated.
     technologies, training, and strengths from our      technical choice using Alibaba Cloud services.       license and comply with the CSL. The ICP         It is the law. You have to respect that. That's it.
     partner, Alibaba Cloud. So, as I would say,         We also manage their infrastructures, servers,       license, which by the way means, Internet
     as a result, we are bringing an unprecedented       interconnections, and show their compatibility       Content Provider, is somehow a permit issued     Lina: Are there any important steps in the
     level of scope and support, a service layer,        in Europe, so there are no misconnection             by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and          whole process?
     IT expertise, governance, self-administrative       problems. We will take care of everything,           Information Technology, which is mandatory
     relationship brought together with a fully          thanks to our expertise and partnership with         for any website or mobile application you        Patrick: Yes, you're right. I was mentioning the
     compliant Chinese company.                          Alibaba Cloud. It's really, I would say a            want to deploy. There are two types of           ICP license because this is something that you
                                                         comprehensive support accompaniment on               licenses. One is the plain ICP record, which     need on day one. Once you have this license,
     Lina: Well, very impressive that you have           both business and IT aspects. So it's coupled        basically certifies that a publicly accessible   then you just have to follow the regular steps.
     constructed so many things in such a short          with our understanding of both European and          app or site is being deployed on a server or a   First of all, find out your strategy. You have
     time. So, next, could you please share with us      Chinese culture, and of course, yeah, of course,     CDN in Mainland China. The second one is         to protect your brand. This is really, really
     specifically, how do you support European           for customers having a simplified package            the full ICP commercial license. You need to     mandatory. Secure your stakes, the different
     companies to deploy in China?                       end-to-end offer, with a single point of contact     have this license if you want to be involved     stakeholders that you have (or can have), and
29                                                       present on site. It's very reassuring, you can       in online sales, marketing advertisement,        then set up the place you want to settle. You           30
     Patrick: Most of our customers going to China       understand that we're not managing this from         or any activity needing some payments. So,       can determine if you want to go to Shanghai,
     are French, both luxury or industrial companies,    Europe, but we're doing it locally, and of course,   you have to choose the right license, and        Beijing, or any of the tier one or tier two cities,
     and they want to have European global actors,       we have the licenses that are needed, and we         you have to respect the cybersecurity law.       depending on plenty of different criteria. Then,
     but they also want to have some local facilities,   are compliant with the Chinese territory.            This cybersecurity looks like the French         think about the number of people you want to
     local people. So, what we are bringing to our                                                            GDPR. So it's basically doing things around      find, the market you want to address and things
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