Juggling cancer and life in survivorship - RACGP

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Juggling cancer and life in survivorship - RACGP
Focus | Clinical

Juggling cancer and
life in survivorship
The role of general practitioners

Nicolas H Hart, Allan Ben Smith,                        IMPROVEMENTS IN CANCER SCREENING,             than the holistic care needs of cancer
Kim Hobbs, Carla Thamm,                                 diagnosis and treatment have led to a rapid   survivors. To address the complex needs
Louisa G Gordon, Megan Crichton,                        increase in the number of cancer survivors    of cancer survivors, it is critical that GPs
Raymond J Chan                                          (ie people living with and beyond a cancer    and cancer specialists (including surgeons,
                                                        diagnosis) worldwide.1,2 This growing         oncologists, cancer nurses, allied health
Background                                              population places enormous demand             professionals and psycho-oncologists)
The number of cancer survivors in                       on the healthcare system to address           partner to offer their different skill sets
Australia is growing. General practitioners             morbidities and manage wide-ranging           and expertise.
(GPs) have a key role in providing holistic             cancer survivorship issues, including            General practice is an appropriate
care to people experiencing a cancer                    detection of recurrences, health promotion,   setting for a range of survivorship
diagnosis, receiving treatment or enduring
                                                        surveillance and management of physical       interventions when GPs are properly
long-term effects of cancer and its
treatment. Cancer survivors experience
                                                        and psychological symptoms and side           supported through the provision of
a range of unique biopsychosocial issues,               effects, financial concerns, and problems     relevant information, quality tools and
requiring significant and coordinated care              with relationships and social wellbeing.3     clear communication. This ensures
to optimise their quality of life.                      This article focuses on addressing            GPs can effectively deliver a range
                                                        fear of cancer recurrence,4,5 financial       of cancer survivorship interventions
The aim of this article is to provide an                toxicity6,7 and relationship issues,5 which   in general practice, including but not
overview of management strategies                       are some of the most under-addressed yet      limited to disease-specific surveillance
for GPs in addressing three highly                      common psychosocial issues confronting        assessments, physical examinations,
distressing cancer-related issues: fear                 cancer survivors.                             and the assessment and management of
of cancer recurrence, financial toxicity                   Enhancing the involvement of general       psychosocial issues.10–12 Indeed, GPs are
and management of relationships.
                                                        practitioners (GPs) in survivorship care      more likely to address psychosocial issues,
Discussion                                              has been proposed as a key strategy           promote healthy lifestyle behaviours
Recommendations are provided for                        to improve the quality of follow-up           and manage other acute and chronic
effective screening and monitoring of                   care for people living with and beyond        health conditions, compared with cancer
cancer-related issues, with management                  cancer.8 The three key types of follow-up     specialists.11 GPs have a day-to-day role
strategies outlined to facilitate
                                                        models for people who have completed          in addressing psychosocial issues of their
GP-initiated discussions and referral
to credible resources and other health
                                                        their primary treatment include cancer        patients using their existing counselling
services. Useful materials relevant to                  specialist–led care (ie oncologists,          skills. They can facilitate access to
the Australian primary care setting are                 haematologists, cancer nurses), GP-led        subsidised GP Management Plans,
presented together with an overview of                  care and shared-care (ie follow-up care       Team Care Arrangements and Mental
information to support GP provision                     shared between cancer specialists and GPs     Health Treatment Plans (MHTPs)13 that
of cancer survivorship care for fear of                 to collaboratively manage complex needs       underpin chronic disease management
cancer recurrence, financial toxicity
                                                        of cancer survivors).9 Current models of      and referrals, and facilitate access to
and relationship issues.
                                                        post-treatment care in Australia are mostly   established networks of community-
                                                        cancer specialist–driven and focus on         based allied health practitioners.
                                                        surveillance for disease recurrence rather    There are also opportunities for social

520   Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2021                                                     © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021
Juggling cancer and life in survivorship: The role of general practitioners                                                                             Focus | Clinical

prescribing (linking clients to community                      GPs, are presented in Box 1. Validated             survivors. Some GPs may already routinely
support services) to help improve patient                      tools such as the nine-item Fear of                address FCR, but evidence suggests that
wellbeing.14 In addition, GPs often have                       Cancer Recurrence Inventory – Short                many healthcare practitioners do not
a longer-term relationship with patients                       Form (FCRI-SF) are often used to                   raise the topic of FCR with patients.21
(and potentially their family members),                        identify clinical FCR (cut-off score ≥22)          It is important that GPs initiate these
placing them in a unique position to                           in research settings.19 There is no widely         conversations, as cancer survivors may
deliver high-quality psychosocial care.                        used screening tool for the detection and          not readily express their concerns because
Accordingly, GPs are well placed to                            monitoring of FCR in clinical practice,            of worries about seeming judgemental of
address commonly experienced and                               but validation of a single-item FCR tool           their care.21
under-addressed issues affecting cancer                        for clinical use is currently underway.20 In           GPs have expressed uncertainty
survivors within primary care.                                 the interim, asking cancer survivors about         regarding how to effectively manage
   The aim of this article is to provide                       their FCR is a useful and necessary first          FCR and concern that asking cancer
an overview of the experiences and                             step towards identifying FCR. Normalising          survivors about FCR may provoke
management strategies for fear of                              FCR as a common and reasonable concern             unnecessary worry; however, this has
cancer recurrence, financial toxicity                          may help redress mild FCR in some cancer           been shown not to occur.21 GPs are well
and management of relationships in
the primary care setting.
                                                               Box 1. Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) screening and management strategies
                                                               with resources for general practitioners (GPs)
Managing prognosis uncertainty
and anxiety                                                    Screening strategies
                                                               • Routinely ask the question: ‘How worried are you about your cancer recurring?’
Experiencing some worry in response to
the potential threat of cancer recurrence                      • Validated screening tools to identify and monitor FCR (eg the Fear of Cancer Recurrence
                                                                 Inventory – Short Form).
is somewhat inevitable and can be used to
                                                               • More vigilant screening for patients with pre-existing psychological conditions
help motivate positive behaviour changes
to reduce recurrence risk.15 These worries                     • More vigilant screening of high-risk populations: women and younger people

resolve naturally in some cases, although                      Management strategies
one in three cancer survivors will report                      • Education for cancer survivors and carers to clarify risk of recurrence
serious fear of cancer recurrence (FCR)                        • Access to GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangement as appropriate
that warrants clinical attention,16 with                       • Psychological interventions (eg cognitive behavioural therapy)
women and younger cancer survivors at                          • Self-management strategies, such as:
increased risk. Clinically significant FCR                        – discuss fears with others or write letters thanking them for their support
is characterised by high levels of worry                          – be aware of which symptoms may indicate cancer recurrence
or preoccupation, and hypervigilance                              – attend scheduled follow-up appointments
to bodily symptoms that persists for                              – keep entertained with hobbies and enjoyable activities
three months or more.17 FCR has been                              – form or join an existing support network
linked with greater physical symptoms
                                                               • Positive lifestyle behaviours to reduce risk of recurrence, such as:
and greater use of primary care,4,18 thus
                                                                  – eat a well-balanced diet
frequent unscheduled GP visits by cancer
                                                                  – exercise regularly
survivors in response to symptoms may
indicate underlying FCR.4 FCR is not                              – get adequate sleep

consistently related to clinical variables                        – avoid smoking, non-prescribed drugs and too much alcohol
such as disease stage, treatment type or                       • Discuss appropriate frequency of cancer screening (as recommended by guidelines)
time post-treatment, and it typically will                       to aid early detection of recurrence
remain stable or become more severe                            • Referral for those with persistently high FCR to a clinical psychologist (consider use
over time without clinical assessment and                        of Mental Health Treatment Plan)
intervention.16 FCR is related to anxiety,                     Useful resources
depression and poorer quality of life in                       • Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory – Short Form: Screening and monitoring tool
cancer survivors; it may be exacerbated                          in research, www.cfp.ca/content/66/9/672/tab-cfplus
in those with a history of psychological                       • ConquerFear: Repository of Australia-specific information on
conditions, thus it is important to be extra                     FCR for clinicians and survivors, www.pocog.org.au/content.
vigilant and proactive in addressing FCR
                                                               • Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre: Information sheet on FCR self-management
for people at risk.4
                                                                 strategies, www.petermac.org/sites/default/files/ACSC_FactSheet_Fear%20of%20
    Screening and management strategies
for FCR, along with useful resources for

© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021                                                         Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2021   521
Focus | Clinical                                                                          Juggling cancer and life in survivorship: The role of general practitioners

equipped to implement management                        financial toxicity include high costs of         to enhance team integration and
strategies, support cancer survivors to                 medications, supportive care therapies,          communication between cancer specialist
adopt self-management strategies and                    adjuvant therapies, transportation, low          teams and GPs in the post-treatment phase
engage in positive lifestyle behaviours,                pre-diagnosis household income and               is the use of survivorship care plans, which
and promote recommended cancer                          younger age.26 Other risk factors include        can further inform GPs’ plans to address
screening and follow-up. GPs can also                   absenteeism from work during treatment,          financial concerns (eg return to work plan,
provide ongoing information, similar to                 a limited ability to return to work after        ongoing medical costs).34
interventions provided by oncologists,22                treatment26,27 and earlier-than-planned
such as clarifying risk of recurrence                   retirement.28 Understandably, financial
(which is often overestimated) while                    toxicity negatively affects the emotional        Managing relationships
reminding cancer survivors of specific                  wellbeing, physical symptoms and quality         Cancer is a life-changing diagnosis and
symptoms of cancer recurrence and how                   of life of cancer survivors.29,30                event – not only for the cancer survivor, but
to respond if symptoms are observed.22                      Screening and management strategies          also their immediate and extended family,
To facilitate this, patients’ estimated                 for financial toxicity, along with useful        children, friends, work colleagues and
risk of recurrence should be included in                resources for GPs, are presented in Box 2.       social contacts, all of whom experience a
discharge summaries/survivorship care                   Financial toxicity should be routinely           period of adjustment in the survivorship
plans shared with GPs. Including GPs                    screened for using validated screening           phase. During reintegration into family,
in discussions regarding complex cases                  tools and regularly discussed openly with        intimate relationships, work and social
involving FCR during multidisciplinary                  cancer survivors and their significant           networks after a cancer diagnosis, there
team meetings may also be helpful. In                   others.31 Multifactorial interventions           is often a disconnect between life before
the future, cancer survivors will be able               addressing financial toxicity also benefit       and after cancer for the survivor and their
to access FCR interventions such as the                 from early referral of cancer survivors          significant others.35 On the other hand, it
Australian-developed ‘ConquerFear’                      to additional support services, such as          is possible to foster closer relationships,
or other psychological interventions                    not-for-profit organisations offering            shared perspectives about future
(ie contemporary cognitive behavioural                  resources and support groups.31,32 Limited       directions, increased personal strength
therapy and group-based programs)                       legal and financial expertise can also           and resilience, and improved lifestyles and
shown to significantly reduce FCR.23,24 An              be accessed, with the demand for these           behaviours after together facing the major
FCRI-SF score ≥22 (refer to Box 1 for URL)              services to increase as the number of            life challenge that cancer presents.36,37
may offer a useful threshold for referral to            cancer survivors also rises.1 A recent           However, concerns about relationship
these psychologist-delivered interventions.             qualitative study33 investigating GP             difficulties, sexuality, intimacy and
                                                        perceptions of their role in addressing          psychological worries rank highly as unmet
                                                        financial toxicity in cancer survivors           needs among cancer survivors.5 If family
Managing employment and finance                         suggested that while solutions to                relationships, sexual function, financial
Financial distress or hardship associated               manage financial toxicity require a              circumstances and vocational issues were
with having cancer, also known as                       multidisciplinary approach, the GP can           tenuous prior to the diagnosis, the cancer
financial toxicity, is a global and                     have an important role as part of the            experience has the potential to cleave fault
significant issue, even in countries such               cancer care team. However, limitations           lines and lead to serious and persistent
as Australia that have universal healthcare             to this role include the lack of knowledge       dysfunction, especially if differing
systems.6,7 A systematic review including               about diagnosis and treatment costs,             expectations, communication styles and
25 studies of 271,732 cancer survivors                  the complexity of cancer care, the GP’s          coping styles exist. Higher levels of unmet
reported financial toxicity ranging from                role in the cancer care team, and varying        needs and psychological morbidity are
28% to 48% using monetary measures                      perceptions of health service and care           also likely to be seen in vulnerable groups
(eg medical out-of-pocket expenses as a                 provision.33 Accordingly, GPs would              such as people in regional or rural areas,
percentage of total household income)                   benefit from improved cost transparency          older cancer survivors, culturally and
and 16% to 73% using self-report                        of a range of treatments, better                 linguistically diverse survivors, and those
measures (eg impacts on everyday living                 communication from cancer specialist             with premorbid chronic physical and/or
expenses).7 Since the publication of this               teams and more accessible information            mental health problems.38,39
systematic review, six domains of financial             about financial support as priorities.              Strategies and useful resources for
toxicity have been conceptualised                       Further investigation is required into how       GPs to assess and manage relationships
to help identify and characterise the                   general practice and community services          for cancer survivors are presented in
issue: 1) active financial spending,                    can be efficiently coordinated, to clarify       Box 3. In addition to cancer survivors,
2) use of passive financial resources,                  roles and address gaps in knowledge              their care providers also have supportive
3) psychosocial response, 4) support                    that will better enable GPs to respond to        care needs; therefore, giving attention
seeking, 5) coping with care and 6) coping              patients and disseminate information             to the psychological needs of family
with lifestyle.25 Common risk factors for               promptly.33 Another important strategy           members and carers is an integral part

522   Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2021                                                          © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021
Juggling cancer and life in survivorship: The role of general practitioners                                                               Focus | Clinical

                                                                                                   of comprehensive survivorship care.
Box 2. Financial toxicity screening and management strategies with resources
                                                                                                   Cancer survivors and their significant
for general practitioners (GPs)
                                                                                                   others rarely voluntarily acknowledge
Screening strategies                                                                               their ongoing physical and emotional
• Use validated screening tools (eg Comprehensive Score for Financial Toxicity – Functional        distress, raising the importance of GPs
  Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy [COST-FACIT]) to identify and monitor for financial        initiating confidential, non-judgemental
  toxicity (www.facit.org/measure-english-downloads/cost-english-downloads)                        discussions regarding relationships.
• More vigilant screening of high-risk populations                                                 An important part of these discussions
Management strategies
                                                                                                   is identifying factors that may strain
• Maintenance of a doctor–patient partnership to advocate and facilitate robust and                relationships, such as the provision of care
  knowledgeable conversations about financial concerns and available support services              for elderly parents, the presence of sexual
• Cost transparency of services ensuring conversations are led by the GP and support the           dysfunction, psychological morbidity,
  patient to engage in conversations about costs of diagnosis and treatments with other            adolescents with behavioural or mental
  health professionals                                                                             health concerns, as well as employment
• Development of a return-to-work plan                                                             displacement or financial toxicity.38,39 For
• Use of cancer Optimal Care Pathways to support appropriate and transparent                       example, couples experiencing ongoing
  decision making                                                                                  sexual dysfunction respond well to a
• Use of cancer survivorship plans with a multidisciplinary team approach; and use of team         clinician-initiated discussion about the
  case conferencing to facilitate communication between acute cancer care team and                 changes they are experiencing in intimacy
  general practice                                                                                 and sexuality, the provision of information
• Access to GP Management Plan, Team Care Arrangement and Mental Health Treatment                  resources, and referral to other specialists
  Plan as appropriate                                                                              including menopause services, urologists,
• Early intervention through referral to practical and financial assistance via local and state/   fertility services or qualified sexologists.40
  territory cancer support services (eg the Cancer Council via telephone on 13 11 20)              Generally, GPs play an important part in
• Where appropriate, assistance with patient access to superannuation for terminally               providing point-of-care counselling and
  ill patients                                                                                     facilitating referral pathways for MHTPs,
                                                                                                   local community-based services, online
Useful resources
• Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre (ACSC) fact sheet: Dealing with money, work and            services or back to psycho-oncology
  study (practical issues), www.petermac.org/sites/default/files/media-uploads/ACSC_               teams to build resilience and support
  Factsheet_DealingWithMoneyWorkStudy.pdf                                                          self-management of ongoing relationship
• Cancer Council Australia: Informed financial consent, www.cancer.org.au/health-                  concerns.41
• Cancer Council Australia: Cancer and your finances (booklet), www.cancer.org.au/assets/
  pdf/cancer-and-your-finances-booklet#_ga=2.59877284.802044400.1623973480-                        Conclusion
  972410339.1613957205                                                                             Fear of recurrence, financial toxicity and
• Cancer Council Australia: The financial cost of healthcare (booklet), www.cancer.org.au/         relationship concerns are common and
  assets/pdf/financial_cost_of_healthcare_Patient_Information                                      debilitating issues among cancer survivors
• Cancer Council NSW: Help with bills (factsheet), www.cancercouncil.com.au/wp-content/            that can be effectively screened for, and
  uploads/2020/03/Help-with-bills_NSW.pdf                                                          managed, in primary care settings. GPs
• Cancer Council NSW: Dealing with debts (factsheet), www.cancercouncil.com.au/wp-                 are well positioned to address these issues
  content/uploads/2020/03/Dealing-with-debts.pdf                                                   effectively. Routine screening using
• Canteen Australia: Money matters, www.canteen.org.au/youth-cancer/treatment/                     validated tools (where available) and
  practical-stuff/money-matters                                                                    onward referral to relevant professions
• Centrelink, www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/centrelink or via telephone on 13 27 17     (ie psychologists, sexologists, financial
• Victorian Department of Health and Human Services: Concessions and benefits,                     advisers) are recommended. Evidence-
  https://services.dffh.vic.gov.au/concessions-and-benefits                                        based resources and pathways canvassing
• Moneysmart: Urgent help with money, https://moneysmart.gov.au/managing-debt/urgent-              diverse issues affecting cancer survivors
  help-with-money                                                                                  and their significant others should be
• Financial Counselling Australia, www.financialcounsellingaustralia.org.au                        developed and implemented for GPs in
                                                                                                   the primary care setting.
• Cancer Council Victoria: Cancer wellness – Life management, finances and work (webinar),
• Cancer Council NSW: How will I manage financially? (webinar), www.youtube.com/
                                                                                                   Key points
• Flinders University: Work after Cancer, www.workaftercancer.com.au/welcome
                                                                                                   •   GPs are well positioned to provide
                                                                                                       cancer survivor follow-up care.

© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021                                           Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2021   523
Focus | Clinical                                                                                  Juggling cancer and life in survivorship: The role of general practitioners

                                                                                                                 Correspondence to:
Box 3. Strategies and resources for general practitioners (GPs) to assess and                                    Raymond.Chan@flinders.edu.au
manage relationships of cancer survivors
Screening strategies                                                                                             1.   Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Siegel RL,
                                                                                                                      Torre LA, Jemal A. Global cancer statistics 2018:
• Confidential, non-judgemental GP-initiated discussions                                                              GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality
• More vigilant screening of unmet needs for high-risk populations:                                                   worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA
                                                                                                                      Cancer J Clin 2018;68(6):394–424. doi: 10.3322/
    – people in rural or regional areas, older or culturally and linguistically diverse people,                       caac.21492.
      and people with premorbid chronic physical or mental health problems                                       2. Banks E, Joshy G. Evidence-based care to
                                                                                                                    support longer, healthier lives for cancer survivors.
Management strategies
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• Promote development of self-management strategies and self-management support                                     mja2.50995.
• Provide community-based and online support services                                                            3. Miller KD, Nogueira L, Mariotto AB, et al. Cancer
                                                                                                                    treatment and survivorship statistics, 2019. CA
• Use Mental Health Treatment Plans (MHTPs) for individual, couple or family counselling:
                                                                                                                    Cancer J Clin 2019;69(5):363–85. doi: 10.3322/
    – under the Better Access initiative, MHTP to provide access to mental health clinicians                        caac.21565.
                                                                                                                 4. Simard S, Thewes B, Humphris G, et al. Fear
• Access to GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements as appropriate                                            of cancer recurrence in adult cancer survivors:
• Referral to accredited sexologist for people with persistent dysfunction in intimate                              A systematic review of quantitative studies.
  relationships                                                                                                     J Cancer Surviv 2013;7(3):300–22. doi: 10.1007/
Useful resources                                                                                                 5. Lisy K, Langdon L, Piper A, Jefford M. Identifying
• Cancer Council Australia: Information on support groups, podcasts, online                                         the most prevalent unmet needs of cancer
                                                                                                                    survivors in Australia: A systematic review. Asia
  communities, www.cancercouncil.com.au/advanced-cancer-podcasts/managing-
                                                                                                                    Pac J Clin Oncol 2019;15(5):e68–78. doi: 10.1111/
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• Carer Gateway: Information sheets, links to support services, and counselling for carers,                      6. Longo CJ, Fitch MI, Banfield L, Hanly P,
  www.CarerGateway.gov.au or via telephone on 1800 422 737                                                          Yabroff KR, Sharp L. Financial toxicity associated
                                                                                                                    with a cancer diagnosis in publicly funded
• Young Carer program: Information and support for carers under 25 years of age,                                    healthcare countries: A systematic review. Support
  www.carerswa.asn.au/our-services/young-carers                                                                     Care Cancer 2020;28(10):4645–65. doi: 10.1007/
• Society of Australian Sexologists: Online database of accredited Australian sexologists
                                                                                                                 7.   Gordon LG, Merollini KMD, Lowe A, Chan RJ.
  for referral, www.societyaustraliansexologists.org.au
                                                                                                                      A systematic review of financial toxicity among
                                                                                                                      cancer survivors: We can’t pay the co-pay. Patient
                                                                                                                      2017;10(3):295–309. doi: 10.1007/s40271-016-

•   Fear of cancer recurrence, financial                Research Translation, University of New South Wales,
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                                                                                                                    doi: 10.3747/co.26.4687.
    highly prevalent and under-addressed                Kim Hobbs MSW, Clinical Specialist Social Worker,
                                                                                                                 9. Lisy K, Kent J, Piper A, Jefford M. Facilitators and
    among cancer survivors.                             Social Work Department, Westmead Hospital, NSW
                                                                                                                    barriers to shared primary and specialist cancer
•   Validated screening tools and the                   Carla Thamm PhD, Lecturer in Nursing, Cancer
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                                                        Competing interests: None.
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© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021                                                                Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2021   525
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