SEAMS Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science

Page created by Chad Gross
SEAMS Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science
Strengthening Engagement and
Achievement in Mathematics and Science

Do you want to meet other students with similar interests, be
inspired and discover the possibilities maths and science                                  98%
have to offer?                                                                          of 2019 participants
SEAMS gives you the chance to:                                                              recommend
                                                   HOW DOES IT WORK?                          SEAMS
• Get a head start on your maths and science VCE
                                                   As a SEAMS participant you will
                                                   be invited to attend two SEAMS
• Attend camps at Monash University and the
                                                   camps during the year, in January
  University of Melbourne during your school
                                                   and July. The camps are held on campus at Monash
                                                   University or the University of Melbourne.
• Connect with other students who share your
  interests, and make new friends                  You will stay for two nights at a university residential
• Experience university life first-han             college with fellow students from across Victoria.
• Explore the options available for your future    You’ll participate in interactive workshops and
• Get ongoing support online and invitations to    academic sessions to prepare you for Maths Methods,
  special events throughout the year               Chemistry and Physics VCE subjects. You will also
• Participate in e-mentoring.                      have the chance to take part in fun activities that will
                                                   help you get to know your fellow SEAMS participants.

                                                   All meals and activities are provided, and there is no
                                                   cost to participate.

   January camp dates for 2020                     During the year you will also have the option to
                                                   participate in the Access Monash E-Mentoring
   Year 11: 20 – 22 January at                     Program. You will be matched with an experienced
            Monash University                      Monash University student who will help you set goals
                                                   for the future and work to achieve them.
   Year 12:   21 – 23 January at the
              University of Melbourne              SEAMS was developed by Monash University, the
                                                   University of Melbourne, John Monash Science
                                                   School, Elizabeth Blackburn Science School and
                                                   independent experts.

SEAMS Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science
Being part of the SEAMS program was extremely
                                                                                 beneficial and exciting. I had the opportunity
                                                                                 to get a head start on my maths and science
                                                                                  subjects and meet many people with similar
                                                                                  interests. It was interesting exploring the
                                                                                   University and getting involved in tons
                                                                                   of joyful activities during the camp.
                                                                                      MASEERA MATE
                                                                                      YEAR 11, CRANBOURNE
                                                                                      SECONDARY COLLEGE

PROGRAM OUTCOMES                                                                      HOW DO I APPLY?
                                                                                      There are two parts to the SEAMS application. Both must
                                                                                      be completed for your application to be considered.
                      said they would                                                 • Part A: Complete both sides of the application form
97%                   recommend SEAMS
                      to other students
                                                                                        attached to this information pack and submit it to the
                                                                                        SEAMS office by Friday       November 201 . To submit,
                                                                                        you can scan the form or take a clear photo of it and
                                                                                        email it to You can also
                       felt the program had                                             mail it to the address on the form. Applications sent by
96%                    increased their
                       knowledge in science
                                                                                        mail must be posted by Friday November 201 to
                                                                                        ensure they reach our office by the due date.
                                                                                      • Part B: Fill out the online component of the application
                                                                                        at by Friday 1 November
                                                                                        201 .
                       felt more confident about maths
 89%                   attending the program
                                                                                      When you have submitted both Parts A and B, your
                                                                                      application will be complete.

                       said they were looking forward

 96%                   to further engaging in the
                       SEAMS program

                       felt the program had increased
                                                                                           Contact us
 90%                   their knowledge in Maths
                                                                                           Please feel free to contact us at any time for
                                                                                           further information about the program.

Monash University and the University of Melbourne reserve the right to alter information, procedures, fees and regulations contained in this document. Please check the
Monash University website for updates ( All information reflects prescriptions, policy and practice in force at time of publication. Published October 2019.
CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C / The University of Melbourne 00116K
SEAMS Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science
When a student applies to participate in the SEAMS        Students will stay at a Monash or University of
Program, Monash University collects information           Melbourne residential college. They will be allocated a
about them and their parents/ guardians. To view the      bedroom with a lockable door and their own keys, and
privacy statement, which includes information about       have access to shared bathroom and toilet facilities.
how this data is collected and used, visit:               Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided.
statements                                                SAFETY AND MEDICAL INFORMATION
For the purposes of the SEAMS program, where              Supervision will be provided by the University of
context allows, references in the privacy statement to    Melbourne and Monash University staff, as well as
Monash University should be read as referring to both     university student ambassadors. All staff and university
Monash University and the University of Melbourne. In     ambassadors hold a current Working With Children
relation to University of Melbourne, references           Check.
to ‘’ should be read as
‘’.                         SEAMS organisers will use the information you provide
                                                          in the attached medical information form if a student
STILL AND MOVING IMAGES                                   is involved in a medical emergency. All information is
                                                          held in confidence. This medical form must be cur ent
SEAMS participants may be photographed and/or             when the camp is run – please let us know if there are
filmed during program activities. Monash University
                                                          any changes.
may use these images or recordings for promotional
purposes such as on websites, in press releases or in     Parents are responsible for all medical costs if a
promotional material. If participants do not wish to be   student is injured on a SEAMS excursion unless the
photographed or recorded, this will be respected if       participating university is found liable (liability is not
they make their wishes known at the time.                 automatic). Parents can purchase student accident
                                                          insurance cover from a commercial insurer if they
ACCESS TO INFORMATION                                     wish to.
                                                          Supervisors will stay overnight at the accommodation.
As part of the program students will have access to       External doors to the accommodation are locked
Monash       University IT,   including   computer        and can only be accessed with the electronic
accounts and the internet. All students must have         tags allocated to students with their keys. The
permission from their parent/guardian to access           accommodation has staff on site 24 hours per day.
University IT.

Internet access is provided for academic and              STUDENT BEHAVIOUR
administrative purposes. The University provides          To participate in SEAMS students need to adhere to
no censorship for anything students may access.           all behavioural guidelines imposed by the university in
Students and their parents/guardians may be held          relation to SEAMS. All students must:
accountable for excessive internet usage; however,
if internet use is for academic and administrative        • Not consume or have in their possession any
purposes related to the SEAMS program, use is               alcohol or drugs at any time during the program. If
unlikely to be excessive.                                   students consume or are found with alcohol or
                                                            drugs, appropriate disciplinary measures will be
Please read the Monash University Acceptable Use of         taken including informing parents/guardians and
Information Technology Facilities by Students policy:
                                                            police. le/0009/1092699/           • Remain on university/accommodation grounds at
Information-Technology-Acceptable-Use-Policy.pdf            all times unless supervised by a university staff
                                                            member or student ambassador involved in the
                                                          • Follow directions and instructions given to them by
                                                            university staff members and program volunteers.
This is Part A of your SEAMS application. You must also complete the online
component of the application for Part B. For details see the ‘How to apply’ section of
this information pack.
Please detach and complete both sides of this form and return it to Access Monash no later than
Friday 15 November 2019.

Scan this form or take a clear photo of it and email to:
Or mail to: SEAMS, Access Monash, G06, Building 6, 29 Ancora Imparo Way, Clayton, 3800.
Please mail before Friday 8 November to ensure it is received by the due date.

CONSENT FOR STILL AND                                    AUTHORISATION OF ACCESS TO
MOVING IMAGES                                            INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Please tick one box:
                                                         o    I have read the Monash University Acceptable
                                                              Use of Information Technology Facilities by
    I consent to Monash University, the University
    of Melbourne or any person acting on behalf               Students policy at:
    of the universities to take photographs, film,
                                                              Acceptable-Use-Policy.pdf and agree to the
    or other pictorial and audio recordings of my
                                                              conditions of use for the computer accounts
    child in any medium (Material) and to use,                being issued to the below named student. I
    reproduce, publish, communicate, enhance,                 accept responsibility for any charges associated
    modify, adapt or broadcast the Material (or any           with excessive internet access.
    part of the Material) in any form (including CD/
    DVD, website, publication, poster, presentation)     PROGRAM PARTICIPATION
    for advertising, marketing, informational or
    promotional purposes and/or teaching and            o     I have read and understand all the information
                                                              provided in this pack. I allow my child to join
    research purposes. I acknowledge that the
                                                              SEAMS and to participate in the associated
    universities own copyright in the Material.
                                                              activities including but not limited to the camp
    I DO NOT consent to Monash University, the                programs.
    University of Melbourne or any person acting on
    behalf of the universities to take photographs,
    film, or other pictorial and audio ecordings of
    my child.

Student’s full name:

Student’s school:

Parent/guardian’s full name:

Parent/guardian’s signature:


Please turn over to complete form.
SEAMS staff will use the information you provide below if your child is involved in a medical emergency. The
information will not be considered during the application and selection process. All information is held in confidence.
This form must be current when your child attends the camp – please let us know if there are any changes.

 Student’s current medical information
 Student’s full name:                                                       Date of birth:
 School name:                                                               Year level in 2019:
 Parent/guardian 1 full name:                                               Parent/guardian 2 full name (if applicable):

 Parent/guardian 1 contact numbers                                          Parent/guardian 2 contact numbers
     Business hours:                                                             Business hours:
     After hours:                                                                After hours:

 Name of person to contact in an emergency:                                 Emergency contact numbers (if different to above)
                                                                                 Business hours:
                                                                                 After hours:

 Student’s Medicare number:                                                 Are you an ambulance subscriber?
                                                                            □ Yes (please indicate member number):
                                                                            □ No

 Medical/hospital insurance fund name and number:                           Year of last tetanus immunisation:

                                                                            Tetanus immunisation is normally given at age five (as Triple Antigen or CDT) and 15 (as ADT)

 Medical conditions and disabilities                                        Allergies
 Please indicate if your child experiences any of the following:            Please indicate if your child has any allergies:
 □ Asthma                □ Sleepwalking                                     □ Penicillin
 □ Blackouts             □ Travel sickness                                  □ Other drug (please specify):
 □ Diabetes              □ Physical disability                              □ Foods (please specify):
 □ Dizzy spells          □ Other (please specify):                          □ Other allergy (please specify):
 □ Fits of any type
                         What special care is required?                     What special care is required for these allergies?
 □ Heart condition
 □ Migraine

 Medication                                                                 Dietary requirements
 Please provide details of any medication your child is taking, including   Please give details of any foods that your child cannot eat for medical
 name of medication, dose and when and how it is to be taken:               or religious/cultural reasons:

 Medical consent

 Where the university staff are unable to contact me, or it is otherwise impracticable to contact me, I authorise University
 staff to:
 • Consent to my child receiving any medical or surgical attention deemed necessary by a medical practitioner.
 • Administer such first-aid as the sta f-in-charge judges to be reasonably necessary.

 Parent/guardian’s full name:

 Parent/guardian’s signature:

Please provide the following information, which will help us to design and administer the
SEAMS program effectively.

Student name:
School name:

 Parent/guardian 1                                                        Parent/guardian 2
 Name:                                                                    Name:
 Contact phone number:                                                    Contact phone number:
 Email address:                                                           Email address:
 Education                                                                Education
 Please indicate your highest level of education:                         Please indicate your highest level of education:
 □ Postgraduate degree                 □ Certificate I – III              □ Postgraduate degree                 □ Certificate I – III
 □ Bachelor degree                     □ Year 12                          □ Bachelor degree                     □ Year 12
 □ Associate degree                    □ Year 11                          □ Associate degree                    □ Year 11
 □ Diploma/advanced diploma            □ Year 10 or below                 □ Diploma/advanced diploma            □ Year 10 or below
 □ Certificate IV                                                         □ Certificate IV

 Occupation                                                               Occupation
 Please select your current occupation from the following list:           Please select your current occupation from the following list:
 Education                             Trades                             Education                             Trades
 □ University lecturer                 □ Mechanic                         □ University lecturer                 □ Mechanic
 □ Teacher – secondary                 □ Carpenter                        □ Teacher – secondary                 □ Carpenter
 □ Teacher – primary                   □ Plumber                          □ Teacher – primary                   □ Plumber
 □ Early childhood worker              □ Cabinet maker                    □ Early childhood worker              □ Cabinet maker
 Health                                □ Builder                          Health                                □ Builder
 □ Doctor                              □ Electrician                      □ Doctor                              □ Electrician
 □ Nurse                                                                  □ Nurse
 □ Paramedic                           Administration & Professional      □ Paramedic                           Administration & Professional
 □ Health administrator                □ Executive assistant              □ Health administrator                □ Executive assistant
 □ Pharmacist                          □ Office manager                   □ Pharmacist                          □ Office manager
 □ Pharmacy assistant                  □ Secretary/receptionist           □ Pharmacy assistant                  □ Secretary/receptionist
 □ Aged care worker                    □ Manager                          □ Aged care worker                    □ Manager
                                       □ Customer service/call centre                                           □ Customer service/call centre
 Law                                                                      Law
 □ Lawyer                              □ Other professional office        □ Lawyer                              □ Other professional office
 □ Judge                                 position e.g. Marketing, Sales   □ Judge                                 position e.g. Marketing, Sales
 □ Law Clerk                           Retail                             □ Law Clerk                           Retail
 Finance                               □ Shop manager                     Finance                               □ Shop manager
 □ Bank manager                        □ Retail assistant                 □ Bank manager                        □ Retail assistant
 □ Bank teller                                                            □ Bank teller
                                       Hospitality                                                              Hospitality
 □ Accountant                                                             □ Accountant
                                       □ Hospitality worker                                                     □ Hospitality worker
 Technical & Scientific                □ Hospitality manager              Technical & Scientific                □ Hospitality manager
 □ Lab worker                                                             □ Lab worker
 □ Engineer                            Unpaid work                        □ Engineer                            Unpaid work
 □ IT professional                     □ Carer                            □ IT professional                     □ Carer
                                       □ Homemaker                                                              □ Homemaker
 □ Other (please specify):                                                □ Other (please specify):
 □ Not currently in paid employment                                       □ Not currently in paid employment

 If you are not currently in paid work but have had a job in the last     If you are not currently in paid work but have had a job in the last
 12 months, or have retired in the last 12 months, please select your     12 months, or have retired in the last 12 months, please select your
 last occupation from the above list.                                     last occupation from the above list.
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