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          MAGAZINE AUGUST 2018

     HISTORY SOCIETY              PAGE 5
     GARDEN TOUR                  PAGE 6
     WI OUTING                    PAGE 18
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                            SUNDAY SERVICES
8.00 am         Said Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10.00 am        Sung Communion, and Sunday Club in term time for children;
                followed by coffee in the Jubilee Room

On the First Sunday in the month services are as follows:

8.00am          Said Holy Communion
10.00am         Family Service (non-Eucharistic except at major festivals);
                no Sunday Club, all ages in church; followed by coffee in
                the Jubilee Room
6.30pm          Evensong

Please check centre pages and Christ Church News for this month’s
services and for seasonal variations. If you require transport to get to and
from any of the services this month, or indeed at any time of the year,
please contact a Churchwarden (details inside back cover). You can also
find full details on our website What’s On page.

                        950 HOUSEHOLDS
       do what you are doing now, every month. They read this magazine!

  If you run a business tell Shamley Green about it. Advertise in the area's most
                              cost-effective magazine.
                  Contact Karen for more information
                          See details below

                           Editor: Christine King
                Tel: 537608 Email:
                      Advertisements: Karen Anderton
              Tel: 894014 Email:
                         Distribution: Ginny Wicks
              Tel: 894873 Email:

                                 The Disclaimers

Finding your inner giraffe
    Jackals and giraffes
    At the church youth group in a previous parish, we once
    had a visiting speaker who talked to us about jackals and
    giraffes. No, we weren't preparing for a visit to the zoo.
    This is merely a way of describing, understanding and en-
    couraging non-violent communication and relationship. It
    was developed by an American, Marshall Rosenberg, who
    has used it all over the world, in schools, with New York
    gangs and in international peace negotiations.
              Jackals have narrow, beady eyes. They look for and see the worst in
    people and situations. They have acute, pointed ears. They hear the
    negative in whatever is said to them. They have snappy mouths with sharp
    teeth.      Their language is the language of criticism, judgmentalism,
              The giraffe is the land mammal with the largest heart. Giraffes have
    big, observant eyes. They look for and see the best in people and situations.
    They have alert, mobile ears. They try to hear what is said to them without
    judging. They have soft, gentle mouths. Their language is the language of
    love; it is non-judgmental, balanced and responsive.
              Which do you think you are? Jackal or giraffe? Most of us are a
    mixture of both. With some people or in some situations we are probably
    more one than the other. Rosenberg's work is to encourage people to
    become aware of their own attitudes and reactions and to develop their
    'giraffe' attributes.

    Living in hope
    I remember that we went from that youth group meeting into preparing a
    Christian Aid service with the theme 'Live in hope'. Now usually we use that
    phrase in a very 'jackal' way, to mean the opposite. For example, you might
    say to me, "Do you expect many people to come to church on Sunday?" and I
    might reply, "I live in hope!” That would be a jackal response because in
    saying that, I mean that I actually have very little hope; I am assuming the
    worst, both of the situation and of the other people involved. I am prejudging
    events and individuals. That kind of response, felt within myself and
    communicated to you, is unlikely either to encourage and motivate me, or to
    inspire you and engage your interest.
              Genuinely to 'live in hope', would reflect far more the outlook of
    'giraffe' - expectant, perceptive, unprejudiced. Hopeful people look for
    possibilities, however small. Hopeful people don't ask 'why?' but rather 'why
    not?' Hopeful people dare to dream dreams and at the same time are
    powerful realists who work to see how at least some of the dreams can
    become actuality. They are people who believe: they believe in the breath of
    God breathing life into dry bones; they believe in the Spirit of God opening

1               Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
hearts and minds to hear a message of forgiveness and new beginnings; they
believe in the Son of God restoring life and health. And because of their hope
and belief, they offer themselves to be the channels of that breath, the
instruments of that Spirit, the followers of that Son.
(Our inner giraffe
 Aid agencies and charities like Christian Aid, together with people who work
 for reconciliation and peaceful settlements of conflict like Marshall Rosenberg,
 are grounded in and sustained by this kind of hope and belief. They hope and
 believe absurdly sometimes, in the face of overwhelming disasters, despite
 persistent injustice, amidst the hate, greed and self-interest of the human
 race. They continue to pursue the dreams though caught between the cruel,
 the victims of the cruel and those whose cruelty is that of apathy and
 indifference. They are giraffes who run amongst the pack of jackals, yet
 refuse to join the hunt or share the kill.
          Let us thank God for these people of hope and belief. Let us honour
 them, pray for them and support them in any way we can. And, equally
 importantly, let us search for the giraffe within ourselves, for our own defiant
 hope and belief, that it might lead us in our turn to be peacemakers and
 healers - those who resist evil, shine lights in the darkness and bring aid
 wherever there is need.

If you would like to discuss anything in this letter, or just to have a chat over a
cup of coffee, do get in touch; I'd love to hear from you,
The Revd. Sally Davies. (01483) 892030.

               THURSDAY 9th AUGUST
                  to the Editor, please, by midnight.
       Email willingly accepted, to:


2              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018

                   Check out our new website at

    From the registers
    Burial: we committed John Ives to the ground with our prayers on 17th July.
    Marriage: we celebrated the marriage of Anthony Parham and Isabelle
    Beechey on 23rd June and of Jon Jenkins and Hannah Scott on 30th June.
    Baptism: we welcomed Salvador Valpied and Jacob Stevens into the
    family of God’s church on 8th July.

    Lunch and more
    Wednesday 12th September, Monday 12th November
    12 noon Holy Communion followed by lunch. All welcome. Please let
    Daphne Hamilton 893033 know if you plan to attend.

    Discussion groups (Home groups): Autumn term
    All are welcome to join us for our informal discussion groups.
    The evening group meets Thursdays at 8pm and the daytime group
    Mondays at 10am, dates below.
    Evening group September 6th (at Cranley Cottage, Stonards Brow; with
    supper) & 20th, October 4th & 18th, November 1st, 15th, 29th. We will be
    studying a Christian classic: ‘The Screwtape Letters’ by C. S. Lewis.
    Contact Alison Harding 893457; 
    Daytime group September 10th (at the vicarage) & 24th, October 8th & 22nd,
    November 5th & 19th, December 3rd. Contact Sally Davies 892030;
    Do get in touch if you would like further information.

    Donations to the church
    You can make on-off contributions direct to our new Shamley Green PCC
    Donations Account: Acc. No. 30638712 Sort Code 60-06-19. If you would
    like to know how you can support our parish church through regular giving
    by standing order, through a legacy or how to increase the value of your
    donation by Gift Aid, please contact our Treasurer Tony Robinson (01483
    229141; or our Planned Giving Officer
    David Healey (01483 893607;

3             Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
ABC: Adults, Babies, Children

        at Christ Church, Shamley Green
    ABC is for all under-5s and accompanying adults. It takes place in Christ
    Church at 11am on the third Wednesday of every month (unless indicated
    otherwise due to holidays). We have a story, action songs and prayers,
    followed by a craft activity and refreshments. All are welcome. If you would
    like further details, please contact Sally 892030.
                          NB No Family Service or ABC in August
                                  Do come and join us!
                        Pilgrimage Opportunity
    The Revd. Haydon Wilcox is leading
    another pilgrimage/holiday to Iona, in
    Scotland from 26th July - 3rd August 2019.
    Contact him on 01252 621639 or
    email: for a
    Details of his other events and trips are
    available on request for The Holy Land,
    South Korea, Oberammergau and his

         Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School
    The reunion was for children who attended during the 1980's, but it was
    mainly their parents who came along to meet up again. It was nice to also
    see families from Brighton and New Zealand whose children were at the
    school during that time.
    Many photos and newspaper cuttings were on display of the children and
    teachers. Pictures of Tony Hart, who gave a lot of his time to the school
    children, pancake races and May Queens and their attendants, were on
    display. There were also some photos of the grown-up children with their
    children. The school supplied a display of old pictures of school children
    gardening and girls using sewing machines in the earlier part of the last

    It is hoped that another reunion could be planned for sometime next year for
    any child who attended Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School.
    Pam Chandler
4                Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Shamley Green History Society
On a perfect summer’s day in June,16 members enjoyed a visit to
Ewhurst’s beautiful 12th Century Church. We heard about the formidable
restoration programme that was necessary and which the church has been
able to undertake with the help of lottery funding, reinforced by fundraising
efforts such as our visit. It was necessary to restore the roof and refurbish
the mechanism for the 8 historic bells, two of which, amazingly still in use
until recently, dated back to the 15th Century. These two being somewhat
out of tune have now been replaced but one of them remains in the tower
for us to admire and try tapping with a mallet, and we had a very interesting
talk about the technique of bellringing and learnt much about the early
history of the church, its unusual font and South Transept door amongst
many features. Sarah Balchin was our knowledgeable guide who showed
us round, aided by two expert bellringers, who gave us a demonstration
and rounded off the afternoon for us by providing tea and cakes. Our
donations went towards the restoration fund.
Summer in Shamley Green means it’s time for one of Michael’s Meanders,
and this year our Chairman Michael Harding is leading us on a walk along
the main road past the Primary School and Nursery Hill, with more tales
about the history of the village. Meet on Tuesday August 14th at 2.30
outside Quoin Cottage, on the corner of the Green opposite the shop, near
the village sign. As usual non-members are welcome to Michael’s walk.
Valerie Esplen.

    Good Neighbourly Deed by Firs Lane Residents
For those of you that use the footpath which runs between Firs Lane &
Hullbrook Lane you will have noticed, as you can see in the photo, it has
recently been cleared.
This was not as you may think done by the
council but in fact by 2 residents of Firs Lane,
namely Nick & Charlotte Cumming.
The pair worked very hard to clear this &
disposed of not only the weeds but other
people’s dogs mess.
Now that they have done such a sterling job
can all users of the footpath (& of course with
all paths) ensure they pick up after their dog &
put it in a bin, as the council do not do this.
If you have a footpath near you that’s
overgrown, perhaps you too can help maintain
it & help keep our village beautiful. I am a
grateful user of the footpath. Marion Hibberd

5            Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Shamley Green Gardening Club
              Garden Tour Summer 2018 Derbyshire
One coach with driver Brian, old friend, reliable driver and with endless
patience - tick. 54 keen and eager traveller/gardeners - tick. Sunshine - tick.
Danish pastries - tick. 5 days supply of quizzes - tick. We were ready to leave
for this year’s Gardening Club tour. We soon seemed to be at Calke Abbey,
built in 1704 on the site of a former priory for Sir John Harpur. The family name
changed to Harpur Crewe and the house remained in the family until the mid
20th Century when it began to decline. The Harpur Crewes were an eccentric
lot, from extreme recluses to fanatical collectors. It has been estimated that
around 30,000 items are on view – a very large number being stuffed animals
and birds; not everyone’s cup of tea but a valuable resource for study. The
National Trust actually markets this as an “un-stately home” but it is certainly
interesting as an example of life during a period of great social change. To
counteract the somewhat gloomy house there is a large and productive Physic
Garden and borders crammed with roses, at their best for our visit. A short
drive and we arrived at Makeney Hall Hotel our home for the next 5 days.
Day 2 - Next morning, sunny and warm and off to Cascades Gardens in
Bonsall. This private garden is built on the remains of an old corn mill at the
base of an almost sheer cliff face with a millrace, pond and old lead mine. The
energetic (or foolish ) members of the group elected to climb the cliff and
experience the wonderful view of the garden from the top, while others
wandered from seat to seat trying to guess the owner’s favourite spot for his
evening G and T. He was inspired to create the garden by a visit to a Zen
Buddhist monastery in Japan and the separate rooms of this garden with rock
formations, raked gravel and delicate planting schemes certainly echoed that
feel, although the delicious cakes provided might have been out of place! Even
with 6 weeks of dry weather the numerous rills and cascades were refreshing -
after heavy rain they must be awe-inspiring! Then it was time for one of the
week’s highlights – Chatsworth. The house, home to 16 generations of the
Cavendish family (and built by Bess of Hardwick – remember her) is
magnificent but also contains works of art from the Romans to Lucian Freud. It
would have been possible to have spent all afternoon inside but the extensive
gardens called and in the intensive heat it was lovely to stroll through the huge
rockery (Joseph Paxton) Rose and Cottage gardens and the shady woods. An
ice cream and a visit to probably the biggest National Trust shop in the UK
completed the day.
Day 3 – Sunny and hot! A short coach ride took us to Tissington Hall near
Ashbourne. This is a beautiful moderately sized manor house, built in 1609 by
Francis FitzHerbert, which has remained in the same family to this day. After a
talk on the history of the estate by the current owner Sir Richard FitzHerbert
(and an explanation about the young people who kept appearing from the
private quarters – it had been his daughter’s 18th birthday party the previous
evening!) members were given a comprehensive tour of this delightful house
and gardens. It took one brave soul to gently remind our enthusiastic guide
that there was a plant nursery just down the road that we were quite interested

6               Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
in seeing.....! Most of the chocolate box Tissington village is owned by the
FitzHerberts -    obviously hands on as Sir Richard then appeared assisting

                  Sir Richard (L) with the intrepid gardeners

in the village tearooms! Then to Ashbourne, another lovely town with a large
number of Georgian buildings and independent shops (worth missing lunch
for!) and on to Burrows Garden.               This 5 acre garden had been
laid out         originally by a dairy farming family but then expanded and
developed by the son Craig. He created a new                temple garden with
reflection pool and installed statuary and fountains but primarily planted a lot
of unusual trees including a Wallemia Pine. Very sadly Craig died in 2015
leaving a wife and baby daughter. Since then his widow Nicky has almost
single handedly maintained an exquisite garden with colour and interest
throughout the year. She           insisted that she wasn’t a gardener (but was
delighted when she could         identify a lovely Shropshire Lad rose used as
hedging) but for a non gardener she has done an amazing job! The Burrows
garden was voted joint favourite by the members.

Day 4 - Hot and Sunny! Another short drive and we reached Thornbridge
Hall. The house is not open to the public but the 12 acres of formal gardens

7             Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
are stunning and were voted joint favourite. Designed in the late 1800s to
create a vision of 100 shades of green, they are a fine example of Victorian
garden design. Visitors can enjoy a wonderful scented garden, herbaceous
borders, water gardens and grottos and admire the statuary, some of which
came from Greece (haven’t heard that they want those back) There is a
gravel garden to die for and then – the plant sales. An amazing range of
superb plants all watched over by two extremely helpful and knowledgeable
young gardeners. In fact SGGC probably cleared them of some species –
next time you walk around the village note how many Catalpa trees have
appeared....! Lunch in Bakewell, another very attractive Peak District town
(pudding or tart was a difficult decision), the journey continued onto Glossop
to visit the last garden of the day. On the approach to Simmondley, we could
see in the distance the raging fire on Saddleworth Moor, luckily far enough
away not to change our plans for the day.
When we arrived at High Roost, in the village of Simmondley, we were
greeted by delightful Peter & Christina Harris, owners of a youngish suburban
garden and members of the NGS since 2006. The garden was constructed in
2000-2001 and is 800ft above sea level on a sloping site with clay soil. They
overcame one of the many challenges by terracing the site to create a series
of different garden rooms which contained several water features for year-
round interest, creative focal points and beautiful herbaceous borders.
Christina admitted that her passion lay in her interest for container grown
succulents, of which she has many. It was a delightfully interesting garden
and after thanking our hosts we made ready for the exciting journey home to
our hotel. Starting at Glossop we set off on the famous Snake Pass to cross
the Pennines. On the way we were treated to the most wonderful and varied
scenery, white bog cotton verges, rolling hills, pine forests and of course the
beautiful Ladybower Reservoir at Ashopton. The end of another wonderful
day in Derbyshire.

Day 5 Always a sad day when we have to leave. Brian miraculously
managed to fit (most of) the plants and the luggage into the coach and we
headed for Hardwick Hall. This is the magnificent house built by the
Countess of Shrewsbury (Bess of Hardwick – remember?) after her 4th
marriage. A tour of this fascinating house and an excellent talk from one of
the guides drew all the Tudor history we had heard on previous days together.
Bess and her second husband Sir William Cavendish began a powerful
dynasty which is still in evidence today. She was a most remarkable woman
who played a large part in events of her time and from a very early age
refused to be deprived of what she believed to be hers. A final pleasant stroll
around the beautiful borders surrounding the house and it was time for the
return to the Arbuthnot Hall car park and the grand plant sort out!
And another huge thank you to Penny and Tony!

    Linda Penny

8                 Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Goodbye to Montessori
    When my husband and I moved to Shamley Green when I was pregnant with
    our first child, word got around; “If you want the best preschool education for
    your daughter, get yourselves on the Montessori preschool waiting list as
    soon as she is born! It’s a fantastic school, staffed by experienced, caring
    staff who pay attention to the needs and abilities of each child - but it is over-
    Our daughter Isabel enjoyed her time at preschool. The nurturing, calm
    environment was the perfect start to her education, and we loved being able
    to walk to it daily. When Isabel moved to WSG Primary, she did so with a
    group of familiar preschool children.
    Time has flown and our son Daniel has just finished his time with Miss Shirley
    and her wonderful team. Another young life given the best possible start, for
    which we will always be grateful.
    But sadly things have changed now and we have seen a drop in birth rate and
    an associated decline in attendance at preschool. Miss Shirley has taken the
    difficult decision to close her school after July and the fantastic staff team will
    benefit other nurseries and preschools around Surrey.
    There are certain basic amenities that we all agree a village needs to thrive.
    An affordable village preschool that gives each child a thriving start to their
    education is one of them, which is why many of us are mourning the closure
    of our special Montessori preschool.                      Alice Bounsall-Hughes

                        Montessori Staff Team on Sports Day

9                Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
The Arbuthnot Hall is a thriving community facility in the centre of the village
and is available for hire with main hall, stage, fully equipped kitchen bar /
committee room and disabled access.


TUESDAY             CIRCUITS 9-10 AM; CIRCUITS 7.30 PM
WEDNESDAY           PILATES 9.30 AND 10.45

Other functions include:
      Newcomers Supper
      SHADES pantomime
      Children’s activity afternoon – (Lordshill Playground)
      200 Club Lunch
      Village Fete
      NSPCC Punch and Pate Luncheon
      Shamley Green History Society
      Conservative Jumble Sale
ALSO private parties and other fund raising events.
Should you wish to book your own function or to enquire
about any of the above events, please call Ali Bull 01483
892254. Thank you.

                   ARBUTHNOT HALL 200 CLUB
                    JULY DRAW WINNERS
 1st   Mr. J Watson                                     The Green

 2nd   Mrs. C. Allan                                    Hullbrook Lane

 3rd   Mrs. S. Mc Cleery                                The Green

 4th   Mr. S. Spencer                                   Sweetwater Lane

10              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
11   Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
 (including Blackheath, Bramley, Chilworth, Shalford & Shamley GreenͿ


        This is our summer holiday month, and therefore
              we offer a vastly reduced programme:

        DATE             TOPIC
        MON 6      Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh
        MON 13     Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh
        MON 20     Pilates – Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh
                   Gardening – venue to be announced
        WED 22     Chichester Theatre; Me & My Girl – coach trip
        MON 27     No Pilates – summer bank holiday.

        Future events:
        6 Sept, Travel meeting with guest presenter Tom Way –
        2 Sept, Explore London – Surrey Docks & Rotherhythe Village -
        coach trip;
        26 Sept, Jane Austin’s house & Hospital of St Cross – coach trip;
        18 Oct, Dorney Court, near Windsor – History Group coach trip;
        7 Nov, Explore London – Notting Hill & Pimlico Market, coach trip;
        21 Nov, outing to Imperial War Museum;
        5 Dec, London Christmas Trip – coach trip.

U3A (University of the Third Age) provides diverse educational, creative and
leisure opportunities for people no longer in full-time employment. If you want
to stretch your mind, extend your social life and have fun, we may be just
what you are looking for. It’s a great way to make friends, and we welcome
new members from Wonersh and all surrounding areas.

 Membership is just £10 a year, plus usually £1 for each meeting you attend
(for tea and biscuits). Additional fees may be charged when professional
instructors are employed (eg, for Pilates or Tai Chi) or coach trips are

                    Newcomers are welcome at any meeting.
         For further details, please phone Cilla Morris 01483 892348, or
                  visit .

12              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Things you are unlikely to hear in church
                “Excuse me, but it’s my turn to sit in the front pew.”
     “I was so enthralled that I never noticed the sermon went 25 minutes over
 “Personally, I find witnessing about my faith much more enjoyable than golf.”
     “I’ve decided to give the church the £200 a month I’ve been spending on
     “I shall volunteer to be a permanent teacher for the Sunday School class.”
 “Forget about the agreed stipend, let’s pay our ministers so they can live like
                                       we do.”
              “I love it when we sing hymns I’ve never heard before.”
        “Pastor, we’d like to send you to a Bible seminar in the Bahamas.”
 “Nothing inspires me more than our annual stewardship campaign.”

        Can you spare a few hours on a Wednesday,
                      once a month?
 The Villages Wednesday Club (formerly the Four Villages Day Centre) needs
 volunteers: we run from 9am to 3pm every Wednesday at Blunden Court in
 Bramley, giving local elderly people a friendly day with morning coffee, lunch,
 afternoon tea, activities, exercises, etc.

 If you would like to help, we are looking for people to do either a morning or
 an afternoon session. You would be chatting to our members, serving
 refreshments and lunch, selling raffle tickets, generally giving a hand with
 whatever is needed!

 We’re a friendly bunch of people and volunteering with the Villages
 Wednesday Club isn’t just work, it’s also a nice sociable time. We ask our
 volunteers to     commit to one Wednesday a month, and there is a rota
 system enabling you to swop your shift with someone else if need be. For
 further information please contact the Manager Jenny Warner on 01483
 894795, or email Further information on our

13               Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Village Cricket Match 2018
First, a disclaimer, I know nothing about cricket. The complex scoring system
goes over my head, as it were. This lack of knowledge could be said to be at the
heart of what is unique about the Shamley Green Village cricket match (known
to many as the Village Idiots match). For one game of the season (usually the
Saturday after the Village Fête) the teams are compromised of players, who
what they may lack in technique, they make up for in enthusiasm. The only
requirement is a willingness to take part, and perhaps make some new friends.
It hardly seems necessary to mention scores for a friendly match, but for fans of
statistics and data they were 149 and 146, with both teams bowling 30 overs. I
won’t single out any individual players, but as with all events it truly takes a
village to put these things together. From arranging the hall and teams, to the
provision of the exceptional cricket tea, well done to everyone involved.
Look out for notices next year when the call for volunteers will be issued. It will
be the 25th anniversary of the match. The teams are open to everyone, and for
the first time this year there was a woman playing on one of the sides. Hopefully
next year more of Shamley Green’s cricket maidens will be bowling overs. See
the front cover for the cricketers in action.                           Tara Alner

                      Ukelele Band at the Fete

                                                        Dennis May made these
                                                        Lovely sketches of the
                                                        band members playing at
                                                        Shamley Green fete.

 14               Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
It’s an organisation set up to provide transport (for example to hospitals, GP
surgeries, chiropodists, shops) to any resident of Shamley Green Parish
who is unable to drive themselves or use public transport easily.

It calls on a small band of volunteers who give their services free. A donation
is suggested to cover the mileage and parking costs.
 to get in touch if you have difficulties getting to the services
you need.
Penny Hodgson 898779 or Glynis Drummond 890475

                               Time for Tea
                    2pm — 4pm COMMUNITY ROOM
                    GARDEN CLOSE SHAMLEY GREEN
             Everyone welcome, come and enjoy good
     company, fun activities, homemade cakes and tea.
                   Penny Hodgson 898779

15             Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018

                                                        CHRIST CHURCH DIARY OF EVENTS – AUGUST 2018

                                            5   Sunday     10th after Trinity   Readings: Exodus 16.2-4, 9-15; John 6.24-35
Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018

                                                           8.00am       Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
                                                           10.00am Sung Communion (NB Next Family Service 2nd September)
                                                           6.30pm       Choral Evensong

                                            9   Thursday   Magazine copy due by midnight

                                            12 Sunday      11th after Trinity
                                                           8.00am      Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
                                                           10.00am Sung Communion and Baptism

                                            14 Tuesday     7pm        Finance Committee

                                            19 Sunday      12th after Trinity   Readings: Proverbs 9.1-6; John 6.51-58
                                                           8.00am       Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
                                                           10.00am Sung Communion

                                            20 Monday      9.00am     ‘Time for Tea’ day trip

                                            26 Sunday    13th after Trinity  Readings: Ephesians 6.10-20; John 6.56-69
                                                         8.00am      Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
                                                         10.00am Sung Communion
Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018


                                            2   Sunday   14th after Trinity
                                                         8.00am      Said Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
                                                         10.00am Family Service
                                                         6.30pm      Choral Evensong
Shamley Green WI Summer Outing to the
          Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst
This year’s Summer Outing was to the Military Academy at Sandhurst, world
renown as a Military Academy and training ground of famous statesmen and
rulers such as Winston Churchill, King Hussein of Jordan (who was referred to
as ‘Mr. King’ by the parade Sargent Major) and his son the current King
Abdullah II, not forgetting the Princes William and Harry.
We were greeted by a guide and escorted to the College where refreshments
were served in the Wellington Room, with its magnificent painting of that
famous battle.
Being a small group we were joined by the Harding family from Reading/
Perth, Australia in the UK visiting relatives, their brother having attended the
academy in 1957.
After an introduction from our two knowledgeable guides, both ex Sandhurst
cadets, we visited other important rooms and learned about cadet profiling,
selection and training, followed by a visit to the History Room and the grand
entrance hall where the Adjutant enters on horseback after the passing out
parade. Apparently this ‘tradition’ only goes back to 1927 when the rain was
so heavy the then adjutant decided he was not going to get soaked riding all
the way back to the stables, taking the
shortest most convenient route through
the Academy front door, thus a new
‘tradition’ was         established.
Apparently       the    Academy       was
established in the late 18 century
when it was realised our ‘officers’,
members of privileged families who
purchased their commissions, were
predominantly useless and required
training. Initially based at Woolwich
Arsenal it subsequently moved to
Marlow and finally Sandhurst in 1947.
It was soon explained how valuable it
was to have so many foreign officers
trained here, when subsequently
having to work with them in various
operational theatres, having been to
the same ‘school’ providing valuable
political and diplomatic connections.
Visiting the souvenir shop the Academy Sergeant Major came to greet us - all
6'3" amazingly handsome and impeccably dressed, pressed and presented.
You could hear the swoons!

18               Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
We were also able to observe several groups, including the Pakistani army
 team, in last-minute practice for the International Pace Stick Competition
 taking place within a day or two. This involves a team of three drill instructors
 marching in complete unison whilst twisting their pace sticks in set piece
 patterns. Whilst now used to set marching paces, Pace Sticks originate from
 the early days of artillery when used to set the distance between guns to
 maximise firing efficiency.
  We also visited the Roman Catholic Chapel and then the Royal
  Memorial Chapel, a memorial to all cadets who had died in conflict, each
  individually named under their respective Regimental roll of honour.
 After a quick photocall on the steps of the Royal Memorial Chapel we were
 escorted back to our minibus after being told three Passing Out parades and
 tours are open to the public via .
 Homeward bound we stopped at the Crown & Cushion for a most enjoyable
 lunch                                                          Cherry Le Gray

                   In Praise of our Village Shop
 Our village has a magnificent church, two terrific pubs, a breathtaking cricket
 green, a great village hall and now to complete the picture a completely
 revamped village shop.
 The shop is owned and run by Damien and Kerry White, a young South
 African couple who have been in England for 14 years. They also run the
 village store in Ewhurst.
 As all of us in the village have been aware the building work has taken a little
 while, but now we have a truly transformed village shop.

 They have long produced better croissants than you can find in France and
 have now expanded their range by leaps and bounds. (Look out Aldi)
 Damien and Kerry have clearly committed a lot of capital to this expansion
 and we all hope they will prosper and be rewarded for the considerable
 investment they have made in our community.
 Instead of our slavish pilgrimage to Waitrose or M and S ,we could use this
 friendly facility, enjoy more involving personal shopping and perhaps by
 buying locally and more frequently cut down on the food wastage that we
 read of so often in the press.
 A flourishing shop supports an essential post office- where would we be
 without these two village first class facilities. As the "Yanks" say......Use it or
 lose it.....and it deserves all our support, from which we will all benefit.

 Peter Flood.

19              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
20   Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
21   Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Are you being hurt or controlled by someone
you love?
Citizens Advice Waverley is here to help

Domestic abuse is the misuse of power and control by one person
over another. It is rarely a one-off event and tends to escalate in
frequency and severity over time. You may be experiencing abuse
even if your abuser is never violent. Under the 2015 Serious Crime Act
it is an offence to exercise coercive control over a partner or family
member. Coercive control may include emotional and verbal abuse
such as pressure tactics, harassment, being constantly shouted at or
being isolated from family and friends, or financial abuse like
withholding money, forcing you to take out loans, not allowing you to
earn your own money, or the constant monitoring or questioning of
your       finances.

Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of age, gender,
ethnicity, sexual orientation, income levels or ability. It may surprise
you to know that Surrey has some of the highest domestic abuse rates
in the country. Of those reporting abuse to the Surrey domestic abuse
outreach services 78% are suffering emotional abuse, which often
goes unrecognised. Financial abuse may be difficult to see too but it
can be one of the strongest and most effective tools that an abusive
partner has.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse Citizens
Advice Waverley can help. You can call us on 0344 848 7969 for free,
confidential, independent and impartial advice or by visiting
or national Citizens Advice on

22              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
23   Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Please telephone any of us if you       Your councillors:
have a local issue you would like to
discuss.                                Rod Weale (Chair)          898006
Or contact the Parish Clerk, Camilla    DŝŬĞĂŶĚϴϵϮϴϴϬ
Harris on 892601 or by email at or visit the    ŚƌŝƐƌŽƵĐŚϴϵϮϮϯϭ
office in the Wonersh Sports Pavilion   ĂƚŚLJ,ŽLJϬϳϴϴϭϮϵϵϰϳϬ
on Wednesday mornings 1000-1200         ZĂLJDĂƌůĞLJϬϳϵϭϴϱϱϰϵϯϲ
– please call the clerk for an          WĞƚĞƌDĂŐŐƐϴϵϯϯϯϲ
appointment on 01483 892601.
Or come to the Parish Council
meeting on the second Thursday of       ŶŶĞWŽǁĞůůͲǀĂŶƐϱϬϰϭϮϵ
each month (except August and           KůŝǀĞƌƵƌĚŝĐŬϴϵϮϱϯϵ
December) to raise your concerns.

24              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018

      A lovely rural setting within easy reach of Guildford
                 For all your meeting and party requirements,

      • Fully Equipped Kitchens                • Crockery, cutlery and suitable
                                                  furniture available
      • Toilet Facilities                      • Jubilee Room has disabled access
      • Seating for 40-60 people                  and facilities
        (check individual venue for details)   • Children’s parties in Church Hall only
      • Car parking                            • Church also available for Quiet Days

                                   To hire please contact
                        Clare Stevens Tel: 01483 893211

25               Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Shamley Green Cricket Club Fixtures

     Date           Opponents                 Venue         Start
     05 Aug   STEVENS XI                      HOME          2.00PM
     12 Aug   SHALFORD CC                     AWAY          2.00PM
     19 Aug   HAMBLEDON CC                    HOME          2.00PM
     26 Aug   MERROW                          HOME          2.00PM
     02 Sep   BANK OF ENGLAND XI              AWAY          1.30PM
     09 Sep   INTER CLUB MATCH                HOME          1.00PM
     04 Oct   INTER CLUB MATCH                MENORCA       1.00PM
     05 Oct   EAST INDIA CC                   MENORCA       1.00PM
     07 Oct   MENORCA CC                      MENORCA       1.00PM


26              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
     All aspects undertaken
 including complete draindown,
  cleaning and repairs to ponds
           of any size.

     To arrange a free estimate
       phone David Smithers
       01483 374620 (eves)
       07732 541057 (mob)


27            Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Upholstery                         .   Internal & External
                                        Clean, Reliable, Prompt &
      Curtains                              Friendly Service
 From the traditional to the
         “not so”
                                            Free Advice & Estimates
Fully qualified interior designer              Gutter Clearance
        and upholsterer
Fabric recommendation and
                                                Call PAUL on
     Contact Stella Waldron on:                01483 890225
        Tel: 01483 894985                      07909 743603
        Mob: 07989 281 191

        Time for a Smile
Some people come into your life as
 blessings, while others come as

 Think like a person of action and
   act like a person of thought.

Think once before you speak, twice
  before you act, and three times
  before you post on Facebook..
I am really easy to get on with, once
people agree to see things my way.

28              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
 ,-- -2.
 . 3!#%4+%
 !  !5#
   % #!+

                       Loxwood Landscapes
                             Paul Gregson BSc Hons
      *   Hard Landscaping
      *   Soft Landscaping
      *   Garden Design
      *   Any project considered
      for friendly advice and a free and prompt quotation please call Paul on
                         ℡ 01403 753204 / 07949 312402
                     or e-mail

29              Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
30   Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018

31   Shamley Green Parish Magazine August 2018
Notes for Contributors
All articles should be emailed to the editor at by the
9th of the previous month. if this is not possible please contact the editor,
Christine King on 537608 , for individual negotiation.

Articles should be submitted as follows:

     -   In Arial font (easy to read)
     -   Size 10pt for text and 14pt for heading
     -   Justified both sides for text
     -   Centred and bold title (mixed case)
     -   Any tables should be discussed with the editor, as these do not
         always transfer to Publisher
     -   Original MS Office documents preferred to ‘.pdf’s, which may distort
         when resized
     -   Photographs in .jpeg format and should not exceed 2 megapixels
You or the organisation you represent must hold the copyright to the image,
i.e. you or they own it: unless told otherwise we will assume that you/they do

 Please include photos where possible to grab
readers’ attention!
Please contact Karen Anderton (details inside front page). Please email us
‘camera-ready’ adverts in .pdf, .jpeg or.doc format after agreeing fees with

                    NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH
The main issue remains lack of reporting inor crimes, please help support our
village and ensure you report issues and not ignore them. This can be done
in confidence to Surrey Police on:
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