Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems

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Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
Digital Business   A research report

Transformation     comparing provider
                   strengths, challenges
Germany 2019       and competitive


                              November 2018
Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                           Section Name

                    About this Report
Information Services Group, Inc. is solely responsible for the content of this report.    ISG Provider Lens™ delivers leading-edge and actionable research studies, reports
                                                                                          and consulting services focused on technology and service providers’ strength and
Unless otherwise cited, all content, including illustrations, research, conclusions,      weaknesses and how they are positioned relative to their peers in the market. These
assertions and positions contained in this report were developed by and are the sole      reports provide influential insights accessed by our large pool of advisors who are
property of Information Services Group, Inc.                                              actively advising outsourcing deals as well as large numbers of ISG enterprise clients
                                                                                          who are potential outsourcers.
The research and analysis presented in this report includes research from the ISG
Provider Lens™ program, ongoing ISG Research programs, interviews with ISG advisors,      For more information about our studies, please email,
briefings with services providers and analysis of publicly available market information   call +49 (0) 561-50697537, or visit ISG Provider Lens™ under ISG Provider Lens™.
from multiple sources. The data collected for this report represents information that
was current as of 30.09. 2018. ISG recognizes that many mergers and acquisitions have
taken place since that time but those changes are not reflected in this report.

The lead authors for this report is Heiko Henkes, Oliver Nickels and Wolfgang Heinhaus.
The editor is Jürgen Brettel.                                                             ISG Research™ provides subscription research, advisory consulting and executive
                                                                                          event services focused on market trends and disruptive technologies driving change
                                                                                          in business computing. ISG Research™ delivers guidance that helps businesses
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                                                                                          For more information about ISG Research™ subscriptions, please email
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Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
1    Executive Summary

5    Introduction

21   Enabling the Digital Customer Journey
                                                      © 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
25   Digital Enterprise Operations – Large Accounts   Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior
                                                      permission is strictly prohibited. Information contained in this
29   Digital Transformational Platforms (PaaS)
                                                      report is based on the best available and reliable resources.
33   Digital Transformational Services (aaS)          Opinions expressed in this report reflect ISG’s judgment at the
                                                      time of this report and are subject to change without notice.
37   Blockchain as A Service
                                                      ISG has no liability for omissions, errors or completeness of
42   Methodology                                      information in this report. ISG Research™ and ISG Provider Lens™
                                                      are trademarks of Information Services Group, Inc.
Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                       Section Name
                                                                          Executive Summary
While digital transformation has been one of the hottest topics of discussion among             architecture and infrastructures. Digital transformation of functions includes automation,
enterprises, consultancies, research companies and academics for as long as a decade, it        artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive technologies, coupled with feedback and analytical
is inherently difficult to fully understand the scope, breadth of reach and potential impacts   capabilities that can be applied in both the real world (such as production facilities,
of the digital transformation across the enterprise. Digital transformation comprises many      customer contact centers, retail environments and other customer interaction points,
technological topics, business coverage areas, organizational functions and business            including mobile) and in the virtual world by automating the response and interaction with
processes. And while these digital transformational areas are being analyzed, the overall       clients, partners and governments.
Internet of Things (IoT) and information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled world
                                                                                                The following points provide a framework of key characteristics of digital services,
is increasingly evolving, which is rapidly causing exponential change.
                                                                                                including their differentiation from less digitalized services:
Enterprises are by necessity evaluating means to increase their competitiveness. A large
                                                                                                ƒƒ Digital transformational services combine maximum automation with autonomy,
part of this challenge is not just technological, but also has to do with how to transform
                                                                                                   providing multi-platform compatibility.
established processes and traditional management practices. How can companies enjoy a
sufficient degree of flexibility, speed and collaboration across departments and enterprise     ƒƒ Service delivery is based on ubiquitous communications and information networks.

boundaries, while enabling them to master their challenges so they can deliver benefits to         This includes stationary and mobile networks and low-power wide-area (LPWA)

themselves and their (ever more mobile) customers?                                                 networks such as narrowband IoT (NB-IoT). The required always-on connectivity is
                                                                                                   ensured through standardized interfaces, automated, software-defined provisioning
Enterprise agility goes far beyond software development agility to define how organizations
                                                                                                   and capabilities that are fully based on business- and user (class)-specific SLAs.
can adjust business, development and operations work streams to survive in a constantly
changing competitive environment. This adjustment, and the speed at which it is realized, is    ƒƒ Despite a high degree of automation, digital services provide individual variants

relevant and critical for the whole enterprise value stream.                                       (such as efficiency prioritization, dynamic response and provisioning, automated
                                                                                                   policy mapping, high security) that are based on an integrated service management
Digital transformation evolves through virtualization of technology and operations
                                                                                                   approach. Performance can be adjusted based on information from the digital
while integrating the virtual and physical worlds. From the systems and IT infrastructure
                                                                                                   customer journey (for example information gathered by cookies and movement
perspective, "virtual" refers to running on the cloud and includes software-defined

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November
                                     Juni 2018 2018                                                                                                        Executive Summary

   profiles). Service variations and improvements are location- and time-independent and        networks or cloud ecosystems, are also used to automatically detect and anonymize
   are performed based on preferences, user class or other influencing factors.                 anomalies and translate them into patterns or best practices.

ƒƒ Service performance can be guaranteed, independent of utilization rates and based on      ƒƒ Self-healing mechanisms, reporting and forecasting models are used to detect and
   automated and predictive system provisioning tools.                                          contain problems and resolve them, if possible. To trace and improve forecasts or to
                                                                                                automate methods, results and reports are stored and shared with involved parties
ƒƒ Container technologies or other digital transformational architectures (such as SDN)
                                                                                                according to the DevOps model to improve the quality of a service.
   support a large variety of infrastructure types and workload platform independence
   within a software-defined operations environment. Previously separate IT areas, such      ƒƒ The highly modular service or microservice is provisioned ad hoc and provides an API-
   as servers, storage, networks or non-IT devices plus information and applications, are       controlled data model that classifies and handles device and personal data, information
   now managed based on an SDN approach.                                                        and applications. If necessary, management is done via command line or code and is
                                                                                                ensured via standardized interfaces. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are optional. If GUIs
ƒƒ Service billing is done through multiple channels (for example credit card, PayPal and
                                                                                                are implemented, they are available natively for the device and/or platform (framework)
   similar approaches, mobile wallets and cryptocurrencies).
                                                                                                to ensure ease of use for inexperienced end users.
ƒƒ Smart contracts that are based on coded specifications and requirements and can
   be used to control and check contractual relationships automatically are also gaining
                                                                                             ƒƒ Based on a maximum degree of standardization and the use of open-source technology,
                                                                                                services may be published in community directories such as GitHub. Services are
   relevance. Depending on the contract, usage is based on rules from a variable (on-
                                                                                                optimized and versioned to ensure code transparency and integration into additional
   demand scaling) or rigid usage agreement. The agreement always contains reserved
                                                                                                digital ecosystems, platforms and industry- or user-specific innovations.
   instances to ensure the availability of immediate additional performance that is not
   included in the contract. Blockchain is entering the field to enable such scenarios and   ƒƒ Increasingly, a service is produced within decentralized, globally scaling ecosystems with
   can be considered as a disruptive service, for automated contracts and in other areas.       complementary business partners and offerings. Users of such services can become
                                                                                                providers, or “prosumers,” and contribute their own data or content. Ultimately,
ƒƒ Product-specific support is mostly personalized, based on conversational user
                                                                                                they become part of the value or supply chain. Chaining individual services into new
   interfaces (CUIs), chatbots and natural language processing (NLP). Image recognition
                                                                                                (mash-up) services, based on theoretically infinite numbers of third-party services that
   elements and even artificial or cognitive intelligence, based on integrated neural
                                                                                                can be accessed by heterogeneous and unknown customers, serves as the basis for

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Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                             Executive Summary

   exponential growth, innovations and the success of niche products (long-tail marketing)     Market Segment “Digital Product Creation & Continuous Delivery”
   and non-linear business models. This kind of business model is currently used by
                                                                                               It is one thing to know about the right timing in the sales process, and quite a different
   hyperscale companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google, who are
                                                                                               thing to be able to deliver the required product in time and in the right quality. To align
   collectively referred to as FAANG.
                                                                                               sales, product development and delivery teams accordingly, it is important to establish an
This is the ultimate challenge. From the business model to the portfolio and customer,         innovation management that accounts for all stakeholders and their requirements, while
employee and partner relationship management – the digital transformation is challenging       ensuring a maximum degree of agility. The silver bullet to build up an agile enterprise is
all certainties. Therefore, the biggest question for IT users is what kind of opportunities    to involve DevOps methodologies into the whole process organization. There are not only
and risks are waiting for them on their digitization journey. And the next question is: What   technical, but also business-related development issues which must be clarified accordingly,
consulting houses, service providers and IT companies can provide the support required         for instance concerning the entry into non-linear business models or the modification of
in the B2B sector? ISG divides the market into five segments that build upon each other to     current license models. This ISG study combines all these transformation topics in the
analyze the market and identify those providers who are among the current market leaders       “digital product creation & continuous delivery” segment. For ISG current leaders in this
and the strongest competitors of these leaders.                                                market are Atos, Capgemini, codecentric, Cognizant and DXC.

Market Segment “Digital Customer Journey”                                                      Market Segment “Digital Transformational Platforms (PaaS)”

Understanding the customer journey is key to ensure successful transformation.                 On the technological level, as-a-service portals are the method of choice to provision the
Companies need to understand the customer relation life cycle to make personalized offers      required IT services to the lines of business. The required infrastructure and respective
at an optimum point in time to differentiate themselves from the competition. This is a key    providers are described in the “digital transformational platforms (PaaS)” category of this
challenge, and ISG examines which IT providers, strategy consultants and service providers     study. The focus is on companies with a high degree of automation for provisioning and
have the required competencies within this “digital customer journey” segment. For ISG, the    using their IT platforms. Cloud computing is the basis and can be enhanced and refined
following eight providers are currently leading the market: Accenture, Atos, Capgemini, CGI,   through comprehensive partner ecosystems. These solutions consist of a technology mix
DXC Technology, IBM iX, Publicis.Sapient and UDG.                                              and are embedded in web platforms and marketplaces. Market leaders in Germany are
                                                                                               Atos, Capgemini, Deutsche Telekom (TDG and TSI), DXC and IBM.

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Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November
                                     Juni 2018 2018                                                                                                                Executive Summary

Market Segment “Digital Transformational Services (aaS)”                                          enterprise operations providers for midmarket businesses include All for One Steeb, Arvato
                                                                                                  Systems, Axians IT Solution, CANCOM, Deutsche Telekom (TDG) and PlusServer. Leading
Digital transformation “as a service” offerings combine heterogeneous IT services into
                                                                                                  digital enterprise operations providers for the large accounts segment are Accenture, Atos,
an intelligent complete solution. Individual components can be used independently and
                                                                                                  Capgemini, CGI, Deutsche Telekom (TSI), Devoteam | Alegri, DXC, Fujitsu and IBM.
in combination, depending on customers’ requirements. Normally, such offerings are
based on self-service elements provisioned and managed through dashboards. Payment                Market Segment “Blockchain as a Service” (as Managed Service)
is done based on pay-as-you-go (PAYG) models or reserved resources as agreed within
                                                                                                  A special focus within this study is on the blockchain market, since this segment bears
an enterprise agreement. Increasingly, companies are looking for XaaS solution platforms
                                                                                                  highly disruptive potentials. Blockchain is a mature technology to control and automate
that map industry characteristics and end-user roles, for instance, solutions for sales, HR
                                                                                                  any kind of digital transactions. This is an interesting option for all use cases that require a
or production management. Within the “digital transformational services (aaS)” segment
                                                                                                  decentralized (distributed) ledger, for instance, Internet of Things where billions of IoT-en-
ISG analyzes and evaluates service providers who have a focus on provisioning out-of-
                                                                                                  abled devices have the potential to communicate with each other. From a B2B perspective,
the-box platforms or easy-to adapt (open/modular) solutions, either individual parts of
                                                                                                  many of these distributed instances can be integrated into the value creation process to
the whole service chain, such as ERP, CRM or mobile apps/IoT integration, or individual
                                                                                                  perform transactions. This requires secure authentication and sufficient documentation
ITaaS platforms that can be used to flexibly map customer-specific management and
                                                                                                  of related transactions for these devices. Blockchain is suitable like no other technology
control requirements. Current leaders within this market segment include Accenture, Atos,
                                                                                                  to perform such tasks. As of to date, blockchain providers are leveraging aaS offerings
Cognizant, DXC, Deutsche Telekom and IBM.
                                                                                                  from multiple public clouds and by Linux Foundation, Hyperledger and R3 Corda. Leading
Market Segment „Digital Enterprise Operations”                                                    “blockchain as a service” providers are Accenture, Deutsche Telekom, IBM and NTT DATA.
                                                                                                  Cognizant has been positioned as Rising Star.
Digital enterprise operations providers build up and run intelligent, IT-based infrastructures,
platforms and networks that can be used to integrate customers’ whole value chain by
combining their traditional operational excellence and managed services know-how with
business process and industry know-how to address their target customers. Leading digital

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Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018


                                                                                    Simplified illustration   The digital transformation megatrend is a top priority on corporate agendas. The
                                                                                                              delivery of digital transformational solutions coupled with corporate agility is
                                   Digital Business Transformation                                            fully supported by advisors and researchers that are concentrating upon future-
                                                                                                              oriented business models. The focus is on enabling businesses to efficiently
                                                         Digital Enterprise      Digital Enterprise           address individual customer expectations and requirements, rapidly, with
      Realizing the          Enabling the Digital
                                                               Operations           Operations
    Digital Ambition          Customer Journey                                                                minimal unplanned cost, effort or disruption for the enterprise, thus increasing
                                                               - Midmarket       - Large Accounts
                                                                                                              the corporation’s competitiveness. This requires companies to move to a digital

                                    Digital                      Digital              Digital                 transformational technology and process level as soon as possible and then
    Enabling Digital
                              Transformational           Transformational       Product Creation &            strive for continuous change – both internally and externally. This study covers
                               Platforms (PaaS)            Services (aaS)       Continuous Delivery           three overriding aspects of the digital transformation. The general aspects and
                                                                                                              the specific quadrants covered within each one are presented below.

   Disruptive Services                                Blockchain as a Service                                 1. Realizing the Digital Ambition, comprised of two quadrants: Enabling the
                                                                                                                 Customer Journey, Digital Enterprise Operations.

                                                                                        Source: ISG 2018      2. Enabling Digital Transformation: PaaS, XaaS, Digital Product Creation and
                                                                                                                 Customization, Digital Continuous Delivery.

                                                                                                              3. Disruptive Services: Blockchain.

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Digital Business Transformation - Germany 2019 Quadrant Report - T-Systems
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                    Introduction

Definition (cont.)

Enabling the Digital Customer Journey
A customer journey comprises the individual cycles experienced by clients before and    IT vendors, strategy advisors and service providers such as IBM, Accenture and Deloitte continue
during the decision-making process for buying or using a product or service as well     to take over marketing agencies and are building up their internal competencies to strengthen
as their product or service experience after having purchased the product/service.      their presence in the marketing departments, while marketing agencies are strongly enhancing
Digital technologies can be used to allow for a completely new customer experience.     their digital and IT technology competencies.
This category comprises agencies and service providers that have specialized
in comprehensive portfolios of digital go-to-market/business strategies, brand
communications, creative service, design and experience offerings. Providers need to
understand but must not be limited to their own underlying technology and solutions.
Instead, they should ensure an integrated strategy and a clear roadmap of the digital
customer journey offering for enterprise SMB and customers.

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ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                       Introduction

Definition (cont.)

Digital Enterprise Operations
This segment covers the digitization of the processes of a typical large-scale           These implementations are often considered “initial” or “starter” steps in the journey from
organization – using an ecosystem of components, technical platforms, processes          traditional or current operations, towards cloud-based operations which map onto the enterprise
and system integration and capable of either using PaaS, or in-house operations/         inspirational “Customer Journey” plans. They are in many cases considered initial iterations and
DC or aaS operations and main DC functions in a managed and integrated (end to           replaceable by more customized / comprehensive PaaS and/or XaaS offerings as the enterprise
end) manner, including DevOps tools and improvement to all operational and rapid         becomes more mature in its aspirations and further along its strategic roadmap of the overall
provisioning process.                                                                    digital transformation process, tempered by business and customer feedback, usage patterns and
                                                                                         new requirements based on this initial operating offering.
Digital enterprise operations providers help customers operate smart, IT-based
infrastructures, platforms and networks that connect sales, service and partners
across the whole value chain. This market segment combines traditional operational
excellence, including highly sophisticated technology, with managed services know-how
and an in-depth understanding of customers’ business and industry-specific challenges.

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ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                          Introduction

Definition (cont.)

Digital Transformational Platforms (PaaS)
This segment evaluates PaaS integrated multi-tenant platform solutions offered           Solutions consist of a technological mix, including hybrids, of in-house developments and best-of-
to enterprises by System Integrators and vendors acting in an SI role. Focus is on       breed solutions by leading product and platform-as-a-service providers and are embedded in web
companies that deliver a high degree of automation meaning solutions that are either     platforms and cloud marketplaces. These marketplaces create networking effects, integrate and
ready to use “out of the box” (pre-build) or that need customization by the SI (and      distribute additional solutions, and integrate third-party products or services.
partners) whereby the solution is designed for ease of customer tailoring/modification
                                                                                         Many systems integrators are established players in this segment. Reasons for this include their
(open / modular / customizable). Data center managed service, IaaS or hybrid cloud
                                                                                         histories of being involved with integration of technological advances of cloud management
management is optional, as clients may have already selected other providers for
                                                                                         & orchestration and event processing services, coupled with their ecosystems of internal and
infrastructure management. Cloud computing is the foundation and the philosophy
                                                                                         partner offerings and adaptation capabilities.
behind these platforms that can be enhanced and refined, based on an extensive
partner ecosystem.

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ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                         Introduction

Definition (cont.)

Digital Transformational Services (aaS)                                                   Digital Product Creation & Continuous Delivery
This segment evaluates “cloud first” aaS service providers that are focused upon          “Digital product creation“ covers the creation of new digital products from ground up for
Digital Transformation with “out of the box” solutions or easy to customize solutions     enterprises and is closely related to the “digital continuous delivery” paradigm, where the goal is
(open/modular) specific for enterprise needs. The Provider can manage the solution/       to deliver code updates, while ensuring continuous releasability.
service end to end if required. This may be individually focused parts of the entire DT
                                                                                          The basic difference, compared to the old world of product development, is the inherent focus
enterprise service chain (e.g. ERP, CRM or mobile apps/IoT integration, microservice/
                                                                                          on creating modular service components for the enterprise business or adapting existing but
API integration and provision, maintenance) or may be individual ITaaS platforms with
                                                                                          outmoded service components.
a high degree of technical complexity to meet specific customer requirements for
centralized control and high flexibility.                                                 Digital continuous delivery enables companies to increase the speed and efficiency of their
                                                                                          development projects while ensuring high-quality services or software. Providers of continuous
Solutions may consist of a technological mix, including hybrids, of in-house
                                                                                          development and innovation services may either offer co-creation or shared workspace services
developments and best-of-breed solutions by leading product and platform-as-a-
                                                                                          or just partial services where a team or only a management and control function remains in the
service providers and are embedded in web platforms and cloud marketplaces which
                                                                                          customer’s company.
provide networking effects and integrate and distribute the platform provider’s as well
as third-party products or services.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                          Introduction

Definition (cont.)

Blockchain as a Service
While blockchain is often associated with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the            be used to perform peer-to-peer contracts. Blockchain is a decentral, open and cryptographic
blockchain technology can be applied to many other use cases. Bitcoin is merely the          technology which allows economic agents to trust each other and perform peer-to-peer
first and most well-known use case. Blockchain implies many “independent” instances          transactions; medium-to-long-term, this will eliminate the need for intermediaries accordingly.
which are based on decentralized, independent transaction automation to verify and           Ultimately, blockchain also is an encryption and authentication technology to be used by service
quickly confirm a transaction. The blockchain principle is based on instances (blocks or     providers in proofs of concept (POCs) and managed services operations models. Blockchain aaS
miners) that are connected (“chained”). Bitcoin is a “distributed ledger” (DL) technology,   implies close partnerships with blockchain technology providers such as the top hyperscale public
i.e., a distributed database is available which grants the members of a network shared       cloud providers AWS, Microsoft, Google or IBM who provide various building blocks to set up and
write, read and store permissions. Blockchain networks can be private, with restricted       use this technology at the push of a button.
membership like an intranet, or public. For instance, a public Ethereum blockchain can

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                             Introduction

Provider Classifications
The ISG Provider Lens™ quadrants were created using an evaluation matrix containing
four segments, where the providers are positioned accordingly.

                   Leader                                       Product                                  Market                                  Contender
                                                               Challenger                               Challenger
       The “leaders” among the vendors/                 The “product challengers” offer a        “Market challengers” are also            “Contenders” are still lacking mature
       providers have a highly attractive               product and service portfolio that       very competitive, but there is still     products and services or sufficient
       product and service offering and a               provides an above-average cover-         significant portfolio potential and      depth and breadth of their offering,
       very strong market and competitive               age of corporate requirements, but       they clearly lag behind the “leaders”.   while also showing some strengths
       position; they fulfill all requirements          are not able to provide the same         Often, the market challengers            and improvement potentials in their
       for successful market cultivation.               resources and strengths as the           are established vendors that             market cultivation efforts. These
       They can be regarded as opinion                  leaders regarding the individual         are somewhat slow to address             vendors are often generalists or
       leaders, providing strategic                     market cultivation categories. Often,    new trends, due to their size and        niche players.
       impulses to the market. They also                this is due to the respective vendor’s   company structure, and have
       ensure innovative strength                       size or their weak footprint within      therefore still some potential to
       and stability.                                   the respective target segment.           optimize their portfolio and increase
                                                                                                 their attractiveness.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                          Introduction

Provider Classifications (cont.)
Each ISG Provider Lens™ quadrant may include a service provider(s) who ISG believes has
a strong potential to move into the leader’s quadrant.

                                       Rising Star                                                                Not In
    Rising Stars are mostly product challengers with high future potential.               This service provider or vendor was not included in this
    When receiving the “Rising Star” award, such companies have a promis-                 quadrant as ISG could not obtain enough information to
    ing portfolio, including the required roadmap and an adequate focus on                position them. This omission does not imply that the
    key market trends and customer requirements. Also, the “Rising Star” has              service provider or vendor does not provide this service.
    an excellent management and understanding of the local market. This
    award is only given to vendors or service providers that have made ex-
    treme progress towards their goals within the last 12 months and are on
    a good way to reach the leader quadrant within the next 12-24 months,
    due to their above-average impact and innovative strength.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                           Introduction

Digital Business Transformation - Quadrant Provider Listing 1 of 7
                                     Enabling the         Digital Enterprise    Digital Enterprise          Digital                Digital            Digital Product
                                                                                                                                                                            Blockchain as a
                                   Digital Customer         Operations -          Operations -         Transformational        Transformation           Creation &
                                        Journey              Midmarket           Large Accounts        Platforms (PaaS)         Services (aaS)      Continuous Delivery

                    Accenture    4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Not in              4 Leader

             All for One Steeb   4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in

                       Arvato    4 Product Challenger   4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Rising Star          4 Not in              4 Contender

                         Atos    4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Leader               4 Leader               4 Leader              4 Not in

                       Axians    4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Contender            4 Not in              4 Not in

                         BCG     4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in

                      Bechtle    4 Not in               4 Market Challenger    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in

                           BT    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in

                           CA    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender           4 Not in

                    CANCOM       4 Contender            4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger   4 Not in              4 Not in

                   Capgemini     4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Leader               4 Market Challenger    4 Leader              4 Market Challenger

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                           Introduction

Digital Business Transformation - Quadrant Provider Listing 2 of 7
                                      Enabling the         Digital Enterprise    Digital Enterprise          Digital                Digital           Digital Product
                                                                                                                                                                            Blockchain as a
                                    Digital Customer         Operations -          Operations -         Transformational        Transformation          Creation &
                                         Journey              Midmarket           Large Accounts        Platforms (PaaS)         Services (aaS)     Continuous Delivery

                           CGI    4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Not in

                     Claranet     4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Not in

                        Cocus     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Contender

                  codecentric     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Leader              4 Not in

                    Cognizant     4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger   4 Leader              4 Leader              4 Rising Star

                    COMLINE       4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Not in

                   Comparex       4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Not in

                    Data One      4 Not in               4 Market Challenger    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Not in

                      Deloitte    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Market Challenger   4 Market Challenger   4 Not in

               Deloitte Digital   4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Not in

                    denkwerk      4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in              4 Not in

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                   Introduction

Digital Business Transformation - Quadrant Provider Listing 3 of 7
                                    Enabling the         Digital Enterprise    Digital Enterprise         Digital             Digital         Digital Product
                                                                                                                                                                    Blockchain as a
                                  Digital Customer         Operations -          Operations -        Transformational     Transformation        Creation &
                                       Journey              Midmarket           Large Accounts       Platforms (PaaS)      Services (aaS)   Continuous Delivery

     Deutsche Telekom (MMS)     4 Rising Star         4 Not in                4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Not in

 Deutsche Telekom (TDG + TSI)   4 Not in              4 Not in                4 Not in              4 Leader            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Not in

      Deutsche Telekom (TDG)    4 Not in              4 Leader                4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Not in

       Deutsche Telekom (TSI)   4 Not in              4 Not in                4 Leader              4 Not in            4 Leader            4 Not in              4 Not in

  Deutsche Telekom (TSI MMS)    4 Not in              4 Not in                4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Leader

            Devoteam I Alegri   4 Not in              4 Not in                4 Leader              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Not in

              Dimension Data    4 Not in              4 Product Challenger    4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Not in

                direkt gruppe   4 Not in              4 Product Challenger    4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Not in

                  doubleSlash   4 Not in              4 Not in                4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Contender

              DXC Technology    4 Leader              4 Not in                4 Leader              4 Leader            4 Leader            4 Leader              4 Not in

                          FIT   4 Not in              4 Product Challenger    4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in            4 Not in              4 Not in

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                            Introduction

Digital Business Transformation - Quadrant Provider Listing 4 of 7
                                     Enabling the         Digital Enterprise    Digital Enterprise          Digital                Digital            Digital Product
                                                                                                                                                                             Blockchain as a
                                   Digital Customer         Operations -          Operations -         Transformational        Transformation           Creation &
                                        Journey              Midmarket           Large Accounts        Platforms (PaaS)         Services (aaS)      Continuous Delivery

                       Fujitsu   4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Product Challenger   4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in

                  GBS Bulpro     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                         HCL     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger

                 Helix Nebula    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in

                    Hexaware     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Product Challenger

            Horváth & Partner    4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                         IBM     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Leader               4 Leader               4 Leader               4 Leader               4 Leader

                       IBM iX    4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                      Infosys    4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger

                       inovex    4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                       KPMG      4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Market Challenger

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                          Introduction

Digital Business Transformation - Quadrant Provider Listing 5 of 7
                                     Enabling the        Digital Enterprise    Digital Enterprise          Digital               Digital            Digital Product
                                                                                                                                                                           Blockchain as a
                                   Digital Customer        Operations -          Operations -         Transformational       Transformation           Creation &
                                        Journey             Midmarket           Large Accounts        Platforms (PaaS)        Services (aaS)      Continuous Delivery

                           LTI   4 Not in             4 Not in                4 Not in               4 Contender           4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                     Materna     4 Not in             4 Not in                4 Product Challenger   4 Not in              4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                    Mindtree     4 Not in             4 Not in                4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in

                     Mphasis     4 Contender          4 Not in                4 Not in               4 Contender           4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger

                       mVISE     4 Not in             4 Contender             4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                    NTT DATA     4 Not in             4 Not in                4 Not in               4 Rising Star         4 Market Challenger    4 Not in               4 Leader

                         OIO     4 Not in             4 Not in                4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in

                       Oracle    4 Not in             4 Not in                4 Not in               4 Market Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                   PlusServer    4 Not in             4 Leader                4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

              Publicis.Sapient   4 Leader             4 Not in                4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                         QSC     4 Not in             4 Product Challenger    4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                            Introduction

Digital Business Transformation - Quadrant Provider Listing 6 of 7
                                     Enabling the         Digital Enterprise    Digital Enterprise          Digital                Digital            Digital Product
                                                                                                                                                                             Blockchain as a
                                   Digital Customer         Operations -          Operations -         Transformational        Transformation           Creation &
                                        Journey              Midmarket           Large Accounts        Platforms (PaaS)         Services (aaS)      Continuous Delivery

                   Rackspace     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                 Ratiokontakt    4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                        Reply    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger

                   Salesforce    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Market Challenger    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                          SHE    4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                       Softtek   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                 Software AG     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Rising Star          4 Not in               4 Not in

                  Sopra Steria   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

                          TCS    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger

                        Wipro    4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Rising Star          4 Product Challenger

                     tecRacer    4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                                                        Introduction

Digital Business Transformation - Quadrant Provider Listing 7 of 7
                                     Enabling the         Digital Enterprise    Digital Enterprise          Digital               Digital         Digital Product
                                                                                                                                                                         Blockchain as a
                                   Digital Customer         Operations -          Operations -         Transformational       Transformation        Creation &
                                        Journey              Midmarket           Large Accounts        Platforms (PaaS)        Services (aaS)   Continuous Delivery

                        Tieto    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Not in

                         UDG     4 Leader               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Not in

                       Unisys    4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Not in

                   UST Global    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Market Challenger   4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Not in

                      Valtech    4 Product Challenger   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Not in

                      vertical   4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Contender         4 Not in               4 Not in

                    Vodafone     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Contender            4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Not in

                       Wipro     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Product Challenger   4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Product Challenger   4 Product Challenger

                  Zauberware     4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Contender

                       Zensar    4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in               4 Not in              4 Not in            4 Not in               4 Contender

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Digital Business
Transformation Quadrants
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018

     A customer journey comprises the individual cycles experienced by
     clients before and during the decision-making process for buying or
     using a product or service as well as their product or service experience
     after having purchased the product/service. Digital technologies can be
     used to allow for a completely new customer experience. This category
     comprises agencies and service providers that have specialized in
     comprehensive portfolios of digital go-to-market/business strategies,
     brand communications, creative service, design and experience
     offerings. Providers need to understand but must not be limited to
     their own underlying technology and solutions. Instead, they should
     ensure an integrated strategy and a clear roadmap of the digital
     customer journey offering for enterprise SMB and customers.

     IT vendors, strategy advisors and service providers such as IBM,
     Accenture and Deloitte continue to take over marketing agencies
     and are building up their internal competencies to strengthen their
     presence in the marketing departments, while marketing agencies are
     strongly enhancing their digital and IT technology competencies.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                     Enabling the Digital Customer Journey

     More and more providers understand the relevance of the digital                 of them very extensively – to meet their clients’ needs. United Digital Group (UDG) as the remaining
     customer journey as an integral part of the digital enterprise                  traditional marketing agency in the leader quadrant has sold parts of its business and seems to lose
     transformation. Many (especially traditional IT) providers have started         some of its traction, although still being a leader in this segment. The Rising Star of 2019 is Deutsche
     vast efforts to reorganize their business units towards dedicated digital       Telekom (T-Systems MMS), having reorganized and now been given a wider scope within the large
     customer journey fulfillment organizations, effectively combining               T-Systems organization.
     marketing and branding skills with technology expertise and lab offerings.      ƒƒ Accenture clearly focuses on a holistic digital transformation on the technical and organizational side
     Best examples are Capgemini and Publicis, who are looking at the                   and enjoys an established thought leadership position in this segment. Within the digital customer
     business from completely different perspectives but are both creating              journey, Accenture's organizational development competencies are combined with SinnerSchrader's
     new business units around the digital transformation and the digital               branding and marketing technology skills.
     customer experience. This year’s evaluation of Publicis therefore includes
                                                                                     ƒƒ Atos has a strong market presence and a very broad technological offering in the DCJ space. Atos
     both SapientRazorfish and Pixelpark, combining them within an overall              takes a holistic approach to the digital customer journey, including touchpoints, transactions,
     Publicis.Sapient division                                                          integration into existing systems and customer behavior analysis.

     Clear market leaders are IBM iX, especially with their long-term strategy       ƒƒ Capgemini is reorganizing its digital business into one business line, Capgemini Invent, with approx.
     and their ability to effectively integrate their Watson AI functionality into      6,000 employees, in 10 studios and 30 offices worldwide. Capgemini Invent includes strategy and
     the digital customer journey, and Publicis.Sapient who combines vast               transformation consulting, creative design, emerging technologies and data analytics/AI.
     creative marketing and branding skills with deep technology expertise and       ƒƒ With "CGI Innovation as a Service", CGI has a full-service offering for setting up a structured,
     an extraordinary market presence. Capgemini, CGI, Atos and DXC are all             consolidated innovation management in the company. CGI understands the digital customer journey
     technology powerhouses that have reorganized their businesses – some               as part of a larger digital transformation process and includes agile development processes, data
                                                                                        analytics and advanced cybersecurity services.

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ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                                Enabling the Digital Customer Journey

     Observations (cont.)
     ƒƒ DXC Technology pursues a holistic approach to the digital customer        ƒƒ UDG's portfolio includes strategy & change management, data & insights, marketing campaigns
        journey, from user experience (UX) through value proposition/business       & content, sites & portals and learning & development. UDG services a broad base of renowned
        modelling and service design to the development of touchpoints. DXC         international customer, including very good German references. However, the overall strategic
        uses established methods such as Design Thinking and Business Model         direction of UDG is quite unclear.
                                                                                  ƒƒ T-Systems MMS as the Rising Start 2019 clearly focusses on digital business processes and the
     ƒƒ As an agency and design studio network, IBM iX serves customers of          impact of digital technology on brands, products and services. With their Digital Innovation Lab
        various sizes worldwide. IBM has a strong focus on cloud computing          and individual transformation workshops they offer joint development of tangible innovations
        and is a leader in artificial intelligence and data analytics. IBM          and prototypes already within strategy sessions.
        integrates their Watson AI capabilities featuring campaign automation,
        personalization functionalities, market insights, cognitive tagging and
        even contextual data like weather data.

     ƒƒ Publicis.Sapient is represented by SapientRazorfish, the largest
        German digital agency, being also active worldwide, and Publicis
        Pixelpark. Highly interesting projects in the digital environment are
        conducted both with large and midmarket customers and at any level
        of complexity, testifying the leading role and understanding of the
        customer requirements of a digital customer journey.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                      Rising Star: Enabling the Digital Customer Journey

        Overview                                                                                                               Caution
Within their daughter company T-Systems, Deutsche Telekom offers T-Systems Multimedia Solutions (MMS)                 Although being part of T-Systems’ Digital Solution unit, the digital customer journey
for digital business consulting, including the design and development of a digital customer journey. T-Systems        team of T-Systems MMS is still rather small and focusing on organic growth, which
MMS, with about 1,900 employees and an extended team of about 700 employees that cover customer journey               might limit their growth capabilities, due to the shortage of experts such software
and customer experience solutions, is part of the new T-Systems “Digital Solutions” portfolio unit, with a total of   engineers or UX developers in the work market.
4,800 employees approx. and a clear focus on the DACH region.

With the background of Deutsche Telekom and T-Systems, T-Systems MMS can provide the full scope of
business digitization services, from strategic development to the development of a technological infrastructure.

T-Systems MMS as the Rising Start 2019 clearly focusses on digital business processes and the impact of digital
technology on brands, products and services. With their Digital Innovation Lab and individual transformation
workshops they offer joint development of tangible innovations and prototypes already within strategy
sessions. This approach, together with their packaged consultancy and workshop offering, are clear advantages
to win the conservative German midmarket.

T-Systems MMS provides partnerships with leading technology manufacturers. Dedicated teams specialize e.g.
on IBM Watson AI, on data analytics and customer experience solutions. T-Systems MMS prefers to expand their
                                                                                                                           2019 ISG Provider Lens™ Rising Star
solution offerings with partnerships but has some solutions developed in-house, e.g., semantic analytics and
chatbots.                                                                                                                               T-Systems MMS offers easy prototyping and
T-Systems MMS has a strong presence in the German midmarket sector as well as within the large                                           packaged offerings – a clear advantage not
enterprise segment.                                                                                                                           only for the German midmarket.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018

                        OPERATIONS –                                          Digital Enterprise Operations – Large Accounts
     This segment covers the digitization of the processes of a typical
     large-scale organization – using an ecosystem of components, technical
     platforms, processes and system integration and capable of either
     using PaaS, or in-house operations/DC or aaS operations and main
     DC functions in a managed and integrated (end to end) manner,
     including DevOps tools and improvement to all operational and rapid
     provisioning process.

     Digital enterprise operations providers help customers operate
     smart, IT-based infrastructures, platforms and networks that connect
     sales, service and partners across the whole value chain. This market
     segment combines traditional operational excellence, including highly
     sophisticated technology, with managed services know-how and an
     in-depth understanding of customers’ business and industry-
     specific challenges.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                    Digital Enterprise Operations – Large Accounts

                        OPERATIONS –
     Definition (cont.)                                                           Observations
     These implementations are often considered “initial” or “starter” steps in   ƒƒ The degree of process digitization among globally active corporations has increased
     the journey from traditional or current operations, towards cloud-based        significantly. Driven by new business concepts that must be implemented quickly,
     operations which map onto the enterprise inspirational “Customer               companies are forced to digitize their workflows in order to achieve managed end-to-end
     Journey” plans. They are in many cases considered initial iterations and
                                                                                    functions. Managed service providers have got ready accordingly and have added digital
     replaceable by more customized / comprehensive PaaS and/or XaaS
                                                                                    enterprise operations services to their offerings, increasingly with an industry-specific
     offerings as the enterprise becomes more mature in its aspirations
                                                                                    focus. Service providers’ in-depth industry know-how is an important requirement.
     and further along its strategic roadmap of the overall digital
     transformation process.                                                      ƒƒ Accenture provides an outstanding consulting and integration services portfolio and
                                                                                    comprehensive digital services.

                                                                                  ƒƒ Atos’ offering includes high-class managed services for digital environments. The company
                                                                                    has industry-specific know-how of all industries and great IoT competence. With their global
                                                                                    presence, Atos is an attractive partner for globally active customers.

                                                                                  ƒƒ Capgemini provides a comprehensive digital services offering and is driving automation.
                                                                                    The company has in-depth know-how of all industries and is an adequate partner for
                                                                                    large accounts.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                   Digital Enterprise Operations – Large Accounts

                        OPERATIONS –
     Observations (Cont.)
                                                                                 ƒƒ Fujitsu provides a broad digital services portfolio, supported by the OpenStack-based K5
     ƒƒ Based on their Unify 360 platform, CGI provides comprehensive
                                                                                    platform, which can be used to integrate all cloud environments as well as traditional
        digital solutions. The portfolio comprises an end-to-end solution,
                                                                                    IT landscapes.
        from consulting to the going-live of a cloud environment.
                                                                                 ƒƒ IBM is a successful integrator and provides a flexible, scalable platform for managing digital
     ƒƒ Deutsche Telekom (TSI) provides attractive and comprehensive digital
                                                                                    enterprise operations services. The offering covers all technologies and the portfolio is
        services for large accounts as well as an extensive security portfolio
                                                                                    enhanced continuously.
        which is also available as managed service.

     ƒƒ Devoteam | Alegri has specific industry know-how of the
        manufacturing, automotive and energy sectors and has been a
        successful and long-standing provider of digital enterprise operations
        services. The provider’s large development team develops and
        modifies applications, which can be integrated into the managed
        services. DXC Technology is driving their digital process and
        automation offering. Based on the multitude of digital services and
        the provider’s long-standing managed service experience DXC is an
        attractive partner.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018                                                                         Digital Enterprise Operations – Large Accounts

        Overview                                                                                                            Caution
Deutsche Telekom’s T-Systems (TSI) subsidiary provides a comprehensive digital enterprise operations portfolio     According to press announcements, the provider plans to reduce staff numbers by
for large enterprises. TSI has proven market and industry knowledge and helps customers to transform their         6,000 employees within the next three years. About 4,000 jobs are outsourced and
process landscape into a new digital IT landscape to provide a targeted, customized digital business solution      moved abroad into more cost-efficient countries. On the other hand, the provider
which is operated by TSI. Customers benefit from a highly scalable, platform-based cloud environment.              is searching for qualified talent to expand and drive the service offering. The future
                                                                                                                   will show how this reorganization will affect the provider’s market position and
                                                                                                                   adoption by customers.

Comprehensive transformation support. TSI has strong capabilities to provide end-to-end digital
transformation support form one single source, covering all kinds of topics such as cloud computing, data
analytics, Internet of Things, mobile enterprise/business or cybersecurity. More than 7,000 ITIL-certified
employees provide consulting and service integration support. Prince2 is used to conduct complex IT projects.

Digital enterprise operations services. Services are provisioned out of the provider’s own certified data
centers in Germany and comply with German privacy and data protection regulations. The Open Telekom Cloud
(OTC) is the only public cloud offering certified as “Trusted Cloud” by the German Federal Ministry of Economics
                                                                                                                             2019 ISG Provider Lens™ Leader
and Energy. It can be operated out of customers’ internal and/or hyperscaler data centers. TSI maintains
partnerships with all major cloud service providers.                                                                                 TSI provides comprehensive digital services
Comprehensive security services. The provider has about 1,200 security experts. Products are tested and                             for large enterprises, combined with in-depth
used within TSI’s own data centers and ensure a high degree of security. This allows TSI to offer integrated ICT                     industry know-how and market experience.
services and support hybrid IT infrastructures. The offering complies with GDPR.

© 2018 Information Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report | November 2018
                                                                          Digital Transformational Platforms (PaaS)
     This segment evaluates PaaS integrated multi-tenant platform
     solutions offered to enterprises by System Integrators and vendors
     acting in an SI role. Focus is on companies that deliver a high
     degree of automation meaning solutions that are either ready
     to use “out of the box” (pre-build) or that need customization by
     the SI (and partners) whereby the solution is designed for ease of
     customer tailoring/modification (open / modular / customizable).
     Data center managed service, IaaS or hybrid cloud management is
     optional, as clients may have already selected other providers for
     infrastructure management. Cloud computing is the foundation
     and the philosophy behind these platforms that can be enhanced
     and refined, based on an extensive partner ecosystem.

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