Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri

Page created by Regina Ayala
Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri
       A C H R I S T           1
 Y M C                   2 0 2

                                            e r a t i o n
                            N e x t  G   en
             n g i n t h e            t ia
I n ve s t i              i h ā p a i
          a   m  ō  m ur
Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri
From the YMCA
                                        Board of Trustees                                                                                                   Financial Performance
                                        James Stewart (President)                                                                                           Year Ended January 2021
                                     Papa Hou, gyms, recreation centre those who need it most.                     to you. Finally, a special thanks to     The impact of Covid related             at Wainui. The loss of international
                                     and school camps, very little has   On behalf of the Board of Trustees        my board colleagues who donate           restrictions on our operations, and     seasonal staff has been a loss to our     Social Enterprise Income | $8,774,752
                                     been left unchanged.                I wish to thank all of our amazing        their time and endless wisdom as         the closure of our accommodation        large residential camp and we hope
                                     However, out of tragedy has come members, guests and clients who              we hold the mantle of kaitiakitanga      for refurbishment in the latter part    that one day we can welcome the
                                                                                                                   for the YMCA, it is a responsibility     of the year reduced our income          diversity of experience and                                              Programmes & Services
                                     incredible opportunity. The         have continued to support the
                                                                                                                   none of us take lightly and we all       overall compared to the previous        knowledge from other YMCA                                                Donations
                                     government’s support of our         vision of the YMCA with their
As for undoubtedly every                                                                                           hold it as an honour to serve the        year by $2 million. Despite this we     centres across the globe again.                                          Other Income*
                                     central city site’s masterplan      patronage across our sites. Our
organisation, this last year has                                                                                   people of Christchurch in this way.      have done well. We have cut our                                                                                  Shovel Ready Grant
                                     through their Shovel Ready Fund     gratitude also extends to our                                                                                              Despite what has been a wild year
been one of significant upheaval     has provided us the ability to      many, many volunteers who have            This next year will, of course, also     cloth, adjusted how we operate, and     with many uncertainties, our                                         *wage subsidy, rent
for the Christchurch YMCA across reposition the YMCA for our post- continued to give their time                    be one of uncertainty but the            found new ways of continuing to         bottom line before depreciation
every aspect of our operations.      Covid future, and ensure we stay    amidst the challenges and                 resilience and tenacity that the         serve our community despite the         finished on a reasonable $305,399
From the impact of restricted        relevant and able to invest in the  uncertainty in their own lives. To        YMCA family have shown over the          significant challenges. We have also    – testament to the hard work of our
travel on our accommodation          next generation for the next 159    our amazing team, led by our              last 12 months provides me with          been the fortunate recipient of a       staff and the loyalty of our
offering and international           years. It is incredibly exciting to incredible CEO, who all dug deep,         great comfort that we will continue      ‘shovel ready’ grant and                thousands of participants.                Social Investment Costs | $8,469,353
volunteers, to revised operating     see the designs for these           pivoted and sacrificed so much to         to invest in the next generation for     concessionary loan ($21.5 milion
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The government’s wage subsidy
procedures being required across buildings progress and to imagine ensure the YMCA remained                        many years to come.                      respectively, a total of $43 million)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    initiative was critical to our survival                                  Wages
our early learning centre, indoor    the impact that these spaces will   operable during the hardest                                                        which is going to set our YMCA up
                                                                                                                   Nga mihi nui.                                                                    with subsidies received of just over
rock climbing facilities, 4C Centre, be able to have on the lives of     month, our sincerest thanks go out                                                 for the future – not just in terms of                                                                            Programmes & Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                    $1 million. We are likewise very
                                                                                                                                                            our built assets but also in terms of                                                                            Shovel Ready Build Costs
                                                                                                                                                                                                    grateful for philanthropic support
                                                                                                                                                            our relevance and significance in
                                                                                                                                                            Christchurch as the city continues
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from individuals and foundations,                                        Depreciation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    which was slightly down on 2020
                                        From the Chief                                                                                                      to reinvent itself post earthquakes.                                                                             Operational Overheads*
                                                                                                                                                                                                    but nevertheless a significant
                                                                                                                                                            As an organisation we have had to       $904,151.                                                            *interest, maintenance, insurance, power, etc

                                        Executive Officer                                                                                                   change our operations particularly
                                                                                                                                                            in terms of our staffing at our camp                                                  You can find our full accounts on our website:
                                        Josie Ogden Schroeder
                                       even more critical that we work       are vast differences about how         exaggerated, perhaps, the fear and
                                       with others – with resources          this lands. It is also a reminder     anxiety that the pandemic caused.
                                       generally thin on the ground, it is   that if an organisation can foster    So, for an organisation that employs
                                       important to have champions,          systems, processes and a culture      a lot of staff and provides
                                       partners and collaborators. I have    amongst it’s people that change is    important and very diverse services
A lot of things were learned and       a sense that the YMCA is bringing     ‘ok’ and adaptability represents      and programmes to hundreds of
achieved in 2020 which has put         along with us an army of people       progress (rather than a threat) –     thousands of families, that runs a
the YMCA on an exciting path of        who want to help make a               then that organisation will be        business model with minimal
progress and development. This         difference to the way our society     more resilient over time.             ‘reserves’ for a rainy day – the
path will future proof our             supports one another.                 In Christchurch we also               challenge of Covid was large. I am
programmes and services, our                                                 remembered ten years since the        very grateful to the commitment
                                       Of course we’ve had our
relevance in our community, and                                              first large earthquake in 2010,       and determination of our people,
                                       vulnerability highlighted in the
our ability to deliver in innovative                                         and the more devastating quakes       and for the loyalty of our
                                       past year. The way that Covid has
ways for the next century. We are                                            in 2011. It seems odd perhaps to      participants. In particular our health
                                       impacted the entire globe has
enormously excited about the                                                 those who were not living in          & fitness members deserve a
                                       been devastating and deeply
future and the impact we can have                                            Christchurch at that time that this   mention here – their understanding
                                       unsettling for humanity: we all

on society in general.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         i n
                                                                                                                   of our circumstances was

                                       worry for the future and this         event is still such a fresh memory.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           y ,  C  a
Organisations of course do not                                                                                     heartening and profound.

                                       ‘threat’ leaves us unable to plan     Lockdowns and endless media
create impact on their own – they ahead. Therefore we must be able           attacks in relation to Covid          He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         o n s i b i l i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   e s p                                  aitia
make them by carefully forging         to adapt on the fly – not something   brought these memories to the         tangata. Goodwill towards others is
relationships that are win-win with that is easy for families, let alone     surface for many , a sort of mass-    a precious treasure.

                                                                                                                                                                                         p e c t , R                                                        u , A t a w h
                                                                                                                                                                                 ty, Res
others, and collectively seeking       large organisations. Everyone         community triggering effect that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                a w e n g a At
                                                                                                                                                            Honespono, Whakanuia te T
out ways to exponentially              copes differently, so it is no

increase the overall benefits that surprise that when an entire
decisions and choices unlock. In       population is having to adapt there

                                                                                         h . o r g . n
the context of a not for profit, it is
                                                                                                                                                            Te Whak
Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri
From the YMCA
                                        Board of Trustees                                                                                                   Financial Performance
                                        James Stewart (President)                                                                                           Year Ended January 2021
                                     Papa Hou, gyms, recreation centre those who need it most.                     to you. Finally, a special thanks to     The impact of Covid related             at Wainui. The loss of international
                                     and school camps, very little has   On behalf of the Board of Trustees        my board colleagues who donate           restrictions on our operations, and     seasonal staff has been a loss to our     Social Enterprise Income | $8,774,752
                                     been left unchanged.                I wish to thank all of our amazing        their time and endless wisdom as         the closure of our accommodation        large residential camp and we hope
                                     However, out of tragedy has come members, guests and clients who              we hold the mantle of kaitiakitanga      for refurbishment in the latter part    that one day we can welcome the
                                                                                                                   for the YMCA, it is a responsibility     of the year reduced our income          diversity of experience and                                              Programmes & Services
                                     incredible opportunity. The         have continued to support the
                                                                                                                   none of us take lightly and we all       overall compared to the previous        knowledge from other YMCA                                                Donations
                                     government’s support of our         vision of the YMCA with their
As for undoubtedly every                                                                                           hold it as an honour to serve the        year by $2 million. Despite this we     centres across the globe again.                                          Other Income*
                                     central city site’s masterplan      patronage across our sites. Our
organisation, this last year has                                                                                   people of Christchurch in this way.      have done well. We have cut our                                                                                  Shovel Ready Grant
                                     through their Shovel Ready Fund     gratitude also extends to our                                                                                              Despite what has been a wild year
been one of significant upheaval     has provided us the ability to      many, many volunteers who have            This next year will, of course, also     cloth, adjusted how we operate, and     with many uncertainties, our                                         *wage subsidy, rent
for the Christchurch YMCA across reposition the YMCA for our post- continued to give their time                    be one of uncertainty but the            found new ways of continuing to         bottom line before depreciation
every aspect of our operations.      Covid future, and ensure we stay    amidst the challenges and                 resilience and tenacity that the         serve our community despite the         finished on a reasonable $305,399
From the impact of restricted        relevant and able to invest in the  uncertainty in their own lives. To        YMCA family have shown over the          significant challenges. We have also    – testament to the hard work of our
travel on our accommodation          next generation for the next 159    our amazing team, led by our              last 12 months provides me with          been the fortunate recipient of a       staff and the loyalty of our
offering and international           years. It is incredibly exciting to incredible CEO, who all dug deep,         great comfort that we will continue      ‘shovel ready’ grant and                thousands of participants.                Social Investment Costs | $8,469,353
volunteers, to revised operating     see the designs for these           pivoted and sacrificed so much to         to invest in the next generation for     concessionary loan ($21.5 milion
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The government’s wage subsidy
procedures being required across buildings progress and to imagine ensure the YMCA remained                        many years to come.                      respectively, a total of $43 million)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    initiative was critical to our survival                                  Wages
our early learning centre, indoor    the impact that these spaces will   operable during the hardest                                                        which is going to set our YMCA up
                                                                                                                   Nga mihi nui.                                                                    with subsidies received of just over
rock climbing facilities, 4C Centre, be able to have on the lives of     month, our sincerest thanks go out                                                 for the future – not just in terms of                                                                            Programmes & Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                    $1 million. We are likewise very
                                                                                                                                                            our built assets but also in terms of                                                                            Shovel Ready Build Costs
                                                                                                                                                                                                    grateful for philanthropic support
                                                                                                                                                            our relevance and significance in
                                                                                                                                                            Christchurch as the city continues
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from individuals and foundations,                                        Depreciation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    which was slightly down on 2020
                                        From the Chief                                                                                                      to reinvent itself post earthquakes.                                                                             Operational Overheads*
                                                                                                                                                                                                    but nevertheless a significant
                                                                                                                                                            As an organisation we have had to       $904,151.                                                            *interest, maintenance, insurance, power, etc

                                        Executive Officer                                                                                                   change our operations particularly
                                                                                                                                                            in terms of our staffing at our camp                                                  You can find our full accounts on our website:
                                        Josie Ogden Schroeder
                                       even more critical that we work       are vast differences about how         exaggerated, perhaps, the fear and
                                       with others – with resources          this lands. It is also a reminder     anxiety that the pandemic caused.
                                       generally thin on the ground, it is   that if an organisation can foster    So, for an organisation that employs
                                       important to have champions,          systems, processes and a culture      a lot of staff and provides
                                       partners and collaborators. I have    amongst it’s people that change is    important and very diverse services
A lot of things were learned and       a sense that the YMCA is bringing     ‘ok’ and adaptability represents      and programmes to hundreds of
achieved in 2020 which has put         along with us an army of people       progress (rather than a threat) –     thousands of families, that runs a
the YMCA on an exciting path of        who want to help make a               then that organisation will be        business model with minimal
progress and development. This         difference to the way our society     more resilient over time.             ‘reserves’ for a rainy day – the
path will future proof our             supports one another.                 In Christchurch we also               challenge of Covid was large. I am
programmes and services, our                                                 remembered ten years since the        very grateful to the commitment
                                       Of course we’ve had our
relevance in our community, and                                              first large earthquake in 2010,       and determination of our people,
                                       vulnerability highlighted in the
our ability to deliver in innovative                                         and the more devastating quakes       and for the loyalty of our
                                       past year. The way that Covid has
ways for the next century. We are                                            in 2011. It seems odd perhaps to      participants. In particular our health
                                       impacted the entire globe has
enormously excited about the                                                 those who were not living in          & fitness members deserve a
                                       been devastating and deeply
future and the impact we can have                                            Christchurch at that time that this   mention here – their understanding
                                       unsettling for humanity: we all

on society in general.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         i n
                                                                                                                   of our circumstances was

                                       worry for the future and this         event is still such a fresh memory.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           y ,  C  a
Organisations of course do not                                                                                     heartening and profound.

                                       ‘threat’ leaves us unable to plan     Lockdowns and endless media
create impact on their own – they ahead. Therefore we must be able           attacks in relation to Covid          He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         o n s i b i l i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   e s p                                  aitia
make them by carefully forging         to adapt on the fly – not something   brought these memories to the         tangata. Goodwill towards others is
relationships that are win-win with that is easy for families, let alone     surface for many , a sort of mass-    a precious treasure.

                                                                                                                                                                                         p e c t , R                                                        u , A t a w h
                                                                                                                                                                                 ty, Res
others, and collectively seeking       large organisations. Everyone         community triggering effect that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                a w e n g a At
                                                                                                                                                            Honespono, Whakanuia te T
out ways to exponentially              copes differently, so it is no

increase the overall benefits that surprise that when an entire
decisions and choices unlock. In       population is having to adapt there

                                                                                         h . o r g . n
the context of a not for profit, it is
                                                                                                                                                            Te Whak
Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri
Our Purpose
Socially Sustainable Service - investing in the next generation
As mentioned in the financial report, the        The YMCA is a charitable trust but we        branding in order to better tell this Robin
YMCA in October signed a contract with           operate on a social enterprise model.        Hood story. Hotel Give will be proudly
Crown Infrastructure Partners of the NZ          What this means is that some aspects of      YMCA operated and our customers will
Government which is enabling us to               our work (specifically accommodation         understand that their choice to stay at
significantly improve and build on our           most of all) earn surplus income for us to   Hotel Give is a way of ‘giving back’ to our
asset base. This is a game changer for our       then spend on enhancing programmes for       local community. We see this as an
organisation as we have always struggled         people of Christchurch. It also enables us   opportunity to tell our social enterprise
to invest in our capital assets due to tight     to keep our fees down (for example in        story and to appeal to the socially
cashflows and the difficult task of              Health & Fitness), to upgrade and improve    conscious shopper who believes in
building up cash reserves. Arguably, over        our equipment, to honour and recognise       investing in social causes, programmes
the past 20 or so years, our site at 12          our staff and so on. Without a surplus       and services – while still providing them a
Hereford Street has not been optimised           generating arm we would not be able to do    great night's sleep.
from a revenue generation perspective.           a large proportion of what we do.            For more about our building project see
Profit the Y can generate directly               With the re-opening of accommodation in
dictates the level of social investment          June 2021 we are excited to also be re-
(programmes and services) we can
provide the community.

Total Participations
227,333 per annum
                           Health & Fitness
                           Outdoor Education

Total People
77,040 per annum

                           Young People

Key Funders

The J I Urquhart Charitable Trust      The Elizabeth Ball Charitable Trust
Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri Investing in the Next Generation Reanga mō muri
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