John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...

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John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine ArcelorMittal USA March/April 2020 Vol. 13, No. 2

John Brett:
A challenging
market environment

The injuries that change lives
                                                                                                      Do you have a twin?
                                                                                                                                  Ready for duty
                                                                                                                                                                   Our steel in sports
Make it slips, trips and falls                                                                        Digital twins are our       Our steel in the USS St. Louis   The home team would
prevention                                                                                            company’s problem solvers                                    be nowhere without us!

Liz Johnson                                                                                           Summer Paris                Jolice Pojeta                    USA Communications
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
2   1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine                                           1 | ArcelorMittal USA | March/April 2020

    >   Global News

ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel complete acquisition of Essar Steel
ArcelorMittal has completed the         CEO of ArcelorMittal. “Essar has
acquisition of Essar Steel India        sizeable, profitable, well-located
Limited (ESIL) and simultaneously       operations and the long-term
established a joint venture with        growth potential for the Indian
Nippon Steel Corporation (Nippon        economy and Indian steel demand
Steel), called ArcelorMittal Nippon     are well known.”
Steel India Limited (AM/NS India),            “We are also delighted to be
which will own and operate ESIL.        embarking on this together with
ArcelorMittal holds 60% of              Nippon Steel, with whom we have
AM/NS India, with Nippon Steel          a trusted, long-term relationship.
holding the balance.                    Our combined strengths and
      Aditya Mittal, President and      technology will bring many
CFO of ArcelorMittal, has been          new opportunities which will
appointed Chairman of AM/NS             allow us to make a positive
India, and Dilip Oommen has been        contribution to India’s target to
appointed AM/NS India’s CEO.            grow steelmaking capacity to
      Commenting, Lakshmi               300 million metric tons per year
Mittal, Chairman and CEO of             by 2030, and for its manufactur-
ArcelorMittal, said:                    ing sector more broadly.”
      “The acquisition of Essar               AM/NS India is an integrated
Steel is an important strategic         flat steel producer and the largest
step for ArcelorMittal. India has       steel company in western India.
long been an attractive market          Its current level of annualized
for our company and we have             crude steel production is about
been looking at suitable opportu-       7.5 million metric tons. It also has
nities to build a meaningful            iron ore pellet facilities in the east
production presence there for           of India, with a current annual
more than a decade,” stated             capacity of 14 million metric
Lakshmi Mittal, chairman and            tons per year.                         AM/NS India, formerly Essar Steel India Limited

    >   Global News

ArcelorMittal’s Olympic hopeful
Multi-talented Danil Polyanskiy is an ArcelorMittal miner and a competitive
pole vaulter. Here he shares his journey to the cusp of Olympic qualification,
giving us a glimpse into his life underground and in the sky:

                                                                                                                                                              Our 10 sustainable
                                                                                                                                                              development outcomes
                                                                                                                                                                        Our 10 sustainable development
                                                                                                                                                                        outcomes are how we will
                                                                                                                                                                        contribute to making a more
                                                                                                                                                                        sustainable future, from the way
                                                                                                                                                                        we make steel and use resources,
Multi-talented Danil Polyanskiy, an ArcelorMittal miner and a competitive pole vaulter, shares his journey to the cusp of Olympic qualification. With
the company’s support, he has traded mine for gym, as he trains full-time in the hope of carrying the dreams of a nation in Japan this summer.                to how we develop new products, and
                                                                                                                                                              support our people and our communities.
You’re either born with a talent        and without a wristwatch or            rest of my time at the gym.           opportunity to do my favorite
for pole vaulting, or you’re not.       mobile phone, just some of the         My personal life was almost           thing in the world. Now every-            1   Safe, healthy, quality working lives
      To be a world-class pole          measures taken across the board        non-existent and I was only           thing is different: I have two
vaulter, you need to be fast and        to reduce the risk of electrical       getting four or five hours of sleep   training sessions a day rather than           for our people
well-coordinated. You also need         spark, which we must avoid             a night. This schedule was very       one and have time to rest properly
to be a natural risk-taker – and        because methane is highly              hard on my family and on me.          in between. I also get a full night’s     2    roducts that accelerate more sustainable
start training by the age of            combustible. Thanks to the extra             For instance, last April, I     sleep every night and have
twelve.                                 methane detectors the company          missed the birth of my daughter       weekends off to spend with my                 lifestyles
      Pole vaulting, as I see it, and   has installed, I can more accu-        because I was at a training camp      family. I think only about training
my career as a foreman of route         rately monitor the gas levels in       in Turkey preparing for the Asian     and competitions, so I am entirely        3    roducts that create sustainable
control in Tentekskaya mine are         the air and pump in the right          Championship in Doha the              focused on achieving my goal and              infrastructure
like yin and yang. For me, these        amount of fresh air from the           following week. (Elizaveta was        I feel the support of my family.
seemingly opposite activities are       surface, together with some            two weeks old before I could                 It takes nerves of steel to run
complementary, interconnected           chalk dust – a natural neutralizer.    get home to meet her.) I finished     with and launch yourself from a
                                                                                                                                                               4   E fficient use of resources and high
and interdependent, each giving         In problem areas, we carry out         a respectable 9th place in that       pole that can be up to 5.3 meters             recycling rates
rise to the other.                      additional drilling to release         competition, but to secure            long. And although the pole only
      At work, I go into an enclosed    methane gas.                           myself a trip to Tokyo this year,     weighs a few pounds, when held            5   Trusted user of air, land and water
space that’s up to 500 meters                 I have a responsibility to       I’m aiming higher.                    from the end, it effectively weighs
deep, with few routes in and            myself and my colleagues to make             To support me in achieving      20 pounds or more, so all in all,         6    esponsible energy user that helps
out, to fulfill a crucial role in       sure everyone is safe. Shouldering     my ambition to make the               it’s a sport that’s not only a
a workplace with unique and             this responsibility every day builds   Kazakh Olympic team this year,        physical feat but also a mental               create a lower carbon future
extreme challenges. My job is           in me a resilience set in courage      ArcelorMittal has generously          and emotional one. I love the
to monitor the safety of the            and strength.                          given me a year off to train          courage I feel in the run-in. When        7   S upply chains that our customers trust
mine’s roadways, as well as its               In my pole vaulting, I draw      while paying my wages and             I push into the pole, it throws me
gas levels and ventilation system.      on those attributes to fly.            guaranteeing my job for me            so high it takes my breath away.          8    ctive and welcomed member
      There are two reasons my                Since my university days         on my return. Since June, I                  Whatever happens with my
job is critical: firstly, because       at Karaganda State Technical           have been focusing on my              Olympic ambitions this year, I will           of the community
safety is the company’s top             University, my life’s ambition         pole vaulting so I can maximize       go back to the important job I do
priority, and secondly, because         has been twofold: to represent         my chances of qualifying.             at ArcelorMittal, because I enjoy
                                                                                                                                                               9    ipeline of talented scientists and engineers
methane is released as a direct         Kazakhstan at the Olympic Games              Between August 2019             it and because I will always be               for tomorrow
result of the physical process of       and to follow in my father and         and this September, I have            grateful for the support they have
coal extraction. As layers of the       grandfather’s footsteps to be a        15 competitions; 15 chances           given me in achieving my dreams.         10    ur contribution to society measured,
coal face are removed, the coal         miner. What I didn’t plan on was       to show my best result. To            I will also keep competing. Who
releases methane previously             doing both at the same time.           get to Tokyo, one of those            knows, I may even make it to                  shared and valued
trapped within the coal seam                  Securing the sponsorship         attempts must be “golden.”            the next Olympics in Paris come
into the air inside the mine, thus      necessary to concentrate on my         For me, as a pole vaulter, that       2024! In any case, I want to set         All underpinned by transparent good governance.
creating a potential safety hazard.     sport proved extremely difficult,      means conquering heights of           an example for my daughter, to
      It’s my job to manage this        so, to support myself, I joined        at least 5.8 meters. That is          reach for her dreams as I have           Look for “The 10” symbol in 1 Magazine to see how
risk, often in utter darkness,          ArcelorMittal earlier than I’d         my objective for the year.            done. Even if she doesn’t follow
save for the light from the             planned, in 2016. I worked full              I’m so grateful to the          me into the mines, I do hope she         our company works toward a more sustainable future.
lamp attached to my helmet              time and spent virtually all the       company for giving me this            follows me into sport!
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
3   1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine                                      1 | ArcelorMittal USA | March/April 2020

A challenging market environment
                                            So far this year, steel
John Brett                            demand from the automotive
                                      and construction sectors appears
                                      steady and we’re seeing a modest
Looking back at 2019 and              uptick in business from our
ahead to the remainder of             HVAC and appliance customers.
2020, it has been, and is likely      Energy is a mixed story with
to continue to be, a challenging      transmission projects using line
market environment for the steel      pipe continuing to be approved
industry. There was a sizeable        and constructed at a good pace,
disconnect between the overall        but demand for OCTG is down.
economy and the market demand         Most encouraging, customers
for our products. While GDP           have started replenishing their
grew at 2.3% in 2019, apparent        inventories supporting the
steel consumption for flat rolled     announced price increases which
products decreased approximate-       began late in 2019 and continued
ly 3%. The overall economy is         in the onset of 2020. These
expected to continue expanding,       increases certainly give us some
albeit at a slower pace, but the      much-needed traction entering
forecast for manufacturing is,        the new year, but prices remain
at best, lackluster. For 2020, flat   below pre-Section 232 levels.
rolled apparent steel consumption           The Section 232 trade
forecasts range from a slight         measures did continue to have
decrease in demand to no growth.      the effect of reducing steel
      In 2019, we experienced         imports. Finished steel imports
lower demand across all major         declined by more than 18% in
steel-consuming sectors, much         2019. The continuation of the
of which stemmed from inventory       Section 232 measures is critical
destocking. U.S. auto sales were      to the overall health of the U.S.
higher than anticipated reaching      steel market. With soft global
17 million units for the fifth        markets, we will be on the
consecutive year, but North           lookout, as always, for unfairly
American production dropped           traded steel in the market.         John Brett, CEO, ArcelorMittal USA
nearly 5%. The destocking was               The slowdown in imports is
even more pronounced in the           positive for domestic mills, but
steel service center segment.         the impending capacity increase     resulted in a substantial increase    on a year-over-year basis. We          Safe Sustainable Steel video will       Workers Memorial Day/Health
Flat rolled shipments declined        in both steelmaking and galvaniz-   in our delivery performance. We       must all rededicate ourselves          also focus on slips, trips and falls,   and Safety Day on April 28.
6% year-over-year, but much           ing will heighten competition.      need to institutionalize the gains    to practicing Shared Vigilance,        and they are the focus of an            Please recommit to working
more impactful was the 10%            This is why it is imperative that   we made and build upon the            following every safety protocol        article on page 4 of this edition       as safely as possible on that
decrease in steel receipts.           we continue to operate our assets   operational momentum exhibited        and stopping to identify potential     of 1 Magazine.                          day and to helping ensure the
      The combination of sluggish     in the safest and most efficient    in the second half of the year        hazards before every task.                   ArcelorMittal USA observes        safety of your co-workers.
demand and lower input prices,        way possible while meeting our      while commercially, we cultivate            We continue to see far
most notably scrap, resulted          customers’ expectations each        new customers and opportunities.      too many slips, trips and falls
in a significant decrease in          and every time. In addition to            Unfortunately, our safety       in our workplaces. That’s why                                       ArcelorMittal observes Health
transactional prices. The cost        maintaining good cost control,      performance in 2019 was both          ArcelorMittal USA has initiated                                     and Safety Day and Workers’
of hot band, as reported by CRU,      we made meaningful improve-         disappointing and unacceptable.       a special campaign to increase
averaged about $230 per ton           ments in some key operating         Regrettably, we experienced           awareness of these dangers.                                         Memorial Day on April 28.
less in 2019 than 2018. Although      parameters in 2019. We reduced      three fatalities, two of which        This campaign includes a trifold,                                   This international observance
the price deterioration occurred      both our internal rejects and       occurred in Q4. We cannot be          containing general reminders                                        is to remember co-workers
throughout the year, it culminated    additional processing. These key    pleased with any results until we     and prevention practices, as well
early in Q4 and, consequently,        enablers, along with improved       are fatality-free. Additionally,      as a risk assessment checklist                                      who have been killed, injured
had a substantial negative impact     reliability and outstanding         for the first time since 2015, our    that can be used during audits                                      or disabled on the job.
on our financial results.             cross-functional cooperation,       LTI frequency rate deteriorated       or special assignments. April’s

    >   Raw Materials

Efficient raw materials planning requires year-round team effort
                                   year-end inventory target for          injection coal are 30 days on hand    the upper Midwest causes               target inventories of stone are         from many companies and teams
Gary Norgren                       each raw material for the next         while scrap and coke targets are      these locks to close every year        closer to 150 days at the end of        within ArcelorMittal USA. Even
                                   two winters. Once established,         closer to two weeks on-hand.          for 70 days, usually from January      the season in late November.            during the 70-day lock closure,
                                   both procurement and our                     Iron ore pellets are the        15 through March 25. This closure           The coordination between           the mills are careful to use pellets
Manufacturing integrated steel     logistics departments jump             one raw material that requires        provides a significant challenge       the mines, railroads, vessel            in the proper ratio with other
in the Great Lakes region has      into action. Procurement finalizes     the most planning. The pellet         for our company. We need to            carriers and steel plants is            charge metallics to make sure
some unique challenges. As raw     the purchase volumes with our          mines that supply our plants are      deliver enough pellets to our          exceptional during the nine-            the pellets are not depleted
materials division manager for     key suppliers for the following        located in Northern Minnesota.        steel plants by January 15 that        month shipping season. Loading          quicker than planned. It has
our USA operations over the past year. Logistics works diligently         We operate two plants there,          will last until early April without    and unloading equipment at our          been rewarding to work with
several years, I’ve worked with    with truck, railroad, barge and        Minorca and Hibbing Taconite.         any deliveries of pellets to our       docks must be fully operational         the various teams to manage
our facilities, procurement and    vessel carriers to ensure we           We also purchase pellets from         USA steel facilities. We receive our   with little downtime during the         and improve the flow of pellets
logistics teams to ensure we       are delivering the necessary           two other Cliff’s owned mines,        first vessel of pellets for the new    shipping season. Planned                to our U.S integrated facilities.
specify, purchase, deliver and     raw material, based on our             United Taconite and Northshore        season between March 27 and            maintenance is performed both           The spring of 2014 is still
consume the raw materials          year-end target.                       Mining. These mines blast the         April 1. Typically, on April 1, we     at the docks and on the vessels         remembered as the most
needed to produce our high-              There are more than 30           raw ore from the ground in large      are left with just 10 days of pellet   during the 70-day lock closure          challenging year, by far, due
quality integrated steel products. individuals within ArcelorMittal       open pits, then separate the iron     inventory. April also proves to be     to ensure high reliability during       to harsh winter weather. We,
The primary raw materials we       USA involved in the raw materials      ore from the waste rock, then         a challenge with ice still present     the shipping season. The mines          as a company, are ready to
use are iron ore pellets, coal,    supply chain. Total raw material       form the iron ore into the small      on Lake Superior, slowing the          continue production during this         minimize the impact to our
coke, limestone and scrap.         movements and consumption              balls about the size of gumballs      vessel transit times. We can           time, delivering ore material to        operations when we are faced
     With our major steel          are 32 million tons-per-year.          called pellets.                       typically deliver the same number      the dock stockyards during the          with the next 2014-like winter.
manufacturing operations           That includes roughly 18 million             Boats transport the pellets,    of pellets that we consume in April    lock closure.
located in Northwest Indiana       tons of iron ore pellets, two          carrying anywhere from 15,000         and do not actually start to build          For the first time in many         Gary Norgren was recently named
and Cleveland, the winter weather million tons of other iron-bearing      to 60,000 gross tons per vessel.      up the pellet inventory level at the   years, vessel shipping companies        general manager of mining for
can be quite harsh from mid-       materials, four million tons of        The vessels then travel across        mills until early May. With roughly    have announced the manufacture          ArcelorMittal USA, with responsi-
December through late March.       coal, and two million tons each        Lake Superior and through the         less than 150,000 gross tons of        and commissioning of new vessels        bility for mining operations at
We need to ensure we have          of coke, stone and scrap.              Soo Locks located at the east end     pellets on the ground in April, we     in the coming year to replace           ArcelorMittal Minorca, Princeton
adequate inventories of all              While the coal, coke and         of Lake Superior. From there, they    spend from May until mid-January       some of the aging fleet currently       and Hibbing Taconite Company.
these materials on-hand at         scrap inventory levels are             come down through either Lake         growing the inventory to close to      moving pellets. There is also work      Most recently, Gary served as
each location to be ready for      relatively constant throughout         Michigan or Lakes Huron/Erie to       1.5 million tons of pellets when       underway to design and build            division manager of raw materials
the tough winter cold weather,     the year, the year-end inventories     our steel facilities. The average     the locks close. This equates to       a new Soo Lock to replace the           for ArcelorMittal USA.
high winds and snowstorms          are typical 10% to 20% higher          time for pellets to arrive is three   about 100 days of inventory on         aging, but crucial current lock.
that occur each year.              to account for supply interrup-        days. With the unloading and          hand. Stone for the blast furnaces          The process of supplying           This article was originally
     Planning for the winter       tions that may occur due to            return trip, it takes six days per    have a shorter shipping season         pellets to our mills is a year-round    published in ArcelorMittal USA’s
starts as much as 18 months in     winter weather. Summer target          full roundtrip.                       due to the impact of cold weather      effort that requires significant        “Raw Materials” blog.
advance. Our operations set the    inventory levels for coal and                Unfortunately, the weather in   in both the fall and spring, so        planning and implementation

                                                                          An adequate supply of iron ore is needed to feed the blast furnaces
The Stewart Cort makes frequent iron ore deliveries to ArcelorMittal      at our three integrated facilities of Burns Harbor, Cleveland and
Burns Harbor almost year-round, even when winter has started.             Indiana Harbor throughout the year, and especially during the                Processed taconite iron ore pellets from ArcelorMittal’s mining
Sometimes an icebreaker ship is needed to help vessels like the           shipping offseason when the Soo Locks are closed from January 15             facilities are needed year-round to feed the blast furnaces used
Cort make their way when the Great Lakes freeze.                          through March 25.                                                            to make liquid iron as part of the steelmaking process.
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
4    1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine                                         1 | ArcelorMittal USA | March/April 2020

Three things that can change your life: slips, trips and falls
Slips, trips and falls are the second most common injury in the workplace and the most common injury at
home. As we get older, we become more susceptible to these potentially devastating injuries.
A simple thing can change your                But don’t let a fear of         or problems with your thyroid,         your risk of falling.                 Falls are a common reason for         health include quitting smoking
life – like tripping on a rug or        falling keep you from being active.   nerves, feet, or blood vessels               Confusion can sometimes         trips to the emergency room and       and limiting alcohol use, which
slipping on a wet floor. If you fall,   Overcoming this fear can help you     can affect your balance. Some          lead to falls. For example, if        hospital stays among older adults.    can decrease bone mass and
you could break a bone. A break         stay active, maintain your physical   medicines can cause you to feel        you wake up in an unfamiliar          Many of these hospital visits are     increase the chance of fractures.
can be the start of more serious        health, and prevent future falls.     dizzy or sleepy, making you more       environment, you might feel           for fall-related fractures. You can   Also, try to maintain a healthy
problems, such as a trip to the         Doing things like getting together    likely to fall. Other causes include   unsure of where you are. If you       help prevent fractures by keeping     weight. Being underweight
hospital, injury, or even disability    with friends, gardening, walking,     safety hazards in the home or          feel confused, wait for your mind     your bones strong.                    increases the risk of bone loss
– especially for older people. The      or going to the local senior center   community environment.                 to clear or until someone comes             Having healthy bones won’t      and broken bones.
risk of falling – and fall-related      helps you stay healthy. The good            Scientists have linked           to help you before trying to get      prevent a fall, but if you fall, it         Osteoporosis is a disease
problems – rises with age.              news is, there are simple ways to     several personal risk factors to       up and walk around.                   might prevent breaking a hip or       that makes bones weak and
                                        prevent most falls.                   falling, including muscle weakness,          Some medications can            other bone, which may lead to a       more likely to break. For people
Many older adults fear falling                                                problems with balance and gait,        increase a person’s risk of falling   hospital or nursing home stay,        with osteoporosis, even a minor
The fear of falling becomes             Causes and risk factors               and blood pressure that drops too      because they cause side effects       disability, or even death. Getting    fall may be dangerous. Talk to
more common as people age,              for falls                             much when you get up from lying        like dizziness or confusion. The      enough calcium and vitamin D          your doctor about osteoporosis.
even among those who haven’t            Many things can cause a fall.         down or sitting (called postural       more medications you take, the        can help keep your bones strong.
fallen. It may lead older people        Your eyesight, hearing, and           hypotension). Foot problems            more likely you are to fall.          So can physical activity. Try to      Source: U.S. National Institutes
to avoid activities such as walking,    reflexes might not be as sharp        that cause pain and unsafe                                                   get at least 150 minutes of           of Health
shopping, or taking part in social      as they were when you were            footwear, like backless shoes          Keep your bones strong to             physical activity per week.
activities.                             younger. Diabetes, heart disease,     or high heels, can also increase       prevent falls                               Other ways to maintain bone

Take the right steps to prevent falls
If you take care of your overall health, you may be able to lower your
chances of falling. Most of the time, falls and accidents don’t “just
happen.” Here are a few tips to help you avoid falls and broken bones:

     Wear non-skid,
     slip-resistant, low-
     heeled shoes, or
     lace-up shoes with
     non-skid soles that
     fully support your
                                                                                           Use an assistive
     feet. It is important
                                                                                           device if you need                                  Be very careful when walking on
     that the soles are not
                                                                                           help feeling steady                                 wet or icy surfaces. Spread sand
     too thin or too thick.
                                                                                           when you walk.                                      or salt on icy areas.
                                                                                           Appropriate use of
                                                                                           canes and walkers can
                                                                                           prevent falls.

                   Always tell your doctor
                   if you have fallen since your
                   last checkup, even if you
                   aren’t hurt when you fall.
                   A fall can alert your doctor to a
                                                                                                                                                                                           Stand up slowly. Getting
                   new medical problem or prob-
                                                                                                                                                                                           up too quickly can cause
                   lems with your medications or
                                                                                                                                                                                           your blood pressure to
                   eyesight that can be corrected.
                                                                                                                                                                                           drop, which can make you
                                                                                                                                                                                           feel wobbly.

    Stay physically active. Plan an exercise
    program that is right for you. Regular exer-
    cise improves your muscles and makes you
    stronger. It also helps keep your joints, ten-                                                                                                 Get enough sleep.
    dons, and ligaments flexible. Have your eyes                                                                                                   If you are sleepy, you
    and hearing tested. Even small changes in                                                                                                      are more likely to fall.
    sight and hearing may cause you to fall. Find
    out about the side effects of any medicine                                            Limit the amount of alcohol
    you take. If a drug makes you sleepy or dizzy,                                        you drink. Even a small
    tell your doctor or pharmacist.                                                       amount of alcohol can affect
                                                                                          your balance and reflexes.
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
5   1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine                                      1 | ArcelorMittal USA | March/April 2020

Digitalization brings an
array of opportunities
                                    environment for digital business,     understand where production
Jolice Pojeta                       whereby digital information is at
                                    the core.”
                                                                          issues may occur, leading to
                                                                          better product quality.                  “Today, if you go to our facilities around
                                          With several projects that           Digitalization at the world’s
In recent years, we’ve heard
a great deal about digitalization
                                    fall under the realm of digitaliza-
                                    tion underway or implemented
                                                                          largest steel and mining company
                                                                          is not easy. But if we can
                                                                                                                     the world, you will see small clusters
or Industry 4.0, which plays a
critical role in ArcelorMittal’s
                                    across the global company, here
                                    in the U.S., efforts have also
                                                                          understand how to harness
                                                                          the digitalization opportunities
                                                                                                                     of people working together in finding
strategic direction. As a company, started to make some traction.
ArcelorMittal is embracing this     This is evidenced by the imple-
                                                                          available to us, we stand to
                                                                          make a huge leap that will
                                                                                                                     solutions. To imagine a steel company
fourth revolution and has already mentation of new technologies
made beneficial changes to our      and digitalization initiatives
                                                                          benefit our manufacturing
                                                                          processes and our customers.               of this size, to be addressing these
operations. These changes affect throughout the U.S. that began
how we manage our supply chain, a few years ago and are continu-
                                                                               “There is no question that
                                                                          digitalization is going to enable          challenges in a start-up style, is quite
optimize our performance and        ing in 2020.                          us to solve problems that in the
more effectively serve our
                                          The main driver for
                                    digitalization at ArcelorMittal is
                                                                          past were not solvable,” said
                                                                          Al Barsophy, chief technology
                                                                                                                     exciting. This is exciting for existing
      Digitalization is defined as
“the use of digital technologies
                                    creating a competitive advantage.
                                    New technologies can help ensure
                                                                          officer, ArcelorMittal USA. “As
                                                                          these technologies mature and
                                                                                                                     employees as well as for new employees.“
and of data (digitized and natively that customers’ product needs         we learn where to apply these                                                                     Aditya Mittal, CFO, ArcelorMittal
digital) to create revenue, improve are met right away. Gathering         powerful problem-solving
business, replace/transform         large amounts of data and             approaches, digitalization will
business processes (not simply      harnessing the power of big           start contributing significantly
digitize them) and create an        data analytics can help us            to our USA bottom line.”

                                                                                                                                                          Rolling out
                                                                                                               As an initial step in beginning the    of digitalization to employees.        He believes there are many
                                                                                                               awareness process of digitaliza-       Such presentations and webinars        potential projects available here
                                                                                                               tion here in the U.S., a steering      were made to create an aware-          in the U.S. Coordinators at each
                                                                                                               committee has been formed to           ness on how key projects can be        operating facility and other USA
                                                                                                               provide oversight on all digitaliza-   implemented within both our            departments are developing lists
                                                                                                               tion activity across our U.S.          operations and even staff areas.       of such project opportunities
                                                                                                               operations. Jim Hendrickson,                “Our approach in the U.S. is      within their areas for implementa-
                                                                                                               division manager, process              we are going to continue to spend      tion consideration. Coordinators
                                                                                                               automation, ArcelorMittal USA,         our resources, whether they be         are also recommending projects
                                                                                                               Jerry Yothment, general manager,       people or money, on projects           already completed in their areas
                                                                                                               I.T., ArcelorMittal USA, and           that are most important to             that fall under digitalization and
                                                                                                               Barsophy, are members of the           our business,” said Hendrickson.       that can be replicated in other
                                                                                                               USA steering committee and             “Our overall objective with the        locations.
                                                                                                               coordinate much of the initial         awareness training was to make               Key problem solvers at
                                                                                                               employee awareness efforts.            key employees aware of the             each location, representing a
                                                                                                                      Hendrickson and Yothment        technologies and then begin to         cross-section of departments,
                                                                                                               are our U.S. representatives as        share project examples that have       will continue to work on and
                                                                                                               part of ArcelorMittal’s Global         been successful elsewhere. If          solve the most significant issues
                                                                                                               Digital Technology Working             such projects have already been        in their areas. They will communi-
                                                                                                               Group. They have spent the             proven successful at other global      cate possible projects that may
                                                                                                               past few years monitoring              locations, we can likely have the      be candidates for digitalization.
                                                                                                               effective digitalization activities    same result here in the U.S.”                “Once a successful project
                                                                                                               at other global segments. In                The objective, according          has been identified and proven,
                                                                                                               recent months, the pair have           to Hendrickson, is to look for         the idea is to standardize that
                                                                                                               spent time at many of our USA          projects that are low risk with        practice across our U.S. opera-
                                                                                                               locations presenting an overview       a high probability for success.        tions,” noted Hendrickson.

                                                                                                                                                          Global R&D playing
                                                                                                                                                          an integral role
                                                                                                               Our Global R&D Center in East          we are embarking on various                   An ArcelorMittal Integrated
                                                                                                               Chicago is playing a vital role in     forms of awareness campaigns           Global Optimization (AMIGO)
                                                                                                               the integration of digitalization.     and providing training relevant to     system in the U.S optimizes
                                                                                                               They are not only working in           digital technologies to both R&D       the management of materials.
                                                                                                               tandem on various projects             and ArcelorMittal USA employ-          The model was already utilized
                                                                                                               with our plant operations, but         ees,” said Chukwulebe. “For            in some ArcelorMittal European
                                                                                                               they are also involved in some         example, we provided a hands-on        facilities and adapted in the U.S.
                                                                                                               of the technical training for our      workshop on machine learning           for multi-plant consolidated
                                                                                                               employees. Some examples of            and are planning to provide other      scrap purchase optimization. The
                                                                                                               specific advanced skills training      trainings on digitalization topics     implementation of the algorithm
                                                                                                               include machine learning,              next year.”                            saved ArcelorMittal $10 million in
                                                                                                               artificial intelligence and                  One example of a significant     its first year, based on the prior
                                                                                                               advanced data analytics.               digitalization project initiative      year’s baseline.
                                                                                                                     Within Global R&D, the           underway at ArcelorMittal                     Many other projects are
                                                                                                               digitalization effort focuses          Burns Harbor is a Clean Energy         either in progress or completed.
A major digitalization initiative underway at ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor is the Clean Energy Smart             on three areas:                        Smart Manufacturing Innovation         They include the use of blast
Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII) project for slabs with fewer defects. Global R&D in East           - digital laboratory management        Institute (CESMII) project             furnace above burden I.R. cameras
Chicago, in collaboration with CESMII (a DOE co-sponsored program), several university partners and            - digital product development          for slabs with fewer defects.          (ABirC) in our iron-producing
private businesses, is working with Burns Harbor employees toward improved quality and reliability to          - industrial process digitalization    Global R&D in East Chicago, in         operations; digital control of coil
achieve slabs with fewer defects through the implementation of smart manufacturing technologies in                   Bernard Chukwulebe, group        collaboration with CESMII (a           gauge variability at Cleveland
continuous casting.                                                                                            manager, processing and control,       DOE co-sponsored program),             hot-dip coating lines; auto-detec-
                                                                                                               process research, Global R&D,          several university partners and        tion and classification of reheated
                                                                                                               serves as the Global R&D               private businesses, is working with    slab defects at Burns Harbor
                                                                                                               digitalization coordinator and         Burns Harbor employees toward          and Cleveland roughing stands;
                                                                                                               R&D representative to the USA          improved quality and reliability to    smart EMF for liquid level
                                                                                                               digitalization coordinators team.      achieve slabs with fewer defects       detection at Indiana Harbor
                                                                                                                     “To rapidly develop a            through the implementation of          blast furnace; the global product
                                                                                                               digital-ready workforce and            smart manufacturing technolo-          quality system (GPQS) rollout at
                                                                                                               digital workplace culture in R&D,      gies in continuous casting.            Indiana Harbor among others.

                                                                                                                                                          3D printing
                                                                                                                                                          and the future
                                                                                                               While 3D printing is hardly new        already use this type of digitaliza-   focus on looking at those
                                                                                                               technology, it could provide           tion technology and there appears      possibilities, along with what
                                                                                                               significant cost and time-saving       to be great potential for its          has been proven successful in
                                                                                                               benefits for our operations. A         application in the steel industry.     other locations. One of the great
                                                                                                               small team here in the U.S., with            “Our objective in the U.S. is    benefits of being part of a global
                                                                                                               a representative from each of          to identify some of the benefits       organization is that we can tap
                                                                                                               three integrated facilities, will      and successes that some locations      into that knowledge and share in
                                                                                                               examine the possibilities for our      had already regarding digitaliza-      those resources and successes.”
                                                                                                               operations. Imagine being able         tion,” added Hendrickson. “There’s
Live display of the liquid level and the hearth hot metal temperature updated every minute by the              to print spare parts on demand.        a lot of potential in this vast area
SmartEMF model.                                                                                                Aerospace industries, for example,     called digitalization. We will
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
6    1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine                                           1 | ArcelorMittal USA | March/April 2020

Do you have a twin? Ours is a real problem solver!
Summer Paris

Imagine you could create a virtual
copy of yourself, a digital “twin”
designed to look and behave
exactly as you do, but it lives on
a computer, not in the real world.
Imagine that you could test
out specific scenarios with the
virtual version of yourself before
deciding to take action in real life.
      It might sound like science
fiction, but the process and
controls group at ArcelorMittal’s
research and development (R&D)
center in East Chicago is using the
concept of “digital twinning” to
improve ArcelorMittal’s manufac-
turing processes. The digital
twins that R&D creates are virtual
copies of equipment and systems
and they can simulate an endless
number of “what if” scenarios in
order to make smart choices.
      Bill Umlauf, principal scientist,
explained: “Typically, a plant
presents us with a problem. It
could be a process issue or a
challenge related to developing
a new advanced high strength
steel grade. We work with them
to understand the physics of              would be costly, time-consuming       It’s extremely powerful.”                     “Nobody gets mad and it
their plant and use that data to          or dangerous to test in the                  “For any problem, our goal       doesn’t cost any money if we
create a digital copy, a virtual
twin that is as close to the real
thing as possible.”
                                          physical world are analyzed.
                                          Umlauf compared this process
                                          to using the “what-If” formulas
                                                                                is always to find and prove the
                                                                                solution in the digital world first,”
                                                                                said Dr. Meysam Ghanavati,
                                                                                                                        break something in a virtual mill.
                                                                                                                        We are free to test any unconven-
                                                                                                                        tional ideas,” lead engineer Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                Digital twinning
      Then simulations of
real-world problems are run with
the digital twin and things that
                                          in Excel, “except we’re doing it
                                          with very large, dynamic models,
                                          not just a simple spreadsheet.
                                                                                research engineer. “Because
                                                                                it’s virtual, we can play with it
                                                                                and consider all the scenarios.”
                                                                                                                        Johnny Brannbacka elaborated.
                                                                                                                              There are other benefits,
                                                                                                                        too, according to lead engineer Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                success stories
                                                                                                                        Oscar Lanzi III: “We can look inside    Controlling for quality at            tandem mill, gauge deviations
                                                                                                                        the process as we run simulations,      ArcelorMittal Cleveland’s             have significantly improved.
                                                                                                                        almost like the x-ray vision            tandem mill
                                                                                                                        you used to see in old cartoons.        When a coil of steel exits the hot    Dynamic simulation of
                                                                                                                        Because of this, we can design          strip mill, it might look cool to     batch annealing processes
                                                                                                                        a process from the inside-out.”         the naked eye, but it is actually     at AM/NS Calvert and
                                                                                                                              Once a solution is tested         still hotter than 1000 degrees        Indiana Harbor
                                                                                                                        and proven in the offline model,        Fahrenheit! As the steel cools        Once a digital twin has been
                                                                                                                        the team then works with the            down in the open air, the top         developed, it can prove useful
                                                                                                                        plant to deploy the solution in         of the coil cools faster than         in new and wide-reaching
                                                                                                                        the actual process.                     the rest. For specific advanced       ways. Many of our facilities
                                                                                                                              “It’s very collaborative,         high strength steel grades, the       run batch annealing processes,
                                                                                                                        and we are fortunate to partner         sections that cool more quickly       for example, which involves
                                                                                                                        with such talented and committed        at the top get harder than the        controlled heating and cooling
                                                                                                                        colleagues at our plants,” Umlauf       sections that cool more slowly.       of steel. Dr. Oscar Lanzi III, lead
                                                                                                                        explained.                              This causes problems in the           engineer with the R&D process
                                                                                                                              “We can create all the models     next part of the cold rolling         and controls group, explained
                                                                                                                        in the world, but they are only         process at the tandem mill,           how they built a robust offline
                                                                                                                        really valuable when our partners       resulting in “gauge variability”      model to simulate the batch
                                                                                                                        in the plants can directly apply        in the steel, a serious quality       annealing process:
                                                                                                                        the solutions in a real manufactur-     issue in which the steel coil               “The digital twin has been
                                                                                                                        ing environment. Teamwork               does not have a consistent            used at the AM/NS Calvert
                                                                                                                        and human collaboration are just        thickness.                            facility to design annealing
                                                                                                                        as important to success as the                 To address this problem,       practices for brand new
                                                                                                                        advanced digital tools we use.”         engineers created a digital twin      advanced high strength steel
                                                                                                                              Ghanavati noted, “The             of the tandem mill and used it        products. Likewise, we have
                                                                                                                        culture at R&D is to push forward,      to test an entirely new method        used the model to design
                                                                                                                        to continuously improve. We are         for handling these periodic           criteria for complete cooling
                                                                                                                        always thinking about how we will       variations in the steel’s hardness.   of annealing bases at our Indiana
R&D’s process and controls group poses before an example of a coil heat map generated by a batch                        solve future problems.”                 Because of these new methods          Harbor facility and to verify a
anneal simulator they developed. From left to right, Dr. Oscar Lanzi III, Dr. Johnny Brannbacka, Bill Umlauf                                                    at ArcelorMittal Cleveland’s          vendor’s cooling model.”
and Dr. Meysam Ghanavati.                                                                                     

    >    Innovation

Human innovation and artificial intelligence improve quality
                                                Historically, a few slabs       human brain or eliminate the            engineer at Cleveland’s hot            word these days. But we’ve been        department, the system’s data
Summer Paris                              would be set aside each month         importance of human intelligence        mill, knows this firsthand. “The       working to continuously improve        has also been used by Yong Lee
                                          to cool and then be visually          and work. But in this project,          automated inspection system            our product quality and opera-         and Kurt Johnson in R&D, as well
                                          inspected by a person trained         humans play a vital role. I call it     alerts us to an issue and then         tional efficiency for a very long      as many experts at the plants,
ArcelorMittal USA’s hot strip             to look for furnace tears.            ‘collective intelligence.’ Collective   provides a lot of useful data.         time, and this is just another step    to deeply study pusher reheating
mills are combining artificial                  “It was an extremely crude      intelligence is more powerful           Then it’s our job to decide            in that journey.”                      furnace operations. With Al
intelligence (AI) and human               process, very time consuming,         than either humans or computer          what to do with that data and                After the first deployment       Barsophy’s CTO leadership,
innovation to supply higher               and it was not very effective in      systems alone because it                how to prepare for necessary           of the R2 camera system at             project teams continue to
quality steel to customers.               helping us evaluate if there was      combines the unique attributes          maintenance on the furnace.”           Indiana Harbor, led in partnership     improve the system.
      The goal is to use the tools        a real problem in the furnace         of both,” according to Zhang.                 Poplawski agreed:                with James Chapko and Larry
of digitalization to reduce a             with potential to cause serious             Rick Schwachenwald, senior        “Digitalization is sort of a buzz      Gansho from the plant quality
specific quality issue, called a          defects,” said Tom Poplawski,
furnace tear defect. This defect          hot mill operating manager at
is a small tear that is scratched         ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor.                                                                          Hot Strip Mill
into the bottom surface of a steel              Today, the automated
slab as it comes out of a hot mill’s      system replaces and improves
                                                                                      Furnace                 Scale                                                                                              Water
pusher reheat furnace. A furnace          upon this manual process,
                                                                                                                                  Roughing                              Descale                                  Sprays
tear may start small but can              offering numerous advantages,                                      Breaker                                                    Sprays
become more serious if it is rolled       including freeing up personnel’s                                                         Stands
deeper into the steel, entrapping         time for more valuable activities.
scale and causing a lamination                  Here’s how it works: An
that would be unacceptable to             infrared camera is programmed
the customer.                             to “see” furnace tear defects                                                                                            Crop
      “We have invented an                scans the bottom surface of every                                        Descale                                                              Finishing
automated surface inspection              slab and to “look” for abnormali-
                                                                                                                                                                  Shear                  Stands                                Coiler
system that uses specialized              ties. When it detects a defect, it
camera equipment and machine              runs through a custom software
learning to detect and classify           package developed by Zhang and
furnace tear defects. Using the           the project team. The software
power of AI, we can do this in            uses a machine-learning algorithm
near real-time, empowering                to analyze and classify the defect.
hot mill personnel with the data          Then, if warranted, it automati-
they need to respond quickly              cally creates an alarm to signal           A camera system installed at
and strategically,” explained             the mill operator or process               the hot strip mill is an important
                                                                                     tool in detecting and catching
Dr. Liwei Zhang, lead engineer            expert to take action.
for processing and control at                   “People have a lot of fear           surface quality issues on a steel
ArcelorMittal’s global center             about digitalization and artificial        slab after it is pushed out of the
of research and development               intelligence. They are afraid that         reheat furnace.
(R&D) in East Chicago.                    computer systems will beat the
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
7     1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine                                      1 | ArcelorMittal USA | March/April 2020

Cleveland labs innovate to satisfy evolving customer needs
                                        challenging, new products. To       parts, adding to vehicle strength       of steel, that part has a sheared        ArcelorMittal Cleveland took           expanded to the customer’s
Summer Paris                            meet that need, our internal        and crash-worthiness while              edge that will eventually be             extra steps, in partnership with       specification.
                                        quality systems are evolving too,   removing weight.                        bolted, riveted or welded to             research and development, to                 “We are better equipped
                                        and ArcelorMittal Cleveland has           “The new grades have new          something else on the vehicle.           invest in and develop a more           than ever to support our
As ArcelorMittal invents new            embraced a culture of innovation    testing requirements in addition        The automaker needs to know              precise, consistent and automated      customers in supplying the
steel solutions for our customers       and continuous improvement at       to the tests we normally do,”           that when the part is connected          method using a specially designed      quality products they expect.
and the world, the pace of this         its quality testing labs.           explained Mark Yahraus, process         to the vehicle, the edges won’t          piece of equipment. A punch            The hole expansion tester is
innovation is quickening. Half                Late last year, Cleveland’s   manager, metallurgical testing.         crack. We have introduced a test         presses a hole in a steel sample.      an obvious example. But it is
of the steel grades that exist          hot-dip galvanizing line was              So the Cleveland metallurgi-      to measure that. It’s called a ‘hole     The equipment then slowly              only one part of a larger initiative
today hadn’t even been imagined         upgraded with state-of-the-art      cal lab added new, innovative           expansion test,’ and it measures         stretches or expands the hole          to continuously improve our
a decade ago! In this rapidly           technology to enable the            testing capacity to meet these          how far we can stretch the               by pushing a cone-shaped rod           lab. We have been steadily
changing environment, it is more        production of new multi-phase       requirements and to provide             edge of the steel before it              through it. A precision camera         investing in new equipment
important than ever that our            advanced high strength steels       more and better quality data            cracks or fails.”                        detects the exact moment when          and engaging our people in
customers trust us to supply a          (AHSS) for automotive applica-      to both the internal customer                The hole expansion test is          the edge of the stretching hole        projects to improve safety and
quality product, particularly as        tions. These steel grades will be   (the HDGL) and the end customer         not novel; it’s been used for a          cracks to a 0.1 mm width and           efficiency,” Yahraus said.
they’re asking us to produce            used for critical automotive        (automaker).                            long time in the industry, but           stops the test. It then measures
                                                                                  Yahraus explained: “When          with a very manual process.              the expanded hole diameter and
                                                                            an automaker stamps a part out          Here’s where the innovation lies:        compares the percentage it

    5S method inspires
    everyday innovations
    Buying fancy, high-tech             labs and described the 5S
    equipment isn’t the only            process: “We always start
    way to push innovation. To          with housekeeping and the
    innovate means to “introduce        organization of the space. Since
    something new or different,”        we began, the raw materials
    and the Cleveland quality           lab is already cleaner, more
    labs are using 5S to come up        efficient and more organized,
    with low-tech, but impactful,       and we will continue to make
    innovations. 5S stands for sort,    improvements. Operators who
    set in order, shine, standardize    work in the lab have suggested
    and sustain. The Cleveland          ideas for safer, more ergonomic
    facility operates seven quality     workflows, better lighting,
    labs. Each year, the division       managing noise and more. It
    selects one lab to introduce 5S.    can be hard to break old habits
          “The 5S methodology           and old ways of doing things,
    helps us continue to drive          but this process encourages it.”
    improvement and inspires new,             According to Storrow,
    creative ways of thinking about     the critical ingredient is
    and approaching our work,”          getting everyone engaged
    explained Mark Heflin, manager      with their ideas and buy-in.
    of quality services and delivery    Frank Jasterbowski, quality
    improvement.                        specialist, elaborated: “We
          This year, they are rolling   are all involved and we have
    out 5S in the raw materials         support to implement new
    lab, where quality personnel        ideas. Just because something
    support the iron-producing          was good enough 20 years
    division by providing informa-      ago doesn’t mean we can’t do
    tion about the quality and          better today. Maybe the job of
    characteristics of iron ore         the raw materials lab hasn’t
    and other raw materials.            changed, but our approach
          Clint Storrow oversees        to doing it safely and more
    the chemical and raw materials      efficiently definitely has.”
                                                                            Mark Yahraus demonstrates the new hole expansion tester at ArcelorMittal Cleveland’s metallurgical testing lab.

    >     Quality

Smart manufacturing produces slabs with fewer defects
                                   Chicago and lead principal               These are due to unplanned              model of a real product, process         institute roadmap project to           operations technology, MEU, hot
Jolice Pojeta                      investigator of the project.             turnarounds and product defects         or service that can monitor,             utilize various components             rolling/finishing, USA operations,
                                         The U.S. Department of             or rejects,” adds Bhattacharya.         analyze and improve its perfor-          of digitalization to impact our        USA IT and ArcelorMittal Sistemas
                                   Energy is partially funding the          “R&D developed an in-house              mance. These components impact           bottom line. The company is            are involved with the project.
ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor is      project through a newly estab-           predictive maintenance tool called      the bottom line of our business.         working with three academic            Other downstream departments
implementing smart manufactur- lished institute called the Clean            the caster health monitor. Using        Most importantly, Bhattacharya           partners: Rensselaer Polytechnic       will be included later in the
ing (SM) methodologies aimed       Energy Smart Manufacturing               this tool across multiple locations     says the project enables data as         Institute, Missouri University         project for integrating quality
at producing fewer defects in      Innovation Institute (CESMII).           could result in significant cost        the key manufacturing asset, by          of Science and Technology and          and defect feedback data with
continuous cast slabs.             Its focus is on digitalization/          savings using a smart manufac-          utilizing manufacturing data in a        Purdue University Northwest.           the casting process.
      “This initiative targets     Industry 4.0 (or smart manufac-          turing platform.”                       new way, such as using artificial              “This is not just an umbrella          “Burns Harbor steel
improving steel slab quality and   turing) via smart sensors,                     The project utilizes              intelligence, to solve previously        project with a set of tangible         producing generates and collects
continuous casting productivity.   modeling and simulations,                several critical components of          unsolvable problems.                     deliverables, this is also a           a wealth of data,” adds Alex
The project addresses both yield and digital process control.               digitalization, such as big-data               The initial phase of the          movement within the Burns              Samardzich, manager, operations
and uptime – the top two KPIs of         “The absence of predictive         analytics, IIoT (Industrial Internet    project will use the system              Harbor facility – a movement           technology, steel producing,
the continuous casting process,”   maintenance and real-time quality        of Things), artificial intelligence     (caster health monitor) developed        where the key deliverable is           ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor.
says Dr. Tathagata Bhattacharya, prediction tools increases the             (AI), augmented reality and             by R&D and expand/improve                centered around our people,            “The opportunity that CESMII
lead researcher, process research, overall energy intensity and costs       virtual reality (AR/VR), and digital    the capabilities by integrating          our culture and how we can             will provide is pooling all the
ArcelorMittal Global R&D - East    of the steelmaking process.              twinning. A digital twin is a virtual   new advanced sensors and big             equip our workforce with the           data, along with telemetry that
                                                                                                                    data analytics to include other          knowledge and skills required          is currently generated but not
                                                                                                                    aspects of the casting process           for Industry 4.0,” added               collected, into one platform for
                                                                                                                    such as slab quality.                    Bhattacharya. “Participation           in-depth analysis. The CESMII
                                                                                                                           “Enabling the frictionless        of academic partners will also         team will use big data science to
                                                                                                                    movement of information by               ensure a future pipeline of            improve quality, productivity and
                                                                                                                    breaking data silos and integrating      SM-savvy talent pool that are          develop more robust preventative
                                                                                                                    operations technology (OT) and           prepared to enter the workforce        maintenance programs. Globally,
                                                                                                                    information technology (IT) is the       as highly-skilled professionals        ArcelorMittal has proven the
                                                                                                                    top digitalization challenge that        who are ready to innovate.”            effectiveness of digitization and
                                                                                                                    this project addresses,” according             In addition to Global R&D        big data. We will do the same at
                                                                                                                    to Bhattacharya.                         and the external partners,             Burns Harbor.”
                                                                                                                           ArcelorMittal is the only steel   teams from Burns Harbor steel
                                                                                                                    company that is leading an               producing, process automation,

                                                                                                                      ArcelorMittal Columbus uses coil
                                                                                                                      grading system to aid product quality
                                                                                                                      Inspectors at ArcelorMittal            the defect’s pictures and limited     to grade the coil.
                                                                                                                      Columbus use two systems               past input information.                     This system intends
                                                                                                                      to interact digitally with our              The solution was a coil          to eliminate surface rules
                                                                                                                      products: computers and                grading system through a              subjectivity, addressing with
                                                                                                                      cameras.                               partnership with QuinLogic            precise calculation of the
                                                                                                                            Process control computers        SMS Group. An online tool             percentage of the surface
                                                                                                                      show sales order information           provides critical information to      affected by each defect.
                                                                                                                      on production coils. They allow        inspectors with well-defined                For each end-use, there are
                                                                                                                      inspectors to input data –             business rules. Inspectors can        different thresholds, making coil
                                                                                                                      such as thickness, width, defect       now see important customer            holds more aligned with our
                                                                                                                      codes and comments. A camera           information in a more efficient       business practices.
                                                                                                                      system shows a defect map,             layout. Coil surface defect
                                                                                                                      but inspectors could only see          quality rules enable inspectors
CESMII project flow graphic
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
8   1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine                                       1 | ArcelorMittal USA | March/April 2020

Navy’s USS St. Louis ready for duty, made with our steel!
The next U.S. Navy littoral combat ship – the USS St. Louis (LCS 19) – recently completed the necessary
acceptance trials in preparation for its upcoming commissioning.
                                                                                                                                                    supplies to the military and         highest priority and one that
                                                                                                               Jolice Pojeta                        customers, including Marinette       we strive to continue for many
                                                                                                                                                    Marine, are used to produce a        years to come.”
                                                                                                                                                    variety of vessels.                        With its motto, “Gateway
                                                                                                               ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor and             “Shipbuilding is a long,       to Freedom,” the USS St. Louis
                                                                                                               ArcelorMittal Conshohocken           complex process and Marinette        will have a core crew of 50 but
                                                                                                               provided shipbuilding and            Marine expects their suppliers to:   could handle about 100. It will
                                                                                                               military-grade plate products        have material made and delivered     have a top speed of 45 knots,
                                                                                                               for the production of the ship.      on-time to meet production           which equates to about 52
                                                                                                                     The vessel is a Freedom-       schedules; provide material that     miles-per-hour. The ship will be
                                                                                                               variant LCS, constructed by          meets or exceeds all NAVSEA          able to operate in water of about
                                                                                                               Lockheed Martin, Bethesda,           Technical Publication require-       15 feet deep. Non-LCS Navy ships
                                                                                                               Maryland, and shipbuilder            ments and provide excellent          usually have to operate in at least
                                                                                                               Fincantieri Marinette Marine,        gauge control,” adds Ken Wilson,     20 or 30 feet.
                                                                                                               Marinette, Wisconsin. These          account manager, plate, sales and          The future USS St. Louis (LCS
                                                                                                               Freedom ships specialize in          marketing, ArcelorMittal USA.        19), the seventh military vessel
                                                                                                               antisubmarine, surface and                 “These are not just pieces     to bear the name St. Louis, com-
                                                                                                               mine countermeasure missions.        of steel welded together,” notes     pleted acceptance trials in Lake
                                                                                                               The littoral zone is the part of     Chappell. “In many cases, this is    Michigan last December. Now
                                                                                                               a sea, lake or river that is close   the first and only line of protec-   that trials are complete, the ship
                                                                                                               to the shore.                        tion for our military men and        will undergo final outfitting and
                                                                                                                     “ArcelorMittal supplies a      women. When we send our              fine-tuning before delivery to the
                                                                                                               highly specialized product used      products to our customers,           U.S. Navy after its commissioning,
                                                                                                               to construct surface ships for       we are confident in the quality      planned for the spring of 2020.
                                                                                                               the U.S. Navy that are used by       and would be willing to put our            Following delivery and
                                                                                                               servicemen and women around          families onboard, knowing they       commissioning, LCS 19 will
                                                                                                               the world to defend our great        will be protected by our armor.”     sail to Florida to be homeported
                                                                                                               nation, our allies and interests           Marinette Marine has           in Mayport with sister ships
                                                                                                               around the globe,” says Cory         been a longstanding customer of      USS Milwaukee (LCS 5), USS
                                                                                                               Chappell, operations manager,        ArcelorMittal and its predecessor    Detroit (LCS 7), USS Little Rock
                                                                                                               Eastern Plate, ArcelorMittal USA.    companies.                           (LCS 9), USS Sioux City (LCS 11),
                                                                                                               “Our employees can feel proud              “We’ve worked together for     USS Wichita (LCS 13), USS Billings
                                                                                                               knowing that our specialty plate     many years to supply world-class     (LCS 15) and USS Indianapolis
The USS St. Louis (LCS 19) is the latest littoral combat ship built with ArcelorMittal plate by Lockheed       products play a critical role in     products to the greatest navy in     (LCS 17).
Martin and ArcelorMittal customer Fincantieri Marinette Marine. The ship recently completed its                contributing to the defense of       the world,” adds Chappell. “We
acceptance trials in Lake Michigan and is expected to be commissioned and become part of the                   democracy around the world.”         value this relationship with the
U.S. Navy fleet this spring.                                                                                         The products ArcelorMittal

    >   This is us

Lucas Oil Stadium built with ArcelorMittal steel
Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis is not
only the home of the Indianapolis Colts
football team, it’s also a source of pride
for ArcelorMittal. The stadium was
built with about 16,000 tons of our
steel at a total cost of $720 million!
      The state-of-the-art facility
opened in time for the 2008 football
season. It has seating for 67,000
cheering fans and a retractable roof
to accommodate any changes in
weather conditions. It has been
the site of the Big Ten Football
Championship Game since 2011,
as well as Super Bowl XLIV and the
NCAA Men’s Final Four Basketball
Championships in 2010 and 2015.
      The stadium also hosts concerts,
conventions, trade shows and other
amateur sporting events. It’s seven
levels cover some 1.8 million square
feet and welcome nearly one million
visitors each year.                        Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the Indianapolis Colts football team and the Big Ten Football Championship, was built with ArcelorMittal steel.

    >   Our steel in sports

The home team would
be nowhere without us!
Did you know that ArcelorMittal supplies steel
to major NFL stadiums? You can cheer for your
team while seeing how the steel our team makes
at the stadiums of these teams: Los Angeles Rams,
Los Angeles Chargers, Houston Texans, Dallas
Cowboys, Indianapolis Colts, Arizona Cardinals,
Minnesota Vikings & Atlanta Falcons!
John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ... John Brett: A challenging market environment - ArcelorMittal ...
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