A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...

Page created by Brent Marquez
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...
THE           Spring/Summer 2020 Vol. 28, No. 1& 2

                     Official publication of the
             Police Benevolent & Protective Association



A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...

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2 Spring/Summer 2020
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A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...

                                                                                   Executive Board & Staff...................4
                                                                                   President’s Message.......................5
          The official publication of the Police Benevolent                        2021 Youth Grant............................6
               and Protective Association of Illinois                              2020 Officer of the Year...................7
                                                                                   2020 PBPA Convention...................8
     Aims and Policies of the Police Benevolent                                    2020/21 Scholarship Winners.........9
       and Protective Association of Illinois                                      2021/22 Scholarship Info...............10
                                                                                   NAPO Statement...........................13
1. To issue a quarterly publication known as The Policemen’s Magazine.
                                                                                   2020 PBPA Events........................14
2. To urge adequate compensation for all police officers employed in the           Shield U.........................................14
   various police departments in the state of Illinois.                            Submission Information.................15
                                                                                   Unit News - Unit #3.......................16
3. To help in defraying the funeral expenses of all police officers dying of
   natural causes or those who are killed in the line of duty.                     Unit News - Unit #5.......................17
                                                                                   Unit News - Unit #18.....................19
4. To act in the interest of and for the benefit of all police officers employed   Unit News - Unit #19.....................20
   by police departments in the state of Illinois and for those members who
                                                                                   Unit News - Unit #22.....................21
   have been pensioned from the same police departments and to promote
                                                                                   Unit News - Unit #27.....................22
   their welfare.
                                                                                   Unit News - Unit #36.....................24
5. To disseminate useful and helpful knowledge pertaining to law enforcement.      Unit News - Unit #39.....................25
                                                                                   Unit News - Unit #41.....................26
6. To create a cooperative spirit between the police departments and the
   citizens of this state.                                                         Unit News - Unit #110....................27
                                                                                   Personnel Record Review Form...28
7. To work for the expansion of the order.
                                                                                   Death Benefit Policy......................29
8. To sponsor worthwhile youth programs for boys and girls throughout the          Lifetime Member Buyout Form......30
   state of Illinois.                                                              Labor Committee Information........31
                                                                                   Code of Ethics...............................32
9. To secure suitable pensions and disability remuneration and proper
   compensation for dependents of deceased police officers.
                                                                                   AT&T Discount...............................33
10. To ensure uniformity of state traffic laws and to promote general public       PBPA/NAPO Member Discounts...34
		safety.                                                                          PB&PA Merchandise Order...........35

11. To inform government officials and state legislators of the problems of law    Membership/Beneficiary Card.......36
    enforcement officers as related to their working conditions and salaries.

12. To defend and publicize the integrity of the vast majority of Illinois
    police officers who, at great personal sacrifice, are devoting their lives
		 and careers to the noble profession of law enforcement.

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                                  Spring/Summer 2020 3
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...
                                President                                  COMMITTEES
                                Todd Keil
                         Bloomington, Unit #21                             BY-LAWS COMMITTEE
                           Cell: 309-275-0055                               Chair-Joe Bowers, Univ. of Chicago
                                                                            Ron Hartzell, Peoria
                                                                            Dan Stewart, Rockford
       1st Vice President                        Sgt.-at-Arms               Grant Barksdale, Springfield
          Dan Williams                          David Dailey                Paul Williams, Bloomington
      Galesburg, Unit #19                      Decatur, Unit #39            James Morris, Rock Island
       Cell: 309-335-4347                     Cell: (217) 519-1424
                                              ddailey44@att.net            SPORTS COMMITTEE
       2nd Vice President                                                   James Brown, Aurora
        Mark McDermott                           Sgt.-at-Arms               Rick Dhabalt, Springfield
  Chicago Sergeants, Unit #156A                 Todd Drought
                                                                            Shane Gibbs, Alton
        Cell: 773-802-9822                     Normal, Unit #22
                                                                            Todd Weir, Normal
 markmcdermott1006@gmail.com                  Cell: (309) 846-8225
                                                                            Tina Hartz, Knox County
           Treasurer                                                        Dave Zierk, Elgin
          Kevin Bettis                                                      Aurelio DeLaRosa, Rockford
                                                  Director &
  Conservation Police, Unit #90
       Cell: 217-741-1416                    Chief Legal Counsel
                                                  Sean Smoot               CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE
                                        840 South Spring Street, Suite A    Ernie Manrrique, East Moline
       Financial Secretary                   Springfield, IL 62704          Kevin Legate, Galesburg
          Craig Johnson                       Work: 217-523-5141            Jason Dunavan, Danville
         Peoria, Unit #27                     Cell: 217-725-9979
        Cell: 309-696-9894                     ssmoot@pbpa.org             RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE
                                                                            Sam Tedrow, Quincy
       Recording Secretary                       Receptionist               Bill Wright, Bloomington
          Matt Williams                           Cara Irwin                Jeremy Oldham, Springfield
        Rockford, Unit #6               840 South Spring Street, Suite A
        Cell: 815-509-3550                   Springfield, IL 62704         LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE
     factspbpa6@yahoo.com                     Work: 217-523-5141            Chair-Paul Williams, Bloomington
                                               office@pbpa.org              Brian Lange, Danville
    Youth Activities Director
          Jeremy Oldham                                                     Todd Drought, Normal
                                               Magazine Editor
        Springfield, Unit #5                                                Conor Wowra, Peoria
                                                Elizabeth Drea
         Cell: 217-741-5583             840 South Spring Street, Suite A
     jroldham78@yahoo.com                    Springfield, IL 62704
                                         Work: 217-523-5141, ext. 204
                                                                           PROUD MEMBER
                                                                           OF NAPO
                                              PB&PA of Illinois
                                        840 South Spring Street, Suite A
                                             Springfield, IL 62704
                                             Office: 217-523-5141
                                              Fax: 217-523-7677
                                            Toll Free: 800-303-4531

4 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                 The Policemen’s Magazine
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...
President’s Message                                                            Todd Keil
                                                                          PB&PA President
Brothers and Sisters:                                     nationally and in almost every
                                                          city and state to reform police in
2020. The first half of this year has been an incredibly some way.
tumultuous year. The release of this issue of The Po-
licemen’s Magazine is much later than planned as we If we have learned anything over
waited to see how things would unfold with COVID-19 the past several years it is that we
and then the protests began in the streets. With the rise and fall together. The con-
uncertainty and changes that have occurred in recent duct of one officer, even half-way
months, we were trying to avoid putting information across the country, can reflect on
out that would be incorrect by the time it was received. and impact all of us. As we navi-
                                                          gate through these difficult times, the PBPA will con-
Our lives have changed a lot in a very short time. How tinue to lead and actively engage on these issues. We
we do everything is changing and we won’t know will work toward creating better relationships between
where things will settle out over the next months.        police and the communities they serve. We will strive
                                                          to improve our profession and we will work to uphold
Unfortunately, the annual golf outing had to be can- collective bargaining and due process rights for all po-
celled due to restrictions at golf courses with COV- lice officers.
ID-19. Thank you to Rockford Unit #6 for initial plan-
ning and we look forward to having the event resume                 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE-COVID-19
next year. Also, our annual convention will be adapted          PRESUMPTION LANGUAGE RESTORED
due to limits on crowd sizes and other restrictions. The In a small but substantial legislative victory during the
State Executive Board will be hosting a brief meeting brief May legislative session, we were able to work with
noon-4pm on Saturday, October 3, 2020, in Spring- interested parties, and especially Rep. Jay Hoffman, to
field. We are hoping that a limited number of delegates build consensus to protect our members and their fam-
will be able to attend the business session in person, ilies victimized by the COVID-19 virus by changing
while the rest may participate digitally via Zoom. See state law. Previously, the Workers Comp Board passed
page 8 for more information. Additional details will be an emergency rule to create this presumption language
sent out as we get closer.                                for first responders. The Illinois Municipal League and
                                                          several “business” groups objected to these protections
The unrest that has been sparked across the country and even went so far as to file litigation to challenge
relating to discrimination and police use of force, in- the rules—all while Illinois’ first responders continued
cluding calls to defund the police to use the money for to put themselves at risk by showing up to work every
other programs, has renewed interest in the work done day. HB 2455 passed both chambers and provides that
by President Obama and the President’s Task Force on the death of any fireman or policeman as a result of
21st Century Policing. PBPA Director and Chief Legal the exposure to and contraction of COVID-19, as evi-
Counsel Sean Smoot was a member of this taskforce. denced by either (i) a confirmed positive laboratory test
The Task Force produced a playbook of best practic- for COVID-19 or COVID-19 antibodies or (ii) a con-
es and recommendations aimed at building trust and firmed diagnosis of COVID-19 from a licensed medi-
partnering with the community in co-producing public cal professional, shall be rebuttably presumed to have
safety. It advocated better hiring practices, promoting been contracted while in the performance of an act or
diversity and called for departments to train officers acts of duty and the fireman or policeman shall be re-
better on use of force, mass demonstrations, de-escala- buttably presumed to have been fatally injured while in
tion of tense situations, and the adoption of procedural active service. Amends the Workers’ Occupational Dis-
justice as the foundation for every agency. Our associa- eases Act with respect to claims related to COVID-19.
tion successfully lead the effort to codify many of these It also provides that there is a rebuttable presumption
recommendations in Illinois during the 2015 legislative that an employee’s contraction of COVID-19 arises out
session.                                                  of and in the course of the employee’s first responder
                                                          or front-line worker employment and that the injury or
Unfortunately, these pro-active guidelines have not occupational disease shall be rebuttably presumed to
been deployed on a national level for the past three be causally connected to the hazards or exposures of
years. As a result, we find ourselves once again behind the employee’s first responder or front-line worker em-
the ball. Some states and local governments are actu- ployment. Gov. Pritzker signed the bill into law June
ally defunding or reducing police budgets. Other juris- 5, 2020.
dictions are considering dismantling and re-organizing
police agencies altogether. There are ongoing efforts                                       Continued on Page 13

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                    Spring/Summer 2020 5
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...
  Unit # _____________________Type of Activity/ Program: _________________________________________

  Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

  Time Span of Activity/Program: _______________________________________________________________

  Number of youth reached by activity: ______________ Estimated total cost to your unit: ___________

  Please provide details on the activity/program and the benefit to the youth in your community:

  Amount of request: $ __________Signature of Unit Officer: ______________________________________

  Grants will be mailed upon receipt of your unit’s 2021 membership dues.
  Mail to or fax to:
  PB & PA of IL                                                                     Septe adline is
  840 South Spring Street, Suite A                                                       mber
                                                                                              15, 2
  Springfield, IL 62704                                                                             020
  FAX: (217) 523-7677

  The grants must be used for a youth-oriented program sponsored by the local unit such as athletic sponsorship,
  educational programs, etc. The specific type of program must be listed on the application. Youth Grant recipients
  must submit a picture and article for The Policemen’s Magazine detailing how the grant was used within the year
  after receiving the grant to be eligible for future grants.

  At the 1992 Convention, the State Executive Board made a recommendation that the Youth Grant should not be
  used in conjunction with an agency-sponsored program. The Board felt that the intent of the grant is to provide
  assistance to the local PB & PA Unit sponsored programs, and not to subsidize a program that is administered by
  a governmental agency.

  At the 1996 Convention, a resolution was passed by the delegates present, which raised the amount of the grants.
  The resolution stated that local units could apply for a youth grant requesting up to $1,000.

  If you have sent your request in, please double check with the Springfield office. The master file will be kept at the
  office in Springfield and will be brought to the Convention for review by the Executive Board.

  All applications must be submitted to the address above by September 15, 2020. If you have any questions or
  comments, please feel free to contact me or the Executive office in Springfield at 217-523-5141.

  Jeremy Oldham
  Youth Activities Director

6 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                                 The Policemen’s Magazine
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...


       Help the PB&PA honor your department’s top cop(s) by sending your
           nomination for the PB&PA Police Officer of the Year today!
     This award shall be given to an individual police officer or group of officers who, in the opinion of the
 selection committee, are worthy of recognition for their accomplishments. In addition to the award itself, there
     may be individual police officers or groups of officers selected to receive Honorable Mention Awards.

        Any member of the PB&PA may nominate any certified peace officer employed full-time in any
    agency in Illinois for the Police Officer of the Year Award. Membership in the PB&PA is not required to
   be nominated or to win. The nomination simply requires a letter from a member identifying the officer(s)
  nominated as well as completely and accurately describing the incident(s) in which the officer(s) was (were)
      involved where he or she demonstrated outstanding service, exemplary job performance or heroism.

    All nominations and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Executive Office of the PB&PA
                                    no later than September 1, 2020.
                  The nominations should be for heroics or outstanding service that has taken place
                             during the period of July 1, 2019, through July 1, 2020.

                         These awards will be presented to the recipients at the banquet on the
                           Saturday night of the PB&PA’s Annual Convention in October.

                                          Please send nominations to:
                                                  PB&PA of Illinois
                                         Attn: Officer of the Year Nomination
                                           840 South Spring Street, Suite A
                                                Springfield, IL 62704

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                       Spring/Summer 2020 7
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...
The Police Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois
                                 Invites You To Join Us For Our
                                          84th Annual

   CONVENTION                Hosted by PBPA Executive Board

 Due to the global pandemic and the uncertainty of the future guidelines for group gatherings, the PBPA
 of Illinois is changing the format for the 2020 Convention. The Business Session only will be held in
 Springfield this year. Delegates can connect virtually via Zoom or attend in person on a limited basis. We
 will accommodate as many as we can under the protocols at that time while implementing appropriate
 social distancing. More information about in-person attendance will be available later this year.
 Officer of the Year nominations will be considered as usual by the Board and announced during the
 business session. The award will be presented to the winner at a later date.

 There will be no convention registration fees and the Executive Board encourages Units to consider
 donating the money that would normally be spent on those fees to PBPA of Illinois so that a combined
 donation can be made to the “Got you Covered” campaign that is providing PPE to first responders.
 Please watch the PBPA website, Facebook page, and Unit leadership emails for updated information as
 planning proceeds in the coming weeks.

             SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2020
                                       N O O N - 4 : 00 P M
          Direct questions to Cara Irwin at (217) 523-5141 | cirwin@pbpa.org

8 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                   The Policemen’s Magazine
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...
2020/21 Hobart “Curley” Rogers Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to the selected scholarship recipients and alternates!
Lexi Berke, daughter of Randy Berke-Unit #6 Rock-            The Alternates are as follows:
ford                                                         Lauren Shelton, daughter of Brad Shelton-Unit #6
Joshua Platzbecker, son of Jon Platzbecker-Unit #39          Rockford
Decatur                                                      Faith Day, daughter Terry Day-Unit #5 Springfield
Emiley McCord, daughter of Terry McCord-Unit #11
Danville                                                     (Alternates fill in if the Recipients fail to meet the obli-
Jenna Bancroft, daughter of Peter Bancroft-Unit #30          gations of the Scholarship.)

                              My name is Joshua                                       My name is Jenna Ban-
                              Platzbecker and I just                                  croft. I graduated from
                              recently graduated from                                 Rosary High School
                              Mt. Zion High School.                                   and I will attend Illi-
                              Throughout my high
                              school career, I managed                                nois State University
                              to earn straight A’s in all                             in the fall. I plan to
                              of classes for all four                                 obtain my bachelor’s
                              years. I also finished in                               degree in Medical
                              the top ten of my class.                                Laboratory      Science
                              I love pushing myself to                                and become a Medi-
                              be the best student I can
                              be. Not only that, but                                  cal Laboratory Scien-
                              I strive to be a strong                                 tist one day. I will also
My name is Lexi Ber-          athlete as well. I have                                 play my trombone in
ke. I recently gradu-         played soccer for over                                  Illinois State’s march-
ated Magna Cum Laude          14 years and will never       My name is Emiley Mc- ing band.
from Rockford Luther-         get tired of it. I played     Cord. In high school
an High School in Rock-       varsity all four years in     I was involved in vol-
ford, Illinois. This fall,    high school, and will
I will be a student in the                                  leyball, Spanish Club,
                              continue to play soccer
University of Missouri        in the fall when I attend     Student Council, NHS,
Honors College. There,        Illinois College. I plan      Key Club, FCA, and I
I plan on majoring in         to study Pre-Health,          was Vice-President of
Health Sciences with          with the hopes of one         my class. I graduated
a Pre-Professional em-        day becoming a Physi-         as Valedictorian, and
phasis with the inten-        cian’s Assistant.             I plan to attend Saint
tion of attaining a career
in medical device sales.                                    Louis University in the
I am very honored to be                                     fall with a biology major
a recipient of this presti-                                 on the pre-medical track
gious scholarship. I am                                     and a Spanish minor.
excited and grateful to
further my education at                                     I hope to one day be a
the University of Mis-
souri and I would like to                                   Pediatric Hematologist.
thank the Police Benev-
olent & Protective As-
sociation for this honor.

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                          Spring/Summer 2020 9
A YEAR OF CHALLENGES - THE - Illinois Police Benevolent and ...
Hobart “Curley” Rogers Scholarship Fund
                               for the School Year 2021/2022
   Section 1. The purpose of the creation of this scholarship fund is to honor the memory of Hobart “Curley” Rogers
   and to provide financial assistance to the children of members of our Association. The By-laws Committee was
   designated as the Scholarship Committee and set forth the rules and regulations, which shall determine those
   individuals eligible for each scholarship. The mandatory minimum guidelines shall be used to determine who
   receives the scholarships each year as follows:

      1)    The scholarship fund shall commence in the year 1995. Four (4) $1,000.00 scholarships shall be issued to
            four eligible applicants entering or enrolled in undergraduate studies.
      2)    Each year thereafter, four (4) additional scholarships shall be added until a total of sixteen (16)
            scholarships will be awarded by the year 1998.
      3)    Once the sixteen (16) scholarships have been issued, the number of scholarships issued per year shall not
            exceed sixteen (16).
      4)    All applicants must be a son or daughter of a PB&PA member in good standing with the Association. The
            term “son or daughter” shall be defined by the Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee defines
            “son or daughter” to include stepson, stepdaughter, foster son, foster daughter, and legal dependents of
            the PB&PA member. PB&PA members are not eligible for the scholarships for themselves.
      5)    The Scholarship Committee shall determine when all applications must be received and set forth when the
            award shall be issued. The application deadline is March 1 of each year. The Scholarship Committee
            will meet between March 15 and May 15 of each year to review applications and determine scholarship
            recipients. Scholarship recipients will be notified by the Scholarship Committee within two (2) weeks
            following the Committee meeting.
      6)    Scholarship applications will be made available to each local PB & PA unit.
      7)    Scholarship applicants must include an essay or personal biography of no more than three pages with
            their application.
      8)    Scholarship funding will be disbursed by semester ($500.00 per semester).
      9)    Upon receipt of the scholarship, all scholarship recipients must complete at least twelve (12) hours of
            course work per semester. Recipients failing to complete twelve (12) hours of course work per semester,
            or equivalent thereof, will not be issued payment for those semesters. Any recipient who fails to complete
            twelve (12) hours per semester, or equivalent thereof, for two (2) consecutive semesters shall have their
            scholarship revoked. Any recipient who fails to complete two (2) twelve (12) hour semesters within two
            (2) consecutive years from the date of the scholarship issuance, shall have their scholarship revoked. In
            either case, an alternate, selected by numerical rating and validated by the Scholarship Committee for the
            current year in which the revocation would take place, shall receive the remaining term of the original
            scholarship granted the primary recipient, provided the alternate meets all of the requirements at the time
            of such approval.
      10)   Scholarship recipients must maintain a “C” average each semester and provide the office of the Executive
            Director of the PB&PA with a transcript of their grades each semester to maintain their scholarship, for a
            maximum of four (4) consecutive years.
      11)   Each scholarship recipient must provide proof of school registration or enrollment prior to receiving
      12)   Educational institutions that scholarship applicants are requesting funding for must be accredited and
            approved by the Scholarship Committee.
      13)   The Executive Board retains the right to overrule any scholarship award issued by the Scholarship
      14)   It is expressly understood by all scholarship recipients that he or she possesses no property interest in the
            scholarship and said scholarship may be revoked at any time. The Scholarship Committee shall have the
            authority to recommend the revocation of any scholarship at any time and for any reason whatsoever.

   Section 2. The Executive Board may, in its discretion, create guidelines for and award additional scholarships,
   provided that the scholarship committee shall set forth rules and regulations, which shall determine those
   individuals eligible for each scholarship.

10 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                              The Policemen’s Magazine
Hobart “Curley” Rogers Scholarship Application
                                 for the School Year 2021/2022
                         The information given in Sections 1 and 2 will not be used when judging applicants.
                                       This information is for administrative purposes only.

   1. GENERAL INFORMATION: (Please Print)

        Name _________________________________________________ Birth date _______________________

        Address __________________________________________________ Phone _________________________

        City /State /Zip ___________________________________________________________________________

              PB&PA Member’s Name ____________________________________________________________

              Unit Name and Number ____________________________________________________________

              Member’s Relationship to Applicant ______________________________________________

              Member’s Address __________________________________________________________________

              City /State/ Zip _____________________________________________________________________

              Member’s Phone _____________________ Social Security # __________________________


        You must submit a high school transcript. If you have completed any college credit
        at the time of this application, please submit those grades as well.

        High School Attended _________________________________________________________________

   3. ESSAY:

        Your application must include a typed personal statement or autobiography of no
        more than 1,200 words on 3 pages or less. This essay should include why you
        believe that the PBPA is important as well as why you believe that you are a good
        candidate for this scholarship.
        Because the Hobart “Curley” Rogers Scholarship is based on merit and judged anonymously, the names of people,
        hometowns, and schools as well as any other identifying information will be redacted from your essay before it is
        given to the Scholarship Committee for judging. Please keep this in mind when writing your essay.

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                                Spring/Summer 2020 11
The information given in response to the prompts on this page will be used when judging applicants.
   Date of High School Graduation ________________                      GPA (specify scale) ___________________

   ACT Composite ____________________                   SAT Combined ________________________

   College or University (currently attending or planning to attend) _________________________________________

   If currently enrolled at a College or University:

   Scheduled Credit Hours this Semester ______________ GPA (specify scale) ________________

   Please list the following on a separate sheet of paper.
   •   High school or college organizations & activities in which you have been actively involved
   •   Awards or honors that you have received including any offices you have held
   •   Volunteer history, charitable work and community service
   •   Employment history (position, duties, begin/end dates)

   Please give detailed answers to the following on a separate sheet of paper.
   •   What is your major? Why did you choose this major?
   •   What are your long term personal and career goals?
   •   How will this scholarship help you to reach these goals?

   You may choose to include up to two letters of recommendation.
   Each letter should be no more than one page in length.

   Please do not send double sided applications or essays. You may secure your application with a paper
   clip. Please do not staple. Make sure that you have included your complete application, essay, and
   transcript(s). Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications must be postmarked or hand
   delivered to the following address by March 1, 2021. No exceptions will be made for late or incomplete
                                        PB & PA Scholarship Committee
                                         840 South Spring Street, Suite A
                                               Springfield, IL 62704

12 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                                 The Policemen’s Magazine
Continued from page 5                                       ed in being a member of the by-laws committee, please
                                                            reach out to myself or the office.
Here is some additional news I want to be sure to share:
     •I would like to also welcome Cara Irwin to the        Now more than ever, it is imperative that we as officers
PBPA. Cara was hired back in December as our new            serve our respective communities with the upmost pro-
Administrative Assistant. She has already proven to be      fessionalism and dedication. I know we are in a tough
a great asset to the staff. More than likely, she will be   position and once again all eyes are on our profession.
the friendly voice you hear when you call the office.       Let’s show the citizens of this state how human we are
   •I would like to congratulate Board Member Jeremy        and how dedicated we are to protect everyone. I am
Oldham on his promotion to the rank of Sergeant with        proud of the job that each and every one of you set out
the Springfield Police Department. Jeremy is an asset       to do and I pray that you stay safe while doing so.
to your executive board and will be an asset in his new
supervisory role in his department.                         As always, stay safe. Take care of yourself, your fam-
   •I would also like to offer my condolences to Execu-     ily, and each other.
tive Vice-President Dan Williams on the passing of his
mother earlier this year.                                                                               Fraternally,
      •We currently have another opening on the by-
laws committee. We filled one opening, but then Todd                                                    Todd Keil
Drought, Unit #22-Normal, joined the executive board                                    President, PBPA of Illinois
and vacated his committee position. If you are interest-

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                     Spring/Summer 2020 13
Future Event Changes
Due to limitations on in-person events at the time of planning 2020 events, the following tentative changes have
been made to hosts for future annual PBPA events. Thank you to the Units who have been working so hard and
are willing to work through these unprecedented challenges.

          Golf Outing:                                                                                                Convention:
            2021-Rockford                                                                                      2021-Springfield
              2022-Elgin                                                                                        2022-Rockford
           2023-Springfield                                                                                  2023-To be determined

                                                                                    Upcoming 2020 PBPA Events:
                                           September 1: 2020 Officer of the Year Nomination Deadline
                                           September 15: 2021 Youth Grant Application Deadline
                                           October 3: 84th Annual Convention Business Session (Virtual/Limited in-
                                           person meeting in Springfield, IL; see page 8 for more details)

                                           Visit www.pbpa.org for forms and additional information.

                                                                                            C A S H A D VA N C E                                        POLICY COVERAGE INCLUDES:
                                                                                            F O R AT TO R N E Y
                                                                                            R E TA I N E R A N D                                      · Active or Retired Law Enforcement Officers

 Enforcement                                                                                CRIMINAL DEFENSE
                                                                                                                                                      · Spouse
                                                                                                                                                      · All Household Family Members

 Gun Liability
                                                                                            If you are criminally charged, due to your use of           (under age 25)
                                                                                            a firearm in an act of self-defense, our policy will      · Civil Defense Coverage

                                                                                            advance $10,000 for an attorney retainer. If those
                                                                                                                                                      · $250,000 Civil Liability Coverage
                                                                                            charges are subsequently dismissed, or you are
                                                                                            acquitted, we will reimburse your defense costs up        · Coverage When Moonlighting
                             W H AT DO E S                                                  to $100,000.                                              · $10,000 Cash Advance for Attorney Retainer
                                                                                                                                                        (if Criminally Charged)
                             GUN LIABILITY                                                                                                             · $100,000 Criminal Defense Reimbursement
                             INSURANCE                                                                                                                 · Excess Firearm Liability Coverage for Law
                             P R OT E C T                                                   E XC E S S F I R E A R M                                     Enforcement Acts
                                                                                            L I A B I L I T Y COV E R AG E
                             AG A I N S T ?                                                 We provide Civil Liability, Defense Costs and
                                                                                                                                                      · Supplemental Income Benefit
                                                                                                                                                      · $5,000 Family Grief Counseling
                                                                                            Criminal Defense Reimbursement Coverage for
                                                                                            the use of your firearm in a law enforcement act.         · $10,000 Relocation Benefit
                             CIVIL LIABILITY                                                Coverage is on an excess basis, when no other
                             Our policy provides legal defense coverage to protect          coverage is available to you, or no other coverage                            ACTIVE OR RETIRED
                             you against Civil Liability claims as a result of your use     has been disclaimed.
                             of a firearm in an act of self-defense. In addition, subject
                             to your policy limit of liability, we will pay damages on
                             your behalf that you become legally obligated to pay.
                                                                                                                                                                    or $19.08/Month
                                                                                                      PROUD ILLINOIS PARTNERS WITH

                             M OO N L I G H T I N G
   Protecting Those          This policy provides coverage for Civil Liability,
                             Defense Costs and Criminal Defense Reimbursement

  Who Protect Others
                                                                                             AURORA OFFICE              ROCKFORD OFFICE
                             Coverage for the use of your firearm when working as
                                                                                             Michael Baker              Dean Hill                       Policy is underwritten by:
                             an independent contractor providing security protection         (630) 820-8696             (815) 633-3150
                             in a capacity other than law enforcement.                       Michael@ShieldUins.com     Dean@ShieldUins.com        This brochure should not be solely relied upon when purchasing coverage and
                                                                                                                                                   is for informational purposes only. All coverages are subject to the terms and
                                                                                                                                                   limitations of your policy.

14 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                                                                                            The Policemen’s Magazine
UNIT                             NEWS
                                                      #?                   YOUR UN IT

                   What has your unit been doing?
•   Did you have a local picnic for your members and their families?
•   Is anyone from your unit involved in the Special Olympics?
•   Are you using your Youth Grant to sponsor little league teams or other summer activities?
•   Has anyone been awarded special commendations lately?
•   Any promotions or retirements you would like to share?
•   Anything happening in your department or community that you would like to share with other PB&PA mem-

You do not have to be the official “secretary” for your unit. We accept articles and pictures from all of our active
members. Send in pictures, captions, and articles to describe your new items. Please include your name and a
phone number where we can reach you for verification.

                                             Send submissions to:
                                              PB&PA of Illinois
                                                Attn: Magazine
                                       840 South Spring Street, Suite A
                                             Springfield, IL 62704
or email to edrea@pbpa.org with subject line “Magazine” and include your Unit name/#. Please specify if your
news item is part of a Youth Grant. All pictures must be attached to the email as separate files, not embedded
                                             within the document.

                                  READER INFORMATION
Editorial Deadlines:
        March 30     to print in Spring		             June 30     to print in Summer
        September 30 to print in Fall			              November 30 to print in Winter

		               Please type all material.
		               Please do not type in all caps.

       Digital photos (jpeg) attached via email are preferred, but original imagines will also be accepted by mail.
       Any photo captions should be typed to be read left to right and easily matched to the picture.
       If you would like original pictures returned, please indicate the name and address of the person it should
       be returned to on the back of the picture.
       Use cardboard to protect any photos being sent through the U.S. Postal Services.
       Do not send print outs of images on plain paper (they are not high enough quality for the magazine.)

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                     Spring/Summer 2020 15
UNIT                        NEWS
                                               #3                   R OC K ISLAN D

                         Congratulations & Best Wishes

 After 27 years of service, the   Detective Moritz retired after 29   Officer Pat Richter retired after 30
 Rock Island Police Department    years of service.                   years of service.
 would like to congratulate Lt.
 Rusty Hocker on his retirement
 on March 27, 2020.

                           Sgt. Kirk Pattison was promot-
                           ed to the Rank of Lieutenant on
                           April 13, 2020.

                                    New Hire
                                    Rock Island Unit #3 had a new
                                    Officer sworn in on January
                                    13, 2020. Welcome Officer
                                    William Laffredi.

16 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                             The Policemen’s Magazine
UNIT                           NEWS
                                               #5                    SP R IN GF IELD

                              Cops for Kids Christmas


The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                   Spring/Summer 2020 17
UNIT                      NEWS
                                         #5                    SP R IN GF IELD


18 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                The Policemen’s Magazine
UNIT                         NEWS
                                              #18                   OTTAWA

                              Ottawa Soccer Club
The Ottawa Soccer Club team that was sponsored by Unit #18. The team is coached by Ottawa PD Corporal
Robert (Bud) Nilles who is also one of the Clubs founders.


The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                        Spring/Summer 2020 19
UNIT                            NEWS
                                                  #19                   GAL ESBUR G

                                  Shop with a Cop

 Police Benevolent and Protective Association Unit 19 was able to shop for 29 kids at our local Target on De-
 cember 17, 2019 with the assistance of the Youth Grant. We had a good turnout of Officers, Dispatchers, and
 Galesburg High School C.A.R.E. students to assist with shopping for the group of kids. The kids ranged in age

20 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                   The Policemen’s Magazine
UNIT                           NEWS
                                               #22                 N OR MAL

                              Normal #22 and ISU #194

  With help from the PB&PA youth grant, Normal Police Department Unit #22 and Illinois State University
  Unit #194 were able to deliver Thanksgiving Baskets to families in need.

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                           Spring/Summer 2020 21
UNIT                             NEWS
                                                    #27                   PEOR IA

              Special Thanks for Local Support

The Peoria Police Department has been thankful for all the local businesses that have donated food to our officers,
displaying their support.

                                Recent Retirements
                             Captain Todd Green retired May
                             30, 2020, ending a 26-year career
                             with the Peoria Police Department.

                             Captain Green joined the Peoria
                             Police Department October 4,
                             1993. He has served in numer-
                             ous units including Patrol, Crimi-
                             nal Investigations, and Special
                             Response Team as a Negotiator.
                                                                    Congratulations to Ofc John Williams who
                                                                    retired on June 11, 2020, after 20 years of
                                                                    service. Thank you Ofc Williams and enjoy!

22 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                      The Policemen’s Magazine
UNIT                           NEWS
                                                  #27                  PEOR IA

                                       Polar Plunge

The Peoria Police Department Unit #27 helped raised approximately $30,000 for Special Olympics by participat-
ing in Peoria’s Second Annual Polar Plunge on February 15, 2020.

                              Buzzes for Brigham
Members from the Peoria Police Department Unit #27 came together to support one of their own detectives. De-
tective Landwehr’s 2-year old son (Brigham) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last December and on February
18th, officers raised $1,000 for the family and shaved their heads to show support as Brigham undergoes chemo-
therapy. We are all in this together. #brighamsbattlebuddies

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                Spring/Summer 2020 23
UNIT                            NEWS
                                                  #36                   EAST PEOR IA

                         New Hires & Promotion

              New hires left to right. Joel Taylor, Nicholas Swise, Sean Olinger, Nicholas Appell.

                                                                         Promotion: Patrolmen Ryan Billingsley
                                                                         promoted to Sergeant. Sgt. Billingsley
                                                                         has worked the street since 2008 in-
                                                                         cluding special details in DUI traffic
                                                                         enforcement and CIERT/ILEAS teams.
                                                                         He also trained many new Officers
                                                                         while serving as a field training officer.

                               Community Events
East Peoria PBPA Unit #36 also participated in several other community events throughout the year including:
Cops, Cars, and Kids, Birthday Buddies, and Cop on a Rooftop.

Officer Jared Hutton showing off the his motorcycle at      Officers and Command Staff participated in
Cops and Rodders Trunk-or-Treat                             Shop with a Cop at Walmart this past December

24 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                     The Policemen’s Magazine
UNIT                           NEWS
                                                #39                    DEC ATUR

                              Promotion & Retirement

On November 11, 2019, Officer Brandon Rolfs was On January 2, 2020, Detective Jim Atkinson retired from
promoted to the rank of Sergeant by Chief Getz. the Decatur Police Department after 21 years of service.
Congratulations Sergeant Rolfs!                 Detective Atkinson is pictured with Deputy Chief Walker
                                                after receiving his retirement badge. Congratulations De-
                                                tective Atkinson!

                                 Shop with a Cop
The 2019 Youth Grant was used for Unit #39’s Shop with a Cop program where we took 82 kids shopping for
Christmas gifts on December 14, 2019 at Target. Each shopper received $100 to purchase items in the store.

    Detective Ramey and his shoppers                                   Officer Chaney and her shopper

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                             Spring/Summer 2020 25
UNIT                            NEWS
                                                   #41                  R IVER SIDE

                               50 Years of Service!

  Top/bottom left: CSO Niesluchowski with his wife Sharon and their son, daughter in-law, and granddaughter
  Top right: CSO Niesluchowski with Chief Weitzel being recognized at village board meeting
  Bottom right: left to right – Officer Mahanna, Officer Hamilton, CSO Niesluchowski, OIC Navarro

William H. Niesluchowski, a.k.a. “Ski”, celebrated his 50th year of service with the Riverside Police Department
on February 22, 2020.

Officer Niesluchowski joined Riverside Police Department on February 22, 1970, as a patrolman and was in that
position 33 years before retiring in May 2003 to move into the position of Community Service Officer for the

“Ski” has been around for so long that it is hard to come across anyone in the village who does not know him. He
has built and maintained many relationships and friendships during his career with the Village.
“Ski” is a member of Riverside PB&PA Unit #41 since the unit was formed.

26 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                   The Policemen’s Magazine
UNIT                            NEWS
                                                #110                               MADISON

                                   Youth Programs

              Officers Preston Brown, James Witcher, John Crenshaw, with Volunteer Coaches and
              Girls Kickball Club

                                                                        Officer Kyle Graham, Officer Preston Brown


The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                           Spring/Summer 2020 27

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28 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                 The Policemen’s Magazine
PBPA Executive Board Policy
                              Regarding the Payment of Death Benefits
                                              Adopted - January 28, 2006

    1. Member death benefits shall be paid to the member’s designated beneficiary, or in the event no
       beneficiary is designated, to the member’s estate in the following amounts:
          a. Members 70 years of age or over shall be paid a benefit amount of five hundred dollars ($500).
          b. Members under the age of 70 shall be paid a benefit amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
          c. Members under the age of 70 killed as the result of an accident shall be paid a benefit amount of
               two thousand dollars ($2,000).
          d. Members killed in the line of duty shall be paid a benefit amount of three thousand dollars
          e. No benefit shall be paid when a member’s death is caused by suicide.

    2. All claims for a member death benefit must be made within 1 year of the member’s date of death. In
       cases where an actual date of death cannot be determined, claims must be received within 1 year of the
       date of a judicial finding of presumption of death. Claims not made within this time limitation shall not
       be paid.

    3. Except in cases where the Executive Board determines that exigent circumstances exist which justify
       immediate payment of a member death benefit the following payment policy shall apply. All claims
       received by the Financial Secretary on or after January 1st and on or before June 30th shall be paid in the
       following month of July. All claims received by the Financial Secretary on or after July 1st and on or
       before December 31st shall be paid in the following month of January.

Information needed to claim death benefit

The following items need to be sent to the PB&PA office at:

         840 South Spring Street, Suite A
         Springfield, Illinois 62704

    1. Certified death certificate. (Photocopies cannot be accepted)

    2. The beneficiary’s:
          a. Full Name
          b. Social Security Number
          c. Date of Birth
          d. Current address
          e. Current phone number
              (If needed, you can call the office at (217) 523-5141 to verify whom the member had designated
              as his/her beneficiary.)

    3. If no beneficiary has been designated, then the following should be sent with the death certificate:
           a. Name and address of Executor of the Estate
           b. The Executor’s current phone number
                              Death Benefit Claim Form is available at: www.pbpa.org/forms

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                      Spring/Summer 2020 29
Police Benevolent and Protection Association of Illinois
                                                      840 South Spring Street, Suite A
                                                         Springfield, Illinois 62704
                                                 Phone: (217) 523-5141 Fax: (217) 523-7677

                                  Lifetime Membership Buyout Form

                                               About Lifetime Membership
         Lifetime members retain all of the benefits of being an active member, even after retirement. To become a
    lifetime member, you must have paid at least 20 years’ dues. If you have not been a member for 20 years, you may
    buy out the remaining years’ dues at $24.00 per year, which is half the normal rate for annual dues. For example, if
    upon retirement you have been a member for 12 years, you can buy out the remaining 8 years’ dues for only
    $192.00 to become a member for life.
         If you have recently retired and you would like to buy out your remaining dues to become a lifetime member,
    please fill out the form below and return it along with an updated membership card and a check made out to:
    “Police Benevolent and Protection Association of Illinois” for the appropriate amount to your unit’s leadership
    before the annual dues deadline of January 31st or return it by mail at anytime directly to our state office in
    Springfield at the address above. If you are unsure of how many years you have been a member or if you have any
    other questions regarding lifetime membership, please contact Leah at our state office in Springfield at anytime by
    phone at 217-523-5141 or by e-mail at office@pbpa.org.
              Lifetime Membership Buyout Form
  Member’s Name: ___________________________________ Unit #: _______ Phone: ______________________

  Example Buyout: 20             –                 12                =                  8                X $24            = $ 192.00
       (Minimum # of Years)               (Years of Membership)                 (Years to Buyout)                          (Buyout Cost)

               20                –        ____________               =        ____________               X $24 = $_______________
       (Minimum # of Years)           (Years of Membership)                  (Years to Buyout)                             (Buyout Cost)

                                         Please mail form, membership card, and check to:
                                                           PB&PA of IL
                                                 840 South Spring Street, Suite A
                                                       Springfield, IL 62704

                  Organized Exclusively by and for the Rank and File of the Police Departments of the State of Illinois

30 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                                            The Policemen’s Magazine
Policemen’s Benevolent Labor Committee
                              Professional Representation for Law Enforcement Professionals
  Protecting the protectors               the state value their relationship with   grievance arbitration at no additional cost
                                          the PBLC. They know that they can         to the unit.
 Heading into collective bargaining
                                          call upon their Labor Representative
 without a professional negotiator                                                  Unfair labor practices:
                                          or an Attorney any time a problem
 and the backing of a statewide police                                              The PBLC will process all unfair labor
                                          arises — 24 hours a day, seven
 union is like confronting an armed                                                 charges against your employer and argue
                                          days a week. We are committed to
 suspect without a weapon and back-                                                 before the State Labor Relations Board at
                                          providing the best representation
 up. Your fellow officers have good                                                 no additional cost the unit or its member.
                                          possible, when police officers need it.
 intentions, but they’re no match for
                                          When you’re at work, so is the staff
 the experienced negotiators retained                                                   Defending your rights:
                                          of the PBLC.
 by your employer. Bargaining a
                                                                                    Legal advice is as close as a phone call
 fair contract requires the work of
 skilled negotiators and professionals     Protecting your interests                The Legal Defense fund is a pre-paid,
                                          Collective Bargaining:                    pre-planned legal service available to all
 trained in the arts of mediation and
                                          Your bargaining unit is unique. The       certified PBLC members in good standing.
 arbitration. You need and deserve
 excellent representation and with the    PBLC represents each individual           The Legal Defense Benefit includes:
 PBLC, you’ll have it.                    bargaining unit based upon the needs,     • Representation at discipline and
                                          goals and expectations of that Unit.          discharge proceedings at Arbitration
    The PBLC commitment                   Your PBLC Labor Representative                or before the Police and Fire Board or
 The PBLC is a not for profit             provides assistance, advice and               Civil Service Commission.
 corporation affiliated with the          advocacy at the bargaining table.         • Representation         during     internal
 PB&PA.      Our highly trained,          Contract maintenance:                         investigation interviews.
 specialized       staff      includes    Once an agreement is reached, the         • Representation         during    criminal
 experienced labor representatives        PBLC monitors employer/employee               investigations and proceedings in
 and in-house legal counsel, all of       actions during the term of the contract       which the criminal offense allegedly
 whom participate in continuing legal     to ensure compliance. Your Labor              occurred during the performance of
 and labor education. The PBLC’s          Representative takes a proactive              the member's official police duties.
 board of directors, also known as the    stance by meeting periodically            • Initial consultation and advice in
 State Labor Committee, is organized      with both the bargaining unit and             civil rights violation cases, including
 by and for the rank and file and is      management to address concerns                referral to a reputable civil rights
 composed solely of full time police      and prevent misunderstandings.                attorney for representation at a
 officers.                                                                              discounted rate.
                                          Interest arbitration:                     • Peace of mind in knowing that if you
        Leading the way                   If a satisfactory bargaining agreement        are accused, you have someone to
 The PB&PA took the lead in securing      cannot be reached, the PBLC will              turn to.
 collective bargaining rights for law     provide an experienced attorney to
                                          represent your bargaining unit at         Attorney-client relationship
 enforcement officers in Illinois. By                                               Any member who uses this benefit
 helping draft the Illinois Public        interest arbitration at no additional
                                          expense to the unit.                      becomes the client of the individual
 Labor Relations Act and then                                                       attorney retained for representation. The
 spearheading its passage, the PB&PA      Grievance processing:                     PBLC will not infringe upon the attorney’s
 has been at the forefront of police      Through a Labor Representative and,       independent professional judgment in
 labor issues. The PBLC was created       in some cases, Legal Counsel, the         rendering legal services under this plan.
 to further advance the PB&PA’s           PBLC provides advice and assistance
 police representation and protection     to bargaining units and individual
 goals. Since its inception, the PBLC     members in filing and processing                       Of Special Note
 has led the way in preserving the        grievances.
 rights and enforcing the collective
                                                                                     Legal services will not be provided under
 bargaining agreements of Illinois law    Grievance arbitration:
                                                                                        this plan if the adverse party is the
 enforcement professionals.               There are occasions in which a
                                                                                     Policemen’s Benevolent Labor Committee
                                          compromise cannot be reached
                                                                                      or the Police Benevolent and Protective
 Serving you is our mission               amicably. If your contract provides for
                                                                                               Association of Illinois.
 The PBLC is not concerned with           grievance arbitration, the PBLC will
 making a profit at the expense of hard   provide and experienced attorney
 working police officers. That’s why      to represent your bargaining unit
 police officers from every corner of     or an individual member at binding

The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                                 Spring/Summer 2020 31
My fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent
against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or
disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all persons to liberty, equality and justice.
I WILL keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of
danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others.
Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying
the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential
nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever-secret unless revelation is
necessary in the performance of my duty.
I WILL NEVER act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to
influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals,
I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately, without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never
employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.
I RECOGNIZE the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to
be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these
objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession ... law enforcement.


32 Spring/Summer 2020			                                                                                                         The Policemen’s Magazine
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The Policemen’s Magazine 		                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Spring/Summer 2020 33
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