January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Page created by Mark Edwards
January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
January 17, 2021
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Preparing for worship
   O LORD, you have searched me and known               It is different to see this time of worship as a
me. You know when I sit down and when I rise            time where all of our fancy worship costumes
up; you discern my thoughts from far away...            and masks just can’t hold up to God’s X-ray
Your eyes beheld my unformed substance. The             vision. God has already seen our unformed
opening words of Psalm 139 take my breath               substance. God isn’t impressed by pomp and
away a bit. To be known so deeply. Can we even          circumstance. Charmed, perhaps, but not
bear it? We spend so many hours and academic            impressed. Instead, with sacred illumination,
degrees trying to know God. We often forget             God sees straight through our worst excuses,
that God is much better at knowing us. How              passive aggression, abandoned dreams, and sees
vulnerable — to be seen with crystal clarity.           straight to the heart.
God does not see us through layers of human                How dare God see us so clearly — and what
judgment. God doesn’t size us up at first glance        exactly will God see? As you prepare for wor-
or read our books by their covers. With perfect         ship, prepare to be seen. Prepare to be loved
holy vision, we are seen just exactly as we are.        more than anyone else is capable of loving you.
Naked. Uncovered. Can we bear it?                       Prepare to feel vulnerable. Prepare to feel small
   As we prepare for worship this week, I wonder        in the presence of Someone much greater and
what it would be like to allow ourselves to be          much more powerful. Prepare to be seen.
seen by God. We already are seen, after all. But
it is a different matter entirely to accept that.                                        —Jenna Sullivan

          4316 Abrams Road ■ Dallas, Texas 75214 ■ 214-452-3100 ■ wilshirebc.org
                    Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
              Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

On the cover: Between Heaven and Earth, Jan Richardson.
January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
January 17, 2021
                                Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Chiming of the Hour

Prelude                                 To God Be the Glory                        arr. Don Hustad

Opening Sentences                                                                   Sarah Stafford

Wonderful are your works, O Lord! That we know very well. Stir our church, O Lord, and move
throughout our lives today and all days. Precious Lord, take our hands and lead us to stand where
you stand, to see what you see, and to follow you wherever that may be. Come, let us see the good
and worship the Lord together.

Hymn 648                         Stir Your Church, O God, Creator                        hyfrydol

Greeting to Worshipers                                                                Julie Girards

Psalm Reading — Psalm 139:1–6, 13–18                                               Laura Summers

O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you
discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted
with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely. You hem

January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is
so high that I cannot attain it. … For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together
in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your
works; that I know very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes beheld my unformed substance. In your
book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them as yet existed. How
weighty to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! I try to count them—they
are more than the sand; I come to the end — I am still with you.

Señor, tú me examinas, tú me conoces. Sabes cuándo me siento y cuándo me levanto; aun a la
distancia me lees el pensamiento. Mis trajines y descansos los conoces; todos mis caminos te son
familiares. No me llega aún la palabra a la lengua cuando tú, Señor, ya la sabes toda. Tu protección
me envuelve por completo; me cubres con la palma de tu mano. Conocimiento tan maravilloso
rebasa mi comprensión; tan sublime es que no puedo entenderlo. … Tú creaste mis entrañas; me
formaste en el vientre de mi madre. ¡Te alabo porque soy una creación admirable! ¡Tus obras son
maravillosas, y esto lo sé muy bien! Mis huesos no te fueron desconocidos cuando en lo más recón-
dito era yo formado, cuando en lo más profundo de la tierra era yo entretejido. Tus ojos vieron mi
cuerpo en gestación: todo estaba ya escrito en tu libro; todos mis días se estaban diseñando, aunque
no existía uno solo de ellos. ¡Cuán preciosos, oh Dios, me son tus pensamientos! ¡Cuán inmensa es
la suma de ellos! Si me propusiera contarlos, sumarían más que los granos de arena. Y, si terminara
de hacerlo, aún estaría a tu lado.

Anthem                                      Psalm 139                                    Allen Pote
                                          Youth Choir
                                      Recorded May 19, 2019

              Lord, you have searched me and known me, you know everything I do.
              When I rise up, when I lie down, you are with me through and through.
                     Before a word is on my tongue, you know what I will say,
                               Your presence follows me day by day.
                 Where can I flee from your spirit? Where can I go to run away?
                          If I go to heaven, or live in hell, you are there.
                     Search me, O God, and know, try me and know my heart.
                                See if there be any wicked way in me,
                            And lead me in the way everlasting. Amen.

Conversation		                                                         Leigh Curl and Abbey Adcox

Prayers of the People                                                               Kevin Summers

January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Hymn 400                              Precious Lord, Take My Hand		                       precious lord

Gospel Reading — John 1:43–51                                                                 Ed Francis

The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” Now Philip
 was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have
 found him about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus son of Joseph from Naz-
 areth.” Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come
 and see.” When Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him, he said of him, “Here is truly an Israelite
 in whom there is no deceit!” Nathanael asked him, “Where did you get to know me?” Jesus answered,
“I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Nathanael replied, “Rabbi, you are the Son of
 God! You are the King of Israel!” Jesus answered, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you
 under the fig tree? You will see greater things than these.” And he said to him, “Very truly, I tell you,
 you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

                                      This is the Word of the Lord.
                                           Thanks be to God.

Al día siguiente, Jesús decidió salir hacia Galilea. Se encontró con Felipe, y lo llamó: — Sígueme.
Felipe era del pueblo de Betsaida, lo mismo que Andrés y Pedro. Felipe buscó a Natanael y le dijo:
—Hemos encontrado a Jesús de Nazaret, el hijo de José, aquel de quien escribió Moisés en la ley, y
de quien escribieron los profetas. —¡De Nazaret! —replicó Natanael—. ¿Acaso de allí puede salir
algo bueno? —Ven a ver —le contestó Felipe. Cuando Jesús vio que Natanael se le acercaba, co-
mentó: —Aquí tienen a un verdadero israelita, en quien no hay falsedad. —¿De dónde me conoces?
—le preguntó Natanael. —Antes de que Felipe te llamara, cuando aún estabas bajo la higuera, ya te
había visto. —Rabí, ¡tú eres el Hijo de Dios! ¡Tú eres el Rey de Israel! —declaró Natanael. —¿Lo
crees porque te dije que te vi cuando estabas debajo de la higuera? ¡Vas a ver aun cosas más grandes
que estas! Y añadió: —Ciertamente les aseguro que ustedes verán abrirse el cielo, y a los ángeles de
Dios subir y bajar sobre el Hijo del hombre.

                                      Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                            Gracias a Dios.

January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Message                                  “Two Ladders”                              George Mason

Sharing of Decisions		                                                              George Mason

Benediction		                                                                       George Mason

Affirmation of Faith                     Fairest Lord Jesus                          st. elizabeth

Postlude                                 Fugue in C Major                      Dietrich Buxtehude

Thank you for giving. Your generosity is allowing Wilshire to continue its ministries in new
and creative ways during this unprecedented time. Although we’re mostly not in the building, the
work of the church continues. To get started or manage your giving, visit wilshirebc.org/give.
January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Meet today’s worship leaders
Abbey Adcox and her husband, Chris, joined               Class. They have two adult children and five
Wilshire in 1999. They are the parents of Carter,        grandchildren. A former Wilshire staff mem-
a freshman at Vanderbilt University, Camryn,             ber, Sarah is director of New Song Community
a junior at Woodrow Wilson High School, and              Choir, a nonprofit based at Wilshire.
Collin, a freshman at Townview TAG. Abbey is
a member of Seekers Class but teaches Kinder-            Kevin Summers and his wife, Tamara, joined
garten Sunday School. She is a deacon, a mis-            Wilshire in 1998. They are parents of Marcus, a
sions and advocacy volunteer, co-coordinator             college student, and Laura, a ninth grader. Kevin
of Wilshire’s women’s ministry and serves on             is a member of Journey Class. Professionally,
Wilshire’s staff as a ministry assistant.                he works as head of project management in the
                                                         Digital Services unit of Xerox.
Ed Francis and his wife, Linda, joined Wilshire
in 1994 and have raised four daughters here —            Laura Summers is the daughter of Kevin and
Molly Shepard, Kathleen, Rebecca and Julie. Ed           Tamara Summers. She is a ninth grader at
is a deacon, a member of Epiphany Class and              Prince of Peace Christian School, where she
serves as Chair of the Deacon Nominating Com-            is a cheerleader. Laura sings in the Children’s
mittee. Professionally, he is vice president and         Chorus of Greater Dallas, studies voice and pia-
regional sales manager for Prosperity Bank.              no, and is active in Wilshire’s student ministry,
                                                         singing in Youth Choir and Shekinah.
Sarah Stafford and her husband, Allan, joined
Wilshire in 2005 and are members of Perennial

Staff contacts
George A. Mason                        Jessica Capps                           Ashley Robinson
Senior Pastor                          Minister to Senior Adults               Pastoral Resident
gmason@wilshirebc.org                  jcapps@wilshirebc.org                   arobinson@wilshirebc.org
214-452-3132                           214-452-3129                            214-452-3153
Heather Mustain                        Julie Girards                           Jenna Sullivan
Associate Pastor                       Minister to Children                    Pastoral Resident
hmustain@wilshirebc.org                jgirards@wilshirebc.org                 jsullivan@wilshirebc.org
214-452-3110                           214-452-3104                            214-452-3155
Darren DeMent                          Joan Hammons                            David Nabors
Associate Pastor                       Minister to Preschoolers                Director of Business
ddement@wilshirebc.org                 jhammons@wilshirebc.org                 Administration
214-452-3102                           214-452-3141                            dnabors@wilshirebc.org
Doug Haney                             Leanna Coyle-Carr
Associate Pastor                       Pastoral Resident                       Dale Pride
dhaney@wilshirebc.org                  lcoylecarr@wilshirebc.org               Facilities Manager
214-452-3123                           214-452-3154                            dpride@wilshirebc.org
Jeff Brummel                           Leigh Curl
Associate Minister of Music/Organist   Pastoral Resident                       Preston Bright
jbrummel@wilshirebc.org                lcurl@wilshirebc.org                    Associate Pastor Emeritus
214-452-3122                           214-452-3152
January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Tapestry                                                                      News & Announcements
                                                                              January 17, 2021

   MLK Day of Service
                    MONDAY, JAN. 18

W      ilshire’s annual MLK Day of Service
       offers a variety of opportunities for
individuals and families to safely serve in
                                                     ■ Hygiene Kit Assembly at Wilshire.
                                                     Outdoor assembly of kits for our unhoused
accordance with our COVID-19 protocols.              ■ Dan D. Rogers Elementary School.
Wilshire will host one mission effort on             Garden cleanup.
site at the church and partner with other            ■ Pleasant Grove Elementary School.
agencies around the city to provide for small        Grounds cleanup, planting & spreading mulch.
group opportunities.                                 ■ Meals on Wheels. Wilshire has
   There are still openings at some sites,           committed to cover 10 delivery routes.
particularly the two DISD elementary                 ■ For the Love of the Lake. White Rock
schools, Pleasant Grove Elementary and our           Lake cleanup.
neighbor up the street, Dan D. Rogers                ■ Mission Oak Cliff. Food pantry
Elementary. Click the button below this              organization.
article to access the SignUpGenius or find it
via wilshirebc.org/registration.
   Please read the details for each opportuni-             Sign up to serve
ty carefully as start times vary and some
assignments require additional paperwork.            Questions? Contact Abbey Adcox (aadcox@wilshirebc.org).

                            Keep up with all the Wilshire news at wilshirebc.org or on social media or
                            via the Wilshire app. At present we are worshiping online only. Worship
                            premieres Sundays at 8:30 a.m. on Wilshire’s YouTube channel and website.
Annual Church Conference
                  SUNDAY, JAN. 24 • 1 P.M. • ZOOM
             Make plans to attend Wilshire’s annual church conference, where reports
           will be given on the church’s mission, ministries and finances, a budget will be
                    adopted and deacons and committee members will be elected.

            The Zoom link to join the conference will be shared in the Tapestry email on
        Friday, Jan. 22, and in the “Guide to Worship” email sent by Doug Haney on Saturday,
              Jan. 23. It will also be published in the Jan. 24 Worship Folder (Tapestry).

        Click the button below to view or download important materials before the meeting.

               Click here for conference materials (PDF)
                           Email pastor@wilshirebc.org with questions.

New members                                                Brent Newberry preaches Jan. 24
Rachel Lane, Chase Smith, Charles and                                           Pastoral resident alumnus
Bobbie Cottle                                                                   Brent Newberry will preach
                                                                                for Wilshire’s online wor-
Condolences to                                                                  ship service on Sunday, Jan.
■ Craig and Kay Keith on the death of Craig’s                                   24. A resident from 2013 to
father, Scotty Keith, Jan. 9.                                                   2015, Newberry is senior
■ Rob and Michelle Roden on the death of                                        pastor of First Baptist
Rob’s cousin, Bill Roden, Jan. 10.                                              Church in Worcester, Mass.
■ Debbie Rampey on the death of her mother,                                     His pulpit appearance
Betty Redden, Jan. 12.                                                          comes in conjunction with
                                                           Wilshire’s annual resident reunion, which will
Annual Contribution Statements                             be held virtually this year.
Contribution Statements were emailed Tues-
day, Jan. 12. Please visit the link in the email and       Benevolence gift cards
save your statement for your tax records. If you           If you selected a Giving Tree tag for a Wilshire
haven’t gotten it, first check your junk or spam           benevolence gift card, don’t forget to purchase
folder and then contact Abbey Adcox (aadcox@               the gift card and return it to the church. Gift
wilshirebc.org). Printed statements were mailed            cards can be returned at any time to the secure
Jan. 12 to those who have requested them. Con-             black mailbox outside the main church office.
tact Abbey if you haven’t received yours.
MOPS spring registration
Our theme this year is Decide to Rise. As                                 WED., JAN. 20
mothers of preschoolers, we have had to make
                                                                Honey-Dijon Grilled Chicken w/Sautéed
tough decisions for ourselves and our families                  Peppers, 3-Cheese Grits, Green Beans
during the pandemic. So how do we Decide                         w/Bacon & Onions, Fresh Bread, $12
to Rise? MOPS has identified three steps: Be
                                                              Superfoods Salad w/Salmon: Spinach, Kale,
strong. Do your work. Chase joy. We are com-                Fresh Veggies, Broccoli, Beets, Egg & Sunflower
mitted to doing this by providing a meaningful               Seeds w/Balsamic Vinaigrette; Quinoa-Lentil
and engaging experience for our group — no                             Salad, Fresh Bread, $12
matter the times. Find out more here.                              Grilled Chicken, Ham & Smoked
                                                               Cheddar w/ Lettuce & Tomato on Kaiser;
Book clubs                                                      Potato Chips, Quinoa-Lentil Salad, $10
■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets                               Streusel Topped Peach Crisp, $2.50
on Zoom one Thursday a month at noon. On                         Caramel-Pecan Chocolate Brownie, $1.25
Feb. 4, the group will discuss Pam Jenoff’s
The Lost Girls of Paris. Contact Abbey Adcox at
aadcox@wilshirebc.org or Carolyn Murray at               ■ Takeout meals from Wilshire’s
cmurray@wilshirebc.org to sign up.
■ The WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club                     kitchen are offered for curbside pickup
meets on Zoom monthly at 7 p.m. On Feb. 9,               each Wednesday.
the group will discuss Colson Whitehead’s                ■ Proceeds help defray the cost of
Nickel Boys. Contact Debby Burton at
dburton@wilshirebc.org to sign up.                       paying our kitchen workers during the
■ Wilshire’s Anti-Racism Book Club will                  pandemic.
discuss White Too Long: The Legacy of White              ■ Ordering for Jan. 20 is open now on
Supremacy in American Christianity by Robert
P. Jones on Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Regis-           the church website.
ter at wilshirebc.org/registration.                      ■ Order, pay and choose lunch or
                                                         dinner pickup by end of day Tuesday,
Michael Waters book available
Copies of Stakes Is High by Michael Waters are           Jan. 19, then pick up your food on
available for $10. In the book, Waters, a local          Wednesday.
pastor and community leader, “blends hip-hop             ■ Full instructions at ordering link.
lyricism and social justice leadership, creating
an urgent voice demanding that America listen
to the suffering if it hopes to redeem its soul.”
The book can be purchased at wilshirebc.org/               Order now for Jan. 20

Lori Gooden
others hired in
business area
  Wilshire has promoted one staffer and filled
two new part-time positions as it prepares for
the retirement of Director of Business Admin-

                                                           Faith that Lived
istration David Nabors. Nabors’ retirement,
announced in October, takes effect at the end

                                                           First in Your
of February. He will be honored with a time of
recognition during the Feb. 28 worship service.

                  Lori Gooden, Wilshire’s
               accounting manager since 2015,
               will assume a new full-time role
               as director of finance. Associate           Wednesdays, Jan. 20 & 27
               Pastor Doug Haney says, “Lori               6 p.m. on Zoom
               has worked very closely with                Led by Pastoral Residents
Lori Gooden    David for several years and is
well positioned to ensure a seamless transition            Leigh Curl & Jenna Sullivan
in our finance department.”
  Randy Crosland, a Wilshire
member since 2004, will become

part-time director of operations,
                                                               eigh Curl and Jenna Sullivan will lead
supervising the areas of facilities,
                                                                a two-week Zoom study exploring
information technology and food
                                                           the memories and traditions that carry
service. Crosland was facilities
                                     Randy Crosland        us across generations of faith. Sessions
manager at Temple Emanu-El
                                                           will take place at 6 p.m. over Zoom. Jenna
in Dallas for 12 years and also worked at First
                                                           and Leigh will share unique practices of
Baptist Church of Richardson and First United
                                                           communion that are sacred to them, and
Methodist Church in Lubbock.
                                                           you will be invited to participate as well
  Gooden and Crosland will assume their new
                                                           as share your own practices. Reflecting
roles Feb. 1 and will report to Haney.
                                                           on 2 Timothy 1:3-7, the group will imagine
                  In addition, Melissa Conway
                                                           together how these practices help us com-
               has been hired as a part-time
                                                           mune with one another and the saints who
               financial assistant reporting
                                                           have gone before us. To participate, email
               to Gooden. The mother of
                                                           Leigh (lcurl@wilshirebc.org) by noon each
               Wilshire’s Abbey Adcox, Conway
                                                           Wednesday to receive the Zoom link.
               worked at Skillman Church of
Melissa Conway Christ for over 25 years.


    Reserve your Wilshire Souper Bowl Box!
      Donations benefit Mission Oak Cliff.
  We can’t gather in Community                             suggested minimum donation
Hall for lunch on Super Bowl                               of $40 and can be picked up at
Sunday this year, but we can still                         the church on Sunday, Jan. 31,
make a difference for hunger                               from 2 to 4 p.m. in the porte
relief through our adapted                                 cochere, or Wednesday, Feb. 3,
Souper Bowl of Caring.                                     from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or
  Wilshire is offering a special                           4:30 to 6 p.m. (Koinonia Café
Souper Bowl Box that will                                  To Go pickup times). Proceeds
include a Wilshire-branded 13-oz.                          benefit Mission Oak Cliff.
food thermos plus recipes for                                 In addition, participants will
some of your favorite soups from                           be entered into a drawing, and
the Wilshire kitchen.                            three lucky winners will receive a gift box
  Make your own soup for the big game            from the Market at Bonton Farms.
on Sunday, Feb. 7, and share your photos           Visit wilshirebc.org/registration to
on social media using the hashtag                reserve your box, make your donation
#WilshireSouperBowl.                             and choose your pick-up time. Individual
  Souper Bowl Boxes are available for a          contribution receipts will be issued.

                 Mission Oak Cliff commits to breaking the cycle of poverty in the Oak Cliff
                 community. As an expression of Christ’s love, it improves food security, encourages
                 meaningful relationships and teaches life skills. What began in 1948 as a food pantry
                 at Cliff Temple Baptist Church is now a full-service community ministry with a food
                 pantry, clothing closet and a large adult English as a Second Language program
                 coupled with a cutting-edge bilingual preschool operated in cooperation with DISD.

FAITH in 3D presents a readers theatre production of

                             TheAnthony Clarvoe

                                  Streaming Feb. 4, 5 & 6, 7:30 p.m.
                                                YouTube.com /WilshireBaptist
                                 O R I G I N A L LY P R O D U C E D B Y T H E D E N V E R C E N T E R T H E A T R E C O M PA N Y

   Faith in 3D — Wilshire’s annual evening
of drama, dialogue and dessert — is the lat-
est church tradition to be creatively adapted                   The Living “has some
for the pandemic.
   This year’s show, a “readers theatre” pre-                strikingly insightful things
sentation of scenes from Anthony Clarvoe’s
The Living, is being rehearsed and recorded
                                                               to say about our current
entirely over Zoom with actors and other                     situation and its challenges
participants in their own homes. It will
be shown on Wilshire’s YouTube channel
                                                                to our politics and our
at 7:30 p.m. on three consecutive nights:                              humanity.”
Thursday, Feb. 4, Friday, Feb. 5, and Satur-
day, Feb. 6.                                                                  — Bill Marx, theatre critic
   The Living, a thoughtful, sometimes hu-
morous commentary on the management of
the London plague of 1665, was written in                    The scenes will be presented as “readers
1991. And yet even now — especially now —                 theatre,” meaning the actors will read their
it presents the opportunity for a discussion              lines from the script with minimal use of
of our current response to a pandemic.                    props, costumes and scenery.
   Following the dramatic presentation,                      Important note: Due to legal arrange-
Senior Pastor George Mason will reflect on                ments with the publisher, the presentation
how the issues raised by the playwright can               will be available to watch only at 7:30 each
be applied to the concerns we must confront               night. Unlike Sunday worship and other
as we make our way in a post-COVID-19                     church events shown on YouTube, it will not
world.                                                    remain on YouTube after the premiere.

What you need to know about
the COVID-19 vaccine

H     ave you registered to receive your vaccine
      yet? Are you eligible to be immunized?
What happens when you get the vaccine?
There are so many questions, but where do
you find the answers?
  Vaccines have been made available to
1A-classified persons such as health care
workers, first responders and those living in
long-term care facilities. At this time, those
in classification 1B are also eligible to register
and get vaccinated. That includes all who are
65 years and older and those who are 18 and             If you live in another county, please visit
older but have a chronic medical condition            your county (Tarrant, Denton, Collin) health
such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, COPD         department’s website and register. You can
and others.                                           receive a vaccine in any county, but supplies at
   So where does an eligible person register?         this point are limited. Each week more vaccine
The first place is with your county health            will be shipped and as more is received, those
department. If you live in Dallas County, visit       who have registered will be scheduled.
www.dallascounty.org/covid-19 and select the            What happens when you get your shot?
link “COVID-19 Vaccine” at the top of the             Many people have reported few symptoms
page. Scroll down until you pass the photo            post vaccination, especially after the first shot.
of vaccine being given and look for a green rib-      Remember that this is a two-shot series and
bon that reads “Click here to register for the        both are necessary for full protection. Possi-
COVID Vaccine.” This will take you to the reg-        ble side effects may include a low-grade fever,
istration page. Once you have registered, you         sore arm and/or headache. It is OK to take ac-
will receive an appointment as they become            etaminophen (Tylenol) for a day or two after
available. The Dallas County Health Depart-           getting the vaccine.
ment will indicate the exact location of your           Please be sure to continue to wear your
appointment, which for now will be Fair Park;         mask and practice social distancing even if
however, if other major hubs are established          you have been vaccinated. This will continue
by your scheduled appointment date, that will                          to ensure that you and others
be indicated.                                                          are protected.
  All shots are given by appointment. You
will need a photo ID such as a driver’s license,                      ■ If you have questions
passport or library card. Expect to stay 15 to                        or need assistance, contact
30 minutes for observation post vaccination.                          Parish Nurse Linda Garner
At your first appointment, you will be given an                       at 214-926-1125 or
appointment for the second dose.                                      lgarner@wilshirebc.org
2021 Committee on Committees report
  This report of the Committee on
Committees will be presented at the
                                           Children’s Education                           Finance
Annual Church Conference on Jan. 24,       Terms expiring January 2022                    Terms expiring January 2022
2021. The committee was chaired by Steve   • Craig Keith                                  • Barbara Gass
Terry and included Anna Hines, Forrest     • Ashley Howland*                              • Paul Latham+
Brown, Jeff Hampton, Hillary Campbell,     Terms expiring January 2023                    • Joe Waterfield
Laurie Diffee, Steven Murray, Peggy        • Britt McClung                                Terms expiring January 2023
Tinsley and Jon-Erik Schoellhorn, with     • Sara Tinsley                                 • Molly Shepard*
Carolyn Murray as staff liaison.           • Kristen Rice                                 • James Perry
  Due to the pandemic, all committee       Terms expiring January 2024                    • Kristin Boyd
members were asked to repeat their 2020    • Dawn Hallman                                 Terms expiring January 2024
committee commitment again in 2021.        • Staci McNicholas                             • Emily Guthrie
We will use 2021 as a reboot year while    • Robin Matulich                               • Tim Morgan
we reopen and regroup from a time of                                                      • Pattie Keath
quarantine with the hope that having a     Staff Liaison: Julie Girards
consistent committee structure will be                                                    Staff Liaison: Lori Gooden
beneficial. Only the names listed in red
will be voted on at the Annual Church      Christian Advocacy
Conference on Jan. 24.
                                           Terms expiring January 2022
Red indicates a new committee member       • Hillary Campbell                             Non-rotating
* indicates chair, **co-chair              • Travis Underwood                             • Janice Jernberg**
+ indicates a partial term                 • Helen Jerman*                                • Barbara Peterson
                                           • Randy Patterson                              • Steve Terry
                                           • Judy Ward                                    • Sondra Wallis
Baptism                                    Terms expiring January 2023                    • Max Post**
                                           • Linda Francis                                • Anita Hood
Terms expiring January 2022                • Kirsten Robertson
• Sunny Carroum                            • Anna Hines                                   Staff Liaison: Debby Burton
• Kerri Pickering                          • Michael Shepard
Terms expiring January 2023                • Christine Wicker
• Rebecca Currie                           Terms expiring January 2024                    Interior Design
• Joannah DeMent*                          • Becky Bridges
• Jake Bruehl                              • Angela Sayre                                 Non-rotating
Terms expiring January 2024                • Amelia White                                 • Bill Jernberg*
• Sean Sims                                • Joey Munguia                                 • Barbara Floyd
• Alissa Payne                             • Chris Kelley                                 • Gina Ortegon
• Kurt Pottkotter                          • Tyler Wade+                                  • Gail Williams
                                                                                          • Whitney Catarella
Staff Liaison: Debby Burton                Resource at large: Joe Haag                    • Jenyce Gush
                                           Staff Liaisons: Heather Mustain, Abbey Adcox
                                                                                          Staff Liaison: Randy Crosland
Building and Grounds
Terms expiring January 2022
                                           Deacon Nominating
• Gayle Lawson*                            Terms expiring January 2022
• Fred Cullum                              • Travis Keath                                 Terms expiring January 2022
• David Coleman                            • Ed Francis*                                  • David Burton
• Steve Hallman+                           • Jenyce Gush                                  • Jim Wade
Terms expiring January 2023                Terms expiring January 2023                    Terms expiring January 2023
• Juliana Moore                            • Susan Leonard                                • Patty Latham
• Gary Griffith                            • Mary Morgan                                  • Glenda Shilling
• Gail Williams                            • Kevin Cabaniss**                             • Shawn Ashmore*
• Jennifer Wagner                          Terms expiring January 2024                    Terms expiring January 2024
Terms expiring January 2024                • Jill Granberry                               • Laurie Diffee
• Mike Meripolski                          • Linda Garner                                 • Mary Carver
• Laura Brown                              • Andrew Warden                                • Jeff Hampton
• Rick Hibbs
• Price Tinsley                            Staff Liaisons: George Mason, Debby Burton     Staff Liaison: Barbara Peterson

Staff Liaison: Dale Pride
Terms expiring January 2024
Missions                                       Personnel                       • Steve Conner
Terms expiring January 2022                    Terms expiring January 2022     • Lydia Perry
• Gerald Shilling                              • Gail Brookshire               • Carla Siegesmund
• Ken Adams                                    • Bob Coleman
• Karen Cotter                                 • Sam Tinsley                   Staff Liaison: Joan Hammons
• Vic Henry                                    Terms expiring January 2023
Terms expiring January 2023                    • Matt Mosley
• Scott Spreier                                • Charles Yarbrough*            Wilshire Adventurers
• Julie Bartkoski*                             • Rebecca Cole
                                                                               Terms expiring January 2022
• Rachel Murphy                                Terms expiring January 2024
                                                                               • Pat Cullum*
• Mike Imhoof                                  • Kenda Russell
                                                                               • Linda Roan
• Vickie Conn Beasley+                         • Luke Willson
                                                                               • Pat Souder
Terms expiring January 2024                    • Ben Curry
                                                                               • Linda Imhoof
• Carol Tommey
                                                                               Terms expiring January 2023
• Casey Boland                                 Staff Liaison: Doug Haney
                                                                               • Pat Tilley
• Aaron Coyle-Carr
                                                                               • Ann Hill
• Sheryl Kelley
                                                                               • Carole Duval
• Richard Lutrell+                             Preschool Education             • Joyce Adams
• Janis Townsend+
                                               Terms expiring January 2022     • Tommy Joy Bosler
                                               • Jeanne Spreier                Terms expiring January 2024
Staff Liaisons: Heather Mustain, Abbey Adcox
                                               • Paige Pendery                 • Frances Jones
                                               • Patricia Anderson             • Sam Tinsley
New Member                                     Terms expiring January 2023
                                               • Matthew Howland               Staff Liaison: Jessica Capps
Terms expiring January 2022                    • Jon-Erik Schoellhorn
• Tracy Sturdivant                             • Rhonda Walton*
• Cindy Coleman                                Terms expiring January 2024
• Horace Tabor                                 • Sheri Brooks                  Ministry Teams
• Karen Holly                                  • Mary Keller
• Amanda Mintz                                 • Christie Michie               Bereavement Ministry Team
Terms expiring January 2023                                                    Debby Burton and Jessica Capps,
• Michele Stinecipher*                         Staff Liaison: Joan Hammons     coordinators
• Mike Imhoof
• Terry Wade                                                                   Churchwide Social Ministry Team
• Steve Melton                                 Risk Management                 (new; replaces Churchwide
• Alden Crissey                                                                Social Committee)
                                               Terms expiring January 2022     Carolyn Murray, staff liaison
Terms expiring January 2024
                                               • Bryan Ward
• Jessica Brookshire
                                               • Cory Anderson*                Health Ministry Team
• Colman Vigil
                                               • Fred Cullum                   Linda Garner, coordinator
• Kristin Cabaniss
                                               Terms expiring January 2023
• Lynette DeBose
                                               • Sam Murphy                    Home Visitation Ministry Team
• Jim Tapley
                                               • Paul Latham                   Jessica Capps, staff liaison
                                               • Pete Alfaro
Staff Liaison: Carolyn Murray
                                               Terms expiring January 2024     Hospitality Ministry Team
                                               • Jason Woodbury                (Ushers and Greeters)
Pathways to Ministry                           • Marc LaChey                   Barbara Clayton, staff liaison
                                               • Jim Austin
Terms expiring January 2022                                                    Lord’s Supper Ministry Team
• Chad Mustain                                 Staff Liaison: Randy Crosland   Mig Coates, chair
• Brad Russell*                                                                Debby Burton, staff liaison
• Woody Weilage
Terms expiring January 2023                    Weekday Education               Video Ministry Team
• Terry Wade                                                                   David Hammons, chair
                                               Terms expiring January 2022
• Jenny Wolff                                                                  Doug Haney, staff liaison
                                               • Kelly Backhaus
• Becky Waterfield
                                               • Chris Adcox
Terms expiring January 2024                                                    Worship Guild
                                               • Hugh Atkinson
• Matthew Roberts                                                              Luke Willson, chair
                                               • Christy Tabor*
• Hank Holly                                                                   Doug Haney, staff liaison
                                               Terms expiring January 2023
• Meredith Mosley
                                               • Afton Crissey
                                               • Pam Banta
Staff Liaisons: Geri McKenzie,
                                               • LeAnn Hampton
George Mason

Five ways to support
 Wilshire’s mission                                   This Week
                                                      Sunday, Jan. 17
                                                      ■ Morning Worship, virtual, 8:30 a.m.
                                                      ■ Bible Study, online, times vary by class
                                                      ■ Children’s Sunday School, Zoom, 9:45 a.m.
                                                      ■ WSM Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
                                                      ■ Personnel Committee, Zoom, 1 p.m.
                                                      ■ Light up the Mat: Epiphany Yoga with Jenna
                                                        Sullivan, Zoom, 3 p.m.

                                                      Monday, Jan. 18
1. BY MAIL: Send to Lori Gooden, Wilshire             ■ Church office closed in observance of Martin
                                                        Luther King, Jr. Day
Baptist Church, 4316 Abrams Road, Dallas
                                                      ■ MLK Day of Service
TX, 75214. Please write on your check if it is
intended for the Unified Budget or another            Tuesday, Jan. 19
purpose.                                              ■ Stephen Ministry Training, Zoom, 6 p.m.
                                                      ■ Stephen Ministry Supervision, Zoom, 6:30 p.m.
2. ONLINE: Schedule a recurring or one-
time gift charged to either your debit or
                                                      Wednesday, Jan. 20
credit card or directly as an ACH from your           ■ Ukulele rehearsal, virtual, 10:30 a.m.
checking account. Visit wilshirebc.org/give           ■ Midweek Update & Reflection video, online
(be sure you have enabled cookies on your             ■ Koinonia Café to Go order pick-ups, south
phone or tablet).                                       parking lot, 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
                                                      ■ COVID Advisory Task Force, Zoom, 5:30 p.m.
3. AUTOMATIC BANK PAY: Go to your                     ■ Resident-Led Study: Faith that Lived First in
bank’s website, log in to your individual bank          Your Grandmother, Zoom, 6 p.m.
account and follow your bank’s instructions           ■ Youth Choir, north parking lot, 6:20 p.m.
to set up Wilshire as a new payee. Your bank          ■ WSM Watershed, north parking lot, 6:30 p.m.
will print and cut a check.                           ■ Preschool Education Committee, Zoom,
                                                        6:30 p.m.
4. TEXT: Using your smartphone, text
WILSHIRE and the dollar amount (example:              Sunday, Jan. 24
WILSHIRE 50) to 73256, then follow the link           ■ Morning Worship, virtual, 8:30 a.m.
that pops up. The first time you use this op-         ■ Bible Study, online, times vary by class
tion, you will enter credit card and contact          ■ Children’s Sunday School, Zoom, 9:45 a.m.
information. All text gifts will be applied to        ■ WSM Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
the Unified Budget.                                   ■ Annual Church Conference, Zoom, 1 p.m.
                                                      ■ Light up the Mat: Epiphany Yoga with Jenna
5. WILSHIRE APP: Download the Wilshire                  Sullivan, Zoom, 3 p.m.
app from the App Store or Google Play to              ■ Sunday Night Live!, north parking lot,
make gifts easily from your phone or tablet.            3:30 p.m.

Rapid-response teams available
Health Response Team is comprised of medical professionals in the church who are willing to
make themselves available for general counsel and encouragement. These volunteers are not dis-
pensing medical care but are available for general questions and guidance, especially when it may
be harder to get to a doctor. Lead contact is Linda Garner, lgarner@wilshirebc.org or 214-452-3151.
Food and Supplies Response Team is comprised of volunteers from our Missions and Ad-
vocacy committees who are at the ready to help those who are isolated and need food or other
supplies brought to them. We have identified existing designated and budget funds that will be
used to meet urgent needs of members, such as food and medicine and limited rent assistance.
Lead contact is Heather Mustain, hmustain@wilshirebc.org or 214-452-3110.
Spiritual Support Response Team is comprised of trained lay leaders and staff who are
available to talk with members who are lonely, scared or just need to talk during this time of
isolation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling. Volunteers will call care receiv-
ers on at least a weekly basis to listen to them and offer emotional support. Other referrals for
additional identified needs will be made to the appropriate teams or staff. Lead contact is Gail
Brookshire, gsbrookshire@gmail.com.

Pray for Wilshire health care workers
Preston Adkins                       Rita Hamilton                        Chad Mustain
Joshua Bautista                      Joey Hamilton                        Mike Plunk
Tanya Benson                         Deborah Herford                      Ross Prater
Gina Biddle                          Jeff Jones                           Lyn Prater
Cayce Brumley                        Tori Korson Wingfield                Nancy Quelland
Joni Cabaniss                        Desiree Krieger                      Katie Smalling
Ann Cossum                           Micki Lacker                         Connie Smith
Karen Cotter                         Bobby Louder                         Jim Sterling
Kelli Culpepper Hall                 Linda Martinez                       Nancy Stretch
Joannah DeMent                       Marty McElya                         Robin Sullens
Diana Early                          Alyssa McElya                        Claire Tommey
Janda Edwards                        Sheri McShan                         Jim Walton
Linda Eggert                         Damien Mitchell                      Amy Wilson
Linda Garner                         Allison Moore                        Jenny Wolff
Kirsten Granberry                    Sheri Mosser                         Alan Wright
Linda Gregory                        Monica Mullins                       Rebecca Yarbrough

Pray for Wilshire

As schools and school districts grapple with the complexities of having school
during covid-19, we have compiled a list of Wilshire members who work in
education. Keep them in your prayers and consider offering encouragement in
the form of a note, email or phone call. We apologize for any omissions; please
let us know of names that should be added to the list.

Kelly Akins                Sherry Hicks                Paige Pendery
Amy Anderson               J.D. Isip                   Mary Lea Phillips
Debbie Atchley             Katie Koshkin               Sarah Plunk
Hugh Atkinson              Catherine LaChey            Robin Pokladnik
Lynne Beard                Debbie LaChey               Priscilla Pope-Levison
Casey Boland               Thomas Lee                  Lyn Prater
Leigh Ann Brown            Jack Levison                Michael Prysock
Laura Brown                Jennifer Madding            Aaron Reindel
Jake Bruehl                Ralph Manuel                Sarah Rose
Reagan Brumley             Candy McComb                Gerald Shilling
Kristin Cabaniss           Tricia McCoy                Jeanne Spreier
Hillary Campbell           Jane Melton                 Megan Thompson
Sunny Carroum              Christie Michie             Sara Tinsley
Karen Cotter               Ellen Mooney                Carol Tommey
Silvia DeLaCruz            Wendy Moore                 Janis Townsend
Joannah DeMent             Mary Morgan                 Jonni Walls
Elizabeth Felton           Meredith Mosley             Jenn Weaver
Shana Gaines               Monica Mullins              Katie Wilke
Thomas Hare                Shannon Nadalini            Jenny Wolff
Dawn Hallman               John Parnell

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