+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...

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+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...
Issue 10 | 2013

+ Northern Cape
 A South African Business Events Gem

+ Temporary Structures
 Showcase Events ‘Outside the Box’

+ Top 15 Business Travel Markets
 Emerging Markets Grow
+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...
+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...
16                                  24                                                 26

Cover: Northern Cape Tourism Authority
Tel: +27 53 833 1434

Publisher: Lance Gibbons
Executive Editor: Maya Kulycky                                        Top 15 Business Travel Markets                                             02

Manager, Special Projects: Taryn Fowler                               Africa Goes to IMEX America                                                04

Key Account Manager (SA):
                                                                      Industry Meets to Discuss Digital Trends                                   05
Nina Zani
Nina@theevent.co.za                                                   Loeries Creative Week 2013                                                 06
Sales Manager (Outside SA):
Shaun Ross
                                                                      SETE Puts Sporting Events in the Spotlight                                 08

Head of Design:
                                                                      Strong Meetings Growth for International Associations in 2014              10
Jess Novotná
jess@filmeventmedia.co.za                                             Zambia and Zimbabwe Gain Exposure from UNWTO                               12
Editorial and Design Co-ordinator:
Danielle Illman
                                                                      Event Greening Forum: A Greener Festival Awards                            14
                                                                      Temporary Structures Showcase Events ‘Outside the Box’                     16
57 2nd Avenue, Harfield Village, Claremont
7708, Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 674 0646                                                  Zimbabwe Welcoming the World                                               24
                                                                      Sanganai/ Hlangani 2013: Expect to be Bigger and Better                    26
                                                                      Northern Cape: A South African Business Events Gem                         28
Opinions expressed in The Event do not necessarily represent          Events                                                                     32
the official viewpoint of the editor or the publisher, while
inclusion of adverts/advertising features does not imply
endorsement of any business, product or service. Copyright            Industry Moves                                                             34
of this material is reserved. While every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
publication, The Event and/or its employees may not be held
                                                                      Associations                                                               36
liable or responsible for any act or ommission committed
by any person, including a juristic person, referred to in this       Opportunities                                                              38
publication. It and they furthermore accept(s) no responsibility
for any liability arising out of any reliance that a reader of this
publication places on the contents of this publication.
                                                                      Product Showcase                                                           39

Join us                                                               Directory                                                                  40

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+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...

Top 15
Business Travel Markets

T                                                                                                         “
           he latest instalment of the GBTA          countries in the Asia Pacific and Latin America
           BTI™ Outlook - Annual Global              regions - will permanently reshape the business              The report, which
           Report & Forecast, sponsored by           travel landscape.
                                                                                                                  details travel
           Visa, Inc., lists the top 15 business         “Travel is indispensable to trade, commerce
travel markets in the world. It also forecasts       and business expansion in a global economy,”                 spending in 75
global business travel spending – which is           said Michael W. McCormick, GBTA executive
expected to rise throughout 2013 and continue        director and COO. “This report shows that                    countries, along
its ascent over the next several years. The          new opportunities are opening up in markets
                                                                                                                  with the top
report also reflects a rapidly changing global       around the world for companies willing to
order in which emerging market strength is           invest in business travel to drive growth. It also           industries, economic
set to change the business travel landscape.         serves as yet another wake-up call for the U.S.
    Global spending on business travel is            and Europe to improve aging infrastructure,                  factors and
forecast to reach $1.12 trillion in 2013, a          establish fiscal order and stay competitive,
                                                                                                                  characteristics that
5.4% increase from 2012, with travel spend           because emerging economies are increasingly
stabilizing after a year rocked by worldwide         focused on meeting their own fast-growing                    influence business
economic and political uncertainty.                  business travel needs.”
    Steady business travel spending in the               While it is clear that business travel                   travel, finds that
second half of 2013 is expected to lay the           spending is expected to grow across the
                                                                                                                  developing markets
foundation for 8.2% growth in 2014, followed         globe, the report says that BRIC nations can
by 7.6%, 7.2% and 7.1% growth in 2015, 2016          generally expect to see much stronger growth                 around the world …
and 2017 respectively.                               in business travel spending compared with
    The report, which details travel spending        more established markets like the U.S. and                   will permanently     “
in 75 countries, along with the top industries,      Western Europe. (The one exception among
                                                                                                                  reshape the business
economic factors and characteristics that            the BRIC nations is Brazil, where robust
influence business travel, finds that developing     growth in 2013 and 2014 is expected to slow in               travel landscape.
markets around the world - particularly              the following years.)

 Country                                             2012 Total Spending                                  Percentage Growth vs. 2011
 United States                                       $262 billion                                         4.4%
 China                                               $196 billion                                         13.2%
 Japan                                               $65.2 billion                                        -1.2%
 Germany                                             $50.5 billion                                        1.1%
 United Kingdom                                      $40.2 billion                                        0.1%
 France                                              $35.7 billion                                        -2.1%
 Italy                                               $32.7 billion                                        -7.5%
 South Korea                                         $30.5 billion                                        2.8%
 Brazil                                              $30.1 billion                                        9.3%
 India                                               $22.1 billion                                        5.8%
 Canada                                              $22.0 billion                                        1.4%
 Australia                                           $21.1 billion                                        2.8%
 Russia                                              $20.4 billion                                        2.6%
 Spain                                               $17.9 billion                                        -8.0%
 Netherlands                                         $17.8 billion                                        -4.5%

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+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...
+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...

Africa Goes to IMEX
                                                     A: It is important for the SANCB to           to meet and do business with countries
                                                     attend IMEX America to position South         across Africa. This is a continent that’s
                                                     Africa as a premier business events           working in collaboration to offer the very
                                                     destination in a growing market and to        best of its beauty, service-ethic, capability,
                                                     generate leads to reach the targets set for   accessibility and value for money for
                                                     our industry. South Africa and the rest of    business events. We’re organised in Africa
                                                     the region and continent have emerged         and we have the skill and track record that
                                                     as strong and attractive players in global    speaks of success and offers the assurance

                                                     business event hosting, having the track      of excellent, professional, awesome
    MEX America, the US’s largest                    record, capability and ambition to host a     business event delivery.
    domestic and worldwide exhibition                growing number of global business events.
    for the incentive travel, meetings and           IMEX America offers a valuable platform        Q: This year IMEX America’s pre-show
    events industry will be holding its third        and opportunity for our industry to invite    education day has been changed to provide
edition from 15-17 October in Las Vegas,             the larger Americas’ business event           education sessions from the Hospitality
Nevada. The Event spoke to Amanda                    market to “Rise With Us”: to bring their      Sales & Marketing Association International
Kotze-Nhlapo, Executive Manager at the               events to South Africa for a conference or    (HSMAI), the International Special Events
South Africa National Convention Bureau,             meeting that’s not only professionally and    Society (ISES), the Green Meetings Industry
and Mati Nyazema, CEO of Sandton                     excellently organised and delivered, but      Council (GMIC) and Site as well as “deep-
Convention Centre about what African                 that’s also offered in a destination that’s    dives” for meetings business owners with
participants expect from the event.                  accessible with excellent value for money     at least 15 years’ experience. What value do
                                                     and a warm, friendly and hospitable ‘can-     you think these sessions could provide to
                                                     do’ culture.                                  African attendees?

                                                     Q: Do you think it is important for other     A: Naturally, information sharing and
                                                     African countries to attend as well? Why or   networking sessions are always of immense
                                                     why not?                                      value to all delegates. The IMEX pre-show
                                                                                                   education days will be no exception, and
                                                     A: Definitely. The continent is home to       we congratulate the organisers on this new
                                                     seven of the fastest growing economies        format. It gives us a valuable opportunity
                                                     in the world today. Infrastructure            to gain insights from important groups
                                                     development proceeds apace, and Africa        and people in the industry. In keeping
                                                     already has a proud track record in big       up with this world trend, we have also
                                                     event hosting. This gives a scenario that’s   structured Meetings Africa to also begin
                                                     ripe with potential: potential the South      with BOND day - we are a global show that
                                                     African National Convention Bureau is         is on par with global trends. North America
                                                     working hard to harvest for a continent       is a market with an incredible amount of
                                                     that has business event ambitions of a        experience when it comes to business
                                                     global scale, and that’s already making       events. We can certainly benefit from this
                                                     a significant mark in the global sector.      information sharing opportunity. That said,
 Amanda Kotze-Nhlapo
                                                     Meetings Africa is now fully committed to     our experience and contribution to the
                                                     an irrevocable path of being a pan-African    business events industry is growing. The
Amanda Kotze-Nhlapo,                                 exhibition and to put substance to the        election this year of David Sand as global
Executive Manager at the                             claim that the business events offering of     president of SITE (Society for Incentive and
South Africa National                                South Africa in particular and the rest of    Travel Executives) is significant because
Convention Bureau                                    the continent in general is professionally    this is the first time ever that an African
                                                     managed, streamlined, service orientated      has been elected SITE global president and
Q: Why is it important for SANCB to                  and ambitious for growth. It also gives       he will certainly help build South Africa’s
attend IMEX America?                                 global business event buyers one exhibition   reputation at IMEX America.

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+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...
                                                  A: IMEX America is not only an American         education sessions from the Hospitality
                                                  business tourism event but it also brings       Sales & Marketing Association International
                                                  together the global business tourism            (HSMAI), the International Special Events
                                                  community under one roof. This gives the        Society (ISES), the Green Meetings Industry
                                                  SCC the opportunity to showcase what            Council (GMIC) and Site as well as “deep-
                                                  it offers to the international market. This      dives” for meetings business owners with
                                                  event provides the platform to network with     at least 15 years’ experience. What value do
                                                  a host of buyers at a single event thereby      you think these sessions could provide to
                                                  maximising our return on investment (ROI).      African attendees?

                                                  Q:    What do you expect the reception will     A: These educationals provide valuable
                                                  be for African convention centres at IMEX       content in relation to what the international
                                                  America?                                        trends are currently delivering within each
                                                                                                  specific sector. This information allows us
                                                  A: With the focus currently on Africa,          to bench mark our current objectives to
                                                  international exhibitions always ensure that    align with the global agenda.
                                                  there is good representation from venues
                                                  within Africa. International Associations       Q: Is there anything you would like to
Mati Nyazema                                      who have not had any meetings within            add?
                                                  Africa use this exhibition to research and
                                                  review what products Africa has to offer in      A: Investing in trade shows like IMEX
Mati Nyazema, CEO of                              order to secure a meeting on the continent.     assist the SCC in growing as a Brand.
Sandton Convention                                There is always a keen interest in Africa as    These exhibitions are an integral part
Centre                                            it is seen as a “new” frontier for meetings.    of our marketing strategy and continue
                                                                                                  to provide a strong platform for brand
Q: Why is it important for the SCC to             Q: This year IMEX America’s pre-show            awareness thereby ensuring we are top of
attend IMEX America?                              education day has been changed to provide       mind within our target market.

Industry Meets to Discuss
Digital Trends
           he African tourism industry            when it comes to engaging with tourists         (www.southafrica.net with associated in-
           gathered in Cape Town, South           digitally, as it has been utilizing e-tourism   country sites), attracts over 3.2 million online
           Africa recently to discuss how to      marketing for six years.                        visits a year, in 2012 over 200 000 people
           make the most of the digital and          “The online environment has yielded          booked their trips online to South Africa, and
social media ecosystem.                           phenomenal results for our destination,”        South African Tourism’s combined trade and
    The E-Tourism Africa Summit, was              says Nzima. “Our organisation is proud to be    consumer-facing Facebook pages and Twitter
presented by e-Tourism Frontiers in               associated with the E Tourism Africa Summit.    feeds have over 747 000 friends and followers.
partnership with South African Tourism            This event has become a highlight in the            Warrick Godfrey, Client Partner Sub-
- who are globally recognised for their           tourism calendar. It’s exciting to note how     Saharan Africa, Facebook, says over a million
ground-breaking approach to genuine               receptive the South African trade is to using   people use Facebook on a monthly basis
integrated marketing within the travel and        digital to grow their businesses.”              noting, “the power of your friends is one of
tourism sector.                                      Nzima noted that business tourists are       the biggest drivers for hoteliers to get their
    Thulani Nzima, Chief Executive Officer at       even more “sensitive” to digital marketing,     brand ranking.”
South African Tourism told The Event, “You        and are a key audience as they travel               These people and businesses keep track
see a shift in terms of the type of tourism       extensively and share information on where      of what’s happening in South Africa, they
customer that exists today. You have to talk to   they visit with others.                         look out for suggestions of new experiences,
this new customer in the language that they          South Africa’s online sales (via Expedia     and they post stories and share pictures of
understand and use the platform that they         and affiliates) now exceed R770 million           their own South African holiday online for
use.” South Africa is a leader on the continent   annually. The South African Tourism website     others to enjoy.

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+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...

Loeries Creative Week 2013
          ape Town, South Africa became                   “In many ways, the Loeries is a beacon       Congratulations to all the winners!
          a creative hub in September                  of broader industry trends,” says Loeries       AFRICA & MIDDLE EASE - LIVE EVENTS
          as over 4 000 members of the                 CEO Andrew Human.                               Campaign Bronze | First National Bank Namibia/
          brand communication industry                    Film & Event Media hosted the                UEPO, Unlimited Electronic Pricing Option |
met to network, be inspired and educated               Loeries Expo – a creative event featuring       Advantage Y&R | Putpocket
at the Loeries Creative Week.                          activations, giveaways and prizes.              LIVE EVENTS
                                                       Exhibitors included DStv, Unilever, SAA,        Campaign Gold | Volkswagen/VW Corporate |
                                                       Hertz, Woolworths, The SpaceStation,            Ogilvy & Mather Cape Town | Street Quest
                                                       Mediamark, Adams & Adams, Meltwater,            Campaign Silver | Standard Bank/ Joy of Jazz |
                                                       Rocketseed, Chini Africa and Cape Town          TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg | Pigeon
                                                       Tourism. “The expo has exploded this            Jazz
                                                       year with a variety of brands being able        Campaign Bronze | Brandhouse Beverages/
                                                       to activate and market themselves to all        Johnnie Walker Platinum Label | King James
                                                       delegates. Taryn Fowler, the exhibition         Group | 1l Bottle Bottle Store
                                                       organizer, has been working closely with        Campaign Bronze | Audi SA/ Audi A3 Sportback |
Robert Turner Tattoos at the Film Event Media          the exhibitors, driving home creativity and     Ogilvy & Mather Cape Town | #AudiA3Exchange
stand at The Loeries Expo
                                                       out of the box promotions to ensure that        Campaign Bronze | World Wildlife Fund/ Earth
   There were 3 000 entries to the Loerie              creativity at Loeries 2013 is at an all-time    Hour | Ogilvy & Mather Cape Town | Things To
Awards this year, which recognise, reward,             high,” says Film & Event Media CEO Lance        Do In The Dark
and foster creative excellence in brand                Gibbons.                                        Campaign Bronze | Absa/L’Atelier | The Jupiter
communications. This includes honouring                   The following are the winners of the         Drawing Room (South Africa) Johannesburg |
the best events of the year.                           “Live Events” category.                         There is not substitute for Real Experience

CTICC An Unconventional
Convention Centre By CTICC
                                                                                                           It is this flexibility that has resulted in the
                                                                                                       centre playing host to diverse events such
                                                                                                       as Disney on Ice, which saw the exhibition
                                                                                                       halls being converted into an ice rink and
                                                                                                       the Cape Premier Yearling Sale, which saw
                                                                                                       over 300 yearlings being housed in stables
                                                                                                       in the exhibition halls.
                                                                                                           With over 1 000 secure, easily accessible
                                                                                                       on-site parking bays available to visitors,
                                                                                                       parking at the CTICC is never a problem.
CTICC, Gym for Life                                                                                    The centre is also conveniently located

                                                                                                       close to the MyCiti Integrated Rapid Transit
          he Cape Town International                   their families and spectators, two of the       (IRT) route and getting around the city is
          Convention Centre (CTICC) was                centre’s exhibition halls were converted into   convenient and easy.
          the official host venue for the              a full scale competitive gymnasium. With            In addition to our world class
          international 2nd World Gym for              over 10 000m² of dedicated, column-free         amenities, which include easy accessibility
Life Challenge, which took place in July this          space, CTICC provides the ideal backdrop        for people with disabilities, the centre also
year. This event saw international gymnastic           for a diverse array of events. The exhibition   offers complimentary Wi-Fi, 24 hours a day
teams from across 20 countries converge                halls are sub-divisible and can be tailored     to all visitors.
at the CTICC in their quest to be crowned              to meet any and every need – configuring            To find out more on the CTICC and its world
World Gym for Life Champion.                           into separate venues for smaller exhibitions,   class service offerings visit www.cticc.co.za or
    To accommodate the 1500 participants,              banquets or conferences with ease.              call us on 021 410 5000.

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+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...
+ Northern Cape + Temporary Structures + Top 15 Business Travel Markets - A South African Business Events Gem Showcase Events 'Outside the Box' ...

SETE Puts Sporting
Events in the Spotlight

           frica’s sports and tourism
           industries are set to converge on
           Durban, South Africa from 22-24

           October for the third annual
Sports & Events Tourism Exchange (SETE)
                                                             Over 60
2013. SETE brings together industry
leaders for discussions on hosting key                       international
sporting events on the African continent.                                                       Sugen Pillay
We spoke to Sugen Pillay, Business                           buyers especially
Development director of Thebe Exhibitions
                                                             from emerging                      Is the number of
and Projects, which organises SETE, about                                                       attendees from outside of
what is on the agenda this year.                             markets such as                    South Africa expected to
                                                                                                have grown this year?
This is the third annual                                     China and India                    We will be hosting more international
SETE - what are expected                                     are expected to                    buyers than last year and we are expecting
to be the highlights of
this year’s event?
The conference at this year’s event will be
                                                             attend this year’s
                                                                                                a growth in visitor numbers as compared
                                                                                                to last year. The interest globally in SETE is
                                                                                                gaining momentum and with international
debating key issues affecting the growth                      event.                             media partners such as Sports Pro we are
of the industry not just in South Africa but                                                    confident that the increase in awareness
on the continent. The debate about South                                                        of SETE globally will lead to an increase in
Africa hosting the next Summer Olympic                                                          foreign delegates and visitors attending the
Games and/or the Commonwealth Games                How does SETE help                           event in the future.
and other international sports events need         to showcase Africa’s
to be agreed upon at this year’s SETE              experience and expertise                     What Hosted Buyers will
conference. Clarity about the role that local      in hosting and managing                      be attending SETE this
government should be playing in supporting         events?                                      year?
major events and the need to work together         At this year’s conference there is a panel   Over 60 international buyers especially
as a continent to host international               discussion involving key stakeholders        from emerging markets such as China
events are some of the goals of this               representing sports and tourism on           and India are expected to attend this
year’s event. We also hope to make some            the continent to debate the need for         year’s event. These buyers represent
announcements of key international events          a coordinated strategy to grow sports        international sports federations looking
that will be hosted in South Africa from the       tourism on the continent. We have invited    for destinations and venues that have the
buyers that will attend SETE this year.            representatives from key associations        capacity to host their events; sports tour
                                                   and federations representing the interests   operators that have an interest in bringing
                                                   of the sports and tourism industries in      groups of sports tourists to SA; agents
                                                   Africa to participate in this debate, as     that represent national sports federations
                                                   well as Tourism & Sports Ministers from      from northern hemisphere countries that
                                                   countries in Africa that are serious about   will be looking for facilities in SA to use
                                                   sports tourism. We are hopeful that          as training facilities for their athletes; and
                                                   the resolutions adopted at this year’s       international event agencies that have an
                                                   conference will lead to SETE becoming a      interest in hosting their event in SA. We
                                                   platform for promoting sports tourism on     will also be hosting a significant number of
                                                   the African continent resulting in more      local corporate buyers that have an interest
                                                   countries in Africa participating in SETE.   in sport such as sponsors of sport.

08 | T HE EVE NT   w w w . th eev ent. c o . z a

Strong Meetings Growth
for International Associations in 2014
                                                                                                    All of the main indices show a year on
                                                                                                year rise, suggesting a positive forward
                                                                                                forecast despite continued challenging
                                                                                                economic conditions. This trend was
                                                                                                confirmed earlier this year with the
                                                                                                release of the 2012 ICCA rankings for
                                                                                                cities and countries, when ICCA reported
                                                                                                another year of continued strength in the

                                                                                                international association meetings market.
    CCA, the International Congress                                                                 Martin Sirk, ICCA CEO reacted to the

    and Convention Association, says                                                            survey findings, “ICCA has been tracking
    a generally positive performance by                                                         international associations for half a
    association meetings in 2013 has
                                                         All of the main                        century, so we’re absolutely convinced of
created the foundation for significantly                 indices show a                         the long-term dynamism of this market
stronger future growth. This is based on                                                        sector, but obviously the uncertain
a survey carried out by IMEX and ICCA                    year on year rise,                     and volatile financial and economic
amongst the attendees from this year’s                                                          environment of the last five years has
IMEX Association Day in Frankfurt.
                                                         suggesting a positive                  had an impact on delegate numbers and
   The results continue to paint a very                  forward forecast                       sponsorship support for many association
positive picture for this sector in the meetings                                                events. It’s great news to see that the
industry, despite economic pressures.
   Over 32% of the 92 respondents
reported higher attendance for their 2013
                                                         despite continued “
                                                         challenging economic
                                                                                                sector has regained its optimism, and
                                                                                                we anticipate that associations will
                                                                                                become increasingly important in every
events than in previous years (4% more                   conditions.                            destination’s meetings mix.”
than in 2012 and 2011), 37% indicated no                                                            Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group
change (compared to 38% in 2012), 24%                                                           said, “We have been tracking and working
reported slight reductions (compared to            Positive Future Projected                    closely with the association sector,
31% in 2012) and fewer than 7% reported a          Almost 30% of associations will be running   together with ICCA, for over 10 years, and
“significant” fall in numbers (compared to         more meetings in 2014 than in 2013           even through the economic turbulence of
3% in 2012).                                       (compared to 22% in 2012), while fewer       the past few years, the sector has remained
   When asked if the continued global              than 7% plan to organise fewer meetings      resilient and cautiously optimistic. It is
economic turbulence had any negative               (this percentage was 11% in 2012). Almost    good to see the sector continuing this
impact on their association and/or events          47% are projecting higher attendances        upward trajectory and beginning to display
in 2013, almost 57% answered “yes”.                than in previous year (40% in 2012),         a slightly stronger confidence level. For our
When this question was asked in 2012 this          compared to almost 9% who expect their       exhibitors and for the meetings industry as
percentage was almost 60%.                         delegate numbers to fall (10% in 2012).      a whole, this is great news.”
                                                   into Reality                                                               By Complete Exhibitions

                                                   innovation is a competitive edge. Being able to          expectations and the actual delivery”.
                                                   present new ideas at the proposal stage and                 Clients are always looking for that added
                                                   in the follow-up conceptualisation stage is an           touch, that ‘something’ that gives their

                                                   essential competency for the event organiser             event the edge. For example this year’s
          o enhance the experience for an          and service supplier. It is a competitive sphere,        annual banquet can be hosted anywhere
          event attendee, there is constant        where budget is important, but not necessarily           within a glass roofed and sided marquee,
          pressure on everyone within an event     the over-riding factor.                                  coupled with professional lighting, thus
          team to ensure that incremental              Dean Gunningham, Director of Compex                  creating the ambience of literally being
developments are implemented from one year         ™ (Complete Exhibitions) says, “what most                hosted under an African Sky – but within a
to another. This ‘raising of the bar’, is driven   clients require from a service provider is the           controlled environment.
by the demand that this year’s event must be       ability to turn imagination into reality”. The
better than the previous one, or indeed when       written brief for an event can never encompass
compared with a client’s competitors event.        all aspects of the event. Project briefs can at
Never far from the mind of an organiser is the     best be indicative of the event’s skeleton. The
knowledge that next year’s event will again have   flesh, however, is added by the event team lead
to surpass the current one.                        by an organiser and underpinned by the service
    Organisers and service providers must          provider. Dean says, “that is why it is important
therefore be on a relentless curve of improving    the project team, including the client, is an
performance and innovation in both products        integral working mechanism that ensures that
and services. Their ability to deliver such        a gap does not develop between the client’s

                                                                                      Telephone + 27 11 779 0000 | Facsimile + 27 11 779 0001 | Email scc.info@tsogosun.com

Zambia and Zimbabwe Gain
Exposure from UNWTO
                                                                                                 “       Zambia, in particular,
                                                                                                         is hoping that
                                                                                                         the international
                                                                                                         exposure strengthens
Performance during the Opening Ceremony
                                                 Sylvia Masebo, Zambian Minister of Tourism,
                                                 and Bob Sichinga                                        its bid to host the
                                                                                                         2019 Africa Cup

            ambia and Zimbabwe recently co-     Associate UNWTO Members, Affiliate
            hosted the 20th UNWTO General       Members, and representatives of other                    of Nations, as the
            Assembly in Livingstone and         international organizations.
            Victoria Falls, touting the event       “This Assembly is a timely opportunity
                                                                                                         General Assembly
as “Two Countries One Destination”.
    The aim, in addition to hosting a
successful international conference, was to
                                                for all of us to continue along an
                                                encouraging path to drive tourism towards
                                                its fullest potential in fostering sustainable
                                                                                                         demonstrates its
                                                                                                         ability to host high-
raise the tourism profile of the two nations.   economic growth, jobs and development
    The Times of Zambia reports that about      and what better backdrop to do so than
                                                                                                         profile events.
2 000 people attended the conference, some      here in Africa, a region where we believe
of whom had never been to the region. The       tourism can be a true force for good”, said      on all UNWTO Members and the global
event could, therefore, lead to increased       UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.            tourism community to examine how best
international tourism visits to the countries       The General Assembly comes at a              to contribute to sustainable development.”
and improved earnings from the tourism          time when the wider economic impact                  Closer coordination between tourism
sector. Zambia, in particular, is hoping that   of tourism growth is in the spotlight            and air transport policies was in the
the international exposure strengthens its      internationally.                                 spotlight at the event with delegates
bid to host the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations,         UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon             stating that too often these interlinked
as the General Assembly demonstrates its        greeted the participants in a video              sectors are disassociated. The UNWTO
ability to host high-profile events.            message. “Tourism is an undisputed               stated that “Issues such as visa facilitation,
    The General Assembly is the main            generator of national wealth, corporate          the need to make airports more visitor
statutory meeting of UNWTO and                  income and local employment. Managed             friendly, taxation, open skies and the
is the most important gathering of              sustainably, it can benefit people and           impact of low cost airlines were among the
senior tourism officials and high-level           planet alike,” he said addressing the            issues in debate.” More than one billion
representatives from around the world. It       Assembly. “As we work to achieve the             tourists crossed international borders
is held every two years, and is attended        Millennium Development Goals and define          during 2012, over half of who travelled by
by delegations representing Full and            a post-2015 development agenda, I call           air to their destinations.
Tshwane Event Centre
for World-Class Events                                                        by Tshwane Events Centre

                                                                                                  be charged separately. Only accredited
                                                                                                  services providers will be allowed to
                                                                                                  operate as security at the venue.
                                                                                                      All these services are offered to the
                                                                                                  client at a competitive rate, should you
                                                                                                  confirm and pay deposit for a block or bulk
                                                                                                  booking a 10% discount can be negotiated.
                                                                                                      Early bird payments are rewarded too
                                                                                                  and a further 5% is granted should the full
                                                                                                  rental bill be paid one month in advance to
                                                                                                  the event.

                                                                                                  Turnkey Services
                                                                                                  The Tshwane Events Centre offers more
                                                                                                  than just rental space. We offer a full
                                                                                                  turnkey offering which encompasses
                                                                                                  everything from logistics such as staging,
                                                                                                  décor, and furniture to health and safety

                                                                                                  planning as well as accreditation, catering
            he Tshwane Events Centre, an 82      is over 40 000 sq meters undercover with         and any other services you may require.
            000 sq meter facility brimming       a further 42 000 sq meters available for         No job is too big, small or unusual for us
            with endless possibilities for       outside functions, marquees or parking.          to handle.
            any event organiser, and the             The Conference Centre is ideal for              We ensure our clients that the Centre
sheer versatility of the venue’s numerous        breakaway facilities, plenary and VIP            only uses accredited tried and trusted
facilities, allows for a truly unique event      holding facilities. Situated in the middle of    suppliers. In addition we also negotiate the
very few other venues can match.                 the Centre it is well positioned to serve this   best prices for you on your behalf.
    In addition, thanks to the highly flexible   function well.
nature of the venue in terms of service              A benefit of our halls is that they are      In Conclusion
providers, and what is allowed during an         extremely versatile to be configured with a      Versatility and freedom to create a truly
event, our venue is a blank canvass waiting      look and feel in line with the theme of your     memorable event are the key traits of The
to be painted in vibrancy, energy and colour     event. They are essentially a blank canvass      Tshwane Events Centre. The Tshwane Events
with each and every unique event hosted.         that you, the artist, can fill, and the only     Centre also offers a complete turnkey
    The personalised service the Tshwane         limiting factor is your imagination.             service relieving the organiser from the
Events Centre team offers clients focuses on                                                      normal stresses and strains of acquiring
one-on-one interaction, and each assigned        Rental Prices                                    quality service providers within budget,
account manager becomes a valuable asset         The Tshwane Events Centre offers some            allowing the organiser to focus and service
in the client’s production team.                 of the most competitive rental prices in         their own clients safe in knowing the
    Each client is assigned an account           the market. Rental prices always include         logistics are being taken care of by a highly
manager who will be your point-of-contact        standby technical support for electrical and     proficient and professional team.
throughout your interaction with the Centre.     plumbing as well as medical services in
    Our account managers are well versed         accordance with the Events Safety Bill of
in numerous high-level government and            2010. Cleaning services and consumables
private sector conferencing and exhibitions      are also included.
and will be on-hand throughout the                   There will be a small security
process offering advice and assisting you        attachment deployed for your function
wherever possible.                               which is included in the price. Their main
                                                 function is to ensure that guests’ vehicles
The Venue                                        are secure in the parking lot, assist guests
The Centre has nine exhibition halls and a       and assist with traffic flow. Should you
conference facility, the total space on offer    require more security detail this would

                                                                                                       www.t heevent .co.za T HE EV EN T   | 13

A Greener Festival Awards
Come to South Africa

                                                                                            “       The Event Greening
                                                                                                    Forum will be the local
                                                                                                    representative for AGF,
                                                                                                    promoting the awards
                                                                                                    and their judging             “
                                                                                                    criteria to the South
                                                                                                    African industry.

           he Event Greening Forum has           gain access to AGF’s intellectual property
           signed a collaborative deal with      and materials, which will benefit local
           UK-based organisation A Greener       Event Greening Forum members.
           Festival (AGF), to promote its            The purpose of the Event Greening Forum
AGF Awards to the South African music            is to promote sustainable event practices in
festival and outdoor events market.              South Africa. Thus far it has focused on the
   These awards were launched in 2006 and        business events sector. The collaboration
have now been successfully implemented in        with the AGF signals a move into public
the United Kingdom, Europe, North America        events like outdoor music festivals.
and Australia. Last year, Rocking the Daisies        The Vice Chairperson of the Event Greening
was the first South African music festival       Forum, Grace Stead, says, “There is a great
to be acknowledged by the awards with a          synergy between the Event Greening Forum
Highly Commended Award.                          and A Greener Festival, in terms of what we
   The Event Greening Forum will be the          are trying to achieve and how. Last year the
local representative for AGF, promoting the      Event Greening Forum drafted the EXSA Green
awards and their judging criteria to the South   Stand and Green Show awards, and both
African industry. The South African award        organisations promote a green philosophy of      For more information on these awards,
applications will be administered locally by     environmental sustainability along with social   contact Grace Stead on +27 21 788 6538 or
the Event Greening Forum and judged by the       upliftment and economic sustainability. It is    capetown@eventgreening.co.za.
AGF committee based in the UK.                   only the type of event we have chosen to focus   Alternatively, visit www.eventgreening.co.za
   The Event Greening Forum will also            on which has - so far - been different. ”        or www.agreenerfestival.com

14 | T HE E VENT   w w w . theev ent. c o . za
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               For Advertising Please Contact
Jardin Roestorff 021 674 0646 Or jardin@filmeventmedia.co.za

Structures                                                                                                              © In2Structures

Showcase Events ‘Outside the Box’
By Lesley Stones

         vent organisers are always looking            Temporary event structures are definitely   Cape Town, South Africa in 2002, which
         for an unusual new venue to give          becoming more popular in South Africa,          developed its trademark Freeform fabric to
         their event an impact even before         and Jodie Cunningham of Gap Factor              meet waterproofing, fireproofing and longevity
         it starts.                                pinpoints three reasons: the generally mild     requirements in various countries. The
    So just like clothes shops and cafes           climate, some of the most picturesque           two-way stretch fabric is 100% waterproof
have started to spring up for a few days           locations in the world, and a market where      and made with super-strong high tenacity
in ‘pop-up’ locations that get everybody           event production companies are continually      yarns. It’s treated with mould inhibitors, UV
talking, events are also ‘popping up’ in           striving to offer their clients new and          protectors, UV absorbers and a Teflon coating
temporary locations.                               exciting opportunities and locations. “The      for dirt repellence. Freeform now has a range
    The hugely popular Madame Zingara’s            current trend sees companies thinking out       of stretch fabrics that are machine washable,
cabaret dinner shows were almost as                of the box when proposing venues to their       and can be made in any colour to match the
memorable for the jewel-like tent they             clients,” Jodie says. “No longer are events     theme of the event. The material can also
were staged in as for the actual show. This        limited to a conventional conference or         be branded with a corporate logo, which
proves how the venue itself can create             function room. The setting of the event         makes the tent itself a valuable décor tool for
ambience and buzz.                                 now becomes part of the décor and event         corporate roadshows or product launches. The
    Several companies specialise in hiring         experience, be it on a city centre rooftop, a   smallest can seat 15 for an intimate dinner,
temporary structures for events. Many are          golf course or in the middle of the bush.”      while the larger tents can accommodate more
specifically designed for African weather              One African invention making its mark       than 300 standing for a cocktail party. However,
conditions, where blazing heat can change          around the word is the stretch tent. The        the tents can be seamlessly linked so the size is
to a tropical storm moments later.                 first were designed by Freeform Tents in        theoretically unlimited.

16 | T HE EVE NT   w w w . th eev ent. c o . z a

                                 “   No longer are
                                     events limited to
                                     a conventional
                                     conference or
                                     function room.
                                     The setting of
                                     the event now
                                     becomes part of
                                     the décor and event
                                     experience, be it
                                     on a city centre
                                     rooftop, a golf       “
                                     course or in the
                                     middle of the bush.
Madame Zingara © Anton de Beer

                                                                                                  © Gap Factor

                                                                                                    weather including ice and snow is a major
                                                                                                    hindrance for outdoor events.
                                                                                                        Louw says you cannot underestimate
                                                                                                    the beauty of these structures or the buzz
                                                                                                    and excitement they create. But perhaps
                                                                                                    the biggest attraction is that they can
                                                                                                    boldly go where no ordinary tent can pitch.
                                                                                                        They take an average of 3-4 hours to
                                                                                                    put up, and in the event of poor weather
                                                                                                    the tent sides are pulled down and interior
                                                                                                    side panels attached along the perimeter
                                                                                                    as additional draft excluders. Entrances are
                                                                                                    minimised and heaters ensure that any air
      © Gap Factor                                                                                  that does enter the tent is heated.
                                                                                                        Jodie of Gap Factor is a big fan of these
    A Freeform tent doesn’t have to be              buildings to becoming an extension of the       stretch tents, and says one of the most
confined to the usual geometric shapes,             interior space. Freeform Tents makes each       memorable temporary structures her
either. The material allows designers to            of its tents in Cape Town and exports them      company ever created was a stretch tent
re-invent the entertaining space by rigging         through agents around the world.                used for the launch of the TBWA building
them from buildings, over terraces, across              South African Carl Louw, who was            in Sandton, Johannesburg. The material
uneven ground including slopes, or to               involved in developing the stretch fabric       was pulled from the top of the building
incorporate features such as trees and              from the start, went on to establish Intent     28m down and used as a screen for an
rocks to create a more magical space. It            Productions in the UK. He introduced the        audio-visual presentation. “That was quite
can also be fixed to existing structures like       Freeform Stretch Tent to the UK, where bad      a feat,” she says.

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© Gap Factor

    Another memorable structure the Gap             that the construction time, transport and       solving many of the problems you get with
Factor built was a deck covering 1,000              crew costs are less,” says Jodie.               tents, says Otto Wijnberger, its technical
square meters and ranging in height from                A newer development than the stretch        consultation director.
flat on the ground to 3.5m above ground.            tent, and one that isn’t widespread yet, is         The domes are waterproof and
The platform was covered with stretch               the use of solar panels in fabrics. The Solar   windproof even in severe conditions like
tents on the edge of the Victoria Falls.            Cloth Company in the UK has developed a         winds of 120km/h. Yet they are still very
    Such unusual projects and working               cover for parking bays that shades vehicles,    portable and the smallest version, the
conditions are best met by stretch tents,           generates electricity and runs the security     Midi-Dome, packs up small enough to fit
which are among the most versatile                  cameras. One day, perhaps, the material         into cargo containers for flying to remote
covering solutions on the market. They can          may be used to create tents that will keep      locations. On site it can be assembled
provide cover in spaces where conventional          people warm and operate the sound and           manually without any cranes or forklifts.
marquees cannot be built, Jodie says.               light systems too.                                  Otto says the domes are popular
    Setting up a temporary structure isn’t              But for all that people love the            because they can be set up on pretty
cheap compared to using a more mundane              flexibility of stretchy material that can       much any location if there is enough
but already existing and fully equipped             go anywhere, it has limitations. Even           reasonably flat land. “La Med at Camps
infrastructure like a hotel or conference           traditional marquees have their downside,       Bay is completely in the open and one
centre, however. Particularly if you choose         most noticeably when the entire structure       of the windiest places, but we put up a
a remote area where you have to bring in            shudders in the sudden winds that can           dome there and it was very novel. We built
all the other crucial peripheral items too,         see a perfect day in South Africa end in a      a little deck at the front for sundowners
like electricity, flooring and toilet units for     raging storm.                                   overlooking Camps Bay,” he says.
the guests. You might have to get local                 The answer to those problems may lie            These load-bearing temporary venues
council approval too.                               in the far more solid yet still temporary       have another advantage over marquees
    But there are ways of keeping it a little       structures produced by In2Structures. The       – the roof has the strength to support
cheaper. “Generally speaking, using a stretch       Johannesburg-based company designs              serious amounts of rigging, lighting
tent instead of a conventional marquee is           and manufactures domes that are made            equipment and projection screens.
usually more cost effective owing to the fact        of steel and fire-retardant tarpaulin,              “Marquees are about 3m high and you

20 | T HE EVE NT    w w w . th eev ent. c o . z a

                                 “   While opting for a
                                     temporary structure
                                     can be expedient,
                                     such as the United
                                     Nations having
                                     domes constructed
                                     in areas where there
                                     are insufficient
                                     structures, often it
                                     comes back to that
                                     generating that
                                     all-important ‘wow’
Madame Zingara © Nicky Coetzee
                                                  can’t hang anything in them, not even a
                                                  projector. With a dome you can climb up to
                                                  put in rigging over the stage,” Otto says.
                                                  They can even take the weight of a car, as
                                                  In2Structures proved with one memorable
                                                  event in a Maxi-Dome, where Corsa cars
                                                  were hung from the roof for unveiling
                                                  during a General Motors launch event.
                                                      The domes are white on the outside but
                                                  black on the inside for a more dramatic
                                                  theatrical effect. That makes them ideal
                                                  for creating blackout conditions during a
                                                  conference or a show. “With a marquee
                                                  the lights from the stage or video screen
                                                  flare back off the white interior so it is still
                                                  exceptionally light inside, but our structures
                                                  seem to disappear completely,” Otto says.
                                                      A large dome erected in a remote
                                                  location can cost around R1-million, so it’s
                                                  rarely the way to go for a one-night stand.
                                                  But for an event like the South African
                                                  Music Awards a dome was perfect. It was
                                                  large enough to accommodate thousands,
                                                  and was hired for three weeks to allow time
                                                  for rehearsals before the show.
© Gap Factor
                                                      “Domes are still very new and at first
                                                  people are shocked at the price, but
                                                  they involve a huge amount of steel and
                                                  comparing a dome with a marquee isn’t a
                                                  fair comparison, Otto says. He argues that
                                                  the price of renting a Midi-Dome compares
                                                  well to the leading marquee brands, and offer
                                                  superior facilities. They have a high domed
                                                  roof and sliding side panels so they can be
                                                  completely enclosed or almost entirely open.
                                                      The smallest version has two half-
                                                  circles that are joined together on site
                                                  to create a dome capable of seating 150
                                                  guests. Sections measuring 4m wide can
                                                  be slotted between the two half-circles
                                                  to make an ever expanding oval. The
                                                  number of sections that can be added
                                                  is theoretically limitless. The company’s
                                                  latest development is the Mega-Dome, a
                                                  60m wide structure with improved load
                                                  capacity and height designed for semi-
                                                  permanent installations.
                                                      In2Structures, which is part of the
                                                  Gearhouse group, is also taking its
                                                  structures into Africa.
                                                      The United Nations (UN) is hiring a
                                                  dome for use in Namibia. It previously
                                                  used marquees, but it needed to hang a
                                                  projection screen in the venue and wanted
                                                  blackout facilities for better viewing quality.
                                                      The UN also recently hosted a

22 | T HE E VENT   w w w . th eev ent. c o . za
conference at Livingstone using a Midi-          the particular event requires.                  significantly on the costs compared
Dome because there were no permanent                 “A regular marquee structure has            to using an existing venue and
conference venues big enough by the              a disadvantage when utilising heavy             infrastructure,” Karen confirms.
Victoria Falls. That confirms that some          technical equipment as the structure                While opting for a temporary structure
parts of Africa suffer from a significant lack   is aluminium, which is light and can’t          can be expedient, such as the United
of large venues suitable for the eventing        take the weight of supporting heavy             Nations having domes constructed in areas
industry. So those that are available charge     equipment,” says Karen. If the client wants     where there are insufficient permanent
a premium, says Karen Ashwin, MD of The          a stage and lighting equipment, or needs        structures, often it comes back to that
Event Production Company.                        projections screens for a conference,           generating that all-important ‘wow’ factor.
    For example, the Mövenpick Hotel             for example, the crew must use ground               Karen says the most amazing venue The
in Ghana charges by the hour for its             trussing to rig the equipment. “On the          Event Production Company over organised
conference facilities. “This lack of large       other hand, a dome structure is made from       was a glass dome on the Grand Parade in Cape
venues on the continent translates into          galvanised steel, which is much stronger        Town for the Samsung Africa Forum 2013.
a situation where events in Africa are           and can bear the weight of lights, audio            Whether the price and the complicated
enormously reliant on utilising marquee          and screens,” Karen says.                       logistics are justified by the impact you
structures. This is also a challenge, as             These temporary structures are              create is not necessarily a given.
there are relatively few suppliers in Africa     expensive and inflate the budget with               “At an event like the Million Dollar Golf
who are able to meet the demand and              additional costs. On top of the cost of         tournament, a double storey marquee will
supply the necessary stock,” she says.           hiring the structure itself comes the cost of   provide a wow factor – in the same way
    Although it is a niche market, the           transport, rigging, flooring, heating or air    that a glass dome for a Gala Dinner will.
suppliers that do operate in this field can      conditioning, and building up and breaking      They are equally impressive, but suited
offer a reasonable variety of structures         down. In other words, all the equipment         to different styles and types of of events.
to choose from. Which model The Event            that a permenent structure either               However, the bottom line remains that
Production Company suggests to its client        automatically has or doesn’t require.           any outdoor event utilising temporary
is very much budget dependent. The choice            “Dependent on the equipment and             structures is more expensive than utilising
also depends on which supporting services        structures required this can impact             an existing venue,” she says.

Welcoming the World
           imbabwe is a landlocked country
           located in southern Africa, between
           the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers.
           It has a thriving business events
industry and recently co-hosted the 20th
session of the World Tourism Organisation
(UNWTO) General Assembly. The General
Assembly was held in Livingstone and
Victoria Falls in the Republics of Zambia and
Zimbabwe. This is only the second time this
global event has been hosted in Africa. The
first time was in Senegal in 2007.

                                                       Flickr © Bayhaus

 Flickr © Jurvetson

24 | T HE E VENT      w w w . t h eev ent. c o . z a

Shutterstock © poppit01

What’s Happening Now                               Elephant Hills Resort Hotel                    Population
Sanganai/Hlanganani – World Travel and             This hotel in Victoria Falls recently hosted   13,182,908 in July 2013 according to the CIA
Tourism Africa Fair                                the UNWTO General Assembly. It is              World Factbook
From 10-12 October, visitors will converge on      situated on a small hill overlooking the
Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, for Sanganai/          Zambezi River, 4km upstream from the           Climate
Hlanganani – World Travel and Tourism Africa       Victoria Falls with advanced conferencing      Zimbabwe’s climate was voted ‘the best
Fair. The expo, which is an annual tourism         amenities for 500 and the only golf course     climate on Earth’ alongside Malta in the
trade fair organized by the Zimbabwe Tourism       in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The resort can    International Living magazine’s 2011 Quality of
Authority (ZTA), showcases a wide variety of       accommodate 552 people in 276 luxury           Life Index ranking 192 countries. The climate
African tourism products, attracts international   bedrooms and 13 recently renovated suites.     is tropical, although markedly moderated by
tourism wholesalers and buyers, visitors and       Each room has views of the Zambezi River       altitude. There is a dry season, including a
the media from across the world.                   and the falls.                                 short cool season during the period May to
                                                                                                  September when the whole country has very
Key Venues                                         Getting to the Zimbabwe                        little rain. The rainy season is typically a time
The Rainbow Towers Hotel and Conference            by Air                                         of heavy rainfall from November to March.
Centre                                             Zimbabwe offers a number of domestic            Temperatures average between 25 and 30
This state of the art facility is located 17       and international airports with many           degrees Celsius in summertime.
km from Harare International Airport and           Zimbabwean airlines as well as other
within walking distance from Harare Central        international airlines operating to domestic   You Need to Know About
Business District. The complex is able             and international destinations. Harare         According to The African Economist,
to host a number of different events and            International Airport is located 11km from     Zimbabwe has an adult literacy rate of 90% –
specializes in conference packages, product        Harare. It is the main international airport   the highest in Africa.
launches, entertainment, and exhibitions. The      of the capital city of Harare and handles
auditorium seats 4 500 people. The facilities      regional and international traffic with one       Did you know?
also include accommodation, restaurants and        international and two domestic airport          Lake Kariba of Zimbabwe, constructed on
bars, in addition to the conference, convention    terminals.                                      River Zambezi, is one of the world’s largest
and meeting facilities.                                                                            manmade lakes in the world.
Harare international Conference Centre

Sanganai/Hlangani 2013
Expected to be Bigger and Better By Zimbabwe Tourism Authority

L                                                         “
       iving up to the billing of its brand name,                                                       many others. The editions have seen the whole
       Sanganai/Hlanganani – World Travel                        The past five                          world converging in Zimbabwe in the form
       and Tourism Africa Fair has proven to                                                            of high calibre international buyers as well as
       be more than a Pan African tourism                   editions of Sanganai/                       exhibitors, hence achieving its main purpose of
showcase. The expo, which is an annual
                                                             Hlanganani were a                          bringing the world to Africa.
tourism trade fair organized by the Zimbabwe                                                                Running under the theme, ‘Celebrating
Tourism Authority (ZTA), will this year again                resounding success                         Africa’s Tourism Diversity’, the 2012 edition
return to the exquisite Harare international                                                            attracted 85 foreign exhibitors and 100
Conference Centre. The sensational fair, which              and attracted leading                       buyers from around the globe. A total of 1230
has continued to grow in stature, showcasing
                                                            African destinations             “          exhibitors occupied 259 stands. This is indeed
the widest variety of Africa’s best tourism                                                             indicative of how the fair has evolved over the
products, attracts international tourism                       and major world                          years as witnessed by the increase in its scope,
wholesalers and buyers, visitors and the media                                                          exhibitor and buyers’ attendance as well as
from across the world.                                        tourism markets.                          space elasticity from 4036sm accommodating
    The Fair is the successor of Shanyai/                                                               746 exhibitors in 2011 to 5090sm
Vakatshani, the Zimbabwe International                   Hlanganani world Travel and Tourism Africa     accommodating 1230 exhibitors in 2012.
Travel Expo (ZITE) that was held annually at             Fair. The past five editions of Sanganai/          The fair will be filled with business and
the Harare International Conference Centre.              Hlanganani were a resounding success and       networking opportunities during exhibition
ZITE started as a small expo in 1982 and                 attracted leading African destinations and     hours and a lively social and cultural
grew over the years to become one of Africa’s            major world tourism markets such as South      programme parallel to the exhibition and
leading tourism showcases by 2007, when it               Africa, Botswana, Malaysia, China, Zambia,     after-hours, providing more opportunities
was revamped and rebranded to Sanganai/                  Malawi, Kenya, Namibia, Indonesia, Italy and   to network.

26 | T HE E VENT        w w w . t h eev ent. c o . z a

Northern Cape
A South African
Business Events Gem
    n 1871, diamond deposits found on a farm
    owned by the De Beers brothers in South
    Africa’s Northern Cape Province led to a
    mad scramble for fame and fortune and
the world’s largest, hand-dug excavation,
the colossal Kimberley Mine or Big Hole. A
city sprung up around the farm and today
Kimberley is a prosperous, thriving metropolis
that complements the Northern Cape’s
unique business events offerings. In addition
to world-class venues for events, the Northern
Cape boasts a wide variety of sights and
activities that make the province an incredibly
versatile travel destination. Wide open
spaces, spectacular scenery and landscapes,
unlimited adventure possibilities, and unique
cultural diversity characterise this business
events gem.                                         Greatstock © SA Tourism

28 | T HE E VENT    w w w . t h eev ent. c o . za

                                          Greatstock © SA Tourism

                                                  “         In addition to world-class venues for events, the
                                                            Northern Cape boasts a wide variety of sights and
                                                            activities that make the province an incredibly
Shutterstock © Erwin Niemand
                                                            versatile travel destination.

What’s Happening Now                              Augrabies Falls National Park                       classified as semi-desert. It scarcely ever rains
12th Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon          The Augrabies Falls National Park covers an         and some areas receive less than 100mm
The Northern Cape is renowned for its             arid area along South Africa’s longest river, the   of annual rainfall. Day temperatures during
extreme adventure activities, including the       Orange River. The Falls attract thousands of        the summer, along the coast, are pleasantly
12th Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon.         visitors every year, particularly when the river    hot after the morning fog banks clear out.
The event takes place from 17-27 October,         floods. Conference facilities of various sizes      Temperatures are far more extreme inland,
presenting a daunting challenge to extreme        are available at the Park’s lodges. Activities      often above 40˚C during the day. In winter the
athletes and determined adventurers.              include 4x4 trails, guided game drives, and         days are warm and evenings can be cold with
Known as the ‘Big Daddy’ in South African         historical exhibitions.                             nightly frosts.
running circles, the Kalahari Augrabies
Extreme Marathon is a self-sufficient run           Getting to the Northern                             You Need to Know About
over seven days, covering an approximate          Cape by Air                                         South African President Jacob Zuma recently
distance of 250 km in the Kalahari                The Northern Cape is highly accessible by           announced the opening of the Northern
Desert. For more information visit: www.          road and rail, as well as a number of small         Cape’s first tertiary institution. The Sol Plaatje
extrememarathons.com                              airports, including Kimberley Airport. This is      University in Kimberley will accommodate a
                                                  the province’s main airport where roughly 63        modest initial intake of 150 students. It is due
Key Venues                                        domestic flights depart from on a weekly basis.     to open its doors in 2014.
Mittah Seperepere Convention Centre               Other popular ways to reach the province are
The Mittah Seperepere Convention Centre is a      the Shosholoza Meyl rail service, several inter-
2500-seat convention centre located opposite      city bus services or by car.
the famous Big Hole mine in the heart of
Kimberley. The facility opened in 2012 and is     Population                                           Did you know?
already popular in the region’s business and      1 145 861 in 2011 according to South Africa Info     The town of Sutherland in the western
meetings industry. The centre has hosted          (www.southafrica.info)                               Roggeveld Mountains is home to the
several international events including the 7th                                                         Southern African Large Telescope (SALT)
International Wildlife Ranching Symposium         Climate                                              - the largest single optical telescope in the
and the Blind Parliament Biannual Conference.     The Northern Cape is a dry, hot region that is       southern hemisphere.

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