JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS

JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS
   END IT.
Brand guidelines
February 2019 — Version 1.0
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS

                   This document defines one of our         10 OUR BRAND UPFRONT       16 BRAND ASSETS                                                  67 TONE OF VOICE
                   most important assets – our brand.
                                                            11   Our brand strategy    17   Brand toolkit           39   Typography                     68   Our writing principles
                   Our brand is the foundation of our       12   Our vision                                         40   Headline typeface              69   Our writing fundamentals
                   thinking, philosophy and what we         13   Our brand narrative   18   Our logo                41   Body copy typeface             70   Watchouts & no-no's
                                                            14   Our boilerplate       19   Primary & secondary     42   Principles                     71   Bringing our voice to life
                   stand for. It is more than simply a
                                                            15   Our strapline         20   Logo colourways         43   Headlines                      72   Communication spectrum
                   logo or symbol, it is the decisions we
                                                                                       21   Sizing & clearspace     44   Headlines & colour             73   The test
                   make and how we present ourselves                                   22   Logo positioning        45   Creative headlines             74   Style guide
                   to the outside world. It is embodied                                24   Logo usage                                                  78   Writing news stories
                   in how we behave, as well as how we                                 25   Using our strapline     46   Photography                    81   Writing blog posts
                   communicate. It is everything we are                                26   Strapline in action     47   Overview
                   and everything we do.                                               27   Watchouts               48   Photography Style              83 BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER
                                                                                                                    49   Photography Content
                                                                                       28   Our symbol              50   Watchouts                      84   A quick recap
                                                                                       29   Sizing & clearspace     51   Leading with photography       85   Communication spectrum
                                                                                       30   Symbol colourways       52   'Hidden' frame                 86   What volume do you need?
                                                                                       31   Symbol usage
                                                                                       32   Symbol & photography    53   Illustration                   87   Best practice
                                                                                       33   Watchouts               54   Illustration style             88   Brand experience
                                                                                       34   Activism for everyone   55   Creating our illustrations     89   Stationery & email
                                                                                                                    56   Application of illustrations   90   PowerPoint
                                                                                       35   Colour                  57   Hand drawn graphics            91   Brochures
                                                                                       36   Colour palette          58   Infographics                   92   Newsletters
                                                                                       37   Colour usage            59   Do's & don'ts                  93   Social media
                                                                                       38   Infographic palette                                         94   Digital
                                                                                                                    60 PARTNERSHPS                      95   Advertising
                                                                                                                                                        97   Event collateral
                                                                                                                    61  Architecture overview
                                                                                                                    62	Descriptor logos
                                                                                                                                                        98 CONTACT US
                                                                                                                    63 Co-branding scenarios
                                                                                                                    64 Endorsement scenarios
                                                                                                                    65 Accreditation stamp
                                                                                                                    66 Visualising our reach

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                          2
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS
                   ON THE


Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                  3
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS
 ON THE            ON THE
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                    4
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS

                   WE ARE HERE,
                   ON THE
                   AGAINST HATE

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                  5
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS
ON THE             FRONTLINE
OF HOPE            RIGHTS

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                  6
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS

                   WE ARE HERE,
                   ON THE
                   OF EDUCATION

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                  7
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS
  ON THE           ON THE

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                  8
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines               9
JOIN US. END IT. Brand guidelines February 2019 - Version 1.0 - Frontline AIDS
OUR BRAND                Every brand that changes the world
UPFRONT                  starts from a strong foundation.

                         This is ours.

                         Our beliefs are fundamental, everyone
11 Our brand strategy    who works with us must align to these:
12 Our vision
13 Our brand narrative   1. The lives of all human beings
                            are of equal value
14 Our boilerplate
15 Our strapline
                         2. Everyone has the right to access
                            the HIV information and services
                            they need for a healthy life

                                                                  WE ARE

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                             10
                         OUR BRAND

11 Our brand strategy    This is the core of Frontline AIDS –
12 Our vision
13 Our brand narrative
                         how we articulate our reason
                         for being, the change we want          Our purpose        We exist because the most marginalised people
                                                                                   demand innovation to create a future free from AIDS.
14 Our boilerplate       to see in the world, and how
15 Our strapline         we’re going to achieve it.

                                                                Our proposition    We are a global movement igniting innovations that
                                                                                   break through social, political and legal barriers that
                                                                                   stand in the way of a future free from AIDS.

                                                                Our proof points   We draw on 25 years proven experience working with
                                                                                   marginalised populations, to solve the toughest challenges
                                                                                   that are too often avoided and ignored.

                                                                                   We act as one globally diverse movement of people and
                                                                                   organisations to deliver proven locally relevant innovations
                                                                                   at scale, reaching those too often excluded.

                                                                                   Our dynamism is our power
                                                                                   We constantly rethink what we do and challenge
                                                                                   ourselves and our partners to do things differently.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                  11
                         OUR VISION

                                                                WE WANT A FUTURE
11 Our brand strategy    These messages introduce us to
12 Our vision            our audiences, giving them clarity
13 Our brand narrative   of why we’re here and the confidence

                                                                FREE FROM AIDS FOR
14 Our boilerplate       in what we do.
15 Our strapline

                                                                EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE.

                                                                Why we exist   Around the world millions of people are denied HIV
                                                                               prevention, testing, treatment and care simply because of
                                                                               who they are and where they live. As a result, almost 2 million
                                                                               were infected with HIV in 2017 and almost 1 million died of
                                                                               AIDS-related illness.

                                                                What we do     Frontline AIDS works to break down the social, political and
                                                                               legal barriers that marginalised people face and stand in the
                                                                               way of the end of AIDS.

                                                                How we work    We work with partners on the frontline, innovating together
                                                                               to create a future free from AIDS.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                 12
                         OUR BRAND

                         AIDS is done.
11 Our brand strategy                      Here’s the real story. We’ve got stuck. Focus, time and money        Become not just an alliance of the right minded but a
12 Our vision                              are being shifted away from AIDS. We’ve all been guilty of           movement open to all – and their ideas, energy. Seek new
                                           wishful thinking, looking at targets like they’re the same as        collaborations and the technology to connect people to
                         It will be gone
13 Our brand narrative
14 Our boilerplate                         the truth.                                                           innovative approaches – which join together the political,
                                                                                                                social, economic, legal and medical. Because no one person
                         by 2030. Easy.
15 Our strapline
                                           We’re losing this fight. Again. It’s a crisis. Again. The epidemic   or organisation can end AIDS alone.
                                           hasn’t gone away. AIDS isn’t done. It’s evolving. And the world
                                           isn’t keeping up.                                                    Become a movement that is global, national, local and multi-
                                                                                                                directional in how it thinks and acts. That changes as the
                         Wrong.            Right now, the epidemic is spiking amongst people in
                                           societies around the world with the least power, those whose
                                                                                                                epidemic changes. An organisation that speaks the truth. That
                                                                                                                will go where others fear. That will amplify the voices that
                                           voices the world continually ignores, are stigmatised and            people already have. That will push every boundary until it
                                           marginalised just because of who they are. If we don’t act fast      yields, fuelling a future free from AIDS.
                                           – if we don’t act now – more people will be infected and die.
                                           It’s as simple as that.                                              Our dynamism is our power. We will bring together a
                                                                                                                diversity of people and ideas across social and geographic
                                           We’ve been on the frontline of the world’s response to AIDS          boundaries. Because through our movement we will make
                                           for 25 years now. We were there before most others. We               the world better.
                                           have the credibility to be listened to, the history to change
                                           the future. We can’t step aside. So we need to make a leap.          It’s time to rage. It’s time to change. It’s time to get smart. It’s
                                           Break free of the thinking, the language, the actions that were      time to up our game, get back on track. It’s time to end this
                                           once effective but are now holding us back. Shake up the             epidemic forever.
                                           complacent consensus in our sector. Make some noise. Rattle
                                           some cages. Light some fires.                                        Together we are greater than AIDS.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                       13
                         OUR BOILERPLATE

11 Our brand strategy    When the new brand messages
12 Our vision            are combined, they provide a     Frontline AIDS wants a future free from AIDS for
13 Our brand narrative   new boilerplate description of
14 Our boilerplate       Frontline AIDS.                  everyone, everywhere. Around the world, millions
15 Our strapline

                                                          of people are denied HIV prevention, testing,
                                                          treatment and care simply because of who they
                                                          are and where they live.

                                                          As a result, almost 2 million were infected
                                                          with HIV in 2017 and almost 1 million died
                                                          of AIDS-related illness.

                                                          Together with partners on the frontline, we
                                                          work to break down the social, political and
                                                          legal barriers that marginalised people face,
                                                          and innovate to create a future free from AIDS.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                             14
                         OUR STRAPLINE

11 Our brand strategy    An active and energising statement, our
12 Our vision            strapline acts as a rallying cry that invites
13 Our brand narrative   everyone everywhere – partners, individuals,
14 Our boilerplate       donors – to become our partners by joining
15 Our strapline         the movement to end AIDS forever.

                                         JOIN US. END IT.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                         15
BRAND ASSETS       A burst of energy, ideas and creativity. That’s
                   what Frontline AIDS is – and that’s what our
                   brand reflects and radiates out to the world.
                   All the elements that make up our identity
                   – our logo, typography, colour palette,
                   photography, illustration style and tone of
17 Brand toolkit   voice – have been designed to grab attention,
18 Our logo        insist that there’s no ignoring us or AIDS.
28 Our symbol
35 Colour          Dynamic and powerful, bright and bold, the
39 Typography      way we look strikes a balance between the
46 Photography     optimistic and the hard-hitting. We can be
53 Illustration
                   upbeat and challenging, truthful and realistic,
                   serious and sensitive. And through us, people
                   will start to see the real story of AIDS.

                                                                       IS OUR
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                16

17 Brand toolkit   Our brand consists of a number of visual
                                                                    Logo and symbol                                  page 18   Typography                                    page  39
18 Our logo        assets. In isolation they have individual
28 Our symbol      meaning but together they create engaging
                   and recognisable communications.
                                                                                                                                      YOU SEE
                                                                                                                                                                           SEE THE
35 Colour
                                                                                                                                  WHAT THE                                 STORY
                                                                                                                                          WORLD                            OF AIDS

39 Typography

46 Photography     Some of our brand assets have fixed
53 Illustration
                   rules around them. Others have a more
                   flexible interpretation, allowing us to design                                                                                              WORKER
                   communications tailored for all audiences.

                                                                    Colour palette                                   page 35   Photography                                  page 46

                                                                    Typefaces                                        page 39   Illustration                                page  53


                                                                    Fixed brand assets                                         Flexible brand assets
                                                                    These assets have fixed rules and should be                Typography, photography and illustration
                                                                    used consistently on Frontline AIDS materials.             has more flexible guidance to allow for
                                                                                                                               tailored messaging and communications.
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                        17
Our logo

                            A STAND

17 Brand toolkit            Our logo has to do many things. Stand out.
18 Our logo                 Show that we’re a human-focused organisation,
   19 Primary & secondary   and one that does innovative things too.
   20 Logo colourways       That’s why we’ve gone for a combination of
   21 Sizing & clearspace   a wordmark and a symbol – we can convey
   22 Logo positioning		    multiple ideas through it at once.
   24 Logo usage
                            The wordmark captures the spirit, immediacy
   25 Using our strapline
                            and directness of art, campaigning and protest
   26 Strapline in action
                            when the first wave of AIDS activism was at
   27 Watchouts
                            its loudest, taking inspiration from signs and
28 Our symbol
                            messages seen on placards at the time.
35 Colour                   The lettering is set tightly, giving the mark
39 Typography               strength and authority. And the individual
46 Photography              letters themselves have their own quirks,
53 Illustration             a nod to the knowledge that we work with
                            individuals and communities with their
                            own unique characteristics.

                            There’s also an equal weighting between the
                            thickness of the letters, and the lines that make
                            up the symbol, but a contrast between the
                            straight lines of the former and the curves of
                            the latter. That says we can do analysis and
                            creativity – both needed if we want to come
                            up with the ideas to end the epidemic.

                            Our symbol is always on the right of the logo,
                            and the text is right-aligned too. Together this
                            gives a sense of Frontline AIDS moving forward,
                            ready to embrace its partners, and tackle the
                            next issue with open arms. (You can find out
                            more about the symbol on page 30.) And by
                            putting everything in black, we have stature
                            and gravitas.

                            All of which adds up to a logo which is loud,
Frontline AIDS              unapologetic and something to be proud of.
Brand guidelines                                                                18
Our logo

                            PRIMARY &

17 Brand toolkit            Two versions of our logo have been created      Primary logo
18 Our logo                 to provide us with the ability to give our
   19 Primary & secondary   identity as much stand-out as possible.
   20 Logo colourways
   21 Sizing & clearspace   We should always aim to use the primary
   22 Logo positioning		    version of our logo, but there may be
   24 Logo usage
                            instances where the stacked nature of the
                            secondary version of our logo will provide
   25 Using our strapline
                            us with greater stand-out. In these instances
   26 Strapline in action
                            the secondary logo can be considered, but
   27 Watchouts
                            it is important to make this judgement,
28 Our symbol
                            rather than always defaulting to this version
35 Colour                   of our logo.
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration                                                                                   Wordmark            Symbol

                                                                            Secondary logo

                            See page 26 for guidance
                            on when and what version
                            of our logo to use.                                                              Symbol

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                               19
Our logo


17 Brand toolkit            Our logo should predominately be used         Black   White   Blue                             Pink   Green
18 Our logo                 in black, but a number of colourways are
   19 Primary & secondary   available to ensure stand-out across all
   20 Logo colourways       of our communications.
   21 Sizing & clearspace
   22 Logo positioning		    It is important that the correct version of
   24 Logo usage
                            our logo is used. The matrix below provides
                            the available logo colourways and their
   25 Using our strapline
                            permitted background colour pairings.
   26 Strapline in action
   27 Watchouts
28 Our symbol
                                                                                          DON'T use the white version of
35 Colour
                                                                                          our logo on black backgrounds.
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration

                            The logo colourways and
                            background colour pairings also
                            apply to our secondary logo.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                          20
Our logo

                            SIZING &

17 Brand toolkit            Our logo is our key identifier so it is important
18 Our logo                 to protect it and ensure its integrity. To help
   19 Primary & secondary   with this, we have established a clearspace
   20 Logo colourways       guide and determined a minimum size.
   21 Sizing & clearspace
   22 Logo positioning		    So that our logo has room to breathe and
   24 Logo usage
                            is not cluttered by text or other graphic
                            elements, an area of clearspace should be
   25 Using our strapline
                            respected. Our logo’s clearspace is defined
   26 Strapline in action
                            by the width of our symbol.
   27 Watchouts
28 Our symbol
                            This clearspace surrounding the logo should
35 Colour                   be regarded as a minimum and wherever
39 Typography               possible, should be greater.
46 Photography
53 Illustration             The two versions of our logo have their own
                            respective minimum sizes. Our logo should
                            never be used smaller than these sizes to
                            ensure our logo’s legibility.

                                                                                             Minimim size

                                                                                             25mm in print
                            See page 24/25 for                                               110px on screen
                            logo sizing guidance.                                                              15mm in print
                                                                                                               65px on screen

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                21
Our logo

                            PRIMARY LOGO
                            POSITIONING                                                                                                                          Width

17 Brand toolkit            It is important to size and position our logo to   Our preference is to place our logo in the top
18 Our logo                 ensure it is prominent within the layout and       corners, with top right serving as our default
                                                                                                                                                                         Width + Height
   19 Primary & secondary   also consider where the communication will         position. However, holistic considerations to                                             = XX : 8.5 = XX
   20 Logo colourways       be seen.                                           layout and composition when positioning
   21 Sizing & clearspace                                                      our logo take precedence, meaning that our
   22 Logo positioning		    To work out the size of our logo, simply           logo should be placed in the most legible
   24 Logo usage
                            measure the width of your canvas and add           place. For that reason our logo can also be
                            the height measure; then divide the result         positioned in either of the bottom corners
   25 Using our strapline
                            by 8.5. Try to round up to the nearest 1mm         if the circumstances dictate them to be the
   26 Strapline in action
                            either way if necessary.                           best position. Our logo can also be centred
   27 Watchouts
                                                                               in situations where the composition of layout
28 Our symbol
                            With horizontal or vertical extreme formats        or the application itself would benefit from
35 Colour                   use a visually appropriate logo size.              a centrally positioned logo; e.g. tote bag
39 Typography                                                                  or poster.

46 Photography
53 Illustration                                                                To best work out the position of the logo
                                                                               on any given format, simply use our logo's
                                                                               clearspace guide, using the width of our
                                                                               symbol for the X&Y axis as reference.
                                                                               This will give you an indication of where
                                                                               to place the logo as shown in the diagram
                                                                               on the right.

                            Our clearspace guide
                            on page 21 should be
                            used for determining
                            application margins.
                                                                                                                                         Positioning reference

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                           22
Our logo

                            SECONDARY LOGO
                            POSITIONING                                                                                                                          Width

17 Brand toolkit            It is important to size and position our logo to   Our preference is to place our logo in the top
18 Our logo                 ensure it is prominent within the layout and       corners, with top right serving as our default
   19 Primary & secondary   also consider where the communication will         position. However, holistic considerations to                                             Width + Height
   20 Logo colourways       be seen.                                           layout and composition when positioning                                                   = XX : 13 = XX
   21 Sizing & clearspace                                                      our logo take precedence, meaning that our
   22 Logo positioning		    To work out the size of our logo, simply           logo should be placed in the most legible
   24 Logo usage
                            measure the width of your canvas and add           place. For that reason our logo can also be
                            the height measure; then divide the result         positioned in either of the bottom corners
   25 Using our strapline
                            by 13. Try to round up to the nearest 1mm          if the circumstances dictate them to be the
   26 Strapline in action
                            either way if necessary.                           best position. Our logo can also be centred
   27 Watchouts
                                                                               in situations where the composition of layout
28 Our symbol
                            With horizontal or vertical extreme formats        or the application itself would benefit from
35 Colour                   use a visually appropriate logo size.              a centrally positioned logo; e.g. tote bag
39 Typography                                                                  or poster.

46 Photography
53 Illustration                                                                To best work out the position of the logo
                                                                               on any given format, simply use our logo's
                                                                               clearspace guide, using the width of our
                                                                               symbol for the X&Y axis as reference.
                                                                               This will give you an indication of where
                                                                               to place the logo as shown in the diagram
                                                                               on the right.

                            Our clearspace guide
                            on page 21 should be
                            used for determining
                            application margins.
                                                                                                                                         Positioning reference

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                          23
Our logo

                            LOGO USAGE

17 Brand toolkit
18 Our logo
                            When choosing which version of our logo
                            to use, our primary logo should always be
                                                                                          WE     Where possible we should use the
                                                                                                 primary logo. However in certain instances

   19 Primary & secondary   considered first. As a result our primary logo                       our secondary logo will provide more
   20 Logo colourways       should be present in the majority of cases.                          visual stand-out and its usage should
   21 Sizing & clearspace                                                                        be considered.
   22 Logo positioning
   24 Logo usage
   25 Using our strapline
   26 Strapline in action
   27 Watchouts
28 Our symbol

35 Colour
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration

                                                            Frontline AIDS


Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                              24
Our logo

                            USING OUR

                                                                                                                                                     X                                                            X
17 Brand toolkit            It is important to ensure a relationship      Primary logo                                                                                       Secondary logo
                                                                          The size of our strapline is equal                                                                 The size of our strapline is equal
18 Our logo                 between our logo and our strapline.
                                                                          to the measure between the far-                                                                    to the measure between the far-
   19 Primary & secondary   Careful consideration to placement and how    left of the A in our wordmark and                                                                  left of the A in our wordmark and
   20 Logo colourways       an application will be viewed are necessary                                                                              X                                                            X
                                                                          far-right of our symbol’s face.                                                                    far-right of our symbol’s face.
   21 Sizing & clearspace   to strike this connection.
   22 Logo positioning
   24 Logo usage
                            The schematic below demonstrates how                                                                                                             When our secondary
                            to determine the size and position of                                                                                                            logo is placed on
   25 Using our strapline
                            our strapline whilst maintaining a visual                                                                                                        the right, our strapline
   26 Strapline in action                                                                                      X                  X                                                                          X
                            connection to our logo.                                                                                                                          should be right or top                   X
   27 Watchouts                                                                          X                                                                     X             aligned in either of
28 Our symbol                                                                                                                                                                the corresponding
                            Our strapline is available as artwork                                                                                                            adjacent corners.
35 Colour                   and should be used rather than typing
39 Typography               out the words.
46 Photography
53 Illustration                                                                                                                                                X

                                                                          When our primary logo is placed on the left,     When our primary logo is placed on the right,
                                                                          our strapline should be left or top aligned in   our strapline should be right or top aligned in
                                                                          either of the corresponding adjacent corners.    either of the corresponding adjacent corners.

                                                 Strapline                                                                                                                   When our secondary
                                                                                                                                                                             logo is placed on
                                                                                                                                                                             the left, our strapline
                                                                                 X                                                                             X
                                                                                                                                                                             should be left or top           X
                            Artwork where our strapline is                                                                                                                   aligned in either of
                            locked up to our logo is available                                                                                                               the corresponding
                            only upon request. The usage of                                                                                                                  adjacent corners.
                            this artwork is for special cases
                            only and the brand team must
                            always be consulted before use.                              X                                                                     X
                                                                                                               X                  X
                                                                                                                                                                                                             X            X

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                              25
Our logo

                            IN ACTION                                          X
                                                                            Frontline AIDS wants a future free from
                                                                            AIDS for everyone, everywhere. Around                                                                X
                                                                            the world, millions of people are denied
                                                                            HIV prevention, testing, treatment and
                                                                            care simply because of who they are and
                                                                            where they live.
17 Brand toolkit            The following examples demonstrate              As a result, almost 2 million were infected                                                                   In instances where you have a piece of
                                                                            with HIV in 2017 and almost 1 million died
18 Our logo                 the strapline sizing and positioning system     of AIDS-related illness.                                                                                      communication that uses a single surface
   19 Primary & secondary   in action.                                      Together with partners on the frontline,
                                                                            we work to break down the social,                                                               SEE THE
                                                                                                                                                                                          like a poster, our strapline should always be
   20 Logo colourways
                                                                            political and legal barriers that
                                                                            marginalised people face, and innovate
                                                                                                                                                                            REAL          visible with the logo, adhering to the rules

                                                                            to create a future free from AIDS.
   21 Sizing & clearspace   It is important to consider your                                                                                                                OF AIDS       outlined on page 25.

                            communication’s layout and application

   22 Logo positioning
   24 Logo usage            as well as creating a relationship between
   25 Using our strapline
                            the logo and strapline.
   26 Strapline in action
                            Our strapline must always be present
   27 Watchouts
                            but you should be considerate about your
28 Our symbol
                            communication and treat the strapline's
35 Colour
                            placement holistically.
39 Typography
46 Photography              On the brochure cover example,

                                                                                                                                                                                                             WE WON’T
                                                                          Back cover                                                               Front cover
53 Illustration             the strapline is placed on the back cover
                            as a sign-off, but a relationship between
                            the logo and strapline is still present.                                                                                                                                         BE SILENT
                                                Frontline AIDS



                                                                                                                   © International HIV/AIDS Alliance. Registered British
                                                                                                                   Unless otherwise stated, the appearance of individuals


Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                                          26
Our logo


17 Brand toolkit            Our logo must be treated with care.
18 Our logo                 In addition to the guidance from                                                                                                                               FRONTLINE
   19 Primary & secondary
   20 Logo colourways
                            previous pages, the following examples
                            demonstrate a number of techniques                                                                                                                                  AIDS
   21 Sizing & clearspace   or alterations that must never be applied
   22 Logo positioning		    to our logo.
   24 Logo usage                                                         DON’T distort the original supplied artwork in any way   DON’T outline our logo                                   DON’T recreate our logo. Always use the
   25 Using our strapline                                                                                                                                                                  supplied artwork
   26 Strapline in action
   27 Watchouts
28 Our symbol
35 Colour
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration

                                                                        DON’T apply drop shadows, bevels or any other effect      DON’T alter the positioning of the elements in the       DON’T recolour the logo. Always use the
                                                                        to our logo                                               supplied artwork                                         supplied artwork

                                                                                                 STAFF PARTY

                                                                         DON’T attach text or any other content to our logo       DON’T place the logo over imagery that will negatively   DON’T mask imagery, illustration or any other content in
                                                                                                                                  impact the legibility and clarity of our logo            the logo (see page 32 for permitted uses of our symbol
                                                                                                                                                                                           as a holding device)

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 27
Our symbol


17 Brand toolkit              Our symbol, a gender-neutral person, is a
18 Our logo                   key part of our logo. When space is tight and
28 Our symbol                 we want to make a big impact, our symbol
   29 Sizing & clearspace     communicates Frontline AIDS in a
   30 Symbol colourways       distinctive shorthand.
   31 Symbol usage
   32 Symbol & photography
                              The person has a strong and defiant stance –
                              striding forward they give a sense of energy
   33 Watchouts
                              and progress. With its open arms you can
   34 Activism for everyone
                              see them reaching around the world, making
35 Colour
39 Typography
46 Photography                Look closely and you can see in the person
53 Illustration               a hint of a F and an A, a subtle allusion to
                              our name. And the hand-drawn feel of the
                              person is a nod back to our roots – and our
                              rebellious spirit.

                              Our person is simple but not simplistic,
                              an accessible, universal symbol, ownable
                              by everyone.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                              28
Our symbol

                              SIZING &

17 Brand toolkit              It is important to treat the symbol from our
18 Our logo                   logo with as much as care as we would to
28 Our symbol                 the full logo.
   29 Sizing & clearspace
   30 Symbol colourways       Much like our logo, a clearspace guide has
   31 Symbol usage            been established which ensure the symbol
   32 Symbol & photography
                              has room to breathe and is not cluttered
                              by text or other graphic elements. This
   33 Watchouts
                              clearspace is defined by 2x the vertical
   34 Activism for everyone
                              height of our symbol’s head. This clearspace
35 Colour
                              should be regarded as a minimum and
39 Typography
                              wherever possible, should be greater.
46 Photography
53 Illustration               The minimum size of our symbol is 5mm in
                              width. Our symbol should never be used
                              smaller, treating this size as the minimum
                              and wherever possible, our symbol's sizes
                              should be greater.

                                                                             Minimum size

                                                                                  5mm in print
                                                                                  25px on screen

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                   29
Our symbol


17 Brand toolkit              Our symbol should predominately be used           Black   White   Blue                                 Pink   Green
18 Our logo                   in black, but a number of colourways are
28 Our symbol                 available to ensure stand-out across all
   29 Sizing & clearspace     of our communications.
   30 Symbol colourways
   31 Symbol usage            It is important that the correct version of our
   32 Symbol & photography
                              symbol is used. The matrix below provides
                              the available symbol colourways and their
   33 Watchouts
                              permitted background colour pairings.
   34 Activism for everyone
35 Colour
39 Typography
                                                                                                DON'T use the white version of our
46 Photography                                                                                  symbol on black backgrounds.
53 Illustration

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                    30
Our symbol


17 Brand toolkit              Our symbol can serve as a great shorthand                                                                                                                                                                   Frontline AIDS
18 Our logo                   for our brand. It provides immediate visual
28 Our symbol                 recognition in instances where space

   29 Sizing & clearspace     is limited and our logo's reproduction is
   30 Symbol colourways       compromised. Our symbol can also be used
   31 Symbol usage            proudly at large sizes to create impact. The
   32 Symbol & photography
                              following examples demonstrate the types
                              of instances where we can use our symbol
   33 Watchouts
                              to great effect.
   34 Activism for everyone
35 Colour

39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration                                                                                                                                              Frontline AIDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                       HOPE  IS
                                             NAME SURNAME
                                             Position at Frontline

                                                                                                                                                                                                        HOPE IS
                                      Frontline AIDS
                                             00000 000 000                    Preece House

                                                                              91-101 Davigdor Road
                                                                              Hove BN3 1RE

                                                                                                                                                    Frontline AIDS

                                                                                                     NAME SURNAME
                                                                                                     Position at Frontline

                                                                                                     00000 000 000
                                                                                                                                      Frontline AIDS
                                                                                                                                      Preece House
                                                                                                                                      91-101 Davigdor Road
                                                                                                                                      Hove BN3 1RE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Frontline AIDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                WE     Frontline AIDS
                                                                                                                                                                               Frontline AIDS
                                                                                                                                                                               @frontlineaids                     Frontline AIDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                       @frontlineaids    @frontlineaids
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Frontline AIDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Frontline AIDS@frontlineaids    . Oct
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        @frontlineaids . Oct 2 2


Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             31
Our symbol

                              SYMBOL &

17 Brand toolkit              Our symbol and photography are both
18 Our logo                   incredibly important to our brand.
28 Our symbol                 For this reason we have developed two
   29 Sizing & clearspace     approaches to enable them to work                                                     Photo integration
                              together to great effect.                                                             Our symbol can also be integrated
   30 Symbol colourways
                                                                                                                    into photography, creating a visual
   31 Symbol usage                                                                                                  connection between us, and the
   32 Symbol & photography                                                                                          people and communities we work with.
   33 Watchouts
   34 Activism for everyone
35 Colour
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration

                                                                      The symbol can be used as a framing
                                                                      device for our photography. Embracing the
                                                                      unconventional and restricted view created
                                                                      by our symbol challenges the viewer to look
                                                                      closer to see the real story of AIDS.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                           32
Our symbol


17 Brand toolkit              Our symbol must be treated with
18 Our logo                   care. In addition to the guidance from
28 Our symbol                 previous pages, the following examples
   29 Sizing & clearspace     demonstrate a number of techniques or
   30 Symbol colourways       alterations that must never be applied
   31 Symbol usage            to our symbol.
   32 Symbol & photography
   33 Watchouts
   34 Activism for everyone
                                                                       DON’T apply additional adornments to our symbol      DON’T recolour our symbol. Always use the   DON’T outline our symbol
35 Colour                                                                                                                   supplied artwork
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration

                                                                       DON’T warp, distort or rotate our symbol             DON’T place facial features from            DON’T apply drop shadows, bevels
                                                                                                                            photography in our symbol's head            or any other effect to our symbol

                                                                       DON’T recreate our symbol using digital tools        DON’T alter the positioning of the          DON’T position our symbol on areas of photography
                                                                       or software. Physical hand-made versions are         elements in the supplied artwork            or backgrounds where legibility will be compromised
                                                                       permitted, but only within an informal setting and
                                                                       should never be used as replacements for our
                                                                       symbol in official communications. Please see
                                                                       page 36 for more details
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                         33
Our symbol

                              FOR EVERYONE

17 Brand toolkit              The person in our logo is the symbol of
18 Our logo                   a movement. In that spirit, we want our
28 Our symbol                 partners – everyone who joins us –
   29 Sizing & clearspace     to own it and make it their own.
   30 Symbol colourways
   31 Symbol usage            The easiest way to do that is to draw it.
   32 Symbol & photography
                              Which is why we’ve made it easy to do so –
                              three strokes and you’ve got it.
   33 Watchouts
   34 Activism for everyone
                              While a hand-drawn version will never
35 Colour                                                                       Please note
                              replace our logo, we want people in all our
39 Typography                                                                   Hand-made
                              communities to feel that they can put our
46 Photography                                                                  versions of
                              person on placards, on their faces, on walls –
53 Illustration
                                                                                symbol should
                              wherever Frontline AIDS needs to be.              only be used in
                                                                                informal settings
                              We’re all different, so it makes sense that our   and should never
                              symbol can and will be expressed differently.     replace our
                              And by doing that, it becomes something           symbol in official
                              that we all take pride in too.                    communications.



Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                     34

                            MAKE SOME NOISE

17 Brand toolkit            In a world full of activist organisations and
18 Our logo                 other NGOs, how are we going to stand out?
28 Our symbol               In part thanks to a bright, bold and loud
35 Colour                   colour palette – it’s been designed to help us
   36 Colour palette
                            make some noise.
   37 Colour usage
                            Yes everything clashes and isn’t classically
   38 Infographic palette
                            elegant – that’s the point. The youthful
39 Typography
                            energy unleashed will make people sit
46 Photography
                            up and take notice.
53 Illustration

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                             35


17 Brand toolkit            Our core colour palette is made up of four
18 Our logo                 colours. Emotional Green pays homage to
28 Our symbol               our heritage, whilst the brightness of Activist
35 Colour                   Pink and Smart Blue give our identity a
   36 Colour palette        new lease of life. Truth Black completes
   37 Colour usage          the colour palette, providing stature and
   38 Infographic palette
                            confidence. Lastly, the colour palette is
                            supported by white where required.
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration

                                                                              EMOTIONAL GREEN    ACTIVIST PINK    SMART BLUE       TRUTH BLACK

                                                                              PANTONE 2418 C     PANTONE 225      PANTONE 2995     CMYK 40/60/60/100
                                                                              CMYK 100/0/97/13   CMYK 0/100/2/0   CMYK 83/1/0/0    RGB 0/0/0
                                                                              RGB 35/132/78      RGB 230/47/121   RGB 54/176/227   HEX #000000
                                                                              HEX #23844e        HEX #e62f79      HEX #36b0e3


                                                                              CMYK 0/0/0/0
                                                                              RGB 255/255/255
                                                                              HEX #ffffff

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                       36


17 Brand toolkit            When designing communications always
18 Our logo                 consider the overall balance of colour.
28 Our symbol               Activist Pink and Smart Blue are our 'shout'
35 Colour                   colours, attracting attention and providing
                            stand-out. Whilst Emotional Green and
                                                                                       WE WON’T                                                                                                                 WE
                                                                                                                                                                 SEE THE
   36 Colour palette                                                                   BE SILENT                                                                 REAL
                            Truth Black act as our grounding colours;                   AGAIN                                                                    STORY

   37 Colour usage                                                                                                                                               OF AIDS
                            providing contrast to emphasise our 'shout'                                           SPEAKING                      MOTHER
   38 Infographic palette
39 Typography
                            colours whilst also ensuring our identity isn't                                      THE TRUTH
                            too bright and colourful when addressing

46 Photography
                            serious or sensitive topics.
53 Illustration

                            The schematic on the right demonstrates
                            how just one colour from our palette can be
                            used through to a combination of all four
                            colours working together.

                            Careful considerations to audiences and
                            topics will help guide how colourful, or not,
                            each of our communications are.                   One colour                        Two colours                  Three colours                    Four colours                   Four colours + illustration
                                                                              We have some powerful,            For communications where     Using multiple colours           Considerations to your         With regards to colour
                                                                              emotive images available          we have a straightforward    can help give our                audience, subject and          usage, illustrations are
                                                                              to use. To that end,              singular message we can      communications a bright          channel are important for      treated like photography.
                                                                              sometimes you may want            use two brand colours in     and bold look, but they can      finding the right balance of
                                                                              to strip back some of the         addition to photography.     also be used for functional      colour usage.                  For example, in the above,
                                                                              other elements of our visual                                   purposes too.                                                   the skin tone isn't regarded
                                                                              identity, so a single, striking   For example, in the above                                     For subjects that require      as a brand colour, but
                                                                              image can be used even            Smart Blue was chosen        For example, in the above,       sensitivity or need a          rather a colour that is
                                                                              more effectively.                 to give the headline's box   the mixture of Emotional         more factual approach,         specific to that illustration;
                                                                                                                visual stand-out from        Green and Smart Blue are         it is advisible to limit the   much like how the colours
                                                                              In these instances we             the colours found in the     used for contrasting content.    number of colours used.        in a photograph are specific
                                                                              recommend using a single          photograph.                  The brighter 'shout' nature of   However, as seen in the        to that image.
                                                                              colour from our colour                                         Smart Blue is used to draw       example above, we can
                                                                              palette, with white used in                                    attention to the content with    use all the colours from our   This example also
                                                                              the above example.                                             most importance.                 palette when we wanting to     demonstrates how
                                                                                                                                                                              make some noise and take       Emotional Green and
                                                                                                                                                                              a more action-led stance.      Truth Black are used as
                                                                                                                                                                                                             grounding colours, whilst
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Activist Pink and Smart
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Blue are used to bring
                                                                                                                                                                                                             attention to the messaging.
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                                              37

                            INFOGRAPHIC                                      EMOTIONAL GREEN                                    ACTIVIST PINK                    SMART BLUE                                  TRUTH BLACK

                            PALETTE                                          CMYK 100/0/97/13
                                                                             RGB 35/132/78
                                                                                                                               CMYK 0/100/2/0
                                                                                                                               RGB 230/47/121
                                                                                                                                                                 CMYK 83/1/0/0
                                                                                                                                                                 RGB 54/176/227
                                                                                                                                                                                                             CMYK 40/60/60/100
                                                                                                                                                                                                             RGB 0/0/0
                                                                             HEX #23844e                                       HEX #e62f7                        HEX #36b0e3                                 HEX #000000

17 Brand toolkit            An extensive infographics colour palette has
18 Our logo                 been created to ensure a clear delineation of
28 Our symbol               data and information in our infographics.
35 Colour                                                                    70%                                               70%                               70%
   36 Colour palette                                                         50%                                               50%                               50%
   37 Colour usage                                                           30%                                               30%                               30%
   38 Infographic palette
39 Typography
46 Photography
53 Illustration
                                                                             CMYK 86/66/0/0                    CMYK 71/0/74/0                CMYK 31/100/25/19   CMYK 0/80/84/0               CMYK 10/14/77/0                CMYK 62/0/28/0
                                                                             RGB 50/88/179                     RGB 53/188/108                RGB 154/10/89       RGB 252/78/48                RGB 236/208/93                 RGB 95/193/194
                                                                             HEX #3258b3                       HEX #35bc6c                   HEX #9a0a59         HEX #fc4e30                  HEX #ecd05d                    HEX #5fc1c2

                                                                             CMYK 61/36/0/0                    CMYK 44/0/80/0                CMYK 37/94/6/1      CMYK 0/56/94/0              CMYK 10/7/43/0                  CMYK 28/8/7/0
                                                                             RGB 102/159/252                   RGB 164/214/89                RGB 169/46/127      RGB 253/135/37              RGB 238/227/170                 RGB 195/216/229
                                                                             HEX #669ffc                       HEX #a4d659                   HEX #a92e7f         HEX #fd8725                 HEX #eee3aa                     HEX #c3d8e5
                            For infographic use only
                            Our infographic palette is for
                            use in graphs and charts only,
                            and should not be used in any
                            other instance.

                            Use of blacks in infographics
                            Black from our main colour
                            palette should only be used in
                            support, such as percentage
                            annotation on a pie chart, or
                            the axis of a bar chart. This will
                            ensure our charts and graphs                    Charts with minimal data points should be created with                                            The use of colours from our infographics palette can be
                            feel balanced as the use                        our core colour palette. If necessary, the use of specified                                       utilised for diagrams with an extensive number of data
                            of black would overpower the                    tints is permitted, either by focusing on an individual colour                                    points. Above are examples of how to pair these with our
                            other colours.                                  or by using as a mix as seen in the examples above.                                               core colour palette.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                                         38

                           AMPLIFY OUR WORDS

                           Because we’re unapologetic about what

17 Brand toolkit
18 Our logo                we have to say and how we say it, our
28 Our symbol
                           typography is strong, loud and powerful.
                           If it reminds you of posters from the early
35 Colour
                           days of activism, and art from the same
39 Typography
                           period, that’s deliberately so – we want to
   40 Headline typeface
                           make sure no one misses our message.
   41 Body copy typeface
   42 Principles           Our type packs a punch – in the best
   43 Headlines            possible way.

   44 Headlines & colour
   45 Creative headlines
46 Photography
53 Illustration

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                  39


17 Brand toolkit           We have two brand typeface families,
18 Our logo                which are used for headlines and body
28 Our symbol              copy respectively.

35 Colour
39 Typography
                           Quasimoda Heavy is our headline typeface.
                           It is a bold, confident and characterful sans-
   40 Headline typeface
                           serif, which has been chosen to capture our
   41 Body copy typeface
                           sharp, provocative and resolute nature.
   42 Principles

                                                                            IS STRONG,
   43 Headlines
                           Quasimoda is available as part of our toolkit
   44 Headlines & colour   in Heavy and should be used in uppercase
   45 Creative headlines   only for greater contrast and impact.
46 Photography
53 Illustration            System font alternative

                                                                            LOUD AND
                           For applications like Microsoft Office
                           where a system typeface should be used,
                           Quasimoda Heavy should be replaced
                           with Arial Black.

                           The available weight is:

                           ARIAL BLACK

                                                                            VWXYZ 1234567890
                                                                            UPPERCASE ONLY
                                                                            We only ever use Quasimoda
                                                                            Heavy in uppercase

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                         40

                           BODY COPY

                                                                          Raleway provides clarity
17 Brand toolkit           Raleway is our body copy typeface. It is a
18 Our logo                contemporary sans-serif which has been
28 Our symbol              chosen for its legibility and availability
35 Colour                  across languages for digital and print

                                                                          and is highly-efficient for
39 Typography              communications. The contrast created when
   40 Headline typeface    used in combination with Quasimoda Heavy
   41 Body copy typeface
                           provides us a typographic approach that is
                           sharp and responsive.
   42 Principles

                                                                          large bodies of text.
   43 Headlines
                           Raleway is available as part of our toolkit
   44 Headlines & colour
                           in Regular and Bold.
   45 Creative headlines
46 Photography             System font alternative
53 Illustration            For applications like Microsoft Office where
                           a system typeface should be used, Raleway
                           should be replaced with Arial.

                           The available weights are:

                           Arial Regular
                           Arial Bold                                     Raleway Regular              Raleway Bold                 RALEWAY BLACK
                                                                          ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ   ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ   ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
                                                                          abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz   1234567890!@#$%^&*()
                                                                          1234567890!@#$%^&*()         1234567890!@#$%^&*()

                                                                                                                                    Raleway Black should only
                                                                                                                                    be used in the rare instances
                                                                                                                                    where Quasimoda Heavy is
                                                                                                                                    not available

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                    41


                                                                                             Headlines                    Quasimoda Heavy
17 Brand toolkit           Taking care when typesetting will
                                                                                                                          Tracking: -25pt
18 Our logo                ensure clarity and consistency across                                                          Kerning: Optical
28 Our symbol              our communications.
35 Colour

                                                                                             HEADLINES SHOULD
39 Typography              Headlines
   40 Headline typeface    All headlines should be set in uppercase
                           Quasimoda Heavy and follow the leading

                                                                                             ALWAYS BE SET IN
   41 Body copy typeface
                           and tracking principles found in the example
   42 Principles
                           on the right.
   43 Headlines

                                                                                             QUASIMODA HEAVY
   44 Headlines & colour
                           Body copy and subheads
   45 Creative headlines
                           All body copy should be set in Raleway
46 Photography             Regular and follow the leading and tracking
53 Illustration            principles to ensure body copy is always
                           clear and legible. Raleway Bold should be
                           used for subheads.

                                                                                             Body copy and subheads

                                                                          Raleway Bold       Use Raleway Bold for sub heads
                                                                          Tracking: -10pt
                                                                          Kerning: Optical   Raleway Regular is used for body
                                                                                             copy. Slightly negative tracking                Raleway Regular

                                                                                             and sufficient leading ensures                  Tracking: -10pt
                                                                                                                                             Kerning: Optical

                                                                                             body copy is legible and clear
                                                                                             even if the size changes.
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                42



17 Brand toolkit           Our headlines should always be set in
                           Quasimoda Heavy in CAPS and we have
18 Our logo
28 Our symbol              three headline styles to use across our
35 Colour                  collateral: regular, highlighted and boxed.     X
39 Typography              Having three alternate headline styles
   40 Headline typeface    provides us with the scope required
   41 Body copy typeface
                           to amplify our messaging.                       X

   42 Principles
   43 Headlines
   44 Headlines & colour
   45 Creative headlines                                                 X = 1/3 of the height of the letter.
46 Photography                                                                This measure determines the
53 Illustration                                                               margins for highlighted and
                                                                              boxed headlines.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Always make sure
                                                                                                                                                                                    the box's width matches
                                                                                                                                                                                    the longest line of text
                           Regular headline                                    Highlighted headline                                           Boxed headline
                                                                                                                                                                                    and has equal margins.
                           For simple headlines we use                         A particular word in our headlines                             To achieve maximum visual stand-out
                           Quasimoda Heavy in all caps.                        can be highlighted to bring attention                          we encapsulate headlines within a
                                                                               or visual importance.                                          tightly set box.

                           WE ARE HERE,                                     WE ARE HERE,                                                      WE ARE HERE,
                           ON THE                                           ON THE                                                            ON THE
                           FRONTLINE                                        FRONTLINE                                                         FRONTLINE

                           OF SEXUAL                                        OF SEXUAL                                                         OF SEXUAL
                           HEALTH                                           HEALTH                                     Always make sure
                                                                                                                       the highlight around
                                                                                                                                              HEALTH                                                   X

                                                                                                                       your chosen word
                                                                                                                       has equal margins.
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                               43

                           & COLOUR

17 Brand toolkit           It is important to use the permitted colour   Green headline + Black box        Pink headline + Black box          Blue headline + Black box
18 Our logo                combinations for headlines to ensure
28 Our symbol              balance and consistency across our
35 Colour                  communications.
                                                                            HEADLINE            HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE
39 Typography
   40 Headline typeface
   41 Body copy typeface
   42 Principles
   43 Headlines                                                             HEADLINE            HEADLINE     HEADLINE              HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE
   44 Headlines & colour
   45 Creative headlines
46 Photography
53 Illustration
                                                                            HEADLINE            HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE

                           Incorrect colour combinations                 Black headline + Green box        Black headline + Pink box          Black headline + Blue box
                           Do not use the colour
                           combinations below for
                           headlines and other text. Only
                           use the permitted combinations                   HEADLINE            HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE
                           detailed to the right

                           HEADLINE                                         HEADLINE            HEADLINE     HEADLINE              HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE
                           HEADLINE                                         HEADLINE            HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE      HEADLINE             HEADLINE
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                 44


17 Brand toolkit           In communications like posters, brochure
18 Our logo                covers and adverts we can amplify our

                                                                                           YOU SEE
28 Our symbol              messaging by taking a more creative
35 Colour                  approach to typography, taking visual
39 Typography              inspiration from the layers of placards seen

                                                                                       WHAT THE
   40 Headline typeface    at activist rallies.
   41 Body copy typeface
                           When creating these creative pieces

   42 Principles
                           of typography try to follow these four
   43 Headlines
                           pieces of guidance:
   44 Headlines & colour

   45 Creative headlines
46 Photography             Think how you can creatively capture
53 Illustration            the essence of the message through

                           Back to front

                           Layer your type on top of each other in the
                           order that you would read the message.

                           Words can be partially obscured, but make
                           sure these words can still be made out.

                           Play with scale of the typography
                           to give maximum impact.                        Previous rules apply
                                                                          The text box margins should
                                                                          follow the same spacing rules
                                                                          from page 436.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                  45

                                 THE BIGGER

17 Brand toolkit                 Ever since we started, we’ve been
18 Our logo                      documenting the lives of people affected
28 Our symbol                    by AIDS. This has given us a deep library
35 Colour                        of images, which is now going to be a
39 Typography
                                 cornerstone of our identity.
46 Photography
                                 It’s precisely because our photography
   47 Overview
                                 is real that it is powerful; immediate and
   48 Photography style
                                 challenging, we’re going to use it to tell the
   49 Photography content
                                 unseen story of AIDS – the real story.
   50 Watchouts
   51 Leading with photography
   52 'Hidden' frame
53 Illustration

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                  46


17 Brand toolkit                 Too often, photography associated with
18 Our logo                      charities and NGOs ends up looking and
28 Our symbol                    feeling similar – almost interchangeable
35 Colour                        between organisations. Full of clichés and
39 Typography                    unchallenging, it presents a false impression
46 Photography                   of what’s really happening on the ground.
   47 Overview
                                 Our imagery won’t. We’re on the frontline of
   48 Photography style
                                 responding to AIDS, so our photography will
   49 Photography content
                                 show the truth of the epidemic.
   50 Watchouts
   51 Leading with photography
   52 'Hidden' frame
53 Illustration

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                 47


17 Brand toolkit                 How do we show that we’re on the frontline
18 Our logo                      of AIDS? Through bold and striking
28 Our symbol                    reportage, with an arresting, emotive
35 Colour                        and occasionally confrontational edge.
39 Typography
46 Photography
   47 Overview
   48 Photography style
   49 Photography content
   50 Watchouts
   51 Leading with photography
   52 'Hidden' frame
53 Illustration
                                                                              Natural lighting and colour                    Focus and balance                                Honesty
                                                                              Use shadows and light to create a strong       Every photograph should have a focal point.      We need to capture the emotional moments of
                                                                              visual contrast and depth in images.           Even in busy moments it is important to strike   the disease honestly.
                                                                                                                             a balance to ensure a point of focus.

                                                                              Activity                                       Close-quarters                                   Viewpoint
                                                                              Capture people and moments as they unfold      Images shot within close-quarters convey         Along with proximity, a natural viewpoint
                                                                              – tell the story that happens as it happens.   our proximity and true understanding of the      will show the truth of the disease, creating a
                                                                                                                             issues affecting people living with AIDS.        better connection between our audience and
Frontline AIDS                                                                                                                                                                the people we work with.
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                         48


17 Brand toolkit                 What should our photography be showing?
18 Our logo                      Real people, the raw truth and the positive                                                                                                                        LIBERATE
28 Our symbol                    impact that happens when we come                                                                                                                                   EACH
35 Colour                        together on the frontline of AIDS.
39 Typography
46 Photography
   47 Overview                                                                                      SEE THE
   48 Photography style                                                                             STORY
                                                                                                    OF AIDS                       BECAUSE
   49 Photography content
                                                                                   SEX                                           WE ARE
                                                                                   WORKER                                            HUMAN
   50 Watchouts
   51 Leading with photography
   52 'Hidden' frame
53 Illustration
                                                                               Human                                        Energy                                          Build a narrative
                                                                               Imagery should reveal the humanity           Capturing and harnessing the energy and         Choose subjects that help you to tell a story
                                                                               behind AIDS. A human connection should       personalities of the people we work with will   through the image. A powerful story leads to
                                                                               always be included in an image, either       help us empower our movement.                   powerful communications.
                                                                               literally or implied.

                                                                                                                                                                                              EVERY LIFE
                                                                                    KISS                                                                                                      EVERYWHERE
                                                                                  STIGMA                                                     WE                                               MATTERS

                                                                                             GOODBYE                                  ARE

                                                                               Impact                                       Details                                         Challenging
                                                                               It's vital to show how we and our partners   Taking a closer look allows us to embrace       We don't shy away from difficult or
                                                                               being on the ground benefits people          the quirks and individuality that makes each    uncomfortable subjects, showing the
                                                                               affected by AIDS.                            and every one of us human.                      negative side of AIDS on communities
Frontline AIDS
                                                                                                                                                                            and individuals.
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                        49


17 Brand toolkit                 There are a couple of things to avoid
18 Our logo                      when using photography as part of
28 Our symbol                    communications.
35 Colour
39 Typography
46 Photography
   47 Overview
   48 Photography style
   49 Photography content
   50 Watchouts
   51 Leading with photography
   52 'Hidden' frame
53 Illustration
                                                                         Black and white                                    Unclear focus and blurred                     Use of flash
                                                                         Don't use it. Our identity is colourful, vibrant   Don’t use images that have an unclear focal   Use natural lighting and avoid too much
                                                                         and powerful; so our photography should            point and/or purpose, as well as ones that    flash, if possible.
                                                                         be the same.                                       are blurred.

                                                                         Stock photography                                  Treatments                                    Distance
                                                                         Stock images are unnatural, and don’t              Don't apply duotones or any other treatment   When photographing groups or events avoid
                                                                         accurately represent who we are and what           to photography. Authenticity and honesty      using distance shots. It’s better to get close to
                                                                         we do; plus there’s always the risk of an          in our imagery is important and these         the action, and see the human faces.
Frontline AIDS                                                           image being used by another organisation.          treatments will negatively affect this.
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                        50

                                 LEADING WITH

17 Brand toolkit                 The Frontline AIDS photo archive is deep;
18 Our logo                      we have some powerful, emotive images
28 Our symbol                    available to use.
35 Colour
39 Typography
                                 To that end, sometimes you may want to
                                 strip back some of the other elements of our
46 Photography
                                 visual identity, so a single, striking image can
   47 Overview
                                 be used even more effectively.
   48 Photography style
   49 Photography content

                                                                                     CAN YOU SEE
                                                                                                   WE WON’T
   50 Watchouts

                                                                                      WHAT THE
   51 Leading with photography

                                                                                                   BE SILENT
   52 'Hidden' frame
53 Illustration
                                                                                    WORLD CAN’T?

                                 It is important to remember
                                 that this approach will be
                                 heavily dependant on the
                                 image and message topic.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                               51

                                 'HIDDEN' FRAME

17 Brand toolkit                 For moments when our photography and
18 Our logo                      messaging really needs to make a splash,

28 Our symbol                    we’ve developed a special graphic device
35 Colour                        – a ‘hidden’ frame. This is an adapted cut-

39 Typography                    out of the word ‘AIDS’ and can be used for
46 Photography                   a particularly impactful form of storytelling,

   47 Overview
                                 as it illustrates what’s most often hidden,
                                 forgotten or overlooked – issues, people and
   48 Photography style
   49 Photography content
   50 Watchouts
                                 Its power comes in part from the fact that
   51 Leading with photography
                                 it should be used very, very rarely – in an
   52 'Hidden' frame             above-the-line advert, or an annual
53 Illustration                  report cover; something heavyweight,
                                 and memorable.

                                                                                  SEE THE
                                                                                  OF AIDS.

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                             52

                                   DRAWING A LINE

17 Brand toolkit                   There are always going to be some ideas
18 Our logo                        and concepts that photography cannot
28 Our symbol                      capture. That’s where illustration comes
35 Colour                          in. Through the emoji-esque style we’ve
39 Typography
                                   developed, and an additional colourful
                                   device, we can address issues and topics
46 Photography
                                   in a way that feels youthful and energetic,
53 Illustration
                                   while still being challenging.
   54 Illustration style
   55 Creating our illustrations
   56 Illustration application
   57 Handrawn graphics
   58 Infographics
   59 Do's & don'ts

Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                 53


17 Brand toolkit                   Our illustration style acts as a bridge
18 Our logo                        between the headlines in communications
                                   and our photography.

28 Our symbol
35 Colour
39 Typography
                                   With a few curved edges and a heavy line,                                               AIDS
                                   they look and feel like emojis, and so should
46 Photography
                                   always be straightforward, colourful and
53 Illustration
                                   fun, never fussy or used as an outline. Think
   54 Illustration style
                                   simple, not simplistic.
   55 Creating our illustrations
   56 Illustration application     And don’t go crazy using them; sparingly
   57 Handrawn graphics            is best, and don’t clutter a page with them.
   58 Infographics
   59 Do's & don'ts

                                                                                   Rounded corners

                                                                                   When selecting additional colours
                                                                                   for our illustrations, make sure they
                                                                                   complement our brand palette

                                                                                   Heavy black strokes
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                         54

                                   CREATING OUR

17 Brand toolkit                   There may be occasions when you might            Grid template
18 Our logo                        want to create your own illustration, if there   Our illustrations are drawn on a 31-square   Safe zone
28 Our symbol                      isn’t an appropriate one readily available.      grid template; each square represents
35 Colour                          Doing so is straightforward; you just need       1 pixel. This ensures consistency across
39 Typography
                                   to follow a few principles, as these ensure      illustrations, regardless of the size at
                                   every illustration created is consistent and     which they are used.
46 Photography
                                   part of the same family.
53 Illustration
   54 Illustration style
                                   Our illustrations use a maximum of three         Outlines must be equal to 1 square
   55 Creating our illustrations
                                   colours, a mix of our primary palette and        of the grid template.
   56 Illustration application     complementary colours dictated by the
   57 Handrawn graphics            subject – yellow for a banana, for example.      Additional colours
   58 Infographics                 Illustrations can either be contained within     Aim to use our colour palette, but if
   59 Do's & don'ts                a circle or not, depending on its size           your illustration needs additional colours
                                   and simplicity.                                  for context, e.g. skin tones, ensure
                                                                                    they complement the colours found
                                                                                    in our palette.



                                                                                                                                             Minimum height

                                                                                                                                                                                   N.B. Please note that
                                                                                                                                                                                   when a 'sticker' border
                                                                                                                                                                                   is applied, height
                                                                                                                                                                                   should apply to original
                                                                                                                                                                                   illustration size.
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                              55


17 Brand toolkit                   How you apply your illustrations across       Overlaid                                  Sticker
18 Our logo                        communications and collateral has also        Our illustrations should                  Our 'stickers' have an outline
28 Our symbol                      been derived from emojis – you can overlay    interact with our typographic             that protects the illustration
35 Colour                          them, so they interact with another feature   headlines/boxes to ensure                 from visually bleeding into the
39 Typography
                                   like typography; or you can treat them        it doesn't bleed into the                 photography. This means it can be
                                   as separate ‘stickers’.                       photography. The scale                    applied more creatively, separate to
46 Photography
53 Illustration
                                                                                 should complement and not                 other page elements (typography/
                                                                                 obscure the headline and/or               photography), after all they are
   54 Illustration style
                                                                                 photography.                              called stickers for a reason.
   55 Creating our illustrations
   56 Illustration application
                                                                                 These illustrations support the           Use them unapologetically
   57 Handrawn graphics
                                                                                 subjects that the headlines/              and with pride, experimenting with
   58 Infographics                                                               photography are covering.                 scale and placement.
   59 Do's & don'ts


                                                                                 Remember not to obscure
                                                                                 imagery or headline text when
                                                                                 using either the overlaid or
                                                                                 sticker illustration approach.
Frontline AIDS
Brand guidelines                                                                                                                                                  56
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