Page created by Kenneth Lambert
MayST.3th, 2020
       PETER PARISH        3 de Mayo
                      SAN FELIPE       2020
                                 DE JESÚS
ST. PETER PARISH                                        SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

             Saint Peter                                        ST. PETER
           Catholic Church                                      CHURCH
             100 Saint Peter Drive
                  P.O. Box 248                                  IT WILL BE OPEN
               Douglas, MI 49406                                Only for personal prayer
Parish Office:     269-857-7951
Facebook:      @stpeterdouglas
Pastor:          Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF                        Confessions on Saturdays
                         We will return to our regular schedule
Deacon:          Dcn. Tony Nethercott (Retired)
                                                                3:30pm-4:30pm and by appointment
                 Dcn. Arthur Morsaw
Sisters:         Sr. Olivia Latiano, SND
                 Hna. Maria Eugenia Gómez, MSDE
                          Eucharistic Adoration Fridays
Pastoral Associate                                              9:00am-12:00pm
Rick Hardy
Business Administrator:                                         Please be sure to use hand sanitizer when you arrive and
Ralph Hensley                                                   again when you leave, and keep your healthy distance
                                                                from another person . We can help safeguard each other
RCIA, Pastoral Care & Administrative Assistant:
Marianne Hoffman                                                with these simple steps.
Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization:
Alisha Giles
Communication Coordinator:
Liliana Van Dam
Liturgical Director:
Nancy Maslanka
Music Director:
Sr. Olivia Latiano,SND
                                                                Sunday Mass
Maintenance:                    857-7951
                                                                starts 9:30am
Funeral Planning:               Parish Office ext. 0           The Live Stream
Pastoral Council:             begins
Finance Council:             10 minutes
Capital Campaign:                     before
Saturday:            5:00 pm
Sunday:              8:00 am and 10:30 am                          “Lord, the one You love is sick.”
Week Days:           8:30 am M, T, Th, F
(if a funeral is scheduled, there will be no mass that morn-   The St. Peter Prayer Line unites parishioners in a spirit of
Holy Days:           8:30 am and 7:00 pm                       Christian Charity to pray for the needs of our parishioners,
                                                               especially: Luella Kerridge, Jackie Diaz, Reese Holmes,
Morning Prayer: 8:15 am, M-F                                   Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard,
Confessions:        Sat 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration on the 2nd Thursday of each              Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott, Dolores
month from 9 am - 9 pm in the Church.                          Snyder, Br. Larry Sparacino, OSA, Tom Doucette and all
Holy Hour of Reparation in the church on the 13th of           the sick on St. Peter’s Prayer Line. The group will continue
each month at 6 pm except Saturday and Sunday,                 to pray for your request until they hear differently from you.
Otherwise, the Friday before

View this bulletin online at      2     Bulletin Questions:
4RD SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                      4 DOMINGO DE PASCUA

                                                                                             From Rick Hardy,
Introducing A new prayer experience for
    the St. Peter parish community                                                           Pastoral Associate

                                                                     “What Comes Next?”
                                                                         The Liturgical calendar celebrates the life, death, and
                                                                     resurrection of Jesus, but not in real time or even chronolog-
    Join the St. Peter Facebook live stream
                                                                     ical order. He’s born on Christmas, but less than a week
      on Thursday, May 7th from 7-8pm
                                                                     later, he’s a 12-year old, left behind in the temple. Then, at
          for a time of guided prayer.
                                                                     Epiphany, he’s an infant (though not in the manger any-
                                                                     more, notwithstanding our crèches), and then a week after
                                                                     that, he’s 30 years old, getting baptized by his second
                                                                     cousin John.
                                                                         The one time when the calendar corresponds most
                                                                     closely to Jesus’s real timeline is Holy Week. The Last Sup-
                                                                     per, His arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection all did take place
                                                                     in approximately that time span. Some scholars will say the
                                                                     Last Supper might have been earlier in the week, allowing
                 In a time of stress,                                an extra day or two for the trial and all the shuttling back and
               let us come together,                                 forth between the Jewish and Roman authorities.
                                                                         And He is said to have been in the tomb for three days,
               virtually and in spirit,
                                                                     but from Friday to Sunday morning is not three days. So
            united in faith and praise,
                                                                     while this timeline is close to that of the actual events, it’s
            in the presence of our Lord
                                                                     not precise. What matters is that we reverence, celebrate
             in the Blessed Sacrament
                                                                     and remember the majesty of the events that comprise the
              to be renewed by grace.                                Paschal Mystery.
                                                                         We celebrate Pentecost 50 days after Easter. You may
      Let us together thank our God for
                                                                     have been taught, as I was, that the Risen Christ was
    "the testing of [our] faith produc[ing]
          steadfastness" (James 1:3)                                 around for the 40 days from Easter to the feast of the As-
  in periods of song, scripture, and silence,                        cension, with another 10 days of waiting for the coming of
        concluding with Benediction.                                 the Holy Spirit. But the Gospel accounts don’t support this.
                                                                     Most of the encounters with Christ risen seem to take place
                                                                     on Easter Day, or within a day or two afterwards. Only the
                                                                     gospel of John describes a week’s passing between the two
                                                                     visits without, and then with Thomas.
                                                                         The apostles were not sitting locked in the Upper Room
                                                                     for 50 days. But they were paralyzed with doubt and fear for
                                                                     some period of time. Their 3-year adventure as the traveling
                                                                     companions of Jesus had come to a violent end. All but one
                                                                     of them had deserted Him in his final hours. They must
       Support Our Parish and Community                              have been wracked with guilt as well as grief and fear.
Online giving is available at St. Peter. It’s easier than ever           Then, unimaginably, He’s back. Risen from the dead, in
to contribute to the Lord’s work at our parish. Just click the       a new, glorified, but physical and real presence. (He can
link on the parish web site under the Home category…..
                                                                     walk through walls, but he can also eat fish. He’s real.) The
Donate or Register on Line tab (
and make a one-time gift, or set up a recurring donation. .          implications of this took years, decades, centuries to figure
                                                                     out. We are the heirs of this once-for-all-time experience.
Our parish continues to rely on our parishioners’ generosi-          The Church is what had come of those frightened and morti-
ty, and we may have additional financial need if more peo-           fied apostles, locked in that room, wondering what to do
ple seek assistance. If you will not be able to give                 next.
 in person, please give online.
Thank you!                                                              Continued on the next Page

                                                                 3        View this bulletin online at
4RD SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                      4 DOMINGO DE PASCUA

                 Gospel Mediation                                    The article form    Rick Hardy Continued
                                                                     And here we are. Locked in our rooms, more or less, watch-
May 3, 2020
                                                                     ing Mass on our screens at home, longing for the day when
Fourth Sunday of Easter                                              we can extend hand or tongue and say “Amen” to the gift of
With whom do we converse and listen to the most? Believe             the Holy Eucharist in our own real presence and His.
it or not, the answer is ourselves. We are constantly having             Things are going to be different. We will gather again, in
conversations with ourselves, and sometimes we even get              person. We will sit far from one another. Some of us will
caught! Our inner conversations reveal the truth about our-          stay away longer, due to individual vulnerabilities. We will
selves. We really cannot hide from ourselves, although we            live-stream the Mass even when people are in the church, for
often pretend, we can. By conversing with ourselves, we
find solutions to our challenges, problem solve, work                the benefit of those who are not. We will wear masks — not
through our relationships, formulate opinions, run through           to protect ourselves, but to show our reverence for the life
dress rehearsals of possible conversations, and wrestle with         and vulnerability of others.
and determine our system of priorities and values. What                  The Holy Spirit will come — has come — to us and will
other voices affect the conversations we have with our-              guide our steps into the world as it has changed before our
                                                                     eyes. A new Pentecost will arrive. What follows….that is up
Often, voices from our past continue to haunt us. These              to our imagination as a Church and our openness to the Holy
voices cause us to mistrust our judgment, harbor anger, and          Spirit of God.
cling to our fears of rejection, failure, being wrong, and the
like. It is in these inner conversations that we face what
holds us captive — our limitations, weaknesses, sinfulness,
and stubborn ego preoccupations. We often go about our
lives putting out one fire or another, keeping ourselves pre-
occupied and busy, and trying to stay on top of things. In-
tentionally or unintentionally, we find ourselves wandering
off. We turn around and can no longer see our home. We
look down at our feet and realize we have lost our anchor.
Feeling scared, out of place, desolate, unsettled, and lonely,
we realize that we are lost.
We listened to the wrong voices! In the midst of everything
competing for our attention, the voice of the One who could
truly call us home got muffled. We didn’t hear it. As our in-
ner dialogues continue to play out, the one voice we need to
                                                                     National Day of Prayer
consult — even before our own — is God’s. He is the Good
Shepherd who can keep us safely where we need to be. As              The theme for the 2015 National Day of Prayer is "Lord,
we graze through the stuff of our lives, we must constantly          Hear Our Cry" (cf. 1 Kgs 8:28, "Hear the cry and the pray-
remember to look up, be attentive, and stay focused. Our             er that your servant is praying in your presence this day").
habits of prayer are the only thing that can properly root us
and keep us grounded. Contemplating God’s presence and               The religious basis of our form of government is: freedom
developing an inner awareness of love incarnate, we will             of religion. Indeed, religious freedom is under attack in our
then find ourselves praying unceasingly as the days and              country. Nonetheless, it is our duty and responsibility to
nights and the ebbs and flows of our of lives unfold. Sud-           pray for our country and its leaders. The first Thursday of
denly, the inner conversations we are constantly having are          May has been designated the National Day of Prayer.
no longer just with ourselves or with voices that can lead us        How are we, who call ourselves Roman Catholic, to pray
astray but with the Trinity, who desperately wants us to stay        for a country that practices policies that may go against
home.                                                                what the church professes? It is a difficult decision some-
                                                                     The Scripture verse chosen for this National Day of Pray-
                                                                     er may help us in these difficult times. Look at the last few
                                                                     words of the citation: "...your servant is praying in your
                                                                     presence this day." In these last few words, we see very
                                                                     clearly that our prayer is prayed in God's presence. Since
                                                                     we live in the United States, it means that God is already
                                                                     present here and now in the US. All we need to do is ac-
                                                                     cept that presence and put it, God's teaching, into action.
                                                                     For God does not work without our actively doing the work
                                                                     that God leads us to do.

                                                                 4        View this bulletin online at
ST. PETER PARISH                                        SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

                                   Attention                                New guidelines for COVID-19
                               2020 High School
                              & College Graduates                       Bishop Bradley has extended the
                                                                        suspension of public Masses to
                                                                        May 15, 2020. after he discussed
 Father Fabio and your parish community would like to                   guidelines and protocols for
 acknowledge your accomplishments and hard work during
                                                                        COVID-19 with all the priests via
 your high school or college career, as well as, give you a
 special blessing as you prepare for the next chapter in your           Deanery Meetings.

                 Submit a short bio of yourself to

 Include your name, parents’ names, high school or col-
 lege attending, extra-curricular activities and achieve-
 ments, and future plans.

 During these uncertain times, we are not sure if our an-
 nual Graduate Mass will be possible, but be assured
 that something extra special will still happen. We are
 so proud of you!

                                                        May Crowning on Mother’s Day
                                                       During Live Stream Mass at 9:30am

                                     Anyone is welcome to come to the church during the week of May 10
                                     to present Our Lady with flowers. The church will be open for personal
                                     prayer from 8:00am until 5:00pm.

                                     May is Mary’s month. Throughout the Catholic world,
                                     special devotions honor the Virgin Mary. “May Crown-
                                     ing” is a traditional Catholic ritual as it recognizes Mary
                                     as Queen of heaven and earth.

                                     Elizabeth greeted the Blessed Virgin, pregnant with Jesus, as ‘the mother
                                     of my Lord’ (Lk 1:41-43). Mary is the perfect follower of Christ.

View this bulletin online at       5    Bulletin Questions:
ST. PETER PARISH                                        SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
         Las lecturas de la semana
          del 3 de mayo de 2020                               San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church
                                                                                 5586 117th Ave.
Domingo: 4º Domingo de Pascua; Día Mundial de                                      PO Box 558
Oración por las Vocaciones                                                      Fennville, MI 49408
    Hch 2, 14. 36-41/Sal 23, 1-3. 3-4. 5. 6/1 Pe 2, 20-25/      Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029
    Jn 10, 1-10                                                 Fax:                              269-561-2192
Lunes: Hch 11, 1-18/Sal 42, 2-3; 43, 3. 4/Jn 10, 11-18         Página Web/Website:
Martes: Cinco de Mayo                                            En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador
    Hch 11, 19-26/Sal 87, 1-3. 4-5. 6-7/Jn 10, 22-30                Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.
Miércoles: Hch 12, 24—13, 5/Sal 67, 2-3. 5. 6 y 8/
    Jn 12, 44-50                                                    MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO
Jueves: Día Nacional de la Oración
    Hch 13, 13-25/Sal 89, 2-3. 21-22. 25 y 27/                           Reconociendo la Voz de Jesús
    Jn 13, 16-20
Viernes: Hch 13, 26-33/Sal 2, 6-7. 8-9. 10-11/Jn 14, 1-6     Cuando mi proveedor de servicios inalámbricos presentó
Sábado: Hch 13, 44-52/Sal 98, 1. 2-3. 3-4/Jn 14, 7-14        Voz HD, la voz que escuché en mi teléfono era
                                                             increíblemente clara, y en ocasiones sentía que tanto la
Domingo siguiente: 5º Domingo de Pascua; Día de la
                                                             persona que llamaba como yo estábamos en la misma
    Hch 6, 1-7/Sal 33, 1-2. 4-5. 18-19/1 Pe 2, 4-9/          habitación. El mejor aspecto de esta función es que no le
    Jn 14, 1-12                                              costaba al cliente ninguna tarifa adicional, y no requería
                                                             ningún cambio en el teléfono. Podría decir que era gratis,
        Dos Actos de Comunión Espiritual                     pero sospecho que de todos modos ya lo estaba pagando
                                                             en mi factura mensual. Al menos se sintió libre.
    ¡O Jesús! Tú nos has dado en la santa Eucaristía
                                                             Cuanto más clara sea la voz que te llama, más fácil es
                Tu propio cuerpo y sangre
                                                             reconocer quién esta al otro lado de la línea. En el
            como nuestro alimento espiritual,
                                                             Evangelio de Juan, Jesús habla del cuidador que abre la
        a través del cual tenemos la vida eterna.
                                                             puerta y llama a sus ovejas. Responden porque conocen
           Ojalá que pudiera en este momento                 su voz. Otros, intentan atraer a las ovejas cuando el
               acercarme a la santa mesa                     cuidador no está allí, pero las ovejas encuentran sus
      para unirme a ti en el Santísimo Sacramento.           voces poco claras o desconocidas.
           Déjame probar, por lo menos,                      Jesús es nuestro cuidador. Pero a diferencia de recibir algo
       la dulzura de una comunión espiritual.                gratis de una compañía inalámbrica, para poder escuchar
      Ven a mí, Jesús, mi Señor y mi Maestro.                su voz necesitamos prestar atención y practicar la escucha.
             Ven a refrescarme el alma.                      Al desarrollar una forma de vida de corresponsabilidad que
Nunca me dejas apartarme de ti por el pecado. Amén.          sea atenta y de oración, nos sintonizamos con su voz y
                                                             podemos discernir cuándo la llamada es de nuestro Señor
                       Mi Jesús,                             y cuando es de un impostor. Es genial hablar sobre todas
               Yo creo que estás presente                    las cosas que podemos hacer y todos los regalos que
         En el Santísimo Sacramento del altar.               podemos compartir, pero
            Te amo sobre todas las cosas y                   si no estamos escuchan-
              Deseo recibirte en mi alma.                    do su llamada para sa-
           Como en este momento no puedo                     ber dónde se necesitan
              Recibirte en el sacramento,                    nuestras ofrendas,
           Ven espiritualmente a mi corazón.                 podemos terminar
       Te abrazo porque estás siempre conmigo,               como una oveja
             Y me uno completamente a Ti.                    perdida buscando
      Nunca permitas que me separe de Ti. Amén.              al cuidador.
ST. PETER PARISH                                      SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

 Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
       Actividades Virtuales                                   La Devoción del Vía Lucis
Domingo 3 de Mayo - 11:30 a.m. Misa                         Cada viernes estamos rezando el Vía
                                                            Lucis (“El Camino de la Luz”) es el
Martes 5 de Mayo - 7:00 p.m. Grupo de Jóvenes               complemento del Viacrucis que rezamos
Jueves 7 de Mayo - 6:30 p.m. Misa                           en la Cuaresma. El Viacrucis se enfoca
Viernes 8 de Mayo - 6:00 p.m. El Vía Lucis                  en la pasión de Cristo y el Vialucis se concentra en la
                                                            resurrección de Cristo y sus apariciones.
Domingo 10 de Mayo - 11:30 a.m. Misa                        Se reza durante los cincuenta dias de la Pascua. Incluye
                                                            lecturas bíblicas, reflexiones y oraciones y dura menos
*** Pueden encontrar todas estas acitividades en            de una hora. Estamos rezándolo los viernes a las 6 p.m.
nuestra pagina web:             Busque en el link.
y en nuestra facebook:                               La Adoración al Santísimo
                                                                             La Exposición de Jesús en el Santísimo
¿¿Necesidades durante la cuarentena??                                         Sacramento del Altar los domingos y
                                                                              los miércoles desde las 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                      hasta las 8:30 p.m.
Si usted o algún familiar se encuentra con alguna
necesidad económica, emocional, espiritual, no dude                          Los otros días el templo está abierto para
en llamar a la iglesia y dejar recado, poner un mensaje                    quien quiera hacer una visita para orar o dis-
en Facebook o llamarle a Joe (269-501-9865).                             frutar unos momentos de silencio.

Queremos que sepa que su iglesia está aquí para                Pueden leer una Biblia, rezar el rosario, sentarse en
Ustedes. Aunque no haya misas públicas, la parroquia          silencio, meditar un libro espiritual. Hay materiales en
                                                                   la entrada de la iglesia para llevar a la casa y
no está cerrada y queremos servirles en este tiempo.
                                                                                 copias del boletín.

                                      El Obispo Bradley y                   El Grupo de Jóvenes
                                      la Diócesis de
                                      Kalamazoo             Seguimos con la pastoral juvenil en línea.
                                      lanzarán una          Nos reunimos por la aplicación Zoom. La
                                      campaña "Dejemos      próxima vez será este martes a las 7
                                      que la Luz de Jesús   p.m.
Brille" invitando a todos los cristianos a encender sus     Búsquenos en
luces para el Día de Pascua y durante la octava de          j/88454888968 o en www.sanfelipe-
Pascua (y la temporada de Pascua si es posible) para Para más información, lla-
dar testimonio del Señor Resucitado y La Luz del            me a Joe al 269-501-9865.
Mundo. Se les pide a las personas que decoren sus
                                                                            Fotos de las Familias
ventanas/áreas exteriores según lo deseen con luces
brillantes, como en Navidad.                                   Hay espacio para más fotos de familias en las
Los recursos están disponibles en la página web
                                                                bancas de San Pedro cuando el Padre Fabio
diocesana: Dejemos
                                                               celebra la Misa los domingos. Mande su foto a
que la Luz de Jesús Brille en todo el mundo a
                                                    o al 269-501-9865
través de nosotros.
                                                                 y las imprimimos para poner en una banca.
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