Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU

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Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
Investing in success
        Research and innovation
        to boost growth and jobs
        in Europe

        Research and
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU

                                                                            Investing in success

                                                                                  Research and innovation
                                                                            to boost growth and jobs in Europe


Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate A - Framework Programme & Interinstitutional relations
Unit A.1 - External & Internal communication


European Commission
B-1049 Brussels                                                      2012    Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU

                                                                                                                                              On 30 November 2011, I announced Horizon 2020, the
                                                                                                                                              European Commission’s proposed €80 billion package for
                                                                                                                                              research and innovation funding, and a critical element of
                                                                                                                                              the drive to create sustainable growth and high value jobs
                                                                                                                                              in Europe.

                                                                                                     Between 2014 and 2020, Horizon 2020 will bring all EU research and innovation funding together
                                                                                                     under a single programme with three key objectives:
                                                                                                     • Excellent Science: Strengthening the EU’s position as world leader in science and attracting the
                                                                                                       best talents to work together across Europe;
                                                                                                     • Competitive Industries: Strengthening industrial leadership in innovation to get Europe back on
                     EUROPE DIRECT is a service to help you find answers                               the path to growth and job creation;
                        to your questions about the European Union                                   • Better Society: Innovating to tackle societal challenges shared by all Europeans, across six key
                                                                                                       themes: Health, Demographic Change and well-being; Food security, sustainable agriculture,
                                      Freephone number (*):                                            marine and maritime research and the bio-economy; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Smart,
                                                                                                       green and integrated transport; Climate
                                    00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11                                               action, resource efficiency and raw materials; and Inclusive, innovative and secure societies.

       (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls   We need a new vision for European research and innovation in a dramatically changed economic
                                               may be billed                                         environment. Horizon 2020 will provide a direct stimulus to the economy and provide real European
                                                                                                     added value. It will secure our science and technology base and industrial competitiveness for future
                                                                                                     decades, promising a smarter, more sustainable and more inclusive society.

                                                                                                     Horizon 2020 will be the main financial instrument implementing Innovation Union, one of the
                                                                                                     Europe 2020 flagship initiatives aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. It will also help
                                                                                                     to bridge the gap between research and the market by helping innovative enterprises develop their
                                                                                                     scientific and technological breakthroughs into viable products and services with real commercial
                                                                                                     potential. Funding provided by Horizon 2020 will be easier to access thanks to simpler, streamlined
                                                                                                     programmes, a single set of rules and less red tape.
Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is                 The Commission will make major efforts to open the programme up to more participants from across
responsible for the use which might be made of the following information.                            Europe by exploring synergies with funds under the EU’s Cohesion policy. Horizon 2020 will identify
                                                                                                     potential centres of excellence in less performing regions and offer them policy advice and support,
More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (              while EU Structural Funds can be used to upgrade infrastructure and equipment and build capacity.
Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication.
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012                                          International cooperation will be further promoted in Horizon 2020, in order to strengthen the EU’s
ISBN     978-92-79-22558-1                                                                           excellence and attractiveness in research, to tackle global challenges jointly and to support EU ex-
doi      10.2777/4032                                                                                ternal policies.

                                                                                                     Building on the success of previous research framework programmes, this brochure presents a se-
© European Union, 2012
                                                                                                     lection of results from EU funded projects that have shown great strides in innovation and will make
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
                                                                                                     a positive change to our daily lives. I believe that with Horizon 2020, we can achieve even more at
                                                                                                     European level, bringing our brightest and best together to really tackle the societal grand chal-
Pictures © Fotolia, 2012
                                                                                                     lenges, while contributing to European economic recovery and growth.
Printed in Belgium                                                                                   Máire Geoghegan-Quinn,
Printed on elemental chlorine-free bleached paper (ECF)                                              Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science.
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
I n v e s t i n g   i n   s u c c e s s                        5

                                                   Supporting an
                                          excellent science base
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
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SILKBONE                                                                                                       Participants
                                                                                                               Germany, Netherlands, Sweden,
                                                                                                               United Kingdom (Coordinator)

Using spiders to weave                                                                             

a cure for joint damage                                                                                      FP7    Proj. N°   18060
                                                                                                                                                € 2 070 000
                                                                                                                                                                                € 1 600 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Oct. 2005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mar. 2008

For many of us, spiders are our worst phobia, the               “Spiders are the product of 400 mil-         worms. Although they do not pro-                 aged section of cartilage. At the same time, its “biocom-
stuff of nightmares. But these scuttling, eight-leg-            lion years of evolution and they really      duce quite the same thing as spider              patibility” makes it a perfect base on which the body can
ged creatures could be on the brink of delivering a             are incredible little bio-engineers,”        silk, silkworms provide silk which is            re-grow damaged or missing tissue. This allows the joint
major benefit to human health.                                  says Dr Nick Skaer, CEO of Oxford-           similar enough to be used as a kind              to heal naturally and completely in a way which often
                                                                based medical company Orthox,                of raw material – and in much bigger             does not happen under current treatment methods.
The key to this sudden transformation of the spi-               which is at the forefront of the re-         quantities.
der, from the shudder-inducing creepy-crawly we                 search.                                                                                       At a time when, according to one study, the developed
all know into beneficent fairy godmother, lies in                                                            By adding an enzyme to this raw ma-              world is facing a 500% increase in knee replacement op-
its web.                                                        Not only is spider silk incredibly           terial, researchers made an impor-               erations in the next two decades, the benefits of Spidrex in
                                                                strong. It is also very elastic and re-      tant discovery. Its molecules could be           both medical and monetary terms are clear.
                                                                silient. Most importantly, perhaps, it       aligned exactly as they are in spider
Staggeringly, spider silk is six times as strong as steel.      is also what scientists call “biocom-        silk, thus replicating its amazing qual-         And those benefits are not limited to knee joints alone,
Which means that this hitherto overlooked substance is          patible”. In other words, human tis-         ities. The replicated silk was patented          although that is where current research is focused. Sp-
quite possibly the perfect material to help repair damaged      sue can grow around and along it.            under the name “Spidrex”.                        idrex technology is potentially applicable to a wide range
human joints.                                                                                                                                                 of injuries requiring cartilage and bone repair.
                                                                There was just one problem with this         It is this material, with a name that
The potential is enormous, say scientists. Knee injuries        new miracle material, says Dr Skaer.         sounds more like a children’s comic              With clinical trials due to start in 2012, Dr Skaer is excited
are just one area where spider silk could provide the an-       Spiders don’t exactly produce a lot of it.   book hero or a new hi-tech sports                about the future.
swer, ending years of agony for sufferers and billions of                                                    clothing fabric than a medical break-
euros of costs for national healthcare systems.                 Aided by a grant of 1.6 million euros        through, which promises to revolu-               “It’s quite simple, it’s quite straightforward and it’s quite
                                                                from the European Commission as              tionise the treatment of joint injuries.         cheap,” he says. “We’re very close to having a product
Knee injuries can cause crippling disability in both young      part of its programme to promote                                                              which is ready for implantation in humans now, so it’s not
and old, often leading to osteoarthritis and eventually re-     research by small and medium-sized           Spidrex’s combination of qualities               science fiction, it’s really close to being a reality.”
quiring knee joint replacements. That could all be about        enterprises (SMEs), Dr Skaer and his         gives it a unique dual function. Its
to change, thanks to the despised – and, sadly, often           colleagues came up with the perfect          strength makes it an ideal material to           Next time you see a spider, treat it with care.
squished - spider.                                              answer to this supply problem: silk-         make inserts to replace, say, a dam-
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
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SFERA                                                                                                        Participants
                                                                                                             Belgium, France (Coordinator),
                                                                                                             Italy, United Kingdom

New technology
combats fake medicines                                                                           

and saves lives                                                                                            FP7    Proj. N°   222057
                                                                                                                                               € 1 460 000
                                                                                                                                                                             € 990 797   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Apr. 2008
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mar. 2010

For the global pharmaceuticals industry, the fight              It was to find a solution to this prob-    Belgium, France, Italy and the UK,            Back with the pharmaceuticals industry, the new system
against counterfeit drugs is one of the greatest                lem that the EU-funded SFERA pro-          was to produce a system capable of            guards against another major risk: the danger of bottles
challenges of modern times. According to the                    ject was set up, using funding from        applying the engravings at a rate to          getting mixed up during production. On high-speed pro-
World Health Organisation, some fake medicines                  a programme designed to stimulate          match the pharmaceutical industry’s           duction lines, the right bottles need to be filled with the
are so cleverly manufactured that they fool even                innovation by fostering cooperation        demanding production speeds – a               right medicines. Obviously, mistakes can be catastrophic.
health professionals. And the results, of course,               between small and medium sized             dizzying 600 items a minute.                  The SFERA system means that bottles can be instantly
can be fatal for patients.                                      businesses around Europe.                                                                identified and re-routed where necessary.
                                                                                                           Combined with a high-speed reader,
                                                                The result of the two-year, 1.5 mil-       the new technology has already been           With the recognition it has already gained, it is hoped
While human lives and health are the most important             lion euro project was a unique new         recognised within the industry as             that the technology developed through SFERA will rapidly
concern, counterfeiting is a problem that plagues other in-     laser engraving technique known as         the perfect answer to the scourge of          become a global standard within the pharmaceutical in-
dustries too. High on this list are perfume manufacturers,      ‘Filiglass’. The high resolution system    pharmaceutical counterfeiting.                dustry – safeguarding human health and finally putting
with large sums of money at stake in sales of high-class,       allows tamper-proof bar codes to be                                                      an end to a crime which, in the pharmaceutical industry
luxury branded items.                                           engraved on the inside of bottles at       While its speed is crucial to indus-          alone, is estimated by the WHO to cost the world more
                                                                the time of packaging. In combina-         tries like pharmaceuticals, another           than 12 billion euros a year.
Meanwhile, the proceeds of counterfeiting go to feed or-        tion with specialised reading ma-          of the features of ‘Filiglass’ makes
ganised crime, possibly even terrorism, and result in huge      chines, ‘Filiglass’ makes it possible to   it the ideal solution for the different
costs in the form of lost tax revenues.                         detect even the most sophisticated         requirements of the perfume indus-
                                                                counterfeits.                              try. In a sector where aesthetics are
The problem is simple: many medicines, and almost all                                                      crucial, the laser engraving is almost
perfumes, come in glass containers which are hard to pro-       Critical to the success of the project     invisible. More than that, it can even
tect against the counterfeiters. Ink-based markings are         was the need to produce a system           be used to produce attractive light
easily erased. The tags needed for Radio Frequency Iden-        which was not just a reliable safe-        diffraction effects that actually en-
tification (RFID) can be removed or altered. Laser mark-        guard against counterfeiting, but          hance the product – a real ‘win-win’
ing might be the answer, but existing techniques produce        also one which was practical to de-        situation.
microscopic cracks in the glass.                                ploy. One of the key achievements
                                                                of SFERA, involving 9 SMEs from
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
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                                                                                           NA-NOSE              Participants
                                                                                                                Israel (Coordinator)

                     The simple breath test                                                         

                     that can detect cancer                                                                   FP6    Proj. N°   42348
                                                                                                                                                    € 1 730 000
                                                                                                                                                                                    € 1 730 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Apr. 2007
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mar. 2011

No-one wants to be told that they          By detecting cancer without having to wait for                     of the NA-NOSE, that grant could                    the device can not only detect cancer but also distinguish
have cancer. But the earliest possible     tumours to grow, the NA-NOSE offers a unique                       be repaid many times over in saved                  between different types of cancer including lung, breast,
diagnosis is often the key to ensuring     early warning system that could save thousands                     health care costs, if early test results            colorectal, prostate and head and neck.
survival.                                  of lives, allowing cancers to be diagnosed and                     are anything to go by.
                                           treated earlier than has ever been possible be-                                                                        The scientist who led the research, Professor Hossam
So a new technique developed by            fore. It would be especially valuable in diagnosing                When breath-tests were carried out                  Haick of the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), was
scientists which can ins-tantly detect     cancers that are otherwise hard to detect in time.                 on an initial group of 62 volunteers                inspired to carry out the research after witnessing the suf-
cancer even in its very earliest stages,                                                                      – some with head and neck cancer,                   ferings of a friend who had leukaemia.
using just a simple breath-test, offers                                                                       some with lung cancer, and some of
the clear hope of a major break-           Nor does it stop with cancer. The NA-NOSE will potentially         whom were healthy – the NA-NOSE                     Extensive further testing of the NA-
through in improving cancer survival       be able to pick up early signs of other serious diseases as        correctly diagnosed all of the patients             NOSE will be required. But if all goes
rates.                                     well, such as Parkinson’s, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease,          with the two types of cancer. It also               well, says Professor Haick, it could be
                                           Alzheimer’s or MS – making it truly a “‘wonder device”.            correctly identified all but two of the             in use for breast and colorectal can-
Designed to mimic a dog’s highly sen-                                                                         healthy patients.                                   cer patients within three years and
sitive sense of smell, the new “elec-
                                           “At first, I thought to myself this is science fiction. It can’t                                                       for other types of cancer in about
tronic nose” takes a sample of the
                                           be true,” says Professor Abraham Kuten, one of the scien-          The secret of the NA-NOSE lies in a                 seven years.
patient’s breath and gives an instant
                                           tists involved in developing the NA-NOSE.                          row of sub-microscopic (nanoparticle)
reading - not only of whether can-
cer is present, but how far advanced                                                                          gold sensors, which can detect tiny                 Thanks to this revolutionary new
it is. Early tests for the device have     But based on the successful results so far, Professor Kuten        molecular changes that occur in the                 “electronic nose”, with its promise of
already shown extremely exciting re-       says, it could turn out to be “a very important tool in the        blood of cancer patients. They can                  reliable, non-invasive and inexpensive
sults.                                     early detection of cancer.”                                        do this at levels of concentration so               early diagnosis, screening for cancer
                                                                                                              low that it has been likened to detect-             could be on the verge of entering a
Known as the NA-NOSE (short for            The potentially breakthrough project was funded by a               ing one single flower in a vast field               whole new world.
Nano Artificial Nose), the test works      1.7 million euro Marie Curie Excellence Team grant from            of flowers - using the sense of smell
by spotting microscopic changes in         the European Commission. These grants are designed to              alone.                                              The ability to literally “sniff out” can-
the body that occur when cancer is         enable promising researchers to carry out leading-edge                                                                 cer and other major diseases could
present.                                   research of particular importance to Europe. In the case           Using these tiny molecular traces,                  indeed become a reality.
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
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ENTANGLED BA LKANS                                                                                    Participants
                                                                                                      Bulgaria (Beneficiary)

Balkans history to achieve                                                                

a more unified future                                                                               FP7    Proj. N°   230177
                                                                                                                                        € 1 560 000
                                                                                                                                                                      € 1 560 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jan. 2009
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dec. 2013

As anyone who has tried to study it will know,             lines. Individual national identities    with the West and with Russia have            Supported by an ERC grant of €1.5 million for five years,
the history of the Balkans is as complex as that           have been entrenched in the histori-     made this approach, based on a                Professor Daskalov and his four team members aim to
of any region in the world. It is an area into             ography, which in turn has led to even   transnational and cross-disciplinary          present a new vision of the modern history of the Balkans
which are compressed a large number of eth-                deeper entrenchment of those feel-       perspective, particularly relevant. It        that will challenge the entire historical landscape of the
nic groupings and national identities, charac-             ings of separate national identity and   also contributes to ‘global history’, a       region.
terised by shifting borders and alliances, and             division.                                new trend in historical studies that
long-held grievances, rivalries and tensions.                                                       revisits national histories to place          ‘The “entangled history” approach does not aim to har-
                                                           Aided by a European Research Coun-       them in a more global perspective,            monise the past and smooth out past conflict. The con-
                                                           cil (ERC) grant awarded in 2008, Pro-    thus transcending established disci-          tacts, movements, exchanges, transfers, etc. were more
                A visit to the Western Balkans shows       fessor Roumen Daskalov from the          plinary boundaries between history,           often asymmetrical and violent than harmonious and
                how deep the scars of the bloodshed        New Bulgarian University of Sofia, is    sociology, political science, interna-        peaceful. Still there is some positive and integrative value
                of the 1990s, after the break-up of        aiming to bring a fresh new perspec-     tional law and linguistics.                   in showing how “entangled” the histories of the present-
                Yugoslavia, were and still are. As TV      tive to this history.                                                                  day Balkan nations and states were and still are,’ says
                images and newspaper reports made                                                   The relevance of this approach quick-         Professor Daskalov.
                clear on an almost daily basis, the        ‘Modern Balkan history has tradi-        ly becomes clear when one consid-
                scale of violence exceeded our com-        tionally been studied in the national    ers, for example, how interconnected          Achieving lasting peace and reconciliation in this
                mon understanding, with human              paradigm as separate national his-       and ‘entangled’ were the Greek, Ro-           troubled part of the European continent is an immense
                rights abuses, massacres, torture,         tories taking place within bounded       manian, Bulgarian and Macedonian              challenge. But Professor Daskalov hopes to see his research
                rapes and ethnic cleansing on all          state territories. (…) [However] these   nationalisms over the years. Despite          results contributing to that process of reconciliation, and
                sides.                                     national historiographies show some      their rivalries and hostilities, they also    to the better integration of the Balkans region into a wider
                                                           transnational aspects which have         copied and borrowed from each other           Europe.
                Despite this inextricably interlinked      been forged throughout time from         extensively.
                experience, the ‘entangled history’ of     various economic, political and cul-                                                   ‘I can imagine such research as promoting good neighbour
                the Balkans has rarely been studied        tural influences from abroad,’ says      This pattern was repeated many times          relations rather than fostering divisiveness and separa-
                from a ‘relational’ or ‘transnational’     Professor Daskalov.                      throughout the Balkans, as minorities         tion,’ he says.
                perspective. To the contrary, the                                                   and refugees interacted with the
                area’s history has been formulated         The complexities of the Balkans and      dominant nationalities in the region.
                almost exclusively along national          their long-standing relations both
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
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                                            Building industrial
                                          leadership in Europe
Investing in success Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe - Europa EU
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                                                                                   CHILL - ON               Participants
                                                                                                            Brasil, Chile, China, France,
                                                                                                            Germany (Coordinator), Island,

                             Enhancing safety                                                               Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Spain,
                                                                                                            Turkey, United Kingdom

                              at every step in                                                   

                        the food supply chain                                                              FP6    Proj. N°   16333
                                                                                                                                              € 15 530 000
                                                                                                                                                                             € 10 100 000 Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jul. 2006
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dec. 2010

Few would dispute that the emergence of chilled                 If it could be achieved, it was a pre-     A ‘Shelf-Life Predictor’ allows a pro-       ply chain. Tests have already tracked Atlantic cod from
and frozen food technologies in the last century                cious prize indeed, not only for the       duct’s remaining shelf life to be as-        Iceland to France, hake being transported from Chile to
was a major advance for modern society, trans-                  consumer, but also for the food indus-     sessed at any point along the supply         Spain, and frozen tilapia as it journeyed right through the
forming all our lives and bringing convenience and              try, with strict regulations to observe,   chain. And clever devices called ‘Time       supply chain to China.
choice. In Europe today, consumption of chilled                 competitive pressures to deal with,        Temperature Indicators’ are labels at-
and frozen foods is rising by more than 10 per                  and precious reputations to protect.       tached to each product which change          Where consumer food safety is concerned, there is no
cent a year.                                                                                               colour in accordance with exposure to        room for compromise. Safety and confidence are vital. For
                                                                Led by the Technology Transfer Cen-        different temperatures over different        the food industry, reputation is vital – and easily lost. As
But there is a downside. The safety issues associated with      tre of Bremerhaven and involving 26        time scales. This information can be         a result of the CHILL-ON project and its unique combina-
the handling of such food products remain a major public        partners from 13 countries, the 15.6       transmitted wirelessly to a control          tion of specialisms, society can today enjoy the enormous
concern. Food scares regularly hit the headlines. And food      million euro project took four and a       centre.                                      benefits of chilled and frozen food
poisoning caused by the incorrect handling of these prod-       half years. It was truly multi-disci-                                                   in greater confidence than
ucts can be fatal.                                              plinary, bringing together experts in      All this information, and much else          ever before.
                                                                fields ranging from bio-chemistry to       besides, is fed into the heart of the
The problem is the large number of stages in the pro-           information technology, from genet-        system – an information manage-
duction process ‘from farm to fork’ – from farm produc-         ics to packaging, and from microbi-        ment system accessed via the web
ers to intermediate suppliers to final manufacturers, all       ology to logistics, engineering and        known as TRACECHILL. Through this,
through a range of transportation links. Many stages, in        mathematics.                               users can gain real-time information
other words, when a small lapse can easily go unnoticed                                                    on the exact freshness and previous
and have catastrophic results.                                  The numerous breakthroughs incor-          history of every single product, wher-
                                                                porated in the final CHILL-ON system       ever it is on its journey from farm to
CHILL-ON, a major EU-funded research project, set out to        included methods not only to detect        fork.
provide a solution to this problem. The ambitious goal was      the presence of food pathogens - the
to achieve seamless control and monitoring from start           bugs which can cause poisoning – but       In effect, this radical new system
to finish of the supply chain, thus allowing risk to be as-     also to predict their future growth in     provides not just a ‘snapshot’ of any
sessed, controlled and minimised in a way never possible        given temperature conditions.              product at any point, but a continuous
before.                                                                                                    ‘video’ of its journey along the sup-
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FIREROB                                                                                                       Participants
                                                                                                              Greece, Croatia (Coordinator),
                                                                                                              United Kingdom, Spain

Video games
inspire real-life                                                                                 

firefighting robot                                                                                          FP7    Proj. N°   222303
                                                                                                                                                € 1 050 000
                                                                                                                                                                              € 803 315    Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Jul. 2008
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Jun. 2010

Reckless of the raging heat and the billowing fire-               controlled by an operator using a         Firerob also has a GPS system enabling it to be navigated             autonomous. “I think a real robotic
balls, the firefighter advances undaunted towards                 joystick.                                 accurately, and software which lets it “see” and recog-               vehicle has to do everything alone,
the blazing car. Getting within range to start                                                              nise objects – such as dangerous or flammable materials               without the operator,” he says.
dousing the flames, the firefighter spots a person                “It’s very simple to drive,” says Zoran   which need to be removed.
slumped unconscious over the steering wheel and                   Boskovic, the man in charge of Re-                                                                              Freed from the need to control the
messages back to colleagues to summon help.                       search and Development at DOK-ING,        The cost of developing the Firerob prototype was largely              Firerob’s movements, the operator
                                                                  during a practical demonstration.         met by an 800,000 euro European Union grant. That grant               would be able to concentrate exclu-
Even though the driver survives the inferno as
                                                                  “We actually took the idea from video     was made under a scheme designed to help small and                    sively on the camera images and de-
a result, the firefighter never receives a bravery
                                                                  games.”                                   medium sized business in Europe work together and come                termine the correct strategy to fight
medal - or indeed any kind of recognition. This
                                                                                                            up with innovations that would otherwise be impossible if             the fire. “That is the next goal,” says
kind of dramatic rescue is just part of a routine
                                                                  Looking part fire-engine, part bull-      they worked alone.                                                    Boskovic.
day’s work
                                                                  dozer and part military tank, Firerob
The reason? This firefighter is a highly developed                moves on caterpillar tracks. Up front,    In the case of Firerob, one direct benefit of the grant was           From an idea provided by video gam-
robot, not a human being.                                         it has a bulldozer blade equipped with    that it put DOK-ING in contact with a Scottish firm, Scot-            ing to saving lives in the most haz-
                                                                  a gripper tool. In true Robocop style,    ATRI, which provided special heat-resistant paint allowing            ardous of real-life situations, scien-
Meet Firerob, a unique firefighting machine packed with           it can punch through brick or concrete    the machine to work for longer in the intense heat of a               tific innovation really is turning fiction
state-of-the-art technology.                                      walls and pick up objects weighing up     blaze.                                                                into reality.
                                                                  to 5 tonnes.
It may sound like something out of the film Robocop, but                                                    As DOK-ING’s Sales Manager, Mladen Jovanovic, points
it is already a reality. Thanks to Firerob, blazes impossible     On-board, Firerob boasts seven cam-       out, the potential of Firerob is vast. “This machine can
for conventional firefighting techniques can now be suc-          eras, including a thermal imaging         be used in nuclear power plants, the chemical industry, oil
cessfully overcome - in collapsing buildings, in confined         system which allows it to spot people.    refineries, ammunition depots. That means in all indus-
spaces like tunnels, or in other hazardous locations.                                                       tries and situations where the object might explode any
                                                                  “It can recognise human silhouettes       second,” he says.
The potential for saving human lives is clearly enormous.         in smoke and inform the operator, so
                                                                  the operator can pull back the ma-        Two Firerobs have been sold to the Russian government,
Developed by Croatian firm DOK-ING, better know for               chine and send the firefighters to res-   and R&D director Zoran Boskovic is already planning fur-
producing mine-clearing machines, Firerob is remotely             cue,” says Boskovic.                      ther improvements. He wants to make Firerob even more
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PROPRALINE                                                                                                      Participants
                                                                                                                Belgium, Czech Republic,
                                                                                                                Denmark, Sweden (Coordinator),

The Hi-Tech recipe                                                                                              Hungary, United Kingdom,

for the perfectly                                                                                   

preserved praline                                                                                             FP7     Proj. N°   218423
                                                                                                                                                   € 3 790 000
                                                                                                                                                                                 € 2 760 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Oct. 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sept. 2011

We have all experienced the disap-           It is a major problem for the European chocolate                 That was why the EU chose to fund a research project                   The composition and processing of the
pointment. Opening a box of expensive        industry. As much as 143,000 tonnes of chocolate                 called PROPRALINE, a three year programme involving                    filling are also important considera-
praline chocolates with pleasurable          are affected either by ‘fat bloom’ or by cracking,               leading brand chocolate producers including Belgium’s                  tions, with the type of oil used in fat-
anticipation - only to discover that they    with a cost to the European industry of 1.2 billion              Guylian, large suppliers to the industry, specialist research          based fillings being a key determinant
appear to have gone off, even though         euros a year.                                                    institutes and SME asso-ciations, to come up with a much-              of bloom development. Cracking can
it is well before their ‘use-by’ date.                                                                        needed solution.                                                       be exacerbated when the filling and
                                             The European chocolate sector is a world-lead-                                                                                          the casing contract differently during
Covered with a dull, white film, they        er, comprising around 2,000 firms, mostly small                  The group conducted intensive research into ways of pre-               cooling.
look as if they have gone mouldy.            or medium sized enterprises (SMEs), employing                    venting both fat bloom and cracking. Cracking is caused
                                             some 200,000 people. Its exports are worth 3 bil-                when liquid content from the filling passes into the outer             The PROPRALINE project clearly dem-
In reality, it is not as bad as it looks.    lion euros a year.                                               casing of chocolate, making the sugar and cocoa particles              onstrated that the world of high-class
That apparent mould is nothing more                                                                           there swell. This results in stresses to the chocolate, which          praline chocolates is a refined and
than what is known in the chocolate          And yet it is beset by what seems an intractable problem.        lead to cracks.                                                        technically complex one. There is in-
industry - admittedly unappetisingly         Its products, which consumers quite reasonably expect to                                                                                deed more to that box of chocolates
- as ‘fat bloom’. Caused by fats pen-        be presented in perfect condition, are extraordinarily vulner-   As a result of the research, funded under an EU programme              than meets the eye.
etrating from the praline centre to the      able to the dangers of fat bloom and cracking. The reputa-       intended to stimulate cooperation and innovation among
surface of the chocolate and forming         tion of a fine luxury brand can be destroyed in an instant.      SMEs, the teams identified a number of key control fac-                Fortunately, with the research results
a thin crystallised layer, it is no danger                                                                    tors. High on this list is the process of ‘tempering’ the cocoa        due to be made available to the indus-
to human health.                             On the flipside, if the industry could find a way of                     butter – the treatment of it before it crystallises and        try through a series of workshops and
                                             extending shelf-life and creating more certainty                              becomes solid. A consistent, reliable and repro-          other initiatives, it can be confidently
But it is fatal to our enjoyment of the      that its products would reach the                                                     ducible process is vital. The cooling of the      expected that fat bloom and cracking
chocolates. They certainly cannot be         consumer unspoiled, it could                                                                          chocolate is also key, as         will be things that meet the consum-
offered to friends and guests. More          create a huge boost                                                                                             is the shape and        er’s eye with much less frequency.
often than not, the chocolates end up        in sales and                                                                                                            thickness.
in the bin – or taken back to the shop.      exports.                                                                                                                                And Europe’s chocolatiers can continue
                                                                                                                                                                                     to lead the world.
22                                                            I n v e s t i n g   i n   s u c c e s s                                                                                                                      23

SPEED-FX                                                                                                   Participants
                                                                                                           Portugal, Spain (Coordinator),
                                                                                                           United Kingdom

Breakthrough film
technology paves the way                                                                        

towards Oscars                                                                                            FP5    Proj. N°   34337
                                                                                                                                             € 3 514 018
                                                                                                                                                                             € 2 100 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               May 2002
                                                                                                                                                                                                               April 2004

Millions of people saw the multi-Academy Award                   efficient, more flexible – and cheaper   Founded by a small group of former               equivalent financial commitment.
winning film, The King’s Speech. What few peo-                   - system for cinema post-production      employees from a large cinema pro-               Thanks to the 3.5 million euro SPEED-
ple will know is that this box office hit was made               than anything previously available.      duction company, FilmLight was aided             FX project, of which 2.1 million euros
possible, at least in part, by a groundbreaking                  The impact was to bring post-produc-     by experts at UPF who provided the               was provided by the EU, FilmLight
research and development project funded by the                   tion within the reach and the budget     technical research and development               was able to out-compete more estab-
European Commission.                                             of far more users than ever before,      input to provide the new applications            lished players and establish itself as
                                                                 and to propel FilmLight from a stand-    required, and who ensured that the               a clear market leader, quickly achiev-
Thanks to carefully targeted EC funding, a small UK start-       ing start to recognised industry lead-   new open architecture system would               ing sales that dwarfed the initial
up company was able to team up with a leading Span-              ership.                                  be reliable.                                     project cost.
ish university to revolutionise the world of cinema post-
production.                                                      Previous post-production systems         As well as using standard PCs, the               From this initial breakthrough, Film-
                                                                 required users to buy expensive pro-     new product, Baselight, incorporates             Light went on to win a highly prestig-
Post-production includes all of the film-making work that        prietary hardware suites. Each time      industry-standard technologies for               ious UK accolade - the 2006 Queen’s
takes place after the end of the actual shooting of the film     a user needed to upgrade, an en-         other key parts of the system such               Award for Enterprise in International
– including key tasks such as editing, adding special ef-        tirely new system had to be bought.      as computer memory, storage de-                  Trade. In 2010 it scooped the Scien-
fects and transferring the original motion picture to video      Working in close cooperation with        vices, graphics cards and networking             tific and Engineering Academy Award.
or digital format.                                               Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in        capabilities. With the whole system
                                                                 Barcelona, the unique contribution       running on Linux, an open-source op-             The King’s Speech may have been
As a result of the project, known as SPEED-FX, UK                of FilmLight was to create a system      erating system, the package can be               about King George VI’s battle to over-
company FilmLight was able to develop a radically more           which bypassed this need for special-    easily upgraded as necessary.                    come a crippling stutter. But there
                                                                 ised hardware.                                                                            has been nothing at all stuttery about
                                                                                                          This flexibility also means the system           FilmLight’s dramatic rise to interna-
                                                                 By creating purpose-built software       is unlikely to become obsolete, in the           tional success as a result of the vision
                                                                 programmes, FilmLight made it pos-       way that a purely hardware-based                 of the SPEED-FX project.
                                                                 sible to link ordinary personal com-     solution would do.
                                                                 puters into a single system, thereby
                                                                 creating a kind of ‘super-computer’      As a small start-up, FilmLight’s foun-
                                                                 to replace the old-style hardware        ders had the vision and commitment,
                                                                 requirement.                             but like all start-ups they needed an
I n v e s t i n g   i n   s u c c e s s                              25

                                          Tackling societal challenges
                                                  for a better society
26                                                       I n v e s t i n g   i n   s u c c e s s                                                                                                                       27

AQUAFIT4USE                                                                                            Participants
                                                                                                       The Netherlands (Coordinator),
                                                                                                       Belgium, Czech Republic,

Helping industry conserve                                                                              Germany, Denmark, Spain,
                                                                                                       France, Italy, Sweden, Slovenia,
                                                                                                       Poland, United Kingdom

the world’s most                                                                            

valuable asset                                                                                        FP7    Proj. N°   211534
                                                                                                                                          € 14 470 000
                                                                                                                                                                          € 9 650 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Jan. 2008
                                                                                                                                                                                                            May 2012

In a 21st century world facing the twin challenges          finite water resources is clear. The      drinking water – to be on the safe                 AQUAFIT4USE has allowed freshwater use for cooling
of climate change and rapid population growth,              question is: how?                         side. This is not needed, but most in-             towers to be cut by an impressive 80 per cent.
there seems little doubt that water is set to be-                                                     dustries do not really know what the
come the most precious resource on the planet.              Some of the answers are starting to       real demands for their processes are.”        • Pilot tests of a new non-chemical technology to pre-
Its sustainable use is going to become ever more            come from a major European Union                                                          vent biofouling (the growth of organisms like algae) at
vital for human survival.                                   project bringing together 34 partners     In response to this, the aims of the            a chemical plant in Sweden have resulted in an 80 per
                                                            including research institutes and, cru-   AQUAFIT4USE project are to provide              cent reduction. Biofouling is one of the biggest water-
                 Industry accounts for a large propor-      cially, a high proportion of industrial   ways of achieving sustainable water             related costs for industry and usually requires chemical
                 tion of our water use. Its total con-      water users. Running for four years       use in the four industries by identi-           treatment.
                 sumption is projected to increase by       until the middle of 2012, the 14.5        fying and precisely meeting these
                 more than 50% between 1995 and             million euro ‘AQUAFIT4USE’ project        ‘real demands’. The hope is that this         Ultimately, the aim is to ‘close the water cycle’. This means
                 2025 as industrialisation spreads,         aims to help these four water-inten-      should lead to a reduction in freshwa-        making it possible for water to be managed and re-used
                 reaching an estimated 1,170 cubic          sive industries to reduce their fresh-    ter needs of as much as 30 per cent.          so that fresh water intake is no longer needed. There is
                 kilometres. That is enough to fill a       water needs in a significant way.                                                       still a long way to go, but through the AQUAFIT4USE pro-
                 100 meter deep swimming pool cov-                                                    Already, the project has recorded no-         ject Europe has shown its ability to take the lead in the
                 ering the entire area of Paris.            As the project name implies, the fun-     table successes:                              effort to preserve the world’s most precious resource.
                                                            damental approach involves examin-
                 Four of the most water-intensive in-       ing more closely than ever before the     • New water quality management                No longer is water the consumable that it was
                 dustries are paper, food, textiles and     precise quality of water needed for         software has helped industrial us-          seen as in the past. In the world of today,
                 chemicals. The pulp and paper indus-       specific industrial processes. In other     ers define their water quality needs        it is a highly valuable asset, to be
                 try, for example, uses more water to       words, to define and manage the pro-        better. This alone has cut freshwa-         managed and sustained.
                 produce a ton of its product than any      vision of water ‘fit for use’.              ter use by between 20 and 50 per
                 other industry.                                                                        cent, depending on the industry.
                                                            As the project’s co-ordinator Willy
                 The potential impact such indus-           van Tongeren puts it: “Nowadays, it       • By developing a new technology
                 tries can have on the world’s ability      is common that the quality of water         to remove salt from cooling wa-
                 to make more sustainable use of its        used is unnecessarily high – often          ter, which can then be re-used,
28                                                             I n v e s t i n g   i n   s u c c e s s                                                                                                                    29

DE-LIGHT                                                                                                      Participants
                                                                                                              The Netherlands, Poland, Latvia,
                                                                                                              Finland, United Kingdom,

Adapting Formula 1                                                                                            Germany (Coordinator), Norway,
                                                                                                              Portugal, Sweden, Croatia,

technology to aid                                                                                  

the rail industry                                                                                            FP6    Proj. N°   31483
                                                                                                                                                € 3 710 000
                                                                                                                                                                              € 2 500 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jan. 2006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jan. 2010

At first sight, train drivers’ cabs and Formula 1 cars             Formula 1 cars use extremely strong,      materials for use in a wide range of         ‘sandwich’ construction, in which an aluminium honeycomb
may not seem to have much in common. But a                         lightweight materials known as car-       transport systems. After three years         structure and a polymer foam core are enclosed in outer
research project funded by the European Commis-                    bon composites to help achieve the        of research, a team from Newcastle           layers of special glass-reinforced plastic. The effect is simi-
sion has led to a potential breakthrough for the rail              high performance they need. But such      University in the UK, working in col-        lar to the composites used in Formula 1 - but at much lower
industry - by adapting technology most commonly                    materials are highly specialised and      laboration with Bombardier Transpor-         unit cost.
found in high performance racing cars.                             uneconomic for extensive use in trains.   tation and Portuguese manufacturing
                                                                                                             firm AP&M, succeeded in producing a          Crucially, the inherent strength of the new construction
The results promise to provide the rail industry
                                                                   The answer for the rail industry came     prototype lightweight train cab which        eliminates the need for steel elements. This reduces not
with trains that are more environmentally-friendly,
                                                                   through a multi-year project funded       reduces the weight of the traditional        only the weight, but also the number of separate parts re-
easier and cheaper to produce, and less costly for
                                                                   under the European Commission’s DE-       cab by a remarkable 40%.                     quired. In addition to the 40% weight reduction, the new
rail companies in terms of track maintenance. An
                                                                   LIGHT programme, which was aimed                                                       cab reduces the number of separate component parts by
all round win-win situation.
                                                                   at developing improved light-weight       The breakthrough technology behind           up to 75%. And this in turn reduces overall costs by up to
                                                                                                             the new cab takes the form of a              20%, as assembly and outfitting are far simpler than before.
The rail industry’s needs are clear: lightweight materials for
trains in order to increase energy efficiency and reduce the                                                                                              All of this is achieved while still meeting stringent crash-
damage to tracks, and reduced costs. All, of course, without                                                                                              worthiness requirements.
compromising safety.
                                                                                                                                                          “It’s great to finally see the cab in real life,” says lead de-
The problem is that conventional train cabs, made from                                                                                                    signer Conor O’Neill of Newcastle University’s rail research
welded steel units, can weigh up to one tonne each. With a                                                                                                centre. “I’ve been staring at a virtual model on my com-
cab at each end of the train, the potential for weight reduc-                                                                                             puter screen for the last three years, and it’s very satisfying
tion is clear. On top of that, traditional cab designs tend to                                                                                            to see the real thing.”
be very complex, incorporating a large number of parts, all
made from different materials. That is because they need                                                                                                  It is intended that the cab will first go into commercial use
to meet a range of physical demands, including strength,                                                                                                  in Bombardier’s Spacium trains on suburban services in
crashworthiness, aerodynamics and insulation. As a result,                                                                                                Paris.
assembly costs are high.
30                                                          I n v e s t i n g     i n   s u c c e s s                                                                                                                    31

LIFEVALVE                                                                                                   Participants
                                                                                                            Hungary, Netherlands,
                                                                                                            Switzerland (Coordinator),

Grow your own:                                                                                              Germany, Austria

The “living” heart valve                                                                        

replacement                                                                                               FP7    Proj. N°   242008
                                                                                                                                              € 16 070 000
                                                                                                                                                                             € 9 880 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nov. 2009
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Oct. 2014

It is high on the list of every expectant   All that could be about to change. As a result of an          As Professor Hoerstrup explains: “We take the cells of the             eight contributing different aspects of
parent’s anxieties. Of every 100 new-       EU-funded research project known as “Lifevalve”,              baby, we put them onto a material that has the shape of                the technology, Professor Hoerstrup
born babies, one is born with a con-        two breakthrough technologies are being combined              a heart valve, and then it grows in and forms a new heart              says the EU involvement was crucial. “I
genital heart defect. Of these, half will   to provide a solution.                                        valve, a living heart valve.”                                          think it’s only with such a combination
need open-heart surgery to replace a                                                                                                                                             that you can really go forward quickly,”
heart valve. It is a traumatic and life-    A “living” heart valve, made from the baby’s own tissue and   Eventually, the framework which supports the cells at the              he says.
threatening operation.                      able to grow with the baby, could now                                             start of the process biodegrades, leav-
                                            be just a few years away. Moreover,                                               ing only the living tissue heart valve.            The first “living valve” could be im-
Even if this operation is successful, the   doctors would be able to perform the                                                                                                 planted into a patient as soon as 2014.
problems are far from over. Replace-        valve implant without the need for                                                  The second pioneering technology
ment heart valves risk rejection by the     open-heart surgery.                                                                 concerns the way the new valve is                63 years after the first ever replace-
body, require permanent medication,                                                                                             inserted into the patient. Instead of            ment operation in 1951, medical
and are prone to wearing out or breaking.   “The aim of our project is to create liv-                                           a major operation, as now, which in-             science is on the brink of a radical
                                            ing heart valves made of the patient’s                                              volves cutting through the breastbone            transformation which promises an end
Most importantly of all, perhaps, they      own cells,” says Simon Hoerstrup, Di-                                               and actually stopping the heart, the             to the tragic loss of young lives, and
are not capable of growing with the         rector of the Swiss Centre of Regen-                                                Lifevalve project has developed “mini-           the repeated trauma, caused by heart
baby’s body. Eventually, they have          erative Medicine at the University Hos-                                             mally invasive” tech-nology. Using a             valve surgery.
to be replaced to keep pace with the        pital in Zurich.                                                                    catheter, the new valve can be inserted
growing heart.                                                                                                                  into a blood vessel in the patient’s leg,        For the parents of that one baby in
                                            The key to this is a new technology                                                 for example, and then simply pushed              every 100, that must seem nothing
So babies born with heart problems          called “tissue engineering”. Cells taken                                            up into position in the heart.                   short of miraculous.
face not just one traumatic opera-          from the baby by means of a minor
tion, but potentially a lifetime of them    biopsy are cultivated and multiplied                                                Funded by a grant of 9.9 million euros
– each one a new risk to survival. For      in the laboratory. These cells are then                                             from the EU’s programme to assist in-
many families in this situation, it must    “seeded” onto a 3D model of a heart                                                 novation in the health arena, Lifevalve
feel like an almost endless game of         valve, on which they continue to grow.                                              brought together eight partners from
Russian roulette.                                                                                                               all over Europe. With each of those
32                                                          I n v e s t i n g    i n   s u c c e s s                                                                                                                     33

NITROEUROPE                                                                                                 Poland, Hungary, The Netherlands, Germany,
                                                                                                            Italy, Estonia, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain,
                                                                                                            Sweden Norway, France, Italy, Russian Federation,
                                                                                                            China, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Ukraine, Ireland,

Shedding light                                                                                              United Kingdom (Coordinator), Slovakia,
                                                                                                            Croatia, Finland, Austria, Portugal

on an overlooked threat                                                                          

to our planet                                                                                              FP6    Proj. N°   17841
                                                                                                                                              € 26 970 000
                                                                                                                                                                             € 16 600 000 Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Feb. 2006
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Apr. 2011

As the overwhelmingly dominant element in the                  Nitrogen in the air is harmless. To         All of which explains why the recently        nitrogen pollution, estimating the
atmosphere around us, and one of the four most                 be used, it needs to be changed into        published European Nitrogen Assess-           total cost of the impact on human
common elements in living organisms, it gets sur-              “reactive nitrogen” (Nr). This transfor-    ment, to which NitroEurope made a             health, biodiversity and climate
prisingly little attention.                                    mation occurs mainly as a result of         major contribution, described the is-         change at as much as 320 billion eu-
                                                               natural bacterial activity, or by human     sue as one of the biggest challenges          ros per year. Meanwhile, air particles
Especially when its impact on humans and the                   intervention in the form of chemical        of the 21st century.                          based on Nr are reckoned to reduce
planet has been described, by a recent expert re-              engineering.                                                                              average European life expectancy by
port, as “one of the biggest challenges of the 21st                                                        In order to tackle the problem, it is         six months.
century”.                                                      Perhaps the most familiar form of re-       important to understand it. This was
                                                               active nitrogen is in fertilisers. Here,    the primary aim of the NitroEurope            The project also revealed that, of the
                 Nitrogen makes up 78 per cent of              the beneficial effect of Nr is clearest.    project – studying the Nr issue in            reactive nitrogen present in crops in
                 the air we breathe. It is an essen-           It is estimated that, if humans had         unprecedented detail, in order to un-         Europe, only 15 per cent is used to
                 tial building block in all living things.     not started using it in fertiliser in the   derstand exactly how Nr behaves and           feed humans directly, with 85 per
                 But its story demonstrates that it is         early 1900s, half of today’s popula-        impacts the environment.                      cent used to feed animals. From this,
                 possible to have too much of a good           tion would not be alive.                                                                  a key conclusion was clear. Reducing
                 thing. Despite its life-giving benefits,                                                  One achievement of the 27 million             meat and dairy consumption would
                 nitrogen also poses a growing threat          But excess quantities of reactive ni-       euro project was the establishment            provide a major part of the solution
                 to humans.                                    trogen cause a range of problems. It        of a ‘European Nitrogen Budget’. This         to the world’s nitrogen problem.
                                                               damages soil and water quality, pol-        showed that Europe produces 15.6
                 That threat has now reached such              lutes the air and contributes to the        million tons of Nr per year, with al-         The Nr threat is clear. But so, too, is
                 proportions that “business as usual”          greenhouse effect. Nitrates in water        most three quarters coming from fer-          the way forward. As a result of the
                 is no longer a viable response. It            affect human health, increasing the         tilisers. The remainder is produced by        understanding created by the work of
                 was to address this issue that an EU-         risk of bowel cancer. In the air, reac-     combustion from transport or indus-           NitroEurope, there is no reason why
                 funded, five year project called “Nitro-      tive nitrogen creates pollutants which      trial processes.                              humanity cannot now start to tackle
                 Europe” was set up in 2006, bringing          can lead to respiratory and heart                                                         this major 21st century challenge.
                 together 62 partner organisations             disease.                                    The researchers were able to put
                 from 24 countries.                                                                        an economic value on the effects of
34                                               I n v e s t i n g     i n   s u c c e s s                                                                                                                      35

OPENAIR                                                                                           Participants
                                                                                                  Romania, Germany, United Kingdom,
                                                                                                  France (Coordinator), Russian Federation, Egypt,

How a holistic approach                                                                           Italy, Switzerlad, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Sweden,
                                                                                                  Poland, The Netherlands, Finland

can help aircraft                                                                      

noise reduction                                                                                  FP7    Proj. N°   234313
                                                                                                                                     € 30 140 000
                                                                                                                                                                    € 18 270 000 Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jan. 2009
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mar. 2013

For millions of people around the world, the un-      At the same time, the demand for           modern blight of aviation noise pollu-        flows behave and how aerodynamic forces interact with
welcome and often deafening intrusion of jet air-     aviation, both from private consum-        tion is tackled.                              surfaces to create noise. With 15 months still to go of the
craft roaring overhead is a daily annoyance. More     ers and from businesses, is growing                                                      four-year life of the project, large-scale testing of a num-
than that, the stress it causes is increasingly be-   rapidly. The inexorable move towards       Involving 47 partners worldwide,              ber of new technologies and methods is well under way.
ing associated with physical and mental health        more and more flights (and more and        including major players in the aero-
problems.                                             more airports or runways), means the       nautics field such Dassault, Rolls            Key to the project’s success is the unique collaboration it
                                                      need to find ways of making aero-          Royce, Volvo Aero and EADS, the               has been able to generate between a range of organisa-
The problem is not confined to those who live in      planes significantly quieter is an ur-     ‘OPENAIR’ project is focused on tak-          tions across Europe. This has been the crucial factor ena-
close proximity to an airport. People living miles    gent one.                                  ing a holistic view of the aircraft.          bling the researchers to take a holistic view of the issue
away but under the take-off or landing paths can                                                                                               and to develop techniques which make it possible not just
find their lives similarly plagued. So, also, can     Aircraft noise is caused by two things.    Rather than looking, for example, at          to know what noise reduction is achieved at, for example,
those who live under the areas where aircraft are     One is the air rushing over the aircraft   the engine fan blades or the wingtips         a wing tip, but to measure the total effect people on the
kept ‘stacked’ as they wait to land at ever more      fuselage and its wings. The other is       on their own, OPENAIR was set up              ground would actually be hearing if an aircraft were flying
busy airports.                                        the noise from the jet engines. Al-        with the specific purpose of taking a         overhead.
                                                      though it may be hard to believe, pro-     whole aircraft approach. In this way,
                                                      gress has been made over the years         it is able to take the interaction be-        Given the extensive participation in the project of major
                                                      in reducing this noise. Modern air-        tween all the different parts into ac-        players from the aviation industry, any positive results
                                                      craft are quieter than their predeces-     count. Using a complex model that             should be quickly implemented in future aircraft construc-
                                                      sors of 20 or 30 years ago. But there      has been developed as part of the             tion, as well as being retro-fitted where possible on exist-
                                                      is still a long way to go.                 project, it is possible to assess the         ing aircraft.
                                                                                                 real effects as perceived by people on
                                                      Previous efforts at noise reduction        the ground when the aircraft is flown         It is hoped that the results will make major contribution
                                                      have all focused on isolated aspects       in ‘real’ life.                               to the aviation industry’s official goal of reducing aviation
                                                      of the problem. But a large-scale                                                        noise by 50% by 2020, compared with the year 2000.
                                                      project set up and largely funded by       The 18 million euro project is using
                                                      the European Commission is aim-            the latest techniques in computer
                                                      ing to revolutionise the way that the      analysis of the ways in which air
36                                                          I n v e s t i n g    i n   s u c c e s s                                                                                                                      37

OPTIX                                                                                                       Participants
                                                                                                            Spain (Coordinator), Germany,
                                                                                                            The Netherlands, Lithuania,
                                                                                                            Austria, Sweden

New device boosts fight                                                                         

against terrorist bombs                                                                                   FP7     Proj. N°   218037
                                                                                                                                               € 3 290 000
                                                                                                                                                                             € 2 490 000   Duration:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nov. 2008
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Apr. 2012

It is an all-too familiar scene. A suspect package             The EU contributed around 75% of           To date, no system in the world has            lenges the OPTIX consortium had to overcome. Its success
in a crowded public place like a shopping mall, a              the project’s total 3.3 million euro       been able to offer sufficient accura-          in this was a key stride towards making the device signifi-
train or an airport. Is it harmless? Or is it a bomb?          cost.                                      cy to be used by the police for this           cantly more reliable and sensitive in detecting explosives
                                                                                                          purpose.                                       than anything that has existed before.
The improvised explosive device, or IED, is the                Led by Spain’s leading IT company, In-
weapon of choice in some 60% of terrorist at-                  dra, and bringing together a range of      The unique feature of the OPTIX de-            As well as detecting and analysing suspect IEDs, the OPTIX
tacks - so easy to carry around and deploy un-                 technical and industrial partners from     vice is that it combines three sepa-           system will also be an important tool in detecting traffick-
noticed. Or noticed only at the very last moment.              6 EU member states, including spe-         rate advanced technologies to pro-             ers who may be transporting the ingredients for bombs
                                                               cialist businesses, research institutes,   vide different ways of assessing a             that are yet to be made, thus choking off the terrorists’
                                                               universities and Spain’s Guardia Civil     suspect package. One is the infrared           crucial supply chain.
In the fightback against the ever-present threat posed         security force, the OPTIX project aims     technology that we are all familiar
by the terrorists who use these deadly devices, security       to provide law enforcement and secu-       with. The others use lasers to ana-            If all goes well with the current OPTIX prototype testing,
forces require powerful tools and techniques of their own.     rity agencies with a method to iden-       lyse the molecular nature of the tar-          the way could very soon be clear to a rapid and major step
High on the list of such tools is something which can rap-     tify explosives at distances of up to      get substance and to determine not             forward in the global fight against terrorism - thanks to an
idly, safely, and remotely identify which suspect package      20 meters.                                 only if it is explosive, but also, if it is,   ingenious and innovative act of collaboration between a
is indeed a bomb, and which is just the harmless result of                                                which explosive it is.                         unique group of dedicated and specialised European partners.
someone’s absent-mindedness.                                   With its ability to detect even micro-
                                                               scopic traces of explosives - for ex-      Such technologies have already
That ‘something’ may now be close to reality, as a result      ample on the outside of a package, or      proved very useful in intercepting
of a three and a half year research project funded by the      the door of a suspicious car - OPTIX       counterfeit drugs, analysing their
European Union. Due to conclude in spring 2012, the OP-        represents a real potential break-         ‘molecular fingerprint’ through the
TIX project, undertaken as part of the EU’s programme          through: the possibility of carrying       packaging, without the need to open
of stimulating collaborative research and development          out a quick, reliable, remote identifi-    them.
across member states, is the most technologically ambi-        cation of explosive materials, without
tious attempt ever implemented in Europe to make it pos-       the need for dangerous close-quarter       Combining three technologies in one
sible to carry out remote explosives detection.                investigation.                             device, while keeping that device
                                                                                                          portable, was one of the key chal-
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