January 2021 Beacon IN THE INTERIM - First Congregational Church UCC Harwich

Page created by Clayton Santos
January 2021 Beacon IN THE INTERIM - First Congregational Church UCC Harwich
January 2021 Beacon
                                  IN THE INTERIM
Dear Friends,                                       and fire intervention, postal delivery, gro-
       At the turn of the year, I often think       cery and drug store provision, trash and
of the depiction of the Roman God, Janus,           garbage collection and even election reg-
for whom the first month of the year is             ularity. And behind the scenes, were
named. He had two faces, one looking                those who kept, or tried to keep, busi-
backwards and the other forwards. In my             nesses, schools, restaurants, shops, cul-
book, 2021 could not have arrived sooner.           tural centers, zoos and, well, churches
Let’s just look forward!                            learning new ways to keep open. Take a
       Some of us would have wished that            bow!
we altogether skipped last year— the ill-                  So, here we are on the precipice of
nesses, pandemic, 300,000 deaths, street            2021, hopefully full of renewed faith, op-
brutality, downturn in the service and re-          timism, energy, longing for the “new nor-
tail industries, rise in unemployment,              mal,” and wishing, again, to be part of the
hunger and homelessness, the fear and               solution, not the problem. We look for-
stress, the nuisance of being reminded (or          ward to the double-shot vaccines, intro-
having to remind people) to mask, dis-              duced by a benevolent army of scientists,
tance and wash hands, the presidential              physicians and nurses, leaders, compe-
impeachment, state and national elec-               tent middle managers and transporters.
tions, and more.                                    When at least 75% of us have received
       Still, we went right through it, at          the vaccines and it is safer for all of us,
least some of us; did we not? We went               we will “un-distance.”
right through it together; did we not? De-                 Yes, these are still difficult days and
spite significant losses, we repeatedly             there’s strength in speaking up when
were blessed by God’s continuing pres-              we’re hurting or feeling low. But 2021 is
ence as “a fire by night and shade by               beginning to look up, and despite inevita-
day,” and with Jesus Christ as Immanuel:            ble ups and downs such as viral varia-
God-with-us.                                        tions, we have reason to be hopeful.
       Unexpected heroes arose in front-                   In the meantime, let us keep on
liners for medical care, emergency, police          reaching out to those in need, remaining
safe, and being prudently cautious. Begin             open not closed, sharing not hoarding,
to see this pandemic not as time lost and             united not distanced, grateful not
full of regrets for things that can never be          grumpy, and social not isolated.
recovered. Rather, understand it as a                       Let us pray that this New Year will
challenging period, like that of plagues,             be all that we hope it can be, and more!
wars, or national upheavals…when we                   Thanks be to God!
were tested to our physical, emotional                Keep the Faith, now and always,
and spiritual cores to be who we were cre-
ated to be in God’s image and become                        ~Pastor Dianne
who we are called to be together as the
Body of Christ. Be faithful not desperate,

                                        PRAYER LIST
We encourage parishioners to call or email            whose police and 911 dispatchers offered
our Interim Pastor or office by midweek with          public thanks for support, Al & Lois G’s
any new prayers so they can be printed and            1,660 saffron-thread harvest, the raising of
lifted up at Sunday worship.                          a baby monkey, hippo, gorilla and tapir at
                                                      John L’s Zoo New England.
Solace & Peace: Families of Adelle B’s                Godspeed: the Johnson’s son Ian and co-
cousin Fred, Susan Baker, Bill Johns, and             captain Jan, who set sail for FL.
of those who have succumbed to Covid-19,              Community & World: plans for the Janu-
and recent natural disasters.                         ary 20th Inauguration of Joe Biden & Ka-
Healing & Comfort: Nancy L., Milton,                  mala Harris, everyone adjusting to a new
Segalls' friend Al W., Ken L, Erika, Sally R.,        world caused by Covid-19, especially the
Kay P., Lorraine’s granddaughter Sarah,               hungry, homeless, ill, unemployed, those
Lynn B’s nephew Joey, Joe B’s daughter-               suffering from additions, anxiety and de-
in-law Ina and nephew Tom, DeeDee’s                   pression, all medical staff, first responders
cousin Patsy, Marcia’s niece Heather, Gail            and caregivers, children who have been
N’s niece Bobbi, Tom, Martha, Ardene,                 separated from their parents, for a sustain-
Jack, Edie’s granddaughter Heidi, Mark                able earth, and for peace and justice in the
Curran, the Moyles’ Cindy and Betty, Miles.           US and around the world.
Joys & Celebrations: new Covid-19 vac-
cines, Harwich, Brewster and Chatham

                                   SUNDAY LECTIONARY
It is our tradition to use the Lectionary, with           Parishioners find it useful to read these
designated Hebrew Bible, Psalm, Epistle               designated Scriptures in advance of our ser-
and New Testament readings, and the New               vices in order to familiarize themselves with
Revised Standard Version of the Bible for             the texts, and be more ready to hear our ser-
our     worship      services,   with   excep-        mons and participate in our worship. They
tions. Listed below are our Sunday lections           also find it useful to study our Lectionary
for this month.                                       Guides when they are available.
Sunday, Jan. 3 Second Sunday after                    139:1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Christmas Jeremiah 31:7-14 or Sirach                  John 1:43-51
24:1-12 Psalm 98 or Wisdom 10:15-21                   Sunday, Jan. 24 Third Sunday after the
Ephesians 1:3-14 John 1:[1-9] 10-18                   Epiphany Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12
Sunday, Jan. 10 Baptism of the Lord Gen-              1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20
esis 1:1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-             Sunday, Jan. 31 Fourth Sunday after the
11                                                    Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm
Sunday, Jan. 17 Second Sunday after the               111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28
Epiphany 1 Samuel 3:1-10 [11-20] Psalm

                                   BIRTHDAYS IN JANUARY
                              2nd      Sally Rossetti
                              13 th    Carolyn Thompson
                              14th     Gail Johns
                              15 th    Bob Buchanan
                              20 th    Rich Thompson
                              27 th    Tom Jahnke
                              30 th    Lynn Carver
                                       Penny Forrest

                                   MUSICAL NOTES
       We had a great Radio Show with narra-          with Ros Dunford on drums. Marcia Hempel
tion by Tom Jahnke, music by soloists like Tom,       played jazz and contemporary piano pieces.
Jeep Mashoke, Michael Kennedy and Emily               Everything was prerecorded and sent out over
Kosoff. Also, many choral pieces pre-recorded         the airwaves 200 feet from the church. People
during with Adele Babin, Nancy Segall, Char-          listened to their radios from their cars, including
lotte Starr, Lynn Carver, Emily Kosoff, Karen         near the bike path. (Dianne said the bicyclists
Stroever, Bruce Stroever, Tom Jahnke and              were pleasantly puzzled by the goings on), and
Jeep Mashoke. And bell pieces by Lynn Carver          in the Thrift Store lot, where there was a Santa
and Tom Jahnke, arranged by Lynn, and one

Claus visiting at the same time. There was sing-                  We will have a Christmas Eve service
ing with gusto at the end and people had fun.              with carol singing. And our online Sunday ser-
Thank you to everyone who attended and who                 vices at 10:30 am continue each week on Zoom.
made this possible!

                                              Coming Up
        Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to                    Thank you, God, for all we have, and for
you all! 2020 was quite a year. We have a new              each other!
year coming that will be better than the old, I bet.
        May we remember the people we have                 ~Marcia Hempel, Music Director & Organist
lost this year, who we loved. And may we all find
ways to help those who are in need at this time.

                                        THE DEACONS’ DOOR
                                              . . . is always open.
"O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console: to be
understood, as to understand, to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal
life," ~St. Francis of Assisi

       As Deacons who try to keep our                           Please don't hesitate to contact
"door" open to you, St. Francis appears                    your Deacon, if even for a simple
to have known we were coming!                              prayer or short chat.
       2020 was a very challenging year                         "God bless us, everyone."
for everyone, and your Diaconate is                             ~Your Diaconate
still here to support you in 2021.

                      Updated Deacons-to-Members/Friends List
DeeDee Dyer                                                Lynn Carver
adelia.dyer100@icloud.com                                  lynncarver49@hotmail.com
508-432-0643                                               508-717-1989
A through E plus Green, Hanson, B. Hayes.                  Mc through Par plus Gada, A Hayes, Hook

Jane Dalzell                                               Lynn Bitzer
jcdalzell@comcast.net                                      capecasey@hotmail.com
508-432-8540                                               508-237-2216
F and Deacons                                              Pel through Snow plus Gausz, Goulis, Hempel

Edie Ruggles                                               Richard Siegel
508-432-2333                                               risiegel12@comcast.net
I through Mashoke plus Gobel, Handrens                     508-430-1997
                                                           Sp through W plus Hindle, Hornig

Christmas Greenery
Since the sanctuary was closed during the Christmas Season due to the pandemic, the usual
poinsettia display was replaced by decorating the windows and doors of all of First Church’s
buildings. The following members gave donations to help beautify the campus. At the same
time, some of the proceeds will support The Children’s Center in Harwich Port, an important
program for preschoolers and their parents.

Given to the Glory of God by . . .

John & Julie Linehan in celebration of           Shirley Moyle in honor of Sarah H.
our 1st grandchild on the way!                   Moyle, whose birthday was on Decem-
Lynn Carver in loving memory of my               ber 9th.
grandson, Jack, and my parents, Peg &            Elaine Bolinder in memory of my fa-
Jack.                                            ther Larry Bolinder and my mother
Orin & Nancy Segall in memory of our             Helen Bolinder.
parents Samuel & Beatrice Segall and             Sue Perry in memory of my husband,
Curtis & Mary Buckminster.                       Richard Perry. “We all miss you, hon.
Joyce Noyes in celebration of life.              Love, Me.”
Edie Ruggles in honor of my grandchil-           Dana Clark
dren, Carly, Heidi & Jake Domos.                 Joyce K. Williams in memory of my
Adelia Dyer in memory of Mildred                 parents, Charles & Priscilla Kschinka.
Dyer, and loved ones, past and present.          Carolyn Thompson in memory of my
Mary Montgomery in honor of our                  husband, Richard L. Thompson, and
Deacons.                                         my parents, Harry D. & Mildred B.
Mary Ann Janick in memory of Dave,               Harvie.
my wonderful husband.                            Calvin Eldredge in honor of Barbara J.
Ursula Hornig in memory of past                  Eldredge.
Christmases.                                     Gail Nickerson in loving memory of
Doris Sarty in memory of all my loved            my grandmother Anna Marie Hoff-
ones.                                            mann
Katherine Smith in memory of Ken-                Eugene (Gino) Murphy in memory of
neth J. Prescott M.D.                            Joanne Harrington.
John Leathers in memory of my wife,              Tom & Gunther Jahnke in memory of
Linda.                                           Jean M. Jahnke, beloved wife and
Rev. Dianne Arakawa and Rev. Ste-                mother.
phen Washburn in memory of our par-              Florence Lofberg in honor of Gail Nick-
ents.                                            erson
                                                 Richard Siegel in memory of Iona and
                                                 Dr. Martha Mobley.

Many thanks for your contributions for                    was able to donate $500 worth of individ-
the Cape Cod Council of Churches, Hands                   ual gift cards to make Christmas happy
of Hope. In this year of the pandemic                     for many children.
Hands of Hope needed gift cards for par-
ents to give to their children, instead of                ~Lorraine Frederickson, chair
gift items as in other years. First Church

                 Libby Arnold Stevens CORNER THRIFT SHOP
       The Thrift Shop continues to support               of the shop on Saturdays. We still enjoy her
1 Church by transferring funds to the                     occasional visits to bring donations or just to
church operating budget monthly. By the                   say hi.
time you receive this Beacon, we will have                      The second is Susan Baker, who passed
contributed $21,000 to the church since we                away unexpectedly after surgery. She kept
reopened in August.                                       us organized, created schedules for moving
       We wish to thank all who have volun-               merchandise, and suggested special annual
teered, donated, and/or shopped. You have                 sales. Susan managed the shop on Fridays,
helped us meet our goals of 1) providing                  and will be missed by all.
quality, affordable merchandise to the com-                       The current Thrift Shop Board mem-
munity, 2) contributing to church finances,               bers are Adelle Babin, Lynn Bitzer, Hilda Co-
and 3) providing an opportunity to recycle                hen, Joyce Noyes, Sue Perry, and Lynn
usable items.                                             Carver.
       Recently, we have had two changes in                       We send you blessings for a beautiful
the Thrift Shop board membership:                         Christmas season!
The first was Jean Buchanan who retired af-                 ~Lynn Carver
ter 31+ years. We will miss her tireless work
and dedication, as well as her management

                                        CABINET NOTES
                                            December 8, 2020

Meeting called to order at 4pm by Moderator               (3) December Treasurer’s Report - Approved as
James Mashoke with 7 members present: Treas-                  written
urer (Tom Jahnke), Trustee (Joyce Noyes), Diaco-          (4) Nominating - No report
nate (DeeDee Dyer and Lynn Carver), Fellowship            (5) Board Reports accepted
(Nancy Segall), Missions-Outreach (Lorraine Freder-           A. Diaconate –With Fellowship delivered
ickson), Pastor Dianne Arakawa                                    Thanksgiving baskets, hoping for outdoor
(1) Opening Prayer by Pastor Dianne                               Christmas Eve Service, collecting contribu-
(2) November Cabinet Report - Approved as writ-                   tions for Christmas Greenery and Children’s
    ten                                                           Center to be printed in our publications

B. Trustees – Last fall clean-up done, getting               Brewster, newspaper weekly listings, up-
       ready for possible snow clean-up                          dated telephone messages and on campus
    C. Missions - Collecting funds for Hands of                  signs.
       Hope gifts, and knitted and ought items for       (7) Other Business:
       Shirley Montgomery collection                         A. Christmas Eve Service Outside – Voted Dec.
    D. Fellowship – $300 left over from Thanksgiv-               24 @ 3p.m.
       ing donations. (Gave $100 tto Missions and                (Trustees offered to set out 30 chairs)
       kept $200 for future needs)                           B. Tree removal – Scheduled January, keep
    E. Christian Ed. – No report due to illness                  slabs for 275th momentoes (Jeep will keep
(6) Pastor’s Report accepted.                                    us informed)
       Began Advent services online and going                C. Voted to give Christmas bonus to Gail, Paul,
       well. Averaging about 22.                                 Marcia, and Pastor
       Conducted William Johns’ Interment in our         (8) Closing Prayer – Pastor Dianne
       Memorial Garden on December 2nd, thanks           (9) Adjourned – Amen – Next scheduled meeting
       to Mary Montgomery and Lynn Carver, rec-              Jan. 12 @ 4p.m.
       ommend outdoor Christmas Eve Service at           May the true meaning of Christmas surround you
       3 pm - simple and short. Attended board           all with simple blessings.
       committee, Nauset Interfaith Assoc and
       Chamber of Commerce meetings, support             Respectfully submitted,
       publicity for growth – magazine ad, post-         ~Joyce Noyes
       cards to new homebuyers in Harwich and

                                      STEEPLE LIGHTING
To commemorate a special occasion or remember a loved one, you can support the church with
a $5.00 donation to “Light the Steeple” for one night. You can call Gail to arrange the wording
for the bulletin.

                                  On Monday, January 4, 2021
 Given in commemoration of the 90th birthday of Charlotte Martin (nee Meyer) the youngest
child of Harry L. Meyer, who served as Minister of First Church from 1953 to 1959, by Roger
           Flood. Rev Meyer and his wife Alma are buried in the Church Cemetery.

                          Copyright First Church UCC of Harwich, MA

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