Jaguars ROAR! - Springdale Elementary School 1127 Hope Street Stamford, CT 06907 - Stamford Public Schools

Page created by Leon Rice
Jaguars ROAR! - Springdale Elementary School 1127 Hope Street Stamford, CT 06907 - Stamford Public Schools
Springdale Elementary School
     1127 Hope Street
    Stamford, CT 06907

Jaguars ROAR!
Jaguars ROAR! - Springdale Elementary School 1127 Hope Street Stamford, CT 06907 - Stamford Public Schools
Springdale School

     Connecting students and families to inspire
         learning, kindness, and community.

At Springdale Elementary School we strive to combine the
strength of our students, families, teachers and communi-
ty. Together we provide the stable learning environment
that our children need to be successful members of the
community. We are committed to creating an environment
that fosters innovation, collaboration, and creativity while
also nurturing the minds, bodies, and hearts of our stu-
dents. Together, we will help build the character, compas-
sion, and confidence that our children need to succeed in
all of their future endeavors.

Jaguars ROAR! - Springdale Elementary School 1127 Hope Street Stamford, CT 06907 - Stamford Public Schools

Dear Springdale Families,

I hope you had a restful and joyful summer with your children. We are look-
ing forward to a new and exciting school year at Springdale. Our annual
handbook has some important information about school procedures, events
and contacts that may help you navigate the school throughout the year.
Please take the time to review our school’s policies and procedures. Below
are links to additional information about Springdale and The Stamford Public

Stamford Public Schools General Information
SPS Alerts Sign Up
SPS Policy
Springdale School
Springdale Twitter

Have a wonderful year of learning and growing with your child. As always,
do not hesitate to contact me, Miss Cummings or Mrs. Martin with any ques-
tions or concerns. We are always here to support you.

All my best,

Gloria Manna

Springdale School Calendar
 This calendar includes all vacations, early release days, school events, PTO events. The
 colors will help you know the days your child has music, art, gym and media. Please
 use this calendar to plan for the school year.

28   K Orientation 9:30                      2   Labor Day No School                1  Rosh Hashanah No School
     K Play Date 10:30                       3   Last day for parents to walk new   9  Yom Kippur No School
     Grades 1- 5 New Student                     students to class                  14  Columbus Day No School
     Orientation 10:30                       10 Picture Day                         15  Fall Fundraiser start
     Grades 1- 5 Meet & Greet 10:45-         12 Back to School PTO Picnic/Math      16  Sprint Money due
     11:15                                      Night                               17  SGC Meeting 6:00
29   First Day of School for all students    13 Dot Day                                PTO Meeting 7:00
                                             16–20 Fall Book Fair                      Pasta Dinner for Sprint
                                             19 Open House                          18 Springdale Sprint (25 rain date)
                                             23 Sprint Kick Off                     30 Early Release Movie Day
                                             25 Early Release                       31 Halloween Parade 2:00
                                             30 Rosh Hashanah No School

4   Scrip Gift Card Sale                     2   Week of Code                       1   Holiday Recess
5   Election Day no students                     Report Cards distributed           9   SGC Meeting 6:00
6   Fall Fundraiser due                      3   Winter Concert (am)                    PTO & Father’s Club Meeting 7:00
7   PTO Meeting & Multicultural Event        4   Winter Concert (am & pm)           20 MLK Day No School
11  Veteran’s Day No School                  11 Early Release Conferences           27 Super Bowl Food drive begins
12  GLL Meeting 8:00                         12 Early Release Conferences           29 Early Release Movie Day
13  Make Up Picture Day                      13 Early Release Conferences           31 Team Jersey Day
18  End of 1st Marking Period                20 Holiday Store                           Red Carpet Bake Sale / Talent
27  Turkey Trot                              23–31 Holiday Recess                   Show
    Early Dismissal
28-29 No School

2 Super Bowl Breakfast                     2-6 Read Across America Week           6-10 Spring Recess
5 Global Day of Play                       4 Distribution of Report Cards         23 Kick Ball Tournament (30 rain
13 K Valentine Show                        5 SGC Meeting 6:00                          date)
14-18 Winter Recess                           PTO Meeting 7:00                    28 Spring Concert (am)
17 President’s Day                         11 Early Release Conferences           29 Spring Concert (am & pm)
26 End of 2nd Marking Period               12 Early Release Conferences                Art Show
                                           13 Early Release Conferences                Early Release
                                           19 BINGO Night (26 snow date)          30 Fitness Day
                                           25 Early Release Movie Day

                                           2 Grade 4 Field Day (3 rain date)
4-8    Staff Appreciation Week begins      4 Grade 5 Field Day (5 rain date)
6     Carnation Sale                       11, 12, 15 Early Release (tentative)
8     Mother’s Day Flower Sale             15 Last Day (tentative)
7     SGC Meeting 6:00
      PTO Meeting/Ice Cream Social 7:00
14    K Field Day (15 rain date)
19    Grade 1 Field Day (20 rain date)
21    Grade 2 Field Day (22 rain date)
25    Memorial Day No School
27    Early Release Movie Day
28    Grade 3 Field Day 9 (29 rain date)

2019 - 2020
               PTO Executive Board

Szilvia Toth         Co President
Tanya Heigel         Co President
Jenna Vetti          VP Fundraising
Jaclyn Smith         VP Communications
Geoff Herzog         VP Volunteers
Maria Evanko         Recording Secretary
Open                 Corresponding Secretary
Allison Laidlaw      Co Treasurer
Tanya Heigel         Co Treasurer
Sareen Anand         Immediate Past President
Open                 PT Council Rep
Open                 Member at Large

A message from the PTO

Dear Springdale Families,

Welcome to Springdale School! Whether this is your first experience at Springdale, or
you are a returning family, we are thrilled that you are part of the Springdale Parent
Teacher Organization!
Springdale School is home to wonderful families, great teachers, and dedicated ad-
ministrators. We encourage you to join us this year! The Springdale PTO supports
fundraisers, in-school activities, as well as community out –reach events which serve
to enhance your child’s education. There are many opportunities to get involved in
your child’s experiences at school, whether during the day or in the evening-or even
right from the comfort of your own home!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us! We are here to help in any way we can! We
look forward to meeting you September 6th at our Annual Back To School Picnic and
Math Night.

Your PTO Chairs,

Szilvia Toth and Tanya Heigel

                                Ways to Stay Connected

               Like us on Facebook: Springdale Elementary School PTO
               Follow Us On Twitter: Springdale PTO @SpringdalePTO
                     Email us:

All staff can be reached by calling the main office at 203-977-4575. Additionally, you may
email any staff member directly by using the first initial and last name
For example:

We must always have your current address and phone numbers so that we can reach you in an emergen-
cy and provide you with important information. Emergency Contacts should be kept up to date by con-
tacting the Main Office.

Doors will open at 8:45 each morning and academic classes begin at 9:00AM.
Walkers and drivers, please plan to arrive between 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM.
Early Release Days : 9:00 AM - 1:20 PM       Dismissal begins at 1:15 PM
Please refer to the Stamford Public Schools’ Calendar for scheduled Early Release
Dates to ensure your children gets home safely from school.

In order to provide a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal for our students, it is important that we all
follow the procedures outlined below:


Car Riders
The drop-off area in the morning is at the rear of the building only past the Gym at the area leading to
the triple doors. We offer Curb-side Drop-off Service. Please do not get out of your car in this area. Staff
members are on hand to assist your child with getting out of the car and getting into the building safely.
To expedite the drop off process, please seat your child at the side of the car closest to the building.

Walkers should enter the building from either the front entrance on Hope Street or the Primary Wing
door. Please refer to the map included in the Handbook.
Back Door: There is a walking path for students to arrive safely from Hope Street north of the driveway,
from Mead and Bouton. Students walking from the Minivale areas should be crossed by the Crossing
Guard and use the stairs by the field to get to back door, walk along the path near the driveway entrance,
or walk to the front of the building. Cars may not enter or exit the parking lot by the ball field during arri-
val and dismissal. Students may not be dropped off by car at the Primary Wing Door. Cars may park by
the little league field in back of the school and walk children to the Primary Wind Door.
Front Door: Cars may not enter the front lot during arrival or dismissal.
Bus Riders
All buses drop off students in the front of the building at the Hope Street entrance. No other
vehicles are permitted in this area. Car riders should not enter this area during dismissal. All buses drop
off and pick up students in the front of the building at the Hope Street entrance. No other vehicles are
permitted in this area. Cars should not enter this area during arrival .


Car Riders
In the afternoon, students will be seated in the Gym and upon your arrival will be escorted to the gymna-
sium door and directly to your car. All car riders will be dismissed through the Gym using this curbside ser-

Walkers should leave the building from either the main entrance atop the black top, or the primary wing
door. Students being picked up will wait indoors until staff release them. The person picking up should
show the orange pick up card to staff. Please refer to the map included in the Handbook. Parents should
advise the classroom teacher as to which door will be used for dismissal and if a student is getting picked
up or is walking.
Crossing guards are stationed in front of the shopping center at Camp Avenue, in front of the school
across from the Church, and at Minivale. Students walking to these neighborhoods are encouraged to
enter and exit through the front doors on Hope Street

Bus Riders
All buses pick up students in the front of the building at the Hope Street entrance. No other vehicles are
permitted in this area. Car riders should not enter this area during dismissal.
During the school day, parking facilities are limited but available for visitors in the rear visitors, parking
areas. Cars should be parked in legitimate parking spaces away from the building, curb areas and drive-
ways to allow for smooth, safe and orderly arrivals and dismissals and to provide access for Fire and Police
services. At no time is parking allowed in the Fire Zones, Bus Pickup/Drop off area in the front of the
building or in the circle outside the Primary Wing. These areas need to be clear at all times for emergency
service access.

Bus transportation is provided for any student living more than one (1) mile from school. Students are as-
signed to buses by the Transportation Department (203) 977- 4248. Students must ride on their assigned
buses. Please call Ms. Giorgi at (203) 977-4575 to discuss bus assignment change requests.
Bus Behavior
Kindly review good bus behavior and encourage your child to exercise proper manners. Riding the bus is a
privilege extended to all qualified students. If a student’s behavior negatively affects the safety and wel-
fare of other youngsters on the bus, he/she may be denied bus privileges. Springdale students are ex-
pected to Be Safe, Be Responsible & to Be Respectful on the bus at all times.
Bus Schedules
The bus schedules are printed in the Stamford Advocate two-three weeks before school opens. Due to
possible variations in the bus schedule that may occur during the first few weeks of school, it is advisable
to supervise your children at the bus stop. Kindergarten students will not be left at bus stops in the after-
noon without an adult present. Any questions concerning bus routes, etc. should be directed to the
Transportation Office for the Stamford Public Schools at (203) 977-4248.


                 MAIN ENTRANCE /WALKERS

                CARS MAY NOT ENTER
                DURING ARRIVAL AND

School Attendance is required. Tardiness and Early Pick Up is not permitted. Public Act 15-225 passed
in 2015 requires schools to monitor student attendance and collaborate with families to ensure that
students only miss school when necessary. Students who are absent 10 days in a year are considered
truant from school. Students who are absent 10% of the school year are chronically absent and par-
ents will be required to meet with school administration to address the absences. Vacations should
not be scheduled during the school year. Students with medical needs that impact attendance are eligi-
ble for school based plans to prevent absences. If your child has a chronic medical condition, please
contact the school Principal to schedule a meeting. Permitted absences are:
            Student illness- with documentation
            Student’s observation of a religious holiday
            Death in a student’s family or other emergency beyond the family’s control
            Mandated court appearances- with documentation
            Extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by a district administrator
            Disciplinary absence

Absences / Late Arrival
Absences can be called in to the Office (203)977-4575. Office staff will call the homes of all students who are ab-
sent without a written excuse or a call from the parent. An absence of three (3) or more consecutive days and
five (5) or more tardies necessitates a call home from the teacher.

Early/Special Dismissal
A written request from a parent or guardian addressed to the classroom teacher is necessary for a child to be
dismissed before the regular dismissal time. These requests should be made only under unusual circumstances.
Under no circumstances can a child be dismissed based on a phone call. A child will not be permitted to leave
school with an adult other than his/her parent or guardian or person listed on the Emergency Form unless it is
indicated in the written note that such an arrangement has been made by the parent or guardian and the indi-
vidual has identification. Please be sure to write the names of any and all adults who is allowed to pick your
child up from school on the school’s emergency contact form. Students may not be released to adults who we
do not have on file.

Any student who is picked up during the day must be dismissed from the office. The parent or guardian should
report to the office upon entering the building. The child will be notified by the office and sent by his/her teach-
er to the office for dismissal. No child may be dismissed directly from the classroom.

If a parent plans to pick up a student who regularly rides a bus, a written note should be sent to the office that
morning. Under no circumstances will students be allowed to wait in the office after 3:30 PM. If no one arrives
before this time, the student will be placed on his/her regular bus.

Delayed Openings

When it is necessary to close or delay the opening of schools due to inclement weather, a SchoolMessen-
ger call will be made to all students’ homes. The announcement will also be made over radio and televi-
sion stations usually starting at 6:00 AM and information will be posted on the Stamford Public schools
The decision to close or delay the opening of school can be made only by the Superintendent of Schools.
It is based upon concern for the health and safety of the children and is coordinated with information
received from the Police Department, the City of Stamford Facilities Department, the Bus Company, the
Transportation Office and weather forecasts.
There are times when reports indicate that weather will be clear and traffic conditions will improve in a
short period of time. Based on these reports the Superintendent of Schools will delay the opening of
schools for 2 hours. Students who ride the bus will be picked up 2 hours later than usual. Parents are
urged to monitor news stations during delays because worsening weather conditions could result in
changing a delay to a closing.
Once a closing is announced, the decision is final and it will not be changed if the weather suddenly im-
The delayed opening time for Springdale School is 11:00 AM. Since staff members are expected to arrive
fifteen minutes before official opening, no students should arrive at the school before 10:45 AM.

Emergency Closing
On rare occasions, students will be dismissed early due to deteriorating weather conditions. A School
Messenger call will go out and announcements will be made over area news stations and on the SPS
website. Please have a plan in place for this occurrence so that children are safe and supervised once
they arrive at the bus stop and home. School personnel are not able to call each family during an emer-
gency closing. We ask you to monitor worsening weather conditions, listen to the news reports and make
appropriate child care arrangements.

Stamford Public Schools Closing and Delay Web Address:
School Messenger:
This is a call-out emergency communications system that notifies families of school cancellations, de-
lays, evacuations, and other emergencies. This “call-out” system is able to contact all families in the dis-
trict in less than 30 minutes. For school cancellations and delays, the system will start calling all families
at 5:45 a.m. and should complete all calls by 6:15 a.m. For emergencies that occur during the school day
and that require school to dismiss early, you will be called immediately. If you do not receive a call,
please contact the Main Office so that we can confirm contact numbers and check out any problems.

Lunch and Breakfast
The breakfast and lunch items are provided by Chartwells Food Service under a contract with the
Stamford Board of Education. Monthly menus are available online on the Stamford Public Schools
All students may purchase breakfast in the school cafeteria/gym every morning between the hours
of 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM.
Students eat lunch in the school cafeteria/ gymnasium during one of three scheduled lunch shifts.
Schedules are issued to classroom teachers at the beginning of the school year. All students are
assigned to specific tables by class. Current prices for regular and reduced meals are posted on
the SPS website. Students are issued a pin number for their own personal account. You may
choose to send in a check or deposit money in your child’s account by credit card. The amount will
be stored in the computer in your child’s account and deducted as meals are purchased. We ask
that you do not send in cash for this purpose.
Supervision for both the breakfast and lunch programs is provided by administrators, teachers and
educational assistants. Cafeteria rules and expectations are discussed with the students at the be-
ginning of the school year. Schedules and seating charts are available in the Main Office.
Our cafeteria manager can be reached at (203) 977-4807. All food preparation and service follows
the regulations of the Stamford Board of Health. Any questions concerning the operation of this
program, food selection, preparation, etc. should be directed to the Director of Food Services, at
(203) 977- 4230.

The purpose of the report card grading system is to assess student progress and achievement
within the grade level expectations . The grades on the report card will inform parents how their
child is comparing to grade level expectations. Grades are determined by various measures from
the Stamford Public Schools District Curriculum. Teachers calculate grades from these measures.
Report Cards are administered three (3) times each year, December, March and June. Parent Con-
ferences are held the week after report cards go home and there are three (3) early release days
scheduled for those conferences. Students must go home at the early dismissal time and may not
wait in school for parents who are attending conferences later in the day as there are not teachers
available to supervise students.
It is expected that all parents will attend the December conferences, which are scheduled for De-
cember 13-15. Parents may request additional conferences and may or may not attend March
conferences. However, although you may be aware of your child’s performance in class at that
time, please consider that by coming into the conference , you will have the opportunity to look at
your child’s classroom work and learning environment.

Homework is an integral part of student learning and as such is part of the teacher’s instructional responsibili-
ties. It is given as an extension of school activities and as a supplement to the classroom program. Assignments
are determined by the teacher with respect to grade, ability, developmental level and need.
The Board of Education Policy 6154 endorses that homework assignments should be designed to:
    Reinforce skills taught in the classroom
    Increase student knowledge
    Develop reasoning
    Promote good study habits
    Enhance the desire to learn
    Be completed within a reasonable amount of time.

Springdale School participates in the Stamford Public School Testing Program. This program consists of a col-
lection of state and district assessment measures that are administered over several grade levels to provide
information about our students. The information is used to measure students’ strengths and weaknesses, to
plan instruction, to promote better instruction and to establish performance standards for all students.
For more information on District Testing, please visit the SPS website

Conferences may be scheduled with teachers at any time during the school year. Please contact your
child’s teacher to schedule an in-school or phone conference. Report card conferences are scheduled
and conducted after the issuance of the first two report cards. Early dismissal days have been sched-
uled for this purpose in December and March. Please refer to the district calendar for specific dates.
Please make the necessary arrangements so that students will not remain unsupervised in the
building during report card conferences.

All classes, Kindergarten through grade five, are created to be heterogeneous and balanced according to num-
ber, gender, race, previous experiences and social-emotional factors as per the policies of the Board of Educa-
tion. Teachers are expected to use a variety of organizational patterns for instruction that include whole
group, flexible group, small group, cooperative arrangements, partners, individual work, based on need and
accomplishment. Small instructional groups are formed to decrease student-teacher ratio, to create a more
personal atmosphere or to meet with students sharing a common interest, strength or need.

The instructional program’s goal is to develop and extend learning as students move from one grade of
school to the next. The expectation at each grade level is that students will make progress in their learning
given appropriate instruction and support by teachers, administrators and parents.
Students not achieving to the level of established academic benchmarks at the end of grades one, two,
three, four and five, will not be permitted to move to the next grade without accepting and completing a
plan of remediation to the satisfaction of the principal. Such a plan may include, but will not be limited to,
(a) before or after school programs, (b) tutorial programs, or (c) attendance in a summer school program.
Plans involving a community agency instructional program may be substituted with prior written approval
of the building principal.
Retention should be an exceptional measure, and must result from the professional judgment of the
school principal, teachers, and support personnel, with input from the parent(s) or guardian(s).
The Board of Education expects that there will be few, if any, retentions. In the event that retention is con-
sidered, careful monitoring and assessment of each individual case is required. Parents must be notified
by April 1st by a principal that retention will benefit the student.

The Stamford Public Schools is paperless. Email is the primary mode of communication for staff
and school events. If you do not have email, please contact our parent facilitator at 203-977-

Concerns should be brought to teachers first. Staff will respond to email within 48 hours. If you
do not have email access, or need more immediate assistance, please contact the main office.
Teachers are not permitted to use their cell phones during instructional time. If you are not able
to resolve the concern, please contact Administration.

In person meetings with staff should be made in advance by appointment. Teaching Staff spends
the majority of their day on duty with students, and may not be available without an appoint-

School and Class Events are scheduled with PTO Grade and Room Parents through email. It is im-
portant for all of our families to be involved and aware of all school events and activities. We are
so thankful that our Parent Volunteers for helping our teachers with this very big job. Please be
sure to share your email with PTO.

School-Wide Events are listed on the calendar in this handbook and on our website.

Here at Springdale we believe that family engagement is essential to provide the best education possible for
your children. Therefore, we would like to invite you to become part of the Springdale community. We look
forward to your active participation and a successful year.
The purpose of the Parental Engagement Policy is to clearly define ways the school can provide information
and services to families as well as specific avenues by which families can become involved in the school.
                                                Goal 1

Provide parents opportunities to have input in the Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Policy and
the Student-Family-School Compact.
    Provide parents with a digital copy of the Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Policy

    Provide an opportunity for school staff and family members to review and revise the current Student-
        Family-School Compact.

    Discuss at open School Governance Council Meetings

                                               Goal 2
timely information families about students’ progress and school events.
    Provide flyers in English and Spanish about upcoming events and provide a translator at meetings.

    A monthly calendar will be sent home sharing grade level and school wide information.

    Teachers will post a monthly grade level newsletter sharing content specific information about curriculum
       and assessments.

    PTO will distribute information weekly to all interested parents via eblasts and facebook postings.

    The school will keep the website updated and post relevant information at

                                               Goal 3

Provide opportunities for parent engagement at the school level.
    Provide orientations for all parents interested in volunteering.
    Host activities at a variety of times and settings.
    Provide childcare
    Provide translators

Springdale Elementary School
                                       Home-School Compact
                                       Jaguars ROAR!
A student’s success, both in and out of the classroom depends on a strong, effective partnership between the
school, the parents and the students. This compact serves as a guide for staff, parents and students as we work
together this year. Together, we can accomplish great things.
                                      At Springdale School, there are four core principles.

 As a staff member, I am respectful. I          As a student I am respectful. I will:      As a parent I am respectful. I will:
                                                    Be kind.                                  Support the four school rules and
     Greet everyone with a smile and                                                           expectations. ROAR!
      speak politely to all.                        Use my manners.
                                                    Be mindful of teachers, students          Value the entire school day .
     Establish personal connections
      with our students.                             and other adults in our school com-       Speak politely and be mindful of
                                                     munity.                                    teachers, students and other
     Focus on students’ individual                                                             adults in our school community.
      strengths to encourage positive
      self esteem.
                                                I show outstanding effort. I will:         I show outstanding effort. I will:

 I show outstanding effort. I will:                 Ask questions and take risks in my        Actively support at home learn-
                                                     learning.                                  ing by providing access to books,
     Establish high expectations and                                                           time to read, and an appropriate
      deliver challenging instruction for           Complete my homework.
                                                                                                place for my child to work.
      all students.                                 Challenge myself every day.
                                                                                               Provide real-world learning op-
     Support students and their fami-              Be open to new ideas.                      portunities.
      lies in opportunities to enrich
      learning.                                     Enjoy learning.                           Practice math facts and play
                                                                                                math-based games.
     Continually reflect and grow as a
      professional.                             I act safely. I will:
                                                    Walk at all times.                    I act safely. I will:

 I act safely. I will:                              Keep my hands and feet to myself.         Monitor my child’s content and
                                                                                                use of technology.
     Provide a safe, caring and re-                Be gentle with others and my
      spectful learning environment.                 surroundings.                             Follow visitor protocols at Spring-
     Follow Springdale’s School’s
      safety protocols.                                                                        Observe school’s traffic rules and
                                                I am responsible. I will:                       arrival and dismissal procedures.
                                                    Listen to and follow directions.      I am responsible. I will:
 I am responsible. I will
                                                    Make good choices.                        Ensure that my child receives
     Answer students’ and parents’                                                             proper rest and nutrition.
      questions in a timely manner.                 Appropriately accept consequences
                                                     for the choices I make.                   Check for homework, notices and
     Model and instruct students on                                                            attend parent/teacher confer-
      the four school rules and expecta-                                                        ences.
      tions ROAR!
                                                                                               Listen to Parent Link calls and
                                                                                                visit the school website regularly.
     Signature:                                        Signature:                                         Signature:

The Stamford Board of Education requires the acceptance of responsibilities on the part of the students
to respect, accept and obey rules and standards of behavior in our schools. It is our responsibility as ed-
ucators and parents to teach respect for authority and good behavior, as well as how to create positive
relationships with adults and peers. In our continuing efforts to ensure a positive school climate for stu-
dents, staff and families, Springdale uses school-wide rules, expectations, procedures, lessons and re-
wards. The approach is an instructional one that integrates the explicit teaching of expected behav-
iors in every area of school life and community.
These qualities of good character are taught and reinforced throughout the year by all staff and in all
settings. Students learn how these qualities of character support the rules and expectations of school
and community, and how to understand and manage different feelings that sometimes make it difficult
for students to follow ROAR. We also expect staff and parents to help by supporting these expectations
and following the school rules and procedures so that students know we all have these expectations
and they are what make us good citizens and create positive communities.

Students who engage in conduct that endangers persons or property, seriously disrupt the educational
process or violate the Student Behavior Policy #5131-R of the Board of Education are subject to discipli-
nary action. In such instances, teachers are asked to complete a district Behavior Incident form and the
student is sent to an administrator for further action.

Prohibited Items: Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. Items that do not directly re-
   late to the child’s educational needs should be left at home. This includes fidget spinners and senso-
   ry boxes that are not directly providing an accommodation for a previous diagnosis. If Cell phones
   are required for the students’ safety before or after school, they should be turned off during the
   school day. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen toys or technology. Items that become
   a distraction to the learning environment may be confiscated and if so, must be picked up in person.

Bullying and Harassment:
“Bullying and Harassment by any student in the Stamford Public Schools is strictly prohibited, and such
   conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. Bully-
   ing means any overt acts by a student or a group of students directed against another student with
   the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student while on or off school grounds one
   or more times. Harassment means any overt acts by a student or a group of students directed
   against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate another student based
   on race, gender, religion or ethic background. Students and parents may file verbal or written com-
   plaints concerning suspected bullying behavior, and students shall be permitted to anonymously
   report acts of bullying to teachers and school administrators. Any report of suspected bullying be-
   havior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, they will be recorded and involved
   students will be provided with intervention that may include disciplinary action, consistent with
   rights of due process. Board policy and regulation #5005-R set forth this prohibition and the related
   procedures in detail, and are available to students and their parents/guardians upon request.”

Internet access is available in the Media Center and classrooms. The Board of Education believes
that the Internet and other electronic communications should be used in school only to educate
and inform. We use many internet based learning programs for our students and believe this is
an important part of your child’s learning experience.
Board Policy (5132/5132R) recognizes the following guidelines for internet use by students:
   Only for appropriate education-related purposes
   In supervised settings with written permission of parent or guardian
   Extension of district policy on student behavior
   Violations can result in loss of computer privileges, suspension and/or expulsion
   District “owns” system = Can monitor and review
   Parent/guardian permission on file in Media Center
Offenses include:
   Sending harassing, threatening, or intimidating messages
   Seeking/gaining unauthorized access to computer systems
   Damaging computers, files, systems or networks
   Using another person’s password
   Trespassing/tampering with folders/files of others
   Sending messages that break confidentiality requirements
   Sending copyrighted material over the system

A complete copy of this policy is included in the SPS Policy Guide For Families that is mailed home at
the start of each year . The Policy Guide is printed in a gray newsprint and should be kept for your ref-
erence. If you do not receive the Policy Guide, please call our office to update your mailing address.
As part of this Policy, all parents of elementary students are required to complete the permission slip
online at After October 6th, no student will be able to use the internet unless the signed user agree-
ment is returned to school.

School Websites, Blogs, and Social Media Accounts such as Twitter , Facebook and Instagram are used
regularly by staff and PTO. At times, we also receive news coverage in local newspapers , internet and
television news outlets. If you do NOT want your child’s picture or work displayed on News or Social
Media, please inform us in writing, and we will make sure your child is not included in these sources.
You can email opt outs to or send a note in to your child’s teacher to the
attention of the Principal.

Field trips complement the instructional program by using the resources of the community and the region.
They are an integral part of the educational offering and are taken at the discretion of the classroom teach-
er with approval of the principal. As stated in the district policies, field trips must contain educational value
and must be consistent with the curriculum, the goals of the school and the age level of the students.
The teacher initiating the trip must secure a signed parent consent form at least one day in advance. Any
student in attendance on the day of the trip who does not have expressed consent to attend will not be able
to accompany the class.
Teachers will also coordinate the use of parent chaperones as necessary. Please note that parents who ac-
company their children, may not take their child home from the site without written notification of an early
dismissal. Please coordinate this ahead of time with the teacher.

Art is a creative and stimulating program designed to help students become aware of the elements
of art and principles of design and to develop their aesthetic knowledge of art. The Visual Arts Cur-
riculum consists of six areas: Media, Elements and Principles of Design, Content, Analysis, Interpre-
tation and Evaluator and Connections. Art education provides each student with opportunities and
media for creative expression, creative thinking and appreciation. Students are exposed to a varie-
ty of materials and techniques so that they might know the language of the Visual Arts and be able
to effectively express themselves.

The Music program at Springdale School encourages creativity and self-expression. Students are
exposed from Kindergarten through grade five to a variety of musical experiences: vocal perfor-
mance, instrumental performance, reading and notation, listening skills, creating, movement, his-
tory and cultures and integrated studies. The lessons involve such activities as
singing, dance, clapping and using rhythm instruments in the primary grades to
studies of the lives and works of the great composers, specific notation and sym-
bol reading skills in grade five.

                    Students in grades four and five also participate in grade-level
                    Chorus. The Chorus classes present their learning at school-wide concerts.

                  The Instrumental Music Program is offered to all fourth and fifth grade students.
                  The instruments that are available are strings, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trum-
                  pet, trombone, and snare and bass drums. Some instruments are available free
of charge to students who qualify for free and reduced lunch.

Holidays and Birthdays are celebrated regularly here at Springdale. SPS Wellness Policy 5140 re-
quires that all foods provided to students, including for parties, meet dietary and safety guidelines.
Foods for Holidays will be carefully chosen by the teacher to reflect these guidelines, as well as the
culture of the Holiday and the students. Birthday Parties are not celebrated with food. Parents
are invited to come into the classroom to read a favorite story or do a short 15 minute craft with
the class. If a parents is unable to attend, the teacher can read a favorite story. Students will wear
a birthday hat for the day or receive a no homework pass, and their names will be
posted on the school’s morning message.

The Springdale School office is open between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Our phone num-
ber is (203) 977-4575.
Neither staff members nor students can be called to the telephone during school hours. Excep-
tions will only be made if there is an emergency. Telephone calls to the school to leave messages for
students should be avoided.

The fax number for the school is (203) 977-4058.

In order to provide a safe and secure environment for our students, all visitors to Springdale School
are required to check in at the Office when they arrive in the building and obtain a visitor’s pass.
Parents are encouraged to visit our classrooms but are asked to contact their child’s teacher in ad-
vance to schedule the visit. The Springdale School faculty encourages and welcomes frequent com-
munication between the home and the school.

The Front Entrance, Primary Wing door and Triple doors near the Media Center are open in the
mornings at 8:45 AM for students to enter school. During the day, all doors are locked for safety
purposes. Should you need to enter the building, please go to the Office Entrance on the side of the
building (see Map) and use the touch pad to be buzzed in. This is the only entrance in which to get
into the building during the day.

Health Services
The services of a full-time registered nurse are available at most times during the school day. All nurse ser-
vices are provided by the Stamford Health Department as part of the Public School Health Program (203)
977-5706 under the direction of the Director of Health and Medical Advisor for the City of Stamford.
Connecticut State Law requires a physician’s or dentist’s written order and parent or guardian authorization
in order for the nurse or in her absence, school personnel, to administer medications. Medications must be
in pharmacy prepared containers and labeled with the name of the child, the name of the drug, strength,
dosage, frequency, physicians or dentist’s name and date of the original prescription. No student can be
given medication without valid authorization. This includes over-the-counter medications. Authorization
forms are available from the school nurse. The nurse is also responsible for hearing, vision, scoliosis screen-
ing (Grade 5) as well as physical exams, immunizations and student health records. You can contact our
school nurse at (203)977-4580.
Physical examinations are required by State Law for all students entering Kindergarten, new to the school
system and entering the sixth grade level. Each student is expected to have a physician complete a State of
Connecticut, Department of Education, Health Assessment Record and return it to the nurse before regis-
tering for school. Proof of immunizations as required by State Law is necessary before admission to school
is permitted.
A dental hygienist is available two days a week. The hygienist examines students’ teeth yearly and sends
home a notice of her findings. You can contact our dental hygienist at (203)977-5354.
Accident Insurance is an available option to all students. This program is paid for by parents on a yearly ba-
sis and covers the student going to and from school or on a twenty-four hour basis. Information about this
policy is sent home with the student in September.

The Child Study Team at Springdale is comprised of the School Social Worker and School Psycholo-
gist, the Speech Pathologist, the Occupational and Physical Therapists and several Special Educa-
tion Teachers. Classroom Teachers serve on the team when students are in their classes. The ap-
propriate person to contact for ALL concerns is the child’s teacher.

The classroom teachers will, in many cases, be able to answer your questions and address your
concerns. If the classroom teacher is unable to assist, he/she will share your concerns with the
Child Study Team, whose responsibility is to determine what other professional expertise may be
required. In the event that you have family or personal concerns that you would like kept confi-
dential, feel free to contact the School Social Worker or School Psychologist directly.

If you are new to the school and your child already has an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
from another school district, please alert the administration. The Planning and Placement Team
will be notified and your child’s services will be implemented.

Springdale School provides a variety of before and/or after programs based on the availability of
funding and qualified staff. Students are identified for these programs based on the nature of the
offerings. Enrichment program enrollment is based on space and student interest. Tutorial pro-
grams enrollment is based on student performance on district tests and teacher input. These pro-
grams are designed to improve academic performance in the areas of Reading and Mathematics
and are taught by Springdale School teachers.

ROSCCO is a fee-based before and after-school activity program designed to meet the needs of
working parents by providing a safe and stimulating environment for your children. The hours for
the morning program are 7:30-9:00 AM. The afternoon program runs from 3:30-5:30 PM. Drop-off
and pick-up for the program is in the Gym. Please call the ROSCCO Office for further information at
(203) 977-2734.


All students’ articles should be labeled with their name written on the label or any-
where on the inside of the clothing. Lost articles are stored in the seating area outside the
nurse’s office.
Articles found on the school buses are generally kept on the buses for a few days then returned to
the bus company. Call the First Student Bus Company at (203) 977-4840 to claim lost articles.

The following are the district guidelines regarding recess:
All elementary school students shall have at least 20 minutes a day of supervised recess, preferably
outdoors (weather permitting), during which moderate to vigorous physical activity is encouraged.
The school will provide space, equipment and an environment that is conducive to safe and enjoya-
ble activity. School shall ensure that students with special physical and cognitive needs have equal
physical activity opportunities, with appropriate assistance and services. Withholding recess or the
use of exercise as punishment shall be prohibited and the development of alternate practices for
promoting appropriate behavior will be utilized. Recess shall not be withheld unless there is a stu-
dent safety concern

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