ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore

Page created by Martha Burns
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore

      2 2020
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
                                                                                                        C U L T U R E, T H E
                                                                                                          PAIRING OF
                                                                                                             JADE AND
                                                                                                                 GOLD IS
                                                                                                        A U S P I C I O U S.
                                                                                                                 B E A U T Y,
                                                                                                     STRENGTH AND
                                                                                                     IS BELIEVED TO
                                                                                                        PROTECT THE
                                                                                                      W E A R E R. G O L D
                                                                                                          I S F L E X I B L E,
                                                                                                         AND BRINGS
                                                                                                               F O R T U N E.
                                                                                                   T O G E T H E R, T H E Y
                                                                                                           BESTOW AN
                                                                                                   ABUNDANCE OF
                                                                                                            B L E S S I N G S.


       11 Cavenagh Road #01-03/04/05, Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre, Singapore 229616
Opening Hours: Daily 12:30 pm - 8:00 pm except for Saturdays up to 6:00 pm. Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays.
                     Tel: +65 6732 6141 / 6738 3151 Email:
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
                                       In this Special

                                     ANNIVERSARY ISSUE
                                                                                                                                                       Pintu Jagong

                                                                                                                                                                  Door Corn Red
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Chian Orang Kah
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DAL AM DAPOR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Having a party or prayers?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Our Mamas'

                     4                                         5                                                 6                                                    59                                                                          60                                                                     61
                     NEWS                          E D I TO R ’ S L E T T E R                          CHAKAP CHAKAP                                                  BOOKS                                                                       BOOKS                                                                  BOOKS

  Peranakan Theatre                          To Everything,                                     President's Message                              Amek Gambar —                                                                           90 Years                                                              The Bewelled
     Doyen Wins                             There is a Season                                                                                    Taking Pictures:                                                                           in                                                                  Lives of the
   Heritage Award                                                                                                                                  Peranakans                                                                           Singapore                                                              Peranakans
                                                               8                                               16                                 & Photography
                                                          F E AT U R E S                                    F E AT U R E S

                                           Founding Fathers                                        Coming Clean
                                              A look at the Association's pioneers              Read about Peranakan hygiene practices.                               63                                                                          64                                                                     65
                                                                                                                                                                   MUSEUMS                                                               N OT I C E B OA R D                                                  F E D E R AT I O N L I S T I N G

                                                            20                                                 24                                Crafted Heritage
                                                          F E AT U R E S                                    F E AT U R E S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Association
                                                       Yok Tua                                     Heroines of
                                                 Chinese Medical Prescriptions
                                                                                                Wayang Peranakan                                                      66                                                                          68                                                         would like to thank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Jane Goh of RJ PAPER
       ON THE COVER                                                                                  Meet theatre's leading ladies.                          CHAKAP HABIS                                                                    D I R E C TO RY                                               for generously donating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the paper stock to print
                                                                                                                                                             A Widow's                                               The Peranakan Guide                                                                   this bumper issue of the

                                                            28                                                 34                                             Wrath                                                       Singapore
        THE MAGAZINE TO MARK                              F E AT U R E S                                    F E AT U R E S
                                                  Serving the                                        Agnes Tan:                           THE PERANAKAN ASSOCIATION SINGAPORE • President Colin Chee • First Vice-President Genevieve Peggy Jeffs • Second Vice-
      SINGAPORE BY UTTERLY ART                    Monkey God                                       101 & Counting                         President Raymond Wong • Honorary Secretary Philip Yeo • Assistant Honorary Secretary Tony Tan • Honorary Treasurer Ronney Tan Koon Siang
                                       A fascinating tale of the Tai Seng Yah in Tiong Bahru.        Philanthropy is in her blood.
                                                                                                                                          • Honorary Assistant Treasurer Elizabeth Ng • Committee Members Gwen Ong, Dawn Marie Lee, Ngiam May Ling, Sylvia Peh, Josephine Tan,
        AT GABBYMALPAS.COM                                                                                                                Bryan Tan, Christopher Tan, Theresa Tan
                                                                                                                                          THE PERANAKAN MAGAZINE • Editor Dawn Marie Lee • Assistant Editor Emeric Lau • Editorial Adviser Linda Chee • Creative Adviser

                 38                                         42                                                 44                         John Lee • Designer Joanne Low • Editorial Committee Members Colin Chee, Bryan Tan, Ronney Tan Koon Siang, Natalie Cheah, Joanne Tan
                                                                                                                                          De-Zilva, Billy Tay • Webmaster Noel Ng • Web Adviser Victoria Chanel Lee • For advertising enquiries, please email:
                                                                                                                                          The Peranakan is published by The Peranakan Association Singapore, Raffles City PO Box 1640, Singapore 911755
               F E AT U R E S                             F E AT U R E S                                     FICTION                      Email | • Printer | Oxford Graphic Printers Pte Ltd              MCI (P) 051/11/2020

      Chakap Chakap                              Modernising                                                Jodoh                         All reasonable efforts have been made to identify and contact copyright holders but in some cases these could not be traced. If you hold or administer rights for materials

      Budak Budak                                 the Manek
                                                                                                                                          published here, please contact the publishers. Any errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions. Copyright is by the publisher. All rights reserved. No por-
                                                                                                                Destiny                   tion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
                                                                                                                                          otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. The Peranakan Magazine and The Peranakan Association Singapore disclaim all responsibilities in the articles herein,
                                                                                                                                          and state that the views expressed in them, if any, are those of the writers and not theirs. They assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials or articles published
          Meet our Junior Members.         Beaded jewellery with Peranakan roots.                                                         herein and state that the writers are wholly responsible for the veracity and authenticity of their articles.

                                                                                                                                          The Peranakan magazine house style reflects the Baba Malay spelling found in A Baba Malay Dictionary by Baba William Gwee Thian Hock.

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 3
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 editor's letter

                                                                                                      Baba GT Lye performing dondang

                                                                                                                                             To Everything,
                                                                                                      sayang at the awards ceremony.

                                                                                                                                            Thereis a Season.
PE R A N A K A N                                                                                                                               DEAR READERS,
THE AT R E D OY EN                                                                                                                             This is my hardest letter yet because it is my last.     time Illustrator, Nyonya Eileen Chan has faithfully

W I NS                                                                                                                                            I joined this magazine as assistant editor in
                                                                                                                                               2016 and wrote my first editor’s letter in 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        brought his characters to life in every issue.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Baba Emeric Lau, our Assistant Editor,
                                                                                                                                                  In the 5 years I have helmed the magazine,            has always been of great help to me, and for
H E R I TAG E AWA RD                                                                                                                           it has been a great pleasure to meet contributors        this I thank him. His knack for coming up with
                                                                                                                                               of diverse backgrounds, all with a common goal           catchy headlines and cover lines is truly a gift.
                                                                                                                                               - to document and promote Peranakan culture -            Read Emeric’s take of Peranakan hygiene habits in
                                                                                                                      Baba GT Lye              which is the ethos of this magazine.                     Coming Clean, page 16.
                                                                                                                      receiving the
                                                                                                                      award from                  It has been my privilege and joy to edit their          These are tough times for print magazines.
                                                                                                                      Edwin Tong,              articles. Our editorial team and contributors are        Even the most respected titles have gone entirely
                                                                                                                      Minister for             all volunteers, myself included, which makes this        digital or ceased to exist. So the fact that this
                                                                                                                      Community                magazine all the more special.                           volunteer-run magazine is still in print, and is
                                                                                                                      and Youth.                 I read with great fascination, stories about           distributed free of charge says something about
                                                                                                                                               cultural practices that have disappeared long            the dedicated team behind it.
                                                                                                                                               before I was born, and how some of them are                I am so grateful to my mentors, former

NYONYA DAWN                    ABA GT LYE IS A HOUSEHOLD          his field, I approached members of the Peranakan community                   being revived by a younger generation.                   Editor Baba Peter Lee and Creative Adviser
MARIE LEE                      NAME in the Peranakan              who know him and have worked with him to write letters of                      It was with deep sadness that I edited Baba            John Lee, who have given me invaluable guidance
CONGRATULATES                  community, with presidents         support for his nomination.                                                  Tan Kuning’s final article for the magazine (Yok         in producing the magazine. Many thanks to
BABA GT LYE ON          and celebrities among his fans. On 11                                                                                  Tua: Chinese Medicinal Prescriptions, page 20).          our Designer, Nyonya Joanne Low, whose
HIS WELL-DESERVED       December 2020, his dedication to his                                                                                   Baba Kuning, a long-time contributor of The              wonderful graphic work brings all the stories and
                        craft was publicly recognised when he     The Association is deeply grateful and sincerely thanks the                  Peranakan magazine, passed away at the age of            images together like magic.
Photos courtesy of the
National Heritage Board was honoured by the National Heritage     following individuals and our sister associations for their                  90 on 11 March 2021. I recall the times that I             For me, my role as editor has been all-
                        Board as a Steward of Singapore’s         written support of Baba GT’s nomination:                                     visited him and our long chats. He had a wealth          consuming. My family can attest to that. Many
                        Intangible Cultural Heritage.             BABA COLIN CHEE                                                              of knowledge about Peranakan cultural practices.         long days and sleepless nights; lugging my laptop
   The Award, launched in October 2019, aims to recognise         for The Peranakan Association Singapore                                      I’m glad that we have documented them through            along on family holidays to work on stories for
practitioners of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) who are       BABA ALVIN TEO                                                               his articles.                                            this magazine...something that I don’t even do for
dedicated to the promotion and transmission of ICH elements,      for Gunong Sayang Association                                                  I learnt new things about my own culture               my professional work as a copywriter. What can I
and have made outstanding contributions in their field.           BABA PONNO KALASTREE                                                         which I didn’t know about, such as Monkey                say? Love is blind.
   Baba GT has been a wayang Peranakan practitioner               for Peranakan Indian (Chitty Melaka)                                         God worship and the Peranakan roots of a little             I have always hoped to leave this magazine
for 36 years since his first foray into theatre in 1984 in Baba   Association Singapore                                                        temple in Tiong Bahru. (Serving the Monkey God,          better and stronger than when I arrived. My goal was
Felix Chia’s Pileh Menantu staged during the Singapore Arts       BABA IVAN HENG                                                               page 28) As a former Journalist, I’m still thrilled      to groom and inspire new writers and nurture in
                                                                  Cultural Medallion recipient, Founder and
Festival. The play was a landmark event in wayang Peranakan       Artistic Director, W!LD RICE                                                 by working the ground, meeting and interviewing          them a love and appreciation of Peranakan culture.
which sparked a revival of Peranakan theatre. Before that, no                                                                                  people, sharing their stories which have never              In this spirit, I leave you with this beautiful
                                                                  BABA ALVIN TAN
Peranakan play had been staged in Singapore since 1958.           Cultural Medallion recipient, Founder and                                    been told.                                               panton composed by Baba GT Lye:
   In his next role in 1985, Baba GT played the Peranakan         Artistic Director, The Necessary Stage                                         I’ve enjoyed so many moments of laughter               Sudah chut mia Gunung Daik,
matriarch for the first time – a role which would shape and       BABA ROBERT YEO                                                              working on hilarious tales with some young               Nampak dari tanah di rantau,
define his career in Peranakan theatre. The strength of his       Award-winning poet, playwright and author,                                   writers. Notably, Baba Bryan Tan whose wit and           Kalu sudah benair dia baik,
performances stem from his personal experience and careful        BBM (Public Service Star) for distinguished                                  wry humour come across in his columns (Pintu             Jatoh di laot jadi pulau.
                                                                  performance in the Arts.
study of the speech and mannerisms of these matriarchs who                                                                                     Jagong Merah, page 50 and A Widow’s Wrath,               Mount Daik is extremely famous,
have long since disappeared.                                      BABA PETER LEE                                                               page 66). I’ve enjoyed plotting incredulous stories
                                                                  Independent researcher and scholar of                                                                                                 It can be seen from overland regionally,
   Over three decades, he has not only starred in 23 wayang       Peranakan culture, Honorary Curator, NUS                                     and fabricating fictitious family trees with Bryan for   If the origin is good, the result will be good,
Peranakan plays but has also contributed to the art form as a     Baba House                                                                   his long running Chakap Habis column. Our long-          If it falls into the sea, it will flourish into an island.
scriptwriter, co-director, dialogue coach and mentor to young     NYONYA CYNTHIA LEE
wayang Peranakan actors. His mastery of the Baba Malay            wayang Peranakan performer
language is nonpareil. The bulk of his performances were in       BABA KELVIN TAN
plays staged by the Gunong Sayang Association. There is no        wayang Peranakan performer (Female Impersonator)
other living wayang Peranakan actor who has displayed the         BABA CHAN ENG THAI
level of mastery of the art form like Baba GT Lye has.            wayang Peranakan performer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dawn Marie Lee
   Baba GT has also brought Peranakan culture abroad              BABA RICHARD TAN
on cultural missions to France, China and Korea. I had the        Arts practitioner and educator, Artistic               SCAN THE QR CODE
                                                                  Director, GenerAsia                                      TO WATCH NHB’S
honour of preparing and submitting Baba GT’s nomination                                                                   AWARDS VIDEO OF
                                                                  NYONYA JOSEPHINE CHIA
to the National Heritage Board on behalf of The Peranakan         award-winning author of eight books, Winner,
                                                                                                                             BABA GT LYE.
Association Singapore. Apart from compiling his extensive                                                                                                                                                                   Editor
                                                                  Singapore Literature Prize (Non-fiction) 2014                                                                                                   
resume and highlighting his mastery of skills and practice in

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 5
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
chakap chakap

                                        President's Message
                                                                                                                                         Peranakan culture to our children and grandchildren when         is a jump of 212 life members during the 19-month period.
                                                                                                                                         their minds and hearts are most receptive and welcoming.         Junior membership was introduced in September 2019 and
                                     Dear Babas and Nyonyas,                                                                                A living culture has to be lived and transmitted to the       by the end of the year we had 19 junior members. Presently,
             I last shared a roadmap with you in the 2018 Issue 2 of this magazine.                                                      next generation to continue. This is what the Association must   membership stands at 2,145.
                                                                                                                                         set out to do, together with the community rallying around it,
                   In the time since, we elected a new General Committee (GC)                                                            with a shared passion, and with our like-minded partners.        Our Biggest Fixed Expense
                        in July 2020. And in light of this magazine’s delay,                                                                                                                              —the Magazine
                 we would like to simply highlight the roadmap until April 2022.                                                         Our Identity,                                                    We used to spend $60,000 a year on our magazine The
                                                                                                                                         Vision & Mission                                                 Peranakan, which was then a quarterly publication. In 2015,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          we pared it down to two issues a year. This halved the cost
                                                                                                                                         In this 2020-2022 term, the GC has adopted the slogan,           of publication and also allowed the magazine’s all-volunteer
      Keeping the Culture Alive                                          Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Ancestral worship
                                                                         and ritual practices became less important in the home.
                                                                                                                                         “Keeping the Culture Alive”.                                     editorial team to take proper breaks in-between issues.
                                                                                                                                            It will steer our vision to unite and represent the              Even so, $30,000 is a large annual fixed overhead.
      & Peranakan Identity                                                  The national emphasis on English and Mandarin,
                                                                         as languages to make a living with, eroded the use of,
                                                                                                                                         Peranakan community in Singapore, to be a beacon of              Fortunately, this cost has been partly covered by our loyal
      The most important challenge facing our Peranakan                                                                                  Peranakan culture, and to celebrate the diversity of our         advertisers. We thank them for their steadfastness. Since
                                                                         and need for, Baba Malay - a lyrical creole of Malay and
      community today is keeping our culture alive and                                                                                   unique identity, culture and heritage.                           2019 we have also had a generous sponsor for the magazine
                                                                         Hokkien - as our mother tongue. Baba Malay was bypassed
      sustaining it. A critical first step to ensure this is to better                                                                      It will also drive our mission to enrich the lives            to whom we are most grateful.
                                                                         as a living language, no longer passed down orally by our
      define our identity.                                                                                                               of members, both Peranakan and non-Peranakan, and                   Can such largesse be sustained? We cannot ever do
                                                                         elders. As a result, Peranakans have been shedding their
         We can start by asking ourselves whether we are                                                                                 Singapore’s multi-racial community, through diverse              away with The Peranakan magazine. If the Association
                                                                         traditional identity for several decades now.
      indeed a distinct community. We ARE Peranakans, right?                                                                             partnerships and programmes.                                     is to continue its role as the champion, documenter and
                                                                            At last year’s Bicentennial Istana Open House, when
      No, not officially at least. In the Singapore Population           our Association was invited to showcase our culture, we                                                                          historian of our culture and community, this magazine is
                                                                                                                                                                                                          our instrument of faith.
      Census 2010, under Glossary of Terms and Definitions, we
      are buried somewhere under “Chinese” alongside dialect
                                                                         were asked, ”How does one recognise a Peranakan?”
                                                                            We do not even know how many of us are left in               Highlights of the Virtual                                          This is why we will begin to prepare, during this term, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          infrastructure for a fully digital magazine in the event that we
      groups including “Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Hakka,
      Hainanese, Hockchia, Foochow, Henghua, Shanghainese,
                                                                         Singapore, or anywhere else in Southeast Asia. We do not
                                                                         exist as a statistic.                                           Annual General Meeting                                           have to take this route.
      etc.” Are we Chinese then?
         Our forefathers’ evolving culture was an amalgam of
                                                                         Our Own Census                                                  in July 2020                                                     Digital Platforms for Timely
      practices from their homeland, China, and heavily influenced
      by the cultures of the Malay archipelago - Bugis, Batak,           Now at the cusp of a seeming decline in our numbers, we         Finance — $43,600 Surplus                                        Communications — Quarter Million
      Balinese and more - whose women they married or brought            should more clearly define our own identity and conduct
                                                                         a census of our own. Technology will enable this. We will       For the full year ending 31 December 2019, TPAS turned in        Views Annually
      into their households from as far back as the 15th and 16th
      centuries. To a lesser extent, there were influences from the      embark on this challenge during this term of office.            a surplus of $43,600. Membership subscriptions accounted         Our Facebook page and website have become our main
      Indian, Arab, Portuguese, Dutch and British communities               What would be the purpose? To give us at least a             for a large portion of this surplus. Squirreling small           means of communication with members and friends. Our
      with whom they mingled and did business with.                      tenuous reference to build on and move forward.                 surpluses from our various activities and prudent spending       website, in particular the magazine archives, is already the
         Despite these external influences our forefathers saw                                                                           made up the balance.                                             go-to resource for researchers of Peranakan culture.

                                                                         Our Culture is Still Alive
      themselves as essentially ethnic Chinese.                                                                                             To manage our funds prudently, the new GC will decide            The aggregate annual viewership of a quarter-million
         But, culturally, they identified themselves as babas (the                                                                       whether to top up our current fixed deposits to $320,000         is not insignificant. The website attracts a viewership
      men) and nyonyas (the women). They even took pains to              Fortunately, our deep and unique cultural roots, both           from the existing $293,0000. We must always ensure our           of 45,000 annually, while our FB page attracts 180,000
      set themselves apart from the sinkehs – new migrants from          tangible and intangible, are mostly still visible and intact.   finances are sound. Our strong cash reserves will allow          views annually. Our FB post in August 2020 to pre-order
      Southern China who sailed to Southeast Asia looking for            Thankfully, it is in many ways still evolving.                  adequate working capital to support our many activities.         a cookbook attracted a reach of 13,000 in three days. Our
      work. The babas and nyonyas achieved immense wealth                   We were given an unexpected lift with the Peranakan                                                                           President’s Monthly Letter of December 2020 on Peranakan
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Identity garnered a record 12,000 views.
      and social standing especially in the British colonies. The
      1820s through to the 1930s were the golden years of Baba
                                                                         Museum’s opening in April 2008 as it sparked a revival of
                                                                         interest in the culture. This blossomed
                                                                                                                                         Events — 34 in 22 Months                                            We are planning to do more with our digital platforms.
      Nyonya culture.                                                    with the success of a Mandarin                                  In the 22 months we were in office - May 2018 to March 2020      We have started a TPAS YouTube page and encourage you
         As their culture reached a crescendo, they sought to            TV Channel drama serial,                                        - we organised a total of 34 events. Our choir, The Peranakan    to sign on as subscribers. It will be activated soon. We are
      preserve their dominance and exclusivity through carefully         The Little Nyonya, in                                           Voices, gave nine performances.                                  targeting 1,000 subscribers and are presently at nearly 900.
      arranged endogamous marriages.                                     November the same                                                  The high points included our inaugural The Baba                  To reach out to our young, we are actively looking
         Not surprisingly, the leading babas of the day formed           year. In September                                              Nyonya Literary Festival; The Peranakan Identity Forum:          at initiating an Instagram platform run by the young for
      the Straits Chinese British Association (SCBA) on 17 August        2019 we crossed a                                               Who Am I?; our Dalam Dapor Workshop with Nyonya                  the young. Thank you for your continued support dear
      1900 in Singapore to present the community as worthy               milestone in our                                                Violet Oon; the return of our afternoon tea dances called        members and friends. Stay safe. Kamsiah manyak manyak!
      subjects of the British Empire. The Peranakan Association          history when                                                    Joget Siang; our popular topical talks and re-enactments
      Singapore (TPAS), traces its origin to the SCBA.                   the Association                                                 of key Peranakan practices like semayang abu; and not
         The Great Recession and the Second World War                    opened its                                                      forgetting our special tie-up with W!ld Rice for Emily of
      destroyed much of the community’s wealth and influence.            doors to our                                                    Emerald Hill.
      Scores of Peranakan scions also lost their lives during the war.   anak babas                                                                                                                                              Blessings,
      After the war, Peranakans started marrying outside of their        and nyonyas.                                                    Membership — 2,101 Members,
      network of “approved” families and into other ethnic groups.       This Junior                                                                                                                                             Colin Chee
         With an increasingly Western education, Perakanan               Membership                                                      Increase of 212                                                                         President
      families became more secular and Christianised, cut                category was                                                    With higher activity levels, membership grew from 1,889                                 The Peranakan Association Singapore
      off from the traditional worship rituals and practices of          created to introduce                                            members in May 2018 to 2,101 at end December 2019. This                       

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 7
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
                                                                                     HE STRAITS CHINESE                      Colonel William Farquhar, at the behest                          and associations to represent the up-
       The members of the first
                                                                                     BRITISH ASSOCIATION                     of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, founder                          and-coming Straits Chinese bourgeoisie,
   committee of the Straits Chinese                                                  (SCBA) was formed in                    of Singapore, to help kickstart the                              and to protect the welfare of the largely
    British Association, formed on                                                   Singapore on 17 August                  fledgling island-economy of Singapore.                           uneducated China-born worker classes.
     17 August, 1900. Courtesy of
   National Archives of Singapore.                                                   1900 to represent the social,              With their propensity for business                               With almost a century of
                                                                                     economic and political                  and fluency in languages, these early                            contribution to society, the Straits
  Seated left to right: Ho Yiang Moh,
   Tchan Chun Fook, Tan Chay Yan,                                                    interests of some 800 Straits-          pioneering Chinese families steadily                             Chinese were ready to ask for a louder
  Song Ong Siang, Tan Jiak Kim, Seah                                                 born Chinese in the Straits             increased their fortunes and gained the                          voice in the social, economic and
   Liang Seah, Low Cheang Yee, Wee
   Kim Yam. Standing left to right:                                  Settlements, and to pledge allegiance to                confidence and respect of the British                            political spheres of colonial Singapore.
   Seah Eng Kiat, Dr Lim Boon Keng,                                  Queen Victoria, matriarch of the British                colonial administration. The Straits                             One thing led to another. On 17
     Chia Keng Chin, Tan Boo Liat,                                   Empire. The Melaka branch was formed                    Settlements started off in 1826 but the                          August, 1900, the Straits Chinese British
    Tan Hap Seng, Wee Theam Tew.
   Absent: Seah Peck Seah (Honorary                                  the next month and Penang, 20 years                     British had earlier flown the Union Jack                         Association (SCBA) was born with about
  Treasurer), Gan Gnoh Bee (Penang),                                 later. In its 120 years of history, SCBA                in Penang, Melaka and Singapore in 1786,                         800 members. It was an elite body tasked
       Chia Cheng Eok (Penang).
                                                                     has endured the departure of the British                1795 and 1819 respectively. In 1837, some                        to look after the interests of not just the
                                                                     colonial masters and two world wars                     of these Straits Chinese were described                          wealthy Chinese but also the less well-
                                                                     to morph into its present form as The                   in the Free Press as “the principal                              off China-born workers.
                                                                     Peranakan Association Singapore.                        merchants” of the colony.                                           Today's millennials may react
                                                                        Most of the SCBA founders were                                                                                        incredulously to the once-true British
                                                                     descended from Melaka Chinese                           THE C HINE S E C R È M E D E LA C R È M E                        nationality of their forefathers. In the
                                                                     merchants who were encouraged by                        Fast forward to the 1890s, the golden age                        colonial milieu, the babas were indeed
                                                                                                                             of the babas. It was when the designation                        British subjects born in the Straits
                                                                                                                             “British Chinese” appeared. But the babas                        Settlements which lasted till 1946. In
                                                                                                                             were quick to realise that within the                            1963, with the merger of Singapore

                                              O UNDING                                                                       colonial configuration, they would at best
                                                                                                                             be seated at the furthest table during a
                                                                                                                             fancy British ball or other social events.
                                                                                                                                                                                              and Malaysia, the SCBA dropped the
                                                                                                                                                                                              “British” to become the Singapore

                                              O R EFATHERS
                                                                                                                                                                                              Chinese Peranakan Association. In
                                                                                                                                Starting from the mid-1850s,                                  August 1965, Singapore separated from
                                                                                                                             merchants like Whampoa Hoo Ah Kay,                               Malaysia to become an independent
                                                                                                                             Tan Kim Ching and Seah Eu Chin would                             sovereign state and in February 1966, the
                                              IN THE 120TH YEAR OF                                                           represent the Straits Chinese crème de                           association was renamed The Peranakan
                                              THE FOUNDING OF THE                                                            la crème. By the 1890s, Tan Jiak Kim and
                                             PERANAKAN ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                                                                                                              Association Singapore.
                                                                                                                             Seah Liang Seah had become legislators
                                            SINGAPORE, SIBLINGS
                                                                                                                             and municipal commissioners. The mood
                                           NYONYA LINDA CHEE AND
                                           BABA RONNEY TAN KOON
                                                                                                                             within the Chinese upper class was to
                                          SIANG OPEN A WINDOW                                                                agitate for more “benefits” in colonial
                                          TO THE FOUNDING OF THE                                                             Singapore. While the Straits Chinese
                                         STRAITS CHINESE BRITISH                                                             mostly remained loyal to the British
                                        ASSOCIATION                                                                          crown, there were others who supported
                                                                                                                             the Ching court in China. From 1877
                                                                                                                             onwards, some bought fancy titles and
                                                                                            Was this Union Jack-like motif
                                                                                                                             wore elaborate Manchu costumes.                                                  THE
                                                                                          the original brand of the SCBA?       The more strait-laced English-                                        TOWCH A N G
                                                                                                  Seen here with committee   educated Chinese thought they should                                   C O N UN DR UM
                                                                                                member Tchan Chun Fook,
                                                                                              as featured in the book “One
                                                                                                                             have their own sports or social clubs
                                                                                            Hundred Years of the Chinese                                                                          The Ching Dynasty from 1644 to 1912
                                                                                               in Singapore” by Song Ong                                                                          saw the Han Chinese subjugated by
                                                                                                     Siang. Public domain.                                                                        the Manchus, who compelled them
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to plait their hair long in a queue,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  known as the towchang. Unwittingly,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the conquered mistook the towchang
                                                                                                                                                                                                  as iconic of their Chinese identity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The towchang prevailed until the fall
                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the Ching Dynasty, after which the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  National Assembly of the Chinese
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Republican government decreed that
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chinese all over the world be obliged
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to cut off their towchang. • But even
                                                                                                                                                                                                  before the Nationalist decree, two
                                                                                                                                                                                                  prominent young Straits Chinese – Song
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ong Siang and Lim Boon Keng - had
                                                                                                                                                                                                  done away with their queues in 1899
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in a dismissal of the derisory “pigtail”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lim Boon Keng had condemned the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  towchang as “inconvenient and useless”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  This incensed the founding president of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  SCBA, Tan Jiak Kim, who opposed the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  two young upstarts on this 'hairy' issue.
                                                                                                                             The visit of TRH the Duke and Duchess of York in 1901
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Believing in the towchang, he steadfastly
                                                                                                                             was commemorated by a specially-built SCBA Pagoda on                 held on to his prominent coiffure till his
                                                                                                                             the old gaol site opposite the former St Joseph's Institution.       dying day in 1917.
                                                                                                                             Courtesy of the National Museum of Singapore, National
                                                                                                                             Heritage Board. Note: The original photograph has been
                                                                                                                             cropped for this article.

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 8                                                                                                                                                                                                         ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 9
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore

T H E                                                          F            I            R               S               T          C O M M I T T E E
O F       T H E            S T R A I T S                                          C H I N E S E                                     B R I T I S H                                                      A S S O C I A T I O N

                                                                                                                                                                                           TCHAN CHUN FOOK
                                                                                                                                                                                           He was manager of Whampoa & Co for 40
                                                                                                                                    HO YIANG MOH                                           years before starting his own business. With his
                                                                                                                                    The cashier with the Chartered Bank is                 engaging personality and sense of humour, he was         TAN CHAY YAN
                                                                                                                                    remembered for his sharp eye for detecting             popular socially. He was a Justice of the Peace          The grandson of Tan Tock Seng, he was born
                                                                                                                                    forged $500 bank notes in 1877. He was active          who believed in “the study of the spiritual world”.      wealthy and pioneered the commercial planting
                                                                                                                                    in the Straits Chinese Recreation Club and the                                                                  of rubber. His efforts boosted the economies of
TA N J I A K KIM                                                                                                                    Celestial Reasoning Association which promoted
                                                                                                                                    the mastery of the English language through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Straits Settlements especially Singapore and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Melaka. He had earlier been encouraged by Lim
The son of Tan Beng Swee and grandson of Tan Kim Seng, he                                                                           debating and literary study.                                                                                    Boon Keng to use the free rubber seeds given
was the scion of a distinguished Melaka family who carried                                                                                                                                                                                          out by Henry Ridley, director of the Botanical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gardens. He worked tirelessly to roll out the
on the family tradition of public service, philanthropy and                                                                                                                                                                                         first rubber sheet in 1904. By 1907, the mass
business. He was an outstanding community leader who                                                                                                                                                                                                production of the Ford Model T vehicle created
answered the call to duty as a legislator and municipal          S E A H LI ANG S E AH                                                                                                                                                              a huge demand for rubber tyres. In 1916, he
commissioner. Tan Jiak Kim spoke up for the rights of low        The second son of tycoon Seah Eu Chin, he made his fortune
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    died suddenly, leaving a huge fortune to his wife
wage earners as well as the needs of the Chinese community,                                                                                                                                                                                         Chua Wan Neo. She delegated the running
                                                                 in gambier planting and commercial trading. Seah Liang Seah                                                                                                                        of the rubber estates to Ronney's and Linda's
be it the Straits-born or the China-born Chinese. He                                                                                                                                       CHIA KENG CHIN
                                                                 was prominent as a legislator and municipal commissioner.                                                                                                                          great-grandfather Tan Jin Ann till his retirement
fought for the retention of the Queen's scholarship and set      Educated at St Joseph's Institution, he donated generously to                                                             A nephew of Chia Ann Siang, he joined Ann Lock           in 1934.
up educational scholarships for locals. He and Seah Liang                                                                                                                                  & Co as a merchant after his two uncles passed
                                                                 many causes including 400 silver taels to a drought relief fund                                                           on. He was a founder of the Straits Chinese
Seah raised funds to set up the King Edward VII College of       in China and the British war fund. He had three wives and 12                                                              Recreation Club and a municipal commissioner.
Medicine in Singapore. A loyal British subject, he contributed   children. His three brothers, including Seah Peck Seah, also                                                              He was fortunate to be part of the Singapore
                                                                                                                                    TAN HAP SENG
liberally to the war funds, including $37,000 (about $683,500    distinguished themselves in business and social circles. Four                                                             delegation that attended the coronation of King
                                                                                                                                    The eldest grandson of shipping tycoon Tan Kim         Edward VII in 1901.
in 2021) for the Prince of Wales Relief Fund and $19,200 to      streets in Singapore are named after this famous Teochew family.   Tian, he was brought up in the lap of luxury. After
buy a fighter plane for Britain's battle with Germany.                                                                              taking over the mantle of the family shipping
                                                                                                                                    business from his cousin Tan Beng Wan, Hap
                                                                                                                                    Seng managed one of Singapore's largest shipping
                                                                                                                                    companies. But his inexperience in business and
                                                                                                                                    inability in the Chinese language led to a poorly-
                                                                                                                                    judged deal. Overnight, the company collapsed in
                                                                                                                                    debt. He remained an undischarged bankrupt for
                                                                                                                                    26 years. Once the toast of high society, he died                                                               SE AH ENG KIAT
                                                                                                                                    without any fanfare in 1934.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Grandson of Seah Eu Chin. He was a director of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Singapore United Rubber Plantations Limited
                                                                                                                                                                                           WEE KIM YAM                                              formed in 1916. He loved horse racing.
                                                                                                                                                                                           A son of Wee Ah Hood, he was an opium and
                                                                                                                                                                                           spirit farmer in the 1880s. He was appointed a
                                                                                                                                                                                           Justice of the Peace and was active in public affairs,
                                                                                                                                                                                           serving zealously on the committee of Tan Tock
                                                                                                                                                                                           Seng Hospital.
                                                                      LI M BO O N K E NG
                                                                 He won the Queens Scholarship in 1887 to study medicine
                                                                 at Edinburgh University. There, he was asked to read a
                                                                 Chinese banner. Ashamed of being unable to read Chinese,
S ON G ONG SIANG                                                 he pledged to read and write Chinese and became more               WEE THE AM TEW                                                                                                  TAN BOO LIAT
The son of Song Hoot Kiam, an early Singapore Chinese            Chinese than the Chinese. He even organised Mandarin               A high-flying lawyer whose fortunes turned south                                                                A nephew of Tan Chay Yan and great grandson
Christian, he agitated for social reforms together with his      night classes for whoever wished to learn the language. Dr         after he was jailed for misappropriating a client's                                                             of Tan Tock Seng, he was the last Straits Chinese
good friend, fellow Queens Scholar Dr Lim Boon Keng.             Lim wrote books, practised medicine, became a legislator,          funds. He died a broken man in an asylum in 1918.                                                               head of the Hokkien Huay Kuan. A man of
                                                                                                                                    His family library provided reading material for the                                                            diverse interests, he was well known in racing
They both studied at Raffles Institution and founded the         co-founded the Straits Chinese Magazine and was the                younger Lim Boon Keng. Theam Tew himself was           LOW CHE ANG YEE                                          circles for his cup-winning horse, Vanitas, in
Singapore Chinese Girls' School in 1899 in a building next       first Chancellor of Xiamen University. With his extensive          fortunate to study law in England with the help        His father came from China and built a business          1898. The prize money: 100,000 Straits dollars.
to the present Central Fire Station at Hill Street. Song Ong     connections to the colonial masters, the Chinese Republican        of Gan Eng Seng's sponsorship. Although he went        dealing with gutta percha and other produce.             His illustrious grandfather, Tan Kim Ching, was
Siang also edited the huge tome “One Hundred Years of            government and the Singapore merchants, the social                 down the slippery slope, his nieces, the daughters     He schooled at Raffles Institution where his             anointed with ministerial status by King Mongkut
                                                                                                                                    of his banker brother Wee Thiam Seng, married          schoolmate, Lim Thean Geow, was Lim Boon                 of Thailand. His daughter Polly Tan was the
the Chinese in Singapore” which is still used today as the       reformist was very busy connecting many dots and rendered          well. One of them married Tan Chin Tuan, long-         Keng's father. Like Seah Liang Seah, he was a            inspiration behind the play Emily of Emerald Hill.
standard reference text on the history of the Chinese in         service in many societies beyond the call of duty. He              time chairman of OCBC Bank. Another became             prominent Teochew merchant much respected by             Tan Boo Liat was a strong supporter of Sun Yat
Singapore up to 1919.                                            remained modest and never took a leadership role.                  the mother-in-law of Lee Kuan Yew.                     European merchants.                                      Sen, considered the father of modern China.

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 11
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
leading the scba — descendents of the four founders share memories of their anscestors

TAN                                                     his ancestors. He
                                                        felt the portrait
                                                        was that reminder
                                                                                                                                                                  SE A H                                                      The Seah family played such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           prominent roles in Singapore society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           that many streets were named after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        who was a consummate diplomat.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bilingual in English and Chinese,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        he organised many “prominent and

J IA K                                                                                                                                                            L I A NG
                                                        “looking down on                                                                                                                                                   them: Seah Street, Liang Seah Street,                        well-attended wedding parties” (as he
                                                        all of us.”                                                                                                                                                        Peck Seah Street and Eu Chin Street,                         had six sons and six daughters from
                                                           “I had never                                                                                                                                                    named after their father, Seah Eu Chin.                      three wives) where bands and wayang

K IM                                                                                                                                                              SE A H
                                                        met the man.                                                                                                                                                       This was a fact that fascinated Shawn                        Peranakan entertainment were standard
                                                        What I know of                                                                                                                                                     since he was young.                                          fare. The ostentatious display seemed
                                                        him is through                                                                                                                                                        “My father, Simon, would                                  never-ending. Seah Liang Seah hosted
 A MAN FOR THE PEOPLE                                   my father, Tan                                                                                             KING OF THE STREETS                                     occasionally talk with much passion                          royalty in his magnificent home called
                                                        Eng Chiang, who                                                                                                                                                    about the prominent pioneers we were                         Bendemeer House. It had a huge
                                                        was told by my                                                                                                                                                     descended from. This inspired me to find                     ballroom, a four-storey tower and
                                                        grandfather, Tan                                                                                                                                                   out more about them.” His aunt Florence                      sweeping grounds. Shawn elaborated:
                                                        Soo Bin,” who was                                                                                                                                                  also regaled him with stories about                          “He would have driving competitions,
                                                        the only surviving                                                                                                                                                 the famous Seah brothers. Shawn was                          miniature rifle-shooting, and guessing
                                                        son of Tan Jiak                                                                                                                                                    intrigued by, as he describes, Liang Seah's                  games with one person whistling a tune
                                                        Kim. Richard is                                                                                                                                                    “most unusual will” after he passed on                       with a biscuit in his mouth while his
                                                        “extremely proud”                                                                                                                                                  in 1925. It stipulated that his estate could                 hapless teammates would be trying to
                                                        of his kong cho.                                                                                                                                                   only be distributed 21 years after the                       figure out what the tune was. He also
                                                        “He was a man for the people, serving          Tan Jiak Kim with his third wife, Ang Geok Lan, and                                                                 death of King George V's last surviving                      sported clock golf, croquet, driving
                                                                                                       grandsons Tan Eng Chiang (right) and Tan Eng Wan (left).
                                                        in the public domain with absolute faith                                                                                                                           child. In 1996, 71 years after his death,                    competitions and even a merry-go-
                                                        and conviction to bring betterment to          have none of it. He was proud of his                                                                                Liang Seah's estate with a value of about                    round once!”
                                                        the ordinary man in the street.” It was        queue and kept it to his grave.” This fact                                                                          $13 million was finally distributed.                             Notwithstanding his vast wealth,
                                                        befitting that he became the founding          was confirmed in print by Richard's older                                                                              Shawn's curiosity about his                               the St Joseph's Institution alumnus was
                                                        president of the Straits Chinese British       brother, the late Tan Tiang Leong. While                                                                            forefathers led to a decade of research                      far from being a feckless degenerate. He
                                                        Association (SCBA).                            Song Ong Siang and Lim Boon Keng                                                                                    in earnest. “I found out most of the                         was a high-ranking community leader
                                                           Tan Jiak Kim cared deeply for the           advocated the change to Western suit, Tan                                                                           significant and comprehensive details on                     who was well respected by both the
                                                        Chinese community. He agitated for             Jiak Kim refused to yield and wore the                                                                              my own.” These uncovered facets of a                         British and Chinese. He gave generously
                                                        the installation of water standpipes for       Chinese costume until he died in 1917.                                                                              lavish, extravagant lifestyle.                               to charitable causes.
                                                        rickshaw pullers to cool themselves after         In the era of arranged marriages,                                                                                   Both brothers were Anglophiles                               Inspired by his forefathers, Shawn
                                                        every run. After the Second World War,         he dutifully married Ang Geok Hoe                                                                                   and loved parties. Shawn discovered                          has published three local history books
                                                        these rickshaws were phased out by 1947.       when he was 19 years old. After she                        NYONYA LINDA CHEE DISCOVERS                              Liang Seah to be “a colourful character                      since 2017. These are titled, Seah Eu
                                                           In social reform, Tan Jiak Kim was          died at childbirth, he remarried her                       FROM BABA SHAWN SEAH THE 'CRAZY                                                                                       Chin: His Life and Times; Leader and
                                                        strong on abolishing opium and was the         sister, Ang Geok Hean. They sailed to                      RICH BABAS' OF YESTERYEAR.                                                                                            Legislator: Seah Liang Seah; and My
                                                                                                                                                                  Photographs courtesy of Shawn Seah and the Seah family
                                                        only Asian on an all-colonial panel in 1908,   England in 1911 to attend King George                      unless otherwise stated.                                                                                              Father's Kampung: A History of Aukang
                                                        when the Anti-Opium Commission was             V's coronation, but she died during the                                                                                                                                          and Punggol, published in 2020.

                                                        formed. Yet he was reluctant to contribute     visit. He remarried another sister, Ang                                                                                                                                             The Seahs meet at a Singapore
                                                        to education for women. Like Seah Liang        Geok Lan, who eventually outlived                                         OUR GENERATIONS AGO,                                                                                   Seah Clan Association, of which he is
BABA RICHARD TAN TIANG TECK                             Seah, he was very traditional; boys came       him. Marrying the sister of the deceased                                  LIFE WAS MUCH DAZZLE                                                                                   an Executive Committee member and
REMEMBERS HIS GREAT GRANDFATHER, AS                     first. He was constantly at odds with “the     spouse was a traditional practice known                                   and spectacle with the Seah                                                                            also the head of their youth group, or
TOLD TO BABA RONNEY TAN KOON                            young reformers,” Song Ong Siang and           as “tukar tikar”, literally meaning                                       brothers, Liang Seah and                                                                               qing nian tuan. The Association has an
SIANG. Photographs courtesy of the National Museum of   Lim Boon Keng, who were the prime              changing the floor mat!                                                   Peck Seah. They were, as                                                                               annual gathering. There is also an active
Singapore, National Heritage Board.
                                                        movers for opening up education to girls.         “He was a traditional man with                          researched by descendant Shawn Seah,                                                                                                          Facebook group

                                                           Richard remembers his great-                traditional ideas on how a Straits-born                    “incredibly wealthy business people who                                                                                                       online called
                   ICHARD REMEMBERS                     grandfather as a devoted family man            Chinese baba should conduct himself.                       lived at Orchard Road and Boat Quay, in                                                                                                       Seah Eu Chin
                   HIS GROWING UP YEARS.                imbued with traditional Chinese                Exactly as any nyonya mother would                         beautiful houses surrounded by flowers.”                                                                                                      Descendants. “I love
                   A huge portrait of Tan Jiak          values. Yet he was also pro-British and        pesan or instruct: senonoh, ada adat (well-                   Shawn, 34, is the great-great-                                                                                                             this online group,
                   Kim hung prominently in              spoke fluent English, Baba Malay and           behaved and polite),” remembers Richard.                   grandnephew of Seah Liang Seah, a co-                                                                                                         because I am able
                   the living room of Panglima          Hokkien. On hindsight, Tan Jiak Kim               Richard has followed in the family                      founder and vice-president of the Straits                                                                                                     to communicate
Prang (meaning “war admiral”), the huge                 was caught in the transitory phase of          tradition of public service, contributing                  Chinese British Association (SCBA), and                                                                                                       with many people
house that Richard's great-great-great                  the Straits-born Chinese, in adapting          many years of time, effort and money to                    the great-great-grandson of Seah Peck                                                                                                         who are interested
grandfather, Tan Kim Seng, built in the                 from traditional customs to the modern         various charitable projects. His “proudest                 Seah, the SCBA honorary treasurer.                                                                                                            in searching for
1850s. Six generations lived in the house.              European-influenced era of the 20th            moment” was on being conferred the                            Upon Liang Seah's death, he                                                                                                                their roots.”
The airy 10.5-acre estate had many fruit                century. Unlike his cousin Tan Boo Liat        Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (PBM) by then-                     reportedly left behind real estate                                                                                                              “I have
trees of rambutans, durians and mango.                  who supported Sun Yat Sen, Tan Jiak            President Wee Kim Wee in 1990. He is                       consisting of 87 acres of land in                                                                                                             gathered digitally
A landmark colonial-styled house along                  Kim focused his allegiance to Queen            presently the Chairman of Pelangi Home.                    Serangoon Road; 84 acres of rubber                                                                                                            along with many
River Valley Road, it was torn down in                  Victoria and later, King Edward VII and           I asked Richard whether he would                        land at Thomson Road; seven houses in                                                                                                         members of
1983 to make way for a condominium,                     then King George V.                            pass down to his two grandchildren,                        North Bridge Road; two houses on North                                                                                                        my extended
Yong Ann Park. Richard, 79, is modest                      Acknowledging his stellar                   aged five and seven, the stories his                       Boat Quay; one house in River Valley                                                                                                          family. Through
about being the descendant of very                      contributions to the community, the            father told him. “I will, but will tell                    Road; his sons' properties consisting of                                                                                                      these offline and
wealthy forebears. “We still worked for                 British colonial government awarded            much more when they are a bit older,”                      230 acres of land off East Coast Road                                                                                                         online activities,
a living”, Richard remarks, adding that                 Tan Jiak Kim the Companion of the Most         he smiles warmly. In the evening of his                    Top: Carte-de-visite of    all the way to                                                                                                     I am constantly
growing up in the house was “a constant                 Distinguished Order of St Michael and St       life, as he takes walks at the Botanic                     Seah Liang Seah Courtesy   Bedok; and other                                                                                                   reminded that I
                                                                                                       Gardens, he is comforted by memories                       of Asian Civilisations     lands scattered               Top: The Seahs were fabulously wealthy. Shown here is the
                              reminder of the           George (CMG) in 1912.                                                                                                                                                                                                           have a family and it helps me remember
Top: Portrait of Tan Jiak Kim                                                                                                                                     Museum. Collection of the                                entrance to the palatial home of Seah Eng Kwang, son of
with the CMG medal, as        huge heritage and            “One of the SCBA's reforms in 1900          of the “luxuriant foliage and fresh air of                 Peranakan Museum. Gift     throughout                    Seah Peck Seah. Bottom: The front gate to the residence of   my roots: Where I came from, and who I
painted by Low Kway Soo.      contributions” of         was to abolish the queue, but he would         Panglima Prang.”                                           of Mr and Mrs Lee Kip Lee  Singapore.                    Seah Eng Kwang.                                              am,” says Shawn on a thankful note.

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 13
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
leading the scba — descendents of the four founders share memories of their anscestors

S ON G                                                               director of the now-defunct Asia
                                                                     Commercial Banking Corporation,
                                                                     through his high standards of integrity.”
                                                                                                                             The “prominent bigwig and
                                                                                                                          successful lawyer” invested in several
                                                                                                                          properties in Orchard Road. One of
                                                                                                                                                                      DR                                                        rooms and was one of the last mansion-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                sized wood-and-attap houses dating back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to the 1860s. “My most vivid memory is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            remembers Kok Lian. “While happily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            fueled by the rounds of 'yam seng'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            at banquets, grandpa was also prone

ONG                                                                                                                                                                   BOON
                                                                     Dr Chew had told Patricia that while                 them was 400 Orchard Road, a rambling                                                                 seeing him on his plantation lounge chair                   to engage in his favorite mode of
                                                                     some of his peers were corrupt and                   bungalow on spacious grounds near the                                                                 with book and cigar at hand.”                               humour, where he would pun in several
                                                                     accepted bribes from bank customers                  Thai Embassy, which has since been sold                                                                  As he became less agile with age,                        languages. One of his oft-repeated puns

S IA NG                                                                                                                                                               K ENG
                                                                     to enrich themselves unjustly, he would              and redeveloped as Orchard Towers.                                                                    “it was my job to escort him down the                       was the Japanese word 'arigato' (thank
                                                                     not stoop to do the same. Patricia is                “It was big enough to accommodate my                                                                  stairs to make sure he didn't fall down.”                   you) which he would twist into the
                                                                     especially proud of her granduncle's                 grandparents, my mother and her nine                                                                  Kok Lian would also accompany him in                        Hokkien 'giah ee giah toh' (carry chair,
 OF INTEGRITY AND DUTY                                               legacy of empowering Straits-born                    other siblings gratis. My grandparents      THE SOCIAL REFORMER                                       his humpback 1940s Dodge, driven by                         carry table). In his darker moods, his
                                                                     females to be educated by co-founding                at that time didn't own any properties                                                                a Malay chauffeur, to spend time at the                     intoxicated rants would run into phrases
                                                                     the Singapore Chinese Girls' School. Sir             and had many mouths to feed.” Beatrice                                                                City Club on Cecil Street or the Ee Ho                      such as 'goa ai si, buay si' (want to die
                                                                     Song and his wife, Lady Helen Song,                  often crossed the road from her home to                                                               Hean Club at Bukit Pasoh Road. “My                          but cannot die).” In more cheerful times,
                                                                     adopted two daughters, Lily Nancy                    visit her uncle and aunt, and they would                                                              job, as grandma insisted, was to place my                   he said it was strange that the Hokkien
                                                                     who remained single, and Darling, who                give her sweets or fruits.                                                                            hand over his head as he either entered or                  word for equines was “horse” but
                                                                     married but died leaving no issue.                      “My mother would say that although                                                                 emerged so that he would not scrape or                      “tiger” in Hokkien is “hor[se].
                                                                                                                          he went out dressed like a quintessential                                                             bump his somewhat thinly covered pate.”                        Comparing notes on play rituals
                                                                     Left: Portrait of Song                               Englishman or 'the King's Chinese', at                                                                   In the 1950s, the “old man in a white                    with his niece, Stella Kon, and the
                                                                     Ong Siang, knighted in
                                                                     1936, as painted by Julius                                                                                                                                 suit”, would go for one of his favourite                    others, Kok Lian recalls “grandpa's
                                                                     Wentscher. Courtesy of                                                                                                                                     walks aided either by his walking stick                     usual attempts at friendliness to the very
                                                                     the National Museum                                                                                                                                        or “wobbling rather dangerously while                       young was to slip one of his cigar rings
                                                                     of Singapore, National
                                                                     Heritage Board.                                                                                                                                            crossing the road” to visit his neighbour,                  onto the finger of whichever child he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dr Hu Tsai Kuen, at 2 Paterson Hill.                        happened to encounter.”
                                                                     Right: Song Ong Joo, his                                                                                                                                   Dr Lim often stayed the afternoon till                         When Kok Lian reached adulthood,
                                                                     wife Lim Hean Neo and
                                                                     their brood of 10 children                                                                                                                                 dinnertime and the two men “apparently                      he realised his famous grandpa “was far
                                                                     lived in a bungalow                                                                                                                                        shared much in common” even though                          from wealthy”. After leaving Xiamen
                                                                     owned by his elder
                                                                     brother, Song Ong Siang,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dr Hu was nearly 30 years Dr Lim's                          and bequeathing their beautiful home
                                                                     at 400 Orchard Road,                                                                             BABA LIM KOK LIAN* HAS FOND MEMORIES OF                   junior. “It was also likely that his                        on Gulang Su to Xiamen University, Dr
                                                                     where Orchard Towers                                                                             HIS GRANDFATHER, AS TOLD TO NYONYAS                       neighbour was more liberal with the beer                    Lim returned to Singapore financially
                                                                     now stands. Note the                                                                             PAT LIN** IN CALIFORNIA AND LINDA CHEE
                                                                     interesting toys that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                than what grandma permitted at home.”                       depleted and homeless, impacted by the
                                                                                                                                                                      IN SINGAPORE Black-and-white photographs by courtesy of   Many years later, Dr Hu's family would                      Depression and World War Two. “The
                                                                     children played with and
                                                                                                                                                                      Lim Kok Lian.
                                                                     the close resemblance of                                                                                                                                   be immortalized in the movie, 'Crazy

                                                                     Song Ong Joo to his brother.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rich Asians'.
                                                                                                                                                                                          R LIM BOON KENG LED                      At meals, grandpa “fidgeted
CHILDREN'S BOOK AUTHOR NYONYA                                                                                                                                                             A REMARKABLE LIFE                     frequently with his ill-fitting dentures”,
PATRICIA CHEW SPEAKS WITH NYONYA                                                                                                                                                          amidst the turmoil of his             which fascinated Kok Lian as “both
LINDA CHEE ON THE PROFOUND INFLUENCE                                                                                                                                                      generation. He was also               upper and lower sets of teeth would
OF HER ILLUSTRIOUS GRAND UNCLE, BABA                                                                                                                                                      bountifully blessed. When             be removed and sat alongside him
SONG ONG SIANG                                                                                                                                                        he drew his last breath on 1 January,                     throughout the meals. All meals were
All photographs courtesy of Patricia Chew unless otherwise stated.                                  Left: Song Ong
                                                                                                    Siang and his wife,
                                                                                                                                                                      1957 at the age of 88, he left behind seven               also not complete without his favourite

                                                                                                    Helen, adopted        home he would be at ease wearing a          children, 30 grandchildren, and numerous                  side of chili belachan.”
                      great name is more desirable                                                  two daughters,        simple sarong and shirt just as any other   great- and great-great-grandchildren.                        The cigar-smoking Baba enjoyed
                      than great riches, to be                                                      named Lily Nancy      baba. That completely floored me! I            Eleven of his progeny became                           his shot of Johnny Walker whisky every
                      esteemed is better than silver                                                and Darling (left).
                                                                                                                          suppose it destroyed my perceptions of      medical doctors. They include Dr Lim Kok                  night “for medicinal purposes” and
                      or gold.                                                                                            an old Chinese gentleman perpetually        Kian, Kok Lian’s elder brother - both are                                                                             Dr Lim surrounded by his family in mourning. His widow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                would return home “from banquets
                      — Proverbs 22:1                                                                                     having tea at home, and dressed to the                                                                                                                            Grace Yin looks on, at the head of the coffin.
                                                                                                                                                                      the sons of ace racing car driver Lim Peng                guided by an obviously irate grandma,
THIS BIBLE PASSAGE WAS QUOTED                                                                                             nines,” says a bemused Patricia.            Han, whose mother was Dr Lim Boon                         loudly singing, and shakily going                           somewhat shabby old mansion grandpa
often by Sir Song Ong Siang, as related                                 Patricia's late mother said Sir Song                 Sir Song died about six months           Keng's second wife, Grace Yin Pek Ha.                     upstairs on none too steady legs,”                          lived in on Paterson Hill was afforded to
by his niece, Beatrice Song, who brought                             was a quiet person, and would frequently             before the outbreak of Second World            Growing up, Kok Lian, 78, was                                                                                      him through an old friendship with the
up her daughter, Patricia Chew, with                                 pore over legal documents, working                   War in Feb 15, 1942. He was given a gun     “very conscious” of his grandfather's                                                                                 Tan Chay Yan family, whom grandpa had
stories of the illustrious Christian lawyer.                         right into the night. The pace increased             salute. “My mother said that his widow      fame and accomplishments. “Being his                                                                                  helped in the rubber industry.”
The first Malayan Chinese to be knighted                             when he edited the seminal tome, 'One                Lady Song fainted several times during      grandson often placed me in the situation                                                                                Dr Lim became much of a recluse in
by the British, Sir Song was a brilliant                             Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in             the funeral.”                               of being in a fish bowl - watched                                                                                     his august years. Towards the end of 1956,
lawyer who started a legal practice with                             Singapore'. “However, he was just at ease               From the wealth of information           constantly for any signs of not living up                                                                             he fell very ill. Cancer was suspected. On
his classmate, James Aitken, calling it                              going out to parties, where he had a large           on him that was fondly shared by her        to the standards set by the great man                                                                                 New Year's Day, he passed on.
Aitken & Ong Siang.                                                  network of friends. Apparently, both he              parents, Patricia was inspired to become    who was both a prominent civic leader                                                                                    A huge crowd attended Dr Lim's
   “I didn't hear much about his                                     and my grand aunt liked dancing.”                    a lawyer. “A seed was planted in me         and a polymath.” Family and teachers                                                                                  burial in Bidadari Cemetery. Kok Lian says
business acumen, but rather the                                         A Queen's Scholar, Sir Song was                   from the time I was about 12 years old.”    “would frequently admonish me to live                                                                                 in reflection that his grandpa “had lived
integrity in which he conducted himself                              not proud and did not look down on                   Sir Song's exemplary life continues to      up to some of these abilities whenever                                                                                across two centuries and by the sheer force
and his very good command of the                                     his siblings. “My granduncle was a                   impact Patricia even now. It inspired       I fell short of expectations”. Kok Lian's                                                                             of his activism and personality, he had
English language, such that people would                             generous and dutiful brother to them,”               her to write “Tony Tapir and                most memorable childhood days were                                                                                    changed the lives of many as well as the
go to him to get their legal documents                               says Patricia with much admiration. He               Friends”, a series of       Patricia
                                                                                                                                                                      spent with his grandparents over                                                                                      course of history in no small ways.”
drafted,” says Patricia, whose                                       supported his unmarried sisters, Song                four children's books Chew and her          weekends and school holidays in their
grandfather was Sir Song's younger                                   Boey Neo and Song Pean Neo. He also                  that she authored         late mother,                                  two-storey home,
                                                                                                                                                   Beatrice Song.
brother, Song Ong Joo.                                               employed Patricia's grandfather to work              to emphasise                                Top: Portrait of Dr Lim     set on two acres of           Dr Lim Boon Keng and his grandchildren at his estate.       *LIM KOK LIAN WAS THE HEAD ADMINISTRATOR OF THE KAISER

    “He also impacted me and my late                                 in his law firm, copying out indentures              the importance                              Boon Keng. Courtesy of      land at 1, Paterson           Lim Kok Lian is the toddler in white overalls, second       PERMANENTE MEDICAL CENTER IN RIVERSIDE BEFORE HE RETIRED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            IN 2009. **PAT LIN IS PROFESSOR EMERITUS, GENDER, ETHNICITY
                                                                                                                                                                      the National Museum                                       from left. The other children are, from left, his cousin,
father, Commendatore Dr David Chew,                                  for conveyancing because he had                      of integrity in                             of Singapore, National      Hill. It had 7,000            Dawn Teh, his brother, Dr Lim Kok Kian, and Dawn's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AND MULTICULTURAL STUDIES AT CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            POMONA. BOTH ARE BASED IN CALIFORNIA.
who was previously the managing                                      beautiful writing.                                   leadership.                                 Heritage Board.             sq feet of rambling           brother, Teh Ee Keng, a Queen's Scholar.

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 15
ISSUE 2 ISSUE SPECIAL - The Peranakan Association Singapore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   INSPIRED BY THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OF THE COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PANDEMIC, BABA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EMERIC LAU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EXPLORES THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HISTORY, HABITS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AND HYSTERIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OF PERANAKANS'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HYGIENE PRACTICES

         he typical bibik is fastidious about cleanliness, and my grandmother was                                                                         Pears' Soap was promoted as
                                                                                                                                                       “brightening the dark corners of the                                      NOURISHMENT
         no exception. “Cuci berrr-sssih! (Wash thoroughly!)” she would exhort our                                                                     earth as civilization advances, whilst
         helper; “Mesti pakai Brrrassso!” (Must use Brasso!) she exclaimed if she saw                                                                  amongst the cultured of all nations it
                                                                                                                                                       holds the highest place…”
         the slightest tarnish on a brass object or bit of chrome hardware. As a result,                                                                  Many Peranakans, modeling
I associate trilling r's and hissing s's with a frenzied hubbub of scrubbing, polishing                                                                themselves as the King's Chinese,
                                                                                                                                                       were quick to convert to Christianity.
and washing. How did our fanatical devotion to always shining like freshly minted                                                                      Their desire to differentiate themselves
coins come about?                                                                                                                                      from the sinkeh or new Chinese
                                                                                                                                                       migrants drove them to adopt upper
                                                                                                                                                       class European practices, including
CLASS & COLONIALISM                                                                                                                                    maintaining a state of exemplary
Let's turn back the clock to the 17th and 18th                                                                                                         cleanliness in both body and home.
centuries when the first Europeans arrived                                                                                                             Soaps, detergents, perfumes and other                                     Some common ingredients used in rempah include       Top: Mortar and pestle used for pounding the rempah.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 candlenut, garlic and chillies.                     Bottom: A ceramic Tong Luda or spittoon. Collection of
in tropical Southeast Asia. At the time,                                                                                                               cleanliness-related sundries were all                                                                                      the Asian Civilisations Museum. Nyonyas used two types
the concept of bathing was rather alien to                                                                                                             incorporated into an already syncretic                                    REMPAH                                               of spittoons. The first type, like this piece, was tall with
westerners, and Dutch historian De Haan                                                                                                                and holistic Asian culture of general                                     A diet rich in antioxidants and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a flared mouth and foot that resembled the archaic 'gu'-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shaped vases used on altars in China. They were placed on
noted a high degree of “hydrophobia”                                                                                                                                                                                             immunity boosting ingredients can                   the floor and within the washstands in bridal chambers.
that lasted at least one generation, before                                                                                                                                                                                      help ward off diseases. It was reported                 The second type was the jar-shaped table spittoons of
the new arrivals took to immersing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        various sizes, which were more portable and shared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that none of the Indians who were                                      between nyonyas at social gatherings.
themselves in the manner of the locals at                                                                                                                                                                                        evacuated from Wuhan were
the nearest convenient riverside pool.                                                                                                                                                                                           found to have contracted
   Describing life in Batavia in the                                                                                                                                                                                             Covid-19. The Indian diet
middle of the 18th century, he writes                                                                                                                                                                                            of curries and spicy foods
that both Dutchmen and the Portuguese                                                                                                                                                                                            may have something to do
detested bathing. They left this to the                                                                                                                                                                                          with robustness - high levels of
ladies, who were of local or mixed                                                                                                                                                                                               turmeric, galangal, garlic, onions
descent. Jean Gelman Taylor also notes                                                                                                                                                                                           and chilis. The same ingredients are
that European men in Batavia “refused                                                                                                                                                                                            found in nyonya rempahs. The humble
to adapt to the Asian custom of frequent                                                                                                                                                                                         tapioca is known to help guard against
bathing”. Instead, the Europeans simply                                                                                                                                                                                          stomach cancer, while ginger helps to
donned clean clothes regularly.                                                                                                                                                                                                  ward off “heatiness”, and is easy to
   The founder of modern Singapore,                                                                                                                                                                                              include whether cooking chicken, pork
Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, praised                                                                                                                                                                                             or fish dishes. Be careful though,
the Javanese for their cleanliness and                                                                                                                                                                                           as ginger may induce flatulence,
meticulous care of physical hygiene. The                                                                                                                                                                                         causing one to “break wind” as a
                                                                                                                                                       Buah Lerak, or soapberry, a natural detergent. Photo by Dawn Marie Lee.
common Javanese who bathed, Raffles                                                                                                                                                                                              result of “beating wind”!
wrote, once a day or once in two or three                                                                                                              wellbeing that encompassed one's health
days were “more clean than the Chinese                                                                                                                 (both corporeal and spiritual), hygiene,                                  SIREH
and even the European”.                                                                                                                                housekeeping and happiness.                                               The practice of chewing sireh
   With advances in science and                                                                                                                           At this juncture, we should mention                                    (betel leaves and areca nut)
                                                                                           Pears Soap advertisement, 1890. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

medicine over the 19th and early 20th                                                                                                                  the buah lerak (soapberry). Its husk                                      was once a ubiquitous habit of
century, washing, especially with                                                                                                                      contains pure saponin, a gentle soaping                                   the nyonyas. Aside from being a
soap, became regarded by the Western                                                                                                                   agent. This natural detergent is softer on                                mild hallucinogenic, betel leaves do
world as a marker of civilisation. When                                                                                                                fabrics than synthetic soap, penetrating                                  bring some health benefits. They are
exported to the colonies, using soap                                                                                                                   cloth softly to tease out dirt, making it                                 believed to reduce the level of sugar
"made natives white" in a metaphorical                                                                                                                 a favourite of bibiks who use it on their                                 in the blood, thus treating diabetes;
sense. By the same token, the "unwashed                                                                                                                delicates and coloured kain. Native to                                    they reduce body fat by increasing
masses" reeked with bodily odours                                                                                                                      South and East Asia, natural saponin is                                   the metabolic rate; and they
whereas the nobility was portrayed as                                                                                                                  eco-friendly and totally hypoallergenic,                                  inhibit carcinogens that cause
freshly scented. Missionary Christians                                                                                                                 meaning it won't irritate sensitive skin.                                 oral cancer by maintaining the
invested their congregations with the                                                                                                                  In a 21st century reversal, the Western                                   levels of ascorbic acid in saliva.
idea that the cleaner or purer one was,                                                                                                                world has cottoned on to the benefits of                                  When applied externally, the
the closer to God, giving rise to the                                                                                                                  the soapberry, packaging it as an organic                                 leaves help to heal wounds and
phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness”.                                                                                                             laundry detergent!                                                        provide relief from headaches.

ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ISSUE 2 • 2020 | 17
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