IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...

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IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...
IPD Exporters of natural
ingredients for cosmetics                                                  VISIT US
                                                                          AT BOOTH

                                                                           A 59


IPD connects you with reliable exporters from Côte d’Ivoire, Colombia,
Ecuador, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Namibia, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan.

      Make an appointment!
IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...
                                              Be Karité        12

IPD TEAM                      5

                                              Bioingred Tech   13
IPD PARTNERS                  6
                                              Sanam Company    14

PRODUCT FINDER                8
                                              Aroma Santo      15
                                              Uyamafarms       16

IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...
ETHIOPIA                                     NAMIBIA
            Tchakka Origins            17             Taneta Investment       27

INDONESIA                                    UZBEKISTAN
            Aroma Atsiri               18             Paradise Flora          28
            Indosains Essential Oils   19
            Javagri                    20
            MB Agro Plus               21
                                             IPD PARTNER CEPEX PRESENTS
            Mignon Sista               22   RELIABLE EXPORTERS FROM TUNISIA   29
            Mitra Ayu                  23
            Pelangi Harum Nusantara    24
            Pemalang Agro Wangi        25
            Tharwa Barokah Abadi       26

IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...

Import Promotion Desk (IPD)
                                                                                                                              AT BOOTH

Open up new markets and find reliable business partners                                                                       AA 59

If you are an importer looking for reliable suppliers of natural       Our mediation is neutral, quality-conscious and
ingredients and want to open up new supply sources, then               free of charge.
Import Promotion Desk (IPD), the initiative for import promotion,      On the following pages we present selected companies from
will support you.                                                      Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia,
On your behalf, we undertake the international sourcing                Namibia, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan, offering their diverse range
of reliable trade partners in selected partner countries.              of natural ingredients for personal care products.

We identify highly promising producers for you who are able to         We establish direct contact to these new suppliers and organise
reliably meet the demand on the European market. We prepare the        b2b meetings for you.
suppliers thoroughly for the EU market: considering factors such as    Get in touch with us!
product quality, exportability, export capacity, and compliance with
international standards and certification.                             IPD is an initiative of the Federation of German Wholesale,
We introduce you to the carefully evaluated companies at trade fairs   Foreign Trade and Services (BGA) and sequa, the development
in Europe or during virtual b2b events. Thanks to our preparation,     organisation and partner of German business.
you will meet business partners who know what is important to          We are funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
European importers.                                                    and Development (BMZ).

                                                                       In line with our development policy objective, we aim to increase
                                                                       exports from partner countries, promote innovation and higher
                                                                       value creation in order to contribute towards sustainable economic
                                                                       development in partner countries.

                                                                       More information information about IPD and our individual services at

IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...
Your IPD Team

                      MARÍA PAULA GÓMEZ SALAMANCA           ANGIE MARTINEZ                    MARIA KAPIL
                      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets         IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets     sequa gGmbH
                      (Ecuador)                             (Indonesia, Sri Lanka)            Project Director Import Promotion
                      Phone: + 49 30 590 099 567            Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573        (Namibia)
                      gomez@importpromotiondesk.de          martinez@importpromotiondesk.de   Phone: + 49 228 98238 868

                      SHAKHNOZA KURBANALIEVA                CAROLINE MORAZA
                      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets         IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                      (Ukraine, Uzbekistan)                 (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Tunisia)
                      Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 321          Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 322
                      kurbanalieva@importpromotiondesk.de   moraza@importpromotiondesk.de

                      TABEA MACK                            LAURA SCHIEFER
                      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets         IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                      (Colombia)                            (Ethiopia)                        GET IN TOUCH WITH US!
                      Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 65           Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 320
                      mack@importpromotiondesk.de           schiefer@importpromotiondesk.de
                                                                                              WE CONNECT YOU WITH
                                                                                              RELIABLE SUPPLIERS.

Project Office Bonn   Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 0
c/o sequa gGmbH       info@importpromotiondesk.de
Alexanderstraße 10    www.importpromotiondesk.de
D-53111 Bonn

IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...
IPD Partners
                                                                                                The Netherlands

IPD works with a network of international organisations in Europe and our partner countries.
Thus we efficiently pool information and know-how.
                                                                                                   CENTRE FOR THE PROMOTION
This enables us to link existing import and export promotion measures and carry out                OF IMPORTS FROM
                                                                                                   DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
their strategic further development. Our partnerships always make it possible for us
to match all services of IPD to the needs of importers and exporters exactly and
then carry out our services optimally at any place.


                                                                                                Côte d’Ivoire

    https://corpei.org                                                                             CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE &
                                                                                                   D’INDUSTRIE DE CÔTE
                                                                        Colombia                   D’IVOIRE, CÔTE D’IVOIRE

    DE EXPORTADORES,              PROECUADOR,                              PRO COLOMBIA,           CONSEIL NATIONAL DES
    ECUADOR                       ECUADOR                                  COLOMBIA                EXPORTATIONS, CÔTE D’IVOIRE
    www.fedexpor.com              www.proecuador.gob.ec                    www.procolombia.co

IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...

                                                                           AGENCE DE PROMOTION
                                                                           DES INVESTISSEMENTS     CENTRE DE PROMOTION
                                                                           AGRICOLES (APIA),       DES EXPORTATIONS (CEPEX),
                                                                           TUNISIA                 TUNISIA
                                                                           www.apia.com.tn         www.cepex.nat.tn


                                                                                                   EXPORT PROMOTION AGENCY,

Ethiopia                     Indonesia

    ETHIOPIA                    INDONESIA                  OF REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA
    www.addischamber.com        www.itpchamburg.de         https://kemenperin.go.id

IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...
Product Finder
OTHER PLANT MATERIALS                                                   ESSENTIAL OILS

Avocado seed |                      Oregano |                           Aframomum corrorima |             Cinnamon bark |
Uyamafarms (Ecuador)          16   Paradise Flora (Uzbekistan)   28   Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)   17   Mitra Ayu (Indonesia)      23
Avocado skin |                      Peppermint |                        Aloysia triphylla |               Citronella |
Uyamafarms (Ecuador)          16   Paradise Flora (Uzbekistan)   28   Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)   17   Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)   18
                                                                                                          Indosains (Indonesia)      19
Cardamom |                          Vanilla bean |                      Cajeput |
                                                                                                          Javagri (Indonesia)        20
Mignon Sista (Indonesia)      22   Mignon Sista (Indonesia)      22   Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)    18
                                                                                                          Mignon Sista (Indonesia)   22
                                                                        Indosains (Indonesia)       19
Clove |                             Yarrow |                                                              Mitra Ayu (Indonesia)      23
Mignon Sista (Indonesia)      22   Paradise Flora (Uzbekistan)   28   Cananga |                         Pelangi Harum Nusantara
                                                                        Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)    18   (Indonesia)                24
Hypericum perforatum |
                                                                        Indosains (Indonesia)       19   Pemalang Agro Wangi
Paradise Flora (Uzbekistan)   28
                                                                        Javagri (Indonesia)         20   (Indonesia)                25
Helianthus tuberosus |                                                  Pemalang Agro Wangi
                                                                                                          Clove |
Paradise Flora (Uzbekistan)   28                                       (Indonesia)                 25
                                                                                                          Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)   18
Nutmeg |                                                                                                  Indosains (Indonesia)      19
Mignon Sista (Indonesia)      22                                                                         Javagri (Indonesia)        20
                                                                                                          Mignon Sista (Indonesia)   22
                                                                                                          Pemalang Agro Wangi
                                                                                                          (Indonesia)                25

IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...

Eugenol |                         Lippia adoensis |                      Palo Santo |                     Sandalwood |
Javagri (Indonesia)         20   Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)      17     Aroma Santo (Ecuador)      15   Mignon Sista (Indonesia)   22
                                                                                                          Tharwa Barokah Abadi
Fresh ginger |                    Massoia bark |                         Patchouli |
                                                                                                          (Indonesia)                26
Mignon Sista (Indonesia)    22   Mignon Sista (Indonesia)       22     Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)   18
                                                                         Indosains (Indonesia)      19   Turmeric |
Ginger |                          Nutmeg |
                                                                         MB Plus Agro (Indonesia)   21   Indosains (Indonesia)      19
Indosains (Indonesia)       19   Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)       18
                                                                         Mignon Sista (Indonesia)   22
                                  Indosains (Indonesia)          19                                      Vetiver |
Gurjun balsam |                                                          Mitra Ayu (Indonesia)      23
                                  MB Plus Agro (Indonesia)       21                                      Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)   18
Aroma Atsiri (Indonesia)    18                                          Pemalang Agro Wangi
                                  Mignon Sista (Indonesia)       22                                      Indosains (Indonesia)      19
                                                                         (Indonesia)                25
Kaffir lime |                     Mitra Ayu (Indonesia)          23                                      Mignon Sista (Indonesia)   22
                                                                         Tharwa Barokah Abadi
Javagri (Indonesia)         20   Pemalang Agro Wangi                                                     Mitra Ayu (Indonesia)      23
                                                                         (Indonesia)                26
Pemalang Agro Wangi               (Indonesia)                    25
(Indonesia)                 25                                          Piper betle |
                                                                         Indosains (Indonesia)      19
Lemongrass |
Indosains (Indonesia)       19
Pelangi Harum Nusantara
(Indonesia)                 24
Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)   17
Tharwa Barokah Abadi
(Indonesia)                 26

9                                 Companies marked green offer the product in organic quality.
IPD Exporters of natural ingredients for cosmetics - Import ...
Product Finder


BioEmulsion acai |                BioEmulsion coffee cherry |        Functional blend acai,             Coffee fruit concentrate |
Bioingred Tech (Colombia)   13   Bioingred Tech (Colombia)    13   bixa & araza |                     Sanam Company (Colombia)    14
                                                                     Bioingred Tech (Colombia)    13
BioEmulsion avocado |             BioEmulsion menthol |                                                 Gambir extract |
Bioingred Tech (Colombia)   13   Bioingred Tech (Colombia)    13   Functional blend calendula,        Tharwa Barokah Abadi
                                                                     chamomile & aloe |                 (Indonesia)                 26
BioEmulsion cacao |               BioEmulsion CBD |
                                                                     Bioingred Tech (Colombia)    13
Bioingred Tech (Colombia)   13   Bioingred Tech (Colombia)    13                                      Ginger |
                                                                     Functional blend green tea,        Javagri (Indonesia)         20
BioEmulsion coconut |
                                                                     green coffee & purple |
Bioingred Tech (Colombia)   13                                                                         Turmeric |
                                                                     Bioingred Tech (Colombia)    13
                                                                                                        Javagri (Indonesia)         20
                                                                     Functional blend lulo, golden
                                                                     berry & passion fruit |
                                                                     Bioingred Tech (Colombia)    13

OILS & BUTTER                                                         OTHER

Extra virgin avocado oil |          Nigelia sativa oil |              Aframomum corrorima                     Lemongrass distillate |
Uyamafarms (Ecuador)          16   Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)   17   distillate |                            Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)      17
                                                                      Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)       17
Shea butter |                                                                                                 Lippia adoensis distillate |
Be Karité (Côte d’Ivoire)     12                                     Aloysia triphylla distillate |          Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)      17
                                                                      Tchakka Origins (Ethopia)       17
Marula oil |                                                                                                  Massoia lactone |
Taneta Investment (Namibia)   27                                     Konjac powder |                         Mitra Ayu (Indonesia)          23
                                                                      Tharwa Barokah Abadi
                                                                                                              Methyl cinnamate |
                                                                      (Indonesia)                     26
                                                                                                              Mitra Ayu (Indonesia)          23
                                                                                                              Patchouli crystal |
                                                                                                              Tharwa Barokah Abadi
                                                                                                              (Indonesia)                    26
                                                                                                              Shea almond (nuts) |
                                                                                                              Be Karité (Côte d’Ivoire)      12

11                                                                                   Companies marked green offer the product in organic quality.
Be Karité

Based in the north of Côte d’Ivoire, in Korhogo, Be Karité is a company that supplies         ADDRESS
                                                                                              Be Karité
the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries with natural shea almonds and                rue des Jardins Cocody 06
shea butter worldwide. Be Karité collaborates with cooperatives of women from                 Bp 1887 Abidjan
                                                                                              Côte d’Ivoire
precarious social backgrounds who collect shea nuts and produce artisanal shea                Phone: + 225 077 934 2084
butter without additives. Its objective is to take an active part in the empowerment          Phone: + 33 751 872 466
of women in Côte d’Ivoire by integrating its producers into the value chain according
to international criteria. Its goal is to improve their living conditions and create wealth   Ms. Diane Ouattara
by reducing the intermediaries between producers and international industries so              CEO
                                                                                              Phone: + 225 077 934 2084
that they benefit from the fruit of their hard work. Be Karité is responsible for all the     diane.ouattara@bekarite.com
operations involved: collection, production, storage, processing and distribution of          contact@bekarite.com
its natural products. The corporate identity is built on ensuring the credibility of their
products through artisanal production and fair valuation of their partner cooperatives.       IPD CONTACT
                                                                                              For more information on the company
Be Karité is in the process of renewing its organic certification and obtaining fair trade    please contact Caroline Moraza
                                                                                              IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
certification. In order to preserve the environment, the company uses biodegradable           Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 322
and recyclable packaging for the appropriate conservation of the shea nuts and                moraza@importpromotiondesk.de

butter’s quality. Be Karité aims to fully satisfy your various orders by favouring value
for money and respecting terms of delivery.

+ Shea butter / 720 t                         + ORGANIC EU (in process)
+ Shea almond (nuts) / 1,440 t                + FAIRTRADE (in process)

+ Women’s Cooperatives in Korhogo,
  Côte d’Ivoire
12                                                                                                CÔTE D’IVOIRE
Bioingred Tech

Bioingred Tech is a Colombian company of natural active ingredients for the         ADDRESS
                                                                                    Bioingred Tech
personal care industry obtained through innovative processing technologies under    Street 46 No 41-69, Building
a sustainability model and supported by a partnership with Antioquia University.    A43, level 3, Itagui
It has three main lines of ingredients based on a combination of green chemistry,   Phone: + 57 427 715 75
nanotechnology and biotechnology (BioEmulsion®, Functional Blends & tailor-made     Bioingred@tig.com.co
Colombia offers a biodiversity of opportunities, contact Bioingred Tech to find     Dr. Luis Carlos Carrillo
out more about its portfolio of tropical and functional natural ingredients.        Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)
                                                                                    Phone: + 57 316 248 2373
+ BioEmulsion acai / 2 t                     + GMP implemented                      Mr. Jhon Henry Valencia
                                                                                    General Manager
+ BioEmulsion avocado / 3 t                  + ISO 9001: 2015 (in process)          Phone: + 57 301 242 3672
+ BioEmulsion cacao / 3 t                                                           jhonvalencia@tig.com.co

+ BioEmulsion coconut / 3 t                  SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL                 IPD CONTACT
+ BioEmulsion coffee cherry / 3 t            + 100 % (Wild) Colombian crops         For more information on the company
                                                                                    please contact Tabea Mack,
+ BioEmulsion menthol / 3 t                  + From farmer groups                   IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                                                                                    Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 65
+ BioEmulsion CBD / 1t                                                              mack@importpromotiondesk.de
+ Functional Blend green tea, green coffee
  and purple cacao / 3 t
+ Functional Blend acai, bixa & araza / 1t
+ Functional Blend lulo, golden berry &
  passion fruit / 3 t
+ Functional Blend calendula, chamomile &
  aloe / 3 t
+ Tailor-made ingredients (contact us)
13                                                                                          COLOMBIA
Sanam Company

Sanam is an innovative company focusing on the production and selling of                 ADDRESS
                                                                                         Sanam Company S.A.S
ingredients from the coffee cherry. They are a pioneer in applications and develop-      Carrera 46 No. 14-31 Sector
ments for the human nutrition, cosmetics or even agricultural fertilization industries   Monterrey
around the world. Sanam supplies coffee fruit concentrates that can be transformed       Colombia
                                                                                         Phone: + 57 455 740 69
in spray dried or freeze dried powders. Also, premixes can be prepared with other        www.sanam.company
taylor made formulas.
                                                                                         Ms. Catalina Murillo
Sanam’s patents are unique as they keep the best molecules from the pulp or              International Sales Director
husk and deliver them to help living beings to live better. Their ingredients are rich   Phone: + 57 311 616 98 94
in polyphenols, protein and natural carbohydrates without modifying the biological
integrity of the fruit.                                                                  IPD CONTACT
                                                                                         For more information on the company
                                                                                         please contact Tabea Mack,
Sanam is located in Colombia and Costa Rica, two of the best coffee quality              IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
producers.                                                                               Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 65

+ Coffee fruit concentrates / 1,600 t         + KOSHER
+ Premixes with taylor made formulas          + HACCP

+ Sourced directly from the coffee
  cherry fruit of the large coffee crops in
  Colombia and Costa Rica

14                                                                                              COLOMBIA
Aroma Santo

Aroma Santo, a family company founded in 2016, is a company dedicated                     ADDRESS
                                                                                          Aroma Santo
to the production of essential oil from Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens).                  Av. Orillas del Zamora y Segundo
It is of particular interest to state that the base raw material of their product is      Puertas Moreno.
the Fruit of the Palo Santo tree.                                                         Phone: + 593 997 614 032
                                                                                          Fax: + 593 7258 4886
They ponder the enormous benefits that their product offers, considered an                www.aromasanto.com

ancestral botanical treasure. Its aromatic, analgesic, antiseptic and anti inflammatory   CONTACT
properties have made it a unique product of its kind.                                     Mr. Ramiro Córdova Vivanco
                                                                                          Exports & Worldwide Sales
                                                                                          Phone: + 593 997 614 032
Aroma Santo, has its main legal and administrative headquarters in Loja, Ecuador.         ramiro@aromasanto.com
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR                 CERTIFICATIONS                             IPD CONTACT
+ Palo Santo essential oil from                + ORGANIC EU (in process)                  For more information on the
                                                                                          company please contact
  the fruit / 1t                               + ARCSA (Ec)                               María Paula Gómez Salamanca
                                                                                          IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                                                                                          Phone: + 49 30 590 099 567
SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL                                                                    gomez@importpromotiondesk.de
+ Fruit of the Palo Santo tree

15                                                                                                ECUADOR
                                                                                                            FARMS S.A

Uyamafarms is an Ecuadorian family company dedicated to the production of               ADDRESS
                                                                                        Uyamafarms S.A.
avocado fruit. The extraction factory makes avocado oil from the seeds and leaves.      Km 9 Carretera Mascarilla,
The oil is extracted through a cold-centrifuge process that preserves all of the        Mira, Carchi
nutrients, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins from the avocado fruit.     Phone: + 593 98 534 1805
This makes it one of the best ingredients not only for human consumption, but also      ventas@uyamafarms.com.ec

for natural cosmetics. Uyamafarms offers the freshest all-natural avocado-derived       CONTACT
                                                                                        Maria Clara Dávalos
products, ethically sourced and with 100 % traceability. Tailor-made for the natural    Phone: + 593 992 226 666
cosmetic industry, especially for those looking for non-chemically processed ingredi-   mcdavalos@uyamafarms.com.ec

ents.                                                                                   IPD CONTACT
                                                                                        For more information on the
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR              CERTIFICATIONS                              company please contact
                                                                                        María Paula Gómez Salamanca
+ Extra virgin avocado oil / 50 t           +   USDA ORGANIC                            IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                                                                                        Phone: + 49 30 590 099 567
+ Avocado seed / 1t                         +   CANADA ORGANIC                          gomez@importpromotiondesk.de
+ Avocado skin and seed / 10 t              +   EU ORGANIC
                                            +   GMP
+ Ecuadorian family-owned
  avocado farm and factory

16                                                                                             ECUADOR
Tchakka Origins

Founded in 2019, Tchakka Origins is a specialty natural ingredients enterprise          ADDRESS
                                                                                        Tchakka Origins
focused on personal care and wellness products from Ethiopian indigenous plants.        PO BOX 114
                                                                                        Addis Ababa
By sourcing directly and in partnership with smallholder farming communities in         Ethiopia
                                                                                        Phone: + 251 911 231 376
Ethiopia’s forested and biodiverse areas, including Kafa Biosphere Reserve,             feven.tsehaye@tchakkaorigins.com
Yayu Biosphere Reserve and Greater Bale, Tchakka Origins works to change the            www.tchakkaorigins.com

way business is done. The enterprise is embedded in the belief that ecologically        CONTACT
and socially impactful businesses can change the course of climate change,              Ms. Feven Tsehaye
                                                                                        Founder and CEO
while creating new ways of sustainably consuming plant-based products.                  Phone: + 251 911 231 376
This is why Tchakka Origins crafts special essential and fatty oils, floral waters,
                                                                                        IPD CONTACT
dried herbs and ground spices from a range of plant base materials, with focus on       For more information on the company
                                                                                        please contact Laura Schiefer
indigenous plant species. By working in the ecosystems that we are dependent on,        IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
promoting organic agroforestry, selecting naturally high-performing and nutrient-rich   Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 320
plant base materials, Tchakka Origins wants to change the climate consideration for
the personal care and wellness markets.

+ Nigella sativa fatty oil / 8,700 l            + Partner smallholder farmers in the
+ Aframomum corrorima oil and distillate/         Kafa Biosphere Reserve (all women)
  100 l                                         + Partner smallholder farmers in
+ Aloysia triphylla oil and distillate / 20 l     Greater Bale
+ Lippia adoensis oil and distillate / 20 l     + Partner smallholder farmers in
+ Cymbopogon citratus oil and                     Yayu Biosphere Reserve
  distillate / 20 l
17                                                                                              ETHIOPIA
Aroma Atsiri

Aroma Atsiri Indonesia (AAI) provides 100 % pure & natural Indonesian origin essen-    ADDRESS
                                                                                       PT Aroma Atsiri Indonesia
tial oils and derivatives. AAI believes that the best quality of products comes from   Jl. Tlajung Udik No.Km 3.5, Tlajung
selecting the best raw materials, the right processes, and the best technology.        Udik, Gunung Putri, Bogor,
                                                                                       West Java 16962,
Adhering to this principle AAI ensures, that everything at AAI is fully integrated.    Indonesia
The company’s continuous heavy investment in innovative technology brings them         info@aromaatsiri.com

at the forefront of modern advancements, allowing AAI to create new products and       CONTACT
keep production costs to a minimum.                                                    Ms. Arti Sharma
                                                                                       Director (Shareholder)
                                                                                       Phone: + 62 815 878 3101
AAI’s research team aims to discover new and improved distillation techniques and      artis@aromaatsiri.com
assists growers with good farming practices. With a well-equipped and advanced
                                                                                       IPD CONTACT
lab for the quality check of their processes, the company serves the customers with    For more information on the company
                                                                                       please contact Angie Martinez
a consistent and fully traceable supply of quality products.                           IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                                                                                       Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR             CERTIFICATIONS                              martinez@importpromotiondesk.de

+   Patchouli oil / 300-350 mt             + ISO22000:2018
+   Clove oil / 250-300 mt                 + KOSHER
+   Nutmeg oil / 40-50 mt                  + HALAL
+   Cananga oil / 2-3 mt
+   Citronella oil / 200 mt                SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+   Vetiver oil / 4-5 mt                   + Java
+   Cajeput oil / 4-5 mt                   + Sumatra
+   Gurjun balsam oil / 100-120 mt         + Sulawesi                                              Japan

18                                                                                            INDONESIA
Indosains Essential Oils

Indosains Essential Oils (Indosains Niaga Sejahtera) supplies typical Indonesian            ADDRESS
                                                                                            PT Indosains Niaga Sejahtera
essential oils by assuring high-quality standards and purity.                               Bumi Cempaka Asri,
                                                                                            Padalarang District, Bandung
The company’s principles consist of its dedication to product excellence, customer          West Java
satisfaction, enlightenment, and wellness. Their essential oils can be used for             Indonesia
                                                                                            Phone: + 62 22 301 722 80
aromatherapy, all-natural perfumes, home scenting, or bath and body items.

All raw material entering to Indosains is collected from Indonesian farmers and             CONTACT
distilled in their own distillation house. An additional level of quality assurance is in   Ms. Novy Lousiane
                                                                                            Sales Manager
place by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrum) testing essential oils.                   Phone: + 62 223 017 22 80
                                                                                            Phone: + 62 821 211 808 82

PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR                 CERTIFICATIONS                               lousiane_novy@indosains.com

+   Citronella oil / 4-8 t                     + HACCP                                      IPD CONTACT
                                                                                            For more information on the company
+   Clove leaf oil / 4-8 t                                                                  please contact Angie Martinez

+   Patchouli oil / 1t                         SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL                       IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                                                                                            Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573
+   Nutmeg / 500 kg                            + Own fields and from farmers in             martinez@importpromotiondesk.de

+   Cananga / > 5 t                              West Java, Sumatra and Mulukans
+   Cajuput oil / 500 kg
+   Vetiver oil / 100 kg
+   Lemongrass oil / 500 kg
+   Piper betle oil / 100 kg
+   Turmeric oil / 50 kg                                                                                Japan
+   Clove stern oil
+   Ginger oil

19                                                                                                 INDONESIA

Javagri is an upcoming Indonesian family-owned producer of essential oils, aromatic        ADDRESS
chemicals and plant extracts for local and international flavour & fragrance industries,   Jl. Tlogo Bedah No 11, Hulaan
founded in Gresik, East Java, Indonesia in 2014. East Java is a region with tremen-        Gresik, East Java
dous biodiversity of flora and fauna, that enables Javagri to work closely with regional   Phone: + 62 811 311 29 97
                                                                                           Phone: + 62 812 345 111 50
farmers to produce the purest and most sustainable natural ingredients. The Indo-          info@javagri.com
nesian-derived and produced essential oil, extracts and aromatic chemicals are in          www.javagri.com
continuous development to meet and uphold a strict international quality and safety        CONTACT
standards.                                                                                 Ms. Felita Arisandy
As a young company, it is crucial for Javagri to actively innovate and evolve its ways     Phone: + 628 113 112 997
of operation, products, qualities and technologies to meet the local and international     Felita@javagri.com

customers demands; and to continuously enhance resources to increase Javagri’s             Mr. Robertson Arisandy
capability in offering the best solutions.                                                 Phone: + 628 123 451 1150
Javagri is dedicated to deliver the best quality, efficiency, innovation sustainably       Robertson@javagri.com

throughout the whole supply chain. Its focus is to enrich the quality of life of all       IPD CONTACT
aspects; economically, environmentally and socially.                                       For more information on the company
                                                                                           please contact Angie Martinez
                                                                                           IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR               CERTIFICATIONS                                Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573
+   Eugenol 85 / 8 t                         + ISO 22000 (mid 2022)
+   Clove oil / 10 t
+   Citonella oil / 2 t                      SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+   Cananga oil / 2 t                        + East Java farmers
+   Kaffir lime oil / 0.5 t
+   Ginger / turmeric extract –
    capacity in total / 1 t
20                                                                                                INDONESIA
MB Plus Agro

MB Plus Agro is a company established in 2008 with the core objective to deliver        ADDRESS
                                                                                        PT MB Plus Agro
spices and essential oils to their valuable customer. They own plantations of various   Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo No.45
crops in West Java, Indonesia. MB Plus works hard, starting from the plantation         H DKI Jakarta 12810
process until the production of their essential oils. Since they cover the complete     Phone: + 62 218 303 953
value chain, they can manage and ensure high-quality products, resulting in             http://mbplusagro.co.id

improved total customer satisfaction.                                                   CONTACT
                                                                                        Mr. Ismatullah
MB Plus’s mission is to enrich people’s lives by crafting the best natural products     Operations Manager
                                                                                        Phone: + 62 812 249 441 34
through business practices that benefit communities and the environment.                ismatullah@mbplusagro.co.id

                                                                                        For more information on the company
+ Patchouli essential oils / 27 t           + Company own plantation                    please contact Angie Martinez
+ Nutmeg essential oils / 35 t                                                          IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                                                                                        Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573


21                                                                                            INDONESIA
Mignon Sista

Founded in 2010, Mignon Sista is an Indonesian company specialized in essential        ADDRESS
                                                                                       Mignon Sista International
oils and spices. Its products are 100 % pure and natural, originally produced from     Jl. Raya GBHN no 120
the rich irreplaceable and bountiful nature of Indonesia. The facility is equipped     Desa Bojongnangka, Kab Bogor
                                                                                       Indonesia 16963
according with international standards to ensure that the product quality is meeting   Phone: + 62 218 671 068
                                                                                       Fax: + 62 218 672 125
customer’s requirements.                                                               www.mignon-international.com

Mignon’s vision focuses on the organic farming of its main products. The purpose       CONTACT
                                                                                       Ms. Liana Hardiyanto
is to make sustainable living as everybody’s mainstream. Mignon wants to move          Managing Director
towards a world where everyone can live well and be in peace with nature.              Phone: + 62 811 117 1425
                                                                                       IPD CONTACT
+ Essential oils / ≥ 100 t                  +   ISO 22000 : 2018                       For more information on the company
  + Patchouli                               +   KOSHER                                 please contact Angie Martinez
                                                                                       IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
  + Clove                                   +   HALAL                                  Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573
  + Citronella                              +   REACH
  + Fresh ginger                            +   SEDEX
  + Sandalwood                              +   FDA
  + Massoia bark
  + Vetiver                                 SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
  + Nutmeg                                  + Indonesian farmers
+ Vanilla beans / ≥ 10 t                      all over Indonesia
+ Cloves / ≥ 100 t                                                                                 Japan

+ Cardamom / ≥ 100 t
+ Nutmeg / ≥ 100 t

22                                                                                            INDONESIA
Mitra Ayu

Mitra is an innovative company that manufactures unique and high quality essential      ADDRESS
                                                                                        PT Mitra Ayu Adipratama
oils, oleoresins and natural isolates. All of its products are 100 % pure and natural   Jalan Parupuk Raya II No 67
and they are all exclusively of Indonesian origin.                                      Padang, West Sumatra
                                                                                        Phone: + 62 813 744 349 99
The slogan “Manufactured to Perfection” describes very well Mitra’s culture and         www.ptmitraayu.com
reputation as an innovative company that maximizes the use of state of the art
green manufacturing technologies (such as supercritical CO2 extraction, fractional      Ms. Jessica Kamal
                                                                                        Global Account Manager
distillation, and molecular distillations) to produce the best quality products.        Phone: + 1 770 906 0994
Commitment to ethical and sustainable business practice is one of Mitra’s               Jessica.kamal@ptmitraayu.com
core values besides safety, quality and passion. Even as a small family owned
                                                                                        IPD CONTACT
company, Mitra believes that through its plantation and its cooperation with            For more information on the company
                                                                                        please contact Angie Martinez
government, universities and farmers, it can incrementally make a better                IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
impact towards the environment and local community.                                     Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573

+   Massoia lactone / 15 t                  +   FSSC 22000
+   Patchouli oil / 100 t                   +   KOSHER
+   Citronella oil / 30 t                   +   HALAL
+   Nutmeg oil / 10 t                       +   REACH
+   Vetiver oil / 1t                        +   FDA
+   Cinnamon bark oil / 1t                                                                         Japan
+   Methyl cinnamate / 0.5 t                SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
                                            + Wild collection
                                            + Indonesian farmers
23                                          + Own plantation                                  INDONESIA
Pelangi Harum Nusantara

Pelangi Harum Nusantara (PHN) is an organic-based aromatic crops plantation and          ADDRESS
                                                                                         CV Pelangi Harum Nusantara
essential oils producer established in 2015, located in West Sumatra, Indonesia.         Jalan Bypass Km 25 Rt 004/ Rw 009
PHN count with 60 Hectares of cultivation area. The company started having as            Kelurahan Batipuh Panjang
                                                                                         Kecamatan Koto Tangah Kota
focus the plantation of Patchouly and Lemongrass (Citronella). After working in the      Padang Sumatera Barat
organic certification of the products, they expanded their portfolio with new products   Indonesia
                                                                                         Phone: + 62 751 485 36 04
like Ylang-ylang, Red Ginger, Cinnamon Ceylon, Vanilla, Clove, and Agarwood.
PHN’s vision is to become a reputable organic aromatic products company by               Mr. Effendy Halim
achieving internationally recognized organic certification and providing the best        Phone: + 62 751 485 3604
quality products to their customers worldwide. In addition, their mission is to open
job opportunities for agriculture in Sumatra.                                            IPD CONTACT
                                                                                         For more information on the company
                                                                                         please contact Angie Martinez
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR              CERTIFICATIONS                               IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
                                                                                         Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573
+ Citronella / 2.4 t                        + USDA ORGANIC                               martinez@importpromotiondesk.de
+ Lemongrass / 1.2 t                        + EU ORGANIC

+ Own plantation


24                                                                                             INDONESIA
Pemalang Agro Wangi

Since its inception, Pemalang Agro Wangi was established to develop the                  ADDRESS
                                                                                         PT Pemalang Agro Wangi
sustainability of the essential oil commodity and industry, especially Citronella Java   Puri Sriwedari E2, Depok
Oil. They continue to innovate and develop in order to produce good essential oils       West Java
and strive for a production process that promotes sustainability, ethical sourcing,      Phone: + 62 877 911 19 303
and environmental safety through a commitment to zero waste.
They are committed to delivering the highest quality with definite capacity to           Ms. Anggun Setianingrum
                                                                                         Phone: + 62 857 196 464 92
their clients worldwide. In doing so, the company expects from themselves,               anggun@pemalangagrowangi.com
their employees and their chain partners to act with integrity, and to be transparent,   marketing@pemalangagrowangi.com
responsible and committed to quality.                                                    IPD CONTACT
                                                                                         For more information on the company
                                                                                         please contact Angie Martinez
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR               CERTIFICATIONS                              IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
+   Citronella oil / 130 t                   + ORGANIC INOFICE                           Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573
+   Clove oil / 6 t                            (Indonesian Organic Farming
+   Patchouli oil, nutmeg oil / 1. 2 t         Certification)
+   Cananga oil, kaffir lime oil             + ISO 9001

+   Own productions
+   Padang farmers
+   Aceh farmers
+   Java farmers                                                                                    Japan

25                                                                                             INDONESIA
Tharwa Barokah Abadi

Tharwa Barokah Abadi is a high-quality manufacturer of essential oils including         ADDRESS
                                                                                        Tharwa Barokah Abadi
patchouli, sandalwood, cajeput and lemongrass. The company has its own distilla-        Jl. Kalimaya Raya L1 No. 12A
tion facilities for many of its oils and they work closely with farmers.                Metland Tambun – Bekasi 17510
TBA also supplies patchouli crystal with +99% purity.                                   Phone: + 62 21 8952 9574
                                                                                        Fax:     + 62 21 8953 0955
In addition to essential oils, they are a specialist processor of high quality Konjac   www.tharwabarokahabadi.co.id

Powder. This product is a gelling agent and has skin conditioning properties.           CONTACT
                                                                                        Mr. Syamas Akbar
Within their cosmetic ingredient range, they offer a new product, Gambir extract.       International Marketing Manager
                                                                                        Phone: + 628 950 329 388 1
This is a traditional ingredient from Indonesia with anti-aging properties.             syamas@tharwabarokahabadi.co.id
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR                SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL                    Mr. Agung Purwo Susilo
+   Lemongrass oil / 6 t                      + Local farmers                           Managing Director
                                                                                        Phone: + 628 131 796 159 9
+   Sandalwood oil / 1 t                      + Own production                          agung@tharwabarokahabadi.co.id
+   Patchouli oil / 100 t                     + Wide network across Indonesia
                                                                                        IPD CONTACT
+   Patchouli crystal / 10 t                                                            For more information on the company
                                                                                        please contact Angie Martinez
+   Konjac powder / 250 t                                                               IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
+   Gambir extract / 20 t                                                               Phone: + 49 30 590 099 573


26                                                                                            INDONESIA
Taneta Investment

Founded in 2015, Taneta Investment is a Namibian family-owned company special-            ADDRESS
                                                                                          Taneta Investment
ized in the processing of Marula Oil (Sclerocarya Birrea). Its Pure Marula by Taneta      Unit 3 Bokamoso Entrepreneurial
products are 100 % organic, pure and natural and exclusively of Namibian origin.          Centre
                                                                                          Hans Dietrich Genscher Street
Marula fruits are harvested sustainably in partnership with the rural women in the        Namibia
northern part of Namibia whose livelihood depend on it to support their families.         Phone: + 264 81 203 3655
Marula kernels from the nut of the marula fruits, harvested from the wild marula trees    www.facebook.com/marulabytaneta
are then cold-pressed in the company’s processing facility in Windhoek, Namibia.
                                                                                          Ms. Namupa Nengola
Taneta’s vision is to create high quality marula oil while contributing to the social     Phone: + 264 81 140 5296
well-being of the local communities and the environment.                                  info@taneta.com.na

                                                                                          IPD CONTACT
Taneta strives to enhance its position in the local market, while refining its interna-   For more information on the company
tional marketing strategy.                                                                please contact Maria Kapil
                                                                                          Project Director Import Promotion
                                                                                          Phone: + 49 228 982 388 68
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR                CERTIFICATIONS                              maria.kapil@sequa.de

+ Marula oil / 3,5 t                          + ORGANIC EU
                                              + ORGANIC NOP
+ Rural Northern Namibia

27                                                                                                NAMIBIA
Paradise Flora

Paradise Flora was founded in 2017 in Uzbekistan. The main activity of the company      ADDRESS
                                                                                        Paradise Flora LLC
is the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants. The company’s products are       Oltintopgan Street, House 15
in great demand in the domestic and foreign markets. The company’s products             Bektemir District
                                                                                        Tashkent City 100033
are 100 % pure and natural, exclusively of local origin. Raw materials are obtained     Uzbekistan
                                                                                        Phone: + 998 998 887 088
from cultivated and wild plants. Paradise Flora’s vision is to focus on local natural   www.paradiseflora.uz
resources to create economic and employment opportunities for community in the
region.                                                                                 Ms. Zilola Mumindjanova
By launching new high-quality products, the company seeks to strengthen its             Phone: + 998 998 887 088
position in the local market, working to modernize production technologies
and improve its international marketing strategy.                                       IPD CONTACT
                                                                                        For more information on the
                                                                                        company please contact
                                                                                        Shakhnoza Kurbanalieva
PRODUCTS                                        CERTIFICATIONS                          IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
+   Helianthus tuberosus (dried fruit) / 20 t   +   ISO 22000:2018                      Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 321
+   Mentha piperita / 10 t                      +   ISO 9001:2015
+   Achillea millefolium yarrow / 10 t          +   ISO 14001:2015
+   Origanum vulgare / 20 t                     +   ISO 45001:2018
+   Hypericum perforatum / 20 t                 +   ISO 13485:2016

+ Own Plantation
+ Wild collection

28                                                                                            UZBEKISTAN
IPD partner Centre de Promotion des Exportations de la
Tunisie (Cepex) presents reliable exporters from Tunisia                                                                                   VISIT
                                                                                                                                         CEPEX AT

                                                                                                                                         B 100
                       LA TUNISIENNE DE
                       VALORISATION D’HUILES                                                                     TUNISIAN BIO FRESH

                       www.tvh.com.tn                                                                            www.tunisianbiofresh.com

                       OUAHADA TUNISIE                                                                           SODEVA SARL
                       www.ouahada.com                                                                           www.sodeva.tn

                       NOPAL TUNISIE                                    NATURAL CARE                             ECOLAND
                       www.nopaltunisie.com                             www.herbalya.tn                          www.ecologie-land.com

+   Almond oil                  +   Neroli essential oil     +   Rose water                   If you are interested in any of these products
+   Date kernel oil             +   Prickly pear seed oil    +   Prickly pear powder          from Tunisia, please contact us. We can
+   Date stone vegetable oil    +   Pomegranate seed oil     +   Nopal powder                 connect you to reliable Tunisian suppliers!
+   Fenugreek oil               +   Rosemary essential oil   +   Pomegranate powder
+   Grape seed oil              +   Safflower oil            +   Date stone powder            CAROLINE MORAZA
+   Jojoba oil                  +   Sesame oil               +   Date kernel powder           IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets
+   Lentisk oil                 +   Watermelon seed oil      +   Watermelon seed powder       Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 322
+   Myrtle essential oil        +   Orange blossom water     +   Dried prickly pear flowers   moraza@importpromotiondesk.de


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                         Funded by                          Implemented by

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