Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation

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Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Issue VII | Year 2021

                        Jal Jeevan
                          April, 2021
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
In this issue
Note from the desk of Addi onal Secretary & Mission Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

JJM Progress

Progressive coverage-Func onal Household Tap Connec on (FHTC) (as on 29.04.2021) . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Compara ve FHTC coverage status of States/ UTs (as on 29.04.2021) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Status of tap water supply in rural homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Task at hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Annual Ac on Plan of States/ UTs for 2021-22 is underway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

JJM Ini a ves

JJM empanels Key Resource Centres as capacity building ins tutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Field Test Kit training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- Rachna Gahilote Bisht, NJJM

Grand Challenge for development of Smart Water Supply Measurement and Monitoring System. . . 11

Insights & Opinion

Jal Jeevan Mission is empowering women and changing their lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- Vinod Mishra, Head, WASH programme, India (UNOPS)

Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance: Role of local community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- Sumit Priyadarshi, Asst. Advisor, PHE, DDWS

In conversa on

Shri Vikas Labroo, Secretary, Himachal Pradesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Inspiring Stories

Jal Jeevan Mission is changing lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- Shri R.R. Raval, District Collector, Valsad, Gujarat

Case Study

Water Quality awareness drive in Schools and Anganwadis of Malda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- Pragyan Bhar and Anwesa Du a, UNICEF-West Bengal

Accredita on of water tes ng laboratories and surveillance by community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
- Nagesh Pa dar and Pankaj Mathur, UNICEF Field Office, Madhya Pradesh

. . . .on
        . . from
             . . . . .the
                       . . .Field
                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Training & Workshops

UNOPS organizes 6-day training programme in U ar Pradesh for field level func onaries . . . . . . . . 22

Jal Jeevan Mission: Ushering a social revolu on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Note from the desk of
                    Additional Secretary & Mission Director…

                                                                                                            New Delhi
                                                                                                         29 April, 2021

India witnesses once again an unprecedented number of Covid cases. The only way
forward in this ba le is to wear masks, maintain physical distance, stay home and stay safe.
Na onal Jal Jeevan Mission wishes everyone and their loved ones a safe me ahead. Let's
help each other to defeat the virus.

Jal Jeevan Mission to ensure safe drinking water supply to every rural household – a noble
and life changing mission is proving how it is bringing qualita ve changes in the lives of
scores of people living in our villages. Its impact especially on women and children is being
felt everywhere. It is becoming a people's movement – Jan Andolan, wherein various
stakeholders have joined hands with the commitment to improve the lives of people.

A er the announcement of the mission on 15th August, 2019 by Hon'ble Prime Minister
from the Red Fort and release of the Opera onal Guidelines for the implementa on of Jal
Jeevan Mission on 25th December, 2019, despite CoVid -19 pandemic, by end of 2020-21,
about 4.08 Crore rural households have been provided with new tap water connec ons.
Thus, now tap water supply is reaching to about 7.30 Crore rural households i.e. more than 38% of rural homes of the
country. This shows the commitment of all the States/ UTs to deliver on 'speed and scale' even during the me of
adversity. Indeed, it is a ma er of sa sfac on, despite various challenges, we all have been able to mobilize people to
carry out exemplary work in 2020-21.

Every rural home in Goa, Telangana and Andaman & Nicobar Islands has started ge ng clean tap water supply. Jal Jeevan
Mission works in other States/ UTs is going on in full swing as they are compe ng with each other to outperform others.
The teams implemen ng the Jal Jeevan Mission in the field has imbibed the true spirit of the mission and are ensuring that
'no one is le out' in villages with piped water supply systems. As a result, all households in 58 districts, 713 Blocks and
about 87 thousand villages, have started ge ng assured potable tap water supply on regular basis. The public health
engineering teams on the ground along with partners like Gram Panchayats, ISAs, SHGs, UNICEF and others deserve

We have entered into the most crucial phase of the mission. The budgetary alloca on for JJM has seen a quantum jump
from Rs 11,500 Crore in 2020-21 to Rs 50,000 Crore in 2021-22, which shows the priority being accorded by the Union
Government to provide this basic facility of safe drinking water in every home. With this huge alloca on, States/ UTs need
to make a realis c plan for provision of FHTCs with proper expenditure plan for effec ve u liza on of funds. Discussion on
Annual Ac on Plan for 2021-22 is underway to deliberate and finalize the satura on plan for the States/ UTs along with
various support ac vi es to ensure drinking water security in rural areas. Each State/ UT has prepared their Annual Ac on
Plan (2021-22), which are being presented and discussed before finaliza on.

With Government's undivided focus on water supply and improved sanita on, 15th Finance Commission allocated 60% of
Rs. 26,940 Crore grants to RLBs in 2021-22 for supply of drinking water, rainwater harves ng and water recycling; and
sanita on and maintenance of ODF status. This will supplement the ongoing efforts of adequate water for all. We must
make all out efforts for judicious use of this grant by rural local bodies by focusing on various ac vi es viz. rain water
harves ng, strengthening of drinking water sources, improving water supply, grey water management and regular
opera on & maintenance.

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                        Issue VII | April 2021       1
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
NJJM has taken up a massive capacity building exercise and 126 Key Resource Centres (KRCs) have been iden fied. And
they are going to prepare their Annual Calendars of ac vi es to build the capaci es of different stakeholders at different
level in rural drinking water sector.

Similarly, about 180 reputed organiza ons have been selected as sector partners to work with NJJM and States/ UTs for
dovetailing resources and efforts to achieve the goal of Jal Jeevan Mission - Har Ghar Jal.

When the na on was recovering from the a er-effects of Covid-19 pandemic, in last few days, we are witnessing a sudden
spike of Covid cases in last few days, which has badly affected the whole country, jeopardising the lives of people, affec ng
the normalcy, etc. In these challenging mes, efforts to be made for saving precious human lives and in the same me,
provision of drinking water through household tap connec ons becomes all the more important, so that women and
young girls do not have to go to distance to fetch water for the family and avoid crowding at public stand posts.

Public Health Engineering Departments/ Rural Water Supply Departments of the States/ UTs have done commendable
works during last year amidst the pandemic. Na onal Jal Jeevan Mission expects that good works done to con nue in the
prevailing situa on while taking all precau onary measures. This will help in PHE/ RWS departments as public service
departments focusing on 'service delivery'. States/ UTs must pool all resources and efforts for provision of drinking water
in the water-scarce areas, so that people especially women need not to struggle to fetch water for their families.

NJJM hopes the States/ UTs, PRIs, ISAs, sector partners, UN agencies, KRCs and other stakeholders will con nue with the
good works being done so far and work with more enthusiasm in 2021-22 to accomplish the planned ac vi es to ensure
'Har Ghar Jal'.

                                                                                                         [Bharat Lal]
                                                                               Addi onal Secretary & Mission Director
                                                                                          Na onal Jal Jeevan Mission

  2      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                      Jal Jeevan Samvad
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
JJM Progress

                                 Progressive coverage-Functional Household
                                    Tap Connection (FHTC) (as on 29.04.2021)

                               Comparative FHTC coverage status of States/ UTs
                                                (as on 29.04.2021)
 FHTC covergae in percentage

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                    Issue VII | April 2021   3
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
JJM Progress

                               As on 29th April, 2021

                                                                    Source: JJM-IMIS

         As on 15th August, 2019                        As on 29th April, 2021

 4    Issue VII | April 2021                                                  Jal Jeevan Samvad
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
JJM Progress

                                  Task at hand
            (No. of rural households to be provided tap water connections)

                                  Task at hand
            (No. of rural households to be provided tap water connections)

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                            Issue VII | April 2021   5
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation

  Annual Action Plan of States/ UTs for 2021-22 is underway

U        nder Jal Jeevan Mission, every year Annual
         Ac on Plan (AAP) is prepared and presented by
         the States/ UTs before the na onal commi ee of
headed by the Secretary, Department of Drinking Water
& Sanita on with members from various Central
                                                                 to water quality-affected areas, villages in drought prone
                                                                 and desert areas, Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe
                                                                 majority villages, 61 JE-AES affected and 117 Aspira onal
                                                                 districts and Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana villages to
                                                                 provide all households with tap water connec on in a
Ministries/ Departments and NITI Aayog. With the                  me-bound manner.
beginning of financial year, proposed Annual Ac on Plan
are deliberated and finalized by the commi ee, which              In addi on to Rs. 50,011 Crore budgetary alloca on for
becomes the guiding force for the State/ UT to follow            JJM, there is also Rs. 26,940 Crore assured fund available
during the year to achieve the target of 'Har Ghar Jal'. For     under the 15th Finance Commission ed-grants to RLB/
2021-22, the AAP mee ng with States/ UTs began on 9th            PRIs for water & sanita on, matching State share and
April 2021 and will be completed by 1st week of May.             externally aided projects. Thus, in 2021-22, more than Rs.
                                                                 1 lakh Crore is planned to be invested in the country on
As the Jal Jeevan Mission – Har Ghar Jal entered into third      ensuring tap water supply to rural homes. This kind of
year of implementa on with a Central grant of Rs.50,011          investment is likely to con nue over three years to
Crore in 2021-22, the Na onal Jal Jeevan Mission,                achieve Har Ghar Jal.
Ministry of Jal Shak is carrying out the annual planning
exercise with States/ UTs from 9th April, 2021. As the Jal       The State/ UT Ac on Plan is prepared by States/ UTs with
Jeevan Mission – Har Ghar Jal entered into third year of         an objec ve to provide 100% households with tap water
implementa on with a Central grant of Rs.50,011 Crore            connec ons and achieve overall drinking water security.
in 2021-22, the Na onal Jal Jeevan Mission, Ministry of          This is the master plan with detailed informa on on
Jal Shak is carrying out the annual planning exercise            number of schemes to be retrofi ed/ new schemes to
with States/ UTs from 9th April, 2021. This month-long           achieve satura on along with melines to ini ate and
exercise, daily taking up two States/ UTs, is done by the
commi ee chaired by Secretary, DDWS and rigorous
scru ny of the proposed Annual Ac on Plan (AAP)
prepared by States/ UTs before finalizing the same.
Therea er, funds are released throughout the year and
regular field visits, review mee ngs are held to ensure
implementa on of these Annual Ac on Plans to achieve
the goal of Jal Jeevan Mission.

As the financial year 2021-22 begins, the rigorous joint
review exercise to finalize the Annual Ac on Plans (AAPs)
has begun from 9th April. This year is a very cri cal year for
JJM, which requires intensive planning based on rigorous
data analysis, capacity of States/ UTs to execute the work
based on last two year's progress, their preparedness,
etc. While implemen ng, States/ UTs are to give priority

   6      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                      Jal Jeevan Samvad
Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation

complete& commission the schemes on ground. It will         village water supply systems. The States/ UTs are to plan
also iden fy sources of convergence, firm up State O&M       for intense training and skilling programmes, especially 5
policy, intensify IEC/ BCC ac vi es, Water Quality          persons in every village on water quality surveillance and
Monitoring &Surveillance ac vi es, etc.                     local community members as masons, plumbers,
                                                            electricians, motor mechanics, fi er, pump operators,
The AAP (2021–22) further emphasizes on support             etc.
ac vi es like empowering Village Water & Sanita on
Commi ees (VWSCs)/ Pani Sami s, prepara on and              So far, 20 States and 3 UTs have presented their AAP
approval of Village Ac on Plans (VAPs) which will have      before the commi ee. Ladakh was the first State to
the components of drinking water source strengthening/      present their satura on plan proposing to achieve 100%
augmenta on, water supply infrastructure, grey water        target of providing tap water connec on to every rural
treatment & reuse, and opera on & maintenance of in-        household by 2022.

                                                  FHTCs provided in
                                                                           FHTC coverage
          State/ UT         Total HHs (in lakh)       2020-21                                     Satura on year
                                                                             (in lakh)
                                                      (in lakh)

Ladakh                             0.44                  0.02               0.04 (8.53%)               2022
Tripura                            8.01                  1.42              2.14 (26.73%)               2022
Sikkim                             1.05                  0.10              0.81 (76.78%)               2022
J&K                                18.16                 2.15              9.99 (55.04%)               2022
Haryana                            31.03                 7.89             26.93 (86.80%)               2022
Odisha                             85.67                 15.46            23.26 (27.15%)               2024
Nagaland                           3.86                  0.475              0.66 (17.1%)               2023
Madhya Pradesh                    123.05                 19.89            37.69 (30.60%)               2023
Karnataka                          91.19                 3.43             28.15 (31.20%)               2023
Punjab                             34.73                 8.31             25.88 (74.53%)               2022
Meghalaya                           5.9                  0.87              0.94 (15.91%)               2022
Chha sgarh                         45.48                 1.56               5.66 (12.5%)               2023
Arunachal Pradesh                  2.17                  0.65                1.02 (46%)                2023
Manipur                            4.51                  1.96               2.26 (50.20)               2022
Maharashtra                       142.36                 37.15            91.08 (63.98%)               2024
Rajasthan                         101.32                 6.77             19.61 (19.36%)               2024
Gujarat                            92.92                 10.93              77.21 (83%)                2022
West Bengal                       163.25                 12.47             14.94 (9.15%)               2024
Mizoram                            1.26                  0.33                0.59 (46%)                2023
Goa                                2.63                  0.32               2.63 (100%)                  --
Puducherry                         1.16                  0.08                1.08 (99%)                2021
Assam                              63.35                 4.76              6.81 (10.75%)               2024
Andhra Pradesh                     95.66                 12.97              45.09 (47%)                2024

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Jal Jeevan Samvad April, 2021 - Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
JJM Ini a ves

                                                                                         sector at mul ple levels. These
                                                                                         ins tutes will design the course,
   JJM empanels Key Resource Centres as                                                  develop study material, deliver end-
                                                                                         to-end high-quality training through
        capacity building institutes                                                     lectures, discussions, interac ons,
                                                                                         ac vi es, games, exercise and
                                                                                         organize field visits.

                                                                                         During the pandemic, as we all know
                                                                                         as physical trainings are not possible,

J    al Jeevan Mission launched on
     15th August 2019 by the Hon'ble
     Prime Minister, is implemented
through ins tu onal mechanism at
na onal, State, district and Gram
                                          State. Leadership training is needed
                                          for effec ve implementa on of the
                                          programme for assured regular
                                          supply of water in the long-term.
                                                                                         trainings were conducted online, it is
                                                                                         expected that agencies applying for
                                                                                         empanelment as KRCs must have
                                                                                         dedicated infrastructure to conduct
                                                                                         online courses in an efficient manner,
Panchayat level. The Village Water &      The mo o of Jal Jeevan Mission is              provide knowledge support on latest
Sanita on Commi ee/ Pani Sami is          “Building Partnership and Changing             innova on, tools and best prac ces.
cons tutes as sub-commitee of Gram        Lives”. With the aim to forge                  For Level 3 training ins tute, a 7-year
Pachayat to support mapping,              Partnership with agencies/                     experience was desired, while for
community mobiliza on, planning,          organisa on, an Expression of                  Level 1 and 2, 3-year experience is
execu on, monitoring, water tes ng,       Interest (EoI) was floated in                   needed.
collec on of water user charge and        November, 2020 seeking applica ons
opera on & management of water            from interested agencies, both                 The agencies were given a month to
supply infrastructure created.            government and non-government/                 apply under the EoI. Several agencies
                                          universi es/ training ins tutes/ non-          applied under the EoI of which some
In order to achieve the vision of JJM,    g o v e r n m e n t o r ga n i z a o n s t o   applica ons were under Senior
it is necessary to re-orient and          func on as Key Resource Centre                 Management Level, others under
sensi ze the Public Health                (KRC).                                         Middle Management level and
Engineering officials as well as district                                                  Community level. The scru ny of the
administra on along with field level       The Key Resource Centres are                   applica ons is completed by a
func onaries. As water is a State         expected to design, develop and                commi ee which has recommenced
subject, the same is being managed        implement capacity building                    10 as L1, 29 as L2 and 87 as L3 to be
at different supply service level by       programmes for 'responsible and                empaneled as KRCs .
village, Gram Panchayat, district and     responsive leadership' in water

  8      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                           Jal Jeevan Samvad
JJM Ini a ves

                                Field Test Kit training
                                               - Rachna Gahilote Bisht, NJJM

3      /4th of the Earth is covered with water out of which
       97% is salt water and only 3% is fresh water. We
       use only 0.26% of fresh water. The fresh water
comes from two sources – surface water and ground
water. While surface water is prone to micro-biological
                                                               permissible limit leads to altered taste, improper cooking
                                                               of food as well as gastric irrita on.

                                                               Chloride test is carried out adding Chloride indicator
                                                               tablet. The permissible limit for Chlorine in water is 250
contamina on caused by virus, bacteria and protozoa,           mg /l. Corrosion of metal pipes and increased
ground water gets contaminated by Arsenic, Fluoride,           concentra on of metals in drinking water can be seen
Sulphate, Nitrate, Iron, etc. It is mandatory for the rural    beyond the permissible limit.
water supply departments in the States/ UTs to test all
water sources yearly; twice for bacteriological and once       For undertaking nitrate test, a nitrate reagent tablet is
for chemical contamina on.                                     added in 10 ml water. Wait for 6 minutes to see the
                                                               reac on of the tablet. The permissible limit is 45 mg/l.
Government of India has come up with the concept of            Blue Baby syndrome and nitrate carcinogenic risks can be
“Laboratories for the People” by which the State, District     seen if the nitrate level is beyond the permissible limit.
and Block water tes ng laboratories are opened to public
for the first me. People can now get their water tested at      4 ml water is needed to test Fluoride level in any water
nominal rates. In addi on to water tes ng at                   sample with 15 drops of Fluoride reagent. The
laboratories, the Gram Panchayats/ local communi es            permissible limit is 1.5 mg/l. Fluoride content more than
are empowered to check the quality of water supplied to        the permissible limit leads to dental fluorosis, skeletal
them both at source and end points through the use of          fluorosis, anaemia and gastric irrita on.
Field Test Kits (FTKs).

The Mission's opera onal guidelines have made
provision to rope in five persons preferably women to
carry out water test at regular intervals. In this regard,
FTKs are procured and handed over to Panchayats. The
government machinery is impar ng training to the
women engaged for water tes ng on how to use the

The Field Test Kit has an instruc on manual, test tubes,
plas c beaker, test tube stand, water tes ng material and
indicator chart. FTK can help test water on nine
parameters viz; pH, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Chloride,
Nitrate, Fluoride, Iron, Residual Free Chlorine and H2S.
The permissible limit for tes ng the pH level is 7-9.
Consump on of water beyond permissible limit would
leave bad taste in the mouth and could damage mucous

Alkaline test requires 10 ml water. 200 – 600 mg/ l is
permissible limit for Alkaline in water beyond which
Alkaline leads to malnutri on and gastric irrita on.

In order to test the Hardness of water, 10 ml water is
taken in a cylinder and mixed with hardness buffer tablet.
The permissible limit is 100 mg/l. Anything beyond the

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                    Issue VII | April 2021         9
JJM Ini a ves

Few drops of Iron reagent is needed to test Iron level in    the water source as well as storage of water to the newly
drinking water with 15 minutes wai ng. The permissible       appointed team of women responsible for undertaking
limit in water is 0.3 mg/l beyond which the water tastes     water quality tests and Panchayat representa ves. With
bad coupled with stomach and gastric irrita on.              supply of FTKs in the Panchayats the quality of water
                                                             supplied can be analyzed in the village itself. The villagers
Residual Free Chlorine test requires 2-3 drops of OT         no longer will have to wait for the PHED officials to check
reagent. with 0.2-0.5 mg/l permissible limit in water.       the water quality by undertaking the test.
Excess Chlorine leads to asthma, skin disease and at
 mes Cancer in the Bladder.                                  Five villagers from all the 122 Gram Panchayat under
                                                             Patan block were trained. The frontline workers who
Finally, for undertaking H2S test, the sample has to be      received the training included Sarpanch, Up-Sarpanch,
kept in warm place with temperature ranging between          Panchayat Secretary, Anganwadi and ASHA worker. The
30-37 degree. Leave it for 24-36 hours. Observe, if the      training was organized in two phases. People were
colour of water turns black then it is not fit for drinking   informed on why it was important to check the quality of
and it can cause diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, nausea,      water supplied and how consump on of safe water leads
fever and urinary tract infec on.                            to improved health parameters. Training drive was
                                                             undertaken by the administra on in Dantewada district.
Chha sgarh Public Health Engineering Department              Similarly, trainings are provided in other States as well so
organized FTK training programme to explain about the ill    that as we approach monsoon season all the women are
effects of contaminated water, how water quality check        trained to carry out the water quality test and report it in
needs to be undertaken and precau ons required to save         me for correc ve ac on if so needed.

     Shri Wangki Lowang, Minister of PHE & WS, Government of Arunachal Pradesh inaugurated a
     drinking water supply scheme on 12/04/2021 constructed by the Hawai PHE & WS sub-division
    under Jal Jeevan Mission at Kibithoo (the eastern most part of India along Sino-Indian border), in
                      the presence of local leaders, officials, PR leaders and others.

  10     Issue VII | April 2021                                                                    Jal Jeevan Samvad
JJM Ini a ves

     Grand Challenge for development of Smart Water
       Supply Measurement and Monitoring System

T     he Ministry of Electronics & informa on Technology (MeitY) in
      partnership with Jal Jeevan Mission, Department of Drinking Water &
      Sanita on, Ministry of Jal Shak announced a compe on to develop
'Smart water supply measurement and monitoring system' through ICT Grand

                                                                                        Jigar Desai from Rydot Infotech
                                                                                        Private Limited; and
                                                                                        Sanjay Shrikhande from SBEM
                                                                                        Pvt. Ltd

                                                                                  The next stage as per the guidelines
C-DAC Bangalore, is the implemen ng agency of the Grand Challenge and             of the Challenge is 'Prototype-to-
provided technical support for Proof of Concept (PoC) development of              Product' followed by Stage-3 for field
shortlisted candidates. The compe on was launched on 15th September 2020.         trial, tes ng and deployment and
The Challenge comprised of three stages :–                                        demonstra on of product at 25
                                                                                  loca ons by each finalist for the next
1.   Idea on to Prototype stage;                                                  one month.
2.   Prototype-to-Product stage; and
3.   Product Deployment stage                                                     Following three par cipants who
                                                                                  could not make to Stage 2, can take
At the final stage the product will be deployed at 100 loca ons earmarked by Jal   upto 25 villages in consulta on with
Jeevan Mission.                                                                   Jal Jeevan Mission and Ministry of
                                                                                  Electronics & Informa on Technology
218 applica ons were received from various LLP companies, Indian Tech Start-      and demonstrate the products on pro
ups and individuals. 10 par cipants were given two-months 'Idea on-to-            bono basis without any financial
Prototype' stage post in which par cipant would carry out demonstra on from       assistance :–
8th -10th February 2021 at Water Test-Bed set up at C-DAC.
                                                                                  1.    Pradeep Thalappil from
The result of the ICT Grand Challenge has been announced and following four             Eyenetaqua Solu ons Private
par cipants have been declared winner :–                                                Limited;
1.   Prabhu Chaithanya Gundra from GLOBALm;                                       2.    Krishna Chalam RVR from
                                                                                        Ilonna Innova ons Private
2.   Varun Sridhar from Greenvironment Innova on & Marke ng India Private               Limited; and
                                                                                  3.    Kunal Chakraborty from TATA
                                                                                        products limited

                                                                                  Another three applicants are offered
                                                                                  the opportunity to develop and
                                                                                  deploy their products in five villages
                                                                                  on pro bono basis without any
                                                                                  financial assistance :–

                                                                                  1.    Kanish Aggarwal from Aqua
                                                                                        Wireless Systems Pvt. Ltd;
                                                                                  2.    Sri Harsha Karumanchi from
                                                                                        Kritsnam Technologies; and
                                                                                  3.    Sijo Joseph from Ronds
                                                                                        Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                      Issue VII | April 2021     11
Insights & Opinion

                                                                                       With all the me that will be saved,
                                                                                       women can enroll themselves to
  Jal Jeevan Mission is empowering                                                     ac vely par cipate in the village
                                                                                       mee ngs and use this me to actually
   women and changing their lives                                                      understand in-village water supply
                                                                                       systems. They can hone their exis ng
                                                                                       skills based out of their cultural
            - Vinod Mishra, Head, WASH programme, India (UNOPS)                        heritage and mone ze them thereby
                                                                                       contribu ng to the rural economy.
                                                                                       Financial independence will be great

W            hile the world celebrated
             Wo m e n ' s D ay o n 8 t h
             March, several women in
rural India, oblivious to this, were s ll
busy walking a distance to fetch
                                            sources, creates back, feet, and
                                            posture problems. The heat adds to
                                            their exhaus on, and the chore itself
                                            takes away much needed me for
                                            other du es. Men step in, only when
                                                                                       for their self-confidence because
                                                                                       now they can become a financially
                                                                                       contribu ng member of their family.
                                                                                       Safe drinking water also means a
                                                                                       reduc on in the number of
water to meet their basic domes c           the women fall sick. Not otherwise.        waterborne diseases which implies
needs. Women are the true water             Let's not forget the pain and              lesser money spent on doctors and
managers in their households. The           discomfort that a menstrua ng              medicines and lesser missed school
responsibility of bringing water for all    woman or a girl might be facing. And       days for children.
tasks like drinking, cooking, bathing,      what about the pregnant women or
washing utensils, cleaning, etc.            women and girls with disabili es.          Self-Help Group members can be
everything lies on the woman!               Imagine how hard must this task be         trained to test the quality of drinking
According to the NSS 76 th round            for them! The Jal Jeevan Mission is        water sources using Field Tes ng Kits
survey, close to 42% rural households       figh ng for the dignity of women, just      so as to urgently alert the authori es
travel every day to fetch drinking          like the Swachh Bharat Mission did.        about chemical or bacteriological
water. The distance they cover ranges       Jal Jeevan Mission is about ensuring       contamina on of the water source.
from less than 0.2 km (30.4%                piped water supply to every                Their capacity can be developed for
households) to over 1.5 km (0.5%            household in the village. Both toilets     conduc ng sanitary inspec on- an
households). This means that                and water play an important role in        on-site inspec on of a water supply
women travel for more than 3 km             ensuring dignity for everyone,             facility to iden f y actual and
(round trip from the primary water          especially women.                          poten al sources of microbiological
source) each day to get water.                                                         contamina on. The informa on can
Annually, this comes to over 1,000          Having access to safe and adequate         be used for deciding appropriate
kms in a year.                              water through individual household         remedial ac on to improve or protect
                                            tap connec ons under JJM would             the drinking water source and supply
However, things are changing. This is       mean that the women and girls can          system. Women to be trained to
because, women have been kept at            be free from the tension of spending       become masons, plumbers, motor
the heart of the Jal Jeevan Mission         hours daily for fetching water from        mechanics, pump operators etc. for
(JJM), as has been emphasized by the        long distances. They can use this me       ensuring long term sustainability of
Hon'ble Prime Minister several mes          in so many more produc ve ways. For        the in-village water supply systems.
in recent past. One of the main             instance, the girls in school can study
objec ve of JJM is to bring an end to       more peacefully knowing that there         They say once you carry your own
the centuries old legacy of drudgery        is no pressure to stand in a queue at      water, you will know the value of
faced by women and young girls              the hand pump to fetch water. This is      eve r y d ro p . We a l re a d y h ave
across rural India.                         more important at the me of the            hundreds of thousands of women in
                                            Covid pandemic considering social          rural India who live this reality daily.
There are three aspects to carrying         distancing is highly important. Having     They carry their own water and
water. Distance, me and weight of           a handwashing facility right next to       already know its value; about me
the water that is being carried. Indian     their toilet with water supply to safely   they move a step forward and take
women generally take up to six trips a      manage their menstrual absorbent           charge of the opera on and
day to gather and transport water.          material and wash their hands once         maintenance of the water supply
They carry over 15 litres of water in       they are done, without living in the       systems in their respec ve villages.
each trip. Therefore, on an average,        fear of having to travel again to fetch    Let's bring women and water
they carry over 90 litres of water in a     water, would make menstrual                together to rewrite our history. About
day. They load jars or buckets on their     hygiene management much easier               me we change the narra ve, isn't
heads to carry water. The pressure,         for adolescent girls and women.            it?
added with the distance to water

  12      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                         Jal Jeevan Samvad
Insights & Opinion

                                                                                    diseases, chlorina on as disinfec on
                                                                                    measure is adopted with higher
  Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance:                                        doses than required leading to

             Role of local community                                                pungent odour of bleaching powder
                                                                                    and gastric irrita on and burning
                                                                                    sensa on. The in-sufficiency created
                                                                                    during such hard mes promotes
                 - Sumit Priyadarshi, Asst. Advisor, PHE, DDWS                      'tendency to store' water and to avoid
                                                                                    the obvious agony of queuing up and
                                                                                    fetching water. However, when

W            ater is called universal
             solvent owing to its
             unique property to
dissolve, to a certain extent, a broad
spectrum of substances and micro-
                                         fa gue of machinery due to over
                                         worked mings or mechanical wear
                                         and tear. When sources dry up
                                         completely, there is every possibility
                                         of increased concentra on of geo-
                                                                                    drinking water is not stored safely, it
                                                                                    increases health related risks.

                                                                                    When the summer/ drought spell is
                                                                                    barely over, with the onset of the
organisms such as minerals, gases,       genic contamina on in the aquifer.         rainy season and in absence of proper
bacteria, viruses and other leachates    This calls for tes ng of water sources     management of solid, liquid and
from the industrial waste, agriculture   for chemical and microbiological           faecal waste management or due to
washouts, faecal contamina on, etc.      contamina on since it is expected to       improper managed water supply
The state of sanita on, public health,   be highest during this me, especially      schemes or due to insanitary
menstrual hygiene, preven on and         in water quality hot-spots areas           condi ons, there is increased burden
containment of spread of diseases        where previously threshold limits of       of water quality issues and related
and maintaining an overall healthy       geo-genic contamina on have been           health aspects. The water supply
surrounding has a direct bearing on      reported. Since during summer, the         schemes are therefore tested once
availability of safe and adequate        pipes run dry, the intermi ent             before the monsoon and once a er
water.                                   w e n g a n d d r y i n g p ro m o t e s   the monsoon for microbiological
                                         corrosion which in turn causes             contamina on to ensure that supply
When summer approaches, the              fissures and leakages. The leakages in      lines are free from coliforms/
ground water level lowers down           the pipeline are a major cause of          enterobacteria.
which results in failures of point       contamina on besides wastage of
water sources such as tube-wells,        water.                                     Due to insufficient available human
hand pumps, dug-wells due to                                                        resources i.e. an average the lowest
lowered ground water table, sources      To prevent any possible outbreak of        level of departmental staff in the
completely dying up, mechanical          diarrhoea and other water-borne            RWSS department/ PHED has 100-
                                                                                    150 villages under their jurisdic on, it
                                                                                    is thus very difficult to a end to all
                                                                                    the problems of all the villages
                                                                                    s i m u l t a n e o u s l y. U n d e r s u c h
                                                                                    circumstances, the role of
                                                                                    community holds the promise for
                                                                                    water supply services to be
                                                                                    monitored and operated on daily

                                                                                    The best way is for the local
                                                                                    community to play a key role. The
                                                                                    people should be well informed
                                                                                    about the possible sources and effect
                                                                                    of the contamina on and the local
                                                                                    community may be oriented on
                                                                                    conserva on and protec on
                                                                                    measure as well as on periodical
                                                                                    monitoring and surveillance through
                                                                                    sanitary surveys. While water quality
                                                                                    monitoring refers to rou ne and

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                      Issue VII | April 2021              13
Insights & Opinion

systema c water quality tes ng in                 part of their curriculum at nominal      while carrying out the survey in
laboratories by Department, water                 honorarium. The implementa on            consulta ons with the community
q u a l i t y s u r ve i l l a n c e refe rs to   support agencies to help the local       and the observa ons brought out
overseeing acceptable drinking water              community through various IEC/ BCC       clearly for par cipatory discussion
quality using Field Tes ng Kits (FTKs)            measures.                                and necessary interven ons in Gram
and sanitary surveys. Sanitary survey                                                      Sabha. The results of the sanitary
is an 'on-site' examina on of exis ng             Since most of the domes c works          surveys and water quality
and poten al quality risks and                    related to water are done by women       surveillance are to be informed to the
hazards in and around water supply                in rural areas, their par cipa on in     department for resolu on and wide
system. FTK is a simple device for                planning and implementa on of            circula on along with a probable
indica ve or qualita ve tes ng of                 water supply schemes as well as          solu on with a set me line.
water quality parameters such as                  water quality monitoring and
hardness, pH, fluoride, chloride,                  surveillance is of pivotal importance.   As JJM has picked momentum, so has
nitrate, coliforms etc. The FTKs                  The surveillance may not only be         the strengthening/ upgrada on of
should be periodically used by the                done for the piped water supply          water quality tes ng laboratories and
GPs/ VWSCs to assess the water                    schemes but for the exis ng point        subsequent NABL accredita on to
quality at sources and delivery                   sources as well. The group               have interna onal standards of
points.                                           conduc ng water quality surveillance     tes ng and compliance. This is a new
                                                  and sanitary surveys are to be well      beginning towards bringing radical
Under Jal Jeevan Mission, the GP                  aware of the water supply network        changes in the water quality tes ng
and/ or its sub-commi ee such as                  including exis ng/ old infrastructure.   by way of empowering the local
VWSC/ Pani Sami / user group, etc. is             The risk factors may be assessed         community.
required to iden fy, train and appoint
5 women from local community to
conduct water quality tes ng using
FTKs/ H2S vials and report the result.
In case any parameters exceed their
acceptable limit, the sample is
referred to the water quality tes ng
labs for confirma on. Under JJM, the
community can also send the water
to block/ sub-division or district lab
for tes ng at a nominal rate. Further,
to increase peoples' par cipa on in
the mission, the State governments
have been advised to engage
polytechnic students/ degree college
science students for water tes ng as

                    A Shower leaking at

               10 Drips
                    per minute wastes
                        more than

                      gallons per year

  14       Issue VII | April 2021                                                                           Jal Jeevan Samvad
In conversa on

         Our priority will be to provide FHTCs in all the SC/ ST
         villages, DPAP and SAGY villages of Himachal Pradesh

                                      - Shri Vikas Labroo, Secretary, Himachal Pradesh

1)        Tell us about the progress of the Jal Jeevan
     1    Mission in the State of Himachal Pradesh.

          Out of the total 17.03 lakh households, 13.02
          lakh households (76.44%) have tap water
          connec ons in Himachal Pradesh. In 2020-21,
          about 3.80 lakh FHTCs were provided and 3
          districts, 11 blocks, 827 Panchayats and 7,540
          villages were fully covered. Lahaul Spi , Una
          and Kinnaur became 'Har Ghar Jal' districts.
          Under the 100-days campaign to ensure piped
          wate r s u p p l y i n s c h o o l s , AWC s a n d
          ashramshalas, Himachal Pradesh is one of the
          few States to complete the task.

          Due emphasis has been given in water quality
          sector and 6 district level labs have got NABL
          accredita on so far. Remaining 8 district labs will
          get their accredita on shortly. Field test kits              is the plan ahead for other such tough terrains
          have been distributed in all Gram Panchayats for             of the State?
          water quality surveillance ac vi es by women.
                                                                       Tashigang, the highest polling sta on in the
2) 2      Ministry of Jal Shak has released Rs 221 Crore               world at a height of 15,256 feet, has only six
          as performance incen ve grant to Himachal                    households. These were connected with taps
          Pradesh? How do you perceive this kind of                    running with potable water, in mid-August 2020.
          financial resources provided to the State?                    We are commi ed to providing FHTCs to all rural
                                                                       households of the State, no ma er how
          Government of Himachal Pradesh has decided                   remotely located they maybe. The State has
          to provide tap water connec ons to all the                   already provided 100% FHTCs in the toughest
          households by July 2022 soon a er JJM was                    districts i.e. Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spi . The
          launched on 15th August 2019 by the Hon'ble                  experience gained by us, will help us in execu ng
          Prime Minster. DPRs were prepared, tenders                   the work in other tough areas like Chamba,
          were finalized and now work on these schemes                  which we plan to saturate this year.
          is at an advanced stage. Our priority will be to
          provide FHTCs in all the SC/ ST villages, DPAP and    4) 4   State has been working hard in implemen ng
          SAGY villages this year. We also plan to achieve             JJM amidst the challenges of tough terrain &
          100% coverage in the Aspira onal district of                 clima c condi ons, further compounded by
          Chamba in 2021-22. We are thankful to GoI that               the Covid-19 pandemic. How the State is
          our performance has been appreciated and this                planning to address water issues during the
          incen ve will mo vate and enable us to achieve               prevailing situa on?
          100% coverage in priority areas.
                                                                       Advance planning and mely procurement have
3) 3      The State has ensured household tap water                    enabled the State to overcome all these
          connec on in Tashigang in Lahaul Spi district,               challenges. In Himachal Pradesh, there are many
          situated at about 15,000 feet above MSL. What                areas where the working season is limited,

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                    Issue VII | April 2021       15
In conversa on

         advance prepara on made there by keeping the                schemes. Despite of Covid pandemic, 1,200
         men and material ready for deployment and                   persons have been trained in rural areas in
         working out the logis c before the working                  various skills, 5 women per GP are being
         season. This ensures mely comple on of the                  iden fied and trained on water quality aspects,
         works. The State has also prepared a master plan            including use of FTKs. 16,243 women have been
         to combat even a drought like situa on so that              trained so far and women Groups have been
         there is no water scarcity.                                 formed and trained in 3,248 GPs. State
                                                                     government has taken a decision to train PRI
5)       State is home to perennial water sources. How
     5   do you plan to use and revive the water sources
                                                                     func onaries on role of PRIs/ VWSCs in JJM, for
                                                                     which a plan is in place to train more than 28,000
         for sustainability of water supply schemes to               PRI func onaries in next few months.
         ensure regular & long-term water supply to
         rural households?                                  6)       What is level of community engagement in the
                                                                 6   State and how are you ensuring the village
         Source sustainability is a very important                   community to play a key role in implemen-
         component of water supply scheme. This is                   ta on of JJM?
         supplemented by converging with other
         programmes like MNREGS, LAD, etc. The SWSM                  Out of total 3,615 GPs in the State, Village Water
         under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary has               & Sanita on Commi ees (VWSCs) have been
         issued specific direc ons to prepare a shelf of              formed in 3,213 GPs. VWSCs in remaining GPs
         works to be executed by convergence with RDD                will be formed shortly. To ensure the
         under FC grants, MGNERGS & SBM (G), so that                 involvement of the community, a special Gram
           ed funds under the 15th Finance Commission                Sabha mee ng was convened on World Water
         grant to PRIs and other schemes for water &                 Day i.e. 22nd March, 2021 throughout the State,
         sanita on are u lized appropriately.                        wherein Village Ac on Plans were placed before
                                                                     the Gram Sabha for approval. 21 ISAs have been
         To ensure long term sustainability of the                   empaneled to ensure community par cipa on,
         quan ty and quality of water supplied, training             so that the beneficiaries have a sense of
         is provided to the stakeholders on the various              ownership and are ready the take over the O&M
         aspects of opera on and maintenance of PWS                  of the in-village water supply infrastructure.

 16      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                  Jal Jeevan Samvad
Inspiring Stories

                                    Jal Jeevan Mission is
                                        changing lives
                                     - Shri R.R. Raval, District Collector, Valsad, Gujarat

I   n the morning hours the cacophony around water
    tankers in Kastunia village of Gujarat is now well
    replaced by the giggles and laughter of women & kids,
as they carry on with their daily chores. The household
have clean tap water connec ons now, and subsequently
                                                                  heat. Villagers also were highly dependent on the water
                                                                  tankers, supplied by State authority.

                                                                  The situa on of the village started taking a U-turn when
                                                                  the Sarpanch Mitaben Ishwarbhai Tumda started
it has upli ed the quality of life of the womenfolk here.         working towards the development of village. The Pani
Jal Jeevan Mission has not only changed the daily life of         Sami was formed in the village which got a survey
villagers here, but also has acted catalyst in establishing a     conducted and a er series of discussions amongst the
gender equal society here. The women of the village have          villagers and hydrologists, the consensus was formed to
improved health and leisure me, which is u lized by               bring water to the village through the new open well
many in gaining financial independence and social                  situated 1 Km away from the village area.
recogni on for them.
                                                                  The Ground level near the open well is 99.79 mt. in which
The village, owing to its hilly and uneven surface has            20 Hp motor is installed and by 80 mm dia GI pipe of 1100
ground water paucity despite being situated in the Valsad         mt length, water is taken to 256.51 mt level to the sump,
District of Gujarat, known as Cherapunji of South Gujarat.        situated at 512 height. From the sump, ground level
                                                                  tank is filled and water is supplied to 141 Households
Few months back, summers used to be torturous here,
                                                                  through tap connec ons. The O&M of the scheme is
especially for the womenfolk. Though the village has 3
                                                                  done by WASMO and village authori es.
open wells and 5 hand pumps, but in summers the
ground water level dips considerably, resul ng in drying          With the cohesive efforts of the villagers and State
up of water sources. Women and children used to travel            authori es, Kastuniya village has now have be er water
at least one kilometre for water, that too in sweltering          infrastructure and facili es.

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                       Issue VII | April 2021        17
Case Study

                                                                                          current status of water facilitators
                                                                                          engaged at GP level, availability of
 Water Quality awareness drive in                                                         necessary prerequisites like bicycle,
                                                                                          ID-Card and smartphones so that
 Schools and Anganwadis of Malda                                                          they can effec vely collect and
                                                                                          geotag the water samples and
                                                                                          sources, respec vely, ensuring
            - Pragyan Bhar and Anwesa Du a, UNICEF-West Bengal                            regular induc on and refresher
                                                                                          trainings and orienta ons,
                                                                                          developing annual calendar for

“     It was quite challenging to collect
      water samples from Schools and
      Anganwadis during the
lockdown” said Rabiul Islam, a water
facilitator from Chowki Mirdadpur
                                            wide water quality monitoring plan
                                            with special focus on Schools and
                                            Anganwadi centres in a special drive
                                            mode to iden fy most affected/
                                            vulnerable schools, Anganwadi
                                                                                          sample collec on and tes ng and
                                                                                          increase in coverage of water quality
                                                                                          tests in schools, Anganwadi centres
                                                                                          and habita ons.

Gram Panchayat in Manikchak Block.          c e n t re s a n d h a b i ta o n s w i t h   Informa on Educa on Communi-
The water facilitators or 'Jal Bandhus'     contaminated water sources, iden fy           ca on (IEC)/ Behaviour Change
as known in West Bengal, received           ins tu ons with the highest affected           Communica on (BCC) for Water
formal training to take part in a special   drinking water sources as well as             Quality Monitoring by strengthening
drive conducted during October-             prepare a remedial ac on plan that            community surveillance of sources,
November 2020 across 146 Gram               can be integrated into annual Gram            engagement with Village Health
Panchayats (GPs) of Malda, West             Panchayat planning process. This              Sanita on and Nutri on Commi ee
Bengal.                                     would thus facilitate a post pandemic         (VHSNC) and other community
                                            safe drinking water access in schools         pla orms, advoca ng for
In the context of Covid-19 lockdown         and Anganwadi centres. The data               involvement of schools (higher
and subsequent impact on water              analysis of the water quality test drive      secondary and science teachers) in
quality sample collec on process, an        revealed that Kaliachak-I block was           surveillance and local tes ng of
analysis of the district's most             most affected with Iron and Arsenic,           samples, orien ng Panchaya Raj
vulnerable water quality blocks was         Kaliachak-III and Chanchal-I blocks           Ins tu on (PRI) in community Water
advocated by UNICEF to District             were affected with Total coliforms             Quality Monitoring and planning in
Administra on Malda. Available              and Ratua-I block was affected with E.         Gram Panchayat Development Plans
water quality test results in June 2020     coli following recommenda ons                 (GPDP) and development of
were inadequate because of very less        were provided by UNICEF to tackle             awareness plans.
number of samples collected during          the issues of contamina on.
lockdown. In this background,                                                             Long-term solu ons to extend piped
UNICEF coordinated a convergence            Improved planning for Water                   water connec on to the schools,
mee ng with line departments to             Quality Monitoring sample                     Anganwadi centres and habita ons
address the development of a district       collec on can be done by mapping of           from the nearest Piped Water Supply
                                                                                          Scheme, advocate with mul ple
                                                                                          Government Department of the
                                                                                          District to include in their 15th Finance
                                                                                          Commission grants at Zilla Parishad/
                                                                                          Panchayat Samity/ Gram Panchayat,
                                                                                          convergence of funds to construct
                                                                                          running safe water supply
                                                                                          infrastructure in ins tu ons and
                                                                                          ensure its proper Opera on &
                                                                                          Maintenance. The mapping of
                                                                                          schools and Anganwadi centres
                                                                                          falling within the command area of
                                                                                          PWS scheme will be conducted by

                                                                                          A remedial ac on plan was prepared
                                                                                          and sent to the district administra on
                                                                                          for further ac on.

  18      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                            Jal Jeevan Samvad
Case Study

           Accreditation of water testing laboratories
                and surveillance by community

                     - Nagesh Pa dar and Pankaj Mathur, UNICEF Field Office, Madhya Pradesh

J   al Jeevan Mission (JJM) is under implementa on
    with the aim to provide safe drinking water to rural
    households on regular basis in adequate quan ty
and of prescribed quality (BIS:10500). Water tes ng is
important for monitoring the water supply, inves ga on
                                                            The key interven ons resul ng in improvements of
                                                            WQMS in Madhya Pradesh are as follows:

                                                            Strengthening Standard Opera ng Procedures and
                                                            protocols for water quality monitoring: PHED has
of disease outbreaks, valida on of process and taking       developed and finalized the standards and specifica on
preven ng measures. Water quality tes ng tools needs        for consumables such as glassware and chemicals to
to be used for deciding the quality of drinking water at    facilitate the unified procurement. This enabled smooth
source, within distribu on system and at consumer level.    and uninterrupted supply.
Drinking water quality monitoring and surveillance are
dis nct, but closely related ac vi es. PHED plays an        Strengthening capaci es of PHED func onaries:
important role in drinking water quality monitoring         Capacity building of key func onaries including lab
through its network of water tes ng laboratories and        technicians, engineers and sample collectors were taken
empowering communi es in establishing community             up by PHED. Four-day training of laboratories
level water quality surveillance systems.                   func onaries organized focusing on water quality
                                                            parameters, standards and procedures in laboratory. This
Madhya Pradesh has a network of 155 water tes ng            resulted in accredita on on State Water Quality Research
laboratories working under PHED. It has one State level     Laboratory, Bhopal and District Laboratory, Ratlam. This
laboratories, 51 district level laboratories and 103        accredita on led to confidence of State and scale up.
subdivision laboratories. These laboratories are            Subsequently, in November 2017, ISO/IEC 17025:2017
suppor ng overall water quality monitoring across the       was launched and State ini ated the large-scale capacity
State as per the JJM opera onal guidelines. Along with      building with the objec ve to upgrade the quality
implemen ng the schedules for drinking water tes ng,        monitoring procedures across the State.
these laboratories are open for common public for water
tes ng on nominal fee.

Public Health Engineering Department in Madhya
Pradesh embarked on the journey to strengthen overall
performance of the exis ng water quality tes ng
laboratories. The ini a ve focused on strengthening
standard protocols and procedures for tes ng and
feedback, build trust in tes ng/ calibra on, enhanced
service levels and improved confidence and sa sfac on
on reliability of water tes ng results. MP PHED along
with UNICEF worked together to strengthen water
quality tes ng laboratories across the State. In order to
achieve standard service level, all the District Water
Tes ng Laboratories were asked to get the accredita on
in line with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 from Na onal
Accredita on Board for Tes ng and Calibra on
Laboratories (NABL). The NABL provides third party
assessment of the quality and technical competence of
tes ng and calibra on laboratories. NABL accredita on
of Water Tes ng Lab provides the status of tes ng results      State Water Tes ng Lab - Madhya Pradesh
interna onally acceptable.

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                 Issue VII | April 2021       19
Case Study

Laboratory based gap assessments and improvement           Connec ng water quality monitoring by laboratories
planning: Comprehensive gap assessment and                 and water quality surveillance at community level:
improvement planning template was developed, and           PHED focused on linking water quality surveillance at
laboratory wise gap assessment and planning completed      community level and water tes ng at laboratories.
for all the laboratories in the areas of manpower,         Community members especially women and VWSC
infrastructure and resources. The assessment also          members are being skilled across State. State is focusing
facilitated State and District level ac ons for            on promo ng use of Field-Tes ng Kits at villages level and
improvement of services within laboratories and also       refer the posi vely tested samples to the nearby water
focused on the need for upda ng of standards and           quality tes ng laboratory for confirma on; sanitary
procurement procedures.                                    inspec ons to iden fy factors associated with drinking
                                                           water that may pose a risk to health. Various awareness
Handholding support for procedures and documen-            programmes at schools, AWCs are being organized across
ta on: State level technical resource group and zonal      State on water quality.
level officers deployed expert lab func onaries, officials
and technical consultant provided by UNICEF. This expert   Sustained efforts and ini a ve led to implementa on of
group provided handholding support to laboratories in      lab improvement plans across 50 district level
improvement of services, infrastructures, procedures       laboratories successfully completed proficiency tes ng
and documenta on. The supervision also provided            in 94% parameters. As State level lab and District Lab
opportunity to advocate at district level for resource     Ratlam were already accredited; addi onal 25 District
mobiliza on and enhance sampling and feedback at           Labs accredited to NABL protocols by 31st March, 2021,
community level.                                           the highest number achieved by any State in a year.

Face to face dialogue with NABL to build confidence of      Madhya Pradesh con nues its focus on sustaining the
PHED func onaries: One day face to face dialogue           water quality monitoring through achieving high
organized with CEO, NABL and Addi onal Chief Secretary,    standards in water tes ng and bringing credibility of lab
PHED, MP on 22nd January 2021 to encourage the PHED        func oning for general public to achieve access to safe
func onaries for NABL accredita on in a bid to maintain    water for all. Community empowerment for water
the standards of water quality monitoring across State.    quality surveillance, safety of source and water safety
This workshop provided opportuni es to over 80 PHED        behavior at household level are big steps forward under
func onaries in directly ge ng clarity on accredita on     Jal Jeevan Mission in the State.
procedures and more importantly raising prac cal issues.

 20      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                 Jal Jeevan Samvad
Ac on from the Field

              Andhra Pradesh                                               Chha sgarh

Three teams from Na onal JJM visited districts of            A six-member team of Na onal Jal Jeevan Mission visited
Chitoor, Prakasam and East Godaveri in Andhra Pradesh        3 districts of State of Chha sgarh during 23-26 March,
during 15-19 March, 2021 to assist the State team in         2021. 23 villages and 2 labs across 3 districts of Raipur,
resolving -key issues, understanding ground situa on         Durg and Mahasamund were visited by the NJJM teams.
and finding best prac ces. The teams visited 16 villages in   The purpose of the visit was to have discussion with
these districts to observe the village schemes, water        district officials about planning of FHTCs and PWS
treatment plants, planning of State for coverage of tap      coverage for 100% satura on, support ac vi es, training
water connec ons to rural homes, etc. The touring teams      and capacity building of stakeholders, IMIS related
observed that the progress in the State is appreciable       issues, etc. The team toured the villages/ habita ons and
a er the month of November. Village Water & Sanita on        interacted with Gram Panchayats/ VWSCs members,
Commi ees (VWSCs) were formed in the villages with           village community as well as PHED officials with focus on
ac ve women par cipa on in which mee ngs are                 community par cipa on and ins tu onal arrangements
conducted at regular intervals and proceeding of the         for the implementa on of JJM works. The team also
same is properly maintained. It was noted that the           sensi zed the district officials about immediate provision
training programmes for skill development is in progress     of piped water supply in schools, Anganwadi centers and
and village people are ac vely par cipa ng in those          ashramshalas.
programmes. Besides, FTK tes ng is regularly conducted
in villages by trained female members. State has involved
mul disciplinary staff at village level and has appointed
third party monitoring agency to check the quality of
works. The teams urged the State to take up works of
retrofi ng/ augmenta on of exis ng water supply
schemes to provide household tap water connec ons to
remaining households in these areas.

                        Don't keep the tap
                      running while washing
                         clothes/ utensils

                   Saves more than
                      50 Litres
                              per day

Jal Jeevan Samvad                                                                  Issue VII | April 2021         21
Training & Workshops

      UNOPS organizes 6-day training programme in
        Uttar Pradesh for ield level functionaries

A        6-day capacity building
       programme was organized by
       UNOPS at Lucknow in U ar
Pradesh for the programme
implementers on planning, source
                                        planning, technological interven on
                                        based on region specific
                                        requirement, water quality
                                        surveillance & monitoring,
                                        evalua on, etc.
                                                                                 water budge ng technique and
                                                                                 assessment of water security
                                                                                 amongst the community. Use of
                                                                                 Par cipatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
                                                                                 and Par cipatory Learning and
sustainability, recharge, reuse                                                  Ac on (PLA) as a tool for data
through grey water management,          During the 6-day training                collec on was explained to the
rain water harves ng and other          programme, a session was held on         trainees. Later the par cipants were
aspects of Jal Jeevan Mission.          water security and sustainability        divided in groups and assigned to
                                        explaining the par cipants on            carry out a mapping exercise using
3 na onal, 3 State and 14 district      worsening water situa on in the          these two tools.
consultants par cipated in the          country with special focus on water-
training programme held at Sahbhagi     scarce Bundelkhand and                   A specific session on water quality
Shikshan Trust. Shri Simon Apelblat,    Vindhayachal region. A session was       tes ng at all quality-affected regions
Environment Counsellor from Royal       devoted on community involvement         was explained in detail. A
Danish Embassy gave the inaugural       in grey water management so that         demonstra on using Field Test Kits
address. Experts from WASMO,            water coming out of every household      was held to undertake tes ng of all
Water Aid, Knowledge Links and          is used in planta on and ground          water sources and delivery points
UNOPS along with former PHED            water recharge to help address the       both pre and post monsoon as
officials led various sessions covering   deple ng water level.                    mandated under the JJM guidelines.
strategy for planning and
implementa on, ins tu onal              The concept of Jal Chaupal was           Mr Vinod Mishra, WASH head,
mechanism needed to support             explained in detail to the par cipants   UNOPS India took a session on
implementa on of JJM, financial          on to use it as a tool for introducing   “A tude, Behaviour and Ac on
                                                                                 P l a n n i n g ”, w h i l e M r R o b e r t
                                                                                 Chambers took a virtual session on
                                                                                 “Learnings from the past as a
                                                                                 development professional”. Crucial
                                                                                 role of Village Water & Sanita on
                                                                                 Commi ee at community level was
                                                                                 discussed and how the sub-
                                                                                 commi ee at Panchayat level acts as
                                                                                 a catalyst in pre-planning, planning,
                                                                                 implementa on and post-
                                                                                 implementa on phase. The training
                                                                                 ended with distribu on of
                                                                                 cer ficates to all the par cipants.

                                                                                 The training at this juncture is crucial
                                                                                 as Jal Jeevan Mission embarks on its
                                                                                 third-year journey of
                                                                                 implementa on. Capacity building of
                                                                                 ground level func onaries is very
                                                                                 important and much needed to help
                                                                                 the States/ UTs achieve the target as

 22      Issue VII | April 2021                                                                     Jal Jeevan Samvad
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